A Funny Thing Happened… free porn video

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‘Hey Sim, are you doing anything Monday night?’

‘Hey Gin, Monday, the 14th?’ A pause. ‘No, nothing special. Why?’

‘Couple of the girls and I are having a little impromptu gathering in the green room. Be nice if you stopped by.’ A short pause, then: ‘Jason’s cool with it.’ Jason was the Company Manager, and if he wasn’t cool with it just yet, he soon would be.

‘Alright, that sounds like fun. Shall I bring anything…or?

‘Nah. Don’t worry about it. Just bring yourself.’

Sim gave a little half smile, as if to say ‘Well, if you’re sure.’ and started back towards the parking lot. Then he turned.

‘Sorry. I’ve got the car here tonight. You want a ride back to the place?’

‘No, Liz and I have some girl stuff to talk about, and I could use the walk. Hey last thing: could you not tell anybody else about it? I don’t really want to make it a big deal.’

‘No problem. You sure you don’t need a lift? Plenty of room for Liz, if…’

‘No, I’m good.’ And I was too. Having invited the guest of honor, I now had most of five days in which to get everything ready. Not much time, but I was going to have some help.


If you’ve never seen A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum…, you’re missing out. It’s a great show, it’s the first musical for which Sondheim wrote both music and lyrics, and it’s basically a Roman sex farce with some pretty catchy songs: ‘Comedy Tonight’, ‘Lovely’, ‘Dirty Old Man’, great stuff. The plot—not that it matters much—concerns this young man who lives with his parents. The ‘rents go off to the country for the weekend, and he (his name is Hero, by the way) falls in love with a courtesan who lives at the brothel next door to his house. Her name is Philia, she’s a virgin, and she loves him too, but she’s due to be sold to this super-stud of a general called Miles Gloriosus. So Hero offers his slave, Pseudolus—Pseudolus is the real star of the show—his freedom if he, Pseudolus, can figure out a way for Hero and Philia to be together. Well, plans get made, lies get told, potions get drunk, men put on dresses, everybody chases everybody else, and hilarity pretty much ensues. It gets done a lot, because the music’s not too hard, the cast is not too big, and who doesn’t like songs, gags, and scantily-clad ladies doing the Roman equivalent of pole dancing? Anyhow, if you haven’t seen it, check it out the next time it comes to the local theatre or college or whatever. And if you have seen it recently, or if you see it in the next five to ten years, you probably have or will see me playing Gymnasia.

You see, when Hero tells his slave that he’s in love with a courtesan, Pseudolus asks Lycus, the owner of the brothel, to show what he’s got on offer so that Hero can point out the one he’s interested in. This is a perfect excuse for a dance-number in which six lovely ladies of pleasure display their wares for a potential buyer. For five of the roles, casting doesn’t have to be too specific: basically you’re looking for attractive women who can dance. Tintinabula usually has a kind of belly-dancer thing going on, so she’s often a little softer and curvier than, say, Panacea, who’s probably going to be somebody with ballet chops. The brothel owner describes Vibrata as a tigress, so she tends to get the most athletic choreography, leaps, twists and tumbling, like that, and she’s usually wearing a kind of jungle-girl bra and loincloth ensemble. And the Geminae are a pair of twins, so most directors find a couple of girls around the same height and build, put them in identical costumes and wigs, and then choreograph for whoever’s the weaker dancer. But Gymnasia has to be something special. She’s this Amazon bitch goddess: tall, stacked, and fierce. Pseudolus falls in lust with her at first sight, and there are all kinds of jokes in the script about the size of her body, the size of her boobs, and her ability to single-handedly pleasure large fraternal organizations. So right off the bat, you’re looking for somebody with size, sass and sizzle. Put another way, you’re looking for Virginia McNally. That’s me.

Gymnasia doesn’t even have to dance much, although it’s better if she does. And as it happens, I do, pretty well, actually. I’m also 5’11’ with a big rack, a curvy ass, a slim waist, and what my jazz teacher calls ‘forever legs.’ I’ve also got apple cheeks and blue eyes from my Irish mom, and waves of sexy-messy golden-blonde hair from my German grandma. I’ve just turned 26, and I’ve already played Gymnasia three times, although this is far and away the best production I’ve been in, and the hottest costume I’ve ever worn. Our designer was going for a kind of wild-woman/dominatrix look, so she gave me this killer black wig with a thick braid that reaches down almost to my ass. She also found these amazing thigh-high black leather boots with three-inch fuck-me heels (hell to dance in, by the way, but damn they’re hot!), black spandex panties—we’re not hugely concerned with period accuracy here—a garter belt, stockings, and a sort of half-corset which makes my boobs, half bursting out of the damn thing anyway, look even bigger than they actually are. Then I’ve got these kind of Xena Warrior Princess black and gold armor pieces: a really wide belt-thing, which rests just under my tits, and broad leather bracelets. And props found me this evil-looking black riding crop which I get to use on poor besotted Pseudolus at the end of the finale. Basically, if you’ve ever fantasized about Wonder Woman going over to the dark side, buy a ticket to the Broken Arrow Opera House’s production of Stephen Sondheim’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (Must Close on March 20th) and kneel before me, worm!

