Judy from Golds Gym
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Hi there, I know it's been a long time since I wrote up any of my experiences, but Jon's been keeping me busy, and happy, and hasn't been telling me to take time out to write them up.
We've had lots of fun in the last year or so since I last wrote anything but I haven't got time to write them all. Jon's been so pleased with our last experience / adventure that he's told me to find time to write about it.
Right, Jon had to go to Miami on business (computer software). It was a bit of a rush job but he told me that I was going to go with him because he wanted me to get some sun on my 27th birthday.
As usual Jon had more clothes with him than I did (well he was going to business meetings and I was expecting to spend most of the time by hotel pools or on a beach). Jon decided that I would wear just a coat and shoes until we got onto the plane so off we set with Jon driving down to Heathrow. Once the car got warm I had to unfasten my coat and keep it wide open. No excitement on the journey (it was dark), but Jon did get me to give him a blowjob half way down the M40.
No problems going through the airport either, Jon got me to remove my pussy rings a few months ago so the metal detectors didn't have anything to bleep at.
After we'd taken off Jon opened his briefcase and gave me a little package. He told me to take it to the toilet and put it on. It contained one of my thin cotton mini-dresses and one of my remote controlled vibes. As I put that in I got a bit wet with the anticipation of what I was expecting Jon to do to me without actually touching me. As I got back to my seat Jon told me to take the coat off before I sat down. As I climbed over Jon to get to my seat (middle one of three) the woman on the other side of my seat looked at me and I saw her eyebrows rise as I leaned over Jon. I guess that she'd noticed that the top of my dress was hanging down (it's a bit baggy, especially as I never fasten the top two buttons) and she must have seen my breasts. As I sat down I made sure that my dress wasn't between my pussy and the seat. I didn't want to get off the plane with a big wet patch on the back of my dress.
The woman smiled at me and said, "I expect that it will be quite warm when we land." I said that I hoped so, and got myself comfortable for the long flight.
It was about 30 minutes before Jon gave me the first blast from the vibe. He'd waited until a few minutes after the woman next to me started talking to me again. She was a bit of a stuck-up bitch who fancied herself. She started telling me about herself and her servants, how it was nice to get them to run around after her. When Jon switched the vibe on it caught me by surprise a bit and I gasped and grabbed the seat arms. Both Jon and the woman asked me if I was all right at the same time. Jon went on to ask me if he could get anything for me. Not thinking too well I said, "No, I'm fine than you Master."
After a few seconds the woman said, "Your husband seems to care for you a lot." Oh, he's not my husband, he's my Master, and yes, he does care for me a lot." I replied. "You mean..." she started to say, but I interrupted her saying, "Yes, he is my Master, and I am his slave. I am his, I am devoted to him, and I obey his every command, without hesitation." "Blimey!" she retorted. "That's freaky. Really freaky, I thought I was the lucky one with servants, but to have someone who's a, a submissive, your err. Master is a very lucky man. Do you do everything that everyone tells you?" "I obey only him." I said. "Pity," she said, looking at me with a funny but naughty expression on her face. She was staring at my legs and short dress. "So if I were to ask you to do something for me, your Master wouldn't allow it?" she said. "I obey only my Master," I repeated, "I'm forbidden, to touch anyone else, or have anyone touch me unless my Master tells me to it."
Just then Jon interrupted and asked me if I wanted a drink. I said, "Yes please, I'm starting to get a bit warm." With that he switched the vibe off. I guessed that he'd realised that the vibe was starting to do its job. Jon got me a glass of wine and it wasn't long before I was feeling sleepy. I dozed off and when I woke up the next top two and the bottom two buttons of my dress weren't fastened, Jon had undone them while I was dreaming about him fucking me on a gorgeous beach with about half a dozen people watching us. There was then only four buttons left fastened. If it hadn't been for the seat in front of me and the fact that I was in the middle seat of three, I would have had a minor problem of people being able to see my bald pubes.
