Sorority Auxiliary Part 1: My Application free porn video

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The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as interested in as my more handsome or more athletic peers.

To top it all off, I suffered from acne and braces. My first date, at age 16, was my Junior Prom — with my cousin from out of town who danced with a guy on the baseball team. She made me pay by doing some of her homework.

By my Senior year, I got rid of the braces and the acne finally cleared up, leaving me nervous and shy around girls. The teasing I’d endured about dating my cousin persuaded me to sit out the Senior Prom. I’d only had one lousy date and had precisely zero sexual experience.

That summer, I worked on a farm and developed some muscles. My scholarship got me into a school at a good university on the San Francisco peninsula. I figured the Freshman studies would be totally easy for me and I decided to major in Girls, How to Relate.

I didn’t realize how much harder it was to learn about girls than English, Western Civ, even Advanced Calculus. I arrived a few days before class started and went to some mixers arranged for incoming students, but I was still too shy to start conversations with girls. My few attempts were so lame, some of the girls were impolite enough to just walk off, though none insulted me the way some cheerleaders did in high school.

I did get one date in late September, with a rather plain girl named Wendy. We went to a movie and had a cup of coffee together afterwards. I was shy and so was she, but she made an excuse when I asked her out again.

About a week later, I sat in the Student Union working a problem on my calculator.

“Excuse me,” came the voice of a girl.

I looked up to see a very attractive blonde. “You’re Jerry Walsh, right?”

“Yes. are?” I recognized her from a couple of required liberal arts classes, always admired her, never talked to her.

“Samantha Dickens.” She held out her hand and I stood up to shake. My breathing was rapid and shallow. I fought for control. Samantha didn’t seem to notice, much to my relief. I stood there looking at her.

She sat at my table, on the bench seat running along the wall. “Sit down, Jerry,” she told me.

Unable to trust myself to speak, I obeyed. Samantha, tall and slender, with her rather tight top and short skirt, classic straight nose and blue eyes, might just be the most beautiful girl I’d ever talked with. The bulges below her shoulders were medium, separate, distinctly outlined.

“So I noticed from some of your answers in class that you’re pretty smart. Do you have any idea what you’ll pick for a major?”

“Ummm, some tech science, ee or software, maybe both.” I was comfortable talking about school stuff.

“Wow!” Samantha blinked at me, “Two hard majors. You must be smart.”

“Well, my IQ is 143.” You idiot, stop bragging, I told myself. Desperate to say something better than that, I asked, “What about you, Samantha? W..What major do you think you’ll go for?” That “go for” sounded cool. I’m doing better, I told myself.

“Hey, since we’re going to talk for a while, why don’t you get us some coffee? Or me coffee and you whatever you like.”

“OK,” I said, standing back up and turning away toward the cafeteria. Just in time I realized my next step. Quickly I turned back. “ do you coffee like...I mean...” I forced myself to speak more slowly. “What do you like in your coffee, Samantha?”

Samantha merely smiled at my obvious gaffe, and said, “Cream, two sugars.”

Cream, two sugars, cream, two sugars I repeated to myself as I drew the cups and paid. I added the condiments to the steaming black liquid and carefully placed lids on the cups. I decided to be debonair when I gave Samantha her drink. Forcing a confident smile, I returned to our table. “Here you are, milady,” I said, handing her cup with a swirling motion and a slight bow. You idiot, I told myself, you overdid it.

Samantha didn’t seem to think so. She accepted the coffee with a big smile and said, “Thank you, Jerry, a woman likes to be treated special.” She patted the seat next to her. “Sit here, we can talk easier.”

Amazed at my luck and telling myself not to blow it, I obeyed, sitting next to her, but not touching. No way was I going to risk acting forward. “Um, I wondered what major you might take.” I figured resuming what we’d talked about before was a good idea.

“Right, I remember. I love the outdoors, so I was thinking of wildlife biology, maybe something environmental or ecological, cross-discipline like you.”

“Well, that’s ambitious, too.” Where do I take this from here? “Um, that environmental stuff is very important and getting more important every day as we screw up the world we live in.”

“Yes, it’s up to us women to clean up the mess you men have made of the world.” She eyed me speculatively. I suddenly felt like I was at a test.

“Well...” I stalled. Fall back on the truth. “Well, it’s undeniable that the world’s been run mostly by men and that it’s a mess.”

“So it stands to reason women must fix it, right?”

Careful, I tell myself. “Ummm....isn’t that an unproven hypothesis...however plausible it may be?” I hastened to add.

“But you don’t reject it out of hand. What makes it plausible?”

Uh, oh, she really means this and I don’t know much about it. Maybe I can use this as an in with her. This is the longest I’ve ever talked with a girl this good looking. “Um, Samantha, I really don’t know much about the idea that if women ran the world it would be a better place.” I grinned sheepishly. “I guess that’s a form of male arrogance in itself, right?” Encouraged by her smile and nod, I went on. “Perhaps you could explain more about it to me?” I asked hopefully.

I could hardly believe it when she replied, “I’m sure I can, Jerry,” with a dazzling smile that made me gasp, literally. I’m sure she knew the effect she was having on me, it was so obvious. To my embarrassment, I began to get stiff just from her smile and talking with her!

“Jerry, it’s time for me to be honest with you. I didn’t just meet you by accident, it was planned.” She saw my crestfallen look. I was sure she just wanted tutoring or something like that, just like all the other beauties. “Please hear me out,” she went on. “It’s different from whatever you’re thinking, I promise you.

“I’m from a rather secretive sorority. We believe the gender roles in our society need adjustment, so we have a male auxiliary. There’s a hazing process and only three males a year are allowed admission. If you are accepted, you’ll have to do exactly what we say....” Samantha paused dramatically and leaned toward me, her voice becoming a hoarse, arousing whisper, like Lauren Bacall asking Bogie if he knew how to whistle. “...and if you’re accepted, you’ll be granted, from time to time, certain very exclusive privileges” (She put her hand very high on my thigh and my penis throbbed to full erection instantly.) “and now I definitely mean what you're thinking about, and more. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. Are you interested?”

Was I interested? How could I not be? I gasped, hyperventilating, finally croaking out “Yes!”

“Good, I thought you would be,” Samantha said confidently. “Relax, dear, take your time to recover from the shock.” She patted my leg, which did not help my breathing at all.

Slowly, I got my breathing under control. “Tell me more, please,” I said eagerly.

Samantha grinned. “You and several other boys will compete in an elimination contest, like March Madness, except it’s single elimination, and none of our contests are in the NCAA, let me tell you,” she said with a wink. “To get started, read and sign this waiver and I’ll tell you more.” She fished a piece of paper from her backpack and handed it to me with a pen.

Forcing myself to concentrate, I read the document carefully. It said that I was applying to be a member of the Theta Delta Kappa Auxiliary, that I had a 16 2/3% or greater chance of being a successful candidate, that I could withdraw my candidacy or the sorority could terminate my candidacy at any time. I must agree to hold all proceedings of the sorority and the auxiliary private and privileged. I must be at least 18 years of age and not offended by material of an adult and sexual nature, though I was free to refuse to participate in any repugnant hazing ritual or act. However if I did so, I would thereby terminate my candidacy. Stated positively, I must obey any and every command of any member of the sorority.

To my surprise, it said that alcohol and drugs were strictly forbidden at all hazing and initiation rituals, contests, games, or any other official sorority activity. The sorority agreed that, while some hazing might be embarrassing or painful, none would risk injury or death. Safety would be enforced by officers of the sorority.

I sighed this rather surprising document without hesitation and handed it to Samantha for safekeeping.

“All right, Jerry. I knew you’d be interested, and I hope you’re a successful candidate. You and the other candidates will meet the women at the sorority house this Friday night at 6:00 for a barbecue and the first two rounds of elimination. More will be explained to you then. Give me your phone number; we’ll text you the address around 5:00 Friday. Dress casually, but wear new clean undies. Someone may want to inspect you.

“Now, you should understand that I’m newly inducted to the sorority myself and one of my duties it to notify those boy’s we’ve identified, so don’t think I’m coming on to you. If you see me talking to someone else like this, don’t come by and don’t take it personally.

“Now that that’s out of the way, if you’re a successful candidate, during your time of service to the sorority, you will no doubt be selected to be fucked by several members, including possibly me. I do hope you are successful.” She gave me that dazzling smile and actually patted my stiff cock under the table. No girl had ever done that and I almost came right there, but I fought down the urge. “Right now, I have a class,” she said, standing up and walking away, her short skirt swirling around her thighs, heels tapping.

I stared at her, mesmerized. Just before she reached the hall, she turned and gave me her max smile again.

“Whew!” I gasped. I noticed several guys looking at me enviously. That never happened to me before. I grinned, and got up, holding my backpack in front of my so no one could see my boner. I tried to make it seem casual, but I doubt I did.

I cut my classes for the first time that day. I couldn’t concentrate on anything except what I’d just heard. I went back to my dorm room, which fortunately was a single, and played with myself, replaying the conversation and attempting to imagine what it would be like to have Samantha take me to bed. If I won, I’d lose my virginity for sure.

Thinking about this was so much fun, and I knew if I came I’d be done, so I brought myself to the brink several times and stopped, only to resume soon after. Finally, over an hour after I started, lying naked on my bed, I couldn’t help spraying.

