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Choices  by  Patricia51

Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left.

She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare shoulder. A shapely leg was uncovered, all the way from the toes to near the top of her thigh. Barb drank in the view, knowing that last night she had tried to possess and be possessed by every inch of the woman asleep before her.

The urge to return to the bed, to wake Lee and take her in her arms was so strong that Barb took two steps towards the bed. Then common sense took over. If she was going to preserve her secret she needed to be gone before the neighboring apartments woke up. She needed to get her Mercedes convertible out of the parking lot. It stood out among the many older vehicles driven by the college students and secretarial workers who mostly lived in this complex.

Carefully she locked the door behind her and walked barefoot down to her car. She slipped behind the wheel and drove off slowly, the remainder of her clothing piled neatly on the passenger's seat. But then she always did everything neatly, precisely, calmly. Everything except Lee.

What was she going to do? She was 54 years old, a partner in one of the most prestigious law firms in the city. "Johnstone, Bridger, Seterin, Hitchcock and Associates" was notoriously straight-laced. Corporate law-firms were like that. Junior partner or not, an affair with someone half her age AND from the pool of secretaries and paralegals AND another female could conceivably see her tossed out on her ear if it came to light. Her lips tightened. And that wasn't fair. Nathaniel, one of the founding partners, could sleep with several of the females in the office, even though he was married, and get away with it. Men still had a lot more leeway. They had "commendable vigor". Women were "sluts".

Barb was divorced, had been for years, ever since their younger child had entered college. Shortly after returning from seeing her settled, her husband, a highly successful vice-president of an investment firm, had announced that it was time to start enjoying life. It was time to start traveling and seeing the exotic locations of the world. And it was time for him to be doing that with a young, sexy woman for a wife.

Barb had been surprised, but not shocked. The marriage had long ago been reduced to two people living under the same roof. She was surprised that he already had his trophy wife picked out. With the proposed division of assets leaving her in good shape, and realizing that it really was time for the two of them to go their separate ways, she had acquiesced.

Her ex-husband was still at his job. In fact, he was back to working 12 hour days 6 days a week as his trophy wife, and then her replacement, had both managed to eat up a great deal of his capital on jewelry, cars and boyfriends before he had woke up and jettisoned them. Barb had briefly considered his half-joking suggestion that they get back together. She certainly didn't hate him, in fact she not only felt sorry for him and wished he hadn't been taken, but retained good memories of their early years together. But there was no point in trying to find a spark in ashes that had been cold even before they separated.

Barb had dated occasionally and occasionally taken one of those dates to bed. None of those times had been serious. She had just wanted someone warm to wake up with every now and then, and every now and then some sexual relief that she didn't have to produce on her own.

Then she had met Lee. She had debated a long time before deciding to attend the Christmas Party. She knew from long experience that someone would get drunk, someone would make a scene, and someone she would want to avoid would try to maneuver her under the mistletoe or into an unoccupied office. She thought of just skipping the whole thing. She thought of asking her ex to go with her. She ended up donning her little black dress and going solo.

The whole evening was pretty much as she expected it. She said hello to the right people and shook the right hands. She managed to escape from the party on the top floor with the senior partners after only a single attempt to work her into a dark corner. Not in the mood to go home to her empty house, she went down three floors to where the regular staff was relaxing on the company's largess.

She had a much better time there. She circulated, chatting with the different people there. Barb genuinely liked people and found no difficulties in being pleasant and interested in the ones who did the yeoman's work of keeping the company running. She told stories and jokes and drew people from the walls and worked them into the groups.

Her eye was caught by a young woman sitting quietly in a corner. Dark-haired and attractive, she looked to be in her early twenties. She was simply dressed in a skirt and a blouse, not expensive but nice. Barb, between groups at the moment, walked over and smiled at her.

"I'd ask if you were having a good time but I'm pretty sure you're not."

The young woman shot to her feet. "Oh Hello, Miss Clausen. I didn't see you coming."

"Please, its the Christmas Party. Tomorrow we'll have to go back to being stuffy but tonight would you please call me 'Barb'? And you are Lee, you're a paralegal and I'm embarrassed to admit I've forgotten your last name."

"Its Waters, Miss Clausen. Lee Waters."

"Nice to meet you Lee, again," Barb laughed as she held out her hand. "And its 'Barb' please Lee, especially on a night like this. 'Miss Clausen' reminds me I'm old and single."

"Well nonsense, Barb," Lee responded rather vigorously as the two women shook hands. For a moment it seemed that Lee's hand was clinging to Barb's, and that it felt good to have it do that. "You're not even old, and as for single, well, that just shows that there are a lot of silly people in the world."

"Thank you." Barb studied the young woman. She was very attractive, with long dark hair and dark eyes. She seemed shy, but with a wistful look in her eyes that Barb couldn't identify.

Wistful, Barb wasn't sure how to handle, but shy was something she understood. One of the hurdles she had in becoming a lawyer was an almost paralyzing fear of public speaking. She had overcome it, but it always lurked in the back of her mind. So she hiked herself up on a corner of the nearest desk and began a conversation with the young woman.

In short order she found that Lee was from California, was single and not dating anyone, and had dreams of going on to become a lawyer herself. That really interested Barb and she engaged Lee in a very animated discussion about law school and getting the younger woman admitted one day.

By now Lee had relaxed and the two of them were chatting like old friends. Barb was slightly puzzled by the glances that Lee kept darting at her. Those glances seemed to take in her whole body, almost lingering on her at times. Barb dismissed the thought as the discussion turned to the other lawyers in the firm and to Barb herself. Lee confided a few gripes that the hourly workers had with those lawyers.

