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The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section.

Table of Contents

Party Plans
Party Time
Dinner Surprises
Following Weeks
Parental Displeasure


In my early teens my life was a real misery. My dad was a drunken bully who died in a car accident when I was about thirteen, he was drunk at the time. There was so little insurance Mum had to sell the house and furniture to cover the mortgage and debts. That left Mum, my older sister, and me with no home and very little money. Luckily for us Mum soon found a job as the cook for a sorority house in a church owned boarding school in the Blue Mountains near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

The school had lost all of its buildings in a bushfire several years earlier, so instead of rebuilding it they sold the land for a lot of money. The church school management board amalgamated the school with their nearby boys’ school while they reorganised both of the schools, because the numbers were down at both of the schools, and they doubted their long term viability as two schools. This allowed them to reduce costs while modernising the operation. The school now covered high school - years seven to twelve, plus some technical college courses and university preparation courses. Another of their schools, a few kilometres away, handles the younger children. The upgraded high school has new accommodation facilities built along the lines of the USA college sorority and fraternity house system. The boys are on one side of the main school buildings with the girls on the other side. Each building provides accommodation for up to twenty students within the same two grade years, with some units covering the university and technical college students. Students move houses when they progress through the years. There are twenty-six houses at the school, thirteen fraternities and thirteen sororities: three for each age group plus one for the college level course students. There are times when some students will be in houses for other grades due to an imbalance in the student enrolment numbers, but these aren’t a real problem. Most extras tend to end up in the college course houses, since they’re often under enrolled. The school also allows some day students, because they live locally, and the children of school staff also attend the school as day students.

After Dad died Mum soon found the job as the head cook at the college sorority house of the school. The job included some extras: on-site accommodation plus a great reduction in fees for dependants to attend the school. We have our own cottage next door to the sorority house. Both my sister and I go to the school. At the time of the events I’m writing of I’m a sixteen year old in year ten while my eighteen year old sister is in year twelve. I’m only one of three boys who live inside the Girls’ Zone, as this side of the school is called, and that’s because the three of us live with our families in the assigned staff cottages. Living inside the Girls’ Zone has some advantages and disadvantages. Few girls bother with blinds at night, so it’s possible to see into their bedrooms. However, all of the sorority bedrooms are upstairs while the cottages are all at ground level, and I don’t get to see much. Staff family also get first choice at casual work in the houses. This pays good money, but it comes at a price. You have to be prepared to work at any time outside of school hours, any time; however, training and games for school teams are classed as school hours. Refuse to work any offered time and you’re dropped from the list for ever. This plays hell with your private life, which explains why so many of the older family members of staff are off the casual employment list to have more personal time with friends.

Very soon after we arrived at the school I started casual work in the house where Mum works as a ‘gopher’ (means go for). My job is to be on hand from a half hour after school until an hour after dinner each Monday to Friday, and Saturday morning. I’m to be ready to be sent on errands and general carry duties by the house staff. Most of the time it’s a breeze and I’m allowed to study between errands, so I always have my school books with me. However, when they have a party or an event I’m on duty from an hour before the event to an hour after it, or longer. As I said, this cuts into my personal down time. But after a few months I got used to it, I accept it as the price I pay for the good money. The average casual pay for an early to mid-teenager is $12 to $15 per hour, and they have to travel to their work. I get $25 per hour, plus tips, and it’s literally right next door. Add in the majority of the time the girls are very casually dressed, at best, so there are some visual fringe benefits. Good pay and conditions, but they make me work for it. Not so much the work, since it’s easy, but the hours and not being able to organise my own time any further ahead than a few hours most of the time.

Most of the girls are quite nice, and they often help me with my studies and homework. However, a few of them are real bitches, and are seen that way by their house-mates. One is so much so her nickname around the house is ‘Princess,’ because she behaves like a spoilt princess, and she gets very pissed off when she isn’t treated like one. She has two very close friends who are just as bad. All the students and staff dislike them. One student was heard to say they weren’t intelligent enough to be called air-heads, ouch. They’re doing a number of university preparation courses because they failed to get into any of the university courses after year twelve. The only thing they have going for them are their families’ huge bank accounts. Their names are Jamie, Diane, and Suzanne: also known as Princess, Prancer, and Pit Bull; the nicknames really described their attitudes and behaviours.

Well, I have this friend who I play computer games with a lot: games like Doom, Doom 2, Diablo, and Diablo 2. He got hold of some programs to allow us to modify some aspects of the games like the images and names. We used them to replace the images of certain monsters with pictures of Jamie, Diane, and Suzanne. We always picked the monsters with the most suitable names, like Nightmares, etc. The pictures we used were taken at a school swim carnival with the girls in bikinis, but they’re slightly modified to make the swimsuits look a lot smaller. One Saturday afternoon I’m playing Diablo 2 with my friend over the Internet when one of the girls comes over to ask me to work that afternoon and evening for a party she’s organising at short notice. She sees my screen while I’m playing Diablo 2, and watches me chasing after and shooting monsters that look like Princess Jamie in an ultra-thin micro bikini. The name tag says ‘Devilish Nightmare.’ She gets my attention when she laughs at the name. I agree to the work, and she asks for a copy of my modified game files.

