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The sun was shining cheerfully in direct contrast to my mood, as I waddled un-gainfully down the high street feeling tired and achy. It was the leather jacket that caught my eye with its familiar painting of a red dragon on the back. For a second my heart stopped and my blood ran cold.

An old lady walking behind me cursed when she had to swerve to avoid me. I stood blocking the pavement for a frozen moment, suspended in shock. When I had recovered a little, I glanced at her briefly in apology. I looked back straight away but you were gone. For a second I thought maybe it was my imagination playing tricks on me, (God knows I'd thought about you often enough in the last few months). But then you appeared once again like a mirage, your familiar face smiling down at a child I could only presume was your daughter, as she stood laughing next to you.

All the hurt and the anger of the last few months rose up in a hideous wave of nausea and I staggered a little, bile threatening to erupt from my throat. I reached out unsteadily to grasp the door frame of a gaudy card shop for support. A kind lady passing looked at me with a worried frown,

"Are you okay dear?" She asked with some concern. I supposed in my condition, she had every right to be concerned.

I pasted a grey smile on my ashen face and nodded firmly. I was fine, I assured her confidently, although I felt anything but fine. Avoid stress and sudden shocks, the books all said. What they didn't advise on, was how to avoid the low life bastard who had gotten you pregnant and then decided to abdicate all responsibility after conception had taken place. No, that was all my own problem and I had to deal with it.

"Hey Lucy, want a vodka?"

I spun round to see who had yelled the question at me over the throb of the music, and found myself staring at a muscular chest wearing an old AC/DC t-shirt. Two deep blue eyes twinkled down at me in amusement and my stomach lurched unexpectedly.

"Erm sorry!" I muttered idiotically, blushing slightly much to my chagrin.

"No problem..." The stranger grinned at me disarmingly and I melted helplessly into a pool of warm jelly. This guy was seriously gorgeous and I was helplessly smitten.

Suddenly, an arm grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the throng of dancing people against my will. I lost sight of my blue-eyed god and was unexpectedly distraught for a moment, but then a cold bottle of Vodka Ice was thrust into my hand and I drank deeply. My head spun with the potent alcohol and my senses blurred in a foggy haze.

For the next couple of hours, I played 'party girl' to the hilt, chatting to people I knew and people I didn't know. I drank, laughed, danced and generally enjoyed myself. I didn't stop looking for Mr Blue eyes though and occasionally I caught brief glimpses of him across the crowded, smoky room. He knew I was watching him and he smiled whenever he caught my eye. We both knew I was interested.

At around midnight, I was stood in the kitchen on my own for the first time and wondering why I still felt relatively sober, despite all the booze. The crowd had thinned out and a few had already gone home. The music had changed to chill-out stuff and more than a few guests were heavily inebriated.

"Hey Birthday girl!" a voice whispered hypnotically in my ear.

The fine hairs on the back of my neck stood up and prickled slightly. Although I couldn't see who had spoken, I just knew it was him. He placed his hand firmly around my waist and turned me round slowly to face him. My skin burned where he touched me and my senses tingled in anticipation of... what?

I didn't know what; I just knew I wanted it.

His eyes were like deep pools of azure and I immediately dived in uncaring of the consequences. I would have stayed like that, drowning ever so slowly, but convention dictated that some kind of response was customary.

"Hi." I said. Hardly the most original reply I could have come up with, but about as good as it got under the circumstances.

With both hands on my slim waist, he stood within millimetres of my slightly trembling body. I was almost embarrassed at my animal reaction to him and he smiled knowingly at me, arrogantly sure of his obvious charms.

"Shall we go and stand by the fire - you're shivering?" he said with a faint laugh.

"No that's okay," I grinned inanely. "What's your name, I don't remember seeing you before tonight?"

"Chris." He replied. "I am a friend of Helen and Lee."

Oh, I thought hazily, vague recalling Helen saying she was bringing some friends with her.

"How does it feel being twenty one?" he asked cheekily.