"I've never seen any sign of disgruntlement among the employees," Barb said in puzzlement in reply to a comment by Lee about the Partners.

"But you're one of the nice ones," Lee responded. "We don't go around posting comments, of course, but if you cornered most anyone down here, we all agree. We enjoy working with you. You treat the secretaries and paralegals and even the messengers like people, not like tools."

Barb was flattered "Nice is always good. I never have seen any reason to be a prima-donna. Its not my style."

Lee started to say something and then stopped. Curious, Barb asked "What is it Lee?"


"Come on," Barb teased a bit. "The party has moved on. We're sitting here all by ourselves now. I promise I won't tell on you."

"Okay then." Lee took Barb's hand again and took a deep breath. "I just wanted to tell you, God, you are so beautiful." The younger woman's fingers stroked Barb's palm, making her shiver.

Barb opened her mouth to answer, and found she couldn't. The light in the dark eyes before her was sincere, Lee's whole attitude that of interest, respect and something else that made little chills chase themselves up and down her back.

Still holding Barb's hand, Lee pulled the older woman down a hallway and into a vacant room. The only illumination was from the city lights coming through the windows, but it was enough to see Lee stop and turn to face her. The younger woman opened her mouth, and then closed it as though she couldn't get out the words she wanted to say.

Barb found that she was holding her breath, waiting for, for whatever might come next. She licked her lips in strange anticipation.

Lee leaned forward and kissed Barb. It was a quick kiss, no more than a brushing of the lips. Then the young woman pulled back. There was uncertainty and even fear in her eyes as though she was scared of the line she had just crossed. That fear faded as she seemed to find something in Barb's eyes, for the young paralegal took one quick step forward and her arms went around Barb as she once again kissed the lady lawyer.

This time the kiss was no mere touching of lips. Mouths opened and Lee's tongue slipped between Barb's lips and began to explore.  Barb's arms went around Lee and the two women embraced fiercely. Barb moaned at the urgency of the young woman plastered against her.

Footsteps and voices echoed from the hallway. The two women sprang apart, both holding their breath until the sounds faded away. Without looking at each other, first Barb and then Lee slipped out the door. When they reached the main room, nearly empty now, one went left and the other right. Barb went immediately to the elevators and down to the garage.

Barb sat in her car, her eyes unfocused. What the hell was she doing? What if someone had walked into that office and seen her kissing that young woman? It could mean the end of her career. And yet, something stirred deeply inside her when she thought of the warmth of that firm body against her own. Unconsciously she reached up and touched her lips.

The sound of the passenger door opening nearly made her jump out of her skin. She turned her startled gaze to that side just in time to see Lee climb into the seat and close the door. The young woman glared at her, a mixture of defiance and desire in her eyes.

"Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Barb replied, torn between amusement and a rising realization that she wanted to be going someplace, any place with this young woman.

"To your place," said Lee. "I'm going to make love to you tonight, in your bed and you're going to wake up in my arms in the morning. After that. we'll see."

Astonished, Barb never offered a word in opposition. She drove carefully, but with increasing speed to her apartment building. She ushered Lee into the elevator, where they stood close enough that Barb fancied Lee could hear her heart beat. Then she was unlocking the door, leading Lee through it into the foyer and almost slamming it behind them.

"Where is it?" Demanded Lee.

"Where is what?" said Barb, bemused.

"Your bedroom of course."

"Are you always this forward?" Barb asked in curiosity, even as she led the way to her bedroom.

"No, I'm not." Amazingly Lee blushed. "But I can't help it tonight. I've been attracted to you ever since I came to work there. I finally screwed my courage to the sticking point when you came up to say hello tonight. And I'm NOT letting go now."

Barb hesitated after she entered the bedroom. Did she REALLY want to do this? Just as she decided "Yes", she felt a gentle touch at her neck. Then her dress was falling to her feet and a firm body pressed up against her. Arms encircled her and a voice whispered in her ear.

"Aren't you naughty? Black lace everywhere. Black bra and black panties. I saw you when you arrived at the office tonight and wondered what you had on under that dress." Barb twisted her head in surprise to look at Lee's wickedly smiling face.

"Oh yes, I was lurking and saw you when you got there. How do you think I knew where you had parked? I've been hoping for an opportunity like this for months." Lee pulled Barb back against her and began to rub herself on the older woman. Barb felt the warmth of Lee's body touching her all over; the back of her thighs, a dampness that pressed against the satin panties covering her ass. When she realized that Lee's bare breasts were molded against her back she twisted her head again.

"You're naked. When in the world?" Barb's astonished question was stopped by Lee's lips finding her own. Turning open-mouthed at once, the kiss deepened, becoming passionate. Barb gasped as a quick flick of Lee's fingers unhooked her bra and then pushed it down her arms. Lee slipped her lips from Barb's to drop down to the older woman's neck and lick rapidly up to her ear. At the same time she ran her hands over Barb's stomach and then down between her legs.

"I undressed coming down the hall," whispered Lee as she pressed her tongue into Barb's ear. "I didn't want to waste anytime undressing you and getting you to that bed."

Making good on her promise, Lee all but dragged Barb to the Queen-size four poster bed and toppled the older woman into it. Pausing only to set her pocketbook down on the nightstand, an action that Barb found interesting and almost humorous as the young woman was completely nude except for that item, Lee sprang on top of Barb and rained kisses all over her face.

