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"Nolan! Wait up!" Nolan turned around to see Elvia Jacobson trying to catch up. It was confusing. They ran in different circles. What could she possibly want? "It is Nolan, right?" Elvia asked when she caught up. "Not a new name yet? I mean- Let's start over. I heard you came out as transgendered. Is that right?" "Damn, news travels fast," Nolan remarked. "Yes, I came out. And it is still Nolan for now." "How are you holding up? "I am fine. My parents support me. As does the school's staff." "That is good to hear," Elvia remarked. "Do you got any game plan for your transition?" Nolan was a little concerned. Why was Elvia asking all these questions? Intruding on her private matters. Then again, Nolan's plan was awfully simple. "Picking up any side- and summer-job I can get my hands on. With the support of my family, I may be able to afford a magical transition by a licensed magician when I turn twenty. Twenty-one latest." Elvia nodded sagely. "A good plan. But what about non-licensed ones?" "What?" Nolan asked. "Insert on Craigslist? That does sound to me like a recipe for disaster." Elvia gave a chuckle. But to Nolan, it sounded a little fake. "Oh, no. You see there are several 'in training' magicians at our school. Some day they might get a license and charge an arm and a leg. But now? They try to gain experience and might do freebies." Nolan thought for a bit. This option had eluded her so far. She hadn't even known that a few magic-users attended her school. This might offer a faster way to ditch her stupid male body and have one she was meant to have. "Do you know who is one?" "Well, as it happens I am one," Elvia cheerfully revealed. "And yes. If you want I can help to bring out your true self. Free of charge." "That is fantastic!" For a moment Nolan meant to hug her but then decided against it. Doing so without permission was bad. Elvia had no such qualms. Pulling Nolan in and giving her a heartfelt hug. "W-when can we-" "Eager to get started?" Elvia asked. "Don't worry. We can do it right after school." "Really?" "Really. So you might start picking a new name." "I already have," Nolan replied. "I was thinking Nelly. It is close to my current name but girly." "I like it," Elvia said. "So, Nelly. Tell me how you envision your female dream body." Together they spend the rest of the walk to school making plans. * - * _ * - * Nelly was on her way to the cafeteria when suddenly someone hooked herself around her arm and pulled her aside. To Nolan's surprise, it was Yvonne Smith. Cheerleader and one of the most popular girls at the school. "Nelly, right?" she asked, but didn't stop for the answer. "I heard you've been talking to Elvia. Listen. I know you want a female body. But, Elvia? You know she is a witch, right?" "Y-yes," Nelly barely managed to get out, before Yvonne continued. "But you don't know what type of witch she is. You see, each witch has a source of some kind. Hers is from hell. Yes, she made a deal with the devil." The news nearly crushed Nelly. The whole morning she had looked forward to becoming a girl. Not just in spirit and soul, but the body too. Now her dream vanished in a puff. She certainly wouldn't sell her soul to gain her ideal body. Not if she could wait a few years and pay for one in cash. "Don't look so down," Yvonne continued. "Look. Not every witch is in bed with the literal devil, you know? Take me for example. I bound myself to nature. I could help you." "You can?" Nelly asked as her spirit was aflame again. "Would you? I mean. I can't pay much." Yvonne quickly waved her off. "No payment is needed. At least to me. Look, here is how it goes. I can make you a girl - in body, mind you - but not overnight. Nature isn't flashy as a few other disciplines. It is slower but free. All you need to do is attend one quick ritual and then expose yourself to nature. The more the better. Put a few potted plants in your rooms and off you go. A complete girl. After a year. At latest. Maybe even within a month." "Wow, that sounds so good," Nelly remarked. "When can we get started?" "Next full moon. Which is next weekend. You in?" Nelly nodded enthusiastically. It wasn't instant wish fulfillment as with Elvia, but at least she would keep her soul. Excited, she followed Yvonne into the cafeteria, where they chatted all lunch. * - * _ * - * "If it isn't the newest girl at our school-" Nelly turned around to Orestes Nakos, who leaned at a nearby wall of the school. He clearly had waited for her after school. "What do you want?" Nelly asked. "And don't try to sell me blessed love charms again." "Oh, no," Orestes assured her. "I am merely concerned for you. Rumor is that you join Elvia for a little magic after school." "Thanks, but I was already warned," Nelly replied while tapping her foot. She never had liked Orestes. He was the school's wannabe playboy. How he managed to get a girlfriend was beyond her. "From whom?" Orestes wanted to know. "Yvonne Smith," Nelly admitted. "Oh, big mistake," Orestes warned her. "Did she gave that whole slow transformation spiel? About how safe it is and so on? Lies. She is a freaking hack. You heard of the dryad that rooted herself by mistake on the crossroad of Carlson Avenue and sixth street. That was her last volunteer. Adelina Nieves. Heard of her?" "We had math together last year," Nelly volunteered. "They had to dig her out of the concrete," Orestes continued. "Now she lives in a sanctuary. Can't be away from her main tree for more than three hundred feet. You want this to be your future?" "Shit," Nelly cursed out loud. A rare occurrence, but the situation warranted it. "Thank you for warning me." "You're welcome. But if you are serious about finding a quick way to