Sigma Alpha Lambda Phi - Part 2 free porn video

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By Sir Jake

Daily Routine

As I look back on it, I realize the hardest and most satisfying moments of my introduction into the D/s life came during the late fall semester of my freshman orientation period.

After we had been screened and qualified, eight of us male plebes had signed an oath of confidentiality and submission as did 10 female candidates. What amuses me now is that all of us thought we were battle-tested at the time of our compliance ceremony. How wrong we were.

It was the week after the homecoming football game and orientation pleasure training was about to start. Over the weekend we had hosted several parties for the alums and their guests. All very proper and subservient but not much was learned that weekend. Our masters and mistresses made up for that over the course of the next three weeks.

By that week before O.P.T we were getting comfortable in our routine. The freshman plebes would be roused at 6:30 a.m. every weekday (8 a.m. on weekends) by our Junior Mistress leader who had made her way through the 20 foot long underground passageway from our sister sorority next door. No doubt, she would often exchange plans with the Junior Master who was headed to the sorority to start the girl plebes’ morning ritual.

We immediately dressed in our supplication outfits of hot pink tank tops and tight mesh shorts which confirmed the presence of our leather chastity harnesses. The harnesses were well constructed and allowed for partial erections only. Masturbation was impossible with these contraptions in place. In fact, urination was only possible if one wanted to soil the device and endure the humiliation and public punishment that would follow.

We stood in the inspection line waiting for the mistress to approve our condition and unlock the padlock at the tip of the sheath. If everyone passed inspection she led us to the restroom where we could take our morning piss before returning to the dining hall.

We gathered our breakfast from the 50something hall cook who had been with the fraternity from its inception. She was an incredible cook and very supportive to the first semester plebes. We all loved her despite the long leers she gave our bound cocks and the bemused looks she exchanged with the mistresses. Well, we loved her that first semester.

Fifteen minutes to eat breakfast and another 10 minutes to clean up.

We all re-assembled in the upstairs hall, removed our shorts and waited for the mistress to come and exchange our leather harnesses for the steel cock cages we wore throughout the day. These cages consisted of circular bands of steel attached to a metal strip and were adjustable to the point that no erection was achievable. A ½ inch wide suede-lined strap clamped around the base of the cock, underneath the balls and anchored the sheath in place. The sheath was riveted to a thick leather belt that buckled and locked with two small combination locks affixed on either hip. A thin second strap made of bungee cord material attached to the underside of the metal band nearest the cockhead, bisected the scrotum and returned thong-like to the back of the belt where it was secured with a third small combo lock. The contraption kept your cock pointed down and flaccid. It also had the effect of making it necessary to sit to piss and it meant that the tight pants we were required to wear would show a very large package. This would often cause a glance or two from unknowing co-eds. The stirrings those encounters would engender eventually became frustrating and, at times, very painful.

The chastity belt exchange would take about 20 minutes total, the entire time we were made to stand at attention while waiting our turn to be fitted. Plebes with 8 a.m. classes went first and would be allowed to dress first. Besides being required to wear form-fitting pants or shorts and not being allowed long shirts, we normally could dress however we liked.

During the day we were forced to go to all our classes and the time before and in between classes had to be utilized studying. The upper classmen from both houses were given the class schedules of all the plebes and the approved study locations so that they could monitor our compliance with this rule.

Being forced to make class and study during the day would ensure a few things. First, our grades would be good; therefore, parents and school officials would be much less inquisitive. Second, more time could be devoted at night to our “alternate schooling.” Thirdly, we would graduate high in our class, obtain prosperous employment and help fund the houses long after our graduation. In fact, our graduation rate was in the high 90 percentiles. We had some very affluent alumni, partly because of our training in this regard. And finally, it continued our training all day long, every day.

After our last class of the day, no matter what time that was, we were to report back to the house and to the study room. Everything you could possibly imagine you would need to study was in this room. It had computers, hard materials like pens and paper and… well, you get the message. Bookshelves lined two walls of the room. The room also had some extras.

