The Transmigration Of Richard Brookbank Part 2 free porn video

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No way. Absolutely no fucking way. None of this is real. It can't be. It just can't. People don't go around swapping bodies. It's not fucking possible. Simple as that. It's. Not. Fucking. Possible. You're dreaming, dickhead. Like the time you guzzled nine pints of rough cider in the Borough Arms and woke up on the kitchen floor convinced you were engaged to the dark-haired lass out of the New Seekers. Maybe, but I only had a couple last night. One in the Kings Head and one in the Volunteer. I remember drinking up and leaving just as News At Ten was coming on. A couple too many, obviously. Once this nightmare's over it might be wise to think about climbing on the wagon for a month or two. But I wasn't drunk! I'm bloody sure I wasn't. When I got back to the flat I did the washing up, and I can never be bothered with that when I'm three sheets to the wind. Afterwards I made myself a cheese sandwich. I was going to have pickle on it but the jar was empty. Then I read forty pages of The Sot Weed Factor before I went to sleep. And I did have a dream, something to do with a King Crimson LP I used to own. I woke up at half- six, right on the dot. I couldn't find any clean socks so I rinsed a pair under the tap and walked around in them so they'd be reasonably dry when I left for work... What sort of dream is it when you can recall everyday events in such clear-cut detail? I pinch the freckled skin above my left wrist. It hurts. Not a dream, then. But it's got to be some sort of hallucination. Because if it isn't... That's it! Ruth drugged me or hypnotised me so I'd be in no fit state to chase after her and raise the alarm. The contraption she took from me must be worth even more than Derek was led to believe. So why are my mental processes unimpaired? If there was a narcotic in my bloodstream I don't think I'd still be able to reel off in my head the names of every king and queen since the Norman Conquest like I'm doing now, together with the dates marking the beginning and end of each reign. As for being in a trance, shouldn't I have come out of it once I'd sussed what was going on? Then there's those two women. I'm not imagining them. I know I'm not. I flex fingers that can't be mine, but obey my mental commands as though they'd been doing that all my life. Every chromosome in this body feels like it belongs to me, and always has done. Which is just fucking crazy. As a last resort I look up at the sky, hoping the clouds have turned green or that they'll part to reveal a fleet of flying saucers piloted by bug- eyed monsters intent on enslaving the human race. But everywhere looks depressingly normal. The only thing out of kilter is me. How did she do it? Why did she do it? Why did Ruth pick me? Save the post-mortem for later, Rich. You've got a more urgent problem to deal with. The Good Samaritans are exchanging worried frowns. No doubt this is because for the last minute and a half the girl in front of them has been acting like she's escaped from somewhere. And now it hits me. I'm a girl. I'm female. I've got tits and a vagina. I'm a she. I'm a her. I'm a girl. She's made me into a fucking girl. Yeah, and one who doesn't know her address, her date of birth or her own husband's Christian name. You'd better scarper before that pair start to wonder if they should call for help. Merciful God, it gets worse. Ruth is a married woman. This body has been fucked. Bloody hell, she could be-- Don't even look that road up in the index, Rich. I'm a girl. Girls have got feet, haven't they? Use the damn things. Get out of here! NOW! I take a step forward and stumble as I fail to allow for the high-heeled ankle boots I'm wearing. Inconsiderate cow. She might at least have put on a pair of trainers. Why am I thinking like this? I've just changed sex, for fuck's sake. It's not as if I've walked out of a barber's with a bad haircut. So why haven't I gone stark raving mad? I'm a girl. One of the taxi drivers waiting beside his vehicle at the back of the line rushes across and extends a hand to steady me. "Keep your fucking maulers to yourself!" I snarl at him. Jesus Christ, was that really me? Is that how I sound? Just like her? I'm a girl. I really am a fucking girl. "No need to get your knickers in a twist, darlin'," he says from what seems like several miles away. "I was only trying to help." How can any of this be happening? And here comes the icing on the cake, for my outburst has served no purpose but to attract the attention of everyone within hearing range. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut? I've got to put as much distance between myself and this place as I can. Suppose a police car stops to see what all the fuss is about? How am I going to talk my way out of that one, feign amnesia? Brilliant idea - until I remind myself that Richard Nixon was a more convincing liar than Richard Brookbank. I'm a girl. Hold on to your hat, Rich, because the storm's about to break... "Are you on your own, dear?" "I don't think she's very well." "Ooh, I know. Look, the poor thing's white as a sheet." "Someone ought to ring for an ambulance." "I'll go. There's a phone in the caf? next to the Keppels Head." That settles it. "I'm all right! Honestly, I am!" I shout over the hubbub, wincing at the girlish timbre of my new voice. "It's only a hangover, nothing to worry about." Which has raised me right up in their estimation. As if it matters! Just get the fuck away from here! Acutely aware of the extra weight at my chest - to say nothing of the eyes boring holes in my back - I hobble past the taxi rank with no goal in mind but to reach the main road. My hips swing wildly as I move, and with my centre of gravity dragging me forward and down my arms dangle like some demented she-ape's. I must appear to have all the style and grace of Dick Emery in drag. I'm a girl. Somehow I make it as far as The Hard without falling flat on my face or twisting an ankle. But my feet ache as though I've been on them for hours, Ruth's bra straps are chafing my shoulders and I'm rapidly getting drenched. If this isn't Hell it's a bloody fine imitation. Perhaps that explains it. She shot me after all, and now I'm condemned to wander the earth in the guise of my murderess until my sins have been expiated and my spirit can rest in peace. How am I supposed to do that? Where do I start? Use the tongs when you're lifting it out. Don't let it make contact with your skin. Of course! It wasn't a gun Ruth pressed against the back of my neck, it was that silvery object Lantern Jaw found in the Almandine package! It must have recorded my brainwaves and transmitted them into her body. But that's incredible. A machine small enough to be held in the hand, requiring no external power source, and yet it has the capacity to hold the entire contents of someone's mind? To think that such an advanced piece of technology was lying around in 20 Store for days, and none of us knew. To think that it exists at all. Who made that device, and what's their agenda? Just as important, how many more of those things are out there? How many people aren't who we think they are? No point overloading my