I see no harm, so I give them to her. Except for the three princesses everyone in the house is having fun playing the House Special version of Diablo 2 within a week of that incident. We replace the image of Deckard Cain with one of the House Mother in her best dress. Other house members are soon added in other roles as well, often as avatars. One day, about five weeks later, Prancer catches one of the house girls killing a Devilish Nightmare and giggling over the special dying effects we’d introduced. They rapidly age and turn into shrivelled up human looking prunes. Prancer goes ballistic, and tells the other princesses about it. They complain, and the full details come out about who created it. I’m spoken to about being careful with what I do, but no one is punished or stopped from playing the game, because it’s not against any of the school or house rules. Since it was all done in my own time they can’t complain about me wasting their time, either. The House Mother is very understanding about the whole matter.

Needless to say, the three princesses aren’t happy. After that event the three princesses look for ways to cause me trouble. The harder they work at making trouble for me, the harder the other girls work at making things easier for me. I appreciate the efforts the other girls and staff make on my behalf.

Party Plans

About a month later, and four weeks before my sixteenth birthday, I get special permission to have the afternoon of the Saturday after my birthday off to spend time with my friends in the nearest town as a sort of birthday party for me with them in town. The House Mother, Mrs June Bradley, agrees to this; she’s also taking that weekend off to spend it with family in Sydney. Some weeks later, on the Monday before my party Saturday, Princess finds out about my being off on Saturday, and why. She gets permission to have a house party for the house members on the same Saturday. Mrs Bradley gives approval, because she thinks it’ll be a simple house party and Mum can deal with it. But Princess has special plans which require my services for the whole day. I’m not happy when I’m told about it. Mrs Bradley is very embarrassed when she tells me about it and has to cancel my Saturday afternoon off. For the first time in the more than two years we’ve been there I have an argument with her. I leave her office without replying to her about working the Saturday. Normally such behaviour would mean instant striking off the work list, but she realises she bears a huge part of the fault, and how much this day means to me. It’s the only one I’ve asked for in just over two years working for her. She’s not happy with Princess for putting her, and me, in this position.

I’m sitting on the low fence marking the boundary of the Girls’ Zone while looking out over the valley (the school is perched on the top of a ridge with beautiful views over two valleys) when Glenda comes to speak to me. She’s one of the sorority sisters, but she’s only sixteen years old, she’s an overflow student staying in the house. I know her well, because we’ve three classes together. Her older sister, Grace, is another sorority sister doing a college level child care degree course.

Glenda sits beside me and talks to me for several minutes while she massages my shoulders. After some minutes I calm down. It’s very hard to be angry while getting a relaxing massage. She says, “Please do this. It’s not that I want you to do this for Princess, but if you don’t, you’re no longer our Gopher, and none of us want you to stop being our Gopher. Please do this for us?” Turning, I see the concern in her eyes, and nod yes. She smiles, and says, “Thank you,” when she realises I’m doing this for her and the other girls, and only because she asked me to do it.

Going back to Mrs Bradley’s office I explain my deep anger about this, and apologise for storming off. She accepts my apology, and apologises for doing this to me. She promises to pay me double time for Saturday afternoon and night. I look up, since this is new. She says, “The House Party Committee have now gotten involved, and they intend this party to go from noon Saturday to dusk Sunday. They’ll be funding extra food, drinks, and will have a number of DVDs to watch during the party. They’ve asked for you to help with the preparations and through the full event. That means you’ll probably have to work more than twenty-four hours straight through, and you’ll be staying in the house all night. That’s well beyond anything I can demand of you, and I’m offering to pay you double pay for most of it. I’m billing Jamie for most of the expenses of this party, including an extra thousand dollars for wages. Grace assures me if you’ll work the full period they won’t need any other staff working during the day or night. So I’m prepared to pay you twelve hundred dollars for the whole day and night.” Bug eyed, I gulp, and nod my head yes. My friends will understand, since this is an offer too good to refuse. She smiles, “Good. I think it best to act as if our little misunderstanding didn’t occur at all. Grace will need you to help with a supplies trip to town at eight a.m. on Saturday morning.” I nod my head again, then I go home to phone my friends to tell them of the cancellation, and why. They all commiserate with me while they agree the money is too good to pass up. We’ll try and sort something out for a later date.

That night I talk to Mum about the situation, and she says, “Yes, I know all about it. It’s the main topic of discussion amongst the staff. They’re all upset with June about how she let the little bitch manipulate her. She realises that, too, and isn’t happy, either. I’ll be working hard much of the day preparing the food and drinks Grace has asked me to get ready. One word, young man. Most of these girls are eighteen years of age, or older. They’re legally allowed to drink alcohol and are being allowed to have some alcoholic drinks at these parties. You’re not to touch any of them. I realise you know better than to go drinking the beer or spirits, especially after what happened with your father. But the punch has alcohol in it, don’t drink anything except a soft drink can you opened and kept in sight. Clear? Keep away from the punch, especially on Saturday.” I’m wide-eyed while I nod my head yes. This is all stuff I already know, but Mum is really pushing out the barrow on it today.

I wonder why she’s making such a big issue of it today? Sometime later I realised Mum is the one who usually makes the punch for the parties. Hmm, I wonder what’s going on this weekend?