"I see that your Master likes to keep you ready for anything," the woman next to me said. I looked at her in a puzzled way and she continued. "The lack of underwear, I couldn't help but notice when you were sleeping and leaning on your 'Master'. It must have been a nice dream, you were obviously enjoying it."
My pussy was quite wet, and Jon must have heard the woman because he switched the vibe on again.
Jon had woken me up because it was time to eat and just then the 'cabin attendant' asked me what I'd like to drink with my meal.
The rest of the flight was quite uneventful — unless you call 2 orgasms as I pretended to watch the film eventful as Jon brought me slowly to, and over the brink twice. I'm sure that the woman knew what was going on, she kept giving me these strange, knowing smiles.
It was fantastic getting off the plane into a very warm, gentle breeze.
When we arrived at the Hotel it was great, very big and posh, our room was on the 15th floor and had a great view out to the sea (looking sideways). It was late at night so we went straight to bed. Jon let me ride him to my 3rd orgasm in the last 24 hours.
Next morning, my birthday, Jon woke me up by playing with my pussy for a while then lifting my legs over his shoulders and ramming his dick hard into me. I'd woken-up while he'd been fingering me (fantastic way to wake-up), but I pretended to be asleep right until he rammed into me. There's no way I could sleep through that, and Jon knows that.
It was just a light, thin cotton skirt and tight tube top for me to breakfast, and Jon's juices running down my legs and onto the restaurant seat. The skirt is very short and low slung, if I pull it down as far as it will go you can see the top of my pubes — not that it's easy to tell cos I don't have any hair there.
After breakfast we went for a long walk, it was great feeling the warmth of the sun. Jon had to go and meet a business client in the afternoon so I spent it by the hotel pool. I wore a Wicked Weasel bikini that Jon got over the internet from Australia that's so small that a Band Aid would cover more. The material is so thin that you can see the different colour of my nipples and it hugs every contour of my crack and protruding clit.
The atmosphere round the pool was a bit formal and I didn't feel like going topless, but I did get quite a few looks in that bikini.
That evening Jon took me to a posh restaurant for a big birthday dinner. Candles, wine, the lot. I was wearing nothing but a very small, white backless dress and shoes, the back of the dress is so low cut that you can see the top of the crack of my ass so it was obvious that I had nothing on underneath. I was half expecting Jon to tell me to wear a vibe or Ben Wa or something, but he didn't. Instead he got me drunk and had to half carry me back to the hotel.
Jon was gone when I woke-up and I grabbed a bottle of water and went out onto the balcony in my usual sleep attire — nothing. I sat there for about an hour soaking-up the sun not caring who — if anyone could see me. Later I put on a bikini skirt and top (no bottoms) and went to a fast food place next door for some breakfast before going for a swim in the hotel pool. I'd only gone back to the room to collect a towel, not to put anything else on, so I had the pleasure of swimming virtually bottomless. The place seemed more relaxed and I flashed a couple of the waiters by lifting my knees up on the sun lounger as they walked towards me. One waiter even went round the pool and came back for a second look. He adjusted the chairs and loungers near my feet so that he could get a longer look. To reward him I opened my legs a bit. I smiled at him as well, but he only saw my lower lips smiling at him.
That afternoon I decided to go to the hotel gym. I needed to get some exercise, and besides, I'd seen a nice 6 pack go in there and I wanted to tease him a bit. I took a pair of Jon's unlined running shorts and a crop top with me to wear. The shorts are way too big for me, so they leave my pussy well exposed when I open my legs. I managed to have a bit of fun and left the place with a couple of men with bulges in their shorts.
That evening we had dinner in the hotel and then stayed in the hotel bar. We sat on this large very soft sofa that we almost disappeared into. My bum was lower than my knees and as I never cross my legs, just about everyone who walked passed and looked could see my pussy. We got amazing service from the same waiter who stared at me by the pool. Poor bloke, his trousers must have been real uncomfortable that night.