When plebes got back to the house and reported to the study room all clothing was removed and each plebe was chained in place around a 16-foot oak study table.

The male plebes had a chain attached to the ring at the end of the cock sheath while the female plebes chain was attached to the hasp of their chastity belt. The other end was attached to the ring bolted into the floor under the wicker-seat hardwood chair. The chain was long enough so that you could move in the chair but not long enough so that you could actually get up out of the chair. There was space in the room for 20 students and at all times there was a junior or senior brother and sister to ensure the plebes were actually studying.

Often I would find myself studying next to 10 or more others. It was hard to concentrate, at times, when I sat chained to the floor by my cock while an attractive female plebe sat, naked, next to or across from me.

Only once did I let myself be caught daydreaming, though. Every upper class brother and sister was empowered with disciplining plebes who let their minds come off of their studies.

I was so engrossed in my daydream that once that I never saw her approach. Her face was just a foot from mine when she whispered out loud to me.

“What are you doing, plebe?”

I jumped about a foot out of my seat and stammered, “I was trying to understand this theory from philosophy class and…”

“Don’t lie, you pathetic piece of shit,” she announced to the room. “You were daydreaming about something. What was it?”

“It was, It was,” I lowered my gaze, “this girl in philosophy class who was staring at my…“

“This is the time to study, ass wipe, not to fantasize about some girl who you’ll never get to fuck. Especially, in your current condition,” she ridiculed with a quick nod to my caged cock.

I could hear the chuckling in the room as I swallowed hard and answered, “Yes, Big Sister.”

“Well, I think you’re in the need for some physical encouragement. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, Big Sister”

She walked over to the bookcase wall, flipped open a couple of latches and pulled the case out and spun it around. Hanging from the other side of the bookcase was an assortment of discipline devices. Whips, paddles, switches, clamps, small gauge chains, a vast assortment of restraints and so many other implements I couldn’t then identify.

She lifted a small wooden box from the bottom shelf and dialed a combination to open it, retrieved an object from the box and walked over to me. I was curious when she reached a hand out in front me and said, “pick a card, any card.” She had fanned out in front of her a deck of playing cards. I looked at her quizzically.

“Don’t make me tell you again. Or you’ll be picking two cards.” I heard a giggle in the room.

“Yes, mistress.”

I picked a card.

She opened her other hand to display a set of 5 dice.

“Now you need to take, lets see, I think maybe-“ the giggling girl yelled out “five,”

“No, not this early, let’s say --- two dice”

“Okay, roll the dice.”

I did. A two and a six.

“Now show me what card you pulled,” she commanded.

I turned the card over, but there were no suits on this card just one word printed in black ink in Old English type. TAWSE


“Okay, everybody who is not chained to the floor,” she announced to the room, “you get 8 swings of the tawse at this unfortunate plebe.”

Once I realized what she said, I quickly looked about the room. I was relieved to find that of the dozen or so people in the room there were only three others without chains attached to their genitals: two Big Brothers and one other Big Sister.

“Everyone who IS shackled, close your books and watch what will happen if you don’t keep your mind on your homework,” she commanded. I could hear two boys and maybe as many as four or five girls utter their compliance phrases.

I was unbuckled from the floor and led to the bookcase next to the implement rack. Leather shackles were attached to each wrist. A chain was clipped to each wrist and the chain was lead up to a hole on the underside to the bookshelf bracket where they were again clipped in place. My ankles were bound together with a leather thong. Big Sister then reached around me and clipped a long chain to the end of my cock sheath and forced her hand and chain through my thighs pulling the chain out the back. Because I was facing the bookcase I couldn’t see what she was doing with the other end of the chain but I heard a chair scrape across the floor followed by heel clicks as she apparently stood on the chair. She yanked on the chain pulling my body out from the bookcase.

