The Education Of Richard Part 1: The Big Reveal free porn video

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All Characters are 18 or older: Richard is a high school Senior


It was the morning that changed my life forever.   It started normally enough.   I got up and brushed my teeth, showered, spent too long toying with what to do with my long brown hair before finally setting on putting it back into a simple pony-tail.   I caught my reflection as I held it up, my arms behind my head, a real cheesecake pinup girl pose.   I could have been one of those.   Even now at 36 I didn't have a wrinkle, my blue eyes have a certain intensity to them that even I can feel a bit, and my full-lipped smile is natural and easy.


Of course it's the GG cup breasts that would get me the modeling work if I wanted it.   Oh calm down, big tits can happen to anyone, stare, deal with it, and move on.  


I didn't need work though.   My husband died young and wealthy and well insured, and his fortune was more than enough to support my beautiful downtown penthouse, my lavish wardrobe, and my strapping son, Richard, for several lifetimes.   I'd give it all away to have him back though.   I miss him.


It was rainy out, so today would be an indoor day.   I bound my boobs up in a modest, functional blue bra, threw on some   boy-short panties, and slacks and a sweater that did nothing to conceal my mind-bending curves.


As I cooked eggs and stirred batter for breakfast I thought of the previous weekend, when Richard had some friends over.   I had to pull my son off of a boy at one point, struggling to somehow contain his fury and rage as he screamed, “YOU TAKE IT BACK! YOU TAKE THAT FUCKING BACK!”


His poor victim wouldn't have stood a chance of course... Richard somehow took everything I fed him and converted it into lean, strong muscle that layered his body like armor, well defined but not bulky, attractive, yet functional.   I was lucky I got there quickly or he might have seriously hurt his little chum.


“What did he say that made you so mad?” I asked him when we were alone.


He looked down, and I almost had to stifle a laugh from how serious his face looked.   “He called you a MILF.”


“He called me a milk?” I blinked in confusion.


“No, a MILF.   It's... it's a bad word.”


“What does it mean?” I asked, still not getting it.


“It stands for, Mom I'd Like to...” He trailed off.


“What would you like to do, honey?”




“RICHARD!?” I exclaimed.   “Why would you like to do...oh...oh that's what he said.   I understand now.”


He looked relieved.   “So I had to teach him some manners.”


I laughed and stroked one of his corded shoulders.


“It's sweet that you want to stick up for me, but I find it more flattering than offensive.   So your little friend desires me.   So what? Makes me feel ten years younger.”


“I'm sorry, Mom.” He said, chagrined.


I only shook my head and gave him a hug, massive breasts smothered into his face in the seated position.   That always seemed to relax him nicely.


I snapped back to the present as the toast popped and assembled Richard's large breakfast on a plate.   Now it was time to wake the dear boy.


I walked over to the bedroom and creaked open his door.   What I saw on the other side was what changed my life.


Richard was asleep, sprawled on his back with one leg crooked up and one arm by his head.   But something was wrong.   Something was poking up, tenting his whole blanket.   Curious, I crept into the room and made my way to the head of his bed, slowly lifting his blanket to peek at what strange pole was holding up this tent.   I assumed that he might have taken one of his baseball bats to bed for some reason, so what greeted my eyes instead was a shock.


I'm sure I let out a gasp, and I know for certain that I stared at his monstrous member.   It was huge! In all my years of an endless army of men throwing themselves at me I had never seen such a.... oh how could I call my boy's penis this?   And yet what other name could serve but a giant, thick, veiny, COCK.


“COCK!” Oh fuck, I had said that part out loud and dropped the blanket as Richard woke up.


If he caught me peeking, he gave me no sign, only smiling, “Good morning mom.” and beginning to sit up.


“G-good morning hung-y gwuh, buh, I mean honey.   You sleep well?”   He nodded and then realized he was sporting his massive morning glory, adorably reddening in his face and shifting to the side so that his magnificent cock rested flat against the bed, some what harder to see if you squinted or were blind.   There was no hiding how much a man my little boy had become.


“Yeah Mom.   What's for breakfast? I'm starved!” He rolled out of bed and stood, allowing me to shamelessly crotch-watch my son.   Even soft his bulge dangled down long and thick all the way to his left knee, the head of it obvious and swinging while he walked.   Where had he been hiding this monstrosity from me?


He was staring at me too, and it took me a few moments to realize why, blushing as I realized my nipples had sat up and at attention in my apparent lust.   Lust? Was this what I was feeling for my own ridiculously well hung flesh and blood?


We sat down and ate.   I nibbling my cantalope half daintily, anything to keep me from putting more fat on my tits, he wolfing down huge mouthfuls of meat, grain, milk and syrup.



I found my thoughts constantly drifting back to his cock.   Shame burned in my brain, and I found that I began to justify it to myself... that clearly my daydreaming was just out of concern for him.   The boy was downright abnormal.   He'd need to be comforted.   Educated.   Perhaps even trained.


“Richie honey, we need to talk.”   I said as he polished off the last of his plate.   He looked worried.   “Is it about that math test?   I'll do much better on the next one.”   He said, defensive already, and nervous.


“No, no baby.   It's not that.   Have you...have you ever felt like you're different from the other boys?”


He blinked.   “Is this about dad?” This was not going the direction I'd hoped at all.


“Mommy clearly needs to be blunt hon... your penis hon.   Have you ever noticed how it's different than other little boys when you get dressed with them for sports?”


He blushed, looking extremely embarrassed now.


“Uh, yeah, sure, I guess.   I dunno.   I try not to look at other guys junk that much.”


“But I bet they sure look at yours.”   He looked thoughtful a moment.   “Yeah, now that you mention it I guess they do.   I just figured they were growing slower and would catch up with me eventually.”


I shook my head.   “No baby.   They aren't ever going to be as big as you.   Probably no one is.”


“Oh no... I'm a freak.”


I put my hand on his, feeling a sexual jolt just from the light touch all of a sudden.   “Not a freak honey, a very gifted man.   I think 95% of what men do in their lives is to convince all of us that they're as big as possible... but you'll simply be as big as possible.   That will open a lot of doors for you.”


“Wait mom, how did you know I'm so...” He hesitated on the word “Gifted?”


