Outrage In Dixie free porn video

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I am a light sleeper, several times each night my dogs will bark and wake me.

I can tell by the way they bark whether I should get up and turn the outside lights on and check.

The dogs are in a chain link fenced yard that allows them to prowl all around the house except the three twelve foot wide garage doors.

When the dogs woke me I could tell that they were really upset.

I got my pistol and went to the far end of the house, the ranch office. From the window or the door I can see the area between the house and barn and the front of the garage wing.

I saw nothing, but I turned the outside lights on to check.

My dogs were barking and jumping on the fence, they were looking at the first garage door. I knew something was there. I opened the outside door to the office and tried to see what was causing the commotion.

The dogs got quiet and I stepped out on the patio. I could see that someone was hiding in the recess of the garage door. I had a seven foot high chain link fence between me and my visitor and the hammer was back on the gun.

I asked who was there.

No answer to that.

I said "Step away from the door or I will shoot".

My visitor was crying and blubbered out "Don't shoot me I need help".

It was a feminine voice.

I asked what she was doing at my door this late at night.

She said that she had gotten away from three men that had kidnapped her then beat her and torn her clothes off.

She said she was naked, cold and hurt and afraid they might find her. She begged me to let her in.

I was standing bare foot on a cold concrete patio wearing just my pants.

I was living alone in that big house since my wife died three years before.

A single person living out in the country needs to be very careful about who they let in their house.

Was she alone ?

Did she have a gun or knife ?

Was it smart to let this person in my house ?

I could not turn her away but I needed to be careful about this.

I told her I would open the garage door she was leaning against, she was to come in the garage. I would turn on the lights in the garages and close the door. Then I would let her in the house.

The switches for the garage doors are in the hall near the door from the house to the garages.

After she was in the garage I opened the door and kept the security door between her and me locked.

I told her to come over to the inside door and turn all the way around so I could see that she was not armed with any sort of weapon.

She looked as if she had been beaten bad by those guys and she had hundreds of briar scratches all over her body.

She was filthy with mud and cow crap.

Her hair was matted with grass, mud and leaves.

I opened the door and let her in, hell she could not have harmed a sick fly.

The first thing I asked her was if she wanted me to call the law.

She said she did not want the law involved. They would not be able to catch those bastards and she would be on the front page of the news papers.

She asked me to let her get cleaned up first and lend her some clothes to wear then she would try to figure out what to do next.

I led her to the shower in my bed room and hung one of my robes on the door. I knew she had probably been raped so I showed her how to remove the pulsating head from the hand shower and use the hose to wash herself out.

She took a good thirty minutes to shower, the water as hot as she could stand.

She came into the living room wearing my robe, it was much to big for her.

I had punched up the fire in the fire place and added some dry wood. She sat on the raised hearth soaking up the heat.

I told her she needed something on all her scratches and cuts and asked if she would like me to take her to the emergency room at a local hospital.

Again she wanted no part of that as the hospital might inform the police.

I am not completely stupid.

This lady was much to set on avoiding any contact with the law.

I wanted to know why.

She told me her name was Bethany Foulton, and that she was from Jackson Mississippi.

I took the quilt off one of the couches and spread it over the big coffee table and told her that I would do what I could for her cuts and scratches. I told her to get undressed and lay on the table and I would be right back with First Aid items. I suggested again that she let me take her to the emergency room at the hospital.

She was still negative to that.

When I came back with what I had for her wounds she was still sitting on the hearth. I told her to shed the robe and lay down on that coffee table again.

She said "I just want to sit here for a while".

I lost my patience with her.

I said "Look you asked me for help when you were outside". "Now I have let a stranger in my house and that is not at all smart". "You are going to do as I ask you or you are going to get out of here now". "I will find you something to wear".

Beth began to cry again, she begged me not to put her out, she was certain those guys would be still looking for her.

I asked her if she was ready to answer my questions.

She nodded her head.

I told her to take off the robe and lie on the table.

Beth dropped the robe on a couch and got on the coffee table.

She had scratches from briars all over her, some had cut pretty deep. Both her eyes were beginning to blacken and she had been hit in the mouth and her lips were cut. Black and blue bruises were all over her back and belly from their fists. Her breast were bruised almost all over.

I told her to start at the beginning and tell me how she got here.

She started to tell how she had gotten off I-20 at a group of truck stops to get a coke and use the ladies room.

I stopped her.

I said "Start at where and when you were born and give me your life story up until now.

Bethany Foulton was born in Jackson Ms. thirty four years ago. She had a nice childhood. There were three loving sisters and loving and caring parents.

Her parents were not rich but were comfortable.

She was an honor roll student and was pretty enough to be her senior class Homecoming Queen. She was well liked by her class mates and teachers. She had nothing but good memories of her youth.

Beth was tall enough to play basket ball in school. She was 5'10" tall and had earned an athletic scholarship at Old Miss. She finished college in three and a half years and earned degrees in Computer Science and Business.

Beth was offered a great job opportunity with I.B.M. and moved to Atlanta when she was twenty two years old.

She had been with I.B.M. eleven years and was now the head of her department, she was good at her job. She had gotten frequent raises in pay. She loved the work and had made many friends at I.B.M...

Two years ago she had met a man she thought she was in love with. They dated nearly a year and became engaged to be married.

She made a big mistake, her husband was a bad drunk and mean when he was drinking. He was dealing in drugs but he was smart enough to not become a user.

She was scared of him now.

Six months ago she finally got up her nerve enough to leave him. She went home to Jackson, but that was the first place he looked for her. When he found her he told her if she did not come home to Atlanta with him he would beat her half to death and then work her father and mother over.