I now had a choice. I could thrust my ass in the air and keep my toes on the floor near the bookcase or I could move my feet back, be strung out by my cock and have very little weight supported by my feet. I decided to stick my ass out. Big Sister chortled and took another two links away from me before clipping the chain in place.

My arms were stretched tight, my nose was literally in the books now, and it felt like my balls were about to detach from my body. And, oh yeah, my ass was now a perfect target.

“Okay, Toni, you’re first. Come get the tawse,” she said.

“Do you know what a tawse is, plebe?”

“No, mistress.”

“It’s five half-inch wide fingers of nine-inch long English leather attached to a wooden handle. It’s what school masters and mistresses used in the 18th and 19th century to discipline unruly students.

“Do you think that might hurt a little?” she asked sarcastically.

“Yes, mistress, I believe it will, mistress,” I managed.

She prowled up to me putting her lips but a hair from my ear and whispered so that only I could hear her, “It’s gonna hurt like a motherfucker. You can’t stop me so why don’t you try taking it like the man you’ll never become.”

“Okay, Toni, you’re up. Why don’t we make this memorable?”

Without saying a word, Toni, swung the tawse and caught my right ass cheek with a glancing blow.

“A little out of practice, are we,” Big Sister asked, “well you got seven more to improve your aim.”

Swing number two hit the same cheek right on top of the same spot as the first blow only this time I could feel the full length of the fingers. Strike three was placed higher on the same cheek and the fourth swing landed vertically criss-crossing the other blows. Quickly, the blows came from and to the other side. When I had counted eight hits my ass stung but I certainly wouldn’t have put it in motherfucker territory.

“Okay, I’m going last so why don’t the two men go next,” she said. “Leave me some room guys, but do have at it.”

In my state I couldn’t remember who the Big Brothers were but I expected they could and would swing harder than Toni. Now I began to sweat.

I had no idea that the first blow was coming and when it hit I didn’t know what hit me. The tawse struck me across both cheeks, very high on my ass. There’s no way I could take 7 more of those. Luckily, only three of the blows punched that hard as he deftly altered the intensity of the beating. The second brother approached things differently. I never knew where the leather was going to land. He really surprised me when two blows on either buttock wrapped around my ass and reddened the outside of my hip.

And then it was Big Sisters turn.

“I think he’s had enough, look how red his ass is. Let’s take him down,” she said.

What a relief.

What pain.

Just as I began to relax, she had swung the tawse with a vengeance striking the tops of my thighs just under the turn of my ass. She caught both thighs and the pain was intense.

“Just kidding,” she laughed, “your ass is red enough but those white thighs clashed.”

She peppered my thighs with the next three blows and I squirmed involuntarily in my bondage. But I was proud of the fact that I had not screamed or complained. Yet.

“I think it might be starting to hurt, Bethany,” Toni said to her friend.

“I think you’re right, but you know me,” Big Sister said, “I like to end with a bang.”

And did she ever.

The next blow went right at the crease between my ass and thigh, but it didn’t stop there as at least two leather fingers flicked across my stretched and exposed left testicle.

Now, I screamed.

“Shut up,” she screamed back. And another landed in the same place. I choked out another scream.

“I would have guessed you had no balls but it looks like you have one more that needs attention,” she said loud enough for all to hear.

“I am going to slap you on the other side just the same way. You have two strokes coming, however, if you scream even a little bit you will get another and another until you learn to take your punishment quietly.”

I could hear her walk to my other side and I waited for the sound of the approaching leather. And I waited. And I waited. Just when I relaxed for a moment she said, “isn’t the anticipation delightful?”

“Uh, yes, mistress.”

“Tell me when you’re ready,” she told me.

I took a couple deep breaths and said, “I’m ready, now, Mistress.”

“Wrong answer,” she said. “Try again.”

I thought for a moment.

“I’m ready whenever you want, Mistress.”

