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Chapter 10 "Turn your head just a little," click, "A little more, smile," click, "Now pout, ooh, that's sexy," click, "Lean a little," click, "Now think of your boyfriend making love to you," Enrique said as Tiffany posed for the next shot. Tiffany's smile turned sour with that request. Enrique didn't know about Tiffany nor did anyone else for that matter other than Brenda and what he had just requested turned her stomach. The thought of a man fondling and touching her made her skin crawl. Tiffany may have arrived in New York City with a new attitude about her undercover assignment but her values hadn't changed, she remained Dirk under all this fluff and makeup, and she was determined that wouldn't change. When Tiffany arrived the first day of work for her interview with Melissa, Brenda had noticed a great change in her friend. Try as she may Tiffany had remained surly during her training. She had hated the girl part of all this and after Brenda had left, she was alone. She lashed out at the only person she had contact with, Maria. "I hate this, I hate the clothes, I hate the makeup, and I hate you," Tiffany screamed at Maria. The slap came swift and hard, "Don't you ever talk to me like that you ungrateful little bitch," Maria said, with venom in her voice. Tiffany felt the sting of Maria's hand on her face and then much to her embarrassment tears filled her eyes and she began to cry. The tears ran down her cheeks, men don't cry like this and yet I'm crying, God I've become a girl and didn't even know it, which produced the intended results, the dam broke. Tiffany had hurt Maria deeply, Maria had come to love her creation, not in a sexual way but deeply as one would love her sister and Tiffany had lashed out at her in the cruelest way possible, with her words. Maria looked at Tiffany and wanted to say more but knew she didn't have to. She could see that Tiffany was distraught for what had just happened, she had finally surrendered her masculinity. Maria took Tiffany in her arms and held her tight. "Let it out, don't be ashamed of crying, it will make you stronger," she said as she stroked Tiffany's hair. Tiffany gained control of her emotions and held Maria tight. Maria was her anchor and with out her she felt that she would surely die. "I'm so sorry for what I said," Tiffany sniffed, looking at her friend, "I really didn't mean it" "I know you didn't," Maria responded, looking deeply into her friend's eyes. What happened next confounded both Maria and Tiffany. Maria drew Tiffany's face to hers and brushed her lips softly against Tiffany's. Maria had never had an encounter with another woman but when their lips touched, it was magic. Maria kissed Tiffany again and didn't pull back, but parted her lips and thrust her tongue into Tiffany's waiting mouth. This interlude continued until they consummated what Maria had started and Dirk was buried deep within her. The two held each other tight not wanting this moment to end. "Tiffany, I'm going to miss you," Maria said. "I'll miss you too." "Now, can you feel secure enough with yourself to play a girl named Tiffany until this assignment ends?" Maria asked. "Right now, I don't feel like a girl named Tiffany, and yes I can, because I know that Dirk will be waiting to return to you," Tiffany said. "Don't be silly, what we did just happened, no commitments, just two people, a man and a woman making love. I hope now that you can make the distinction between Tiffany and Dirk. You are Dirk and you're just pretending to be a girl name Tiffany. Just remember to be Tiffany while you are in New York and when this is over be Dirk again, but don't try to be both and remember even as Tiffany, you're one hell of a man." Dirk finally got the message, there was no shame in being a girl, in fact some of it had been fun and now was the time to embrace it, it was time to become Tiffany. "Did I say something that bothered you?" asked Enrique. "I'm sorry, no, I just lost my concentration," Tiffany said. "Good, now please look sexy for me, good, perfect, I'm done with this outfit, go change and we'll start all over again." Tiffany changed into another business suit and the photo shoot continued. The posing and bending was much more difficult than she thought it would be but she continued to smile and do as asked. Twenty outfits later they were done. "Tiffany, you were magnificent," stated Enrique, "absolutely magnificent." "Thank you." "I'm going to ask Melissa if you could do some other things for me, you're a joy to work with. Most of the other girls seem to have a stick up their ass but you shine when the camera is pointed at you. I'm going to print these photos tonight and if I like them as much as I think I will, you're going to be big in this business." Tiffany's head was swimming, what was he talking about, big in this business, I bet he says that