BarbaraChapter 16 free porn video

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Bobbie and Tom decided to take another semester off from school. Having just returned from their six-month honeymoon, the thought of going back to the rigidity of class schedules and the inanity of so much of the Politically Correct chatter at the university turned them both off like a switch.

Tom decided to work for PHA Construction to ease his way back into civilization; Bobbie hadn't yet decided what she would do although there was a vague idea in the back of her mind to do something with Clifford & Jamison, if possible. Tom had just made passionate love to her and now she was wriggling on the wonderfully crisp sheets while he used his work-roughened fingers to caress her glorious body when the phone rang. He teased her as she continued to make warm happy sounds deep inside her body while at the same time trying — unsuccessfully — to pretend to be asleep.

Since the phone continued to ring, with a groan she rolled over and picked up the receiver while commenting to Tom that the phone was something they had not had to worry about on their honeymoon. There was never anything to disrupt their lovemaking or the wonderful period of mutual caresses that always followed.

"Hello," she said sleepily.

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the phone and then she heard the well-remembered musical voice of Andy Cartwright. "Good morning, Bobbie," the girl said apologetically. "I'm terribly sorry to awaken you. Will you please forgive me?"

"Of course, Andy," she replied. "What can I do for you this morning ... And what time is it, anyway?"

"It's ... It's almost ten o'clock," the little girl replied diffidently, "and I called to invite you and Tom for lunch today with Kenny and me. Could you... ? Would you... ? If it's not too much trouble, of course..."

"Oh, Andy! That would be marvelous. Tom never really had a chance to really meet either of you and I think it would be wonderful. What time and where?"

"I asked my grandmother and she is allowing us to use her membership at the luncheon club upstairs here at the office. It's where we ate the last time. Would that be all right?"

"Of course, darling! We'll plan on arriving at the office about eleven forty-five if that's okay." The little girl said it would be perfect and hung up.

Turning to Tom she declared, "Okay, husband, off your ass and on your feet. We have a social obligation today."

Now it was Tom's turn to pretend still to be trying to sleep so he covered his face with a pillow. Bobbie took advantage of the opportunity and began to tickle his ribs. In just an instant the two were rolling around on the bed laughing and giggling while tickling the other and at the same time trying to protect themselves.

Finally Tom, using his much greater strength, pinned her to the bed and whispered fiercely, "It's all over wench! Now I'll rape you and make you pay for that unprovoked assault."

"But... ! But my virginity!" she exclaimed in a little-girl voice. "Then no decent man will ever have me..."

"That's true," Tom replied matter-of-factly. "But then you can work as a prostitute and besides ... I'm not decent."

With that he eased his throbbing cock into her wet cunt and in no time was feeling the exquisite sensations that Bobbie always created for him. When he finally reached his peak and spent in her pulsating vagina, Bobbie retained consciousness and used her long fingers to squeeze his balls in tempo with the pulsations of her cunt to empty the greatest possible amount of his cum into herself.

After resting on top of her for a few moments while feeling her sweat-slickened body beneath him, he raised himself up so that his lips were over hers. Then he melted her with an incredibly passionate kiss and murmured, "My darling Bobbie, I adore you!"

"And I, you," she replied. Then with a frown and a shake of her head she said, "But darling, at such a horrible cost ... My darling, Marie was one of the world's handful of perfect people. After all she lived through, to be lost to a weakness in her heart..."

Recognizing her mood Tom rolled off onto the bed beside her and just held her tightly. As soon as he did she dissolved into tears. Whispering into her ear he said, "Darling, I never told you how Marie and I came to be married, did I?"

Bobbie had her arms around his neck and was still crying. Through her tears she managed to softly say, "No."

"And Marie never did either, did she?" This time she just shook her head. "Honey, Marie never really wanted to marry me. She didn't feel she was right for me ... Wasn't that so much like her, though? It wasn't that I wasn't right for her — and maybe I wasn't — she only thought of me and believed she was not the right girl for me.