She had believed he would do her parents harm and had returned to Atlanta with him. He had beat hell out of her when they were back in Atlanta.

Tim, her husband, was a Detective on the Atlanta Police Force.

She knew that if she ran from him again she would have to change her name and get a new social security number. She realized that he could trace her through her car, she would have to sell it and buy another.

When she had pulled off at the truck stop at the 165 mile exit on I-20 she was on her way to Jackson to her parents home. She knew she could only stay there a few minutes but she wanted them to know what she was doing.

When Beth parked at the Truck stop she locked her car and went inside. It was just about dark, no other cars were near hers. After using the lavatory and getting a coke she went back to her car.

Now a beat up old van was parked next to her car on the driver's side, the sliding door open, but no one in sight.

Beth started to put her key in the door lock. Suddenly an arm went around her waist and a hand over her mouth. She remembered her keys hitting her shoe and bouncing under the car as he leaned back with her and rolled them both into the van.

One of the guys started the van engine and the other closed the door while the guy who had grabbed her kept her on the floor. The beating started as the van was backing out of the parking spot.

The big one that had grabbed her used a knife to cut her clothes off while the other slapped and beat on her.

Soon the van stopped after leaving a paved road and going a short distance on a winding bumpy one.

Beth was dragged out of the van nude and dazed.

In a voice almost to low to hear she spoke of the brutal ways they had violated her. She told of the sick things they had made her do while they hurt her.

Those animals were already drunk, but kept on drinking.

When they were through with her they began arguing about how to dispose of her.

One wanted to tie a concrete block to her feet and throw her off the river bridge like they had that girl last week. It had been fun listening to her scream until she hit the water.

One wanted to simply cut her throat and leave her there to feed wild animals.

One wanted to keep her for a few days so a few of their friends could enjoy some of this "Good Stuff" before getting rid of her.

She was laying on the grass alongside the van.

They seemed to not be paying any attention to her.

Beth crawled under the van and started running as soon as she was on the other side.

She could hear them cursing when they noticed she was gone. She dodged into some bushes and ran away from the road she had been following. She crossed a fence and was along side a pond. She was in mud and thick marsh grass. She lay down in that hopping the grass would hide her.

One of them came close and shined a flash light over that area but did not see her. He staggered on.

After it felt like hours had passed, the van was started and driven away.

Beth knew those bastards would try to find her. She stayed clear of the county highway and stumbled around in woods and pastures until she had seen the night light in my house.

I finished cleaning her wounds and rubbed her down with bactine.

It was after eleven when she finished her story.

I asked her if she would like a strong drink before going to bed and she said "yes that might help".

I made both of us vodka with tonic and gave hers a double shot.

When I returned she had put the robe back on and was sitting on the hearth.

Beth was shivering again, she downed the drink in a few minutes and asked "Could I have another one please".

I could tell she was not much of a drinker but thought what the hell she was still in a state of shock.

I thought the best thing for her now was to bomb out and get some sleep.

I made her another drink and got one of my tee shirts out for her to sleep in.

I showed her to a bed room and wished her a good night.

I had not gone to sleep yet when she came in my room and sat on the side of my bed.

She was having the shakes again, she said she was scared to be by herself. I could see tears on her cheeks by the dim night light from the bath. She was crying.

She asked if I would let her sleep with me.

I opened back the covers.

She crawled in and wiggled back as close to me as she could get and snuggled up like a child.

I really did not sleep much the rest of the night but she was out of it. The drinks, the feeling of being safe now, of being warm in my bed and being worn out from it all made her sleep so soundly she hardly moved the rest of the night.

I can not stay in bed after five in the morning.

I have had a lifetime of getting up and starting my day at that time. It makes no difference what time I go to bed, I just get up at five A.M. !

As I got up she woke, she was groggy and disoriented at first then the memory of the night before came and she was shaking again.

I put my arm around her and held her for a few minutes. Beth calmed down and quit trembling.

I asked her if she would like some coffee.

She asked for a cup of black.

I told her I would bring it.

She came from the bath as I came back with our coffee.

Beth was holding on to things as she walked. She was bent over and limping from the beating she had gotten.

She said she was sore from head to toe and made a joke about feeling at least a hundred years old.

She looked like hell, both eyes black her lips puffed out and bruises on her neck, cheeks and arms. Her legs under the hem of that short tee shirt were covered with scratches.

I told her to stay in bed and rest.

Beth reminded me that she had played basketball in high school and college. When she had been hurt it had been best to not let the hurt take over, she needed to move around. She said that no matter how much she was going to hurt she would use those sore muscles some.

Beth asked me if I would help her see about her car. She had taken a few bucks out of her purse and shoved it under the seat when she went in that truck stop. It had over four thousand dollars in it.

The car was loaded with every thing she owned either in the trunk or in the back or front seat.

She wanted to see if it was still there, and if it was she wanted to get it away from the truck stop.

Beth asked me if she could stay until she felt well enough to finish her trip. I told her she could.

Beth asked if there was a place she could hide her car if we got it. I told her there was room in the garages.

We talked about her car key, if the keys she had dropped were not under the car there was a spare set under the tag on the rear.

If she was up to going after her car I thought it a good idea.

She needed something to wear other than my tee shirt. I remembered my daughter leaving some things in what had been her bed room before leaving home for college. I found Beth a pair of sweat pants and matching top. There was even a pair of old sandals she could wear.

I realized those bastards might have stolen her car or be watching it now to see if she would try to get it.

Best we not be careless, those guys were killers and crazy on drugs. They knew Beth could identify them and would want to find and kill her.

