Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Catfighting Sorority Sluts.
By GabbyLez ([email protected])
Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, humiliation, reluctant, nc, BDSM, lactation, w/s, urination, toys, costumes.
Summary: The vicious rivalry between two snotty sorority houses heats up into a sadomasochistic orgy of catfights and BDSM sex. Lots of preppy outfits, strap-on dildos, panty-gags and kink.
INTRODUCTORY NOTE: When this story was originally posted, the readers may have missed the fact it was supposed to be the words of a ditzy sorority girl. That didn?t go over well. Plus, the short opening kind of sucked. The silly plot was causing confusion and the scenes were incomprehensible to anyone not familiar with the idiosyncracies of sorority life.
The plot of this story is filled with instances of mistaken identity, old resentments, back-stabbing, conniving and setups. It is not an easy story to follow... but neither are the complicated dynamics of our catty sororities. It is a complex web of little conspiracies, petty rivalries and complex plots. There are numerous regressions in this story, in which I provide details of two rival sororities- their initiations, parties, pranks and various incidents. My intended audience is ?women, though male readers who have a prurient interest in sororities will never get a better glimpse into that girls? world than this story. Plus, it?s got lots of raunchy sex- obviously fantasy, but some of these sorority girls are pretty kinky. I?ve written a mixture of real life and fantasy.
It might help to be familiar with the Roman playwright Plautus- his plays are filled with complex plots revolving around cases of mistaken identity and deliberate impersonations- lame humor by modern standards. It also helps if you have some experience in sororities- these complex plots are not as far-fetched as an outsider might believe.
THE PLOT: The two sororities are Tau and Phi. I am a Tau girl. I am the narrator of this story. Our president, who we sometimes call ?Queen Bee,? is Claudia. Claudia has a verbal exchange with a girl from Phi named Cheryl. Claudia demands revenge against Cheryl and Phi House. Two pledges at our sorority, Katelynn and Erica, decide to pounce on a random Phi girl. Unfortunately for them all, the girl they choose is not a Phi girl, but Claudia herself. They have mistaken Claudia for her own arch rival Cheryl, who she has just been impersonating as a gag. I discover our two pledges punishing Claudia, whom they have mistaken for Cheryl, and release her. Claudia then pounces on them.
Claudia now increases her desire for vengeance against Phi. Ironically, the punishment she received from the pledges was her own fault. But Claudia doesn?t see it that way. She enlists the help of her lover Stephanie, a mature lady from the University admissions office. Stephanie seduces Cheryl and proceeds to humiliate her. She sets up a date with Cheryl, in which she is abducted and delivered to Tau House. The plan is to punish her and disguise her as the founder of the Tau sorority, a certain Pamela Parker. Then she is to be delivered over to Phi House, where the Phi girls mistakenly believe they are punishing Pamela Parker, when in fact it is their own sorority ?sister? Cheryl.
Linda, an old rival of Cheryl?s, has connections with both sororities. She assists the Tau girls in setting up the ruse. Linda delivers up Cheryl to Phi House, convincing the girls that she?s delivering Pamela Parker. In Chapter 4, when the Phi girls are reaming apart Cheryl, believing they have Pamela Parker in their clutches, I refer to Cheryl as ?Pamela.? Readers of this story should already be aware that Cheryl is a total pain and humiliation slut- she?s enjoying the experience!
1. How It Started.
???? This story is about a series of events at my Tau Gamma Mu sorority. With so many girls in our sorority it is often difficult to recognize our ?sisters?. We often rely on our Greek letters, TGM, which we wear on our jackets, jeans, shirts, hats, even socks. Only a select few actually live in Tau House. We have girls all over campus. The ?Queen Bee,? our President Claudia, should have been well known to everyone. Two new pledges inadvertantly hazed Claudia. The most outrageous aspect of Cladia?s hazing is that Claudia herself was the instigator. Her intended victims were the WASPy brats of our rival sorority, Phi Gamma Mu. Claudia actually set herself up! As it turned out, Queen Bee ?stung? herself.
????? Claudia is a senior at this prominent East Coast University. She is a very attractive dark-skinned brunette with doe eyes and thick sensuous lips. Claudia is a world apart from the popped polo WASPish girls that typify sorority row. This exotic beauty is mature and overdeveloped for her age and seems out of place among the preppy snots of her entourage. Like all of us, Claudia flaunts her expensive designer clothing and accessories. Her fingers, neck and ears flash with excessive and costly jewelry. Rather than the typical pastel polos or tank tops of sorority girls, Claudia wears expensive Italian silk blouses or occasionally a shimmery satin blouse with tight skirts or pinstriped slacks. Claudia?s wealthy family owns several nightclubs and a 5-star restaurant in the SoBe section of Miami. She dresses with a peculiar combination of Latina hussy and upscale city girl. Claudia?s convinced she?s the hottest cunt on campus. Quite a few evious campus bitches would love to sink their claws in her.
???? The little war between our two sororities began when Cheryl, a snotty little brat from Phi House, started berating Claudia. Cheryl hissed and spat at her like a little viper, calling her a slut, a stuck-up snot, a worthless bitch partying on her daddy?s cash. Claudia would have pounced on the little brat right then and there, but she was vastly outnumbered. Cheryl was backed up by a pack of pouty, insolent, mealy-mouthed Phi ?sisters.? They taunted Claudia with jeers and catcalls and there was nothing she could do about it. How dare these little Phi tramps disrespect the Tau President! Claudia vowed revenge.
???? Back at Tau, word got out that one of the Phi girls was to be made an example of. This was Claudia?s declaration. ?I want one of these Phi cunts to be made an example of. I want a Phi slut on a meathook. If you can abduct Cheryl herself, that would be ideal.? They?d lure one of those snotty cunts into Tau on some pretext or other and they were going to administer the Tau hazing ritual with a few kinky twists. If possible, it would be Cheryl herself. This was all declared by Claudia in the heat of the moment and soon forgotten. But two of our pledges, Katelynn and Erica, wanted to make a splash with their new sorority and went Phi ?pig hunting.?
???? Two or three days later, some Tau girls were drunk and playing around. They amused themselves by imitating some of the other girls in the sorority, or girls from our arch-rival Sorority, Phi Delta Upsilon. It is a custom in Tau to perform ?imitations.? We?d put on a little show poking fun at another girl, usually just for fun and not necessarily in a derisive manner; alternately, we might poke fun at some recent fashion trends. ?Lauren, one of our ?sisters,? came out with no fewer than five polo shirts layered one atop the other, all the collars popped, with heaps of pearl necklaces dangling around her neck like Mardi Gras beads. She was poking fun at the recent trend of doubling the shirts and popping the collars, as well as the standard pearl necklace. Lauren purred, ?What do you think, girls? If two is sexy, why not five? Can?t you just feel the lust?? She walked out rolling her hips like a runway model, holding the collars in her fingertips, then twirling the pearls and popping her gum.
???? Next, Allie played the pimp, with Holly, Katelynn and Erica as her ?bitches,? decked out in fur coat, feathered hat and fingers covered with gaudy rings. We were passing around beers and even a few shots. Things started getting sexual, with makeout sessions and dry humping. The result left our two neophyte pledges, Katelynn and Erica, all hot and randy- they left for at least a half hour or more to quench their mounting lusts in the privacy of a bedroom.
???? Meanwhile, Claudia showed up and went all out on her rival Cheryl. To make her parody more convincing, she returned in an outfit that typified Cheryl- an authentic white Ralph Lauren polo with the collar turned up, Coco Chanel shades, a flounced skirt that bounced and swayed with her buttocks. She clip-clopped on red high heels with steel tipped stilettos. The shirt was embroidered with the Phi logo on the back of the upturned collar and ?Cheryl? over the right tit- undoubtedly one of Claudia?s lover-girls pilfered it from the bratty little cunt.
???? Claudia strutted around holding her tits up in the palms of her hands and wagging her ass like a total slut. She made a lascivious display with declarations of ?I?m Cheryl, president of Phi Delta Upsilon, and I?m a snotty little whore. Want to feel my tits? They?re real and they?re sooo hard from being around all of you hot Tau girls.? She finished that act with an obnoxious high-pitched giggle, like Betty Boop. She flashed one of us, ?Hey, sexy cooze, want to suckle me?? Claudia went on and on until someone else came out and put on a little show. Most of it was only mildly amusing, puerile humor, but they all laughed and howled like it was the funniest thing they?d ever seen.
???? Claudia never dressed like this, but I still thought she was hot- the shirt was glowing a luminous white next to her bronze skin and black hair, and was tight to the bursting point over her tits. The skirt really showed off her long, elastic legs. If she intended to look flashy, she succeeded- the glinting gold necklace, the bright pink lipstick, the buttons of her polo, the silver bracelets, her Cartier watch and diamond rings, were all gleaming and sparkling in the light- a serious compromise of her mature, chic tastes. She looked like a preppy brat, or a stuck-up fashionista with a purse full of credit cards.
???? Katelynn and Erica were two twits out to impress their new sisters. Neither had seen Claudia?s act. They were too busy sucking each other?s cunts in an upstairs bedroom. Later that night, they pounced on the first Phi snot that crossed their path in a dark isolated location- in this case, just outside behind Tau?s rear parking lot where it let?s out onto Hamilton Street. The problem is, that perfect little Phi snot was actually Claudia fresh from her parody of Cheryl. They saw the Phi logo on the back of her collar as she walked by the kitchen door. Katelynn and Erica spotted their prey, a perfect little Phi bitch trolling the streets at two in the morning looking for sex and booze. ?Want to party? We?ve got ice cold wine coolers, babe, and plenty of beer. Why don?t you join us?? Claudia, unfortunately, had forgotten her role as Cheryl and was still wearing her Phi bitch clothes. She was running a quick errand to her car on Hamilton. Claudia thought the new pledges recognized her, even in her uncharacteristic outfit.
???? The first thing Erica and Katelynn did was shut Claudia?s mouth by gagging her with a rolled-up pantyliner. They tied it in place with her pink Chanel scarf. While Claudia was groaning, ?MMMphh! MMMppphh! NNNrrrggg!!,? trying to tell them to get off of her, Erica and Katelynn were gloating over their capture of a Phi slut. Katelynn slapped Claudia?s face on both cheeks and snarled ?Shut up bitch! Stop whining, you pathetic whore! Stupid Phi cunt!? Erica turned to Katelynn and told her, ?Hurry up, let?s get this slab of hot cunt meat downstairs and tear these preppy clothes off her!? Once they reached the bottom of the steps, they proceeded to truss her up. ?I?ll get her hands, you get her feet!,? Erica tittered as she tossed Katelynn a piece of cord. Mashing the preppy cunt into the filthy floor as they bound her limbs, the jewelry-laden slut was soon trussed up and squealing like a pig through her pantyliner-packed mouth.
???? They dragged Claudia by the feet to the base of a padded sawhorse. Following a short struggle, caused less by Claudia?s resistance than the trouble of hoisting such a hefty side of cunt meat, the Phi slut was lashed over the beam with her meaty ass sticking in the air. Katelynn undid the slut?s belt and unbuttoned her jeans before pulling them down. The panties went next. A large wooden paddle with the Greek letters Tau Gamma Mu was used to whump into that fat ass until the bronze-colored meat was tinged deep red. The letters were seared into her ass, over and over again until it was a mass of red lines and curves all melded together. Tears coursed down Claudia?s face and her garish makeup was now a mass of hideous colors. A string of snot dangled from her nostril. She hissed and snorted through her nose and sucked some of it back in.
???? That?s when I walked in. I heard the muffled squeals, the jeering girls, the hard whump of wooden paddle smacking into thick ass. Of course, I didn?t know what these peculiar sounds were until I saw this. I recognized Claudia through the pink cloth wrapped around her head and the smeared make-up all over her wet face- if only because I?d seen her in this retarded preppy outfit earlier that night. ?You stupid twits! What have you done to Claudia? You stupid cunts! Don?t you move, either, or I?ll slap the snot out of both of you!? I frantically untied Claudia and pulled the filthy gag from her mouth. She went ballistic on Erica and Katelynn, kicking and clawing and slapping. They squealed like two little mice in the clutches of a rabid cat. I held on to Erica while Claudia went after Katelynn. Katelynn was so scared and startled by Claudia?s ferocity that she pissed her jeans right there in front of me. I watched a spreading dark stain with the hot golden pee bubbling through the denim as it ran down her thighs.
???? Claudia rammed an enormous black dildo up Katelynn?s ass so hard her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Then she pulled her panties and jeans back up. Katelynn was sent upstairs, waddling around like a dumb goose with that butt plug protruding inside her jeans as if she?d shat herself. Erica was lashed to the sawhorse until half the Tau sorority either spit, slapped, pinched or pissed on that ugly fat ass of hers. With Erica?s red ass glowing under its hot coat of sorority bitch pee, Claudia whacked into it until a long brown turd squeezed out of her puckering asshole and landed on the floor. ?Oh, Claudia!,? someone said, ?You actually beat the shit out of her!?
2. Cheryl gets Snared.
???? Claudia initiated the next step with a telephone call. She needed to appease her vengeful instincts. Cheryl was the cause of this, not herself, and she must suffer for it. Claudia got me on the phone a few days after the Katelynn-Erica incident and enticed me with an idea? to set Cheryl up with an old faculty nympho named Stephanie, a voracious Lezzie who was supposed to have fucked everyone from sorority pledges to the University president?s snobby, hard-up wife.
???? Stephanie and Claudia had been lovers off and on for her entire time at the University- they?d met in the admissions office before Claudia had even moved on campus, and the two sluts fucked each other stupid that very morning. Stephanie laughed when she told me what a masochistic pain and humiliation slut Claudia was. As for Stephanie, she was a consummate whore underneath that icy, matronly demeanor and her severely tailored suits. Stephanie was always hot and ready at Claudia?s beckoning. The prospect of ensnaring another stuck-up sorority slut had Stephanie?s itchy cunt swollen and her sore nipples popping through her blouse.
???? We spotted Cheryl going into one of those pretentious, trendy caf?s around the corner from Tau House and called Stephanie on her cellphone. ?She?s in there now,? I heard Claudia saying, ?brown knee-high boots, red skirt, and a black chiffon blouse. Yeah, what a slut. No fuckin? bra. I could see chew marks on her fuckin? nipples from across the street. Five minutes? Alright, we?ll be watching. Bag this cheap slut, that?s right... Yeah... Uh huh... Bye.? Claudia said we had to leave. Stephanie didn?t want to be distracted by us. As we drove away, we passed Stephanie as she strutted along. She gave us the okay sign and cracked a devious smile. Stephanie was hot... tight pencil skirt, four button jacket hugging her voluptuous torso, silk blouse and a bright print scarf fluttering in the breeze. She turned up her collar and popped the top buttons to allow a teasing glimpse of her sweaty cleavage. Her heels must have been five inches. She was a stunning, mature thoroughbred among a pack of vapid, snot-nosed teenyboppers... a fox in a henhouse.
???? Whatever Stephanie did in that caf?, she snared the mealy-mouthed little cunt. A few nights later, we met in one of the girls? rooms at Tau and gathered around her computer. Stephanie was in the swivel-chair, checking Cheryl?s on-line status. ?You?re not going to believe this kinky bitch, girls, she?s unbelievable. Wait, here it is...? A box popped up on the screen... ?Status... CherylG is currently on-line.? We watched as Stephanie typed in the dialog box... ?Cheryl, are you there? It?s me again, Stephanie.? We waited. No response. Stephanie explained to us, ?She?s a real kinky bitch. Looking at her you?d never believe it. And she?s desperate for it, too. I?ve got her doing all ki-? Claudia interrupted her, ?Wait, look! She?s on!?
???? ?Hi Stephanie! What are you doing tonight?? Stephanie typed a response and clicked send. A few mundane exchanges followed as we watched. Finally, Stephanie turned around with a bitchy sneer and pointed at the screen, ?Look. I told you she?s a real chat slut.? Claudia bent over and read aloud, ?Let?s cut to the chase, Stephanie. My cunt is itching bad. I?m feeling like a bitch in heat. Let?s have some fun!? We all laughed and jeered till Stephanie shushed us. She enlarged the font so we could read it, crowding around her.
CherylG: Why don?t we cyber, Stephanie? I?m feeling kind of hot right now.
MsStephanieS: It?s childish. I?m a mature woman, not some horny adolescent looking for a cheap thrill.
CherylG: I?m not childish. You?re condescending to me.
MsStephanieS: You?re a stupid stuck-up sorority whore. Why should I fuck you?
???? Stephanie turned to me with a vicious, sadistic sneer. ?Watch me make this dumb whore squirm. She?s unbelievable.? Stephanie already had her other hand in her crotch, masturbating herself through her slacks. Claudia was knock-kneed and rubbing her thighs together. My nipples were so hard they hurt and my panties were gripping my cunt in a sticky embrace.
MsStephanieS: I only fuck women. not girls. And especially not ugly ones.
CherylG: I?m pleading with you, begging you. Stop it! I?m sorry!
MsStephanieS: It?s too late for apologies, you stupid bitch. You queer cunt. You want to put your filthy mouth on my cunt, I know you do. Your greasy, disgusting lips.
CherylG: Please! Stop this!
MsStephanieS: Shut up. Don?t type, just listen. Read what I have to say.
CherylG: Sorry.
MsStephanieS: You really are a dumb cunt. Why do you insist on apologizing all the time? You?re a dumb, stupid, submissive cunt.
CherylG: I won?t do it again, I promise. Please stop insulting me.
MsStephanieS: If you do as I say, and prove it, maybe we?ll stay friends.
CherylG: Please, yes, just tell me what I need to do.
MsStephanieS: Admit to me that you?re a stupid whore, a trashy slut, and that you?re cunt is an ugly, fat, bloated piece of slut-meat that you can?t keep your filthy fingers off of.
CherylG: Please, not that. Please! Stop this!
MsStephanieS: I?m signing off.
CherylG: NO! Alright, Stephanie, please! I?m stupid, I?m a whore, a queer slut with a fat ugly cunt. I can?t control myself.
MsStephanieS: I want you to fuck off and leave me alone, you?re a waste of time, a slab of pussy meat with a cunt hole in your face. You want to grovel in front of a cunt, you queer slut! MY cunt! You disgust me, you slimy cunt-licker.
CherylG: What do you want from me? I?ll do anything you want me to do.
MsStephanieS: You want to bury your nose in my hot, smelly twat, you queer little slut. You want me to pinch your nose shut so you have to breath in the slime oozing out of my hot, rutting cunt, don?t you? Go to the hamper and get out a pair of your girls panties, a real filthy smelly pair.
CherylG: I?ll be a few minutes. There?s a hamper in the hallway outside.
???? Stephanie was so pre-orgasmic that she was making involuntary noises, gulping, ?Nnngg... Jjjiiihjjjiiitt... Uukkk... EErrgggiitt? Really, she was gurgling, twitching, and typing with one hand, the other being in her panties. Claudia was letting out delicious involuntary moans. Could Cheryl possibly have imagined that her masochistic chat session was the center of a masturbation party among her Tau antagonists? We were getting off at her humiliation of herself. Stephanie explained to us that Cheryl would type ?K? for ?okay? as she was getting off.
CherylG: Got them. They?re Kira?s. She?s a filthy sow. Oh, these are crusty, smelly, she?s got cunt and ass stains all over them. They stink like cunt and ass. Damp with sweat and they?re stained yellow and brown with silver crust.
MsStephanieS: Slurp her hot cuntjuice, inhale it! Sniff those dirty wet panties and lick the crotch!
CherylG: Ohhh Kkkkkkk
MsStephanieS: I?ll take my stiletto heels off and stab you with the sharp tip, right in the tits and cunt. I want to hurt you, you little slut, slap you around. Spit on your face and cunt.
CherylG: I wish it was your cum.
MsStephanieS: Look at the dirty crotch. The gusset. What color are they? Fabric?
CherylG: Black silk. Nylon crotch. It?s all stained.? There?s a crusty silvery ring.
MsStephanieS: It?s dried pussysnot. Slimy cum sow that Kira is. Just think how hot they were, stewing with her cuntslime and juices. Her hot, wet hairy cunt nestled in there all day. Maybe she creamed them a little if she got excited.
CherylG: I want you to hurt my cunt.
MsStephanieS: Slap it hard. Pinch those lips and flick your clit with your fingertip.
CherylG: Oww! It hurts!
MsStephanieS: Hold the panties up. Push out the gusset with your fingers on the outside part.
CherylG: Yes. They stink.
MsStephanieS: Now, open up your slut mouth. Wide. Stick out your tongue.
CherylG: Why?
MsStephanieS: Put the gusset on your tongue and stuff them in your mouth.
CherylG: OMG!!! That?s gross!!!
MsStephanieS: DO IT SLUT!
CherylG: Oh, they taste so strong. They?re in my mouth now. I don?t think I can do this. Cunt slup all over them. Thick. I I m I?m gaggimg I mean gagging!
MsStephanieS: Spank your nasty oozing cunt. Hard!
CherylG: I?m doing it. My cunt is hurt.
MsStephanieS: Slap that cunt meat hard. Suck on those panties.
CherylG: Yes Maam. I?m doing what you say.
MsStephanieS: How do u like it?
CherylG: They are crunchy, the silver stained part, they were till my spit softened them.
MsStephanieS: That?s not my question dumb slut. Do u like it?
CherylG: I want to suck Kira?s cunt. I taste her cunt on them.
MsStephanieS: You better take a picture. I want to see your eyes crossed, staring at those panties sticking out of your mouth. Otherwise, I?m never chatting with your pathetic queer rutting ass again. Send me that picture, you whore.
CherylG: Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
???? Stephanie was sneering and talking about how hot she felt. She unbuckled her belt and slacks, pulling down the zipper with a metallic hiss. When she wasn?t typing, she?d have that hand in her blouse, squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. We exchanged comments about that stupid masochistic whore Cheryl, wondering if she?d really send the pictures. What if we post them or send them out? The bitch?d probably hang herself out of humiliation. As we jeered and snickered, Stephanie nearly yelled, ?Here it is! She just sent this...? Her fingers rapidly pecked the keyboard and we waited as the first picture loaded. We were anxiously waiting as the picture slowly filed the screen, top to bottom. The slow connection actually increased our anticipation. She did it! We watched as her eyes came into view. She was staring cross-eyed towards the tip of her nose! Then her nose... and... then... the wad of black panties jammed into her mouth!
MsStephanieS: Hi bitch! My friends got a laugh at your slut face eating your panties! They were nearly pissing themselves!
CherylG: You enjoy humiliating me. I bet it makes you cum.
MsStephanieS: Well, what if it does? You?re my bitch. My Lezzie puppet fuck doll.
CherylG: K.
MsStephanieS: I want another picture. You know if you don?t do as I say we?re finished.
CherylG: Yes, what is it you want from me?
MsStephanieS: I want you to take out all your makeup. Get red and black markers, too. Do it.
CherylG: I?ll be a few minutes.
MsStephanieS: Hurry bitch, I haven?t got all day for your stupid cunt.
CherylG: I?m back. Done. Now what?
MsStephanieS: Carefully do as I tell you. I want a picture as soon as you?re finished. Got it, cunt?
CherylG: Yes. Are you going to show it to your friends?
MsStephanieS: Take the lipstick and rub it on your cunt, all around the swollen slimy lips. Make that nasty cunt good and red. Put some gloss on top of that, too. Not that it needs it, you?re probably gushing you whore.
CherylG: I?m all wet there. I need to wipe myself a little.
MsStephanieS: Don?t tell me all the filthy details, just do it slut. Now those udders of yours. Same thing. Cover the areoles too.
CherylG: Alright, I?m done. My nipples are all covered and so is my cunt.
MsStephanieS: Take the marker and write ?SLUT? on your belly. Write ?MILK? on your tits. Draw arrows to the nipples. On your tits, write SQUEEZE FOR MILK. On your belly write SNOT and SLIME. Use the BLACK only! Take the picture.
CherylG: K. I?ll be a few minutes. It almost made me cum.
MsStephanieS: Nasty tawt! TWAT! Write that on your belly and draw an arrow.
CherylG: I don?t know if I can writte upside down. Write.
MsStephanieS: Dumb cunt! Just write it. NOW!
MsStephanieS: Stop wasting time, do it now.
CherylG: I want my slut pussy hurt.
MsStephanieS: Did you do what I told you, slut?
CherylG: I?m a dumb whore. I need to be hurt. My cunt. It?s throbbing again. I have to rub it.
MsStephanieS: Get your hands off your nasty smelly cunt. Now! Listen to me! You are a dirty twat of a whore! You are nasty. Do this whore, and I want you to send me a picture when u r done.
???? Stephanie was delirious through all this, moaning and hissing through her teeth. We watched this new set of pictures load. The stupid twat misspelled some of the words, but there it was, scrawled all over her. Cheryl?s nipples were swollen like a cow?s udders and her areolae were enormous and jutted out from her milky tit-flesh. We couldn?t believe this. And Stephanie was getting nastier and kinkier with each message.
MsStephanieS: Your ugly cunt looks really nasty. Did you masturbate today?
CherylG: No. I only rubbed myself through my panties a little.
MsStephanieS: You really are stupid. That?s masturbating.
CherylG: Alright, I did it. I need to be humiliated and punished.
MsStephanieS: Is your pussy wet and hot?
CherylG: Of course it is! I?m soaked. I?m wearing panties and a tampax liner so the chair doesn?t get stinky with cunt juice.
MsStephanieS: Stinky or sticky, you mean? Pull out the front so u can see your ugly swampy pussy.
CherylG: Both. Oh, It?s all sticking out. My clit is sticking out too. The hair is all matted like a drowned rat.
MsStephanieS: Spit on it. Lots of spit.
CherylG: It?s all sticky now, in my cunt hair.
MsStephanieS: Cumslut. You like that.
MsStephanieS: What does your cunt look like now?
CherylG: It?s sticking through my panty crotch. All pink and bloated.
MsStephanieS: U will send me your picture? Now?
CherylG: It will take a few minutes.
MsStephanieS: I?ll wait.
CherylG: Sorry. Done. Did you open it?
MsStephanieS: Wait.
CherylG: Is it good?
MsStephanieS: You are the nastiest slut I?ve ever heard of! What a filthy oozing cunt u have!
CherylG: I can see the fluffy pink meat thru the gusset.
MsStephanieS: Mesh?
CherylG: No, it?s cotton, in a nylon panel. It?s all yellow and silver with pussysnot.
MsStephanieS: Globs of it! Seeping through!
CherylG: YES!
MsStephanieS: Take off your shoe. High heel right? The red ones in ur pic?
CherylG: Yes. Ferragamo.
MsStephanieS: Whack your slimy cunt meat with it. Hurt that slimy cunt.
CherylG: Oww! I really nailed my cunt!
MsStephanieS: Hit it hard, like your I mean you?re being kicked in that slimy cunt.
CherylG: I?m really hurting my cunt bad. I?m all sore and its swelling up, my cunt.
MsStephanieS: Do you have your dill?
CherylG: Yes.
MsStephanieS: Size?
CherylG: Eight inches.
MsStephanieS: Go to bed you whore. Stuff some pillows under your slimy belly, you slithering whore, and hump them hard. Suck on Kira?s panties and then guess what?
CherylG: Yes Maam?
MsStephanieS: Get your fat cuntslimed ass in the air and stuff it with that dildo.
CherylG: U mean my asshole?
MsStephanieS: Yes you stupid cunt. Shove it up your asshole.
CherylG: Yes Maam.
MsStephanieS: After you cum all over your panties and that dildo, you will tell me about it and I will give you further instructions.
