Addictive Choices Ch. 03 free porn video

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Shaun runs into his old obsession, Cam, in this chapter. For background, you should read Chapter 01 in the series. Don’t forget to vote…and send feedback!

Time – The Present

I hadn’t seen Sherri, or Cam for that matter, in three years. I’d missed them. I’d also undergone therapy for my sexual addiction during that time and had confined my physical pleasures mostly to weekends. So my recent chance meeting with Cam was pleasant, though – as always – platonic. We’d become good friends during the time I was her boss at the bank, but it was great to see her again and stir up what I thought were very private, hidden fantasies.

The past three years had certainly been kind to Cam, I thought, her divorce notwithstanding. If anything, her body was more toned and she had an air of maturity about her that I found compelling. To be honest, I found it very sensuous. I also shuddered with pleasure when I pictured her narrow-hipped, high ass – reminiscent of the bubble-butt that one sees on the finest black females – winking at me as she walked away.

What a fool Darryl was, letting such a fine specimen as that go, I thought of her husband. Then I had to force myself into a meditative exercise – prescribed by my sex therapist – to take my mind off of the carnal impulses I’d always felt when I was around her…and other women I lusted after.

Halfway through the morning after we’d run across one another in the bar – on a Wednesday – she called my client’s office, asking for me. ‘How did you get this number?’ I asked.

‘Shaun…you said you had an insurance client on the 40th floor. I’ve worked in this building for years and there’s only one insurance company there. I’m calling to invite you to lunch today.’

‘Sorry, Cam, can’t make it. I’ve got a long meeting at noon. Maybe tomorrow?’

‘Oooh, damn. I wanted to see you today, but…okay, tomorrow’ll do. Downstairs in the restaurant all right with you?’

‘It’s a date. See you tomorrow at noon,’ I said, wondering what was so important that she’d had to see me today.

Cam was waiting for me at the bar the next day, once again having a lunchtime glass of wine with her friend, Marsha. She was facing away from me, half-perched on a barstool, in a tan wool pantsuit with a maroon pin-stripe. Her jacket was expertly tailored and fit like a glove. Her pants…my Gawd, her pants! They highlighted her magnificent bottom, clinging to it and her upper thighs to the point that I thought their stitching would give way. Her feet were in her trademarked three-inch – this time burgundy – stiletto heels.

Marsha must have warned her that she’d seen me. As I approached them, Cam turned, beaming, and greeted me with a ‘Hi, sailor!’

‘Sorry I’m late,’ I apologized, at which point Marsha excused herself and left. I got the feeling that she was being used as a chaperone by Cam. Her independent manner told me that they didn’t work closely together.

Cam led the way to our reserved table and we settled in. ‘Like some wine? My treat!’ she exclaimed. I had a light afternoon and needed to relax, so I happily said yes.

A half-hour went by and we’d not talked about anything more important than the weather. Our lunch had arrived and we’d almost finished it. What had been so important yesterday? I wondered. I decided to get personal…starting with a compliment.

‘That’s a very handsome suit,’ I ventured. I chose the adjective carefully, so as not to make my deep, lustful impulses too obvious. Under her jacket she wore a burgundy V-neck sweater that was so tight the inner slopes of her breasts swelled appetizingly over the garment’s neckline.

‘Why thank you, Shaun,’ she cooed. ‘I figured I’d better keep my legs covered so you’d listen to what I’m saying,’ she added coquettishly.

I looked down at the table. She’d busted me. All those years before she’d noticed my slavish hunger for her legs, and now I was being held to task for it. I blushed, visibly, and stuttered a response, something like, ‘Ah…it’s just that…’.

‘Don’t apologize, Shaun. I’d have to be blind not to have noticed your appreciation of my legs. But where’s your head now? You’re a successful entrepreneur, and I hope no longer just a skirt-chaser.’

Again I was speechless. I’d always admired Cam’s candor. At this moment it was hard to believe that at one time I’d been her boss.