womanhood I can hook you up." "Seriously? What makes you different from Elvia or Yvonne?" "Because it won't be me doing it. I mean I get it. I am young and can't do shit. Heck, all those wannabe witches are just fiddling around with stuff above their pay-grade. But you see, my Dad is different." Orestes gave Nelly a critical look. "He is the local head priest of Aphrodite. You heard of her, right?" "The Greek goddess of beauty, love, and seduction. I think," Nelly mused out loud. "Was Greek. She has been international now for a few centuries," Orestes corrected her. "And who better to facilitate your transformation than a goddess, right?" "That sounds a little too good." "Well, there is a price," Orestes admitted. "One we both will have to pay." "Which is?" "Well, it is Aphrodite we are talking about. Goddess of love and such. The price would be that you and your sponsor would fall in love for a half year. Doesn't sound so bad, right?" Nelly narrowed her eyes. "Let me guess. The sponsor would be you. Don't you already have a girlfriend?" "Yes, Adrienne. She's lovely. Sponsored her too. For another deed." Orestes paused for a moment. "Look. I am not only the son of the local head priest. I am also an initiate to the goddess of Aphrodite. I won't lie. A little polygamy is expected. But don't worry. After the ritual, you won't mind. I promise." Nelly was a little overwhelmed. It was a lot to take in. In the end, she decided to buy time. "I'll think about it. Thanks for the warnings too." "No, worries. Take your time. My Dad won't go anywhere soon and Aphrodite is here to stay." They said their goodbyes and split. Leaving Nelly quite conflicted. * - * _ * - * Nelly was walking to the school in a cloud of depression. Yesterday, she had received three offers for a quick way to her dream come true. But they all had drawbacks. It was so unfair. Each one got their hopes up. Only to be squashed. The last one was tempting though. She never liked Orestes. He was a wannabe playboy. Probably emulating his father. Now that Nelly knew that it was the head priest of Aphrodite it made sense. And he had been very upfront about everything. Which made him trustworthy in Nelly's eyes. But could she go through with it? "Nelly! Wait up!" Nelly flinched. Silently praying that it was no one ruining her Orestes option. Turning around she saw Katheryn Woodard running up. Or trying to. She had a little trouble. "Yes?" Nelly asked as Katheryn had caught up. "I wanted to talk to you," Katheryn admitted. "Look. We are in the same boat. Just on the opposite. I want to be a boy. You want to be a girl. We can help each other." Nelly quirked an eyebrow. "How so?" "Easy," Katheryn assured her. "I know someone who can swap our bodies. I even got the money ready. Won't even take five minutes and both our dreams are fulfilled." Nelly stumbled but caught herself. She hadn't expected to find something so simple to solve her problem. But, was it? She glanced at Katheryn. While Nelly hated her male body she still took care of it. A philosophy Katheryn didn't seem to share. She was more than a little overweight and her lack of care could be seen all over her body. If Nelly was honest then she would rate her current body a seven and Katheryn's a two. Still, Nelly tried to be objectionable. Could she, in the body of her, pull it around? The weight could be lost with exercise. The unkempt hair and dirty skin were a matter of daily care. It would get better over time. But how much? As much as Nelly wanted a female body, was it worth stepping so low? To take a body that was so run down that everyone avoided Katheryn. Nelly was split. She needed more time. "Sounds like the right idea," Nelly started. "But I need to talk about it with my parents. Talk to you soon, okay?" Nelly quickly excused herself, but soon was ambushed by yet another person. Corey Singleton leaned at the school's fence and hollered for Nelly to wait as he spotted her. "Rumor is you want a female body," Corey started without preamble. "I am hurt that you didn't come to me first." Nelly narrowed her eyes. She knew next to nothing about Corey and had no clue why she should talk to him. Her wanting a female body was her business. Not his. "Why?" she asked. Not entirely managing to suppress her annoyance. "Because I am a body sculptor. My whole family is for over seven generations now." "A body sculptor? Never heard of that," Nelly admitted. "It is rather rare," Corey admitted. "You see we are not just mages, but artists. Were other mages and witches go for instant transformation, we body sculptors take our time. Instead of trusting some arcane whim, a body sculptor is addressing one detail at a time. Remodeling a body with pace and attention to detail." "That sounds amazing," Nelly admitted. "But also inconvenient. To be stuck between forms. For how long?" "A half-year," Corey volunteered. "Well, given that I still go to school, maybe a year. But don't worry. You wouldn't notice any of it. For you, it would appear like an instant transformation." Now, Nelly developed doubts. "How exactly does it work?" "Well, first I transform your body to clay a-" "Clay!" "Magical clay," Corey assured her. "How else am I supposed to sculpt your body? But as I said. No need to worry. You won't feel a thing. As long as your body is clay your consciousness is suspended." "I don't know. A year?" "But think of the advantages. Your body wouldn't just be female. It would be perfection. A piece of art." Nelly nodded, but still had doubts. "And you could change my body exactly how I want it?" "Well-" Corey gave her a charming smile. Or what he might think one looked like. "I am an artist. No helping that. If the muse strikes you know-" "And how often did you do this