I’m mostly kidding about the ‘kneel before me’ thing, although I do get a little—shall we say ‘dewy’—just from putting on the costume, never mind the rush I feel every time I step on stage and hear from a third to half (lots of gay guys at musicals) of a 750 seat house moaning with lust at the sight of me. (No shit, I can hear it.) But beautiful and talented as I almost certainly am, I’m also smart enough to know that I’m not actually the reason that this production of Forum is so good. Gymnasia doesn’t actually have any lines. None of the courtesans have, except Philia, of course. No, we’re basically sight gags or eye candy depending on who you’re talking to. A production of Forum lives or dies with its Pseudolus, in this case, Sim, the guy who just agreed to meet me and a couple of other ladies at the theatre on Valentine’s Day—well—night. This year the holiday falls on the off day. Like most theatres in the United States, Broken Arrow is dark Mondays.

Now I love, love, love musical theatre, but as a career path, it does have its frustrations. You might work a little more often and make a little more money than theatre folks who don’t do musicals, but unless you’re Patti LuPone or Idina Menzel lucky, you don’t get rich. Then there’re the social drawbacks. All that waffle about how gorgeous I am to one side, the chorus of your average regional musical tends to break down as follows:

50%: Attractive, talented young heterosexual women (say aged 21-35.)

49.9%: Attractive, talented young homosexual men (same age range.)

0.1%: Attractive, talented heterosexual man who’s had almost every woman who’s ever signed an Equity Chorus Contract three times a week and twice on Sundays, and who consequently thinks he is God’s gift to the ladies.

It really can become a problem. Take my case here: I’m young, unattached, and usually far from home (it’s an absolute bastard finding work in the City.) So when I have work, I’m giving eight athletically rigorous, sexually-charged performances (ok, so maybe not so much in Sound of Music, but South Pacific, Guys and Dolls, Cabaret, fer chrissake?) per week, which flood my body with adrenaline and stoke the fires of my not-exactly-latent exhibitionism. So show’s over: I’m restless,
jumpy, and often just plain horny, and I’m surrounded by beautiful, sweet, intelligent, witty guys, almost all of whom want cock as much as, or more than, I do. Of course the lads can, and do, turn to each other for sex, solace, and, more often than you might think, long-term partnerships, but we ladies are left with few options, all of them unattractive, (unless of course we happen to be gay, which, despite some experimenting in college, I’m not.).

There is the occasional straight chorus boy. He’s usually gorgeous, ripped and ready, but he’s also usually an arrogant prick who wouldn’t know a clitoris if it offered to help him with the Times crossword. There’re stage hands, house management and/or box office, if anything particularly yummy happens to be working the show. But since those folks are local, they tend to have wives and girlfriends nearby, and while I’m occasionally a slut, I’m not a home-wrecker. There’s bar-hopping: maybe that works for some gals, of my experiences that way, the less said the better. And of course there are the principals.

Actors who play leads in musicals tend to have come up in musicals, and so of course many of them, particularly the handsome leading men types, are gay. More of the character guys tend to be straight, but first of all, they’re ‘character’, a Hollywood euphemism for ugly or older or both, and they mostly break down into two categories: married and ‘Not with a titanium condom in a rented vagina.’ I know it sounds really awful and shallow, but I’m 26 years old. Sex with some paunchy, middle-aged lech, or even with some beaky, emaciated 30-something just doesn’t appeal, at least not more than True Blood on Hulu and a vibrator. And in this production of Forum, the pickings were particularly slim: Proteans, one gay and sweet, the other straight, kind, if a little distant, and extremely Christian, Lycus, elderly, alcoholic perv, Senex, gay, Erronius, close to 80, Hero, gay, Miles Gloriosus, Calvin Fletcher, one of my favorite people in the world, straight, cut, gorgeous, happily married to a beautiful deaf woman, twin daughters, Hysterium, Jack Lindley, charming, urbane, handsome, 40-something, gay, Pseudolus… well, Pseudolus…