synapses trying to solve riddles like these when it's bucketing down and I'm standing in the open with water streaming down my forehead into my eyes. If I don't want to catch my death of cold and experience the hereafter for real I'd better find some shelter while I work out what on earth I'm going to do next. I'm a girl. I'm a fucking girl. Two hundred yards or so to my right, the bridge carrying the railway over St George's Road promises a temporary respite from the downpour. First I have to get there, and in these heels it proves to be no simple undertaking. But after four or five minutes of a balancing act that would have had Blondin applauding I'm out of the rain, and in my present predicament I'll grab any small mercies that come my way. Without thinking, I rake my fringe back from my face. The femininity of the gesture isn't lost on me. Can my subconscious behaviour be adapting to my change of gender so soon? Or doesn't it need to? Maybe the device only transferred my memories, leaving the rest of Ruth's brain functions intact. Is part of me actually her? Has part of me always been her? If so, how big a part? Get a grip, Rich. You've nothing to gain by wasting time pondering the cognitive implications of a scientific breakthrough you can't begin to understand. I'm a girl. I fumble through my pockets, desperate to find something I can use to help get me out of this mess - or failing that, the cigarette I'd sell my soul for. The only item I come across is a small metal key. The bitch has left me without a penny. But wait a minute... To the bole of the key is taped a piece of paper. Upon it, written in thin blue biro, is an address. Flat 806, Belvedere House, Clarendon Road, Southsea I know where that is! I passed it most mornings on my way to lectures when I was a fresher billeted at the Bembridge Hotel. Eleven stories high. Broad steps fringed with potted palms rising to the main entrance. 24-hour concierge. Floodlit rear car park. Close enough to the sea front, the South Parade Pier and Palmerston Road shopping centre for residents to take full advantage of the facilities there, yet not so near they're in danger of being outpriced by unscrupulous tenants sub-letting the flats to holidaymakers. Ideal for young professionals climbing the management ladder - those who don't swallow hard at the thought of paying upwards of ?100 per month in rent. But is it a trap? Whatever reason Ruth had for stealing my body, it must have been a compelling one. Maybe she's a gangster's moll on the run from a mob of vicious hoodlums, or a spy being tailed by a Soviet agent who has orders to stab her with a poisoned umbrella. Hang on, this is Ruth Pattison we're talking about. The girl who used to copy the answers to long division sums. The girl who only won a prize for best scrapbook because she had an uncle stationed in West Germany who sent her dozens of photographs and magazine clippings. The girl who believed in all seriousness that the council employed a man to walk along Stockton Road every night to see which of the bulbs in the catseyes needed changing. The girl who packs a revolver. The girl who has at her beck and call two gorillas who look like they eat steel girders for breakfast. The girl who knows how to operate a gizmo that can shift a person's consciousness from one body to another. But why switch with me? Why not a wealthy businessman or a politician, someone with power and influence? Let's face it, the old codger selling newspapers on the corner of Edinburgh Road would have been a more astute choice than Richard Brookbank. Unless I'm her patsy. If she plans to rob a consignment of gold bullion or bump off a world leader all she has to do to escape the long arm of the law is swap back and leave muggins here to take the rap for any dastardly deeds she might have perpetrated. Any attempt on my part to tell the truth will be laughed out of court as the worst defence since Guy Fawkes pleaded that he was only trying to warm the Houses of Parliament up a bit. In which case why didn't she force me to go with her? It's not as if I could have offered up much of a struggle. Wouldn't it have made far more sense to leave me gagged and bound in the boot of a car while she went ahead with her nefarious wrongdoings rather than give me the key to her flat and trust I'd get there under my own steam? How did she know I wouldn't run yelling and screaming down the gangway and end up falling into the harbour? Or make such a song and dance about being trapped in the wrong body the men in white coats would have carted me off to the funny farm before you could say Randle P McMurphy? I'm a girl. But if I cross Belvedere House off my list of options, what remains? Go to the authorities? Why not? They'll probably put out an APB and start erecting road blocks the moment I've finished my story. They might even pay for me to stay in a 5-star hotel while they hunt her down. What they definitely will not do is shut me away for the rest of my life in a room with rubber wallpaper and bars on the windows. Find a hostel for homeless women? I wouldn't know where to begin. Sleep rough? In this weather? Fuck that for a game of soldiers. I could always sell her ring. The proceeds would keep the wolf from the door long enough to give me some breathing space. Oh yeah? And what exactly do you think you'll achieve by sitting around moping in a crappy B & B counting your freckles until the money runs out and you're back to square one? Like it or not, you need Ruth to find you if she's going to reverse the process - and there's only one place she'll know to look. Belvedere House it is, then. The best part of two miles from here. In the pouring rain. With high heels. Thanks, Ruth. Thanks a fucking bunch. Another thought occurs to me. What if all that about a restaurant in Warsash was bullshit, and I open the door to find a hairy-arsed husband parading around in his birthday suit in anticipation of a spot of nookie before I cook his spag bol? How am I going to put him off, say I'm sorry but I'm really not feeling myself this afternoon? Yet I've stared death in the eye today. I can handle some bloke waving his cock at me. Gritting my teeth, I head back into the deluge. And with each halting step taking me half a yard closer to an unguessable future, the one fact about which there can be no debate reverberates ceaselessly inside my head. I'm a girl. I'm a girl. I'm a girl... * Halfway along the corridor, the number I both yearn for and dread: 806. This is the moment of truth, Rich. As they say, shit or bust. I insert the key in the lock. My mouth is dry, and my nerves are torn to shreds. Anything could be waiting for me in there. If ever I needed a cigarette it's now. The door opens on silence and darkness. I close it quietly, leaning back against the frame until my breathing becomes easier and my hands have stopped shaking enough for them to find the light switch and turn it on. I can tell at once that no one lives here. The only items of furniture are the zebra-striped sofa, the velour armchair and the low coffee table in front of the gas fire. The plain white walls and polished hardwood shelves are free of paintings, ornaments or other accoutrements such as mirrors or posters. Impressions in