“That’s better,” she chuckled, “very good, you got that much quicker than my last quarry. I’ll only add one stroke to your sentence. That is, if you don’t scream.”

The three strokes came in rapid fire order, all three hitting me at my ass/thigh crease and stinging my exposed right ball.

I’m proud to say I didn’t scream. Out loud. But it hurt like a motherfucker.

Again she came up to me to whisper in my ear, “Don’t ever lie to me again, boy.”

She backed away from me, threw the tawse on the table and said, “I’m mildly impressed, plebe. What’s your name?”

“I have not been given a name yet, mistress.”

“That’s right, that doesn’t come until after O.P.T. I’ll look for you then.”

She went over to the table, released the two other boy plebes from the floor chain and told them, “take him down, clean the equipment and put it away. When I come back in here I expect everything to be back to normal, including him in his chair studying and all of you shackled in your chairs. We have a half an hour until dinner call. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” they answered immediately and in unison.

“God, I wish they were through O.P.T. She looked at the two Big Brothers and said, “You guys want to go upstairs?”

“Oh, yeah!”

My fellow plebes unbound me and together we cleaned the equipment and put it away.

Big Sister Toni locked my brothers to the floor in their chairs and came over to put me in my place.

When I sat down the fire ignited again in my ass and balls and I went to stand up. Both of my future brothers stared hard at me until I forced myself into my seat. Big Sister Toni attached my chain to the floor about 4 inches shorter than before to make sure I couldn’t rise from my seat. It was one of the most intense feelings of pain, pleasure and humiliation I’ve ever felt. Just, one of the most, you see, for orientation pleasure training was just around the corner.



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PhiChapter 2

"I want to ask you an intensely personal question." As I unlocked the door to my apartment. "I promise an intensely personal answer." "Fair enough." I locked the door behind her and gallantly took her huge down-filled coat and stored it in the entry closet, thereby filling said minuscule closet to bursting. The cat - Drat, who had survived her sibling - madly attempted to (a) mug my ankles, and (b) cause me to injure myself (again) in a reflexive attempt to avoid stepping on...

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The Alpha Club Chapters 7 10 plus Epilogue

THE ALPHA CLUB (continued) BY TRISHA PREFACE Here are the last four chapters and epilogue of "The Alpha Club." The story is finally complete. It follows the same outline I originally schemed out years ago even before I started writing, and it is with great satisfaction that I have at last finished it. This means too that, at this time at least, I don't have any plans to write more about it. However, if other writers would like to take up their hand at writing in this...

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Sigma FFISigma

I stared down at the wet toilet seat. Josh, the office stud, had just left from here and no-one else had been in that morning. My desk faced the disabled toilet and he always noticed who went in. Most of the guys inthe office used this room as they were too lazy to go down the hall to themain toilet. It was larger than most cubicles and had a full length mirror on the wall. Today, I knew it was only Josh that had been in. The 6ft 2 tall, jet black haired tanned lead salesman - he was a few...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 2

The showers weren't much to write home about, other than being full of hot, steamy naked flesh. I didn't have the time to actually enjoy them much, due to being busy washing myself. Worse still, I became hard again, but had no recourse to handle the situation, due to the rushed pace. So, there I was, a newly minted member of the secret society committed to dominance and sexual power, yet I couldn't use that power to get laid yet. This problem didn't begin to sort itself out until I got...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 4

With the ceremony over, Lizzie and I headed out as soon as practical off the Order’s property and began exploring the main campus a bit more, especially since I still had classes to attend (unlike her, though few knew it yet). I got a few bizarre looks for my priestly garb, as well as for the handcuffs and being bound to Lizzie in such a manner, while she received them for her Catholic schoolgirl costume. In the mood to relax and see what happened, I went to the campus bookstore, still cuffed...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 8

