Welcome To Saturn Beta - Finale free porn video

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Tyler tapped on the taxi window. Jackson looked at him through the glass, oddly, then opened the door for him. "You didn't get it," she said. Tyler held his shimmering skirt, sat down, and placed his clutch on the seat. "Get what?" "The biomechanical canister. The one you're going to pee all your nanobots into tomorrow morning after you have your old body back." "Ah. Right," Tyler replied. He punched some instructions into his phone, and the taxi began driving away. "Well, the guy who said he had one for me... turns out he didn't have one." "Well," Jackson said. "That's rather inconvenient for you." "Yeah. And for you, too." Jackson tilted her neck. "How do you mean?" "I was going to hand my nanobots over to you when I was done transforming, right? So you could take them back to the station with you. Now you're stuck on Earth until I can get my hands on one of those canisters." "I'm not stuck. Just ship the nanobots back to me." Tyler shook his head. "Not a good idea. A receptionist at Pyramid Suites told me something about the shipping companies on Saturn Beta. Apparently, a lot of employees like to go through the packages and steal things that might be valuable. And your nanobots aren't cheap." Jackson leaned back in her seat. Tyler smiled at her. He could see it in her eyes, behind her glasses - she was starting to get it. Slowly, slowly, she was penetrating the layers of Tyler's half-assed story and extracting truth from all the bullshit coming out of his mouth. She smiled back at him. "Those canisters are tough to come by, you know," she said wryly. "They don't just grow on trees. It could easily take you a week to track one down." "Yeah. A week if I'm lucky. It might take a month." "A month?" Jackson said, feigning shock. "Hmm. Well, if it takes you that long, I can't change you back tonight. The nanobots can fry out if they aren't stored properly once they exit their host body." Tyler emitted a faux-disappointed sigh. "Sucks to be me. I guess I'm stuck as Violet Taylor for another month. I wonder if I can convince Ben to let me stay around for a while longer." They both turned and faced forward, looking out the self-driving taxi's front window. They rode in silence for a few minutes, as big smiles crept onto their faces. Jackson was the first one to start laughing, girlishly and loud. Tyler joined in almost immediately. "I didn't think you would ever, ever do this, Mr. Hillman," Jackson said once she stopped laughing. "Yeah, well," Tyler said, his smile finally ratcheting down, "I got some perspective, while you were waiting in the car. I had myself a little mental, emotional breakdown back there." "Oh? What brought it on?" "Amber called me." Jackson snickered. "She has that effect on people." They rode in happy silence for a while longer, Jackson coming to terms with the fact that Tyler Hillman, who had always been so stubborn, was now willingly and enthusiastically staying female for much longer than originally planned. Tyler could read the disbelief all over her face. By the time they reached the hotel again, Jackson's face was slathered in excitement. And Tyler knew exactly why. "Have a good time in Phoenix," he said, as he gathered up his clutch purse and stepped out of the taxi. "I'll let you know when I find a biomechanical canister that's up to snuff." Jackson lowered her glasses. "I won't hold my breath." "That bit about the shady behavior of shipping company employees was true, by the way." "I've heard rumors to that effect, yes." "Say hi to Renee for me," Tyler said. "When you let her know that you won't be back for a while longer." "I will," Jackson replied. She scooted towards the door and looked at Tyler closely. "Stay in touch, all right? Let me know how you're doing. If you start to have second thoughts..." "I'll be fine. Besides, I wouldn't want to violate rule number two." "Fuck rule number two. You and I are well, well beyond that." Tyler held his hands behind his skirted backside. "We are, aren't we? What a weird place to be." Jackson shook her head, laughed one last time, and closed the taxi door. She got her own phone out of her purse and tapped on it a couple times. The taxi's hologramatic paint job stayed red, and it began moving forward, driving off... to the airport, rather than the spaceport. ***** Tyler stood under the brightest sconce in the back of the conference room, so Ben couldn't help but see the gold foil dress sparkling in the light. Ben was still at the beginning of his presentation, formally introducing everyone by name (and the names of their wives and husbands), making sure everyone present knew who worked where and in what capacity. Smart move. It made everything more personal, and therefore tougher for individual investors to walk away without getting involved. Ben had a masterful grasp of the human element of business. He'd go far. The rest of the presentation revolved around investment strategies, capital pooling, blah blah blah... A few times, Ben's attention drifted to the beautiful young lady in the back of the room who refused to stop smiling at him. But Ben spoke convincingly and knowledgeably, inspiring enthusiasm in his potential business partners. After the presentation ended, and after the requisite gladhanding of his invited guests, Ben eventually made his way to the doors. "Hey," Ben said, grinning broadly at Tyler. He put a gentle hand on Tyler's waist. "I didn't expect to see you again." Tyler sighed. "Likewise. Sorry about that." "Don't worry about it." "So," Tyler said, tugging at his skirt, the way he always did when his nerves got to him. "Can we go home?" "Oooh..." Ben said. He sucked in his teeth. "As much as I'd like to - and I'd really, really like to - I should probably stick around and try to set up some meetings for next week. I've got to strike while the iron is hot." Tyler smirked seductively. "You're always hot." "Oh yeah?" Ben laughed. "Good to hear." People started approaching Ben, obviously looking to speak with him further. Tyler pulled away and lingered on the edge of the room for a few minutes, as several of the male investors tried to check Tyler out without letting their wives see, with varying levels of success. Eventually Tyler slipped out the doors and headed for the elevator. He left the hotel again, hailed another taxi for himself, and rode back off into the warm Miami night. On the way, he sent Ben a message - DON'T KEEP ME WAITING TOO LONG, OKAY? By the time the taxi arrived at Ben's condo building, Tyler had disassembled the puller. Upon getting out of the taxi, he lightly placed the puller's tiny data card on the sidewalk and, without a moment's hesitation, crushed it under his stiletto heel. The rest of the puller pieces found their way into a trash can in the building's foyer. His old, black phone followed. His new, pink phone had been blowing up with missed calls and an ever- growing backlog of voicemails, all from a single source - Amber. Tyler unsilenced his ringer but didn't bother listening to the voicemails before calling her back. "Where the hell have you been?" Amber shrieked, from the other end. "You gave me about a dozen heart attacks, Violet!" "Sorry," Tyler apologized, as the elevator in Ben's building rose. "I was at a function. Indisposed." "Oh. Well, you still owe me an explanation. You gonna tell me why you're leavin' forever and never gonna see me again?" Tyler picked idly at the hem of his dress. "I... uh... well, that's not exactly true anymore. Things have changed. Turns out I'll be around for a while longer." "How much longer?" "Until I'm ready to go back, I guess." "Go back to what? Mars? Violet, you're never going back to Mars. I refuse to let that happen. You can't go back." Tyler looked at himself in the reflective chrome elevator doors. He twisted atop his heels, causing the skirt of his gold foil dress to swish around his thighs. He thought about his body, his closet full of feminine outfits, his upstart career as an event planner, his flock of friends here on Earth and back on Saturn Beta... and his roommate, business partner, friend, and lover - Ben Rosenthal. Tyler's mind lingered there for a while. He knew what he was going to do, once he got back to Ben's condo. He would sit at the kitchen island and wait. Then, when Ben arrived home, Tyler would leap into Ben, wrap his legs around Ben's waist and his arms around Ben's neck, and kiss... and keep kissing until Ben carried him all the way to the master bedroom, when Tyler would remove the stunning gold foil dress he had on, letting it puddle on the floor. He would take off his bra and panties, and stand before Ben wearing nothing but earrings, a bracelet, an anklet, and a navel ring. He would let Ben take over from there. Maybe Ben would eat Tyler's womanhood to orgasm a few times, or maybe Ben would ram his dick deep into Tyler's pussy... or maybe both. Tyler hoped for both. He hoped for so many things... things far in the future, things that wouldn't have been possible for him three months ago. But they were all good things, exciting things, lovely things. And he was ready to pursue them wholeheartedly. He had made his decision. He had destroyed the puller and thrown out his old phone. He had no more anchors - he was now, completely and indefinitely, on vacation. "Hey, darlin'!" Amber shouted from the other end. "You listenin' to me, Violet? You're not goin' back. You're not ever goin' back. Okay?" Tyler smiled at his reflection, then leaned against the back of the elevator and