Master Richard
- 2 years ago
- 25
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A cooling breeze came up from the gulf. The air felt good after the long hot still days of summer. Soon the wind would fill the sails of the galleons. The great fleet of Mother Spain would set sail, loaded down with it's cargo of gold, silver, coconuts, and woods, taken from the new world.
The ship, Aterrizar de Dorado, set low in the water. Its belly full. Tomorrow it would set out to sea on its return home. The longshoremen, were like ants, crawling over every part of the ship, everything had to be checked, then recheck. The ship would be at sea for nearly twenty-eight days before landing on the Canary Islands. The dried food stuff, water, and rum had been stored, now all that remained were the fresh food and yucca bread.
The night before the launch, was the busiest of times. The ship's crew and officers checked and listed everything in the ship's log. The King's booty was checked, if one coin or gem was missing it would mean their lives. Two hours before the sun rose the passengers were on board. The great wooden ship left the port of, Pota y Cuba. The passengers watched the land vanish from their sight.
Many had come to the new world poor, but now they returned rich. Gone was the hardship of the islands of Hispania, Cuba, Dominicana, and Puerto Rico. Now they would live the good life in Spain. There was a few tears, but within a few weeks they would live out their lives in the comforted of civilization.
Once the ship was out to sea, the crew was busy with their work. The sails had to be check, so no rips would tear them. The mask and rigging needed daily inspection.
The lookout in the crow's nest kept his eyes open for land but most important in the first few days, pirates. The unbelievers of the devil's own nation, England allow these thieves to roam the seas and they even protected, as well as stocked them.
The English ships were not as strong as the Spanish ships, but they were faster. But if the ship reached the jet stream, the Spanish secret route, they would be safe.
The ship was in its second day, the winds filled its sails. The heat of the land replaced by the cool ocean air. The sailors were getting into their routine went the voice called from the crow's nest, "barco."
The Captain looked in his glass. He saw the ship. It is coming from the North, that is not good, he thought. The devils had set up colonies in the North. They didn't care that these lands had been claimed for Spain. Even the Pope himself had approved this claim. His hope was that the other ship hadn't seen them yet. He knew he was taking a change setting out earlier then the other ships, but his cargo was most important for he carried the Lady Maria de Martinez, niece of the King of Spain.
He ordered his ship to change course to the South, to the Leeward Islands. He kept his eye on the other ship. Mother of God he thought when it changed its course. He yelled to the crew to open the sails and head southward. Then he ordered each man to man his station and prepare for battle.
They had a little over two hours. The lookout called down to the Captain, every change he saw. As the ship came nearer the lookout could soon make out her lines, his heart was in his trough as he yelled, "barco de Ingles, pirata!" The Captain was studying the ship through his own glass.
As he made out the colors his face turn pale, the skull and cross bones in a sea of red. "Sweet Jesus," he said. He was going to battle with one of the most feared pirates on the seas, Bloody Red Richard.
He could no longer run nor could he expected any help. Now he and his crew were in a battle for their lives, for this one took no prisoners. He ordered his ship to keep their port to the pirates ship. His one hope was to blast them from the waters. His cannons were larger then the ones used by the dogs of England, but that meant he had to get closer in order to fire them.
Richard's spies had done well. He had received word of one ship setting out early carrying a cargo worth more then he or his crew could spend in their life time.
The Captain knew his ship thought, Richard. He knows he can't out run me so he isn't wasting his time. He plans on fighting. Now Richard orders his own ship to change course.
The English ships were lighter then the ones of Spain, which made them faster.
But a couple of good shots of the sixteen pound balls would sink him. His strategy was to keep to his enemies bow or aft.
The Spanish cannons were hooked down and pointed on the port or stern side of the ship. The English were able to use their cannons from any part of the ship.
The Spanish Captain ordered a shot. This was more for show, range, and aim then any hope of hitting the enemy. The pirate vessel stayed out of range of the cannons.
