FantasyPart 2: Richard Is To Cat As Henry Is To Mouse free porn video

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"The little present you sent arrived. So you enjoyed seducing my wife. But you told me she was a bitch. Is that what made it so much fun, you fucker? Are you going to cut her loose now that you've had your fun? I want to talk to her. Now, you asshole!"

A message to Richard, sent to voice mail again. Words sent out to nowhere.

God, he was good. So goddamned good. Jesus fucking Christ. So good. How could a man born of woman turn her in those few minutes on the phone, turn a woman who despised him? He was the fucking Antichrist. Maybe I should be worshipping him, our malevolent God.

What was Alice thinking by the end of the call? What was she thinking when I came home? What about when we were in bed together and I was eating her? Was she busy counting the hours until Thursday afternoon, when she'd be home alone again, when he could talk about his tongue? Was she telling herself she was stupid, reassuring herself with me, trying to convince herself sex with me could be as good as the dream he was weaving. Was she trying to keep from thinking about him? Or was she fantasizing that my mouth was his?

And what about the second call? Did her heart stop when the phone rang? She'd hoped he wouldn't call, and she was desperate for it. I could imagine the whole sequence, her startled pause at the first ring, her intake of breath, her hesitant walk toward the phone, her hand hanging above it, the sudden grab before voice mail would click in, an almost breathless "hello?"

"Hello dear Alice. I knew you would answer."

Was she afraid to pick it up? Something in her changed before the call ended, maybe before it began. Maybe I would hear it one day, too.

I got a call, but it wasn't from Richard this time. It was my PI, returning his call, wanting to meet but not offering hope. I think back on it and know my mind was torn in halves. I was a loser. Alice was gone. But she would return if only I could talk with her alone. She must! I drifted toward whatever I'd heard most recently, and at this particular moment Mickey was talking. It was time to plan a strategy. He wanted to do it in the parking lot at the Liberace museum. "Is there any particular reason for that?" It was convenient. So, okay, that's where we met.

"Why couldn't we just talk on the phone, Mickey?"

"He might be listening in."


"He has a lot of money, and he's using a lot of manpower to keep you away. It's a logical step, and it's good to be a little paranoid in my business."

Something else to consider.

"Anyway, Henry, getting to any of Moriarty's places seems to be out of the picture, unless you're willing to do some seriously illegal stuff with some seriously dangerous people for seriously big bucks. And you still might not succeed, or you might even land in jail."


"So if you want to have someone see Alice, I'd suggest you call the police."

"For an adult runaway?"

"Yes, because no one has actually heard from her, not really, and if you accuse him of kidnapping someone they might feel they actually have to look in on her. And he isn't going to stiff them if he doesn't have to. I don't think. Probably not. Well, I don't know, but it can't hurt."

I almost laughed, for the first time since Alice left.

"Who should I call?"

"I have a friend. He'll want a photo. Other than that, I can keep a tail if you want, but it's expensive. I can keep looking for more residences. And I'll let you know if I find they're out and about."

When I got home I found Richard had called me back.

"Yes, Henry, I enjoyed seducing little Alice. It was great fun sucking her down my rabbit hole. The fall into Wonderland was great fun for her, too. Isn't seduction always like that? And, yes, her being a bitch made it all the better. But she won't ever be a bitch again. No, she's completely docile. You wouldn't believe the transformation! I intend to continue enjoying her in all sorts of ways. Ciao."

That night I dreamed of Alice. She was lying on the bed, naked, her pale chest and neck covered in ecstatic splotches, writhing sexually, her eyes almost closed, her mouth open in an O. I was so swollen I thought I would explode, but I couldn't get to her. I was on the floor and I couldn't crawl to her. I could see her, but in the dream I was blind. I could hear her grunting little sex sounds while I tried and tried to crawl to her, but I couldn't get to her.

Nothing happened. The days passed and Alice fell ever further distant. I wondered, how has she changed? What does she look like now? Does she ever think of me at all?