"Anyway, she felt I should marry a tall blonde — so she made me one. Or found one for me, at least. Darling, even though she had no idea of her heart problem, I'm sure she had a premonition or something." He squeezed her tightly and said, "My darling, if anyone had said that I could ever love anyone as much as I loved Marie I would have said he was crazy.

"And yet ... And yet I honest-to-God love you even more. The things you did while we were on our honeymoon... ! Bobbie, I'm really not nearly good enough for you, you know. You're a queen and should be treated like one. My darling, you're just plain perfect!"

By now she had controlled her tears and realized Tom was being completely serious. She whispered, "My darling Tom, you're a woman's dream come true. And you're all mine!" Then she poked him in the ribs and added with a grin, "Now get your ass in that shower with me!"

After sharing a sensual shower, Tom shaved while Bobbie brushed her short hair. She had already paid Henry Hall a visit. Henry was astonished when he looked at her hair. Knowing they had been alone on an island, he was astonished at how close to her original hair style it still was. He again trimmed it lightly into the same modified boy's cut that she had worn at their wedding, so this morning all she had to do was brush it to bring out its natural oils and highlights.

Getting dressed for the luncheon gave Tom the first opportunity to wear a brand-new blazer that she had bought for him. Like most men, Tom hated to shop, but almost the first thing Bobbie did when they returned to the mainland was to buy him a complete new wardrobe. She told him that he looked incredibly handsome with a white button-down shirt and a red striped tie.

Going downtown, they drove in the sports car she had bought for him as a part of her wedding gift. Since the weather was perfect, they both felt a sensual pleasure as the warm air riffled their hair. At one point they looked at each other, grinned, and began to laugh with sheer exuberance. Bobbie felt she couldn't feel better or be any happier and still live.

After parking the car in a Clifford & Jamison visitor's space — the firm had ten spots in the garage for visitors in addition to all the staff spaces — they rode up in the elevator and entered the office. As they walked in, Bobbie realized it was only the third time she had ever been there. The first time was the fateful visit involving Harriet Dobbs while the second was the day of the meeting with Cameron Smith, his father, and Attorney Biggs. As the memories crossed her mind, she wondered if today's visit would be as eventful.

As soon as they entered the office there was a yelp from behind the reception desk and Judy Morris hurled herself into Bobbie's arms. "Bobbie Conroy, you should be declared illegal!" she exclaimed. "Never in my life have I seen a woman as beautiful as you are today. You are utterly perfect."

Releasing Bobbie she extended her hand to Tom and said, "Tom, although we met at the wedding reception, I'm sure you don't remember me. I'm Judy Morris."

Tom ignored the outstretched hand, took Judy into his arms and gave her a kiss of the purest love. At first her arms were waving in the air and then she held him around the neck as the power of his love almost knocked her down.

When he released her lips, she still held on while she tried to regain her composure. "Michael Morris is a very lucky man, Judy. As one of our nation's foremost heroes, he deserves no less. I am truly delighted to meet you although I have seen you — all of you," he added with a grin "— many times over the years when you came out to Maui."

Judy blushed at his comment and pretended to slap his face. Then she just daintily stuck her tongue out at him and grinned.

Just then, the door to the offices opened and Andy Cartwright and Ken Clifford appeared. They had been regularly checking to see if the Conroys had arrived. Seeing Bobbie, Andy screamed, "You're here!"

As she raced the few steps across the room, Bobbie dropped to her knees and held her arms out wide. The little girl hurled herself at her, wrapped her arms around her neck and proceeded to kiss every part of her within reach. Finally she pulled back just enough to put her lips on Bobbie's, and with her arms wrapped around her neck, proceeded thoroughly to kiss her in an effort to convey her love.

To Bobbie the kiss was everything she had remembered but even better. Then she realized that Andy was now a year older — she must now be six years old — and her kiss was even more powerful.

Easing away just enough to be able to focus her eyes Andy carefully looked Bobbie over and then gave her a beaming smile and said, "Oh, Bobbie, you're so beautiful! You've never looked better. For that matter, no woman has ever looked nearly as good or as beautiful as you do today. You are simply scrumptious!"