the woodland green carpet betray the recent presence of a cabinet or a sideboard and perhaps a bookcase, whilst the faint tang of lemons suggests that the flat has been thoroughly cleaned at some point during the last few days. This is the best result I could have hoped for. But I can't relax. During the long, arduous slog from The Hard - a journey made all the more protracted by my tendency to stand and gawp whenever I saw my reflection in a shop window, so that the clock in the foyer showed ten past four when I finally staggered in from the rain - I had plenty of time to analyse my situation. None of the conclusions I've drawn give me grounds for very much in the way of optimism. It seems clear that Ruth stole the device she was later to use on me, then hid it in 20 Store until the heat died down and she was able to retrieve it without inviting suspicion. (That in itself rules out the possibility of her wanting my body so she could use my security pass to gain access to the dockyard, for she must have had at least one contact there to begin with.) Yet if her overall intentions remain obscure, where yours truly is concerned they're much easier to predict. A machine that allows its operator to become anyone they meet has got to be pretty hot property. The people it belongs to aren't going to leave many stones unturned in their efforts to get it back. That means Ruth will almost certainly have decided I know too much for her to risk the chance that I'll talk; however ludicrous my story might sound to a judge and jury, if it reaches the ears of anyone connected with that thing they'll be able to put two and two together straight away. Once we're back in our own bodies Ruth's best bet will be to tell her goons to do me in and make it look as if I've topped myself out of guilt. She's probably already written my confession and suicide note. What's left of the Brookbank family name will end in notoriety and disgrace. For the first time since I watched the doctor pull a sheet over his face, I'm glad my father isn't alive. That's the real crime you committed today, you thieving fucking tart. Close to exhaustion, I limp over to the armchair and sit down to remove Ruth's high-heeled ankle boots. Anger and resentment conspire to fling them into the farthest corner of the room. How dare she do this to me? How dare she? It wasn't much of a life: a job I hated; a squalid bedsit; no girlfriend nor any realistic hope of getting one; no sense of contentment I didn't find at the bottom of a glass. But it was mine to piss about with, not hers. Cool it, Rich. You're up to your ears in shit, and you won't climb free of it by losing your temper. You'd be better off snapping out of this victim mentality and making a comprehensive inventory of the flat in an effort to find something you can use to turn the tables against her. I take off the leather jacket, but decide to suffer the discomfort of my soaking wet jeans; the curvature stretching out the material of my sweatshirt is enough of a distraction without the addition of a stranger's bare thighs, knees and calves. In any case, performing such mundane tasks as hanging clothes up to dry would imply a degree of acceptance I'm not ready to concede. Feeling more comfortable now that I can place my feet flat on the floor, I pad through the open alcove I can see leads into the kitchen. As I suspected, it confirms that the flat is unoccupied. The cupboards, drawers and work surfaces are completely devoid of cooking utensils, cutlery, crockery or glassware. The refrigerator isn't only empty, it hasn't even been plugged in. As for consumables, there's not so much as a digestive biscuit. Interesting, and not a little unsettling. Since I can't imagine Ruth wanting her body back half starved, I can only presume she doesn't plan to be away all that long. A sliding door gives access to the bathroom, which is in the same pristine condition. And now the nagging whisper in my bladder mutates into a full- throated roar. Nothing for it but to take the plunge, Rich. When you've got to go... I unbuckle my belt, pull down my zip and drag the moist denim over my hips. "Oh, that's the fucking limit, that is," I complain out loud. "Pink? PINK? She woke up this morning thinking today's when I swap bodies with Richard Brookbank, I wonder what colour undies I should wear?" But my voice fails me utterly when I peel back the flimsy material to reveal the alien anatomy beneath. It makes no difference to me that half the adult population of the world see something similar every time they pass water. They were born with it - and except in a strictly academic sense none of them can imagine being constructed any other way. My fingers thread the sparse gingery down at the base of my abdomen, but go no further. I have no desire to explore the secrets inside those puckered lips, no auto-erotic impulse propels me to probe for potential pleasure points. Show me a red-blooded male, deprived of regular sex, who says he hasn't at one time or another dreamed about being a woman with a cunt he can poke about in to his heart's content and I'll show you a liar. Show me one who genuinely wants the fantasy to be made real and I'll show you a guy who needs a therapist. I remember to sit down before urinating, but still try to ease my non- existent cock and balls under the rim. It appears that some masculine reflexes are more ingrained than others. I rinse my hands and shake the excess water from them - naturally there are no towels or soap - feeling increasingly uneasy. The bedroom is the only place left to investigate; if I draw a blank there I'm not sure what I'll do. Go out and root around in dustbins for sharp objects or lumps of wood? Bring back a heap of shingle from the beach? How can I have got to this age without knowing the first thing about defending myself? Then I notice the mirror bolted to the wall above the washbasin. I fight it every step of the way, but there's nothing I can do to prevent my eyes being pulled towards the glass. "Jesus fucking Christ..." The girl staring back at me moves her lips when I do. My hand pushes my fringe away from my forehead, and so does hers. We blink, and even breathe together. That face is my face. She is me, and I am her. I'm a girl. Shoving to one side an irrational fear that if I study my reflection for much longer it'll become as familiar to me as the one I had until this morning, I head back through the kitchen to the living room. The bedroom door is to the right of the window. My bosom heaving, I grasp the handle. This could be the last throw of the dice... A single bed stands against the far wall. Upon the bare mattress rests a beige shoulder bag from which protrude a purse and an A4 manila envelope. Is this the break I've been looking for? It's got to be. Don't count your chickens, Rich. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. The purse feels full! I twist it open, and pour out several pounds in loose change. There's also a wad of ?5 notes tied with an elastic band. Hallelujah! At least I can buy some fucking cigarettes! Yeah, and you might want to add a flick knife and a sawn-off shotgun to your shopping list. Yet as I unroll the fivers and find to my astonishment that I'm holding nearly ?300 in my hands - more cash than I've ever seen in my life - alarm bells are ringing, and they're getting louder. This much money can't have been left behind by accident. Ruth meant me to find it. The question is, why? I stuff the notes and coins back in the purse, then turn my attention to the envelope. I'm not all that surprised to see the name RICHARD BROOKBANK written in small capital letters in the top right-hand corner. This is it, Rich. Here's the bit where she tells you what's going on. Or maybe not. The first document I slide out is a copy of the lease to this flat, signed by Ruth and a certain A Wilson on November 20th. The agreement lasts until May 19th 1979, and the receipt stapled to the top of the sheet confirms that the rent for the whole period has been paid in full. Six months? How many stunts like this one does she intend to pull, for Christ's sake? I empty the rest of the envelope's contents onto the mattress. They include a passport, valid until 1983, in the name of Ruth Maria Hansford- Jones, born in Northcroft-on-Heugh, County Durham on September 2nd 1955. Her next of kin is her husband Timothy, of 11 Hollybush Lane, Sarisbury, Hants. Timothy? Give me strength... I look closely at the photograph on the back page. The girl it features has straight, honey blonde hair; it's several inches longer than mine, and the centre parting is much neater. But there's no question that her face is the one I now wear. She wasn't an impostor. She really was who she claimed to be. And now she's me. Pity I won't be there when she takes off my desert boots and sees those socks... Ruth's 'O' and 'A' level certificates, awarded when she was a pupil at Holbrook Girls' School in Chislehurst, Kent. An unused cheque book sent out by the Guildhall Square, Portsmouth branch of Martin's Bank, and an interim statement showing an initial balance of ?1000 deposited yesterday. A Post Office savings account with funds totalling ?485.57. A Visa card with a credit limit of ?250. A full driving licence... The truth smashes into me with the force of a runaway train. Ruth has bequeathed to me her entire identity. She isn't coming back at all. She's provided me with everything I need to take up a new life as her. What the fuck makes her think I can get away with that? Even if I wanted to, I couldn't pretend to be a real girl for more than five minutes without being caught out. Why is she doing this? What's the point? It's too much to take in. I sit on the bed and put my head in my hands as it gradually sinks in that unless I find Ruth and persuade her to change her mind I'll be stuck like this for good. And I haven't the foggiest idea where she might have gone. After a few minutes I get up and walk over to the window. Outside, rain is still slanting across the glass, blurring the patterns of yellow-orange lights stretching towards Fratton and Portsmouth's northern suburbs. Two hundred thousand people in this city. Many of them will be heading home from work, thinking only of a hot meal, a favourite television programme, a few pints at the local pub or maybe a night on the town followed by a curry and a disco. Tomorrow there's the weekend shopping to get in and the pools coupon to check. On Sunday they'll have friends round for lunch, or go for a drive in the country if the weather improves. Boring, repetitive lives. How I envy each and every one of the lucky bastards. My freckled fingers reach for the catch. I could end this in the space of a few heartbeats. Eight floors should be more than enough to make tomato pur?e out of my vital organs. Is that it, then? Did all those pledges you made at the top of the gangway mean nothing? Go on, take the easy way out, just like you always do. But remember this: when you're lying on the ground in a pool of blood waiting to die - and it might not be as quick or as painless as you assume - the last thought to flutter through your head will be that you'll never know why Ruth acted as she did. Yet if I play along, it'll mean that every morning for weeks or maybe even months to come I'm going to wake up and realise I'm a girl. I can't face that. I'll go under. Listen to yourself bleating on. You've got four fully functioning limbs and no obvious health problems. You've got a roof over your head for the next six months and not far short of two grand to spend. Best of all, you've got the intelligence and imagination to track her down. So you'll be doing it without a dick. Big fucking deal. I take a step back, ashamed at my lack of inner strength. Amputees, terminal cancer patients, those who've been disfigured by burns or have lost their sight, the vast majority of them manage by simply getting on with life. If they can cope, I should be able to. Besides, I want to see Ruth's jaw drop when I turn up out of nowhere. Okay, now you've got that out of your system you can concentrate on figuring out where she's taken herself off to. And time is of the essence. She might be a couple of hundred miles away by now; she could be in the departure lounge at Heathrow preparing to board a flight to New York. Two thousand quid won't last long if I have to jet around the globe in search of my body. Think! It all comes down to why she chose me. What can she do as Richard Brookbank that she can't as Ruth Hansford-Jones? Which doors are open to him but closed to her? 17 Ladybank Grove? Unlikely. All she had to do was turn up at the front door and tell mum she wanted to get in touch with me. From that moment on she'd have been treated as practically one of the family. Where, then? I'll make it easy for you. Hart Street school. Miss Sutton's class. She told us to sit together right at the back because you always came top in tests and I was always second. Northcroft-on-Heugh. It's the one thing that links us. Except that I haven't visited my home town in nearly three years, and there isn't a single person living there I'd count as a friend or a close relative. But where else am I to start looking for her? God, what if when she's finished being me she swaps again and dumps my body at the bottom of the North Sea? How will I react if I read my obituary in the local paper? Would I have the guts to go to my own funeral, loitering at the grave like a ghost? This is no good. I need to make a decision, and fast. Do I set off for Northcroft now, knowing I'll have to travel overnight and waste three or four hours kicking my heels in the buffet on Newcastle station waiting for the first train to New Stranton, or postpone my departure until tomorrow when I'm feeling less tired? Should I not limit this evening's objectives to those I can more easily accomplish, such as a packet of fags and a bottle of something to put me to sleep? And as I sink into alcohol-induced oblivion, how will Ruth be making use of her time? Footsteps sound in the corridor outside. They fade, and I remember to breathe again. That tips the balance. I can't stay here a moment longer than is necessary. If I'm going to turn into a cowering wreck whenever anyone walks past the door I'll be a basket case well before the morning comes. Then it won't matter whose body I'm in. Are you ready, ma'am? As ready as I'll ever be. Why, Ruth? What's so important it was worth changing sex for? Only one way to find out.

