Sigma Epsilon Xi
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Sigma Theta Chi was in jeopardy of losing its charter at Carleton University because of all the initiation stunts they forced pledges to undergo last term. Most of the pledge tasks took place on campus or in frat houses nearby. But one in particular took the college high jinx very public by mistake.
The pledge in question, a 17 year old freshman by the name of Ashley, had misunderstood her pledge instructions which had been e-mailed to her. She was supposed to go to the student lounge at midnight, sneak into a men's washroom, strip naked in the handicap toilet stall, leave the stall door slightly ajar, sit on the toilet and wait for some guy to use the facilities. She was to keep her hands behind her head in sexy fashion and say the following to the first guy to enter cubicle:
"Hi, my name is Ashley and I'm pledging Sigma Theta Chi sorority and I must give ten guys blow jobs to fulfill my pledge. You are number one. Will you please help me with my initiation."
Ashley was to give him a blow job and then remain in the cubicle awaiting lucky guy number two saying her lines as above but changing the number to 2, then 3 etc. until she had given ten blow jobs. Not a big deal by today's sorority standards.
Fraternity brothers from Iota Nu Delta were in on the Sigma game and ten of their members were eagerly waiting at the college student lounge. They were more than happy to help initiate another young pledge into Sigma Theta Chi, the sorority which had often reciprocated in similar fashion when the frat needed to humiliate a male freshman pledge.
But the boys of Iota Nu Delta were disappointed this time. Ashley had misunderstood her e-mail instructions. She got the initiation task right and pulled it off much to the delight of ten men. The problem was Ashley's e-mail had read:
" ... Ashley, you are going to be very humiliated and make ten guys happy tonight. So, to the lounge you must go at midnight, sneak into a men's washroom, strip ... etc."
New to campus, Ashley was unfamiliar with all the buildings and campus facilities; she was not aware there was a student lounge. So she assumed that ' The Lounge ' was the name of a night club.
This was Ashley's first time away from home, Toronto, and she knew nothing of Ottawa. So she googled to find this lounge by copying part of her e-mail instructions' but she made a typo and hitting a second 't' instead of a comma, so she wrote the words ' sotto the lounge Ottawa' into the search engine space and came up with Sotto Lounge a very swanky bar and lounge on Dalhousie Street.
She was only 17 years old and under Ontario's drinking age, but she figured she could easily convince the club staff to let her in if she promised not to drink. That's how naïve she was. That night Ashley showed up at the exclusive night club and presented her ID ( she wanted to be completely honest ) and explained how she wasn't there to drink, just to fulfill a sorority initiation. The bouncer looked askance at her and her dubious excuse, but he asked her what sort of initiation she had planned. Ashley saw no reason to lie. So she said, " I have to strip naked in the men's washroom and give ten blow jobs." Ashley was relieved when the bouncer just smiled, nodded and waved her in.
The rest, as they say, is history and Tabloid Front page news, as it turned out. Lucky Sotto patron # 6 turned out to be an Ottawa Sun reporter who took the time to cleverly interview this pretty, naked girl sitting on a toilet sucking his cock. Naïve Ashley told him she was a Sigma pledge and even confessed to being only 18 and a freshman and she even believed the man when he told her he'd been sent to the lounge by her sorority to verify that she was completing her pledge. So she did as he asked and posed with her big blue eyes looking up into his cell phone camera as he took six photos of her sucking on his cock.
The racy rag decided it could publish one of those photos if they 'black-barred' Ashley's face at the eyes and, as they only had her first name and she was over 16, the age of consent in Canada, the paper's lawyers gave them the okay to publish both the photo and the reporter's story under the headline, " Sorority Life Sucks at Carleton U."
And that's what got Sigma Theta Chi on the endangered species list. That made the Sigma sisters really pissed off and they insisted Ashley re-do her initiation, seeing it was her typo that got the sorority in trouble. They were going to be under strict scrutiny for some time, so the Sigma executive decided Ashley would have to do her pledge task in a different way.
One week after the lounge mix-up Ashley was given her second and last chance to pass her sorority initiation. Ashley reached the address she was seeking, a large house in the Glebe near the university grounds. On the front porch were several cases of empty beer bottles piled up and ready for return to the beer store for refund and restocking. The frat brothers of Omicron Mu Gamma were notorious for hell week humiliation, panty raids and toga parties. The frat's raunchy rep was the buzz of Carleton University.