Now it was my turn to flush a little.   “Well honey, when mommy went to wake you up this morning, you were obviously having a VERY good dream.”


“Oh.” He looked like someone was choking him as he said it.


“What were you dreaming about, anyway baby?”   I asked him.


“I don't remember.” He said, voice breaking, clearly lying his hot little ass off.


“You can tell me, honey.   You can tell me anything.”


he didn't say anything, but his eyes drifted to fix on my breasts.


“Oh, you like those? Were they bouncing through your dreams?” I said, tugging the straps of my bra to make them bobble around a little beneath my sweater.


He looked ashamed, but made a small nod.


“I don't blame you.   Lots of men like your mom's big titties.   They're not as rare as that co—erm, I mean penis of yours, but they are plenty rare.   I'm gifted too.”


“Well,” He started to stand, voice cracking hilariously, “I should probably go and take care of my homework.”   I could see that he was trying to get away because he was growing, huge bulge developing in his pants like a massive Kielbasa sausage had been folded up in there.


I needed to help him I decided.


“No, sit hon.   I'm going to teach you some things your dad might have taught you if he were here.” I lied.   He sat, shifting uncomfortably.


“Now you're going to have a lot of interest in that piece of meat you have there.” I said as I stood and walked to his side of the table, pointing down.


“Sometimes, girls are going to spot the bulge of you in your clothes and get curious enough to try and seduce you just so they can see if you're stuffing something in there or not.”


“What if I hide it real good?” He asked.


“Then word of mouth will still get around.   Your peers in the locker rooms will brag, your girlfriends will too.   Word gets out baby, and when it does, everyone's going to want to take you on like the new gunfighter in town.”   Little would they suspect that my little cowboy was slinging a howitzer on his hip instead of the usual six-shooter.


“Well what should I do?” He asked.


“Learn to enjoy it.   Bask in the fact that you've got something so special it invokes envy and desire in anyone who finds out about it.”


“Uh, ok Mom.”


“Show it to me, dearie.” I said abruptly.




“Show me your penis.   I have a lot to teach you about it, and I want to measure it.”


“Do you measure a lot of guy's peters, Mom?”


“In my younger, wilder days, yes, I measured quite a few.   One friend of mine liked to make plaster casts of them, but I don't think she'd have had enough for one of you.”   He flushed and squirmed a little.   It was so fun teasing the little cutie, even if it was so terribly wrong.


I went and got a tape measure from my sewing kit and sat down in front of him again.


“Well?” I said, “Take it out, you've nothing to be ashamed of.   Quite the opposite in fact, you should be proud of what you have in there.”


“Okay.” He murmured, fidgeting as he undid his belt and unbuttoned his fly, putting his weight on his heels as he slid the trousers down, slowly revealing the root of his manhood, letting his pants pool around his ankles when the knee-length humongous soft dick drooped over the edge of the chair into view.


I gasped at the sight of him, then placed and unrolled the measure.   “God DAMN baby, this thing is insane... I can't believe you're still soft!” and I couldn't.   It dangled a very intimidating 16 inches down his thigh, thick like a coke bottle and for the first time I got to see his balls.


Oh what balls!   They were extremely low-hanging in a sack that I just had to measure, finding them from where his skin connected to his cock to the base of them they were dangling 7 inches down.   In addition to being low-hanging, they were FAT, so much so that each one almost looked like a tan pear that was growing from the base of his dick.   I blinked and stared in disbelief.


“Wow.”   I said.   Then “Wow!” again.   “Wow” I added, for good measure.


He was still blushing from his ankles to his face to his massive lower-hangers.   “What?” He asked, “Why do you keep saying wow?”


“I”ll put it this way baby.   You could add up any two of my previous lovers, and NONE of them would be as well endowed as you.   In fact the vast majority of them wouldn't have you beat unless I paired them with the biggest I'd ever had until now, and even he was smaller than you are just SOFT.   Does it grow much when you get hard?”


“Uh huh.” He nodded, eyes lost in my sweater meat.   Poor dear, so easily distracted.


Now it's time for your first lesson Richard.   It's called, “The Big Reveal.”


“What's that?”   He asked, perplexed.


“Well, it's all about how you present your very special equipment to the ladies who are interested in you.   Just now, you slid your pants off in a very meek, uncontrolled manner.   I want to teach you pride in your—oh let's just come out and call it a cock, dear.   Pull your pants up, that's a good boy, okay.   Now this time, when you take it out, stand up.   Now undo your belt and zipper, good, but don't just drop your pants, I want you to reach in and grab your big cock—Oh stop blushing when I say it! Grab it and pull it up and out as fast you can.


I stared at the glory as he followed my instructions, massive prick undulating like a snake as he flipped it out, the back of it slapping audibly against his t-shirt clad torso and then slapping the inside of both thighs as it dangled down like a pendulum.   My eyes fixed on him like his eyes had fixed on my tits.


Very good baby.   Now the other thing to do, and this is for women that might like you to be a little rougher... a little more animal than man, is to let them free it while you're hard.   I need to measure you hard anyway, so do you mind if Mommy plays with you a little and gets you to fill out?

“Uh, okay Mom.   If you think it's best.   Why would women want me to be rough?”   He asked.


I thought of my answer as I started to run my hands over him, folding his massive rope back on itself, then tugging on it in alternating grips with, letting his head dance enticingly close to my stuffed sweater.


“Some women, though not a majority, like man who asserts himself.   Most prefer a more gentle touch, of course.”


“Which kind of woman are you?” He asked, moaning slightly at my womanhandling of his gigantic cock.


“Mmm somewhere in the middle, Deary.”   He was semi-hard now, and I began to jack him off with greater gusto, pumping the his megacock in both hands, one on top of the other with plenty of space left in between.   I paused to wipe my brow with the back of my arm; I know it's called a handjob, but only with a cock this size does it actually become work.


“Honey, do you mind if mommy takes her shirt off, this is making her very warm.”   I asked innocently.


“Ngh, yeah mom, I'd love it, seeing those big ones of yours would be great!”   He blushed after he said it, and I grinned, running my tongue over my teeth.


“Oh, so your little friend has to get beat up for calling me a MILF but you've been thinking it all along?” I taunted.