already?" "Once," Corey admitted. "Not a gender change. Just some minor touch-ups. You'll be my first big project." "I'll think about it," Nelly promised. And she would, but there were a few doubts that she couldn't shake. * - * _ * - * "Nelly!" Nelly twitched. She had tried to avoid Elvia. But the witch had found her nonetheless. "Where were you? I waited for you after school." "Well-" Nelly's mind raced to find an excuse. "You see-" "Someone talked smack behind my back, right?" Elvia asked sagely. She gave a tired nod and gave a big sigh. "What was it this time?" "Something about making a pact with the devil-" Elvia groaned. "Ugh. That old argument again. Look. Let me explain." She steered Nelly away, who wondered what she got into this time. "Every mage and witch makes a pact. Everyone. If they say otherwise then they are lying. Some bind themselves to nature, like Yvonne, and others to a god or goddess. But here is the thing. I can't make a pact with the devil. He doesn't exist." "What?" "The devil is an invention of the church. A millennium or so ago. All to scare their followers into doing their bidding. Then, two centuries back, we got visitors from a parallel dimension. As in science, Nelly. Not magic or faith. Whatever. Unfortunately the visitors from the Netherrealm, that's what their dimension is called, look a lot like demons. You know. Red skin, hooves, horns, and tails." She stopped Nelly from walking further. Clearly animated now in her rant. "And the church? They took it as a sign. That demons were real and so was the devil. All bullshit. I mean they claim there is a king in hell, right? The Netherlandians don't even have a monarchy. They are democratic just like us." "So, it is a bunch of prejudice?" "Exactly," Elvia exclaimed. "Look. I would never trade my soul away for power. Magic or otherwise. Only idiots would claim something like that. I connected my soul with the Netherrealm. How else am I supposed to channel their magic? It's the same a witch does with the local nature. I just use the nature of a different dimension." Nelly nodded. "I guess that makes sense. To be honest, I am a little glad. My other options-" "What others?" Elvia dug in. "Well, there is Orestes-" "Fuck, no," Elvia immediately cursed. "Look. Nelly. If you have other options. Fine. I want you to be happy. If another can do it for you then go for it. But listen. Do. Not. Trust. Orestes." "To be honest, I had my doubts about him," Nelly admitted. "He was very upfront about everything, but something was off." "The whole dude is off," Elvia insisted. "Did he tell you about the mental part?" "Yeah. Falling in love with him for a half year. A fact I don't really like." "That is not what I mean," Elvia said while shaking her head. "They straight-up brainwash people. Have you ever talked to Adrienne? His 'girlfriend'. She is so one dimensional you wouldn't believe. Heck, go to the science lab and ask them to make you a Stepford wife. You know. All robots and programming. You would still have more free will there than Adrienne currently has. She is so locked in her docile good girlfriend role that she is practically dead inside." "Damn. And that is legal?" "It's hard to prove," Elvia admitted. "Just don't do it, okay? Promise?" "I won't. Thanks for warning me." "So, what other options you have?" "A few hours ago Corey Singleton came to me," Nelly volunteered. "He has powers?" Elvia asked. "Didn't know that." "Apparently, he is a body sculptor." "Damn, Nelly," Elvia cursed. "You are some kind of asshole magnet." "What?" "I heard of body sculptors. Seen their victims. They all look like pornstars. And the rumor is they can shape more than the body. Mind too." Elvia looked conflicted for a moment but then continued on. "I am not saying Corey is like the ones I heard about. Maybe he is not. Just be careful." "I will," Nelly promised. Again, all her options went up in flames. Nelly was devastated. Right now, Elvia's offer looked the best. But, for how long? It didn't leave Nelly's mind even after saying goodbye to Elvia. * - * _ * - * Nelly spied her target and beelined for it. With each person she spoke to, more details revealed themselves. So, Nelly thought seeking out Yvonne might clue her in about details of her other offers. "Yvonne. Do you got a minute?" "Nelly? Sure. What is on your mind? Taking me up on my offer." Nelly winced. "Sorry Yvonne, I want to be a girl in body, but going full Dryad is a little too much." "Ugh. Who told you about that?" Yvonne asked. "Listen. That whole Dryad deal. That was my younger sister. She wasn't ready yet and we told her as much. Look. Here. These are my last three clients." Yvonne pulled out a portfolio and handed it to Nelly. All three girls in there looked beautiful, but there was one detail that stood out. "Why do they all have green hair?" "It's part of the magic. Look, mine are too." Yvonne parted her hair and showed Nelly the roots. They had a tinge green to it. "I guess it is a disadvantage. You can color your hair as I do. Brown and black works best. Lighter colors like blond and red not so much. Even with using bleach." "I see. Look, I wanted to talk to you about Elvia-" "She again?" Yvonne cut her off. "I bet it was her who spread those false rumors about me. Ugh. She is the worst. Listen. Don't believe everything she says. I mean, look at her last project." "Which was?" "Chrystal Crosby. I take it you heard of her?" Nelly had indeed and nodded. Crystal was known as the school's slut. Rumor says if a guy wanted to get his dick wet, then she was the gal to ask. Normally, Nelly didn't give a hoot about rumors. Yet, Nelly had too often walked into a school's restroom that was occupied by Crystal and one of her conquests. "If you don't want to end up