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"Send her in, Jeanine. This may take a while, so if you need to head out for the weekend, that's alright," Principal Eriksen said.

"See you next week!” was the reply he heard over the phone. 

He had set up a late meeting, and given that it was a Friday, Mr. Eriksen was left to work by himself in the faculty office. Joseph Eriksen was in his sixth year overseeing the students and faculty at Blackhawk Valley prep school, beloved by his students and well-liked in the community. He was a handsome man, a former athlete that had aged gracefully. Usually fastidious, he wore a well-fitting pair of slacks, vest, and well-pressed white shirt today. Rounding out the ensemble, he wore a tie in the school colors of blue and yellow.

He smiled broadly as the girl peeked her head in. "Susan! Take a seat." He gestured to a large comfortable looking seat in front of his desk. Mr. Eriksen had known Susan Pearson’s family for a long time. His family had gone to church with Susan’s family together, and he had seen her grow from a precocious youngster to a beautiful young woman.

Susan gave a small smile as she closed the door behind her.  Shuffling around the seat, she sat down on the seat and straightened out her skirt. She was smartly dressed in Blackhawk Valley's school uniform. A crisp white shirt was buttoned down into her blue plaid skirt; long socks came up to her knees. In a word, Susan could be described as petite. Even with her modest inch and a half heels, she was no taller than five foot four altogether. Once seated, she gave Principal Eriksen a pleasant smile. He was seated in a comfy-looking office chair behind his desk. It was clean, with the exception of his monthly desk planner and a single page of paper on top of it.

‘Why am I here? On a Friday, no less? I wonder if it's some sort of senior project that Mr. Eriksen wants me to work on. I didn’t hear of any of the other valedictorian candidates being called in to the office.’

"Miss Pearson, how have you been? It's been a little while since we've had a chance to talk."

"Busy. I've been very busy," Susan had to admit.

"I would figure you would be at this point in your senior year," the principal said.

"Yeah, all the AP classes. We finished up basketball season. Soccer is coming up. Fencing a couple times a week. I'm tutoring a couple kids. Thankfully drama finished up with the Seussical last weekend," she said, listing off everything she was dealing with that semester.

"I had a chance to see it. The costuming was especially fantastic. Give my compliments to Ms. Vallejo. So, where are you going to school next year? You are one of the school's brightest lights."

‘Is this it? It seems a little weird that he's just checking in on me. Hopefully that’s all it is.’

"Well, I did manage to get a number of offers for scholarships, both in state and out of state. However, I think I'm going to stay in state. It's cheaper, and a little more convenient. Besides, it's still a good school too," the senior replied.

"Of course, of course. This is good to hear,” his smile faded. “Miss Pearson, do you know why you were called in here?" he asked.

"I...was actually wondering myself," Susan replied coolly, straightening out her skirt again. She was actually getting more and more nervous.

‘It's okay, everything is okay, right?’

"Well, it was brought to my attention by Miss Carragher that you plagiarized your essay response to the last unit exam. Over ninety percent of it was copied from another source. As you know, plagiarism and academic dishonesty are taken seriously at Blackhawk Valley. Do you have anything you have to say in response?" Joseph said grimly.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck. What do I say? He wouldn’t understand. How did she figure that out? Sasha took that test years ago, no way that’s in some system. What’s going to happen to me? I’m going to lose everything. Everything.’

Tears were welling up in her eyes, "I...I was SO busy! I didn't know what to do. Do you know how much pressure my parents placed on me? Every single day I had a practice or a game. There were tests, and essays, and the AP tests are coming up." She started crying. "I needed that. I just wanted a break. I needed a little bit of time."

"Susan," he said softly. "Take a breath. Listen to what I have to say first before you get too caught up in this." He leaned over and held out a box of tissues to her.

She looked up at him. Taking a tissue, she wiped her face and dabbed her eyes. Her normally bright blue eyes were a little red. Looking down, she took a big breath and looked up and met Mr. Eriksen's kind eyes.

‘Wait...what’s going on? He doesn’t seem as upset as he should be.’

Mr. Eriksen took a deep breath, "Before you is a choice. Either one is valid, but let me tell you about them first before you make your decision. Given the guidelines, normally in response to academic dishonesty I would have to contact your other teachers about your indiscretion. The test grade in question would be considered a zero. In addition to that, I would have to call your parents at home." At this point, Susan started into another quiet sob. "Finally, your counselor will have to contact the universities you have been accepted to."

Susan’s heart started pounding in her chest. Her vision narrowed for a moment.

‘This would ruin me. Everybody would know. I’d be a cheater, a waste. What will my parents say to me? I’ve worked so hard. Wait, my scholarships - they’d be gone too. I’d have nothing left.’

Looking down at her hand, she nervously flexed it over and over. Susan had stopped crying but had started breathing quickly, almost hyperventilating.

