Editing Reality Book Three: Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 7: Family Meeting free porn video

Steve Davies
My family flicked through the information on the City of Rainier. My mayoral secretary, Imogene, had spread it out for us across the conference table. My wife sat beside me while I held court at the head. My daughter, Sam, was on my left, my other daughter sitting beyond her. Becky had a studious look on her face as she flicked through the paperwork. I had my phone sitting beside me, a yellow legal pad before me. I was ready to modify my town.
To make it perfect.
James furrowed his brow. My son leaned back in his chair as he looked at another piece of document. Imogene was at the far end looking a little shocked still. I wasn’t sure how much she believed me when I claimed I could edit reality. My family, on the other hand, did. I made sure they would. I was glad that they did. That I could rely on my children. Besides James, his girlfriend Ruri looked studios at another set. She whispered to him. Orihime, the other girlfriend, leaned back in her chair, her large breasts rose and fell.
All the women were naked and didn’t think anything of it. A property I’d edited into my office.
“Okay,” I said, looking around the table, “I want ideas on how we make this city a paradise. I want them from all of you. Don’t hold back.”
I glanced at my eldest daughter. She was a straight-A student.
Becky Davies
Daddy glancing at me sent this happy thrill through me even as I still felt a little surprised and stunned by all of this. Daddy had powers. It was all so interesting. I hadn’t even realized that things were being changed. That I wasn’t the same as I used to be. To me, it was all seamless. Impossible to believe.
Except I had magical boobs. There was no denying the effect they had on women.
I glanced around the table, my large breasts swaying. I shifted on the chair, the plethora sticking to my naked skin. I bit my lip. I had an idea, but it was radical. Something that I wasn’t sure they would agree with.
“Come on,” Mom said. “No bad ideas.” She glanced down the table at me, her auburn hair swaying about her face.
“Let’s have all the women go topless,” my little sister, Sam, said. “That would be hot.”
I blinked at that, a naughty thrill rippling through me. I squirmed in the chair, picturing all the girls at Rainier Christian High. That would be exciting. There were hot girls and sexy teachers ... I had seduced my share of the female teachers, getting wild with them.
Did Daddy help me with that? Did he edit me to want to seduce older women? I shivered. I didn’t mind if he did because I had a lot of fun. I was like Mom.
“Think of all the sunscreen Rainier will go through,” said Orihime. She giggled, her large boobs jiggling across the table from me.
“Some of us more than others,” Ruri said.
“Yep!” Orihime hefted her boobies and jiggled them.
James grinned, glancing at his girlfriend.
“That does sound hot,” Daddy said, “but what about winter? Even our spring and fall might not be warm enough every day for that.”
Sam frowned. “Well ... I didn’t think about winter.”
“The women of Rainier definitely will want to have sex with us,” Mom said. She tapped her phone, glancing at something on it.
Dad nodded his agreement. “But that’s not what is important. That won’t make Rainier into the perfect town. I want to make it a safe place. A happy place. One where there aren’t social problems like there is now.”
I bit my lip. Mom would freak out with my idea. I had to have my arguments ready.
Linda Davies
“We need to make sure everyone obeys us,” I said with confidence. “Obey the laws that we make.” My husband nodded. “Right, right. Be good, follow the laws.”
“Master,” Jophiel said. The black-haired angel stood to his right with Anael on his left. “Laws are made by men. People can interpret them in unexpected ways.”
I frowned at her. I could see her, edited by my husband to allow me to witness the two angels when they manifested for him. My husband glanced at Jophiel. She had an air of wisdom about her, not flighty and playful like Anael.
“Lawyers do it all the time,” Steve said.
“Um ... who are you talking to, Dad?” James asked, frowning.
The others around the table nodded. Rita, sitting at the far end with the concubines, leaned over, her dark face furrowing. Sam opened her mouth and closed it. Becky had a look of concentration on her face, jotting down some notes on a legal pad.
“My angel,” my husband said. “Jophiel.”
“Hi, Jophiel,” Orihime said, a big smile on her face. She almost looked at Jophiel.
The angel gave her a slight nod while Anael leaned against my husband, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“If they won’t obey us, what then?” I asked. “What’s the point of editing the town unless we’re guaranteed to be in charge. We have the power to make this better. Make laws that they won’t abuse.”
