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Μωράκι μου η συνάντηση μας θα είναι μια απο αυτές που χαράχτηκαν μέσα στην ψυχή μου.....

Η απόλυτη απόλαυση .....

Το ραντεβού μας αυτήν την φορά ήταν κλεισμένο για Πέμπτη απόγευμα! Όπως κάθε φορά περίμενα με μεγάλη λαχτάρα να συναντήσω τον μοναδικό μου έρωτα!! Πέρασε τόσος καιρός και όμως όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον είδα μου κόπηκαν τα πόδια! Αρχισε να με φιλάει στα χείλη μου, στον λαιμό μου, να με χουφτώνει τις βυζάρες μου κι εγώ να τρέμω ολόκληρη απο την καύλα μου!! Τον θέλω απίστευτα πολύ αυτόν τον άντρα..... Πέταξα τα ρούχα μου και άρχισα να τον τσιμπουκώνω ...ρουφούσα τα ζουμιά του και έλιωνα! Κάποια στιγμή μου λέει... σήκω και στήσου στα τέσσερα να σε ξεσκίσω!! Εστησα την κωλάρα μου και τότε μου πρόσφερε το πιο απολαυστικο μαρτύριο. Χάιδευε με το κεφαλάκι του τις τρυπούλες μου, στριφογύριζε και στριφογύριζε, πήγαινε να μπει και αμέσως έβγαινε και ξανά χαιδεμα τις τρυπούλες και εγώ τρελαινόμουν, πάλευα και τον παρακαλούσα να με λυτρώσει!!! Όχι πουτανάκι μου ...μου έλεγε ...έτσι δεν σου αρέσει; Σε παρακαλώ ...τον εκλιπαρούσα σκίσε με!!!! Τι τρέλα ένιωσα όταν βυθίστηκε ολόκληρος μέσα μου και άρχισε να με παίρνει δυνατά και απο τις δύο τρύπες!! Τι ηδονή αισθάνθηκα όταν έτρεξαν απο την μουνάρα μου τα ζουμιά της καυλας μου!! Ήμουν τρελαμένη...ήθελα να πηδηχτώ...ήθελα να με ξεσκίσει!!! Ξαπλώσαμε στο κρεβάτι και τον έπαιρνα πίπα ενώ το μωρό μου έπαιζε με τις τρύπες μου! Θόλωσαν τα μάτια μου... ήθελα να πάρω ολόκληρη την χερούκλα του μέσα μου! Εστησε το χέρι του στο κρεβάτι και κάθησα απο πάνω με την μουνάρα μου και την ξέσκιζα και γουστάριζα πολύ που ήμουν η πουτανάρα του! Πήρα όλο το χέρι του μέσα μου, γέμισε η μουνάρα μου, χορταινε απόλαυση και έχυνε έχυνε ...ασταμάτητα!!!Εγώ τον έπαιρνα τρελό τσιμπούκι και ο παίδαρος μου έβαζε όλο και πιο βαθιά την χερούκλα του και με ξέσκιζε!!!
Πήρα τον φιλαράκο μας, τον μεγάλο μας τον δονητή, τον έστησα στο κρεβάτι, κάρφωσα την μουνάρα μου και ταυτόχρονα έγλειφα την πουτσάρα του μωρού μου! Ξεσκιζόμουνα ασταμάτητα, έχυνα, πιπωνα, καρφωνόμουν συνέχεια συνέχεια... και ήθελα και άλλο! Ήθελα όμως να καρφωθώ και πάνω στην πουτσαρα του μωρού μου! Εστησα τον δονητη δίπλα στην πούτσα του και καρφωθηκα και στους δυο μαζί!!! Πόσο μεγάλη πουτανάρα γίνομαι στα χέρια του!!!! Χοροπηδουσα πάνω στις πουτσες και έλιωνα απο καυλα! Εκείνη την στιγμή θα μπορούσα να πάρω πέντε ταυτόχρονα! "Θέλω την κωλάρα σου" μου λέει... "με τρελαίνει η κωλάρα σου". Σηκώθηκε απο το κρεβάτι να με πάρει όρθιος αλλά δεν άντεξα στιγμή μακριά του! Γονάτισα και άρχισα να τον τσιμπουκώνω... ήμουν τόσο φτιαγμένη που έχυσα και μόνο απο το τσιμπούκι που τον έπαιρνα! Τον κυνηγούσα και τον έπαιρνα πίπα... κάποια στιγμή με έπιασε απο τα μαλλιά και έτσι όπως τον έπαιρνα βαθιά στο στόμα μου έβαλε την πουτσάρα του μέχρι τον λάρυγγα!!! Με έστησε στα τέσσερα και άρχισε να με παίρνει απο τον κώλο.... κώλάρα μουνάρα..κωλάρα μουνάρα... τα έκανα όλα μούσκεμα! Δεν υπήρχε σημείο του κρεβατιού που να μην είναι μουσκεμένο απο τα χύσια μου! Και όμως συνέχιζα να του φωνάζω ...θέλω να χύσω.. ξέσκισε με!!!