Mr. Eriksen had gotten up, and moved around his desk. Crouching down beside Susan's chair, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Alternatively, according to Blackhawk's book of rights and responsibilities, there is another way. At my discretion, I can provide clemency if you consent to... corporal punishment."

‘What does he mean, corporal punishment? Does he mean to belt me? Paddle me? Here, now?’

He flipped over the sheet that was waiting on his desk and handed it to her: "By signing this document, I declare that the entirety of the following statement is true...'Susan Pearson plagiarized and copied portions of an essay for use in completing an exam, as attested to by Miss Carragher. By signing this document, you declare to submit to corporal punishment as given by J. Eriksen. If you fail to accept the punishment, then you will be subject to standard responses as indicated by the Blackhawk book of rights and responsibilities. If the corporal punishment is carried to completion the infraction will be declared forgiven, and no further punishment will be administered. Beyond this document, no record will be kept." At the bottom of the sheet was a line for Susan to sign, along with the date. Next to that was a line that Susan assumed would be for Mr. Eriksen to assign.

Susan was being given an out.

‘ record kept. I okay with that. No one would have to know. Hold on…’

"Of course you would have to make up the exam," Mr. Eriksen said calmly.

She was a little stunned. "Wait. What kind of corporal punishment is this? I haven't heard of any corporal punishment at this school before," Susan asked.

"I'm afraid it will have to be spanking. Paddling hasn't been used in this capacity for a couple decades I've been told, and as you read in the agreement no records are kept beyond the single document."

‘Spanking? I’ve never been spanked before. Not even parents did that when I was little. What is it going to be like? Could Mr. Eriksen hurt me?’

"If I allow myself to get spanked, WON'T contact anyone about my essay?" Susan asked for clarification.

"That's correct. Besides Miss Carragher, no one else will know you opted for corporal punishment," he assured her. He saw her weigh it up in her eyes: looking down at the sheet and looking up at the wall. He had his diploma hanging there. 

‘That’s my goal, and this choice could take it all away. I have one opportunity to take it all back. How bad is it going to be? It’ll probably sting for a couple days. That’ll be it. Besides, it could be worse. Mr. Eriksen isn’t the worst person to be spanked by. Maybe, it won’t be so bad.’

She looked around, "Do you, do you have a pen?" Pulling one from his desk, he handed it to her. Quickly, she signed and dated it in small, neat handwriting. Handing the pen over to her principal, she sat back in her chair, sighing deeply. Mr. Eriksen signed it with a flourish, dating it. He walked around his desk, opening a drawer, placing the document inside.

Walking back around, standing in front of his desk, he told her, "Miss Pearson, I need you to stand up for me." Wordlessly, she stood up facing him. "Okay, you are going to have to lean forward and place your hands on the desk." 

‘Wait, was he anticipating this? Was that why his desk was so clean before?’

Moving closer, he placed his left hand on her back, raising up his right hand. He took a practice swing, stopping short, making sure his aim was correct. 

"Are you ready for this?" He asked. 

‘How can I be ready to be spanked? Am I supposed to make a show of it? Cry out? Moan?’ Susan straightened her back, raising her ass a little higher. Looking back, she gave him a small nod.

Then just as before, he brought his hand up, but this time, he struck her firmly on her left buttock. She cried out, more in surprise than in pain. This time he repeated the process on the right buttock. Susan was ready for it this time, not making a sound. Over and over again, he struck the backside of her skirt. Eventually he came to stop. The only response he was observing was a slight squirming of her hips and after the last few blows, she would inhale sharply through her nose. She stared straight forward wordlessly, biting her lip.

‘That...that wasn’t too bad. It really wasn’t bad at all.’ 

"I didn't want to do this, but it seems like you leave me no choice. If the punishment isn't taking effect I'm going to have to escalate it. Remember, the punishment needs to be completed for you to be forgiven." 

‘What does he mean ‘to escalate?’

He lifted her blue plaid skirt, leaving it to rest, folded over onto her back, exposing her buttcheeks. Susan gasped, but otherwise kept silent. Beneath her skirt she was wearing a pair of scarlet cheeky panties, exposing most of her well-toned butt cheeks.

‘Can he do this? Of course he can, I signed the paper. I can’t back out now.’

Placing his left hand on her skirt to keep it up out of the way, he prepared to start over again. Raising up, he brought his hand down quickly. This time it made a satisfying slap as his hand came in contact with the pale skin on her ass. Once again, bringing it up, he slapped her right buttcheek. Picking up pace, he slapped again and again, alternating the cheeks. Each time she would cry out. After the eighth time, though, he noticed the sound of her cries begin to change.

Susan noticed the feeling herself: the sharp pain followed ever so briefly by the warm feeling of his hand on her exposed ass. It was thrilling, and she was surprised to learn, pleasant. ‘Oh wow. What is happening…this feeling. Yes...'