closed his eyes. "Okay, Amber. You're right. I'm not going back." ***** ~~~ THREE YEARS LATER ~~~ ***** Tyler smoothed his sea-foam green dress, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell outside the stately rowhome. It was a hell of a house - the exterior had been preserved well for centuries, and the street it was on had not yet succumbed to being developed into a bunch of gaudy skyscrapers. This little section of New York had its own personality that Tyler found quite charming. Possibly even eccentric. Appropriate, considering who lived here... The door opened inward. Tyler folded his hands over his dress as the rowhome's occupant showed her face. "Well, well," Connie said with a smug grin. "Violet Taylor. I can't say I was expecting to see you today." Tyler smiled back. "I would have called ahead, Miss Giordano, but I didn't want to give you the opportunity to make any excuses for not seeing me." "Clever," Connie laughed. She motioned at Tyler's outfit. "I remember that dress. You wore that the first time we went out together, back on Saturn Beta." "Good memory. Can I come in?" "By all means. I've just brewed some tea, if you're interested." Connie escorted Tyler through her house, past expensive-looking furniture and all manner of modern art hanging on the walls. They eventually entered a library room with a pot of tea sitting on a low coffee table, surrounded by plush highbacked chairs. Before they got to the chairs, Connie took Tyler's hands in hers and held them steady. "It's wonderful to see you, Violet," Connie said. She leaned in for a kiss, on the lips, which Tyler reciprocated. The kiss lasted several seconds, but Tyler put little emotion behind it. Just as Connie was about to let go of Tyler's hands and wrap her arms around his back, Tyler pulled away. "Good to see you too, Connie," Tyler said. "The tea smells great." Connie, nonplussed at Tyler's subtle rejection of her unsubtle advances, turned around and walked toward the table and chairs in the middle of her library. She sat down and crossed her legs under her long, shapeless skirt. Neither she nor Tyler reached for the teapot. "So," Connie said in an obviously annoyed voice, "how have you been?" Tyler crossed his own legs. "Great, actually. Really great." "Still with Ringed Amusements?" "Eh... only on paper. I haven't taken on any Ringed Amusements jobs in years. I work independently in event planning now." Connie reached for the teapot. "Event planning?" "Yeah. I know," Tyler chuckled. "I wouldn't have pictured me doing it, either. But it's fun, and I'm good at it. Good enough that a New York bond trader will fly me in to plan his son's high school graduation, two days from now. I've earned a reputation as someone who can execute on incredibly short notice." "Impressive," Connie said, furrowing her eyebrows. "Good for you, Violet. That's why you're in town now, I assume?" "Yup. Mostly that. And I'm taking care of some other business at the same time." "What other business?" Tyler cleared his throat and placed his hands daintily on his knees. "I'm here to invite you to a wedding." "Ah, yes?" Connie said. She tilted her teacup toward her lips. "Hopefully I can make it this time. Who's getting married now?" "Me." Connie held her teacup as steady as a statue, as if her entire body had been put on pause. Only after a few seconds of dramatic disbelief did she regain herself and place the teacup back on the saucer. "Well, damn," Tyler said, as he recrossed his legs under his dress. "I was hoping I'd get you to spit your tea out." "Pff. I should hope not. That would have been much too predictable." Tyler laughed openly. "I guess so." "Well, all right! That explains why we're not ravaging eachother's bodies on the Persian rug right now." "Uh-huh. Sorry about that." "I'll survive. Way to go, Violet! Great news. Who's the lucky young lady?" "Young man, believe it or not. His name's Ben." Connie froze again. "Okay, THAT would've made me spit out my tea. You've gone straight." Tyler shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know. It doesn't matter. We like what we like. And I like Ben, a lot." "This is surprising. I don't say that flippantly, mind you. I'm genuinely surprised." "Not as surprised as I am. Trust me." Connie took a deep breath and drummed her fingernails across her armrests. "I'm still happy for you, don't get me wrong. I'd love to come to your wedding. Count me in. I'll be sure to wear something that makes you reevaluate your sexuality." "No you won't," Tyler said, with a sly grin on his face. "Oh? And why not?" "Because I have the final say on what you're wearing." Connie looked at Tyler shiftily as she picked up her teacup again. "You want me to be a bridesmaid?" "I want you to be my maid of honor." "Oh, god," Connie said, nearly laughing. "This keeps getting better." Tyler finally poured himself a cup of tea. "Connie, you need to understand something. You, more than anyone, taught me everything I know about what it really means to be feminine. I wouldn't be the woman I am today if it wasn't for those three days we spent together on the station. I know we haven't seen eachother since Saturn Beta, but I've thought about this a lot, and having you as my maid of honor makes sense. You're one of the three most important people in my life." "That's quite the compliment." "You earned it." "Three people, was it?" Connie said, between sips. "Who are the other two?" "Well, Ben's one. I would have brought him with me, but he's really busy. He just spun his investment department away from the family business and started his own firm back in Miami." "Miami. Interesting. And where are you hiding the other one?" Tyler chugged half of his tea in one gulp. "Phoenix." ***** Over the years, the booming gas and mineral industry on Saturn's moons had warranted the expansion of all nearby orbital stations. Saturn Beta was a hundred-and-fifty stories when Tyler Hillman had first visited; now it was up to a hundred-and-seventy. True to its original design, the closer you got to the top or the bottom of the station, the more fancy and luxurious everything was... and the 170th floor was a sight to behold. The crown jewel of the new top floor was a central wide dome, out of which could be seen the entirety of Saturn and her rings, along with whichever moon happened to be nearby at the time. The Bubble, as it was colloquially referred to, could be reserved for all manner of conferences, meetings, and special events. Tyler had booked The Bubble for clients a few times in the past year. The day after Ben proposed, Tyler booked it for their wedding. Ben loved the idea of having the festivities on Saturn Beta. It was where they had met, after all. Some of Tyler's friends still lived and worked there; Ben's relatives and business partners could easily afford the trip out. The Bubble had a wonderful hardwood dance floor, extraordinary catering, suites for the bride's party and groom's party to get ready in, and everything else Ben and Tyler could possibly need. It was the perfect venue for the perfect day. Though not quite the perfect day, according to the sneer on Amber's face. "Jackson ain't comin'?" Amber yelled, while holding her seven-months- pregnant belly under her shin-length, purple charmeuse bridesmaids dress. "How can Jackson not be here? It's... it's... it's Violet's weddin' day! What the hell's her problem?" Tyler shrugged. He was wearing a simple dressing gown while Pierre worked on corralling his wavy auburn hair into a stunning updo. Connie and Renee stared into their vanities and did their makeup, wearing purple dresses that were identical to Amber's in every way except size. "Jackson's been off the radar lately," Renee said, as she drew a mascara brush through her lashes. "Honestly, I barely even talk to her anymore. She still owns fifty-one percent of the company, so I have to provide her with financials and stuff, but other than that..." "She's busy, I'm sure," Tyler said, as Pierre put pearl-studded bobby pins in Tyler's hair. Amber huffed and turned to her vanity. "She's always busy. That's her excuse for everything." "Yeah, well," Renee said, "now she's busy AND she's back on Earth. Put it this way - I've seen her in the flesh a grand total of twice since you all left the station for Amber's wedding three years ago." "She did strike me as the private type," Connie said while applying lip liner. "Though granted, I only met her the one time." "Nah, you're right, she's very private," Tyler chimed in. The lovely bride turned his head back and forth to examine Pierre's masterful handiwork on his hair. "Good ol' rule number two," Amber agreed. "Well, to hell with her. We'll have a great time anyway." Pierre rested his hands on Tyler's shoulders, and they locked eyes through the vanity's reflection. "Well, honey, I think I've done all I can. Probably time for you to get dressed. I'll make myself scarce." "Thanks, Pierre," Tyler said, grabbing one of Pierre's hands. "I look wonderful." "Damn right." Pierre waved to the ladies in the suite as he left. Renee went over to a wardrobe in the rear of the suite and opened the doors to reveal several garment bags and boxes. These had all been delivered earlier by Fran, the helpful fashion and style consultant at Incantevole. Incantevole had moved floors, expanded, and added a bridal department since Tyler's first trip to the station three years ago. It made picking a bridal boutique a no-brainer. Tyler trusted Fran explicitly with style choices, and Fran didn't disappoint. She'd even thrown in one of Tyler's undergarments free of