I have a four door one and a half ton truck used mostly for pulling a cattle trailer. The truck would not even cause a second look at a truck stop. We could drive up with Beth laying down on the back seat and look the place over before she could be seen.

There are four truck service stations at that interstate exit Beth had pulled in to the one she said was the largest.

I wanted to look over each one to see if someone might be watching her car.

We drove my truck up to the interstate, it is only five miles.

I eased through each station as if I was having a hard time making my mind up as to where to park.

Nothing looked wrong in either one.

There were empty parking spaces on both sides of her car. A tractor rig was blocking sight of her car from the other truck stops. If I pulled in on the passenger side of it the car could not be seen except from directly behind.

I parked and got out, I had a good stretch as I looked around. I squatted down as if I were looking under my truck but I got a good look under Beth's car to.

The set of keys were next to a tire on my side of the car. I had them in a second.

I walked around as if stretching my legs then got back in the truck.

When I handed Beth the keys I also gave her a small 38 revolver. I asked her if she knew how to use it. She said she did.

Before Beth sat up on the seat we made plans.

If someone was watching why not let her quickly start her car, back out and as fast as it would go take the on ramp of the interstate. I would be right behind her and if any one tried to follow her I would block them off on the ramp. She was to get up as much speed as possible on the ramp and go as fast as her car would to the next off ramp four miles away. She was to cross over and come back right by this exit and go on to the next.

She was to wait for me at a truck plaza there.

I would not be far behind and if all went well we could take back roads back to my farm.

If there was some kind of a screw up -


It worked, we saw no other car or truck leave as we did and we were back at my home in less than an hour.

We put her car in my garage and put Beth in my bed. I had to help get her clothes off and put on a clean tee shirt. I gave her a pill for pain.

She was beat when it was all over.

Beth slept most of the day.

When I woke her for a light supper I had to help her get out of bed, put on a robe and walk to the kitchen.

I decided to get her to move around and use those sore muscles as much possible for the next few days.

We talked after we finished with our soup and sandwich.

I had a fire going in the living area and we sat there. I made us both drinks.

Beth spoke of trying to build a new life. She would need very good I.D. papers so her husband would not be able to track her down.

For the first time she spoke of him without dread or fear in her voice.

Tim was a Dective on the Atlanta Police.

She had met him when he moved into an apartment next to her's two years before.

Beth was thirty two years old when she met Tim.

He was near forty.

Tim was on the surface a nice guy. He was nice looking and dressed well. On her dates with him she had a good time, he took her to fine restaurants and to see big name entertainers on tour.

He took her to meet his parents in Macon GA.

This guy had checked out fine.

She had agreed to marry him after they had dated for almost a year.

Beth had been married to Tim less than two months when he came home drunk and began to argue about something petty. He lost his temper and slapped her face several times. When she tried to run he had hit her with his fist in her back knocking her into a wall.

Tim had left after hitting her but was back the next morning begging her to forgive him and promising that nothing like that would ever happen again.

Three months later it was worse and again Tim left but was back early the next morning making promises.

That time Beth told him they were through, she was not going to live with a man who beat her.

Tim had pulled out his gun and told her she was his now and if he had to he would kill her before he would let her leave him.

Each time he had abused her it had been on a Friday evening after Tim had met some fellow officers and drank way too much.

Monday morning Beth had talked to her boss at work. She had taken a leave of absence.

She went home that day to Jackson Ms., Tim found her the next day. He had threatened her and her family so Beth had followed him back to Atlanta.

Things were O.K. for several months then Tim came home drunk again and had beat her brutally.

That time Beth filed a complaint with the Atlanta Police. Nothing happened.

Tim was called in and given a strong talk about wife abuse and the image to the public of the police department.

He stormed home in a rage and waited for her to get home from work. He accused her of trying to ruin him with the police department.

Tim did not beat up on her that time.

Beth knew that the next time he came home drunk he would though, he might even take it in his mind to kill her.

Beth made her provisions to run again, She closed out the savings account she had never told him about.

She told her boss that she was leaving Tim again and thanked him for being so good to her all those years.

She had her car serviced and bought those new tires she had needed five thousand miles back. It needed new brakes and the battery checked weak, she told them to go ahead with those items.

She filled up her car with gas.

She charged all that to their joint credit card.

Beth had gone to her safe deposit drawer at her bank and taken out all that was in it. There was a lot of valuable jewelry left to her when her Grand Mother passed away some years before.

When she was ready she began to load her belongings in her car just minutes after Tim left for work. She was packed and ready to leave late that afternoon.

Only one hundred twenty miles away from Atlanta she had run into three bastards meaner than Tim, they were more vicious.

We talked about how it was nearly impossible to change your identity in this computer age.

It would be extremely hard to hide from Tim with the resources he had to help him find a missing person.

She said that she planed to stop to see her parents for only a few minutes to tell them what she was doing. She was then going on to New Orleans, she had the name of a guy that might produce near perfect new identity papers for her.

I made drinks for us.

Beth wondered if we could find the three that had kidnapped and raped her the night before.

She had known they were going to kill her.

They had talked of other girls they had raped then murdered.

They were through with her and were arguing about how they were going to dispose of her when she escaped. They had considered her as if she was trash or garbage they needed to get rid of.

Those men would kill lots of other women.

Beth said if she could find them she would execute them herself, those men needed to die.

Beth made the remark that after killing such scum she would be glad to turn herself in to the law. She was certain she was not going to get a medal but she doughted she would have to serve much time in prison for that crime.

Beth had another drink.

She began talking about her husband Tim.

