Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 12: Taboo Love free porn video

Steve Davies
I was shocked that my daughter had figured out that I had powers. That I had changed her. Sam trembled, her green eyes spilling with tears. Her nostrils flared as she swayed. My stomach clenched. This terrible pit opened up, yawning through me. Acids gurgled up my throat, burning me.
I never wanted to hurt her.
I had to think. I had to be careful. I didn’t want to hurt her more. I grabbed her shoulders but she wrenched back, her red hair swaying about her face. Her gray skirt whisked about her thighs. Her hands clutched to her breasts, grabbing the gray vest she wore over her white blouse.
“How did you ... figure this out?” I asked, struggling to organize my thoughts.
“I read this book,” she said, her voice thick and croaking. A new wave of tears spilled down her cheeks, flowing down the channel already carved by her first set. Her cheeks glistened. “It told me all about this. About passing on your powers.”
“My powers?” I frowned.
“You know, to James.” She stared at me. “He created his girls. He inherited his gift from you.”
I groaned. I had thought about that.
“And then you made me love you,” she hissed. Her face transformed from hopelessness to this intense anger. Her eyes narrowed at me. “I know it! You did! You’re not even denying it!”
“Do you believe that?” I asked, my chest tight. “That I would make you love me?”
“I don’t know what to believe!”
Sam Davies
I trembled, on the verge of falling apart. My throat was raw. The room seemed to lurch around me. More tears spilled down my cheeks. My fists clenched. I wanted to hate him. To throw myself at him. My hands squeezed into balls and relaxed. My heart pounded through my chest.
Dad pulled out his phone. “I don’t have powers.”
“You do!” I gasped. “Don’t lie.”
“I don’t have powers ... precisely,” he said as he swiped across his phone’s screen. “I have this app. It lets me change things.”
“What?” I asked, shocked by that. “Don’t lie to me. Don’t treat me like an idiot!” Hot rage flared through me. “I’m not dumb. I may not have Becky’s grades, but I know things!”
He opened some app that I had never seen, not surprising. There was an option to EDIT or VIEW. He chose VIEW and then not to pause. My face furrowed as a wire image appeared on the left hand of the screen. It looked like this room. There were two dots on it, one labeled Sam Davies, the other Steven Davies.
I blinked at that. How was I on there. Was it my phone.
He touched a wireframe of the table and a menu appeared.
Tulix Folding Table Model 495-A Physical Quality Spiritual Quality
“You see,” he said, opening up the Physical Menu.
Physical Quality State Mass Volume Strength Material Shape Temperature Location
“This is how I change things. I can modify any of these properties. I could change its color. It’s material. It’s shape. I could destroy it. Make it so it’s stronger. Weaker.”
“What?” I asked, snuffling. I stared at the image of the table on the side. It was floating on a black screen like it was a video game with a level editor. One where you could modify the look of items before placing them into a world.
He switched to a shelf. It appeared, minus the books. It was an exact replica. Down to the dings on the side. Then he hit an individual book on it. The book floated there.
Geometry and Algebra, 7th Edition by V. Rathers Physical Quality Spiritual Quality
I darted to the shelf, grabbed it. I stared at the cover as I headed back to Dad. Then I looked at it.
“What?” I said, sniffling. I was so confused. “How is this on there?”
“It’s an app that can look up anything and let me modify it,” he said. “Your brother doesn’t have powers. I created his girls to make him happy.” His eyes flicked to something to my right. He shook his head.
I looked to my right. I saw nothing.
“So you can do ... people?” I asked, staring at his phone. “Me?”
He went back to the wireframe view of the room. There was a search bar at the top. He tapped my screen and I appeared naked on the screen in a pose like in a character creator.
Sam Davies (EDITED BY PLAYER ONE) Physical Mental Spiritual
I swallowed, staring at the side. At the options there. Then I noticed that it said EDITED BY PLAYER ONE. I frowned. “What does that mean? Player One?”
“That I was the one who edited you,” he said. “I did change you, Sam. I modified you the night we made love the first time. You remember that night.”
I nodded, a warmth fluttering through me. From the kiss in the car on the way home to Daddy stripping me out of my nightgown in his bed and making love to me. It had been wonderful. He had been so gentle. It was everything I imagined and more.