Saturday Morning

At 8.00 a.m. I’m at the house ready to go with Grace. She has a long list of groceries and other items to be purchased. She has the paperwork signed by Mum for the various suppliers to charge things to the house accounts. Each house has accounts with the various suppliers, and monthly bills are sent to the House Mother or House Father for payment. Various staff have the authority to sign order forms for supplies. Grace has her licence to drive, and we’ll be dropping Mrs Bradley at the railway station first. I’m along to carry boxes. I carry Mrs Bradley’s overnight bag to the minibus, and we all climb in. Grace drives us in. I carry Mrs Bradley’s bag into the railway station, and we leave her on the platform. Grace and I go down to the shops, and pass the shopping list over to one of the staff at the supermarket. On to the butcher, the fruit and vegetables shop, and last is the store for the party supplies: things like banners, party hats, and other non-food items. Then to the Cheesecake Shop next door. Grace hands over the order form, and I follow the lady out the back to carry two cartons of boxed goodies to the minibus. Back to the party shop for a box of party supplies, and back along the line. By the time we’ve everything loaded we’ve eighteen boxes of goodies very carefully secured to the floor of the minibus, along with twenty cartons of drinks: thirty cans in each. We’re back at the house at 9.15 a.m.

I carry everything inside and into the kitchen. Grace returns the minibus to the school garage. I place the drinks and fridge stuff in the walk-in cool room then I take the party supplies up to Grace’s room, because she told me to. I return to the kitchen to find Princess checking everything is as ordered, and smirking at me. I upset her by giving her a nice smile back; Mum smiles at my response. For the next hour or so I’m very busy helping rearrange furniture for the party. About 10.00 a.m. I return to the kitchen to find Mum preparing the punch. She’s making up two thirty litre containers of fruit punch, two different flavours. She asks me to pour the ingredients into the two bowls. One bowl gets three litres of vodka while the other gets nine litres of vodka and three litres of Bacardi Rum. I’m surprised, because three litres of alcohol per bowl is the usual limit. When I start to ask about the quantities she says, “I know what I’m doing, just do as you’re told.” Shrugging my shoulders I turn, and start pouring, placing the empty bottles in the recycling container. Both get eight large tins of diced fruit each. The low alcohol punch gets two fruits and fruit salad in equal amounts while the other gets diced apple and diced pineapple in equal amounts poured into it. The mixed fruit needs twenty-one litres of fruit juice while the pineapple / apple one needs twelve litres of fruit juice: it’s almost fifty percent alcohol. Once everything is in the bowls I carry them through to the cool room to ferment and chill.

It’s a very busy morning helping Mum to get all of the food ready for the afternoon and evening. I help her serve lunch at 12.15 p.m., and clean up afterwards. Most of it’s carrying the plates out, scrape them, and put them in the dish washer. When Mum is leaving at 1.30 p.m. she turns to me with a smile with a gleam in her eye while saying, “Tonight, stay away from the punch, and enjoy yourself as much as you can.” I nod yes, and smile, but I wonder how she expects me to enjoy myself much while I’m working. Slowly shaking my head I turn, and start setting up for the party due to start at 2.00 p.m.

Party Time

Two tables have been set up on the sides of the main room, and I’ve been given specific orders about what to put on what table. The low alcohol punch goes on the far table with sliced or diced fruit and some fairly healthy cheap nibblers. The other table has the high alcohol punch with all the expensive nibblers on it, mostly name brand chips etc. - ones that aren’t usually provided. I do notice most of the nibblers on this table are also much saltier than those on the other. Princess comes down to inspect my set up just as I’m finishing it. She sees the high alcohol punch, and says, “Oh good, I see your Mum did the special punch I asked for with lots of pineapple.” I nod yes while not bothering to tell her I did the actual work, she’s not worth the trouble. Then I twig, Mum did that special for her; so why did she have me give it so much alcohol? Nah, Mum wouldn’t be out to get her drunk, she’s not that type. Anyway, Grace is supervising the party.

As per the party instructions all of the downstairs blinds are down plus the doors and windows are shut and locked. I’ve no idea why they want the privacy, but they want it, so I set it up. I learn why later.

I’m feeling a bit warm, because the house environmental controls are turned up high. It’s the middle of winter and they’re having an indoor pool party in swimsuits without a pool, so the heating is turned up to keep them warm. How weird can you get? The girls start appearing, and most are in very skimpy bikinis. Well, I may not be having fun with my mates, but this promises to be fun for me to watch. I go and get a can of coke to drink. The first DVD is put on to play: High School Musical, Dance Along Edition. There’s lots of laughing, dancing, and drinking. Grace is supervising the party, and she doesn’t seem to mind Glenda having the odd glass of the punch from the fruit plate table, but stops her from getting anything from the other table. I do believe she and Mum are up to something. By 3.30 p.m. only the Princess, Prancer, and Pit Bull have had any of the special punch. They also seem to be going through it a lot faster than the normal punch is being drunk.

Yeah, I know, I’m slow, but I did work it all out by 4.00 p.m. The dancing works up a sweat, they go to get a drink. While there they get something to eat. All the food at that table is very salty, making them even thirstier, so they have some more to drink. All three do mention how nice the punch tastes today. I’m not surprised, with the amount of alcohol in it: about fifty percent alcohol by fluid volume. Wow! I’m surprised it doesn’t take the skin off the inside of their mouths.


By 6.00 p.m. the three trouble makers are very, very drunk and uninhibited. Grace approaches me, and says, “Hey, Gary, how do you feel about a couple of special birthday presents while giving us a show?” I look at her, and she indicates the drunks while saying, “Now, just what would you like to be doing to them right now? Help yourself.” I look at her very wide-eyed. Smiling, I walk over to Jamie.