Slap "Mmm" Slap "Mmm" Slap "Mmm" Slap "Mmmmm!"

By the fifteenth time the groaning was louder; in addition, he started to notice an odor. Pausing, he looked down. Both buttcheeks were red from where he had smacked against the exposed skin. Barely noticeable between them was a little damp spot on her panties. Susan was actually enjoying this.

‘Oh my God. This is embarrassing. This wrong. I want this. Has he noticed? Is he done? Please don’t be done.’

Her ass was feeling raw from the impacts, but more important was the tingling. It was a pleasurable feeling, building inside her.

This time, when he slapped her left buttock, he did it a little softer, letting it rest there. He then did the same with her right butt cheek. After a couple more times, he decided to place his fingertip on the wet spot as he raised his hand up, dragging his fingertip across it. Susan jerked, letting out an audible gasp.

‘What...what is he doing? He knows. He has to know. He’s doing this to me on purpose. This is wrong. This is so wrong that I want this.’

By the fourth time doing this, not only was Susan audibly moaning, but she was pushing her ass towards his finger as he pulled away.

‘No, no, no. Are we done already? Please don’t say we are done.’

Finally resting his hand on her ass, fingers on the now distinctly noticeable wet spot, he asked her, "Miss Pearson, we are finished," placing a little extra pressure on her pussy, "unless you want to...continue...with the punishment?"

‘...I should stop. I should stand up. I need to get out of here, before this goes any further,’ the honor student thought to herself. However she was too weak, ‘Maybe...just a little bit more.’

He felt her slowly, almost involuntarily, start to move her ass up and down, seeking more stimulation, wordlessly acknowledging that she wanted the punishment to continue. He smiled, gently dragging his finger along the slit formed in her panties. For a moment she stopped. He was afraid she was going to stand back up.

‘Just a little bit...more, for now,’ she tried to convince herself.

To his relief, with her face pressed flat against her desk, she said in a quiet voice, "Don't stop."

More frantically, she tried to move to meet his touch, seeking more pressure against her wet panties. On her own, she moved her slit up and down against her finger. He stood there, allowing her to get herself off on his fingertips. Gently, he pressed his finger deeper into the wet slit forming in her panties, eliciting a guttural moan from the co-ed.

“Unnngh,” the senior let out.

‘Just a little...deeper.’

Taking a step behind her, he hooked one finger behind each side of her panties. Slowly Mr. Eriksen slid the red lace down over her ass. In anticipation she raised her ass a fraction in an effort to help him along. Once they were down to her ankles she daintily stepped out of them. Raising them up to his nose, he couldn't help a small groan as he inhaled the scent of Susan's sex. Hearing him groan, she tried to stand back up but with a strong hand, Mr. Eriksen forced her back down. With the other hand, he pocketed her panties. Bending down, he was surprised to see his student's completely bare pussy.

"Oh my, Susan," the principal purred.

Face against the desk again, the co-ed felt herself flush. Then she blushed even harder. ‘How did I get here? Mr. Eriksen has been groping me he found out I shaved last night. Does he like it? make him hard?’

Her thoughts were interrupted though when she felt his fingers start to explore the bare skin of her ass. "Well, I didn't think you were seeing anyone? Unless you just like the feel of it." Mr. Eriksen caressed Susan’s bare ass, enjoying her firm buttocks. Moving down, he began to probe her wet pussy lips. She was wet and leaking. Pulling apart her outer lips, he was rewarded with a view of Susan’s slick inner folds.

", there’s no one for me. I just do it just feels goood," she gasped out, holding on to the edge of the desk.

Guiding his finger further in, he started to slide his finger up and down her wet little slit. He continued up and down, exploring her soaked pussy. He teased her, as she pushed her hips back towards his finger, unsuccessfully trying to guide his finger deeper. Pulling back, and spreading her lips wide, he bent down.

‘Is he done? He can’t be done already. Wait? Is that his breath?’

Without warning, he jammed his tongue into her wet gash. Moving it side to side, he struggled to stay inside as she got more frantic in her movements.

‘Oh my God. That’s his tongue, he’s fucking me with his tongue.’

"Mr. Eriksen! Oh, yesss," she cried out.

Holding her hips tight, he buried his face in her pussy. With one hand he  reached down and exposed her sensitive little bud. Angling his head, he reached out with his tongue and found her clit hidden in her folds. He lapped at it with his tongue over and over, driving the student wild. Though Susan was slick from his attention, Mr. Eriksen managed to trap her clit with his lips. With little circles, he teased it with his tongue. She gasped and started bucking her hips every which way. She could feel an intense pleasure growing inside herself. There was a wave building inside her. She was so tight, so close.

‘I didn’t know I wanted this. I didn’t know I needed this. How is he doing this to me?’

