Funny How Things Turn Out free porn video

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FUNNY HOW THINGS TURN OUT For the first time in my life I was popular, what's more it was with the most attractive girl in the area. I just wasn't normally her type being quite short and certainly not what one would describe as muscular. Jillian was beautiful, intelligent and did I mention that she was the daughter of the biggest crime boss in the region? Not that I was aware of that at the time. I knew he had his hands in various borderline businesses, two or three clubs and a gymnasium but that was all. So there she was, beautiful and rich, I thought way outside my league being only five feet six, a geek and skinny with it. It started because she wanted my help with her university thesis which of course I was quite willing to give, once I'd got over my nervousness of even talking to her. In no time she was laughing at my jokes, asking me out for meals and the theatre and by the third date she was in my bed with me. Apparently my lack of experience meant that she could tell me exactly what to do and when, moulding me to bring her the most satisfying of climaxes, several times. Those were her descriptions, not mine, so I guess I gave her what she was looking for in bed and out. On our sixth date she asked me to marry her and I hadn't even met her family. The following week that was due, so as nervous as hell I drove up to their house, I've used that expression loosely, it was more like a mansion. This impression was reinforced when the door was opened by a maid, not just a maid but a girl in a really sexy French maid's costume. "Err, I'm Billy James," I stuttered, "here to see Jillian Diamond." "Please come in Sir, you are expected." She closed the door then. "Follow me please Sir." She led me only a few steps to a large lounge, curtseyed, then, "Mr James," she announced to the couple sitting in luxurious easy chairs. The man got up, he was huge. "So you're my daughter's intended?" He held out his hand to shake mine and it was if it was being enclosed by a great paw, big and hairy. "Ye...Yes Sir." I could hardly be more aware of the couple's overwhelming presence even without the disparity in our sizes. "Jilly will be down in a moment, it's Billy isn't it?" the woman asked. "What would you like to drink while we are waiting?" "Yes, thank you Mrs Diamond, a gin and tonic would be great." She pressed a button just under a side table where she was sitting, the door opened and another maid appeared and curtseyed, dressed the same sexy way as the first one but blond rather than the brunet that had let me in. "A gin and tonic for our guest please Sally and one each for us, would you like ice and lemon?" I nodded agreement. "Make that a large one Sally, I think he looks as if he could do with some fortification." The maid curtseyed again then disappeared for only a couple of minutes, returning with our drinks on a small silver tray, curtseying to the room in general, then me in particular as I took the crystal glass. She was back out of the door quickly and silently but with a last curtsey before she closed it behind her. I then felt as if I was going through the third degree being questioned. At least I was able to talk about myself, I didn't feel qualified to spend any time with them just with small talk. I explained that I wrote custom programmes for corporate clients' computers, and, yes, I was earning good money at it and yes, even though I was self employed I already had more work than I could cope with and I had interviewed another programmer who was to start working for me on the first of next month. When I explained that I was frantically looking round for office space to rent, Jilly's father, Jack, as I was told to call him, interrupted. "It just so happens I might have an office suitable, it's above my boxing gym. I don't want to let it out to a stranger, but if you want it, it's yours." He smiled. "There's just one thing I want to say to you before my daughter gets here and that's if you ever hurt her I'll hurt you ten times as badly. Clear?" "Ye...Yes Sir, I wouldn't do that, ever Sir." I thought it wise to dress him formally with that, to be honest he terrified me. "Good, now I'll have Jilly show you the place tomorrow. I'll charge you one pound a year, with a proper contract, that way we'll both know that you can't just waltz off and I can't chuck you out." He paused, then, with a laugh said slowly, "Jilly and Billy, you're made for each other." Then the questioning continued about where I was living, what university I went to and so on, until I was rescued by the arrival of Jilly. She came in and kissed me on the cheek as I stood. "Sorry I left you to face the Spanish Inquisition on your own Darling, but I thought it best for Mummy and Daddy to get to know you." I forgave her, but not quite as readily as I made it seem. We'd just finished our gins when a third maid entered, curtseyed and stood with her head bowed. "Is