like her then I suggest you'd stay away. Sorry. I gotta go. The next class is about to begin. Talk later?" Nelly nodded. Followed by a heartfelt sigh. She wanted more rumors and she got them in spades. * - * _ * - * "Excuse me? Nolan, right?" The blustering young guy facepalmed himself. "Sorry. You want to be called Nelly, right?" "That is correct." Nelly hadn't expected to use her female name so soon. Planning to adopt it only after her body was transformed into a female one. But apparently, the whole school accepted and run with it. "My name is Noah. Noah Potts. I won the science fair last year." "Yeah. That's why you look familiar," Nelly lied. "Look. Me and the guys. We got our hands on this remarkable female android a few months back. It was a bit of a fixer-upper, but we got her working. Mostly. You see the A.I. never worked. And we thought an uploaded neural pattern-" "Noah," Nelly butted in. "Let me stop you right there. I appreciate what you are trying to do, but my dream is to be a real woman. As in flesh and blood." Noah blushed and took a few steps backward. "I get it. It was a long shot anyway. Told the guys you wouldn't go for it. No hard feelings, right?" "Sure," Nelly agreed. * - * _ * - * "You look down." Nelly looked up and spied Elvia who had found her. "I talked to Yvonne," Nelly admitted after letting out a heartfelt sigh. Elvia sat down beside Nelly on the grass. "What did she say this time?" "Uhm, she mentioned Chrystal Crosby," Nelly volunteered. Elvia looked at Nelly for a moment and then burst out laughing. "Ah, yes. The school slut. My finest project so far." "What?" Nelly was shocked. For Elvia to admit it so easily was unexpected. "You really made her a slut?" "Oh, sweetie, far from it," Elvia managed to say after a few more chuckles. "What do you know about Crystal? Before I got my hands on her." "I don't really know anything." "That is because Crystal used to be Chris." "Wait. The Chris that came out as gay last year?" "Exactly," Elvia said with a nod. "And you know what? He had a hunger. Yes, for man-meat. Fucked everything that gave his gay ass a chance. But it wasn't enough. Chris wanted more. And there I came in." "You made him into Crystal so he can fuck more men?" "So she can fuck more men," Elvia corrected. "So, you see. Crystal had always been a slut. It just wasn't as noticeable when he was a gay teen boy. Now, she can fish in a bigger pond." "I guess-" "Okay, in all fairness I have to admit that my way could have made her a little bit more of a slut," Elvia volunteered. "What do you mean?" "You know that magic always has a cost, right? Some claim it as side effects." Nelly didn't have to think long. "Yvonne mentioned it. Apparently, all her volunteers end up with green hair." "Exactly. Look, those I change tend to take on aspects of the Netherrealmian race. You see these?" Elvia parted her forehead hair and pointed to small bone protrusions. "I wish my side-effects had been bigger. Instead of wicked horns I only have these small nubs. Well, maybe with more rituals performed that will change." "What does that have to do with Crystal?" "Oh, you see the Netherrealmian's live in a fairly warm world. For them, our world is uncomfortably cold. And those touched by their magic often develop a fondness for heat sources. Tanning in the sun, visiting the sauna, lounging in front of a fireplace, and in Crystal's case sharing body heat." "I see-" Nelly slowly admitted. The two girls shared a small silent moment before Elvia gave Nelly a lopsided grin. "You are still on the fence, right? To be honest, magic has always drawbacks. Licensed magicians only manage to minimize it to barely noticeable. Tell you what. I remove myself. Officially withdrawing my offer." "What? Why?" Elvia's sudden reveal was surprising. While Nelly wasn't sure about her magic, she liked Elvia as a person. "Well, now that I don't have a stake in it anymore, I can give you better advice," Elvia revealed. Leaning closer she continued. "Here is what I would do if I were in your shoes-" * - * _ * - * "Nelly, right?" Elvia asked as she caught up to Nelly. "I mean it must be you. Katheryn, now Ken, walks around in your body. So, if a seemingly new girl shows up, it must be you." "Yeah, I am," Nelly admitted. "Damn, girl. You look hot. Give me a twirl." Grinning, Nelly obligated. She loved how the skirt flared as she did. In fact, she loved everything about her new body. It was perfect. "So, my advise helped?" Elvia asked. "More than that. You were right. It is a lot cheaper to get your dream body from a professional when you are already the desired gender. Switched with Katheryn, now Ken, and then went to a professional." "Who did you pick?" "We went to Better-U Incorporated. They were amazing," Nelly gushed. "Slimmed the body down in a jiffy and made everything to my specifications. It took a whole day, but it was worth it. Each detail was addressed and they pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of every decision. Such dedication." "Sounds like an expansive enterprise," Elvia remarked. "Well, my parents had to take credit," Nelly admitted. "A small one. It wasn't nearly as expansive as I had feared. We'll have that one paid off in no time. A few years at most. But this way, I didn't have to wait a few years for my dream body." "I am really glad for you," Elvia admitted. "To be honest, I doubt I could have delivered such a fine job as Better-U Incorporated did. You really are perfect. And to be honest, if you ever want to share body heat with me, I am all game." Nelly blushed deeply but then gave a slight warm smile. Her new life was shaping up better than she hoped. With a renewed step, she headed to school. Finally a complete girl. Soul, mind, and body.