Pulling away, she groaned in disappointment as her orgasm fell short. However, he wasn't done quite yet. Mr. Ericksen dragged his tongue from her clit, all the way to the bottom of her slit. Pulling her cheeks apart, he darted his tongue against the little button of her asshole. Teasing her, he jabbed at it with his tongue. It probed against her little bud, driving into it. She could feel the flat of his tongue as it lapped at her anus.

‘Wha...Is he really eating my ass? This is wrong. This is so wrong. I can’t be doing this. How does this feel so good?...It’s so hot. It’s so wet. Please go deeper, please don’t stop. Not yet.’

Mr. Eriksen continued to eat his star student’s ass as he worked a finger into her increasingly wet cunt. Susan couldn’t help but moan as he slowly built up speed inside her. The pleasure grew more and more intense as the finger started to become a blur sliding faster and faster. She could hardly take it. Susan felt her legs go weak as she just let the feelings of her body wash over her. 

But yet again, Susan was disappointed as her principal stopped teasing her ass with his tongue. Standing up, he looked down at the increasingly overwhelmed student. "Stand up," he commanded. Turning around, she was embarrassed. She would quickly meet his gaze, but look down or away. 

‘I can’t believe we’re doing this right now. What’s going to happen now? How much farther is this going to go?’

Pulling her close, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips. As he slid his tongue along her lips, she complied, opening them. Aggressively he forced his tongue into her mouth, dancing around her tongue. He wanted her to taste her own juices, the tart and the tang. They kissed back and forth, teasing each other.

‘Is this okay? No, this is amazing. He’s so warm, and strong, and…’

Her thoughts were cut short when he moved his kisses down her neck to her collarbone, licking the hollow just beneath it. She gasped again, letting him know he had found an especially sensitive spot. With one hand he rubbed his palm against one of her petite breasts. He squeezed it through all the layers, shooting pleasure through her.

‘Oh my God. This is so much, so fast. He’s hard. He has to be. I wonder how big he is?’

With one hand she reached around and held onto his shoulder, holding tight; with the other, she tentatively reached down and grasped his hardened cock through his trousers. They continued their embrace for a while, him teasing her breasts, her sliding her hand over the bulge of his pants.

Impatient, he placed both hands on her shoulders; firmly he pushed her downwards. Taking the hint, she made her way to her knees. She looked at his bulge, but then up at him with her bright blue eyes, eager and willing. Tentatively she placed a hand on his shaft, rubbing it through the fabric. She waited for a moment. Receiving a nod from her principal, Susan started to fumble with his belt buckle. Undoing that, he impatiently undid the button while she slipped the zipper down. Letting the pants fall, he was left with the bulge in his navy blue boxers. Reaching out both her small hands to each side of his hips, she grasped the waistband of the boxers. Taking a deeper breath, she pulled down revealing his engorged cock. She had to dodge out of the way as the cock bobbed back up. Laughing at herself, she took a moment to compose herself.

Suddenly, she looked worried. Susan looked up at her principal, “I’ve never done this before."

Smiling down at her, Mr. Ericksen answered, "Don’t worry, I’ll let you know what to do. Now open up." He reached down and grabbed her hair, pulling her mouth towards his throbbing cock. Alarmed, she opened her mouth, just as the head of his cock reached her lips.

‘He’s getting more demanding. I hope he doesn’t…’

"Wait! Hold o-" she was interrupted by his throbbing member pressing against her lips. Placing her lips around the head of the cock, she began to suck. Not wanting to push her hard just yet, he gently bobbed her head up and down on the cock until she got the idea. Grabbing the shaft with one hand, she began to suck in earnest.

‘This isn’t too bad. He’s warm and kind of salty. As long as he doesn’t expect me to put all of it in my mouth, this will be kinda hot.’

"Make sure to use your tongue too," he ordered the girl on her knees before him.

She built a rhythm, bobbing up and down, then swirling her tongue around the head. Awkwardly she pumped the shaft of his cock. Placing his hand around hers, he began to pump his cock. He guided her hand until she managed to do it to his satisfaction. Pumping his shaft, she pulled back for a breath. When she resumed her work on his cock, he started pressing his hand on the back of her head. Pushing her deeper onto his cock, he felt her lips inch further down his shaft. Pulling back, he let her compose herself.

“You’ve got a free hand, Miss Pearson. Start fucking yourself,” he continued to give commands.

Susan obeyed him, sneaking her left hand under her skirt, and she began furiously to rub her clit. Despite growing up fairly repressed in a conservative household, Susan had been masturbating for a couple of years. Every once in a while she would give in to her feelings. Upstairs in her room at night she would think about her different classmates she currently had her eye on: Michael in calc class, Jennifer on the soccer team. Then she would finger herself until she would quietly orgasm under the covers.