He snapped into a serious expression.   “You're MY mom.   You're mine.”   He reasoned.   Ooo it made my pussy as moist as April to hear him claim me this way.  


My bra-clad breasts now exposed I returned my hands to his almost hard cock and resumed beating him the fuck off, my massive chest-baubles bouncing all over the place as I put more effort into the two-fisted stroke-job.   I was AMAZED at how much bigger he was getting.   At his soft side I was sure he'd be a shower for sure, yet here he had doubled in length and still had a little give to it with a bit more room to grow.


“Okay baby, put it back in your pants, if you can, I'm going to show you the “rough” big reveal.”   He seemed almost anguished as he fought to tuck it away, curling it around his hip and down a thigh, painfully bent as it bulged with the awesome power of a nuclear cock-explosion contained within a tiny space.


“Now if you think you have a rougher lady on your hands, and she wants to see it, tell her to take it out for herself.”


“Take it out, Mom.”   He commanded, getting into the spirit of the act.   I knelt before him and unclasped things, then yanked his pants down, letting the tremendous turgid tool smack across my cheek, loving how the column of beef towered over me, how the weight of it actually rocked me on heels, how the shadow of it cast endlessly across one wall as it poked straight-outwards, too heavy to support its own mass.


I rubbed my cheek.   “Very good baby!   And that was only the base of your're probably the only man alive who can also do this to a women who decides to unleash you while she's standing up!”


He proudly clenched a fist around the middle of his shaft, squeezing it tight.   “God it feels so good... I've never felt like this before!”


“I'm about to make you feel a lot better, baby.   Do you know what a blowjob is?”   He shook his head and I jumped for joy inside.   I was going to get to initiate my baby into one of men's greatest joys!   I pushed him back into his chair and unclasped my bra, loving the way his cock trembled when my perfect pink peaks finally went on display.   I'll admit it probably makes me an arrogant bitch, but I love the effect my tits have on men.


I crawled between his legs, trying to figure out how to tackle such a mammoth project, and settled on a little makeout session with the head of him, tugging his length straight out and leaning back to push it against my lips.   My pouty dicksuckers puckered and pouted for him, mashing the angry tip of him into the little pillow they made over and over, tongue flicking out to lash his peach-sized top from every angle.   I swirled my tongue around it, and then worked my head curiously from one angle to another, knowing full well that the bottom of my tongue is much smoother and softer than the top, pleasuring him with just that one little piece of me a few moments.


Richard threw back his head and moaned, pawing at the air a little, clearly unsure what to do with so much sensation, hips bucking involuntarily.   I pushed his cock skyward and licked and lapped down him, feasting on his thick prickshaft, easily the girth of a pint-glass as I made the long trip around it, spiraling my face, making sure to get the often-neglected backside of him, finally reaching the root where it met that nasty dangling scrotum of his.


I can over-state how amazingly low-slung these nuts of my boys were.   I almost felt a sense of pride at the sight of them.   I'm no doctor, so I could only wonder if he was simply born with a longer scrotum, or if the sheer weight of his pendulous prick pods was so great that they'd stretched him out as he'd grown into the massive hypermasculine man who sat before me.


Well that question, I shall leave to the philosophers I thought as I proceeded to tongue down his leathery sack, tongue assaulting the ridges of all the parts of it that weren't covering his balls as I made my way towards them.   My baby gave a little howl as my tongue finally touched against a big behemoth ball, squirming with pleasure as I lathed my tongue just over the fat left nut.   I placed my palm beneath spunk-orb I was worshiping and lifted it up against my lips, slowly and seriously making out with it, slurping and drooling on his nasty nut until my saliva ran down the smooth surface in little rivulets.


I turned my attention to the other big ball, letting my smooth cheek graze against the wet surface of the one I'd just finished kissing, letting my tongue slap over every ridge of salt and sweat, palming this ball as well to cushion its weight against my lips.   Richard was in ecstasy now, rolling his head and moaning, whimpering as his cock danced and bounced, tantalizingly close to his mouth.   Richard could easily suck himself if he wanted, but I kept silent on the matter for now, wanting him to discover if he was comfortable with this idea for himself.


I distracted him by abruptly cramming a pear-sized ball into my mouth.   He looked amazed as I sucked hard on the lubed up low-hanger, forcing it with a pop into my cheeks.   He winced a little, perhaps hurt at first by the pressure, but then gave in to the sheer delight of having warmth and softness completely surrounding his super-sized sperm-crate, gasping nonsensical gibberish as my tongue slipped and rolled all over the mouthful of testicular meat.  


I sucked a little harder and discovered to my delight, shock, and a little fear that his scrotum was so long it was actually possible for me to deepthroat his big nut.   I couldn't breath around it, of course, but I counted seconds in my head to make sure I wouldn't pass out as I worked him past my palate, gargling and gagging on the jaw-breaking jizz-jug, throat shellacking the sweat and slobber from his sack.   When my air supply felt threatened I pulled back, letting his ball burst free and bounce down like it was on a bungee chord.   I grinned at my handiwork, the right testicle that had just enjoyed this oral adventure now hung a little lower than it had before, and was a little more swollen.   I'd literally sucked it bigger.


“Well now they don't match!” I pouted, looking up at his stunned face.   The poor dear, I'd have to teach him how to not look like a dear in the headlights (pardon the pun) when getting a hummer!   But one thing at a time.


“I know how to fix it!” I said, giggling as I sucked in the huge left nut now, giving it much of the same treatment.   But this time when I sucked it into my throat, I swallowed on it and kept the pressure clamped down, rolling my head slowly back and forth, up and down, testing the limits of his scrotum's length, finally un-throating the dirty ball with a gasp.   Thick cables of slobber dangled between my mouth and his sack now, dipping low in the middle, threatening to break.   Perish the thought!   I shoved my face forward, burying it in his dangling ball bag, hornilly smearing myself with my saliva and my baby's musk.