charge as a wedding gift... "You lucky bitch," Renee said, as she took the first garment bag out of the wardrobe. "Is this what I think it is?" Tyler smiled. "Yup. And I got it for free." "What is it?" Connie said. "A corset," Renee said, unzipping the translucent-white fabric bag and looking inside. "Since when do you wear these, Violet?" Renee said. Tyler stood up from his vanity. "Since Ben said he loved how I looked when I was wearing the saloon girl outfit, three years ago." Renee uttered an impressed hum as she removed the corset from the garment bag. Tyler confidently discarded his dressing gown and stood nude in front of his bridesmaids. He'd been butt-naked in front of all of them at one point or another, and being so again now didn't bother him. Connie stood back and enjoyed the view while Renee wrapped the brocade corset around Tyler's torso and did up the busk. The underbust corset was virginal white with a floral tapestry pattern woven into the fabric, lined with satin on the inside and tight frills on the edges. When Renee went behind Tyler to tighten the lacing, Tyler obediently held his arms up and emptied his lungs as much as he could. Upon finishing, Renee tucked the laces between the rear paneling and Tyler dropped his arms again. He took a few breaths to get accustomed to the new constraint. He found this corset much more comfortable that the one he'd worn on saloon night - the bridal undergarment was designed more for feminine shaping and visual enjoyment than it was for outright waist reduction. Still, the underbust design of the corset, along with the curved hip panels, made his breasts look larger and his hips wider, while making his waist look smaller, thus creating exactly the effect that Ben would enjoy most when it came time to consummate the marriage. Tyler enjoyed the way it looked and felt, like a tight hug all through his lower chest. Tyler slipped into a lacy white thong, embellished with a large white bow over the rear. He sat down on a high stool so Connie could work his legs into a pair of ultra-sheer white stockings, so thin that they looked almost invisible apart from the light sheen they provided. Once the stockings were clipped into the suspenders than hung from the bottom of Tyler's corset, Amber brought over a small box from the wardrobe. Inside were two silk garters - one was ivory in color with a dramatic design of tiny, champagne-colored pearls throughout; this garter, which Renee had pilfered from the Ringed Amusements wardrobe, qualified as Tyler's "something borrowed." The other garter was of sapphire-colored fabric, with cobalt porcelain teardrops attached to the satin-covered elastic edges; this was the blushing bride's "something blue," purchased from Incantevole on Connie's recommendation. It reminded her of the evening gown Tyler had worn during their symphony date and the sexual aftermath in Connie's hotel suite. Tyler obliged her; that night was still one of his favorite memories of his entire female life. Once Tyler's intimates were properly on, he rose from his stool and fingered his corset and suspenders while Renee retrieved his crinoline from the wardrobe. Tyler put a hand on Connie's shoulder for support as he carefully stepped into the crinoline, which was ankle length and made from three layers of ruffled tulle. The top of the crinoline had a drawstring to keep everything in place, and Amber got behind Tyler to tighten it around his corsetted waist, tying the drawstring into a bow. There was a knock on the door. Connie went over to open it while Amber and Renee fussed over the poofiness of Tyler's crinoline. In walked Paul Mayfield... the feminized, shortened, Korean version of Paul Mayfield. "We are good to go, ladies," Paul said with his cute little May Young voice. He was, ironically, the first of Tyler's bridesmaids to finish getting dressed, so he had been tasked with checking everything in The Bubble's foyer - guestbook, gifts table, programs, and whatnot. "That took you way too long," Renee chided. "Let me guess, May: you ran into a handsome groomsman and talked him up for twenty minutes." "Ten minutes, tops," protested Paul. "And he was an usher. And don't get angry... some of us are trying to get laid tonight." Tyler snickered. The word from Renee, over the last few years, was that Paul now occasionally "freelanced" for Ringed Amusements. He still worked as an anatomical designer, but when demand for prostitutes outstripped the company's available supply, Paul was called in to fill the gap... so long as the client liked Asians and could wait fourteen hours for May Young to become available. At Tyler's bachelorette party a few nights ago, Paul had explained that while he preferred to stay male most of the time, it was fun to dip into the life of a beautiful, spunky young woman once or twice a month. Whispering in the ladies room, Paul marveled with surprise at the fact that Tyler had decided to lose the Y chromosome permanently; Tyler had stressed that nobody was more surprised about it than he himself. But it was what Tyler wanted, now that he'd had plenty of time to experience it and reflect upon it, and he hadn't second-guessed the decision once. The big moment arrived as all four of Tyler's bridesmaids carefully took the wedding gown out of the wardrobe and extracted it from its garment bag. Connie, Renee, and Amber put both hands on the hem of the gown and gently lowered it over Tyler's head, while the bride squatted as low as he could. Eventually Tyler stood up straight again and held his arms over his head while his bridesmaids adjusted the bodice, finally covering his large breasts. Connie stood behind him and fastened all the buttons from his shapely ass to halfway up his back, causing the gown to tighten around his chest. The strapless gown had a sweetheart bodice that lifted and separated Tyler's mammaries, showing off their milky tops, as well as a hint of their sides. The bodice was embellished with pearl and diamond beading from top to bottom. The ballgown skirt was just as dramatic, with lace appliques throughout the waves of taffeta that went from the middle of Tyler's waist all the way down to the hem, which hovered barely above the ground once Tyler was strapped into his four-inch white-and-silver heels. Amber brought over a padded box that contained Tyler's jewelry for the day - a six-stranded pearl choker that wrapped snugly around Tyler's neck, and a pair of white gold chandelier earrings weighted down by diamonds, pearls, and amethysts. The amethysts were Amber's idea; they matched the bridesmaids' dresses, and they also matched the name of the bride who wore them. Amber had always thought it was cute that Tyler's current name wasn't just a name - it was a color and a flower, too. And along with the earrings, Amber had begged and pleaded Tyler to include fresh violets in his bouquet, swearing up and down that there was nothing narcissistic about it. It would have been a sin and a travesty if Tyler didn't prominently include purple and violets in his wedding, according to her. Tyler slipped his arms into a pair of fingerless, opera-length silk gloves, with intricate white lacework that matched the appliques in his gown. Tyler's veil was fastened into his hair with a pearl-studded comb. The veil had silvery threads throughout the wispy white tulle, and cascaded over the front and back of his head, ending at his elbows. Connie and Paul helped settle it around Tyler's chest, making a point of not letting it touch his face. Renee, ever the professional, checked the clock on the suite's wall. "Five minutes to showtime," she said. She put her hands on her hips, looking around the room, examining all the women around her for any potential flaws in their appearance. "That means I better go see to the kids," Amber said. She held her charmeuse skirt in one hand, her bouquet of white roses in the other, and waddled out the door as fast as her massive stomach and swollen ankles could take her. Connie grinned. "Let's hope she doesn't give birth in the middle of the cake-cutting," she said. "She wouldn't dare," said Renee. "Everyone should be seated by now. Let's make a move." After grabbing their own bouquets, Connie and Paul followed Renee out the suite door. Tyler lingered in place, standing before the full- length mirror on the far end of the suite. Connie looked back. "Violet, dear," she said. "You might want to come along with us. Apparently, there's a wedding starting in less than five minutes." Tyler laughed and put his hands behind his back. "Just a minute. I won't be late. I promise." Shrugging, Connie pulled the suite door closed, leaving Tyler alone in the room. He took a long, hard look in the mirror, twisting his waist slightly back and forth, making his long taffeta skirt swirl prettily. He studied himself in the mirror - the wonderful updo Pierre had constructed, the graceful and understated makeup job, the beautiful pearl jewelry on the ears and neck, the dramatic veil covering Tyler's bare shoulders and upper arms, the glamorous wedding gown, the French manicure on his fingernails... he had never looked or felt more wholly attractive. Everything about Tyler was perfect. And not just how he looked, either. He knew this. His life now was as good as he could have hoped for. He enjoyed his event planning job infinitely more than he'd ever enjoyed info brokering. He had great friends, both in Florida, elsewhere on Earth, and in the far reaches of outer space. And most of all, he was marrying someone who loved him more deeply than Tyler would have thought possible. Tyler's