Jon arranged for me to go on one of those sightseeing tours. I suppose it was interesting, but a bit boring at times. By the end of it I was getting a bit fed-up with an old man who kept trying to get near me and touch my leg. I know it was my fault for letting him look up my skirt, I suppose I should have scared him off by saying, "come on then, get it out and fuck me right here, you've been trying to for long enough," loud enough for the others to hear, but I didn't.
When Jon came back to the hotel he told me that he'd got a bit of a problem, the job there was going to take a lot longer than he'd expected and he was supposed to be flying over to Havana the next day, but he wouldn't be finished Miami. He had to get some software to a client there and they were having problems with their internet connection and they weren't convinced that they'd manage to download it on time. He'd arranged for me to take a copy over there just in case. I was a little nervous as I'd never flown on my own, nor been to a foreign country on my own. Jon told me that I didn't have to do much, just fly in, go over the road to the domestic airport and wait until about 2 pm when the Santiago flight got in. The client would find me. I'd give him a CD and then catch the 3:40 pm flight back. When I asked Jon how the man would know which woman to approach he laughed and told me that there wouldn't be many slim, blond white girls there showing lots of flesh.
We had a quiet night in the hotel bar.
Next morning we were up early. Jon told me to wear one of my light, short cotton 'A' skirt and thin white halter-top. The skirt is a low slung one that relies on the size of my hips and stomach to stay up. I did manage to lose it once when I really held my stomach in when I was in a dress shop. No one was around so the effort was wasted — except for knowing that I could do it if I wanted to. I also wore sensible shoes, sunglasses and my Ben Wa Balls (Jon's orders).
After breakfast Jon gave me my tickets, the CD, some money, and put me in a taxi to the airport. Before he shut the taxi door he gave both my nipples a tweak and said, "don't get your white top dirty playing with them too much." I smiled at him and we drove off with 2 bullets pushing out my top and a little tingle between my legs.
No problems at Miami airport except that Ben set off the security alarms. This security man moved this wand thing close to me all over, smiled at me then let me go.
The short flight was uneventful except for the vibrations of the airplane bouncing Ben about a bit. It was a good job that I'd made sure that my skirt wasn't between my pussy and the seat.
It was still early when I got to Havana so I went to a snack bar and had a coffee before walking over to the domestic airport. The main airport was quite nice, but the domestic airport is a bit of a run-down dump. I wasn't looking forward to the long wait.
I was wandering around looking for somewhere to sit down and wait when I was approached by a security man. He asked me for my passport and travel documents. After he'd looked at them he pointed his gun at me and directed me to an office that had a man, who looked as if he could be a sergeant, working on a PC. The guard who took me there said some thing to the sergeant then left.
The sergeant kept me waiting for ages before finally looking up at me. His English wasn't as good as the guard who had taken me there. He told me that there was a problem with drug smuggling and that they'd had a tip-off that some drugs would be coming into the country that day. He apologised for interrupting my journey and told me that I must understand that he had to check-out everything unusual and that a beautiful blonde girl, on her own, coming into the country was unusual. He said that he would have to satisfy himself that I had no drugs on me.
He told me to put my bag on the desk and then told me that he was sorry, but he'd have to search me. After being scared a bit by the guard pointing his gun at me I was a bit more relaxed with the nice sounding, apologetic sergeant. When he said that he'd have to search me I have to admit that I got a little excited and my nipples went hard. I could feel them pushing my top forward. He got up and walked round to me and told me to put my hands on my head and spread my legs. He then ran his fingers through my hair and then ran his hands all over the rest of me, and I mean all over me. My nipples tingled as he lingered on my breasts, and when he ran his hands up my left leg he stopped dead when he realised that I wasn't wearing any knickers. He brought his hand up to his face and looked at my pussy juices on the side of his hand for a minute before running his hand up my other leg. This time he lingered at my pussy before putting the palm of his hand on my pubic bone and putting a finger slightly inside me. I shuddered and nearly came but he removed his hand before I did.
