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by Philip Johnson

Chapter One

‘Rita, have Loren stop by when he gets a chance. I should be done with my meeting in an hour or less. No better yet pick a time, and I can meet him at Bernard’s for a cocktail.’

‘Okay is there anything he needs to bring to the meeting?’

‘No. Okay make it for the end of the day, say five or so.’

‘Five it is, and unless he’s out, I’ll have him there.’

‘Thanks. I’d call him myself, but I’m running late.’ Frank ducked out through the backdoor of his office and down the hall to his meeting as Rita called Loren’s office.

‘Loren Bank’s office.’

‘Hi Betty, is Loren there?’

‘He will be in about ten minutes.’

‘Tell him to meet Frank at Bernard’s at five for a cocktail.’

‘I’ll tell him. Must be nice to go to Bernard’s for a cocktail on the company tab.’

‘You and I will never know.’

‘That’s for sure, talk to you later,’ and they hung up.

Loren found Frank at his usual table and the waiter was there before he could sit down, ‘Vodka martini no olives.’

‘Yes sir,’ Frank raised his glass to say he wanted another and the waiter left.

Frank said, ‘Sorry I didn’t call you earlier, but it’s been one of those days.’

‘Not a problem. I knew you were meeting with the Jemison group this afternoon. How did that go by the way?’

‘Not too bad. We didn’t get it wrapped up like I would have liked, but we’ll finish next Tuesday. Anyway, I thought you could use a good drink to end the week.’

‘A good drink at the end of the day is never a bad thing.’

‘I agree.’ Their drinks arrived and they raised their glasses to each other and took a taste. ‘Okay, I’ll share something with you and that will make this official office business. There’s an upper management retreat at the Radisson in Chicago, and I thought both of us should attend. They have it divided into areas of interest with the last day being a combined session. That means, that once we’re there we’ll go our separate ways and then meet up for dinner. Rita has the details but I think…don’t hold me to this, but I think it’s a couple of weeks away yet.’

‘Sounds good. An all week event?’

‘Four days. From the sounds of it, four long days though.’ Frank tipped his glass and drained about half of his drink and then said, ‘Virginia is having a very small gathering this…hell, it’s tomorrow night. Sorry about the short notice, so if you can’t make it we’ll understand. Anyway it’s just cocktails and little munchies. Very casual and out by the pool area. I think you’ll know most of the few couples that are coming.’

‘I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t seen Virginia in weeks, how is she doing?’

‘She’s fine and has asked about you. I guess I need a vacation or something. We’ve been so damn busy. Not that I’m complaining, of course, but we all have our limits.’

‘Maybe you and Virginia can get away after the retreat. A few days would do wonders for your spirit.’

‘It would that’s for sure. What do you like to do when you get away?’

‘I have a friend on the east coast that has a thirty foot cruiser, and I like to go down there and hang out with him and his wife for a few days and cruise Albemarle Sound or out to sea.’

‘Sounds very relaxing.’

‘It is. The uniform for the day and everyday is a swim suit. Of course they frequently have friends join us for a day or so.’

‘Let me guess, you drink your breakfast and toy with the women in bikinis.’

Loren smiled and admitted, ‘That’s been known to happen. My friend Chuck has a sister…a single sister, that seems chronically divorced and she and I frequently hook up for a week. She lives off of what her three exes left her as a settlement.’

‘Sounds like a gold digger.’

‘Not really, she just picks guys that are good in the business world but lousy at love.’

‘Well, I hope you get down there and hook up with her again.’

‘I’m working on it.’

‘I take it you’re not interested in a permanent hookup.’

‘Nothing permanent for me right now, my housekeeper, cook, wardrobe advisor and friend is about all the permanence I can handle.’

‘Oh right, how is Dixie?’

‘Sharp as they come, and I love her dearly…like a mother, of course.’

‘Right as a thirty something mother, got it.’

They shared smiles and emptied their glasses, but continued to talk for a few more minutes. They were friends through business, but didn’t spend a lot of after hours time together. Most times like the upcoming get together at Frank and Virginia’s, would be more political than social, but Loren did enjoy those infrequent gatherings.

Chapter Two

Saturday evening, Loren was right on time and was received by Virginia. ‘Loren you did come, I’m so glad.’

‘I can’t pass up a chance to see you, Virginia.’

She gave him a light kiss and asked, ‘When are you going to start calling me Ginny?’

He smiled and said, ‘Give me another of your kisses and I’ll start now.’