dinner ready Joan?" her Mother, Lucy, asked. "Yes Madam." And with that the girl curtseyed again. The matriarch of the family led us all to the dining room which was rather smaller than I had expected somehow, although still large enough for an eight seater table laid with exquisite china wear, five crystal glasses each and a silver service. "This is our family dining room," Jilly explained, "the other dining room is much too large for us normally." The maid Joan who had announced dinner served along with the first maid I'd seen who let me into the house and whose name I learned was Nina. The service was silent and efficient except for the number of times I saw them curtsey, something I couldn't see the point of and I found a bit irritating if I'm honest. After we'd finished eating and were back in the lounge, Jack spoke to me. "I'll be frank with you young man, you're not the sort of person that I expected my daughter to go for, especially as you're both so young, barely twenty. If you'll excuse me being honest, I thought her choice would be a much more of a muscle man. She's told me that you enjoy cooking and you're good at cleaning the house, neither of which I'm interested in, but if you're what she wants then good luck to you both." Jilly was sat next to me and squeezed my arm. I looked at her and she was smiling. It would appear that I'd passed the 'In-Law' test, not by a long way, but at least I'd passed. The wedding was a big affair. Ninety percent of the guests were from Jilly's side of the family and at least sixty percent of them were men, very large men, looking uncomfortable in their dress suits. As we were making our way to the limousine parked at the front of the church, I noticed what were certainly several police, some in uniform and others taking photos of the guests. Jilly had been more forthcoming about her Father a little prior to the big day, explaining that although he was a legitimate businessman now, his past had been a little shady and some of his friends were still sailing close to the wind. With that knowledge I wasn't that surprised to see the police taking an interest in such a gathering. Jack Diamond not only paid everything for our wedding, he arranged and paid for our honeymoons. I say that in the plural because, being self employed I couldn't take a long time off work, so we had three holidays, each of nine days in length and each a month apart so that I wouldn't be away from the office too long. By this time I had three programmer employees who were all very good, I even had Jilly as my P.A. and she turned out to be very efficient at the job, so life could hardly be more full of promise. In double quick time my business went from strength to strength. When we first moved to the premises owned by my Father-in-Law we installed ourselves in one corner of one of the six large rooms that comprised the suite of offices. By the time three years had passed we occupied the whole building although one room was used as an experimental area come reception. I had nearly thirty employees and there seemed no limit to where we could go. I was finally able to spend more time with my beloved wife, cutting my working hours to only two days a week, the rest of the time I was always contactable but I was seldom needed. My choice of staff had been excellent. Jilly started to spend time with charities that she'd taken under her wing and I spent quite a bit of time expanding my cooking skills, something I'd always wanted to do. I especially liked it when I could show off my talents in that respect to our friends and family. I can't say I wasn't nervous the first time we asked Jilly's mother and father over and I didn't appreciate him telling his daughter that I made a lovely wife, but at least it was all in jest and they complimented my meal. The next time they came over the seeds of all my problems sown the first time were starting to show vigorous shoots. It was Jilly who picked up on what her Father had started, making what I considered cutting comments about my housewifely skills. At least I thought they were cutting, my wife thought they were just a bit of harmless teasing when I asked her about it afterwards. She even thought I was being stupid and not able to see the joke. "It's alright for you," I told her, "it's not you that's facing being hung, drawn and quartered by your father if he ever thinks I'm upsetting you." "Now you're really being silly, Daddy thinks the world of you, he'd never do anything to hurt you." Then she added, "His barks far worse than his bite." It was about a month later that the largest charity that she supported, it dealt with building schools for disadvantaged children all over the world, asked for someone to volunteer to travel to several of their locations, to make sure that the money sent out was being audited and spent wisely. She wanted us to both go, telling them that we could make the trip without it costing the funds a penny. She would pay all our expenses. It just