‘Okay…I’ll back off…and talk about myself,’ she said quietly, unconsciously sticking a finger into the V-neck of her sweater…perhaps to free a nipple that had been caught uncomfortably in her bra. ‘My choice of Darryl was a bad one.’

‘Why do you say that?’ I questioned, now distracted by her tits.

‘The first couple of years were great. Our sex life together was super and we were pursuing some great plans. Then he started to get really kinky.’

‘Kinky?’ I asked, probing for more details.

‘Yeah…first he started bringing home sex toys – vibrators, plugs, dildos – then porn videos. Then we started going to porno clubs so he could get me used to watching other people make love.’

‘Was he disappointed?’ I asked.

‘Not really,’ she countered. ‘I’ve always been…aah…visually-oriented. Okay, I admit that I like to watch other people get it on. It excites me tremendously. But, finally, he really got pissed off when I refused to blow some guy in a bookstore glory hole.

‘Understandable,’ I muttered, astonished at her openness, ‘I mean…your refusal.’

‘Really!’ she huffed. ‘Think of the diseases I could’ve picked up! Anyway, then he tried to get me to join him with other women…you know, in threesomes.’

‘And?’ I queried, leaning forward with interest since I, myself, enjoyed immensely having two women at a time.

‘Well…I almost caved on that one, but I didn’t…except…with one woman. I let him bring his dates…his girls…home, and I watched them screw. He even recorded them on video. Gawd, it got to be so weird, Shaun, but I allowed it anyway, since he was my husband. I loved him and wanted to hang onto him…and I thought it was just a phase we were both going through.’

My ears perked up at her admission of being in a threesome, ‘with one woman’. I wonder what were the circumstances. ‘He wanted more, though, didn’t he,’ I said, sounding like my therapist.

‘Yeah,’ she said, now on a roll. ‘It got so every minute we spent together had some dirty sexual connotation. Remember when you offered me that part in the play? Well, he laughed, and told me that I could do it if I’d join him and his girlfriends in fucking after rehearsals!’

I vaguely remembered Cam being absent from work and out-of-sorts for a while before I quit the bank a few years before. But my memories had faded. Her story was all too familiar, since I’d tried to leave that sexually-obsessed life behind when I’d left. What that meant in practical terms was that I was still constantly being sexually tempted…always battling an inner demon that kept me horny on a continual basis.

‘But you got pregnant,’ I said.

‘An accident,’ she retorted, ‘but one that’s been the happiest of my life…having Amy. Shortly after that, Darryl and I stopped having sex, and that was three years ago.’

‘You’ve been divorced how long…?’

‘Two years,’ she responded. ‘And that’s, basically, the story of my life since I last saw you,’ she concluded, agitatedly, glancing at her watch, appearing anxious to leave.

‘Gotta go?’ I asked, sorry that our conversation was apparently finished. I wanted to hear more.

‘Yeah…I’d better. Afternoon meetings, y’know,’ she responded as she paid the bill.

We both rose at the same time and she gave me a quick, kiss-the-air parting. ‘See you soon,’ she whispered, and walked to the elevators. She strode majestically with head high and shoulders back for perhaps fifty feet, then stopped to turn slowly…seeming to know tha
t my eyes were devouring her gorgeous ass as it twitched invitingly. Seeing that I was watching her, she smiled to herself, turned and walked away, waggling her fingers in the air to say goodbye until next time. I couldn’t believe that Cam may have gone without sex for as long as two or three years.

All of the next day, Friday, I spent in client meetings, and looked forward to a free weekend. At 4:30 I descended to the parking garage for the commute home. I exited the elevator and started the twenty or so yards to where my car was parked. Even at that distance I could recognize Cam’s sublime, hourglass shape with her back to me, leaning over the windshield of my car and scraping a dead bug or something off of it. Unlike yesterday’s pinstriped business suit with pants, this afternoon she wore a very short, skin-tight, black silk skirt with a perfectly-tailored, black plaid-on-cream blazer that clung to her curvy torso and hips like a second skin. It matched the sheer black nylons and three-inch black heels with a single heel strap that made her extraordinary legs even more appetizing.