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A Governess for RichardChapter 3

It was fifteen minutes before Diane and Veronica got up and went over to the boy. Richard had stopped sobbing but the tears still fell down his cheeks. 'Up you get, ' said Veronica laying her hand gently over the six bright weals' that decorated the boy's bottom. 'Let's have a look at you.' Richard got up awkwardly from the table. His knees felt stiff as he lifted them from the bench and straightened them. He stood facing the table, the two girls standing behind him. 'Turn round and...

2 years ago
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Reverend Richard

Hello, my name is Reverend Townsand, or you can call me Richard. But never Dick! Yes I am a minister. Have a church that requires a lot of my time. Not just on Sundays. During the week there are services on Wednesdays. Children’s mass on Saturday. So you can see I am quite busy during the week. But that was before I took a permanent vacation, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world; her name is Sandy, for the past 18 years. We also have 2...

3 years ago
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Penny Richard and Betty

It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...

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Richard and Mrs Worhington

Richard arrived in a taxi at his friend Aaron’s family home, a huge mansion like house for the mid-winter party at the same time as an elegant looking lady with silver grey streaks in a stylish expensive coiffeur cut to just below her ears. She was very fashionably dressed wearing white tailored cut satin slacks that shows her ass nicely. She was also dressed in a designer black faux-fur vest, black soft leather gloves with a small designer leather bandolier strap i-phone wallet hanging from...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 7

Richard and Annette followed the young maid up the stairs and down a long corridor. Richard walked behind Annette, he was acutely aware of his nakedness, his penis slapped from side to side as they walked quickly to one of the rooms on the left of the corridor. They stopped outside. The girl took a pace back to make room for the maid to enter, her bottom pushing against Richard's hips. "Annette this is my room and will now be your room too." Wendy smiled at the naked girl. "Through...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 12

"I think Wendy has taken far too long in answering my bell. Perhaps this will give you an opportunity to have a look at the girl in more detail." Lady Rawlings turned her head toward the door. "Come in." Both Wendy and Annette appeared through the door pushing a tea trolley. They wheeled it into the room adjacent to Lady Rawlings and her young guest. "I took the liberty Madam of bringing both tea and coffee. There are some cakes as well Ma'am." Lady Rawlings laughed. "You have been...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 14

Richard ate with relish the food that Claire and Rachael had prepared for him. His earlier embarrassment had now completely disappeared, The girls had been careful not to refer to his bath and had instead talked to him about the estate and the different areas that he would find interesting Claire had noticed a slight furrowing of his brow as she mentioned the lake. She was aware of the happenings there from Wendy and instead of rapidly changing the subject she talked of the wildlife to be...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 6

Richard looked up to see the Nurse and the secretary bending over him. The nurse moved to the end of the bed and stood between his legs as they hung in the stirrups. The secretary stood by his side and looked into his blushing face. Her eyes gazed at him coolly beneath her glasses. Her lips were parted, displaying even white teeth. She leaned forward over the boy's naked body. "I am going to ask you a few questions, try and answer them as best you can." Richard's body jerked as he felt...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 11

He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body. "Come along, you can walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly. "Hands by your side stand straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his hands fall to his...

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The Education of Richard Part 04

(All characters are 18, all sizes are ridiculous. Think of it more as a literary cartoon than a work of serious fiction. If you would like to hear me read this, or other works, or read the conclusion of this before I post it here, feel free to contact me. Enjoy!)His reputation proceeded him. I knew what he'd done to our coach and our drama teacher and two students. I knew he was swinging 23 inches of cock around above a long scrotum that was stuffed almost to the bursting point with a pair...