"God, I want you so badly. I want to taste you. Lee sat back on her legs. Her hands darted to Barb's panties. Lifting her hips, Barb helped Lee pull them down and cast them aside the instant they were free. Lee seized Barb's leg and rained quick kisses on it all the way from the painted toenails up the inside until she reached the already flowing junction of those legs. Falling forward, Lee buried her face in Barb, licking and sucking the juices that were already flowing from the squirming older woman.

Barb muffled a scream. Her ex hadn't gone down on her in years and years before their divorce and neither had any of the occasional one-nighters she had since then. And it had been literally decades since she had been with another woman. She had forgotten how good it was. She twisted and turned, reaching above her head to grasp the heavy wood bedposts.

Lee's tongue was a wild animal in her, darting here and pressing there, first plunging deeply inside her and then riding along her open slit to tease and lash her swollen clit. Just as Barb felt herself building, Lee lifted her head and stretched out an arm for the pocketbook on the nightstand.

"Roll on your side," the young woman commanded. When Barb complied, Lee spooned against her back. One arm slid under her and the fingers crept over her breast. A long slender leg hooked over her upper one and pulled it back, exposing her flowing pussy.

"I have something for you," whispered Lee. As though she was performing a magic trick, she flicked her hand and brought a slender golden colored dildo before Barb's eyes. "Why don't you kiss it lover," the soft voice suggested. "Kiss it, lick it, suck on it. Get it as wet as you are before I take you with it."

Barb's only reply was to slide her lips over the shinning toy. Once, twice, three times her head sank down over it before her lover pulled it away. There was a momentary protest from Barb before Lee dropped her hand and in one motion slid the rigid shaft up inside the mature pussy. Once there, Lee wiggled it back and forth before beginning to pump it in and out, pushing it deeply into Barb. As she did so she began to whisper.

"Is this the bed your ex-husband used to fuck you in?" When Barb moaned in agreement, Lee laughed deep in her throat. "I bet he wouldn't believe this if he saw it. What would he think if he saw a young woman fucking his ex-wife in this bed?" Lee slid further over on top of Barb, her hand pumping the dildo in and out of Barb's soaking wet pussy. "Would he just stare? Would he run away? Would he realize what a fool he was leaving you, leaving you to give yourself to a 23 year old lesbian in this very bed?"

Barb could make no reply. Her body was going wild. Lee suddenly plucked the dildo from her pussy and tossed it aside as she rolled on top of the older woman and completely covered her.

"Now I'm going to fuck you with me," Lee moaned into Barb's ear. She pushed Barb's legs wide open with her knees and pressed her young pussy against the lady lawyer's older one. As excited as both women were, it was only a matter of minutes before the girl-fuck brought both of them to the brink and sent them sailing over it.

Barb woke up the next morning, in Lee's arms as promised. They made love again, this time the older woman going down on the twenty three year old. Lee moaned and begged and praised her mature lover before filling her eager mouth with a stream of female nectar.

Thus it began. Lee was always excited at making love in Barb's apartment, in Barb's bed. At the same time, she also loved having the lawyer sneak into her two bedroom apartment near the college, right past the platonic male friend she shared it with.

Barb was lost in this new relationship. Lee was not her first experience with another female. She had experimented in college, kissing and making out with first her roommate and later a couple of different girls she knew. Her first real lesbian encounter was with the older sister of a friend. They met at a party and she woke up the next morning in bed with her seductress. The experience was enjoyable enough that she ended up the next morning still in bed with that same woman. However she had never really considered being in a serious relationship with another female.

Part of the attraction certainly was Lee's unbridled spontaneity. When passion took her, she acted on it and carried Barb right along with her. She had learned not to be surprised when the mood might take Lee and where she would carry the two of them. For someone who had always lived her life making lists and methodically checking the items off in order, Lee was a fresh breath of air. At first it was a bit frightening, but in a delicious way, and Barb learned to revel in the freedom.

One afternoon Barb had been in the main Ladies Room, repairing her make-up after a trek to and from court in the stifling summer heat. She had heard the door close and the light footsteps, but had thought nothing of it until she was spun around. A pair of arms went around her neck and a tongue darted between her lips, even as she recognized Lee's perfume.

"God, I've missed you," whispered the young woman.

"My God," Barb had whispered back, even as Lee moved one hand from around her neck to cup and gently squeeze her breast. "What if somebody comes in?" It never occurred to her to tell Lee "No".

Lee pushed Barb back to the other wall and resumed kissing her. Her right hand slid inside Barb's blouse and then dipped inside the lace bra. Her left hand fumbled at the knob of the storage closet. Twisting and pulling the door open, Lee all but shoved her older lover inside and closed the door after them.

"Did you lock the door for heaven's sake?"

"Oh no," replied Lee as she abandoned Barb's lips and kissed down to where her fingers had undone the white blouse. She ran her tongue over the white flesh exposed above the black lace. Her hands reached down and hoisted Barb's skirt. Because of the heat, Barb had elected to go bare-legged, although she usually wore pantyhose. Lee's fingers ran up the inside of Barb's thigh and hooked in the hem of her panties, pulling them aside.

Barb swallowed a deep moan when Lee's finger began to stoke her open, and already quite wet, slit. That finger curled and then dipped inside her. A second one followed, the pair of them spreading inside her pussy. They plunged in and out as Barb sagged against the back wall, half falling against it, half pinned there by the athletic body of her lover.

The older woman stiffened as the outer door opened and closed again to the accompaniment of voices.  Lee never slowed down. Indeed, she fingered Barb faster and added her thumb on an already hard clit. All during the noises in the outer room, the sound of the plumbing, the rush of water in the sinks, the conversation of the women, Lee continued to finger fuck her.