"I'm not sure yet - I'll decide when I've sobered up tomorrow!"

Somebody pushed past me with a hasty apology and I was propelled forcefully into Chris's arms. The moment passed but Chris kept hold of me tightly. I could feel the staccato beat of his heart in his chest, and the hard muscles of his body pressing against the soft curves of mine. We breathed the same oxygen for several long moments, tension building, until a woman shouting above the music broke the bubble,

"Chris! We're going now, where are you?" He released me reluctantly. "Be seeing you Lucy..." he promised, before vanishing out of sight and leaving me floating on my own little cloud nine.

Almost three weeks went by and I had nearly forgotten about Chris. I say nearly — only thinking about him every second minute or so counts as nearly in my book. I had intended to ask Helen about him, but we hadn't seen each other since the party so when I got a text message from him on my way to work one Thursday, I nearly drove my car into a ditch in surprise.

Fancy a drink tonight? Chris.
How did u get my no?
I'm clever. Yes/no?
Ok. Time?
7 @ Nags Head, Lampton. Ok 4 u?
Yes, c u there :)
Cool! :)

My head was spinning and I thought of nothing else all day. No work got done and I probably made a hundred and one mistakes on the invoices. By ten to seven, I was sat in my Renault in the car park of The Nags Head pub, dressed to kill and nervous as hell.

I had had dates by the dozen, some of them had even been relatively normal — but this seemed more important to me. This was the first guy in a while I really wanted. The others were just a dress rehearsal for tonight — the main act. I knew I was pinning an awful lot on this one man, but I sensed that he was special. I just hoped it wasn't wishful thinking.

My heart thudded so loudly in my chest when he stepped out of his car, I wondered if he could hear it. He spotted me almost straight away and walked over to meet me with a huge smile.

"Hi Lucy," he grinned warmly. "I wasn't sure you would meet me..." he added cryptically.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked puzzled. "It's not like you're married or anything is it?"

We both laughed at such a ridiculous idea and the tension dissipated. Chris took my hand and led me into the pub and we talked the evening away, oblivious to the rest of the world and his dog.

I was actually shocked to realise, when I sneaked a look at my watch later, to find that three and a half hours had passed without me even noticing. That's how quickly I was falling for him. For a brief heart-stopping minute I was scared, it all seemed to be moving too fast. But he returned from the bar with another round of drinks and dazzled me with his charm. I was soon lost again, caught up once more in the charismatic web he wove.

That first night, he left me at my car door with a chaste kiss on the cheek. I had to admit I was rather disappointed, I had been expecting a slow seduction, whereby I could enjoy the first few moments before regretfully pushing him away and escaping with my feminine pride intact. Instead I was the one left wanting more and intensely frustrated when I didn't get it.

He left it three days before he got in touch again and by then I knew he was playing a subtle game with me. I was cool and friendly, but not overly so. He asked me out once more and I told him I'd think about it and let him know.

He laughed and said, fine, he would wait for my answer. I made him wait for a further two days before I replied to say yes, I would like to see him again. It nearly killed me to do this, but I thought with amusement, two could play that game.

I tried to call Helen once, I was curious to find out more about Chris. I got no reply however and although I left a message on her answer phone, she never got back to me. I wasn't too bothered; I could find no fault with Chris so far.

He told me he worked as a self-employed Electrician; he worked hours to suit himself and he had two daughters from a previous relationship. He also told me his relationship with his ex was pretty acrimonious and they were currently fighting over access to their kids. This was the reason he gave for keeping our relationship secret for the moment.

"I can't give Cindy any more ammunition to use against me," he sighed sadly. "If she thinks I'm seeing anyone else, she'll just make my life hell," I felt so sorry for him when he told me this; it sounded like his ex was a total bitch, using his kids to hurt him.

"You know how much I like you Lucy, but I think it's better if we keep it to ourselves for now. When this crap is all sorted out, you can tell who you like about us." He looked at me seriously, cupping my face in his hands. "Are you sure that's okay? I know it's not ideal and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to see me any more..."