Next he went to my bag and tipped it out onto the desk. He looked at my passport and then counted the money. Next he picked up the CD and asked me what it was. I told him but he opened it and 2 CDs fell out onto the desk. One has Jon's company logo on it but the other only had the letter 'V' written on it. "What's on this?" the sergeant asked. I told him that I didn't know (which was true), and after a few seconds staring at it, he put it in his PC and worked on the keyboard. All of a sudden his eyes opened wider and then he said, "There's laws about pornography in this country, and you have just broken them." I hadn't a clue what he was talking about until he turned the monitor round so that I could see what he was looking at.
It was a video of me on our 'fucking machine'. For any readers that haven't read part 6 of my journal, the 'fucking machine' is a machine that Jon got someone to build in the back bedroom, or 'punishment' room at home. My hands are tied above my head and the machine raises then lowers me onto a dildo over and over again.
About 8 months ago Jon bought a video camera and taped me on all the machines in the punishment room, and being punished in various ways. I knew that Jon had loaded them onto his PC but I didn't know that he was giving copies to people.
As I watched, the video ended and with a click another video started. This one was of me spread on the whipping-T with Jon administering a well deserved, and gratefully received whipping. We watched Jon whipping my backside and pussy as I counted the strokes out loud. At 30 I could clearly hear myself moaning with pleasure as I had a fantastic orgasm.
When that video ended the sergeant looked up at me and said, "Maybe I'd better search you a bit more thoroughly, take your top off," he said. I didn't respond quick enough and he shouted, "Now." He sounded angry and I wasn't about to get him more upset so I took my hands off my head, un-tied and removed my top. My nipples were really hard and tingling.
The sergeant stared at me for a while then got up and walked round the desk to me. He stood in front of me then started mauling my breasts. He kept pulling and rolling my nipples between his thumb and finger. I had a real problem keeping from moaning with pleasure.
After a few minutes of this he stood back and said, "Now the skirt!" What choice did I have? My only real concern was that he might fuck me and give me some horrible disease. Jon doesn't get too upset if men (or women) force me to do things just so long as I don't let them fuck me. Not that I would have had much choice this time, I was on my own with a man that had a gun strapped to his waist.
Anyway, I unfastened my skirt and stepped out of it. I was totally naked. The sergeant told me to put my hands back on my head and spread my legs again. Of course I did. He then started to slide his hands all over my backside and pussy. He spent a lot of time feeling my bald pubic mound, I guess that he'd never come across one before. Eventually he pushed a finger into me and quickly pulled it out when he felt my Ben Wa Balls. "What's that in your cunt?" he said.
I said, "Ben Wa Balls," but he just looked blankly at me as told me to take them out. I squatted down and squeezed them out onto the floor before standing up again. He picked them up, smelt them then squeezed them. He then threw one of them back onto the floor. When it didn't break he looked at me so I said, "solid steel." He picked it up and had both of them in one hand. He was rattling them about in his hand and obviously trying to work out what they were for. They were knocking into each other and after about a minute or so a smile came on his face and he pushed them back into my pussy.
He turned to me and grabbed my pubic bone again. This time when his finger went into me there was no resistance, it went straight in. He moved it all around inside me. I couldn't help it, I let out a moan and shuddered as I orgasmed. After he'd had enough with his finger he pulled it out and stood back. "Bend over the desk," he said.
Oh no! I thought, he's going to fuck me. I was getting scared. I could hear him doing something and it sounded like he was undoing his trousers. I thought 'brace yourself girl'.
The next thing I felt was a finger going into my ass. It waggled round and pushed quite hard into me. Then it came out. A few seconds later I felt a thumb going into my ass and a finger going into my pussy. I was then lifted up by that hand. That hurt.