Zero Mostel was the original Pseudolus on Broadway, and you often see a fat man in the role. If you weren’t feeling charitable, you might describe Simeon Brownstone, our Pseudolus, as squat. He’s on the short side of things—5’8′ or 5’9’—with powerful shoulders, short thick arms and legs, and a broad chest and back. And yeah, he’s probably carrying 20 extra pounds. I’m guessing he’s in his 40’s, although he could be 38 or 51: tough to tell, he’s got good skin. He’s mostly bald, and he keeps what hair he has shaved close to the sides of his head. I think he has a handsome face, but then I like the man: large brown eyes with thick brows and lashes, square-ish jaw, a generous mouth and a flattish nose. Overall the physical impression is blue-collar: a shop foreman or a butcher, or a plumber. In fact, he was a violin prodigy. His folks died when he was a baby, and he was raised by the one grandparent who made it out of Germany alive: his dad’s dad. Old Man Braunstein (Sim took the English translation as a stage name) was a professor of music and an accomplished clarinetist, and he had his grandson fiddling away before his 4th birthday. The way Sim tells it, he got very good, but he was never quite good enough. His Grandpa died when Sim was at college in Chicago, and the plucky little bastard (pun intended) paid for the rest of his education by becoming a pit musician at a local touring house. He played the first national tour of Into the Woods, and that’s the show that started him climbing out of the pit and onto the stage.

I’d heard of Sim, but had never met him before being cast in this Forum. Word on him was pretty good: powerhouse of an actor, strong—if untrained—baritone, no formal dance training, but picked up choreography quickly, straight plays as well as musicals, some film and tv, but not much, an old-school theatre guy. Easy to work with, if not particularly easy to know, not a partier: virtually no booze, although somebody said he would very occasionally get high. Almost certainly straight, but not a show-mancer, in fact, nobody knew who or even if. In the small and incestuous world of American musical theatre, that was unusual in itself. Somebody usually knew somebody who’d been fucking so-and-so. All in all, I’d looked forward to meeting and working with him, but that was about it. He was supposed to be a decent guy. If he was, we’d get along, if not, we’d manage.

Sim’s first word to me, as he looked up into my face on the first day of rehearsal was ‘Okey-dokey.’ He shot me a kind of bemused smile, introduced himself, shook my hand, and then asked me if I’d played the role before. I gestured down my body: ‘Yuh think?’ That earned me a chuckle.

‘Look,’ he continued, ‘just so we’re on the same page. You’ve done the part, so you know I’m going to have to get a little ‘handsy’…

‘I’m sorry, did you just say ‘handsy?’

‘I’m not taking credit for it. The last woman I did the show with didn’t like being touched in rehearsals. It’s her word. It wasn’t a problem,’ he added quickly. ‘I just want to make sure I know what you’re okay with. Apart from the fact that I like getting along with the people I work with, I’d be particularly disinclined to piss you off.’

There were several ways to take that, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. He seemed like an ok guy, just trying to diffuse a potentially awkward situation. Also, he had been looking me in the eyes. I was wearing a blue leotard under a ripped grey sweatshirt, and I was taller than he was. That made him either gay, polite, or both.

‘What the matter, you scared of me?’

He sighed. ‘Frankly? Yeah, probably a little. Can’t come as a complete shock to you.’

I giggled: ‘Don’t worry, I don’t bite…in rehearsal.’ Why was I flirting with a guy who was probably 20 years older than me?

‘Good then: safe for a couple-three weeks anyway. By the way, you didn’t answer my question.

‘About? Oh, look, don’t worry about it. I don’t mind getting a little physical in rehearsal, and I’ll let you know if I’m uncomfortable with anything. Thanks for asking, by the way. So you’ve done the show before too?’

I’d liked him at that first rehearsal, and as we worked on the show, I liked him more. He was talented, easy-going, and very funny. And he was, as I had suspected at our first meeting, a pro. He was polite to everyone, assistant stage managers, crew, and dressers included, and helpful without being intrusive. I remember choreographing the courtesans’ first number. It’s called The House of Marcus Lycus, and the set-up has Pseudolus telling Lycus, the brothel owner, that he, Psuedolus, has just come into some money and wants to buy—or rent—one of the girls. So Lycus calls us all out, and since we’re all looking to make a denarius, we each do some really seductive dance for, and in some cases on top of, Pseudolus. So there’s Sim, sitting on this bench, and Karen, this impossibly flexible ballet dancer who’s playing Panacea, ends her solo hanging upside down with her legs wrapped around his neck, his face a few inches from her crotch. Before going on with the scene, Sim stops for a moment:

‘Karen, how you doing down there?’

‘No problem.’