“Oh, GOD mom!” He whimpered.   I grinned and slowly licked up the underside of his cock and re-inserted the head of him into my mouth.   I stabbed forward this time and took him as deep as I could.   I'm embarrassed to say that was NOT very deep.   I'd once had an eight-inch lover whom I could barely throat with a strangled fight, and even the average-sized ones challenged me a little, so there was NO way this monster was getting anywhere near to all the way inside me.   But, I did what I could, sucking 5 or 6 inches of him in, swallowing on it, and beating off the rest of him with both my hands, shaking my head at how much or poor Richard's cock wasn't getting the attention it deserved.


His precum leaked out freely now, pooling in my lower lip every few bobs of my head before forcing it to curl and spilling down my chin, connecting the dots between my lips, his cock, and my undulating tits that wobbled below, audibly slapping together with every motion backwards I made.   My poor heavy girls were really getting a workout today!   I pulled back from him, shaking my head as his prickhead burst forth in an explosive burst of precum.


“You're just so big baby.   There are deeper throats than mine that will be able to do this much better for you some day.” I explained.   “I bet if you meet a rough girl, she'll like a nice hard face-fuck... Hell, bring her home to teach me if you do.”


He shook his head right back, “No Mom, that's incredible... more...God please more!”


I complied, throwing my face   back on his cock, hands dropping to massage and tug his monstrous man-milk-makers, loving the firm slap of them into my palms as I grasped hold of them.   Richard put his hands on my head, but didn't hold me or shove, only lovingly stroking my hair as I proceeded to make my own face a nasty mess of prespunk and slobber, occasionally pulling off to rub his mammoth-dick against myself, smearing his promising preload around.   Finally I pulled back again with a gasp.


“I may not be able to throat you like you deserve baby, but mommy can do something most women can't.” I cooed as I pulled back, letting slivery strands of the mess I was making burst and fall, trickling like rain onto my ridiculously humongous wrack, shaking my tits with pride as I leaned back a little to gather them in my hands and arms, bobbling them in my palms to display them for him.   Richard stared appreciatively, eyes following my nipples almost like the crowd at a tennis match follows the ball.


I leaned forward and wrapped my titanic teats around his colossal pole, starting to bounce them up and down on his shaft.   Richard's howled with pleasure, instinctively bucking his hips to fuck up into my tit-canyon, raking his shaft up and down through my cleavage, glistening and lubricated with my earlier efforts, the friction making him hotter and hotter as he humped and pumped, porking my fat girl-globes like a dick-demon was possessing him.   This was to be my favorite with him, I thought, tormenting him with my monstrous mamories that he once suckled.


“Mmm yes, baby, show mommy how her big strong boy likes to fuck her big fat titties!   That's right!” I purred, licking at his head each time it passed my lips.


Then it dawned on me: IT PASSED MY LIPS! In my years of having sex, plenty of men have availed themselves of the opportunity to make a prickmeat mam-which out of my hulking tits, but none of them, not even the most hong, were long enough to even so much as hint at poking out of my cleavage.   Here my pride-inducing, strong son was effortlessly fucking my tits and surpassing all others by extraordinary lengths, his whopper of a wang streaking past my eyes with each thrust of his powerful young hips.


To change things up on him a little I sat myself lower and wrapped my tits around his balls.   These too were almost longer than my impossibly tall cleavage, but only a tiny bit of his sack protruded from the bottom.   I tossed the bloated balls around between my gigantic jugs, letting them feel the moisture and the heat and softness they had to offer after being so tremendously fucked by so much meat.   I gave them a good firm double-titty massage before finally returning my mega-ample mounds to his prickshaft, just holding them in place now and letting him do the work.


I marveled at the fact a moment, almost in a Zen state as his corpulent balls beat a high-tempo rhythm on my torso.   My boy was a fucking stud!   I was struck with mixed pangs of jealousy and lust at the thought of the years ahead of him... the willing, dripping pussies splayed in waiting for his rapacious ramrod to take them, the looks of surprise etched on women's faces, the trembling hands that would grip his shaft, the dainty licks and horny sucks that would follow... my boy, muscular, handsome, and hung like a Shetland Pony with a career in porn coming to know his power, and learning to truly fuck a nonstop stream of orgasms from any woman he wanted.  


My reverie was abruptly jarred to an end as he suddenly made a strangled noise, “Mom, what's happening to me? I..Ngh...I!”   And he came, oh how he came!


I noticed first that his nuts abruptly tightened, heaving all the way up his dangling, long scrotum to cleave close to the base of his cock, an impressive trip for the hefty testes to make given the length of the journey and they parked against the bottoms of my tits as grunted and groaned.


His cum-slit suddenly dilated, easily to the width of a finger, and I made the mistake of peeking inside, screaming as my open eyes was instantly slammed with a wad of thick ball-sauce the size of a fist.   My head snapped back and my hair danced in a spray of jizm as the wad exploded all over the left side of my face.   My boy seemed alarmed, uncertain what to do, and I had to show him the way, grabbing hold of his spasming spunk-cannon in both hands and jerking it hard for him.


Well it was the motherly thing to do, as those balls dropped and retracted, recoiling for another blast of dick drizzlings I realized they'd back up and probably burst if I didn't help them unload their heavy pearl cargo.   I jacked and jerked his cock, aiming the next shot a little lower, seeing through my one un-pasted eye a fat wad splat right between my tits, arching streaks of his seed over both of them, coating them in white.


Now, roaring like a young lion, he jacked with me, four hands interspersed on his cock, working him up and down, enough room to fit more if we'd had them close by.   I dropped one of mine to squeeze and coax the big nuts as they bounced, a lewd lacing of cum spatting my tummy with the next shot.


Between the two of us, we coaxed perhaps a dozen thick shots from him, leaving him a little weak, slumped back, blushing beautifully, cock still standing straight as a steel pipe where it burst up from his lap.   I was quite the picture and so was the breakfast table, both covered in thick glops of gooey gonad gruel.   I made a big show of licking it off of me, the taste surprisingly sweet and rich, making a point to lean over and lick some of the puddles off the tabletop, showing him just how much his mommy likes his taste.


“Oh... oh God was a amazing.” He said, voice still shaking in the post coital bliss of what seemed to be his first orgasm.   What sort of sheltered life had I left my boy to lead that no one had ever gotten a piece of this cock before me?   I was a terrible parent.


A very bad naughty horrible parent and my goodness how that thought made me horny!   I stood up, grabbing him by the still-turgid shaft of his humongous cock.