Teeth closed on her earlobe and bit gently. A tongue dipped into her ear. Warm breath made her shiver even as she desperately stifled a moan. Her hips moved in time to the motion of Lee's fingers in and out of her. Lee's whispered words poured into her.

"You like that don't you? You know that you're mine, that I can, do this and you love it. You can't tell me 'Stop', you can't push me away." Barb arched as the first spasm ran through her body, bit her lip, and then sagged and buried her face against Lee's neck.

"You," Barb whispered when she had regained control over herself. "What you do to me."

"I know," giggled Lee. She lifted her dripping fingers and sucked first one, then the other. "I love doing things to you." She opened the door a tiny crack and peeked out. Certain that the coast was clear, she slipped through. She hesitated, then, without looking back she murmured "And I love you."

Barb was so surprised she simply stepped out into the main room and stood still, barely managing to keep her mouth from falling open. She managed to mechanically reply to the greetings from a pair of secretaries but she could not remember two minutes later who they were nor what she might have said to them.

Love? LOVE? Why, that was absurd. Wasn't it?

All those memories passed through Barb's mind as she drove home that morning. She thought about them as she showered and dressed for another day at the office. Looking around the carefully furnished rooms, she was struck by a thought. The only hints of color in the otherwise boringly perfect furnishings had been supplied by Lee. The bold painting she had hung in the living room, alive with yellow and red. The riotous flower arrangement that decorated the dining room table, the bright curtains hung over the French doors leading to the balcony, all had been at Lee's urging. She brought color and excitement into Barb's life.

She parked at the office, took the elevator from the garage to the main floor. She made for an opening door with the "Going Up" arrow already lit as the people riding down came out. She stopped in shock as one of those people was Lee. Lee holding a big cardboard box full of her possessions.

"What in the world?" Barb demanded.

Lee's eyes opened and she turned pale. She started to speak and then suddenly turned and bolted, first towards the elevator bank that led to the parking garage before she swerved and ducked through the stairway door.

Barb never hesitated. She immediately took off after Lee. Going through the door, she stopped just long enough to pull her heels off. Then she ran down two flights of stairs, through the metal door into the garage and down a line of cars until she came to Lee's six year old Chevy. The younger woman was trying to push the cardboard box into the back seat. Finally succeeding, she turned just as Barb arrived. Her eyes opened.

"Yes, I know where you park too," Barb informed her. Her tone softened. "Now, Lee Ann Waters, WHAT is going on?"

Lee's eyes dropped. "I'm sorry. I wanted to be out of here before you arrived."

"I guessed that, but why? Why are you leaving and where are you going?"

"I don't know where I'm going. As for why, when I got here this morning I had a message to go see Mr. Bridger, first thing. He talked to me, about us, about you."

"Did he fire you?" Barb demanded angrily.

"Nooooooo," Lee sobbed, her eyes filling with tears. "He made me see though what harm I was causing to you, to your career. I could ruin you. You'd never make senior partner, you might not even keep your junior partnership if it became public that you were involved with a younger employee, and another woman at that."

Barb's anger swelled up in her. She managed to fight it down. "He said that did he?" When Lee nodded, Barb leaned forward. She put her arms around her lover and kissed her, softly but urgently and with passion. Lee's eyes widened and in spite of herself she returned the kiss.

"Now then," Barb said crisply when she took her lips away. "You go to your apartment and wait for me. I'll be there shortly."

"Barbara! Don't do anything foolish."

Barb smiled. "No sweetheart, I won't. Now go. And by the way," Lee looked inquiringly as she stopped her entry into the car, "I love you too."

The fire in Barb's eyes kept anyone from stopping her as she marched down the hallway on the 17th floor. As she passed through Nathaniel's outer office, his executive assistant and girl-on-the-side Pamela sprang to her feet but only managed to stammer "Miss Clausen, Mister Bridger is expecting..." before Barb flung open the inner door and disappeared inside. Pamela scampered to close it quickly behind the angry female lawyer.

Nathaniel Bridger turned from the window. "You made it faster than I thought you would Barbara. Now, before you explode, sit down, calm down and listen to what I have to say."

Barb managed to keep her mouth shut but refused to sit in the offered chair. Instead she folded her arms over her chest and lifted one eyebrow.

"You are thinking that your girlfriend and you are being treated unfairly. You are perfectly aware that I have a trophy wife who's 25 years younger than me and I also see Pamela out there on a regular basis. You feel like you're being discriminated against, and you are.

"Its NOT right and its not fair. And this is how the world works. My wife and my, you might as well say it, mistress, out there each know what's going on and they accept it. There's no love lost, but they, particularly Rosemary my wife, know that things are better off if they don't rock the boat. Its accepted behavior, even at this stodgy old law firm.

"But YOU are breaking the rules, unwritten though they are. You're emotionally involved and in a lesbian relationship. 'What's the difference?', you might ask. There shouldn't be any but there is. My arrangement is common enough and winked at. Yours is not. If we were a criminal defense outfit or some hot-shot legal firm, having a Lesbian Senior Partner might be a plus. But not here, not in high society corporate law.

"You might be thinking about bringing suit for unfair dismissal. After all, it IS unfair. But she  wasn't fired, she quit. And she did it for you. It was quite high minded of her, but you expect that of youth. You on the other hand, are old enough you need to stop and think. You might win, but your career would be ended. There are enough subtle, non-confrontational ways to keep you from ever advancing, getting the good cases, or hell, even a raise. Barbara, you know how the system works."

