Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad
- 3 years ago
- 45
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Sammy and Kyle, two slacker dudes who spent most of their time looking for trouble, and usually finding it, were cruising slowly down Fourth Street on a Friday night in Sammy's Camaro. They were supposed to be celebrating Kyle's release from county lockup after serving nine months for assault, but the night was getting off to a slow start.
"Damn, I need some pussy," Kyle moaned.
"You wanna go over to Highland and find a hooker?"
"Nah, I don't want some skank ho tonight. I want something nice and young and juicy."
"Sounds like I should drop you off at the grocery so you can shop for peaches." Sammy laughed at his own joke.
"Slow down," Kyle said suddenly.
"Over there, in the parking lot next to the liquor store. It looks like a young girl, just standing there, like she's waiting for somebody".
Sammy took a quick glance. "I see her," he said. "Damn, she looks too young, like she's about twelve or so. When you said young and juicy, I didn't know you were goin' all pedo on me."
"Nah, I don't think she's that young," Kyle said. "I mean, what would a girl that young be doin' out this late on a Friday, standin' all by herself in the parking lot of a liquor store?"
"I don't know, dude."
"You think she's a hooker?" Kyle asked.
"Not here. The cops are trying to keep all the hos and dealers further south."
"So, what do you think she's doin'?"
"Well," Sammy said as he drove slowly past the parking lot, "I guess we could ask her."
"That's why I like you, dude," Kyle smirked, "you're really smart."
"Don't be a wiseass," Sammy snapped. He made a right hand turn and drove around the block. When they got back to the dimly lit lot the girl was still there, talking to some old dude who had just come out of the store. Sammy pulled in and parked in the back of the lot.
"I'll be damned," Kyle exclaimed, "she really is a hooker."
"Looks like she's not doing very good," Sammy said, as the old guy pushed his way past her and got in his car.
"Wonder how much she charges?" Kyle asked.
"Even if she's giving it away, I still think she's too young," Sammy warned.
The girl turned, her white face, surrounded by long black hair, looked almost ghostly in the dim glow of the one good light in the small parking lot. "Hey," Kyle said, "She might be older than we think. I think she's in hogh school. She's wearing a letter jacket from Fremont High. Think she's an athlete? I like girls who play sports."
"You mean girls who like to play with your balls, right?" Sammy laughed.
"That jacket might be her boyfriend's or her brother's, but I guess it won't hurt to talk to her."
"I don't think she's a pro," Kyle observed. "She's not dressed like one, and like you said, this is a bad place to be walkin' the street. Let's find out what's goin' on."
Sammy started the car, circled the lot, and pulled into a parking place close to where the girl was standing. Kyle leaned out of the passenger side window like a dog going for a ride. "Waiting for someone?" he asked her.
"Yeah," the girl replied.
"Your boyfriend?"
"So, how much do you charge for a blowjob?" Kyle's pent-up passion was getting the best of him. Just the idea of being a few feet away from some fresh teenage gash was giving him an erection.
"Excuse my friend," Sammy said, as he pushed Kyle back out of the way. "He's been on a ... vacation for awhile, and hasn't been close to any pus ... girls in awhile. I think he forgot his manners."
"Yeah, dude, whatever," she snarled, turning away from them.
"Hey, wait a minute," Sammy called, trying to save the moment. "You're a cheerleader at Fremont, right?"
"Uh-huh. How did you know?"
"Your jacket," he said, pointing to the cheerleader symbol over the large 'F'. Plus, I saw you at the Hilldale game a couple weeks ago. You're the one they throw around like a rag doll, right?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"They use you cuz you're so small, right?" Kyle asked, trying to insinuate himself back into the conversation.
"I guess so," she replied, still looking at them warily.
"How tall are you?"
"I'm four-eleven."
"How much do you weigh?"
"About eighty-five pounds."
"Man, I bet I could throw you too."
"Man, I guess you'll never get a chance to find out, will you," she snarled.
"Hey, let's all be cool," Sammy said, turning on the charm that had made him so popular in high school. "I'm Sammy. What's your name?"
"Why? You wanna go steady or somethin'?"
Sammy recognized the attitude. When he had been in high school, the only girls who seemed to be resistant to his charm were the stuck-up cheerleaders. Apparently that hadn't changed. Even though she seemed to have a chip on her shoulder, Sammy didn't give up. "Fair enough. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to. But why the hell are you hangin' round here? Are you in trouble? Do you need some help."
The girl walked around to the driver's side of the car, and grinned Sammy. "Yeah, I do," she said. "There's a party tonight, some cheerleaders and football players, and I want to go, but the price of admission is a case of beer or a bottle of vodka."
"And because you're too young to just walk in there and buy booze, you're looking for somebody to buy it for you," Sammy said.
"That's right," she said, smiling even more.
"How old are you?" Kyle asked.
"I'm seventeen," she said.
"Yeah, and I'm Brad Pitt," he snarled.
"Okay, I'm fifteen, but what difference does it make? Underage is underage. So, can you guys help me?"
"What's in it for us?" Kyle asked. "I mean, if we get caught buying for a minor, we can get in a lot of trouble, so why should we take the risk?"
"I'll pay you," the girl replied. "I've got enough money for the beer, and an extra twenty for your trouble."
"I've got a better idea," Sammy said. "Why don't I go in and buy two cases. Maybe if we show up with a lot of beer you're friends will let us stick around too."
"Uh, I'm not sure about that. There aren't supposed to be any outsiders at the party."