“come on baby, you're taking mommy to bed.” I said, leading him around by his manhood.   Soon he'd be a stud, he'd master all of his incredible body's limitless potential, but until then, I was going to enjoy being boss.


As we entered the bedroom I stripped off the rest of my clothes and ordered him to do the same, loving the way his massive mansack swung around as he shifted his weight one way or the other.   I've read that amongst monkeys, when there is a dispute, they sit around in a circle and all spread their legs.   The boy with the biggest pair wins.   Sometimes I think humans work the same way, and if that's true, then Richard would probably be the top alpha male in every setting once he understood his power.


“Come here baby, I've got to clean you up first.”   He stood in front of me again where I sat on the edge of the bed.   I leaned down and tongued gobbets of tasty cream from all over his shaft, tasting his sweet and salty texture, purring my approval as I tongue-cleaned every inch of his colossal wang.   I leaned low again and really polished his balls, loving how his spunk had soaked into the sack, wringing it between my lips in portion after portion to make it gleam.  


“Oh yeah mom, suck my balls...suck 'em...oh fuck!” He groaned, putting his hands gently to my head again as I worked.   A little dominance leaking through in my boy at last?   I could only show my pride by throating his balls in turn again, then giving them each a goodbye lick before hopping up onto the bed.   I lay on my back and spread my legs.


“Do you know what mommy wants you to do, Richard?”   I asked my son.


“I think so.”   He murmured, stroking his obscene length with a hand as he surveyed the ground I was asking him to conquer.   He crawled up onto the bed and knelt before me, putting his head to my sheet-drenching pussy, seeming almost worried about the sheer volume of viscous liquid spilling from betweenTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part V 8211 Mr Richard8217s Fuck Toy

Arpita tried to understand what his husband was telling. She knew about Mr. Richard, the owner of the company. She also knew that he was coming over to India during the Diwali when he will confer some key promotions. She knew all of this because Rahul was among one of them expecting a promotion. Rahul expected to become a Vice President, while Unmesh was expecting to become a Director. But what that has to take with her revenge, she didn’t understand. And Pritam was starting to feel irritated...

3 years ago
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The Transmigration Of Richard Brookbank part 2

No way. Absolutely no fucking way. None of this is real. It can't be. It just can't. People don't go around swapping bodies. It's not fucking possible. Simple as that. It's. Not. Fucking. Possible. You're dreaming, dickhead. Like the time you guzzled nine pints of rough cider in the Borough Arms and woke up on the kitchen floor convinced you were engaged to the dark-haired lass out of the New Seekers. Maybe, but I only had a couple last night. One in the Kings Head...

4 years ago
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The Transmigration Of Richard Brookbank part 4

4 Insipid light bleeds through glass and fabric, bringing me awake in hesitant, confused stages. My freckled fingers grope for the alarm clock on the bedside table, but encounter only empty space. My freckled fingers? Since when did I have freckles on my fingers? Spots in front of the eyes, that's what you've got. I don't know, pissed again. And behaved like a complete prat, I shouldn't wonder. God knows what I was drinking, though. My mouth feels drier than a Jack Benny...

4 years ago
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The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby

The Chastisment of Richard Hornsby The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby This is the story of a young man who had it all, who drifted into a life of crime and suffered painful correction before coming through to become a model citizen. At the age of 25 Richard Hornsby was on top of the world. The young man, the son of a successful businessman had plenty of wealth, good looks that would attract the hot babes, and a playboy image that was well deserved. He liked to use the girls and discard...

1 year ago
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FantasyPart 2 Richard is to Cat as Henry is to Mouse

"The little present you sent arrived. So you enjoyed seducing my wife. But you told me she was a bitch. Is that what made it so much fun, you fucker? Are you going to cut her loose now that you've had your fun? I want to talk to her. Now, you asshole!" A message to Richard, sent to voice mail again. Words sent out to nowhere. God, he was good. So goddamned good. Jesus fucking Christ. So good. How could a man born of woman turn her in those few minutes on the phone, turn a woman who...

2 years ago
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Richards Little Problem

“Did you finish the agency report Jack? I want a simple yes-or-no answer.” asked the old man angrily, looking at the handsome young intern through his bifocals.“No sir, but –” stuttered Jack knowing that he had really screwed up this time, and the boss was not going to let him off lightly.“So you sat at your desk doing nothing all week knowing fully well that I needed that agency report this morning. I am at a loss of words at your lackadaisical attitude Jack!” the old man was shaking with...

1 year ago
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Master Richard

???  ??? Richard had finally got his wish! His paradise! This was the place he considered heaven. It was heaven for Richard but for many others it was hell on earth. ?? Richard grew up in New York as a lonely kid, a loner with many problems. He got involved with drug smuggling, prostitution and much more.  ?? Money? Yes, Richard had become rich over the years and at forty-five and never married he had everything he ever wanted in life and more. ? Richard sat back in his chair looking...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 4

Richard stood in the middle of the room feeling totally naked and ashamed. His young body trembling as he stood holding his hands over his groin. He had been standing there for quite a few minutes before two more young nurses entered the room. They both had dark hair pinned under pretty caps set back on their heads. The taller and prettier of the two went to the sinks ignoring the boy as he stood covering himself. The other nurse, a petite athletic looking girl stood in front of Richard. Both...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 3

It was fifteen minutes before Diane and Veronica got up and went over to the boy. Richard had stopped sobbing but the tears still fell down his cheeks. 'Up you get, ' said Veronica laying her hand gently over the six bright weals' that decorated the boy's bottom. 'Let's have a look at you.' Richard got up awkwardly from the table. His knees felt stiff as he lifted them from the bench and straightened them. He stood facing the table, the two girls standing behind him. 'Turn round and...

1 year ago
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Reverend Richard

Hello, my name is Reverend Townsand, or you can call me Richard. But never Dick! Yes I am a minister. Have a church that requires a lot of my time. Not just on Sundays. During the week there are services on Wednesdays. Children’s mass on Saturday. So you can see I am quite busy during the week. But that was before I took a permanent vacation, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world; her name is Sandy, for the past 18 years. We also have 2...