CherylG: Yes Maam. I will.
MsStephanieS: I hope your cunt hurts bad, you slimy whore. And I want more pictures.
CherylG: I?m going now, will write u when Im done.
???? This unbelievable cunt was some kind of masochistic exhibitionist, if you?ll excuse the clinical terms; she may have been desperate for Stephanie, but she was obviously into what she was doing. There?s no doubt about that. And Stephanie had revealed to Cheryl that she was showing those pornographic pictures of her self-inflicted humiliation to her friends- well, not exactly self-inflicted, because Stephanie was instructing her what to do. Cheryl had no idea just who was seeing her photos- we Tau girls!
???? I just couldn?t believe we had her doing so many nasty, kinky things to herself. Our imaginations were running wild but we didn?t want to push it too far and blow it. We had her slapping her own cunt, sucking on another girl?s soiled panties, writing obscenities on herself, shoving a dildo up her virgin asshole- and sending us pictures to prove it! We were so worked up that we came in our panties right there, gasping and squealing at our thorough humiliation of that kinky Phi twat. Stephanie sent me a few more pictures in an e-mail later that week... Cheryl?s ass in the air, humping her pillows with the black base of a dildo protruding from her ass... more pictures of her panty-gagged mouth... her bloated red cunt with pinch marks and other signs of her self-abuse... and I made sure to save a copy of her chat with Stephanie. She told me she?d even made herself dress up like a whore, guzzle liquids beforehand, and piss herself upon command.
???? Stephanie arranged a ?date? with her young masochistic pain slut. They had numerous chats and telephone conversations in the meantime. I?m sure they?d fucked each other around campus, too, learning every detail of each other?s bodies and every psychological aspect of their sexuality. I wonder what kind of kinky games they played when they were alone. Stephanie taught us the art of coprolagnia... again, a clinical term... meaning filthy sex talk. Nasty language is an aphrodisiac to most people and it?s intensified when in a state of sexual arousal. In many cases it?s a delight for masochists like Cheryl, who had unwittingly demonstrated this for our amusement. Stephanie was a very articulate, over-educated old slut and she could talk so incredibly nasty and with such imagination! She peppered her nastiness with adjectives; a cunt was rarely just a cunt, it was a smelly, swollen, rutting, sweaty, putrid cunt; a whore was always a filthy, skanky, sleazy, trashy, five-dollar whore. And it turned me on when she talked like that.
???? I know Stephanie well enough to characterize her ?fetishes? as principally tactile and role-oriented, that is to say, she enjoyed various sensations on her skin and body. These tactile sensations were determined by the clothes she wore. Some ?fetishists? enjoy leather, because the thick creaking shell that envelops their body and the animalistic smell that accompanies it; others prefer latex because the tight and excrutiatingly hot embrace it provides their bodies. The constriction of corsets, the elastic molding of flesh by girdles, the rugged comfort of denim, the slippery and flashy feel of satin, all these variants were known to her. The whisper of nylon encased thighs, the static currents of fur, the caress of silk were all familiar aphrodisiacs to Stephanie.
???? For most women clothes have an auto-erotic effect, a kind of narcissism- the combined effects of physical sensation and image, knowing we look sexually attractive, like an exotic bird showing off its bright feathers. Stephanie knew how to give herself a certain sassiness and flair without necessarily dressing like a slut. The character of a blouse could be instantly transformed by turning up the collar or popping a few buttons, or by adorning and concealing her enticing cleavage with a silk print scarf. She was a thoroughbred whore but she had a certain refinement. Stephanie was also a thoroughly accomplished aficionado of kink and sexual deviance.
???? As Stephanie waited for her date with that little cunt, so did we- secreting ourselves in another room of her hotel suite. She was going to toy with her kinky little plaything and then spring the trap. We?d pounce on her and get her trussed up like a pig to take her back to Tau house for a session she?d never forget.
???? Cheryl was dressed in a pantsuit with a white cream silk blouse and a print scarf, adorned by a triple strand of pearls- Cheryl knew that pearls were a particular fetish for Stephanie. Stephanie?s nipples plumped out as soon as she ran her mouth over Cheryl?s lips, neck and pearls. She fingered Cheryl?s pearls, then her blouse collar before running her hands down to unfasten the top buttons. She inhaled the moist perfume of Cheryl?s sweaty cleavage. Stephanie pressed Cheryl?s belly and breasts against her own, crushing their clothes and jewelry between them. They made out like oversexed teenagers. Their lips smacked noisily; their entwined mouths made obscene slurping noises as they sucked each other?s tongues and lips.
????? ?Let?s have a drink, shall we?? Stephanie broke off their kisses to open a bottle of red wine. She filled two glasses and downed the first in a gulp. Cheryl did the same with hers. While Stephanie stood with her back to Cheryl, she came up behind Stephanie and kissed her neck. Stephanie loved this? Cheryl?s soft breasts pressing into her back, her hands running over her belly and breasts, her soft hot mount of Venus pressing into her ass. Stephanie?s eyes rolled back. She bent her neck in response as her lips parted with ?mmmmm?s? of delight.
???? When Cheryl turned to retrieve her glass of wine, Stephanie pressed up against her back and kissed her neck just as Cheryl had done to her. Stephanie?s hands ran over Cheryl?s blouse and began unfastening the top buttons. She reached into the cup of her bra and pushed it down. Cheryl?s hard, swelling nipple was between Stephanie?s middle and index fingers as she kneaded the breast. Her other hand was undoing the buckle of Cheryl?s designer belt. The button of her slacks was popped open and the zipper tugged down in a smooth motion. Stephanie was rubbing her breasts against Cheryl?s back and mashing her pulpy mons into Cheryl?s soft ass. Stephanie felt the heat rising from Cheryl?s pussy. Her fingers ran over the plump, fleshy mound and through the silky bush. Her other hand let go of the breast.
???? Suddenly, Stephanie got rough. Cheryl was startled. One arm wrapped painfully tight around Cheryl?s waist, nearly causing her bladder to leak. Stephanie was holding a damp cloth over Cheryl?s face. She was suddenly limp and unconscious. The last thing she remembered was some girls rushing out of the bedroom towards her. ?Here we go, Tau girls, help me lift this pig! This smelly cunt feels as hefty as a side of beef! Get her legs? Erika, you too!? Erika, wearing bright pink sweatpants with her sorority letters bouncing on her gelatinous rump, joined her ?sister? Joanne, who had already lifted Cheryl?s other leg. Two more joined in hoisting our captive cunt. Cheryl was on her way to the Tau Gamma Mu house on Sorority Row.
3. Tau Girls.
???? Not only were the Tau girls going to get a shot at Cheryl, but their rival sorority, Phi Delta Upsilon were also unwittingly going to do Claudia?s bidding for her. If Claudia could be taken for a Phi bitch, Cheryl would be taken for a Tau slut. Before I relate what happened to Cheryl, I need to explain the background of Tau Gamma Mu and how we set her up. Some of the real nasty blouse-tearing, hair-pulling, nipple-twisting catfights will be described later in my story. I hope my reader will forgive me for going into so much detail concerning our designer clothes... I want to present a vivid picture of our sorority life and the concerns of most of us are just that- clothes and image. Most of my sorority sisters are frivolous, trendy, materialistic, hopelessly vapid sluts. Whatever ?higher learning? is, it has certainly eluded these bratty cunts.
???? Linda was a dorm mistress at the University?s snotty prep school and had become close friends with Erika and Joanne. Only a few years seperated them in age. Linda was also a graduate of the school and had an old grudge against Cheryl. Depending on who you asked, it was either over some equally vacuous football player or a Lesbian girlfriend. Some girls said they just simply didn?t like each other.
????? Cheryl had pissed off Linda one last time. I was there and saw it. Those sneering lips of Cheryl?s did it. That petulant upper lip, bright red against her pasty complexion, Oh how Linda wanted to smack it right off her arrogant face! It was after school, when we headed for our cars. There was a foot of snow on the ground and snowbanks as high as mountains where the plows dumped it. The sidewalk was about five or so feet wide, with the bright white snow piled up on either side to waist level. Right in front of about twelve or fifteen students, Linda leapt on Cheryl and smacked her face so hard that the top of her blouse popped open. Cheryl retaliated with words and hair-pulling, ?You low class whore! How dare you! You trashy bitch!? They clawed at each other, slapping, spitting, and pulling at each other?s hair. Their uniforms were torn half away, coats flung off into the snow. Linda caught Cheryl in a tight squeeze and threw her face first into a pile of snow. Cheryl tried to get away but Linda shoved her in harder. When she pulled Cheryl?s head out by the hair, her face was soaking wet with clumps of snow sticking to her. The snowbank was stained with Cheryl?s blue eyeshadow and red lipstick.
???? ?Beg me to let you go! Beg me! Tell me you?re sorry!? Linda growled. Cheryl said ?No! Fuck you!? . Linda pulled her head back by the hair and told her she?d strangle her right there and dump her in the wet snow. ?Alright! Let me go! I?m begging you, pleeeasse!? Cheryl whined. ?Apologize to me! Tell me how stupid you are! Tell me you?re a stupid cunt!? Linda demanded. She was showing her teeth and snarling like a rabid cat. Cheryl pleaded, ?I?m sorry! I?m a stooo- pid c- c- cunt, there! I said it!? We laughed at her now. The arrogant little slut was pleading like a groveling bitch. Not only did I love it, but it made my pussy tingle and my nipples stand on end! What Linda did next was so delicious I?ll never forget it. She shoved Cheryl back in the snow, face first, flipping up her skirt with her panty clad ass in the air. With one hand pressing her head into the snow, Linda leaned over Cheryl and jerked her hips into her ass. She was practically mounting her. She only did it once, with one hard thrust of her hips, but it was unbelievable. ?Don?t ever look at me again, ever! I?ll slap the snot right out of your pretty little cunt face!? Linda spewed before walking off, hurling a wad of hot spit in the arrogant little snot?s face.
???? Cheryl slowly pushed herself out of the wet snow. She was a mess! After buttoning herself up as best she could, she picked up her coat and ran away, staring at the ground in humiliation. I heard a few ?bitch!? and ?whore!? comments and the school was abuzz the next day over this little catfight. Cheryl toned down her arrogance. One other thing- I remember looking at the mess she?d made in the snow- besides the make-up and a couple of red buttons from her cardigan, I saw a little yellow stain right where her hips indented the snow. Either Linda humped her fat ass so hard that she pissed herself from the pressure or she?d done it out of fear. Linda really taught the snot-nosed sniveling bitch a hard lesson in humility!
???? Linda, who had connections with the Phi sorority as well as ours, had spread a rumor with them concerning a visit by the Tau?s founder, the wealthy Pamela Parker (n?e Reyes), who was to be impersonated by Cheryl- against her will and without her knowledge, of course. After the Tau girls were finished with her, the supposed Pamela was going to be offered up to FDU on a platter. The ruse was going to have Cheryl pass through the grinder of two bitchy sororities, both of which were notorious for their sadistic, humiliating initiations and the shocking extremities of their pranks. Only the fact these girls were the snot-nosed daughters of the wealthy and powerful kept them from losing their charter. (One of the University?s most prodigious benefactors had two daughters at Phi, not to mention some of the most corrupt state legislators whose daughters were Tau or Phi girls).
???? To an outsider, the sororities appeared to be involved in a bitter rivalry. In actuality, they were swapping more orgasms than the cast of a porn movie. They each tried to outdue the vicious sado-masochistic pranks of the other when they weren?t simply fucking each other like rabbits. In this respect, their relationship was like Stephanie and Cheryl?s- a rivalry that was determined more by mutual lust than any actual resentment. Some couples argue and fight until their passions are so inflamed they relieve themselves by fucking each other into a stupor. It actually intensifies their orgasms- add some sadomasochism and roleplay to this and you will have some idea of Stephanie and Cheryl?s games, not to mention the orgiastic results of the Tau-Phi rivalry.
???? Within this Tau-Phi relationship, there were individual resentments that produced some very real, very frightening confrontations. More of these catfights were between girls in the same sorority than between Tau and Phi, either provoked by jealousy, romantic entaglements, or some petty incident. We could be bitchy. The Phi sorority referred to Tau girls as ?Moo Girls,? or ?Moo Cows? after the letter Mu. Sometimes, our fights involved outsiders. Our two sororities dominated the campus social life and although a few smaller ones were organized and chartered, they were much smaller and far less influential. We were the elitists and quite a few outsiders resented us- our private parties, wealthy parents, prestige and the fact that the sexiest girls on campus belonged to Tau Gamma Mu. This elitist attitude would catch up to me in a very frightful incident, but that story is for later.
???? The sororities had their own form of roleplaying games. They frequently held theme parties that dissolved into drunken orgies of Lesbian lust. ?Golf Pros and Tennis Hoes,? where we?d dress up in sporty outfits; another was ?Pimps and Hoes,? where one of the Queens wore a tight, garish suit like a pimping Madam and led around her girls, dressed like streetwalkers in skintight satin shorts with fishnet stockings, stilettos and low-cut tops; ?Catholic School Girls,? in which we wore frilly ankle socks, slingbacks, plaid skirts and tight white uniform blouses. They almost always had a common denominator- ?Hoes.? Other popular themes were ?Country Club Crush,? or ?CEO?s and Corporate Hoes,? the girls dressed in business suits with sleazy lingerie underneath. Even the regular parties ended in drunken frolics, bursting bladders, hangovers, and maybe even a catfight that ended with the two antagonists passed out belly-to-belly on a couch or bed with bruised tits and scratches they treated with tongue baths and kisses.
????? The more official rites, games and initiations were often very imaginative and kinky- besides the typical paddlings and spankings, scare games and disgusting dares, they had enforced panty cleaning, bladder-holding competitions, designated ?cheap whore? nights, masturbation contests, and about anything else a pack of queer, snotty nymphomaniacs could dream up. A few of these games will be noted later in my story, but some of their nastiest and kinkiest pranks were these:
???? Gemma, a voluptuous little brunette with a pair of double-D?s, was a Tau girl whose steady was a senior named Jacqui. Gemma got herself knocked up and couldn?t keep her condition a secret for long. Her nipples swelled up like udders and leaked all over when she and Jaqui were humping each other?s sweat-slick bodies into a froth. She confessed to Jacqui that she had taken a hard cock by some fraternity creep and got herself knocked up. ?Sometimes I need to be filled. I need some hot cum in my pussy and up my ass.? Jacqui was furious.
???? The next morning, Tau awoke to discover Gemma tied to a post next to the percolating coffee machine. She was ballgagged with trails of glistening drool running down her chin and dribbling on her fat, exposed tits. Her nipples were swollen like a pair of udders, leaking pearly drops of milk off their tips. With a black magic marker and red lipstick, someone had written nasty comments all over her sweaty flesh, ?Cock Hungry Whore,? and ?Knocked-up Slut.? Two arrows pointing to her leaky nipples said ?Milk for Coffee.? Her left tit said ?Sweet Milk,? and her right ?Half & Half.? The point of another arrow ended at the waistband of her sheer pink panties, which were wet and gripped her swelling cunt in a gluey embrace- ?Cream? was written on her belly in black marker.
???? The girls laughed at Gemma?s predicament- one even added a few comments of her own with a tube of lipstick. Another nonchalantly walked up to Gemma with a steaming cup of coffee, straight-faced, and squeezed her breast milk into the coffee. To the astonishment of the other girls, she not only drank it, but stuck her finger into Gemma?s cum-slick panties and smeared her cunt cream onto her own lips with a savory ?Mmmmmmm? as she licked them clean. Then she reached around the rear as Gemma moaned and her eyes teared up- she pulled out her dirty finger and announced that chocolate was also available. This elicited some murmurs of disgust but the girls were titillated by the finger-sodomy of Gemma. By the time we left for morning classes, Gemma?s tits were red and bloated after being slapped around and her agonizing nipples were purple from being squeezed, bit and pinched. Her entire face and body was smeared with makeup and filth, and the comments in magic marker took almost a week to fade out even though she had scrubbed herself raw.
???? The Tau sorority house was built on the foundation of a very old stone building that was once a tavern. The basement of this old building was still intact and included several murky chambers, a long, dark wine cellar, and a circular well in the stone floor. The well was filled in with dirt and was only about two feet deep. Normally, it was covered with a piece of heavy oak, the remnants of an old door. The original pulley was still attached the the heavy oak joists supporting the floor above, which was about eight feet high.
???? One of the most frightening initiations went like this: the girl was led downstairs blindfolded with her wrists tied in front of her. She would stand on top of the oak panel and then her hands were tied to the pulley above her head. Her feet were tied at the ankles. She would be lifted several inches off the floor, suspended by the pulley and pulled up by a few groaning girls before the rope was tied off on a beam. The blindfold would be removed and then the oak panel pulled out from under her, revealing the old well filled with murky water and churning with snakes bought at a pet store. The girls were always heavily gagged before this, because their screams would otherwise fill the whole neighborhood. The door was quickly slid back into place, the girl let down, crying or screaming in her gag. After new initiates were done with this ritual, the harmless snakes were recaptured and the water would slowly drain away into the dirt.
???? Occasionally, a really tough bitch might be hung upside down and this would completely unnerve her, having her head drooping just inches above the snake-infested water. Another trick to unnerve the tough ones was to have a rope slowly cut away in front of them, which to the initiate appeared to be the rope supporting her over the well. As the rope finally snapped, a few lost control of their bladders only to discover they were still hanging. There were a few variants to this very frightening initiation, but this was the typical routine. We even tried Pirhanas once but they didn?t live long enough to get much use out of them.
???? A senior Tau girl had a close friendship with the management of Luce?s, a large women?s department store in the local mall. One of the dares required for admission into the Tau sorority was stealing a certain amount of merchandise. Our new girl was taken to Luce?s and instructed to purloin several items of jewelry and clothing. With her heart beating fast and a cold sweat breaking out on her skin, the girl would stuff expensive necklaces and rings into her pockets while an accomplice distracted the clerk. Everything was supposed to be well coordinated, with another girl blocking the security camera.
???? Suddenly, the initiate was abandoned. A security agent grabbed her by the arm and instructed her to ?come with me or you?ll be arrested.? Of course, the unsuspecting girl would be horrified, looking around for her friends... frantic, crying, and even pissing her panties. In the security office were several women who were in on the Tau prank, scaring the initiate with threats of strip searches, prosecution for petty larceny and a jail term. Just when the strip search was underway and the stolen merchandise recovered, she would be tied up and gagged, ?Welcome to Tau house!? accompanied by laughs and jeers. Only then would she realize it was a staged setup. She?d be taken back to the sorority house with catcalls of ?We caught a thief!? and ?Sticky Fingers!?
???? Now that I?ve acquainted my readers with our sorority, I can return to our story about Cheryl?s abduction: Cheryl?s blouse was pulled off by Erika. Her arms flopped around. They removed her pearls, her bra, and pulled her pants off. Erika recited a commentary as she worked? ?Beautiful pearls? oh, I like her panties? Her nipples are like plums! I just love those raised areolae! Let?s put some lipstick on them, make her look like a total slut? black cherry? she won?t recognize herself when she comes to. I can?t wait to bury my strap-on cock in her hairy snatch? the hair?s all wet and matted... what a creampie she?s got there, and it?s all her own cum too!? Stephanie interrupted, ?Hurry now, we need our newest initiate all ready by the time she comes to. Joanne, get my makeup kit from the bathroom, Erika?s got a fantastic idea. Let?s dye her hair while we?re at, too. Get her in the bathtub!? The delay made it necessary for Stephanie to stand by with her syringe of knockout anesthenic as the girls ran the dye into Cheryl?s hair. Cheryl was going to be stunned as she saw the nastiest slut in the school looking at her from the mirror- and it was going to her own image! Her transformation was to be so complete, it was hoped she wouldn?t initially recognize herself.
???? The water and the cold tub started waking Cheryl, so Stephanie gave her another dose and she was out again. Cheryl is a brunette with green doe-eyes, but now she had become a platinum blonde. The girls even considered colored contacts but couldn?t manage that particular detail. By painting her eyelids and applying fake eyelashes, her eyes would be sufficiently altered? to complete the illusion. Erika was busy gluing slutty, bright red, extra-long artificial nails to Cheryl?s fingers, as Stephanie and Joanne worked on her makeup. As soon as her hair was blow dried, they carried Cheryl back to the bedroom and laid her down among her scattered clothes.
???? The satin panties went on first, then a matching bra that was two sizes too small. They had difficulties fastening it, but it made her breasts plump out into two round globes. The black cherry lipstick had been applied to her nipples along with a few comments scrawled on her skin? these she would read later. Her lips were painted with a bright red, then coated with greasy lip gloss. Black lace stockings were pulled up her legs and fastened to a matching garter belt. Her skirt was red and black plaid, regulation issue. She was dressed in white ankle socks with frills at the top, then fitted with too-tight white strap heels. Her blouse was a pink school blouse such as Joanne and Erika wore; in fact, it belonged to Erika and was taken from her dirty laundry along with the other items- such as Erika?s filthy panties, stained with masturbation among other things. A pair of nerdy black glasses were added as a finishing touch. They sat her in a chair in front of the floor-length mirror as she came to.
????? All of them stood behind the chair and to the sides. Either they watched Cheryl?s face in the reflection or looked directly at her as she was waking up. Her eyes wandered momentarily, then fixed on her own reflection with a quizzical stare. Just like the movies when someone or something does not initially recognize its own image in a mirror, Cheryl?s own movements revealed to her the identity of the blonde slut in the mirror.? It was herself!
???? She squealed as she recognized herself, clutching at her clothes and hair. She was looking at a handful of her new blonde hair when she was seized by the arms. ?You are a promiscuous, sleazy little whore and you are to receive your just punishment. Twenty stripes on your naked buttocks with a bamboo cane,? Stephanie told her as she grabbed her by her blouse collars. ?Bend over that chair. Girls, gag her!? A large pink ball-gag was fastened in place, while her eyes grew so large they seemed like they might pop out of her head. Erika and Joanne held her arms in front of her while Stephanie pulled down her skirt and panties. ?Linda, you are to strike her buttocks with twenty transverse strokes. Don?t worry if your aim is bad. A couple strokes on her back or thighs will be acceptable. I advise you to be harsh with this one. Just look at her, what a slut!? Cheryl was squealing like a puppy from her gagged mouth. Linda?s first stroke of the cane seemed to knock her forward two feet and nearly propelled the gag out of her mouth.
???? Dark red stripes covered Cheryl?s buttocks and, after the caning was complete, they seemed to swell and bloat. Her face was running with tears and mascara; her mouth was smeared with lipstick and saliva after the gag was popped out. They kissed her on the mouth and taunted her? ?Why not come into my bedroom, slut, and show me your tricks. I?ve never been with such an experienced whore.? Stephanie added, ?We have just what she needs.? Erika and Joanne emerged from the bathroom in their school uniforms, with strap-on dildos jutting from their waists. They partially stripped Cheryl and went to work on her, double-fucking her in a combination of positions.
???? Erika crouched above the supine Cheryl, dipping her strap-on between her soft ass-cheeks to make her squeal, while Joanne slipped hers between Cheryl?s lips. ?Take it all, you snot-nosed little whore! Snort like a pig! All of it!,? she sneered, punctuating her words with slaps on her face or a tug of her hair. Cheryl was a filthy mess within minutes. Her eyes teared up, causing the blue-black eye-shadow on her lids to run down her face and combine with the green shadow that had been applied under her eyes. The right side of her head was pressing into the mattress, so one stream of makeup ran against her nose and over her upper lip as the other streamed into a dark stain on the sheets. Her dark red lipstick smeared also. The dildo caused her to salivate and this formed a glistening drool running from the corner of her mouth.
???? Cheryl?s hair began to stick to her face from the sweat. Her nose was soon running also, adding to the illusion that her face had been underwater. The false eyelashes came loose and stuck to her face. She groaned and squealed with Joanne?s strap-on plugging her mouth. Erika pumped her ass during the oral session, finally laying on top of Cheryl with the dildo still deep in her ass. She resorted to a slow grind while Joanne slapped Cheryl?s face with the soaking wet dildo. The wet slapping sounds caused Erika to laugh into Cheryl?s ear.
???? Stephanie and Linda had left to join the party and told some of the girls about the orgiastic fury they had left behind in their room. Stephanie was seeking some young slut to go to bed with while Linda socialized with her friends. It was another theme party. Stephanie was flirting with a girl who had long frizzy blonde hair, thick pouty lips and a figure to die for. Her name was Colette and she looked like a fashion model, though her eyes were obscured by the gold-rimmed Fendi shades she wore. Colette was another double-polo girl, and she explained her color combinations to Stephanie, and how she accessorized. ?I love this polo combo, don?t you? Pink on the outside with a turquoise blue underneath. I prefer Ralph Lauren to Izod, but the turquoise one is a Aeropostale... see the label inside the collar? And these go so well with my denim skirt. Last weekend we had a yacht party at the marina and I wore yellow under blue with a white sweater draped over it. I wore a beige skirt for that one, and my pearls. Another nice combo.? Colette finally took off her shades and hung them from the V opening of her polos. Her eyes were hypnotic, but the vapid one-sided conversation was cut off by the entrance of her friend.
???? Stephanie?s attention was soon diverted by another hot sorority slut, a girl whose white shirt with its YSL logo was stretched over two rotund DD?s, a 36 at least. Stephanie could see the outline of her areolae through the tight shirt, even the bumps. This one, Janine, talked about nothing but her latest squeeze, a pledge she called Bex as in Becky. ?It was love at first sight,? Janine was told, ?Bex and me locked eyes at the Indigo Velvet and next thing I know, she?s got her blouse pulled up and she?s rubbing her lollipop on her wet nipples. Then she?s pouting her lips at me. I ended up sucking on her cherry lollipop and then something more intimate.? Stephanie acquainted herself with the college scene, hearing stories about their parties when she wasn?t getting preppy fashion advice.
???? Janine described the balloon game, where two partners were timed popping balloons between certain parts of their bodies. No hands allowed! The positions were distinctly sexual- for instance, face-to-face, with the balloon between their crotches, or against the other girls? ass- she?d be humping her doggystyle till the balloon popped. There was Beer Pong, Truth or Dare, and another game where cherries were passed from mouth to mouth. Another type of competition they indulged in were comparisons of breasts, bellies or asses. The girls nominated the competitors for each category before they were subjected to examinations. These childish games might have been silly amusements for a pack of nerds, but the breast, belly and ass comparisons deserve a few comments.
???? Several unique talents were developed, such as twirling nipples, bouncing buttocks... or rolling and undulating bellies so skilfully that Suhair Zaki would be envious. As for the breast competition, the longest nipples on record were those of a 32C pledge named Yanina, whose teats measured 1.2 inches in length when fully erect- no tricks involved, no pinching, no vacuum tubes, not even ice cubes were used, just her arousal at the sight of the other girls? bodies and some dexterous manipulations of her clit. Yanina proved that large breasts do not mean long nipples, since she was up against some very buxom sorority girls including one who was pregnant at the time. There were wet t-shirt competitions, and a variety of wrestling contests- mud, jell-o, chocolate syrup and even corn was used- the ring usually consisted of a plastic inflatable pool.
???? Erika and Joanne played to their new audience: three of the sorority girls wandered in from the ?Preppy Slutz? party being held in another room rented for the occasion. They were dolled up in exaggerated preppy outfits- literally made up to look like dolls with cupid lips and rice-powder complexions. The ?costumes? and cosmetics created their own illusions, just as Cheryl?s had transformed her into a whore unrecognizable even to herself- playing the roles of precisely the stuck-up, snot-nosed brats that they would enjoy slapping and sodomizing.