"Well, it won't hurt to ask, right?" Kyle suggested. "I mean, we're gonna have to take you there anyway. Or were you planning on walking down the street toting a case of beer."
"Uh, okay, I guess you're right, it won't hurt to ask."
Sammy got out of the car. "Why don't you wait here with my buddy while I go get the beer," he said, pulling the seatback forward to give her room to get in the backseat.
Somewhat reluctantly the girl slid into the small backseat of Sammy's Camaro. He closed the door behind her and headed into the store. Kyle turned and smiled at her. His expression did not make her feel any better about her decision to get in the car. "I'm Kyle," he said, extending his hand.
"Jessica" she replied, giving him a weak handshake.
"Jessica. Not Jessie?"
"My friends call me that."
"I could be your friend," Kyle said.
"I've already got enough friends," she snapped.
"Ow, I'm wounded." Kyle put his hands over his chest, as if staunching the blood from a mortal wound. "So, just where is this party, wiseass?"
"It's only a couple blocks away. The Fremont apartments. You know where that is?"
"Yeah," he laughed. "I used to live there, long time ago. It was a dump then, and I'm guessing it's not much better now. Which probably makes it a good party place, right?"
"I guess. I've never been there."
"Believe it or not, I lost my virginity at the Fremont," Kyle told her. "I was spending the night with one of my friends. After my buddy fell asleep, his mom snuck into the bedroom and invited me into her bed. She wasn't too bad looking, maybe a little overweight, but we kept the lights off. Not exactly something I like to brag about, but you never forget your first time, right?"
"Whatever," Jessica mumbled.
"Oh wait," Kyle said with a grin that had no humor left in it, "you don't have a first time to remember, do you?"
"Bullshit," she snapped, "I've done it, a lot."
"Yeah, right, I forgot, cheerleaders fuck all the football players."
"Screw you," Jessica snarled.
Sammy put an end to their squabbling with his return. He opened the trunk and put two cases of Natty Lite in it. "You guys gettin' to know each other?" he asked as he slid back behind the wheel.
"Sure," Kyle drawled. "Did you know that little Jessie here fucks the football team?"
"That's kind of a surprise," Sammy said. "I had her pegged as more of a basketball slut. I've heard some of those tall black guys have big dicks. Is that true?"
"You guys are pigs," Jessica replied, wondering just what the hell she had been thinking when she had accepted their help.
"The party's at the Fremont," Kyle told him.
"The Fremont? Hah, good memories, right?" Sammy cranked up his pride-and-joy and left two new black marks on the asphalt as he peeled out of the parking lot and turned right.
"Hey, where you goin'?" Jessica asked. "Fremont is the other way."
"Aw, come on," Sammy said, making eye contact with her in the rear-view mirror, "you can't expect us to show up at a party dressed like slobs, can you? We're just gonna run home and change clothes real quick."
"Uh, why don't you drop me off, then go change?"
"Relax, sweetie," Kyle added. "It's just a little detour."
Jessica settled down further into the smelly back seat, knowing that it would be impossible to get out of the car, even if she wanted to. She was hoping that Sammy and Kyle really were nice guys, if a little rough around the edges, but as they drove further and further her unease grew. A few miles from the liquor store Sammy turned off Main onto a dark, two-lane road. Jessica was planning on making a run for freedom when they stopped, but when Sammy turned onto a dirt road a few minutes later she knew she was hopelessly lost. Another bumpy ten minutes brought them to a small house, somewhere deep in the woods.
"How do you like my little home in the country?" Sammy asked.
"Uh, kinda the middle of nowhere, ain't it?"
"That's the point, sweetcakes. My nearest neighbors are a quarter mile away, and they like to party just as much as we do, so it works out great. We can drag speakers out onto the porch, crank up the music, and have a blast without worrying about anybody complaining. In fact, I could call some of my buds and we could have a nice little party right here tonight."
"Yeah," Kyle added, "wouldn't you rather party down with some real men, instead of some high school jerks?"
"I ... I think you guys have the wrong idea about me," she whined. "I just want to go hang out with my friends. I'm not looking for some wild adventure."
"Okay, okay," Sammy smiled. "We'll stick to the original plan. Come on in and have a drink while Kyle and I change. You can meet my brother."
Reluctantly, Jessica followed Sammy as he crossed the weed-infested yard that seemed to also serve as a driveway and garbage dump. Kyle was right behind her, so close she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. She felt like a prisoner being marched down Death Row. Part of her brain was yelling at her to run, but she knew she wouldn't get far, and she had no idea where to go anyway.
Sammy opened the front door and she followed him into a living room that was just as messy as the front yard. A young man, about Jessica's age, was slumped on a sofa watching a porn movie on the TV across the room. He had headphones on and was swaying along with whatever music was being poured into his ears. His back was to the door and he didn't notice that wasn't alone anymore.
"Hey, whatcha' doin'?" Sammy yelled.
"Shit, I didn't hear you guys coming," the kid said.
He sat up, and Jessica saw that he had been jacking off. She almost laughed as the young man struggled to stuff his erection back inside his jeans and find the remote to kill the TV at the same time.
"Jimmy," Sammy sighed, "you're the only guy I know who watches porn and listens to music at the same time. And didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from my DVD's?"
"Sorry, Sam. I didn't expect you guys to be back so soon. Hey," he said, finally noticing the girl, "who's this?"