She gave him a sly smile and kissed him again and touched his lips with her tongue and then asked, ‘Now will you call me Ginny?’

‘I’ll call you a couple of times a week after that kiss, Ginny.’ She laughed and kissed his cheek, put her arm around his waist and they made their way out to the patio.

‘Okay now Loren, you’re on you own for awhile. I have to see to the snacks and listen for the door.’ What she really meant was she had to supervise her maid.

‘Don’t stay away too long or I’ll come looking for you.’ He liked flirting with her and she liked having him do it. Neither of them took it seriously, even though she was a very good looking woman for being in the forty plus range, so a few years older than Loren. But that made her nearly twenty years younger than Frank. It’s amazing the love that can be bought with money and position.

Loren made his way through the group and said hello to the ones he knew and got a drink and stood at the end of the bar to watch the milling people.

‘Hi, I’m Raquel,’ she said from his left.

He smiled and said, ‘Hi Raquel, I’m Loren Banks.’

‘I know, Ginny told me.’

‘Then you had the advantage. Do you work for or with rank?’

‘No, I try not to work at all. I’m Ginny’s friend.’

‘Beauty attracts beauty, obviously.’

‘That’s a very flattering line.’

‘Thank you and I’ll have you know I’ve never used it before. Of course, I meant every word.’

‘Then I do thank you. I take it you work for Frank.’

‘Yes I do. Unlike you, I’m forced to work a lot. I found that I like money and what I can do with it.’

She smiled and said, ‘Okay, I’ll confess I do work, but not for Frank and not very hard.’

‘Then you’ve found the perfect balance. A little work and I’ll assume a lot of play.’

‘That’s my goal in life.’

‘Forgive me, you don’t have a drink. What can I have the bartender fix for you?’

‘Nothing right now. I have a low tolerance for alcohol so I have to ease into it.’ She paused then and said, ‘Caught you.’

‘Doing what?’

‘Checking out the fourth finger of my left hand, yes that’s a wedding ring and a diamond.’

‘A very impressive diamond at that.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Can I still flirt with you and try to ply you with alcohol?’

‘Of course you can. I’ll even tell you that Ginny described you to me, but she failed to warn me that you are unattached…or am I mistaken?’

‘No, you’re not mistaken, I’m unattached.’

‘Freshly or perennially?’


‘You’ll ruin yourself. One day you’ll decide you want to get married and find that no woman is willing to take the chance that you can adapt.’

‘I have a surrogate mother, does that count?’

She smiled and said, ‘Maybe I better have a drink before we get into that one. Make it a bourbo
n with water on the side.’ Loren turned and ordered the drink and a minute later handed it to her and she said, ‘Okay tell me about your surrogate mother.’

Her name is Dixie.’

‘Is she really a dog?’

‘Now that was unkind. I’ll have you know she is a woman of about…well, she’s older than me by two years. She has auburn hair about shoulder length, and she’s been with me for almost four years as my maid, friend, housekeeper and style consultant. She helps me with my wardrobe, in other words.’

‘Are you sure she’s not your mistress or something?’

‘Absolutely not, in fact she’s so indispensable that were I to consider marriage, the woman, would have to pass my housekeeper test.’

‘Okay, I’m listening.’

‘Well the lady in question would have to meet Dixie and get along with her before I could propose.’

‘Um excuse me, but wouldn’t it be possible to replace her. I’m sure there are other qualified women in the area…perhaps someone older and more reliable.’

‘Never more reliable, Dixie has never missed a day. Older? Of course, but like I said, I like her and consider her indispensable.’

‘Sounds like you have the hots for her.’

He smiled and said, ‘I wondered when you would say that. I’m serious though. She really is indispensable. She’s an excellent cook, a good housekeeper, a good friend and she has an eye for color and style trends that keeps me from looking frumpy or out of date.’

‘Now had you said that at the beginning instead of describing her physical attributes, I wouldn’t have gotten the wrong idea.’

‘But it was more fun doing it this way.’

‘I was right I needed this drink.’

‘Can I get you another one…perhaps a double?’

She smiled and touched his hand and said, ‘Thanks, but no.’

Ginny came by and said, ‘How are you two getting along?’

I smiled and said, ‘Virginia, I was just telling her about Dixie.’

‘I thought you were going to call me Ginny.’

‘Maybe if you kissed me just one more time.’