"Think of it, Barbara," urged Nathaniel in his most persuasive voice, the one that had swayed juries and judges for decades. "The corner office you've worked for all your life can be yours. Senior partnership in a year, two at the most. Real power, money. We NEED you. Maybe in some ways you are a symbolic female lawyer, yes, but a you are a damn good attorney who makes us a lot of money. Don't toss it all aside over some young thing." He smiled. "Believe me, I know it makes you feel good to have a young lover on the side, but is worth throwing all this away for?"


Barb scooped the signed papers together and tucked them into the manila folder. She shook hands with the trio of visitors and escorted them from her office to the front door.

"I'll have everything filed at the courthouse today. You're in business."

"Thank you again," said the oldest member of three. "Its wonderful to find an attorney like you who can handle all of our legal issues." He smiled. "And doesn't charge an arm and a leg."

Barb laughed. "Well, arms and legs aren't my business. I'm not into ambulance chasing. I prefer handling everyday issues for small businesses and individuals."

"Regardless," said the one woman client. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Barb started to close the door. She stopped and studied the words engraved on the sign hanging beside the three steps leading up to the door.

"Barbara Clausen". Underneath her name was "Attorney At Law". She smiled and looked over the busy street in front of her office. It was nice not riding the elevator 15 stories in the air, nice to be able walk down the street for lunch at a local restaurant and chat about local issues with people she saw everyday. Nice to help those people with wills and contracts and the things that ordinary people needed a lawyer for.

She stepped out and looked up. The old Victorian house was split with three other professionals. Each self-contained office had its own stairway to the two upper floors and an entrance to the attic. Sited in the heart of the old Colonial District, trees hung with Spanish Moss shaded the building. Tourists and students from the nearby art college strolled or relaxed in the grassy square.

Coming back in, she closed the door and turned to the desk of her assistant, secretary, paralegal, confidant and partner. That individual had perched herself on the front edge of that desk, her legs swinging freely. She held Barb's day-planner.

"Nice work," smiled Lee.

"Pays the bills. What do we have the rest of the day?"

"We have a real-estate closing at three. I have the Detricks' guardianship papers drawn up for filing. Of course that doesn't pay the bills, we're doing that pro-bono. Not that I would have it any other way," Lee added with a warm smile. "They are nice children and getting them placed permanently with the Uncle they really love after their mother's death is wonderful."

"Any thing else? Its only eleven AM."

"In fact, yes." Lee hopped down from the table. She locked the door and turned around. "I think its time for lunch. Upstairs in our apartment, in the room we converted into a solarium. We can spread a tablecloth on the floor along with some pillows, open the windows and enjoy the breeze." Lee started for the stairs and looked over her shoulder. "And if you hurry, you can have desert too." Her fingers opened, letting a scrap of black lace fall as she started up the staircase.

Barb picked up the black thong and smiled. There was no doubt her choice had been the right one in every way. Eagerly she started after her partner. A partner she would have for the rest of her life.

     (The End)

(As always, thanks to my friend and editor Marian for her help and assistance. Any and all errors are solely my responsibility. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.)


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It's time to go on an outing. Nothing too complicated: just a trip to the corner store a few blocks away. This time, you get to make decisions about what you wear. Be careful though, making the easier choice will make the following choices harder. Here's your first choice; nice and simple.

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Choices  by  Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee’s dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped...

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"Send her in, Jeanine. This may take a while, so if you need to head out for the weekend, that's alright," Principal Eriksen said."See you next week!” was the reply he heard over the phone. He had set up a late meeting, and given that it was a Friday, Mr. Eriksen was left to work by himself in the faculty office. Joseph Eriksen was in his sixth year overseeing the students and faculty at Blackhawk Valley prep school, beloved by his students and well-liked in the community. He was a handsome...

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door; just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why...who sent you?" "I can't tell you a...

4 years ago
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“Darling, we have a problem,” I said to William, my husband, as we rested after a moderately satisfying lovemaking session. “I feel boxed in. Our marriage, kids, work, house, all have become too small for me. I need to be me.”“Who else do you want you to be? You’re my wife, for god’s sake.”“I am more than just your fucking wife.”“Who else can you be, Norma?”“I don’t like normal, never have, never will.”“I thought you love my cock.”“One cock doesn’t make a summer.”He stood up and swung his long...

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door, just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading ‘Laura’. ‘Can I help you?’ she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. ‘You must be Laura, I’m here to pick you up.’ ‘Why…who sent you?’ ‘I can’t tell you a...

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A high-pitched shriek splits the sweltering summer air: "Help! Oh, help, help!" Your youngest sister Clara skids to a stop in front of you. "Francisco and I were playing in the barn!" she sobs. "He was showing me spells, and he set the hay on fire, and now–" A breath of wind springs up, and the acrid scent of smoke reaches your nostrils. The barn is some ways away from your parents' villa and the vineyards–there's that. But it is full of hay for feeding the horses, and hay catches fire so...

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Hi I am Paula, I am currently 27, have shortish blond hair, blue eyes, my tits are slightly smaller than I would like, but i am not going down the silicon route. This is the story of my love life, boys, girls, everything! In the years I had been at college I had dated a few boys, though most of them just wanted to get inside my pants on the first date or for me to do what they do in the porn movies and throat fuck them, oh an their mate could join in if you wanted, or do you take it up the...

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Wow… You pick this story up at the end of a crazy night clubbing in Ibiza…. what started off as a quiet drink, ended up as a crazy night of excess!What an amazing night, so much laughter & amazing fun was had, I was literally on cloud nine. little did I know, but this was only just the beginning of one of the most memorable nights of my life…….We had been out to an amazing club night, a load of us, me & friends, got a little twisted on Ecstasy & before we knew it, the club was...