Standing behind Jamie I reach around to fondle her breasts, and say, “You look uncomfortable in that, let me make you comfortable.” She nods her head yes while I undo the bikini top’s clasp between her breasts. I peel the bra cups back. I look up to see Grace using a digital camera to record it all, and Glenda watching with wide-eyes. The rest of the girls are watching, and smiling. I take Jamie’s top off and go back to fondling her breasts as I kiss her throat. Grinning, I slide my hand down and slip it inside her swimmers to cup her pussy. She moans and leans back on me. Damn, I can’t believe I’m standing here feeling up a nineteen year old girl. I slip my finger into her slit to play with her clit with my right hand while my left is still fondling her breast. She wriggles in my grasp. Removing my hand from her pussy I move around in front of her to slide the last of her swimsuit down her legs and off, getting a good look at her shaved pussy. As I stand up I take my t-shirt off. I take her in my arms and kiss her. She’s eager as she responds by sliding her tongue into my mouth. Damn, her bare breasts pushing into my chest feel nice. Breaking the kiss I lower her to the floor. I spread her legs while placing one of her hands on her pussy, and say, “Show me how you play with it.” Smiling, she starts playing with her pussy.

I stand back to see most of the girls now have a hand down their own swimsuit bottoms while they play with their pussies. Glenda sees me looking at her, and blushes; she also smiles at me. Grace is busy filming the action on the floor. It suddenly dawns on me Grace and Mum set this all up. I don’t know how far they’re going to let me go, but I intend to push it to the limit. We’ll see how far I’m allowed to go.

I go over to Diane, and whisper in her ear, “Like to eat that pussy?” She’s very eager when she nods yes. So the rumours about her are true, she likes girls. Walking behind her I undo her bikini top, and slip my hands inside the straps. I slide my hands around, and fondle her breasts, she moans while the top falls to the floor. I slide my hands down to push her bottoms down, and she steps out of them. I stand up, slip my hand into her juicy pussy, and feel her up. She smiles, and moans. I remove my hand, lead her over to Jamie, and push her to her knees between Jamie’s knees. Some of the girls gasp, and a few other girls giggle. Diane drops her mouth to Jamie’s pussy, and licks her slit. Jamie moans, and places a hand on Diane’s head to push her further into her groin. It’s clear she’s had someone do this to her before, and she knows what to do.

I stand up and look around the room, most of the girls have lost their swimmers. I see Suzanne, she’s standing to the side watching the floor show with a wide open mouth. I walk over, and undo her top. I slide it off. No reaction. I slide her bottoms down, lifting her feet, one at a time, and take them off. Still no reaction. I slip my hand into her pussy, she sags against me while she moans. I stand there feeling her up for a few minutes while I enjoy myself.

Grace walks up to me, and says, “None of those three take any precautions, and it’s their fertile time. You even think about using a condom while you fuck them, and I’ll rip your balls off. Mind you, the reverse applies when you get around to Glenda and me, because we can’t use the pill, we’ve an allergy reaction.” I turn to look at her. She smiles at me, and I smile back. Turning back to Suzanne I lead her to the middle of the room, and help her to lie down.

Standing beside Suzanne I undo my pants. Looking around the room I notice I’m the centre of attention, and Glenda’s eyes are riveted on my groin. I slide my pants and shorts off. Glenda smiles, and licks her lips when my dick comes into view. One of the older girls sighs, and says, “Now that’s a size I’ve got to try. He’s bigger than any of the seniors I’ve dated.” I wish I knew how she meant that. I’ve never been into that ‘Let’s compare dicks’ thing that some boys are, so I’ve no idea how my 215 mm long and 70 mm wide phallic tool compares to others, but, by the reactions I’m seeing, I’d guess I’d do well in such a contest.

I kneel down beside Suzanne, and slip my right hand into her pussy. She’s lying there looking at my dick while shaking her head no. She’s still shaking her head no a moment later when she moans and comes. Taking my hand out of her pussy I lift her right hand up, and wrap it around my dick, she grabs tight. Reaching to her chin I tilt her head up until her eyes see my face. At first her eyes are unfocused. When she focuses and sees exactly whose dick she’s holding her smile slips. I say, “Now say yes, and beg me to fuck you.” She gulps, and shakes her head no. I move my hand back to fondle her breast, she smiles, and moans. I grasp her nipple, and start squeezing, her smile vanishes when I apply the pressure. Her eyes focus on me when she realises my intent.

Gulping, she says, “Please fuck me, Gary!” I smile at her, and move between her thighs. Her hand keeps hold of my dick while I lower my dick to her pussy; it looks like she’s guiding my dick to her cunt. Yet all she’s doing is keeping a firm hold on my dick which is guiding her hand, not the other way around. I place the head of my dick at her vaginal entrance, and I start to push in. She has no hymen, so it’s easy for me to slide in. When her hand touches her groin she removes it. I push my dick deeper and deeper into her love tunnel. I can feel it opening up while I enter her. She may not be a virgin, but I don’t think she’s been all that active, yet, either. All through this her eyes are locked on mine.

Our groins meet when I lower my body to hers. We kiss. Breaking the kiss she asks, “Does this mean I’m now your girlfriend?”

Smiling at her I reply, “No, it means you’re now my sex slave.” Her eyes go wide, she opens her mouth to speak, I kiss her again, and slip my tongue into her open mouth. While we kiss I pull my dick almost out of her, and slide it back in - I’m real slow while doing it.

Breaking the kiss she closes her eyes, and squeezes out a few tears while she says, “Yes, Master.” Oh shit, I was just playing mind games, but when she said that I almost shoot my load right then. Oh yeah, I may not have meant it when I said it, but since she accepts it, I’m keeping her as a sex slave.