own feelings toward Ben had only grown over the years, along with his feelings toward his new body and his new self. Every day, the pudgy mid-thirties man grew more confident in his life as an early-twenties female. He loved being a woman, and furthermore, he loved being Violet Taylor. The thought of being a wife... and maybe taking womanhood one step further, someday... didn't intimidate him at all. He grabbed his violets-and-baby's-breath bouquet from his vanity, held it in front of his waist, and looked at himself one last time in the mirror. "Goodbye, Tyler," he whispered, with a smile. Tyler left the bridal suite, joining Connie in the hallway leading to The Bubble's main foyer. Connie held Tyler's train as they walked, and soon they arrived in front of the doors leading into the wedding chapel. The assembled bridal party lined up and stood patiently, waiting for the processional music to start. At the front of the line was Amber. She had to be the first bridesmaid in, since she had been tasked with guiding the two-year-old flower girl down the aisle... because the flower girl was her own daughter, Savannah, an unbearably cute little blonde who looked even more adorable than usual in her flower girl dress. She gripped her flower basket tightly while her mother lovingly nagged her. "Now look, sweet lil' thing, don't reach in for any flowers till you're actually walkin' down the aisle, okay? You gotta pace yourself." Savannah kept staring into her basket. Paul, standing behind Amber, picked nervously at his purple charmeuse dress. Renee leaned forward and told him to knock it off. Connie held herself statuesque, eyes straight forward, looking very dutiful. Tyler stood behind Connie. And to Tyler's right, dressed in a handsome, flattering charcoal suit with a purple pocket square, was the half-Sri Lankan, half English man who would be giving the bride away. Sonya Jackson, currently (and for the last three years) in the form of Raj Williams, looked Tyler up and down. "You look otherworldly," she said, in that diluted British accent. She smoothed her suit jacket and held her arm out for Tyler to take. To beautiful bride gently placed his hand in the crook of Jackson's elbow. "Thank you," he said. Just then, the doors opened and the processional started. Amber and Savannah went out first - a chorus of awww's echoed through the foyer. Then went Paul, Renee, and finally Connie. The ushers closed the doors after the maid of honor passed through them. Now it was just Tyler and Jackson in the foyer, waiting for their turn. "I'm not sure if you noticed this," said Jackson, "but Ben's aunt was making eyes at me during the rehearsal dinner the other night. She couldn't have been more blatant if she were using a flare gun to get my attention." Tyler chuckled. "I'll make sure to introduce you formally at the reception," he said. "Uh... have you ever... I mean, since you became Raj..." "Plenty of times," Jackson replied. They stood in comfortable silence for a moment. Tyler reflected back on the entire breadth of his relationship with Jackson, from its deeply uncomfortable beginning to its current, much healthier state. Since the life-altering car ride from the Miami hotel, to Dennis' office, and back again, the two of them had become much friendlier. They had something in common, now - the desire to live out their lives as different people than they'd started as - and they bonded over that, keeping in constant touch with each other, welcoming advice on how to exist as the opposite sex from someone who had been doing it a lot longer. Those conversations came in especially handy after Tyler finally expelled his nanobots, and was consequently faced with things he'd never had to deal with before, like menstrual cycles and birth control. Nowadays the two of them thought of eachother as much more that just friends and former coworkers. It helped that Jackson's daughter, Holly, adored young Miss Taylor and was always thrilled when Violet was in Phoenix, planning an event for someone there. Violet Taylor was twelve years older than Holly Williams, and could take Holly to do all the fun, girly things that young women do together, like getting mani- pedi's or shopping for cute clothes. Tyler had been there when Holly got her ears pierced for her eleventh birthday, and he had been on the other end of the phone when Holly entered puberty and needed a soothing feminine voice to tell her everything was going to be okay. She was thirteen now and needed a helpful female presence in her life more than ever before - Tyler was happy to be that for her, and Jackson couldn't have been more appreciative. Back in the present, Tyler and Jackson both looked straight forward as the music changed inside the chapel. The ushers opened the doors once again, everyone in the chapel stood up, and Jackson began escorting Tyler down the aisle. Tyler's heart pounded in anticipation under his breasts, and he locked eyes with his fiance, Ben, who looked more handsome than ever. Tyler wanted to sprint up the aisle and leap into Ben's arms, he was so excited. Nothing about this felt strange or unpleasant to Tyler; walking toward his future husband, while wearing an elaborate and beautiful wedding ensemble, on the arm of a former whorehouse-madam who had turned him into a woman three years ago... yes, it was ridiculous, but it was also what Tyler wanted more than anything in the world. As they reached the front of the chapel, and Jackson leaned down to give the bride a customary kiss on the cheek, she and Tyler shared a few words. "Congratulations, Mr. Hillman," Jackson whispered, in Raj Williams' accent, so quietly that only Tyler could hear. Tyler smiled beneath his veil, and returned a whisper of his own. "That's the last time you ever call me that name, Jackson." "And that's the last time YOU call me THAT name." "Deal," Tyler said. The volume rose in his voice slightly. "Thank you for everything. And I mean absolutely everything. I've never been this happy before... I didn't even think it was possible for me to be so happy." "You're welcome." Jackson pulled away from Tyler's cheek and adjusted her tie. "Now quit talking to me and go marry that guy up there." Jackson took her seat on the bride's side of the aisle, next to her daughter. Tyler stepped up carefully on his heels as Connie attended to his train. Ben took Tyler's hands and the two stared lovingly into eachother's eyes as the ceremony got underway. ***** The band from Chicago 1926, the jazz club on the 109th floor, played an exceptional set during the reception. Holly Williams had a good time holding little Savannah on her lap during all of Amber's frequent bathroom breaks. Isaac enthusiastically told Holly that she'd be a great mother someday. Sonya Jackson, in the body of Raj Williams, happily chatted up Ben's aunt Yvonne all night. One of the ushers caught Tyler's garter. Paul, somehow, despite his tiny current stature, caught Tyler's bouquet. Nobody was surprised when Paul and the usher left The Bubble at the same time, just after the cake-cutting. After the reception, Tyler and Ben walked down a secluded hallway to The Bubble's very own honeymoon suite, where Ben lifted Tyler into his arms and carried the lovely bride over the threshold. Tyler wrapped his arms around Ben's neck and kissed his husband passionately, keeping his lips locked on Ben's for a long moment. Ben eventually let Tyler down, and the two of them stared lovingly into eachother's eyes as Tyler's hands loosened Ben's tie, while Ben reached around behind Tyler and began undoing the wedding gown's buttons. Soon they were on the bed, consummating their marriage. Ben was completely nude, but Tyler had kept much of his bridal attire on - his choker and earrings, his corset, his stockings, his gloves, and his four-inch heels. Tyler had spent so long getting ready, after all, and he didn't want to completely disrobe yet. He loved how sexy he looked while wrapped in all this virginal, white, feminine finery... and Ben loved it too, based on the strength of his erection. They made love in Tyler's favorite position, with his stocking-clad legs draped over Ben's shoulders. Every thrust on Ben's part caused Tyler's corset suspenders to stretch and contract, a tensile feeling Tyler loved almost as much as he loved being pounded and filled by Ben's cock. Ben didn't last long thanks to the excitement of seeing his lovely bride in a corset; after he shot his load, he moved down the bed and began eating his new wife's pussy. Tyler massaged his breasts and tweaked his nipples as Ben expertly lapped at the fleshy folds between Tyler's legs. Ben and Tyler had grown used to eachother's bodies and preferences over their three years of dating, and it didn't take long for Tyler to be driven to an orgasm... and then another, and another... They spooned with eachother in the afterglow, Ben's muscular arm wrapped over his wife's bounteous breasts. The honeymoon suite in The Bubble had a massive window that pointed directly at Saturn's rings, a view that Tyler never grew tired of seeing. He and his wonderful, passionate, generous, loving, handsome husband stared out the window together for what seemed like hours, happy to be in eachother's presence. "I never thought this would happen," Ben said, breaking the silence. "Hmm?" said Tyler. "Being with you. Marrying you. There were so many times when I thought things were over between us... like when I got all stupid and pissed off when I found out what the girls at Ringed Amusements did for a living." "Or the time I got all stupid and told you I