"Oh, this is our new friend Jessie," Kyle said, putting his arm around her shoulders. "She's a party girl we met in town, right sweetie?" His other hand rubbed the tight buns inside her even tighter jeans.
"So why'd you bring her here?" Jimmy asked.
"Not for you, that's for sure," Sammy laughed. "You might as well go back to beating off. Hey Jess, how about a drink, to get you warmed up for the party."
"Uh, sure, I guess," she said quietly.
Sammy went into the kitchen. He searched for a clean glass, finally settling on a not-too-soiled jelly glass. He poured a shot of Jim Beam into it, then went to the refrigerator, opened a bottle of soda, and filled the rest of the glass with the sweet syrup. He checked the living room, and saw that Kyle was still harassing Jessica, so he took advantage of the distraction to drop a dose of his favorite date-rape drug into her drink. He stirred it with his finger, then went back into the living room.
"Here ya go," he said, handing the glass to the obviously uneasy girl.
"Thanks," she replied. She began drinking much too fast, almost chugging it, her nervous energy forcing her to do something other than just sit there letting Kyle maul her. Somewhere, deep within her soul, she still hoped to end up at the cheerleaders' party. She found herself talking to Jimmy. That was a lot easier now that he wasn't whacking off. "Where are your parents?"
"Oh, they don't live here," Jimmy said. "This is Sam's place, but I stay here a lot on weekends. My folks don't give a shit where I am anyway."
Kyle whispered to Sammy, "Is her drink... ?"
"Yeah. Relax. It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be party time soon. I'm gonna call the Braxton brothers. They said they wanted to say hi to you anyway, and I think this is just the right time."
"The Braxtons?" Kyle asked. "They hardly know me. In fact, the last time I saw them, they were trying to beat the crap out of me."
"All is forgiven, my friend," Sammy reassured. "Besides, I think they're gonna be more interested in our little friend here than you."
"Okay, uh ... uh ... Sammy, about that. What do you have in mind? I mean, I was hoping to score some pussy, voluntarily or not, but I don't want to stand in line."
"Kyle, this is still your night. You get first crack at her, after me of course. It is my idea, my house, my liquor and drugs."
"Uh, yeah yeah, I get it. Hey, look, looks like she's gettin' sleepy already."
"I better go make that call. Why don't you and Jimmy help her into my bedroom."
Kyle knelt next to the easy chair Jessica was sitting on. She was leaning to one side, obviously having a hard time keeping her eyes open. "Want another one?" he asked, pointing to the almost empty glass she was just barely holding on to.
She made an effort to sober up. "Hey, I thought you guys were changing. Come on, I want to get to the party."
"You know what sweetie," Kyle whispered as he took the glass out of her hand, "we don't have to go that far for a party. Come with me." He turned to Jimmy. "Help me, asshole."
"Help you what? What's goin' on? Who is this girl anyway? Where did you meet her? Is she a hooker? Are we gonna fuck her?"
"Damn boy, you got more questions than you got sense. Just shut up and help me get her into your brother's room."
Jimmy helped Kyle steer the semi-conscious girl down the hallway and into one of the small bedrooms at the end. They lowered her slowly onto the large bed that took up most of the space in the room. That's when Jessica seemed to realize just how much trouble she was in. A rush of adrenaline cleared her mind enough for her to attempt to roll off of the bed. She didn't get very far. Her legs were a lot less alert than her brain. Kyle had to reach out to keep her from falling on her face.
"What's gonna happen now?" Jimmy asked. "Are we gonna do her? Do I get a shot?"
"Calm down, bro." Sammy said from the doorway.
"You call 'em?" Kyle asked.
"Yeah, they'll be her in a few. But in the meantime, I think it's time to get the party started. Let's see what our little cheerleader looks like naked." Sammy moved close to Jessica, bent down, bringing his face inches from hers, and asked, "Are you awake?"
Jessica, barely conscious, nodded, while Kyle continued to hold her upright.
"Sit," Sammy ordered. Kyle lowered her to the bed and backed away, giving Sammy room to do whatever he had in mind. Kyle always followed is best friend's lead.
Sammy stepped in front of the woozy girl and held her shoulders to keep her from falling over. He shook her to make sure she was focused on him. "Listen to me," he began speaking slowly, "my grandmother used to tell me that life is full of choices, and bad choices can lead to bad results. You've made two bad decisions already tonight. First, you chose to stand around in a liquor store parking lot, by yourself. Just what the fuck did you think was going to happen if you did that, or did you think at all? Then you compounded your mistake by getting in a car with two guys you didn't even know. Now, you are gonna find out what those kind of bad choices can lead to." He paused, looking at her closely to make sure she was still paying attention to what he was saying.
"You're gonna have sex, with me, then my friend Kyle, and maybe even my retarded little brother if he wants to. He's only fourteen, but as you saw when we came in, he's already got sex on his mind. There are gonna be some other guys showing up too, so it could be quite a night. That is a fact. It is going to happen. Now, things can go down one of two ways, either you face up to your mistakes and accept your punishment willingly, or you fight it. Do you understand?"
Jessica nodded, her eyes full of fear as she stared into Sammy's eyes.
"I strongly recommend that you choose the second path. Don't make another wrong choice tonight. Who knows, you might even like it. Haven't you ever heard that expression, when rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it?"
"She told me in the car that she's had lots of sex," Kyle added.
"Well, we'll see about that," Sammy said. "So, Miss Cheerleader, let's see which way you want to play it. I'm going to let my brother help you undress now, and I hope you don't give him a hard time."
