Taffeta Torment IX free porn video

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IX HIS fingers seemed to linger a little too long, too lovingly on the skirt of her full gown. And that was his first and most important mistake that would seal his fate. Margaret felt his hands wander below her bodice as Jason fondled the stiffened but sumptuously smooth peach taffeta that enveloped her matching taffeta petticoats, all a rustle and swishing divinely as both of Jason's hands played feverishly with the material. "My you do like my frock don't you dear?" Margaret teased. "Would you like me to swish it around for you some more?" "No, no it's fine Mrs Taylor, my mind was wandering." "And so you were your hands darling. Here, come sit down next to me and I'll let them wander to their heart's content over my frock if you like." So this was Jason, a relatively small but perfectly formed teenager with flowing blond locks and blue eyes, a veritable choirboy without the cassock. He had arrived on Margaret's radar because occasionally Joyce checked John's mobile just in case anyone was snooping around. Of course his father was taken care of now, nicely locked away, bound and gagged and immersed in his world of taffeta and nylons. No-one else seemed to care about John's whereabouts except an old schoolmate called Jason whose persistence was a worry to the women at Taffeta Torment. They had decided on a plan and since Joyce was far too obsessed with grooming John, Margaret was once more called upon to intervene. She contacted Jason on the pretext of knowing a little about John and set up a meeting at a country pub a few miles away. Margaret had not wanted to frighten Jason but she did need to test his resolve so she wore a classic black pencil skirt, wool with a polysatin lining, a black taffeta full slip that rustled beneath the skirt and a fairly neutral dark blue satin blouse. Still she made for an alluring figure even with dark tan stockings, her five inch black heels clicking on the cobblestones of the rural public house as she entered around noon with a white, crispy satinised mac lined in red satin gathered tightly at the waist with a generous matching belt. The meeting went well, the pair sat in one of the many private nooks and crannies of the old pub though it was virtually empty anyway. Margaret applied her make-up and lipstick now and again and watched Jason's eyes avert her glance, though when she moved her manicured hands to smooth her skirt and stockings she was certain there was a sparkle in those beautiful big blue eyes. The upshot was that Margaret offered Jason snippets of information and promised she would be in touch when she knew a little more, pretending to be an old family friend who knew John's father well, which in fairness was nothing less than the truth. They parted on good terms but Margaret was still not sure about Jason so she texted him an invite on his mobile phone to a dance night at the local town hall. She insisted it would be full of young folk from the neighbourhood whereas in fact it was a 1950s revival night and she had asked several of Madame Lafayette's girls to turn up dressed to the nines. In the event, a plethora of very desirable middle-aged ladies greeted and cooed over Jason when he turned up, admiring his 'delicious' blond locks which were 'to die for' as were his crystal clear blue eyes. For his part Jason danced with a couple of the women, had a few drinks from the bar and spent most of the time surrounded by women old enough to be his mother but attired in some of the most sumptuous gowns in blue taffeta and ivory satin that he had ever seen. Margaret was wearing the peach taffeta frock she had purchased from the internet, thick poult taffeta with sweetheart neckline with a pale pink bow sewed into the middle just below the bra line. Her stockings were sheer coffee coloured Aristoc 12 denier, her peach petticoats trimmed in lace and layers of net and organza with a rayon and polysatin lining beneath and on top of the intoxicating undergarments. If Jason had never heard the seductive rustle of a woman's taffeta gowns and petticoats, his introduction that night was a sensations overdose. A little drunk by the end of proceedings, Margaret offered him a lift home or a coffee back at her flat and rather tired, Jason plumped for the coffee as all the women kissed him goodnight with a thick coating of lipstick around his cheeks and lips. Now back at the flat Margaret had taken from George, Jason was entranced. In the more intimate atmosphere with the music toned right down and subdued lighting, his host's ample figure, resonating gown and lingerie, were becoming more obvious to the