Meanwhile, Tom and Judy had moved apart but he still had his hand around her waist as they looked at Bobbie holding Andy while Kenny Clifford just stood by patiently. With a beaming smile, Andy moved away and he repeated what his niece had done. When the greetings were over, Bobbie looked at the two children and realized how dressed up they were.

Although she had intended to go into the offices to say hello to her friends and introduce Tom, the children just shook their heads and led the way back out to the elevators.

Although Bobbie knew what to expect, Tom did not. He was utterly astonished as Ken led the way into the restaurant and asked the maître d' for the Clifford table. Knowing who he was, he led the way to a table in the corner of the restaurant. Since it was the building's northwest corner, it was directly above Ali Clifford's office.

Tom was very impressed as Ken carefully seated Andy while the maître d' seated Bobbie. When she was seated, Andy beamed at Ken and said, "Thank you, Uncle Ken. That was very gentlemanly."

Then she winked and reached out her arms. Ken gave her a very adult kiss full on the lips.

In moments, champagne was brought to the table for Tom and Bobbie while the children drank ginger ale. For Tom it was an utterly incredible experience to be with two very young children who acted so adult. When Bobbie realized that they would not see menus — the luncheon had obviously been prearranged — Ken told her diffidently that Mrs. Carlson was doing the cooking for them. Since she was possibly the finest cook in the world, he hoped they would like it. The lunch was the finest food either Tom or Bobbie had ever had in their lives.

When they finished the main course, Bobbie said to Tom with a grimace, "It's all over now! Good heavens, darling, on my best day I couldn't come within twenty miles of this food." She frowned at him and added, "It's pretty clear to me now that I should have left you home. I would be a lot better off if you never knew food could ever taste this good."

Before Tom could say a word, Ken interjected, "That's okay, Mrs. Conroy. All my mother can do is order from room service. Of course, she does that very well." With a quick grin and a snap of his fingers he added, "That's not true, though. She can make coffee and can make a martini, too. But I adore her anyway."

Looking at him Bobbie said, "Ken, why is it that I think there's more to this lunch than just food. What are you two imps scheming?"

Ken's eyes widened and he looked at Andy, who just shrugged and said, "Kenny, we already knew how smart she is. Why should we be surprised?" Then she added, "You tell her. Please? After all, you're my uncle."

"But you're older," he responded but then did as Andy had asked. Drawing himself up even straighter in his chair, he looked at Bobbie and said, "Mrs. Conroy, we've heard a rumor that you're not going back to college this term. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is," Bobbie replied. "Now what's on your mind? What's my not going back to school have to do with anything?"

After another glance at Andy — Bobbie felt that he was screwing up his courage — Ken plunged in. "Mrs. Conroy, you know that we're six years old now?" She nodded and he continued, "The problem is that we should be in school. But..."

"But school would be a little stupid — at least the first grade with its pre-reading — for children who already read at the college level," Bobbie interjected.

Then looking closely at the two children, she began to slowly shake her head from side to side and added, "If you two little imps think for one minute that you can con me into teaching school..."

"For $100,000 for the term," Ken interjected. "Mrs. Conroy, there are only eight of us. We have talked about it and ... and ... and Andrea and I would like to hire you as our teacher." Then he sat up straight and said, "Our parents don't know anything about this — although they may suspect something. It's entirely our own idea and the money is ours, too. In addition, we will provide you with any materials, equipment ... You name it."

Bobbie was utterly stunned. Temporizing, she looked at Tom and said, "Darling, I suppose I should come clean. You see, you caught me on the rebound. I only married you when Ken Clifford refused my offer to wait for him. Can you imagine what it did for my self-esteem to be turned down by a five-year-old? Particularly when I bared my soul to him? Can you?"

"Now wait just a minute, Mrs. Conroy!" Ken exclaimed. "I said I would wait for you. But I said that you wouldn't wait for me. Now you're married to the man you adore who's going to father from your loins the most incredible children that the world has ever seen."