couldn't go back to Earth with you," added Tyler. "Or the time you invited me in for... coffee... and I didn't take you up on it." "Or the time I ran out on you in the middle of the investors dinner in Miami." "Maybe we should stop trying to sabotage our relationship all the time," Ben joked. Tyler rolled over to face his new husband. "Well, we haven't had any near-breakups in the last three years. That's a pretty good streak. Besides... we're officially in this life together, now. I've got a ring and a new name to prove it." "Violet Rosenthal," Ben hummed happily. "I like the sound of that." Ben's new wife - his beautiful, kind, talented, witty, charming, captivating, wonderful wife - grinned back at him. "So do I," she said. ***** ~~~ ANOTHER THREE YEARS LATER ~~~ ***** Dennis was watching a picnic table full of people, but not too closely. Good scam artists never let their eyes linger for too long. They tried to avoid suspicion. Unfortunately, one of the people at this table had already become suspicious. She knew that she, and the group she was sitting with, were being monitored. It was obvious, the way she was shuffling around in her seat, and the fact that she'd almost completely stopped talking with the other people at the table. Dennis hadn't come to the park with the intent of sizing anyone up. He just wanted to eat his lunch while enjoying the mild Miami winter weather - it beat being cooped up in his little ground-floor office. So he walked to the park, sat down, began having his sandwich... But then he saw her. That chick from a long while back, who had come to his office and handed over a puller full of unusable, timescrambled data. She had pretended that her name was Ramona. She had said that she was doing a side job for Tyler Hillman, making a little extra money as a data mule. At the time, Tyler had been hiding out on Saturn Beta. His last info-brokering attempt on Earth had gone horribly wrong... Dennis didn't like thinking about it. He put his thoughts of Tyler on the back burner and pretended to read something off his phone, all the while eavesdropping on the picnic table and the conversation they were having. Dennis counted three adults, one teenager, and two young children. They had finished their lunch, and now they were getting ready to leave. "Okay," said the blonde woman, wearing a sundress, sporting the happy, heavy eyes of a fulfilled but sleep-deprived mother. "Do we have everythin' we came with? Savannah, sweetie, don't forget your raincoat. I ain't buyin' you another one. Nick? Nick? Nicholas! Hey! Take that out of your mouth. Did you pick that up off the ground? Where'd you... well, drop it. Drop it, mister. Can you... Raj, hey, sorry to be a bother, but can you get whatever that is outta my son's mouth?" The man named Raj - easily the oldest person at the table - reached over and took a plastic straw out of Nick's mouth. Nick, who couldn't have been more than a couple years old, promptly began crying at the injustice of it all. "I got him," said the teenager, a girl with slightly lighter skin than Raj - Dennis assumed that the two of them were related. The girl lifted Nick out of his seat and allowed him to wail while she bounced him on her knee. He eventually calmed down as everyone else slung tote bags of food and picnic supplies over their shoulders. The little girl named Savannah, who might have been five or six, found her raincoat under the bench she'd been sitting on. "So, Raj," the blonde chick continued as she rose from her seat, "how much longer are you 'n' Holly in town for?" "Heading back to Phoenix tomorrow. Christmas vacation doesn't last forever, sadly," said Raj. "How 'bout you, darlin'?" the blonde said to the data mule... the girl whose name was something besides Ramona. "You got any event plannin' jobs comin' up soon?" The mule inched sideways on her bench. Dennis could barely hear what she was saying, because her back was turned to him. "I've pulled back on work lately," she said. "For obvious reasons." "Well, yeah, I should hope so," the blonde replied. Raj, the blonde, and the teenager got up from the picnic table and stepped onto the concrete path that lead to the street. Now that the blonde's full body was in view, Dennis could see that she was pregnant - she had a tiny bump, but a bump nonetheless. Jesus. She was a relatively young woman, and already working on her third kid... The blonde reached for her daughter's hand. The little girl, Savannah, pulled away. "Hey now, don't be gettin' an attitude with me, young lady," the blonde said. "C'mon. Hold my hand." "I wanna hold HER hand!" Savannah protested. She pointed at the auburn- haired mule, who was still sitting at the picnic table, packing up her purse. The blonde groaned. "Hey, darlin', my little girl wants to hold YOUR hand. Guess she likes you more than she likes her momma." "I doubt it," the mule said. She shuffled slowly off of her bench, taking great effort at standing up... and when she turned around to join her friends on the walking path, Dennis saw why she was having such a hard time moving around. The blonde wasn't the only one who was pregnant. And the mule was very, very... very pregnant. At least seven months along, if not eight. She waddled laboriously over to Savannah, took the little girl's hand, and huffed along down the path, taking small steps under her ankle-length yellow maternity dress. The mule, Savannah, the blonde, Raj, the teenager, and little Nick headed on toward the park exit together, slowly, as though none of them were in any kind of rush. Dennis stood and nonchalantly walked over to the picnic table where the mule had been sitting. He couldn't help himself. She was the only link he had to Tyler Hillman, who hadn't contacted Dennis in over six years now. As much as Dennis had tried to move on, he had always wondered - and feared - what became of his partner in crime. He needed answers, and now that the mule had returned, he knew how to go about getting them. He reached into his pocket to grab the keycard to his office. It was a good prop. He could use it, get the mule's attention with it... 'hey, young lady, you left this back at the picnic table'... and then he could pull her aside and coerce her into spilling the beans on Tyler Hillman. But just then, the mule knelt and looked at Savannah closely. "Hey, Savannah," the mule said, "I left something back at the table. Can you run ahead and hold Mr. Raj's hand for a minute? Just until I get back." Savannah nodded and skipped up the path to Raj. The mule turned around and started her short but difficult waddle back to the picnic table. Dennis folded his arms and leaned against a palm tree, glad that the mule was being cooperative about this. She was a perceptive one, Dennis had to admit... she'd figured out that she wasn't leaving this park without talking to him. "You're obvious as hell," said the mule, as she passed by the palm tree without looking at Dennis directly. He followed along the path toward the picnic table. "And you have a good memory," Dennis said. "I'm surprised you recognized me, considering we've only seen eachother once. So, you moved down to Earth full-time, huh? How're you liking it?" They reached the picnic table, and the mule turned to face Dennis eye to eye. "Earth's great. And your buddy Tyler is great, last I checked. That's what you wanted to talk to me about, right?" "Sure," Dennis replied, nodding once. "Well, that, and I also want to know why the fuck you didn't show up at my office, on that Saturday night six years ago, when Tyler told me a package was going to be delivered. A package that would have been very, very profitable for Tyler and me." The mule smoothed her dress over her massive belly. "He decided he didn't want to go through with the job. That's what he told me." "Yeah? He told you? Why didn't he tell ME?" "Honestly?" the mule said. "Want to know what I think? He realized that he was losing his edge, just like you said he was. And he just stopped caring about... whatever business you guys were in together. He found something better to occupy his life, and he was too proud to admit it to you. That'd be my guess. I don't know. I haven't even thought about him in three years. I haven't seen him in six." Dennis looked down at the auburn-haired mule, disappointed in the story. He took a deep breath and shook his head in annoyance. "Okay. Well, thanks, I guess." The mule could see the numbness in Dennis' face. She looked left and right, then back down the path at her friends and their kids, and she sighed. She rubbed her tummy and looked up at Dennis again... with tears in her eyes. Dennis looked at her oddly. "Look... sorry," the mule said. She brought a hand up and dabbed her eyes. "I shouldn't have been all bitchy about it. It's my hormones. They're all messed up because of this bowling ball under my dress." Dennis shrugged. "Fair enough." The mule finished wiping her eyes. "Tyler was happy the last time I saw him. Really, really happy. He had that look in his eye like he knew exactly what he wanted to do with the rest of his life." "Huh," Dennis said. "Lucky guy." The mule smiled and nodded. "That's a good way to put it. I'm going to go catch up with my friends." "Sure." She started off, away from the picnic table and back down the path toward Raj, Savannah, and the rest of them. Dennis put his hands in his pockets and watched her go. She had a smile on her face, an air about her, an aura that made her seem fully content with her life. Dennis wished he could be that happy himself. He wondered if Tyler was truly that happy, too.