so happened that it coincided with our first major contract with the defence industry and it was highly classified work. I had naturally put myself forward as one of my company's staff to be security checked and would be one of two people overseeing the project. (We actually doubled up all the staff so that if anyone was ill or otherwise dropped out, it wouldn't hold up things while another person was brought up to speed, it really was that important.) Having just got used to the idea that we were able to spend more time together, I now faced a very upset wife when I had to tell her it was necessary for me to be there, at least on this first contract. I distinctly remember going into the office one day still arguing with her. "It's alright for you," she said bitterly, "you get to play at the little housewife when you want to whereas I have to be there all the time, I can't work as the little maid when the fancy takes me. Now we've got a chance to be together and you want to bugger it all up." This hurt me very badly, she rarely swore because I didn't and I didn't like hearing it. OK, on the terraces at a football match or when someone hits their thumb with a hammer I can take it, sometimes do it, but not in an otherwise rational argument, I think it shows a person up that they can't have a logical discussion, they can only swear. Regardless of that I resolved to get the project underway then fly out and join her, returning for a few days when it just needed checking. I decided to tell her my plan, originally I thought I would surprise her but I didn't want her to leave on a sour note. I did however warn her that she would have to let me be flexible with timings and she was only too happy to agree to that. Anyway the net result was that the very next morning she set off in a happier mood, on the first leg of her journey to several locations in Sub-Sahara Africa. After that she would go to the southern part of that continent then India, Bangladesh, and South America before heading home in at least a month's time, maybe even two months. Because she would be largely out of touch I was going to arrange it through the charity. That same morning the secret squirrels arrived at our offices to start their checks. That same evening my front doorbell rang and I opened it to two men that I didn't know standing there. One stepped forward and placed a cloth over my face. The next thing I knew I was in bed and Jack Diamond was looking down at me. "I warned you not to ditch my daughter, now you're going to make it up to her." I tried to reply but in spite of my brain sending messages to my mouth they just weren't being received. My lips parted with great difficulty but a groan was the only sound I could make and he left before I could tell him what we disagreed about, that we'd made up and it was the first falling out we had gone through in four years of marriage. Her father had obviously heard our argument the previous day when we went into the office, made two and two come up with five. I desperately tried shaking my head but it was too complicated a story to be told by head shakes. He walked away and I was put out again by some sort of medic. When I woke again it was in a fog, everything about me felt wrong, the most worrying was a pain in my groin but my face and chest also hurt and my buttocks were uncomfortable to lie on. I couldn't seem to take a deep breath. "I warned you what would happen if you crossed my daughter." Jack Diamond was looking down on me. I tried to speak but no sound came from my mouth, I started to panic. "You're going to pay her back now and you'll be doing it for the rest of your miserable life you queer bastard." He came out with several similar nuggets until he explained a little. "I've been on at Jilly for a long time to get a couple of maids, her mother finds them really useful and now I've persuaded her that it's what she needs. The very day you told her to bugger off I agreed with her that I'd pay the wages of a maid and a cook for her and that I'd supply a second, junior maid but it would be a surprise. I think she guessed it would be you, now stand up and see the present I'm giving her." He helped me to my feet and I immediately realised I was dressed in a copy of the parody of a French maid's costume that he dressed his own maids in but that, to my horror, wasn't the only thing that made me look like them. I had breasts, and when he lifted what little skirt there was, I clearly had nothing between my legs. I fainted. It was a couple of days before I could function. Everything was made ten times worse because they had done something to my throat and I couldn't even speak. Only a sound of breath exhaling could be heard when I tried. Add to that all the other surgeries, my face wasn't even my own, my brow had been tightened and eyebrows reduced, giving me a wide eyed look all the time, my nose had been reduced making it quite small with a slight turn up at the end, my cheek bones had been enhanced and