A rush of adrenalin hit me and my groin pulsed as I felt immediate sexual arousal. She’d made a point of contacting me each day since our chance encounter in the bar, and those efforts now seemed far beyond the boundaries of mere friendship. I hoped at that moment that my long-nurtured hunger for her might soon be fed. God help me, I thought, please let me have her!

I startled her from about ten feet away and she whirled around, wide-eyed. ‘What a surprise!’ I said cheerfully.

‘Gawd, you scared me!’ she gasped, her palm against her chest, which was clothed in a black, translucent silk blouse under her blazer. ‘I…uuh…I was wondering if you could give me a ride home,’ she said, breathily. I could give you a ride you to the ends of the earth, darlin’, I thought to myself.

‘Sure! Hop in!’ I said, hitting the remote unlocking button and opening the door for her. She sat down butt first, then swung her legs in, tugging at her skirt to cover herself while watching me ogle the tops of her thigh-high stockings.

As we drove home Cam seemed very agitated. Finally, she laid her hand on my forearm and said, ‘All night I thought about what I told you yesterday, and there’s just one thing I omitted. Sherri…was one of Darryl’s girlfriends.’

‘I suspected that years ago, Cam. But, relax. Your family secret’s safe with me,’ I assured her as we drove up in front of her building.

‘You can park underneath,’ she said, pulling a remote control from her blazer pocket to open an iron gate to the underground garage. ‘I want to show you my house.’

‘Sure it’s all right?’ I asked. ‘I mean, your daughter…’.

‘She’s with Darryl for the weekend. He picked her up at noon.’ I looked at her quickly and she looked away, saying, ‘Gawd, I’m such a phony, Shaun. I didn’t go to work today, but did errands instead. Then I took a cab to the bank parking lot just an hour ago, hoping I’d run into you.’

We glided into a parking space and my mind was rapidly trying to stay abreast of what was being said. ‘Well, then,’ I soothed, ‘I’m flattered that you dressed so nicely for me. Let’s go upstairs and see your place,’ I said, patting her soft hand as it nervously clutched my arm.

I was impressed. Cam’s townhouse was elegant, a mix of post-modern and minimalist Asian design. A large living room with fireplace and glassed-in balcony, and an adjoining kitchen, was surrounded by three large rooms, one a master bedroom, another one a suite for Cam’s daughter and nanny, yet another a combined home office and gym. ‘This is where I try to keep in shape,’ she said. ‘I’d gotten so fat when Darryl and I were together.’

I hesitated before saying anything, then murmured, ‘I’ve never noticed you being overweight,’ which made her blush. Her broken marriage must have destroyed her confidence in her body.

‘Wine? Hope you like Chardonnay,’ she offered, as she led me out to the small, glass-enclosed room on a balcony overlooking the bay from four stories up. It was dusk, the city lights were on, and the sunset ranged from light pinks to the deepest purples, reflected in a huge mirror that covered one side wall. I was transfixed by the stunning view and sat on the two-foot-wide arm of a plush sofa Cam had in the room.

She returned with our wine, offering me a glass with slightly-trembling hand, and turned away from me toward the view. She’d shed her blazer and now stood with her back to me, looking out at the view, her filmy silk blouse revealing a black bra that barely constrained her ample bosom. Single, solitary diamond earrings shone just under the curls over her ears. I felt short of breath as I fought the primitive urge to ravish this succulent blonde vision in foreboding black…sensuous, carnal and inviting beyond belief.

‘Your place is lovely. You should feel proud,’ I said, complimenting her on several other non-sensual things…including her intelligence, driving ambition, and courage to face the world as a single mother.

‘Only in my best moments, Shaun. The rest of the time I worry whether I’ve done the right thing for my daughter…just like right now.’