A short time after Tim had beaten her the first time she had found proof that he was dealing in drugs. He was smart enough to not be a user but he was in a position to bust a large dealers competition and earn bonuses for that. Later he was in on some big buys of crack and some other drugs.

She had photo copies of a lot of data that proved him to be a very dirty cop.

There was data concerning a secret numbered account in a Swiss bank. She had found the directions for withdrawing funds and the password for access to an account that had over three hundred thousand dollars in it. That was months ago, no telling what was in that account now.

Tim was a murderer also. He was killing people with the results of his dealing in the drug trade.

He was an officer of the law and sworn to enforcing the law.

I fixed us another drink. When I came back with it she was quiet for a time.

Beth said "I wish there was a way to get them together and let them kill each other off.

We both got quiet, each of us was thinking about what she had just said.


What if we could find the three that had been about to kill her ?

If we found them could we set them up for some kind of shoot out with Tim ?

Those three bastards were probably from around here. We could try tomorrow.

I told Beth it was time I played Doctor with her.

I spread the quilt on the coffee table and helped her get her robe off and get on it. I checked her cuts, I saw no signs of infection and most were beginning to heal. I put on more ointment.

I gave her sore muscles a massage avoiding her cuts and scratches. Beth began a low moan with each breath as I did that.

When I was finished I patted her ass cheeks and told her it was bed time.

Beth asked if I minded if she slept with me again in my bed.

Of course I did not mind. A forty year old single man who had slept most of twenty years with a sweet woman snuggled up to him. Would he mind a thirty four year old wanting to sleep with him ?

I helped her to get to bed and took her robe off. She had been so sore I had to help her walk and when she sat on the bed I lifted her legs up on it for her. That short tee shirt had ridden up over her hips and as I placed her legs on the bed. I was looking at her nude from her navel down.

I could not help it, I had a hard prick pushing the front of my pants out in seconds.

I looked at Beth and saw that she was watching my pants push out. Finally she looked at my face and smiled as well as she could with those cut swollen lips.

I put the covers over her and told her I would be up for a while.

I made myself another drink in the kitchen.

I went to sit in front of the fire. I thought about those guys that had nearly killed Beth.

This county is the fifth largest in Alabama but it is mostly in timber land and pulp wood lands with a lot of cattle farms scattered around. There is less than ninety thousand population in the county. The chances were that those bastards were local and it should not be that hard to find them. It was likely they had records, might even be on parole.

Guys like that would stand out !!

I resolved that in the morning We would try to locate them.

It was after ten and I was ready to go to bed.

When I went in the bed room I saw that Beth's eyes were open, I said "I told you to go to sleep".

Beth told me she would have but after I left her she realized she needed to go to the bath, would I help her.

I had already taken my clothes off except my under wear.

I went to her side of the bed and threw the covers off her. She had taken that tee shirt off and was laying there nude. The light was dim and I could not see her bruises, cuts or scratches very well. I could see enough in that dim light to know she had a perfect body, large shapely breasts and beautiful long slender legs.

I put my arm under her neck and the other under her knees and I carried her to the bath like a baby.

I sat her down on the commode and she held on to my neck until she was sitting up on the dam thing.

She must have really had to go. I heard the splash of her pee in the bowl before I was standing up right next to her. She put her arm around my legs and hugged me to her cheek before I could move back.

She was hugging a hard prick to her cheek.

Beth finished and made a small pad of toilet tissue and blotted off. Then she made a larger one.

She said "I'm through, could you help me back to bed now please". I carried her back to the bed and she thanked me for helping her. I placed the covers over her nude body.

I went to the other side of the bed and crawled in under the covers.

Beth scooted toward me in the bed, I slid toward her until we were pressed together. I put my left arm under her pillow to get it out of the way.

Beth spoke "You make me feel so safe and comfortable when we are like this, I would like to express my gratitude to you".

Her right arm and hand had been laying across my chest. She moved her hand down and felt for the fly in my boxer shorts. I had an erection under there and the opening was easy for her to find.

She wormed her soft hand in and placed it around my prick.

I reached over and began to gently tease the nipples of her breast. I knew they were to sore to stand much pressure.

At first she was very gentle, making tiny strokes several times then placing the palm of her hand on the crown and rubbing. Her strokes became longer and harder and as I let some tiny drops of semen escape. She was using that as a lubricant.

I felt that wonderful feeling of near release and moaned to her that I was about to cumm. She whispered "Me to"

Beth increased the speed of her strokes and brought her left hand over to my prick with that wad of tissue she had brought from the bath.

When I ejaculated she captured every drop in that pad of tissue.

We lay there like that until my erection was gone.

I took the wet tissue from her hand and put it in the waste basket.

I thanked her and told her she was wonderful to have done that even though I knew every part of her body was hurting.

Beth snuggled closer and reminded me that she had cumm too. She told me her lips were so sore she could not show her appreciation with them and her body was far from ready to use for that.

We dozed off to sleep, our bodies pressed together and her warm hand on my soft cock.

At five A.M. I woke. Her breath was tickling the hair on my chest and her tits were pushed into my side. She had her leg over mine and her mound was hard against my hip.

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Hi my dear ISS friends, I am new to this site and here I am going to share my first sex experience of my life with you all. This happened 6 months back when I was travelling from Chennai to tirunelveli through train. I was a 22 yr old lean, tall guy, just finished engineering and working in Chennai. I got my first month salary and was very happy to take that money to home. I have already booked the tickets and was allotted S8 coach Seat no 36, Upper birth. The train actually starts at 9.30pm....