"Course its okay!" I said reassuringly. What else could I say? I supposed it didn't matter if nobody knew about us yet. My friends were certainly becoming a little curious, but as far as they knew, I was simply busy with work and this was the reason I hadn't been around so much lately. It was on the tip of my tongue to announce it to the whole world, but I respected Chris's request to keep me under wraps. I had no desire to mess things up for him — I liked him too much.

Besides, the illicit nature of our relationship added a certain spice to proceedings. We always met at remote pubs, far enough away from our respective villages to make it unlikely that we would bump into anyone we knew.

He asked me to never to ring him at home in case the kids were staying with him, as he told me he frequently looked after them after school and over night. (He didn't want them intercepting any phone calls and telling their mum). I was slightly perturbed by this, but I understood that it could cause problems if one of his kids answered the phone.

Cindy sounded like the kind of ex who would go mental if she even so much as sensed another woman sniffing around her man. Consequently, I saw him two, sometimes three evenings a week. I could live with this — I figured it was better to take things slowly anyway.

Despite my intense physical attraction to him, or maybe because of, I kept him firmly at arms length for the first few times we met. He kissed me of course, and my senses always went onto overdrive as a result; but I made sure we were in a public place and it never went beyond a kiss.

But what a kiss! His lips did things to me that no other mans ever had. My whole body felt like it was in meltdown when he touched me. But, as much as I wanted him, I wasn't going to let him think I was easy, oh no...

My good intentions finally went flying out of the window the night we went to The Spotted Ox in Upper Monkdale. It was an old, quaint pub deep in the middle of nowhere. Strange stuffed animals hung off nicotine stained walls and a huge log fire burned in a black grate, despite it being a mild June evening. We were practically the only customers in there, other than a few desiccated farmer types sat near the bar, supping pints of local brew and muttering to their sheep dogs in grumpy tones.

The land-lady was a nice woman who happily showed us a hand written menu of home cooked dishes. She seemed rather surprised to find anyone willing to sample her food and I just prayed that she hadn't killed anyone off with botulism recently. I ordered Cottage Pie and Chris chose Lamb Hot Pot.

I needn't have worried — the food was absolutely delicious and we stuffed ourselves silly in between conversation about everything under the sun. That was the thing with Chris; he was so witty and amusing, he had me in stitches and I found it hard to come up with any intelligent ripostes, as he frequently distracted me by carelessly placing his hand on my thigh or brushing his fingers across my cheek when making a point about something meaningful. He had completely bewitched me and I was utterly captivated.

It was a beautiful evening, the clear indigo sky lit up with a thousand stars. There was a full moon shining when we headed back outside and Chris suggested a walk in the rambling pub gardens before we went back to our respective homes. We talked as we walked, and he wrapped his arm round my waist while we meandered our way down an overgrown path through the inky trees.

We reached the end of the garden and stood in a small clearing with a wooden bench. The only sounds were the flowing water of a nearby stream and the rustling of small creatures in the undergrowth. That and the heavy beat of my heart, thudding painfully in my chest.

Silence reigned for a sublime moment, each of us wrapped in our own thoughts, his arm loosely draped around my waist and my face resting in the curve of his warm neck. I could smell the scent of the tangy aftershave he always wore and it ignited my senses, inciting my libido to kick in.

He lowered his face to mine and smiling faintly in the half light, he kissed me gently. At first it was a sweet kiss, a gentle exploration of my soft lips, his tongue probing the softness of my mouth. But it soon deepened now that we were away from the prying gaze of other people. I could feel my body responding to his touch, the fire creeping slowly through my veins like a narcotic, warming me from within and making my heart race faster.

I slid my arms around his neck as I turned to face him, seeking more than a kiss; my aching flesh needing his intimate touch. My breasts felt tender and my burgeoning nipples pressed through the thin bodice of my cotton dress.

Chris groaned faintly as I pressed myself into him, our mouths welded together in a heated duel.