That was the trigger, I thought…the final invitation. It was now or never, I figured. I placed my wine on a low table and grasped her waist from behind, causing her to inhale sharply, lay her head back on my shoulder, and mold her firm ass into my crotch. I kissed her on the side of her neck, over her jugular, and felt the blood pulsing to her brain. The quivering muscles in her body were as taut as steel springs as she whispered haltingly, ‘Ooohhh, Shaun. Every time…you look at me – from the very first – I get numb and heavy…all achy inside.’

My hands went to her fulsome breasts, kneading and plucking at her nipples, and she reached up to press my fingers into her firm flesh. ‘Uunnhh…honey…yesss…oooh, touch me all over,’ she murmured, unbuttoning her blouse and unfastening her bra between its cups. She turned quickly, and my hands followed her, squeezing and fondling her thick, spongy nipples between my fingers. I felt her sweet, hot breath against my cheek as she looked up, regarding me with her gray eyes, eyes that begged for trust, yet were clouded with lust.

‘Gawd, I want you…so much. I’ve fantasized…about this moment for years,’ she whispered, pulling my lips down to meet hers with one of her arms behind my head. We both moaned together as our tongues danced in each others’ mouths while our hands began working frantically at disposing of our garments. You’re not alone in that fantasy, I thought.

We were hyperventilating from excitement. My Gawd, after all, this was Cam! She whimpered as I pulled the tails of her blouse free from her skin-tight skirt. I then dropped my coat, ripped off my tie, and shrugged out of my shirt. While I unbuttoned the waist band of her skirt and unzipped it down the back, she loosened my belt and dropped my pants. We kicked off our shoes at the same time and stood panting for a half-second before embracing, then we clinched and kissed passionately as her skirt dropped to the floor and our hands groped inside each others’ underwear. She quickly stripped my boxers down and grabbed two hot fists full of my cock and balls, squeaking in her throat as she did so, while I worked more slowly on lowering her gauzy, black silk thong that consisted of no more material than a couple of postage stamps on two cords.

Slowly I worked the g-string down over the jutting curves of her naked thighs that had entranced me for years. As I knelt on the floor her hands went to my face to stroke it gently. She moaned as I reached the lacy tops of her hosiery. I’d kissed and nibbled the creamy flesh above them in many previous fantasies, and now I did it for real, causing her to whimper again. My cock began pulsing in anticipation as I contemplated the feel of her soft loins yielding to mine.

When I’d rolled the thong t
o her calves it fluttered to the floor. From my knees I was finally able to concentrate on her breathtaking body, still partially clothed by her blouse and bra that hung from her shoulders. My hands traced up her stocking-clad legs, appreciating the muscular bulge of her calves as they swelled and nipped in at her knees, then up over her thickening thighs as they narrowed on the inside at her naked vulva, swollen pink from excitement. Once again I looked up at her flushed face as I licked my lips and reached around behind her to cup her firm, silken butt cheeks and pull her closer to me. Her knees were trembling from nervous desire and she spread them a bit to gain better balance. When she did her labia parted slightly and between them oozed a thick rivulet of her juice, seemingly waiting to be licked. Before I did so I inhaled the musky bouquet of the goo, then quickly split her cunt with my stiff, burrowing tongue. She cried out, ‘Ohh, Shaaauuunnn!’ weaving her fingers in my hair while pulling my face to her crotch and moaning as I proceeded to lick the smooth, fleshy mound of her pussy clean.

Her hands tightened on my head as her excitement mounted and I glanced up at her to see her head thrown back in ecstasy, yet still she watched me in the large wall mirror through slitted eyes as I tongued her. ‘Sit, honey,’ I whispered, moving her backward slightly to the wide sofa arm. She was breathing so heavily, her breasts heaving from excitement, that she didn’t hear me. ‘Sit here,’ I repeated and she understood, stepping back at the same time she shrugged out of her blouse and bra to become naked except for her stockings. As she sat, she spread her legs widely, pulling them up toward her shoulders with her hands, and leaned her upper body against the sofa back. ‘Now you can watch us,’ I mumbled, taunting her gently.