Ginny looked at Raquel and said, ‘I should have told you to keep a safe distance from Loren.’ She kissed him and again touched his lips with her tongue, but this time he was ready and met her tongue with his. She smiled at him and said, ‘I wonder if we’ll have to go through this again to get you to call me Ginny.’

‘It’s certainly possible.’

Raquel was talking to some white haired woman, so he excused himself and made the rounds of the people he knew, taking a few minutes to talk to each of them. Frank was in the midst of one of the small groups and he asked me, ‘Did I see you flirting with our neighbor?’

‘Yes you did. Well chatting actually, because judging from her response, I don’t think she saw it as flirting.’

‘She’s pretty sharp, so be careful around her.’

‘Oh, great, now I find that out, that’s okay though, because I was flirting with Virginia too.’

‘Of course you were, you always do.’ Loren joined in talking with that small group and then moved on to visit with others. He was smart enough know that even though it was a social gathering, word could get back to Frank about how he handled himself. He behaved, but just enough so to keep out of trouble.

Chapter Three

Dixie came in at her usual eight o’clock Monday morning, and as usual she had coffee with Loren at the kitchen table. ‘So tell me what’s new in your life, Loren.’

‘Let me see…not a lot I guess. I went to a cocktail…where does that word come from by the way. It has nothing to do with cocks or tails.’

‘First thing on a Monday morning, and you want to talk about cocks?’

‘Well, I was thinking more like male chickens.’

‘Oh, my mistake.’

‘Anyway the cocktail party was at Frank and Ginny’s.’

‘Have a good time?’ she asked before sipping her coffee again.

‘I did, not a great time, but it wasn’t bad. I got to flirt with Ginny again, and with…’

‘I thought you called her Virginia.’

‘That’s another story, but I’ll save it for another time. I met Raquel…’

‘As in Raquel Welch.’

‘That’s right. Didn’t look like her much, but she wasn’t bad. I flirted with her too and even talked about you.’

‘I’m sure your maid was a big topic of conversation.’

‘You were. I told her I could never marry unless the prospective bride passed the Dixie test. I called it the maid test, but actually it’s my Dixie test.’

‘I’ll pretend I can see where this is going, but why don’t you elaborate.’

‘I just said that I could never marry any woman that didn’t get along with you.’

‘You did not, now what did you really say?’

‘I’ll swear on…well, whatever, I’m telling the truth at any rate.’

‘We both know that isn’t the truth, but thank you just the same.’

‘It would be easier to find a bride than find someone to replace you, so it just makes sense to me.’

She stood up and said, ‘We can talk later when you’re thinking or at least talking straight.’

‘Well okay, so I’m exaggerating a little.’

‘A whole lot I’d say. Now I’m going to change the beds and do the laundry.’

‘No starch in my underwear remember that.’

‘You are so utterly hopeless,’ and she left him sitting there and smiling at the walls. Then he remembered he meant to tell her about the retreat and that while he was gone, she could have a few days off. He’d wait until that Friday to surprise her by paying her for those days. He went back to the laundry room and waited until she returned from his bedroom. Her mind was far away when she came into the laundry room so she jumped and let out a little eek sound before she realized it was him.

‘Do I really look that bad?’

‘Damn you, I almost wet myself. You never come into the laundry room.’

‘I’m here on an important mission.’

‘To make sure I don’t starch your underwear, I suppose.’

‘No, I trust you completely on that issue. I’m going to be out of town for several days in…hell, I don’t know the dates yet, but in a couple of weeks, but while I’m gone you don’t have to be here.’

‘Thanks for letting me know.’

‘I’ll have the exact dates tomorrow. Okay, I’ll leave now so you can change your…you know. I’m going to work so I’ll see you tonight or in the morning.’

As he walked out she said, ‘I’m changing, but I’m going to wear some of your underwear so there,’ and closed the laundry room door.

Chapter Four

The day before they were to fly to Chicago, Loren went to Frank’s office just as Ginny came down the hall. He stopped and smiled at her as she approached and said, ‘Well hello, Virginia.’

She stood close to him and smiled and whispered, ‘I’ll get back to you on that.’ Then cool and confident she went in to Frank’s office and said, ‘Hi hon, it’s me and Loren is right behind me so behave yourself.’

‘Don’t I always?’

‘I won’t interfere with you working, but you wanted me to drop that file off and I left it with Rita.’

‘Thanks.’ Ginny turned to leave and winked at Loren and sauntered out closing the door behind her. Frank shook his head and said, ‘She just loves to flirt with you, but if you ever made a serious pass at her, she’d crap her pants.’