3 years ago
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Janey makes some money

I had been writing and posting stories on a web site where I could tell of my adventures in life. I got my start with sex by fucking my dog. It turned out to be a great time in my life. To this day, I still would rather have sex with a big cocked dog that any man. I had a few wonderful years living with a great bi-sexual named Teri. I have written about her. She loves to dog fuck also. The years with her was a non stop fuck fest. The most enjoyable thing we did was for us to be in the 69...

1 year ago
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Pehli Raath Miyu Ke Saath

Hello guys. As a regular Indian sex stories reader, I thought of contributing something. So here is my first story. Hope you people enjoy it. So let me describe myself. My name is Emu, 22yrs old, 5.4″, average build. The girl name is Miyu, fair complexion, 22yrs old, 5.1″, 34C (approx), with a great figure. Best part- her boobs and ass. After finishing my 10th, I took science in a coed college. As I was from a boys school, i didn’t know what to expect and I was quite. So days passed and I...

2 years ago
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Discovered Dreams

There she was sitting next to her windowsill gazing out and watching the heavy rain fall. She sat there sad and lonely thinking about her life and what it had become. ‘Everything’s changed!’ Hoku thought as she’d seen the last couple of years of her life pass by like the drops on the window, and also turned her thoughts to those of Korie. That was biggest blow to Hoku’s heart, losing her lover, best friend, confidant, partner, and her soul. A tear ran down her cheek as she recalled what...

4 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 4 Theres No Rule Against It

I woke earlier than usual on Tuesday morning having not had the best night’s sleep. Strange dreams which, as dreams do, faded so quickly that I couldn’t recall what had been so strange about them. I think they may have been about Clarissa. I may have kissed her. In the middle of the school canteen with everyone standing round watching, pointing and laughing. I stared at the ceiling for ten minutes and tried to put the day before into some kind of perspective. Clarissa had done her duty....

4 years ago
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Gigolo in Washington DC part 4

This is a continuation of part 1: http://xhamster.com/user/moanw/posts/483396.html And part 2: http://xhamster.com/user/moanw/posts/483400.html And part 3: http://xhamster.com/user/moanw/posts/490082.html I remember four blonde women from that time. Three were surprisingly freaky. The last one was possibly my favorite. The first blonde was a petite southern belle from South Carolina. Bonnie looked so put together when she opened the door to her gorgeous home. I would have sworn that she was...

1 year ago
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Diane breaks the budget

I was all revved up by the time I got home. There was no question that this time Diane deserved it and boy was I gonna give it to her. I burst in through the front door and stormed into the kitchen. She was standing there next to the coffee pot, mug in hand sipping from the cup. She looked startled as I started hollering. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN CHARGING ON THE VISA CARD?” I began. I walked over to her, grabbed her coffee and flung it into the sink. She looked nervous now and that got me...

1 year ago
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Angela TransformedChapter 6

We walked home and after checking in with mom we went upstairs to change into casual clothes. We were just starting to undress when there was a light tap on our door and it opened. Alex peeked in and asked, "Can we come in for a minute?" Lisa and I looked at each other. Finally we both smiled, shrugged and Lisa nodded. The twins came in and sat in our desk chairs. While they watched us undress, Alex asked where we went this afternoon and what we were doing. Lisa bluntly replied that it...

2 years ago
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A Sissy Saga Ch 21

The next morning Jennifer Hancock went down the stairs with her hair piled on top of her head and wearing a crumpled pale-blue linen overall to be amazed when Lulabelle said she looked as fresh as a daisy. Her mother was talking on the telephone, and when Jennifer appeared in the sitting-room she clapped her hand across the mouthpiece. ‘I’ve been negotiating things with Mrs Boroclough. She’d like to have a few words with Poppy now, would you fetch him from the kitchen?’ When Poppy arrived he...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Vina Sky Asian Teen Vina Sky 3 Way

Sexy Asian spinner Vina Sky needs multiple cocks to satisfy her sexual desires and Jules & Markus are up to the task. Vina’s looking like the horny little slut she is in her nude fishnets with crystals all over them, a patent leather jacket, black bra and sexy black high heels. She strips herself of her top as she makes her way out to the pool where she continues to tease us with her tight & tiny body. Vina makes her way out to the balcony where Jules & Markus meet up with her and...

3 years ago
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The morning after my big summer kickoff party, I lay in bed just thinking of the day before. I’d started the day off with the most amazing sex with Morgan before anyone else even arrived. What a way to kick off my day. God, I wished she was there with me right then! Morgan was amazing, and eager, and let’s face it, horny as hell! We were a perfect match. Later in the day, I’d also been that close to having sex with Maya. Who knew she had such an amazing body. I’d never realized her tits were...

1 year ago
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Temptations Kiss Ch 04

Cassidy rolled over in bed and hit the snooze button on her alarm clock. It was Sunday. The shop didn’t open on Sundays. There was absolutely no reason to get out of bed, Cassidy thought as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stretched. With a yawn and a wistful glance at her bed, she stood and headed for her bathroom. Sunday was housework and grocery shopping day. It had been ever since she had opened the bookstore. After a long steamy shower, Cass put on a pair of old jeans...

3 years ago
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The Night I met Wendy Paul part 1

The Night I met Wendy & Paul (part 1) For those of you who have found this by a niche search, they come later.I was working in Leeds and was staying at a well known budget hotel. One Friday evening we decided to have an early dinner at the attached american diner and then get into town.We had a round table for five and there was a couple near us having dinner together. At first I thought she was an escort or something. She was a bbw with a short dress showing a lot of cleavage. Her make up...