‘Ooooh, Gawd…I love to do that…I can’t stop myself. I go crazy just thinking about watching us fuck. I wanna be such a…such a slut with you! Ohhhh, Jeezusss,’ she gasped as I failed to respond verbally, instead spreading her plump pussy with my thumbs and flicking away with my tongue at her swollen clit. She began whining in her throat, then gradually lapsed into whimpers as her excitement reached a higher level.

Soon I spread the pink inner petals of her pussy with two fingers and twisted my hand in a corkscrew motion in and out, massaging her G-spot behind the pelvic bone. She responded by humping up at my hand, which increased in tempo as I returned to lick her clit. She was now groaning incessantly and had released her legs so that they draped over my shoulders, pulling my hand and face into her. Her smell was overpowering, and the amount of juice she was leaking would pose a challenge to whoever cleaned the upholstery on her sofa. But she was almost there…within a hair’s breadth of her first orgasm with me, and one that I hoped would be memorable. I’d had a lot of practice with scores of different women, but with Cam there was always the element of the unexpected…the unpredictable.

It came as an answer to my question, ‘Wanna cum, baby?’

‘…am cumming,’ she rasped through gritted teeth. ‘I’m cumming,’ she grunted again, with eyes shut tightly. ‘Awww, fuck, Shaun…I am cu’…cum…cummmm-mmmminnngg,’ she screamed as her body went rigid, then relaxed, rigid then relaxed, probably a dozen times as her climax reached its peak. That’s when she went wild. Rather than easing into an afterglow like most women would, she clawed at me, pulling me up and on top of her. Her hands went to my erect cock, grasping it roughly and trying to impale herself with it. ‘Come inside me! Please do me now, Shaun. I need it! Hard! Please fuck me hard!’ she begged.

I grasped my cock and stirred its tip into her soft inner tissues, causing high-pitched cries, then finally eased my hips forward to sink deeply into her welcoming birth canal to its bottom. She watched in the mirror, moaning, as my probe invaded her body, licking her lips and seeing her thick juices cover it like a glaze. ‘Better?’ I asked softly as I established a slow, regular tempo, along with circular hip movements designed to stimulate her tightly clasping vaginal ridges.

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When they first got the letter informing them that they had won an all expense 14 day paid vacation to Cancun, they were skeptical even though it was delivered by courier. Barb was worried it was a scam, but her husband Tom pointed out that they were not asking for any personal information and provided only a telephone number for confirmation, not some dodgy internet site. So they called the number and by the time the hung up, both were convinced that the offer was legit. The girls were...

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Cindys Choices

Cindy's Choices I'm sitting here, at my computer, trying to figure out what I should do. Maybe if I write down what happened I can make sense of it, and make my decision. My name is Cindy Carmichael, and I'm twenty-five years old. After a false start, I thought I had found my "prince Charming", and that life simply couldnt be better. Now I've learned it was all a lie. It all started when I was still in High School. I guess I was the high school princess. Popular, pretty, and with...

1 year ago
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Lexys Bad Choices

Lexy’s Bad ChoicesBy: Jake OliveThis story is entirely fictional. The story and characters exist only in the author’s mind. Please leave feedback at:  [email protected]#1 - Crime and Punishment.It really all started quite by accident. Lexy Solis was an administrative assistant at a midsize auto parts distributor. One of her responsibilities was to take the weekly cash deposits from the company will call store over to the bank. Every Friday she would collect these deposits from the Credit...

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Choices  by  Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down,...