“Y-you did edit me to love you,” I whimpered as it hit me.
“No!” he said with such passion. “Look.” He tapped the Mental Menu. A new menu sprang open.
Mental Knowledge Personality Intellect Illness
Dad tapped the Knowledge Sub-Menu.
Knowledge Physical Skills Artistic Skills Sexual Skills Memory
Then the Memory Sub-Menu. Events appeared. There was this moment right here.
Sam confronts her father on her suspicions that she was edited. Sam is taken to Vern Atterbury by Rosemary Blum. Sam insults Rosemary Bloom. Sam is lost in her thoughts struggling with her identity.
I gasped. On and on. The moments of my day. Yesterday. It scrolled on. This was my life. Daddy flipped back, the events of my life flying by as he scrolled for that night a few weeks ago. He slowed it down and then he stopped it.
Sam slips into her father’s room ready to make love. Sam and her father make love for the first time. Sam cuddles with her father after making love eager for more. EDITED BY PLAYER ONE Sam has anal sex for the first time.
“You see,” he said. “You can see that I edited you after we made love. I didn’t make you do that. You did it because you loved me.” He pressed the phone into my hand. “You can browse through your properties. You can see what I changed about you.”
I trembled as I held it. I backed out of this menu. I tapped the Spiritual Menu out of whim and saw Sexuality. I clicked on the sub-menu. And then I viewed Desires. My eyes widened as I saw that Daddy had made me like anal more. That I wanted to share him with other women. But he didn’t make me crave him. I wanted him. I backed out. I had seen a menu labeled Relationships. I clicked it and saw that Daddy was at the top followed by Mom, Becky, and my friends.
Mom and Becky looked different. She was bolded on the list. I clicked it and saw that I loved my mother. That we got along great. I thought she was a wonderful woman. I looked up at Daddy. “You edited how I felt about Mom?”
“I tweaked it,” he said. “You and your mother were always fighting. She didn’t like you were a tomboy. She wanted you to wear skirts.”
“I love wearing skirts,” I objected. My eyes widened. “I didn’t use to?”
“Well...” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You look cuter in skirts.”
My cheeks warmed.
“And your mother feels that women should dress in feminine ways. I also edited your mother to be more accepting,” he said. “I wouldn’t say you hated each other, but you two were always butting heads.”
“And Becky?”
“You two both had crushes on me,” he said. “You both loved me, and you knew the other one did. You two were jealous of each other. It was causing friction.” He paused. “Isn’t it better that you two enjoy sharing me? That we’re all a family.”
I bit my lower lip. “You didn’t make me like girls?”
“No.” He smiled. “I tweaked Becky to like girls and that’s changed her more than I thought it would.”
I suddenly giggled. “You mean her seducing her teachers isn’t something the old Becky would do.”
“The old Becky was shy. She only had her friend, Tonya. I just wanted to make our lives better. I wanted to fix things in our family. Make us even closer.” He cupped my face. “I took your virginity before I ever changed you, Sam. I never would have touched my daughters if they didn’t want me to.”
His thumbs stroked my cheeks.
“I never would hurt my flesh and blood. I love you and Becky and James. You’re all important to me. I just wanted to make us happy.” He stared at me with such pain in his eyes. “You are happy, right?”
New tears burned in my eyes. A new emotion swirled through me. Joy bubbled up through me. I nodded. A whimpering, choking groan rose out of me. Tears spilled down my cheeks, a flood of them.
“I am happy, Daddy,” I whimpered.
Then he was kissing me.
I melted into his lips. I kissed him with hunger. This was wonderful. My heart beat so fast. I didn’t want to think Daddy was controlling me. I was carrying his baby. Our incestuous love child. I threw my arms around his neck. I clung to him. His tongue darted around inside my mouth.
He didn’t make me love him. I was so mad at myself for thinking that and so happy that it wasn’t true. I swooned. I clung to him. This was so exciting. He had an app that had changed me. This was so incredible.
And he had changed Becky and Mom.
I broke the kiss. “So you can change anyone?” I asked, trembling. “You could modify any person in the world.”
“Yep,” he said, smiling. “But only once.”
“Wow,” I said. This was so amazing. I felt dizzy. Giddy. I clung to him, feeling his solid body.