"We need to stop now or I won't be responsible for my actions..." he muttered, breaking away from me slightly.

I knew he was right and that we both needed to cool off; but I was feeling reckless, so casting caution into the cool night air I whispered into his ear,

"Don't stop now; I need you..."

"Are you sure?" he asked, his breathing as heavy as mine.

"Yes..." I whispered, pulling him close and kissing him again hard; I'd never been so sure of anything in my life.

Gently, he slipped the thin straps of my dress off my tanned shoulders and it fell to my waist, revealing my lacy red bra. Slowly, teasingly, he cupped my breasts and rubbed his thumbs over the taut nipples, a trace of a glittering smile apparent as I groaned in response. Moonlight bathed us in a silvery glow as he released my bra and it fell unheeded to the grassy floor.

"So beautiful," he said reverently. He took a taut nipple in his mouth and sucked tenderly, kneading my sensitive flesh, making me writhe against him with desperate desire. I could feel his hardness against my belly; throbbing with a reminder of where this was leading. But I didn't care any more, I wanted him so badly it hurt.

"Last chance to say no," Chris rasped, his hand sliding up my slender thigh. There was no way on earth I could have said 'stop' then - it would have killed me. I took his hand and pushed it between my legs in a wordless reply. Breathing heavily, he pulled my sodden thong aside and moaned to find me so wet and open for him, my juices spilling over his fingers and down my trembling legs.

His fingers brushed over my clit and I pushed against his hand, clutching onto him tightly as the pleasure ramped higher. First one, then two fingers, thrust into my wet sex, fucking me slowly as he bent to take a nipple in his mouth, biting gently as punishment when I dug my nails into his neck.

I cried out in release as I came, the spasms of pleasure flooding over me in shuddering waves. Chris held me tightly, until eventually I came down from the dazzling high. I kissed him in stunned gratitude for the best orgasm I had ever experienced. He pulled me close and I was reminded that he still hadn't cum when I felt his hard erection pressing into me.

Teasingly, I reached down and rubbed his hardness through the coarse denim of his jeans. He groaned at the subtle stimulation.

"Bitch!" he scolded with a smile to show he didn't really mean it.

I laughed lightly, unzipping his jeans and pulling his hard cock from the confines of his boxers. Licking the sticky pre-cum from the swollen head, I wrapped my lips around his shaft, taking him as far into my throat as I could manage without gagging.

After a few delicious moments, he pulled me roughly to my feet and moved backwards carefully, so that he was sat down on the wooden bench behind us. I sat astride him, kissing him hard as he entered me, pushing upwards into my tight channel. It had been a while for me and I gasped at the feel of his thick cock stretching and filling me up.

The night air was cool but my skin gleamed with a light lustre of sweat. I half closed my eyes and threw my head back, revelling in the feel of him fucking me, my hands holding his neck and my breasts swaying provocatively in his face.

Hard and fast we made love, the sound of our bodies rubbing together barely audible over the water splashing nearby. I bit his lip as I came again, tasting coppery blood when my orgasm hit me hard. He lasted a few moments longer, thrusting hard into my pulsing cunt until he came too, groaning as he filled me up with bursts of hot semen.

The moon disappeared behind a cloud while we sat locked together, our skin slick with sweat and our bodies sated at last. The juices of our coupling trickled out from between my thighs in pearly trails of milk and I shivered slightly as the night air felt suddenly chilly on my cooling skin.

"I need to get home," stated Chris regretfully.

"Why?" I asked in surprise, feeling slightly hurt that he didn't want to spend the rest of the night with me.

"Sorry baby, I need to get up really early for work, and you know we won't get any sleep if I come home with you..." he chuckled.

"Oh okay." I was still hurt but I could see his point. I too had to go work in the morning and being bleary eyed and tired was unlikely to endear me to my boss.