‘She’s very charming and you are very lucky.’

‘I guess I am. Anyway are you ready for the meeting?’

‘I’m ready and no surprises.’

‘Good, because with us gone the rest of the week the last thing we need are surprises.’

‘Yeah, I’d rather not be here until midnight straightening things out.’

‘Oh, I almost forgot, Virginia will be going with us so she can do some shopping while were doing our thing. I hope that won’t bother you.’

‘Of course not, it will be nice to have her with us for dinner.’

‘Okay then, we’ll meet you at the airport at ten then.’

Loren got up and said, ‘I’ll let you know how the meeting went and I’ll be at th
e Delta counter at ten.’

When he got home, he went to his room to change and there on the bed was his suitcase all packed and ready to go. And on top of the suitcase spread out nice and flat was a pair of his underwear starched as stiff as a board. Next to his stiff underwear was a note from Dixie saying she’d be in at eight to fix him a nice breakfast to get him to Chicago. He smiled and thought that his wife to be, whenever that day came really, would have to pass the Dixie test. He smiled and ran down to the local Wal Mart and came home with a picture frame that he filled with his starched underwear and then propped it up at the kitchen table for her to find in the morning.

He waited until he heard Dixie come in the backdoor, and then paused before going to the kitchen. She was standing there looking at his underwear and smiling, ‘Caught you.’

She turned to him and asked, ‘Caught me at what?’

‘Staring at my underwear.’

She smiled and said, ‘You had that all planned didn’t you.’

‘Well of course. Now you can take them home and stare at them all you want.’

‘What makes you think I’d want to stare at your underwear?’

‘Well, you don’t think I’d wear them do you.’

‘The starch would wash out you know.’

‘Not now because I glued them in the frame.’

‘I’ve changed my mind, you are not hopeless you’re sick.’

‘I’ll bet you say that to all the guys.’

‘Go away and I’ll fix breakfast. I’ll call you when it’s ready.’

They had their breakfast together and over coffee Dixie asked him, ‘Do you want me to come in Saturday to take care of your unpacking and so forth?’

‘No that’s not necessary, I’ll take care of that. You just enjoy your few days off and do something fun.’

‘I’ll probably go see my parents for a couple of days.’

‘Well have a good visit.’

‘You can tell me about all of your exciting adventures in Chicago when I come in Monday.’

‘Don’t expect much. It isn’t very exciting sitting in a room that’s too warm listening to somebody talk until you want to fall asleep.’

‘Wow, you do make it sound like thrilling.’

‘I’ll try to put an exciting spin on it for you.’

‘Thanks, I wouldn’t want you to put me to sleep.’ Dixie watched me from the doorway as I left and then waved before going back in to clean the kitchen before going home.

As Ginny put the finishing touches on packing she asked Frank for the second time, ‘Are you sure Loren doesn’t mind my going along?’

‘I told you he said it would be nice having you along. Why worry about it, you two will hardly see each other.’

‘I know, but I just don’t want to interfere with your retreat experience.’

‘Don’t be silly, you won’t be a bother at all.’ She hated it when he talked down to her that way, but it wasn’t worth starting an argument over, especially just before the three of them flew off to Chicago.

Franks aging knees required that he sit on the aisle seat, so that meant that Loren was in the window seat and Ginny sat next to Frank. The flight only lasted a couple of hour’s air time, but with Frank dozing for most of the time, Ginny and Loren either looked out of the window or talked softly.

‘Loren, I hope you don’t mind me tagging along.’

‘I’m glad you came along. The three of us will be together for breakfast and dinner I hope, and you’ll have the day to explore Chicago’s downtown shopping.’

She smiled and said, ‘And I intend to do just that, but as much as anything, it’s just nice to get out of town for a few days. Frank has been so busy that we’ve not had time to do anything out of the ordinary.’

‘He really has been busy, but then he isn’t happy unless he’s knee deep in work.’

‘That puts it mildly. He complains about working so hard, but I swear that when he retires, he’ll die of boredom after about the first month.’

Loren put his hand on her knee and giving her a devilish smile told her, ‘If that unfortunate event happens, I’ll be more than happy to console you.’

‘Loren that was an awful thing to say,’ but she was smiling the whole time.