I feel someone lifting her hips toward me. I rise back up onto my knees and elbows to find Grace sliding a cushion under Suzanne’s hips. I raise myself a little higher to give her more room. Once we’re set I start to thrust back and forth inside Suzanne’s juicy cunt. Each move is a little faster than the previous. Very soon she’s writhing and moaning. Right now I’m very thankful for all those sex stories I’ve read at ASSTR and Storiesonline. Some were full of crap, but some did help me learn what I should be doing now, so I do what I’ve read. I lean down to rub my chest against her nipples. She moans louder; damn, that does work. So my first fuck isn’t with someone I love, but I sure love fucking this nineteen year old bitch. Especially knowing she’s going to be mine again whenever I want her from now on. One good thing about fucking a bitch like this that I don’t love is I can learn what does and doesn’t work in real life so I’ll be better for the one I do love when I get to her later tonight.

I’m pounding Suzanne’s pussy hard, and I change the angle a little. Suddenly it all changes. At first I think there’s a problem. Her cunt is trying to squeeze my dick flat while she moans. Then my brain catches up, she coming hard because I’ve fucked her to a good orgasm. Damn, that’s a sexy thought. The squeezing is a bit worrying when it catches you unaware, but it doesn’t hurt. In fact, it feels damn nice. When she relaxes I speed up more. She comes several times before I feel my balls getting ready to blow a load. I try to hold back, but I remember she’s unprotected and I’m going to get her pregnant. Damn, that’s a sexy thought too. I drop down, slide my arms under her, hook my hands around her shoulders, and slam my groin into her while the thought of making a baby sends me over the edge. When I start coming my dick is as deep in her as it’s ever going to get. Her eyes fly open as she feels my sperm hitting her insides. She opens her mouth, and I kiss her. I can see the concern in her eyes. I keep our bodies locked together as I shoot several spurts of sperm into her pussy. We stay locked together and kissing for a few minutes. My dick starts to go limp so I break the kiss, and pull out of her. She’s accusing me with her eyes. Smiling I look down at her while I say, “Don’t worry. If that cunt load of sperm doesn’t get you pregnant one of the others of the coming weeks will!”

Her eyes go wide with anxiety. I watch while various emotions chase each other through her eyes. Anxiety, fear, concern, acceptance. She calms down, and quietly says, “Yes, Master.” Damn, that’s such a turn on my dick is already coming back to life. Moving around her body I place my dick on her lips. Her eyes go wide again, for a moment, then she sighs, opens her mouth, and my dick slides in. She sucks on my dick. It’s obvious she’s not done this before. Oh well, I’ll have to see she gets lots of practice over the weekend.

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Sorority Sex Olympics Ultimate Strip Fighting

Sorority Sex Olympics – Ultimate Strip-Fighting by R.E. LavaqueUltimate Strip-Fighting is a sport invented by the collaboration of a pimp and a web master. The history of Ultimate Strip-Fighting is a story unto itself. While its origin and general practice is anything but wholesome, USF is very popular among college girls who want to make some extra money. The sport is simple and adaptable: Two girls find a group of guys to put up a kitty (usually money). The girls fight until one is stripped...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sluts Drug Delivery

Game Mode may be required to view all the events. Please let me know if, not in game mode, you cannot enjoy the full story... Disclaimer: Story contains both consensual and non-consensual sexual situations and pharmacological situations that your local politician and/or grandmother may or may not approve of. Nobody was harmed and no laws were broken in the making of this piece of fiction, and drugs are bad, 'em kay? ------------------------------a prototypical university campus in the modern...

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Sorority Auxiliary Part 1 My Application

The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sisters

Kelly Johnson, a eighteen year old sorority sister in college, walked up the library steps and entered the tall, grey building. She sat down quietly at a table and got some books from her bag and began to read. It was a book on English History. Two of her sorority sisters, Lisa and Jenna, sat beside her and whispered that their sorority sister leader, Megan Adams, wanted to see Kelly urgently. Lisa and Jenna were both blonde and big busted.Kelly sighed with annoyance because she wanted to read...

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Sorority Auxiliary Part 1 My Application

The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...

4 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Secrets

Chapter 1 Everyone in high school knew that Amy Madison was a good little girl. She never even considered giving up her cherry a single time. Not even when the hunky Franco Hardy took her out to the prom and got her in a hotel room all by themselves alone. Sure, she gave him a nice blowjob, but that was only because he had spent a lot of money on the date and she was curious to see how a cock would taste inside her mouth. It was not a pleasant experience because the macho Franco kept...

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Sorority Sweetheart Part 1

Part One It was hot and muggy inside the trailer, even though the small window air-conditioning unit was going full blast. The weather reports all said the state was in the middle of a heat wave, though as far as Jeb could remember this time of year was always hotter than hell. A couple summers back he had worked on a roofing crew and on a few occasions had been convinced that his clothes were either going to catch fire or simply melt away. But he didn’t subject himself to that sort...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sponsors Part Three

Introduction: I am attracted to Michelle In the fall, after the new school year began, our first baby joined our family. We named him August Paul David after both of our fathers. We called him Augie and Kay and I spent a great deal of time doing what all first time parents do: We spoiled that little guy with attention. So much so, I think we failed to give each other the attention we owed ourselves. Even after Kay went back to work, the baby was really all we ever talked about when we were both...

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Sorority Flag Pole Night

Sorority flag pole night   A fantasy of girls using a man Bob was nineteen and a student. One day the group of lads he sometimes hungout with suggested a night on the town with the proviso that Bob stayed soberas the driver. He was reluctant but agreed. The lads visited many bars butall Bob drunk was coke. Not so his friends who by the end were all legless.On the way back they were larking about in the car until he told them to sitstill as they were affecting his driving. They all jeered and...