The next day, as we all filed out of class, I got next to Samantha. She gave me a smile, but not her TCD, Total Complete Dazzler, as I’d named it while visualizing it. “Samantha, may I ask you a question?”

“Sure, but I might not be able to answer it.”

“Well, these competitions. Are they, like, strength contests?”

She laughed and smiled. “No, they’re more like endurance contests. I really shouldn’t even say that. Now run along, little boy.” She winked at me, so I didn’t take offense. I watched her legs as she went down the hall. I wasn’t too surprised when she started talking to a guy in my calculus class, Chris. I figured I’d see him Friday night.

I really wanted to win. The idea of a chance to have sex with a beauty like Samantha was beyond any dream I’d had before. Now it was possible, but I only had a 16.66 repeating percent chance of winning. How could I increase my odds? If I did so, I’d also decrease the other candidates chances and they wouldn’t know it. That would likely be enough of a break for me to make it.

Ok, this is something I don’t know much about, I thought. But I do know it’s feminist and sexual and involves endurance. Now with that, I can do some research and figure out what they want to eliminate. I sat down at the computer.

I won’t bore you with the details of my search, but I discovered several things I thought would be helpful. Some were surprisingly ordinary, like diet and exercise, but I learned about Kegel exercises and started practicing them, tightening up as I sat at the computer. Lack of stress was supposed to help, a poser for an overachiever like me. If I went to class, I’d have some stress, but if I didn’t, I’d wonder what I was missing. Finally, I decided to pretend I was an athlete preparing for a big match. I got acquaintances in each of my classes to agree to record them for me and took the week off. A genius IQ ought to be of some value!

My research took a very interesting sideline when I came across the words “female domination.” Most of what I found scared and aroused me at the same time, frankly. I saw a cartoon that showed a leather and lingerie clad babe riding a frightened-looking man while brandishing a riding crop before his eyes. He looked up at the ceiling as he lay on this back and read a sign which read, “Substantial penalty for early withdrawal.” To me, this was more a clue than a joke.

I quickly figured out that the eliminations would have to do with how long you could last without ejaculation and how much pain you could take. I was sure I was right. I went into full training immediately. I spanked myself with a strap, alternating that with masturbation for long periods and no ejaculation. I found I could take more pain if I started light and built up slowly. I liked the tingling afterwards. I kept to my routine of running and weight training.

At 4:30 Friday, I finished my last self-spanking and masturbation session with a big, relieving spray. I knew I’d be drained when any endurance contest about cumming began. At 5:00, I got the text and the address with an admonition not to be late. I showered, shaved, and dressed, selecting attractive, modern briefs with a swirling pattern in purple and blue and blue socks. I wore brown slacks and a blue, short-sleeved tailored shirt.

I arrived five minutes before the deadline. The sorority house lay in a compound, with a gated pair of doors evidently for a circular drive and a high wall that ran the length of the block. Behind loomed a dormered four story wooden structure. A smaller gate to the right side of the auto gates was open and a beautiful brunette greeted me there, introducing herself as Angela. I told her my name and that Samantha had invited me, so she admitted me, her deep cleavage exposed by the scoop neck of her black, form-fitting dress.

Angela put a numbered necklace around my neck, evidently for identification. “Don’t take it off,” she admonished me. At her instruction, I walked around the mansion with its spacious porch, wide doors with stained glass depicting Diana the Huntress. In the back, the party was under way. Samantha spotted me and detached herself from a small group of boys and women.

“Jerry! So good to see you!” She glanced at her watch. “A little early, that’s great.” She gave me her TCD, and I grinned back. Holding my hand, she guided me to the large barbecue, tended by two other boys, well dressed, but wearing incongruously frilly aprons. One asked if I wanted a hamburger or hot dog and I chose the burger.

Soon, with my burger on a plate and juice in a glass, I followed Samantha to a small group of boys and women standing around a small table. I put my food down after taking a bite of the burger. Samantha introduced me to the folks. “Chris, I think you know from calculus. Next to him is Susan, our bustiest blonde. She’s very popular, but very selective. Chris, you should be so lucky. Staring rudely down her cleavage, hoping no one notices, is Zach. Tear your eyes away, Zach, and say hello to Jerry.”

First Chris, then Zach and I locked eyes. We, who never engaged in, let alone won, physical contests, were now rivals for the opportunity to mate with several gorgeous females. If I’d had a knife, I would cheerfully have stabbed them, and I’m sure they felt the same. “Chris, good to see you again. Nice solution you found on Monday. Zach, nice to meet you.” I put out my hand. Wow, was this really me? I really rose to the occasion. Literally, as the next person I greeted was Susan. I dropped Zach’s hand fast and forced my eyes to focus on Susan’s blue eyes, not her swelling bust. Was that hard! So was my dick, but that was OK in this gathering.

I held out my hand to Susan, recalling how Samantha reacted to my flourish and calling her milady. “Enchante,” I said.

With a smile, Susan held out her hand, palm flat. I placed my palm under hers and bent over, still maintaining eye contact, and gently kissed the back of her hand, earning another TCD of approval.

“Jerry. Ever the charmer,” said Samantha. “Now meet Dorothea.”

Dorothea’s back had been to me. She turned, and I gasped. She was regal, untouchable, an object of worship. Her heavily made up eyes regarded me coldly. Coiffed black hair emphasized her tall, slim frame, exposing dusky skin and large, rounded breasts. Her floor length dress was split and one leg, thrust forward, was clad in black nylon with a wide lace welt, held up by a taut garter strap.

I was determined not to stutter. I bowed my head and glanced up, meeting her eyes for a moment, then flickering away to one side. “I am, always, your obedient servant,” I said.

“Of course.” She shrugged and turned away. I was abashed and dropped my head, staring at the ground.

“Eat, drink and be merry,” Samantha said to me. “You need your strength for the competition.”

I was alarmed. Had she set me up with the remark about endurance only to tell me now it was about strength? However, she’d told me to do something, so I obediently took a bite of the burger and a swig of juice.

Samantha put her arm around me and put her lips to my ear. “Dorothea did not deign to speak to Chris or Zach. You’re doing well, little boy.”

My eyebrows flew up. I was OK! Whew! I smiled at Samantha, dramatically wiping my brow with the back of my hand, earning a TCD.

A metal bell rang melodiously, attracting everyone’s attention. Angela stood on a table by the barbecue, using it as an impromptu dais. She announced, “Ladies, all 18 supplicants, or guests, contestants, or victims, whatever you wish to call them, are here on time. The doors are locked and we can move to the next step whenever Dorothea, our President, decides.” She stepped down from the table, assisted by two of the guests. One touched her ankle and I saw her slap him. I thought he deserved it.

Dorothea, standing on the rear porch, draped with wisteria and fronted by rhododendrons, said, “In 27 minutes, we’ll all go inside for the real fun to begin. Until then, eat, drink, and meet one another.”

In that 27 minutes, I met several people, male and female, but names and faces are not my forte, so I couldn’t keep them straight, however I tried.

At 7:00, when we started losing light, the bell rang again. Angela stood on the steps where Dorothea had been for the previous announcement.

“Let’s all gather in the living room here through these doors. Supplicants, you are to stand in the center of the room.” She turned and entered the house, the rest of us following.

The living room was huge. I later learned some dividers had been removed for this occasion. Since we entered from the side door, we faced the side of a wide staircase that descended to the street entrance. The room was high-ceilinged with a full sized door, partially open, under the stairs. We boys nervously stood in the middle of the floor as the residents took up seats on chairs placed in a semicircle in along one wall, hiding the huge fireplace from us. We boys eyed each other with anxiety, hostility, fear, and curiosity mingled in various degrees.

When all the women were seated (I never saw so many crossed legs and short skirts in one place before in my life.), Dorothea stood up to speak. A silence fell over us all.

“Welcome, supplicants, to Theta Delta Kappa. You have all been invited by our Freshwoman members to apply to our auxiliary, where you will have the duties, pleasures, and great rewards of serving the beautiful, capricious, and demanding members you see before you.

“I will explain a bit more of how the application process works. There are 18 supplicants. Shortly, you will be divided into six cohorts of three each and paired with three members for your first elimination heat — and I do mean heat, as you will learn. Two of the members will provide your first test, and the third will explain and administer the test rules. Six of you will be eliminated in the first heat and told to leave. The twelve semi-finalists will gather here for refreshments prior to the second heat. A different team of three will administer the second heat, and six more unsuccessful supplicants will leave. The six remaining supplicants will meet here once again and be given instructions to prepare for the third heat, which is always very interesting. This final test yields our three successful supplicants.

“Now for a motivational speech. You are all, frankly, nerds and geeks. That’s one reason we selected you. None of you have had much success getting girlfriends, let alone sexual partners. Many of you remain virgins, I’m certain. Yet before your eyes are twenty beautiful woman with lovely hair and faces, exposed bosoms, and flashing thighs, all for your stimulation. Every year, we admit five Freshwomen, so there are always 20 members in residence. Most of us are bisexual and a minority are heterosexual. All of us crave sexual satisfaction from a trained, obedient male from time to time. So, if you are a successful supplicant and join the auxiliary, and learn your lessons well, you may be selected to provided sexual gratification to as many as 40 members during your career, not to mention visiting alumna and guests. You will have the opportunity to pleasure more ladies than the most popular BMOC or jock on the campus. All you have to do is survive this weekend and obey.