He moved me about a bit then pulled his hand out and told me to stand up and turn and face him. I then had to spread my legs again and put my hands on my head. He then went round to the desk and got out this lump of plastic with 2 metal bars coming out of one end about 2 inches apart. At first I didn't realise what it was, but I soon found out.
He kept me standing there for a couple of minutes before coming up to me and rubbing the device up and down my front. He was saying something about not wanting women like me in the country, but I wasn't really listening to him. Every time the device went over my breasts or lower stomach I got a tingling in my nipples and pussy. It wasn't from the device, it was just where it was being rubbed. I could feel my juices starting to run down the insides of my legs.
Then it happened, the device was on my right nipple when I got this incredibly strong pain all over. I've had the odd 240-volt shock by accident at home before, but this was like hundreds of times stronger. My knees buckled and I screamed out in pain. Somehow I managed to stay on my feet, but I'm not sure how. After the initial pain my nipple was rock hard and hurting like hell. My pussy was responding too, I could feel an orgasm coming on.
Readers of my journal will know that pain is something that gives me pleasure, the more the pain, the more the pleasure.
I looked at the sergeant and saw the smile on his face, and the bulge in his trousers.
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Straight SexThe next morning, Karen was still asleep when I slipped out of bed and headed for the washroom to relieve myself. When I was washing my hands, I noticed that they were still clean, but the felt a little rougher than last night. Also, I couldn't smell that unusual smell any more. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. It had probably worn off by now. When I slipped back into bed and tucked myself up against Karen, she moaned a little and pushed herself back into me. Well, you can guess what...
This story plays in Bangkok, the middle of April this year and is based on true events.I met this German/Thai couple in a bar on Sukhumvit, soi 4 (Nana Thai).They were obviously regulars there for many years since the owner and all staff(bar -girls) knew them.It was in the early afternoon when I walked in and sat at the bar next to the wife.She was around 40+ I guess, a little bit worn out by the night-life and excessive drinking but still in good shape. She was wearing a flimsy dress showing...
‘What you doing today?’ ‘Fucking you. All day.’ I’m a doctor and work shifts, so despite being mid week I had a day off. Unfortunately my husband did not. ‘Afraid not – I’m working all day.’ ‘I’m so fucking horny.’ ‘You’ve been horny since Annie fucked you up the arse. She really got you.’ ‘Annie fucked me up the arse because I was so horny. Come on, a quickie?’ ‘I really have to go – I’m already late.’ ‘Spoilsport. Pass me a dildo then.’ ‘Front or back?’ He’d pass me a smaller one if...
Rose Button finished her encore performance with a flourish. She left the stage while the crowd surged, cheering for her.Today’s performance had been so intense, more so than usual. She rolled her shoulders, feeling the knots in her back strain. Her tendons pulled taut.She needed to vent. She needed to do something to relieve this tension and stress. Rose had been feeling this way for some time--this desire to have her body worked over. She had considered a massage, but … that just wouldn’t cut...
Group SexMy love to all iss readers. This time I am back with a very erotic story. This act happened a few weeks back with my neighbor shivani (name changed). shivani is 21. She has beautiful face and decent features. she was talk of our area and she never gave a damn to any guys and was always spotted with other group of hot chicks around her. A month ago i received a friend request from her on fb and i accepted that after few days as i was not website for sometime. Initially we spoke for few mins for...
The next morning I made an overseas call to Hong Kong. In the Fifties such calls used a problematic radio-telephone linkage. I finally reached a West Coast operator who said she would attempt the necessary connections and call me back. Twenty minutes later the phone rang and it was my uncle. The connection was terrible. I asked him when he was returning to New York City. The line was filled with fluctuating noise and faint, disjointed voices. I understood him to say the “political situation...