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A puff of steam billowed from the open doorway of the hotel bathroom as Beth emerged, naked, her skin glistening from the shower and the steam. Her eyes met mine as I sat naked, waiting for her, already hard, my cock pointing toward the sky as I watched her walk into the room.She made eye contact before glancing away shyly and stopped at the foot of the bed. She obeyed my earlier instructions perfectly and my eyes wandered over her fresh, smooth, pale skin, over her thighs and her smooth,...

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The sun was shining cheerfully in direct contrast to my mood, as I waddled un-gainfully down the high street feeling tired and achy. It was the leather jacket that caught my eye with its familiar painting of a red dragon on the back. For a second my heart stopped and my blood ran cold. An old lady walking behind me cursed when she had to swerve to avoid me. I stood blocking the pavement for a frozen moment, suspended in shock. When I had recovered a little, I glanced at her briefly in apology....

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed out door. Just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why ... who sent you?" "I can't...

2 years ago
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My thanks to ErikThread for editing this and making it a much better story. As happens more often than not — I fiddled with the edited version a little. So, any errors that you still see in the story were introduced by me. My wife was carrying on with her boss and everyone knew about it except, of course, me, the husband, who was the last to know. My first reaction was, understandably, anger. I wanted to hurt her badly and to execute a revenge that would become a benchmark in days to...

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Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare...

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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

3 years ago
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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

1 year ago
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Altered Fates The Cult

(Author's Note: This story takes place after Altered Fates: Return to Kennet Cove, and contains spoilers for that tale.) ALTERED FATES: THE CULT By BobH (c) 2004 June 7th, 1968. Barry Hudson, gunned the motor on his ancient VW Beetle, urging it on through the choking dust thrown up by its passage over the bumpy dirt track leading to his destination. "C'mon, you Nazi piece of crap," he said through gritted teeth, "just get us over this rise and we're there, I promise." When...

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Maureen Connolly sat at her school desk looking out the window. The Grey Dublin sky showed promise of clearing before school let out for the day. The sixteen year old redheaded Irish girl was awash in freckles that were said to be the map of Ireland. Her twin sister, Moira, sat twirling her hair around a number two pencil with great concentration. The substitute teacher, Mr. Malone droned on and on about some King this or that from some forgettable era that held no interest for most of the...

3 years ago
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my lucky day

She is a show-offI used to hang around with a girl called Nic, and her sister Kaz, Nic was a year older than me and Kaz a year younger, both loved to be naked as often as possible and their parents actually seemed to encourage it – and they never bothered when I was there if the girls were naked or not (which I loved)Our friendship started in a strange way – I knew her briefly from school and one day we were at a cricket match together – can’t remember why but she and her friend Fi just said...

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Oleander DreamsChapter 8

“The nurses say you haven’t been eating.” I’m back in the doctor’s office. He wants one more chance to pick my brain, but I’ve told him everything I’m going to. I can’t raise my suspicions about D. Webster. He wouldn’t believe me, for one thing, and I’m not willing to give up my ace. There’s an art to telling a good lie. It’s two parts truth, and one part falsehood. You have to mix it well enough that your audience swallows it whole. “I’m not exercising. You’re giving me the same rations I...