2 years ago
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Project Worker 2

Shirley asked me to sit down, as she had some important news. She was older than me, and had an eventful life which meant that she was well experienced to handle the supported housing project and all the people in it. “David in Room 3 has a younger sister, and I have heard from the Police this morning that they are looking for her. Did you see any females in his flat this morning?” “No”, I lied. “Is she a criminal?” “Oh no nothing like that,” said Shirley, “It’s just she didn’t show up at...

1 year ago
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My two step kids Chapter VI

I was standing there naked and I wasn't sure what was gonna happen. Jeanette and Tim both got up and walked over to me. They both put one of their hands onto my boobs and it was on."You have cheated on your husband with these two?" Tammy wanted to know."Well, according to her, it's not cheating, if you keep it in the family," I told her to make a point."No kidding, I could buy that. We should have started earlier than, Wendy," Tammy mentioned."Do you really fuck your mom?" I just had to...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 38

My Dearest Peter, I am sorry I did not tell you this, but by the time you return I will have already left. In a cruel twist of irony, the day before you got your leave, I got my orders. I was crushed, I was so sure we would have more time together. But I guess God and the Air Force had other ideas. By the time you read this, I will be home myself. Then two weeks after that I report in at Langley Air Force Base, in Virginia. Honestly, it breaks my heart to tell you in this way. But I was...

1 year ago
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Long Foreplay

I entered in the weekly Euchre tournament, and who would you suppose I drew as my partner? At first I didn't recognize her, it had been 4 or 5 years since the last time I had seen Sherry. After talking for a few minutes, I realized who she was and that I hadn't known she wore glasses. I had had the hots for this gal since I was a teenager and had first seen her when she was dating my cousin, I was always so jealous because I thought she was so fine. I am sure that there was probable some...

1 year ago
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Asha my beautiful black horny maid

Hi, my name is Ozzy and I wud like to narrate you my true story my encounter with my maidservant. Her name was Asha. She was black and very sexy. She had started working at my house, in Mumbai, and I was very fortunate that my folks were not in Mumbai but at their native place. Asha was married and had a child. From the day Asha joined I used to watch her move and my cock used to get a hard on. I always loved black women; somehow I got a hard on whenever I saw black girls. Asha was just 24...

1 year ago
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A Family Betrayal Chapter 38

Introduction: Hey all this is the next installment. I hope everyone enjoys. Megans POV: Three days until Fathers day Savannah and I have been to our lawyers. Both of us are still upset with Nick. His attitude since the birth of our grandbabies was not tolerable. He picked a fight that really wasnt needed. We both love him, but the way he has been carrying on was not our cup of tea. We love those that we took in as our grandkids very much, and the way he hurt them was again uncalled for....

1 year ago
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His magical hands

I met him at work , his mira dog really needed a groomingIts a job I been doing with my mom to help the home buisiness between my degree courseshe had move to montreal after loosing his sight in a work accident45 yr old tall big belly black dude , his black sunglasses giving away his conditionIt was the 3rd time here, welcoming him and Misha the nice shepperd ''hey boi is misha been a good dog?''''yes sir as always'''''good girl misha ''he was about to leave when he told me i should come by its...

3 years ago
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Mere papa ne meri jaan

Mera naam sunakanya hai, ankur ki real story padkar mujhe laga ki Mujhe bhi confess karna chahiye. Baat un dino ki hai jab hum family Trip par shillong gaye the. Mai aur papa unke guest house dekhne Chale gaye. Waha achanak snow fall hone laga aur jo jaha tha wahi fas Gaya. Papa ne cottage me thodi whisky rakhi thi, papa ne thodi whisky Khud li aur thodi muje di lekin temperature ekdam girte ja raha tha Aur hamari halat kharab hone lagi. Raat hote hote meri halat bigadne Lagi aur muje papa ne...

4 years ago
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She Took Him

After months of posting and replying to the “casual encounters” on Craig’s List, Eric was finally going to get laid!  Or at least that’s what he hoped as he drove up to her home.   Eric was a tall lanky college student whose strict parents had sent him to a military school.  No women were allowed, and he was never outgoing enough to meet anyone at a dance or bar.Eric was impressed and a little intimidated by the large homes he was driving through.  He got there a few minutes early, and waited...

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WildOnCam Skye Mae Wicked Redhead Skye Mae Ready To Fuck

Tattooed babe Skye Mae loves to be a tease on camera showing off her voluptuous tits and putting them right in Jason Michaels’s face! Skye is quite horny reading your suggestions and can’t wait to show you her naughty skills in bed. She rides on Jason’s cock and makes sure to taste that big hot load! **Unfortunately, our studio had an internet outage during the show, but we continued to film. Skye will return to experience the LIVE show soon. Sorry for this inconvenience for...

1 year ago
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For SarahChapter 3

The next day I found an envelope attached to the front door with a piece of tape. I opened it and pulled out a handwritten note from Arnold. "Mrs. Morrison," it began, "I can't in good conscious stay working for you. Please send a check for my last week's wages to my home. I hope that you know that what you're doing is wrong." Tommy didn't return until Friday and we again had sex out by the pool. But this time he allowed me to go out naked. After he'd filled me with his sperm he...

2 years ago
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Crazy Hotel Sex With A Shemale And Her Husband

Hello readers, this story is about Munira, an introverted, chubby girl from Chennai. She enjoyed with a shemale couple. First, a bit about Munira – aside from being introverted, she reads many fantasy novels and secretly smokes in her best friend Arpana’s room. She lives alone in a two-bedroom flat and works as a data analyst in Bombay. She is 5’2”, wears black-framed glasses, has curly hair. She looks a bit like Nithya Menon, except her skin tone is a bit duskier. Now that you have a picture...

