Airstream DreamsChapter 2 Getting Settled
- 4 years ago
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The next morning, Karen was still asleep when I slipped out of bed and headed for the washroom to relieve myself. When I was washing my hands, I noticed that they were still clean, but the felt a little rougher than last night. Also, I couldn't smell that unusual smell any more. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. It had probably worn off by now.
When I slipped back into bed and tucked myself up against Karen, she moaned a little and pushed herself back into me. Well, you can guess what that produced, can't you? I just left it nestled there between those lovely butt cheeks just to see if it would produce any reaction from her. Not right away, it didn't, but as time went on she began to squirm a bit and I figured she was waking up.
I wrapped my arm over her and gently as I could, cupped a breast, using my thumb to softly stroke the nipple. I got another moan from her, then her hand came up and covered mine, not stopping me, just lightly holding me.
"Hhuuumm ... Carl," she groaned quietly.
"Mornin'," I whispered. "Sleep well?"
"Hhuuumm ... yeah. Nice dreams."
"Good. How about breakfast in bed?"
"Gotta pee first," she grumbled into her pillow.
I released her and she struggled out from under the sheet and dragged herself to the bathroom. I put on a clean pair of boxers, jeans and a t-shirt and shuffled to the kitchenette, my hard-on refusing to go down quickly. I was halfway through making toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs when she made an appearance.
She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a nice hug.
"Thanks," she said, still sounding a little sleepy.
"For what?"
"For everything. The best sex I've ever had ... being a nice guy ... making my favorite breakfast. There's probably some other things that I'll think of later."
All the while she hadn't let go of me from that hug.
"You are very welcome, Karen. I don't think I've ever experienced a night like last night either. Something about us seemed to just happen without our even trying. Did you feel that way?"
"Uh huh. Just like that. Just like I didn't have a mind of my own ... that I was going to sleep with you no matter what."
"Then I'm one hell of a lucky guy," I said, turning to her.
She was wearing one of my t-shirts that was more like a dress for her. It came down well below her butt and covered her quite nicely. Like me, she was barefoot and her hair was looking pretty wild, but as I looked at her, I saw a very beautiful woman in her natural state.
I slipped my hands up underneath the t-shirt and stroked her breasts gently, knowing she wasn't wearing her bra. I got another appreciative groan from her for that.
"Let's eat at the table," she said. "I don't want to mess up the bed. We might want to use it again later." She was smiling kinda sneaky-like when she said that.
"I like your thinking," I said.
"When do you want me to go?" she asked as we sat to eat.
"Why would I want you to go?" I wasn't sure what she was asking.
"I mean, it's Saturday. Don't you have chores, or laundry, or things you need to do?"
"Nothing that can't wait. Do you need to go do those things?"
"Nothing that can't wait," she grinned.
"So, can we hang out this weekend ... see where it takes us?"
"I'd like that Carl. But I need to go back to the apartment and get some clothes."
"Is your car in the parking lot here?"
"No, Bonnie took it. Why don't you take me there and then we can do ... whatever after I get a few things."
"Sure. Let's do that."
We finished up breakfast and Karen went to get dressed while I looked after the dishes, pans, and utensils. I was done before she was back and I saw that she had put on some makeup. I was of a mind she didn't need it, but she looked so good either way, hell ... who was I to complain.
Karen gave me a nice kiss before I started the Airstream. I had punched in her address on the Garmin and saved it for future use. I had a feeling Karen and I might be seeing more of each other.
The place she was staying looked pretty nice. It was four stories and looked like it might be steel and concrete, but I really couldn't tell. When I pulled into the parking lot, I found a space big enough for the motorhome. I wasn't going to be there for very long, so I didn't worry about taking someone's place.
While I was waiting, I called Emigrant Spring State Park and was lucky enough to get a full service site for the night. I thought she'd enjoy a nice setting like that, and we could walk some of the trails and enjoy some privacy. After that, I sat in the cab and listened to the radio for a while until Karen came back out with a small satchel. I liked this girl. She traveled light.
She climbed up into the cab and put her bag on the seat behind the co-pilot's chair. Well, that's what I called it, anyway.
"This is my first time in a big motorhome," she said. "It's really different, isn't it."