my jaw reduced so taken all together I'm not sure my own mother would have recognised me. I was told that even my name had been changed by deed pole to Babette. I quickly found that it was no good trying to complain by, for example asking for pen and paper so that I could write what I wanted to say. There were two methods used to make me do as I was told and 'stop moaning, you brought this on yourself'. If I persisted they whipped me with a riding crop and if they didn't want to expend their energy I was fitted with a shock collar, the sort of thing used to control animals, only mine was more powerful. They could vary the strength but I was told when I had a five level out of ten it put me writhing on the floor. Who were 'they'? Women first of all who taught me how to walk, sit and curtsey properly. They helped me dress, showing me how to tighten the corset I was put in, without which I wouldn't have been able to do the stupid little dress up. They had the nerve to tell me how lucky I was, not having to do my make up every morning. All the colour on my face was what they called permanent, meaning it only had to be touched up every couple of months apart from regularly smearing gloss on my lips as the make up had a fairly matt finish. Everything I learned about what they had done was only what they were prepared to tell me. I had no way to ask questions and I was told that as a junior maid I didn't need to know anything more than my lessons. I was told several times that Jilly knew exactly what had been done to me and approved. That way I couldn't even hold out hope that some sort of rescue would be carried out by her when she returned. After a week recuperating I was delivered to the Diamond mansion where I was introduced to the maids there as Babette. I don't think they knew who I was, and they told me what to do and how to do it. The secret, they said, was to do a routine, written out on a sheet, that I could stick to week in week out. I wouldn't need to do it myself, I was only junior to the other maid taken on in my home, but I needed to know about it in case she left or was absent for any reason. By and large they treated me kindly enough, but they seemed to think that because I couldn't talk, I was some sort of idiot, of course they knew nothing of the defence contract I was supposed to be working on. Several times I seriously contemplated suicide. My only decision was to at least wait until Jilly was back, I held just a faint hope that she didn't realise the seriousness of what had been done to me. I would soon know what to do when I saw her reaction. After three weeks at the Diamond household I was again moved, this time back to my own house although the bedroom I was given was in the attic. I was introduced to the cook, Mrs Vera Williams a widow of about thirty, and my immediate senior, the other maid Susan Webb who was barely twenty. They each showed me that they had remotes to electrocute me and a selection of whips and paddles that I was assured they wouldn't hesitate to use on me if I didn't cooperate fully. I was given no idea if they knew that I had once been a man. I was told nothing about when my wife would be coming home, but one morning I was told to change into the mauve version of my uniform so I guessed something was about to happen. Sure enough we were soon lined up in our entrance hall, Cook, then Susan then me. When Cook opened the front door Jilly came in followed by both her parents, Jack stepped forward and introduced first the Cook, by name, then Susan then me, as Babette of course. I noticed that the others both curtseyed to Jilly but I made an instant decision, I wasn't going to curtsey to my wife. "Hello Babette, that's an interesting name, where do you come from?" she asked. I did the only thing I could think of, I mouthed, 'I love you.' She looked at me expectantly but Jack butted in saying that I was dumb, that I hadn't been able to speak for a long time and I was also very stupid. He told her that I only seemed to do as I was told after I was punished. "For example," he explained, "she should have curtseyed to you like the others, so she will be punished, then perhaps she'll remember." He turned to Cook. "Do that please Mrs Williams." Cook brought out her remote from her pocket and pressed the button. Of course I couldn't scream but I did collapse on the floor, tears streaming from my eyes. I was still sobbing when one of them, I'm not sure who, dragged me to my feet. "Now curtsey!" Jack told me. I decided it was now or never, I had to find out if Jilly was as sadistic as her father. I just stood there crying with the pain. "Crank it up Cook, put the dial on ten," Jack ordered. She did as she was told but apart from a horrific moment when my body felt as if it was on fire, I didn't feel anything more until I came to on the floor again. I don't know how long I was out but it was at least long enough for someone to fetch the riding crop that I'd been shown in the kitchen. Jack was