Snapping her back to reality, Mr. Eriksen did it again, easing her mouth further onto his shaft. He started to move his hips, pushing his cock in as he pushed her head down. He did it again, and again, all the while she pumped it with her right hand. Principal Eriksen started to build up speed, and he placed both his hands on her head. One hand was tangled in her hair, and the other was gripping the base of her braid. At this point, Susan was being facefucked in earnest. She was doing all she could to not gag as the cock was being thrust deep into her mouth over and over again. Saliva was starting to leak out of her mouth, and her eyes were tearing up again.

‘It’s so big. How is this happening? What if he comes in my mouth? What if he forces it deeper? I don’t think I can take it.’

The only sounds in the room were his small grunts, and the gluh-gluh-gluh sound as his cock went into and out of the co-ed's mouth, and the squelching of Susan’s finger working her own pussy. Eventually, he pulled her off his cock to let her catch her breath.

‘Oh thank God, I don’t know how much longer I could have lasted.’

"Get up," he said.

Standing up, Susan wiped the drool off her lips. Taking a moment to breathe, she sat on the edge of his desk. "I didn't You're so big. I can't believe I could fit that much of you in my mouth." 

‘He probably didn’t know either but kept trying to stuff as much of his cock inside my mouth as he could.’

"Maybe next time you’ll be able to take all of it? Was that your first time sucking a cock?" he asked. She nodded. "Miss Pearson, are you a virgin?"’

‘Next time?’

She gazed up at him from the desk. Leaning back, she supported herself with one hand. Even though she was still wearing her skirt, she was still self-conscious and placed a hand over her crotch. With a quiet voice she admitted, "No, there was a guy I was seeing. We did it a couple times."

There was someone from fencing that Susan had gotten close with, a family friend. It started when he would then give her a ride home from practice. They had grown closer. He had made her feel mature, made her feel important. Rides home turned into getting dinners. Getting dinners turned into some nights out swing dancing. Then, after months of flirting, he made his move. Susan’s parents were out of town so she didn’t really have a curfew. Taking advantage, she stayed out late, meeting up with him at a local park. They had waited until they were at a secluded part of the trail, then they kissed. It all seemed so wonderful. Over the subsequent weeks her lover guided her along a journey of sexual awakening.  Despite her conservative upbringing, it wasn't long until she had eagerly given up her virginity. The only reason they still weren't together was a close call one day when her parents had come home early. The two of them were in the basement at the time, thoroughly naked. They had only just pulled on their clothing before Susan's parents had checked in on them. To this day Susan suspected her parents could smell the sex in the air. Now, she could look back and realize the infatuation for what it was, but at the time he made her feel wanted. It also made her feel really good. 

‘This is it, isn’t it? He wants me. He wants to feel what it would be like to put his cock into one of his students. I don’t have to do this. I just need to get up and walk away. Just get up, Susan...’

“Mr. Eriksen, wait a second. We should talk about…”

He made that decision for her by taking a step toward her, her legs now on both sides of him as she sat on the desk. Wordlessly he grabbed behind her head and leaned down, assertively kissing her. At first Susan was put off by his aggression, but then she relented. She relaxed, opening up to him. They deepened their kiss, sliding their tongues past each other. Moving downward he kissed and licked his way past her neck, and as he trailed downward he started unbuttoning her shirt. Making quick work of it, he untucked the shirt from her skirt. He pulled the two sides of the shirt to the sides. What greeted him was a white lacy bra. He reached for the clasp at the front of her bra, in between her little A-cups, unhooking it.

Pushing her back down against the desk, he focused his kisses around the edge of her bra. Slowly he slid each cup out of the way, revealing a pair of dainty round breasts, each with a small pink bud at their peak. It occurred to Susan that despite still wearing practically every piece of her required school uniform, she was completely exposed. Taking one pink nipple in his mouth, he gently sucked at it. Susan held him tightly against her chest, beginning to groan.

‘This. Yes. I guess I’m okay with this. Why did I ever hesitate to do this?’

Susan had always been self-conscious about the size of her breasts, but Mr. Eriksen made that not matter. He worked his way back and forth from one breast to the other, tweaking and licking, sucking and nibbling. He teased her nipples, pulling them until she gasped. Then he would place his hot mouth over them, soothing them until he would do it again. She wasn’t sure, but Susan thought he had licked each and every inch of her little round breasts. A couple of times he had sucked so hard she was sure she would have a couple of blotches she might need to explain away later.

Inadvertently, his cock pressed against her pussy. She gasped at the contact, freezing for a moment. With both hands, he took her hips and slid them to the edge of the desk. Mr. Eriksen traced a fingertip up past her breasts, past her collarbone, and around her lips, she proceeded to wrap her lips around his finger. Gently biting onto his fingertip, she sucked on it like she had done to his cock earlier.