"Me?" Jimmy squeaked.
"Yea, bro, don't you want to?"
"Uh ... yeah ... sure ... I guess."
"Well, come on then." Sammy stepped away from the girl, and as he released his hold she fell back on the bed, her legs dangling over the edge. "Start with her shoes and work your way up," Sammy suggested.
Jimmy knelt in front of Jessica, his hands shaking as he began unlacing her sneaker. After he slid it and the white athletic sock beneath it off her foot, he moved to her other leg. As he was struggling to untie that shoe, the girl somehow found the energy and muscular control to kick him in the face. It wasn't a hard kick, but Jimmy reacted like he had been hit in between the eyes with a tire iron.
"Oww! Shit, the bitch kicked me!"
"I know, dumbass, I saw it," Sammy drawled. "So, what are you gonna do about it?"
Jimmy stood up and leaned over the frightened young girl. He slapped her once, and was getting ready for a second backhand blow when his brother grabbed his hand. "Don't do that, you idiot. Look at her. She's probably the cutest girl you'll ever have sex with in your life. The last thing you want to do is mess up that pretty face. What you need to do is something like this." Sammy pushed his brother aside, and delivered a quick, sharp blow to Jessica's stomach with his fist. The girl curled up in a ball like a threatened armadillo, gasping for air. She would have screamed if she had any breath left. "See, now you have her attention, and she's still beautiful. You probably still need some help though. Kyle, make yourself useful."
Kyle walked over to Jessica, who was still whimpering in pain. He grabbed her long black hair and dragged her to her feet. "Take off that stupid letter jacket," he ordered. "This ain't no fuckin' high school party now."
Jessica, still stunned from Sammy's sudden blow, did as Kyle had instructed. She unzipped the heavy coat and started to slowly slide it off her arms. Kyle grew impatient and yanked it the rest of the way off, throwing it across the room with a gesture born of all the hatred still locked inside him from his own less than successful high school years. He stepped close to the trembling girl, staring at her white blouse.
"Looks like her tits ain't nothin' to write home about," he said to Jimmy, "but maybe she's got some nice nips. I do like to suck on a nice hard nipple. Take that blouse off," he ordered her.
This time Jessica did not obey. Instead, working up all the courage she had left, she spit in his face. Kyle was furious, not only because of what she had done, but at the way Sammy and Jimmy were laughing at him. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife.
When Jessica heard the click of the blade sliding open, her momentary burst of courage was replaced by a wave of fear that made her nauseous. Kyle held the tip of the blade against her face. "She sure has a little nose," he said to no one in particular. "She probably wouldn't look too different without it. Whadda' you think, Sammy, should I take it off? Think she'd mind me then?"
"Geez," Sammy sighed, "you're as bad as Jimmy. Look at her, she's a real cutie. Why would you want to mess that face up? Come on, Kyle, put the knife away. You don't need it. Hell, you're twice her size, be a man."
Kyle grinned, the same sadistic expression that Jessica had seen in the car when he had introduced himself. She knew that without Sammy's steadying influence, Kyle would probably enjoy killing her just as much as having sex with her.
"Aw hell," Kyle said, "I was just teasin'," He lowered the knife, but did not put it away. Instead, one by one, he sliced the buttons off the front of her blouse. After the last button hit the floor, he slowly pulled the bottom of her blouse out of her jeans. He stepped back, soaking in the terrified expression on her face as she stood there, helpless. "Take it off," he said quietly.
This time she did not offer any resistance. The blouse soon joined her jacket on the floor. One tear rolled down her cheek, as she shivered in fear. "Nice bra," Kyle observed. "Looks like somethin' my kid sister might wear. Is that a real one, or one of those training bra things?"
"What difference does that make," Jimmy whined, his voice cracking with youthful excitement. "Get it off. I wanna see her tits."
Kyle pulled the bra away from her chest, just far enough to slip the very sharp blade of his knife under it. With one quick flick of his wrist the front of her bra was in two pieces, dangling from the shoulder straps. Jessica's small but firm breasts were exposed to the lecherous eyes of her captors.
"Damn," Kyle whispered, "they're nicer than I expected. Not very big, but they're almost all nipple. Ever see anything like that?"
"Yeah, some small girls are like that," Sammy observed. "Adult nips on top of kiddie titties. Go ahead Kyle, give 'em a taste test."
Kyle put one hand behind the diminutive girl, pulling her closer to his body. He had to bend down to reach his target. He put his lips around one small mound and easily pulled the whole lump of young girl-flesh into his mouth. He tickled the hard tip with his tongue. He felt her move in his grasp, a reaction that seemed to be more about what he was doing and not an effort to get away. She appeared to have very sensitive breasts.
"Let me," he heard Jimmy begging behind him.
"All right kid, but don't let her kick you again," Kyle teased.
Jimmy took Kyle's place in front of the girl and pushed her down on the bed, flat on her back. He straddled her hips, and pinned both of her hands above her head in a tight grasp. He brought his mouth slowly down and licked one breast, the one not already glistening with Kyle's spit. Jessica squirmed beneath him, but with most of his weight pressing down on her legs and her hands firmly in his control, she wasn't going anywhere. He took advantage of her helplessness to attempt a kiss.
Jessica tried to twist her mouth away from his, but Jimmy was persistent and eventually managed to get his tongue between her lips. Her teeth were tightly shut, and he soon gave up and turned his attention back to her chest. He sucked, nibbled, and tweaked first one small titty then the other while she continued to writhe in protest.