As you lay on the bed, radiant in your nudity, resplendent on the clean sheets; I am already aroused before I even approach you.In my hand is a bottle. I have removed it from the sink, where it sat in hot water, warming up the oily liquid inside. As I approach, I begin unscrewing the top. You watch me, and your legs part. I can already see liquid glistening on your swelling labia.I bend over and kiss you, sweetly. Then I whisper in your ear, “Turn over, baby”.You do. And as doing so, I...
Kristen Scott attempts to take the largest cock on the planet in her tiny pussy in this interracial fuck session with Mandingo. Naughty newbie Kristen is looking ever so sexy as she teases in purple lingerie and white high heels. She shakes that ass as she runs her hands all over her body, tempting you more and more as she teases you with her curves. Mandingo’s waiting in the bedroom and after a bit more teasing Kristen gasps at her first sight of that BBC. She’s not scared away...
xmoviesforyou/// 5 months later: “Don’t stop.” Evelyn breathes out and grasps at the shirt her lover is wearing. Her heart is beating a mile a minute, her breathing escalating, and her grip so incredibly tight on the younger woman that her knuckles are white. Suddenly the pleasure she is receiving from the other woman stops as a beautiful dark head of hair raises from between her thighs. “Did you say stop?” Maria gasps out in concern and confusion. Evelyn’s thighs had been wrapped around her head...
Hello, every Indian sex story readers, my name is Lucky and I recently shifted to Mumbai before 5 months. Little about myself I belong to a very good family and I always respect ladies. I am 6 feet tall and well built and my cock size is 7 and its big and it’s enough to satisfy and women and girls. I am not telling any lie what I have that only I am writing. So if u like my sex story and want service than u can mail me at Once I get ur email I will send u my photos and number. Moreover, I...
well what can i say when i left this story the last time it was a bit of a cliff hanger so i thought due to the ammount of comments i would post part 2 of this ideajust to let you know that this story is completely fictional.......And then she moved.......i was frozen solid looking over my sister with my hard cock in my hand and her shorts moved to one side, i cringed at the impending doom and shouting that was about to happen. not a single work was spoke as we both look at each other in what i...
Miss Anne, oh Miss Anne, dere's a man downstairs wants t'see you. Can't call him a genta'man, way he's dressed. I'se seen him somewhere's." Philippa watched the young redhead pull herself together, look in the mirror, push at her impossible hair, wiggle in her linen dress, spread the bodice wider with her thumbs, yank up her stiff corset, smile at herself and head for the steps, all in about ten seconds. The maid servant fled before her, well aware of who was visiting. Standing in...
Sylvia, who has given us the Makalea and Malena stories, has asked for Makalea to meet Nina’s strict Mum. This is their story: 38 year old Nina was crying, having been spanked by her Mum, and was still crying as she watched 20 year old Makalea being spanked. Makalea’s cries filled the room together with Nina’s slowly receding sobbing and sniffing and of course the sound of the thick wooden paddle, with holes in for extra impact, spanking down hard on Makalea’s bare bottom. Makalea’s bottom was...
At that time,my girlfriend Vicky was 18, I was 28 and my mother in-law Nina was 34, so I was in fact closer in age to my mother in-law which made things quite hawkward. We had started dating 4 year prior to that.So she was 15 and I was 25 when we started dating, so people didn't approve, especialy her parents.To prove to them that I wasn't a pervert, I told them I would have sex and be faithfull to their daughter until she was 18.Even after I told her that, my girlfriend wanted to have sex...
She was mad, for letting herself fall in love again. When she knew she had not even given her heart time to heal. God, she was doing the same damn thing she did, when her first marriage failed. She met a man while still married. Then, fell in love with him for all the wrong reasons. She wanted to crawl inside a deep hole and die. In her mind, she vowed she would never love again. The pain was more than she could bear. She tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep so she got up and sat down at...