Chris tenderly kissed me good night at my front door and sped off into the darkness leaving me happy, yet strangely unsettled. I was too tired to truly analyse my feelings and I went straight to bed, crashing out within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

The next three months followed a pattern. He would ring or text me, arrange to see me and then either meet me somewhere, or pick me up from my house. The sex continued to be amazing, but he never spent the night with me. He always had an excuse to go home and as time went on, it began to bother me more and more. Looking back, I know I should have seen the signs — but hindsight is always a wonderful thing isn't it?

Eventually I asked him why he would never spend the night with me. We were sat languidly on the back seat of his car in a secluded car park, clothes half off and the windows steamed up with the heat of our passion, my thighs slick with cum.

"You know how it is Lucy," he murmured into my neck.

"No Chris, I don't know how it is. Tell me." I said firmly, having no intention of being fobbed off with excuses.

He stroked my arm lightly as I half lay across his lap. "I have the kids almost every night — my Mum baby-sits them if I need to go out. On the nights I don't, I couldn't take you back to mine because the neighbours would only blab to Cindy and cause me grief. You live at home so we can't go there either."

I thought about this for a moment, then said, "You could come back to mine, Mum wouldn't mind you know?" I couldn't see a lot as it was pretty dark, but I could see him frown in irritation and I felt a sudden pang of doubt in my mind.

"Look Lucy, I've explained how it is with Cindy and me. As soon as I start disappearing for nights here and there, it'll get back to her and she'll give me hell. I just don't need that shit at the moment okay?"

His tone was snappy and he moved, pushing me off his lap. I felt the panic rising and I grabbed his arm, despising my weakness even as I did it.

"I'm sorry, I do understand really. I just want to be with you properly don't you see?"

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I gazed at him earnestly.

"Come on Lucy, I get enough grief from her, I really don't need it from you too. I promise we'll be together soon; you just have to be patient babe."

He kissed me softly, cupping my face tenderly, and I knew I was forgiven this time. I kissed him back hungrily, relieved that we hadn't fallen out, but annoyed with myself for backing down.

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

4 years ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 - Don't ever poke a mother bear Ellen reached for Mike's right hand and got a firm grip on his thumb and bent it back far enough to hear it break. Mike released Heather and let put a howl like a wounded animal. Bill came charging to his friend's aid. Ellen pivoted on her left leg and landed a solid one-legged kick to his beer belly. Bill folded like a cheap lawn chair. Ellen turned to check on Heather. With her back to him, Mike came up behind her and engulfed her in...

2 years ago
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First Time With Uncle

Hi, I am Vanshani. I am now 26 years. This is the story about my first sexual encounter with my Uncle Ronak. I was 19 years of age at that time. He was around 30 year of age. I was young in second year of college. My both parents are working parents, so usually I was staying at home alone. One young couple came to live in our apartment. I was getting close to the husband. We always talk during the day time when his wife was not around. So people in apartment complex started noticing our...

2 years ago
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Ladies Circle part 6

“Honey I’m home!” she called out. There was silence. “Oh - hang on a minute...I live alone don’t I…” She did the routine most nights. She spoke to the mirror just inside the hallway which reflected her rueful grin. What had possessed her to hook up with Joe she never knew, but presumably her usual problem…the problem that was staring her now in the mirror. The full length mirror taunted her – but that was the idea. She had put it there on purpose as soon as she had moved into the...

4 years ago
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(Hello and thank you for selecting this story. I will have to warn you as this is the first erotica I will be writing and constructive criticism is welcome. It will not be all smut and I hope to build a real story with smut in it. Anyway I have wasted enough time. Have fun.) Name: Zander DiAngelo Equipment: clothes from the 21st century. Status: Awake. You open your eyes to a bright light shining overhead. Getting up you take in your surroundings. You see an airborne car and holographic...

4 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 31 Adaptations

It took about four months, but the five new girls were able to finally feel comfortable and safe in our family. Sure, they weren't my daughters but I treated them with the love and respect as if they were. One thing that impressed them was the ability to make decisions for themselves and not be forced into things they did not want. In the back of my mind I was toying around with the idea of adoption, but I didn't mention it to any of them. A couple of them, Melissa (14) and Dora (15) were...