‘Good. Look, I want to button this by sort of snapping a look down directly at your crotch and then coming up for a reaction. Is that cool with you?’

‘Sure, whatever you need.’

Sim (turning to the director): ‘Does that work for you, Greg?

Greg: ‘If it’s funny, it’s fine, but keep it quick. This number’s got to move.’

Half an hour later, Liz—my BFF—playing Vibrata, is rehearsing her solo. Parker, our choreographer, wants her to finish up by giving Pseudolus what’s essentially a lap dance, and so she grinds away, tits in his face, straddling his lap, final pose: she’s in
his lap, back to the audience, head thrown back like she’s just had a massive orgasm. Again Sim stops, and says something quietly to Liz. She nods.

‘Hey Parker,’ Sim calls, ‘given that she’s an absolutely fearsome dancer, and considering what she’s going to be wearing, do you think she can finish up facing the audience, like…I don’t know…sitting on my lap with her back to me.’

‘That’ll make it hard for you to do any kind of physical take. She’ll be blocking your face.’

‘I’m not sure we need anything here anyway. And there’s no way I’m competing with what she’s just done. After that routine, I guarantee you nobody’s gonna be looking at me. Besides, Gymnasia’s next, and she’s going to bump me right off the bench.’

‘Let’s try it. Greg, does that work for you?…Ok, Liz, can you finish up with a turn maybe a little out to the left, then sit in his lap. Then, what do you think, straight out with a really sexy snarl or something?’

‘Oh hey, here’s an idea,’ says Liz, ‘what if…’ moving as she talks, ‘I sit on your lap, reach back, grab your head, and—tell me if this is too gross—run my tongue up the side of your face, like I’m this lioness toying with my prey.’

Sim lets out this breathy laugh: ‘Ok, that’s…pretty hot, but, here’s the thing—and by the way, talk about gross: I sweat. A lot. You might not want to be licking the side of my head eight times a week.’

‘Fuck it. I’ll go on a low-sodium diet.’

Maybe you have to have done what I do to appreciate how unusual Sim’s behavior was. There are hierarchies built into the rehearsal process, some acknowledged, and others kind of understood. The director’s supposed to be the last word in the rehearsal room, but if your lead, or even one of your featured people, is a little bit famous, or even just a more forceful personality than the director, the balance of power can shift pretty dramatically. Same thing can happen with an established musical director, or choreographer, or stage manager. And there are the unwritten rules about who can stop a rehearsal, when, how often and for how long. Sim, as the lead, had pretty wide latitude in that regard. We courtesans—on chorus contracts—had less. For an actor in Sim’s position—an established musical theatre actor, the star of the show, with a track record with both the theatre and the director—to have stopped rehearsal to complain that he was being blocked or upstaged by one of the dancers would have been par for the course. For him to do the same thing to request more exposure for an ensemble member, at the expense of a laugh that he might get himself, was much more unusual. It even freed Liz up to suggest something herself: an idea which made the whole routine hotter. Also—and I’m a little ashamed to have to mention this, but you wouldn’t believe how usual it is—Sim didn’t use this kind of behavior for leverage with either Liz or Karen. You know the kind of thing: ‘Hey, Babe, did you like how I got you your bit out there with the director? You want to get some dinner and talk character relationships?’ It happens, I shit you not. No, the man was a pro. And as rehearsals continued, I started to get little crush on Mr. Brownstone. I don’t know that I’d have done anything about it. I’d crushed on older, more established actors before now—talent can be pretty sexy all by itself—but I’d never thought seriously about seducing any of them. Maybe it was the role. Maybe it was the costume. Maybe it was the ad lib, or the extra glass of wine I had the night it happened.

We were in previews: rehearsals performed before a paying audience before the official opening. The night before, Liz, Glori (playing Tintinabula) and I had been inserted into ‘Everybody’s Got to Have a Maid’, a number sung by Pseudolus, his fellow slave, Hysterium, Lycus, and Hero’s father, Senex. So: Pseudolus has gotten Philia away from the brothel, and hidden her in the house so that she can be with Hero. Hero’s dad comes back from the country a little early, and Philia, thinking it’s her general come to claim her, throws herself at him. (Both Hero and Philia—the characters, not necessarily the actors—are dumber than a can of Spam.) Pseudolus appears and explains to the old man that this young hottie is a new maid Hysterium has hired, and Senex, pleased with her work ethic, sings this song about how great it is to have a maid. Four verses, one not very interesting tune, and four dancing character guys: it’s actually better than it sounds, but it’s not like a little sex appeal can’t improve things. Anyway, costumes fits the three of us up in these slutty little French maid outfits, complete with the short skirts, poofy crinolines, white lace aprons and head thingies, and black fishnets, and Parker introduces us into the number one at a time to partner the guys. I’m blocked to come out last in this incredibly low-cut lace trimmed blouse, and I strike this pin-up pose: bent forward, knees together, arms into my sides, tits for days, and a surprised little pout on my red-painted lips. The music stops completely—one of the cellos is supposed to drag his bow across the strings in this kind of atonal honk—and everybody pants at me for a few seconds before the music starts up again and the number continues. Anyway, we had put this into the previous performance, and it had gone over pretty well: dead silence, and then some scattered applause and wolf-whistles. So here comes the number: out I come: pose, pout…and in the silence I hear Alan (playing Senex) stage-whisper: ‘What is that?’ Sim’s response is immediate, and unpremeditated, and he sounds like a little boy who’s just been given a shiny red bicycle and then hit over the head with a brick: ‘I think she’s a dream sequence!’ The audience howls with laughter, the number continues, and for some reason I’m doing the rest of the show with some seriously wet panties.