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Richard Bends Over For Margarets Cane

Margaret arrived to do the cleaning on Friday and she knew that she would be returning to the house again that evening to spend another night with Richard. She had still not made up her mind whether the caning that Richard desired would be administered on this day or whether she would postpone it until another time.Richard was determined to keep the caning at the forefront of Margaret's mind and she smiled to herself when she found a magazine opened on a page showing a young man bent over and...

3 years ago
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Getting Over Richard

Getting Over Richard. By Tanya H. I was an idiot, a stupid thoughtless (slightly drunk) idiot. What had I been thinking? I'd almost bared myself to him - Richard Blake: God Almighty I'd been thinking of kissing him, almost come out to him. As though he was going to react well that that nugget; that one of his circle of friends was gay; like he thought any more of me that the quiet one in the group, the one who always agreed, always followed, always did as he was told. I styled my...

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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday - Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m.I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts.“Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

Wife Lovers
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Richard Came Home Early

Richard has never understood himself when It came to love. He just wasn’t ready for it. But, in one of trips home he found love. He found love in a girl names Jeanette. Jeanette was a pretty girl, something Richard was not to used to. She was about 5’ 3” tall, no more than 120 lbs, and a nice B size chest. Not overly top heavy, but enough to make him happy. She has soft blonde hair that goes just past her shoulders, with bangs that hang just past her eyebrows. Blue eyes that can just cut...

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Our First Foray Into A Threesome Chapter 2 Riding Richard And Sucking Seth

Trying to hurry, we about tripped over each other getting indoors from the hot tub. Both guys were hard and very horny, and I’d only come once and definitely needed more. Plus, having touched Seth’s cock, I really wanted to see it – and touch it again, and suck on it, of course! The fact that Richard was also hurrying I took as a good sign; he wouldn’t be in such a frantic rush if he wasn’t excited about continuing!As further proof of his enthusiasm for all of this, he was the first one out of...

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Margaret Spends Another Night With Richard

Having spent Friday night together, thirty-three-year-old Richard Moran and his sixty-year-old cleaning lady Margaret Leech wasted little time in arranging another lovemaking session.On Sunday, Richard phoned Margaret. "I can't stop thinking about you. When can we get together again?" he asked."I can't stop thinking about you either. When do you suggest?" she replied."Well you are working here on Tuesday so how about spending Monday night here so that you are ready for work bright and early?"...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 8

It was some time later that Wendy called to Richard "You can stay in the water for a little longer, but Annette and I have to go and prepare lunch." Richard nodded and carried on swimming. He had made sure that his body was hidden under the water. He had noticed that both girls had not played in the shallows either. He watched as they waded up on to the bank. Their young bodies glistening in the sun, Annette's skin glowing dark against the paleness of Wendy. Diane watched the two young...

2 years ago
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Fucking Richard

It’s easy to get fucked when you’re a sixteen-year-old girl. I don’t mean sixteen-year-old boys, who are incredibly easy from what I could tell but with someone old enough to be my father. I was thinking in particular about Richard, one of two divorced men I sometimes did babysitting for. I had called him mister and his last name, at first, but I’ll just go with Richard here.I expect you’ve watched porn where the guy does the babysitter. But it really wasn’t like that. I figured I had to be...

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Story of Bloody Red Richard

A cooling breeze came up from the gulf. The air felt good after the long hot still days of summer. Soon the wind would fill the sails of the galleons. The great fleet of Mother Spain would set sail, loaded down with it's cargo of gold, silver, coconuts, and woods, taken from the new world. The ship, Aterrizar de Dorado, set low in the water. Its belly full. Tomorrow it would set out to sea on its return home. The longshoremen, were like ants, crawling over every part of the ship, everything...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 4 Sarah and Richard

It was just after Christmas and the days were now short and overcast. Sarah was well into the second year of her A level courses and studies were going well. She was seventeen and had been dressing as Sarah openly at home for nearly a year. Richard and Clair had fully accepted the situation without any problems since discovering her secret on their surprise return from holiday the year before. "Hello Princess, how's things?" Richard had just returned from work and had climbed the stairs...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 5

There were three doors situated at the opposite end of the room. Behind the middle door was the Doctor's office. To the left was the Medical store and drug lock-up. The right hand door led to the committee room. The doctor was standing by her office desk, her body bent to the side like a ballet dancer as she took off her coat. She looked up as the door opened. 'They are ready for you doctor, ' Her secretary looked admiringly at the young doctor as she spoke. Sarah Wallis was twenty...

4 years ago
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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 6 Richard

The last two months of the year passed so quickly. It seemed as if after leaving the cottage with Andrea, the days flew. The BBC series was filmed back to back and by the middle of December there were six episodes in the can. Then Christmas was upon us. I spent the festive season in Broughley. The actual day was with Andrea, Charlie and the Viscount, then on Boxing Day Andrea, Charlie and I went down to my mum and dad's place. New Years Eve was almost an anti-climax. We saw the New Year in...

3 years ago
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The Education of Richard Part II

(Part 2 in the Richard Saga.  Extreme sizes are a factor here.  Enjoy!) “ALL RIGHT MAGGOTS! FALL IN AND LINE UP!” I bellowed, noticing the way the boys giggled as they left the locker room and ran into place. I paced up and down my little Soldiers, high school seniors, all, their eyes locked to me as I inspected them. First day of class is the most important. This is where I have to establish myself as top alpha bitch or I lose them for the whole year. Good thing I AM the top alpha bitch...