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A puff of steam billowed from the open doorway of the hotel bathroom as Beth emerged, naked, her skin glistening from the shower and the steam. Her eyes met mine as I sat naked, waiting for her, already hard, my cock pointing toward the sky as I watched her walk into the room.She made eye contact before glancing away shyly and stopped at the foot of the bed. She obeyed my earlier instructions perfectly and my eyes wandered over her fresh, smooth, pale skin, over her thighs and her smooth,...

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"Nolan! Wait up!" Nolan turned around to see Elvia Jacobson trying to catch up. It was confusing. They ran in different circles. What could she possibly want? "It is Nolan, right?" Elvia asked when she caught up. "Not a new name yet? I mean- Let's start over. I heard you came out as transgendered. Is that right?" "Damn, news travels fast," Nolan remarked. "Yes, I came out. And it is still Nolan for now." "How are you holding up? "I am fine. My parents support me. As does the...

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The sun was shining cheerfully in direct contrast to my mood, as I waddled un-gainfully down the high street feeling tired and achy. It was the leather jacket that caught my eye with its familiar painting of a red dragon on the back. For a second my heart stopped and my blood ran cold. An old lady walking behind me cursed when she had to swerve to avoid me. I stood blocking the pavement for a frozen moment, suspended in shock. When I had recovered a little, I glanced at her briefly in apology....

1 year ago
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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed out door. Just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why ... who sent you?" "I can't...

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My thanks to ErikThread for editing this and making it a much better story. As happens more often than not — I fiddled with the edited version a little. So, any errors that you still see in the story were introduced by me. My wife was carrying on with her boss and everyone knew about it except, of course, me, the husband, who was the last to know. My first reaction was, understandably, anger. I wanted to hurt her badly and to execute a revenge that would become a benchmark in days to...

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Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare...

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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

3 years ago
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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

1 year ago
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The Roles We Play

THE ROLES WE PLAY By Latex Conservative I awake slowly and just as slowly realize the vulnerable state that I am in. From what I can tell it is not very large room, and its lone light source is a fire burning somewhere behind me. The fire flickers with both light and shadow, it seemed to me; it played off every surface. I see in the shadows and light a white wall, and the dark headboard and posts of the queen size bed I am currently lying on. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, the blurriness of...

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Latest Porn Video

For people who watch porn every day, there’s nothing better than having access to a website with entirely free videos presented in full length and high quality. When you combine those aspects, you get an amazing website full of possibilities anyone can take advantage of. Well, such a platform is LatestPornVideo, a porn website that’s all about the latest and best porn videos that feel and look like top-tier material. Now, I don’t know about you, but whenever there’s the possibility of watching...

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Double TimeChapter 88

“When all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure.” —Alice Hoffman, Here on Earth A LITTLE SNOW STARTED FALLING by the time Rachel left Sunday afternoon. We spent some time studying together after we’d had breakfast. Pey hugged us both when the family got home from church then got her own books and sat to read while we studied. It was nice to have the three of us just cuddled in the living room with our books open. We all had lunch...

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Amish Devils Ohio

My store start on a Monday afternoon class, at the local amisk school. When Jacob who seat next to me in class ask me to go to a party in the next county over, It is a five min buggy ride. I seat there for a second then said yes I will go with you. Jacob said we can talk the detailed out tomorrow at lunch. It is Tuesday and it is lunch time. Instead of going home for lunch, I took my lunch with me. I was seating out front of the school under a big oak tree. When Jacob walk up and seat down...

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Softly she moaned and raised her hips to meet an inward thrust, but a soft voice told her not to move, to just lay still and enjoy. It weren’t easy but for a woman who wears a hot stud in her panties so that she could get her thrills while walking down a crowded street, standing or sitting in a crowded bus or metro or even on a roadside bench she had learned some control, but in weren't a plastic mechanical hot stud that was moving in and out of her, it was a hot live throbbing column of flesh...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 2

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. Readers, this is a continuation of the previous story. Those who have missed the earlier part please read it. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently, I am working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ sized dick. So, here is the continuation. After two minutes, my cousin Manu came inside the room and asked about our decision. He said that he has another plan to...

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Do I Have The Job

Lydia was becoming desperate for a job. She had rent to pay, along with bills. She was going to be completely out of money next month if she did not find work soon. It was a new concept to her, being broke. She looked online after hours of hounding businesses and found a local construction company that was hiring. The position of a construction worker was open and would pay twenty dollars an hour. Lydia was happy beyond words. She had always been more of a tomboy, loving the feel of dirt on her...

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Across Eternity Book 2 Chapter 10

Noah made it back to the Knight’s Sheath, which was fortunately undamaged. As expected, there were people inside, but the doors were locked. “Lucius, let me in!” Noah hollered as he banged on the door. “Who’s there?” he heard from the other side. “It’s Noah. I know I’m technically still banned, but would you mind? The city’s nightlife has gotten a little too rowdy for me.” “You aren’t going to start anything, are you? You don’t have anyone chasing you?” “No, I just need a place to wait...

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Turned into a CockSucker PT2 Gay

After spending a majority of the morning sucking off one of my closest friends, I spent a few quiet moments sitting on my bed, back in my own hotel room, trying to comprehend what happened. I nervously twisted my wedding ring around my finger, anxiously thinking about the pictures I had allowed Brad to take of me. What was he going to do with them? What if one of them found its way back to my wife?All the sensations I had just experienced came flooding back to me. The warmth of Brad's stiff...