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BTW its Extremely Long She hears the phone ringing, looking up at the clock .. cusses softly its 11pm who in the hell is calling, a quick glimpse at the caller ID shows her best friends name. Knowing it cant be good picks up anyways, we are like sisters and i would do anything for her, * hey girl whats up? .. oh sure not a problem .. just like old times .. ok .. later.* Groaning softly ok i can do this, driving a car and playing guard while she escort a client around, nothing to it, sides a...

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Lustful Thinga

‘Have you met with my new driver?’ Mia Jensen asked looking up her young assistants’ short skirt, thinking back to her glory days in Hollywood and being the most sought after actress, but now she was lucky to get a dog food commercial. Carly turned to reply and was shocked that Miss Jensen was looking up her skirt. ‘He should be here by now. I told him that his room would be ready today and that he was to report at eight this morning.’ Carly said standing up as fast as she could, wondering why...

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Ill Do Anyhthing to Protect You

Introduction: A Lesson Dont read this if you think you have a right to judge some one. BTW its Extremely Long She hears the phone ringing, looking up at the clock .. cusses softly its 11pm who in the hell is calling, a quick glimpse at the caller ID shows her best friends name. Knowing it cant be good picks up anyways, we are like sisters and i would do anything for her, * hey girl whats up? .. oh sure not a problem .. just like old times .. ok .. later.* Groaning softly ok i can do this,...

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Anthing is possible for a Possible

Introduction The Show: Was there ever a program so designed for adult fanfiction? Cheerleaders in short skirts and midriff baring tops. Mud wrestling women. Story lines that feature multiple mind and mood control devices. And then there is the spunky heroine whose motto is she can do anything, and spends a part of most episodes in bondage. She is so competitive she has to take any challenge, ‟Hey, Kim,” Bonnie sneered, ‟I can give more guys anal in an hour than you can.” Kim responded, ‟No you...

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First Time For Everything

I have been crossdressing since my mid-teens, from sneaking a pair of my sister's knickers to sneaking into the gardens of my parents' neighbors and pinching underwear from washing lines. In my late teens, when I found girls and sex, I purged any clothing that I had and managed to put the ’urge’ behind me. I settled down and got married.Unfortunately for me (or not?), my wife liked to wear very sexy underwear, stockings, and very revealing outfits. This meant there were a lot of these ‘things’...

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Sam Cat SomethingNew

Sam was out on a run for free cheeseburgers from Inside Out, and the k*ds they were going to babysit later on in the day hadn't arrived yet, so Cat was bouncing on her bed playing with one of her yoyos. She had a red lollipop, to match her hair, in one hand and the green yoyo, to not match the lollipop, in the other. With her hair tied up in two ponytails, one on either side of her head, she could have passed for a twelve year old if it wasn’t for the noticeable lumps on her chest. She swung...

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Fairy Things will be great when were Downtown

Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...

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One evening as you were relaxing at home after work, you hear the doorbell.I am at the door. I tell you that I am there on business having to do with the house. (I have found out that the house that you rent is going to be sold). I tell you that I have to do a quick inspection and then I will be able to refund your housekeeping deposit.You ask for ID, which I supply and then ask me in. We sit down in the living room and I ask you about ten questions about the house.I ask you if you could take...

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Fortysomething By Melissa Tawn It was Alice Carter's birthday: fortysomething. She sat in her favorite easy chair, a drink in hand, and thought back on her life. Birthdays are the time one takes stock. She had been born Alan, a boy, though inside she knew, that she was really a girl. At one point she tried to explain this to her parents, tried to get them to understand, but they were unable to do so. This was in the days before the internet and the local library was...