3 years ago
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Penny Richard and Betty

It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...

2 years ago
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Richard and Mrs Worhington

Richard arrived in a taxi at his friend Aaron’s family home, a huge mansion like house for the mid-winter party at the same time as an elegant looking lady with silver grey streaks in a stylish expensive coiffeur cut to just below her ears. She was very fashionably dressed wearing white tailored cut satin slacks that shows her ass nicely. She was also dressed in a designer black faux-fur vest, black soft leather gloves with a small designer leather bandolier strap i-phone wallet hanging from...

1 year ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 7

Richard and Annette followed the young maid up the stairs and down a long corridor. Richard walked behind Annette, he was acutely aware of his nakedness, his penis slapped from side to side as they walked quickly to one of the rooms on the left of the corridor. They stopped outside. The girl took a pace back to make room for the maid to enter, her bottom pushing against Richard's hips. "Annette this is my room and will now be your room too." Wendy smiled at the naked girl. "Through...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 12

"I think Wendy has taken far too long in answering my bell. Perhaps this will give you an opportunity to have a look at the girl in more detail." Lady Rawlings turned her head toward the door. "Come in." Both Wendy and Annette appeared through the door pushing a tea trolley. They wheeled it into the room adjacent to Lady Rawlings and her young guest. "I took the liberty Madam of bringing both tea and coffee. There are some cakes as well Ma'am." Lady Rawlings laughed. "You have been...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 14

Richard ate with relish the food that Claire and Rachael had prepared for him. His earlier embarrassment had now completely disappeared, The girls had been careful not to refer to his bath and had instead talked to him about the estate and the different areas that he would find interesting Claire had noticed a slight furrowing of his brow as she mentioned the lake. She was aware of the happenings there from Wendy and instead of rapidly changing the subject she talked of the wildlife to be...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 6

Richard looked up to see the Nurse and the secretary bending over him. The nurse moved to the end of the bed and stood between his legs as they hung in the stirrups. The secretary stood by his side and looked into his blushing face. Her eyes gazed at him coolly beneath her glasses. Her lips were parted, displaying even white teeth. She leaned forward over the boy's naked body. "I am going to ask you a few questions, try and answer them as best you can." Richard's body jerked as he felt...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 11

He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body. "Come along, you can walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly. "Hands by your side stand straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his hands fall to his...

3 years ago
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Richard Bends Over For Margarets Cane

Margaret arrived to do the cleaning on Friday and she knew that she would be returning to the house again that evening to spend another night with Richard. She had still not made up her mind whether the caning that Richard desired would be administered on this day or whether she would postpone it until another time.Richard was determined to keep the caning at the forefront of Margaret's mind and she smiled to herself when she found a magazine opened on a page showing a young man bent over and...

2 years ago
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Getting Over Richard

Getting Over Richard. By Tanya H. I was an idiot, a stupid thoughtless (slightly drunk) idiot. What had I been thinking? I'd almost bared myself to him - Richard Blake: God Almighty I'd been thinking of kissing him, almost come out to him. As though he was going to react well that that nugget; that one of his circle of friends was gay; like he thought any more of me that the quiet one in the group, the one who always agreed, always followed, always did as he was told. I styled my...

2 years ago
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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday - Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m.I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts.“Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

Wife Lovers
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Richard Came Home Early

Richard has never understood himself when It came to love. He just wasn’t ready for it. But, in one of trips home he found love. He found love in a girl names Jeanette. Jeanette was a pretty girl, something Richard was not to used to. She was about 5’ 3” tall, no more than 120 lbs, and a nice B size chest. Not overly top heavy, but enough to make him happy. She has soft blonde hair that goes just past her shoulders, with bangs that hang just past her eyebrows. Blue eyes that can just cut...

3 years ago
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Our First Foray Into A Threesome Chapter 2 Riding Richard And Sucking Seth

Trying to hurry, we about tripped over each other getting indoors from the hot tub. Both guys were hard and very horny, and I’d only come once and definitely needed more. Plus, having touched Seth’s cock, I really wanted to see it – and touch it again, and suck on it, of course! The fact that Richard was also hurrying I took as a good sign; he wouldn’t be in such a frantic rush if he wasn’t excited about continuing!As further proof of his enthusiasm for all of this, he was the first one out of...

2 years ago
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Margaret Spends Another Night With Richard

Having spent Friday night together, thirty-three-year-old Richard Moran and his sixty-year-old cleaning lady Margaret Leech wasted little time in arranging another lovemaking session.On Sunday, Richard phoned Margaret. "I can't stop thinking about you. When can we get together again?" he asked."I can't stop thinking about you either. When do you suggest?" she replied."Well you are working here on Tuesday so how about spending Monday night here so that you are ready for work bright and early?"...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 8

It was some time later that Wendy called to Richard "You can stay in the water for a little longer, but Annette and I have to go and prepare lunch." Richard nodded and carried on swimming. He had made sure that his body was hidden under the water. He had noticed that both girls had not played in the shallows either. He watched as they waded up on to the bank. Their young bodies glistening in the sun, Annette's skin glowing dark against the paleness of Wendy. Diane watched the two young...

1 year ago
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Fucking Richard

It’s easy to get fucked when you’re a sixteen-year-old girl. I don’t mean sixteen-year-old boys, who are incredibly easy from what I could tell but with someone old enough to be my father. I was thinking in particular about Richard, one of two divorced men I sometimes did babysitting for. I had called him mister and his last name, at first, but I’ll just go with Richard here.I expect you’ve watched porn where the guy does the babysitter. But it really wasn’t like that. I figured I had to be...

1 year ago
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Story of Bloody Red Richard

A cooling breeze came up from the gulf. The air felt good after the long hot still days of summer. Soon the wind would fill the sails of the galleons. The great fleet of Mother Spain would set sail, loaded down with it's cargo of gold, silver, coconuts, and woods, taken from the new world. The ship, Aterrizar de Dorado, set low in the water. Its belly full. Tomorrow it would set out to sea on its return home. The longshoremen, were like ants, crawling over every part of the ship, everything...