???? Jenevieve was decked out in a triple strand of pink pearls, with double popped polos- the inner polo, a white Lacoste, the outer a pink with the Ralph Lauren logo over the left tit. These were so tight that her bra was outlined underneath and her nipples poked out with the areolae delineated around them. She had thick, raised areolae that swelled out like plums when she was aroused.? Her matching skirt was pink and white, adorned with little tennis rackets.
???? Allie wore a skintight white school blouse, semi-transparent and seamed, with a pink push-up bra showing where she popped open an extra button or two. Her jewelry was excessive, with bracelets, a silver watch, rings and several necklaces of gold, silver and pearls. The skirt was green and black plaid, pleated, with white stockings, frilly ankle socks and black slingback heels. Her pouty lips were bubble-gum pink and coated with bright lip gloss. Lauren was the third girl. Taller than the others, she added to her height with a pair of bright red stiletto heels. These were her only concession to her true self- her preppy ensemble consisted of no less than three layers of pastel colored polos, light green, white and finally pink, with the collars popped and accessorized with the imitation pink pearls and a silk scarf tied around her neck. Her hairstyle also made her seem taller, piled on top and descending in a French braid. The skirt was pleated in pink and white.
???? Lauren, the tall green-eyed blonde, watched the action over Allie?s shoulder as she kissed her neck, reached around to stroke her breasts, and dry-humped Allie?s bulbous ass. Each felt the burning heat of the other through their clothes as they ground into each other. Allie fingered her pearls and the buttons of her layered polos as she whined with pleasure. Lauren masturbated her clit against the soft heat of Allie?s rump. Allie leaned forward as she ground her ass against Lauren?s hot Mons. Allie soon had one hand down her skirt, with Lauren?s hand following, her other hand thrust beneath her shirts and pushing the bra away so she could pinch and twist her nipples.
???? Jenevieve had her pearls between her lips as she furiously masturbated herself. Her eyes were alternately watching Cheryl?s sodomy and rolling in their sockets. Jen?s moans attracted Erika?s attention and she blew lewd kisses at her. Jen, who had a noticeable overbite, began sucking on her finger provocatively. Erika locked eyes with Jen and began to jerk her hips against Cheryl?s plugged ass, as if to say ?I want to do this to you now.? Jen watched as Erika lifted her hips and slowly pulled the length of her realistic strap-on cock from the grip of Cheryl?s ass. She stroked it and rubbed her fingers over the purple head while leaning on one arm. Erika then sat on the edge of the bed with Cheryl nearly unconscious behind her. Joanne then took position over Cheryl?s prostrate body and continued the strap-on sodomy of her fat, farting ass. Cheryl was panting and gasping with only the whites of her eyes showing.
???? For a youthful nymphomaniac, Jen was incredibly kinky. Her first words to Erika were ?Gag me with Allie?s panties. She?s been creaming them all day and I want to suck them while you fuck me in the ass? Jen was very matter-of-fact when she said this... as if she was giving instructions to her hairdresser. Erika took Allie away by the ear and pushed her facedown on the bed. Allie groaned as she landed belly first with her high-heeled feet sticking in the air. With the skirt flipped over her pink panty-clad rump, not only was the gusset dark with her juices but a pearly cream had seeped through into the crevice formed by her swollen labia. The pink silk stretched tight across her two delicious buttocks which stuck high in the air. The dark shadow ended directly over her asshole- some dark hairs visible through the semi-transparent damp silk. A few tiny hairs protruded out of the legbands.
??? ??As Erika pulled Allie?s tight panties off, exposing the glistening wet cunt and rosy crack, the bulbous rump cheeks slackened a little to each side but were still sticking up. The sticky gusset was held inside-out in Erika?s hand as she held Jen by the chin. ?Open wide for your panty candy, slut!? Jen gulped first. She then bit down hungrily on the panties as Erika pushed them in with two fingers. Although all the ladies enjoyed being panty-gagged, most put up resistance by trying to spit it out or moaning and thrashing once it was in place.
???? Jen, on the other hand, gestured with delight, biting down playfully on the wet panties and purring. Her eyes turned down and crossed to look at the protruding wad of silk. ?Mmmmmmm!,? she moaned, as if she were savoring cunt-flavored candy. Her jaws were moving as she chewed the panties. She then let the nylon gusset settle on her tongue. The silk was still hot from Allie?s body, and smelled of sweat and musk. With the gusset mixing with Jen?s saliva, a creamy soup slid around Jen?s mouth while the smell of fish and eggs filled Jen?s nose. She tasted sweat, girl-cum (something like cream of mushroom) and an acrid pee that had leaked into the nylon. Another earthy smell of eggs and shit mixed with the sweat where the gusset had been nestled against Allie?s rear hole. With her mouth stuffed with the taste and smell of Allie?s pudenda, Jen crouched on the bed and wagged her ass in the air.
???? Lauren and Allie sucked each other?s tongues and humped each other on the other bed. Their skirts were soon off with their shirts rucked up under their breasts. Their fingers were soon working clits and nipples as they rubbed bellies. Both desired to get into each other?s bodies and fuse into one. Grinding their soft hot bellies together and sucking tongues was just the beginning. Their session together would evolve into roleplay, bondage and other surprises they had in store for each other. Cheryl was all ?fucked out? and lay on the bed with her arms underneath her, slowly masturbating herself. Erika and Joanne prepped Jen?s ass. They intended to take turns on her cunt and asshole.
???? Joanne ran her finger through Jen?s plump, swollen labia and the cream was so thick a streamlet linked her fingertip to the red lips when she drew it out. She popped the sticky finger into her mouth and slapped her lips. Erika slapped the bloated outer lips and then squeezed them together. Jen squealed. Globs of foamy saliva landed all over Jen?s ass and cunt as the two girls spit on her. Jen felt the tickling sensation of warm spit rolling down her ass crack and inner thighs. Some of the spit ran down her Mons and onto her belly. With her sphincter puckering in anticipation, the girls tried to spit right into the pink hole. Allie crawled atop Joanne into the classic 69 position. Joanne wanted to lick Allie?s creaming pussy while Erika plugged her ass and feel her orgasmic contractions with her mouth.
???? Geraldine and Charlene were two of the party?s most recent arrivals. They came in to watch the show as they fondled each other and tongue-kissed voraciously. There were now seven rutting cunts in the room and the smell of sex and sweat was powerful. It was a large room but was feeling stuffy already.
???? Charlene was a platinum blonde whose hair was dressed in a bob. She wore a skintight pink American Eagle shirt over a light green Lacoste polo. Her juicy ass was poured into Big Star jeans. She was carrying a pink Dooney and Bourke bag that matched the pink lipstick she wore.
???? Geraldine had long, curly black hair that contrasted sharply against her creamy complexion and thick red lips. She was decked out in a black satin blouse that was left partially unbuttoned to reveal her milky cleavage and a tiny bow in the center of her red brassiere. Geraldine?s ass was packed into black pinstriped slacks. Over her shoulder was slung a Vera Bradley bag. She was accessorized by some gold jewelry but wore no pearls- even Charlene managed a pearl bracelet and drop earrings.
???? They still managed to fit into the preppy theme of the party. There was an abundance of pastels in the crowd- an Argyle V-neck here and there, worn with a blouse, upturned collars and folded back cuffs. As one girl noted with surprise at meeting her best friend, ?Hey, look at me and Cheryl! Matching polos and skirts too! Totally by accident... we?re such fags!?
???? Watching the girls put Geraldine and her companion into such a rut they had to flee. Seeking a warm bed for themselves, they did find one down the hall. They had to share it with a girl who had passed out.. Fortunately she hadn?t vomited, but her jeans were soaked from wetting herself. The pee had soaked her crotch and ran up the crack of her ass. She was face down, with her arms underneath her and her legs straight, sleeping off the beer and wine she had drank. As Geraldine and Charlene were undressing and humping each other, the girl only moaned. They weren?t distracted by other girls coming in the room to make out or gossip- or to watch their unique style of lovemaking. Some had never seen a strap-on dildo before and were curious to see one being used.
????? By one in the morning, the party was winding down- not because anyone was tired (except those who had too much to drink), but only because they had either paired off or left for home. Cheryl?s green eyes were glazed over. Her new blonde hair was plastered to her face and scalp; her makeup and face was a hideous mess. Stephanie and Linda dressed her again- with the same filthy slut outfit she had been disguised in- the red panties and bra, plaid skirt, ankle socks and school blouse. Her black stockings had several runs and the knees had sagged, but Stephanie clipped the garters back on. The blouse collar had TGM embroidered on its back, so that it would show when the collar was turned up (as it was expected to be). The Greek letters were also embroidered over the left breast. Cheryl?s neck was draped with a gold necklace displaying the sorority letters. The ball-gag was replaced in her mouth and her arms were tied at the wrists with a silk scarf.
???? Still lying on the bed, Cheryl rolled on her belly and slowly humped a pillow. She was still a rutting bitch-in-heat. She had been orally, vaginally and anally penetrated with strap-on cocks, whipped, slapped, pinched and humped, her body wracked through multiple orgasms, yet she still had the urge to masturbate! Self-stimulation would soon be redundant. Linda was on the phone with another friend, a girl from Phi Delta Upsilon named Alyssa. As Cheryl squirmed on her belly, her battered asshole cutting loose a few blubbering farts, Linda explained to her accomplice, ?I?ve got her! I?ve got her! Pamela! Pamela Parker herself!? Alyssa?s voice could be heard through the room, ?No way! Get out! Pamela Parker? How?!!! Where are you now?!!!? Linda heard Alyssa talking to her sorority sisters, ?Hey, we?ve got Pamela Parker! We?ve got her!? Alyssa asked Linda, ?Well, where is she?? Linda explained that the bitch founder of the Tau sorority was in Room 124 at the such-and-such hotel in town. The Phi girls who were talking to Alyssa were Francine, Kali and Liliana, all of whom were athletes. Before Alyssa was finished with her brief telephone call, the car was started and the Phi foursome were on their way to retrieve their prize. Some of the girls had heard the commotion and got out of bed. They were waiting eagerly to sink their sharp fingernails into Pamela Parker?s meaty ass.
???? Linda couldn?t find her clothes. She grabbed some discarded items off the bedroom chair- Jen?s two polos, still layered one inside the other, and her skirt. Linda looked around for her panties, but couldn?t find them. A pair of black satin thong panties was lying on the bathroom floor. The cotton gusset had a long brownish-white stain, the obvious result of a creaming cunt. The entire front panel was stiff and crusty. When Linda examined the cum-stained crotch, she saw that it had dried and cracked into little silvery flakes. She knew that her own steaming cunt would quickly moisten and soften them. Wearing clothes impregnated with the smells and excretions of an object of desire turned her on, but something like these panties caused her to flood them within a minute. Jen?s clothes smelled sweet, but she needed something warm to wear. To keep herself warm Linda buttoned herself into a cardigan she took from Stephanie?s suitcase. Over this, she zipped into her Moncler coat. Before leaving with Cheryl to meet the Phi girls, Linda put an 8-inch strap-on cock in her bag. Linda had never been dressed like this in her life- like a preppy little brat.
???? The false Pamela was led into the elevator by Linda. Since the Phi girls hadn?t arrived, Linda pushed Pamela into the back seat of Stephanie?s car and looped a cord around her ankles and tied it to her wrists. ?Pamela? was now hogtied and waiting to be served up like a sucking pig to the Phi sorority. Linda saw the beams from a pair of headlights coming down the ramp. She was hoping the Phi girls had arrived. As the car passed she saw the pink Phi Delta Upsilon decal in the rear window so she tapped the horn. After switching cars, they had their delivery package of prime trussed-up cuntmeat on the way to Phi.
4. Phi Girls.
???? Some distinctly sexual moans came from Pamela?s trussed up body (for this episode of the story, we will refer to Cheryl as ?Pamela?- only Linda is aware of her true identity). Kali decided to have some fun taunting her. Leaning over the front seat, she spewed ?Shut up cunt! You piece of slag! Anal slut!? When another moan came from Pamela?s gagged lips, Kali spit a wad of saliva across her face. Pamela?s eyes squeezed shut. Kali?s warm spit ran along Pamela?s upper lip and combined with the drool flowing from the corner of her ball-gagged mouth.
???? The girls didn?t know that the verbal taunts effected Pamela like a jolt of electricity. Her cunt pulsed and throbbed with the urge to be further humiliated. Pamela?s jaws squeezed the ball-gag filling her mouth. Her back arched, pushing her ass up like a fat, round target. Francine was seated between Linda and Kali. She rummaged around her pocketbook and pulled out a realistic silicone cock. ?Hold her legs, Kal, so I can shove this up that sow?s smelly ass!? They were giggling between the sneering comments directed at Pamela.
???? Alyssa could see the two of them leaning over the back seat of Stephanie?s car, which was in the lead. She pushed the skirt up and pulled the panties to the side by hooking the waistband in her thumbs. Pamela?s fat milky ass was up in the air. With one hand, Francine pushed one of Pamela?s wobbly ass globes to the side so she could see the puckering asshole. As if on cue, Pamela let out another blubbering fart. Some of the lube from her last session bubbled out and glistened in the dim light. Francine pushed the bell-shaped head past the sphincter ring, then pounded the base with the side of her fist. Pamela?s entire body bounced forward with a muffled squeal. A prolonged ?nnnngggg? seemed to betray the pleasure Pamela felt.
???? Linda was focused on driving and told them, ?Hey, we?re getting close to town and I don?t want to get pulled over. We?ve got to sit tight. Cover her with something.? Francine wriggled out of the long pink coat she was wearing and tossed it over the captive bitch. The quilted coat was nearly ankle-length and covered all but Pamela?s high heeled feet. Although it was later than one in the morning, some passing driver might conceivably notice the whore tied up in the back seat. The car was stuffy inside despite the winter cold- they had to open the windows to keep them from fogging over. Now, under the coat, Pamela was stewing in her sweat. The car reeked of rutting cunt and overheated female bodies.
???? About the time Linda and Alyssa were pulling their cars into the Phi parking lot, an amusing incident took place back at the hotel. Stephanie was out of place among these young college girls. At the same time, some of the girls were intrigued by this mature, voluptuous woman in their midst.? Gwen was determined to bed her. Stephanie, at the same time, was pursuing a young slut named Amanda. Tensions were high between the two girls, fueled by the many drinks they were consuming.
???? In conforming to the preppy theme of the party, Amanda was decked out like a tennis pro, covered head to toe in designer labels- a white visor with the pink Ralph Lauren Polo label, a white LeTigre polo with black stripes on the collar, and a pleated skirt. The LeTigre was sweaty and semi-transparent, stretched taut across Amanda?s D-cup breasts with the brown areolae showing through and her nipples poking out. She had the muscular thighs of an athlete, though her enormous milk jugs would proclude her from ever playing competetive tennis.Amanda?s eyes were enormous- not the pupils themselves, which were a luminous green, but the eyes themselves- and Amanda applied dark eyeshadow to make the green even brighter. Her black hair fell down her head in coils and ringlets.
???? When Gwen saw Amanda fawning over Stephanie, her jealousy was boiling over- Gwen was an antithesis to the tall, slender Amanda- short with a thick body and dark eyes, she often felt like a shadow on the wall when Amanda was in the room. Gwen took advantage of Amanda?s bathroom break to move in on Stephanie. She had an advantage over her glamorous rival- Stephanie was aroused by Gwen?s soft, puppy-fat body and her tight athletic outfit. The abundance of popped polos and pearl necklaces appealed to Stephanie like a fetish. Gwen wasn?t wearing pearls, but the tight polo and track jacket hugging her chubby torso fascinated Stephanie. She had a slight roll of puppy fat that puckered at the waist of her tight, faded jeans... a nice ?muffin top.? She wore her green polo so tight there wasn?t a single stretch mark where it squeezed her breasts. The collar was turned up inside the popped collar of her tight Hollister jacket- white with green and yellow stripes and logo. The narrow stripes emphasized the curves and bulges of her nubile flesh.
???? Gwen wasn?t interested in redundancies; by this point of the party, most of the girls were humping, making out or had paired off and left to fuck each other senseless for the rest of the night. Gwen licked her lips and asked Stephanie if she?d like to taste her cunt. ?Let me try your other lips first,? Stephanie replied, and they devoured each other?s lips and tongues. Stephanie unbuttoned her blouse and popped out a swollen pink nipple. When Amanda returned she gaped at the sight of Gwen suckling the older woman?s tit. Stephanie?s eyes were closed as she savored the lips massaging her nipple. Gwen backed off to pop the buttons on Stephanie?s skirt when she heard Amanda behind her. Turning around, she told Amanda to go away.
???? Stephanie?s preference for the chubby girl was clear and Amanda couldn?t resist a parting shot. ?Fat little piglet!? Gwen repeated to Amanda, ?Go away!? but with an addendum, ?Skanky smelly cunt!? Stephanie was amused by the two girls? rivalry.Amanda, already tottering on her heels from too much beer, sent an enormous wad of spit flying into Gwen?s hair, where it hung for a moment before she shook most of it off. Amanda lunged at Gwen, nearly falling on her face, and slapped her hard across the face. Stephanie stood back in a state of shock. Gwen raised her open palm to deliver a retaliatory smack. ?Bitch, go ahead! Slap me, you filthy stuck-up bitch! I?ll ram my heel up your ass!?
???? Amanda took a handful of Gwen?s hair and pulled so hard she toppled on her side. Gwen, in turn, pulled Amanda down by the tail of her shirt- one of her enormous breasts popped out of the stretched six-button polo. ?I?ll rip your tits off, skank!? Gwen screeched, while she did manage to grab a handful of tit-flesh. Amanda bit down hard on her lower lip as her eyes rolled back from the intense pain. She delivered a hard push with the sharp toe of her high heels, directly in Gwen?s crotch. She let out an ?Urrgghh? as she fell backwards. Amanda jumped on top of Gwen, grabbing her by the hair again. As Gwen struggled to get free, she turned over on her belly and Amanda slid on top of her. Straddling Gwen?s lower back, Amanda bounced up and down. Gwen let out a deep grunt each time, until she began to faint. Amanda wrapped a mass of Gwen?s hair around her hand and pulled her head off the floor. ?Stop it! Leave her alone, she?s had enough already!? cried a voice from one of the girls who?d rushed in to see what the commotion was all about.
???? Amanda kept spitting on the floor next to Gwen?s head, ?phhwattt... phhthooo? until it was a wet puddle. ?Eat it, slimy cunt! Lick it! Stick out your tongue and lick it up!? Gwen whined, ?Owww! Owww! Alright, let me go!? She stuck out her fat pink tongue for Amanda, who then pushed her mouth into the slime. Amanda sneered as she rubbed Gwen?s face in her spit. One of the girls retched at the sight. When Amanda crawled off Gwen, she saw the dark spot in her jeans- Gwen had pissed herself! The pressure ofAmanda?s weight on top of Gwen had burst her bladder. One of Gwen?s friends rushed to her side and began kissing her, ?Oh baby, baby, what did she do to you? Ohh, it?s alright! She?s gone, baby... come on, get up, we?ve got to get you out of here.?
???? Stephanie had buttoned up her blouse during the catfight. She slipped out of there, feeling bad for what had happened. It ruined her mood that night, but some of the sorority girls went right back to their slutty games. When Gwen recovered from her ordeal, she took it out on her friend Michelle- she was seen later pounding into her friend?s asshole with an eight-inch strap-on cock. Michelle?s ass was covered in welts. Gwen had her by the hair, sneering, ?Take it bitch! Take my cock!,? slapped the girl?s quivering ass with her other hand as she pounded Michelle?s poop back into her colon. ?Owww, owww, owww, you.... ahhh.... rrr.... hurrrr.... ughhh.... tttiinnggg.... urggg.... meee!? Gwen growled at her, ?Good! You?ll remember me for busting your cherry asshole, you filthy whore! Push back on me when I ream your fat ass!?
???? Gwen left Michelle with a filthy pair of panties stuffed in her mouth, ?Chew on these, cow!? The panties were Gwen?s. The lace trim was sticking out of Michelle?s mouth; she clenched the gusset between her teeth and an acrid, fishy ammoniac liquid was squeezed out. Michelle moaned through the gag, ?MMMMmmmmmm!? while twitching her ravaged ass in the air. Gwen nuzzled the searing hot cleft of Michelle?s ass and tongued her bloated wet cunt. Michelle?s hips were bucking as she arched her back like a bow. Before Gwen was finished with her, she?d had several violent orgasms and both collapsed on the bed in a sweaty heap. Gwen?s wet polo was stuck to her skin, soaked with sweat. Michelle spit out the slobbered panties and was gasping for air. Gwen used the panties to wipe the cream from her cunt. She then rubbed the sticky gusset on Michelle?s engorged clam before stuffing them back in her mouth. Michelle spent the next hour on her belly, simultaneously humping a pillow and massaging her clitty.
???? Phi House could have been an advertisement for at least two dozen designers. Even the girls? pajamas were top-name designer labels. The Phi girls usually dressed in a style more like Linda?s- collared blouses with skirts, sweaters, cardigans- in general, they wore more mature clothes than their Tau antagonists. Where Tau wore trendy clothes popular with high-schoolers and college girls, Phi preferred Haute Couture labels like YSL, Fendi, Coco Chanel and Gucci. In addition to the differences in their fashion, Phi was decorated with art prints, small copies of masterpieces by Greek sculptors, and cases displaying rare books, China and sorority artifacts. Tau, in contrast, was replete with stuffed animals, Mardi Gras beads and masks, posters tacked to the walls and bulletin boards covered with party photos. Only one girl in Phi House was wearing a polo this night, and it was part of her equestrian team?s uniform. In a TV room, two were studying on the floor with their panty-clad asses in the air. A few girls were sleeping, while others were out clubbing. The atmosphere that night at Phi was subdued, but not for long.
???? Pamela?s arrival was kept a secret. Alyssa and the others took Pamela through a rear door and up the back stairs. Her muffled squeals were dismissed as some noisy sex- or Charmaine playing with herself again- who had a recent boob-job: when she wasn?t staring at her new tits in the mirror, was playing with them as she masturbated. Alyssa wanted some theatrics in her presentation of Pamela. Linda wanted to reveal her on a platter, and she began to consider doing this in a literal sense. ?Pamela as a sucking pig,? Linda suggested, ?lay her out on the dining room table. You?ve got a well supplied pantry, don?t you?? Alyssa?s mouth watered at the plan.
???? The dining room drapes were drawn and the doors shut. The most expensive China and silverware was brought out. The dishes were confined to a few hastily prepared hors d?ouevres and appetizers. Ice cream, cherries, chocolate and champagne were distributed around the table, with one large empty area reserved for a trussed-up Pamela. Word was spread for an emergency meeting to be held at 2:30 AM. The bars closed at 2, so most of the girls would be heading home anyway. Pamela was carried downstairs, with difficulty, and plopped on the table facedown. Her legs were tied together and her hands tied behind her back. She still had the ball-gag in her mouth, but Linda planned to replace it with a juicy apple during the presentation. For the time being, Pamela?s chin was glistening with drool and a stream of it dribbled into a puddle on the table.
???? With Pamela bound and gagged on the table, the Phi girls began to assemble in the living room. A stack of coats accumulated on the various chairs and tables. Linda was greeted by a hoard of fresh cunt meat on the hoof: their high heeled feet sounded like a herd of cattle. Some of the new arrivals were reeling with lust and liquor, taking long, wobbling strides as they leaned on each other for support.
???? A pair of girls came in with their arms around each other?s waists- both had long, frizzy blonde hair and bubble-gum pink lips. The taller of the two was Jo, who was wearing a tuxedo blouse open to the navel, showing off her lacy red bustier and dark cleavage. Drop earrings of gold mounted seed pearls swayed from her ears; a garish collection of necklaces bounced inside her gaping blouse. The turned-back cuffs of her blouse showed a collection of bracelets that covered five inches of each arm. Jo looked more tawdry than a flea-market jewelry case. On her arm was Shari, who was also dripping with baubles. Her blouse, a pink affair with white pinstripes, was half-unbuttoned. She was also showing off the deep cleavage between two wobbling masses of sweaty tit-flesh. She pulled down the cup of her bustier, allowing an udder-like nipple to pop out. Jo took it between her fingers and pinched it until Shari let out a slurred ?Owwwwwooowwww! Stop! Nooo!,? slapping her hand away before struggling to push the fat tit back into the cup. They leaned into each other and started kissing. Jo fell on her side with Shari landing on top of her, giggling. They had too much to drink and were laughing uncontrollably now. When Shari stood up she pulled Jo?s arm but fell again.
???? At this point, a m?nage-?-trois of girls came up the stairs in a similar condition. Their giggling announced their arrival before they managed to ascend the front steps. Of theses three, Lori caught Linda?s eye more than her companions, Brianna and Jani. Lori was thick-waisted with an oversized ass and heavy tits. She was dressed like a cheap truck-stop whore. Her clothes were two sizes too small. For her clubbing, she had dispensed with her usual pant suits and traded them for a nylon skirt, fishnet stockings, stiletto heels and a gauze blouse worn over a satin corset. Lori?s eyes were covered in thick makeup and her thick lips were smeared with deep red lipstick and a heavy coat of lip-gloss. She looked like a painted sex doll- her eyes didn?t even look real.
???? Brianna and Jani were taking turns kissing Lori. They exchanged comments about tits, asses and sexual positions- ?she likes it this way!,? Jani commented while pushing Brianna?s back so she?d lean forward- then dry humping her ass with a clump of Brianna?s hair in her fist. Brianna clenched her eyes shut, opened her mouth and twisted her body back and forth in an erotic dance that mimicked the sexual act. Jani bounced her hips against Brianna?s upturned ass. Jani bent down in front of Brianna, took her chin in her hand and deep kissed her. They finished their charade by kissing and fondling each other between laughs and exclamations.
??? After many theatrical ?mwah?s? and hugs, the Phi girls were assembled in the living room with Alyssa at their head. ?We have something here for you all to feast on. Help yourselves to a leg or a breast, or a slice of rump,? she declared in a serious, expressionless tone. The double doors behind her were swung open to reveal Pamela trussed-up on the table with a large apple in her mouth, surrounded by the carefully arranged dishes. The entire sorority erupted in a combination of applause, laughter, screams and exclamations. Alyssa yelled, ?Quiet! Quiet down ladies... I have an announcement to make! Quiet!? The group simmered down just long enough for Alyssa to add, ?The slab of cunt meat you see before you is none other than the snot-nosed founder,? Alyssa daubed a napkin under Pamela?s nose and looked at it with a disgusted sneer before tossing it aside, ?and I mean snot-nosed, founder of the Tau Gamma Mu sorority. That whore is Pamela Parker herself!? Another eruption of jeers, laughter and chattering accompanied gasps and howls. ?When you get a piece of her fat udders, you?ll see she?s worthy of the name Moo girl.? Peals of raucous laughter followed. The girls let out obnoxious ?moo?s? and one even went further, ?I love fresh milk! Let?s squeeze out those milk jugs of hers! She?ll be our milch-cow!?
???? Some of the girls indulged in the hors d?ouevres or ice cream, while others inspected their captive whore. Comments about the tastiness of the dainties were mingled with remarks such as ?Her ass is superb! Get a handful of that firm milky flesh...? ... after a loud slap that elicited a moan from Pamela, ?Slap her ass good and hard, see how that fat ass wobbles like jell-o!? ... ?Look at my hand print! It?s like blood on snow!? Slaps, pinches and caresses soon turned into bites, licks and sucking kisses. The apple was spit out by Pamela but she was warned that her mouth would be stuffed with the filthiest panties in the sorority if she spoke inappropriately. ?Maybe you?d like these to chomp on, whore!,? said Jackie, a thick girl who flipped up her skirt, thrust out her ass and showed Pamela her sweaty, stained panties.