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Wayne the Twentysomething Warlock

Episode 1: Wayne's Tale, Part I Wayne strolled across campus, bundled up in a warm winter coat. The wind whipped at his face and he pulled his shoulders up to try to block it. The scarf he wore helped some, but only the parts of his face which it covered. Snow crunched under his feet and he glanced up. The little suburban street was covered in snow, but occasionally a car would try and get through anyways making a few sets of gouges in the inches of fresh powder. Everything looked...

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attendant to my mamin evrything

I am shwetha, an undergraduate working in Bangalore. I was working in five star hotels as house keeper and getting 3000. Rs. Marketing manager mam sema was looking so gorgeous I never saw or imagined a lazy like herseema ready is young studied in US and very good in giving business to hotel. As she was good friend of housekeeping manager she often visiting our section and when we met once she asked me to come to working her homes her previous servant left. She promised me 8000. And she told I...

3 years ago
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Silent VigilChapter 5 Sleuthing

“Did you find what you were looking for in that locked room?” Spencer asked as Ethan handed the heavy key ring back to him. The old man doddered into the office behind the main desk, returning the keys to their place on the wooden board, Ethan following after him. “I satisfied my curiosity,” he replied, a lie of omission. He wasn’t sure if anyone would understand what he had been through in that suite, it was better to keep his mouth shut for the time being. It was quite a leap to go from...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 31 Thingstead

I had one spear left. Two of the Rock sharks floated belly up to the surface, the Slayer harpoon meant for Tyrannos was good enough to kill these triangle snouts. Even now fighting for my life I wondered why I called them that way. My last spear missed! Not that it mattered much, four sharks were now busy with the carcass of the ones I killed, fighting each other for the meat, there were three more now aiming for me, also that immense presence beneath me came closer. This was the largest...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 32 Thingstead

We arrived in Halstaad Fjord and were greeted by a group of elders accompanied by twenty beefy looking men, all were dressed in the traditional Neo Viking way with leather vests and trousers and shirts. They all wore identical helmets and swords and all were dressed in the same dark brown color. Egill was also with them. As we stepped ashore he said to me, I know what happened, Eric and I will take it from here. You may have noticed the men; these are the first members of the Nilfeheim...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E15 Leanne OrsquoDonnell 40 from Worthing with Dennis

We begin this week’s show with a tracking shot along a rocky, narrow beach. The sky is cloudless, but a blueish, dim colour that instantly tells us it’s winter at the seaside. To our left, the sea rolling in to carpet the sand with a high tide flow, then withdrawing slowly. To our right, a deserted playground, and beyond that a seafront road and then 3 and 4 story beachfront apartment buildings. More functional than fancy. A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “WORTHING,...

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40 Something Mag! What makes a MILF? Beauty is obviously part of the equation. Everybody loves an older woman who’s taken care of herself, aging like a fine wine instead of getting all old and haggard. I think attitude is a major component of a truly fuckable MILF. The broads at 40SomethingMag, for example, all have this eager enthusiasm for dirty sex that gets my blood pumping as soon as I hit the landing page.40SomethingMag.com has been around for a good long time, pumping out cougar-fuck...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
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I offer tea and you want something

“Please,” I begged again, “make me yours.” We retraced our steps down the High Street, stopping to look in the shop windows and steal a kiss in the darker doorways. Despite taking over two hours to eat a bowl of delicious pasta, drink a bottle of wine and a cup of excellent coffee it was still only 9:30 when we returned to his flat. We agreed it was probably too early to go to bed so cuddled up on the sofa and he told me about Naples, the Venus with the Perfect Bum sculpture in the art gallery...

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Funny Business Farm

Funny Business FarmShortly after my parents were divorced, one of my fathers clients had passed away leaving everything to his now widowed wife. Dad received a call from the widow, requesting a meeting to discuss the widow's holdings. As their financial advisor for the last 8 years, he was familiar with their assets.They met in his office; folders spread across the desk, each representing all the real estate and business ventures she now owned exclusively. Dad explained that all of her holdings...

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Funny weed cunnilingus story

I have a funny, and frankly, hot, story from spring break 1996 when I went to Jamaica with my friends in college. There, I met a fellow spring breaker named Jamie who was a bit of a hippychick complete with cornrows (that she had done in Jamaica as many tourists are apt to do). Our evening consisted of an all-night toking and 69 session in her hotel room. The air was so dense with weed smoke that I really couldn't smell her otherwise musky pussy. However, I was kind of on the look-out because...