1 year ago
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Sarahs StoryChapter 4 Sarah and Richard

It was just after Christmas and the days were now short and overcast. Sarah was well into the second year of her A level courses and studies were going well. She was seventeen and had been dressing as Sarah openly at home for nearly a year. Richard and Clair had fully accepted the situation without any problems since discovering her secret on their surprise return from holiday the year before. "Hello Princess, how's things?" Richard had just returned from work and had climbed the stairs...

1 year ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 5

There were three doors situated at the opposite end of the room. Behind the middle door was the Doctor's office. To the left was the Medical store and drug lock-up. The right hand door led to the committee room. The doctor was standing by her office desk, her body bent to the side like a ballet dancer as she took off her coat. She looked up as the door opened. 'They are ready for you doctor, ' Her secretary looked admiringly at the young doctor as she spoke. Sarah Wallis was twenty...

4 years ago
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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 6 Richard

The last two months of the year passed so quickly. It seemed as if after leaving the cottage with Andrea, the days flew. The BBC series was filmed back to back and by the middle of December there were six episodes in the can. Then Christmas was upon us. I spent the festive season in Broughley. The actual day was with Andrea, Charlie and the Viscount, then on Boxing Day Andrea, Charlie and I went down to my mum and dad's place. New Years Eve was almost an anti-climax. We saw the New Year in...

4 years ago
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Playing With Richards Friends

I never thought I’d be sliding my soaking wet pussy along one of my son’s friend’s cock.This all started out as friendly truths and dares. I was up watching a movie around 1:00 am or so. I’d finished a bottle of wine and smoked a blunt so I was feeling pretty good. The boys came in typically making noise and shouting about their near conquest. I giggled as I heard them talking. That night I was wearing a long flowing black nightgown. My breast were clearly visible through the transparent silk....

3 years ago
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Angela Richard and Me

THIS HAPPENED IN 2015An old friend, Angela, got in touch after a good ten years, she’d been married and her husband died 4 years ago, and she asked me if I wanted to go to some gigs again. Years ago we used to go and see live Rockabilly music around the County, but that was it. I shagged her in 1976 when we were both single but not recently.This particular Saturday she rang me and asked if I fancied a concert 40 miles away. Donna and I discussed it and she said “Go if you want she’ll probably...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 9

The girls stood around one of the massage tables. The young hairdresser was busy laying out her things. Wendy stood in the middle of Veronica and Diane. She already had an idea what was about to happen and was blushing profusely. "This young lady is going to shave you between your legs, so I want you to do exactly as she tells you, so no nonsense now, is that clear?" Diane turned toward the young hairdresser. Wendy will do precisely what you ask, so if you would like to instruct her we can...

2 years ago
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Richard Miscalculates

"You do have a choice Richard. You don't have to do it, but life will be so much easier for you if you do. If you do it nothing changes except that you will never sleep in my bed again. Although I'm going to be taking on the role of CEO you will still be president of the company, you will still have your country club membership and you can even keep your bimbo. If you don't do it you are out of a job, homeless, probably not able to buy your little blond slut a cup of coffee and the only way...

2 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 10

Richard showed Margaret his (skeletal) house and described what he hoped to do. She told of her school in Brisbane – St. Margaret’s – and how she had worked in the new school library. “It seemed like a fine way to spend time: surrounded by knowledge and both preserving and disbursing it.” Richard told her about the Agricultural College and his two years at Lamorbey. “My folks live in Warwick! That’s only an hour from Gatton!” “And only double that to Southport, where my parents...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 7

Richard invited his parents to the graduation ceremony and they drove to Gatton on Thursday, 1 December. The ceremony ran from about 10 to 11, before it became really hot. Andy and Sybil then helped Richard load his accumulated detritus into their (new) Ford Falcon and a few things into the (rusting) Jeep. “It’s done well over these three years,” Andy remarked. “Yes. I’ve had no major problems: plugs, belts, shocks, tyres, wiper blades, but nothing large.” “Well, it’s little over two hours...

3 years ago
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Black Richard

(MF, intr, cheat)I recently had sex with someone other than my husband for the first time. What bothers me is that it was by far the most exciting experience of my life.I am a forty-year-old mother of two sons. I have been married for nineteen years to a wonderful, caring and loving man.Before we had c***dren, Frank liked to take nude photos of me. We have a very large scrapbook of me in steamy poses from fully clothed to butt-naked. That book has been hidden in the basement for years.I must...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 2

Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...

1 year ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 3

Lamorbey Station seemed far away when Richard pulled onto campus early on Monday. He’d spent Friday night in his Jeep, near Tambo, an hour past Blackall. He’d lunched and dined out of the esky. The next night he’d spent in a motel in Roma, where he’d enjoyed a shower. Last night he stayed at the Royal, an older hotel in Gatton, and so was well-rested. He was also in a good mood. He’d opened the “pay envelope” and discovered ten five pound notes – far more than he’d expected for just under...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 5

The year ended. Richard drove west and north, arriving at Lamorbey on schedule. He was welcomed by Janey with an exuberant night of sex. In the morning he was welcomed back by the foreman and many of the crew. Ferd was in Emerald on a “shopping trip.” Ferd turned up in mid-afternoon. He’d been purchasing ammunition: .30- .30 and .30-06 cartridges and a box of slugs for the 12-gauge shotgun, which Richard had never seen. The “hunting party” was to be made up of Ferd, Richard, Janey, Al, and...

2 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 6

Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 10

Susan was delighted with herself as she descended the wide oak banister'd staircase. She had been part of the doctor's team for six months and had already enjoyed many occasions such as this. She had come to Sarah's notice during a general meeting of the nursing staff at the Medical Centre. The doctor had asked Susan to stay behind after the meeting. She had talked generally to her at first and then asked her to make an appointment to see her in her office. It was at this meeting that...

4 years ago
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richard goes to fat camp part 1

hello richard my name is wendy but you can call me maam welcome to boys fat camp are you ready to do whatever it takes to loose weight ?yes maam my method works but you have to do everything i tell you no argueing no questioning me if you can't do that then leave now i have to loose weight maam i'm fed up being the fat boy , now i'm 19 it really can't be passed off as puppy fat anymoreok strip and get on the scales lets see what we are dealing with um everything ?of course naked come on don't...