Για να ηρεμήσουμε λίγο ξαπλώσαμε και αρχίσαμε να παίζουμε με τις τρύπες μας και να γλειφόμαστε. Όταν μου έβαλε την χερούκλα του και πάλι μέσα στην υγρή μου μουναρα και ταυτόχρονα μου έδινε γλωσσοφιλα έφυγα εντελώς...πήγα σε έναν άλλο πλανήτη! Τα γλωσσόφιλα του είναι το αδύνατο σημείο μου... με τρελαίνουν πιο πολύ απο κάθετι άλλο!!! Εβαλα βαζελίνη στα χέρια μου και χαιδευα εξωτερικα την τρυπούλα του έχοντας την πούτσα του συνέχεια στο στόμα μου!! Είχε μια πουτσάρα σκληρή σαν πέτρα ... δεν άντεχα ήθελα να καρφωθώ και πάλι... Γύρισα την κωλάρα μου και μπήκα μέσα του! Τότε άρχισε να μου ρίχνει μπάτσες στον κώλο.. πω πω πόσο πολύ γουστάριζα! Μου είχε κοκκινίσει τα κωλομέρια..και όσο πιο πολύ με χτυπούσε τόσο πιο πολύ καυλωνα! Ανέβαινα στην πουτσάρα του, με ξεσκιζε, έχυνα, κωλομπατσίδια... καβάλημα, χύσιμο, κωλομπατσίδια... ασταμάτητα... και όμως ήθελα κι άλλο κι άλλο! Πήρε την ζώνη και άρχισε να με μαστιγώνει και να με σκίζει ταυτόχρονα τις τρύπες.. "Πουτανάκι μου" μου έλεγε... "θα σε σκίσω"και εγώ τρελαινόμουν και του στηνόμουν και τέντωνα την κωλάρα μου, γύριζα ανάσκελα του έδινα την άνοιχτή μου μουνάρα και ήθελα να τον παίρνω .... να τον παίρνω απο παντού!!! Δεν μπορούσαμε να χορτάσουμε ο ένας τον άλλο...νιώθαμε απίστευτη τρέλα ! Ακόμη και στο μπάνιο που μπήκα με ακολούθησε και με γάμησε όρθια πάνω στην λεκάνη, μέσα στην μπανιέρα.... τι καυλα, τι ηδονή!!!
Βγήκαμε πάλι στο δωμάτιο... "θέλω την κωλάρα σου"μου λέει.. "δεν την χόρτασα σήμερα" . Στήθηκα στα τέσσερα.. ακούμπησα το κεφάλι μου στο στρώμα.. τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου και του την έδωσα να την απολάυσει!! Ήμουν τόσο μουδιασμένη που για πρώτη φορά στην ζωή μου έμεινα ακίνητη και ένιωθα την πουτσάρα του να μπαινοβγαίνει μέσα στην τρύπα μου και να την αρρωσταίνει! Την ένιωθα να στάζει ολόκληρη, έχυνε και ευχαριστιόταν την πουτσάρα που την ξέσκιζε!! Ηθελα πολύ να απολαυσω κι εγώ την δική του τρύπα!! Τρελαίνομαι να κάνουμε παιχνίδια με τις τρύπες μας! " Πάω στο μπάνιο" μου λέει "και θα σε φωνάξω!!!". Όταν μπήκα στο μπάνιο βρήκα την τρύπα του έτοιμη να με δεχτεί!Βυθισα μέσα της το χέρι μου και ένιωσα την ζουμερή ζεστασιά της! Εσταζε αυτη και μαζί της έσταζα και εγώ!! Εβαζα και έβγαζα το χέρι μου μέσα στην τρύπα του και την αισθανόμουν να με σφίγγει μέσα της και να με ποθεί! Καποια στιγμή ο αντρούκλας μου σηκώθηκε όρθιος και κάθησε πάνω στο χερι μου ενω ταυτόχρονα τον τσιμπούκωνα!! Έκανα το χέρι μου γροθιά και άρχισα σιγα να το γυρίζω μέσα στην τρύπα του ενώ η μωράκλα μου έπαιζε με την πουτσάρα του!! Γέμισε το στόμα μου σπέρμα... ατελείωτο σπέρμα πάνω στα χείλη μου, σε όλο μου το πρόσωπο!! Καυτό και απολαυστικό σπέρμα ... ότι πιο νόστιμο έχω γευτεί ποτέ στην ζωή μου!!! Ξαπλώσαμε χορτασμένοι και οι δυο στο κρεβάτι και αγκαλιαστήκαμε τρυφερά!! Αυτή είναι η μαγεία του έρωτα!!! Ενώ ξεσκίζεσαι σαν λυσσασμένη πουτάνα μετά να σε χαλαρώνει η αγκαλιά του λατρεμένου σου άντρα και να σε μεταμορφώνει σε άγγελο!!