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Fucking My Sister In Law

By : Roxy Once I went to my wife’s house alone due to some official work at Ghaziabad. I had to stay there for one night. My father in law was out of station. Only my sister in law Seema and my brother in law Babul were there. As I reached there without any prior information both are surprised and happy to see me there. In the evening we took some snacks and started gossiping about some family matter. We are enjoying there. Seema was on the age of 19 and became, so beautiful as I saw her first...

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Kelly Lingerie

Kelly Lingerie I had just split up with a few of the boys I hang out with after school at the burger shop. They made their way down Main Street while I took a route to the more elaborate store fronts of the city. After walking 6 blocks I made my way down Rainbow Avenue and I could see the bright street light illuminating the storefront windows of Kelly Lingerie. This was the highlight of my week because I got to see all kinds of womanly items I would never see anywhere else except in...

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RuneswardChapter 40 Payment Due

“Yren, I need you.” Yren’s eyes snapped open to unfamiliar, warm blue walls. He shuddered for a moment, consciousness coming over him unexpectedly. He drew a deep quavering breath, the pins and needles of inactivity filling him. He was confused. He didn’t know where he was. He wasn’t even completely sure who he was. For a moment that seemed to stretch into infinity, he stood there trembling in complete and abject fear. “Yren, I need you.” He heard it again, but it was just an echo...

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The Education of Jasmine Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Jasmine’s Bath Jasmine walked into the bathroom, it was one of her favourite rooms in the house. It was completely feminine. The walls were a dusty rose shade, complemented with gold fixtures, black rugs and huge black fluffy towels hanging on a gold rack beside a large ivory bathtub. She walked from the bedroom nude into the bathroom, watching herself in the mirror behind the tub. ‘Not bad for an old girl.’ She thought while glancing at her reflection before bending over to turn...

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My BBW Mistress

My bbw mistress has been with me for a long time now, and will do anything for me, ( I mean everything). we have watched a lot of porn movies together and she likes to do what ever I see in them that I like. I love Rocco's movies as he loves to be rimmed and so do I, so rimming is the number one thing that she does for me, it always makes me cum. She is blonde 55" boobs a bubble butt ass( 45") and loves to wear the tight stretchy mini skirts and low cut tops for me ( although only in private)...

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Best Halloween Masquerade Party Ever

It was 1977 and the movie Star Wars was all the rage. My wife and I were invited to a Halloween masquerade party being thrown by a co-worker of mine. My wife made me a Darth Vader costume. She was extremely crafty and an award-winning artist. The costume was simply awesome. Only my wife and I knew I was going as the character Darth Vader.We lived in Fort Myers, Florida. The party was across the Caloosahatchee River in Cape Coral. We left home in full costume, and as we crossed the Cape Coral...

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Stuck Between a Sub and a Dom Place Part 4 The Halloween Party

Throughout the week preceding the holiday, I had dropped by Miss Laura’s home to help decorate it for her upcoming party. Halloween hit on a Tuesday last year, so her party, something she did every year for select clients and friends, would be held on Saturday. She had told me little about what to expect, but she assured me it would be fun and that my attendance was mandatory. I received a text from her Wednesday morning as I was getting ready for work, telling me that I was to avoid contact...

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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 8 Celia

The weather remained overcast with the breeze gusting from the east. Celia rode with Chandra most of the time while I tended to ride with Sister Emily. Emily taking her charge to task, quizzed Dina on what she had learned from Allard the previous day at every chance possible. Until the third day of travel, Celia braved the brief but potent showers at the first sign of truly dark clouds that rolled all too fast in our direction. She bolted into her carriage and I caught Chandra looking...

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Familly Conquest Chapter 1 Im Apodted

Have you ever felt so different from your family members that you start to think you where adopted? Or maybe even switched at birth? At one point or another I’m pretty sure many of you have. Usually it’s just a figment of our imagination, a way to coupe with our family being too lame or too prefect or too wired. My case however falls under unusual, see I have always been the black sheep of my family, for some strange reason I always felt out of place at family gatherings and even my own home,...

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Shanias Song Part 2

Shania's Song Part 1: The awakening They met in the kitchen at the end of the workday, a normal occurrence, the day was over and each had their tasks to prepare the meal. Dave and Kathy had been married for some time, was it almost six years now? Arriving home they met in the kitchen and talked while they cooked, it was a relaxation for both of them, they liked the routine and the harmony of being together. Who ever headed home first from work, usually stopped at the store and...

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The WolvesChapter 59

New Dragon Homeworlds, Yrranth & Zokyrth Unnamed Continent September 5, 2019 16:05 Tala and Oya didn’t get to the fighting right away, instead they started by putting their two mechs through their paces. While the meeting was going on, one of Oya’s assistants had gone around the area marking a route for them to take. To do so, she took Oya’s shuttle and flew it around, dropping off three different types of beacons; green, grey and blue. The beacons would appear on their hud, and...

1 year ago
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4 Years Later Remembering Cyprus

Lying on my bed, I can still feel my body shivering, still smell cum and still wish everything that happened yesterday was only a dream… a wet dream for that matter. A dream coming right out from one of those books or maybe from one of my deepest darkest desires and fantasies. It’s been a while since that episode in Cyprus and I figured that was it. A simple experience I needed to have. Another physical or flesh pleasure that I had to try. Yet I can still hear Chad’s heart beating in harmony...