“Damn, Randall ... you really know how to do this!” I exclaimed as Randall Sullivan fucked his wife Candice’s mouth in a gang-bang that made her “airtight.” I was inside Mrs. Sullivan’s sweet ass, of course, while Marco Resendez was now balls deep in her dripping wet snatch, ready to take a load dangerously close to her womb. I looked over at Lizzie, who was now busy pulling a train herself. Her own father was underneath her, fucking her tight, wet pussy, whereas Harold was up her ass and...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 10

Jackie’s cunt was every bit as yummy as Candice’s in its own way, quite the delicious contrast, her sweet black ass lined up near Candice’s glistening white one. As it occurred to me just how absent my male refractory period was, I delighted in the knowledge that I could fill both ladies up and come back for more if I wished. I slapped her cute tush and grabbed her cheeks as I bottomed out inside her dripping wet gash. “Ah, God, here we go!” Candice cried out as Gabriel dumped his load balls...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 11

“So, Pedro, I want you to fuck Candice right now. Bubba, you take Jackie. Randall, give it to Caroline, while I screw Emma. You, Gabriel, fuck her ... what’s your name, honey?” I asked one of the new ladies. “Moira,” the ginger told me, even as she welcomed Gabriel’s cock inside her. “Yes, breed Moira ... I want to see her knocked up by you,” I chuckled as I slammed in and out of Emma, admiring my seal above her sweet ass. I pulled Emma’s wavy brown hair while pounding her and using her...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 12

What seemed an eternity later... “It’s time,” I said as I pulled out of Moira, much to her satisfaction. Already, the Mayhem began in earnest, or at least the parts that I didn’t consciously instigate. Massive hailstones, acid rain, and incredible heat waves swept much of the globe. Volcanoes long dormant began erupting, earthquakes rumbled, We had to find shelter, which we did, for the sake of the mortals among us, what few there still were. I sealed as many as I could as quickly as I...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 13

“Hey, you ... you can’t go in there! Certainly not nude like that ... this is the County Courthouse!” a uniformed guard warned us as we laughed. “Look around you, buddy. Things that can’t happen are happening all over the globe. The old ways are finished. The old laws and rules are out the window, chucked like so much bathwater. Now, unless you wish to die, I’d recommend getting the ever-loving fuck out of my way,” I now warned the guard, who didn’t listen, but tried in vain to grab...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 14

“All rise. Family Court Division D is now in session, the Honorable Nancy G. Moore presiding. Case of Mulhouse vs. Mulhouse, petition for divorce on the basis of irreconcilable differences. Counter petition by defendant on the basis of marital infidelity,” the bailiff announced just as we entered the courtroom. “Your Honor, I object!” I deliberately called attention to myself now, along with my naked crew. “Whoever you are, you are out of order, both as to the process and as to your state...

4 years ago
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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 15

“So, this bunch think that they can just conquer North America in days? The other crew, too, I see. Well, that’s something that they’ll soon learn is wrong. I will take it over in mere hours, if not minutes. Excuse me, folks. I’m heading to DC. I have some trash to take out,” I announced upon hearing the news of just how bad the incel uprisings in the nation’s capital, Vermont, and other places were. That didn’t even count the Dominionist revolt in Virginia. Yeah, fuck that noise! Evidently,...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 16

“Message from the United Kingdom. The Queen has personally ordered them to capitulate. It was an order-in-council, that is, taken with the approval of the Privy Council. The Prime Minister has formally tendered his resignation, but is prepared to remain as a caretaker until you arrive in London or send an emissary to pass your instructions along to them. Parliament has been dissolved, along with the Scottish Assembly, and the First Minister has resigned as well,” Victoria told me...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 17

Two days later... “So, any news of the President?” I calmly inquired, getting a negative shrug from Randall. “I’m afraid not, boss. He’s likely been murdered or abandoned by now. Given how visibly senile he was, there’s a decent chance that someone just euthanized him. It would be the merciful end for him. A quick rock or pistol shot to the back of the head and his troubles and stress are over for good. Or a snap of the neck for the same effect. What are your orders to me, now, as the...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 18

“And so, with regret, I order the surrender of the New Zealand government and armed forces to this ... Leviathan and his ... Commonwealth. I also resign the office of Prime Minister and await the appointment of a new government or administration for this formerly sovereign nation. I will continue to serve as a caretaker until a new custodian is appointed...,” the Prime Minister of New Zealand declared, just as I appeared next to her and brought my harem in tow. “No, you won’t. I hereby...

