The Rector's Religious Retreat free porn video

The new rector sent out to the country for spiritual re-awakening was making a swing through the fertile farming lands of the North Country resting at random parishioner’s domiciles without much fanfare and awash in welcoming hands.
The sun was setting low on the far-away highlands when he dismounted in front of the stable that abutted the modest farm of the most devout Council member Jones and his all-female abode of a still-attractive spouse, a trio of healthy young daughters and a domestic staff of four well-fed nubile home workers all caught in a web of self-imposed abstinence that would inspire adoring credit to a authorized convent of nuns sworn to a vow of chastity.
Farmer Jones would be a willing accomplice in assuaging that shortcoming in personal pleasure during the nocturnal hours except for the fact he was nursing a severe case of poison ivy in his nether regions incurred whilst assisting a pretty young thing to find the shortest route to find some medicinal supplies for her recently acquired unknown rash way down low.
The good Christian gentleman did everything he could to scratch the poor girl’s consuming itch using all of his extremities to get the job done properly. Unfortunately, the reward for his Good Samaritan efforts was an itch of his own that required him to stay abed fully greased and with socks on his hands to prevent self-injury of an embarrassing variety.
Rector Harry tarried by the fireplace and became acquainted with the darling spouse with her impressive breastworks. The handsome woman had succored the greedy mouths of her three fine young girls, Anne, Bridget, and Candy. The randy young rector discovered that the mother was truly a fine specimen of womanhood because she had already changed into her nightwear that was completely sheer in front of the dancing flames of the brightly burning fireplace and the fact that she was a female that preferred only a thin nightshirt to rest her weary bones in the horizontal.
Of course, he called her Mrs. Jones although he called the three girls by their Christian names because they were all quite young. In fact, Anne a mere nineteen, Bridget only eighteen and the youngest one called Candy had just turned seventeen and still naughtily wet the bed every now and then from drinking too much water after the sun had gone down.
He was given a room of his own and it was quite a boon because the three girls all slept together in a single bed hoping that young Candy would not wet them with her untamed sprinkler.
Reverend Harry stretched out on the comfortable pallet and slowly started to drift off to a much-needed sleep when the door opened and the esteemed lady of the house approached him with a dim night light that allowed him to view her almost naked form. The poor lady was completely unaware of her advertisement of feminine attributes in the softly glowing light and she inquired in her softly musical tone of voice,
“Will there be anything you might be needing, kind Sir?”
The understandably aroused Harry reached out and firmly grasped her nicely rounded boob and whispered,
“Would it be permissible to visit your private garden to inhale your perfume and possibly taste the essence of your spiritual goodness?”
The good lady was most generous and she tended to the Rector’s need for physical communion for the better part of a full hour. His sigh of satisfaction at the conclusion was all the evidence she needed to confirm that her gift of flesh was well received. She returned to her own bedroom taking care to avoid coming in contact with her frustrated husband wallowing in the depths of his abominable affliction that needed at least two more weeks to run its course.
Her eldest daughter Anne watched her mother moving tenuously back to her bedroom after that long session of noisy grunting and groaning that filled her young ears with depraved thoughts of copulation and all the other nasty things that boys did to girls after the sun went down.
She checked to make certain the other two girls were sleeping and she tip-toed down to the Rector’s bedroom to make certain he was safe and sound for the evening and didn’t need any more freely given welcome from the female side of the Jones household.
He was stretched out on his back completely naked with his sturdy fellow sticking straight up to the heavens so stiffly that she thought it was one of the pegs they used to keep the tent up on a windy afternoon at the market fair.
It was simply a matter of squatting down astride the thing and she slowly lowered her trembling body to surround the thing and took it all inside with infinite grace and instinct that guided her slow motion impalement.
When the Rector was fully awake, he was already fully committed to humping the young girl and he went along with the program because there was no decent way to avoid the inevitable.
Anne felt the Rector spurt endlessly inside her happy cunt and she pressed her gentle palms down on his bare chest lifting her matted clump of pubic hair from his spunk-covered rod.
They didn’t speak to each other for fear of waking any other members of the household. Neither of them saw the other two sisters clasping each other just inside the closet door watching their every movement intently because the other two sisters had practically no experience in matters of the heart. The fact that they had no experience didn’t mean they didn’t intend to get some real fast and they both considered the visiting Rector as their best chance of gaining knowledge in such matters as quickly as possible.
The youngest girl Candy was still a technical virgin despite having used her mouth on the neighbor’s footman whenever the opportunity arose. She had witnessed her father servicing the young girls that sold their wares door-to-door in a way that she fully approved of and applauded from her feminine point of view. Of course, neither she nor any of her sisters could possibly depend on their father to help them over the hump of finding a convenient humper because of their adherence to the code of never participating in incest as it was a serious sin and difficult to make amends properly.