Chapter Five

They deplaned, and took a taxi to the Radisson and they went to the counter to sign in. The rooms were in Frank’s name, so Loren stood next to Ginny and absentmindedly watched the proceedings. That is, until a young woman in a brown pantsuit appeared and lingered not far from him. It was hard for him to be discreet and check her out at the same time, but he did his best. Good looking woman, maybe five seven, cute…no, make that nice shape. But he had to wonder what she was wearing under her jacket, because there was no visible evidence of a top of any kind. All he could see was nice cleavage all the way down to the jacket button….very sexy. It invited his eyes to delve into her chest with quick glances before looking away and picturing her in his mind, so sensual, and yet acceptable on the street, at least, as far as Loren was concerned anyway.

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Dana was speechless. Shocked would have been an understatement. As she watched the restroom door close and the blonde disappear she looked down at the card she had mechanically taken. There was no name, simply a number written in what appeared to be eyeliner. 573-8572. Dana stared at the card and with a jolt came back to reality and realized that there she stood in a public restroom with the cum from an unknown man leaking from her ass, her hair and clothing a mess, she quickly stuffed the...

4 years ago
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My name is Rick and this is chapter 2 of my story. If you haven’t read Chapter 1 I suggest you do so, as this will explain how I got to this point.Yesterday morning I was a normal, horny 15 year old teenager, and spent most of my “private-time” beating my meat over internet porn. However my life changed for the better at breakfast, when my Mom nervously told me she wanted to become my cum-bucket, and was willing to let me fuck her any way and any time I wanted! For the first time I got to fuck...

3 years ago
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Ali my Big Old Black StudChapter 7 My Third Meeting With Ali 2

Saturday 27 of January 9:30 AM I had slept longer than I used to and woke up beside Ali, I looked at him as he lay there beside me with his eyes closed and I looked at the big bulge in the quilt, he had a hard on, good. Slowly I removed the quilt and kissed his hard cock, he gave a sigh and stretched his body and said: "Well Lene are you asking for more already?" I looked at him and kissed his hard cock again and said: "Let's not waste that!" I straddled across him and lead his big...

1 year ago
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Yes Porn Please is a website that offers thousands upon thousands of great porno videos that you can watch over and over without your getting your wallet bruised and burnt! YesPorn Please is a nice name, it's a catchy name, and above all, it's a name that will bring you great joy. However, it's a very simple page without a certain thematic going on for it. It's generic, even. However, it is obvious that a lot of effort has been put into making YesPornPlease, so obviously, a page like that...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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First Date

Out of the blue, I got a call from an old c***dhood friend. Our little band of misfits grew up together exploring the woods, the creek, heading across cow fields, getting chased by the bulls but we had not spoken in about 30 years. He had seen my picture on Facebook and mentioned how the little filly he remembered had developed into a beauty. He wanted to know if he could buy me a drink sometime and catch up. I was still really self-conscious about how Iooked regardless of all the positive...

3 years ago
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Sex In The Office Part 1

Talking with Larita in her office, she lightly brushes up against me as she goes to the door and closes it. The distinct click of the lock does not go unnoticed, nor the perfume she is wearing which is intoxicating. I immediately recognize it as White Diamonds, a gift I gave her for her birthday.Walking past me, Larita brushes lightly against me and takes a seat on the tan leather couch. Sitting there, she crosses her leg and I am able to get a glimpse of the top of her black nylon being held...

Office Sex
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Number Off A Bathroom Wall

Back in highschool I got a job working at the local mall at the Sears store. I was a stockboy and all around general gopher. I would always wear sexy outfits under my work clothes. On my second day I was asked to clean the bathrooms and I did. I started in the womens room,kind of hoping I would stumble onto a pair of panties or something,but no luck. I then work my way over to the mens room and as I clean and make my way to the stalls I open the first door and see writing on the wall,the...

1 year ago
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My virgin girlfriend

Hi friends, am ritesh here from delhi.. .today am going to share about my first sexual experience. Which happened in the year 2017.I took admission away from home in delhi. People… [email protected]

First Time
3 years ago
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Even Big Girls Need Love

Even Big Girls Need Love Hi, my name is Donna Wilkinson, I am 19 years old, I work in a pharmaceutical packing company, on the packing line. My boyfriend, David Johnson is 18 years old, has just started an apprenticeship as an electrician, we live together in a small flat in a place called Doncaster which is in South Yorkshire. I am a typical overweight teenage girl, 5' 8" tall and weigh 205lbs, my hair is shoulder length black, I have a pretty but chubby face, a small double chin...