“Now, form a line facing us. It doesn’t matter who stands next to whom, just do it quickly. Good, that’s it. I like to see such rapid obedience. Beginning with you,” she pointed to the guy on our right end, count off by 6s.”

We counted off fast, and, directed now by Angela, soon stood with our two opponents of the same number. I’d seen both of these guys around campus, but didn’t know them. One was short and a bit pudgy, with thick glasses. The other was taller and bigger than me and I thought he was a borderline nerd. The other groups stood in small clusters like ours.

Angela, carrying a clipboard, approached our group with two beauties, one a slender blonde, the other a more busty woman with reddish-brown hair. Both wore multi-colored, form-fitting dresses with a floral pattern. “All right, boys, I’m your judge and these two lovely women will give you the test.” Turning to her companions, she asked, “It’s a warm night, shall we go outside to the alcove by the pool?”

They both agreed and we followed the women back outside and around to another side of the house to a pool under lights. Angela sat at the table off to one side and directed us to stand facing the two woman.

“OK, boys, here’s how it goes. You aren’t allowed to speak unless asked a direct question. When I say ‘Strip,” take off your clothes as fast as you can. If you can get your pants over your shoes, ok. You can leave your shoes and socks on or just your socks. As soon as you’re naked, start playing with your cock. When it’s fully hard, say, ‘boner.’ If any of you can’t get it up, you’re automatically eliminated. If you lose an erection once it’s achieved, you’re automatically eliminated.

“Now my main job as judge, besides timing your stripping and time to erection, is to ensure you don’t cheat. The test is you must not stop stroking yourself. If you do, I’ll eliminate you. The first one to cum loses and the heat is over. I’ll tell the winners to stop stroking when the first drop of cum flies from the losing dickhead. Any questions, boys?” she asked sweetly, tilting her head to one side.

“What do they do?” asked the pudgy boy, pointing to the two woman waiting before us.

“You'll see,” said Angela with a smirk. I had an idea, but said nothing. “Any more questions?”

There were none, so she said, “Strip!”

I already placed my hands by my waist, so I whipped my shirt over my head and swiftly undid my belt. My pants dropped and I reached down to tug off my shoes. I skimmed off my undies, using one hand. I held my stiffening dick in the other. I put pressure on it and stroked fast at first, wanting to pump it up. This was the first time I’d been naked in front of woman as a grown boy, and I loved it. The two woman looked at me with interest, and I popped right up. “Boner!” I was first! I slowed my stroking down to last as long as I could.

The woman with darker hair pointed to my stiff cock and said, “Look, Sofia, that’s a nice thick one. Do you prefer longer or thicker?”

“I like long, a challenge to deep throat,” Sofia answered, “but I agree, this is a nice one. Not too much hair on the balls.”

My breath came in deep gasps. I was embarrassed and excited to have my cock discussed by these two beauties. I heard the bigger guy, then the short one say that they’d gotten it up also. Darn, I hoped I’d win by default.

Sofia’s attention was diverted. “Oh, look, the last one up is nice and long, Daniela. But I’ve taken longer ones in my mouth. Boys will do anything for you to repeat that experience.”

Daniela pointed to the tall guy’s stiffie. “This one’s right in the middle, perfectly useful. I’ve had at least a dozen like this. With proper training, any cock except tiny ones can be useful to us.”

I kept stroking myself, enjoying the physical sensations, but humiliated. How could I, a virgin, satisfy these experienced, demanding women? My best hope lay in Dorothea’s acknowledgement that we might be virgins and what these woman said about training the winners. I continued pumping myself slowly, determined not to cum.

Daniela smiled at us. “I like it when you guys have hardons. That means you’re ready if I choose to use you. That won’t happen to any of you tonight, but it almost certainly will for the three winners.”

In the brief silence that followed, we heard a voice from the front of the house in teasing, feminine tones. “’Bye now, Little One. Better luck next time. Oh, I forgot, there isn’t a next time. Ha, ha.”

Sofia grinned. “Well, your chances are better. Somebody couldn’t get it up.”

Daniela said, with a lilting, teasing voice. “This first test is called the Cockteasing Challenge and Sofia and I are your official cockteasers. We’re both bisexual and make out with each other a lot.” As she said this, the woman turned sideways to us and lifted their hemlines almost to their panties. They gave us big smiles.

All three of us gasped. I stared, but forced myself not to stroke harder or grip tighter.

Angela spoke sharply. “Closing your eyes to avoid the tease is another way to get eliminated immediately. Keep your eyes open, you.” I don’t know to whom this was addressed; I couldn’t take my eyes from the sexy beauties.

The teasing got hotter. The woman faced us, bent down on their heels and spread their legs wide, flashing Daniela’s white panties and Sofia’s pastel blue pair.

“Ohh,” I groaned as a drop of precum lubricated my cockhead. No woman had ever done that for me before and now these two beauties. I slowed down even more, afraid for the first time I might lose.

The woman grinned, opening and closing their thighs while we contestants stared and stroked.

“Nice try, but you lose,” came the same mocking voice from the front.

“These boys are lasting well,” commented Sofia. “Let’s give them something more interesting to stare at.” The woman stood up and suddenly pulled their upper dresses down. I gasped again and stared. My stroking increased and I exerted a mighty effort to slow back down. I sure didn’t want to. I decided to try to scientifically describe and catalog the four beautiful breasts to distract myself.

Daniela’s were larger, but firm with bigger nipples. Sofia’s were smaller, more widely separated, with smaller, but better defined aureola’s...this distraction ain’t working, I said to myself, with difficulty forcing myself to slow once again.

Then I got some encouragement. Chubby moaned aloud and said, “No, no, I don’t want to!”

Angela said, “Keep stroking, boy, but hold it in! You can do it!”

Daniela and Sofia grinned at each other. Sofia was very cruel. “Oh, Pudgy, I’m glad you’re going to lose. I never liked you or your cock anyway. Look what you’re missing.” With that, and a patronizing smile to Chubby, she fondled Daniela’s breast.

That nearly made me cum! I’d always wanted to see something like that. Chubby, groaning and sobbing, “No, no,” was cumming for sure, but I didn’t look. My eyes were riveted to the two sexy beauties.

Daniela was just about as cruel as Sofia. “Enjoy your big cum, Pudgy. Think of all the opportunities you’re missing as it feels sooo good, dribbling away.”

“Ok, you two, let go of your cocks and enjoy your victory. Congratulations,” said Judge Angela. “Pudgy, get dressed and leave. Now. We have no further use for losers.”

I felt such relief! I don’t know how far Daniela and Sofia would have gone to make us cum, but I didn’t think there was a limit. I let my hand dangle, wiping a bit of precum on my thigh and twitching my cock with my PC muscle. I liked being erect in front of the woman.

I glanced at Pudgy. Tears streamed down his face as he tugged his pants up, shrugged on his shirt and fled, carrying his shoes. Any feelings of empathy were drowned by my feeling of relief as I realized I’d passed the first heat. The other winner and I, now bitter rivals, exchanged glances with narrowed eyes as he reached for his pants.

This action brought an immediate and sharp rebuke from Angela. “No one told you to get dressed, boy. A servant will see to your discarded clothes. Remove your socks and quick, get back to the living room.

I quickly shed my socks and headed back inside. I wondered what all the notes Angela took on her clipboard meant. At the living room door, a member handed us sport bottles of water and asked if we needed to use the facilities. I was still semi-erect and peeing was the farthest thing from my mind. My rival similarly took the water and refused the offer to pee. Most of the remaining participants were already in the living room. My rival and I were the last of the naked males and only Angela, Daniela, and Sofia needed to take their seats to complete the line of women. We naked males, embarrassed and humiliated when we ought to have felt victorious, looked anywhere but at each other.

There was plenty to look at, as before. All twenty woman sat in their semicircle, chatting among themselves or regarding the naked males with a bored expression. They nevertheless displayed their cleavage and legs to advantage. I was particularly drawn to one redhead whom I unaccountably hadn’t noticed before. She was busily thumbing through a rather large book that lay in her lap. Her hair hung by her head and down behind her shoulders. Her cleavage was deep and she crossed her thighs as she pointed to one of the males and whispered a comment to her neighbor, a brunette. She crossed her legs and I saw her seamed stocking pulled up to a taut point by her rear garter. The sight made my cock rise again. I knew better than to touch it without permission, and besides, I wanted to minimize stimulation for the two remaning heats.

Dorothea stood and called the meeting to order. The buzz of conversation stopped immediately.

“The first heat is over and we have...eleven supplicants remaining. Congratulations, successful masturbators.” She lightly clapped her hands and all the woman joined in. “Let’s hear the reports from the judges. Paula, one of your contestants was the first to fail?”

“Yes, Madame President. One contestant couldn’t achieve an erection within two minutes of removing all his clothes. I dismissed him and he attempted to argue. I kicked his sorry ass and threatened to kick his useless, inoperative balls if he didn’t get out of the way. He left tearfully. Both of the other contestants manfully continued stroking their erections despite the distraction. The two appointed cockteasers complimented the victors, and I explained they were locked in a sudden death tournament. The two cockteasers then complimented each boy’s penis and said how much they hoped one would win so they could take him to bed. This tease was successful in extracting reluctant sperm in five minutes, eight seconds to the first pitiful drips. The loser was rather gracious, I must say. He was very crestfallen and sad, but wished the successful supplicant the best. Raise your hand, you are a winner.”