3 years ago
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The Education of Richard Part II

(Part 2 in the Richard Saga.  Extreme sizes are a factor here.  Enjoy!) “ALL RIGHT MAGGOTS! FALL IN AND LINE UP!” I bellowed, noticing the way the boys giggled as they left the locker room and ran into place. I paced up and down my little Soldiers, high school seniors, all, their eyes locked to me as I inspected them. First day of class is the most important. This is where I have to establish myself as top alpha bitch or I lose them for the whole year. Good thing I AM the...

Straight Sex
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Playing With Richards Friends

I never thought I’d be sliding my soaking wet pussy along one of my son’s friend’s cock.This all started out as friendly truths and dares. I was up watching a movie around 1:00 am or so. I’d finished a bottle of wine and smoked a blunt so I was feeling pretty good. The boys came in typically making noise and shouting about their near conquest. I giggled as I heard them talking. That night I was wearing a long flowing black nightgown. My breast were clearly visible through the transparent silk....

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Angela Richard and Me

THIS HAPPENED IN 2015An old friend, Angela, got in touch after a good ten years, she’d been married and her husband died 4 years ago, and she asked me if I wanted to go to some gigs again. Years ago we used to go and see live Rockabilly music around the County, but that was it. I shagged her in 1976 when we were both single but not recently.This particular Saturday she rang me and asked if I fancied a concert 40 miles away. Donna and I discussed it and she said “Go if you want she’ll probably...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 9

The girls stood around one of the massage tables. The young hairdresser was busy laying out her things. Wendy stood in the middle of Veronica and Diane. She already had an idea what was about to happen and was blushing profusely. "This young lady is going to shave you between your legs, so I want you to do exactly as she tells you, so no nonsense now, is that clear?" Diane turned toward the young hairdresser. Wendy will do precisely what you ask, so if you would like to instruct her we can...

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Richard Miscalculates

"You do have a choice Richard. You don't have to do it, but life will be so much easier for you if you do. If you do it nothing changes except that you will never sleep in my bed again. Although I'm going to be taking on the role of CEO you will still be president of the company, you will still have your country club membership and you can even keep your bimbo. If you don't do it you are out of a job, homeless, probably not able to buy your little blond slut a cup of coffee and the only way...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 10

Richard showed Margaret his (skeletal) house and described what he hoped to do. She told of her school in Brisbane – St. Margaret’s – and how she had worked in the new school library. “It seemed like a fine way to spend time: surrounded by knowledge and both preserving and disbursing it.” Richard told her about the Agricultural College and his two years at Lamorbey. “My folks live in Warwick! That’s only an hour from Gatton!” “And only double that to Southport, where my parents...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 7

Richard invited his parents to the graduation ceremony and they drove to Gatton on Thursday, 1 December. The ceremony ran from about 10 to 11, before it became really hot. Andy and Sybil then helped Richard load his accumulated detritus into their (new) Ford Falcon and a few things into the (rusting) Jeep. “It’s done well over these three years,” Andy remarked. “Yes. I’ve had no major problems: plugs, belts, shocks, tyres, wiper blades, but nothing large.” “Well, it’s little over two hours...

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Black Richard

(MF, intr, cheat)I recently had sex with someone other than my husband for the first time. What bothers me is that it was by far the most exciting experience of my life.I am a forty-year-old mother of two sons. I have been married for nineteen years to a wonderful, caring and loving man.Before we had c***dren, Frank liked to take nude photos of me. We have a very large scrapbook of me in steamy poses from fully clothed to butt-naked. That book has been hidden in the basement for years.I must...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 2

Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 3

Lamorbey Station seemed far away when Richard pulled onto campus early on Monday. He’d spent Friday night in his Jeep, near Tambo, an hour past Blackall. He’d lunched and dined out of the esky. The next night he’d spent in a motel in Roma, where he’d enjoyed a shower. Last night he stayed at the Royal, an older hotel in Gatton, and so was well-rested. He was also in a good mood. He’d opened the “pay envelope” and discovered ten five pound notes – far more than he’d expected for just under...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 5

The year ended. Richard drove west and north, arriving at Lamorbey on schedule. He was welcomed by Janey with an exuberant night of sex. In the morning he was welcomed back by the foreman and many of the crew. Ferd was in Emerald on a “shopping trip.” Ferd turned up in mid-afternoon. He’d been purchasing ammunition: .30- .30 and .30-06 cartridges and a box of slugs for the 12-gauge shotgun, which Richard had never seen. The “hunting party” was to be made up of Ferd, Richard, Janey, Al, and...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 6

Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...

5 years ago
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The Education Of Richard Part 1 The Big Reveal

All Characters are 18 or older: Richard is a high school Senior   It was the morning that changed my life forever.   It started normally enough.   I got up and brushed my teeth, showered, spent too long toying with what to do with my long brown hair before finally setting on putting it back into a simple pony-tail.   I caught my reflection as I held it up, my arms behind my head, a real cheesecake pinup girl pose.   I could have been one of those.   Even now at 36 I didn't have a...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 10

Susan was delighted with herself as she descended the wide oak banister'd staircase. She had been part of the doctor's team for six months and had already enjoyed many occasions such as this. She had come to Sarah's notice during a general meeting of the nursing staff at the Medical Centre. The doctor had asked Susan to stay behind after the meeting. She had talked generally to her at first and then asked her to make an appointment to see her in her office. It was at this meeting that...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 4

“It’s actually just under 30,000 acres,” Richard was told about two weeks later. “Can you explain?” “Of course. First of all, it’s unclear to me whether the property is within the bounds of Womalilla or of Mungallala. Most likely Mungallala’s too far west. I don’t think Brisbane’ll have to adjudicate. But the land itself extends south of where that two creeks you crossed join to an unnamed east-west road. The land is lightly wooded in the east and shrubby in the west. Because of the...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 8

Richard drove to Mitchell on the 28th, taking a room in the nearly-empty Richard’s Hotel. He ate dinner, washed up and slept. It had taken nearly nine hours to cover the 400 miles from Southport to Mitchell. But he felt invigorated in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, he drove to the store, and bought a 600’ coil of 1/4” manila, a small sledge, a bright orange grease marker and a 40’ measuring tape; he also bought ten pounds of sugar, two bricks of chewing tobacco and a tin of pipe...