2 years ago
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MY COUSIN part 4

....... Sure the morning was fun as I have fucked my cousin Mike for the first time. Well, everything with sex was first time for me and glad that it was my closest cousin that I was having sexual affair of. The feeling was so good that I would love to do it again and again.By the afternoon, we were playing basketball in the backyard then the bell rang. I went to open it and shocked that it was my parents who came too early from the date they were supposed to be back. I went to kiss both of...

3 years ago
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Hunting at the Beach A Morality Tale of Dark Design

Hunting at the Beach, A Morality Tale of Dark Design Randall Wayne Mudge believed in patience. In this need-everything- instantly era when the lack of it had fatally sunk the ambitions of countless talented fools, Randy was no fool. He knew that if you learned to handle the boredom, the patient hunter would always be rewarded. He leaned against a cinderblock wall which shaded his pale skin from the bright summer sun. From this vantage, he could watch passersby as they enjoyed a...

2 years ago
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Stormy Night

Stormy Night By Trainmaster Synopsis: A Midwestern thunderstorm upsets my walk home. Little girls like dolls. And big dolls need love, too. Fortunately, I don't have any family ties ... or maybe now I do. Lightning flashed all around me. Bright bolts of light from above threatened to blind me. Below me, the sidewalk shook with thunderous response. Between the flashes and thunder, a steady cold rain saturated everything. My measly umbrella had flipped inside out moments...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Wife In Bengaluru

Hi guys, I am manish from bengaluru. My age is 25 and an average looking guy. I am writing story after a long time, hope you all doing good. Thank you for the readers who gave comments on my previous stories. Unsatisfied girls or women can contact me through the mail or ping me in hangout it will be kept full secrete and secured. Main ye story hindi me likh raha hoon kyu ki bahot logo ko hindi samaj me ata hain. Coming back to the story ye incident kuch din pehle hua tha with my iss reader...

2 years ago
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Irsquove got two beautiful women 2

This story is based on some true events. It was a Wednesday, and Trisha called me to come over. She wanted to see all the pictures I took of her. She wanted me to then pick out my favorite and think of only her and cum on it for her. I said they’re ready on a disk, and you can print out the one I pick. I’ll be over at 9 pm. She sounded so excited and kissed me over the phone. Her mom wouldn’t be home all night. She always went out of town every Wednesday night to look after Trisha’s...

2 years ago
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All Rise

“And in closing, I find that the Plaintiff has failed to satisfy his burden of proof, to establish that the Defendant breached the agreement, and furthermore, the Plaintiff has failed to prove any of his damages. Even if a breach had been found by me, there was no proof presented for my consideration that the Plaintiff suffered any of the damages as claimed. The Plaintiff’s claim is dismissed. We will take a fifteen minute recess, and then I will hear submissions on costs.” I stood up, and my...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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The King 2

His glasses allow him to see in the dark, see through solid objects, see if his drinks or food has been drugged and he can tell if someone is lying to him by checking his or her heart rate. The medical hologram Doc Holiday can easily cure any std's or illness he might get and heal any injuries he might sustain. The Kings plan has worked perectly, he's feared and respected by Men and lusted after by hypergamous Women that are looking for the upgrade. He's free to do whatever he wants and he...

4 years ago
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My friend and I had fucked often. We sort of just fell into our roles. He loved to take cock in his ass, and became the bottom, while I loved fucking his tight ass and became the top. We went from fucking every other week to every other day, and then back to back days even. We loved fucking eachother and gave into our gay urges with little to no resistance. Whenever we wanted to fuck, we'd go over to his house. Reason being that his house was almost always empty. That meant, fucking with no...

3 years ago
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Connors World A Gift from Miss Stevens part one

A warm smile spread over Connor’s face as he paced back and forth in the room. “Congratulations Miss Stevens,” he muttered deeply, looking at the dark haired beauty who watched his every move, seeking his approval. “She’s most perfect for our pleasure. But of course, I should not be surprised. I have come to expect only the very best from you.” Miss Stevens blushed deeply and lowered her eyes. “Thank you Sir.” She stood beside a chair in which a heavy titted girl with long blonde hair...

2 years ago
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My New Punk Neighbor

Introduction: When the only neighbor you have is a punk chiock…shit gets fun AUTHORS NOTE* Last night I made SOLD part 2. wasnt even CLOSE to what i usually write. But some guy made a comment Hey Buddy, your run of good luck ended when you killed off your last story! Your last two chapters of this series SUCK, poor writing, grammar and get a fucking proof reader! Now that sort of pissed me off I mean a little bit of a wake up call. But a few things…1 Its not a run of Good luck….Its a fuckin...