???? Pamela squirmed in her bindings. Lori was fascinated by Pamela?s fat ass. She spread her ass cheeks apart, one in each hand, and leaned in to lick her smelly ass crack. She had to lay on the table, leaning over Pamela?s trussed thighs. Pamela?s clit and most of her cunt was obstructed because her thighs were in the way. She asked for something to prop up Pamela?s ass so her cunt was sticking out. A large silk pillow was pushed under Pamela?s hips. Lori?s face was buried in Pamela?s ass with both their bodies squirming with delight. Jo covered Pamela?s moaning lips with her own and played with her tongue. She enjoyed the semsation of Pamela?s moaning into her mouth.
???? Pamela was frustrated because she couldn?t get to her clit- her hands were still bound behind her back. She ground her hips on the pillow. Pamela then tried to draw her knees up to elevate her ass further, hoping her clit might pop into Lori?s mouth. Alyssa reached under Pamela?s arching torso and pinched a nipple, making her gasp into Jo?s mouth. Jo broke off her kiss, covering Pamela?s mouth with her hand, and told Alyssa to keep up whatever she was doing.
???? Jo was really getting off at the effect of Pamela?s moaning and gasping into her mouth. Alyssa pinched Pamela?s nipples hard between her sharp fingernails, twisted them, pulled them and squeezed them. Lori was enjoying it too, because Pamela bucked and humped into her face. When Lori raised her head periodically to catch her breath, she was covered in slime from Pamela?s drooling cunt. Her lips looked wet and swollen; her eyes were half concealed by her dropping lids, as if she were half asleep.
???? A few remarks by the other girls added to their furious lust... ?Rip the nipples off the snotty stuck-up whore!? ... ?Shove your tongue up her jelly ass!? ... ?Pull out her hair!? ... ?Let?s rape her Lezzie ass with a dildo!? ... ?Make it a strap-on cock!? ... ?I?ve got a big eight incher!? This last suggestion sealed Pamela?s fate- she?d be sodomized with an eight-inch strap-on cock by several of the girls, while an audience savored her humiliation.
???? Pamela was an anal pain slut, a rutting cow who wanted her ass pounded into a swollen mass of tingling nerves, pumped full of boiling hot cum till it blew bubbles with every contraction of her sphincter. Being bound up like a roasting pig, sucked dry by the mouths of voracious sluts, pinched, bit, pulled by her nipples or her hair, slapped and kicked, all this was a kind of foreplay to string out her sexual nerves. In this state of hypersensitivity, induced by pain and humilation, she craved to have her mouth, cunt and ass stuffed with thick, heavy, greasy cock. This cock might not explode with hot cum, but she preferred the type that never went flaccid; an artificial cock that complemented a set of hard nipples or a protruberant clitoris- the strap-on variety of hard, veiny cock.
???? A woman?s sinuous body and agile hips was so much better suited to thrust that cock into all her holes- never softening, never smelly like a man?s, but always pounding into her as her eyes looked at a snarling whore with her hard nipples sticking up like the cock strapped to her gyrating hips. With these thoughts in her mind, Pamela?s cunt, ass and tits were smeared with freezing cold ice cream, melted chocolate, and cherry cream. She bucked and heaved with the icy, gooey sensations.
???? Pamela felt the hard, slick tip of a lipstick sliding across her sweaty skin. Then she felt it on the other side of her ass and back. Only later did she learn that filthy insults and comments had been scrawled on her with lipstick- ?I want loads of cum in my ass,? and ?Insert your cocks here? ... ?Whore... Slut... Queer Lezzie Cunt?... ?Fill my ass?... accompanied by arrows pointing to her asshole. A glistening streamlet of drool fell from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were rolled back halfway behind their lids. Her hair was slathered with sweat and filth, sticking to her head.
???? A slight curl to her lips and a low moan seemed to betray the fact that Pamela was in a orgasmic stupor. It could have been the rough treatment they received, or the cold ice cream smeared on them, but Pamela?s nipples were so long and erect they almost seemed the rival the long hard cock Jo was strapping to her hips. Jo could have been mistaken for a satyr if not for her distinctly feminine body- abnormally prominent ass, huge tits with jutting nipples, curvy torso and thighs. She stroked the huge cock as if she were masturbating it, slapping it with loud thwacks against her wet belly.
???? Dragging her by her bound heels, Pamela was pulled to the end of the table. Still trussed up like a sucking pig, they carried her, eight girls in all, to the couch in the living room... where she was propped up with her ass high in the air. The bindings on her feet and legs had been removed. Pamela?s arms were re-tied, in the front this time so they?d be underneath her. The most prominent feature of Pamela was now her puckering asshole. The red meat of her rectal canal was visible in a protruding mass. In this inverted position, with her ass in the air, the fat lips of Pamela?s bloated cunt were on display. Here were two huge lips, brownish red in color and matted with curly black hair, glistening with pearly girl-cum... the drooling pink entrance to her cock-craving womb. Pamela adjusted her position by drawing in her knees- her rotund ass wobbled in the air. The girls were licking her clean, or scooping up ice cream and chocolate syrup off her body with spoons.
??? Jo?s lips pursed. She spewed gobs of spit into her hand and rubbed the slime on the strap-on cock, making certain the knob was covered with dripping slobber. A few globs were spattered into the spread-open crack of Pamela?s ass. Some of it fell into her gaping hole or caught in her glistening cunt hair. Jo popped her right index finger between her lips, soaking it with spit. Inserting the red-nailed fingertip into Pamela?s asshole, Jo felt the sphincter clamp down. Pamela?s rectum was searing hot, as smooth as satin, and very elastic. Jo arranged herself in a suitable position for reaming Pamela?s ass. Jo intended to hammer her fudgepacking strap-on cock deep into Pamela?s fat rump. Jo declared ?I want to ram this fucking queer Lezzie slag so deep she?ll feel my cockhead going up the wrong way in her throat. I?m going to ram her poop back into her intestines. I love impaling dirty old sluts like her. I want her to squirm on my cock.?
???? By bending her knees slightly, the bell-shaped head of Jo?s strap-on cock slapped down on Pamela?s waiting asshole. The sphincter shut instinctively as Jo pushed against it. ?If you push hard enough,? she turned to the spectators to explain, ?even a thick cock like this one will slide right through.? Then Jo pushed, groaning as if she were passing a painful turd, ?Grrrrrrrr....? Pamela?s face was pressed into the upholstery. Some of the girls who had a clear view of Pamela?s face saw her lips draw back in a painful snarl as she let out an ?ummmppphhh.? Then her mouth opened in a silent scream. Only a faint, crackling ?kkkkhhh? was heard from her. Suddenly the head broke through the tight barrier of Pamela?s clenched sphincter. It closed around the ridge below the head of Jo?s cock, gripping it.
???? Pamela let out a short squeal. This was abruptly cut off. Her mouth was wide open, gasping. The one visible eye bulged out, staring at the cushion below her with a painful, startled expression. The huge shaft was stretching Pamela?s buttery, elastic rectum, filling her to the bursting point. Pamela felt the huge shaft going deeper into her hot bowels. Jo?s cock pushed into a soft turd clogging the entrance to her intestines. Her strap-on cock sloshed into the deepest recesses of Pamela?s sodomized bowels. As Jo pulled back, the tight sphincter resisted every fraction of an inch.
???? When Jo felt the head in the grip of Pamela?s sphincter, she leaned with all her weight into the next push. The long, thick shaft sank deeper, right to the hilt. Jo?s thighs pressed into Pamela?s soft glutes. Pamela pushed upwards, hoping to penetrated deeper- she felt her pelvic muscles clamp rhythmically, clamping on the dildo. The intense heat of Pamela?s inflamed cunt startled Jo- even her skin was incredibly hot. Jo felt the damp heat rising past her face. Pamela emitted something between a purr and a growl with each stroke.
???? Pamela?s pink blouse, with Tau Gamma Mu embroidered on the collar, was soaked with their sweat. It stuck to her skin like glue. Pamela was feeling stiff and uncomfortable in her ass-up position. She squirmed for release. Jo pulled the long shaft out very slowly- Pamela?s rectum squeezed Jo?s strap-on cock with a firm grip. Jo even felt Pamela?s ass rising as she pulled the cock out. Its head snagged inside the sphincter. One last gasp of pain issued from Pamela?s mouth as the head was pulled out. It made a peculiar liquid sound- a sucking pop. Pamela?s asshole initially remained open? with its battered red flesh visible. Her sphincter contracted rhythmically, opening and closing, with a milky liquid dripping out. Some of the reddish-pink flesh protruded. Pamela felt like her rectum was a cold hollow cavity in her rump. A shiny trail of drool glistened at the corner of her mouth.
???? Gwen was still in a furious heat. She strapped on her cock and shoved it into Pamela?s mouth. Pamela?s teeth clacked against it, she gulped hard, and the head was pushed against her epiglottis. A retching cough was the immediate result. Her eyes teared up and Gwen pulled back, allowing Pamela to cough up some foamy spit. Her face looked as if it were coated in baby oil- wet and slimy with bloodshot eyes and swollen lips. Gwen hadn?t even started on the skanky Phi whore, yet she already looked like the aftermath of a gang bang. Buggery was Gwen?s first choice, but she decided to focus her hammering dildo on Pamela?s other holes. A sputtering fart prompted Gwen to plug up Pamela?s gas-spewing rump with a butt plug. Pamela was lying on her side with her ass exposed. She hissed and grunted as the butt plug was inserted. ?Uggghhhh,? Pamela moaned... ?You hurt me,? her moans changing to a submissive whine, ?You busted my ass... you ruined me!?
???? Gwen mounted her, belly to belly, spreading Pamela?s legs. She was going to fucked in the cunt. Pamela?s legs were bent at the knees and Gwen crawled in tight between them. The dildo slipped right in, a little snug between the swollen lips. Their two soft bellies seemed to roll and flow into each other with a bouyant sensation. Their sweat-slick bodies glided together. Gwen?s heavy breasts were squeezed and flattened against Pamela?s ribs, and Gwen enjoyed feeling the hard nipples poking into her skin. Gwen bounced and ground into Pamela as she hammered the mature bitch?s cunt.? Drops of sweat fell on Pamela and their humping bodies formed a hot slather between them.
???? Gwen rammed her body between Pamela?s thighs, plunging the dildo in and out with a series of short, hard thrusts. Pamela?s body rebounded with each hammering blow, meeting Gwen thrust for thrust. The couch was squeaking and bumping into the floor, sliding from the force of their humping. Each hard pounding of Gwen?s belly into her own elicited deep involuntary ?ughhh?s? from Pamela. Her head was bent back as she arched her back, bucking against Gwen. ?Whore!... SLAM(Ughhh!)... Cunt!.... SLAM(Ughhh!)... Queer Dyke!... SLAM(Ughhh!)... Cunt craving faggot!... SLAM(Ughhh!)... Nasty Phi Slag!... SLAM(Ughhh!)...? Gwen rammed into her with vicious jabs, punctuating the snap of her hips with nasty insults.
???? Pamela was approaching a violent orgasm. She answered Gwen?s abuse with sniveling requests, ?Hurt me! Do it! Fuck my cunt! I?m a nasty queer slut! Spit on me! Spit on my face! Hurt me! Ohhh, harder! Don?t stop! Fuck me harder!? Pamela?s head lolled on her neck and snapped around with the force of Gwen?s pounding hips... her eyes were rolled back into her head with her back arching clear off the cushions. Gwen continued to ram her cock into Pamela?s belly, spitting on her face and slapping her breasts.
???? Pamela shivered and a series of convulsions stiffened her body. With her mouth open, only a airy hiss escaped. Gwen backed off, watching the whore convulsing and twisting. Pamela felt a boiling heat in her cunt. Her pelvic muscles went through a rythmic pulsing. When it exploded, she couldn?t be sure whether she had come very hard, ejaculated or pissed herself. Gwen?s belly and cock were soaked. When Pamela had come, fell back and exhaled, Gwen pulled the cock out and stood up next to her prostrate body. She shoved the strap-on cock in Pamela?s face and demanded that she kiss it. ?Kiss it, you whore! Right on the head!? Pamela pursed her lips and kissed the slimy tip. Gwen slapped her face before walking away with a smirk on her face.
???? While Gwen walked away from Pamela, the strap-on cock bobbing from her waist, she was still wearing white thigh-high stockings, bright red high-heels and her green polo with the popped collar. Her persona as a WASP elitist was intact, with a twist. She was relishing the post-orgasmic bliss and the satisfaction of having raped the piss out of the snotty founder of the Phi sorority. Recalling the sniveling cunt?s whines, ?Oh, you broke my ass! I?m ruined! Why?? only caused Gwen?s clit to swell and her cunt to sweat.
???? Gwen savored the humiliation of that greasy slab of cunt meat. Fresh in her memory was a recent bogus issue of the ?Tau Register? produced by the Phi sorority. The ?Cow Register? was subtitled ?The Official Magazine of the Tau Gamma Moo Sorority.? Its cover, colors, size and content was a very convincing reproduction of the glossy spread of the Tau Register- the only difference was the subtle modification of titles, captions and texts to a vicious commentary on the actual Tau girls. A few bogus photos, some of them modified with computer graphics, were added to the authentic photography. Copies of this expensively-produced parody were circulated about campus and could almost be mistaken for the original.
???? When a recent issue of the ?Tau Register? was published, only a week passed before the bogus copy appeared. One photo that was authentic had not appeared in the original: a photo of Gwen in her typical ensemble of double polo and track jacket appeared in full, glossy color on page two. The spread was entitled ?Last month?s Beer Pong winner, luscious Gwen.? Her outer polo was a yellow Ralph Lauren, with the logo in purple- matching the purple polo she layered underneath. The collars were popped and adorned with a double strand of cultured pearls. A tight green track jacket was zippered to a point just under her breasts, flaring out to the popped collar. Gwen could have been trademarked ?preppy snot-nosed WASP.? And she was- in tiny fineprint. As for the captions, one described her preppy ensemble in the manner of a fashion catalogue, followed by ?EWWW!?
???? Goofing around, Gwen had been photographed staring wide-eyed at a ping pong ball held up at the tip of her nose. Her eyes were deeply crossed, and the caption read, ?Pearls and popped polos. Gwen at her sophisticated best. Or puzzling over last week?s test. ?Take my picture, I look sooo hot staring at this stupid ball,? she begged our photographer. HaHa. Weirdo. Faggot.? Gwen couldn?t remember who took the pictures, and besides, they could have been stolen. Even her own personal photos had once found their way to the fake mag. This particular set hadn?t been copied from the original magazine, either. She didn?t know how they got into the bogus magazine, but she thought about it as she pounded into Pamela.
???? Most of the ?Cow Register? was satirical and merely antagonistic- but it could be vicious and personal. When a knocked-up senior girl neglected to wear a maternity bra, her leaking nipples stained her shirt. Her photo appeared in a bogus ?Got Milk?? ad. Another photo spread displayed puppy fat bulges and heavy rumps, captioned with such lines as ?I should?ve shopped at Lane Bryant,? or ?Do I enjoy wearing two sizes too small, or am I just a fat pig?? That was just vicious and hurtful and demonstrated a complete lack of class and taste. A certain viciousness could be sexy, but that magazine just went over the top.
???? The photographic record of Tau?s drunken frolics was a prime source for the bogus magazine. Somehow, presumably through a mole in the sorority, or even a hacker, the private photos were sprinkled in among those copied from the legitimate Tau Register. One spread showed some of Tau?s girls who?s burst their bladders from overdrinking- some stood with smiles on their faces, pointing to the wet spots in their jeans, or in their friends? jeans. Another showed a girl passed out on her face in bed, with a dark stain underneath her- the caption read, ?College Tuition: $45,000. Bottle of Bacardi?s and 6-pack of Labbatt?s: $32. Miss Sixty jeans: $120. Victoria?s Secret panties and Hane?s control-tops: $16. Sealy?s Mattress: $80. Photograph of Traci Robbins passed out drunk in a puddle of her own piss: Priceless.? Some photos were racy: drunk college girls often dry-hump for laughs and a photograph of a Tau girl mounting another was captioned: ?Failures of Sex Education or Just Plain Retards? Jackie tries to get pregnant by Tat... ?Well, if you hump hard enough, maybe it?ll work.? Last we heard, they were still trying.? The resentments were not always theatrical or fun- some very real catfights resulted.
???? This wicked, obnoxious magazine was a perfect reflection of the vanity of these vacuous, spoiled and self-absorbed brats who equate status and self-worth with collecting and flaunting tasteless trash. Spoiled snobs like these could receive no more appropriate treatment then a ball-gag to fill their mouths or a strap-on cock driven up their ass. Too bad Ferragamo or Dolce & Gabbana never produced a designer strap-on harness or a panty gag. Dumb sluts.
???? Pamela?s mouth was carefully packed with Gwen?s dirty panties, but only after they?d been passed around. The girls rubbed their asses with the slimy silk. Her mouth was cleaved with a rolled scarf, preventing the smelly gag from being spit out. A pair of runny, sweaty pantyhose were used to bind her arms and legs in such a way that she could still stand. Pamela was harnessed into a very large strap-on cock, worn over her clothes. She looked like some busty, androgynous satyr with a raging hard-on. The porchlight at Phi was bright, so dumping Pamela was done very quickly- she was carried by five girls and lashed to a column near the front door. A curtain opened, a silhouette appeared and the girls rushed off, leaving Pamela with a note pinned to her blouse: ?Pamela Parker, Glamorous Founder of Tau Gamma Mu. Skanky Pig to be delivered to her Sorority Piglets. Thank you for cleaning our panties. Courtesy of Phi Delta Upsilon.?
???? After the Phi girls got the fake Pamela out of the cold and untied her, Linda claimed her and took her home. Cheryl?s experience as ?Pamela Parker? was finished. She resumed her classes the following Monday. Cheryl was wearing a tampon in her rear as a necessary result of the sodomy she?d endured by the sluts of the Phi Delta Upsilon sorority. Stephanie learned the lurid details of Cheryl?s ordeal directly from Linda, but only by word of mouth.
???? Cheryl managed to collect a few issues of the Tau Register and its Phi parody. She enjoys flipping through them when she?s bored, or when she wants to relive her delicious experiences as ?Pamela.? A few months later, a copy of the parody turned up among Linda?s stash. Cheryl scanned the pages into a collection of jpeg files before returning it.. Her scans were very clear and high-resolution, being certain the captions were legible. Both magazines, the Tau Register and ?Cow Register? were printed in dot-matrix and Cheryl?s scans were higher resolution than the original. An hour later, the magazines were returned to Linda?s stash. Reading the scans at her leisure, Cheryl enjoyed the captions as much as the photos- a picture of Gwen read ?Cherry Popper.? Another photo had the caption, ?Ice Queen,? and she recognized Jo. On the facing page, a sexy photo of Gwen and a girl named Shari was captioned, ?Gwen and her Bitch.? A semi-pornographic photo of Shari with her hand on her crotch was accompanied by the line, ?When I think of you, Gwen, I can?t help touching myself...?
???? A pictorial of the Tau sorority was a splash of bright pastels... the typical polos, Argyle sweaters, and skintight tank tops with bright logos such as ?bebe? or Prada, or such quirky lines as ?Lost Kitty,? ?My other shirt is a Polo with the collar Popped.? or simply ?Bitch.? A pictorial poked fun at the popped collar, layered polo craze among the snotty little elitist brats- entitled ?Wearing the Collar Down is for Poor People,? one of the pictures showed a Tau girl wearing no less than four polos with the collars up, ?Pimpin? the Polos. If it?s cool to pop one, isn?t four even better?? Another similar shot read, ?My collah?s are popped, rockin the polos... The lust is overwhelming.? Cheryl found herself imitating some of the sorority fashionistas, which showed in her choice of flamboyant hats, her flashy jewelry, and her new found penchant for polos and pastels.
Catfighting Sorority Sluts.
GabbyLez ([email protected])
Codes: F/F, F+/F, humiliation, reluctant, nc, BDSM, lactation, w/s, urination,
toys, costumes.
The vicious rivalry between two snotty sorority houses heats up into a
sadomasochistic orgy of catfights and BDSM sex. Lots of preppy outfits,
strap-on dildos, panty-gags and kink.
story was originally posted, the readers may have missed the fact it was
supposed to be the words of a ditzy sorority girl. That didn?t go over well. Plus,
the short opening kind of sucked. The silly plot was causing confusion and the scenes
were incomprehensible to anyone not familiar with the idiosyncracies of sorority
The plot of this story is
filled with instances of mistaken identity, old resentments, back-stabbing,
conniving and setups. It is not an easy story to follow... but neither are the
complicated dynamics of our catty sororities. It is a complex web of little
conspiracies, petty rivalries and complex plots. There are numerous regressions
in this story, in which I provide details of two rival sororities- their
initiations, parties, pranks and various incidents. My intended audience is ?women, though male readers who have a prurient
interest in sororities will never get a better glimpse into that girls? world
than this story. Plus, it?s got lots of raunchy sex- obviously fantasy, but
some of these sorority girls are pretty kinky. I?ve written a mixture of real
life and fantasy.
It might help to be familiar
with the Roman playwright Plautus- his plays are filled with complex plots
revolving around cases of mistaken identity and deliberate impersonations- lame
humor by modern standards. It also helps if you have some experience in
sororities- these complex plots are not as far-fetched as an outsider might
THE PLOT: The two sororities
are Tau and Phi. I am a Tau girl. I am the narrator of this story. Our
president, who we sometimes call ?Queen Bee,? is Claudia. Claudia has a verbal
exchange with a girl from Phi named Cheryl. Claudia demands revenge against
Cheryl and Phi House. Two pledges at our sorority, Katelynn and Erica, decide
to pounce on a random Phi girl. Unfortunately for them all, the girl they
choose is not a Phi girl, but Claudia herself. They have mistaken Claudia for
her own arch rival Cheryl, who she has just been impersonating as a gag. I
discover our two pledges punishing Claudia, whom they have mistaken for Cheryl,
and release her. Claudia then pounces on them.
Claudia now increases her
desire for vengeance against Phi. Ironically, the punishment she received from
the pledges was her own fault. But Claudia doesn?t see it that way. She enlists
the help of her lover Stephanie, a mature lady from the University admissions
office. Stephanie seduces Cheryl and proceeds to humiliate her. She sets up a
date with Cheryl, in which she is abducted and delivered to Tau House. The plan
is to punish her and disguise her as the founder of the Tau sorority, a certain
Pamela Parker. Then she is to be delivered over to Phi House, where the Phi
girls mistakenly believe they are punishing Pamela Parker, when in fact it is
their own sorority ?sister? Cheryl.
Linda, an old rival of
Cheryl?s, has connections with both sororities. She assists the Tau girls in
setting up the ruse. Linda delivers up Cheryl to Phi House, convincing the
girls that she?s delivering Pamela Parker. In Chapter 4, when the Phi girls are
reaming apart Cheryl, believing they have Pamela Parker in their clutches, I
refer to Cheryl as ?Pamela.? Readers of this story should already be aware that
Cheryl is a total pain and humiliation slut- she?s enjoying the experience!
How It Started.
???? This story is about a series of events at
my Tau Gamma Mu sorority. With so many girls in our sorority it is often difficult
to recognize our ?sisters?. We often rely on our Greek letters, TGM, which we wear on our
jackets, jeans, shirts, hats, even socks. Only a select few actually live in
Tau House. We have girls all over campus. The ?Queen Bee,? our President
Claudia, should have been well known to everyone. Two new pledges inadvertantly
hazed Claudia. The most outrageous aspect of Cladia?s hazing is that Claudia
herself was the instigator. Her intended victims were the WASPy brats of our
rival sorority, Phi Gamma Mu. Claudia actually set herself up! As it turned out, Queen Bee ?stung? herself.
????? Claudia
is a senior at this prominent East Coast University. She is a very attractive dark-skinned
brunette with doe eyes and thick sensuous lips. Claudia is a world apart from
the popped polo WASPish girls that typify sorority row. This exotic beauty is
mature and overdeveloped for her age and seems out of place among the preppy
snots of her entourage. Like all of us, Claudia flaunts her expensive designer
clothing and accessories. Her fingers, neck and ears flash with excessive and
costly jewelry. Rather than the typical pastel polos or tank tops of sorority
girls, Claudia wears expensive Italian silk blouses or occasionally a shimmery
satin blouse with tight skirts or pinstriped slacks. Claudia?s wealthy family
owns several nightclubs and a 5-star restaurant in the SoBe section of Miami.
She dresses with a peculiar combination of Latina hussy and upscale city girl.
Claudia?s convinced she?s the hottest cunt on campus. Quite a few evious campus
bitches would love to sink their claws in her.
???? The little war between our two sororities
began when Cheryl, a snotty little brat from Phi House, started berating
Claudia. Cheryl hissed and spat at her like a little viper, calling her a slut,
a stuck-up snot, a worthless bitch partying on her daddy?s cash. Claudia would
have pounced on the little brat right then and there, but she was vastly outnumbered.
Cheryl was backed up by a pack of pouty, insolent, mealy-mouthed Phi ?sisters.?
They taunted Claudia with jeers and catcalls and there was nothing she could do
about it. How dare these little Phi tramps disrespect the Tau President!
Claudia vowed revenge.
???? Back at Tau, word got out that one of the
Phi girls was to be made an example of. This was Claudia?s declaration. ?I want
one of these Phi cunts to be made an example of. I want a Phi slut on a
meathook. If you can abduct Cheryl herself, that would be ideal.? They?d lure
one of those snotty cunts into Tau on some pretext or other and they were going
to administer the Tau hazing ritual with a few kinky twists. If possible, it
would be Cheryl herself. This was all declared by Claudia in the heat of the
moment and soon forgotten. But two of our pledges, Katelynn and Erica, wanted
to make a splash with their new sorority and went Phi ?pig hunting.?
???? Two or three days later, some Tau girls
were drunk and playing around. They amused themselves by imitating some of the
other girls in the sorority, or girls from our arch-rival Sorority, Phi Delta
Upsilon. It is a custom in Tau to perform ?imitations.? We?d put on a little
show poking fun at another girl, usually just for fun and not necessarily in a
derisive manner; alternately, we might poke fun at some recent fashion trends. ?Lauren, one of our ?sisters,? came out with no
fewer than five polo shirts layered one atop the other, all the collars popped,
with heaps of pearl necklaces dangling around her neck like Mardi Gras beads.
She was poking fun at the recent trend of doubling the shirts and popping the
collars, as well as the standard pearl necklace. Lauren purred, ?What do you
think, girls? If two is sexy, why not five? Can?t you just feel the lust?? She
walked out rolling her hips like a runway model, holding the collars in her
fingertips, then twirling the pearls and popping her gum.
???? Next, Allie played the pimp, with Holly,
Katelynn and Erica as her ?bitches,? decked out in fur coat, feathered hat and
fingers covered with gaudy rings. We were passing around beers and even a few
shots. Things started getting sexual, with makeout sessions and dry humping.
The result left our two neophyte pledges, Katelynn and Erica, all hot and
randy- they left for at least a half hour or more to quench their mounting
lusts in the privacy of a bedroom.