A short, thin guy with kinky hair raised his hand. Again, the subdued applause.

Four more judges recounted how their contestants fared. All others had survived the penis inspection stage, but three hapless boys failed and gave up their cum when their cockteasers exposed their panties.

Two other groups lasted until the bared breast stage, but only our group held out until one woman fondled another’s breast. All winners got applause.

Dorothea summed up the results of the first heat. “Because one silly boy couldn’t even get it up for us, that group has two losers, thus enhancing everyone’s odds and slightly complicating our contest. Madame Secretary, what is the rule in such cases?”

The gorgeous redhead I’d noticed a few moments before stood up, holding the book before her. “Madame Chairwoman, fellow board members, fellow members, and surviving supplicants, the situation of eleven, rather than 12, supplicants, surviving the first heat has arisen three times in the history of Theta Delta Kappa. In each case, the second heat consisted of five groups, four of two and one of three. The group of three has been chosen by drawing straws by the judges for the third heat. The short straw judge oversees three supplicants, so she is the loser...or winner, depending on your personal bent.” She strutted, heels tapping on the floor, to a desk against one of the walls. Simply watching her walk was a privilege. She opened a drawer and withdrew five straws, exhibiting them so we could all see four were long and one was short. She then walked along the line of women, offering the straws to the judges. As it turned out, Angela drew the short straw and reacted with a laugh, which I was at a loss to interpret.

Angela then stood to explain the second heat. “This next heat is called the Paddling Pound-OffS At most six of you will survive elimination round. Occasionally, one or more supplicants will decline to compete, raising the odds for the remainder. I hope that doesn’t happen this year, as such an unmanly retreat makes for a less boisterous contest and we’ve already lost one screamer...I mean supplicant.

“Well, bless me, if that wasn’t a giveaway, I don’t know what could be. Supplicants, this heat means heat in more ways than one. Each of you will be assigned a Tormentress.” Here, she gestured to the beautiful redhead and a brunette who were off to one side, working on a chart. “The secretary and her assistant are making the assignments as I speak. No one will be assigned a tormenter who was their cockteaser or judge in the first heat. We Dominas like to spread the joy. For many of you, tonight is our only chance to put you in your place, and we intend to make the most of it.

“Your Tormentress will alternately stimulate your penis with her hand and spank, paddle, or cane your bottom. Thus, the multiple meanings of heat, as applied to this test. Your Tormentress will become hot because she likes inflicting pain and frustration on males - it’s sooo good for you, more than any of you know at this time. You will become hot with frustration as you did in the first heat, and your red bottom will become very hot indeed as the chastisement escalates.

“Poor boys, there are so many ways for you to flunk out. If, at any time, you fail to achieve an erection within 90 seconds of stimulation by your Tormentress, you will fail. If you cum, you will fail. If you squirm away from your Tormentress when she inflicts pain on you, you will fail. If you cover your ass with your hand, you will fail. So many poor boys lose out on this rule. I love it when boys flunk out this way. It’s only natural to protect yourself from pain, but if you do it tonight, you’re sent home without even cumming. You go home and play with yourself, trying to imagine the great pleasures you missed. Any attempt to influence your chastisement or teasing, you lose. You can end the test at any time by saying, “911,” so don’t say that by accident. Unlike the previous test, where you were forbidden to speak, in this test you are encouraged to give tongue to your pain and pleasure. Because the cacophony of slapping sounds, screams, cries, and grunts of pleasure is pleasing to all of us, this heat is held in this room and is an absolute elimination. The first five will be rejected and the surviving six will be given instructions for the third heat.”

Angela sat down and Dorothea again stood to address us, rather formally this time. “Madame Secretary, are you ready to distribute the assignments?”

The redhead stood and said, “Yes, I have, Madam Chairwoman.” She resumed her seat, crossing her legs. I openly stared at her exposed stocking and thigh, my cock twitching in response. Her assistant handed slips of paper to several of the seated women.

When she was done, Dorothea said, “Now, Tormentresses and judges, form your groups and await the signal to begin.” She carried a small valise, took a paper from the secretary and strode across the floor, her heels tapping, legs exposed by the split in her black dress nearly all the way to the juncture of her thighs. She headed for me!

“Number 10, I am your Tormentress. I hope you are successful, because that way I’ll frustrate and hurt you the most.” She favored me with a big smile.

I felt this lady deserved the utmost respect. “I’m honored to receive whatever you feel is right for me, Mistress,” I said. I dropped to my knee and focused on her black high heels. I hoped my reading gave me good clues what to do.

“You may rise,” said Dorothea. “Go to the line of chairs and bring one here.”

It was only a few steps and I soon returned with a chair. I placed it where Dorothea indicated. She pointed to my water bottle, then to the floor. I took a drink and put down the bottle.

Angela stood next to her with a clipboard. “I’m your judge this time and I need a chair.”

When I returned with the second chair, two other members, a brunette and a black woman with an Afro stood there, watching me dispassionately. Angela indicated where I should place her chair. After doing so, I guessed it was a good idea to stand next to Dorothea’s chair with my hands behind my back. I was aware that my cock was partially erect. I noticed Dorothea had extracted a wooden paddle and a rod of some sort with leather woven around it from her valise and placed them on the floor by her chair. All the Tormentresses had similar equipment.

Chris and another guy whom I didn’t recognize hastily brought up two chairs. They placed them to either side of Dorothea’s chair and stood by them as I did. We boys faced the side entrance to the yard and had our backs to the stairs. Angela’s chair faced ours. The other groups were forming similarly oriented arrays. Angela sat and the other women moved toward their seats. I stood behind Dorothea’s, holding it gently with my palms out. She favored me with a smile and indicate with a gesture I should resume my stance to her right. I did so, practicing Kegels to maintain or improve the partial erection I sported.

A low rumbling noise behind us distracted us all. I craned my neck to look and saw the two boys who’d been at the barbecue wheeling a cart with a large, double-faced clock toward out of the space under the stairwell. They placed it where all the judges could easily see it.

The redhead stood by the clock and addressed us all. “The judges will record times and other significant events as the heat continues. After I start the clocks, synchronized so the left face shows minutes and the right face shows seconds, all supplicants have 90 seconds to achieve a full erection. After that, supplicants, obey your Tormentress. Judges, is everyone ready?” A chorus of affirmatives answered her. “Then I’ll start the!” she pressed a remote and the second hand began to move.

Dorothea wasted no time. She grasped my penis and squeezed it gently. “You’re partially erect already, boy,” she said.

I gasped. No one had ever held my penis before. It felt sooo good! It expanded and thickened instantly. Dorothea stroked it and ran her thumb over the tip. “Ohhh,” I groaned. Dorothea’s minidress was very low cut, affording me an exciting view down her cleavage. A necklace supported a colorful metal butterfly in her cleavage. I couldn’t take my eyes from the sight. Dorothea gripped me rather tightly and stroked me very slowly. My breathing was deep and I made a conscious effort to slow it down. “Oh, that feels good, Mistress, thank you.”

“Do you run your thumb over the tip of your cock like this when you play with yourself, boy?” Dorothea asked.

“Yes, Mistress, I do.”

“Does it feel better when I do it for you or when you do it yourself?” Dorothea’s tone had a teasing, condescending lilt that enhanced the erotic effect of her actions and questions.

“It feels a lot better when you do it, Mistress. A whole lot better. Ohhh, ahhh. Thank you, Mistress.”

“Are you close to cumming, boy?”

“No, Mistress, but you sure make me feel very, very good.”

“Why, here’s your first drip of precum, the signal for your first spanking. Lie here over my thighs,” she said, pointing to her lap. Her skirt separated over her thighs, showing the lacy tops of her stockings. I stared at the sexy sight. I felt truly frightened, certain my practice spankings would be nothing like the reality. With a gulp, I lowered myself, gripping the chair leg to prevent me from trying to protect myself. Despite my anxiety, my cock was still fully aroused and I found the weave of Dorothea’s nylon against my tip exciting.

Dorothea rubbed my cheeks with her hand for a while, which felt very good. Then, pop, pop, pop, pop, she started smacking me, alternating cheeks. She wasn’t going very fast. It felt kinda good at first, much to my surprise, like a hard massage. I heard some spanks from the other side of the room. Dorothea gradually made the spanking harder and faster, but it still wasn’t as hard as I’d given myself in training. Smack, smack, smack, smack. She kept alternating cheeks and soon, it began to hurt. By now, the room was filled with slapping sounds. I started a bouncing motion on her lap. To my surprise, I was still partially erect. I concentrated on how nice Dorothea’s legs felt against my cock and it distracted me from the pain - and stiffened me up again. I wouldn’t have said the spanking felt good, but I didn’t mind it. The thought that I sometime might be selected to have sex with these woman was a tremendous incentive.

“Stand up, boy,” commanded Dorothea. She handed me my sports bottle.

“Yes, Mistress,” I said as I obeyed. I drank and returned the bottle to the floor. I heard the other boys in our group getting their bottoms smacked. My eyes went back and forth between Dorothea’s expansive cleavage and her firm thighs.

“Well, you’re still stiff,” Dorothea said as she grasped me again. “That means you must like being spanked by a woman. What a good boy you are, number 10.”