to all the girls, these guys are all the same. Tiffany dressed in her own clothes and asked if there was anything else they needed before she left. Tiffany walked out of the front doors of the building, the two-inch heel of her ankle boots clicking on the sidewalk. Tiffany had dressed casual this day, an angora sweater and Capri pants. The clothes provided just enough warmth to make her feel comfortable against the early autumn chill. Dusk had begun to fall over the city and the days were beginning to grow short with the approach of winter. The street was deserted all the way to Broadway and she knew she would have to walk that far to catch a cab. As her heels tapped the pavement she had an uneasy feeling come over her, she was being followed. As she turned her head her hair brushed her shoulders and she saw a figure duck into a doorway. She turned back and increased the pace of her walk. Tiffany felt a rush of fear, even though she was well skilled in the art of self-defense, she felt vulnerable for the first time in her life. Will I be able to move in these heels, if I hit the guy will I break a nail, will my clothes be ruined if I fall, fuck now I'm even thinking like a girl. Tiffany heard steps behind her gaining ground even though she was walking as fast as she could in heels. She turned raising her hands into a defensive posture ready to strike the person following her. "You shouldn't be walking alone," stated the police officer, "It's getting dark." Relief rushed over Tiffany's body as she answered, "I was going for a cab." "It's a long walk, you really should have phoned for one, what are you doing in this neighborhood at this hour?" he asked. "I just finished a photo shoot." "You're a model?" "Yes." "You're very pretty and you shouldn't be alone. I'll walk you to the corner, what's you name?" he asked. "Tiffany, Tiffany Rollins." "Hi, I'm Hank Phelps, my friends all call me Little Hank." "Little Hank?" Tiffany giggled, "You're huge." Hank stood six-foot six and looked as though he played football for the Giants, she was impressed. "They call me little Hank because all my brothers are taller than me." "How many brothers do you have?" "Four and were all cops." "Do you have any sisters?" "Two, my sister Gail is the tallest, she's five-two, can you believe it. I would have thought she would be as tall as you but the girls in our family never grew, kind of weird, huh?" "That's not so weird, most girls are short, I'm the one that's strange, God can you imagine being this tall and being a girl too?" "Of course I can, except for the girl part," Hank laughed. "Its getting cold, let me buy you a cup of coffee, it's very rare that I have a chance to talk to a pretty girl." "I'd like that," Tiffany replied softly, as he felt herself blush. "There's a Starbucks around the corner, it's warm and friendly and best of all, I'm buying." Hank was outgoing and engaging, he was a man you couldn't help but like. He had a strong face with a few acne scars, a moustache and deep blue eyes that sparkled with a little bit of impishness as he talked. Tiffany liked him right away, he would be a wonderful friend to have, especially to watch football with and put down a few beers. It would be fun having Hank as a buddy. Hank was looking at Tiffany and being a buddy was the farthest thing from his mind. God this girl is pretty and she's having coffee with me, man how can I be so lucky, he wondered? Hank had dated lots of girls all through school and through the police academy and had married two years after he became an officer. His wife like most of the girls he had dated was plain looking, not ugly but not beautiful either. They looked nice, but he usually found more beauty inside than out. His marriage lasted for two and a half years until his wife tired of him working so many hours. This was during the 9/11 disaster and they fought constantly. He had lost friends and she wanted him home to make babies but that wasn't to be, so they divorced. Hank had dated a few girls since then but nothing serious came of it. Hank and Tiffany strolled into the coffee shop and found a table. Hank held out a chair for Tiffany to sit. "What would you like?" he asked. "Just a small non-fat vanilla latte." "Non-fat?" "Of course non-fat, I have to watch my weight." "Girls!" Hank said as he shook his head and walked away chuckling to himself. Hank returned with the drinks and placed Tiffany's in front of her. "Thank you," she said. "My pleasure. How long have you been in New York, Tiffany?" "About a week." "I kind of guessed that." "How did you know?" "A pretty girl like you doesn't walk down dark streets by herself if she's lived here for very long. Where are you from?" "Minnesota." "How do you like New York City?" "It's big. I really don't know much about it, since all I've done is work and sleep." "It's a wonderful city once you get to know it." "Well maybe I'll