???? Meanwhile, Claudia showed up and went all
out on her rival Cheryl. To make her parody more convincing, she returned in an
outfit that typified Cheryl- an authentic white Ralph Lauren polo with the
collar turned up, Coco Chanel shades, a flounced skirt that bounced and swayed
with her buttocks. She clip-clopped on red high heels with steel tipped
stilettos. The shirt was embroidered with the Phi logo on the back of the
upturned collar and ?Cheryl? over the right tit- undoubtedly one of Claudia?s
lover-girls pilfered it from the bratty little cunt.
???? Claudia strutted around holding her tits
up in the palms of her hands and wagging her ass like a total slut. She made a
lascivious display with declarations of ?I?m Cheryl, president of Phi Delta
Upsilon, and I?m a snotty little whore. Want to feel my tits? They?re real and
they?re sooo hard from being around all of you hot Tau girls.? She finished
that act with an obnoxious high-pitched giggle, like Betty Boop. She flashed
one of us, ?Hey, sexy cooze, want to suckle me?? Claudia went on and on until
someone else came out and put on a little show. Most of it was only mildly amusing,
puerile humor, but they all laughed and howled like it was the funniest thing
they?d ever seen.
???? Claudia never dressed like this, but I
still thought she was hot- the shirt was glowing a luminous white next to her
bronze skin and black hair, and was tight to the bursting point over her tits.
The skirt really showed off her long, elastic legs. If she intended to look
flashy, she succeeded- the glinting gold necklace, the bright pink lipstick,
the buttons of her polo, the silver bracelets, her Cartier watch and diamond
rings, were all gleaming and sparkling in the light- a serious compromise of
her mature, chic tastes. She looked like a preppy brat, or a stuck-up fashionista
with a purse full of credit cards.
???? Katelynn and Erica were two twits out to
impress their new sisters. Neither had seen Claudia?s act. They were too busy
sucking each other?s cunts in an upstairs bedroom. Later that night, they
pounced on the first Phi snot that crossed their path in a dark isolated
location- in this case, just outside behind Tau?s rear parking lot where it let?s
out onto Hamilton Street. The problem is, that perfect little Phi snot was actually
Claudia fresh from her parody of Cheryl. They saw the Phi logo on the back of
her collar as she walked by the kitchen door. Katelynn and Erica spotted their
prey, a perfect little Phi bitch trolling the streets at two in the morning
looking for sex and booze. ?Want to party? We?ve got ice cold wine coolers,
babe, and plenty of beer. Why don?t you join us?? Claudia, unfortunately, had
forgotten her role as Cheryl and was still wearing her Phi bitch clothes. She
was running a quick errand to her car on Hamilton. Claudia thought the new
pledges recognized her, even in her uncharacteristic outfit.
???? The first thing Erica and Katelynn did was
shut Claudia?s mouth by gagging her with a rolled-up pantyliner. They tied it
in place with her pink Chanel scarf. While Claudia was groaning, ?MMMphh!
MMMppphh! NNNrrrggg!!,? trying to tell them to get off of her, Erica and
Katelynn were gloating over their capture of a Phi slut. Katelynn slapped
Claudia?s face on both cheeks and snarled ?Shut up bitch! Stop whining, you
pathetic whore! Stupid Phi cunt!? Erica turned to Katelynn and told her, ?Hurry
up, let?s get this slab of hot cunt meat downstairs and tear these preppy
clothes off her!? Once they reached the bottom of the steps, they proceeded to
truss her up. ?I?ll get her hands, you get her feet!,? Erica tittered as she
tossed Katelynn a piece of cord. Mashing the preppy cunt into the filthy floor
as they bound her limbs, the jewelry-laden slut was soon trussed up and
squealing like a pig through her pantyliner-packed mouth.
???? They dragged Claudia by the feet to the
base of a padded sawhorse. Following a short struggle, caused less by Claudia?s
resistance than the trouble of hoisting such a hefty side of cunt meat, the Phi
slut was lashed over the beam with her meaty ass sticking in the air. Katelynn
undid the slut?s belt and unbuttoned her jeans before pulling them down. The
panties went next. A large wooden paddle with the Greek letters Tau Gamma Mu
was used to whump into that fat ass until the bronze-colored meat was tinged
deep red. The letters were seared into her ass, over and over again until it
was a mass of red lines and curves all melded together. Tears coursed down
Claudia?s face and her garish makeup was now a mass of hideous colors. A string
of snot dangled from her nostril. She hissed and snorted through her nose and
sucked some of it back in.
???? That?s when I walked in. I heard the
muffled squeals, the jeering girls, the hard whump of wooden paddle smacking
into thick ass. Of course, I didn?t know what these peculiar sounds were until
I saw this. I recognized Claudia through the pink cloth wrapped around her head
and the smeared make-up all over her wet face- if only because I?d seen her in
this retarded preppy outfit earlier that night. ?You stupid twits! What have
you done to Claudia? You stupid cunts! Don?t you move, either, or I?ll slap the
snot out of both of you!? I frantically untied Claudia and pulled the filthy
gag from her mouth. She went ballistic on Erica and Katelynn, kicking and
clawing and slapping. They squealed like two little mice in the clutches of a
rabid cat. I held on to Erica while Claudia went after Katelynn. Katelynn was
so scared and startled by Claudia?s ferocity that she pissed her jeans right
there in front of me. I watched a spreading dark stain with the hot golden pee
bubbling through the denim as it ran down her thighs.
???? Claudia rammed an enormous black dildo up Katelynn?s
ass so hard her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Then she pulled her
panties and jeans back up. Katelynn was sent upstairs, waddling around like a
dumb goose with that butt plug protruding inside her jeans as if she?d shat
herself. Erica was lashed to the sawhorse until half the Tau sorority either
spit, slapped, pinched or pissed on that ugly fat ass of hers. With Erica?s red
ass glowing under its hot coat of sorority bitch pee, Claudia whacked into it
until a long brown turd squeezed out of her puckering asshole and landed on the
floor. ?Oh, Claudia!,? someone said, ?You actually beat the shit out of her!?
Cheryl gets Snared.
???? Claudia initiated the next step with a
telephone call. She needed to appease her vengeful instincts. Cheryl was the
cause of this, not herself, and she must suffer for it. Claudia got me on the
phone a few days after the Katelynn-Erica incident and enticed me with an idea?
to set Cheryl up with an old faculty nympho named Stephanie, a voracious Lezzie
who was supposed to have fucked everyone from sorority pledges to the
University president?s snobby, hard-up wife.
???? Stephanie and Claudia had been lovers off
and on for her entire time at the University- they?d met in the admissions
office before Claudia had even moved on campus, and the two sluts fucked each
other stupid that very morning. Stephanie laughed when she told me what a
masochistic pain and humiliation slut Claudia was. As for Stephanie, she was a
consummate whore underneath that icy, matronly demeanor and her severely
tailored suits. Stephanie was always hot and ready at Claudia?s beckoning. The
prospect of ensnaring another stuck-up sorority slut had Stephanie?s itchy cunt
swollen and her sore nipples popping through her blouse.
???? We spotted Cheryl going into one of those
pretentious, trendy caf?s around the corner from Tau House and called Stephanie
on her cellphone. ?She?s in there now,? I heard Claudia saying, ?brown
knee-high boots, red skirt, and a black chiffon blouse. Yeah, what a slut. No
fuckin? bra. I could see chew marks on her fuckin? nipples from across the
street. Five minutes? Alright, we?ll be watching. Bag this cheap slut, that?s
right... Yeah... Uh huh... Bye.? Claudia said we had to leave. Stephanie didn?t
want to be distracted by us. As we drove away, we passed Stephanie as she
strutted along. She gave us the okay sign and cracked a devious smile.
Stephanie was hot... tight pencil skirt, four button jacket hugging her
voluptuous torso, silk blouse and a bright print scarf fluttering in the
breeze. She turned up her collar and popped the top buttons to allow a teasing
glimpse of her sweaty cleavage. Her heels must have been five inches. She was a
stunning, mature thoroughbred among a pack of vapid, snot-nosed teenyboppers...
a fox in a henhouse.
???? Whatever Stephanie did in that caf?, she
snared the mealy-mouthed little cunt. A few nights later, we met in one of the
girls? rooms at Tau and gathered around her computer. Stephanie was in the
swivel-chair, checking Cheryl?s on-line status. ?You?re not going to believe
this kinky bitch, girls, she?s unbelievable. Wait, here it is...? A box popped
up on the screen... ?Status... CherylG is currently on-line.? We watched as
Stephanie typed in the dialog box... ?Cheryl, are you there? It?s me again,
Stephanie.? We waited. No response. Stephanie explained to us, ?She?s a real
kinky bitch. Looking at her you?d never believe it. And she?s desperate for it,
too. I?ve got her doing all ki-? Claudia interrupted her, ?Wait, look! She?s
???? ?Hi Stephanie! What are you doing
tonight?? Stephanie typed a response and clicked send. A few mundane exchanges
followed as we watched. Finally, Stephanie turned around with a bitchy sneer
and pointed at the screen, ?Look. I told you she?s a real chat slut.? Claudia
bent over and read aloud, ?Let?s cut to the chase, Stephanie. My cunt is
itching bad. I?m feeling like a bitch in heat. Let?s have some fun!? We all
laughed and jeered till Stephanie shushed us. She enlarged the font so we could
read it, crowding around her.
CherylG: Why don?t we cyber, Stephanie? I?m feeling
kind of hot right now.
MsStephanieS: It?s childish. I?m a mature woman, not some
horny adolescent looking for a cheap thrill.
CherylG: I?m not childish. You?re condescending to
MsStephanieS: You?re a stupid stuck-up sorority whore.
Why should I fuck you?
???? Stephanie turned to me with a vicious,
sadistic sneer. ?Watch me make this dumb whore squirm. She?s unbelievable.?
Stephanie already had her other hand in her crotch, masturbating herself
through her slacks. Claudia was knock-kneed and rubbing her thighs together. My
nipples were so hard they hurt and my panties were gripping my cunt in a sticky
I only fuck women. not girls. And
especially not ugly ones.
I?m pleading with you, begging you. Stop
it! I?m sorry!
It?s too late for apologies, you stupid
bitch. You queer cunt. You want to put your filthy mouth on my cunt, I know you
do. Your greasy, disgusting lips.
Please! Stop this!
Shut up. Don?t type, just listen. Read
what I have to say.
You really are a dumb cunt. Why do you
insist on apologizing all the time? You?re a dumb, stupid, submissive cunt.
I won?t do it again, I promise. Please
stop insulting me.
If you do as I say, and prove it, maybe
we?ll stay friends.
Please, yes, just tell me what I need to
Admit to me that you?re a stupid whore, a
trashy slut, and that you?re cunt is an ugly, fat, bloated piece of slut-meat
that you can?t keep your filthy fingers off of.
CherylG: Please, not that. Please! Stop this!
I?m signing off.
NO! Alright, Stephanie, please! I?m
stupid, I?m a whore, a queer slut with a fat ugly cunt. I can?t control myself.
MsStephanieS: I want you to fuck off and leave me alone,
you?re a waste of time, a slab of pussy meat with a cunt hole in your face. You
want to grovel in front of a cunt, you queer slut! MY cunt! You disgust me, you
slimy cunt-licker.
CherylG: What do you want from me? I?ll do anything
you want me to do.
You want to bury your nose in my hot,
smelly twat, you queer little slut. You want me to pinch your nose shut so you
have to breath in the slime oozing out of my hot, rutting cunt, don?t you? Go
to the hamper and get out a pair of your girls panties, a real filthy smelly
CherylG: I?ll be a few minutes. There?s a hamper in
the hallway outside.
???? Stephanie was so pre-orgasmic that she was
making involuntary noises, gulping, ?Nnngg... Jjjiiihjjjiiitt... Uukkk...
EErrgggiitt? Really, she was gurgling, twitching, and typing with one hand, the
other being in her panties. Claudia was letting out delicious involuntary
moans. Could Cheryl possibly have imagined that her masochistic chat session
was the center of a masturbation party among her Tau antagonists? We were
getting off at her humiliation of
herself. Stephanie explained to us that Cheryl would type ?K? for ?okay? as she
was getting off.
Got them. They?re Kira?s. She?s a filthy
sow. Oh, these are crusty, smelly, she?s got cunt and ass stains all over them.
They stink like cunt and ass. Damp with sweat and they?re stained yellow and
brown with silver crust.
Slurp her hot cuntjuice, inhale it! Sniff
those dirty wet panties and lick the crotch!
Ohhh Kkkkkkk
I?ll take my stiletto heels off and stab
you with the sharp tip, right in the tits and cunt. I want to hurt you, you
little slut, slap you around. Spit on your face and cunt.
I wish it was your cum.
Look at the dirty crotch. The gusset.
What color are they? Fabric?
Black silk. Nylon crotch. It?s all
stained.? There?s a crusty silvery ring.
It?s dried pussysnot. Slimy cum sow that
Kira is. Just think how hot they were, stewing with her cuntslime and juices.
Her hot, wet hairy cunt nestled in there all day. Maybe she creamed them a
little if she got excited.
I want you to hurt my cunt.
MsStephanieS: Slap it hard. Pinch those lips and flick
your clit with your fingertip.
Oww! It hurts!
MsStephanieS: Hold the panties up. Push out the gusset
with your fingers on the outside part.
Yes. They stink.
Now, open up your slut mouth. Wide. Stick
out your tongue.
Put the gusset on your tongue and stuff
them in your mouth.
OMG!!! That?s gross!!!
Oh, they taste so strong. They?re in my
mouth now. I don?t think I can do this. Cunt slup all over them. Thick. I I m
I?m gaggimg I mean gagging!
Spank your nasty oozing cunt. Hard!
I?m doing it. My cunt is hurt.
Slap that cunt meat hard. Suck on those
Yes Maam. I?m doing what you say.
How do u like it?
They are crunchy, the silver stained
part, they were till my spit softened them.
That?s not my question dumb slut. Do u
like it?
I want to suck Kira?s cunt. I taste her
cunt on them.
You better take a picture. I want to see
your eyes crossed, staring at those panties sticking out of your mouth.
Otherwise, I?m never chatting with your pathetic queer rutting ass again. Send
me that picture, you whore.
???? Stephanie was sneering and talking about
how hot she felt. She unbuckled her belt and slacks, pulling down the zipper
with a metallic hiss. When she wasn?t typing, she?d have that hand in her
blouse, squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. We exchanged comments
about that stupid masochistic whore Cheryl, wondering if she?d really send the
pictures. What if we post them or send them out? The bitch?d probably hang
herself out of humiliation. As we jeered and snickered, Stephanie nearly
yelled, ?Here it is! She just sent this...? Her fingers rapidly pecked the
keyboard and we waited as the first picture loaded. We were anxiously waiting
as the picture slowly filed the screen, top to bottom. The slow connection
actually increased our anticipation. She did it! We watched as her eyes came
into view. She was staring cross-eyed towards the tip of her nose! Then her
nose... and... then... the wad of black panties jammed into her mouth!
Hi bitch! My friends got a laugh at your
slut face eating your panties! They were nearly pissing themselves!
You enjoy humiliating me. I bet it makes
you cum.
Well, what if it does? You?re my bitch.
My Lezzie puppet fuck doll.
I want another picture. You know if you
don?t do as I say we?re finished.
Yes, what is it you want from me?
I want you to take out all your makeup.
Get red and black markers, too. Do it.
I?ll be a few minutes.
Hurry bitch, I haven?t got all day for
your stupid cunt.
I?m back. Done. Now what?
Carefully do as I tell you. I want a
picture as soon as you?re finished. Got it, cunt?
Yes. Are you going to show it to your
Take the lipstick and rub it on your
cunt, all around the swollen slimy lips. Make that nasty cunt good and red. Put
some gloss on top of that, too. Not that it needs it, you?re probably gushing
you whore.
I?m all wet there. I need to wipe myself
a little.
Don?t tell me all the filthy details,
just do it slut. Now those udders of yours. Same thing. Cover the areoles too.
Alright, I?m done. My nipples are all
covered and so is my cunt.
Take the marker and write ?SLUT? on your
belly. Write ?MILK? on your tits. Draw arrows to the nipples. On your tits,
write SQUEEZE FOR MILK. On your belly write SNOT and SLIME. Use the BLACK only!
Take the picture.
K. I?ll be a few minutes. It almost made
me cum.
Nasty tawt! TWAT! Write that on your
belly and draw an arrow.
I don?t know if I can writte upside down.
Dumb cunt! Just write it. NOW!
Stop wasting time, do it now.
I want my slut pussy hurt.
Did you do what I told you, slut?
I?m a dumb whore. I need to be hurt. My
cunt. It?s throbbing again. I have to rub it.
Get your hands off your nasty smelly cunt.
Now! Listen to me! You are a dirty twat of a whore! You are nasty. Do this
whore, and I want you to send me a picture when u r done.
???? Stephanie was delirious through all this,
moaning and hissing through her teeth. We watched this new set of pictures
load. The stupid twat misspelled some of the words, but there it was, scrawled
all over her. Cheryl?s nipples were swollen like a cow?s udders and her areolae
were enormous and jutted out from her milky tit-flesh. We couldn?t believe
this. And Stephanie was getting nastier and kinkier with each message.
Your ugly cunt looks really nasty. Did
you masturbate today?
No. I only rubbed myself through my
panties a little.
MsStephanieS: You really are stupid. That?s
Alright, I did it. I need to be
humiliated and punished.
Is your pussy wet and hot?
Of course it is! I?m soaked. I?m wearing
panties and a tampax liner so the chair doesn?t get stinky with cunt juice.
Stinky or sticky, you mean? Pull out the
front so u can see your ugly swampy pussy.
Both. Oh, It?s all sticking out. My clit
is sticking out too. The hair is all matted like a drowned rat.
Spit on it. Lots of spit.
It?s all sticky now, in my cunt hair.
Cumslut. You like that.
What does your cunt look like now?
It?s sticking through my panty crotch.
All pink and bloated.
U will send me your picture? Now?
It will take a few minutes.
MsStephanieS: I?ll wait.
Sorry. Done. Did you open it?
Is it good?
You are the nastiest slut I?ve ever heard
of! What a filthy oozing cunt u have!
I can see the fluffy pink meat thru the
MsStephanieS: Mesh?
No, it?s cotton, in a nylon panel. It?s
all yellow and silver with pussysnot.
Globs of it! Seeping through!
Take off your shoe. High heel right? The
red ones in ur pic?
Yes. Ferragamo.
Whack your slimy cunt meat with it. Hurt
that slimy cunt.
Oww! I really nailed my cunt!
Hit it hard, like your I mean you?re
being kicked in that slimy cunt.
I?m really hurting my cunt bad. I?m all
sore and its swelling up, my cunt.
Do you have your dill?
CherylG: Eight inches.
Go to bed you whore. Stuff some pillows
under your slimy belly, you slithering whore, and hump them hard. Suck on
Kira?s panties and then guess what?
Yes Maam?
Get your fat cuntslimed ass in the air
and stuff it with that dildo.
U mean my asshole?
Yes you stupid cunt. Shove it up your
Yes Maam.
After you cum all over your panties and
that dildo, you will tell me about it and I will give you further instructions.
Yes Maam. I will.
I hope your cunt hurts bad, you slimy
whore. And I want more pictures.
I?m going now, will write u when Im done.
???? This unbelievable cunt was some kind of
masochistic exhibitionist, if you?ll excuse the clinical terms; she may have
been desperate for Stephanie, but she was obviously into what she was doing.
There?s no doubt about that. And Stephanie had revealed to Cheryl that she was
showing those pornographic pictures of her self-inflicted humiliation to her
friends- well, not exactly self-inflicted, because Stephanie was instructing
her what to do. Cheryl had no idea just who
was seeing her photos- we Tau girls!
???? I just couldn?t believe we had her doing
so many nasty, kinky things to herself. Our imaginations were running wild but
we didn?t want to push it too far and blow it. We had her slapping her own
cunt, sucking on another girl?s soiled panties, writing obscenities on herself,
shoving a dildo up her virgin asshole- and sending us pictures to prove it! We
were so worked up that we came in our panties right there, gasping and squealing
at our thorough humiliation of that kinky Phi twat. Stephanie sent me a few
more pictures in an e-mail later that week... Cheryl?s ass in the air, humping
her pillows with the black base of a dildo protruding from her ass... more
pictures of her panty-gagged mouth... her bloated red cunt with pinch marks and
other signs of her self-abuse... and I made sure to save a copy of her chat
with Stephanie. She told me she?d even made herself dress up like a whore,
guzzle liquids beforehand, and piss herself upon command.
???? Stephanie arranged a ?date? with her young
masochistic pain slut. They had numerous chats and telephone conversations in
the meantime. I?m sure they?d fucked each other around campus, too, learning
every detail of each other?s bodies and every psychological aspect of their
sexuality. I wonder what kind of kinky games they played when they were alone.
Stephanie taught us the art of coprolagnia...
again, a clinical term... meaning filthy sex talk. Nasty language is an
aphrodisiac to most people and it?s intensified when in a state of sexual
arousal. In many cases it?s a delight for masochists like Cheryl, who had
unwittingly demonstrated this for our amusement. Stephanie was a very
articulate, over-educated old slut and she could talk so incredibly nasty and
with such imagination! She peppered her nastiness with adjectives; a cunt was
rarely just a cunt, it was a smelly, swollen, rutting, sweaty, putrid cunt; a
whore was always a filthy, skanky, sleazy, trashy, five-dollar whore. And it
turned me on when she talked like that.
???? I know Stephanie well enough to
characterize her ?fetishes? as principally tactile and role-oriented, that is
to say, she enjoyed various sensations on her skin and body. These tactile
sensations were determined by the clothes she wore. Some ?fetishists? enjoy
leather, because the thick creaking shell that envelops their body and the
animalistic smell that accompanies it; others prefer latex because the tight
and excrutiatingly hot embrace it provides their bodies. The constriction of
corsets, the elastic molding of flesh by girdles, the rugged comfort of denim,
the slippery and flashy feel of satin, all these variants were known to her.
The whisper of nylon encased thighs, the static currents of fur, the caress of
silk were all familiar aphrodisiacs to Stephanie.
???? For most women clothes have an auto-erotic
effect, a kind of narcissism- the combined effects of physical sensation and
image, knowing we look sexually
attractive, like an exotic bird showing off its bright feathers. Stephanie knew
how to give herself a certain sassiness and flair without necessarily dressing
like a slut. The character of a blouse could be instantly transformed by
turning up the collar or popping a few buttons, or by adorning and concealing
her enticing cleavage with a silk print scarf. She was a thoroughbred whore but
she had a certain refinement. Stephanie was also a thoroughly accomplished
aficionado of kink and sexual deviance.
???? As Stephanie waited for her date with that
little cunt, so did we- secreting ourselves in another room of her hotel suite.
She was going to toy with her kinky little plaything and then spring the trap.
We?d pounce on her and get her trussed up like a pig to take her back to Tau
house for a session she?d never forget.
???? Cheryl was dressed in a pantsuit with a
white cream silk blouse and a print scarf, adorned by a triple strand of
pearls- Cheryl knew that pearls were a particular fetish for Stephanie.
Stephanie?s nipples plumped out as soon as she ran her mouth over Cheryl?s
lips, neck and pearls. She fingered Cheryl?s pearls, then her blouse collar
before running her hands down to unfasten the top buttons. She inhaled the
moist perfume of Cheryl?s sweaty cleavage. Stephanie pressed Cheryl?s belly and
breasts against her own, crushing their clothes and jewelry between them. They
made out like oversexed teenagers. Their lips smacked noisily; their entwined
mouths made obscene slurping noises as they sucked each other?s tongues and
????? ?Let?s have a drink, shall we?? Stephanie
broke off their kisses to open a bottle of red wine. She filled two glasses and
downed the first in a gulp. Cheryl did the same with hers. While Stephanie
stood with her back to Cheryl, she came up behind Stephanie and kissed her neck.
Stephanie loved this? Cheryl?s soft breasts pressing into her back, her hands
running over her belly and breasts, her soft hot mount of Venus pressing into
her ass. Stephanie?s eyes rolled back. She bent her neck in response as her
lips parted with ?mmmmm?s? of delight.
???? When Cheryl turned to retrieve her glass
of wine, Stephanie pressed up against her back and kissed her neck just as
Cheryl had done to her. Stephanie?s hands ran over Cheryl?s blouse and began
unfastening the top buttons. She reached into the cup of her bra and pushed it
down. Cheryl?s hard, swelling nipple was between Stephanie?s middle and index
fingers as she kneaded the breast. Her other hand was undoing the buckle of
Cheryl?s designer belt. The button of her slacks was popped open and the zipper
tugged down in a smooth motion. Stephanie was rubbing her breasts against
Cheryl?s back and mashing her pulpy mons into Cheryl?s soft ass. Stephanie felt
the heat rising from Cheryl?s pussy. Her fingers ran over the plump, fleshy
mound and through the silky bush. Her other hand let go of the breast.
???? Suddenly, Stephanie got rough. Cheryl was
startled. One arm wrapped painfully tight around Cheryl?s waist, nearly causing
her bladder to leak. Stephanie was holding a damp cloth over Cheryl?s face. She
was suddenly limp and unconscious. The last thing she remembered was some girls
rushing out of the bedroom towards her. ?Here we go, Tau girls, help me lift
this pig! This smelly cunt feels as hefty as a side of beef! Get her legs?
Erika, you too!? Erika, wearing bright pink sweatpants with her sorority
letters bouncing on her gelatinous rump, joined her ?sister? Joanne, who had
already lifted Cheryl?s other leg. Two more joined in hoisting our captive
cunt. Cheryl was on her way to the Tau Gamma Mu house on Sorority Row.
Tau Girls.
???? Not only were the Tau girls going to get a
shot at Cheryl, but their rival sorority, Phi Delta Upsilon were also
unwittingly going to do Claudia?s bidding for her. If Claudia could be taken
for a Phi bitch, Cheryl would be taken for a Tau slut. Before I relate what
happened to Cheryl, I need to explain the background of Tau Gamma Mu and how we
set her up. Some of the real nasty blouse-tearing, hair-pulling,
nipple-twisting catfights will be described later in my story. I hope my reader
will forgive me for going into so much detail concerning our designer
clothes... I want to present a vivid picture of our sorority life and the
concerns of most of us are just that- clothes and image. Most of my sorority sisters
are frivolous, trendy, materialistic, hopelessly vapid sluts. Whatever ?higher
learning? is, it has certainly eluded these bratty cunts.
???? Linda was a dorm mistress at the
University?s snotty prep school and had become close friends with Erika and Joanne.
Only a few years seperated them in age. Linda was also a graduate of the school
and had an old grudge against Cheryl. Depending on who you asked, it was either
over some equally vacuous football player or a Lesbian girlfriend. Some girls
said they just simply didn?t like each other.
????? Cheryl had pissed off Linda one last
time. I was there and saw it. Those sneering lips of Cheryl?s did it. That
petulant upper lip, bright red against her pasty complexion, Oh how Linda
wanted to smack it right off her arrogant face! It was after school, when we
headed for our cars. There was a foot of snow on the ground and snowbanks as
high as mountains where the plows dumped it. The sidewalk was about five or so
feet wide, with the bright white snow piled up on either side to waist level.