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Funny blowjob in a nerds car

Hello everyone, this is my first story here... This is a real one, i haven't many of them to tell so in the future i could switch to fantasy. I'm also not english so tell me about my writing :-pBy now: here the facts. I was 23 and i broke up with my boyfriend after almost 1 year, i was very sad, angry and, must admit, cock-hungry.That night a good friend of mine held a birthday party in a nightclub, we danced and had a very good time, drinking much. Aware of me being a good drinker, my friend...

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Funny Tag team orgy

When i was 18 i had my first orgy ...it was me, my boy, this girl i had just met, and her friend. It all started at cici's (pizza buffet) me and my boy had walked in to grab a bite when we came across two big booty chicks ...we hit it off and started talking after five min's into the convo 1 of the girls asked if we wanted to fuck!!!! lol i know i couldn't believe it myself it was as if an angel came down and sprinkled pussy juices all over my throbbing cock ..... i was so shocked that they...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Birthing

Altered Fates: The Birthing By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 Here's a very short gargoyle while I take a break from "Eerie Saloon." * * * * * "Tansie," Alyson Palmer yelled. "Get Her Majesty some more spiced wine." "Yes'm." Tansie Nutter ran over to pour the wine. She was outwardly obedient to the midwife, but her thoughts were far different. 'Her Majesty... the king's slut'd be more like it. It ain't fair that she's having such an easy time of it, when the queen wore herself out...

4 years ago
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Birthing Class

Happy Birthday Francine! I got a special surprise for you tonight. Go to my apartment I got a special outfit for you and further instructions. I won't get there until 6:00 but you should give yourself a little time. Don't forget your baby bump!...Tom How nice I think to myself. He remembered. We haven't gotten together in awhile. I wonder what the surprise is. I wonder what the outfit is! I can only imagine. I give myself a nice bubble bath make...

4 years ago
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Funny the things you remember I came home earl

I've found myself thinking about Dawn even more that I usually do lately. Maybe that's because it's less than a week until it will be 5 years since I lost her. I love and miss her so much even now and find myself remembering many of the things we did ... both in the lifestyle and out as well as fantasying about the things I so wish we could have tried. I was remembering the time pretty soon after Dawn and I had experienced out first "lifestyle event" together which are actually posted my first...

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Everythings Just Beachy 8

Everything's Just Beachy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Eight After Hunter had Kara's head spinning, they spent some time frolicking in the surf and then she decided they should walk through the resort, window shopping and browsing through the store. They talked outfits, jewelry and fashion as they wandered in their cover ups until finally their shopping voyage took a detour to Hunter's room and then it got serious. Back and forth between her room and his they went...

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Mummys Little Plaything

Mummy's Little Plaything I'm Paul this is my story ; Like every little boy I loved my Mum, she was the centre of my world and given that I didn't have a Dad like most of the other kids at school she was even more important. I'm not sure when dad left us but I was very young and can just barely remember a father's presence in the house. Like all boy's I lived for pleasing Mummy, seeking out praise and love and attention at every opportunity. The trouble was I never seemed to...

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PlaythingPuppetBadboy Lover

Plaything/Puppet/Badboy=LoverOne: IdeaIt was cold that evening and as I sat on the sofa warming  by the fire he sat beside me, put his arm around me and whispered: "I think I could be happy with you for the rest of my life.." I looked into his eyes. Danny was everything I'd always wanted in a man and never really expected to find, but I had, three months ago standing at a bus stop one evening. As the rain started to fall I moved into the bus shelter and he was sitting there and we started...

2 years ago
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Something About BradleyChapter 4 Sunbathing in Eden

Brad sighed contentedly with the warmth of the sun and the sparkling surface of the pool as he lay in his sun-lounger; for this was the good life. Also sunbathing alongside him was his sister Linda and her daughter Rachel who was in a gingham-check bikini; revealing the immaturity of the girl against her mother’s prime figure. What a sensual sight; a truly yummy mommy relaxing alongside the daughter she had fucked to order the night before; a perfect pair of sluts. The love bites they had...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 67 A Funny Thing Happened

Monday morning. Tim could feel something in the air was ‘off’ as soon as he walked into the locker room. It was deathly quiet. Tim expected the spirits of his fellow football players to be high after the last weekend of Roosevelt football success. The JV and Freshman teams easily won their games against MacArthur, and the elation of the varsity win was still riding high if the number of requests for interviews in his email were to serve as a barometer. Tim quickly learned, though, that the...

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Arabian Plaything Chapter 6

Meanwhile, Belle's life followed its early pattern. She was summoned up to the Palace perhaps three or four times in a week... and still always to perform the most menial duties. She either had some decorative use or something more functional like acting as an ash-tray holder or a drink and food trolley. In general she carried out these tasks to the satisfaction of the overseers and only on one occasion did she earn herself a punishment. Sheer fatigue caused her to become slightly unbalanced...