go site seeing some day when I have free time." "Don't you ever have time off?" "I really don't know. I arrived in town and found a job and that's all I know. This is the first modeling job I've ever had and all I know is that the hours are long." "Do you have a boyfriend back home?" Tiffany felt the hair on the back of her neck stand straight. "No, do you?" she asked absentmindedly. Hank started laughing, "No, no boyfriends, lots of girls but no boys." "I'm sorry, that's what I meant." "Boys or girls?" Tiffany was becoming flustered and then Hank saw it, a little smile and then a little giggle, Tiffany was lightening up. "Girls, of course, silly." Tiffany couldn't believe she just said that, she called Hank silly, she had made a girlish remark like that without thinking, God she hated being a girl and now she had giggled at what Hank had said and made the girlish remark, Tiffany was angry with herself and yet for some reason she felt a peaceful glow inside of herself, she felt feminine. "I've dated lots of girls and was married once but it didn't take, luckily we didn't have any children, so the breakup wasn't that bad." "That's too bad, how long were you married?" "A little over two years." "Why did you breakup?" "We were fighting all the time. We married a year before 9/11 and when that happened I had to work a lot of overtime. I lost a lot of friends when the buildings collapsed and I was pissed off all the time. I felt it wasn't fair for them to have put their lives on the line and have some assholes fly planes into those buildings and then they had to die trying to save other peoples lives like that. I finally came to realize that I was pissed off at myself because I wasn't there to help. I had been stationed all the way at the other end of Manhattan Island and there was no way I could have done anything. I had therapy and finally got over it but my wife had left me before that. To be perfectly honest I think we married because it seemed to be the thing to do." "We had dated off and on for several years and everyone kept asking when we were going to marry so one thing led to another and we tied the knot. With us being married, it was kind of like, I don't know how to say this, it was just something that was expected of us. We loved each other but not like a husband and wife should, it was just convenient. We parted friends, in fact when she remarried and I went to her wedding. She married a really nice guy and she's due with their first baby in December. They've asked me to be the God-father, kind of ironic isn't it?" he said. Tiffany was silent for a moment wondering what she could say to Hank. He had lived through so much in his short life. He couldn't be much more than twenty-seven or eight and yet he had lost friends in 9/11 and a wife too. He was to be the God-father to her child, all of this had struck a chord deep in her soul. "You must feel very proud?" "More than you know," he said. "Enough about me, tell me about yourself." "There's nothing to tell, not like that," she said. "Please, I want to know more about you." "Really there's nothing to tell. I went to school and when I grew this tall I decided to become a model, isn't that what tall girls do?" Tiffany said with another giggle. Why am I giggling so much, crap if I don't stop, this guy will think I'm interested in him. "You could have played basketball." "And break a nail?" she giggled. Stop it, she thought, stop flirting. Flirting, God that's what I'm doing, I'm flirting, I have to leave, I can't do this. "I really should leave now, it's getting late and I have to be at work early tomorrow, you've been really sweet Hank," she said. "Thanks for joining me, most girls don't want to be seen with a cop in this neighborhood. Next time call for a cab because the guy behind you might not be a cop, it's been a pleasure meeting you Tiffany Rollins, I hope to see you again." "That would be nice," she responded as she laid her hand on his. Tiffany's cheeks felt warm, she was blushing and when she noticed her red sculpted nails resting on Hank's hand she felt embarrassed, she was making a move on this guy as her brain was turning to mush. Maria had said to be Tiffany but this was going too far and she pulled her hand away. "Before you go let me give you my card. You never know when you might need a cop," Hank said as he pulled his card from his wallet and handed it to Tiffany. Tiffany placed the card in her purse. "Good night Hank," Tiffany said as she turned and walked out into the street. The cold evening air flowed into her nostrils clearing her thoughts as she hailed a cab. What was I thinking, she wondered. I'd like to have Hank as a buddy, a guy to hang out with, go to games, have a couple of beers with, maybe pickup a couple of girls, and here I was, the girl trying to pick him up instead, Tiffany felt sick as the cab made its way through the New York traffic.