3 years ago
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Hot Sexy Neighbour

This is a real sex story. Names changed for security. My Name is Rahul. I am 28 Male with average looks. This story is about me and my neighbor Sarika age 33. She is a sex bomb. She has a perfect figure and a beautiful smile. In short, she is a carbon copy of actress Juhi Chawla. Being neighbors we use to chat casually every now and them. Most of the times Sarika use to be in her tracks and t-shirt. We had good relations. She had two daughters and myself also have two daughters. Everything was...

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BetrayedChapter 5 All You Can Eat

We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat — at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt below her boobs to show off her twenty-two-inch waistline and navel ring. Turnabout is fair...

2 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsJack

Saturday, October 22 (After Chapter 21 of Triptych) aroslav: Welcome, Jack. It's good to see you again. JACK: Hey ya old goat. What's new? aroslav: More of the same. JACK: So you want to interview me for your story? aroslav: Might have a bigger role for you someplace along the line. Do you mind? JACK: Can't hurt. aroslav: So, name, age, and birthday. JACK: John Daniel Wade, also known as Jack. Born March 13, I'm 59 years old. aroslav: How did Jack ever become a nickname for...

3 years ago
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First Meeting

I could tell by the look in your eyes that you wanted me as much as I wanted you. We had been chatting online for months and my heart had grown to long more for you with each and every day that we were apart. I would awaken each morning and wonder what you were doing and if you were thinking about me too. Now that you stood in front of me, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You were even more beautiful than I could ever imagine, and I knew that my love for you was not in my head at all. It...

2 years ago
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Sucked off by sexy Niqaabi

THIS IS A TRUE STORY!! Thought i would share a true story which happened to me about a year ago!!About me - 30 YRS OLD, DECENT LOOKING, I WORK OUT A LOT AND LOOK AFTER MYSELF!Im a electrician and i mainly do jobs in north or east london. Anyway i was called to a job in a part of eas London it was a small block of flats, i arrived to have a look at the job it was an old english lady about 55ish , she told me what neded to be done and i said ok no problem its gna take me a few days at least she...

2 years ago
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The Sierra Report

John sent the email and then turned off his PC. He sat and rubbed his chin while he thought of what would come in the days ahead. He got into bed and fell asleep. He woke up around 10 AM and that is when he heard his phone ringing. It was Sarah. “Hello?” John said. “Hello sir, intelligence has found a location. They used all the resources they had and found a few locations actually. They scouted it on site too, first with drones than with intel officers.” Sarah replied. “Tell them i am happy...

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The life of James Anderson Pt3

I’m having some trouble deciding where to take this story, feel free to give suggestions on what you would like to happen. As we walked home together, we held hands and every now and again we exchanged cheeky quick kisses and grabs of each others bottoms. We were in a serious dilemma. We knew that we could not be boyfriend and girlfriend as it would be frowned upon by most people, and if we broke up it would cause lots of tension in the family. We both tried to ignore this subject...

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this brought a flood of emails from women

Chapter 1Posted: September 22, 2005 - 04:06:05 pm? I was always totally captivated by my Allergist. I love older, mature, intelligent women, all atributes she has in abundance... On top of that she's petite, in perfect shape, and wore very expensive clothes that made her look even more irresistible.I always go to see her for prescription refills, rather then getting her to call them in. I save $10 AND get to luxuriate in her aura.I spun the appointments out as long as possible. I heard Very...

1 year ago
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Escort Babylon

EscortBabylon! I was quite confused as to what really has to offer, since while the name of the site would suggest that you have loads of naughty escort women at your service, at the same time the whole site looks like a fucking joke. Here you have reviews and ads of mostly valid escort chicks you can hire, so if you are interested, visit the site or continue reading to see if Escort Babylon is actually a place worth the visit.When I say that the site looks like a ‘joke’ I...