The next week there was another voice mail from Richard. "Hello, Henry. So you had to bring in the police, did you? Do you realize how much trouble this could cause you? We'll be polite, of course, once we let the officers actually visit, but I may have to punish Alice for it."

I called right back. "You fucker! What have you done to her? Have you hurt her?"

He picked up the call.

"Henry, Henry, Henry. What makes you think I'd harm sweet Alice?" He laughed his warm laugh.

"Let her tell me that herself!"

"Trust me, she's fine, just fine, but she can't talk right now. I suppose I should say she's indisposed." That laugh again.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. She's just in the pit of despair for a bit, being disciplined."

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Oh you can read about it. I didn't make it up. It came from that old monkey researcher. Harry Harlow. For the sake of science he tied up monkeys down in little featureless pits. He made them stay there for ages, to see what the effect would be. It quite destroyed them mentally, I'm afraid."

"What the hell have you done to my wife?"

"Nothing, Henry. Really nothing. Don't you go worrying yourself. Anyway, she's not in a real pit. I substituted some simple sensory deprivation and movement restriction."

"You what?"

"Not to worry, Hen..."

"You fucking what!?"

"Oh, she's happy as a lark. Stop worrying so. Well, not exactly happy, not right at this moment. Pit of despair, you know. She's probably as miserable as a person can be..."


"... probably crying and talking to herself and begging for me to let her out."

"God damn it!"

"But I'll end it in a while and make her happy. A little change of position. A few caresses. Some touching of the genitals. She'll be completely grateful to me before the night is over. You should see her, Henry. She goes off like a Roman candle. And, it makes her so compliant! Well, have a nice evening."

He hung up. I called over and again that evening, but he didn't pick up the phone or call back. No, he did whatever he wanted with her while I called uselessly.

My other calls were to the police officer Mickey mentioned. I called every day. I left messages about Richard's claims of punishment. The officer was very polite. I thought they must all go to the same politeness workshops. I actually bought a phone recorder while I waited, to give me something to do.

It was another week before the cop came by. Oh, inscrutable officer, standing at the door, what do you have to tell me? Are there wives who want to go back to their husbands? Do they want help escaping a mistake? I knew the answer. The bell had rung, so I knew the news had to be bad.

"Dr. Jekyll, I followed up on your calls. I went by Mr. Moriarty's house and talked with Richard Moriarty and Alice Jekyll. At this time that's all I can do, and I suggest you drop the matter."

"What do you mean?"

"I went there as a courtesy to Mickey Edwards. He's an old friend. But there's no criminal issue here. Your wife is living with Mr. Moriarty voluntarily and she doesn't intend to return. That's the end of my investigation."

"How is she?"

"What do you mean?"

"How is she?"

"She's fine. She was fine."

"And you're sure it was her?"

"Doc," he handed me her photo, "it was her. She's thinner than in this pic and her hair is shorter. She looked fine."

"Did you talk with her alone?"

"No. They were together, but I talked with her fine. There was nothing screwy, no more than things usually are with him."

"How are things screwy with him?"

He stared at me with that blank cop look I always find so spooky. Then he sighed.

"Look. This isn't relevant, but a couple of years back a showgirl who was living with him came by to file a complaint. She said he'd hurt her, locked her in closets, tied her up. BDSM stuff. She had bruises and such. We followed it up. Well, suddenly his lawyer has a talk with the girl's lawyer and she drops the charges. Says it was a misunderstanding. They're great friends. She won't testify against him. There's a non-disclosure clause in the settlement, but apparently he paid her off well. She got married and moved out of town. End of story."

"I never heard of that."

"It never even made the papers. If it weren't for that case I wouldn't have looked into this even for Mickey. And it turns out there's no crime here."

"She didn't have marks? Bruises?"