Πρίγκιπα μου ένιωσα πραγματικά η πιο χορτασμένη και γεμάτη γυναίκα στον κόσμο!! Ομολογώ όμως ότι κάθε λεπτό που περνάει με κάνει να σε θέλω ακόμη πιο πολύ και να λαχταράω να ξανανιώσω την αγκαλιά σου!!!

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Shweta ki chudai 12 mein

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Shweta A Beggar Woman

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Geeta And Her Aunt Incest And Much More

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Shweta ki Chudai 3

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Geeta The Teenage Prostitute

Geeta's arm began to tire as she worked her hand up and down her customer's rock-hard penis, trying hard to give him the release he desperately craved. But he'd been drinking before he dropped by the massage parlor where Geeta worked. Geeta often wondered why it took longer for men to cum when they'd been drinking. She preferred the sober customers, not only because they were more polite, but also because without the effects of alcohol in their system, men were so much easier to manage....

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Geeta Ki Chudai Car Me

Hi friends aadi here once again thnks sab ko jinhone muje mails kiye really appreciate karta hu apke response ki jo log pehli bar padh rahe he unhe bata du mera name aadi he me junagadh se hu 23 age tall fair handsum guy athletic body with 7.5inch long dick & 3inch width mera land kisi bhi woman ki chuth aur gand ki khujli mitta ne samtta rakhta he agar koie bhi girl lady ya woman mujsesecret relationship rakhna chahti ho mail me you gonna satisfied by me & my dick ab me apni chudai ki dastaan...

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Sangeeta Aunty Sodomized

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Geeta the Teenage Prostitute Tames an Attorney

Geeta's heavy 36C breasts jiggled in time to the fucking she was getting from one of her best customers. She had already cum twice as the man's 7-inch cock pounded into her - first a beautiful G-spot orgasm, followed by a massive clitoral orgasm as her vaginal lips repeatedly opened and closed around the cock, pulling her clit in and out of its sheath. Geeta didn't get fucked that much - usually just hand jobs, with some blowjobs tossed in now and again, and so her teenage cunt wasn't that...

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Pulling over to the grass on the side of the road, Keith jumped out and removed the two flags from the boot. Both were small pennants on metre long poles. One was pink, its partner a complementary pale blue. Climbing over the farm fence into the paddock, he ran quickly over near the edge of the wood and pushed the flags firmly into the soft ground. Turning with a smile, he gave Peta a thumbs-up, and ran back to the car. Climbing back in, he restarted the car, and pulled back out into the...