Ashley checked herself out in the window of a car out front; her dirty blond hair was in a ponytail, she wore no make-up except for some lip balm. What couldn't be seen was the fact that her pussy mound had been shaven and waxed smooth just a few hours before leaving her with a perfectly bald pussy. Ashley took a deep breath, smiled and knocked on the door.
When a young man answered the door, Ashley bowed her head slightly and offered up the ribbon tied shoe box and letter of introduction her Sigma sisters had prepared. The boy, who couldn't have been more than 20, was taken by Ashley's good looks as much as by her strange behaviour, but he was also intrigued by the Greek lettering on the envelope before him. Sigma was a well-known sorority on campus and got into trouble almost as often as OMG, his own frat. He asked the young girl at the door what this was all about, but she didn't look up. She just shook her head and put her finger to her lips, signalling that she was not allowed to speak.
The lad accepted the shoe box offering and invited her in. Ashley smiled and, without waiting to be asked, walked into the main room where two frat brothers were seated on a couch before a wide- screen TV. Ashley ignored everyone and sat on the rug with legs folded beneath her, her head now bowed. She listened but spoke not a word as things unfolded just as the sorority sisters had planned.
Her greeter at the door was Fred and his two frat mates were Rene and James. All three were in their third year at Carleton and had been members of the frat for two years. So they knew that this was hell week for freshmen and initiation weekend for fraternities and sororities on campus. So they quickly surmised that this girl squatting in their living room must be a pledge and the box and envelope she gave them was part of her initiation. Fred was thinking this girl must be an ace in her studies because it was clear she'd skipped a few grades to get in to university so young.
James wanted to know what gave and Fred said it was clear this girl had pledged to silence for her initiation so they'd have to see what was written. They gathered around and opened the envelope. Inside was a note which read...
Dear Omicron Mu Gamma Brothers, Please read this letter aloud so our pledge, Ashley, may discover and understand her fate.
GREETINGS from the sisters of Sigma. We bring you a gift of a young pledge who is in desperate need of initiation this weekend. Ashley is to be initiated by AT LEAST 12 fraternity brothers. Please arrange to have that many guys participating in her initiation this weekend. Call up your friends, if you need to, and tell them you have a sorority pledge who needs humiliating.
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At the designated location, the Sigma and Beta monitors, once they confirmed our identities, removed the handcuffs, allowing us to feel the sweet release of no metal on our wrists. The first task was rather simple: I was to spank Lizzie’s butt hard with my bare hands, while she was not to cry out. It would be ten swats and she was to endure them silently, though she could sob and bite her lip, which she did. The monitors counted each swat and rated them on their severity. Too soft of a swat...
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I stared down at the wet toilet seat. Josh, the office stud, had just left from here and no-one else had been in that morning. My desk faced the disabled toilet and he always noticed who went in. Most of the guys inthe office used this room as they were too lazy to go down the hall to themain toilet. It was larger than most cubicles and had a full length mirror on the wall. Today, I knew it was only Josh that had been in. The 6ft 2 tall, jet black haired tanned lead salesman - he was a few...
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Jackie’s cunt was every bit as yummy as Candice’s in its own way, quite the delicious contrast, her sweet black ass lined up near Candice’s glistening white one. As it occurred to me just how absent my male refractory period was, I delighted in the knowledge that I could fill both ladies up and come back for more if I wished. I slapped her cute tush and grabbed her cheeks as I bottomed out inside her dripping wet gash. “Ah, God, here we go!” Candice cried out as Gabriel dumped his load balls...
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Note: This story is designed for a Male character. If you have entered a female name, please go back and enter a male name instead. Reading the rules before submitting threads will make things easier on all of us. ------------------------------------------------------------ DOING THE SORORITY ------------------------------------------------------------ You feel the pretty girl's thighs tense around you as your thrusting member pushes her over the edge. "Oh God, I'm coming! I'm coming!" she...