“Thank you, Mistress. Uhhh, uhhhh.” The stroking felt much better than before. I thrust my hips in time with her motion, then, with an effort forced myself to stop. I figured that motion would no way help me maintain control.

Dorothea continued questioning me with that seductive, condescending voice. “Has this penis ever explored the depths of a woman’s sex?”

“No, Mistress, I am a virgin, a very curious and eager virgin.” Rising pleasure elicited a series of gasps.

“Very good, boy, you won’t have so much to unlearn. So many males think their pleasure is important, but it’s not. We’ll teach you the art of pleasing a woman, and your own sexual pleasure will follow - sometimes. Does that appeal to you, boy?

“Yes, Mistress, all of it, your pleasure first,” I managed to gasp. I’d learned well from my week of cramming.

“Here’s more of your precum. I’m going to keep stimulating you. Have other women played with this penis or am I the first?”

“You’re the first, Mistress,” (My voice rose with each word, expressing the degree of pleasure I felt.) and it feels sooo goood!”

“I like it when you’re loud, boy. Does that mean that you’re close to cumming?”

“No, Mistress, I’m not, but it means it feels so good when you touch me there. Oh, oh....”

At that moment we were interrupted by a wail of despair. “No, no, I don’t want to! No! I can’t...oh, oh, oh.” The heartfelt cries ended in sobs.

“Loser blew his wad, loser blew his wad,” all the woman chanted together. Dorothea did not miss a stroke. I heard a few loud smacks from various corners of the room. Cries of “Ouch” and the like filled the air. I felt glad. I only had to outlast four more rivals.

“You’re one step closer to winning, boy. Now don’t follow his example and cum! In a moment, I’m going take you back over my knee and paddle you. That will hurt a lot more than the handspanking. But if you take your paddling well and maintain your nice stiff erection, I’ll give you a reward. Now get over my thighs.”

With a deep breath, I lay across her lap, my stiff, dripping cock pressed against her. I wondered what the reward might be. The sight of her breasts or panties? To touch...”Ow!” I gasped as the first blow landed. That paddle really stung!

“Take it, boy, take it. A good paddling is just what a boy needs.”

Dorothea really wailed into me. I couldn’t help but cry out as each smarting blow landed. “Ow! Ouch! Oooohhh!” I bounced up and down, nearly forgetting about the reward. I concentrated on doing Kegels as I jounced about on her lap. Dimly, I heard other boys’ cries, similar to mine. The main sound, though, was the crack of paddles on buttocks.

One boy’s voice rose above all the sounds in an agonized shriek. “Stop, you sadistic fucking bitches. Fuck you! Stop! I don’t want to be around you fucking assholes!” With my head down, I couldn’t tell what happened, but after a few seconds I heard the women’s taunting refrain, “Can’t take the paddle, can’t take the paddle!”

Dorothea never slowed or seemed distracted by the commotion. I gritted my teeth, determined to hang on. I gripped the chair legs tighter when I realized one hand had released and moved toward my buttocks. I remembered my possible reward and made sure to rub my cock on Dorothea’s nylon-sheathed thighs and to keep going with the Kegels, though I was in a lot of pain. “Oh, Dorothea, this hurts a lot!, “I shouted. “A lot!”

“Of course it does, boy. I love hurting boys and I know how much good it does you. Get ready, I’m going to really teach you a lesson with the paddle now.”

MMy eyes widened and I took a deep breath. She had more in store for me? She sure did, both force and speed. “Ahhhhhhoooohhhhh,” I cried, beyond words as she slapped my inflamed bumcheeks again and again. I kicked my legs in a fruitless attempt to dispel the pain. I kept tightening my Kegels and rubbing myself on my punisher, desperately trying to make the pleasure in my cock overcome the pain in my ass. Suddenly, Dorothea dropped the paddle. I heard it thump on the floor.

“Stand up, boy,” she commanded. Again, she handed me the water bottle.

I stood up with alacrity, glad this part of the ordeal was over. Unless I missed something, only two boys had flunked out of submissive school. I looked down at my penis, noting that it was partly erect, well above the horizontal, but not taut against my stomach as it sometimes gets. I kept up the Kegels, making it twitch. I hoped desperately that it pleased Dorothea. I noted that substantially fewer pops and variations on “Ouch” filled the air.

Dorothea peered at my penis, bending forward to get close. “Well, boy, you’re not fully rampant. However, you are well above the horizontal and twitching.” She took it in her hand, squeezing and stroking my sensitive cock.

“Oh, Mistress, that feels sooo good after that hard paddling! Thank you sooo much, Mistress.” I meant it, too. Her manipulation of my cock nearly completely distracted me from the raging pain in my bum.

“Boy, you are erect enough to earn your reward. As a very special boon, you may rub your bumcheeks for 20 seconds to feel how warm I made them. I hope you’re proud, for you took a very hard paddling. I assume it was your first, correct?”

By this time, I was fully erect, sensitive and responsive. I felt my warm cheeks. They stung like I’d sat on a beehive. “You’re right, Mistress, that was my first paddling and I won’t mind if it’s my last, though I hope you enjoyed it, Mistress.”

“Do you like the warmth in your red bumcheeks? They’re all rosy and very pretty. You should be proud.”

“Yes, Mistress, my cheeks are very warm, thank you. And thank you for allowing me to feel them.” Actually, I was disappointed. I’d hoped to see or touch her beautiful body. Still, my hands on my butt felt soothing.

“Time’s up, take your hands off your ass.”

“Yes, Mistress.” I dropped my hands to my side. Dorothea’s touch on my cock loosened and her pace slowed a bit. For some reason, that was more stimulating than any other technique she’d used before. “Unhhh, unhhh,” I grunted, my hips slowly thrusting back and forth.

Then, over the few paddling smacks and cries, and the groans of boys trying desperately to hold in their seed, came the derisive voice of a woman, possibly Daniela. “You sniveling wimp, get your limp dick, your red ass, and the sorry rest of you out of here. Can’t get it up!”

Immediately, all the women chanted, “Can’t get it up, can’t get it up!”

Dorothea gently rolled my tip with her thumb and forefinger, for the time being not stroking me. I bit my lower lip and took several deep breaths, renewing my determination to retain my jism. If I wasn’t too distracted to count, only two boys needed to fail before I could be a winner. “Oh, Mistress, that feels so very, very good. Thank you, Mistress.”

“You’re doing very well, boy. Have you ever been close to cumming in any of your trials here today?”

“No, Mistress, not yet. And thank you so much for the compliment. Unhh, unhh.” I grunted as Dorothea resumed full strokes to my oversensitive cock.

Screams of males in pain filled the room from a few of the groups, giving me an idea of what was to come.

“Then you haven’t had a real test, almost like you taking a junior high math test. You tell me when you’re right at the edge of cumming and I’ll administer a real test - ten more strokes before I crop you.”

At that moment, one of the mistresses called out, “Blue balls, blue balls!”

“Y..yes, M...M...Mistress,” I stammered, truly afraid she’d make me lose. She gripped me tighter and stoked very fast, up at the tip only. It felt fantastic and in less than a minute I gasped, “Ready! Oh, my God, oh my God!”

Dorothea immediately loosened her grip and stroked the whole shaft very slowly, not neglecting my throbbing cockhead. “”

I held my breath and tightened my muscles. A mighty effort kept my hips still. My scalp and face tingled. “Arrrrgghhhhh!”

“Four....almost....two....o..n..e.” True to her word, she let go. “Congratulations, boy.” She gave me her TCD and that nearly drove me over the edge as well.

For a few seconds, all I could do was gasp. I held still, not moving a muscle except my diaphragm. I knew if I twitched at all, I’d spray and lose everything. Finally, the desperate need to release my load subsided. “Oh, Mistress, thank you so much. I never felt anything like that. It was incredible. Thank you, thank you.”

Dorothea cupped my balls, which had a dull ache. “Do your sensitive little balls hurt, boy?”

“Yes, Mistress, they do. There’s so much cum aching to come out. But I won’t let it so I can serve you.”

With a smile, Dorothea called out, “Blue balls, blue balls!” Other members repeated the refrain. Then she addressed me. “Are you ready for ten more strokes before your caning?”

“I hope so, Mistress, since I would never ask you not to.”

“Good answer!” She gripped me again and pumped me, saying, “The cane will give you real pain. Same deal, a reward if you stay stiff. Back on my lap, quick.”

Taking a deep breath, frightened anew, I bent over her lap and grasped the chair legs. The screams and shrieks of the other boys being caned told me I was due for something very painful. Crack! “Yow!” I screamed.

This pain, sharp and concentrated across both cheeks at once, stung like the Dickens and seared like a branding iron. One hand involuntarily released from the chair. Nearly panicking, I replaced it and gripped tightly.

I felt the cane lightly tapping on my butt, then whoosh, crack again! Another scream. Again, the tapping on my sore cheeks. I felt Dorothea move and my cock, only barely stiff, slid between her legs. She then tightened her legs on my cock. That felt good! My cock was within inches of her pussy and between her legs. I started pumping my hips, loving the feel of her upper thighs against my organ. Whoosh, crack, scream again. I tried to focus on my cock and its exciting position, but the searing pain sure interfered. Again and again she lashed me. As the ordeal continued, I sobbed continually, punctuated by a shriek after each cane strike.

Dorothea’s voice came in my ear. “Take a moment to recover and stand up, boy,” she whispered.