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Shweta Aunty Stuck On My Farm

Hello, everyone, this is my first story and I hope you all enjoy it. Let me start with a notice. All characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to those living or dead are purely coincidental. My name is aju and I’m 21 years old. This is the story of how I met with the rich aunty Shweta Menon and got to really enjoy her. She has worked in many movies mostly as a milf. The meaning of milf is a mom I’d love to fuck, and yes, I wish she was my mom and that I could fuck...

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Geeta Aur Manju Aunty Part 8211 1

100% suchhi kahani bata raha hu apko. Ye tab ki baat hai jab mein 19 saal ka tha. Mere baare me batane ke kuch baate hai jo mein apko apni kahani ke beeche me bata dunga. Chalu karte hai mere height se mein 5’8ínch ka hu aur weight 55 kg tha jab mere saath ye ghatna hui. Mein apni gali me kaafi shareef aur sharmeela maana jata hu jiske kaaran aunty bhi mujhpe bharosa kar apni beti ko bhar saman etc. Laane bhej dete the Halaki mein patla tha lekin mera lund kaafi bada aur lad ka supada kaafi...

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Geeta The Teenage Prostitute Blackmails A Customer

Geeta, while only 17 years old, was far too experienced a prostitute to feel uncomfortable with the load of cum that sprayed into her mouth. Instead she was glad that her customer had come to orgasm, despite the salty but unusually bitter flavour of the sperm she refrained from swallowing. In fact, she'd deliberately rushed his release by gently inserting a middle finger up his ass, massaging his prostate and quickly bringing him to the most powerfully shocking orgasm he'd ever had in his...

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Sheetal and Nisha Love Part 1

hi sweethearts this is raghav from hyd reply comment at … iam a big fan of iss since the website has been establised iss has shared many moment of lonelyness turning it to hot. about me iam a simple guy with lot of simplycity and knowledge abt market statergy and fund management.with 30 yrs around 65kg weight,5.10″height,weatish skin and people do say tht i have a very masquline voice while my body shaped like a college going student. this is about a shetal of 23yrs wheatish tone around5.6″...

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Sheetal Mami Ka Gussa Hua Shant

Hello everybody, mera naam vikas hai, age 21, height 6 feet, size 7 inches aur mai delhi se hun bhenchod.Mai sabhi ko pranam karta hu aur females ko bahut saare fun ke lie invite karta hu.Mai iss ka fan aur ye meri pheli story hai, bhul chuk maaf Ab sidha story pai aate hain Mera naam vikas hai aur mai 21 saal ka, delhi ka launda hu. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha. Mai mere college ke exams ke baad ki chuttion mai apni nani ke ghar jaane ka plan bana raha tha. Yaha mai bata dun ki...

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Geeta Unti Ko Choda Jamke

Apka time ma vest karte huye story par ata hu.Hamare ghar ke baju me ek bhabhi marage ya tyoharo par ati jati reheti he kyo ki vo uske bhai ka ghar he.Wo dikhne me enti khash nahi hai but uske ball(boobs)bahut bade hai Me akshar uske boobs dekha karta tha.Unko bi pata hai ki me uske boobs par meri nazar rehti hai vo bhi jan buch kar kabhi boobs dekha deti hai jab aspas koy nahi hota.Me uske name ki akashar muth marta tha. February ke mahine vo apne bhai ke ghar ayu hui thi.Ek din wo mere ghar...

4 years ago
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Sangeeta And Rahul

Hello guys, I am Rahul, from Hyderabad, brought up in Chennai, and now settled in Mumbai. I am 30 years old now, 6.2 feet in height with a hard rock dick of 6.5 inches. I can make any woman happy in bed. Contact me for hot sex, and you will feel the heaven. My family consists of me and my elder sister, Sangeeta. My elder sister is 32 years old now. She is one of the most beautiful girls in the universe. She is fair and cute. Normally, she wears chudidhar and sarees. We don’t have our parents...

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Sheetal Bhabhi

Hiii Guys, this is anurag here from mum,main mumbai me rehta hu,meri age 26 ki hai, 6 fit hieght hai, story yaha se shuru hoti hai, aur meri baju wali bldg me samne wale flat me sheetal bhabhi rehti hai, uski shadi ko abhi 3 saal huwe hai, unke husband ka business hai surat me saree ka. wo mahine me ek baar to surat pakka jate hi hai,to story yaha se start hoti hai, sheetal bhabhi ka figure 36/30/34 hai, wo bohot gori hai, bade baal hai, aur dikhne me bohot sexy hai, bohot lambi hai, maine use...