"The little present you sent arrived. So you enjoyed seducing my wife. But you told me she was a bitch. Is that what made it so much fun, you fucker? Are you going to cut her loose now that you've had your fun? I want to talk to her. Now, you asshole!" A message to Richard, sent to voice mail again. Words sent out to nowhere. God, he was good. So goddamned good. Jesus fucking Christ. So good. How could a man born of woman turn her in those few minutes on the phone, turn a woman who...
Before she even opened her eyes Jessica Sampson knew something was wrong. This wasn’t her bed and Barney, her dog, wasn’t there. Slowly she opened her eyes and surveyed the strange room. The windowless sparsely furnished room was lit only by a small TV in the corner. She looked over at the TV and found a scene that scared her even more than waking up in a room that certainly wasn’t hers. On the screen was a redheaded girl who looked a lot like her was tied to a bench and sucking on the penis of...
Millie had trouble believing how it had sneaked up on her. But now that it was here, what she really couldn't understand was how her family could be so cruel. Not one of them had even mentioned her birthday! "Not even Gramps," she sighed with disappointment. "Wonder if he's sold out on me, too, the way everybody else has." Millie hadn't heard from her grandfather since he'd fucked her. Meanwhile, she walked on eggs whenever she was around her double-crossing parents. And her brother...
Nicki had been playing with herself for a while since her older sister had showed her what pleasure could be found between her legs, and she seldom got out of bed and dressed without diddling herself till her little pussy sent a wave of pleasure through her.When her sister was around she had gone to some parties with her, and had lost her virginity at one of those parties, with an older boy who fucked her, but left her wanting more.So she wasn't satisfied with this self-diddling, and now that...
Teen"So," said Mary, "how come you haven't made a pass at me?""Sorry?""'Sorry I didn't hear you', or 'Sorry I haven't made a pass at you'?"I looked over at the 18 year old in the seat next to me, then stalled for time by concentrating on the road. The interstate was wide open in both directions, with absolutely no other cars in sight. I did a pretty good job of making it look as though driving in a straight line took a lot of skill and concentration."I mean," she said, "last night we slept in the...
It was Sunday and all three of them had to go back to work tomorrow. They spent last night drinking and fucking and had been wandering around the house today watching TV, eating and recovering from their wild weekend. Inevitably, one of them got horny. The sexual energy in the house was constantly sky high. If someone wasn't fucking, then there was a guarantee that at least somewhere there was porn playing and a hand hard at work. This Sunday afternoon it was Krista that broke first. ...
Mike’s bomb . . . . . A month had passed after the “twins” adventure. I had not said anything yet. I was so afraid at Mike’s reaction that I did not have enough courage yet to tell him. I was feeling pretty sad and guilty of betrayal. When Mike exploded a bomb of himself. Mike asked me for a divorce!. Of course it was a huge surprise. He said that he had fallen in love with a client. He said that once, some time ago, one of his salesperson in a remote...
LesbianMy girlfriend Amy, has a very fiery temper, she loves me so much, actually we love each other so much, but as I said she has a temper, mixed with a blinded jealousy, and that combination is dangerous, it often results in big fights, those fights were verbal ofCorse they never crossed the line to physical, but one time we had a huge fight, we broke up afterword's, it was two months since the break up and I already cried rivers and shit, and tried many times for her to forgive me to no vial,...
LesbianJosh Burrows stared up as Amy started slowly riding him. Her C-cup breasts bouncing with each gyration. He reached up and grabbed her soft melons and squeezed. He loved the they felt. Soft and ample. He traced his fingers over her erect nipples. Amy let out a low moan, and bit her lower lip. She stared back at him and leaned forward. Her lips came close to his, but instead of kissing she moved her lips closer to his and exhaled. Josh felt her cinnamon breath. Josh leaned in to kiss her but she...
TabooIt's hard to describe how I felt, the first time I saw it.Granted, my inhibitions had already been lowered. My husband had been pushing me to behave naughtily, fueling my arousal with cocktails and, insanely, his own desire to take me right there in our pool. Still, regardless of the wild afternoon I had experienced, the sight of Tyrone's gigantic black penis awakened something in me, something I had subconsciously spent most of my life repressing.My husband is partially to blame for my...