"Yes, it is," I agreed. "It took me a while to get used to how big it is and how to get around in it. Even though I had a fairly big truck, it was nothing like handling this rig. If you're okay with it, I thought we'd go down to Emigrant Spring Park for the day and stay over. That okay with you?"
"That sounds nice," she smiled. "I've never been there but Bonnie has. She said it was a really lovely place. The weather is good, so let's take advantage of it."
We stopped in Pendleton for some groceries and liquid supplies before taking the interstate the last few miles to the park. It was the beginning of the best weekend I'd spent in a long, long time. We walked, we talked, we made love, we met other people, and we sat in a couple of camp chairs under the awning of the Airstream, just relaxing.
It was all I could do to pack up the unit and head back to Kennewick with Karen on Sunday afternoon. I didn't have very much ambition at that point. It had been such a perfect two days that I didn't want it to end. Karen said she wanted to see me again, and I told her she couldn't keep me away. I don't know what you call it, but somehow there was an instant connection between us and I know she felt it too.
When I went into work on Monday morning, I was thinking about Karen and my weekend with her. It took me a while to concentrate on my job, but I did finally put my daydreams behind me and got on with the job. It was at lunch that I began to notice something different. I wasn't sure at first what it was, but after a while I figured out that the mood in the lunchroom was different. I didn't catch it at first, but I thought maybe everybody was in a good mood for a change.
I didn't hear a word about what a lousy time Joe had, or how Harry spent the whole weekend doing work around the house, or Mike had his in-laws visiting and giving him heartburn. No ... none of that. In fact, it was the opposite. Most of the guys seemed to be smiling. Maybe I should say grinning ... like from ear to ear. When I caught some of the conversation, I got the impression they were bragging about how much sex they had. Even more surprising, they were talking about their wives! What the hell!
And it wasn't just the weekend, either. Apparently, this had started earlier in the week, but continued on into the weekend. A couple of the guys said they were happy to get back to work because they were pretty much worn out. In the nearly twenty years that I'd spent in lunch rooms and coffee break areas on the job, I'd never heard anything like it.
I saw Marvin, our shop foreman, walking around the place with a funny look on his face. He seemed to be trying to figure out what was going on. He wasn't upset. He just couldn't figure out why everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I had a pretty good idea of what the good mood was about, but I had no idea what had caused it. After a while, Marvin just shrugged his shoulders and went back to his office.
Meanwhile, I was calling Karen each night to see how she was. I was hoping she wasn't going to change her mind and dump me. Not after the last weekend. It didn't sound like it and she seemed to be happy to talk to me. We set up a date for next Friday night and I'd pick her up at her place and we'd go somewhere nice for dinner, then maybe to the Riverside for some dancing before we went back to my place and parked the Airstream.
In the meantime, almost every guy in the place was using the Loving Hands cleaner and telling anybody who'd care to listen that it was the greatest stuff since jelly beans. As the week went on, I noticed things were getting back closer to normal. I mean, I could hear the odd grumble from the guys now and then. If you can believe it, some of them were complaining of too much sex! It seemed like what they thought was the very thing they wanted the most, was coming back on them. Well, I sure as hell didn't agree with them.
Another thing that caught my attention too. Some of the guys doing the complaining were quite a bit older, like in their fifties or so. Maybe that was the problem. They weren't used to that much exercise at their age. Just the same, these were the same guys who were forever bitching about how their sex life had shrunk to next to nothing. Make up your mind, boys.
I spent the week working and thinking of Karen. I had to admit that she had got to me in a hurry. Apparently, I had made a big impression on her too. We talked on the phone every night and we never seemed to run out of things to say to each other. I'm not much of a phone guy, but just hearing her voice was enough to turn me on. Friday night couldn't come too soon.
Karen worked as a receptionist and "Girl Friday" at a small law office in Pasco. It was steady work with regular hours and no overtime. That suited her and the pay was enough to have an apartment and a car. She had been married when she was young ... too young she said ... and it had failed inside five years. It was a reasonable divorce and she remained on speaking terms with her ex. She had been wary of getting involved with any men, hoping that some day the right guy would come along. Apparently, she was thinking I might be the right guy.