She knew that the oldest sister Anne had used their cousin Philippe from France to help her with the problem of finding a suitable partner. Philippe was a bit of a dandy and she suspected he might prefer boys to girls, but Anne solved that problem by allowing him to use her bum instead and they both seemed to enjoy it in just the same way as actually getting it into proper feminine territory. Candy wished she had enough nerve to do the same thing, but the sight of Philippe’s huge equipment and the fact that her tight little brown eye was far too small for entry made her cautious about getting involved in the buggering business and she made do with simply sitting on the butt end of the riding crop that her mother used to train the young horses for the annual show in the village. It was shaped just like a man’s business and the slick leather fit into her vagina and her pucker with equal ease of movement making her shudder with the lovely convulsions of complete satisfaction every time she employed it to take off her nervous edge of feminine desire.
The two younger sisters, Bridget at eighteen and Candy at a mature seventeen waited for their opportunity with the Rector and they discovered him at his most vulnerable moment when he was stark naked in the high-backed wooden tub used for indoor baths.
It was big enough for two people and Candy watched enviously as Bridget slipped into the bath water with the Rector lazing with closed eyes in the early evening hours. The feel of Bridget’s barre toes opened his eyes in a hurry and he was immediately focused on the young girl’s boobs bobbing like beach balls in the water.
He reached out like a greedy little boy in a toy store and played with Bridget’s generously endowed pillows watching her smiling face intently.
When he saw her suck in air as he kneaded her sensitive nipples with his knowing fingers, he knew right away that she wanted her breasts sucked like he was a little baby getting morning milk from his generous mother. He took her delicate tips between his teeth and rolled her hard little buttons with his inspired tongue. Poor Bridget started to lose her female juices right inside the tub of warm water as he grew rougher and rougher with her upper body development. She leaned forward in the water and he saw her pretty ass cheeks peeking out at him like twin imps ready to receive his pleasure.
Candy stepped out of her undies and slid into the tub making the three of them rub against each other with complete familiarity.
The rector was surprised at her forward attitude and allowed his middle finger to penetrate her swollen slit in a way that left her no doubt that he was intent on plumbing every corner of her female depths.
At this point the Rector was sporting an erection that threw fear in each of the younger sister’s hearts.
The elder sister Bridget offered her posterior to the Rector’s desire and he spread open her vaginal entry way from behind in a way that robbed her of all her female dignity and put her down on the level of the barnyard animals roaming the stable and the yard in open invitation for a male of their species to cover them with propagation-laden intent. She groaned and moaned in revealing appreciation for his spirited coupling movements and her younger sister Candy used her ready tongue and lips on the Rector’s open mouth to show him her friendly attitude in matters of the heart.
It was an area that Candy had achieved a degree of success and she was confident that she would be able to whip the Rector up into a state of eager attention that would allow him to cream both sisters in all of their openings leaving a nice deposit right inside their pussy chamber of complete submission.
The Rector alternately pounded both sisters into the white fluffy bedspread from behind after he had wiped them dry with the convent-made towels produced to enhance female receptiveness to male impalements during the nocturnal hours. If their parents could see their darling daughters twisting their torsos to milk the man of the cloth of his precious bodily fluids in ways more depraved than the studied movements of the ignorant Gypsy girls willing to take a cock up the ass for a single coin of the realm.
Candy had heard the filthy songs about the wanton actions of the Gypsy girls surrendering their most private place for a penny and willing to open their mouths and suck in unmistakable frenzy for the reward of a half penny when the cream was spilled.
She almost dreamily moved her lips and tongue up and down the Reverend’s shaft with gentle fluttering swipes of her saliva laden lips trying to add to the religious man’s tentative exploration of her sister’s tight little sphincter with his inexperienced tongue probing gently into her secret passageway.
Candy didn’t hesitate to push her sister out of the way to give the Rector a straight shot at her own tongue-deprived rear portal waiting for the touch of human friendship. The flick of his tongue made Candy shiver with sublime anticipation.
She gasped and then with infinite joy, she shuddered into a happy orgasm that sprayed the good man with her youthful essence like a perfume dispenser from sinful France.
The Rector offered to take the hand of the eldest daughter in marriage providing her two younger sisters joined his household for religious instruction and the opportunity to give their older sister some respite from the rigors of honeymoon demands and increased housework. The two sisters were more than willing to take over some of the eldest sister’s spousal duties and the Rector was quite satisfied to find them all eager to offer him solace and total obedience in the privacy of the nighttime hours.

- 06.12.2020
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