I lay on her, reflexively twitching my hips. After a moment, I recovered enough to remember to flex my PC muscle. With most of my breath recovered, I slowly arose, a shaky smile on my lips as I looked at Dorothea, who handed me the water bottle with a sympathetic look. “Take a big drink, boy. You need it.”

I sucked at the straw eagerly. A few males were still getting cropped, evidenced by their screams. My cock responded again to Dorothea’s renewed fondling. She was gentle at first.

A voice suddenly rose above the others. “Stop, stop, 9...911! I don’t care, I can’t stand it!” Sobbing and wailing of remorse followed this outburst. For the first time, I paid attention to the rest of the room. The guy stumbling toward the door was the taller guy who’d been teased with me.

“Can’t take the cane, can’t take the cane,” chanted the woman. A voice called, “All right, applicants. Only one more loser to go. Who will be the last to lose his chance for sex with all us woman?”

Dorothea, as always, kept to the business at hand, and I felt a surge of pleasure as I became rampant.

“You weren’t very stiff after your caning, but you were above horizontal and responded beautifully to my holding you. You have earned your reward, you fortunate boy. I just hope it doesn’t seal your fate. Now watch.” With a wicked smile, she craned her neck and body, opened her mouth and took my cockhead into her! Was she really going to suck me? My cock surged near to orgasm and I started hyperventilating with fear. He lips were drawn back and I felt her teeth on my tender cockhead. Would she bite? Her tongue rasped my frenulum and I gasped in fear. I was so close to cumming!

With a cruel laugh, Dorothea withdrew her mouth. I held stock still, hoping the surging cum in my shaft would subside. Slowly, it did. “Thank you, Mistress, thank you.” I was truly grateful, but whether more for her taking me in her mouth than for her withdrawal, I couldn’t be sure.

Groans and grunts of male pleasure and effort filled the air, interspersed with quiet conversation. Evidently all the surviving supplicants had taken their canings. Only seven remained, all determined not to be the last to lose out on the opportunity of a lifetime. The judges and Tormentresses and other members circulated among the remaining groups, making quiet comments and pointing or laughing, but not interfering.

Dorothea gave me no rest, but resumed jerking me. “Tell me when you’re at the edge, then fifteen strokes before a very difficult test I invented myself,” she said with another of her evil grins.

I was frightened and excited at once. In less than a minute, my eager cum rose again. I panted, “I’m there, Mistress. Oh, my balls ache!” my voice high-pitched with fear. Surely I couldn’t be the loser?

Dorothea didn’t count, but stroked me, a bit faster than in my previous test, one stroke per word. “You impressed me, boy. I won’t go easy on you, but I want you to win.” She then let go of my penis.

I stood there panting, waiting for yet another raging desire to cum to pass. As it finally did, I gasped, “Thank you, Mistress, thank you.” I felt weak, though my cock, now twitching, remained fully erect and my sore balls throbbed. I accepted the water Dorothea offered.

“Lie on your back with your knees up, boy,” Dorothea commanded.

I was glad it was a clean, shag carpet. I looked up, knowing I’d see way up Dorothea’s skirt if she stood. To my surprise and delight, she straddled me, right over my face. She wasn’t wearing any panties! I saw my first pussy, all wet with some fluid evident on her upper thighs. Her round ass jutted beautifully.

She lowered herself, leaning forward to put her arms under my knees. Pressing my thighs against her, she rocked back, rolling my ass off the floor and dropping her warm, wet pussy right on my face! “Lick my cunt, boy,” she cried. She released my right thigh and soon brought the crop painfully across my exposed ass. Her other hand found my cock and squeezed it.

But these sensations paled to my first smell and taste of pussy. The scent alone made my cock twitch, and the taste! Unlike anything I’d imagined. Obediently, I started licking, more excited by her incredible pussy than hurt by the cane.

Dorothea pushed her hips down on me, pressing so hard sometimes it was hard to breathe. Despite the pain, the stimulation of my cock, and the heady aroma and taste of my first ever pussy, I was frightened. My cock was near the edge and I didn't know the first thing about cunnilingus except the name. I opened my mouth and my tongue found the slit and Dorothea said, “That’s it boy, lick me, lick my cuntlips. Lick my clit.”

I’d read about the clit and seen pictures and videos. Up near the top...of her. My tongue found something hard. I licked and sucked it.

“Yes, that’s it, that’s it. Good boy. Keep licking me. Make me cum. Don’t you dare cum! I am woman! I cum and cum and cum! You are male. You serve woman. Lick my clit!” All the while, she spasmodically struck me with the crop, nowhere near as hard as before, and continued her backhanded jerk off.

I could hardly believe this was happening to nerdy old me. All the sensations made my cock boil. Me! Pleasuring this beautiful, sexually sophisticated beauty enough to make her cum! I was so close myself I felt panic rising in me as I tried to clamp down on my insistent penis.

“Yes, I’m cumming. Cumming!” cried out Dorothea above me, grinding her hips into my face almost painfully.

I kept licking, sooo close to cumming myself!

“No, no, I don’t want to! Ohhhh, wahh,” came an anguished cry that suddenly switched to a bellow of deep pain.

A woman called, “Winners! Stop!”

Dorothea, still orgasming, literally jumped off me, withdrawing all stimulation. I lay on the floor gasping, too concerned not to cum even then to savor my victory.

Dorothea, fingering herself shamelessly, addressed me, panting. “Don’t you dare cum now, boy. You need your full load of seed for the final heat.”

Oh, my God! Another ordeal. I was really spent, but I’d give it my all. I slowly recovered my breath. My nostrils thrilled to the remaining pussysmell on my face.

I slowly got up and kinda crawled into my chair, settling on it very gingerly, wanting the support despite the pain. Dorothea, no longer masturbating, wore a self-satisfied smirk as she pulled her clothing together, spreading her skirt to adjust her stocking and garter strap, a process I watched with great interest.

I took a deep draught from my bottle and then it hit me. I had survived the very harrowing second round. Only six of us left. I started to grin, but I also experienced trepidation. Was the third round to follow the other two immediately?

I looked around the room. Five other exhausted-looking naked boys slumped in their chairs, much as I did. Chris and Zach were among the finalists. The women talked among themselves quietly.

Dorothea stood where we all could see her and addressed us. “First of all, congratulations to our six finalists!” All the women clapped, some whistled. We boys joined in. When the applause subsided, she announced, “I’m sure all you boys will

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Sorority Tutor part 3

Sorority Tutor, part 3, by Linda_C School took on a different tone for Jake. He still got teased, but a lot less than expected. Most guys wouldn't talk to him, mainly they just looked uncomfortable and didn't understand what was happening, or want to understand. Some of his friends, who usually turned and looked at him with a double take, didn't tease him. But they didn't hang around him as much anymore. Sure, a couple did, and even accepted his changes, but Jake could tell it wasn't...

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Sorority Tutor part 4

Sorority Tutor, part 4, by Linda_C The sorority was having so much fun that they had another drawing the next night, and the choices were to wear bras all the time, to shave his body completely, or to wear a corset all the time. To him it was no contest - shave his body. He was not going to ever wear a bra, let alone a corset! Deep down he knew it was a matter of time, but he still hoped they'd tire of this. Maybe after the holiday break... He had to admit the sorority helped him out...

2 years ago
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Sorority party non fiction Part one

I go part time to school at the University of Kentucky, home of the Kentucky Wildcats, or as some call it, Big Blue Nation. Kentuckians love there Wildcats. I have class with a girl that belongs to one of the sororities on campus. Her name is Kara. Kara and I have been friends for about three months at the time.One week as Kara and I were walking across campus to class, she ask me if I wanted to come her sorority house to watch the basketball game that Saturday. I was excited she ask me and...

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Sorority Tutor part 2

Sorority Tutor, part 2, by Linda_C A few days later, Jake realized this was all out his control. Stacy and Jill decided to change how he was paid. He still made his full amount, but only one third of it was in money. The rest, they decided, would be in material things. "You know," Stacy said happily, "things to help you fit in more with all the other girls around here." Jake was surprised by what they got for him. He was terrified that they'd go for a dress or something, and he...

1 year ago
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Sorority Sponsors Part Four

Introduction: Plans are made for Michelle and I That fall semester fell into the almost same routine as every other. One exception was that Kay and I spent all of our alone time wondering at Augie, our infant son. He was such a captivating little guy. Kay and I had a robust sex life before Augie was born, including a vigorously randy pregnancy where Kays secret whorish side was revealed. Now that we were both sleep deprived, our mutual sex life had dwindled to nothing at all. I did have a...

1 year ago
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Sorority Sweetheart Part 1

Part One It was hot and muggy inside the trailer, even though the small window air-conditioning unit was going full blast. The weather reports all said the state was in the middle of a heat wave, though as far as Jeb could remember this time of year was always hotter than hell. A couple summers back he had worked on a roofing crew and on a few occasions had been convinced that his clothes were either going to catch fire or simply melt away. But he didn’t subject himself to that sort...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sponsors Part Three

Introduction: I am attracted to Michelle In the fall, after the new school year began, our first baby joined our family. We named him August Paul David after both of our fathers. We called him Augie and Kay and I spent a great deal of time doing what all first time parents do: We spoiled that little guy with attention. So much so, I think we failed to give each other the attention we owed ourselves. Even after Kay went back to work, the baby was really all we ever talked about when we were both...