Right in front of about twelve or fifteen students, Linda leapt on Cheryl and
smacked her face so hard that the top of her blouse popped open. Cheryl
retaliated with words and hair-pulling, ?You low class whore! How dare you! You
trashy bitch!? They clawed at each other, slapping, spitting, and pulling at
each other?s hair. Their uniforms were torn half away, coats flung off into the
snow. Linda caught Cheryl in a tight squeeze and threw her face first into a
pile of snow. Cheryl tried to get away but Linda shoved her in harder. When she
pulled Cheryl?s head out by the hair, her face was soaking wet with clumps of
snow sticking to her. The snowbank was stained with Cheryl?s blue eyeshadow and
red lipstick.
???? ?Beg me to let you go! Beg me! Tell me
you?re sorry!? Linda growled. Cheryl said ?No! Fuck you!? . Linda pulled her
head back by the hair and told her she?d strangle her right there and dump her
in the wet snow. ?Alright! Let me go! I?m begging you, pleeeasse!? Cheryl whined.
?Apologize to me! Tell me how stupid you are! Tell me you?re a stupid cunt!?
Linda demanded. She was showing her teeth and snarling like a rabid cat. Cheryl
pleaded, ?I?m sorry! I?m a stooo- pid c- c- cunt, there! I said it!? We laughed
at her now. The arrogant little slut was pleading like a groveling bitch. Not
only did I love it, but it made my pussy tingle and my nipples stand on end!
What Linda did next was so delicious I?ll never forget it. She shoved Cheryl
back in the snow, face first, flipping up her skirt with her panty clad ass in
the air. With one hand pressing her head into the snow, Linda leaned over
Cheryl and jerked her hips into her ass. She was practically mounting her. She
only did it once, with one hard thrust of her hips, but it was unbelievable.
?Don?t ever look at me again, ever! I?ll slap the snot right out of your pretty
little cunt face!? Linda spewed before walking off, hurling a wad of hot spit
in the arrogant little snot?s face.
???? Cheryl slowly pushed herself out of the
wet snow. She was a mess! After buttoning herself up as best she could, she
picked up her coat and ran away, staring at the ground in humiliation. I heard
a few ?bitch!? and ?whore!? comments and the school was abuzz the next day over
this little catfight. Cheryl toned down her arrogance. One other thing- I
remember looking at the mess she?d made in the snow- besides the make-up and a
couple of red buttons from her cardigan, I saw a little yellow stain right
where her hips indented the snow. Either Linda humped her fat ass so hard that
she pissed herself from the pressure or she?d done it out of fear. Linda really
taught the snot-nosed sniveling bitch a hard lesson in humility!
???? Linda, who had connections with the Phi
sorority as well as ours, had spread a rumor with them concerning a visit by
the Tau?s founder, the wealthy Pamela Parker (n?e Reyes), who was to be
impersonated by Cheryl- against her will and without her knowledge, of course.
After the Tau girls were finished with her, the supposed Pamela was going to be
offered up to FDU on a platter. The ruse was
going to have Cheryl pass through the grinder of two bitchy sororities, both of
which were notorious for their sadistic, humiliating initiations and the
shocking extremities of their pranks. Only the fact these girls were the
snot-nosed daughters of the wealthy and powerful kept them from losing their
charter. (One of the University?s most prodigious benefactors had two daughters
at Phi, not to mention some of the most corrupt state legislators whose
daughters were Tau or Phi girls).
???? To an outsider, the sororities appeared to
be involved in a bitter rivalry. In actuality, they were swapping more orgasms
than the cast of a porn movie. They each tried to outdue the vicious
sado-masochistic pranks of the other when they weren?t simply fucking each
other like rabbits. In this respect, their relationship was like Stephanie and
Cheryl?s- a rivalry that was determined more by mutual lust than any actual
resentment. Some couples argue and fight until their passions are so inflamed
they relieve themselves by fucking each other into a stupor. It actually
intensifies their orgasms- add some sadomasochism and roleplay to this and you
will have some idea of Stephanie and Cheryl?s games, not to mention the orgiastic
results of the Tau-Phi rivalry.
???? Within this Tau-Phi relationship, there
were individual resentments that produced some very real, very frightening
confrontations. More of these catfights were between girls in the same sorority
than between Tau and Phi, either provoked by jealousy, romantic entaglements,
or some petty incident. We could be bitchy. The Phi sorority referred to Tau
girls as ?Moo Girls,? or ?Moo Cows? after the letter Mu. Sometimes, our fights
involved outsiders. Our two sororities dominated the campus social life and
although a few smaller ones were organized and chartered, they were much
smaller and far less influential. We were the elitists and quite a few
outsiders resented us- our private parties, wealthy parents, prestige and the
fact that the sexiest girls on campus belonged to Tau Gamma Mu. This elitist
attitude would catch up to me in a very frightful incident, but that story is
for later.
???? The sororities had their own form of
roleplaying games. They frequently held theme parties that dissolved into
drunken orgies of Lesbian lust. ?Golf Pros and Tennis Hoes,? where we?d dress
up in sporty outfits; another was ?Pimps and Hoes,? where one of the Queens
wore a tight, garish suit like a pimping Madam and led around her girls,
dressed like streetwalkers in skintight satin shorts with fishnet stockings,
stilettos and low-cut tops; ?Catholic School Girls,? in which we wore frilly
ankle socks, slingbacks, plaid skirts and tight white uniform blouses. They
almost always had a common denominator- ?Hoes.? Other popular themes were
?Country Club Crush,? or ?CEO?s and Corporate Hoes,? the girls dressed in
business suits with sleazy lingerie underneath. Even the regular parties ended
in drunken frolics, bursting bladders, hangovers, and maybe even a catfight
that ended with the two antagonists passed out belly-to-belly on a couch or bed
with bruised tits and scratches they treated with tongue baths and kisses.
????? The more official rites, games and
initiations were often very imaginative and kinky- besides the typical
paddlings and spankings, scare games and disgusting dares, they had enforced
panty cleaning, bladder-holding competitions, designated ?cheap whore? nights,
masturbation contests, and about anything else a pack of queer, snotty
nymphomaniacs could dream up. A few of these games will be noted later in my
story, but some of their nastiest and kinkiest pranks were these:
???? Gemma, a voluptuous little brunette with a
pair of double-D?s, was a Tau girl whose steady was a senior named Jacqui.
Gemma got herself knocked up and couldn?t keep her condition a secret for long.
Her nipples swelled up like udders and leaked all over when she and Jaqui were
humping each other?s sweat-slick bodies into a froth. She confessed to Jacqui that
she had taken a hard cock by some fraternity creep and got herself knocked up.
?Sometimes I need to be filled. I need some hot cum in my pussy and up my ass.?
Jacqui was furious.
???? The next morning, Tau awoke to discover
Gemma tied to a post next to the percolating coffee machine. She was ballgagged
with trails of glistening drool running down her chin and dribbling on her fat,
exposed tits. Her nipples were swollen like a pair of udders, leaking pearly
drops of milk off their tips. With a black magic marker and red lipstick,
someone had written nasty comments all over her sweaty flesh, ?Cock Hungry
Whore,? and ?Knocked-up Slut.? Two arrows pointing to her leaky nipples said
?Milk for Coffee.? Her left tit said ?Sweet Milk,? and her right ?Half &
Half.? The point of another arrow ended at the waistband of her sheer pink
panties, which were wet and gripped her swelling cunt in a gluey embrace-
?Cream? was written on her belly in black marker.
???? The girls laughed at Gemma?s predicament-
one even added a few comments of her own with a tube of lipstick. Another
nonchalantly walked up to Gemma with a steaming cup of coffee, straight-faced,
and squeezed her breast milk into the coffee. To the astonishment of the other
girls, she not only drank it, but stuck her finger into Gemma?s cum-slick
panties and smeared her cunt cream onto her own lips with a savory ?Mmmmmmm? as
she licked them clean. Then she reached around the rear as Gemma moaned and her
eyes teared up- she pulled out her dirty finger and announced that chocolate
was also available. This elicited some murmurs of disgust but the girls were
titillated by the finger-sodomy of Gemma. By the time we left for morning
classes, Gemma?s tits were red and bloated after being slapped around and her
agonizing nipples were purple from being squeezed, bit and pinched. Her entire
face and body was smeared with makeup and filth, and the comments in magic
marker took almost a week to fade out even though she had scrubbed herself raw.
???? The Tau sorority house was built on the
foundation of a very old stone building that was once a tavern. The basement of
this old building was still intact and included several murky chambers, a long,
dark wine cellar, and a circular well in the stone floor. The well was filled
in with dirt and was only about two feet deep. Normally, it was covered with a
piece of heavy oak, the remnants of an old door. The original pulley was still
attached the the heavy oak joists supporting the floor above, which was about
eight feet high.
???? One of the most frightening initiations
went like this: the girl was led downstairs blindfolded with her wrists tied in
front of her. She would stand on top of the oak panel and then her hands were
tied to the pulley above her head. Her feet were tied at the ankles. She would
be lifted several inches off the floor, suspended by the pulley and pulled up
by a few groaning girls before the rope was tied off on a beam. The blindfold
would be removed and then the oak panel pulled out from under her, revealing the
old well filled with murky water and churning with snakes bought at a pet
store. The girls were always heavily gagged before this, because their screams
would otherwise fill the whole neighborhood. The door was quickly slid back
into place, the girl let down, crying or screaming in her gag. After new
initiates were done with this ritual, the harmless snakes were recaptured and
the water would slowly drain away into the dirt.
???? Occasionally, a really tough bitch might
be hung upside down and this would completely unnerve her, having her head
drooping just inches above the snake-infested water. Another trick to unnerve
the tough ones was to have a rope slowly cut away in front of them, which to
the initiate appeared to be the rope supporting her over the well. As the rope
finally snapped, a few lost control of their bladders only to discover they
were still hanging. There were a few variants to this very frightening
initiation, but this was the typical routine. We even tried Pirhanas once but
they didn?t live long enough to get much use out of them.
???? A senior Tau girl had a close friendship
with the management of Luce?s, a large women?s department store in the local
mall. One of the dares required for admission into the Tau sorority was
stealing a certain amount of merchandise. Our new girl was taken to Luce?s and
instructed to purloin several items of jewelry and clothing. With her heart
beating fast and a cold sweat breaking out on her skin, the girl would stuff
expensive necklaces and rings into her pockets while an accomplice distracted
the clerk. Everything was supposed to be well coordinated, with another girl
blocking the security camera.
???? Suddenly, the initiate was abandoned. A
security agent grabbed her by the arm and instructed her to ?come with me or
you?ll be arrested.? Of course, the unsuspecting girl would be horrified,
looking around for her friends... frantic, crying, and even pissing her
panties. In the security office were several women who were in on the Tau
prank, scaring the initiate with threats of strip searches, prosecution for
petty larceny and a jail term. Just when the strip search was underway and the
stolen merchandise recovered, she would be tied up and gagged, ?Welcome to Tau
house!? accompanied by laughs and jeers. Only then would she realize it was a
staged setup. She?d be taken back to the sorority house with catcalls of ?We
caught a thief!? and ?Sticky Fingers!?
???? Now that I?ve acquainted my readers with
our sorority, I can return to our story about Cheryl?s abduction: Cheryl?s
blouse was pulled off by Erika. Her arms flopped around. They removed her
pearls, her bra, and pulled her pants off. Erika recited a commentary as she
worked? ?Beautiful pearls? oh, I like her panties? Her nipples are like plums!
I just love those raised areolae! Let?s put some lipstick on them, make her
look like a total slut? black cherry? she won?t recognize herself when she
comes to. I can?t wait to bury my strap-on cock in her hairy snatch? the hair?s
all wet and matted... what a creampie she?s got there, and it?s all her own cum
too!? Stephanie interrupted, ?Hurry now, we need our newest initiate all ready
by the time she comes to. Joanne, get my makeup kit from the bathroom, Erika?s
got a fantastic idea. Let?s dye her hair while we?re at, too. Get her in the
bathtub!? The delay made it necessary for Stephanie to stand by with her
syringe of knockout anesthenic as the girls ran the dye into Cheryl?s hair.
Cheryl was going to be stunned as she saw the nastiest slut in the school
looking at her from the mirror- and it was going to her own image! Her
transformation was to be so complete, it was hoped she wouldn?t initially
recognize herself.
???? The water and the cold tub started waking
Cheryl, so Stephanie gave her another dose and she was out again. Cheryl is a
brunette with green doe-eyes, but now she had become a platinum blonde. The
girls even considered colored contacts but couldn?t manage that particular
detail. By painting her eyelids and applying fake eyelashes, her eyes would be
sufficiently altered? to complete the
illusion. Erika was busy gluing slutty, bright red, extra-long artificial nails
to Cheryl?s fingers, as Stephanie and Joanne worked on her makeup. As soon as
her hair was blow dried, they carried Cheryl back to the bedroom and laid her
down among her scattered clothes.
???? The satin panties went on first, then a
matching bra that was two sizes too small. They had difficulties fastening it,
but it made her breasts plump out into two round globes. The black cherry
lipstick had been applied to her nipples along with a few comments scrawled on
her skin? these she would read later. Her lips were painted with a bright red,
then coated with greasy lip gloss. Black lace stockings were pulled up her legs
and fastened to a matching garter belt. Her skirt was red and black plaid,
regulation issue. She was dressed in white ankle socks with frills at the top,
then fitted with too-tight white strap heels. Her blouse was a pink school
blouse such as Joanne and Erika wore; in fact, it belonged to Erika and was
taken from her dirty laundry along with the other items- such as Erika?s filthy
panties, stained with masturbation among other things. A pair of nerdy black
glasses were added as a finishing touch. They sat her in a chair in front of
the floor-length mirror as she came to.
????? All of them stood behind the chair and to
the sides. Either they watched Cheryl?s face in the reflection or looked
directly at her as she was waking up. Her eyes wandered momentarily, then fixed
on her own reflection with a quizzical stare. Just like the movies when someone
or something does not initially recognize its own image in a mirror, Cheryl?s
own movements revealed to her the identity of the blonde slut in the
mirror.? It was herself!
???? She squealed as she recognized herself,
clutching at her clothes and hair. She was looking at a handful of her new
blonde hair when she was seized by the arms. ?You are a promiscuous, sleazy
little whore and you are to receive your just punishment. Twenty stripes on
your naked buttocks with a bamboo cane,? Stephanie told her as she grabbed her
by her blouse collars. ?Bend over that chair. Girls, gag her!? A large pink
ball-gag was fastened in place, while her eyes grew so large they seemed like
they might pop out of her head. Erika and Joanne held her arms in front of her
while Stephanie pulled down her skirt and panties. ?Linda, you are to strike
her buttocks with twenty transverse strokes. Don?t worry if your aim is bad. A
couple strokes on her back or thighs will be acceptable. I advise you to be
harsh with this one. Just look at her, what a slut!? Cheryl was squealing like
a puppy from her gagged mouth. Linda?s first stroke of the cane seemed to knock
her forward two feet and nearly propelled the gag out of her mouth.
???? Dark red stripes covered Cheryl?s buttocks
and, after the caning was complete, they seemed to swell and bloat. Her face
was running with tears and mascara; her mouth was smeared with lipstick and
saliva after the gag was popped out. They kissed her on the mouth and taunted
her? ?Why not come into my bedroom, slut, and show me your tricks. I?ve never
been with such an experienced whore.? Stephanie added, ?We have just what she
needs.? Erika and Joanne emerged from the bathroom in their school uniforms,
with strap-on dildos jutting from their waists. They partially stripped Cheryl
and went to work on her, double-fucking her in a combination of positions.
???? Erika crouched above the supine Cheryl,
dipping her strap-on between her soft ass-cheeks to make her squeal, while
Joanne slipped hers between Cheryl?s lips. ?Take it all, you snot-nosed little
whore! Snort like a pig! All of it!,? she sneered, punctuating her words with
slaps on her face or a tug of her hair. Cheryl was a filthy mess within minutes.
Her eyes teared up, causing the blue-black eye-shadow on her lids to run down
her face and combine with the green shadow that had been applied under her
eyes. The right side of her head was pressing into the mattress, so one stream
of makeup ran against her nose and over her upper lip as the other streamed
into a dark stain on the sheets. Her dark red lipstick smeared also. The dildo
caused her to salivate and this formed a glistening drool running from the
corner of her mouth.
???? Cheryl?s hair began to stick to her face
from the sweat. Her nose was soon running also, adding to the illusion that her
face had been underwater. The false eyelashes came loose and stuck to her face.
She groaned and squealed with Joanne?s strap-on plugging her mouth. Erika
pumped her ass during the oral session, finally laying on top of Cheryl with
the dildo still deep in her ass. She resorted to a slow grind while Joanne
slapped Cheryl?s face with the soaking wet dildo. The wet slapping sounds
caused Erika to laugh into Cheryl?s ear.
???? Stephanie and Linda had left to join the
party and told some of the girls about the orgiastic fury they had left behind
in their room. Stephanie was seeking some young slut to go to bed with while
Linda socialized with her friends. It was another theme party. Stephanie was
flirting with a girl who had long frizzy blonde hair, thick pouty lips and a
figure to die for. Her name was Colette and she looked like a fashion model,
though her eyes were obscured by the gold-rimmed Fendi shades she wore. Colette
was another double-polo girl, and she explained her color combinations to
Stephanie, and how she accessorized. ?I love this polo combo, don?t you? Pink
on the outside with a turquoise blue underneath. I prefer Ralph Lauren to Izod,
but the turquoise one is a Aeropostale... see the label inside the collar? And
these go so well with my denim skirt. Last weekend we had a yacht party at the
marina and I wore yellow under blue with a white sweater draped over it. I wore
a beige skirt for that one, and my pearls. Another nice combo.? Colette finally
took off her shades and hung them from the V opening of her polos. Her eyes
were hypnotic, but the vapid one-sided conversation was cut off by the entrance
of her friend.
???? Stephanie?s attention was soon diverted by
another hot sorority slut, a girl whose white shirt with its YSL logo was
stretched over two rotund DD?s, a 36 at least. Stephanie could see the outline
of her areolae through the tight shirt, even the bumps. This one, Janine,
talked about nothing but her latest squeeze, a pledge she called Bex as in
Becky. ?It was love at first sight,? Janine was told, ?Bex and me locked eyes
at the Indigo Velvet and next thing I know, she?s got her blouse pulled up and
she?s rubbing her lollipop on her wet nipples. Then she?s pouting her lips at
me. I ended up sucking on her cherry lollipop and then something more
intimate.? Stephanie acquainted herself with the college scene, hearing stories
about their parties when she wasn?t getting preppy fashion advice.
???? Janine described the balloon game, where
two partners were timed popping balloons between certain parts of their bodies.
No hands allowed! The positions were distinctly sexual- for instance,
face-to-face, with the balloon between their crotches, or against the other girls?
ass- she?d be humping her doggystyle till the balloon popped. There was Beer
Pong, Truth or Dare, and another game where cherries were passed from mouth to
mouth. Another type of competition they indulged in were comparisons of
breasts, bellies or asses. The girls nominated the competitors for each
category before they were subjected to examinations. These childish games might
have been silly amusements for a pack of nerds, but the breast, belly and ass
comparisons deserve a few comments.
???? Several unique talents were developed,
such as twirling nipples, bouncing buttocks... or rolling and undulating
bellies so skilfully that Suhair Zaki would be envious. As for the breast
competition, the longest nipples on record were those of a 32C pledge named Yanina,
whose teats measured 1.2 inches in length when fully erect- no tricks involved,
no pinching, no vacuum tubes, not even ice cubes were used, just her arousal at
the sight of the other girls? bodies and some dexterous manipulations of her
clit. Yanina proved that large breasts do not mean long nipples, since she was
up against some very buxom sorority girls including one who was pregnant at the
time. There were wet t-shirt competitions, and a variety of wrestling contests-
mud, jell-o, chocolate syrup and even corn was used- the ring usually consisted
of a plastic inflatable pool.
???? Erika and Joanne played to their new
audience: three of the sorority girls wandered in from the ?Preppy Slutz? party
being held in another room rented for the occasion. They were dolled up in
exaggerated preppy outfits- literally made up to look like dolls with cupid
lips and rice-powder complexions. The ?costumes? and cosmetics created their
own illusions, just as Cheryl?s had transformed her into a whore unrecognizable
even to herself- playing the roles of precisely the stuck-up, snot-nosed brats
that they would enjoy slapping and sodomizing.
???? Jenevieve was decked out in a triple
strand of pink pearls, with double popped polos- the inner polo, a white
Lacoste, the outer a pink with the Ralph Lauren logo over the left tit. These
were so tight that her bra was outlined underneath and her nipples poked out
with the areolae delineated around them. She had thick, raised areolae that
swelled out like plums when she was aroused.?
Her matching skirt was pink and white, adorned with little tennis
???? Allie wore a skintight white school
blouse, semi-transparent and seamed, with a pink push-up bra showing where she
popped open an extra button or two. Her jewelry was excessive, with bracelets,
a silver watch, rings and several necklaces of gold, silver and pearls. The
skirt was green and black plaid, pleated, with white stockings, frilly ankle
socks and black slingback heels. Her pouty lips were bubble-gum pink and coated
with bright lip gloss. Lauren was the third girl. Taller than the others, she
added to her height with a pair of bright red stiletto heels. These were her
only concession to her true self- her preppy ensemble consisted of no less than
three layers of pastel colored polos, light green, white and finally pink, with
the collars popped and accessorized with the imitation pink pearls and a silk
scarf tied around her neck. Her hairstyle also made her seem taller, piled on
top and descending in a French braid. The skirt was pleated in pink and white.
???? Lauren, the tall green-eyed blonde,
watched the action over Allie?s shoulder as she kissed her neck, reached around
to stroke her breasts, and dry-humped Allie?s bulbous ass. Each felt the
burning heat of the other through their clothes as they ground into each other.
Allie fingered her pearls and the buttons of her layered polos as she whined
with pleasure. Lauren masturbated her clit against the soft heat of Allie?s
rump. Allie leaned forward as she ground her ass against Lauren?s hot Mons.
Allie soon had one hand down her skirt, with Lauren?s hand following, her other
hand thrust beneath her shirts and pushing the bra away so she could pinch and
twist her nipples.
???? Jenevieve had her pearls between her lips
as she furiously masturbated herself. Her eyes were alternately watching
Cheryl?s sodomy and rolling in their sockets. Jen?s moans attracted Erika?s
attention and she blew lewd kisses at her. Jen, who had a noticeable overbite,
began sucking on her finger provocatively. Erika locked eyes with Jen and began
to jerk her hips against Cheryl?s plugged ass, as if to say ?I want to do this
to you now.? Jen watched as Erika lifted her hips and slowly pulled the length
of her realistic strap-on cock from the grip of Cheryl?s ass. She stroked it
and rubbed her fingers over the purple head while leaning on one arm. Erika
then sat on the edge of the bed with Cheryl nearly unconscious behind her.
Joanne then took position over Cheryl?s prostrate body and continued the strap-on
sodomy of her fat, farting ass. Cheryl was panting and gasping with only the
whites of her eyes showing.
???? For a youthful nymphomaniac, Jen was
incredibly kinky. Her first words to Erika were ?Gag me with Allie?s panties.
She?s been creaming them all day and I want to suck them while you fuck me in
the ass? Jen was very matter-of-fact when she said this... as if she was giving
instructions to her hairdresser. Erika took Allie away by the ear and pushed
her facedown on the bed. Allie groaned as she landed belly first with her
high-heeled feet sticking in the air. With the skirt flipped over her pink
panty-clad rump, not only was the gusset dark with her juices but a pearly
cream had seeped through into the crevice formed by her swollen labia. The pink
silk stretched tight across her two delicious buttocks which stuck high in the
air. The dark shadow ended directly over her asshole- some dark hairs visible
through the semi-transparent damp silk. A few tiny hairs protruded out of the
??? ??As
Erika pulled Allie?s tight panties off, exposing the glistening wet cunt and
rosy crack, the bulbous rump cheeks slackened a little to each side but were
still sticking up. The sticky gusset was held inside-out in Erika?s hand as she
held Jen by the chin. ?Open wide for your panty candy, slut!? Jen gulped first.
She then bit down hungrily on the panties as Erika pushed them in with two
fingers. Although all the ladies enjoyed being panty-gagged, most put up resistance
by trying to spit it out or moaning and thrashing once it was in place.
???? Jen, on the other hand, gestured with
delight, biting down playfully on the wet panties and purring. Her eyes turned
down and crossed to look at the protruding wad of silk. ?Mmmmmmm!,? she moaned,
as if she were savoring cunt-flavored candy. Her jaws were moving as she chewed
the panties. She then let the nylon gusset settle on her tongue. The silk was
still hot from Allie?s body, and smelled of sweat and musk. With the gusset
mixing with Jen?s saliva, a creamy soup slid around Jen?s mouth while the smell
of fish and eggs filled Jen?s nose. She tasted sweat, girl-cum (something like
cream of mushroom) and an acrid pee that had leaked into the nylon. Another
earthy smell of eggs and shit mixed with the sweat where the gusset had been
nestled against Allie?s rear hole. With her mouth stuffed with the taste and
smell of Allie?s pudenda, Jen crouched on the bed and wagged her ass in the
???? Lauren and Allie sucked each other?s
tongues and humped each other on the other bed. Their skirts were soon off with
their shirts rucked up under their breasts. Their fingers were soon working
clits and nipples as they rubbed bellies. Both desired to get into each other?s
bodies and fuse into one. Grinding their soft hot bellies together and sucking
tongues was just the beginning. Their session together would evolve into
roleplay, bondage and other surprises they had in store for each other. Cheryl
was all ?fucked out? and lay on the bed with her arms underneath her, slowly masturbating
herself. Erika and Joanne prepped Jen?s ass. They intended to take turns on her
cunt and asshole.
???? Joanne ran her finger through Jen?s plump,
swollen labia and the cream was so thick a streamlet linked her fingertip to
the red lips when she drew it out. She popped the sticky finger into her mouth
and slapped her lips. Erika slapped the bloated outer lips and then squeezed
them together. Jen squealed. Globs of foamy saliva landed all over Jen?s ass
and cunt as the two girls spit on her. Jen felt the tickling sensation of warm
spit rolling down her ass crack and inner thighs. Some of the spit ran down her
Mons and onto her belly. With her sphincter puckering in anticipation, the
girls tried to spit right into the pink hole. Allie crawled atop Joanne into
the classic 69 position. Joanne wanted to lick Allie?s creaming pussy while
Erika plugged her ass and feel her orgasmic contractions with her mouth.
???? Geraldine and Charlene were two of the
party?s most recent arrivals. They came in to watch the show as they fondled
each other and tongue-kissed voraciously. There were now seven rutting cunts in
the room and the smell of sex and sweat was powerful. It was a large room but
was feeling stuffy already.
???? Charlene was a platinum blonde whose hair
was dressed in a bob. She wore a skintight pink American Eagle shirt over a
light green Lacoste polo. Her juicy ass was poured into Big Star jeans. She was
carrying a pink Dooney and Bourke bag that matched the pink lipstick she wore.
???? Geraldine had long, curly black hair that
contrasted sharply against her creamy complexion and thick red lips. She was
decked out in a black satin blouse that was left partially unbuttoned to reveal
her milky cleavage and a tiny bow in the center of her red brassiere.
Geraldine?s ass was packed into black pinstriped slacks. Over her shoulder was
slung a Vera Bradley bag. She was accessorized by some gold jewelry but wore no
pearls- even Charlene managed a pearl bracelet and drop earrings.
???? They still managed to fit into the preppy
theme of the party. There was an abundance of pastels in the crowd- an Argyle
V-neck here and there, worn with a blouse, upturned collars and folded back
cuffs. As one girl noted with surprise at meeting her best friend, ?Hey, look
at me and Cheryl! Matching polos and skirts too! Totally by accident... we?re
such fags!?