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Sheetal The Exhibitionist

Hi I am 30yr old male from Chennai and if any one likes my story kindly mail to Sheetal was the typical, Indian homemaker. She was 33 years old, married to her husband vishal for ten years, and had 2 children, 10, and 8. She dutifully got up every morning and made breakfast for her family, made coffee and got everybody’s clothes ready and made sure they all got out the door on time. She found out a long time ago that it was easier for the kids and her husband to eat lunch out, and she did not...

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Taffeta Torment 3

John stood idly at the window as a shaft of afternoon sunlight swept across his bedroom, a frothy affair draped in shimmering pink satins and purple silks that adorned his bedspread and almost every nook and cranny of the heavily scented boudoir. Just a few weeks before, his bedroom had been a ramshackle, dishevelled pit that wreaked of stale beer and sweat and whose only colouring was the shade of unwashed laundry. He recalled that fateful first meeting with Joyce. Her...

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Taffeta Torment 4

Taffeta Torment 4 By David Royce DEPRIVATION DAY. John loathed and longed for it in equal measure, the one day he was freed not from his shackles, no that would never do, but from his taffeta immersion. Not that it felt much like freedom but then Joyce had designed the day only to further her total control over a young man of whom she was growing increasingly fonder and possessive with each passing day. Strange how things had worked out. The more Margaret had concentrated all...

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Taffeta Torment VI

XXXXXXX At Madame Lafayette's, George was also in a mesmeric world of his own but in different circumstances. He had dropped off Margaret around 2.55pm and parked nearby when she insisted that he join her in the fitting rooms. What was a boy to do? He noticed that there was a 'closed' sign on the shop front but little else as he was ushered in the front door by one of the Madame's assistants, today attired in a tight black satin pencil skirt, formidable black high heels and...

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Meeta 2 Meetas bike ride with Ashok

Ashok and I had decided to sleep for a few hours before we had to leave for the station but I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning thinking about what I would do the next few days. I turned and for a long time watched Ashok sleep like a baby, he and I had a long-distance marriage and we both knew that we were fucking others whenever he had a chance. I always felt fortunate that I was married to him, because he knew just how big of a slut I was back in school and college, he was one of...

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Taffeta Torment VIII

VIII Joyce was waiting eagerly in her bedroom. When Barbara and Joan opened the door and ushered John inside, she was not disappointed although she could not hide a voice that was thick with lust as John tottered and swished towards her settee. "Come darling, sit beside me. I have some work for you perform. But nothing too difficult on your first day." She was dressed in a black taffeta frock, pure 1950s style, with a satin bodice and skirt draped in chiffon. Black stockings and...

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Shweta Madam Ko Blackmail Kiya

Ye baath us waqt ki hai jab hum 12th class main padte the hamari biology ki teacher ka naam shweta kapoor tha jo dekhne main ek dum patakha thi Shweta madam ki umar kareeb 35-36 saal ki thi par wo dekhne main badi mast thi har ladka unko chodne ke sapne hi dekha karta tha Aur naa jaane unke baare main soch soch ke kiti baar muth mara karta tha students to unke baare mein socha hi karte the par hamare college ka principal bhi un par latoo tha hamara principal ek dum tharki tha aur kai bar wo...

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Taffeta Torment VII

George felt nervous. He was sweating as he walked up the drive to the Taffeta Torment mansion. He felt all alone but most of all he felt ashamed. Since what he thought would be his perfect marriage to Margaret, she had hardly deigned to speak to him. At least before they had common interests in opera, theatre and the cinema and how George loved it when she made the effort to dress for the occasion. Once, when they were attending a Puccini opera at the local theatre, she had knocked him...

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Taffeta Torment 2

The lunch at Tasca's was fittingly light and frothy. Joyce's friend Margaret had arrived on time and in style, swathed in a gorgeous shocking pink satin frock that gleamed provocatively in the bright lights of the bistro. She was slightly taller than Joyce, a bit slimmer but a few years older although her elaborate make-up and exquisite dress sense more than disguised that fact. Her lips were perfectly formed in coral lipstick and large white scalloped earrings adorned a smiling face...