"That's enough, little bro," Sammy said. "Let's see what the rest of that tiny body looks like."
Jimmy reluctantly pulled his mouth from her titty with a wet, slurpy sound, and stood up. Sammy pushed his brother aside and pulled Jessica back to her feet. "Take off the jeans," he told her.
The tone of his voice was still friendly, almost as if he were asking a favor, but his expression reaffirmed to Jessica that it was an order, not a request. Surrounded by three guys in the small bedroom, she saw no choice but to cooperate. Her hand was shaking so badly that she had a hard time releasing the button above the zipper. Her jeans were so tight that once that restraint had been removed, they practically unzipped themselves. She looked at Sammy, pleading without words one last time, then with a sigh began pushing the denim cloth down her legs.
"Pink panties," Kyle observed, "and are those kittens on 'em? Ain't that cute. Wonder if she has anything else pink?"
Sammy gestured with his hand, and Jessica slowly peeled the girlish cotton undergarment down her legs. She stood there, naked and vulnerable, with her jeans and panties pooled around her feet. She attempted to cover her breasts with one hand, and her private parts with the other. Her eyes were closed, but she could still feel the hot gaze of the two men and boy watching her. She had been undressed in front of her boyfriend a few times, and in the girls' locker room after cheer practice, but this was different. She felt more than just exposed — it was as if their eyes were peeling away the very skin from her body.
There was an odd silence in the room that was finally broken by Jimmy's squeaky voice. "Is she shaved, or just not very hairy down there?"
"As dark as her hair is, I think we'd see it if there was any," Sammy said. He leaned down and took a close look. "There's not much there, and I don't see any stubble. Are you sure you're fifteen?" he asked.
"She sure is white," Kyle observed. "Damn girl, don't you ever get any sun?"
"It's winter," Sammy reminded his friend. "Not too many girls have tans these days. But you're right, she really does have nice, delicate skin. Man, not a pimple or mole anywhere. You're beautiful," he told her.
"Turn around," Kyle ordered. "I wanna check out your ass."
Jessica heard his words, but her body seemed to be frozen. Sammy put his hands on her shoulders, and gently rotated her body, like turning a department store mannikin.
"Hey Sam, got any icing?" Kyle asked.
"Icing? What for?"
"Cuz those little buns of hers look like a couple of cupcakes just beggin' to be frosted."
"Well, maybe we can take cover them with something else," Sammy joked.
A deep-throated rumble from outside announced the arrival of the Braxton brothers on their Harleys. A moment later the bedroom got even smaller with the addition of two burly, tattooed bikers.
"Jessica, I would like you to meet my friends," Sammy said with a phony air of politeness. "This is the guy I work for," he said, indicating the older, meaner-looking of the brothers. "George, this is Jessica, our guest for the evening."
"Damn, kinda little, ain't she? Did you find her at the playground?"
"Nah, she's in high school. Not exactly legal," Sammy chuckled, "but women are like potatoes, right? When they're big enough they're old enough."
"I'm still not sure she can pull this train," George grumbled. "But I guess we can try."
"Oh, where are my manners," Sammy said, continuing to enjoy his air of pseudo politeness. "Jessie, this is George's brother Will. Will, Jessie."
"Man, she looks good enough to eat," Will said in a quiet voice.
"She's just your type," George sneered, "small enough to put in your pocket and take out whenever you feel like a snack." He turned to Sammy and added, "Sometimes I think if I didn't keep a close eye on Will, he'd be hanging out in elementary school parking lots. Ain't that right, little bro?"
"I'm not that bad," Will protested, "but I do like young innocent chicks better than slutty biker women."
"I rest my case," George said. "Hey, we brought some crack. You guys wanna try some before the party starts?"
"Hang on a sec," Sammy said. "Let's take care of some business first. I'm thinkin' this room is too small. Let's move the party over to Jimmy's room."
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Choices. So many choices, so many ways things could have worked out. But we make our choices, and we try to make good ones. And we take responsibility for our choices, too. Did my choices lead me inexorably to this point? Or was there an uncontrollable, unchosen outside force that got me here? Not that it really matters, because I choose, every day -- every minute of every day -- to live like this. Wasn't it Sartre who said that every day we make the choice to go on living, so we are...
Choices Joss Whedon portrayed it right. High school really is hell. At least mine was. A genuine monster came to my school, and I was one of those who lived to tell the story. Sometimes I envy those who didn't survive.... It started on a very nice day at the end of October of my grade eleven year. I had hoped that the worst of the bullying I had suffered in grade ten was behind me, and for the most part it was. I still got the name-calling, mostly variations on "fag", but I could...
Rose Gallagher gathered the bibles and stacked them neatly on a bookstand. She had finished another long day at the church helping her Uncle, Daniel, who was a priest. Rose had just turned 18 at the time and had volunteered to help her uncle at the church. It was past eight at night and the sky was dark. The night was chilly forcing Rose to put on a soft cotton pink sweater. ‘Uncle Dan, I already finished picking up the bibles and song books,’ Rose said poking her head in her uncle’s office. ...
Bikini Beach: Choices By JDG Brad Damien was not a happy man, but then, he hadn't been really happy for some time. It wasn't really anything he could readily identify. He was content in his work, being a construction supervisor was rewarding. You got to see the physical manifestation of your effort come together bit by bit. It wasn't his kids. His daughter, Jan, was the prettiest 16 year old at Arcadia High School, and the best behaved too. His younger daughter, Patricia, was a...