While she was distracted, he took the head of his cock and positioned it at the entrance to her pussy. Mr. Eriksen then pressed the head of his engorged cock into the wet lips of her snatch. Startled, she gasped, arching her back, and Susan tried to scoot away.

“Wait! Wait. Mr. Eriksen!” It felt so good, tantalizing her pussy with the exact thing that she so desperately wanted. Quickly, any hesitancy she was still harboring was melted away.

“You know you want this, Miss Pearson. You’re so wet, you need this,” he grinned at her as he pinned her down. "Just say the word and I'll stop.”

In a quiet voice, the little senior relented. Whispering, "Okay."

Susan had to admit to herself there was no way she wanted this to stop. She ceased her struggles and looked at him, resigned, spreading her legs wider. His cock teased her lips, sliding up and down, getting it slick with her juices. After a while at this, he eased the head deeper into her wet folds. Slowly he worked the tip of his cock inside her opening.

‘Holy shit. I asked for this, didn’t I? I wanted to get fucked. I just need to feel it.’

He kept up the pressure, waiting until the opening of her pussy relented. Stopping there, he pulled out then pushed it back in, stopping so just the head of his cock was inside her. Time passed as he looked down on her naked body. He just waited with his cock just barely inside the senior. Susan groaned below him, lifting her ass up off the desk, trying to get him deeper. She struggled as with one hand, he pinned her hips down, not allowing her to move, not giving her the satisfaction. Mr. Eriksen continued to wait, grinning down at her while she struggled.

Behind clenched teeth, "Please," she asked him in a strained voice.

‘What is he waiting for? I'm right here naked in front of him, wet. His cock is inside me right now. Just fuck me already.’

"Please, what?" he asked in return, all the while slowly pushing the head of his cock in and out, working to open her up.

"Stop teasing me!" she was getting a little manic.

"Stop teasing you and do what?" he said calmly.

"Goddammit, I need you to fuck me!" the honor student cried out.

In response he firmly but deliberately increased his pressure, going even deeper, glad that she had gotten so wet earlier. Susan closed her eyes and let out a small whining noise.

‘How could I not want this? I can feel all of this.’

After a couple of inches he stopped, waiting for the walls clenching his thick cock to relax a little before he started up again. Looking down at her, she had relaxed a little. He could see it in her face, and he could feel it with his cock. Sliding himself out, she made a disappointed noise, but was relieved again as he eased his cock back, furthering the invasion of her cunt. She responded with a long "Yesss."  He built up a rhythm, sliding himself in and out, and he could feel her hips start to find it too. Susan rocked back and forth in time with his thrusts. Easing in deeper, she moaned as his cock stretched her pussy wider. Five inches deep, he started to vary his rhythm, first speeding up a little. She started grunting with each thrust.

He enjoyed her "Oh, oh, oh, yes, oh," as he continued to fuck her.

She was leaning back, eyes closed, mouth open. Both of Susan's hands were on her breasts, squeezing and pulling at her own nipples. Then after a couple of minutes of measured thrusting Mr. Ericksen abruptly came to a halt, pulling out until just the head of his cock was in her. Susan was lying back, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. 

“You need this cock, don’t you, Susan?” he taunted.

‘Yes, yes! I need it. I need all of it, please, now.’

But Susan didn’t want to beg. He had already broken through all her defenses. She didn’t want to admit just how desperate she had become. She bit her lip and shook her head. All the while her hips betrayed her, pumping, seeking more of his rigid shaft.

Then, as slowly as he could he eased his cock into her, not stopping where he had stopped before. He pushed in farther, pressing deeper against the walls of her tight pussy, until more than six inches of his rigid dick was inside her. Again, he worked his dick in and out of her, making it easier to move, opening her up.

‘Yes. Yes, oh wow. I never imagined this. Is that all of it? Is he done? Is all of it inside?’

Finally, Mr. Eriksen slowly started to ease his shaft out of one of his best students, when suddenly he grabbed her hips and rammed it inside her. He kept thrusting it inside of her until all eight inches of his thick cock had her impaled.  Her mind went blank as she wordlessly mouthed nothing in particular. He didn’t let her get comfortable with the feeling of all of his cock inside of her though. Mercilessly he started to pound her over and over, pulling back and jamming it in. The little senior jolted with each impact. She was a little stunned, and all she could do was take it as his thick member kept invading her.

‘I was wrong. I was so wrong. How is this possible? How does this feel so good?’

“Admit it, Susan. You’re a slut,” he told her.

“Yes! Ohmygod yes!” Her blue eyes were desperate, and she kept groaning when he pushed all the way inside her.

 “You’ve always been a slut, you just haven’t had a chance to show it yet.”

‘How can I not be a slut if I’m doing this right now, on my principal's desk?’ she asked herself.