waving it over me. "Are you going to curtsey or do I have to beat manners into you?" I shook my head as a no and he started to lay into me. The beating continued until I became aware of the sound of someone screaming, Jilly couldn't stand to see her father acting like that and eventually locked her arms round his to stop him. Then I heard two women's voices raised in anger, it was Jilly and her mother, unable to understand what had driven Jack to act so aggressively towards a girl half his size. "What are you doing?" I could just make out what Jilly was shouting. "If you carry on you'll kill her, why are you acting like that?" "This was the surprise I told you about." Jack was breathing hard but gathering himself from his wild anger. "This is your bully of a husband and he's going to spend the rest of his useless life serving you whether he likes it or not." Suddenly there was silence, I could just make out the sound of sobbing and realised it was me. Everyone was staring at me. In what was almost slow motion both Jilly and her mother had a look of horror appear on their faces. "That can't be Billy?" Lucy Diamond asked her daughter. I weakly looked up at my wife and nodded. It was at that point I think, the punishments caught up with me and I don't remember anything else until I woke up in hospital, Jilly at my bedside, looking as if she hadn't slept for two nights, which was actually the case. "Don't try to talk," she told me, handing me a notepad and pencil. "The doctors have been repairing your vocal cords, they think they have got your voice back but you mustn't talk for another twenty four hours and then only softly." 'How long have I been out?' I wrote. "I came back Saturday and today's Monday." 'Do you know that I'm not a man any more?' I wrote. Looking back I think she'd have noticed my breasts trying to escape, previously from my uniform and now from a shapeless hospital gown. "You'll be alright Darling, my father told the doctor to cut off your dick and your balls, threatening him if he didn't, but the Doctor was very clever, he just tucked everything up inside you then sewed your scrotum over it all, the surgeon here says that although it might take a week or two, you should be as good as new down there. I'm sorry but the rest is going to be more difficult. They can surgically remove your breasts and some of the plumpers, your hips, bum and what looks like cheek bones, but you'll always look more feminine than you used to." 'I'm sorry,' I wrote, 'I won't contest anything if you divorce me.' "Don't be silly, it's you I married, not your face, anyway I quite like kissing those lips of yours, I've been doing it while you were asleep." To prove the point she gave me a long, lingering kiss, tongues and all. Then I thought, wonder of wonders. 'That got a reaction down below, will you do it again?' She did and then went on to explain. "Daddy's been arrested, he's going to plead guilty even though they're likely to throw the book at him 'cause they've been after him for years. He actually liked you but of course he loves me, so when he thought you'd done me wrong he had to take action, but he's admitted it all. He threatened the surgeon with killing off his family if he didn't do as he said and now he's wracked with guilt over the whole thing but mostly because he upset me. He thought he would please me and when I told him what a stupid so and so he'd been, he went to the police himself. They thought it was a joke when he went to the police station, it was like all their Christmases had come at once." * * * * * It's funny how things turn out, isn't it? Jack's respect for me when I wouldn't back down went through the roof, although he didn't realise and I didn't tell that I felt as if it was a way for me to commit suicide. I spoke up for him at his sentencing hearing so he only got two years and when he came out he retired to a nice little village in Spain. He actually told me that he trusted me more than he trusted himself to keep his daughter safe. Jilly and I took over all his 'businesses', turning them legitimate and into a quite substantial business empire along side my original IT venture, and yes, we got a lot more defence work. We all ended up winners. Jack and Lucy got to retire, the Doctor who operated on me ended up with Jack setting him up with his own private gender dysphoria clinic and did a great deal of charity work for those that couldn't afford to get the body they should have been born with. Us? Jilly decided she loved the soft gentle me and I loved the feel of the clothes I once loathed. At her suggestion, instead of having them removed, I just had my implants reduced to something between a 'B' and 'C' cup and it's amazing how often Babette ended up serving Jilly her evening meal. The only trouble was that neither of us are awake enough to deal with anything for a day after I spend the night as my feminine alter ego. Now all that is a little muted, we have our twins, one boy one girl, to look after.