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Sex with Neighbours Part 3

One evening Jenna was lying in bed thinking about her sexual adventures. "A month ago i was an innocent virgin and now i'm having sex all the time". These thoughts turned her on and she started rubbing her pussy and started to get off. She started rubbing her hairy pussy harder and faster. Her moaning got louder and she stuck 2 fingers in her pussy. Jenna couldn't take much more as she exploded into an orgasm squirting her juices all over her bed in a loud and powerful orgasm. As Jenna came...

3 years ago
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Three Men in a Limousine

Having unwittingly found myself in a bar, nestled in the city’s gay district, brooding over the strange situation of witnessing my girlfriend indulging in extra-curricular sex at the office, I was approached by David, a smart gentleman, in his late forties, but extremely attractive in manner and appearance. He had offered me a drink, I refused, but his next offer..to take my mind away from my apparent troubles for a short while..that was something I definitely needed.We left the bar together, I...

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NubilesPorn Kalisy Cum For Me

Putting on makeup in front of the mirror and donning a sheer bra and thong is all the preparation Kalisy needs to get ready for a lusty time with Ricky Rascal. It doesn’t take long for Kalisy to find herself in Ricky’s lap as he relieves her of her bra so that he can bury his face against her perky breasts while laving attention on her rock hard nipples. Dropping to her knees, Kalisy pulls Ricky’s stiffie close so that she can lick and suck to her heart’s content. Before...

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Game of Thrones Sex Portal

Unlimited power at your fingertips. You have the powers of the ancient one, George R. R. Martin. You can bend the world of Game of Thrones at your will. Anything is possible. Incest being common? Easy. Sex in the streets? No problem. A gangbang on the Iron Throne with Queen Cersei, Robb, Jon, and Theon? Why not? The only limit is your imagination. So, what happens next? Authors are welcome and there is no rules (except chyoa rules)! All I ask is good grammar and a consistent POV (first person,...

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Making the Grade Michelle

I sat in my office going through my lecture notes just prior to heading off to the classroom at our local community college. I was in a good mood and looking forward to spending a Friday night with some fellow “horn-dogs” at a local strip joint called “Babes”.My wife and I had split up months earlier, because she and I just didn’t see eye to eye on things and I was feeling a bot down because I hadn’t been out of the apartment in months, closeting myself away from the world. Then, one of my...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 11 A Ribbon and Selfishness

The next morning. Kenshin and Sanosuke are walking home. Kenshin: Six badly injured, three less so. The Black Hat affair has begun with some small damage. One cannot face nine casualties with a calm face. Sanosuke: You're expecting too much. Nobody died--that's pretty good. The Black Hat... Udou Jin'eh, huh. Originally a Hitokiri and completely psycho to boot. But we've got the strongest of all on our side (slapping Kenshin on the back) so why worry? Kenshin: Not really. (That hurt.)...

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Wolf Creek Ch 01

The pain was almost unbearable, but Ada was doing what she could to smile through the suffering, to give him that dreamy look of trust and love and encouragement that she had practiced so many times. This was what she wanted, what she had hoped and schemed for. A bit of pain and a few months until she showed, a scene with the Reverend Albin, her father—a scene she had rehearsed in her mind endlessly—and then this man would take her away from here forever. Take her away from this dreary treeless...

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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 02 Mr G

What can I say... Some of the keywords I've been using include; midnight, late, watch, chill, and hang out. It seems a lot of people on here want to hook up right while I'm at work. It seems my work breaks have become my dedicated casual encounter search time. Over the past few months, I've come to learn most of the CL talk and acronyms. It's like a whole other language of blunt speech. bi guy, horny as fuck! -29- Bi guy here, looking to get blown. Maybe more. Maybe watch some...

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She awoke. The noise of the city was loud in her ears as she got up, she licked her lips, she was feeling hungry, but she knew the sun was still up — she was looking forward to the night ahead. She rang the bell to let him know she was awake, but he would already know that, it was part of his life now, ever since she took him. "Jasmine you are awake." He said, Jasmine smiled at him, a calm seductive smile, one which he could never resist, he reached up and kissed her, she being nearly six...

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It was the beginning of a rainy season, and women used to do their household chores early in the morning and especially washing had to be done early, so they could dry clothes when the sun might come out, It was one of these days, Oh! Did I forget to introduce me, my name is Sandy, I am software engineer, so I had to attend some training in mumbai so I decided to stay at my sister’s place, It was a fairly old neighbourhood they had, most people knew each other and I do have a name of being an...

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Patchwork Knight

Author’s Notes: ‘Patchwork Knight’ is set in the Sweet Dreams universe, but is otherwise a standalone story. *** ‘Patchwork Knight’ *** Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if he were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that she is the standard by which every other woman that he has admired or dated is judged, and has found them lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in those glory days of high...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 04 Artist Painted Me

Just a short recap from the last chapter. After that wild vacation, my hubby and I had a good talk before any misunderstanding should arise. We both agreed that we would have a heart to heart talk every night before bedtime. He told me that he would like me to carry on with Eddie as long as I still wanted it. He said that he was his best buddy and he trusted him, so he had nothing to fear. Moreover, he knew that our love and bond was solid strong and nothing could come in-between us. After that...

Wife Lovers
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Cordelia and David

I bumped into David in the pub one Wednesday evening when I was on my own and as I hadn't seen him or his wife Cordelia for ages we sat down for a chat. David has been my solicitor for over 20 years and is a nice bloke but can be a little dull at times. I asked him how things were and he started to moan that they had a major kitchen refurbishment and extension in mind at home but had just received some outrageous quotes. When I enquired he told me they ranged from £70,000 to £110,000. When I...