“It is complicated,” said Jophiel. “Your intentions may not be understood properly by the citizens. They could see it in different ways. Unintended consequences could cause worse problems than what you’re trying to fix.”
“If we mess this up...” Steve’s face darkened. “We only get one shot.”
“Well, what then?” I asked. I wanted us to be in charge. To rule. My husband had this power. He was changing the world. His vision would one day affect everyone. I wanted to guide him to the right vision.
To get him to seize more power. How to gain Sandalphon’s real name...
“What do you think we should do then, Jophiel?” Steve asked.
“We should keep things simple,” the angel said.
“Simple?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.
Everyone else shifted, looking around the table, more than a little bemused by a conversation they were only catching two-thirds of. Chairs creaked and papers rustled. What was this angel thinking? What was she trying to manipulate my husband into doing?
Did she think she knew better than me?
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” said Jophiel.
“The Golden Rule...” Steve leaned back in his chair, considering it.
I frowned. I liked the idea of control. Of ensuring that we were obeyed.
“That’s a great idea,” James said. “Make people less selfish. Help each other. Want to help the town.”
“Make it so the people want a community that they support,” Sam said. She sat up. “Make them proud to be citizens of Rainier. When you take pride in something, you care about it. Like when we finished rebuilding 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air, Daddy. We made it into a work of art. We took care of it. We did it because we took pride.”
“Yeah, that has promise,” Steve said. He wrote down on his notepad. “Help each other and want a better town.
“But how does that keep us in power?” I asked. “What if they think someone else is better than you, Steve? You’re the one with the power. The Golden Rule is fine, but we have to add something else.”
My husband glanced at me. Then he looked at the angel. She gave a slight nod.
Irritation ran through me.
“We’ll add a provision that the best leader to select is me,” Steve said.
“Or someone you endorse,” I added. “You might want to move on to a higher office someday.”
My husband smiled at me. “Good idea.”
I smiled, shifting. I could give good suggestions, too. Feeling elated, I then said, “So we’ll be getting rid of all the guns, too.”
Steve Davies
“Of course,” I said.
My son shifted. “That doesn’t really get rid of the problem.”
“The problem of people hurting each other?” my wife asked, glancing to her right at our son, looking past the busty Orihime.
“Well, I mean, it’s not guns that kill people, it’s people that do,” my son said. “However, if we edit in the Golden Rule and people don’t want to harm each other, then who cares if they have guns. They won’t be using them on each other. Problem solved.”
“But people won’t need them,” Linda objected. “All the excuses people have to use them, protecting themselves, will be moot.”
“People like shooting for fun, Mom. For sport.” James leaned in. “Are you going to outlaw hunting? You’ve been a few times, Dad.”
I frowned. I had with some people from church. I never actually killed anything, but we were out in the woods for the weekend acting tough. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
“If people don’t feel in danger, there won’t be as many guns,” James continued. “Those who aren’t into it recreational will start to give them up. The problem will take care of itself and then there’s no need for an edit that might backfire on us. That’s what we’re trying to avoid, right?”
“Still, all those deaths every year,” Linda said. “We can end them.”
“Most in those stats are suicides.”
Sam goggled across the table at James. Then she said, “You sound like a Republican.”
He shrugged. “I just like doing my thing. Not being told what to do. The Golden Rule is good. Do we need more? If people aren’t selfish, if they like their neighbors, who cares about guns. No more of a threat than baseball bats or knives.”
“Knives aren’t weapons,” Linda muttered, face dark. She folded her arms beneath her breaths.
“Tell that to London. They had a higher murder rate than New York City with just knives. People find away. We need to take that way from them.” James looked around the table. “That’s my view. Take away the cause for violence, then the tools don’t matter. Take away the tools, and those who want to do violence will just find other ways.”
“I like that,” I said, writing down notes.
“Fine,” muttered Linda. My wife didn’t look happy at all. She shook her head and tapped the edge of her phone. She glanced at me. “I guess this is okay. But the environment? We need to be more green in Rainier. Do a better job.”
“We need nuclear plants,” Becky said.
Shock hit me. “What?”