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Nobody ever said she was a pretty baby, except for . . . well, the truth is, nobody ever said she was a pretty baby. She was born with a ‘Port Wine Stain’ on the right side of her face that started at her hairline and split her face almost evenly down the bridge of her nose, through the cleft of her upper lip and about a quarter of an inch below her bottom lip and extended itself over to her ear, marking half of the lobe. She wasn’t just afflicted with the stain, but she had the form that...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 13

A few minutes later, Connie and Tyler were ushered to a table toward the rear of the bistro. Two hosts held their chairs out for them as they sat down. Tyler was careful to hold his long, sequined skirt behind him as he sat, making sure the back end of the skirt didn't fall off the chair while also making sure to drape the front of the skirt as far over his freshly-shaven left leg as he could. It was such a complicated gown! Everything else he had worn since arriving on Saturn Beta had...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 14

Tyler gave himself a long, hard look in the mirror before he went any further. He saw the sweat-streaked makeup, the frazzled but glamorous updo with its exquisite hairpins suspended inside, the platinum and diamonds hanging from his ears and neck, the skin of his exposed shoulders and tops of his D-cup tits, the tightly-fitting bodice hugging him from breasts to waist... he saw all of this, and it somehow startled him. He still didn't want to admit that Violet Taylor's body was the...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 19

Ever the gentleman, Ben Rosenthal agreed to meet Tyler at the lobby of Pyramid Suites. Tyler wasn't interested in having other men on the elevator checking him out so brazenly, and he assumed that having Ben on his arm would discourage anyone from staring for too long. He wanted to give off the impression that he was Ben's woman... his date, for lack of a better term. Of course, that wasn't the case... but, well, it would make things less uncomfortable for Tyler, which his what he needed...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 25

Tyler returned to his room, aiming to distract himself from everything Jackson had said about herself, her history, and her knowledge of what Tyler had been up to after the reception. He took an inordinately long shower, shampooing and conditioning twice, soaping and rinsing his supermodel-quality body until it shone in the overhead bathroom lights. He slipped last night's heart-shaped pink earrings out of his lobes and replaced them a couple of high-hanging platinum hoops. He dried off...

2 years ago
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The Stan Howard Show

****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....

2 years ago
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Funny How Time Slips Away

When a cheating wife ill-treats and leaves a struggling poor factory manager, sometimes the very best revenge in life is to live well! A tale of how karmic justice sometimes does work out for everyone. Any story codes are trivial and only implied. Genre: Romantic Codes: MF FF Mult Humor Cheat preg Sex Content: Minimal Sex Originally Posted on SOL: 2009-06-21 Thanks to Jake and my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers! This story was in a worse mess than usual but we eventually got...

3 years ago
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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

2 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 22 Outposts

I learnt a new form of love the day my daughter was born. When Tory had started her next group of girls incubating, I found myself gravitating to one of them in particular. I knew she was very special. I knew she was a true sister to me and that I would need to raise her as my daughter. Call it a premonition if you wish, but the certainty was there all the same. She wouldn’t take the place of my precious lost daughter, yet I knew this little girl was very special to me. I was glad that one...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 2

Amber had been right about the water temperature - Tyler was able to adjust it to his liking, anywhere between hair-raising cold to scalding hot and everything in between. Thank God for the gas mining operations on Saturn's moons! He played with the controls for a bit before stepping into the falling water of the showerhead. The first thing he noticed was how much water his new hair could absorb. He combed his fingers through his new auburn tresses, pulling the water drops through as...

3 years ago
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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

1 year ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWSChapter 1: Taken        As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second.  She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip.  She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation.  She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

2 years ago
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Wanna Makeout

Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...

3 years ago
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Mera Intazaar Khatam Howa

Its inform to u all that, names change hen is story men, mera b, kion k men kisi ka be raz fash nahe karta! Hi, mera nam Tallal hy meri age 23 hay, mery jism men hal chal hony lagti hey, jab koi sexy aunti, married larki, ya virgin meri nazrung ke samny ati hy, men Pakistan interior area sindh sy hun, aj kal Karachi job search ker raha hun, mujhy ek shaks key yad bohat sata rahe hy, rat k 12 bajy hen, socha kion nay ap readers sy share karun Yeh jo story men share karny ja raha hun who ek sachi...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Ute IGT Living Beyond the Dream Saturn

Wyoming Ute IGT,Living Beyond the Dream, Saturn By: Malissa Madison I followed the directions on the trucks map to the right truck, and was met by one of the Terrellian waitresses from the diner. As I tried to recall her name I said, "I'm on my way to meet with your Headmistress." "Oh I hope no one has gotten into trouble." "No," I replied. "Brandi, do you think they need more help in the diner?" asked Rachel to my relief identifying the twin. "I think they can always use...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 5