“Want to see your friends?” he asked. “I edited them to keep our secret and have fun.” He smiled, his dark eyes so warm and loving. “But you four were already having sex. I was shocked when I spied that.”
“Did you make Mom bi then?” I asked. “I mean, you made Becky bi. You said something about that.”
“Your Mom was always bi. I just didn’t know it until that Friday.” He swallowed. “I just made her open about it. I had no idea it would make her so open she was seducing women right and left. This timeline is different in many ways from how I remember it.”
“This is so cool,” I said, bouncing beside him. “So you can edit someone.” My eyes widened. “Miss Blum! You can edit her so I’m not in trouble.”
“Well, I’m out of edits for the day,” he said. “I only get three a day. But don’t worry about it. Your mother’s taking care of getting you out of trouble.”
“Oh?” I asked.
Linda Davies
I played with my wedding ring. It didn’t feel any different since Steve edited it a few days ago. I didn’t feel a tingle as its very presence made people listen to me with more interest. They took more consideration in my opinion.
And women seemed to smile at me more. I knew I could seduce any of them. They would be willing. They wouldn’t think it was strange. No matter how straight they were, they would just want to have a naughty time with me. They wouldn’t think it was cheating. I wouldn’t break up any marriages like I had in the past.
It would just be a fun romp we’d both enjoy.
“Rosemary, can we talk,” I said, poking my head into Principal Atterbury’s office.
Rosemary Blum turned around. I couldn’t remember the old her. I knew I had met her before my husband had edited her a week or so ago. She had been in an accident that left her face scarred and deformed. He said she was a bitter woman about it. Acerbic.
He had such a warm heart, that he had restored her beauty. He had made it so the surgeon had performed a miracle to save her. She didn’t lose her beauty. It had the effect of making her a, normally, pleasant woman.
She looked mad now. “Trying to get me to go easy on your daughter?” She arched a brown eyebrow at me. The brunette folded her arms, pressing her purple blouse tight across her round breasts. “Huh, Linda?”
“Something like that,” I said. “Trust me, she’ll be punished for what she said.” Anger rippled through me. I couldn’t believe that my girl would go so far. “I am sorry, but ... could we talk in private?”
“I’m not going to change my mind,” she said. “You and your husband can’t get her out of trouble.”
“Just let me talk. In private.” I smiled at Principal Atterbury. He was sitting at his desk, a bony looking man with iron hair. “I’m sure you could give us your office.”
I could see his eyes harden for a moment. He looked about to refuse but then his brow furrowed. It was like he was giving my words true consideration. Then he nodded his head. “Yeah, I can understand. This is a volatile moment. I’ll go keep an eye on your class, Rosemary.”
She nodded, her eyes glancing at me. Color blossomed across her smooth cheeks.
“Thank you, sir,” I said, being polite to my boss. He was ex-military and took that sort of stuff seriously.
He rose, adjusting his tie as he moved around the desk. He nodded to us as he left the room. I shuddered in my nurse’s uniform. My nipples ached against the cotton of my scrub top. It was an incredible delight. I was so ready for this.
The door closed.
I pounced.
I hooked my hand behind Rosemary’s neck and pulled her to me. I kissed her hard on the lips. I thrust my tongue into her mouth. She didn’t resist. I had never once flirted with her. Made a pass on her. Sussed out her for desire with women. I knew the only thing my husband edited into her was a willingness to have sex with him.
He’d just been too busy getting ready for being mayor to enjoy her yet. Plus, he was having fun with his students.
My tongue danced around in her mouth. Rosemary Blum moaned into the kiss. She shuddered against me. Her body melted tight. I loved the feel of her feminine form. Our bodies pressed tight. Her breasts rose and fell as her hot lips worked against mine. Her arms went around me. She moaned. She whimpered.
She loved it.
I broke the kiss with her, staring into her eyes. I loved what I saw in them. Her breasts rose and fell against my tits as I observed that her blue eyes were glossy and shiny with her passion. She shuddered as I broke away from her. My smile grew as I loved the way she trembled.
“Wow,” she said, fanning her face. “That’s ... wow.”
“I know,” I said. “You’re just so sexy.” I peeled off my top. Her eyes widened as I exposed my large breasts. The pink medical scrubs fell down to the ground, fluttering past my big tits. I wiggled my hips from side to side, my pussy growing hotter and hotter. “Mmm, look at you.”