"No. None that were visible. Look, doc. You can't see everything. She had on a long sleeve shirt, buttoned at the wrists. Buttoned at the neck." A strange expression passed across his face and disappeared. "Anyway I'm not going to ask her to show me everything. I can't do that. And it wouldn't have made any difference if she had bruises, and if I could prove he made them."

"Why not?"

"Because they're adults! This is Las Vegas. There's an enormous S-and-M scene here. There are thousands of women in it, and probably half of them are soccer moms during the day. People can do what they want, doc."

"And that's it?"

"That's it. There was one thing that bothered me. He was controlling. You run across that a lot in this line of work, and you get an eye for it. He held one of her hands and kept his other arm around her shoulder the whole time. He kept jumping in to answer her questions for her. That's all. It wasn't all that odd, and she wasn't acting scared. She said she was happy there. Take my advice. Drop it. If I were you, I'd file for divorce."

How long had it been since Alice dropped from my life? How many weeks? What do you do when your love becomes obsession? How long since I slept through the night? I was having dreams about her, really just the one dream, and waking over and again, thinking I heard her. Chasing phantoms. Trying to work. I was always tired. It was time to drop the whole thing and find myself again. It was a last effort when I asked Mickey to find the showgirl.

And then Mickey couldn't find her. "What do you mean you can't find her? You said anyone can be found!"

"I exaggerated. Anyway it doesn't mean I'll never find her, but her tracks are pretty well covered and I'm still trying to get her real name."

"Her real name?"

"I only have her stage name so far..."

"Which is?"

"Oh boy. Bambi McPherson."





"A stripper."

"A show girl."

"Who's disappeared. Let me ask you something. Are you sure she's even still alive?"

What difference would finding her make? So Richard had abused another woman? So what? He was rich. He probably abused a lot of them, and he seemed to pony up when called on it. This woman would tell us what? He tied me up in a dark room. He controlled me. Maybe he whipped her too, who knows? But she left him and got a settlement.

Alice could always leave when she got tired of the treatment. Unless. Unless. Unless his appetites increased over time. Yes, there was that. What if hurting women, and abusing them, and then letting them go wasn't enough for him anymore? What if Alice was the one he decided to go over the top with? Would anyone ever know? Would someone, someday, find parts of a desiccated body out in the desert?

When Mickey found Bambi, I jumped on it. He had her name and an address, and more. She lived in Sacramento, she was married to an anesthesiologist, and her name was now Eleanor Freedman. Mickey even got her home phone number. But she wouldn't talk to me. When I called and told her I needed to talk about Richard she cut me off. She didn't know him. Then, click.

I flew to Sacramento. Two steps forward, one step back. Tired. Oh Jesus. What would it be like to sleep forever, without the dreams? Give up on this. Alice was gone for her own reasons.


The guard at the gate put a call in to Mrs. Freedman's house. Same old story. When he gave my name the response was that she wasn't in. I asked him to call again, and to say it had to do with my wife, and that I was desperate. He was an older guy, friendly and chatty and probably not too

hard to get past if I wanted to, if I had had any energy left. I waited for a response while we talked, then gave him my cell phone number and the name of my motel and left. I slept away the rest of the morning and long into the afternoon, and it was in my sleep that I found Alice. I was looking for her and found her. Suddenly she was there, standing in front of a strange building I knew intimately, waiting for me. We kissed and I held her and I cried, and cried, and cried. I couldn't stop sobbing while I held her tightly, so she wouldn't disappear. Then something started knocking and we both looked to see what it was. That's when I awoke enough to realize it was the door. Who was it? Probably some of Richard's people, come to kick me out of town. Hold on. I'm coming. I was wiping my eyes as I went to the door.

It was Eleanor Freedman's attorney. Of course. A very polite older man. He told me she, unfortunately, could not see me and I should cease and desist and all that. I was wiping my face as he told me all this. Finish up, sir, so I can go back to sleep, back into the dream where I found my Alice. You're part of the world that's determined to do anything but let me see my wife. Blah, blah, blah, go back home. Then, as he was leaving, he passed me a note with instructions to walk down to the coffee shop and out the back door, to a car that would be waiting. I got a chill. What had Mickey said about being paranoid?