Escort Sites
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Embarrassing by StateRowdy ? She got off on embarrassing me. In fact it runs in her family. I found out the hard way. We had been engaged for about three months. Martha and I were out having drinks at a local college bar when she ran into an old boyfriend. Now let me just preface things here by telling you that Martha is extremely attractive. Tall, good looking All American Girl kind of look, sort of like Cindy Crawford but with bigger tits. She intimidated a lot of guys, including me. In fact,...

4 years ago
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Call Me Daddy Part 12

She and I walked arm-in-arm as we exited the outdoor seating area, leaving her hubby sitting there dumbfounded."Oh my God" she said softly. "I'm actually trembling right now""Out of excitement?" I questioned "or fear""I'm not sure,.... Daddy" she said, looking up at me as a pretty smile spread across her face. She definitely paused before adding the 'Daddy'. "Do you think that he'll actually follow us to the house or will he just leave me?" she asked, now sounding more serious."Oh, I have a...

2 years ago
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My Entry into Anal

My anal story begins with me joining a website for mature bisexual and gay men. At first I was only interested in meeting men for mutual cocksucking, but it intensified to more. First some background on me. I'm a married senior citizen whose wife had always refused to suck my cock. By means of the internet I was able to find guys willing to suck my cock, which I thoroughly enjoyed. This activity eventually led to me trying cocksucking and I found I liked it. One of my fellow cocksuckers turned...

Gay Male
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It began when my sister Inci and her son Naim came to stay with my wife and me for a week. Although older than me at 49, Inci was still an attractive woman who looked 10 years younger thanks in part to her slim figure (despite having three children). She was married to a successful businessman although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her...

3 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 5 Doctor Kelly

Stefan's meeting with Eve was after lunch. He was still a little worried about Gabby. She'd started replying to her emails over the last few days, but Stefan was disconcerted by their tone. They seemed overly cheery, especially for Gabby, and Stefan didn't know what Eve could have her doing that required her to work so hard, and to stay at the hospital for so long. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been out of the hospital for a week. Eve was presenting to Stefan on his own, and, as...

2 years ago
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Being a slut in the woods

"I'm going to the park for a walk in about an hour, I'm feeling fruity so will probably be lacking underwear, I'll be wearing a red dress and walking like I have love eggs filling me ;) " I sent the message to about 15 men I'd found on the sex site I'd been playing on for a couple of weeks. I had carefully selected each one based on who was close and the size of their manhood, they were all massive and their profiles were full of filth. I didn't expect them all to turn up, one would be enough...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 7

"Uh oh," said Jill as we rode into their yard. "What?" I asked. She was looking down at her saddle horn. "You leaked out of me," she said. She scooted back, her butt riding up the cantle of the saddle, until I could see the dark wet spot at the crotch of her jeans. "Mom is going to think I peed my pants!" This, again, was the assumption of callow youth. Lynne would have enough experience to know the difference between what Jill was talking about and the draining of two loads of Bob...

1 year ago
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Fly the Friendly Skies

We met in the airport, both waiting on a flight that had been delayed due to weather. The conversation was sprinkled with good chemistry and it was obvious that we hit it off right away. When finally left the plane, Susan and I exchanged phone numbers. Although we talked quite often since we both traveled a lot for our respective companies so it took a couple weeks before we could make a date. To celebrate our finally getting together, we decided on a dress-update at a very nice restaurant that...

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Town Slut

When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...

2 years ago
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False SignsChapter 9

The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving. He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by...

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Brave Frontier Another Use for Summoning

John Doe, one of the strangest summoners in the Akras Summoner's Hall. While he is quite skilled at summoning, managing to summon near-perfect replicas of the units, he barely ever takes credit for his acomplishments, preferring to remain in the shadows and use his units for "other purposes", whichever they may be. He is known to be good friends with leader of the Hall Grahdens, and they occasionally meet to do activities in his house, though no one, not even his co-leader Own, is aware of what...