Jackson sent word out over the Ringed Amusements employee tablets that there was now plenty of initial interest in booking girls for public events, as well as more intimate one-on-one sessions, and that anyone interested in making a ton of money over the next week should leave their schedules open and wait for further instructions. Amber and Tyler tapped around on their tablets, looking for details, but none surfaced. Tyler eventually looked over at the hostess station again, where Zoe...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 9

Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 12

Paul paid for his drinks and escorted Tyler back into foyer, toward the bank of elevators at the center. Tyler followed along behind, purse slung over his shoulder, gingham dress swishing playfully around his knees, pearl earrings dangling from his lobes, heeled pumps clicking along the polished concrete floor. He looked around furtively, hoping not to recognize anyone he saw here on the 39th floor. He didn't want anyone to think that he and Paul were out on a date or anything like that....

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 17

Tyler stayed sober through the rest of the after-party in the saloon. Two shots had been enough to make him unsteady in his seat - this new, smaller, softer body was much less tolerant of alcohol than his previous, flabbier male form, and he knew he had to slam the brakes on the booze if he was going to stay mentally fit enough to run his game on Ben Rosenthal. It had been going well so far, and Tyler was able to extract some potentially useful information from his target. He now...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 20

Raj's office, if you could even call it that, was buried deep in the spindle between a foul-smelling fast food restaurant and a secondhand furniture store. Every wall in the office was painted bright white. It held a small desk, a massive safe, and a single swivel chair. Tyler stood on one side of the office, holding his boots, while Raj spun the dial on his safe. "I need to get a few photos of your face to put on your documentation," Raj said as he opened the safe. "This shouldn't...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 26

Lunch was great. Dinner that night was, too, as Tyler donned the housewife act again and fixed up some pork chops, which Ben devoured with rave reviews. They spent the evening cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie and part of a baseball game. They fucked on the sofa when Tyler got bored during the eighth inning, then showered together before bed. The dinner dishes lay dirty in the sink. The next morning, Tyler made coffee and breakfast - making sure to include a glass of pineapple...

3 years ago
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Her Side Blood From a Turnip

Thanks for the comments-both good and bad on the story "Blood from a Turnip". I had number of email requests for: A) A companion piece from the wife character Lisa POV. B) More descriptive sex scenes. C) To stop writing such crap and never submit anything ever again (guess you cannot please everyone). I moved my tongue around his shaft as I bobbed my head up and down slowly using my one hand to jack his base. From his moans and movement he was really enjoying my ministrations. "Oh...

3 years ago
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Blood From a Turnip

"My God, Vince, I had more money working as a gofer on the wrestling circuit that summer after High School than I do now." That was my brother Tommy. We were sitting at my kitchen table and going over his finances for the umpteenth time. Tommy had not fared well in the two years since his divorce. "OK Tommy," I tried to explain again, "you pull in $52K a year after taxes. That is about $4K a month you bring home. Now, gone first off the top is the $500 a month you pay in child support,...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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The Dugout

Cherie is a lovely Asian woman. She seems like a typical wife and mother. But there is a dark side to her. Cherie is one of those fiery tiger moms who thinks her son can do no wrong and that she deserves to be in control. Not always. Cherie was watching her son play little league baseball with the other moms. The game was intense, and Cherie was really animated and vocal about what was going on in the field. Her son was at bat and had two strikes against him. Both were questionable calls, in...

2 years ago
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Humping with HowdyChapter 2

DETROIT, SEPTEMBER 1971 We handled the DPS paperwork without evasion, but again without clarification. Insurance is the only benefit where having a spouse matters, but it’s cheaper for two employees to be individually covered. We each claimed one on our W-2s. Don’t fool around with a 1040. My driver’s license is totally legit. We say we’re both from Normal, which is true. Our anniversary is the day of our interview. We don’t wear rings, but that sort of formality is optional these...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 10

Tyler entered the wardrobe at the far end of the printing press and immediately saw someone else in there, riffling through the plastic- covered clothes hangers. A shock of red hair turned to see who had just entered. "Hey, Violet," the redhead said. Well, speak of the devil, Tyler thought to himself. There she was. "Hey, Zoe," Tyler said. He walked between the racks of clothing and came alongside her. "How's it going?" "Good, good," Zoe said, grinning mightily back at him. She...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 18