If reading this story offends you or the law, do what I do, don't. Choices by Vickie Tern I was so miserable I felt like crying. A single sob escaped, but I stifled it, couldn't allow it. I was terribly worried yet there was nothing to do but wait. There never was. Sit in the living room, turn on the tube, turn pages in some magazine, wait. Ignore all sorts of hysterical fears. Finally realize I'd been dozing in my chair,...
??????????? Choices.??????????? Part One.??????????? The Nipple Cull. Page 1. ??????????? I'd called a meeting.??????????? Their attendance was compulsory.??????????? They were eating me out of house and home and I just knew my cock would get plumb worn out if I was to bang them all as much as I knew I wanted to. I'd never really intended to capture five of them at one time but now it was a done deal and the real problem was I didn't know which two of the five I liked the least. I...
Choices By Vickie Tern "I'm sorry! You humiliated me, Keith! Now it's my turn!" She spoke precisely, with authority, and though she no longer sounded vindictive her voice could still etch glass. She'd made up her mind, and when Cynthia's mind is made up there's nothing more to say. Now I had to make up my mind. "That's how it is, Keith! My sweet disloyal husband! Your decision! You want this marriage to continue, we can get past this ... this thing you've done to me. To us....
(This short story came to me nearly all at once. Don't worry, A Bet to Lose will continue.) Polly was under a lot of stress. One of the main sources, at least on a day-to-day basis, was her children. Her seven-year-old daughter, Nicole, usually acted far younger as she was often in a world of her own making, a world where she was usually a special superhero who could and did do pretty much anything. While her mother tolerated her daughter's imagination, it really didn't help when...
Love and Choices A Tabitha And Kevin Story By Circe Copyright (c) 2006 All rights reserved. Author's note: This story is set in the same universe as the other Tabitha and Kevin tales, but with some new main characters. You should not need to read the other tales to follow this one. Trouble found Melissa Brookwell and Lyle Mansford at a mall coffee shop one fine spring morning in Bardstown, Kentucky, just a few months before their wedding. Melissa had been happily shopping for...
June 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois It was just after 3:00am when I kissed Trish goodbye. She’d been an enthusiastic, energetic, and adventurous lover. We’d done just about anything either of us could think of, though her breasts weren’t large enough for a tit-fuck. The last time had been in the shower where we’d ostensibly gone to clean up afterwards, but instead I ended up taking her from behind as she leaned against the wall of the shower. “I think I’ll have you again, Steve Adams,” she...
A Brief Account of Bad Behavior and Poor Choices - Who does Jill love most? Tim, Tammy, Geoff, or Jill? "Jill, think about it, okay?" Dr. Jill Knox nodded her head slowly, the look on her face and rolling of her eyes showed Dr. Geoff Mitchell she had no intention of thinking about it. This earned her an eyeroll in return. "He can't give you what I can, why else do you keep coming back?" Jill opened her mouth to argue with the man she lay in bed with, but what could...
Lorenzo Giordano is your average 18 year old british man. He has peircing blue eyes, olive complexion and shoulder legnth brown wavy hair. For a man of his age its suprising to note that he isn't the greatest at growing facial hair. Standing at 5'8 and weighing 68kg he isn't the most formidable person. He takes care of his persoanl presentation always having his hair perfectly styled, wears the latests fashion trends and follows a stringent moring skincare routine. He has lived his entire life...
TeenHello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...
Eve of All Hallows-Treats, Tricks and Choices by Tigger The party had been a disaster. That was not the first time that particular thought had filtered through his still befuddled mind. Actually, the whole *night* had been an unmitigated disaster and it wasn't showing any signs of getting any better. The party was the reason he was now trudging home wearing twenty pounds of black bombazine, chains and beads. And no, reader with the dirty mind, he wasn't decked out in some...
She spoke precisely, with authority, and though she no longer sounded vindictive her voice could still etch glass. She'd made up her mind, and when Cynthia's mind is made up there's nothing more to say. Now I had to make up my mind."That's how it is, Keith! My sweet disloyal husband! Your decision! You want this marriage to continue, we can get past this ... this thing you've done to me. To us. But you'll have to agree to one or the other. No more argument, no more floppy-eared, doggy-eyed...
Choices By pantiwasteChapter 1 The Set-UpMy little sexual, I don’t know, perversion, fetish, twist on the normal, has never been exposed or displayed. It never hurts anyone or affects my interaction with daily life (though it probably has contributed to my difficulty developing relationships). It is one of the few absolute secrets I have kept from the world. I’m a sado-masochistic ?ass-man? and I’ve had a submissive fascination and attraction for women’s undergarment for almost as long as I can...
My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...
Adventures of a Merchant: Choices by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels ...being continued... Greetings once more friends. At the end of my last tale I mentioned that it was time for me to spend some time in the now and I took my own advice. After a stay in Corels to visit family, I continued on to Elladoo Post for my first visit in a number of year. As it always does, the visit served to remind me of who I am, for people who knew you...
MelissaFinally it was Melissa last day of University. Her degree complete she could at last join the working world and start making some money. In fact she was pretty happy, she already had a job organised. She had the whole world at her feet, her future was bright."Attention all students," the voice came over the public address, "could you all please return to the graduation hall for an important assembly."Melissa felt a tap on her shoulder, it was Professor Rogers, "that includes you...