???? Watching the girls put Geraldine and her
companion into such a rut they had to flee. Seeking a warm bed for themselves,
they did find one down the hall. They had to share it with a girl who had
passed out.. Fortunately she hadn?t vomited, but her jeans were soaked from
wetting herself. The pee had soaked her crotch and ran up the crack of her ass.
She was face down, with her arms underneath her and her legs straight, sleeping
off the beer and wine she had drank. As Geraldine and Charlene were undressing
and humping each other, the girl only moaned. They weren?t distracted by other
girls coming in the room to make out or gossip- or to watch their unique style
of lovemaking. Some had never seen a strap-on dildo before and were curious to
see one being used.
????? By one in the morning, the party was
winding down- not because anyone was tired (except those who had too much to
drink), but only because they had either paired off or left for home. Cheryl?s
green eyes were glazed over. Her new blonde hair was plastered to her face and
scalp; her makeup and face was a hideous mess. Stephanie and Linda dressed her
again- with the same filthy slut outfit she had been disguised in- the red
panties and bra, plaid skirt, ankle socks and school blouse. Her black
stockings had several runs and the knees had sagged, but Stephanie clipped the
garters back on. The blouse collar had TGM embroidered on its back, so
that it would show when the collar was turned up (as it was expected to be).
The Greek letters were also embroidered over the left breast. Cheryl?s neck was
draped with a gold necklace displaying the sorority letters. The ball-gag was
replaced in her mouth and her arms were tied at the wrists with a silk scarf.
???? Still lying on the bed, Cheryl rolled on
her belly and slowly humped a pillow. She was still a rutting bitch-in-heat.
She had been orally, vaginally and anally penetrated with strap-on cocks,
whipped, slapped, pinched and humped, her body wracked through multiple
orgasms, yet she still had the urge to masturbate! Self-stimulation would soon
be redundant. Linda was on the phone with another friend, a girl from Phi Delta
Upsilon named Alyssa. As Cheryl squirmed on her belly, her battered asshole
cutting loose a few blubbering farts, Linda explained to her accomplice, ?I?ve
got her! I?ve got her! Pamela! Pamela Parker herself!? Alyssa?s voice could be
heard through the room, ?No way! Get out! Pamela Parker? How?!!! Where are you
now?!!!? Linda heard Alyssa talking to her sorority sisters, ?Hey, we?ve got
Pamela Parker! We?ve got her!? Alyssa asked Linda, ?Well, where is she?? Linda
explained that the bitch founder of the Tau sorority was in Room 124 at the
such-and-such hotel in town. The Phi girls who were talking to Alyssa were
Francine, Kali and Liliana, all of whom were athletes. Before Alyssa was
finished with her brief telephone call, the car was started and the Phi
foursome were on their way to retrieve their prize. Some of the girls had heard
the commotion and got out of bed. They were waiting eagerly to sink their sharp
fingernails into Pamela Parker?s meaty ass.
???? Linda couldn?t find her clothes. She
grabbed some discarded items off the bedroom chair- Jen?s two polos, still
layered one inside the other, and her skirt. Linda looked around for her
panties, but couldn?t find them. A pair of black satin thong panties was lying
on the bathroom floor. The cotton gusset had a long brownish-white stain, the
obvious result of a creaming cunt. The entire front panel was stiff and crusty.
When Linda examined the cum-stained crotch, she saw that it had dried and
cracked into little silvery flakes. She knew that her own steaming cunt would
quickly moisten and soften them. Wearing clothes impregnated with the smells
and excretions of an object of desire turned her on, but something like these
panties caused her to flood them within a minute. Jen?s clothes smelled sweet,
but she needed something warm to wear. To keep herself warm Linda buttoned
herself into a cardigan she took from Stephanie?s suitcase. Over this, she
zipped into her Moncler coat. Before leaving with Cheryl to meet the Phi girls,
Linda put an 8-inch strap-on cock in her bag. Linda had never been dressed like
this in her life- like a preppy little brat.
???? The false Pamela was led into the elevator
by Linda. Since the Phi girls hadn?t arrived, Linda pushed Pamela into the back
seat of Stephanie?s car and looped a cord around her ankles and tied it to her
wrists. ?Pamela? was now hogtied and waiting to be served up like a sucking pig
to the Phi sorority. Linda saw the beams from a pair of headlights coming down
the ramp. She was hoping the Phi girls had arrived. As the car passed she saw
the pink Phi Delta Upsilon decal in the rear window so she tapped the horn.
After switching cars, they had their delivery package of prime trussed-up
cuntmeat on the way to Phi.
Phi Girls.
???? Some distinctly sexual moans came from
Pamela?s trussed up body (for this episode of the story, we will refer to
Cheryl as ?Pamela?- only Linda is aware of her true identity). Kali decided to
have some fun taunting her. Leaning over the front seat, she spewed ?Shut up
cunt! You piece of slag! Anal slut!? When another moan came from Pamela?s gagged
lips, Kali spit a wad of saliva across her face. Pamela?s eyes squeezed shut.
Kali?s warm spit ran along Pamela?s upper lip and combined with the drool
flowing from the corner of her ball-gagged mouth.
???? The girls didn?t know that the verbal
taunts effected Pamela like a jolt of electricity. Her cunt pulsed and throbbed
with the urge to be further humiliated. Pamela?s jaws squeezed the ball-gag
filling her mouth. Her back arched, pushing her ass up like a fat, round
target. Francine was seated between Linda and Kali. She rummaged around her
pocketbook and pulled out a realistic silicone cock. ?Hold her legs, Kal, so I
can shove this up that sow?s smelly ass!? They were giggling between the
sneering comments directed at Pamela.
???? Alyssa could see the two of them leaning
over the back seat of Stephanie?s car, which was in the lead. She pushed the
skirt up and pulled the panties to the side by hooking the waistband in her
thumbs. Pamela?s fat milky ass was up in the air. With one hand, Francine pushed
one of Pamela?s wobbly ass globes to the side so she could see the puckering
asshole. As if on cue, Pamela let out another blubbering fart. Some of the lube
from her last session bubbled out and glistened in the dim light. Francine
pushed the bell-shaped head past the sphincter ring, then pounded the base with
the side of her fist. Pamela?s entire body bounced forward with a muffled
squeal. A prolonged ?nnnngggg? seemed to betray the pleasure Pamela felt.
???? Linda was focused on driving and told them,
?Hey, we?re getting close to town and I don?t want to get pulled over. We?ve
got to sit tight. Cover her with something.? Francine wriggled out of the long
pink coat she was wearing and tossed it over the captive bitch. The quilted
coat was nearly ankle-length and covered all but Pamela?s high heeled feet.
Although it was later than one in the morning, some passing driver might
conceivably notice the whore tied up in the back seat. The car was stuffy
inside despite the winter cold- they had to open the windows to keep them from
fogging over. Now, under the coat, Pamela was stewing in her sweat. The car
reeked of rutting cunt and overheated female bodies.
???? About the time Linda and Alyssa were
pulling their cars into the Phi parking lot, an amusing incident took place
back at the hotel. Stephanie was out of place among these young college girls.
At the same time, some of the girls were intrigued by this mature, voluptuous
woman in their midst.? Gwen was
determined to bed her. Stephanie, at the same time, was pursuing a young slut
named Amanda. Tensions were high between the two girls, fueled by the many
drinks they were consuming.
???? In conforming to the preppy theme of the
party, Amanda was decked out like a tennis pro, covered head to toe in designer
labels- a white visor with the pink Ralph Lauren Polo label, a white LeTigre
polo with black stripes on the collar, and a pleated skirt. The LeTigre was
sweaty and semi-transparent, stretched taut across Amanda?s D-cup breasts with
the brown areolae showing through and her nipples poking out. She had the
muscular thighs of an athlete, though her enormous milk jugs would proclude her
from ever playing competetive tennis.Amanda?s eyes were enormous- not the
pupils themselves, which were a luminous green, but the eyes themselves- and
Amanda applied dark eyeshadow to make the green even brighter. Her black hair
fell down her head in coils and ringlets.
???? When Gwen saw Amanda fawning over
Stephanie, her jealousy was boiling over- Gwen was an antithesis to the tall,
slender Amanda- short with a thick body and dark eyes, she often felt like a
shadow on the wall when Amanda was in the room. Gwen took advantage of Amanda?s
bathroom break to move in on Stephanie. She had an advantage over her glamorous
rival- Stephanie was aroused by Gwen?s soft, puppy-fat body and her tight
athletic outfit. The abundance of popped polos and pearl necklaces appealed to
Stephanie like a fetish. Gwen wasn?t wearing pearls, but the tight polo and
track jacket hugging her chubby torso fascinated Stephanie. She had a slight
roll of puppy fat that puckered at the waist of her tight, faded jeans... a
nice ?muffin top.? She wore her green polo so tight there wasn?t a single
stretch mark where it squeezed her breasts. The collar was turned up inside the
popped collar of her tight Hollister jacket- white with green and yellow
stripes and logo. The narrow stripes emphasized the curves and bulges of her
nubile flesh.
???? Gwen wasn?t interested in redundancies; by
this point of the party, most of the girls were humping, making out or had
paired off and left to fuck each other senseless for the rest of the night.
Gwen licked her lips and asked Stephanie if she?d like to taste her cunt. ?Let
me try your other lips first,? Stephanie replied, and they devoured each
other?s lips and tongues. Stephanie unbuttoned her blouse and popped out a
swollen pink nipple. When Amanda returned she gaped at the sight of Gwen
suckling the older woman?s tit. Stephanie?s eyes were closed as she savored the
lips massaging her nipple. Gwen backed off to pop the buttons on Stephanie?s
skirt when she heard Amanda behind her. Turning around, she told Amanda to go
???? Stephanie?s preference for the chubby girl
was clear and Amanda couldn?t resist a parting shot. ?Fat little piglet!? Gwen
repeated to Amanda, ?Go away!? but with an addendum, ?Skanky smelly cunt!?
Stephanie was amused by the two girls? rivalry.Amanda, already tottering on her
heels from too much beer, sent an enormous wad of spit flying into Gwen?s hair,
where it hung for a moment before she shook most of it off. Amanda lunged at
Gwen, nearly falling on her face, and slapped her hard across the face.
Stephanie stood back in a state of shock. Gwen raised her open palm to deliver
a retaliatory smack. ?Bitch, go ahead! Slap me, you filthy stuck-up bitch! I?ll
ram my heel up your ass!?
???? Amanda took a handful of Gwen?s hair and
pulled so hard she toppled on her side. Gwen, in turn, pulled Amanda down by
the tail of her shirt- one of her enormous breasts popped out of the stretched
six-button polo. ?I?ll rip your tits off, skank!? Gwen screeched, while she did
manage to grab a handful of tit-flesh. Amanda bit down hard on her lower lip as
her eyes rolled back from the intense pain. She delivered a hard push with the
sharp toe of her high heels, directly in Gwen?s crotch. She let out an
?Urrgghh? as she fell backwards. Amanda jumped on top of Gwen, grabbing her by
the hair again. As Gwen struggled to get free, she turned over on her belly and
Amanda slid on top of her. Straddling Gwen?s lower back, Amanda bounced up and
down. Gwen let out a deep grunt each time, until she began to faint. Amanda
wrapped a mass of Gwen?s hair around her hand and pulled her head off the
floor. ?Stop it! Leave her alone, she?s had enough already!? cried a voice from
one of the girls who?d rushed in to see what the commotion was all about.
???? Amanda kept spitting on the floor next to
Gwen?s head, ?phhwattt... phhthooo? until it was a wet puddle. ?Eat it, slimy
cunt! Lick it! Stick out your tongue and lick it up!? Gwen whined, ?Owww! Owww!
Alright, let me go!? She stuck out her fat pink tongue for Amanda, who then
pushed her mouth into the slime. Amanda sneered as she rubbed Gwen?s face in
her spit. One of the girls retched at the sight. When Amanda crawled off Gwen,
she saw the dark spot in her jeans- Gwen had pissed herself! The pressure
ofAmanda?s weight on top of Gwen had burst her bladder. One of Gwen?s friends
rushed to her side and began kissing her, ?Oh baby, baby, what did she do to
you? Ohh, it?s alright! She?s gone, baby... come on, get up, we?ve got to get
you out of here.?
???? Stephanie had buttoned up her blouse
during the catfight. She slipped out of there, feeling bad for what had
happened. It ruined her mood that night, but some of the sorority girls went
right back to their slutty games. When Gwen recovered from her ordeal, she took
it out on her friend Michelle- she was seen later pounding into her friend?s
asshole with an eight-inch strap-on cock. Michelle?s ass was covered in welts.
Gwen had her by the hair, sneering, ?Take it bitch! Take my cock!,? slapped the
girl?s quivering ass with her other hand as she pounded Michelle?s poop back
into her colon. ?Owww, owww, owww, you.... ahhh.... rrr.... hurrrr.... ughhh....
tttiinnggg.... urggg.... meee!? Gwen growled at her, ?Good! You?ll remember me
for busting your cherry asshole, you filthy whore! Push back on me when I ream
your fat ass!?
???? Gwen left Michelle with a filthy pair of
panties stuffed in her mouth, ?Chew on these, cow!? The panties were Gwen?s.
The lace trim was sticking out of Michelle?s mouth; she clenched the gusset
between her teeth and an acrid, fishy ammoniac liquid was squeezed out.
Michelle moaned through the gag, ?MMMMmmmmmm!? while twitching her ravaged ass
in the air. Gwen nuzzled the searing hot cleft of Michelle?s ass and tongued
her bloated wet cunt. Michelle?s hips were bucking as she arched her back like
a bow. Before Gwen was finished with her, she?d had several violent orgasms and
both collapsed on the bed in a sweaty heap. Gwen?s wet polo was stuck to her
skin, soaked with sweat. Michelle spit out the slobbered panties and was
gasping for air. Gwen used the panties to wipe the cream from her cunt. She
then rubbed the sticky gusset on Michelle?s engorged clam before stuffing them
back in her mouth. Michelle spent the next hour on her belly, simultaneously
humping a pillow and massaging her clitty.
???? Phi House could have been an advertisement
for at least two dozen designers. Even the girls? pajamas were top-name
designer labels. The Phi girls usually dressed in a style more like Linda?s-
collared blouses with skirts, sweaters, cardigans- in general, they wore more
mature clothes than their Tau antagonists. Where Tau wore trendy clothes
popular with high-schoolers and college girls, Phi preferred Haute Couture
labels like YSL, Fendi, Coco Chanel and Gucci. In addition to the differences
in their fashion, Phi was decorated with art prints, small copies of
masterpieces by Greek sculptors, and cases displaying rare books, China and
sorority artifacts. Tau, in contrast, was replete with stuffed animals, Mardi
Gras beads and masks, posters tacked to the walls and bulletin boards covered
with party photos. Only one girl in Phi House was wearing a polo this night,
and it was part of her equestrian team?s uniform. In a TV room, two were
studying on the floor with their panty-clad asses in the air. A few girls were
sleeping, while others were out clubbing. The atmosphere that night at Phi was subdued,
but not for long.
???? Pamela?s arrival was kept a secret. Alyssa
and the others took Pamela through a rear door and up the back stairs. Her
muffled squeals were dismissed as some noisy sex- or Charmaine playing with
herself again- who had a recent boob-job: when she wasn?t staring at her new
tits in the mirror, was playing with them as she masturbated. Alyssa wanted
some theatrics in her presentation of Pamela. Linda wanted to reveal her on a
platter, and she began to consider doing this in a literal sense. ?Pamela as a
sucking pig,? Linda suggested, ?lay her out on the dining room table. You?ve
got a well supplied pantry, don?t you?? Alyssa?s mouth watered at the plan.
???? The dining room drapes were drawn and the
doors shut. The most expensive China and silverware was brought out. The dishes
were confined to a few hastily prepared hors d?ouevres and appetizers. Ice
cream, cherries, chocolate and champagne were distributed around the table,
with one large empty area reserved for a trussed-up Pamela. Word was spread for
an emergency meeting to be held at 2:30 AM. The bars closed at 2, so most of
the girls would be heading home anyway. Pamela was carried downstairs, with
difficulty, and plopped on the table facedown. Her legs were tied together and
her hands tied behind her back. She still had the ball-gag in her mouth, but
Linda planned to replace it with a juicy apple during the presentation. For the
time being, Pamela?s chin was glistening with drool and a stream of it dribbled
into a puddle on the table.
???? With Pamela bound and gagged on the table,
the Phi girls began to assemble in the living room. A stack of coats
accumulated on the various chairs and tables. Linda was greeted by a hoard of
fresh cunt meat on the hoof: their high heeled feet sounded like a herd of
cattle. Some of the new arrivals were reeling with lust and liquor, taking
long, wobbling strides as they leaned on each other for support.
???? A pair of girls came in with their arms
around each other?s waists- both had long, frizzy blonde hair and bubble-gum
pink lips. The taller of the two was Jo, who was wearing a tuxedo blouse open
to the navel, showing off her lacy red bustier and dark cleavage. Drop earrings
of gold mounted seed pearls swayed from her ears; a garish collection of
necklaces bounced inside her gaping blouse. The turned-back cuffs of her blouse
showed a collection of bracelets that covered five inches of each arm. Jo
looked more tawdry than a flea-market jewelry case. On her arm was Shari, who
was also dripping with baubles. Her blouse, a pink affair with white
pinstripes, was half-unbuttoned. She was also showing off the deep cleavage
between two wobbling masses of sweaty tit-flesh. She pulled down the cup of her
bustier, allowing an udder-like nipple to pop out. Jo took it between her
fingers and pinched it until Shari let out a slurred ?Owwwwwooowwww! Stop!
Nooo!,? slapping her hand away before struggling to push the fat tit back into
the cup. They leaned into each other and started kissing. Jo fell on her side
with Shari landing on top of her, giggling. They had too much to drink and were
laughing uncontrollably now. When Shari stood up she pulled Jo?s arm but fell
???? At this point, a m?nage-?-trois of girls
came up the stairs in a similar condition. Their giggling announced their
arrival before they managed to ascend the front steps. Of theses three, Lori
caught Linda?s eye more than her companions, Brianna and Jani. Lori was
thick-waisted with an oversized ass and heavy tits. She was dressed like a cheap
truck-stop whore. Her clothes were two sizes too small. For her clubbing, she
had dispensed with her usual pant suits and traded them for a nylon skirt,
fishnet stockings, stiletto heels and a gauze blouse worn over a satin corset.
Lori?s eyes were covered in thick makeup and her thick lips were smeared with
deep red lipstick and a heavy coat of lip-gloss. She looked like a painted sex
doll- her eyes didn?t even look real.
???? Brianna and Jani were taking turns kissing
Lori. They exchanged comments about tits, asses and sexual positions- ?she
likes it this way!,? Jani commented while pushing Brianna?s back so she?d lean
forward- then dry humping her ass with a clump of Brianna?s hair in her fist.
Brianna clenched her eyes shut, opened her mouth and twisted her body back and
forth in an erotic dance that mimicked the sexual act. Jani bounced her hips
against Brianna?s upturned ass. Jani bent down in front of Brianna, took her
chin in her hand and deep kissed her. They finished their charade by kissing and
fondling each other between laughs and exclamations.
??? After many theatrical ?mwah?s? and hugs,
the Phi girls were assembled in the living room with Alyssa at their head. ?We
have something here for you all to feast on. Help yourselves to a leg or a
breast, or a slice of rump,? she declared in a serious, expressionless tone.
The double doors behind her were swung open to reveal Pamela trussed-up on the
table with a large apple in her mouth, surrounded by the carefully arranged
dishes. The entire sorority erupted in a combination of applause, laughter,
screams and exclamations. Alyssa yelled, ?Quiet! Quiet down ladies... I have an
announcement to make! Quiet!? The group simmered down just long enough for
Alyssa to add, ?The slab of cunt meat you see before you is none other than the
snot-nosed founder,? Alyssa daubed a napkin under Pamela?s nose and looked at
it with a disgusted sneer before tossing it aside, ?and I mean snot-nosed, founder of the Tau Gamma Mu
sorority. That whore is Pamela Parker herself!? Another eruption of jeers,
laughter and chattering accompanied gasps and howls. ?When you get a piece of
her fat udders, you?ll see she?s worthy of the name Moo girl.? Peals of raucous
laughter followed. The girls let out obnoxious ?moo?s? and one even went
further, ?I love fresh milk! Let?s squeeze out those milk jugs of hers! She?ll
be our milch-cow!?
???? Some of the girls indulged in the hors
d?ouevres or ice cream, while others inspected their captive whore. Comments
about the tastiness of the dainties were mingled with remarks such as ?Her ass
is superb! Get a handful of that firm milky flesh...? ... after a loud slap
that elicited a moan from Pamela, ?Slap her ass good and hard, see how that fat
ass wobbles like jell-o!? ... ?Look at my hand print! It?s like blood on snow!?
Slaps, pinches and caresses soon turned into bites, licks and sucking kisses.
The apple was spit out by Pamela but she was warned that her mouth would be
stuffed with the filthiest panties in the sorority if she spoke inappropriately.
?Maybe you?d like these to chomp on, whore!,? said Jackie, a thick girl who
flipped up her skirt, thrust out her ass and showed Pamela her sweaty, stained
???? Pamela squirmed in her bindings. Lori was
fascinated by Pamela?s fat ass. She spread her ass cheeks apart, one in each
hand, and leaned in to lick her smelly ass crack. She had to lay on the table,
leaning over Pamela?s trussed thighs. Pamela?s clit and most of her cunt was
obstructed because her thighs were in the way. She asked for something to prop
up Pamela?s ass so her cunt was sticking out. A large silk pillow was pushed
under Pamela?s hips. Lori?s face was buried in Pamela?s ass with both their
bodies squirming with delight. Jo covered Pamela?s moaning lips with her own
and played with her tongue. She enjoyed the semsation of Pamela?s moaning into
her mouth.
???? Pamela was frustrated because she couldn?t
get to her clit- her hands were still bound behind her back. She ground her
hips on the pillow. Pamela then tried to draw her knees up to elevate her ass
further, hoping her clit might pop into Lori?s mouth. Alyssa reached under
Pamela?s arching torso and pinched a nipple, making her gasp into Jo?s mouth.
Jo broke off her kiss, covering Pamela?s mouth with her hand, and told Alyssa
to keep up whatever she was doing.
???? Jo was really getting off at the effect of
Pamela?s moaning and gasping into her mouth. Alyssa pinched Pamela?s nipples
hard between her sharp fingernails, twisted them, pulled them and squeezed
them. Lori was enjoying it too, because Pamela bucked and humped into her face.
When Lori raised her head periodically to catch her breath, she was covered in
slime from Pamela?s drooling cunt. Her lips looked wet and swollen; her eyes
were half concealed by her dropping lids, as if she were half asleep.
???? A few remarks by the other girls added to
their furious lust... ?Rip the nipples off the snotty stuck-up whore!? ...
?Shove your tongue up her jelly ass!? ... ?Pull out her hair!? ... ?Let?s rape
her Lezzie ass with a dildo!? ... ?Make it a strap-on cock!? ... ?I?ve got a
big eight incher!? This last suggestion sealed Pamela?s fate- she?d be
sodomized with an eight-inch strap-on cock by several of the girls, while an
audience savored her humiliation.
???? Pamela was an anal pain slut, a rutting
cow who wanted her ass pounded into a swollen mass of tingling nerves, pumped
full of boiling hot cum till it blew bubbles with every contraction of her
sphincter. Being bound up like a roasting pig, sucked dry by the mouths of voracious
sluts, pinched, bit, pulled by her nipples or her hair, slapped and kicked, all
this was a kind of foreplay to string out her sexual nerves. In this state of
hypersensitivity, induced by pain and humilation, she craved to have her mouth,
cunt and ass stuffed with thick, heavy, greasy cock. This cock might not
explode with hot cum, but she preferred the type that never went flaccid; an
artificial cock that complemented a set of hard nipples or a protruberant
clitoris- the strap-on variety of hard, veiny cock.
???? A woman?s sinuous body and agile hips was
so much better suited to thrust that cock into all her holes- never softening,
never smelly like a man?s, but always pounding into her as her eyes looked at a
snarling whore with her hard nipples sticking up like the cock strapped to her
gyrating hips. With these thoughts in her mind, Pamela?s cunt, ass and tits
were smeared with freezing cold ice cream, melted chocolate, and cherry cream.
She bucked and heaved with the icy, gooey sensations.
???? Pamela felt the hard, slick tip of a
lipstick sliding across her sweaty skin. Then she felt it on the other side of
her ass and back. Only later did she learn that filthy insults and comments had
been scrawled on her with lipstick- ?I want loads of cum in my ass,? and ?Insert
your cocks here? ... ?Whore... Slut... Queer Lezzie Cunt?... ?Fill my ass?...
accompanied by arrows pointing to her asshole. A glistening streamlet of drool
fell from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were rolled back halfway behind
their lids. Her hair was slathered with sweat and filth, sticking to her head.
???? A slight curl to her lips and a low moan
seemed to betray the fact that Pamela was in a orgasmic stupor. It could have
been the rough treatment they received, or the cold ice cream smeared on them,
but Pamela?s nipples were so long and erect they almost seemed the rival the
long hard cock Jo was strapping to her hips. Jo could have been mistaken for a
satyr if not for her distinctly feminine body- abnormally prominent ass, huge
tits with jutting nipples, curvy torso and thighs. She stroked the huge cock as
if she were masturbating it, slapping it with loud thwacks against her wet
???? Dragging her by her bound heels, Pamela
was pulled to the end of the table. Still trussed up like a sucking pig, they
carried her, eight girls in all, to the couch in the living room... where she
was propped up with her ass high in the air. The bindings on her feet and legs
had been removed. Pamela?s arms were re-tied, in the front this time so they?d
be underneath her. The most prominent feature of Pamela was now her puckering
asshole. The red meat of her rectal canal was visible in a protruding mass. In
this inverted position, with her ass in the air, the fat lips of Pamela?s
bloated cunt were on display. Here were two huge lips, brownish red in color
and matted with curly black hair, glistening with pearly girl-cum... the
drooling pink entrance to her cock-craving womb. Pamela adjusted her position
by drawing in her knees- her rotund ass wobbled in the air. The girls were
licking her clean, or scooping up ice cream and chocolate syrup off her body
with spoons.
??? Jo?s lips pursed. She spewed gobs of spit
into her hand and rubbed the slime on the strap-on cock, making certain the
knob was covered with dripping slobber. A few globs were spattered into the
spread-open crack of Pamela?s ass. Some of it fell into her gaping hole or
caught in her glistening cunt hair. Jo popped her right index finger between
her lips, soaking it with spit. Inserting the red-nailed fingertip into
Pamela?s asshole, Jo felt the sphincter clamp down. Pamela?s rectum was searing
hot, as smooth as satin, and very elastic. Jo arranged herself in a suitable
position for reaming Pamela?s ass. Jo intended to hammer her fudgepacking strap-on
cock deep into Pamela?s fat rump. Jo declared ?I want to ram this fucking queer
Lezzie slag so deep she?ll feel my cockhead going up the wrong way in her
throat. I?m going to ram her poop back into her intestines. I love impaling
dirty old sluts like her. I want her to squirm on my cock.?