4 years ago
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Sweet Spring Night

"That was a close game, Zack", I said. "You almost had me that last round, Jess", he replied. We decided to go for a swim in his pool. His parents were away at some dinner party. I didn't have a swimsuit but I had modest string bikini underwear with a matching bra. It was essentially the same thing. Zack just swam in his shorts. We knew each other since I was 11 and had always been good friends. Nothing more. But that evening, Zack looked good when he took off his shirt to...

1 year ago
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Jimmy gets Married

PATTY A TEASING WIFE How long will Patty leave Jimmy outside the bedroom with the doors closed tightly rubbing his little dick wondering what Patty is doing ? Or does he know what she is doing. Can he hear the vibrator as it gets her pussy off as his little dick can’t? How many times will she have an orgasm? The longer she leaves him outside waiting the more he loves it He encourages her to go in the bedroom and play with herself.He wishes she would go in and shut the doors more often. ...

3 years ago
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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 2

Maureen did not know there was worse news ahead. Grace Williams (née Darling) was a beautiful 38 year old widow with triplets, all boys and 19 years old. Peter, Paul and John. Grace was an artist of some renown and wealthy. She lived an ordinary. normal life and she had financed her sons photography/video/animation business that had just started to make money. However, within a week her normal life had changed to one of sexual depravity that included incest and bestiality. She and her sons...

1 year ago
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My Motherinlaws Banana

I had always wondered why elder women were attractive to me. May be they looked sex starved or they were big breasted or may be I could enjoy them without worrying about them getting . What ever the reason was, the bottom line was that I was always attracted to them and used to look starvingly at them at every opportunity. I never had an opportunity or the courage to go after them. But the one woman who attracted me most was my mother-in-law. She was shorter than my wife, slightly heavier but...

3 years ago
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My First MILF

I was 17 and had been spying on the lady next door as she sun bathed in her back yard. I was rubbing my crotch thru my jean shorts when She saw me. She called me over and asked how long I had been watching her. I tried to tell her I just saw her when she reached over and rubbed my crotch. She said she knew I had been watching her for a few weeks now. She said it was ok and it would be our little secret. Justine was a little older than my mom. Probably in her late 40s. She had such a nice body....

1 year ago
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Best Night of My Life Part 1

Authors Note: Although based on certain true events, this story is a work of fiction. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. It builds slowly and contains a lot of details. Yes, there is sex in this story. No, it doesn’t happen right away. If you are looking for a story with raunchy sex at the get-go that never lets up, you probably won’t enjoy this. Most of the scenes are a build-up of erotically charged circumstances. ————————————————————- I had just turned 17 when I experienced...

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Christinas a great shot

It had been a long night of driving, but for many the night was still young. I was ready to get out for a few minutes, stretch, enjoy the cool air outside. I pulled up to the destination for my current passenger: a bar that was a common drinking hole for the locals.I turned off my rideshare apps and got out to walk a bit. I peered into the open door of the bar and I had to rub my eyes, thinking my vision was affected by too much driving.Sure enough, what I saw is exactly what I had thought:...

3 years ago
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The Notes Part Three

It had been three days since I had been on my knees on the cold, concrete, floor of the storeroom. Three days, since I had felt the hot spurt of his cum glide down the back of my throat. His tangy, salty, taste had covered my tongue. I’d heard nothing from my secret note giver since he had kissed my forehead and left me, naked and satisfied, surrounded by mops and cleaning products. I chuckled to myself when I remembered the irony of doing something so down right dirty in a room designed to...

1 year ago
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Sinning Can Be Fun

Rowans parents think he’s strayed from God... Rowan thinks his brother should teach him a lesson... “Rowan, hurry up, we’re going to be late!” My bottom lip quivered as my mother dragged me into the church. As we went up the steps, I wondered if I was going to be disowned for the sins I had committed. My family were very religious people, and due to recent events my mother was taking me to a priest who specialized in extreme cases of lost faith so that I could confess and get...