Speeding up again he took her hands in his, holding them up near her head. This time, since all eight inches of his cock were inside her stretched pussy, he didn't have to stop himself like he did before. Looking into her eyes, he started to pound her tight pussy. She responded by moaning and wrapping her legs around him as he continued to piston in and out of her. Susan struggled and writhed as he stuffed his cock to the hilt over and over again. He enjoyed the sight of her, mouth open wide, eyes starting to roll, small breasts bouncing up and down each time he rammed his cock into her. She was being overwhelmed, each time he thrust another wave of pleasure washed over her. She could feel a tingling, an electricity, growing inside her. It felt like nothing she had ever experienced before. Mr. Eriksen kept up his relentless pounding as he felt Susan’s pussy spasm around his cock. 

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” she kept saying over and over. She started jerking and twitching as he finally sent her over the edge of an orgasm. He didn’t slow down and continued working his way into her overstimulated pussy. She tried to pull her arms free, to pull away from him.

‘This is so much, too much. I can’t take this. I need a break. I need…’

“Slow down, please. I need a break,” she whined, continuing to process the overwhelming sensations inside herself.

He didn’t stop or even slow down as he just continued to ravish her. Quickly Susan felt another orgasm start to build inside of her. It rolled over her as she thrashed and jerked as jolts of electricity all over her.

“OooOOOH!” she screamed, every sense of propriety long gone. She felt so weak, so used. Susan lay there limp as Mr. Eriksen continued to work into her.

He shifted her arms down to her sides, and stopped his thrusting, letting his cock rest inside her well-used pussy. Susan lay there, legs now dangling over the edge of the desk gasping for air.

‘Is he done with me?’

Just then, he firmly grasped Susan, both hands wrapping around her biceps  just below the shoulder. He started to slide Susan forward and back on his desk. Each time he slid her towards him, she would impale herself onto his cock. Each time she slid away, she would pull out a little. Susan shifted just a little, finding a better angle as he continued to work her up and down his shaft. Picking up speed she found herself being jammed onto his shaft. Weakly, she accepted this new variation of her punishment.

‘Oh God. He’s...he’s making me into his fucktoy. Is it wrong that I’m okay with this, that I want to be used like this?’

The thought of being a slut, his slut to be used, turned her on even more. The slow wave of pleasure that had been pulsing over her grew larger. Eventually he started slamming the girl down onto his cock. Mr. Eriksen started fuck her again, each time he would pull her onto his cock, he would slam forward into her. Slowly he would pull her off his shaft, then suddenly Susan would find herself impaled to the hilt. He did this over, and over, and over again. She found herself delirious as her principal built up speed, slamming into her well-used pussy. Eventually he stopped toying with her and just focused on ramming her as hard as he could.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.  Oh my God..." Susan was screaming over and over, each one punctuated by the slapping of Mr. Eriksen's body as he pounded into her wet gash.

She was frenzied as she tried to cover her face. Everything was beginning to be too much, even the light. Eventually Susan reached her peak; arching her back, tossing her head back, she screamed in ecstasy, "Oh my God, oh my, oh, OH! OHHH!"

Mr. Eriksen felt her pussy clench and unclench repeatedly onto his cock, as her body convulsed and bounced off of his desk, marking her third set of orgasms. Here and there she would involuntarily shudder, but she had lain back down on the desk with her ass just hanging off the edge. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing softly below him. Her arms just lay feebly at her sides. Easing his cock out, he looked at the girl below him. Practically passed out, she looked peaceful, naked from the waist up with her skirt flipped up exposing her gaping pussy. Her legs lay still as they dangled over the edge of the desk. Susan was still wearing her socks and heels. That really completed the picture for him as he stroked his cock, still slick with her juices. With half-closed lids she looked up at him as he furiously pumped his cock, leaning forward.

He pumped his shaft until he grunted, streams of jizz shooting out, landing across her face and into her hair. It kept coming, covering her across her cheeks, lips, and neck. She barely responded to them landing on her skin, weak as she was, besides turning her head slightly when the first made its impact. Her final submission was complete.

Quickly he pulled up his boxers and pants. Pulling out his phone, he snapped a few photos of the well-fucked teen in front of him: her innocent cum covered face, her dainty breasts, and her well-used pussy. Buckling up his belt, Mr. Ericksen made his way to the door. "Miss Pearson, make sure not to do it again," he said as he headed out the door of his office, closing it behind him.

After a couple of minutes, Susan regained her strength and sat up, naked from the waist up. Startled, she looked around, suddenly realizing what had happened.





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How gaining put me in touch with my transsexual side

HOW GAINING PUT ME IN TOUCH WITH MY FEMALE SIDE Ever since I went into the gaining-feederism culture (2005), I've packed up more or less 30 kg (from 95 to 125, about a 70-lb gain). Although my BMI says I am slightly obese, in male terms I consider myself more stocky than obese. My ball belly does show even under thick clothes and I simply love its appearance! What I particularly love the sight of is my belly button. The growth of the mammoth has busted it out (together with an...