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I knew the female's voice. I was absolutely certain. But somehow I could not believe what my ears told me; all she had said was 'Here is four hundred'. That was enough to tell me who spoke the words. What was my wife doing here? She was supposed to be at a hen party tonight and this was not a hen party. This was the Grand Hotel where most of the conventions took place.The man's voice I was not familiar with, it was new to me. I had never heard it before.  He spoke to her in a low, pleasant...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 26

Kelly and I woke up to the alarm. We snuggled for a few minutes before getting up and ready for the day. While we showered and dressed, we talked about our plans. We went downstairs and found Mom and Donna in the kitchen. “Good morning, kids, the coffee’s ready,” Mom said. “Thanks, Mom. How are you guys this morning? Did you sleep well?” Kelly said. I poured coffee for Kelly and me. She sat at the table with Mom and Donna. “I slept very well. You have a lovely home,” Donna said as I gave...

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aunt and me

Hi am 20 years old and am about to tell you a true story how it came about me and my auntie fucking regularly. its started in early 2011 my auntie suggested to her sister my mum that she has a few jobs that need doing around her house and asked if I would be interested to make some money when am not in college. I agreed to help out. I got a text message of my auntie couple of days later to see if I was free to come around so she could go through what need to be done. I said yes and walked the...

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Rahul First Sex Encounter

By : Tor5sex This story is going to be a narration of a boy named Rahul. It is purely imaginary.Any resemblance of the characters involved is not held responsible. Hi i am Rahul. I am 19 years of old.I was going to my uncle’s house as a vacation trip.My uncle has married just a year ago.He is a professional doctor.He is also money minded.I haven’t gone to their reception and marriage due to some reasons.I didn’t know how my aunt would be. I was traveling to my uncle’s town by a bus.The place...

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An adventure

I was nervous since I had never done anything quite like this before. Isat in the parking lot for quite a few minutes waiting and thinking aboutwhat I assumed I might see - and do - if I went in. My thoughts were havingthe expected effect on me as I began to become more and more excited. Theparking lot was for an adult theater in north Denver. It has a book storewith an arcade in the lower level and a set of 3 theaters in the upperlevel - my destination. Finally, I went in and paid...

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The Silent Tutsi

It was only natural that Linda should be apprehensive when she met Laurent and Pauline Duquesne for the first time at the airport. What had she let herself in for? It was a necessary part of her university degree, of course: a summer in France spent with a French family where she’d have to speak French all the time. She wasn’t sure whether it was the fact she’d have to rely on her knowledge of the belle langue or her anxieties about submitting herself to the kindness of these strangers that...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18

Mark frowned while looking in the full length mirror. After growing a lot this past winter, none of his old clothes fit. His father, taking pity, had given him a pair of old jeans which Mark promptly cut into shorts. But, as his reflection in the mirror made startling clear, he'd cut the shorts, well, too short. His dick and balls dangled free of the denim. Discouraged, he continued looking in the mirror. He was the only boy in high school with hair on his chest, light brown like his...

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I Dream of Demie 7 Kate and Cat

--- I Dream of Demie 7 - Kate and Cat (MF, F-solo, best?, cons, magic, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- When I got home Friday evening I grabbed a beer and plopped my ass down on the couch. I was tired! It had been almost two weeks since Demie had come into my life but sometimes it felt like longer...months...years? I heard a cat howling outside. One of the neighbors hadn't gotten her fixed so she was calling out for the local toms* to come put some kittens in her belly....

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Alan Ch 11

The House Always Wins Quiet time. Alan was lying on his in a hammock reading a novel, ‘Aura’ by Carlos Fuentes. Pauline was dozing next to him, on her side and half curled up into a ball, her back pressed into the side of his body. It was the first really warm day of spring and they were taking advantage of it, trying to spend as much time outside as they could get. A half hour ago they finished lunch on the deck, and Pauline’s parents had returned inside the house. Pauline had suggested the...

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Open wide

So I was in high school. One of those k**s who, for whatever reason hadn't gotten much action. I wasn't bad looking or chubby by any means. Hell, I even had a 6 pack. I had just fallen into that "friend" category. You know how it is. I didn't smoke, but I got along fine with the k**s who did. Lucky for me, my parents weren't home much.It was a day in late winter/ early spring, and prom was coming up. I had a bad first half of the day. First, there was an American History test on the reading I...

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The Dancer His wife takes him to an allmale rev

"Baby, Janice invited me to an all male review on Saturday. I originally told her okay because I knew you wouldn't mind. She bought two tickets but now she can't go because Jerry is recovering from his knee surgery. I don't want to go alone and everyone is busy. Why don't you come? I promise I will make it worth your while. Besides you might learn some new moves," my sexy wife Karen teased.She had invited me to go as a joke but I have always been comfortable with my sexuality and I had no...

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Christmas chapter two

Chapter two As i started to wake up,my mind immediately went back to the previous evening,everything was just like a dream.Wow,that really happened,i thought as i opened my eyes.I looked over to Karen's side of the bed,but no one was there.When i went to sleep she was between me and Dustin,her hand stroking his cock.I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom,figuring they were out in the kitchen having coffee before he left.As i opened the door from the bedroom to the shower,i heard a...

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Catherine Michael

Catherine was a guest lecturer at a small, southern, community college. She had been in town for just under three weeks. Her lecture that day had lasted a little longer than usual. Then, the students had many more questions than they normally did. Now, it, was getting late. She hoped she hadn’t missed her ride. To add insult to injury, Catherine’s friend, Sandy, who usually picked her up, had failed to arrive that evening. It was Sandy who had arranged for the guest lecturing position at the...

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