In the car was Eleanor Freedman, of course. After the fact, everything was "of course." It was all as I should have expected it to be. Here was Eleanor Freedman, a real woman I could actually see. Even sitting in the driver's seat she was tall, and it was easy to imagine her as a showgirl, in her legs and breasts and complexion, but she didn't look at all like a Bambi. No, she looked serious and focused and high class, like Eleanor-the-doctor's-wife might, the sort of woman who chairs community boards. She began talking right away.

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Part 2: Richard is to Cat as Henry is to Mouse Videos

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So I had been staying with Henry and Helene at their manor house for a few days now… They were a very affluent couple from a French background, but apart from that, I really didn’t know much about them! Other than the fact that they enjoyed sex very much and that they had decided to keep me as their sex partner after we met in a club. They set up a guest room for me. In the first morning they had insisted that Helene was to go shopping for essentials for me instead of me picking up my stuff...

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When I met Henry and Helene 3

So I had been staying with Henry and Helene at their manor house for a few days now... They were a very affluent couple from a French background, but apart from that, I really didn’t know much about them! Other than the fact that they enjoyed sex very much and that they had decided to keep me as their sex partner after we met in a club.They set up a guest room for me. In the first morning they had insisted that Helene was to go shopping for essentials for me instead of me picking up my stuff...

2 years ago
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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part V 8211 Mr Richard8217s Fuck Toy

Arpita tried to understand what his husband was telling. She knew about Mr. Richard, the owner of the company. She also knew that he was coming over to India during the Diwali when he will confer some key promotions. She knew all of this because Rahul was among one of them expecting a promotion. Rahul expected to become a Vice President, while Unmesh was expecting to become a Director. But what that has to take with her revenge, she didn’t understand. And Pritam was starting to feel irritated...

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Richards Little Problem

“Did you finish the agency report Jack? I want a simple yes-or-no answer.” asked the old man angrily, looking at the handsome young intern through his bifocals.“No sir, but –” stuttered Jack knowing that he had really screwed up this time, and the boss was not going to let him off lightly.“So you sat at your desk doing nothing all week knowing fully well that I needed that agency report this morning. I am at a loss of words at your lackadaisical attitude Jack!” the old man was shaking with...

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John Henry Bain Bounty Hunter

In January 1869, the flat, featureless plains of Texas were known as the Staked Plains, after the early Spanish explorers who had discovered the desolate area drove stakes into the ground as markers to lead them back to safety. A lonely, desolate area of dirt, grassland, and Indians, it would be easy to lose one’s sense of direction if unaccustomed to such terrain. In the distance the dust rose in the wake of a lone rider as he moved across the desolate grassland. John Henry Bain rode a dark...

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Slave Henrys Restaurant Shaving Show

My nude restaurant opened with me as the maitre d' and slave Henry as the waiter. The guests keep their clothes on but the restaurant staff: slave Henry, myself and the kitchen staff of one Asian man and white women, are all nude and can be touched and groped by the guests. All the guests like slave Henry because he is so pleasant and has such a great, lean body. Each month, on Saturday afternoon, there is a special shaving party for slave Henry. The guests come around 2PM and...

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The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby

The Chastisment of Richard Hornsby The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby This is the story of a young man who had it all, who drifted into a life of crime and suffered painful correction before coming through to become a model citizen. At the age of 25 Richard Hornsby was on top of the world. The young man, the son of a successful businessman had plenty of wealth, good looks that would attract the hot babes, and a playboy image that was well deserved. He liked to use the girls and discard...