I was just coming off my divorce, so I wasn't anxious to tie myself down all over again, only to find out it might be another mistake. Just the same, I couldn't deny how attracted I was to her, and I figured I'd just let the chips fall where they may. In the meantime, I was getting looked after very nicely on our weekends together.
We'd been going together for about a month, and I was calling her almost every evening. On a Thursday night, I called Karen and we talked as we usually did about everything and nothing. I just wanted to hear her voice and I guess she felt the same way. But we did have a change in plans, as it turned out.
"Carl, would it be okay if Bonnie joined us tomorrow at the Riverside? She loves to dance, but she's really nervous about being there on her own. Too many wolves, if you know what I mean."
"I'm fine with that if you're okay. After all, we usually save the real personal stuff until later when we're alone," I said.
"Thanks, Carl. She's my best friend as well as my roommate. I'll lend her my car so if she wants to leave early, she can."
"That'll work, girl. Mind you, I could always find room for her in the Airstream," I kidded.
"Carl ... behave yourself," she said sternly, then laughed.
"Don't you worry, girl. I'm not doing anything to mess up you and me."
"That's my guy," she said brightly.
We met at Karen's apartment and the two of us headed out for a nice meal at a local restaurant. That was becoming our usual routine. Bonnie wasn't home yet from work, so she would meet us later at the Riverside.
Along about nine o'clock, Karen and I were sitting in a booth, just sharing some time together. The band was about to start up, so we would be out on the dance floor soon enough. Bonnie arrived just then, and we got properly introduced. I asked her what she'd like to drink and it turns out she was happy with the same wine that Karen liked, so that was simple enough. I was sticking to beer.
Bonnie was a fine looking woman too, even compared to Karen. She was a strawberry blonde with longer hair, well below her shoulders. A nice face with blue eyes and a sprinkle of freckles on her cheeks. She was built a little sturdier than Karen and had a pretty big set of hooters to show off. That would be a magnet to any of the guys that hung out looking for quick score. She had a nice disposition and laughed a lot, so she was easy to like.
She worked at the Walmart Distribution Centre in Hermiston and was happy to have the job. It didn't pay top dollar, but then, she admitted she didn't have any special skills to offer them. She was upbeat though, and didn't badmouth her employer or her situation.
"I'm a farm girl, Carl. I'm used to getting up early, working hard, and going to bed tired," she grinned. "This kind of work is a whole lot easier on my body."
"And a very nice body it is, if you don't mind me saying so," I offered.
"Thank you sir, but did you have permission from Karen to say that?"
"Damn. I'm in trouble, aren't I," I said, looking nervously at my girlfriend.
I didn't need to worry. Karen grabbed my arm and pulled it to her breast and said, "As long as you don't forget I come first, you're allowed to tell my best friend she's beautiful."
We were sitting in a booth, with Karen beside me and Bonnie across from us. Karen and I had been dancing a bit and when we came back to the table, Karen nudged me and nodded toward Bonnie. I got the message.
"Bonnie, would you like to dance?"
"Sure," she said, and quickly slid out of her side. I stood and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. It was a pretty quick two-step number, so we didn't have any trouble getting started. I was thinking she was a pretty good dancer as well as a good looking woman and I wondered why she didn't have a steady boyfriend.
The first number was over after we had just barely got started and so we stayed out for the next one. As it turned out, it was a slow one, so we started off just the way we finished the first dance, apart. That lasted about twenty seconds before she moved into me and held me close. I could feel those big tits pushing into me and you can guess what kind of reaction that caused. I was getting nervous because I could see Karen was watching us and I didn't figure she'd be too happy with what was going on.
I looked at Bonnie and I was about to say something when I saw the look on her face. It was that funny look that Karen first gave me when we met and were dancing. Like her eyes didn't focus or something. She started rubbing her belly into my erection and I figured I was in real trouble now.
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Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing...
Prologue ‘Hey Sim, are you doing anything Monday night?’ ‘Hey Gin, Monday, the 14th?’ A pause. ‘No, nothing special. Why?’ ‘Couple of the girls and I are having a little impromptu gathering in the green room. Be nice if you stopped by.’ A short pause, then: ‘Jason’s cool with it.’ Jason was the Company Manager, and if he wasn’t cool with it just yet, he soon would be. ‘Alright, that sounds like fun. Shall I bring anything…or? ‘Nah. Don’t worry about it. Just bring yourself.’ Sim gave a...