Richard ordered his ship to head to the bow. He knew this was the weakest part of the boat. The back and sides were built with aged wood, which was as strong as iron. His orders were to damage the boat but not to sink it.
The gold and jewels would be nice, but the only jewel he was thinking of was wearing a dress. The bastard of a Spanish King would pay dearly for his niece he had told his crew.
Now Richard's ship was in the front of the gallon. As the Spanish ship tried to turn, Richard kept to the front. His cannons began their own booming.
His crew had been in many battles and each man was well seasoned. The pirate's ship kept inching closer to the Spanish ship. Soon they would be close enough to use their grappling hooks. The main mast of the Spanish ship was struck and fell.
The thick smoke of the cannons fire was beginning to blind everyone. The pirates throw hooks onto the yardarms. The Spanish crew saw the pirates flying through the air like demons.
Richard's men knew that the Spanish crew were ready for a fight. They knew that it was kill or be killed. The deck was full of smoke and flames, set off by the knocking over of the lamps. The Spanish crew were brave fighters but the fear of these demons were to much. Soon the pirates had taken the deck.
The pirates now were in control of the ship. Now the survivors were rounded up and the passengers taken to the deck. The booty was now brought up. The rum, gold, silver, and jewels was placed into a pile. The passengers saw that their years of hard work was now for nothing.
Out of the fog walked one man, tall with reddish blond hair. The pirates open a path for him. He ordered some of his men to take the booty to the ship. The prisoners were scared; scared for their lives. Some of the foodstuff was brought up. Richard ordered a plank of wood to be put out over the water.
Cries were heard among the Spanish passengers and crew. When the food was hauled up onto the deck Richard told his men to throw it over along with the dead.
Within minutes the water was boiling as the sharks fed and fought each other.
Richard looked at the ship hands, everyone was surprised as he spoke to them in Spanish. He said, "I feel no ill will for you, after all we are brothers of the sea. I will give you a choice, walk the plank and die for those who give you scraps as your rewards or join me. If you join me then each of you will get an equal part of what we win. The choice is yours."
Never had the sailors heard about this, they had always been told that Richard killed everyone. To a man they stood and swear their allegiance to Richard. Richard now looked at what remained of the ships officers, a hope that they might live was not to be their fate. Richard ordered their formal crew to place them onto the plank.
One by one they were forced to walk the plank. Each man begged for mercy as they stood on the end of the board. The crewmen pushed them off with pikes.
They screamed as they were pushed and fell, then there was a splash, and their cries stopped as the sharks fed.
Richard now turned to the passengers. Each of them had lost the color in their face.
"What shall I do with you?" he asked. "I have your gold, and you have no wealthy families to pay to get you back."
Then one voice, a female voice used to being listen to spoke up, "I am the niece of his majesty King Philip of Spain. My Uncle will pay my ransom as well as the rest of my fellow passengers," she said.
Richard looked at her, this one wasn't afraid, and she was sweet to the eye. He smiled bowed his head slightly and with a wave of his hand invited them aboard his ship.
As they were going abroad one of the pirate crewmen grabbed Lady Maria, she quickly turned and slapped him across the face.
"How dare you touch me," she said. She then shrieked as he raised his hand to her.
Before he could deliver the blow, Richard had sprung into action. He caught the pirate's fist in mid air, twisting his arm into a hammerlock he now had it pined behind the man's back.
Speaking to him and the rest of he crew he said, "no one lays a hand upon my guests without my leave. Do you understand me?"
"Aye, Captain," they all said.
Richard had all the hostages taken below deck. He had them locked into a storage area then posted two guards. He chosen them from the new crew members.
"No one is to enter or leave without my say so. Food is to be given to them at the door. If my orders are disobeyed you will have a long swim. Do you understand?" he asked them. They said they did.