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Being 18 years old and having to be out on the tennis courts five days a week every week since the age of 7, I was beginning to realize just how bored I was getting with the sport.Sure, my plans to go professional were still in tact -- I'd been working myself to death with the hope that one day I'll be the best player in the world.But at that moment, I was just tired.My practice sessions ranged in various ways: be it who I hit with, who I trained with, what I did in practice, how much I ran,...

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Femdoms Wedding

Femdom’s Wedding By Goldfing [email protected]:Bill has a pornography addiction that causes him to masturbate incessantly. He seeks help from a sex therapist who refers him to Myra. Myra likes him and decides to marry him. This is chapter 12 of 21 ?The Wedding? from Femdom’s Ultimate Submission. Christina, Myra’s lover, helps with the ceremony.Home Page: 12Bill wakes up early on his wedding day. Somehow he has made it, and it won’t be...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 10

I had talked to Sonia who gave me the lead for the job being a nanny.  I had interviewed with the woman of the house, Mary Anne, who was a housewife.  Mary Anne was married to Chris who was typically either traveling throughout the United States or locked away in his home office doing some sort of hedge fund or stock market work.  Mary Anne spent most of her time exercising or at the local country club and was looking for someone to take care of their five-year-old boy, CJ, and two-year-old...

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USAChapter 16

"There's one hellofa deal on an in-between size tug out of New Jersey," Tuobro said, "Really good price." "What is an in-between size?" I asked. "One eighty-seven." "What's a really good price?" "If we pay it off before the bank gets it repossessed, we can have it for what's owed," the former Finnish Lieutenant of Aviation said. "What's owed?" The price was nothing short of spectacular ... too cheap to tell. "Uhm ... sur ... uh ... wait." I thought about what was...

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Shameful Boy

"Hi, come on in, all of you are welcome. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. I have some white wine if any of you are interested. Yes?" Since there was general agreement on wine, Mary went into the kitchen to take out the two chilled magnums she had purchased for this occasion. She had really enjoyed herself last week at the Abused Mothers Support Group, and was looking forward to this show and tell session. Last week she had finally heard enough of the other women's woes and had...

4 years ago
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Oral pleassure with master

It feels good to be out of the close and I find myself humming happily along to the tune of an unknown music. I hear Master walk up behind me and smile happily to myself. How could this be any better. Using a gin sue knife I sliced open the stake packageing and seasoned them on both sides before sliding them into the buttered cast-iron skillet. The smell was heavenly mouthwatering. As the stakes sizzled and browne in the pan I start to move away from the stove and grab the green beans. Hands...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Evelina Darling Bride Rides Photographers Big Dick

Russian glamour pornstar Evelina Darling is a bride-to-be and getting ready for the big day doing a wedding shoot in today’s Double Bonus release premium porn scene. Unfortunately, her groom-to-be is a no-show and she must continue the shoot by herself. It definitely doesn’t bode well for the upcoming wedding, but lucky for the horny honey, her wedding photographer Nikolas is more than happy to step in for the groom, at least when it comes to pussy fucking her juicy snatch. And she...

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Game of dare

100% fiction! Ever since we were teens my sisters and I have wound my brother up. When we started to smoke he wouldn't touch them, when we started drinking he decided to be teetotal. So we mercily called him Mr Straight and kidded him about how he would never do anything remotely dangerous or taboo. I don't see him very often but his work occasionally means he stays with my family for a few days when he is in the area. On one such visit I was home alone with him as my family were away visiting...