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Taffeta Torment IX

IX HIS fingers seemed to linger a little too long, too lovingly on the skirt of her full gown. And that was his first and most important mistake that would seal his fate. Margaret felt his hands wander below her bodice as Jason fondled the stiffened but sumptuously smooth peach taffeta that enveloped her matching taffeta petticoats, all a rustle and swishing divinely as both of Jason's hands played feverishly with the material. "My you do like my frock don't you dear?" Margaret...

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Taffeta Torment

THEY were the worst of enemies - but before long she would ensure they were the best of friends. On her terms. Night after night, the banging upstairs of riotous parties seldom ceased. Having just turned 50 years of age, Joyce only needed a few hours sleep these days before she began a day's work on the perfume counter at Farmers, the city's most affluent department store. But since John, a 19-year-old student, had moved into the maisonette flat above two weeks ago, she felt more and...

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Shweta Bhabhi Ki Chut Aur Gaand Mari 8211 Part 1

Main Mumbai mein rehta hu. Meri age 29 ki hai. Ye 2015 ki baat hai. Mere yaha ek couple aaye. Ladki ka naam Shweta tha and umar 35 ki thi. Ek chhoti beti thi unki and pati bewda and kisi kaam ka nahi tha. Maine jab usko pehli baar dekha, to mere shareer mein alag current dauda. Itni gori aur sexy figure wali bhabhi hamare area mein aayi thi. Sach bolu to usko dekhte hi mera shareer ek-dum garam ho gaya tha. Unki height 5’2″ thi and body 34dd-28-34 ki thi. Itni cute aakhen and hot body dekhte hi...

4 years ago
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Greta the Reluctant Princess

In a display cabinet deep in Prussia is a giant bronze cock, well bronze coloured, it is actually cast iron with bronze gilding, Its head is fearsome. its eye seems to follow you around the room and its wings are so exquisitely formed you would almost think it could fly. A giant cock, and why was it made? A simple mistake, but behind it a story of a simple girl who preferred pigs to Princes, a heart warming feel good story and so I have translated the words from the original Hugenot...

3 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 4Cherri discovers the men using Yolanda for a sex toy, using her for a movie. The older woman finds out more about the girl and decides to have Yolanda live with her to teach the immature girl more about sex and life after making the gullible youngster cum. Cherri tells Jim about a Thai movie on Xhamster with a girl she knows.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-1-701970Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5Yolanda is taught about enemas and plays as a daughter for her new Mommy. Cherri watches on the new hidden cameras as Yolanda's husband Jack messes with Beth.====== OPENINGCherri started talking to the young girl as soon as they got in her car to drive home. The woman wanted to bring out the youngster's sexuality and make her more comfortable with having and doing sexual things. Especially with Cherri."Yolanda baby I want you to be my girlfriend and I'm going to...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 3Yolanda finds out about sex toys, nasty men's lewd fetishes and gives her first blowjob. Jim discovers what her husband is doing with her panties and a lesbian takes her heart.Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-1-701970Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/retard-wants-to-get-pregnant-pt-2-702218====== OPENINGYolanda smiled mischievously at him as she slid the big 12 inch black...

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Taffeta Torment XII

As John sinks and wishes ever deeper into a world of nylon, satin and taffeta, Joyce finds new ways to further stimulate and arouse her young captive and bring about his utter subjugation to womankind and the contents of their wardrobes "Now I know you are watching me you gorgeous little baby boy but I want to hear your nylons swishing up against each other. Can you do that for me darling? That's it, rub your little legs together and get that nylon rustling up against that oh so so...

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Taffeta Torment V

Margaret stood before her full length bedroom mirror and admired the reflection. Not quite her bedroom mirror, of course, because George had bought it as a special gift, one of several, and this was his spare bedroom in his generous town apartment. But ownership was not in doubt. Everything would soon belong to Margaret. After a short courtship, she had agreed to George's request that she move in with him but only on the condition that the relationship was strictly platonic. No hanky...