3 years ago
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Ians New Job

************ Wendy moaned as her husband slowly licked around her pussy. She grabbed the sheets in her ecstasy. An orgasm rising excruciatingly slowly in her. Ian was great at cunnilingus. He practiced often on his wife. Delighting in the way his tongue could give her pleasure. In high school his second girlfriend had made fun of his small penis. She had actually laughed at him when they had sex the first and only time. After that he always tried to start his lovemaking by going down on...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 132

~~Antoinette~~ Veronica, still unconscious, lay in the ritual circle, bathed in the blue light of her chandelier. Antoinette and Elaine both pointed their tablets at her, observing with keen eyes as the humming machine in the background ran through the various wavelengths the devices were programmed to respond to. They started with the same frequency that had detected the remnants of the Strix upon Jack’s person, and moved outward from there. Nothing. Antoinette breathed a sigh of relief,...

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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy 14

January 6, 2007, I arrived early at the headquarters of Goodfella$ excited and aroused. I knew about this time the floor was often deserted. The main reason for me being here so early was that the new secretary that worked here. Her name was Dellanira. She was tall, athletic, light coffee-brown skinned and blessed with exotic features. Dellanira was also part African and Spaniard. She often wore dress shirts, which she left one button too many undone to showed off her cleavage and skirts that...

1 year ago
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Bottoms Up

Damn! Damn! Damn! What an ass on that woman!!! She was not a big woman, probably not more than 5' 4" tall and I would guess that she might weigh 130. She had a modest sized waist, maybe 23 inches, was probably 36C on the top but her bottom... wow! I'll bet it was 40 inches, maybe 42, maybe even bigger. And as round as a beach ball. It was certainly the stand-out feature of her figure. I had made it my business to check the figures of all the women in stores where I shopped. Mostly that just...

3 years ago
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Monstrous violent night

She stood there, all of 5” tall, looking death in the face. In front of here is what can only be described as the hideous monsters we worried about slithering under our beds as children. Lurking in our closets. He stood at least three times her height, and even get started about his girth. He stood there immodest, unclothed as any creature should be. She couldn’t help but glance at the pelvis. She couldn’t comprehend what creature this was. Where she was. What was happening. She felt an...

4 years ago
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CBT and Respect

As typical I was a few minutes late when I got to the dungeon for my appointment with Mistress R and I knew I would be punished for my inability to keep to my schedule. I grew up in a family with money and we had a maid, a cook, and a house keeper. I know everyone is thinking “poor boy” but a series of Boarding schools and parents who are never home is not easy for any c***d. As a result I grew up with a lack of concern for the value of other people’s time and I am a total slob. That was...

3 years ago
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Letter From Mistress Cherie Part 2

Mistress was so hot and my face was coated with her juices when she pulled me up to her face, fully sated, she kissed me deeply tasting her sweet juices on my tongue. She then turned over and allowed me to worship her ass for a while before we retired to the bedroom. We cuddled and kissed in bed as Mistress fondled my crotch, making sure I was hot and frustrated in my chastity for what seemed like forever until we drifted off to sleep. I arose before Mistress, slipped on an apron, and...

4 years ago
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The Eighth God Chapter 4

Avery It was getting dark by the time Prince Avery and Falin returned to the ambassador’s estate. A black horse was tied to the post in front of the gate, chomping on a bag of oats. That’d be Orvon. Avery smiled to himself. The minister was a simple and straightforward man, and preferred to move about on his own, unencumbered. “That’s minister Orvon’s horse,” Avery explained. “He must be waiting for us inside.” “Ah ... I’m very excited to meet the man,” Falin said. “He’s rather famous in...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 29

Three days later. Time: Sunday, January 20, 2019 4:20 PM Chico, Toro, and Bambino pressed their faces against the clear transparent door. They were at the end of the line, the terminal store of Green Mall, the plush furniture and consoles of theHiltonExecutiveConferenceCentervisible just a few short meters away. And it was all completely untouchable. “So, we got to see it,” thoughtChico. “Big fucking deal. I wonder if in 1909 ... what the hell was that guy’s name? Would Commodore Peary...

2 years ago
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Dad k dost ki beti

Hello dosto mai iss k bahut story padi h.mujhe sabhi story aache lage.mai delhi m rahta hu apni family k sath. To mai aj apko apni pahli story batata hu jo k 4 sal pahle ki hai jab m 16 sal k tha aur 11 me padta tha. Ek din jab m school se aya to dekha ki mehman aye huy h maine mom se pucha to unhone bataya ki tere papa k dost hai,family k sath delhi ghumne aye h.unki wife aur do bache the 1 ladki the aur 1 ladka tha. Ladki k nam shweta age 17 aur ladke k nam aasu age11 raha hoga.shweta bahut...

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