The stores of the Spanish ship was checked out. Anything of use to them was brought over to their ship, the rest left. The one prized Richard needed was the head of the Captain. This was to be sent to the governors of the islands as proof Richard had taken the ship. This along with letters written by the hostages would go through the chain of islands from one hand to another until it reached the right authorizes. If all worked out well Richard expected word back in three weeks then payment within two more weeks.
Once the Spanish ship had been looted the orders went out to set the ship on fire. As the pirate ship sailed away they watched it burn to the waterline. No traces would ever be found of it.
Now they set sail for home. It had been closed to two months sent they had seen it. When Richard had received word of this ship and it rich cargo he had set out. First he had gone to the lesser Antilles then up to the Leeward Islands then to a base of operations on the Virgin Islands. His spy's information had been right. He knew when the ship was to set sail and its course.
Richard's island fortress, looked just like any of hundreds of other islands. But this one had a very deep and twisting river opening onto a lake of clear water. This spring held the castle that was home to Richard and his men. As the hostages were lead off the boat they were shocked to see not a den of thieves but a village.
The hostages were taken to Richard's home. This place could have matched any of the grand estates of Europe. Each person was given their own room. Before he left to see to the unloading of his ship he said they were free to roam the grounds, and even visit the shops. The one rule was not to try to escape. First there was no place to go since they were on an island, and second there were dangers. And anyone who tried and survived would find the rest of their stay in irons.
The hostages spoke among themselves about what a strange man their host was. One minute he could be blood thirsty then the next he show the skills of a gentleman.
Lady Maria said to them, "we are here, nothing can change that fact. For now we must obey his rules if we have any change to get out of here alive."
Dinner that night was beyond anything that they had expected. Their plates were gold, the cups were silver with gemstones. The table was truly fit for a king. And the food, fresh seafood, fruits, vegetables, and fresh baked bread with cheese.
No king ate this good. Richard saw to it that his guest had their fill of the finest food and drink. As a host he would have been the envy of all in the mother lands, his manners were that of a nobleman, not of a low life pirate.
After dinner and wine he bid each of them goodnight and began his nightly rounds. Soon each of them followed their host and went to their rooms.
The Lady Maria was preparing herself for the long night. She was brushing her hair as she set in front of the mirror. She saw the handle of the door turning, slowly so as not to make a sound. She watched as the door open and in stepped Richard. She was already on her feet facing the door. For a second Richard looked at her. Her dress was off and she had on petticoats and a stiff corset.
"A gentleman would knock before entering a lady's boudoir," she said returning his stare.
"Would my lady have me knock at my own door?" he asked
She covered the distant between them in two steps. Her arms locked around his strong neck. Their lips met, tasting the salty sweetness. Their passion had been building for each other. For four days they had been so closed yet unable to touch or even speak without arousing suspicion. Now however they could once again be together. "Oh darling it seems like ages since you last held me," Maria said as she kissed his face.
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This bloody boiler, about time it was replaced, save money in the long run, but no, too bloody cheap to spend a few thousand. The pump this time, next it'll be the injectors or something else. I spent years replacing part after part, but what the fuck, in a couple of years I would be retiring and someone else can worry about it. After about an hour I had enough and decided to stop for a cup of tea. I sipped my cuppa and hand rolled a fag, then I heard a sight sound, where I sat in the boiler...
After a short drive John and Alice arrived at John's house. John quickly put his bike away, while Alice parked her car and then he rejoined her. After opening the front door, he yelled loudly, "We're home!" "Okay dear, we're in the living room!" a woman, probably John's mother, yelled back. Entering the living room together, they were warmly welcomed by Mr. and Mrs Richards, John's parents. "Hi mom and dad, this is Miss Evans, my math teacher!" John said with a cheerful...
CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...
Bloody and Blondie - Traitorous Pride Chapter 1 - Red Forrest The woods, I love the woods, the sounds, the mystery. I'm confident; I'm prepared for anything that shows up in front of me. I'm alone, walking to nowhere, searching for adventure, for challenge, and for some gold too. I spent all my gold with drinks and girls in the last city I visited. So now I have just my clothes (gray pants, gray shirt, leather boots and a black cloak with a cap), my leather bag with some...