3 years ago
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My Initiation to the Sorority Auxiliary Part 2A Sunday

Synopsis: Jerry, a rather nerdy college Freshman studying electrical engineering, is flabbergasted when a very beautiful classmate, Samantha, invites him to try out for her Sorority Auxiliary. She strongly implies that sexual favors will be bestowed on the winners, the final three of a field of 18. Other hints lead him to research “female domination,” about which he, a virgin, knows nothing. The tests, described in earlier installments, were quite severe, but Jerry was one of the fortunate...

3 years ago
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Sorority Rush

Sorority Rush by Elrod W. "Why do we have to take her?" Annie fussed again. "She's no fun." Jeanette stamped her foot impatiently. "Because we said we would," she answered sternly. Besides, she thought to herself, I promised to help her fit in. Annie wasn't satisfied. "You know the Tri-Delta girls won't like her." Jeanette bit her lip. Annie had a point. The Delta-Delta-Delta sorority house had a reputation for being snobs. But it was considered the best sorority house on...

1 year ago
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Sorority Tutor

Sorority Tutor by Linda_C (Note: While I've been working on a longer story, which might never get finished, I've decided to try something shorter, inspired by the works of "A Happy Wife" and "Jennifer White". Well, I failed, and wrote another long story instead. Oh well. Anyway, I adore their work, and hope this homage is appreciated. If it comes out well, I'll try to write more! By the way, this is forced feminization, done to a guy who doesn't want it to happen to him by women...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sissy

sorority sissy by sissy 4 u i had been dating karen ever since I started going to college about six months ago in a northeastern university karen was an extremely beautiful girl which was part of the reason why it was so easy for her to join the sorority delta kappa all the girls at that sorority about 50 in all plus a house"mother"who took care of the bills the dormitory and any trouble the girls might get into the resident girls of delta kappa as i said were were real "lookers...

2 years ago
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Sorority hazing drinking party

Sorority Hazing Drinking Party        The infamous drinking initiation had been a legend about the Suk Cum But sorority for years.  It was also, with good reason, the favorite tradition of not just Suk Cum But’s brother fraternity but the entire college campus.  And it was already well underway.        The 16 terrified freshmen pledges to Suk Cum But had already surrendered their dignity to an unpardonable, mentally traumatizing degree, and it was going to get four hundred times worse.  They...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Ultimate Strip Fighting

Sorority Sex Olympics – Ultimate Strip-Fighting by R.E. LavaqueUltimate Strip-Fighting is a sport invented by the collaboration of a pimp and a web master. The history of Ultimate Strip-Fighting is a story unto itself. While its origin and general practice is anything but wholesome, USF is very popular among college girls who want to make some extra money. The sport is simple and adaptable: Two girls find a group of guys to put up a kitty (usually money). The girls fight until one is stripped...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sluts Drug Delivery

Game Mode may be required to view all the events. Please let me know if, not in game mode, you cannot enjoy the full story... Disclaimer: Story contains both consensual and non-consensual sexual situations and pharmacological situations that your local politician and/or grandmother may or may not approve of. Nobody was harmed and no laws were broken in the making of this piece of fiction, and drugs are bad, 'em kay? ------------------------------a prototypical university campus in the modern...

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Sorority Sisters

Kelly Johnson, a eighteen year old sorority sister in college, walked up the library steps and entered the tall, grey building. She sat down quietly at a table and got some books from her bag and began to read. It was a book on English History. Two of her sorority sisters, Lisa and Jenna, sat beside her and whispered that their sorority sister leader, Megan Adams, wanted to see Kelly urgently. Lisa and Jenna were both blonde and big busted.Kelly sighed with annoyance because she wanted to read...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Secrets

Chapter 1 Everyone in high school knew that Amy Madison was a good little girl. She never even considered giving up her cherry a single time. Not even when the hunky Franco Hardy took her out to the prom and got her in a hotel room all by themselves alone. Sure, she gave him a nice blowjob, but that was only because he had spent a lot of money on the date and she was curious to see how a cock would taste inside her mouth. It was not a pleasant experience because the macho Franco kept...

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Sorority Flag Pole Night

Sorority flag pole night   A fantasy of girls using a man Bob was nineteen and a student. One day the group of lads he sometimes hungout with suggested a night on the town with the proviso that Bob stayed soberas the driver. He was reluctant but agreed. The lads visited many bars butall Bob drunk was coke. Not so his friends who by the end were all legless.On the way back they were larking about in the car until he told them to sitstill as they were affecting his driving. They all jeered and...

1 year ago
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Sorority Games

This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...

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Sorority Male Slave Auction

Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...

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Sorority House Neighbors

Sorority House Neighbors By c.c. I should have been happy--no, make that ecstatic! Wealthy enough to retire in my late 20s, married to my lovely and sexy young wife Jayne, and we just bought a house with a luxurious swimming pool in the bohemian off-campus neighborhood... which I soon discovered was right next door to a Sorority House! I was even more intrigued when I found it was the Lesba-Delta House: the University's openly gay sorority! Visions of kinky couplings next...

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Sorority Staff

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Beginnings Party Plans Party Time Dinner Surprises Sunday Following Weeks Parental Displeasure Today Beginnings In my early teens my life was a real misery. My dad was a drunken bully who died in a car accident when I was about thirteen, he was drunk at the time. There was so little insurance Mum had to sell the house and furniture to cover the mortgage and debts. That left Mum, my older sister, and me with...

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Sorority House Scavenger Hunt

As always: this is a work of fiction, any names used are NOT REAL, and if it is similar to any other stories found on the net, well, thank god there are more people like me. Sorority House Scavenger Hunt By Catherine Steward PART 1 One night while on a scavenger hunt for my fraternity, the other pledges and I had to find several items that would require breaking into a girl's dorm or apartment. I suggested to my brothers that we could easily acquire most of the items at a...

3 years ago
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Sorority Slave Auction

Sorority Slave AuctionThe procedure for the sorority initiation was always the same. Twenty attractive young women arrived at the neighboring frat house, and they were locked in a room and then they voluntarily stripped down to their bra and panties. Then, they waited while the noise in the next room got louder and louder. In the next room, 40 frat boys gathered, drank beer, and waited for the slave auction to begin. At 8:00PM, raunchy music would start and the first girl would come out. ...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

1 year ago
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Sorority Punishment

Sorority PunishmentA work of erotic fiction by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])The characters and events are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.Twenty-year-old Janet was a student at a medium size college. Sororities and fraternities were strong on campus. Anyone who didn’t belong to one was a social outcast.She was in serious trouble. She’d broken the strongest rule by dating the boy friend of Beth who was one of her sorority sisters. Even worse,...

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Sorority Sisters Son

After a sorority sister invited me for a week-long out-of-town spring getaway to her home, we discovered over coffee that both our sons were soon graduating high school. One late afternoon over martinis, she disclosed that in preparation for college, with her son’s blossoming sexuality, they had engaged as a learning experience in oral, vaginal and even anal sex. That evening, after filling three glass with Chardonnay, she asked her son to join us for some wine and conversation. Somewhat tipsy...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project The Morning After

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - The Morning After By Lenal Brody woke up feeling like she had the world's worst hangover. She rubbed her aching head, then noticed that her hair was much longer than usual. The previous day's weirdness rushed back as she shook the grogginess, sitting up in bed. She looked down, fearing that she might see the enormous pregnant belly that had made it so hard to fall asleep, that had made her get up every hour in the night to stumble toward the...

3 years ago
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Sorority Party

THE SORORITY PARTY Things were moving right along at the Delta Phi house.  Every area that required labor was now adequately staffed with slave labor.  Most of it was provided by live-in staff housed in the Servant’s Quarters.Part time slaves were scheduled to serve giving the membership ample opportunity for personal use.  Based on experience there were always an adequate number of slaves available to serve the membership needs and desires at all time.  The Management Group girl in charge of...

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Sorority sisters diary part one

September 3 Dear Diary, I can't believe I was accepted into the TAU UPSILON OMEGA sorority, it is the absolute best one on campus!!! What a place, I share a room with sophomore girl from New Orleans who seems really nice, I think her name is Betty Sue, anyway it's one of those two namers all those southern girls seem to have!!! By the way diary, since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself, my name is Kim, I'm from St. Louis, and this is my second year at Tech!!! This place is a lot...

4 years ago
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Sorority Initiation

At 19, I so want to get into (sorority name deleted!), but I have to pass this initiation. I've played chicken before but not quite like this. When we arrived we were lead to a changing room where we were stripped and our pussies were shaved bare. Then we were escorted into the second floor main room, where three guys with half masks covering the tops of their faces, were laying on thin couches in a pool of bright light. I could tell there were a lot of people sitting around the room,...

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Sorority Sister

Jenna straightened her T-shirt and denim miniskirt. Today was the interview for the super exclusive sorority she wanted to join. "Don't worry Jenna," she reassured herself, "you'll do fine." She inspected herself again. She had curly blond hair, blue eyes, a flat stomach, and 34c tits she was really proud of. Jenna knocked on the door of the cozy looking house. She was a little suprised. Quite a few girls where in the sorority, and she didnt know how they could all sleep in it. "Hi there," a...