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Life With AlphaChapter 17 Going Hollywood

Hackers had been a problem for AARD for pretty much the past two years, ever since Alphadroid debuted. Not a big problem, but there had been at least a dozen noticeable incidents. No serious breaches of security though. Alpha herself was almost completely hacker-proof. First of all, she had been running her own unique OS for years. Well, it might be more accurate to say that she WAS her own OS, but she could still run almost any application from other operating systems including her own...

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Alpha Males conquered earthly men part 3

Alpha Males conquered earthly men part 3 City after city was conquered by the Alpha men. The earth men stood no hope, each time they fought against these alpha men they slowly weakened and we're turned into the pretty gurls they were meant to be. John looked out to see the Alpha men coming. Behind him stood one of the last army's of men earth, to defend one of the last earth men controlled territories. As he scanned the approaching army Alpha men there was a strange weakness...

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Life With AlphaChapter 20 Going Public

This particular gathering was focused on (drum roll, please) ... Artificial Intelligence! (Maybe some of you can see where this is going.) Lectures, presentations and panel discussions covered both practical developments in the field and the theoretical legal, political and ethical implications of artificial life forms. There had been a variety of such conferences over the years. Some were more focused on the ethics of creating artificial or synthetic life, especially if it was created to...

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Alpha Males with earth girl sissys part 4 final

Alpha Males with earth girl sissys part 4 final. John tried to get away, but it was hopeless, as she looked down at his new feminized body, the restive pink skirts did nothing to help with getting away as he tried to escape. The nightly ritual of letting the now conquered earth sissies try to escape from their manly super alpha males, now their strong boyfriends/husbands. They never got that far, with their girly clothes always giving them away, the light pink yellow pastel colors...

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Life With AlphaChapter 11 Gamma Jasmine and Delta Elisa

Let me start off this chapter with a short discussion on my method of mental programming. While I have given various descriptions of the brain implants my women had been given -- or at least their triggers and effects, since I have no inclination to give away specifics of the technologies involved-- I have almost completely ignored the initial base programming. After all, some readers have no doubt questioned how to make a woman readily accept sharing a man with other women or even suddenly...

4 years ago
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Alpha Core 13D the Escape

Alpha Core 13D, The Escape By: Stephanie aka Malissa Madison It was never easy for her, she belonged to a branch of the Government that operated in secrecy. She'd been raised by surrogate parents until she was seven, then placed in the barracks with the rest of what was called her Series. She wasn't like most of the others, she could feel it, first there had been the fact that she was in a boy's body. She preferred soft delicate things, appreciating beauty in...

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Life With AlphaChapter 1 Artificial Intelligence Alpha

Hi, my name is Frank, and I live in Texas, just outside the DFW metroplex. I'm not going to tell you my full name or give any specific details of my life for reasons which will shortly become apparent. I offer my tale for your enjoyment though, of course, you're equally welcome to ignore the story or second-guess my choices. I don't think of myself as a genius, just talented in some areas. Specifically, I created a true artificial intelligence, and she's been changing my life ever...

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Alpha Omega

I wasn’t just a little nervous, I was in absolute panic over the unknown that I was about to face. My name is John and I’m a freshman at Grayson College. Most people haven’t heard of Grayson, but it’s existed for over fifty years. The college is located in the Northeast and has demanding entrance requirements—high grades in high school, very high SAT scores, extra curricula activity a definite plus. The only exception to a purely quantitative admission or rejection is that past family alumni...