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Robs Choices

Foreword I am constantly receiving feedback from people who want to know why I ended a story a certain way and then telling me that I should have _________ (fill in the blank). Many asked me if I would mind if they wrote an ending to the story. This happened so many times that I decided to hold The Just Plain Bob Annual Invitational The idea was that I would write a story and then let those who so desired write and submit their own ending. They could take the story anywhere they wanted it to...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 82 Choices

Even if the sound of his voice had not been enough, the room suddenly awash in pale bluish radiance insured all eyes turned. Beholding Tenchi, incredibly now standing just behind the queen, his Lighthawk blade inches from her throat. "If you hurt my child." He assured the room thickly. "I'll kill every one of you!" His eyes were haunted as he made the pronouncement, his face set into the hardest of lines as he moved the blade a fraction closer. "Starting with her." Tenchi concluded...

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Choices  by  Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee’s dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 8 Secrets and Choices

Yankee Swap, Chapter 8: Secrets and Choices Dawn broke over the foothills of the White Mountains of New Hampshire at 7:17AM on New Year's Day, and found Kim wide awake in Kelly's guest room. The room was simple and plain, decorated in pale yellow and green, with a simple twin bed and dresser of white pressed wood, like something you got at IKEA for your new college apartment. It occurred to Kim as she sat watching the room slowly brighten from the rising sun, that it would have been...

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"I hate you," she hissed."Liar," he growled, nipping her ear. "The soaked panties in my pocket indicate otherwise. The same panties that, may I remind you, you willingly handed over. Besides, you know you want me just as badly as I want you.""Willingly?" she snorted. "I don't recall having much of a choice.""There's always a choice, my dear.""Fuck you!""That can be arranged, but only after I've thoroughly fucked you, Bella.""I've asked you not to call me that. I'm not your...

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"Send her in, Jeanine. This may take a while, so if you need to head out for the weekend, that's alright," Principal Eriksen said."See you next week!” was the reply he heard over the phone. He had set up a late meeting, and given that it was a Friday, Mr. Eriksen was left to work by himself in the faculty office. Joseph Eriksen was in his sixth year overseeing the students and faculty at Blackhawk Valley prep school, beloved by his students and well-liked in the community. He was a handsome...

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RebelChapter 75 Making Choices

The note arrived nearly a month later. I was amazed the courier had found me, but he said he had been well paid and that the girl was so pretty, he felt he had no choice. I gave him a coin, one of the few I had left after some long sessions with another man's cards. I popped the wax seal and read. "Come quickly, Julie" was all it said in a childish, poorly-blotted scrawl. I showed the note to Foster and he gave me a pass and a sour look. I cooked some rations and was on my way through...

2 years ago
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Lifes Choices

Every choice has a consequence, every consequence effects your "morality", for good or evil. One choice may say something like: +1 good, another may say: +1 evil. Here are the four characters, and a little about them: Henry- The second son of a minor land owning nobleman. His father owns a small castle, and a small farming town. He has an older brother, and a younger sister. He's born in 1172. Morality starts at 0. Louis- A poor peasant farmer. Born in 1165. Will he get married and work hard,...

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door; just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why...who sent you?" "I can't tell you a...

2 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 57 Difficult Choices

Celestine found she was uncomfortable with three sets of eyes looking at her. The news of the events at the inn had made their way to the castle before Celestine had arrived. She gave a brief synopsis to Elena, Jonathan and Choran and they had sent her off to bed while they considered how to respond. The maid was unsurprised to have a summons to visit with the three ministers awaiting her at her morning meal. She hadn’t slept much and wondered if the trio tasked with running the country had...

1 year ago
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Stupid Choices

This is a story about how a stupid mistake and even more stupid decisions spiraled out of control This is a story about how a stupid mistake and even more stupid decisions spiraled out of control. I write erotic stories. I have been writing for several years. As time went on the vanilla erotica turned to BDSM erotica. As that venue was explored in my stories, my husband and I started to dabble in BDSM in real life and I became bored with writing about it and moved to more extreme erotica...