It's time to go on an outing. Nothing too complicated: just a trip to the corner store a few blocks away. This time, you get to make decisions about what you wear. Be careful though, making the easier choice will make the following choices harder. Here's your first choice; nice and simple.
This story is number 4 in the sagas of Kerry Eddington. It can be read as a stand alone story or better as part of the whole series. For those of you who want to delve straight in a little prologue. In KERRY & THE SECURITY CHECK - returning from a short break in Scotland en fem Kerry unwittingly checks in the wrong suitcase. Stopped at security he is stripped search and humiliated and left with breast forms glued in place. Having missed his flight he is forced to work in a...
When they first got the letter informing them that they had won an all expense 14 day paid vacation to Cancun, they were skeptical even though it was delivered by courier. Barb was worried it was a scam, but her husband Tom pointed out that they were not asking for any personal information and provided only a telephone number for confirmation, not some dodgy internet site. So they called the number and by the time the hung up, both were convinced that the offer was legit. The girls were...
Cindy's Choices I'm sitting here, at my computer, trying to figure out what I should do. Maybe if I write down what happened I can make sense of it, and make my decision. My name is Cindy Carmichael, and I'm twenty-five years old. After a false start, I thought I had found my "prince Charming", and that life simply couldnt be better. Now I've learned it was all a lie. It all started when I was still in High School. I guess I was the high school princess. Popular, pretty, and with...
Lexy’s Bad ChoicesBy: Jake OliveThis story is entirely fictional. The story and characters exist only in the author’s mind. Please leave feedback at: [email protected]#1 - Crime and Punishment.It really all started quite by accident. Lexy Solis was an administrative assistant at a midsize auto parts distributor. One of her responsibilities was to take the weekly cash deposits from the company will call store over to the bank. Every Friday she would collect these deposits from the Credit...
Choices by Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down,...
LesbianForeword I am constantly receiving feedback from people who want to know why I ended a story a certain way and then telling me that I should have _________ (fill in the blank). Many asked me if I would mind if they wrote an ending to the story. This happened so many times that I decided to hold The Just Plain Bob Annual Invitational The idea was that I would write a story and then let those who so desired write and submit their own ending. They could take the story anywhere they wanted it to...
I am 24/m from Islamabad/ Pakistan.To tell u about my self, I am not a casanova. I am 5.9? well built but a little overweight and very horney. The experience, I am telling u has happend just 2 weeks ago. I would say that this happening is not a story of a Resputiene and Russion Queen, but between a normal 34 years man and a plump lady of 30. I was in Super market, for some shopping,when I saw a fat woman wresteling with a flat tyre of her car. I observed few boys laughing at her, for her...
IncestHi This is Ali I live in Islamabad I am very big fan of human digest and I have been reading stories for about 3 years this is my first story ever I told to any body and this is 100% true story which happened to me. My English is bit on weaker side so please don’t mind and I don’t know that way to write my story but here is my little effort to let u know about my sex experience with a sexy lady First let me tell u about myself I am a typical Pakistani guy with a fair looks I had 6 feet height...
Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...
Even if the sound of his voice had not been enough, the room suddenly awash in pale bluish radiance insured all eyes turned. Beholding Tenchi, incredibly now standing just behind the queen, his Lighthawk blade inches from her throat. "If you hurt my child." He assured the room thickly. "I'll kill every one of you!" His eyes were haunted as he made the pronouncement, his face set into the hardest of lines as he moved the blade a fraction closer. "Starting with her." Tenchi concluded...
I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...
Choices by Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee’s dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 8: Secrets and Choices Dawn broke over the foothills of the White Mountains of New Hampshire at 7:17AM on New Year's Day, and found Kim wide awake in Kelly's guest room. The room was simple and plain, decorated in pale yellow and green, with a simple twin bed and dresser of white pressed wood, like something you got at IKEA for your new college apartment. It occurred to Kim as she sat watching the room slowly brighten from the rising sun, that it would have been...
Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...
Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...
Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...
Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...
Mera naam Sam hai mai Nagpur ka rahne wala hu.Ye baat aaj se 3 saal pahele ki hai jab mere badhi pappa ki bethi yani ki mere badhi bhen sadahi mai aaye thi. Hello to all readers the thing is i love sex but the problem is I’m bored, so my friend suggested ki aapne kahani post karne se tuze rahat milege. Barat mai nachte huye mai thak gaya tha isle mai apne sis key saath vapas ghar aa gaya. Mere bhen ka rang gora hai height 5.3 inch hai body figure 36-28-36 hai aur mai 6.2inch lambha hu mera...
"I hate you," she hissed."Liar," he growled, nipping her ear. "The soaked panties in my pocket indicate otherwise. The same panties that, may I remind you, you willingly handed over. Besides, you know you want me just as badly as I want you.""Willingly?" she snorted. "I don't recall having much of a choice.""There's always a choice, my dear.""Fuck you!""That can be arranged, but only after I've thoroughly fucked you, Bella.""I've asked you not to call me that. I'm not your...
Reluctance"Send her in, Jeanine. This may take a while, so if you need to head out for the weekend, that's alright," Principal Eriksen said."See you next week!” was the reply he heard over the phone. He had set up a late meeting, and given that it was a Friday, Mr. Eriksen was left to work by himself in the faculty office. Joseph Eriksen was in his sixth year overseeing the students and faculty at Blackhawk Valley prep school, beloved by his students and well-liked in the community. He was a handsome...