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Little Red Riding Pants A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Chrissy. Except that everyone called her Little Red Riding Pants. That's because she had a favorite pair of pants with pads on the butt that were for riding a bike. She wore them everywhere, even when she wasn't riding her bike. They were spandex, so they were slick and tight. She liked to wear tube tops with them, because those were tight too and she thought they made her look slim, like a model. Chrissy's body was still developing, because she...

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Slut Killer

It's really amazing. In this world of more than six billion people, we're told that no two sets of fingerprints or DNA are alike. I'm not all that convinced about that. But I do think that if I look hard enough, I will find my double. Oh, maybe he won't comb his hair the same way, but there are just so many types of mouths, noses, chins, eyes, etc. in this world. But one thing I will bet my life on. Every man (and woman... I won't keep repeating that) in this world has his own unique...

4 years ago
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The Business p2

Introduction: A story of several young men and women, all across the globe, being k**napped and forced into sexual slavery by the infamous Master Petrovsky. In this chapter: The new slave, Patrick, meets his master and receives a new name. Meanwhile, Dazzle make a terrible mistake and pays the price, but will Basil come to his rescue? Pink learns a lesson in obedience.. from Lotus? March 20th, 2002Patrick wasn’t sure when he passed out, but when he awoke his arms felt as if they were on fire...

1 year ago
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Completely Casual

‘What do you think the team would do if they knew about this?’ I stared down at Joe, completely confused as to why he chose this moment to ask the question. My hands were currently wrapped tightly around my throbbing shaft. His own saliva was sliding between my fingers as I massaged my length, preparing to push deep into his depths. ‘I don’t know Joe. I honestly don’t. We have so many different kinds of teammates. Some would be disgusted, some wouldn’t care, and then there’s some freaks who...

1 year ago
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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 23

“Everywhere I go, there’s someone in a trenchcoat staring at me. When I’m not at home, I’m sure someone’s rummaging through my trash. Whatever could they want from me? Is it just a part of a giant government conspiracy? I gotta go see my doctor about this itchy pentargram-shaped rash.” -Barenaked Ladies, “Get In Line“ Tad Chase was playing one of the “Fallout“ games in his trailer. He’d never had a trailer before, but now that he was one of the stars of a movie, they gave him one. Which...

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my girlfriends hot milf friend

it was a saturday night and my girlfriend( ashley ) and i were invited to a bbq at her best friend christies house. not much else happening so we made our way there. we were gonna drive and stay the night. well when we got there it was a bit more than a quiet bbq there was at least 30 people there all drinking and havin the odd smoke out the back. it was already about 8ish by this stage and already some were getting loose. christy is a bit older than us and divorced (she was 45 and we were...

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PornWorld Jennifer Mendez Slutty Big Boobed Babe Jennifer Mendez Enjoys Deep DP Fucking At The Gym

Busty brunette Jennifer Mendez is already sweating from her workout with personal trainer, Yanick when he gets her to perform some stretching as a cool down. He massages Jennifer’s shoulders when this horny babe pulls down her tank top and sets her massive tits free! Yanick can’t resist her advances and soon buries his face in Jennifer’s pussy before she treats him to a tit wank right there at the gym! Soon after, Jennifer is getting slammed from behind on the weights bench...

4 years ago
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DoortoDoor SalesmanChapter 4

I woke shortly after six. After a shower and shave, I was fully awake and dressing when the young girl began stretching. Her nudity didn't seem to embarrass her, as she lay on the bed watching me, and when I finished dressing, she rose from the bed, smiled and spoke as she passed me on her way to the bathroom. I heard the shower and I knew there were no towels hanging on the rack for her to dry herself. These cheap motels only hang two towels in a room and I waited for the shower to shut off...

3 years ago
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Hot Encounters Parts 17 and 18

I am my own editor so please forgive me for any typos. ******************************************************************* Part 17 My parents relocated while I was in junior high to develop the resort community I was traveling to. Now, after all these years, all of the tracts were sold and developed. They also opened a large marina. They decided to sell their home and the marina and move back east to be near my siblings. I was expected home Friday but my last night with Becca changed that....

2 years ago
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18 yr old Step Daughter

I Married my second wife when I turned 35. She had three c***dren from her previous marriage, and they were now my step-c***dren. Two lived with their father, the ********* lived with her. She was two weeks shy of her 19th birthday when I met her. She was built like her mother, only taller, with dark brown hair, and not quite yet as busty. Though the pictures I had seen of her mother at that age, she wore a B-cup. This girl who was soon to be my step-daughter was firmly in a D-cup, and growing....

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 217

Inside the Ship, Arlene stopped to lean against a bulkhead as she took a sip of her coffee. "There was no need for you to bring coffee with you. I could easily have provided it. As you know, your mother and your sister-wives have furnished me with samples of several foods, although I have not yet been given an example of the food you have brought with you today." The young Queen put her coffee down to open her container. "It's a sweet roll recipe we've altered a little to suit our...

1 year ago
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Sex Kop 101 p2

101 screamed out loud as the thick shaft went up her, filling her twat with hard angry meat! "I...I ain't...drained me balls...for quite a while...Missy..."! The old man had gripped her firmly by the hips and watched as his cock slid slowly into 101's hole. 101 gasped as the man's bulbous knob pushed against her cervix and paused. 'Fuck! Maybe I shoulda just used the stim kit on him...this fuckin' hurts...' as if reading her mind, the controller's voice in the helmet, "Jesus, 101...that's quite...

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