2 years ago
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First time Blowjob

With the shower turned off the only water moving down my body was slow moving beads of moisture, tracing an outline before synching up with my muscle lines and shooting down my abs towards my crotch. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where i saw her there, waiting. She is stunning, a most magnificent set of breast a frame that screams "fuck me" from every corner of her body. And there she was, waiting. I would of seen her sooner, but i was drying my face off and the towel...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Doreen

It was the evening of my fortieth birthday and I was sitting in the living room wondering where my wife was. I heard the front door close and Doreen, my thirty-six year old wife of thirteen years walked in and sat down on the couch next to me. Before I could ask her where she had been she said, "How do you feel about having a slut for a wife?" "What do you mean?" "Just what it sounded like sweetie. You now have a slut for a wife. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did...

2 years ago
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Forbidden IM

The door to the little house really a hut blew of its hinges and flew back into the room with the force of a defensive line man. The entry team immediately popped 2 flashes through the door and then went in while the other part of the team covered the only other defensive position the window at the back. While two snipers covered the surrounding area looking for any gophers to pop there heads up that they could use there sludge hammers against. Clears around went up and the master petty chief...

3 years ago
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Charles and Jayne

The Honourable Charles Crighton, eldest son of the Jacob, Baron Easterleigh was feeling very proud of himself. He had for the past hour conversed politely and pleasantly with Miss Jayne Fanshawe - Smythe whilst walking around the gardens of the ancestral home and had on no occasion so much as touched any part of her, except when he dutifully kissed her hand on meeting. It was another of Mother’s ruses to get him wed. It had become her obsession to have him tied down in the tedium of holy...

4 years ago
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Maybe Next Monday

Wednesday came and, as soon as I woke up, so did I. My wakeup orgasm did little to quench the fire in my pussy so I tried putting it out with the shower massage. I began getting ready for work but then remembered that I had traded days with Marcy so I could have the day off. I then took my time selecting clothing that was sexy but not brazenly advertising my charms, did my makeup to perfection, and even pulled out my old hair crimper to give that kinky-coif look. A simple black, stretchy pencil...

3 years ago
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Hot Texas Summer

About a year ago, we moved to Texas; Austin, to be exact. My father got a new job there and the house we bought has become my favorite; it has a beautiful pool. Being fifteen, I loved having a pool at home that I could swim in and lounge around all summer long. It was hot, I mean, it's Texas, but we did have some trees and I could put my chaise under the shade, then run and take a dip when I needed to cool off. Perfect. Mom took me shopping and we bought me a couple of real cute two-piece...

3 years ago
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AlbionChapter 7

Donald Prendergast crossed the short distance to his children like a man going to his own execution. Intellectually he knew that his wife was almost certainly correct in that this was the only chance his children had of getting off the planet and surviving. That he would lose his position as head of the Earth First party didn’t really matter anymore. He’d already had his doubts but now the party was becoming something that he didn’t want to be associated with so these events could turn out to...

4 years ago
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Top Spin

The cold inconsistent wind was irritating her, blowing her long brown bangs into her eyes, swirling around her bare legs, and teasingly lifting her short blue skirt. Emma cursed her uniform under her breath. It was autumn and the temperature was dropping, even as the breeze swept golden brown leaves onto the court. Emma took a slow breath, knocking stray thoughts out of her tired head. Her eyes focused and landed on the small yellow ball in her hand. She forced herself to rest for a moment,...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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My Future Hope

I lay here thinking about the past month. Things only went from bad to worse. My now ex fiancé and I were kicked out of one place, found another only to have are relationship dissolve before my eyes. My name is Jason Porter. I am 5’11, blue eyes, dark dirty blonde hair which I keep buzzed, and an average slim body. For the past 2 years I was with a wonderful girl. Problem was she has 4 girls ages 11, 8, 6, and 5. Her oldest looks like she is 18. The problems started when the 11 year old...

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Lets Play a Game

After Christmas the situation had changed a lot at home, the cousins were more in charge of me than ever before, they disciplined me and my aunt let them do it with pleasure. It was usual after school to have a few of their friends at home, never more than three of them, well that’s if you don’t count our neighbors, Daniel, Sandi and Anna. They had become friends and my aunt was pleased that her boys had some “decent girls around”. I know I should feel good having more girls at home, but...

4 years ago
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August to September 2014 Internet DatingPart 2 Saturday in Bed with Strawberries and Champagne

I called the desk and found my companions had gone out but would be returning. I ordered lunch in my room and had a long soak in the bath. A little later there was a knock on the door and a new waiter pushed a trolley in. Although wrapped in one of the hotels gigantic dressing gowns, he wouldn’t look in my direction and practicallly bolted as soon as I scribbled the room number on his book. That afternoon, the guys still didn’t return but I had a phone call to say they were playing golf....

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