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Richard the StockmanChapter 9

Time flies, they say. Richard knew from school that Ovid wrote “omnia mutantur, nihil interit” (everything changes, nothing perishes Metamorphoses XV), where he later refers to “tempus edax rerum” (time the consumer of things). But what eats up the days, the weeks, the months? One of the Greeks wrote that everything flows. 1962 certainly flowed away. Like water or sand through your hands. Jenna was pregnant again. Joyce would have a sibling before she was three. Ferd was married, but was...

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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 11 Richard

A month after the euphoria of being at Buckingham Palace we were grounded. We were well into the second series of 'A detective called Grantham' when Ashley left the set to take a phone call. Fifteen minutes later she came out and told the crew to pack up for the day. She then caught my eye with a sideways nod of her head. She mouthed, "Office." I joined her in the office and could see from her expression that this was serious. "What's going on, Ashley?" "John has buggered off to the...

3 years ago
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A Guy called Richard

“Is this okay, Alex?” I murmured that this was heaven and not to stop. I’d watched Richard unzip my jeans as I spread out on the settee and almost instantly I felt the familiar surge beneath, like it wanted to burst out and that glorious feeling of sexual lust was there, in expectation of what was to come and enjoying every minute, knowing how Richard just adored to strip me like this; the way he used his finger tips to tease me up over my jeans as he tinkered with the zip fastener was so...

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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 9 Richard

My stomach was in turmoil as I drove Meera to Elstree; I hoped it wasn't noticeable. The reason for this discomfort? I was the lead actor in this series; something that I had thought I would never be. As Ashley had forecast all those years ago I was the support to an actor or actress who had much greater impact than I. It seemed that I wasn't alone in this turmoil as Meera confided that she felt daunted by this play. When we arrived at Elstree we were welcomed by Ashley with the news that...

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Episode 60 Jenny meets Richard

Jenny hated sports at Junior High School – all sports really – her tits were just way too big. She had tried numerous sports bras, none seemed to contain her ample tit flesh. Anytime she had to run or jump, or worse turn a somersault – they would leap out, threatening to leap off her chest. Jenny had even tried crepe bandages and sticky tape to hold them in, but with no luck. Jenny hated sports, but had the hots for the tall, fit lads that played them. She would skip games lessons and sneak off...

2 years ago
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The Combined Adventures Of Mason Stanley Francis Jim The Women Francis Alex Richard Katie Sharkey and Harry


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The Viscounts DaughterChapter 2 Richard

Graduating from the drama school was not the key to immediate success, as much as I would dream of finding my big chance and thrilling the critics and the audience. The only audience I got at first were the shoppers in the supermarket where I stacked shelves. I had joined the Repertory theatre in Bath. In common with all repertories they existed in a world of little cash and make do and mend of costumes. You would appear the epitome of Elizabethan gentleman for a week and two weeks later...

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Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home With a Detour

Auntie Rolanda Drives Richard Home....With a Detour! Installment Two by Jessica Aireson So, here I was, buck naked, kneeling before the gorgeous Phyllis who had just noisily ejaculated an enormous load of hot silky jizz into my eager mouth. I knelt between her legs, astounded at what had just happened. My mouth and throat savored the warm, milky, and slightly salty gelatinous mass. I was acutely attuned to the sensation of Phyllis's shapely and silky stocking-clad legs embracing...

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FantasyPart 2 Richard is to Cat as Henry is to Mouse

"The little present you sent arrived. So you enjoyed seducing my wife. But you told me she was a bitch. Is that what made it so much fun, you fucker? Are you going to cut her loose now that you've had your fun? I want to talk to her. Now, you asshole!" A message to Richard, sent to voice mail again. Words sent out to nowhere. God, he was good. So goddamned good. Jesus fucking Christ. So good. How could a man born of woman turn her in those few minutes on the phone, turn a woman who...

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Hey RichardChapter 3

I checked my phones messages, but it was a click and no message at all. “I would gladly do my part to keep your nuts empty, provided you stop calling me your Aunt. Just call me Lisa, your Fuck Buddy, or you won’t be putting your cock in any of my holes, got that, Richard?” “Yes, Ma’am,” I said. “Do you want to watch me, shave my pubes?” “Oh, yeah. After you are done, I can check you for smoothness, with my lips and tongue.” She made a very guttural sound, something like a laugh. She...

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My Son RichardChapter 5

“Hey Beautiful, ready to go shopping?” Practically woke me up. Pulling myself together, I said, “How was the movie, kids?” “It was so romantic,” Jeri said. “I cried all the way through it.” “It is that,” I said standing up, as I saw Jeri heading upstairs. Richard came over to me, and said, in a hushed tone, “Mom, I had seen it before, but I knew that my sister hadn’t. She hugged me during the entire movie, I could barely move. In case you were worried, nothing happened, except for a...

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