By : Exoticindianprincess As Mohini got up that day, an excitement ran through her. Her beloved, her beau, her dear husband Prem was returning from a 6 month company project in the Silicone Valley, US. She could remember the last time she shared some intimate moments with her husband, Prem. She shuddered with the memories of that night. She remembered how hopeless she was feeling that night with the thought of Prem leaving her alone for 6 months. Prem had held her in her arms tightly embracing...
I have been driving for the last two hours to the Marriot in Baltimore. My wife was there on a conference and I was going to surprise her by dropping in and taking her to supper. Yah, right! For the last three months I have suspected my wife of having an affair with one of her co-workers. I just had the feeling that every time she was taking one of her business trips, training sessions or conferences she was really getting laid. Tonight I was going to catch her in the act and end it for...
A tiny chapel, made of wood and painted in a warm, dark red, was perched on one of Iceland’s little rolling hills close to the sea. Small white crosses stood in neat, short rows and made long shadows in midsummer’s endless dawn. An old woman knelt before one, smiling softly, and lifted up the chunk of ice that she had brought. She glanced around her, making sure she was alone, then ran a finger over it and hummed a tune. The ice, it swirled and morphed under her touch and formed a rose in...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWe first made contact about three years ago, on one of those dirty dating sites. I was showing my tranny profile, Velvet, at the time, and was being hit on by a bunch of dirty old men, when this ‘Mariah’ person said, ‘Hi.’ I was in a pretty sarcastic mood at the time, and was slightly peed off, as the guys I had been chatting to were only interested in one thing, getting their rocks-off. Anyway, Mariah said she liked what she saw, just loved sexy trannies, enjoyed reading my profile, and...
The Rookie – Occupied city center, eight hours after drop. The crack of thunder echoed through the empty streets as the Rookie pressed on, dodging beneath the cover of a bus stop for a moment as a Phantom passed by overhead, its searchlight scanning the ground below for signs of life. There were more and more of the ships clogging the skies, perhaps more of the Covenant fleet had jumped into orbit to reinforce their armies. He needed to get out of here, and fast. He hadn’t encountered any...
I am a light sleeper, several times each night my dogs will bark and wake me. I can tell by the way they bark whether I should get up and turn the outside lights on and check. The dogs are in a chain link fenced yard that allows them to prowl all around the house except the three twelve foot wide garage doors. When the dogs woke me I could tell that they were really upset. I got my pistol and went to the far end of the house, the ranch office. From the window or the door I can see the area...
THE KING'S SERVANT By Geneva A young man, a companion of an imprisoned Scottish king, tries to use an ancient magic book to free him. The scheme is unsuccessful, but he finds other uses for the book's power. This story is set in Scotland and England in the early 1400's and follows my earlier tales of the Budrose family, "The Templar Book" and "The Green Pebble." START "Wonderful to see you again, Will!" I watched as my grandfather Andrew Budrose embraced my father. We had...
Mrs WalkerI was born in a very small village in the Cotswold area of the UK, with about twenty-five houses a small pub, and village shop come post office. Everyone knew everyone’s business, and my nearest friend lived thirty minutes away by bicycle, I attended an all boys school, and I’m an only c***d. My sex education was none existent, the local shop didn't have a top-shelf magazine section, there was no internet, and the girls of my village were too old to take notice of me or too young. ...
I spent the rest of the morning picking up the downstairs, then damp mopping the kitchen floor and vacuuming the carpets in the other rooms. Although I’d always worn heels to the office, I’d never done housekeeping in them before and rarely spent very much time standing with them on. I was only allowed to sit in the kitchen or in my room and my ass was way too sore for those hard kitchen chairs, so I stayed on my feet despite the cramping in my calves. By lunchtime I was starving. As much as...