2 years ago
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Saving Caitlin Ch 04

SAVING CAITLIN by MaddieKim Again I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. I appreciate the comments and the votes. I thought if one person likes this tale then I’ll have done a good thing by submitting it. It seems more than one of you liked it, so again I say thank you to each and every one of you. Maddie Part IV Back to the cabin When she saw the car coming up the drive, Ginny bolted out of the cabin and flew into Jon’s arms the moment he was out of the car. He...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 1

Introduction: What happens when daddy looks at his little girl in a whole new way at bathtime? ~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!!!~ Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!! my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wifes passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so...

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The Brass StatuettesChapter 14 Discovery

Brenda sat in a chair at the round table on Gloria's veranda. Juana had just cleared their lunch dishes. Although the weather was quite pleasant, no one wore their swimsuit under cropped pants and blouses; no expectation of margaritas poolside in the après-lunch. To Brenda, Gloria's appearance appeared grim even though she had good news to tell the group—at least, it was good in Brenda's estimation. Gloria had briefed Brenda in advance. Knowledge of the paradox made Brenda feel even more...

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LeslieChapter 7 Clearing The Air

Sunday morning I got out of bed and took a great, big shit. If I don't sound like a lady, too bad, but that's what it was and it felt good to get rid of it. No pain, no discomfort, just that pleasure you get when your body works the way it's supposed to. I got in the shower and made sure to scrub my back well. This was another pleasure I was just getting to experience again. Of course, there were other parts of my body than my back that felt good to soap and rinse off. I found I was much...

4 years ago
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A summer Holiday education pt 8

An hour had passed since our audience moved on, we had finished our picnic and all went for a swim.   While in the water granma moved over towards me placed her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips.   “Mmm I would love you to fuck me in the water like this” she said   I then felt something stiff by my ass.   “Mmm yeah fuck her while we watch” said grandpa in my ear, it was his cock against my ass. ...

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The Threesome

Hi. My name is Steve Williams. This is part of the story of my introduction to alternative lifestyles.Beginning at the age of sixteen, I experienced a great deal of sex, including many variations that were not limited to couples of two. I participated in numerous group-gropes or orgies and had several threesome experiences with two women -- female/male/female threesomes. I never found these larger group orgies or the FMF threesomes to be overly satisfying even though I always had fantasized...

Wife Lovers
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The golden orb Part 2

Synopsis: This story is a direct continuation of my story "The golden orb," It is advised that you read the first installment beforehand to understand what little plot is happening. If you are just looking to read some story with a lot of sex scenes though you might enjoy this even without reading the first part I guess.The story further follows Sam and Jane after their find of the magical, wish-granting golden orb. Jane has successfully used the golden orb to transform her boyfriend Sam...

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AJ Teachers Pet

We're lay on the sofa cuddling when I suddenly get up and say,“I have a special surprise for you… Wanna follow me to the bedroom?''You get this wide grin on your face and follow without a word. I push you into sitting on the bed then grab my bag and look back at you, “I’ll be right back hun…”, you nod with a cheesy sort of smile. I slink into the bathroom to change. When I come out you see me in a short black skirt, crisp,white, cotton shirt, my old school tie, white knee high socks, and sexy...

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Pay up time

Working for an accounting firm for 5 years, I have been handling large accounts. A friend suggested no one would notice if a couple of thousands of dollars here and there were missing. I took the advice. Everything went smoothly, unnoticed for about three months. One day I received a note to go to Mr. Smith, my manger’s office. Mr. Hanson, the chief of security and my account lead, Lance were also waiting in the office. I froze. What’s going on! Leticia. I have been told you’ve embezzled this...

Group Sex
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 5

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...