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 24

Paul went out into the hallway wearing a red nightgown and housecoat, checking to make sure the coast was clear. Once confident that nobody else was upstairs, he signaled to Tyler, who made a quick, butt-naked dash from Paul's room to his own. Yes, there was nothing wrong about what they had just done; and yes, they were both immensely glad that they'd done it... but that was the kind of thing that stayed a secret between the two satisfied participants, whether they were men, women, or a...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 4

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 2

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 14

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 9

Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 12

Paul paid for his drinks and escorted Tyler back into foyer, toward the bank of elevators at the center. Tyler followed along behind, purse slung over his shoulder, gingham dress swishing playfully around his knees, pearl earrings dangling from his lobes, heeled pumps clicking along the polished concrete floor. He looked around furtively, hoping not to recognize anyone he saw here on the 39th floor. He didn't want anyone to think that he and Paul were out on a date or anything like that....

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 5

Jackson sent word out over the Ringed Amusements employee tablets that there was now plenty of initial interest in booking girls for public events, as well as more intimate one-on-one sessions, and that anyone interested in making a ton of money over the next week should leave their schedules open and wait for further instructions. Amber and Tyler tapped around on their tablets, looking for details, but none surfaced. Tyler eventually looked over at the hostess station again, where Zoe...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 25

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 26

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 20

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 10

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 11

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 18

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 7

By some unexplainable miracle, nobody else needed to use their elevator until the 94th floor. As the car slowed, Connie and Tyler finally ended their long and passionate embrace, bashful as two middle school kids caught making out behind the bleachers. Connie spun away from Tyler and examined herself in the reflection of the rear wall, dabbing at her makeup with her fingers until the doors opened to take on the new passengers. Tyler stared straight ahead, not wanting to attempt...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 22

"Ben!" Amber screamed. "Well! Fancy seein' you way out here!" "Hey, Amber," he said with a smile, and then he immediately turned his attention to Tyler. "Hi, Violet." "Oh," Tyler said, trying to regain his breath. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks, and he could pointedly sense each individual item of clothing he had on, especially the garter belt. "Hey, Ben." "Well, don't act too excited to see me," Ben said jokingly. "I'm... well, no," Tyler stammered. "I mean, yeah, I'm...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 3

Hours later, after Saturn's moon had drifted away from the window, Tyler was woken up by footsteps near his bed. He rolled over to try to see what was happening. "Sorry, darlin'," Amber whispered as she padded around the dark dorm room in her bare feet. "I was tryin' to be quiet for you." "What's going on?" Tyler said groggily. "Got a job to do. It just came over on my tablet. Really good money. You go on back to sleep, now. Don't mind me." And she was out the door and into the...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 8