1 year ago
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Sorority Games

This is the story about hell week at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. My friend Anne and I were pledging one of the biggest sororities (Delta Sigma) at the College. We were a bit nervous and very excited, because this sorority dated the hottest guys on the campus. There fraternity was called Phi Gama Delta (Figi). It was 1981, and we were in our first year of college. Anne and I were room-mates and living in the dorm. Dorm life was okay, but if you were a sister in a sorority...

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Sorority Male Slave Auction

Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...

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Sorority House Neighbors

Sorority House Neighbors By c.c. I should have been happy--no, make that ecstatic! Wealthy enough to retire in my late 20s, married to my lovely and sexy young wife Jayne, and we just bought a house with a luxurious swimming pool in the bohemian off-campus neighborhood... which I soon discovered was right next door to a Sorority House! I was even more intrigued when I found it was the Lesba-Delta House: the University's openly gay sorority! Visions of kinky couplings next...

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Sorority House Scavenger Hunt

As always: this is a work of fiction, any names used are NOT REAL, and if it is similar to any other stories found on the net, well, thank god there are more people like me. Sorority House Scavenger Hunt By Catherine Steward PART 1 One night while on a scavenger hunt for my fraternity, the other pledges and I had to find several items that would require breaking into a girl's dorm or apartment. I suggested to my brothers that we could easily acquire most of the items at a...

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Sorority Slave Auction

Sorority Slave AuctionThe procedure for the sorority initiation was always the same. Twenty attractive young women arrived at the neighboring frat house, and they were locked in a room and then they voluntarily stripped down to their bra and panties. Then, they waited while the noise in the next room got louder and louder. In the next room, 40 frat boys gathered, drank beer, and waited for the slave auction to begin. At 8:00PM, raunchy music would start and the first girl would come out. ...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

1 year ago
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Sorority Punishment

Sorority PunishmentA work of erotic fiction by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])The characters and events are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.Twenty-year-old Janet was a student at a medium size college. Sororities and fraternities were strong on campus. Anyone who didn’t belong to one was a social outcast.She was in serious trouble. She’d broken the strongest rule by dating the boy friend of Beth who was one of her sorority sisters. Even worse,...

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Sorority Sisters Son

After a sorority sister invited me for a week-long out-of-town spring getaway to her home, we discovered over coffee that both our sons were soon graduating high school. One late afternoon over martinis, she disclosed that in preparation for college, with her son’s blossoming sexuality, they had engaged as a learning experience in oral, vaginal and even anal sex. That evening, after filling three glass with Chardonnay, she asked her son to join us for some wine and conversation. Somewhat tipsy...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project The Morning After

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - The Morning After By Lenal Brody woke up feeling like she had the world's worst hangover. She rubbed her aching head, then noticed that her hair was much longer than usual. The previous day's weirdness rushed back as she shook the grogginess, sitting up in bed. She looked down, fearing that she might see the enormous pregnant belly that had made it so hard to fall asleep, that had made her get up every hour in the night to stumble toward the...

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Sorority hazing drinking party

Sorority Hazing Drinking Party        The infamous drinking initiation had been a legend about the Suk Cum But sorority for years.  It was also, with good reason, the favorite tradition of not just Suk Cum But’s brother fraternity but the entire college campus.  And it was already well underway.        The 16 terrified freshmen pledges to Suk Cum But had already surrendered their dignity to an unpardonable, mentally traumatizing degree, and it was going to get four hundred times worse.  They...

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Sorority party non fiction Part one

I go part time to school at the University of Kentucky, home of the Kentucky Wildcats, or as some call it, Big Blue Nation. Kentuckians love there Wildcats. I have class with a girl that belongs to one of the sororities on campus. Her name is Kara. Kara and I have been friends for about three months at the time.One week as Kara and I were walking across campus to class, she ask me if I wanted to come her sorority house to watch the basketball game that Saturday. I was excited she ask me and...

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Sorority Initiation

At 19, I so want to get into (sorority name deleted!), but I have to pass this initiation. I've played chicken before but not quite like this. When we arrived we were lead to a changing room where we were stripped and our pussies were shaved bare. Then we were escorted into the second floor main room, where three guys with half masks covering the tops of their faces, were laying on thin couches in a pool of bright light. I could tell there were a lot of people sitting around the room,...

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Sorority Sister

Jenna straightened her T-shirt and denim miniskirt. Today was the interview for the super exclusive sorority she wanted to join. "Don't worry Jenna," she reassured herself, "you'll do fine." She inspected herself again. She had curly blond hair, blue eyes, a flat stomach, and 34c tits she was really proud of. Jenna knocked on the door of the cozy looking house. She was a little suprised. Quite a few girls where in the sorority, and she didnt know how they could all sleep in it. "Hi there," a...

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Sorority Enema Hazing

Years ago in college, I received this story in a letter from my ex-girlfriend from high school. We ended up at different universities but remain close even now. I am relating it to all of you for your enjoyment. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, even though no one is innocent (except my friend) in this story . My friend, lets call her Barbara, has long auburn hair and green eyes. She is about 5 ft 8 in with a slightly chubby body and very large tits. Here is the...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project A Logic Puzzle

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - A TG Logic Puzzle by Lenal Inspired by "A Pizza to Remember" by Anne-Mal and "Research Babies" by Roy Del Frink Samantha slammed the front door to the sorority house. "Ugh, boys are the worst!" "That's what I've been saying for weeks," Katrina replied. "Same," said June. "I don't know, there's things I still like about boys," Tiffany said. "Be honest, Tiff," said Wanda. "It's just *one* thing." The girls all giggled. "I know, I know,...