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One of TwoChapter 2 Choices

I woke up in the morning feeling as confused as I had been when I fell asleep. No fairy had shown up during the night to plant a solution in my head. I thought maybe it had been just a dream. To check, I smelled my right hand. Nope, it wasn't a dream. I had really been inside Nancy's panties. I got up and took a shower. In spite of my fear, I still managed my morning erection. I was really worked up because I had gotten no relief on the bus when I made Nancy cum. I relieved myself in the...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 12 Choices

Helen's choked breath heaved from her lungs, almost giving a voice to the complete revulsion she felt. Her mind reeled in shocked horror as she struggled against the hands that roamed, groped, pinched, poked and clutched over the ripe, young curves of her body. Her young, strong yet, small hands grappled against the much larger and stronger ones that attempted to pin her to the hard, dusty ground. She knew the battle in which she currently found herself engaged was already lost, but still,...

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The Crusader Faithful Choices

The de Witte estate was dark. Light could not penetrate the hurt and anger and distrust that hung between each family member. It had killed the mistress of the house. Hatred had driven a wedge between Travor de Witte and his children. Lust had become such an uncontrollable fire between brother and sister that the father had sent the daughter away. Cayden had been forbidden to return, but now she sat at his table and no number of candles could lift the darkness that hung in the room. Lord de...

4 years ago
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“Darling, we have a problem,” I said to William, my husband, as we rested after a moderately satisfying lovemaking session. “I feel boxed in. Our marriage, kids, work, house, all have become too small for me. I need to be me.”“Who else do you want you to be? You’re my wife, for god’s sake.”“I am more than just your fucking wife.”“Who else can you be, Norma?”“I don’t like normal, never have, never will.”“I thought you love my cock.”“One cock doesn’t make a summer.”He stood up and swung his long...

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door, just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading ‘Laura’. ‘Can I help you?’ she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. ‘You must be Laura, I’m here to pick you up.’ ‘Why…who sent you?’ ‘I can’t tell you a...

2 years ago
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The Bosses Wife Part Four The Hard Choices

Not only did I have the images of Tammy's videos and gifs running through my head. I also remembered I had to meet some of the board members today. I looked through some of the notes Juliet had sent me. There were four members that worried me. They could easily tear me down and send me back downstairs. On top of that, I had two clients that wanted to set up a meeting. I scheduled them for another day. I had too much going on at the moment. My phone chirped, I took a deep sigh and hoped it was...

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A high-pitched shriek splits the sweltering summer air: "Help! Oh, help, help!" Your youngest sister Clara skids to a stop in front of you. "Francisco and I were playing in the barn!" she sobs. "He was showing me spells, and he set the hay on fire, and now–" A breath of wind springs up, and the acrid scent of smoke reaches your nostrils. The barn is some ways away from your parents' villa and the vineyards–there's that. But it is full of hay for feeding the horses, and hay catches fire so...

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Jessicas Choices

Scorched roads shimmered in the intense white rays of the sun as Jessica and George sat in the muddied silence of his car. The brown beaten up upholstery and leather seats wouldn’t help any situation but everything shook with each bump in the ragged road, jostling them both back and forth in the muggy heat that seemed to press in on them, even sweating was no good. It trickled down their necks and backs like warm soup and whilst their hair clung to their heads, the air conditioning done very...

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World of choices

Welcome one, welcome all! Where authors of all trades can write down their ideas, their works, and their ways with words for all to read. Authors are welcomed and are encouraged to contribute in this open and engaging stories. I'll lay down the foundations for starters, and maybe write down some chapters of my own. I hope that this would work well, in favor of learning more erotic scenes for me. While I do have a decent amount of experience in writing, correct use of Grammar is the chink in my...

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Jessicas Choices

It was an extremely hot day with the midday sun beating down on the car not helped by the locked windows and no air con, Jessica Stanhead sat dressed in short white shorts and orange tank top showing off her slender abdomen and full chest, her long blonde hair beginning to look like she had just got out the shower with beads of sweat on her brow and in between her cleavage, she had to often wear revealing outfits as instructed by the halfway house shrink, “This will get you out of your shell...