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Master Richard

???  ??? Richard had finally got his wish! His paradise! This was the place he considered heaven. It was heaven for Richard but for many others it was hell on earth. ?? Richard grew up in New York as a lonely kid, a loner with many problems. He got involved with drug smuggling, prostitution and much more.  ?? Money? Yes, Richard had become rich over the years and at forty-five and never married he had everything he ever wanted in life and more. ? Richard sat back in his chair looking...

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Becoming The Favorite II Henry is Horny

Introduction: Big brother finds himself addicted to the charms of little sister…and gets caught Hi, my name is Henry Harrington. Im a Sophomore in college and I have two sexy younger sisters named Emma and Elizabeth, we call her Lizzy for short. Emma is 18 and Lizzy is 16. This is my story of how things in my life went from normal to orgasmic in the blink of an eye, and then a certain complication threatened it all. I always tried to be a good big brother and look out for my sisters, but I...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 4

Richard stood in the middle of the room feeling totally naked and ashamed. His young body trembling as he stood holding his hands over his groin. He had been standing there for quite a few minutes before two more young nurses entered the room. They both had dark hair pinned under pretty caps set back on their heads. The taller and prettier of the two went to the sinks ignoring the boy as he stood covering himself. The other nurse, a petite athletic looking girl stood in front of Richard. Both...

4 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 3

It was fifteen minutes before Diane and Veronica got up and went over to the boy. Richard had stopped sobbing but the tears still fell down his cheeks. 'Up you get, ' said Veronica laying her hand gently over the six bright weals' that decorated the boy's bottom. 'Let's have a look at you.' Richard got up awkwardly from the table. His knees felt stiff as he lifted them from the bench and straightened them. He stood facing the table, the two girls standing behind him. 'Turn round and...

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Becoming The Favorite II Henry is Horny

I always tried to be a good big brother and look out for my sisters, but I would have had to be blind not to notice that they were hot. Emma for one was a walking wet dream, standing 5'2 with brilliant blue eyes and a mouth-watering D-cup chest. She was always prancing around the house half-dressed, and the things she wore to school raised many eyebrows amongst the teachers and faculty, not mention many cocks amongst the students. She had caused many hard-ons in her life, and my cock was not...

4 years ago
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Poor Sub Henry

Another story I found back in the day...Poor Sub Henry Henry walked into the deserted palace and cautiously peered around. He was sure this is where he was supposed to meet her. It seemed like an eternity since he first met her. He had responded to a personal ad on the Internet from a woman who claimed some experience as a Dominatrix. Her name was Victoria and she had replied soon after. Through several email exchanges he began to get a sense that this one was real. He had learned that...

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Clueless Henry

Two over heard conversations led to both the best and worst times of my life. I know it sounds confusing, but then ain't that life? I wasn't even supposed to be there. I had flown to Chicago to renegotiate a contract with a supplier who had missed several delivery dates. I got to the supplier only to be told that there would be no talks because they had just filed bankruptcy. I called the airport and found that if I hustled back to the airport I could get a flight back home at eleven that...

4 years ago
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When I met Henry and Helene 2

So last time I told you about the experience on the limo with Henry and Helene, an attractive couple I met in a “boudoir like” club. After we got briefly acquainted, they made a bet to see who could make me come faster and harder in 5 minutes. If I didn’t come I would get all the money he had in his wallet… close to £800! They won and she was the fastest, so as a reward she asked for me! So I agreed to go to their massive manor house… Henry led me into the house. I was still in awe of how...

3 years ago
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When I met Henry and Helene 2

So last time I told you about the experience on the limo with Henry and Helene, an attractive couple I met in a “boudoir like” club. After we got briefly acquainted, they made a bet to see who could make me come faster and harder in 5 minutes. If I didn’t come I would get all the money he had in his wallet... close to £800! They won and she was the fastest, so as a reward she asked for me! So I agreed to go to their massive manor house...Henry led me into the house. I was still in awe of how...