Sometime later, an electronic bell sound rang through the suite. Tyler startled to attention and looked over the bed at Connie, who still had the purple rubber dildo hanging out of her cunt. She rustled around on the bedsheets underneath her for a moment before gripping the dong with both hands and easing it out of herself. She gasped as the tip exited her pussy, spilling a slight amount of vaginal juices onto the linens beneath her. "Sounds like dinner," she said, running a hand...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 15

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 23

"Oh, Amber, you wonderful girl," Jackson said. She practically ran to a table staffed by two men of southeast Asian descent, shook their hands while introducing herself, and laid out on the table. Lola seemed equally appreciative as she introduced herself to her own masseurs. Zoe and Amber found their own spots as well. Tyler put his hands in the stain pockets of his robe, glancing around the room to make absolutely sure that every spa employee was, in fact, a man. Dejectedly, he...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 16

"Oh, hell yes," Renee said upon seeing the clothing herself. She rose from her seat and went over to the rack, where she took one of the dreaded garments in her hands and examined it. "Mmm-mmm, I love a good corset. They always make me look thick in all the right places. Good call by the AG&M boys." "Indeed," Jackson said, noticing Tyler's dismay and completely ignoring it. "The clock is ticking, ladies. Suit up and let's get out there on time. Is anyone out of business...

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Beta Male Theory

NATURAL ORDER OF THINGSThis will be the most controversial argument that I have regarding the theory of the beta male. I believe that there is a natural order to things in both nature and society. There are the hunters and the hunted, predator and prey, rich and poor, master and slave. For this reason, I believe that there is an alpha and beta male hierarchy in the realm of human sexuality. I also believe that, whether a man is an alpha or a beta, he is biologically and subconsciously wired to...

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Sharmili sakhat maa aur to numbri beta ka sex

Main imran 24 saal ka texi driver hoon aur texi ki kamai se hi guzara karta hoon din yu hi guzar rahe thy 1 din jab me sham ko wapis ghar jarah tha tu ek aurat jis ki umer taqreeban 40 years hogi meri texi ko roka wo ek khubsorat office job karne wali aurat thi (ap janty hi hongy ke job karne wali lady apni body ka ketna khyaal rakhti hain) us ne kha ke ap mujhe ghar tak chor dengy me ne kha beht jaiye aur phir hum dono me batain shoro hogai us ne apna naam shazia bataya, wo office job karti...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Eight Daisy Shares About Being Marks Beta Boi

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Eight - Stevie Shares His Early Days as Mark's Beta Boy In part eight, Daisy shares how she began as Mark's beta boi and she and Rebecca share their memories of how things changed once Rebecca became Mark's submissive and was given control and power over Daisy when she was still only Stevie. "I know you two met at orientation, during the summer before you began classes and Mark had contacted you to ask if you would like to be roommate and...

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Dance Partner Bana Beta 8211 Part II

Hi friends I’m Radhika back again aap meri pichli story to padi hogi ‘dance partner bana beta jisme mene apne bete ko apna dance partner banaya tha is story me mene use agli hone wali ghatnao k bare me bataya hai to dsto ab me story pae ati hu to dosto jis din mene apne bete se chudai karva li thi us din k baad to meri life hi change ho gyi thi 30 saal ki auarat ab fir se javani k galiyo me per rakh rahi thi ab me fir se javani ko Mehsoos kar kar sakhti thi hum ghar full enjoy karte the me or...

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Alpha and Beta Male Dynamics

Alpha/Beta DynamicsI often get asked about my approach to alpha males and how to make the dynamics work between alpha and beta males when cruising or in a social scene. Hooking up or initiating a contact that will lead to something more is harder than it seems. I hope that I can give some perspective on this and share some of my experience. All too often I hear from guys who bump in to the Ying to their Yang and yet are unable to make a physical or social connection happen. Guys who are...

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Alpha And Beta

Introduction: The main characters are wolf hybrids. The female is wolf and human and the male is wolf/vampire. He is alpha over a wolf pack and she is his beta. Kristopher had gotten up very early that morning to check in with his wolves. His pack in particular, a very large one, got up early to hunt in their specific part of the forest. He wished to hunt with them as he hadnt seen them since yesterday morning. He rose out of the bed slowly, leaning down to kiss Evangelines forehead tenderly....

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ALPHA MEN and beta bois

ALPHA MEN and beta boisAlpha males = Dominate, reign supreme, control, dictate, overshadow, overrule, subjugate, enslave, conquer, crush, force, enthrall, reduce, rule, subdue, tame, vanquish, enchant, defeat, badger, bludgeon, bully, coerce, cow, harass, frighten, intimidate, oppress, daunt, scare, terrify, terrorize, badger, enforce, horrify, and just plain shock or petrify us inferior loser beta bois. Being Alpha Males they are the upper class big cock superiors in every way. They being...

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Maa Beta Ka Milan

Meri umra 25 saal ki hai, ye meri sacchhi kahani hai aaj mai aaj aap logo ko apne jeewan ki ek sacchi ghatna sunane jar aha hu, ek kadwa such jo na to mai kisi se kah sakta hu aur na hi kahna chahta hu, lekin aaj maine himmat jutayi aur aaj mai wo such aap sab ko batana chahta hu. Darasal mai ek samanya parivaar se sambandh rakhta hu jisme mere dadaji jinki umra lagbhag 68 saal ki hai mere papa jo ki 50 saal k ek adhed umra ke mard hai wo ek sarkaari wibhag me karyarat hai, sareer se abhi bhi...

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Mera beta rashu

Hi mai geeta jaiswal nepal se mai widow ho meri age 40 years hai pichle char salo se land ke lia taras rahi hoo mera beta rashu jo bahar padhta hai jiski age 18 sal hai mai kafi sexy hoo lambi gori khoob surat hoo Ek bar mera beta rashu mere ghar garmi ki wacations me rahne aya hua tha. He has a sexy and great personality hawing sexy look. Jab bhi me use dekti thi pata nai q meri bur me sarsarahat hoti thi. Me bahut hi kamuk, 40 years age ki aurat hu aur me har samay sambhog ke liye bechain...

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The beta of the famiy

I come from a male dominated family three brothers and my father. I remember the day I realised I was different from my two older brothers and my dad. I was 10 years old and my older brothers were 14 and 17. We had gone camping (my younger brother was five years younger and had not come) in the mountains and had found a hostel as the weather closed in. It was in winter so we were actually the only one staying that night. We were cold and wet when we arrived so the first thing we did was go for...

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Maa Beta Aur Unki Naukrani 8211 Part 1 Sudha Aur Main

Hi my name is Rahul. I am back with another fiction story which includes incest as I love reading writing and thinking about mom being fucked by son. But in this story there is one more heroine, that is my maid. Now giving some information of my family and maid: 1)Mom Mina (42 years) 2)Dad Rakesh (45 years) 3)Me Rahul (19 years) 4)Maid Sudha divorced (35 years) So as you saw my family consiste only 3 of us. But dad usually stay out of country and rarely comes home. We have one side room for our...