3 years ago
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Torrid Affair With A Handsome Colleague 8211 Part 2

Sheela went to Palash’s house as she was also looking to get away for a while from her husband, Kartik. Sheela said, “Ok, Palash, I have agreed to come. But don’t get any ideas.” “What?” Palash asked, “What exactly do you mean, Sheela?” “Nice house, Palash,” so saying Sheela started looking around. Palash said, “You take a look I will get something to drink.” He went to the kitchen. Sheela wandered in the cozy 2bhk apartment. She opened one door to the bedroom, it was a smaller room with one...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez Lilith Morningstar Step Family Charades

We’re playing charades today with Kira and her step family as they’re getting to know each other better. Jonathan starts off with something simple that didn’t take long to figure out and step mom Morningstar got a little creative for her category but we think it’s sexy. Her category gets figured out and now it’s time for Kira’s turn to play and this is where things get spicy. Kira starts to take off her clothes which freak her step parents out but no worries,...

1 year ago
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Jack and Randy Chapter 5

Jack rang me on Monday afternoon to say a previous client wanted a session and was bringing a friend with her. She had taken Randy at Jack’s house so it was obvious she wasn’t shy. Jack her friend was a virgin (with dogs) and she wanted to show her the joys of bestiality. But the friend was very nervous. I knew personally how that felt. He wanted me to handle it. I told him I would be happy to and we arranged for them to come to the house on Wednesday afternoon at 3pm. On Wednesday I did the...

1 year ago
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Fun on a Cruise Ship

The SS Amazon Excelsior has been at sea for nearly a week straight now and the people on board are getting restless. It's an inevitability of life on a cruise ship, of course. People get tired of the same-old same-old and want to branch out. That's why there are people from all walks of life aboard the Excelsior, trying to find new things to do with their days, or even just trying to make a living for themselves. Cast of Characters Guests The Bachelorette Party A small group of women, mostly...

4 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 9 Loving Friends

Saturday Evening It might have been hours that Janelle stood there, watching her dreaming lover, but time means nothing to the dead. Too soon, she felt a pull and she let her spirit move in the direction of the pull. She found herself in Sue's body, in Cal's bed, where Sue and Cal were still snuggled together, and Sue was thinking. 'I can't believe this all happened because I was jealous of Janelle.' The thoughts were scrambled for a while as Sue almost started to cry at the mix of her...

3 years ago
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I’m reasonably attractive for mid-30’s, and fairly well endowed, with a 34DD bust and narrow waist, which tends to make my tits look even bigger. Wearing this dress allowed them to bob and sway under the sheer material when I walked, which is sexy as hell and definitely makes the room take notice. We arrived at Frank’s boss’ house and the party was well underway. After initial introductions to his boss, Ben, and several co-workers, Frank began working the room while I stood slightly off...

4 years ago
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Still You Turn Me On

"Do you want to be an angel?" "No!" Penny stuck her tongue out at me and giggled as I responded in kind. The teacher sighed. Every year it was the same, persuading teenagers to behave sensibly during the annual school Christmas production. This year we were going to perform a Nativity Play. "Have you cast Mary yet?" I was cast as Joseph and I would like nothing better than having Penny playing Mary opposite me, not to mention all that extra rehearsal time! The teacher looked at me and...

2 years ago
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Sneha My Neighbor And Boss 8211 Part 1

I am Rohit and this is my second story on ISS . I am from Delhi, well built and my dick size is 7 inches in length and 3 inches in width. Now coming to the story the heroine of the story is my neighbor and later in the story my boss Sneha. She is divorced from her husband and looks like an angel. Her stats are those of a real sex goddess 38-32-38. She used to come to my daily and talk to my mom about various dishes as her cooking was not good. Since that time I was a big fan of hers and wanted...

1 year ago
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Verkracht tijdens gaypride Gran Canaria

Dit verhaal is waargebeurd en speelt zich af tijdens de gaypride in GanCanaria.Mijn naam is Maarten, ben 26 jaar, sportief gebouwd en nog steeds single.Op een avond trok ik mijn stoute schoenen aan en wou ik eens gaan cruisen in de bunker in GC, het was er pride en dus veel volk.Gekleed in mijn harnas, jockstrap en sneakers ging ik naar de inkom, betaalde en ging binnen.Aan de toog eerst nog een drankje en dan op mijn gemak de beneden is gaan verkennen.Overal waar ik rondkeek zag je mannen met...