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SciFi Choices

This game will require the use of a 6 sided dice like you can find in your monopoly box at home. Your character has 3 stats. Strength, Luck, and Charm. Assign a 3 to your Primary, 2 to your secondary, and 1 to your lowest stat. Example Strength 3, Luck 2, Charm 1

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A Time of Choices

You wake up, to find yourself in a Dark room, with a dungeon-y theme. Another thing you notice is that you are wearing a cheerleading dress, and feel that your hands are tied with cuffs behind your back. As you start to stir, you try to remember what happened and why you are here.

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Chesters Choices

"...and you can just go fuck yourself asshole" Is the last sentence you hear before you lovely girlfriend Natasha puts down the phone with what sounds like excessive force. She has been pissed at you for quite some time now. Who knows what started it but it seems lately that the only thing you guys can do is fight, or ... wel fuck. You guys have been together now for a couple of years but it seems the romance is withering. Or maybe you just found out how much of a bitch she can be sometimes....

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Triwizard Choices

You wake up as the light from the window hits your eyes. Opening them, you scowl up at the curtains of your four-poster bed, cursing whoever thought it would be a good idea to open them while you were asleep. As you mind clears, you curse yourself again, realising that you left them open as you collapsed on your bed from exhaustion. Although you're one of Hogwarts' Champions in the Triwizard Tournament, the teachers haven't slackened your load of homework, though Snape did promise that if you...

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Hi I am Paula, I am currently 27, have shortish blond hair, blue eyes, my tits are slightly smaller than I would like, but i am not going down the silicon route. This is the story of my love life, boys, girls, everything! In the years I had been at college I had dated a few boys, though most of them just wanted to get inside my pants on the first date or for me to do what they do in the porn movies and throat fuck them, oh an their mate could join in if you wanted, or do you take it up the...

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Twisted Choices

You wake up in a soft, cozy bed after a good nights sleep. Bright sunlight sweeps into the room from the window. Still slightly sleepy you let out a yawn and crawl out of your covers. Today is an important day and you don't have time to waste. You glance around your bedroom for a few seconds, taking in the familiar sight one more time. Just next to your bed is a large wooden wardrobe which has been the since you can remember. You step across the floor panneling toward a small chest decorated...

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Wow… You pick this story up at the end of a crazy night clubbing in Ibiza…. what started off as a quiet drink, ended up as a crazy night of excess!What an amazing night, so much laughter & amazing fun was had, I was literally on cloud nine. little did I know, but this was only just the beginning of one of the most memorable nights of my life…….We had been out to an amazing club night, a load of us, me & friends, got a little twisted on Ecstasy & before we knew it, the club was...

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A puff of steam billowed from the open doorway of the hotel bathroom as Beth emerged, naked, her skin glistening from the shower and the steam. Her eyes met mine as I sat naked, waiting for her, already hard, my cock pointing toward the sky as I watched her walk into the room.She made eye contact before glancing away shyly and stopped at the foot of the bed. She obeyed my earlier instructions perfectly and my eyes wandered over her fresh, smooth, pale skin, over her thighs and her smooth,...

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Forbidden Choices

While thrusting into the youngest looking petite Pattaya bar-girl that he could find, his mind was in another place, on Monica’s legs. His daughter had become a nubile temptation as of late: button nose, tasty-looking rose-petal lips, and curvy legs, being slightly chubby for her age.“Oh God Monica you make me so damn hot”, he moaned, and thought of the first time he’d masturbated into the panties of his 15 year old daughter. Despite feeling like a total perv,fucken excited at the thought she...

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"Nolan! Wait up!" Nolan turned around to see Elvia Jacobson trying to catch up. It was confusing. They ran in different circles. What could she possibly want? "It is Nolan, right?" Elvia asked when she caught up. "Not a new name yet? I mean- Let's start over. I heard you came out as transgendered. Is that right?" "Damn, news travels fast," Nolan remarked. "Yes, I came out. And it is still Nolan for now." "How are you holding up? "I am fine. My parents support me. As does the...

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