Ted rushed back to the house in a frenzy, walking a little oddly from the cock throbbing in his pants, ready to explode from the rubbing of the fabric. He pushed away the recurring images engraved on his mind of Sarah’s lips enveloping Terry’s shaft, working down relentlessly to the hilt as her clearly well-practiced throat opened easily to his eight inches of magnificent flesh. Her ass had risen and fallen behind her head like a drunken rising moon as Terry sucked her into their mutual...
College SexHi ISS readers hello to all my friends. Vaise to main ek achi ladki hun par main sex ke mamle me hindi bolti hun. Ab main mere sath hue sex experience shuru karti hun ye tab ki baat hai jab meri age 21 thi, aur main 23 saal ki hun. Mera figure 34-28-36. Mere papa ek dukandar hain. Humare dukan pe ek ladka deepak kaam karta hai. Vo bahut acha hai.vo mere ko school time lene aur chodne jaya karta tha. Is vajah se vo mujhse pyar karne laga aur kai baar mere boobs bhi dabata tha. Par main us samay...
A WASP LISTENS TO HIS WIFE AT DINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RESTAURANT Randolph Cartier the Third drove his black S-Class Mercedes up to...
The year is 2277, approximately 200 years after The Great War that led to the creation of the aberration that is the Wasteland: the remains of the United States after nuclear war. The Capital Wasteland lies over where Washington D.C once stood, the ruins of the once great city now filled with nuclear beasts, scavenging survivalists and warring factions venturing for technology. There are all sorts of things happening in the Wasteland, big and small. People are venturing out to rescue the future...
It wasn't easy to find the right spot - but I looked and looked - it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...
BDSMHello dosto, mera nam Tanya hai. Main ek prostitute hu. Waise toh har tarah se meri chudai ho chuki hai, alag alag tarah ke aadmiyo se. Par ek aadmi kuch zyada hi maza de gaya tha mujhe, main wahi kissa aapko aj batati hu. Yeh kissa padh ke har ladki puri gili ho jayegi aur har ladke ke lund khada ho jayega. Us aadmi ne jo mujhe maza diya tha, aisa maza kabi nahi mila mujhe. Chaliye kahani shuru karte hai. Ek aadmi aya ek din aur hamari malkin se kaha usey ek ladki chahiye 2 din ke liye aur...
Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: Karla’s first step to be a Fuck Sow You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing Room 1 – Lesbian Stitches ============================== Karla receives a strange visit of Marylou in the Brainwashing Room where Karla lives without sense of day and night. “Karla, since we are in agreement that you want me to be tougher with you, let me try to surprise you, so I go...
(episode 7)Over the summer break after my freshman year at UGA I was working full time in a grocery store to earn spending money for the next school year. I would see my girlfriend, Jennifer on my days off, either going to her house in Atlanta or she would drive up to see me. We’d often would go out on the lake skiing, using my dad’s smaller ski boat. One weekend I was able to borrow my dad’s large boat for the day. Jennifer and I had several friends who were dating each other at the time join...
College SexI remember when porn forums were treasure troves of hot porn that you wouldn’t find anywhere else on the internet. These sites thrived even when other porn sites were first coming out. Why? Well, connections weren’t great back then. It was easier to watch a gif of some hot bitches tits bouncing on a forum than it was to try and load an entire video on shitty, dialup internet service.They’ve been on a bit of a decline lately, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some great forum sites out...
Porn Forums“I think there’s something funny going on here!” Mila whispered. We were just getting back to our room from an afternoon down at the beach. It had gotten dark, and we were going to take a dip in the hot tub in the common room of the rustic bed and breakfast where we were staying. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Listen!” She said, her ear to the door. I put my ear to the door, and could hear noises of people moving about. “So we don’t have the carriage house all to ourselves any...
“I think there’s something funny going on here!” Mila whispered. We were just getting back to our room from an afternoon down at the beach. It had gotten dark, and we were going to take a dip in the hot tub in the common room of the rustic bed and breakfast where we were staying. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Listen!” She said, her ear to the door. I put my ear to the door, and could hear noises of people moving about. “So we don’t have the...