4 years ago
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The Solitary ArrowPart 9

Harlen and Hyandai walked slowly home, it was early in the day, and they were both careworn and tired from their long nights and suffering. They took comfort in each other's company, and in the beautiful countryside, with its small copses of trees and rolling hills. Shepherds tended their flocks off on those hills, and waved as the couple passed close enough to be seen clearly. She did not find human lands as objectionable as she had been told they would be. They seemed mostly friendly, and...

2 years ago
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Charlotte my favourite BBW fuck buddy

Charlotte was a girl i met a couple of years ago after my wife and i separated. She used to be a regular visitor to the store where i was working at the time, she was friends with one of my colleagues but used to have to come to me first so i escort her to the staff area of the store. Over time i got to know her better and soon our chat had turned from idle chit chat to rather more flirty and sexual banter. Charlie was a very plump girl but with the sort of features that you just knew if she...

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The Septimus Child

Today is born the seventh one Born of woman the seventh son And he in turn of a seventh son He has the power to heal He has the gift of the second sight He is the chosen one So it shall be written "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son", Iron Maiden Darra slung her purse over her shoulder and stalked out of her lawyers office. "What a bunch of bullshit!" she thought. Her soon-to-be ex-husband was trying to bully her again, through the courts this time, but almost as awful just the same. This...

1 year ago
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Hot Wifes Interracial Rest Area Fantasy

I know how much you love fucking my tight slut ass; well here is something I have fantasized about. You pick me up in a car and we start off for a rest area where we can fuck outdoors in public. I am wearing a crisp white blouse with a black lace bra underneath. I have a short black pleated skirt with white panties and black thigh high stockings with lace at the top. I look sweet but naughty; I also have on black fuck-me heels. I lean over and suck your thick black cock as you drive, taking you...

3 years ago
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Ich will

Ich willCarola kniete mit dicken Tr?nen in den Augen nackt auf dem Boden. Ihre H?nde hielt sie hinter ihrem beinah kahl geschorenen Kopf verschr?nkt. Vor drei Wochen hatte er ihr alle Haare abrasiert. Nur was seit damals nachgewachsen war bedeckte ihren Kopf.?Bitte, Master, nehmt diese unw?rdige Sklavenfotze zur?ck? schniefte sie.Nachdem er ihr die Haare rasiert hatte war sie davon gelaufen. Es war zu viel. So w?rde sie sich niemals unter Menschen, schon gar nicht in der Arbeit oder ihren Freunden bli...

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Master PC Gaps In TimeChapter 2

Maria Delacruz collapsed into the leather chair behind her desk. Her mind was a jumble of disbelief, humiliation and fear. She struggled to take it all in. At least there was some explanation for her periods of lost time. Somehow she'd been changed into some kind of sex-crazed slut, wantonly begging for sex. She'd seen with her own eyes the taped evidence of this version of herself urging strangers on in their use of her, and filled with lust by acts that she'd never even contemplated...

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We decide to open a resort

So I have a little thing for showing myself off in public. I’m usually dared to get naked by my friend, but lately I’ve been thinking about a serious vacation. Just me and Satin, somewhere that we won’t be judged and can be one with nature. Happy the whole time together. So far, over the weeks of searching, I’ve found a couple places that cater to just gay people and some that were just ridiculous with their rules. So I had kind of given up on the idea and just enjoyed being with her in either...

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The Inn of the Perpetual HardOn

I couldn’t believe I won the drawing! I am one of those people who can honestly say that I never win anything. Well, I can’t say that anymore because last month I won an all expense paid weekend to a spa, that’s all I can tell you right now because I don’t want to spoil the story for you. Let me just tell you this, I had never been to a “spa” before and, well, if all spas are like this one, let me go every weekend! The best thing was that this place was way out of town, in fact it was a two and...

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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 23 From Island to Island

Dave woke early with Jennifer in his arms. He cuddled to her back and thought about the previous night. They had stayed at the campfire fairly late before going to town and the house they were going to share during Sam's visit. At the house they had made undisturbed, passionate love until they both drifted off to a contented sleep. Jennifer had surprised Dave when she disappeared into the bathroom as soon as they arrived home. He was naked in bed when she emerged wearing a black see-through...

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Suzy Unleashed Chapter 11

“Thank you,” I blushed, running my hands down my sides. “To be honest, when I saw the dress on the bed I had my doubts about whether I’d even be able to get in it, let alone be able to wear it. But, it does make me feel really, really sexy.” “You ARE really, really sexy,” Kathy laughed. “With those legs and that body? You’re definitely one of the sexiest women in town.” She moved closer and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you so much,” she whispered. “It’s so wonderful being...

4 years ago
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My Mother Younger sister

This is “Nachikata” from Kolkata a very new reader of your Indian sex story site and I am going through some of the stories and I found interesting. Now let me introduce myself as a system administrator and doing my own business. I am a freelancer and for that reason I have to move all over India. I am now thirty and a fresh bachelor without a sex experience because from my c***d hood I am struggling for my carrier and later for my profession. I am a very success full man waiting and finding a...