He grinned and added, "But you're changing the subject. The subject is teaching school. Please, Mrs. Conroy? Please be our teacher?"

When Bobbie just shook her head, looking bewildered, the two children looked at each other and were disconsolate. Even though tears were forming at the corners of her eyes Andy just looked at Bobbie, refusing to lower her head or do anything about her tears.

Then, with her head still shaking from side to side, Bobbie said softly, "Kids, I don't want to be your teacher..."

Hearing her words Andy lost her fragile self-control and began to bawl. Although her heart turned over seeing the little girl so heartbroken, Bobbie continued, " ... but I have to be! Of course I'll be your teacher! And there will be no talk of any money from you two, either!"

Suddenly the two children yelped and beamed the most vibrantly happy smiles the older two had ever seen while Bobbie continued, this time addressing Tom, "The reason I have to, Tom, is that I owe my sanity — if not my very life — to these two. I don't know if you remember the day after I met you at the student union — when Harriet Dobbs and I visited Clifford & Jamison for the first time — but I certainly do. As you know, I hated myself then: I was a disgusting pig.

"Then, at lunch, I sat between these two. Aside from teaching me what being a mother is all about, I broke up in tears when, after giving me a kiss of the purest love, Andy gave me her blessing. You see, darling, these two little imps love me. They really do. For a time these two were my only friends in the whole world. Largely because of them I'm here with you today."

Turning to the children she asked, "But why me? I'm not a qualified teacher. I'm just a kid!"

Now it was Andy's turn. "Because, darling Bobbie, you're the only one who could teach us. Ken and I talked it over with all of the other kids and you're the only one we want."

There was the warmest, most loving smile on her face as she continued, "Of course, Kenny and I knew you, but the other kids didn't. They all met you on Maui over Christmas and that settled it. You're so kind and loving and wise. Moreover, we all have the feeling that you actually like being with us. Heaven knows, we always have a wonderful time with you, but we think you actually enjoy our company, too. Don't you?"

"Darling, I don't know how it's going to work out, but I do enjoy your company. You and your friends are the nicest, sweetest, smartest young people in the world! I love being with you." Then with a grin she said, "Now that I've taken the job, what's next?"

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DDFBusty Jasmine Jae Erection Problem Solved

Max Deeds pays therapist Jasmine Jae a visit to chat about his erection problem. The busty Doc can’t wait to start her special therapy to solve the problem and opens her blouse to reveal her massive titties to our 4K cameras! Enjoy another Busty glamour porn by DDF Network and watch our sexy Brit suck that dong until he blows his spunk all over her inviting cleavage. Jasmine Jae wears sexy glasses and nylon stockings. Nobody was ever able to resist her salacious beauty! Max Deeds feels some...

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Broken UpChapter 9

Elle wasn't sure she'd heard correctly. She said as much out loud. Nicole's face was bright red. "Please don't make me say it again." "Okay, okay, but ... It just wasn't what I expected to hear," said Danielle. "You want me to tell you ... What sex is like?" "Does that really surprise you?" Nicole said. "You're the one who said that it's totally natural for people to be curious about it. You were the one who said you were worried that I didn't seem to have any curiosity...

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Emilys TinyCunny Part 2

Emily finally came over to us that evening in the pub, and after blushing and going red thank Wendy and me for “taking care “ of her a few weeks ago. We all chatted about that night and offered that if she ever wanted to stay over at any time she was more that welcome. Emily asked if she could stay next weekend, Wendy’s eyes opened wide to the thought of having her tight cunny again, but I said that we had a weekend away arrange to friends at Wyn and Bev’s as it was Wyn’s birthday and he was...

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A fun night

After my shower, I began to dress excited about what the surprise he had planned for me would be, I knew it would have something to do with sex. We loved playing sexy games and trying to act out his and my fantasies. Tonight it would be one of his; last week it had been one of mine. I got so excited wondering what it would be this time that by the time I was dressed my nipples were hard and my pussy was wet with anticipation. I lingered over the thought of putting on a pair of sexy...