1 year ago
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Richard and Nikkis Humiliation Part 1

It was only when her husband Richard promised to ensure her anonymity that Nikki agreed to go out with him and dance in wild fashion and wear the party dress he picked out for her. The club in Tribeca was a long ways from where they lived, but it was one of the hotter clubs and everyone there was in their late twenties or early thirties and looked hot. And going there for the third time now, Richard had got them a hotel so they would not be in their own community to satisfy Nikki’s fears of...

Group Sex
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Richard the StockmanChapter 4

“It’s actually just under 30,000 acres,” Richard was told about two weeks later. “Can you explain?” “Of course. First of all, it’s unclear to me whether the property is within the bounds of Womalilla or of Mungallala. Most likely Mungallala’s too far west. I don’t think Brisbane’ll have to adjudicate. But the land itself extends south of where that two creeks you crossed join to an unnamed east-west road. The land is lightly wooded in the east and shrubby in the west. Because of the...

3 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 8

Richard drove to Mitchell on the 28th, taking a room in the nearly-empty Richard’s Hotel. He ate dinner, washed up and slept. It had taken nearly nine hours to cover the 400 miles from Southport to Mitchell. But he felt invigorated in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, he drove to the store, and bought a 600’ coil of 1/4” manila, a small sledge, a bright orange grease marker and a 40’ measuring tape; he also bought ten pounds of sugar, two bricks of chewing tobacco and a tin of pipe...

1 year ago
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The Transmigration Of Richard Brookbank part 1

THE CHRYSANTHEMUM INHERITANCE Book One of the Eternal Mind Sequence PART ONE: THE TRANSMIGRATION OF RICHARD BROOKBANK Clown: What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning wildfowl? Malvolio: That the soul of our grandam might haply inhabit a bird. Clown: What thinkest thou of his opinion? Malvolio: I think nobly of the soul, and in no way approve his opinion. Clown: Fare thee well; remain thou still in darkness;...

4 years ago
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Richard the StockmanChapter 9

Time flies, they say. Richard knew from school that Ovid wrote “omnia mutantur, nihil interit” (everything changes, nothing perishes Metamorphoses XV), where he later refers to “tempus edax rerum” (time the consumer of things). But what eats up the days, the weeks, the months? One of the Greeks wrote that everything flows. 1962 certainly flowed away. Like water or sand through your hands. Jenna was pregnant again. Joyce would have a sibling before she was three. Ferd was married, but was...

4 years ago
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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 11 Richard

A month after the euphoria of being at Buckingham Palace we were grounded. We were well into the second series of 'A detective called Grantham' when Ashley left the set to take a phone call. Fifteen minutes later she came out and told the crew to pack up for the day. She then caught my eye with a sideways nod of her head. She mouthed, "Office." I joined her in the office and could see from her expression that this was serious. "What's going on, Ashley?" "John has buggered off to the...

3 years ago
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A Guy called Richard

“Is this okay, Alex?” I murmured that this was heaven and not to stop. I’d watched Richard unzip my jeans as I spread out on the settee and almost instantly I felt the familiar surge beneath, like it wanted to burst out and that glorious feeling of sexual lust was there, in expectation of what was to come and enjoying every minute, knowing how Richard just adored to strip me like this; the way he used his finger tips to tease me up over my jeans as he tinkered with the zip fastener was so...

4 years ago
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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 9 Richard

My stomach was in turmoil as I drove Meera to Elstree; I hoped it wasn't noticeable. The reason for this discomfort? I was the lead actor in this series; something that I had thought I would never be. As Ashley had forecast all those years ago I was the support to an actor or actress who had much greater impact than I. It seemed that I wasn't alone in this turmoil as Meera confided that she felt daunted by this play. When we arrived at Elstree we were welcomed by Ashley with the news that...

3 years ago
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Episode 60 Jenny meets Richard

Jenny hated sports at Junior High School – all sports really – her tits were just way too big. She had tried numerous sports bras, none seemed to contain her ample tit flesh. Anytime she had to run or jump, or worse turn a somersault – they would leap out, threatening to leap off her chest. Jenny had even tried crepe bandages and sticky tape to hold them in, but with no luck. Jenny hated sports, but had the hots for the tall, fit lads that played them. She would skip games lessons and sneak off...

2 years ago
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The Combined Adventures Of Mason Stanley Francis Jim The Women Francis Alex Richard Katie Sharkey and Harry


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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 2 Richard

Graduating from the drama school was not the key to immediate success, as much as I would dream of finding my big chance and thrilling the critics and the audience. The only audience I got at first were the shoppers in the supermarket where I stacked shelves. I had joined the Repertory theatre in Bath. In common with all repertories they existed in a world of little cash and make do and mend of costumes. You would appear the epitome of Elizabethan gentleman for a week and two weeks later...

1 year ago
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Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home With a Detour

Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home....With a Detour! Installment Two by Jessica Aireson So, here I was, buck naked, kneeling before the gorgeous Phyllis who had just noisily ejaculated an enormous load of hot silky jizz into my eager mouth. I knelt between her legs, astounded at what had just happened. My mouth and throat savored the warm, milky, and slightly salty gelatinous mass. I was acutely attuned to the sensation of Phyllis's shapely and silky stocking-clad legs embracing...

2 years ago
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Hey RichardChapter 3

I checked my phones messages, but it was a click and no message at all. “I would gladly do my part to keep your nuts empty, provided you stop calling me your Aunt. Just call me Lisa, your Fuck Buddy, or you won’t be putting your cock in any of my holes, got that, Richard?” “Yes, Ma’am,” I said. “Do you want to watch me, shave my pubes?” “Oh, yeah. After you are done, I can check you for smoothness, with my lips and tongue.” She made a very guttural sound, something like a laugh. She...

2 years ago
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My Son RichardChapter 5

“Hey Beautiful, ready to go shopping?” Practically woke me up. Pulling myself together, I said, “How was the movie, kids?” “It was so romantic,” Jeri said. “I cried all the way through it.” “It is that,” I said standing up, as I saw Jeri heading upstairs. Richard came over to me, and said, in a hushed tone, “Mom, I had seen it before, but I knew that my sister hadn’t. She hugged me during the entire movie, I could barely move. In case you were worried, nothing happened, except for a...

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