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Μωράκι μου η συνάντηση μας θα είναι μια απο αυτές που χαράχτηκαν μέσα στην ψυχή μου.....Η απόλυτη απόλαυση .....Το ραντεβού μας αυτήν την φορά ήταν κλεισμένο για Πέμπτη απόγευμα! Όπως κάθε φορά περίμενα με μεγάλη λαχτάρα να συναντήσω τον μοναδικό μου έρωτα!! Πέρασε τόσος καιρός και όμως όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον είδα μου κόπηκαν τα πόδια! Αρχισε να με φιλάει στα χείλη μου, στον λαιμό μου, να με χουφτώνει τις βυζάρες μου κι εγώ να τρέμω ολόκληρη απο την καύλα μου!! Τον θέλω απίστευτα πολύ...
Αυτην την φορά η συνάντηση με το μωρό μου θα ήταν ακόμη πιο συναρπαστική γιατι θα κοιμόμασταν και αγκαλίτσα όλο το βράδυ! Ηταν Παρασκευή μεσημέρι όταν μπήκα στο δωμάτιο. Ο παίδαρός μου με περίμενε έτοιμος με το γκαβλί του σκληρό σαν πέτρα. Μόνο που τον αντίκρισα αρχισα να στάζω ολόκληρη... δεν αντεχα ούτε να ξεντυθώ. Έπεσα πάνω του και τον έπαιρνα τσιμπουκάρα ενω ταυτοχρονα προσπαθούσα να βγάλω τα ρούχα μου. Αυτή η γεύση του, αυτά τα ζουμιά του με τρελαίνουν, με γεμίζουν γκαβλα. Χωρις δεύτερη...
Adam looked at his reflection in the mirror. ”Looking good” he told himself. As he should. Adam had always been a pretty boy. But in the past year he had also pressed himself hard in the gym. Like many guys his age he had focused especially hard on his butt. And it had not been in vain. His once petite little boy butt, had become a respectable booty. Now was the time to put it to use!30 minutes later Adam parked his car at the beach, and removed the clothes he had wore over his swim trunks. No...
Dana’s turn: There’s a lot going on in my life right now. Sometimes I just want to get home and get Ed’s arms around me and forget. Sometimes Ed’s not there. He’s being a real engineer now with a real job and real duties and a couple of times those real duties mean that poor little Dana comes home to an empty house and hugs a cat. Of course next thing I know, I get a phone call. “Hi, Terri,” I said. “Hi, Dana. I know Ed’s out of town for a couple of nights. Are you going to revel in your...
Jerry Stengall’s story: I graduated from college. That’s supposed to be a man’s milestone, I’m told. I graduated a semester early. I had a satisfactory job offer and they wanted me there as soon as possible. I left Auburn. As I said, a milestone. I left my heart. Oh, sure, I know – college-aged male. Supposed to be all dick, all the time, any port in a storm, boinking whenever and whoever, without abandon. I had that. High school. First year of college. Then somebody walked up to me and...
Alan’s turn: I just have to get it in my head that the women in my life, NONE of them fits into that neat little contemporary mold marked ‘normal’. Let’s start with my wife Tina. She’s more than twenty years junior to me, brilliant on any scale except perhaps the rarified world of our community, but we’re talking about a girl that achieved a baccalaureate degree at the age of nineteen. Make that a degree in electrical engineering. She’s on the ‘mommy’ track now, her choice. Before I met...
Cindy’s turn: My Dan likes to say ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’ That’s figured in my life quite a lot, of late. Like a few months ago when I flew Ed and Laci to a presentation for some IT infrastructure upgrades. Oh, sure, we got the job. We’re possibly starting a new geek branch to 3Sigma because of stuff like that. After the meeting, though, one of the officers for the bank asked me if I’d be up to talk with her organization that encourages young girls to pursue business and science...
Cindy’s turn: It was just another morning in the office when the phone rang and as Maddie was occupied, I answered it. “3Sigma, this is Cindy. May I help you?” “Cindy? Good, it’s you I wanted to talk to.” “Hello Mizz Patel. What’s going on today?” “Would you mind if I drive out to your office? I’d like to talk about something in private.” I noted that she didn’t have her normal happy lilt. “Of course it’s okay. You’re always welcome here.” This was unusual for her though, so I added,...
Cindy’s turn: Mr. Wally is REALLY bossy, but there’s a goal in his bossiness, and it’s obvious: he REALLY wants us to be safe -- he says he doesn’t want to be collecting body parts. He’s right of course. By nature I’m NOT bossy, but sometimes you have to be, and after meeting my Dan, I developed enough confidence to do it when I have to. And I know a couple of others who did the same. And there’s trouble percolating in my mind, and here at the Pavilion, I see exactly who I need to help me...