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My Hotwife Takes Me on Vacation

We arrived in Cancun, Mexico on a beautifully hot and sunny afternoon and cabbed it from the airport to our hotel to check-in, unpack and change into swimsuits. Katie looked spectacular in her hot pink string bikini and I was proud to be seen with her. It was only the firmness of her large breasts that prevented what most onlookers would have thought was an imminent wardrobe malfunction. We had chosen an up-scale adult only resort that had private and secluded areas, where the girls could drop...

Group Sex
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Ek Chhoti Si Love Story

My name is Ragava and I am 22. Since the death of my father 3 years ago, I and my mom are living with my maternal grandmother. My grandma is old and is bedridden for sometime. My mom looks after her and one of my uncles supports her financially. My mother’s name is Sohana and she is 44. To a great extent she resembles the Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala. She is fair and has long hairs. Her tits are firm and still very noticeable. She has a matronly figure but she is not plump. Her body...

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The PixieChapter 4

Carter’s cell ringing roused him. He picked it up and answered the call. “Hello?” “Carter — it’s Margeaux. You have to come over here right away. It’s Valerie.” “Valerie?” He sat up in bed and swung his feet to the floor. “What’s wrong?” “She’s hysterical. I’m in her room with my arm around her. She’s shaking like a leaf, crying and asking for you.” “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he said. “I’ll text you when I’m in the lobby.” “Thanks, Carter. Hurry.” He canceled the call and began...

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My Sissy Life Part 19

My Sissy Life Part 19 Kristy sat on the couch between Stacy and Jake. I just kept bobbing my head up and down on Jake's cock. "Hey Stacy," Kristy said. "I haven't seen you around in a while. Have you been hiding from me?" Stacy just shook her head. "No?" Kristy asked. "I thought maybe you didn't like how things went the last time we hung out together. I know I had fun." "What happened the last time you saw her?" Jake asked. "Why don't you tell him Stacy," Kristy...

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College Retreat Chasity

“Oh …Ah…O…,…O” , from Ms Palmer, as Bernard rotated between her two skin rooms, her butt hole narrower than the filthy opening of a peek show booth and her exquisite cunt; Chastity’s slutty partner to his furious cock, holding them together tighter than a crotch rope in a bondage dungeon. Bernard enjoyed his cigarette after lunch. The girls had kept to their study discipline again this morning.Wednesday morning had gone well. Sister Agatha had phoned to say both Erica Philips and Bethany...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 22

As Joe promised, he spent the day with Victoria. They woke early and went to the naughty room to collect his wives and Essie. After showering and Victoria reporting to them her soreness but otherwise having a wonderful deflowering, they dressed and headed to the kitchen for a Continental breakfast of pastries and coffee. The Barbadian matron arrived midway through and offered something more substantial, but they passed. “Any place for exercising? A workout room?” Joe asked the older...

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Dear Diary 4

Dear Diary #4"Don't worry; I knew the two of you were involved when he invited me over. I think it's kind of hot actually, but I don't know how you could handle him. His cock is as big around as your forearm. I trust you won't say anything about me being here. You can trust that I won't say anything about the two of you either."I couldn't stop the smirk that crept across my face. "I couldn't handle him. I don't know how far I got, but it definitely wasn't all of it. My pussy was so sore after...

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I hooked up my office mate

On this site, I used to be frank & open minded when some one chats with me. anyone can pass any type of comment to me, I like when they call me Indian whore, or sissy slut or sometimes they ask all types of thing to me like if I mind doing ass to mouth , yellow shower, toilet licking, humiliation acts, sex on live can , or making naughty pov. I enjoy all as per my mood. probably that's why I get lots of responses & many hook ups. I was chatting with a guy, he said he is a guy from...