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Sorority GirlChapter 3

"Hi, Dad," I said into the phone. I'd woken up early Sunday morning, calling home at 8:15 sharp because I knew my parents would have gotten home from church, changed clothes, and sat down for English muffins and coffee right about then. Listening to NPR and talking about the weather. They'd been doing it just the same for years. "Jennifer? Is everything okay?" Dad was like that, he never expected me to call unless it was someone's birthday or I was in trouble. "Yeah, Dad....

1 year ago
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Sorority hazing

100% fiction! Hi, I am Jan and now the president of the top sorority on campus, I have to monitor our pledges to make sure they are up to our standards. They have to be great looking and smart. Did I mention that they also have to be a fantastic fuck (both with men and our sisters). This is the story of my pledging. During the first week of pledging about ½ of the pledges either leave on their own or are ask to leave. This year there were 8 of us left. This weekend was our first big...

Group Sex
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Sorority Sisters

Kelly Johnson, a eighteen year old sorority sister in college, walked up the library steps and entered the tall, grey building. She sat down quietly at a table and got some books from her bag and began to read. It was a book on English History. Two of her sorority sisters, Lisa and Jenna, sat beside her and whispered that their sorority sister leader, Megan Adams, wanted to see Kelly urgently. Lisa and Jenna were both blonde and big busted. Kelly sighed with annoyance because she wanted to...

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Sorority girls

Meet the girls. It was the beginning of the new semester and the residents of Alpha Delta Chi were only just waking up, or at least most of them anyway. The smell of cooking bacon was slowly wafting through out the sorority house. This made even the heaviest of sleepers slowly wake from their hibernation. Harmony was always the first one to be up cooking before anyone else was ever up. She set the table with six plates, including one for herself. She paused and grabbed another plate. She was...

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Sorority Girl in Fishnets Such a Good FK

As I approached sorority girl I could hear her telling a female co-worker that she likes to wear nude stocking under her fishnets because doesn't like to feel the fishnet in between her toes. I walked past just as she pulled her foot out of her shoe and noticed a beautiful foot with beneath the nylon and fishnet. I am a socking dude so I instantly became hard as I locked in this beautiful site and headed for the staff restroom for relief. On the way my eyes moved up from her toes to her...

4 years ago
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Sorority Auxiliary Part 2 My Initiation Begins

My Initiation to the Sorority Auxiliary: Saturday Applause and beams of approval greeted me, but it was directed at all three winners. I joined Chris and Zach in the center of the room, we three still in our pretty panties. The women sat on various armchairs and sofas scattered through the large room. Dorothea, eyebrow arched, gestured, turning her palm up, then in an arc that left her fingertips pointing to the floor. To me, it indicated that more than a bow was required. I dropped to one...

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Sorority house

I pull up to my home while I'm in college I look at it the sorority house takes up three Lots I see a Japanese girl standing in the front yard walking to me "Hi my name is Kasumi I am the elected president of the house let me help you with your bags." She said "With you being here we now have 21 girls living here we don't have any dress code but we do have a decorating code." Kasumi tells me I looked at her confused I asked her "A decorating code?" "I'll show you she took me to the second floor...

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Sorority Sister Sissy Sitters

SORORITY SISTER SISSY SITTERS by Throne Kevin was very uneasy. He knew his wife Petra was going out for the evening and she had hinted at making some special arrangement to deal with him. What else could she do? After discovering his habit of dressing girly when she wasn't around, she had used it against him. Whenever he was home now he had to wear the most shameful outfits she could think of. For instance, at the moment, he had on a sleeveless gingham top, the halves of which tied...

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Sorority Party

THE SORORITY PARTY Things were moving right along at the Delta Phi house.  Every area that required labor was now adequately staffed with slave labor.  Most of it was provided by live-in staff housed in the Servant’s Quarters.Part time slaves were scheduled to serve giving the membership ample opportunity for personal use.  Based on experience there were always an adequate number of slaves available to serve the membership needs and desires at all time.  The Management Group girl in charge of...

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Sorority Sex Olympics

Sorority Sex Olympics by R.E. LavaqueIt is spring and school is coming to an end, time for the quadrennial Greek fund-raiser, the Sex Olympics. What had started 40 years earlier, during the sixties, as a fun filled sexual frolic has turned into two weeks of sexual extremes.The festivities start with the traditional opening ceremonies and parade of the sex-a-letes. all wearing the same basic outfit: high stiletto heals, a g-string bottom, a size zero tank-top with their Sorority's name...

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Sorority sisters diary part one

September 3 Dear Diary, I can't believe I was accepted into the TAU UPSILON OMEGA sorority, it is the absolute best one on campus!!! What a place, I share a room with sophomore girl from New Orleans who seems really nice, I think her name is Betty Sue, anyway it's one of those two namers all those southern girls seem to have!!! By the way diary, since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself, my name is Kim, I'm from St. Louis, and this is my second year at Tech!!! This place is a lot...