“Look at you,” she said. “Damn, Linda. You’re gorgeous. Those tits ... I’ve never been into a woman or tits, but ... but...”
She looked like she wanted to feast on me.
“You like these breasts?” I asked, squeezing them. I massaged my fingers into those big tits.
“I love them!” she moaned. She licked her lips, salivating like a naughty bitch.
“You want to play with them?” I asked. My fingers reached my nipples. I tugged on them. Pleasure rippled through me, shooting down to my juicy pussy.
“I do,” she moaned. She took a step towards me.
“So I think you can understand that our daughter was under a great deal of stress,” I said. She blinked, her hands freezing before she grabbed my tits. “Well...” She licked her lips again. “What your daughter said was in the middle of my class.”
I grabbed her hands and pulled them towards me. I pressed them into my tits. She squeezed them. “We’ll discipline her. It won’t happen again.”
“It was a horrible word that she called me,” she said, her fingers squeezing into my breasts. I leaned in and nuzzled into her mouth.
She moaned into my lips. Her fingers kneaded my tits as she whimpered into my mouth. This was so hot. She was just so horny to have sex with me. It was incredible. I loved my new wedding ring. It was such a wonderful gift my husband gave me.
He was such an amazing man.
I shoved down my scrub bottoms. The loose pants dropped down my hips, exposing my drenched bush. Air currents wafted around my naked rump. I shuddered as I felt the growing passion from Rosemary, my cunt growing hotter and hotter in response.
I broke the kiss. “So ... You’ll recommend that Principal Atterbury goes easy on her. Nothing to mess up her future.”
“She undermined my authority,” Rosemary moaned, her eyes flicking down my body. She stared down at my dark-red pubic hair. Her fingers dug deep into my cunt. “I can’t go easy. You have to understand. If it was in private...”
“Okay, then we’re done,” I said. I shuffled back, pulling my tits and pussy from her hands. I bent down and hauled up my scrub bottoms.
“But ... but...” she said. “I ... I ... You’re so beautiful.”
“You want to make me happy?” I asked.
“I’ll make you so happy,” she moaned. “I’ll make you cum hard.”
“I want more than orgasms,” I said. “You make me happy, and I’ll make you explode.” I dropped the scrub bottoms again. “Will you make me happy?”
She fell to her knees before me. She grabbed my hips, leaning her head in. “I ... I ... want to make you happy. I’ve never done this before.”
“You’ll be fine,” I said, grabbing her brown hair. I pulled her lovely face, her smooth cheeks blushing scarlet. “You’ll make my body feel amazing, but what about my heart? You’ll tell the principal to go easy on my daughter? Then you can eat me. Then I’ll make you feel amazing.”
“Yes!” she moaned and pressed her face into my pussy.
Her tongue licked through my folds. I shuddered at that first, wonderful contact of a new woman’s mouth on my pussy. I watched the joy bursting in her eyes as she tasted pussy for the first time. I loved ushering a woman into lesbian passion.
Men were wonderful. My husband was an amazing lover, but women were just so soft and sensual. No man could feel quite like this when eating my pussy. No stubble. Fingers dainty. There was an eroticism to a woman eating my pussy. Rosemary’s tongue felt incredible. She had never done this, but she was so eager to please. Eager to love another woman.
She knew where to lick. She wasn’t a stranger to what a pussy needed. She’d been on the receiving end. Her tongue darted through my folds. It was a hot treat to enjoy. I groaned, my heart beating faster and faster. This was such a wild treat. I was so glad I could enjoy this.
My wedding ring sparkled as I gripped her brown hair.
“Mmm, you’re making me feel so happy,” I groaned, her tongue caressing over my folds. My large breasts jiggled as the sexy teacher feasted on me.
“You taste so good,” she moaned. Her tongue darted through my petals. “Ooh, this is amazing. Linda! Mmm, yum!”
Her tongue buried back into me. My moans echoed through the principal’s office. My breasts heaved. My back arched as I ground my pussy on her face. Her tongue darted through my folds. This incredible heat surged through my body.
My face scrunched up. This wicked heat surged through my body. My heart pounded in my chest, pumping boiling blood throughout my flesh. My cunt ground on her face. I wiggled my hips, smearing my pussy across her mouth.

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