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Worming or I like tribbing with my girlfriend

It just occurred to me why I like tribbing. Tribbing, for those of you who don't know, is when two girls do a scissor lock on each others naked pussies. They rub their pussies together, causing pressure and some friction. Their clits make contact and they start to get wet, and then they slip and slide against each others creamy, dewy pulsating pussies. Erotic as hell! I start sneezing whenever I see it! I'VE tribbed with a girl! Yes sir, I'm a 110% hetero male, but I tribbed with my girl...

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SweetheartVideo Bree Daniels Alexis Fawx Velma And Daphne

Daphne (Bree Daniels) makes a romantic breakfast, to celebrate her anniversary with her long-time lover Velma (Alexis Fawx). Unfortunately for her, Velma totally forgot about it. She’s supposed to be the smart one in the relationship and she should never forget her lover. Daphne understands the situation, after all the mysteries they had to solve in the last few months. It’s normal that her head was somewhere else. But today, Daphne wants her lover completely to herself. Crystal...

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My Cock Crazy Girlfriend and I

My girlfriend Sarah and I met in our junior year of college and immediately fell in love with each other. We shared all the same interests and even majored in business together. After college I took a job as a sales rep while she got a job as a manager at a local department store. The only bad part of my job was the amount I had to travel, I always wanted to take Sarah with me, and one day I got the perfect opportunity. Sarah had an older sister, Kelly who lived in Santa Barbra, which was the...

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Always Faithful Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve - Dan Fights Back Greg was comfortable at home, and Laura was in the bedroom with him. What they were doing could be called funny business. Laura was exploring methods, ways, and positions to make her bells ring for her lover. Greg sat on their bed watching as she undressed and moved her hips in a circling, bumping motion. As the bells tinkled Laura told about the young lawyer’s reaction to seeing them, and the question her date asked dancing. “That’s really funny. I’ll bet he...

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The Sexy Cheerleader

My name is Alice Davis, an unusual eighteen-year-old girl with a rare body disorder, where I was born a girl but have the sex organs of a guy. I have breasts but didn't notice I had a dick until I hit puberty when I noticed what I thought was my clitoris was actually a penis. I know, sounds weird and confusing. My parents told me as soon as I hit puberty, I cried and felt like such a freak. I didn't mind it so much but was rather weird having two balls dangling that bounced in between my legs...

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A True TaleChapter 8

The old man thanked Mia but refused to allow her to join him for his nap. He asked her to wake him before lunch as he had to meet someone. Mia sat outside the door to ensure the old man was not disturbed and woke him as he requested. She showed him to the main door and watched him walk away. Lord Kronk was quite upset when she told him the old man had left. It was three days before the old man returned. Lord Kronk was slightly upset but realized the old man was not his to command. That is...

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Padosh Wali Anita Aunty Ko Raat Main Choda

Hello dosto, mera name Prem hai aur main delhi(faridabad) ka rehne wala hu. Meri height 5.6 feet hai or rang fair hai. Mera lund 8 inch ka hai. Apne meri pehli wali sex story ko bahut pasand kiya or mere pass auntiyo ke main or msg bhi aye sex ke liye or maineunke sath sex bhi kiya.Ager koi aunty,housewife ya girl mere sath sex kerna cahati hai ya sexy chat (only Faridabad and Delhi) to plz mujhe mail kare() saari batein bilkul private rahegi. Bachpan se hi mujhe shadi shuda ladiesh bahut...

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Forced to Slavery

Forced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...

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MomPOV Becka Fit Cougar loves cock

– 52 years old – Amateur first timer had porn on her bucket list – She gets really turned on by anything to do with a penis – Loves to give blow jobs, its her favorite thing to do – Fantasized about deep throating my cock on flight to vegas – Is eager to try her first 10 guy orgy…maybe on video? – Her and significant other like to bring home younger men – He watches her fuck them and then tag teams her as well – She is a fit MILF and likes her men to be fit – She craves taste of cum and loves...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 15

"He's in my room," I heard down the hall. "Tony, I need..." Kelly said as she burst into Tami's room. "Oops." 'When I grow up, I'm getting a house with locks on the doors', I thought. "Kelly!" Mikee yelled. She was on her hands and knees, while I knelt behind her and pounded her pussy with my enormous twelve-inch cock. Okay, Big Tony wasn't twelve inches, but it had grown in the last couple of years. Five-and-three-quarter inches. I made a note to look up on the internet...