3 years ago
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Sissy Caught in Public

Getting caught wearing lingerie under my clothes in public is one of my biggest fantasies that hopefully come true one day.I regularly like to dress up in my car and drive around doing slutty things in the privacy of my vehicle. One day I decided to try something new. I had read a lot of stories on here about people fucking in parks and public places so I figured I would try putting on some lingerie under my clothes and venture out into a park late one evening. I had this hot little matching...

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Company Cuckold

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONIt seems that some of us, no matter how hard we try, can't avoid what fate has destined for us.My name is Donald, and as I review the last 20 years of my life and marriage, I can only say that it seems that my destiny is to be degraded and subjugated by stronger women and men.I'm married to a wonderful and beautiful creature named Darlene. She is a vivacious woman without question. Even though she's an assertive wife, she has a wonderful personality with a touch of...

4 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 2 Meeting the Harem

Bethany was still not there, but the AI reported that her initial treatment was nearly done and we could expect her back in another few minutes. It was hard to determine time on the ship, but my internal clock suggested that it was only just after eight p.m. I looked at Tina, Janice and Meiko and smiled. "I want to do a formal introduction and get to know each other once Bethany is here so that she can get to know you and you her, although you seem to be thick as thieves already," I said...

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Hard TimeChapter 2

In the morning, we all woke up at about the same time. Lind groaned every time she moved from the fistings of last night. She waddled a little as she walked due to the stretching and residual pain between her legs. After everyone was dressed but Lind, Jan divided my belongings among them so I carried nothing but the bow and arrows. Lind didn't like carrying "so much" and I got tired of the grumbling and said, "Would you like another fisting in your holes but, this time, by me?" She...

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EvilAngel Sidra Sage Anally Flavored Threesome

Slim, short-haired brunette Sidra Sage loves to tease. In a slinky swimsuit, the freaky vixen bends over for MILF director Francesca Le, whose massive tits spill from a matching outfit. Francesca rims Sidra’s sphincter, readying her rump for reaming. Sidra returns the favor through a hot lesbian start, till hung stud Mark Wood joins the action. Sidra slobbers as she sucks Mark’s big cock, sliding her tongue under his shaft as it fills her tiny, drooling mouth in a nasty blowjob,...

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Such Dirty Girls Part One

The water almost felt like it was burning through my skin as it hit the back of my neck. It felt so good that for a while I just stood there, even though I knew I needed to be getting ready for school. It was a Friday and the last thing I wanted to do was get dressed and head to school. “Honey,” I heard the voice of my mother as she poked her head into the bathroom. I could not make out her face through the steam but I knew that she was there. “I am heading off to work, I wont be home until...

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She Suggested They Might Do Lunch

Em was lying on the bed in her weekend holiday hotel room wearing a little top-and-shorts beach party ensemble. Her mouth was partly open as if to invite cock and her eyes half closed with lust. Her long legs were profoundly apart and her pants were pulled aside. She wasn’t wearing panties and her hotly manicured landing strip was erotically in full view. A lovely long tongue, owned by a lovely young man, was hotly licking her pussy. The lovely young man had one hand on the inside of her...

Straight Sex
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NORA an Emma Prequal

Chapter 1 - We had been lead to this place. A domed room that could hold a least a thousand of us poor wenches although currently I would guess there was a hundred of us. We all stood, half understanding out fate and dreading it. Cursing and praying to the very Gods who brought us here. More than a few cried and sobbed. Those monsters paid no attention. They were used to this spectacle I was sure. One hundred women of various ages, sizes, colors, creeds all bound together by a common destiny....

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Best New Year8217s Eve

Hello All, myself Honey (not my real name) from Delhi. Myself 27 and Single. You can mail me at I love married ladies specially who are wild in bed. This story is all about my experience with my neighbor. This story I am posting only after her consent. To maintain her dignity, I would not reveal her real name. Let’s call her Nisha. Her stats are 35D-30-36 (got to know later from her). She is mother of one girl child who is 5 years old. She is a typical housewife with her husband having his own...

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