???? By bending her knees slightly, the
bell-shaped head of Jo?s strap-on cock slapped down on Pamela?s waiting
asshole. The sphincter shut instinctively as Jo pushed against it. ?If you push
hard enough,? she turned to the spectators to explain, ?even a thick cock like
this one will slide right through.? Then Jo pushed, groaning as if she were
passing a painful turd, ?Grrrrrrrr....? Pamela?s face was pressed into the
upholstery. Some of the girls who had a clear view of Pamela?s face saw her
lips draw back in a painful snarl as she let out an ?ummmppphhh.? Then her
mouth opened in a silent scream. Only a faint, crackling ?kkkkhhh? was heard
from her. Suddenly the head broke through the tight barrier of Pamela?s clenched
sphincter. It closed around the ridge below the head of Jo?s cock, gripping it.
???? Pamela let out a short squeal. This was
abruptly cut off. Her mouth was wide open, gasping. The one visible eye bulged
out, staring at the cushion below her with a painful, startled expression. The
huge shaft was stretching Pamela?s buttery, elastic rectum, filling her to the
bursting point. Pamela felt the huge shaft going deeper into her hot bowels.
Jo?s cock pushed into a soft turd clogging the entrance to her intestines. Her
strap-on cock sloshed into the deepest recesses of Pamela?s sodomized bowels.
As Jo pulled back, the tight sphincter resisted every fraction of an inch.
???? When Jo felt the head in the grip of
Pamela?s sphincter, she leaned with all her weight into the next push. The
long, thick shaft sank deeper, right to the hilt. Jo?s thighs pressed into
Pamela?s soft glutes. Pamela pushed upwards, hoping to penetrated deeper- she
felt her pelvic muscles clamp rhythmically, clamping on the dildo. The intense heat
of Pamela?s inflamed cunt startled Jo- even her skin was incredibly hot. Jo
felt the damp heat rising past her face. Pamela emitted something between a
purr and a growl with each stroke.
???? Pamela?s pink blouse, with Tau Gamma Mu
embroidered on the collar, was soaked with their sweat. It stuck to her skin
like glue. Pamela was feeling stiff and uncomfortable in her ass-up position.
She squirmed for release. Jo pulled the long shaft out very slowly- Pamela?s
rectum squeezed Jo?s strap-on cock with a firm grip. Jo even felt Pamela?s ass
rising as she pulled the cock out. Its head snagged inside the sphincter. One
last gasp of pain issued from Pamela?s mouth as the head was pulled out. It
made a peculiar liquid sound- a sucking pop. Pamela?s asshole initially
remained open? with its battered red
flesh visible. Her sphincter contracted rhythmically, opening and closing, with
a milky liquid dripping out. Some of the reddish-pink flesh protruded. Pamela
felt like her rectum was a cold hollow cavity in her rump. A shiny trail of
drool glistened at the corner of her mouth.
???? Gwen was still in a furious heat. She
strapped on her cock and shoved it into Pamela?s mouth. Pamela?s teeth clacked
against it, she gulped hard, and the head was pushed against her epiglottis. A
retching cough was the immediate result. Her eyes teared up and Gwen pulled
back, allowing Pamela to cough up some foamy spit. Her face looked as if it
were coated in baby oil- wet and slimy with bloodshot eyes and swollen lips.
Gwen hadn?t even started on the skanky Phi whore, yet she already looked like
the aftermath of a gang bang. Buggery was Gwen?s first choice, but she decided
to focus her hammering dildo on Pamela?s other holes. A sputtering fart
prompted Gwen to plug up Pamela?s gas-spewing rump with a butt plug. Pamela was
lying on her side with her ass exposed. She hissed and grunted as the butt plug
was inserted. ?Uggghhhh,? Pamela moaned... ?You hurt me,? her moans changing to
a submissive whine, ?You busted my ass... you ruined me!?
???? Gwen mounted her, belly to belly,
spreading Pamela?s legs. She was going to fucked in the cunt. Pamela?s legs
were bent at the knees and Gwen crawled in tight between them. The dildo
slipped right in, a little snug between the swollen lips. Their two soft
bellies seemed to roll and flow into each other with a bouyant sensation. Their
sweat-slick bodies glided together. Gwen?s heavy breasts were squeezed and
flattened against Pamela?s ribs, and Gwen enjoyed feeling the hard nipples
poking into her skin. Gwen bounced and ground into Pamela as she hammered the
mature bitch?s cunt.? Drops of sweat fell
on Pamela and their humping bodies formed a hot slather between them.
???? Gwen rammed her body between Pamela?s
thighs, plunging the dildo in and out with a series of short, hard thrusts.
Pamela?s body rebounded with each hammering blow, meeting Gwen thrust for
thrust. The couch was squeaking and bumping into the floor, sliding from the
force of their humping. Each hard pounding of Gwen?s belly into her own
elicited deep involuntary ?ughhh?s? from Pamela. Her head was bent back as she
arched her back, bucking against Gwen. ?Whore!... SLAM(Ughhh!)... Cunt!....
SLAM(Ughhh!)... Queer Dyke!... SLAM(Ughhh!)... Cunt craving faggot!...
SLAM(Ughhh!)... Nasty Phi Slag!... SLAM(Ughhh!)...? Gwen rammed into her with
vicious jabs, punctuating the snap of her hips with nasty insults.
???? Pamela was approaching a violent orgasm.
She answered Gwen?s abuse with sniveling requests, ?Hurt me! Do it! Fuck my
cunt! I?m a nasty queer slut! Spit on me! Spit on my face! Hurt me! Ohhh,
harder! Don?t stop! Fuck me harder!? Pamela?s head lolled on her neck and
snapped around with the force of Gwen?s pounding hips... her eyes were rolled
back into her head with her back arching clear off the cushions. Gwen continued
to ram her cock into Pamela?s belly, spitting on her face and slapping her
???? Pamela shivered and a series of
convulsions stiffened her body. With her mouth open, only a airy hiss escaped.
Gwen backed off, watching the whore convulsing and twisting. Pamela felt a
boiling heat in her cunt. Her pelvic muscles went through a rythmic pulsing.
When it exploded, she couldn?t be sure whether she had come very hard,
ejaculated or pissed herself. Gwen?s belly and cock were soaked. When Pamela
had come, fell back and exhaled, Gwen pulled the cock out and stood up next to
her prostrate body. She shoved the strap-on cock in Pamela?s face and demanded
that she kiss it. ?Kiss it, you whore! Right on the head!? Pamela pursed her
lips and kissed the slimy tip. Gwen slapped her face before walking away with a
smirk on her face.
???? While Gwen walked away from Pamela, the
strap-on cock bobbing from her waist, she was still wearing white thigh-high
stockings, bright red high-heels and her green polo with the popped collar. Her
persona as a WASP elitist was intact, with a twist. She was relishing the
post-orgasmic bliss and the satisfaction of having raped the piss out of the
snotty founder of the Phi sorority. Recalling the sniveling cunt?s whines, ?Oh,
you broke my ass! I?m ruined! Why?? only caused Gwen?s clit to swell and her
cunt to sweat.
???? Gwen savored the humiliation of that
greasy slab of cunt meat. Fresh in her memory was a recent bogus issue of the
?Tau Register? produced by the Phi sorority. The ?Cow Register? was subtitled
?The Official Magazine of the Tau Gamma Moo Sorority.? Its cover, colors, size
and content was a very convincing reproduction of the glossy spread of the Tau
Register- the only difference was the subtle modification of titles, captions
and texts to a vicious commentary on the actual Tau girls. A few bogus photos,
some of them modified with computer graphics, were added to the authentic
photography. Copies of this expensively-produced parody were circulated about
campus and could almost be mistaken for the original.
???? When a recent issue of the ?Tau Register?
was published, only a week passed before the bogus copy appeared. One photo
that was authentic had not appeared in the original: a photo of Gwen in her
typical ensemble of double polo and track jacket appeared in full, glossy color
on page two. The spread was entitled ?Last month?s Beer Pong winner, luscious
Gwen.? Her outer polo was a yellow Ralph Lauren, with the logo in purple-
matching the purple polo she layered underneath. The collars were popped and
adorned with a double strand of cultured pearls. A tight green track jacket was
zippered to a point just under her breasts, flaring out to the popped collar.
Gwen could have been trademarked ?preppy snot-nosed WASP.? And she was- in tiny
fineprint. As for the captions, one described her preppy ensemble in the manner
of a fashion catalogue, followed by ?EWWW!?
???? Goofing around, Gwen had been photographed
staring wide-eyed at a ping pong ball held up at the tip of her nose. Her eyes
were deeply crossed, and the caption read, ?Pearls and popped polos. Gwen at
her sophisticated best. Or puzzling over last week?s test. ?Take my picture, I
look sooo hot staring at this stupid ball,? she begged our photographer. HaHa.
Weirdo. Faggot.? Gwen couldn?t remember who took the pictures, and besides,
they could have been stolen. Even her own personal photos had once found their
way to the fake mag. This particular set hadn?t been copied from the original magazine,
either. She didn?t know how they got into the bogus magazine, but she thought
about it as she pounded into Pamela.
???? Most of the ?Cow Register? was satirical
and merely antagonistic- but it could be vicious and personal. When a
knocked-up senior girl neglected to wear a maternity bra, her leaking nipples
stained her shirt. Her photo appeared in a bogus ?Got Milk?? ad. Another photo
spread displayed puppy fat bulges and heavy rumps, captioned with such lines as
?I should?ve shopped at Lane Bryant,? or ?Do I enjoy wearing two sizes too
small, or am I just a fat pig?? That was just vicious and hurtful and
demonstrated a complete lack of class and taste. A certain viciousness could be
sexy, but that magazine just went over the top.
???? The photographic record of Tau?s drunken
frolics was a prime source for the bogus magazine. Somehow, presumably through
a mole in the sorority, or even a hacker, the private photos were sprinkled in
among those copied from the legitimate Tau Register. One spread showed some of
Tau?s girls who?s burst their bladders from overdrinking- some stood with
smiles on their faces, pointing to the wet spots in their jeans, or in their
friends? jeans. Another showed a girl passed out on her face in bed, with a
dark stain underneath her- the caption read, ?College Tuition: $45,000. Bottle
of Bacardi?s and 6-pack of Labbatt?s: $32. Miss Sixty jeans: $120. Victoria?s
Secret panties and Hane?s control-tops: $16. Sealy?s Mattress: $80. Photograph
of Traci Robbins passed out drunk in a puddle of her own piss: Priceless.? Some
photos were racy: drunk college girls often dry-hump for laughs and a
photograph of a Tau girl mounting another was captioned: ?Failures of Sex
Education or Just Plain Retards? Jackie tries to get pregnant by Tat... ?Well,
if you hump hard enough, maybe it?ll work.? Last we heard, they were still
trying.? The resentments were not always theatrical or fun- some very real
catfights resulted.
???? This wicked, obnoxious magazine was a
perfect reflection of the vanity of these vacuous, spoiled and self-absorbed
brats who equate status and self-worth with collecting and flaunting tasteless
trash. Spoiled snobs like these could receive no more appropriate treatment
then a ball-gag to fill their mouths or a strap-on cock driven up their ass.
Too bad Ferragamo or Dolce & Gabbana never produced a designer strap-on
harness or a panty gag. Dumb sluts.
???? Pamela?s mouth was carefully packed with
Gwen?s dirty panties, but only after they?d been passed around. The girls
rubbed their asses with the slimy silk. Her mouth was cleaved with a rolled
scarf, preventing the smelly gag from being spit out. A pair of runny, sweaty
pantyhose were used to bind her arms and legs in such a way that she could
still stand. Pamela was harnessed into a very large strap-on cock, worn over
her clothes. She looked like some busty, androgynous satyr with a raging
hard-on. The porchlight at Phi was bright, so dumping Pamela was done very
quickly- she was carried by five girls and lashed to a column near the front
door. A curtain opened, a silhouette appeared and the girls rushed off, leaving
Pamela with a note pinned to her blouse: ?Pamela Parker, Glamorous Founder of
Tau Gamma Mu. Skanky Pig to be delivered to her Sorority Piglets. Thank you for
cleaning our panties. Courtesy of Phi Delta Upsilon.?
???? After the Phi girls got the fake Pamela
out of the cold and untied her, Linda claimed her and took her home. Cheryl?s
experience as ?Pamela Parker? was finished. She resumed her classes the following
Monday. Cheryl was wearing a tampon in her rear as a necessary result of the
sodomy she?d endured by the sluts of the Phi Delta Upsilon sorority. Stephanie
learned the lurid details of Cheryl?s ordeal directly from Linda, but only by
word of mouth.
???? Cheryl managed to collect a few issues of
the Tau Register and its Phi parody. She enjoys flipping through them when
she?s bored, or when she wants to relive her delicious experiences as ?Pamela.?
A few months later, a copy of the parody turned up among Linda?s stash. Cheryl
scanned the pages into a collection of jpeg files before returning it.. Her
scans were very clear and high-resolution, being certain the captions were
legible. Both magazines, the Tau Register and ?Cow Register? were printed in dot-matrix
and Cheryl?s scans were higher resolution than the original. An hour later, the
magazines were returned to Linda?s stash. Reading the scans at her leisure,
Cheryl enjoyed the captions as much as the photos- a picture of Gwen read
?Cherry Popper.? Another photo had the caption, ?Ice Queen,? and she recognized
Jo. On the facing page, a sexy photo of Gwen and a girl named Shari was
captioned, ?Gwen and her Bitch.? A semi-pornographic photo of Shari with her
hand on her crotch was accompanied by the line, ?When I think of you, Gwen, I
can?t help touching myself...?
???? A pictorial of the Tau sorority was a splash of bright pastels... the typical polos, Argyle sweaters, and skintight tank tops with bright logos such as ?bebe? or Prada, or such quirky lines as ?Lost Kitty,? ?My other shirt is a Polo with the collar Popped.? or simply ?Bitch.? A pictorial poked fun at the popped collar, layered polo craze among the snotty little elitist brats- entitled ?Wearing the Collar Down is for Poor People,? one of the pictures showed a Tau girl wearing no less than four polos with the collars up, ?Pimpin? the Polos. If it?s cool to pop one, isn?t four even better?? Another similar shot read, ?My collah?s are popped, rockin the polos... The lust is overwhelming.? Cheryl found herself imitating some of the sorority fashionistas, which showed in her choice of flamboyant hats, her flashy jewelry, and her new found penchant for polos and pastels.
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April 17th, 2047 “How interesting,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned host of the talk show, said. She was interviewing me on my forty-eighth birthday, delving into my life story as the world’s first futa. “And I think we all know why a sorority was calling you.” I grinned at her while a titter ran through the watching audience. They were dark shadows to me thanks to the stage lights shining down on us. But I could feel their excitement. My futa-dick throbbed in my dress, tenting the front. I...
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SpankingI am responsible for the original posting on literotica.com____________________________________________________________"Pledges, you will all be assigned a big sister to guide you through today's initiation process. Here are the assignments," Amber said, loudly and confidently, reading from the piece of paper in her hand.Amber was apparently the head of the sorority, at this school at least. Strikingly beautiful, with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin, and effortlessly...
Ken told the young woman that he was a man of his word. "She's all yours. I promised you Lori and her sweet, ass daughter, and I am a man of my word." He watched Kim's pretty face turn to sheer happiness knowing she was fantasizing about lesbian lust. He was setting the stage for one more arousing afternoon for his beer‑drinking buddies. 'If only she knew,' he determined. His plan was simple. Kim was in love with Lori. She would do anything for the woman. He would satisfy Kim's desire for his...
Introduction: At the sorority house, a girl who gives away secrets to other sororities needs to have her privacies revoked as well… Continued…this is the morning after part one… ——————————————————————————————————————– The sun dawned on a beautiful Saturday morning on the Rice Hills college campus, and shone into the shared bedroom of Veronica and Rachel, two sorority sisters and girlfriends who were just waking up after the most amazing out-of-the-closet night that either of them had ever...
Sorority Tutor, part 2, by Linda_C A few days later, Jake realized this was all out his control. Stacy and Jill decided to change how he was paid. He still made his full amount, but only one third of it was in money. The rest, they decided, would be in material things. "You know," Stacy said happily, "things to help you fit in more with all the other girls around here." Jake was surprised by what they got for him. He was terrified that they'd go for a dress or something, and he...
Sorority Sex Olympics – Ultimate Strip-Fighting by R.E. LavaqueUltimate Strip-Fighting is a sport invented by the collaboration of a pimp and a web master. The history of Ultimate Strip-Fighting is a story unto itself. While its origin and general practice is anything but wholesome, USF is very popular among college girls who want to make some extra money. The sport is simple and adaptable: Two girls find a group of guys to put up a kitty (usually money). The girls fight until one is stripped...
Game Mode may be required to view all the events. Please let me know if, not in game mode, you cannot enjoy the full story... Disclaimer: Story contains both consensual and non-consensual sexual situations and pharmacological situations that your local politician and/or grandmother may or may not approve of. Nobody was harmed and no laws were broken in the making of this piece of fiction, and drugs are bad, 'em kay? ------------------------------a prototypical university campus in the modern...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun dawned on a beautiful Saturday morning on the Rice Hills college campus, and shone into the shared bedroom of Veronica and Rachel, two sorority sisters and girlfriends who were just waking up after the most amazing out-of-the-closet night that either of them had ever experienced. Rachel awoke first, opening her sleepy brown eyes and shifting around in bed, making soft...
Lisa and Brandon sat in an unused classroom at the college, waiting. They had invited Green, Yellow, and Blue for a talk they wanted to stay away from the eyes and ears of the sorority. The girls were late, but that did not bother him. It gave him more time to chat with Lisa. Lisa wasn’t a pretty girl. Certainly not the classical image of a sorority girl. She did not have blond hair, gleaming white teeth, and huge breasts. Instead, she sported blotchy skin, mismatched breasts, and a narrow...
The slaps to the face which awoke Zack were light ones only because Rebecca couldn't utilize her full strength. He was still trapped under the covers where he'd spent the entire night roasting in his sweaty latex prison. The hot and sticky gimp suit had become a second skin, glued to his entire body and immobilizing him just below Rebecca's pungent sex. She had woken several times and put his tongue to work; enjoying orgasms throughout the night before drifting off to sadistic dreams of...
This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...
College SexDiane’s Submissive Adventures: The Sorority College had just begun a few weeks before, and Diane was finally getting into the swing of things. The pace was very different from high school, but not in a bad way since she was responsible for scheduling her classes. Although she would have preferred to spend all her time pleasing the inventive twins, the two were currently preparing for football season, and their trysts together had become sporadic at best. To make matters worse, most of the boys...
Sigma Theta Chi was in jeopardy of losing its charter at Carleton University because of all the initiation stunts they forced pledges to undergo last term. Most of the pledge tasks took place on campus or in frat houses nearby. But one in particular took the college high jinx very public by mistake. The pledge in question, a 17 year old freshman by the name of Ashley, had misunderstood her pledge instructions which had been e-mailed to her. She was supposed to go to the student lounge at...
The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...
Kelly Johnson, a eighteen year old sorority sister in college, walked up the library steps and entered the tall, grey building. She sat down quietly at a table and got some books from her bag and began to read. It was a book on English History. Two of her sorority sisters, Lisa and Jenna, sat beside her and whispered that their sorority sister leader, Megan Adams, wanted to see Kelly urgently. Lisa and Jenna were both blonde and big busted.Kelly sighed with annoyance because she wanted to read...
LesbianThe only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...
SpankingChapter 1 Everyone in high school knew that Amy Madison was a good little girl. She never even considered giving up her cherry a single time. Not even when the hunky Franco Hardy took her out to the prom and got her in a hotel room all by themselves alone. Sure, she gave him a nice blowjob, but that was only because he had spent a lot of money on the date and she was curious to see how a cock would taste inside her mouth. It was not a pleasant experience because the macho Franco kept...
Life at the sorority had become tense. The campus life Yellow had become accustomed to fell apart around her. Despite Amy’s best efforts, the donors had abandoned the sorority. Without their large influxes of funding, many of the facilities had to be closed down. The library filled with books espousing their brand of feminism closed down, preventing young women from benefiting from the knowledge. Recruiting new members for the sorority was on pause as they trained the current batch. Even the...
Part One It was hot and muggy inside the trailer, even though the small window air-conditioning unit was going full blast. The weather reports all said the state was in the middle of a heat wave, though as far as Jeb could remember this time of year was always hotter than hell. A couple summers back he had worked on a roofing crew and on a few occasions had been convinced that his clothes were either going to catch fire or simply melt away. But he didn’t subject himself to that sort...
*smack smack smack* The slaps to the face which awoke Zack were light ones only because Rebecca couldn't utilize her full strength. He was still trapped under the covers where he'd spent the entire night roasting in his sweaty latex prison. The hot and sticky gimp suit had become a second skin, glued to his entire body and immobilizing him just below Rebecca's pungent sex. She had woken several times and put his tongue to work; enjoying orgasms throughout the night before drifting off...
Anyways, Casey and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He’s already finished packing and we’re about to go explore the university once he gets out of the shower. I’m so excited, I can hardly wait! I hear him finally finish up in the bathroom and he comes out in nothing but a towel, showing off his slim, tan figure. His blonde hair soaking wet clings to his beautiful face. His bright blue eyes sparkle vibrantly, just like mine. He walks over to our bunk beds we’re going to...
Introduction: I am attracted to Michelle In the fall, after the new school year began, our first baby joined our family. We named him August Paul David after both of our fathers. We called him Augie and Kay and I spent a great deal of time doing what all first time parents do: We spoiled that little guy with attention. So much so, I think we failed to give each other the attention we owed ourselves. Even after Kay went back to work, the baby was really all we ever talked about when we were both...
She purposefully bounded up the gym steps; she had a plan and she was going to make it work! Nervous, she started to glisten with sweat and was brushing away her long brown curls from her face as she entered the gymnasium. She looked around for the sorority table, biting her lip as she stood in the doorway and caught her breath. She saw the sign for Gamma Delta and put on her best smile as she approached their table. ”Are you interested in pledging to a sorority? I represent Gamma Delta, and...
Sorority flag pole night A fantasy of girls using a man Bob was nineteen and a student. One day the group of lads he sometimes hungout with suggested a night on the town with the proviso that Bob stayed soberas the driver. He was reluctant but agreed. The lads visited many bars butall Bob drunk was coke. Not so his friends who by the end were all legless.On the way back they were larking about in the car until he told them to sitstill as they were affecting his driving. They all jeered and...
Teen Fire & Frost ....Sadist Sorority SlaversKara and Tara Bishop AKA Teen Fire and Frost were investigating several disappearances at the state university campus: many freshman girls had gone missing since the beginning of the school year, prompting the super heroines to investigate. The investigation revealed that all of the missing girls had recently pledged the same sorority. Tri Kappa was known to be the most difficult sorority to pledge, their members were the richest and the most...
The girls sat excitedly in a corner of the main dining hall, clustered around the group’s treasurer. It was one of the first warm days of Spring and the ladies were enjoying wearing their new light-weight outfits. Some wore sundresses, others wore skirts and light blouses. A few wore just their official Sigma Alpha Tau sports bra as a top, complete with matching jogging shorts.?Ladies,? their treasurer started, ?as I mentioned, we’re currently upside down on our mortgage and the bank is...
Alicia let her friend Kate convince her to join a sorority to be invited to the best parties while in college. It was rush week at the sorority that they were pledging themselves to and had to do some uncomfortable things. Everything that the girls of Alpha Delta Pi made them do while pledging was sexual in one form or another. Last night during their hazing, they were stripped down to their undergarments to participate in some degrading sexual theme games.Alicia was one of those girls who...
LesbianThe best thing about the sorority was not the orgies that Brandon regularly partook in. It was the cafeteria. Unlike the food offered at the rest of the college campus, the sorority offered real food. Not the 3D-printed fake meat everyone else was forced to eat. Brandon sat alone in the spacious cafeteria, the usual hustle gone. Most of the sorority had gone to participate in some ritual that he was not allowed to attend. He did not mind. He needed a break from the constant sex. So, he sat...
"Dammit, get up here and fuck me!" I looked up from my perch on the bed, lying facedown with my head buried in Lisa's crotch. The lower half of my face was coated with her third and latest orgasm of the morning. A half-hour earlier, I had awoken this Thursday morning with the usual raging hard-on. Taking special care not to wake my sleeping charge, I slipped out of bed, and gently crawled back in underneath the blanket at the foot of the bed. Lisa had been wearing a loose pair of...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming Before she knew it the date that Beth had been dreading arrived, the Homecoming Mixer with her old fraternity. Beth wasn't sure how she would feel seeing all of her old fraternity brothers. Even though she had Thomas's assurances that she would be recognized, she was still nervous. She tried almost every dress in her closet and in the Governor's Square Mall for the mixer. She went back and forth on how she should dress for...
This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...
Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...
From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister By Jena Corso Chapter 6 The girls headed over to the mall, where they window shopped and killed some time. They dragged Carla into many different types of stores as they were working on tiring him out. He was certainly not used to shopping for a few hours, walking in heels for that long, or just wasting time in a mall which was something that he despised. As they entered a shoe store, he was thrilled when he could finally sit down,...
I have a lovely story to share about how I became one of the girls. I am forever a Sorority Sister forever and have made life long friends. I all started when I was a young boy. I always had a very soft, loving female side. I loved to play with girls instead of boys. When in high school I had a girl friend that was very understanding about my feelings. I was very submissive and I liked to help anybody. She helped me explore my feeling toward feminism and even dressed me up head to toe as...
Sorority House Neighbors By c.c. I should have been happy--no, make that ecstatic! Wealthy enough to retire in my late 20s, married to my lovely and sexy young wife Jayne, and we just bought a house with a luxurious swimming pool in the bohemian off-campus neighborhood... which I soon discovered was right next door to a Sorority House! I was even more intrigued when I found it was the Lesba-Delta House: the University's openly gay sorority! Visions of kinky couplings next...
The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Beginnings Party Plans Party Time Dinner Surprises Sunday Following Weeks Parental Displeasure Today Beginnings In my early teens my life was a real misery. My dad was a drunken bully who died in a car accident when I was about thirteen, he was drunk at the time. There was so little insurance Mum had to sell the house and furniture to cover the mortgage and debts. That left Mum, my older sister, and me with...
My date with Buchi gave me hope that some guys could please me, that sex wasn't always just about the guy's pleasure. Though it made the high school guys look even worse in comparison. I could hardly wait to get to college.The time finally came. I packed up and moved in to my college dorm, ready for this new adventure. And I was planning on making it a very big adventure. I had two main priorities: do well with my studies, for I was a serious student; and get into my chosen sorority. This...
As always: this is a work of fiction, any names used are NOT REAL, and if it is similar to any other stories found on the net, well, thank god there are more people like me. Sorority House Scavenger Hunt By Catherine Steward PART 1 One night while on a scavenger hunt for my fraternity, the other pledges and I had to find several items that would require breaking into a girl's dorm or apartment. I suggested to my brothers that we could easily acquire most of the items at a...
Sorority Slave AuctionThe procedure for the sorority initiation was always the same. Twenty attractive young women arrived at the neighboring frat house, and they were locked in a room and then they voluntarily stripped down to their bra and panties. Then, they waited while the noise in the next room got louder and louder. In the next room, 40 frat boys gathered, drank beer, and waited for the slave auction to begin. At 8:00PM, raunchy music would start and the first girl would come out. ...
Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...
From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 4 Getting to Know "Beth" After Leigh left Beth decided it was time to find out who she was. She sat down at her desk and wondered where should she began. She thought about asking Leigh, but that would arouse suspicion. She was trying to think of another idea when she heard a phone, her phone ringing in her purse-she was still trying to get used to the idea of having a purse. She pulled the phone out of her purse and the caller id...