Everyone stared at my eldest daughter with disbelief on their face. Revulsion rippled through me. Memories of Fukushima flashed through my mind. My wife had this look of horror on her face like Becky had grown a second head.
Linda Davies
I wasn’t like this at all. What was wrong with my children?
“Nuclear is a better option for green energy than any other choice,” Becky said.
“Nuclear?” Steve asked in disbelief. At least he was on my side in this.
“You think it’s better than solar or wind?” I asked, arching my eyebrow. “That’s insane. You get nuclear waste from those. What’s worst for the environment than that?”
“Used solar panels,” Becky said. “The batteries required to store energy to be used when there is no sunlight. They have a lot of exotic and toxic materials in them. Solar panels wear out over time. They have to be replaced. Currently, they get shipped to third-world countries and dumped there in exchange for ‘payments’ to their corrupt governments. Batteries have acids and other nasty chemicals in them. It takes a lot of energy to produce the components, too, and they don’t give back nearly enough. Solar and wind do not have the efficiency to rival fossil fuels. Nuclear does.”
“It’s dangerous,” Steve said. “There are meltdowns.”
“Chernobyl was the only meltdown not caused by a natural disaster,” Becky said. “And it was a Soviet plant with poor safety controls. The technology is a lot safer. It’s a lot more efficient. We can build small plants with a fraction of the fissile material on hand as a major reactor. Not enough to have a meltdown. They could power a few neighborhoods. A dozen of them could power the entire city and not cost too much money was they’re up and running. The U.S. Navy uses small reactors in many of its vessels and has never had an issue.”
“What about the waste?” I asked. “That stuff is toxic.”
“It can be stored properly,” Becky said. “Also, it’s being used in new ways. In cancer treatments whee they use targeted radiation therapy on tumors. And there are second-generation reactors that can use the waste from one type of plant to power itself. Yes, there is some risk, but so do solar panels and batteries. It’s all bad, Mom. That’s the truth. Nuclear is the best option going forward.”
I stared at my daughter. Becky had this look of conviction on her face. She spoke with confidence. I glanced at my husband. He had this serious look on his face. He was listening to her. She was persuasive. I didn’t know solar panels created waste. They were supposed to be the cleanest energy in the world, making use of passive sunlight.
I was tired of being wrong. I didn’t like it. I wanted Steve to agree with me.
“With the Golden Rule,” I said, glancing at my daughter, “the workers at the plants will take pride in it.” I relaxed as I said this. Some of the annoyance faded. If we were going down this route, then we should embrace the reality of it. “They won’t get lax on safety controls. They will ensure that there aren’t any problems from human error. They won’t be selfish. If Becky is right, then this is a good plan.”
“Okay, Linda,” Steve said. He patted my hand. “Little surprised to see you on this side.”
“Becky made good arguments,” I said, giving my daughter a smile while a pleased thrill ran through me.
She beamed back at me.
“But we will have the fun stuff, right?” Sam asked.
Steve grinned. “Of course.”
I leaned back. My husband listened to me. When we were alone, I would work on him to figure out Sandalphon’s real name. My fingers stroked my phone. He had to understand there could be no restrictions. Besides, imagine what he could do with an angel that powerful under his control.
How it would update his phone.
Sam Davies
“Okay, fun stuff!” I said, bouncing in my seat. “Let’s make every woman bi.”
“We need to get rid of jealousy,” said Mom. “I mean, so we can have our fun without issues. Though we don’t have to make every woman bi. Where’s the fun in that?”
“Just bi for us,” I said, giving her a sly look.
Mom winked back. She was looking better. Becky’s whole spiel on nuclear power had really thrown Mom for a loop. I was shocked that she had reversed course and wanted to instead embrace it. I guess Becky made a good argument.
“Dad’s already taken care of me,” said James.
Orihime slipped onto his seat, her large tits jiggling. “Mmm, you fucked both those girls, didn’t you. They’re both going to find true love now.”
“And Dad made my tits attractive to every woman,” Becky said.
I glanced at her tits. They were amazing. I loved her boobs. Playing with them. Squeezing them. Kissing them. I swiveled in my chair and grabbed her breasts. I hefted and jiggled them, my fingers squeezing into her flesh.