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She leafed through the photo album, stopping every once in a while to look up at me, and finally she put the book down and said, "I guess you are my husband." I smiled and thought, "Yes I am Greta, much to your detriment." Greta married me the week after I graduated from college and the honeymoon wasn't even into its third day before she started fucking around on me. She didn't know that I knew and quite frankly I didn't care that she was doing it. Her first (at least the first I knew...

4 years ago
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Taffeta Torment XI

When Jason awoke in Margaret's flat, the sun was streaming through the lace curtains of his bedroom. As his eyes grew accustomed to the harsh light, he noticed the soft, sumptuous surroundings of the room he had been sleeping in. Ivory satin sheets were draped all over his naked body while a pink satin duvet kept in the warmth that he was experiencing this morning. He felt perfumed and dainty as he climbed out of the bed and walked gingerly across the lush carpet that adorned the...

2 years ago
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Taffeta Torment XIII

By the time they arrived at Elsie's expansive house it was gone midnight. The garage was attached to the building making the transfer of cargo, human and otherwise, that much simpler and since it was not overlooked, in fact a short distance away from the nearby town, there was no chance of them being disturbed in their industry. Jason remained motionless on the back seat, partially through fatigue and partially because of the confines of the nylon and satin prison into which he had...

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Geeta Bhabhi Ka Hole Loose Kiya

This is a real story of me with my geeta bhabi who is damn hot and beautiful.She is 28 and I am 21.She is 5’6″ probably and I am 5’7″.Her size is around 36-30-36 and I am average built. This incident occurred around 2 months back. I am good looking but not well built still lot of girls desire me and I am a college student.We are family of 5 members me,and two of my sisters and parents.I have one cousin brother who is 30 and his wife’s name is geeta.We stay in big city and sometimes they come to...

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Geeta8217s Rendezvous 8211 Amazing Massage 8211 Part I

Hi all….I am back after a hiatus with a new experience….well it’s a story as told by my ex colleague and one time close friend Geeta…..this is in her own words……I do sometimes even now get naughty shorty with her……..well now her life in her own words….. Seven years of good marriage ….nice husband loving and caring and a little naughty 5 year old kid…nice job and a tension free life.i had everything but still did not find much excitement in my life. Hail from a conservative and orthodox south...

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Taffeta Torment X

AGAIN, she had kept Jason partially sedated for most of the day while he lay naked and semi-conscious snuggled in the satin sheets and bedspread of her spare room, the one poor Georgie Porgy had called his own. Bless his little sheer nylons, she laughed to herself as six o'clock approached and Jason's hour of destiny. Back in her own boudoir, Margaret was smoothing a midnight black full taffeta slip over her equally black and immaculate corselette, highlighted by front, back and side...

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Shweta Ki Chudai

Hello friends mera nam nihal hai or mai jamshedpur ka rehne wala hu yeh meri ISS par pehli kahani hai or kisi v galti k liye aap logo se mafi chahta hu yeh 1 sachi kahani hai pehle mai apne bare me aap logo ko bata du mai 19 sal ka 1 well built ladka hu. Mera lund 7 inches lamba or 3 inches mota hai jis kisi ladki ya aunty ko phone y real satisfaction chahiye ho wo mjse mere email id par cntact kar sakti hai mera mail id hai Ab mai apni kahani par aata hu maine apni 10th khatam ki thi or...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant PART 1 TO PART 5====== PART 1 ======Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young wife, Yolanda, is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny.They are both a bit mentally challenged, neither one can read nor write very well. Jim winds up fucking Yolanda a bunch of times and knocking her up. Her pervert husband, Jack ,never finds out that it was Jim that got her pregnant.====== OPENINGIt...

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Sheetal Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hii dis isaarush age 21…mail me at Ye meri 1st story he..koshish he aapko pasand ayegi….any unsatisfiedladies from gujrat can contact me at Ye meri aur meri cousin bhabhi ki story he jiska naam sheetal bhabhi he…to mein aapko mera introduction deta hu meri age 21 he height 5’3” he…have a good lund to satisfy girls..meine aajtak aapni kai girlfriends aur 3 mairred ladies ko choda he…Meri sheetal bhabhi ki age 35 he par dikhne mein abhi bhi 25 ki lagti he..unhone apna figure mast maintain rakha...

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