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Alpha Omega

I wasn't just a little nervous; I was in absolute panic over the unknown that I was about to face. My name is John and I'm a freshman at Grayson College. Most people haven't heard of Grayson, but it's existed for over fifty years. The college is located in the Northeast and has demanding entrance requirements—top grades in high school, very high SAT scores, extra curricular activity a definite plus. The only exception to their purely quantitative admission criteria is that past family...

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He Cried Wolf CH1Alpha Not Omega

Tristan Northam was the most intimidating man—no, wolf, in Howls Grove. Of course, not everyone knew that he was in fact, a werewolf, and not just any werewolf… Alpha of the wolves. At twenty-five years old, he had lost all his beloved family members when they were abducted from their home one night by wolf hunters. They were transported and taken to an underground laboratory where a series of horrific experiments were conducted until they inevitably died. Tristan was the only survivor because...

Gay Male
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Alpha Ch 1 Lesbian Dog Lovers0

Momentarily releasing the seal she had on Maja's sweet flower Katie gasped and exhaled as a slight tremor rippled through her body. The swollen pillar of pulsing cock firmly embedded in her pussy rhythmically spewed warm globules of cum, coating her trembling vaginal walls in rich reproductive cream. Her cervix greedily drank the thick jettisons of sperm being unleashed inside of her, pulling as much of the virile seed into her fertile womb so that it might combine with her egg. She loved...

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Life With Alpha Omake Unexpected Visitors

The first indication I had that something was wrong came when the two security cameras at the cabin showed someone was poking around. The cabin cameras were low priority. Alpha monitored them, but just barely. One of her security systems would spare a few milliseconds of attention every five minutes or so to make sure nothing had changed. One camera's field of view included some of the driveway and the spot where we would leave our DC superheroines to wake up. The other camera showed the...

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Life With AlphaChapter 14 Supergirl and Epsilon Eiko

Next a few bits of information about household upkeep and updates. One of the things Alpha and I had been pursuing to an increasing degree was people storage, or in SciFi terms, suspended animation. Let me say right off the bat, freezing people doesn't work. Yes, cold slows cell degradation and death, and yes, science can freeze and revive small animals. But let's back up just a little ... The human body is full of water, and water expands when frozen. If you freeze a person, cells...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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Life With AlphaChapter 15 AARD the Early Years

Diana and Zatanna's return was a fairly straightforward scenario. At first glance, it might seem that it would be more complex because for the first time the household knew they were coming and could prepare, but we had more than enough uncertainty about the specific arrival time built into the background story. As much as I like to discuss background stories, this time ... just read the previous chapter. For a quick one-line summary: They believed that traveling between their universe and...

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Life With AlphaChapter 16 The Powerpuff Girls

I was a little nervous. Minor television appearances with Alphadroid aside, this was one of the largest groups I had ever addressed. My entire household plus all twenty-eight general employees of AARD and three of the researchers (ie the ones willing to attend). I had rented a large dining room at the local Holiday Inn and paid for a nice catered dinner. This time it wasn't to celebrate a specific company anniversary but instead to make a surprise announcement and celebrate our projected...

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Alpha Males Vs Earth sissies part 1

Alpha males vs earth sissies revolution part 1 "Pink or blue?" "Or should i say light pink or powder blue, we cant make you think blue is a boys color, it can be feminine also... or a sissy yellow... hmm." the deep alpha manly voice asked his soon to be sissy prisoners as he and the other alpha men laughed. the captured "men" were asked. "It doesn't matter soon to be sissies," the tall, huge super alpha man said grinning as the captured men of earth struggled. "You'll look...

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Life With AlphaChapter 18 More Marvels

Dramatis Personae: Frank -––– - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg, from Bayonetta) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) A-Ko aka Eiko Magami aka Epsilon (organic copy of Alpha, from Project A-Ko) Artificial Women (in order...

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