2 years ago
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Reverend Richard

Hello, my name is Reverend Townsand, or you can call me Richard. But never Dick! Yes I am a minister. Have a church that requires a lot of my time. Not just on Sundays. During the week there are services on Wednesdays. Children’s mass on Saturday. So you can see I am quite busy during the week. But that was before I took a permanent vacation, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world; her name is Sandy, for the past 18 years. We also have 2...

3 years ago
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Penny Richard and Betty

It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...

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Richard and Mrs Worhington

Richard arrived in a taxi at his friend Aaron’s family home, a huge mansion like house for the mid-winter party at the same time as an elegant looking lady with silver grey streaks in a stylish expensive coiffeur cut to just below her ears. She was very fashionably dressed wearing white tailored cut satin slacks that shows her ass nicely. She was also dressed in a designer black faux-fur vest, black soft leather gloves with a small designer leather bandolier strap i-phone wallet hanging from...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 7

Richard and Annette followed the young maid up the stairs and down a long corridor. Richard walked behind Annette, he was acutely aware of his nakedness, his penis slapped from side to side as they walked quickly to one of the rooms on the left of the corridor. They stopped outside. The girl took a pace back to make room for the maid to enter, her bottom pushing against Richard's hips. "Annette this is my room and will now be your room too." Wendy smiled at the naked girl. "Through...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 12

"I think Wendy has taken far too long in answering my bell. Perhaps this will give you an opportunity to have a look at the girl in more detail." Lady Rawlings turned her head toward the door. "Come in." Both Wendy and Annette appeared through the door pushing a tea trolley. They wheeled it into the room adjacent to Lady Rawlings and her young guest. "I took the liberty Madam of bringing both tea and coffee. There are some cakes as well Ma'am." Lady Rawlings laughed. "You have been...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 14

Richard ate with relish the food that Claire and Rachael had prepared for him. His earlier embarrassment had now completely disappeared, The girls had been careful not to refer to his bath and had instead talked to him about the estate and the different areas that he would find interesting Claire had noticed a slight furrowing of his brow as she mentioned the lake. She was aware of the happenings there from Wendy and instead of rapidly changing the subject she talked of the wildlife to be...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 6

Richard looked up to see the Nurse and the secretary bending over him. The nurse moved to the end of the bed and stood between his legs as they hung in the stirrups. The secretary stood by his side and looked into his blushing face. Her eyes gazed at him coolly beneath her glasses. Her lips were parted, displaying even white teeth. She leaned forward over the boy's naked body. "I am going to ask you a few questions, try and answer them as best you can." Richard's body jerked as he felt...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 11

He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body. "Come along, you can walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly. "Hands by your side stand straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his hands fall to his...

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Richard Bends Over For Margarets Cane

Margaret arrived to do the cleaning on Friday and she knew that she would be returning to the house again that evening to spend another night with Richard. She had still not made up her mind whether the caning that Richard desired would be administered on this day or whether she would postpone it until another time.Richard was determined to keep the caning at the forefront of Margaret's mind and she smiled to herself when she found a magazine opened on a page showing a young man bent over and...

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Getting Over Richard

Getting Over Richard. By Tanya H. I was an idiot, a stupid thoughtless (slightly drunk) idiot. What had I been thinking? I'd almost bared myself to him - Richard Blake: God Almighty I'd been thinking of kissing him, almost come out to him. As though he was going to react well that that nugget; that one of his circle of friends was gay; like he thought any more of me that the quiet one in the group, the one who always agreed, always followed, always did as he was told. I styled my...

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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday - Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m.I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts.“Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

Wife Lovers
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Richard Came Home Early

Richard has never understood himself when It came to love. He just wasn’t ready for it. But, in one of trips home he found love. He found love in a girl names Jeanette. Jeanette was a pretty girl, something Richard was not to used to. She was about 5’ 3” tall, no more than 120 lbs, and a nice B size chest. Not overly top heavy, but enough to make him happy. She has soft blonde hair that goes just past her shoulders, with bangs that hang just past her eyebrows. Blue eyes that can just cut...

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