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PLAYTHING by Geneva A powerful businessman muses on his plans for revenge on an old enemy. It has taken me some time and much detailed planning to come to this part of my revenge for the years of your demeaning comments and slights. Actually, I feel slightly apprehensive but now I can set the procedure in motion. This is the crux, but certainly not the finish of my plans for you. I will be careful and methodical. I intend to enjoy the continual oversight, dominance and attention...

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Used as a Plaything

Brianna whispered in my ear.  ‘Do you feel safe, Andy?’Did I feel safe?First, I need to explain the position in which I found myself.Brianna had brought me into a luxurious apartment and blindfolded me, before guiding me into another room where soft music was playing.All she had told me about the evening was the owner of the apartment, a woman in her fifties, had got friendly with Brianna and mentioned she had fancied the pants off me.  Together the two of them hatched a plan to use me as her...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 77 Topless Sunbathing

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Caught Sunbathing in the Garden Final

Caught Sunbathing in the Garden Final.This is based on a pure fantasy of my wife. Everyone is consenting in this story.My wife has left for her nursing job. She and my neighbour share a car together when they’re on the same shift; as they are all this week. I was caught sunbathing by my neighbour’s 19 year old d4ughter; Tracy. During our first encounter, when she fucked me beautifully, I told her of my wife’s fantasy of being r4ped. Just as she leaves she offers, “You are to come in the back...

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Sunbathing Neighbor

Sunbathing NeighborBy BossDaddyMy son Arty was home from college over the summer and one day I was looking out our kitchen window and I saw him looking through are back fence into our neighbors’ yard. After a few minutes I went out to see what was going on. As I approached him he put his index finger to his lips giving me the “shh” sign. I quietly asked him what he was looking at and he said our neighbor Elizabeth was sunbathing in the nude. I looked thru the crack of the wood fence and sure...

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Sunbathing Nude for Walter and his Friends

Lately, I've been really naughty around my neighbor, Walter. He’s often outside with his friends playing poker, and I’ll purposely be outside parading around naked. I’ll swim naked in my pool, or hang my wet clothes on the laundry line. I’ll play croquet in the nude. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist and love to be naked and have people watch me. I totally get off on it. Walter, is a sixty-five year old man. He’s widowed, and I know he loves to see me naked. I mean what man wouldn’t want to see a...

Group Sex
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Nudist Sunbathing in Suffolk

Being a nudist in the UK can be rather challenging as the weather is rarely warm enough to stay nude all day and there are very few places where you can feel comfortable naked. There are beaches were nudist sunbathing is allowed but I have never found them to be the best beaches. I travel around the country with my job and always try to find time to seek out any nudist beaches to try them out but often the best places are where you can just find a secluded spot rather than an organised nudist...

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SunbathingI get home from work it’s been a hot day, the sun was burning, in the kitchen I get myself a cold beer. I walk to the bedroom to see if you are there and maybe you didn't hear me, as I look out the window I see you in the garden, totally nude sunbathing.I strip and walk down naked, I feel my cock starting to grow as I walk on the grass closer to you.I enjoy the sight of the sun shining on your naked body, there are some drops of sweat on your body.A sound behind me makes me turn...

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IV That Nude Sunbathing

Sandy and I went to the beach hoping we could get together a team for volleyball Karen came running up to us yelling come with you two I got a almost a team. We yelled back Yes, Yes I couldn’t believe it when Karen kissed us both rather nicely and said gawd I love you too. We won four times and the hold team agrees to go forfeit and cancel. Sandy told Karen she Ok’d her coming over and nude sunbathing with us, Karen was ecstatic said I know and again kiss us both saying I love you two. I really...

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Mona Lisa Life 1973 Everythings Groovy

Mona Lisa Life 1973: Everything's Groovy By Heather St. Claire Claire had gone all out for this anniversary dinner. She and Melissa had been together for twenty years as of this evening. Claire and her love had spent two decades in a small town together as a war widow raising her two daughters with the help of her maiden aunt. The roast in the oven was almost done; the potatoes and mixed vegetables were coming along perfectly. Their best china rested atop their best tablecloth. She...

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Everythings Bigger in Texas

Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I just can't get over her," said Connor. "You're a bloody millionaire, man," Replied Billy Bob as they sipped their beers at the bar. "I knew leaving New York might be an issue, but she's loved Texas since we've been here," said Connor. "Just not me anymore! I'm so damn lonely since she moved out." "Damn it, come on man! Pick yourself up," said Billy Bob. "With your money, you can have almost anyone...

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