Group SexMera nam arun hai. Meri age 17 sal hai. Meri maa 36 saal ki ek sudol sharir vali gadrai hui aurat hain. Unki sexy body k bare me bus itta hi batana kafi hai ki meri puri colony k kai admi unke sath rat bitana chahte hain aur unhe chodne k liye pagal hain. An jyada der na karte hue mai sidhe kahani pe ata hu. Bat un dino ki jb mai mai class 10 me padhta tha .Ek bar mere biology k book me ek chapter padhaya gya jisme ek aurat and admi k dwara kaise bacche ka janm hota h is bare me btaya gya tha....
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Mai 28 ka mare bhayia 30 ke aur meri sexy bhabhi 26 ki eh age uss time ki hai jab mare bhaiya aur bhabhi ki shadi hui thi hum delhi me rehate the but bhaiya dubai me work karte thae because oh engineer thae ghar pe mai aur maa rehate thae aur mai business karta tha. Mare bhaiya aur bhabhi ki marriage march 2013 me hui thi meri bhabhi bahut sunder hai unki hight 5,4 hai unka badan bilkul sonakhsi sinha jaysi hai puri bhari puri sex appeal itna jyada hai ki...
‘Twas the night before New Years, The lights were turned dim, Every person was stirring, Especially Kim. Her stockings were black And clung to her thigh. She sat on her bed And let out a sigh. Her thoughts were all filled With what was to cum. She knew it’d be her And for sure more than one. She picked out her panties Matching bra trimmed in lace. Turning to the mirror With a smile on her face. She liked what she saw Indeed it was HOT! She could not resist But to reach for her spot. The hairs...
Brenda stared with furrowed brow at Lexi’s reflection in the restroom mirror.“Don't give me that look,” Lexi said with a wicked grin. “He’s hot as all fuck.”Brenda tried to convince her friend to reconsider her choice. “He just made senior partner. He’ll fire our asses in half a heartbeat. Pick someone else. How about the sexy DJ we hired? She's hotter than fuck, too, and, has the cutest, heart shaped ass.”Lexi turned to Brenda, and calmly, but adamantly, replied, “It’s my turn to pick, and I...
Humor‘Twas the night before New Years,The lights were turned dim,Every person was stirring,Especially Kim.Her stockings were blackAnd clung to her thigh.She sat on her bedAnd let out a sigh.Her thoughts were all filledWith what was to cum.She knew it’d be herAnd for sure more than one.She picked out her pantiesMatching bra trimmed in lace.Turning to the mirrorWith a smile on her face.She liked what she sawIndeed it was HOT!She could not resistBut to reach for her spot.The hairs on her neckBeginning...
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the dwelling Not a creature was stirring, save my cock, which was swelling; From walls hung portraits, setting the mood, Above the mantel hung Grandma, totally nude; Down the hall in her bed, my sister Susan did sit, While a vibrating dildo danced on her wet, throbbing clit; And Mom in her panties, and I in the nude Had just ready’s our loins for long winter’s screw – When from outside our window there arose such a cry, My head darted up...
IncestWith apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring..." except for me and I was getting more and more pissed as I went from room to room looking for what should have been there. There should have been a wife and three children in the house, but they weren't. I had been away from home working on a project that was in trouble. We had a hard target deadline and a contract that called for sanctions if the job wasn't...
Red lightning tore through the green sky over the vast wasteland outside, but, in the protective arms of the succubus, the young man was safe. The man took the succubus’s fingers and slowly began licking them before putting them in his mouth. He sucked on her soft skin, moaning slightly as her soft tail reached around and slid up and down the underside of his erect cock. Feeling this new sensation, the man bit down on the succubus’s fingers. This caused her to grin and slide her tongue...
The Waste Land is a longform poem written by T.S. Eliot. It is widely considered by literary critics to be one of the most important poems of the 20th century, if not the most important work of modernist poetry. The poem is divided into five sections: “The Burial of the Dead,” which tackles themes of disillusionment and despair; “A Game of Chess,” narrative riffs on the same themes; “The Fire Sermon,” an exploration of death and concepts of self-denial; “Death by Water,” a lyrical protest; and,...
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