Bloody and Blondie - The Quest Starts Chapter 11 - Adjustments What a great day!! I'm riding a horse like a lady, holding on the body that used to be mine, with two things shaking a lot in my chest. I can't stand it. Taliaron is distant, now without that Flishter bastard around, I can make this trip less horrible. "Hey Sila, stop the horse!" I scream to my old self. She stops and we dismount. My old eyes are very red, she must be crying all the way. "Princess, sorry, but I...
Gentleman Jack and Freda “Fuck Meat”Age Play. Role Play. Incezt Play, Flashing, Up Skirts, Cum Shots, Cum Eating, Gang Bang, Labia Stretching Jack and Freda Burns had retired in a slow moving, quiet mid west city 5 years ago. At 65, Jack looked his age, walked with a cane from hip replacement surgery, yet carried his self with class. Freda appeared yo be a trophy wife. Although she looked to be nearing her mid 40's, she was in fact 67 years old. Plastic surgery, Botox, hair replacement,...
"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...
Nina was not beside him when Freddy woke up. He was glad she was being cautious as far as not being discovered by other members of the family. The apartment was already stirring. Freddy figured Teresa would want to grill him about what had happened but he wasn't ready for that yet. He had plans for the morning. The biggest plan was to start laying the groundwork for Josie's seduction. Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on...
Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...
LesbianI am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Being in the middle actually is actually not that big a problem for me. My parents are really good people and have been an inspiration to me in many things. I was raised Roman Catholic so of course went to Catholic schools all my life. I once had a crazy dream of wanting to attend Notre Dame in the States but that didn't happen. It was too far away for my...
Introduction: Finally landing the Teacher I always wanted *This is my very first story. I have never posted anything before but decided it was about time I did. I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar and spelling. I have tried very hard to correct them, but this is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this story. It is based in on true events. Obviously, names have been changed to protect the guilty I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical...
Natured Or NurturedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWhen Arthur asked Ruby out for the eats and movie; she surprised him in more ways than one. Actually, it was their first meeting at a dinner gathering to revel the High School graduation of a distant friend’s younger brother. Ruby first surprised Arthur with an immediate acceptance of his invitation but much more when she told him that it would be a double date because she wanted her twin brother be also present. Ruby was 19 years old, more beautiful than...
Ted got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone."Who was that?" ask his wife."My cousin Freda, she needs help"Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in."I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed."That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was out. He lit it and soon heat filled the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Ted got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone. "Who was that?" ask his wife. "My cousin Freda, she needs help" Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in. "I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed. "That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was...
IncestGautam was very excited about visiting his in-laws again. In the plane, he almost got wet remembering the encounter with his sister-in-law, Rashmi, from his last visit. That time, Kiran was admitted in the nursing home to deliver the baby. And Gautam was alone and restless. It was an accident to begin with, and since Rashmi already had a weakness for Gautam, they did it every following night. But this time Kiran will be around at home itself, so Gautam was concerned if he could take some...
Warning! This story contains extreme depictions of brutality. If you aren't into violent fighting/sex fantasies, then don't comment on how you didn't like it. With out further adeau:It had only been a month since the bitter argument that ended their friendship took place. Donna and Ashleigh had been lifelong friends growing up, with their families’ farms right near each other. Ashleigh had always been the headstrong one, always the leader in their clique of friends, the dominant...
Now that I am all grown up and a full-fledged member of the female sisterhood, I can relate that I sometimes have a sort of yearning to get a lot closer to some of the other girls that work with me in the pole dancing club. I purely get mortified when I hear people use the "L" word when we are sort of congregating real close in the dressing room or even when things get hot and heavy if two of us are taking care of a customer who likes being taken care of by a pair of friendly ladies...