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Kaycie Goes to CollegePrologue and Chapter 1 The Interview

PROLOGUE I arrived for my freshman year at college full of self-assurance. I had been an honor roll student in high school, popular, active in my community, and comfortably well off. Although I had somehow been unable to save more than $227 from my summer job, my parents had generously supplemented my bank account, bringing it up to $1500, and I was further armed with a major credit card with a $1500 limit. As I was living in a dorm and my meals were paid for by my board contract, it was felt...

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The bosses office

I had returned to my desk and started getting back to work when I was told the boss wanted to se me in his office. It wasn't very often one got called into his office so I was in a bit of a panic as I knocked on his door and went in. "You wanted to see me sir?" I said to him as I walked into his office. It was then I realized the door was being shut behind me and I glanced around to see his secretary closing and then locking the door shut. I turned back and looked at my boss and just stood...

2 years ago
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Sis and I

This story is a work of fiction and all characters are not real. enjoyHi my names Mike I’m the oldest of 3 kids. I’m 18 6’1 around 200lbs with a thick 7.5in cock, I’m athletic 3 sports soccer, track and baseball. There’s my twin sisters Jen and Sheena 16. Jen has long brown hair about 5’6 125 34c tits and an ass to die for while Sheena has long blonde hair and about 5’5 110 lbs has 32b cup and a tight lil ass. Their not identical twins but both dead sexy. My parents are both in their 40’s my...

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aoife and sunny a web connection

It was another cold winter night in Dublin. Aiofe is sitting in her living room alone as usual. Watching The Late Late Show, pretty boring. She is thinking about her life and why it's so lonely. She asks herself why her phone never rings, no one ever calls to her door. She is the shy type, doesn't get out much. She just sits at home all alone with only the television and computer to keep her company. Utterly sick of the sight of Pat Kenny, she gets up and sits at her computer desk and turns...

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Late At Night

Today turned out pretty boring. My brother was on his laptop for the whole day, so I stayed in my room as well.But it's getting late and neither of us has had dinner yet. So I go to the kitchen to make my famous Thai Noodles. As I am almost done, my brother arrives at the kitchen.-Hey, yesterday I rented a Freddie Kruger movie, want to see it?-Sure. Why too scared to watch it all on your own?- I ask.-No.-he laughs- Want to see if you can handle it.-Fine but not while eating. Lets watch Friends...

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Wife Encounter 02 Asshole

I watched my wife from the bed as she came out of the bathroom drying her hair. There were drops of water still on her body, a few on her chest and one running down her left breast making its way to her nipple. Her nipples were erect, as they always are after she takes a warm shower, and the their pinkish brown stood out against her pale skin.She stood at the doorway, and flipped her head from one side to the next. Her breasts moved up and down, and I shifted my legs as blood flowed into my...

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Breakfast Fuck with My Young Son

I divorced my husband when our son was only 6 years old. He remarried and our son lived with me. After my divorce, my boyfriends come and go. I finally had a long term relationship with a guy but then we broke up after 2 years. My son had just turned 15. I remembered it was a Saturday at my baby sister’s wedding and I had a lot to drink. My girlfriend took me home and I told I was fine and asked her to just leave me. But I ended up going into the wrong room, my son’s room. My vision was very...

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My Fat SisterInLaw

My Fat Sister-In-Law My girlfriend Denise had a mother and a sister. Her mother was slim and trim like my girlfriend was but her sister Jane was rather fat. Apparently she had taken after her father. There was a year between the two girls with Jane being the older. They were really quite an open family. They talked about just about everything. Denise would tell them about the sex that we had had the night before. Her mother would tell them about her last date. Jane would tell...

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