Ozzie used his key to access a tiny office in the rear, one stocked floor to ceiling with shelves containing all kinds of gear - tablets, phones, security cameras, whatnot. There was a dingy-looking desk tucked into a corner with one chair behind it and one in front. Ozzie took his spot at the other side of the desk and Tyler took the remaining chair for himself, smoothing the skirt of his boring brown dress as he sat down. He placed his purse in his lap. "So," Ozzie said, folding his...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 22

"Ben!" Amber screamed. "Well! Fancy seein' you way out here!" "Hey, Amber," he said with a smile, and then he immediately turned his attention to Tyler. "Hi, Violet." "Oh," Tyler said, trying to regain his breath. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks, and he could pointedly sense each individual item of clothing he had on, especially the garter belt. "Hey, Ben." "Well, don't act too excited to see me," Ben said jokingly. "I'm... well, no," Tyler stammered. "I mean, yeah, I'm...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E16 Tamara Cooper 32 from Southampton

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...

2 years ago
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TangentChapter 10 Outpost

Judy was woken for the second day in a row by a kick on the foot. She cracked an eye and saw Tanda Havra once again standing over her. "Breakfast," Tanda informed Judy. "Then horse or wagon." Judy looked around the tent, empty except for the two of them. She must have been tired to sleep past the others getting up! "Horse," Judy said almost without thinking. She'd seen the wagons yesterday. They bumped and jolted you; there were no springs. "Be ready, be quick!" Tanda told her,...

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Coupleforfunnyc my very first BBC ever part 2 of i

I would like to say I'm sorry in advance for my Grammer I have to be drunk to write these stories otherwise I'm too embarrassed . So picking up from part one of the craziest story of my life , I am looking at these papers and everything is negative and his name Is josh and as I am just scanning other things to be sure he breaks my concentration and says can we continue and I look up and him and Mike are in front of me and I couldn't help but to compare and Mike was thicker but josh was a lot...

1 year ago
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Sexy And Funny! Welcome to a place that’s full of laughs and full of wanks. The site focuses on both the funny and sexy as the name would suggest and tries to bring it to your screen as authentically as possible. Now, I don’t know about you, but I love me a bit of banter when it comes to sex. It helps keep things fresh. I’ve gone through so many women that I would certainly have gotten bored with sex if I didn’t use a little bit of humor here and there to spice things up.Want...

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"But my princess!"Gearan remonstrated pleadingly. "You realize that THIS is most improper!" The scene in which the imperial Chef found himself presented an odd picture to be sure. Standing, in his traditional attire just outside the dining area side of the Masaki family kitchen. A cordon of hand selected helpers waiting anxiously behind, where the lot of them had been promptly ejected only moments before. He had actually been looking forward to yet another challenge. The prospect of...

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  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be over. She...

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Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter.   Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 3

Hours later, after Saturn's moon had drifted away from the window, Tyler was woken up by footsteps near his bed. He rolled over to try to see what was happening. "Sorry, darlin'," Amber whispered as she padded around the dark dorm room in her bare feet. "I was tryin' to be quiet for you." "What's going on?" Tyler said groggily. "Got a job to do. It just came over on my tablet. Really good money. You go on back to sleep, now. Don't mind me." And she was out the door and into the...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 7

By some unexplainable miracle, nobody else needed to use their elevator until the 94th floor. As the car slowed, Connie and Tyler finally ended their long and passionate embrace, bashful as two middle school kids caught making out behind the bleachers. Connie spun away from Tyler and examined herself in the reflection of the rear wall, dabbing at her makeup with her fingers until the doors opened to take on the new passengers. Tyler stared straight ahead, not wanting to attempt...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 8

Sometime later, an electronic bell sound rang through the suite. Tyler startled to attention and looked over the bed at Connie, who still had the purple rubber dildo hanging out of her cunt. She rustled around on the bedsheets underneath her for a moment before gripping the dong with both hands and easing it out of herself. She gasped as the tip exited her pussy, spilling a slight amount of vaginal juices onto the linens beneath her. "Sounds like dinner," she said, running a hand...

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