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Big Hard Lesson

A lovely wife enjoys flirting and teasing other men in front of her husband. It makes them both horny so when they go home the sex is hot. They have a business meeting with a black alpha male that will turn the tables on the couple and will open their eyes to desires deep within themselves. How far will it go? My husband Jeffery and I are real estate brokers and we occasionally find good rehab opportunities to flip properties. We recently remodeled a house in the city and received a fair offer...

2 years ago
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Secrets Fantasies Lust and Mischief CHAPTER II

Introduction: Xavier comes back in the picture. Please be sure to read chapter 1 to get caught up on whats happening. Please dont forget to rate, comment, and sub. Thanks you all! –Ciao* My head seriously started spinning! I didnt know what to do or say. I instantly became chicken-shit and froze up. I couldve played along with her, but I wasnt sure if she was just joking, testing me, or serious about the intention behind her words and how she said them. I scrambled over a few inaudible words...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 18 Carol Breaks the Rules

Niki crawled her way down the stairs, Milo and Cooper following her eagerly, darting ahead and coming back, urging her to hurry up. They had an obvious need to go ‘outside’. Making her way out to the backyard in the cool morning air, Niki gasped a little at the cold grass beneath her knees, as she made her way to her usual spot. Max had not wanted to get up this morning, and he told her to go ahead, he would have her take care of him during breakfast instead. As she parted her knees and began...

4 years ago
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——————————————————— While I had always been a good looking guy (people said I looked like Michael B. Jordan) girls never paid me much attention. That changed my junior year. I spent my first two years of high school working out. I wasn’t big, more of a lean/cut body build. I finally hit a growth spurt and grew from 5’6 to 6’ even, weighing in at 175 pounds. I combined my skills with my new height to lead the basketball team. I guess being the new star of the subpar team had its perks. Girls...

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How Diana Overcame Her Shyness Ch 03

Diana held out for as long as she could - which turned out to be not very long. Even as she hurried back to her room that night her footsteps unconsciously slowed as her mind returned, over and over, to what had just happened. She would shake it off and pick up the pace again, only to find herself drifting like a sleepwalker once more, her hand having crept under her shirt to touch the still sticky semen James had left on her abdomen. Ohhh...his cock in her hand, in her mouth! She came to a...

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FROM SHAME TO GAME Part 02By: V.I.Profferi Saturday morning arrived and Alice came in to wake us up for breakfast. She looked exhausted, with rings under her eyes. She had put Corky’s sleeveless work shirt on and nothing else. We could both see portions of bare breasts coming out the sides and when she stumbled at the end of the bed, her entire left breast with its large and still erect pink nipple showed itself clearly. While still lolling on the bed atop our legs, Alice asked with a drunken...

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There will be come

Ricks vision began to lighten; the world around him a kaleidoscope of pale swirls. His hearing was coming alive the hum of electric light tubes and a strange ventilation sucking noise filling the air. He sensed the passage of time-was it still evening? He didn’t think so. His mind tried to retrace his steps. He remembered sat in his father’s car; Beth was next to him. Beth was his all star girlfriend; going steady for ages now he still couldn’t believe his luck. With her curly blonde hair;...

2 years ago
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Druids Ordeal Chapter 3

by E.Y. Toad I awoke this morning on the floor. I must have cried myself to sleep after Kelmane and Ardy left me last night. I could feel tears welling up in me again, but I remembered that Kelmane had ordered me to get myself cleaned up. I did not want to anger him and thought it best to put off my self-pity until later. My pubic hair was caked with Ardys dried semen, and it was also on both of my thighs and my chin and neck. I spent almost an hour trying to wash it all off of...

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Church Ladies PT 3

She woke up the following morning and knowing she was going to have a date with Catherine’s cousin Alex she began wondering if she was attractive enough for him or not. She put up her hair, kind of. She headed for the bathroom wearing her tee. Standing in the bathroom she looked at herself and as she did she looked at her big round tits which lay naked beneath that tee of hers. She wondered. Will he like these she asked herself. She didn’t know. She wished she did. Doesn’t every girl wonder...

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