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Kinect Beta Test

Kinect Beta Test by Louise You know, I have always been more of a PS-guy. Don't know why, but it just intrigued me more to play Playstation games. What I liked most was to play Tekken V all night long with some friends. We even did some real tournaments now and then. It just started when we got bored by the standard tournament and watched Bloodsport on DVD later that night for maybe the hundredth time. Somehow we came up with the idea to play Tekken but...

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Maa ki kahani beta ki jubani

His mother name is kavita and she is now almost 45 or more but she is very slim and fair in color,her figure is 36 30 32 as he told me…she regular wear saree, non other dress then this….offcourse nighty in night….actually his father is a taxie driver in kolkata, and he is being deid in a accident almost 15 year ago when my friend was almost 7 years old…after his father death they are having little bit a financialproblem for 4 year after that as her mother said she got a job as a tellecaller in...

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Alpha And Beta

He crashed into the forest below, landing on all fours very gracefully for such a large canine. He bolted through the forest loving the feeling of the morning frost between his paws. He ran with his tongue out tasting the crisp air as his snout locked onto his pack and he ran faster. He caught up with Darius and the rest of them, and they hunted for a good few hours. After Kristopher had his fill he knew he should return to his beta. He butted head with each of his pack and made his way back...

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Maa Beta Aur Bai

Almost all of us who have maids at home have always fantasised about sleeping with their maids. I was no different. Many of the people from the upper class and upper middle class have been successful in having secret affairs with their maids. Boys as young as 16 had started having sex with their young maids in my colony. I too was about to get laid but my luck did not favour me. My previous maid was a 32 years old woman called Vaishali. I once caught her stealing money from my mom’s purse. When...

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Maa Beta Sex Tragedy From Pakistan 8211 Part I

Hi dosto, mera naam Usman hai or mai Islamabad, Pakistan ka rehny wala hoon, meri umar 20 saal hai or mai MAJU university mai parh raha hoon …. Bohat sochny k baad aaj decide kr hi lia k apni story aap logon k sath share kroon — zindagi naam hai tabdili (change) ka or jaisy jaisy waqt guzarta ja raha hai sex ka concept or bhi khatrnaak hota ja raha hai , Incest ki feelings bohat ajeeb hoti hain jo hr insaan ko is ki traf attract kr layti hain – yeah hi wjah hai k europe mai to incest k bohat...

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MAA BETA AUR BAHU Hi I am Huma with the second part of Matherchod, my previous story. I hope you will like this hot incestuous threesome of mother, son and bahu. Matherchod gets lucky and fuckes his mom and wife. Main Amit apni kahani ko aage badhane ke liya hazir hoon. Uss raat apni maa Suman ki chudayi karne ke baad mein agle din subah deri se utha jab Suman naha dho kar rasoi mein nashta bana rahi thi. Ussne ek cotton ki patli see kamiz pehni hui thi aur kuchh nahin pehna hua tha. Maine...

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Train Mein Beta Ke Saath

hI to all readers….. mera naam Jhuma Sen hai….meri age 42 hai…. main ek school teacher hoon….mera divorse ho chuka hai aur mai apni beta ke saath rehti hoon…uska naam mohan hai jo ki 19 saal ka hai….. mai thodi moti (fat) hoon….mera figure 42-38-40 hai…. mere ddodh kaafi bade-bade hai….mai sex ki diwani hoon…. baat un dino ki hai jab mai apne beta ke saath apni didi ke ghar kolkata ja rahi thi….winter ka time tha aur train full tha…ek hi seat mila tha wo bhi upper berth….. mai aur mere beta...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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Mera beta muzhe bhaga le gaya aur

Hi, you may know my name . I am regularly writing comments to various mother son stories. This is my life’s experience. I have see most of the writers are south Indians. We Biharis are also top class mother fuckers. My English is little poor . This story is only middle part of the full story. I posted it first because this part matched with heading. Please-please write your comments— At 11.45 Pm,I went to Ma’s room. Ma was sleeping beside sister & nice. I shake her body. She waked up with...

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Maa k boobs ka dewaana Beta

Hello indian sex stories dot net dostoon mai tahir . Meri age 21 hai. Mai kashmir me rehta hoon aur zindigi k maze le ra hoon. Ye ek real story hai. Mai ek b.Tech student hoon. Meri family me chaar members hain papa, mummy(shareen), bardia behan( sana) aur mai. Toh baat do saal pehle ki hai. Life ek dum boring chal ri thi. Tabhi mujhe porn aur sex story ki lat lagi. Mujhe mom son sister sex stories aur videos me interest banne laga. Mai bahoot he tharki hone laga.Mujhe ab apni mom ko chodne ka...

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Beta Boi Cuckold

BETA BOY CUCKOLD by Throne I couldn't believe it. My wife, Tarla, had been bringing me along gradually for the past year. First she had gotten me to confess my cuckold fantasies. Over two months she went from flirting with guys to petting and then letting them take her to bed. Sometimes I had to be where she went to get picked up -- usually some downtown club -- and see her leave with someone. Other times I was told to stay home and she would send me photos as the night...

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My own Fembot made me a Beta Male

I had been working for a major robotic industry, not only designing them, but helping build many of them. Everything was perfect, I had obtained the position right out of college, advanced quickly up through the company, until finally I was in charge of the entire department, but then the board of directors wanted more zero’s added to their bottom line, even though we were the top sales company in the nation with ideas of how to grow our customer base more even possibly doubling it in the next...

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Beta testing

I'm Dane, twenty-six, bored with pretty much everything life has to throw at me. That is, until I heard about EpicureApp. Apparently, this new app pairs you with someone who matches your specific sexual needs and desires. Even if you don't know what they are yourself. Yeah, right. But let's face it, my few forays into the world of getting naked with a partner were nothing to write about. The relationships lasted about as long as the intercourse."We're just not compatible.""I didn't really find...

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Maa Beta ka Divine love aur Cosmic Sex 8211 Part 3

Pehle part 1 aur part 2 ko padhe. Usse aapko sequence or samajhne mein asani hogi. Nahi to kuch samajh nahi ayega. Aur aap batak jayenge. 11 baje roj subah maa mujhe jagati hai par aaj nahi jagaya. Main pareshan ho gaya. Niche gaya to unse baat karneka himmat nahi ho raha tha. Fir bhi maine pucha unse. Main: Breakfast kar liya aapne? Maa pura silent thi. Maine firse pucha, “Apne breakfast kar liya?” Maa: Table pe rakkha hai. Khalo. Woh kitchen ke counter pe khade hokar kaam kar rahi thi....

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The Waifu Catalog Beta Testers

This story is intended to be open, and anyone at all who wants to make stories based on this general premise/the Waifu Catalogue in general should feel free to throw their hat into the ring. •••••••••• I was in an endless sky. Blue skies and clouds as far as the eye could see. It wasn’t so bad really. I wasn’t hungry, I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t anything really. I was dead; this was honestly more than I expected. Thankfully they kind of turned off my need for stimulation before they put me in...

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Beta Build

It had been a bad day, and I was really goddamn tired. In the dark I pressed my key to my door before seeing the soft green light as it unlatched. As I walked into the dark entry way of my apartment I fall flat on my face as I tripped on something. Taking a deep breath I dropped my bag and looked at what I had tripped on. It was a box, a black box, a big black box, and that was really about all that could be said. It had a shipping label placed in the center of the top of the box and a seam...

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