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a club quickie

Our eyes met over his girlfriend’s head and I gave him a look that said he could have me as soon he could slip away from her. We’d been flirting with our eyes all night, slowly looking each other up and down and I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. His eyes darted towards the corridor, telling me where to meet him when he slipped away from her. As I left the bar I stopped and looked back over my shoulder, making sure he was watching as I strutted out, I knew my ass looked great in my...

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The Clarks

"Hannah can you please come down here and help me prepare for dinner?!" called Jane Clark from the kitchen. As Hannah trudged down the stairs she passed her brother laying on the sofa, "Why couldn't Ben help you with dinner?" Hannah asked her mother, entering the kitchen. "He's only just come in from college and he deserves to sit down for a minute," Jane replied, "and anyway, it's a girl's job to help out her mother in the kitchen." Hannah detested her mother's opinions, which...

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Wrong Place Wrong Time Part 3

Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Body. I took a few sips from the champagne to calm my nerves and it was only now that I realised I was hungry. I looked round and found the intercom button for the driver. "Sorry to disturb you," I said. "No problem miss, how can I help you?" I was still a little unused to being called by female pronouns, but miss particularly bothered me. Inside I still considered myself a man in his mid-twenties, if men were called sir or Mr, then why are women...

4 years ago
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From Church To Sodomy

By;Sameer Mary closed the bathroom door behind her and slipped the catch over. Alone at last, she leant against the wall and took several deep breaths. She looked in the mirror. “Not bad”, she thought, “for a 38 year old. Probably a little plumper than need to be but pleasantly rounded with bumps in the right places.” It was a few minutes ago that her husband Peter, Vicar of St Mathews, had dropped her off at her sister’s. Normally she would help her husband with the arrangements for weddings...

2 years ago
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Sex Dungeon 2

There is a fierce rivalry between the dark elves and the Star Blade tribe. While the dark elves make formidable mages they are not equal to the fighting prowess of the surface elves."I giggled as I took the clothing from my inventory and put it on. I pulled the hood of my cloak up and drew my silver sword. I found a spot to reveal myself to the dark elves. I cried out and brandished my blade. The three looked up and saw the sun flash off my weapon and let go of their cocks and beat a hasty...

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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 9 Settling In

When I woke up the next morning, the house was quiet. I couldn't hear Evan moving around. My whole body ached from sleeping in the same position all night. I'd been so tired that falling into bed and falling asleep had been pretty much simultaneous. Suppressing a groan, I rolled over and mentally reviewed everything that happened last night. Marsh and Tasha were really nice. The rest of the pack wasn't bad. I was just too uncomfortable with all of the speculation to really see it clearly...

2 years ago
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What a Deal Chapter 16

From the last story They said their good-byes and left. I turned to Cindy. "Hmmm. My birthday's next month. I can't wait to see what I can come up with for that." Cindy laughed. "Bastard." She slapped my arm playfully. "You can't stand not to have the upper hand or get the last laugh, can you?" "You know it!" Recurring Cast Dennis, 41 years old, 5' 11", 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, Cindy's husband. Cindy, 41 years old, 5' 4", 105 pounds, brown hair, blue...

3 years ago
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The Hunt Part 3

Body BetrayedShe shivered when she felt a wet tongue leaving a trail up her inner thigh, feeling the hot breath blowing between her legs and over her mound. Hands slid under her ass, clenching on her buttocks, pushing her up until the cuffs dug painfully into her wrists and ankles, unable to move any more. Her ass was off the bed, but not more then a couple of inches, her crotch feeling as if she was being torn up the middle.“HHHSSSS,” she gasped through her teeth when she felt the tongue...

3 years ago
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Die Austauschstudentin

Als Assistent an der Universität musste ich für meinen Professor während eines Semesters eine Vorlesung übernehmen. Schon bald ist mir die kleine Studentin aufgefallen, die immer in der ersten Riehe sass. Sie war immer sehr elegant gekleidet, hatte lange schwarze Haare und dunkle Augen. Während meinen Ausführungen hing sie förmlich an meinen Lippen und schien genau aufzupassen. Irgendwann fand ich dann heraus, dass die zierliche Studentin Sara hiess, aus Italien kam und bei uns ein...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Two Girls 8211 Part 2

Further to my sex story, “Threesome with two girls”. I hope you all have liked the story of the true experience I had. If any lady in Chandigarh wants to have some fun, please reply and we can meet up. As in the first part, after a good fucking session all 3 of us took a break and relaxed on the bed. We all were relaxing, Me in the centre and both the girls on either side hugging me and lying down. We were all still nude and with the heavy session we were all breathless. I was viewing the up...

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