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Sorority Enema Hazing

Years ago in college, I received this story in a letter from my ex-girlfriend from high school. We ended up at different universities but remain close even now. I am relating it to all of you for your enjoyment. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, even though no one is innocent (except my friend) in this story . My friend, lets call her Barbara, has long auburn hair and green eyes. She is about 5 ft 8 in with a slightly chubby body and very large tits. Here is the...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project A Logic Puzzle

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - A TG Logic Puzzle by Lenal Inspired by "A Pizza to Remember" by Anne-Mal and "Research Babies" by Roy Del Frink Samantha slammed the front door to the sorority house. "Ugh, boys are the worst!" "That's what I've been saying for weeks," Katrina replied. "Same," said June. "I don't know, there's things I still like about boys," Tiffany said. "Be honest, Tiff," said Wanda. "It's just *one* thing." The girls all giggled. "I know, I know,...

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Sorority GirlChapter 3

"Hi, Dad," I said into the phone. I'd woken up early Sunday morning, calling home at 8:15 sharp because I knew my parents would have gotten home from church, changed clothes, and sat down for English muffins and coffee right about then. Listening to NPR and talking about the weather. They'd been doing it just the same for years. "Jennifer? Is everything okay?" Dad was like that, he never expected me to call unless it was someone's birthday or I was in trouble. "Yeah, Dad....

1 year ago
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Sorority hazing

100% fiction! Hi, I am Jan and now the president of the top sorority on campus, I have to monitor our pledges to make sure they are up to our standards. They have to be great looking and smart. Did I mention that they also have to be a fantastic fuck (both with men and our sisters). This is the story of my pledging. During the first week of pledging about ½ of the pledges either leave on their own or are ask to leave. This year there were 8 of us left. This weekend was our first big...

Group Sex
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Sorority Of Witches Part 3

I waited a few days before I was ready to begin the next part of my training. I spent a lot of time with William. I even trained him on the art of cunnilingus. He got exceptionally good at it, almost as good as Clara.I was excited to finish my training while I was fearful of where I might be going. I only had a couple of weeks left to go before my new school year would begin.I went to my great-grandmother and told her I was ready to begin my final training.She said to me, "Be careful. You are...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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sorority and franternit have a bdsm and slave party

Sorority and fraternity bondage and sex partyI was very excited when my girlfriend Karen invited me to a special sex party arranged by her sorority and my fraternity. I got even more excited when she explained what happened at the party.There would be at least 10 to 15 girls and an equal number of boys. The idea was that you would converse with one person of the opposite sex or if you wish dance with that person or simply sit and have a chat. From time to time the organizer Amanda would grab a...

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Sorority Sisters

Kelly Johnson, a eighteen year old sorority sister in college, walked up the library steps and entered the tall, grey building. She sat down quietly at a table and got some books from her bag and began to read. It was a book on English History. Two of her sorority sisters, Lisa and Jenna, sat beside her and whispered that their sorority sister leader, Megan Adams, wanted to see Kelly urgently. Lisa and Jenna were both blonde and big busted. Kelly sighed with annoyance because she wanted to...

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Sorority girls

Meet the girls. It was the beginning of the new semester and the residents of Alpha Delta Chi were only just waking up, or at least most of them anyway. The smell of cooking bacon was slowly wafting through out the sorority house. This made even the heaviest of sleepers slowly wake from their hibernation. Harmony was always the first one to be up cooking before anyone else was ever up. She set the table with six plates, including one for herself. She paused and grabbed another plate. She was...

2 years ago
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Sorority Girl in Fishnets Such a Good FK

As I approached sorority girl I could hear her telling a female co-worker that she likes to wear nude stocking under her fishnets because doesn't like to feel the fishnet in between her toes. I walked past just as she pulled her foot out of her shoe and noticed a beautiful foot with beneath the nylon and fishnet. I am a socking dude so I instantly became hard as I locked in this beautiful site and headed for the staff restroom for relief. On the way my eyes moved up from her toes to her...

1 year ago
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Sorority Pledge Part 2

My daughter, Calista, and her newfound best friend, Mindy, had become inseparable over the last week.  When they weren't at school, they were either here at my place or at Mindy's Mom's house. When they were here, they spent most of their time in Cali's room, doing homework, or as far as I could tell exploring each other.As ashamed of it as I was, I couldn't help but eavesdrop. listening to them play through the cold air return that Cali's room and my home office shared. I recalled the...

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The Auxiliary

The Auxiliary by Erin Tyler At some point, I found myself on the 50th floor. After my conversation with Junior, I got to thinking about Parkside's relationship with The Mistress, and where it all went wrong. I thought about their farm. I thought about her robots. I thought about the picture I had found: the beautiful dream; the hideous lie. I thought it was kind of weird that nobody, not anybody, had ever even tried to make peace between them. And I thought, But who could be...

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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1

***Please comment & vote.  All your support appreciated!!!!*** Every young co-ed is nervous when they arrive on Campus.  Nervous didn’t begin to explain how I felt when I arrived.  Thank goodness my room mate was cool.  She was fucking gorgeous too!  Ashley was athletic, feminine, 5’8, blonde and very sexy.  I mean she looked like Pamela Anderson used to look.  Don’t get me wrong I am pretty but damn I would hate this bitch if she wasn’t my room mate.    Ashley had made fast friends with some...

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Sorority house

I pull up to my home while I'm in college I look at it the sorority house takes up three Lots I see a Japanese girl standing in the front yard walking to me "Hi my name is Kasumi I am the elected president of the house let me help you with your bags." She said "With you being here we now have 21 girls living here we don't have any dress code but we do have a decorating code." Kasumi tells me I looked at her confused I asked her "A decorating code?" "I'll show you she took me to the second floor...

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Sorority Sister Sissy Sitters

SORORITY SISTER SISSY SITTERS by Throne Kevin was very uneasy. He knew his wife Petra was going out for the evening and she had hinted at making some special arrangement to deal with him. What else could she do? After discovering his habit of dressing girly when she wasn't around, she had used it against him. Whenever he was home now he had to wear the most shameful outfits she could think of. For instance, at the moment, he had on a sleeveless gingham top, the halves of which tied...

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Sorority Sex Olympics

Sorority Sex Olympics by R.E. LavaqueIt is spring and school is coming to an end, time for the quadrennial Greek fund-raiser, the Sex Olympics. What had started 40 years earlier, during the sixties, as a fun filled sexual frolic has turned into two weeks of sexual extremes.The festivities start with the traditional opening ceremonies and parade of the sex-a-letes. all wearing the same basic outfit: high stiletto heals, a g-string bottom, a size zero tank-top with their Sorority's name...

4 years ago
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Sorority Of Witches Part 2

Katerina had learned in the first chapter that she was a witch. Her great-grandmother had begun training her. She was now ready to find out what being a witch really meant.Katerina went to bed with the amulet around her neck. She did as her great-grandmother had told her to do. I was right back at the witch trials that she had seen before. This time she was seen by the others there. She remembered what she had been told, not to stand out in any way.She was standing outside the trial chambers as...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 3

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she's punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle.  * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house, catching...

2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 2

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she's punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * I loved being across Logan Thorndike’s lap. I loved the feel of his hands on me, and the slaps, again and again, on the surface of my cheeks. I...

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Sorority Slut Does Everything

Jenny stared dejectedly at her phone, hoping that it wouldn't ring again but knowing that it would, and very soon.She had too much to drink at the club and let her soon-to-be sisters at Sigma Lambda Tau talk her into writing her number on the bathroom stalls. Alexis, the chapter president, had told her that it was a harmless prank and if she went along she would be a shoo-in for membership and could come back tomorrow and remove the graffiti.Now she was stuck in a hotel room far from campus and...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project The Walk of Shame and Answer Key

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - The Walk of Shame (and Answers) By Lenal Note: The answers to the logic puzzle are given throughout this little vignette, but if you want to skip to the end, you'll find the TL;DR version :). Samantha, Wanda, June, Tiffany, and Katrina lounged on the porch of the Mu Gamma Kappa house, waiting for their ex-boyfriends to arrive, drawn by the same mystical forces that changed them to begin with. Zach was the first to arrive. Her dirty-blond hair...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project Eggs Over Uneasy

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Eggs Over Uneasy By Lenal Wanda shouted for everyone to assemble in the foyer. The new girls came down the stairs, and June made them stand in a line by height. Brody was on one end, wearing a bikini that only partly covered her dark nipples. Next to her was Zach, who wore a short skirt and a pink v-neck shirt that allowed tufts of dirty blonde hair to peek out of the collar and spill out of the short sleeves; her thick beard made her easily the...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Concentration

Sorority Sex Olympics – Concentrationby R.E. LavaqueMy name is not Cherry but everybody has called me that since I was 13. I tell people the name comes from my always bright red lips, but in fact my boyfriend at the time named me that after he sucked my areolae to a cherry red. I joined Alpha Alpha Alpha when I came to this University three years ago and it has been the best thing I've ever done. I have made so many friends that I will have forever. My best friend's name is Donna. Everyone...

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Sorority Pledge

"All right pledges, you have your assignments. You have been paired up with a mentor. Go get it! You have two weeks. You don't complete it, you won't be admitted to Delta Alpha Delta Sorority."They filed out of the room, some excited, some nervous, but all comitted. They had just been told that they must fuck someone. But not just fuck them, they had to have video or photographic proof. The more outrageous the circumstance, the better. No proof. No further pledging. Ordinarily, I wouldn't give...


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