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Sorority Slut Does Everything

Jenny stared dejectedly at her phone, hoping that it wouldn't ring again but knowing that it would, and very soon.She had too much to drink at the club and let her soon-to-be sisters at Sigma Lambda Tau talk her into writing her number on the bathroom stalls. Alexis, the chapter president, had told her that it was a harmless prank and if she went along she would be a shoo-in for membership and could come back tomorrow and remove the graffiti.Now she was stuck in a hotel room far from campus and...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project The Walk of Shame and Answer Key

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - The Walk of Shame (and Answers) By Lenal Note: The answers to the logic puzzle are given throughout this little vignette, but if you want to skip to the end, you'll find the TL;DR version :). Samantha, Wanda, June, Tiffany, and Katrina lounged on the porch of the Mu Gamma Kappa house, waiting for their ex-boyfriends to arrive, drawn by the same mystical forces that changed them to begin with. Zach was the first to arrive. Her dirty-blond hair...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project Eggs Over Uneasy

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Eggs Over Uneasy By Lenal Wanda shouted for everyone to assemble in the foyer. The new girls came down the stairs, and June made them stand in a line by height. Brody was on one end, wearing a bikini that only partly covered her dark nipples. Next to her was Zach, who wore a short skirt and a pink v-neck shirt that allowed tufts of dirty blonde hair to peek out of the collar and spill out of the short sleeves; her thick beard made her easily the...

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sorority and franternit have a bdsm and slave party

Sorority and fraternity bondage and sex partyI was very excited when my girlfriend Karen invited me to a special sex party arranged by her sorority and my fraternity. I got even more excited when she explained what happened at the party.There would be at least 10 to 15 girls and an equal number of boys. The idea was that you would converse with one person of the opposite sex or if you wish dance with that person or simply sit and have a chat. From time to time the organizer Amanda would grab a...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Concentration

Sorority Sex Olympics – Concentrationby R.E. LavaqueMy name is not Cherry but everybody has called me that since I was 13. I tell people the name comes from my always bright red lips, but in fact my boyfriend at the time named me that after he sucked my areolae to a cherry red. I joined Alpha Alpha Alpha when I came to this University three years ago and it has been the best thing I've ever done. I have made so many friends that I will have forever. My best friend's name is Donna. Everyone...

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Sorority Pledge

"All right pledges, you have your assignments. You have been paired up with a mentor. Go get it! You have two weeks. You don't complete it, you won't be admitted to Delta Alpha Delta Sorority."They filed out of the room, some excited, some nervous, but all comitted. They had just been told that they must fuck someone. But not just fuck them, they had to have video or photographic proof. The more outrageous the circumstance, the better. No proof. No further pledging. Ordinarily, I wouldn't give...

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Sorority Pledge Part 2

My daughter, Calista, and her newfound best friend, Mindy, had become inseparable over the last week.  When they weren't at school, they were either here at my place or at Mindy's Mom's house. When they were here, they spent most of their time in Cali's room, doing homework, or as far as I could tell exploring each other.As ashamed of it as I was, I couldn't help but eavesdrop. listening to them play through the cold air return that Cali's room and my home office shared. I recalled the...

2 years ago
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Sorority Of Witches

A bright sunny day I had awoken to. I could hardly sleep a wink. Only one more day until my eighteenth birthday.My mom and my friends have planned a big celebration for me. They invited all my friends from school and my boyfriend. My great grandmother was even coming, and I have not seen her since I was around ten years old. In a few months, I will be off to college, so this may be the last time I see all my friends together.My boyfriend William was taking me to lunch today, knowing about the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sorority Of Witches Part 3

I waited a few days before I was ready to begin the next part of my training. I spent a lot of time with William. I even trained him on the art of cunnilingus. He got exceptionally good at it, almost as good as Clara.I was excited to finish my training while I was fearful of where I might be going. I only had a couple of weeks left to go before my new school year would begin.I went to my great-grandmother and told her I was ready to begin my final training.She said to me, "Be careful. You are...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 1

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * * * Wind and a million naked branches whipped my skin as I fledthe gorilla—yes, gorilla—on my heels. My white, chiffon babydoll offered zero...

2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 2

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * * * I loved being across Logan Thorndike’s lap. I loved the feel of his hands on me, and the slaps, again and again, on the surface of my cheeks. I...

4 years ago
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Sorority Auxiliary Part 2 My Initiation Begins

My Initiation to the Sorority Auxiliary: Saturday Applause and beams of approval greeted me, but it was directed at all three winners. I joined Chris and Zach in the center of the room, we three still in our pretty panties. The women sat on various armchairs and sofas scattered through the large room. Dorothea, eyebrow arched, gestured, turning her palm up, then in an arc that left her fingertips pointing to the floor. To me, it indicated that more than a bow was required. I dropped to one...

2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 3

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle.  * * * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house,...

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Sorority Slumber Party Part 1

***Please comment & vote.  All your support appreciated!!!!*** Every young co-ed is nervous when they arrive on Campus.  Nervous didn’t begin to explain how I felt when I arrived.  Thank goodness my room mate was cool.  She was fucking gorgeous too!  Ashley was athletic, feminine, 5’8, blonde and very sexy.  I mean she looked like Pamela Anderson used to look.  Don’t get me wrong I am pretty but damn I would hate this bitch if she wasn’t my room mate.    Ashley had made fast friends with some...

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Sorority Slaves

You always knew you would join the fraternity... the older brothers were treated as kings on campus, and after graduation you would be showered with connections and job offers. You had heard rumors of the amazing perks bestowed upon members. The prestige. Yes, there were just as many rumors about the unusual methods of initiation. You had heard that the first year was hell. But you figured you could take whatever they threw at you, if it meant 3 subsequent years of glory. When the day finally...

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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 3

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she's punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle.  * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house, catching...


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