“They are perfect breasts. Daddy did great work on you.” I licked my lips. “He made my kiss cause girls to get bred.” I darted in and kissed her, throwing my power into her and...
I blinked.
“You’re pregnant,” I gasped, pulling my lips away. I threw a look over my shoulder. “Daddy, you’ve already bred her.”
“Yes, I have,” Daddy said, looking proud. He was such a sexy man with his dark hair. He had that look of experience while still strong. “Damn,” said James.
I grinned at him.
He blinked. “You kissed my girlfriends.”
I nodded.
“Mmm, want to make a baby?” Orihime asked, squirming on his lap. “I’ve been so horny for you since she did.”
Ruri, sitting beside her, nodded her head.
“We’re not quite done here yet,” said Daddy. “Is there anything else? Any plans to make the infrastructure better. Tax structure.”
“Golden Rule,” James said, squirming. “Trust me, that’ll take care of it. Then just listen to what the people think. Use common sense, Dad. I...” He groaned as Orihime’s hand was busy. “Orihime, my parents are right there.”
“And?” Orihime asked. “This is a family thing. You’re going to breed me.”
I grinned as she shifted on the chair. My hands kneaded my older sister’s tits as I watched.
“I think we have enough,” said Mom as she glanced at my brother. “The kids want to play. You have your notes.”
“Yeah,” Daddy said.
“Mmm, let’s play,” I moaned and ducked my head down, latching onto my sister’s tit. She gasped while my brother groaned.
James Davies
Orihime’s hands pulled out my cock from inside my dress slacks. I shuddered at the feel of her hand as she straddled me. Across the table, Sam sucked and nibbled on Becky’s nub, making our older sister shudder in delight. Mom was staring at me with that look of motherly pride.
“Make her cum hard, sweetie,” she said, this bright smile on her lips.
“Mom,” I groaned with embarrassment as Orihime’s shaved pussy rubbed against the tip of my hard cock.
I wished I wasn’t so hard right now, but my girlfriend wanted to be bred. On my other side, Ruri grabbed my hand. She pulled my fingers down to her pussy. She must be horny to be so bold around others. She rubbed mu digits against her hairless twat, her small breasts quivered. She leaned her head back, whimpering as she pressed my fingers into her juicy snatch.
Orihime slid her cunt down my dick. She engulfed my cock. I shuddered at the hot feel of her twat engulfing my shaft. I groaned at the delicious feel of her silky passion. My chair creaked as I focused on Orihime’s breasts jiggling before me, locking my eyes on those boobs.
Not on my family around me.
“Sam,” Becky whimpered.
“Mr. Davies, do you want me to do anything?” asked Imogene, the secretary at the far end.
“Have fun,” Dad said. “I’m sure Tammy would love to share her lactating breasts with you.”
“She lactates?” Imogene asked. “Oh, my, that sounds wicked.”
“I’ll be lactating when I’m pregnant, James,” groaned Orihime. My eyes latched onto her hard, pink nipples. “Mmm, won’t that be exciting?”
“I can make her lactate earlier if you want, son,” Dad said.
“I’m busy, Dad,” I groaned, trying to forget my parents were here as my girlfriend’s hot twat worked up and down my dick.
Lactating did sound hot...
I thrust two fingers into Ruri’s pussy while I ducked my head down and latched onto one of Orihime’s fat nubs. I sucked hard on her, savoring the feel of her in my mouth while the other women moaned around us.
Ruri shuddered, her slender thighs clutched about my wrist. Her juicy twat squeezed around my digits. My dick throbbed in Orihime’s tight cunt. Her silky flesh worked up and down my dick, my chair creaked. She moaned. Ruri whimpered.
I focused on them.
“You’re embarrassing our son,” Mom said. “Mmm, he’s really enjoying himself.”
“Yes, he is,” Dad said, sounding more than a little proud.
I wanted my lovers to moan louder. Make more noise. I sucked harder on Orihime’s nipple. Her pussy clenched down on my dick. She gasped, slamming down my cock. Ruri whimpered on the other side. Her arms grabbed mine, pressing her breasts into me. I felt them through my dress shirt’s sleeves, nipples hardpoints.

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