Tara’s turn: Right up to the end, Dad took care of us. After the car wreck that took Mom away and ultimately caused Dad’s death, I got out of college. I was just beginning my freshman year at Auburn. Dad’s an alumnus. That’s why I went to Auburn instead of something in Georgia. Mom. She died in the wreck. I hope it was from the impact and not the fire. Dad ... He got Derek out. Went back into the fire for Mom. Almost died trying to get her out. Flames and fumes and everything else almost got...
Still Tara’s turn: I have a lot to worry about, these days. However, no more “pitiful me” anymore. A little red-headed fireball grabbed me by both ears, shook some sense into me, and introduced me to “Never-never-land” (not the Michael Jackson version, thankyouverymuch.) In this case, it’s the 3Sigma “Community”, where all the girls are geniuses, they all fly airplanes, have their own airfield, all that. And we’ve been arranging my move here, and my return to an Auburn education. A...
Cindy’s turn: We had our NASA trip. Let me tell you, and I’m not bragging, mind you, but it went very well. Since the thrust (on a NASA event. Subtle joke, okay?) of the event was to invite more young women into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers, the speakers were all successful middle-aged and older women who’d made some levels of success. And me. Sure, they’d reviewed my notes, so my prepared speech was right down the party line, so to speak. If I may be...
Tara’s turn: We did it. Derek and I talked. He agreed, but honestly, I’m the adult in this equation, actually his legal guardian, and he would have had to go along with my plan. However, a certain pre-teen Jewish princess seems to have gained my little brother’s eye. I think that if we HADN’T decided to move, he might’ve hitched a ride back here. The apartment. Cindy and her Dan used to live here. It belongs to the corporation. They told me I could paint it any color I wanted, but honestly,...
Dana’s turn: I’m lying in bed in that wonderful cusp between awake and asleep at the end of a very good day. Cindy’s done her presentation at NASA, and to my knowledge, they haven’t yet recruited her for a space mission. Nikki’s been, well, Nikki, and she’s a superstar in her own right, maybe a little more sane than Cindy, but those two are a binary system, both bright in a way I never witnessed until I found her sitting across the table from me and Ed one night at dinner. And...
Dana’s turn: I’m over at Tina’s house, sipping coffee with the mommy mob after our NASA foray. “We have a pretty good idea of how everybody else did,” Susan said. “How’d it go with Terri? I mean, she HIRED Jerry.” I looked at Tina’s face for a reading. After all, Terri’s HER daughter. No, check that. Terri’s EVERYBODY’S daughter. Nobody in the community treats Terri as anything less. Same goes with the other – it used to be ‘girls’, but since Derek showed up – ‘kids’. Well, age-wise,...
Tara’s turn: So nobody actually TOLD me about the status of Terri and Jerry. I didn’t pay attention to any of the relationships involving the Munchkins because they’re all pre-teens and they’re not supposed to be HAVING relationships, right? Wrong. How could I be so wrong? I mean, first I have the evidence in my own household. Derek’s enamored of Rachel. I saw that, but silly me, I wrote it off as one of those cute things that happen with kids. I can hide behind the fact that I was new to...
Nikki’s turn: I know we don’t play that whole ‘title’ and ‘hierarchy’ and ‘job description’ game so the business configuration today is not likely to be the business configuration for tomorrow. Today Cindy’s out at the engineering office and I’m here at 3Sigma Robotics trying to herd cats. The cats in question are all over the place. Terri’s found a good reason to be in Jerry’s pocket. They have a robotic arm to play with. Robotic arms are a dime a dozen. Jerry and Terri are pushing some...
Cindy’s turn: “Where’s Barton?” Nikki asked. Barton ‘Bart’ Stowe was one of the more artsy types among our computer science students. I liked to bounce ideas off him about the appearance of some of the features of one robot or another. “You missed it, big sister,” I said. “He’s been pTerrorized.” “Oh, god...” Nikki blurted. “What happened?” “Well, you know that Bart is all over the intramural chess thing, right?” I knew that. Bart was quite the chess player. He had a fearsome reputation...