ReluctanceThe note arrived nearly a month later. I was amazed the courier had found me, but he said he had been well paid and that the girl was so pretty, he felt he had no choice. I gave him a coin, one of the few I had left after some long sessions with another man's cards. I popped the wax seal and read. "Come quickly, Julie" was all it said in a childish, poorly-blotted scrawl. I showed the note to Foster and he gave me a pass and a sour look. I cooked some rations and was on my way through...
Hello doston mera naam ali hai. mein rawalpindi mein rehta hun..meri height 5.9 hai..mein ACCA ka student hun.agar koi larki/aunty mere sath sex try karna chati hai mukamal raazdari k sath to mujhe mail kareen at abhi 20 saal ka hoon, Mujay kafi girls add kurten on on my yahoo messenger lakin zayda tur nay keha kay pehlay mobile ka card send kurro then sex kurnay. Mujay sirf un girls say sex kurna ka maza aata hay jo mature hoon our sex ko poorirazdari say kurna chahteen hoon. Eik larkee nay...
Hello ISS name is rehan. I m 23 years old guy from id is is a true story that I wish to share with my co-readers. It happened last year with a girl’s named is Seema. She was one of my Junior Executives at the office where I work as a Management Consultant and was supposed to be having an affair with a collegue Malik. Very sexy babe. Good soft but firm tits. Gorgeous figure of 37-26-37. Used to call me Uncle by way of Joke. Ofcourse, I used this relationship to...
IncestHi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...
Every choice has a consequence, every consequence effects your "morality", for good or evil. One choice may say something like: +1 good, another may say: +1 evil. Here are the four characters, and a little about them: Henry- The second son of a minor land owning nobleman. His father owns a small castle, and a small farming town. He has an older brother, and a younger sister. He's born in 1172. Morality starts at 0. Louis- A poor peasant farmer. Born in 1165. Will he get married and work hard,...
BDSMLaura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door; just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why...who sent you?" "I can't tell you a...
SpankingCelestine found she was uncomfortable with three sets of eyes looking at her. The news of the events at the inn had made their way to the castle before Celestine had arrived. She gave a brief synopsis to Elena, Jonathan and Choran and they had sent her off to bed while they considered how to respond. The maid was unsurprised to have a summons to visit with the three ministers awaiting her at her morning meal. She hadn’t slept much and wondered if the trio tasked with running the country had...
Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. Mera naam Tarun hain. Aur main Ahmedabad se hun. Meri age 26 saal hain. Ap logo ko meri pehli teeno kahani achchi lagi. So ab main apko apni tisri kahani ki or le jata hun. Main aur meri ma’m Jamnagar gaye the. Tab woh unki dost Sweta ma’m ke waha mujhe chod ke chali gayi Ahmedabad wapas. Ab mujhe poora ek mahina, Sweta ma’m ke sath Jamnagar mein rehna tha. Sweta ma’m bohut hi pyari hain. Maine unko unki chut chatke meri ashiq toh bana diya tha. Ab...
Hey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...
This is a story about how a stupid mistake and even more stupid decisions spiraled out of control This is a story about how a stupid mistake and even more stupid decisions spiraled out of control. I write erotic stories. I have been writing for several years. As time went on the vanilla erotica turned to BDSM erotica. As that venue was explored in my stories, my husband and I started to dabble in BDSM in real life and I became bored with writing about it and moved to more extreme erotica...
I woke up in the morning feeling as confused as I had been when I fell asleep. No fairy had shown up during the night to plant a solution in my head. I thought maybe it had been just a dream. To check, I smelled my right hand. Nope, it wasn't a dream. I had really been inside Nancy's panties. I got up and took a shower. In spite of my fear, I still managed my morning erection. I was really worked up because I had gotten no relief on the bus when I made Nancy cum. I relieved myself in the...
Helen's choked breath heaved from her lungs, almost giving a voice to the complete revulsion she felt. Her mind reeled in shocked horror as she struggled against the hands that roamed, groped, pinched, poked and clutched over the ripe, young curves of her body. Her young, strong yet, small hands grappled against the much larger and stronger ones that attempted to pin her to the hard, dusty ground. She knew the battle in which she currently found herself engaged was already lost, but still,...
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) main dinu sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze e-mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur satya katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi kahani pes kar raha hun, aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mera ek dost ranjit jo ki mumbai me hi bhayandar me apani...
Hi friends main Ayush Sharma apke liye mere saath ghati ek ghatna ki kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon.meri pichli story aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi mujhe hazaron email aaye thank you kisi bhi aunty ko sex karna ho to please mujhe email karen par Ab main story pe aata hoon is story main maine apni badi maa ko choda hai ye baat may mahine ki hai meri badi maa mumbai me rehti hai uska naam shobha hai uski age 46 hai lekin dikhne mein woh 35 ki lagti hai.uska figure 42 32 34 hai uske dudh...
Hello iss readers mai hamesha iss ki stories padta hu to socha kyu na apni life ka bhi ek hasin lamha apke sath share karu …mera naam kunal hai aur meri age 20 hai mai jaipur mai rahata hu hamari joint family hai aur bada ghar hai. Meri badi maa ki age 29 hai wo bahut hi khubsurat husn ki malika hai unko dekhte hai mera man sex karne ka ho jata hai … Baat aaj se 2 saal pahale ki hai mai hamesha unhe nanga dekha karta tha jab wo bath liya karti thi. Kya batau dosto unke bare mai unke wo bade...