young man. At her request, he followed Margaret to the huge settee and its myriad of plumped-up satin cushions and frills. He could feel the ice smooth satin of her black gloves tenderly clasping both his hands as she first coaxed him to the sofa then led his hands, palms down, gently over the rustle and bustle that was her frock. She looked meaningfully into his eyes, her gorgeous red lipstick pouting quizzically as she saw him drift ever deeper into his own erotic reverie. "Let me see. You're still covered in lipstick from my friends, I really do think they were smitten. Here let me dab some away with this silk hankie. Now let's have a feel of my frock, shall we? "Is that nice pet? Lovely soft hands you have, so delicate, like a little girl's. Do you like the touch of the taffeta sweetie? Would you like to stroke my nylons as well. Little boys love that sheerness and running their little hands over that silky smooth material. OOooh, that is sooooo nice n'est pas?" With one hand on the calves of her stockings and the other firmly held and relishing the taffeta gown, Jason suddenly became violently erect but had no idea what to do with it or less where to go. "I can see this is arousing for you pet. Come, put your head in my lap and feel that taffeta encasing all of you." Jason allowed himself to be dragged down, his head truly spinning, the soft satin gloves, the whispering swish of nylon and taffeta and net beneath, a seductive cocktail that was beginning to get the better of Jason's senses. "Come sweetie, give your Aunty Margaret a big kiss," and she hoisted his fragile frame up above her bodice and curvy breasts and squeezed him tightly with both hands as her tongue gushed inside his mouth and her moist, satin lipstick overpowered his tiny lips. "OOhh my god, Mrs Taylor, I think I am going to cum!" Jason was imploring his tormentor to stop. "There, there, not just yet darling. I seem to have lost one of my heels, be a good boy and put it back on for me would you?" Margaret released her grip on Jason's hands and lips, pushing him down over her taffeta frock making sure there was not too much friction to further excite her young companion, who was coming down a little from that earlier point of climax. "That's right, slide it into my nyloned foot darling. And then kiss my nylons on the way up to the hem of my skirt." Jason needed no second invitation as he smooched willingly the sheerest of perfume-laden stockings up to the point where Margaret's petticoats and heavy taffeta skirt met the silky nylons. "Now I'll lift my petticoats a little and you can make your own way up to my girdle and its suspenders. I will guide you from there sweetie, don't fret." And guide him Margaret did as Jason savoured and sweated beneath her thick taffeta petticoats, pleasuring her between her legs for what seemed hours but was in fact less than 20 minutes. Even so, both parties were exhausted afterwards though it was Margaret who rediscovered her composure first. "Now let's get you out of those clothes and into my spare bed. You must be tired after all that exercise Jason," and as she led him to her satin- lined spare bedroom, draped in all manner of lace, chiffons and silk finishings, Jason was in no mood to argue or resist. Within minutes he was naked on the satin sheets, his head propped up by billowing satin-covered pillows as Margaret, now fully regained of her senses and in control, began to tuck him in for the night, applying fresh lipstick after making sure her hair and frock were straight and unruffled in front of a full length mirror close to Jason's bed. As she smoothed her taffeta frock, adjusted her hair and then spread the wonderfully glossy satin red lipstick over her lips, Jason once more grew steadfastly erect. "Do you like watching me making myself up Jason? I must do it more often. Maybe tomorrow darling. Now let's cover you over, tuck you in like this.... and now a goodnight kiss. Mmmmm...you have lovely lips as well darling. We should think about a shade for you," she trilled, laughing as if she were just teasing. She pulled a stocking from a bedside draw, a coffee- coloured nylon with a contrasting darker welt, and dabbed her lipstick and powder on its seam just above the knee. "Here sweetie, this will help you sleep tonight. Sweet dreams. I know you will," and as she blew a kiss from her black satin gloves and minced rustling out of the door with her petticoats swaying and swishing beneath her peach gown, a huge rear mounted mauve satin bow wobbling in unison as she departed, Jason was already sniffing the stocking and tasting the traces of Margaret's lipstick, erect and ready indeed for sweet if unfulfilled dreams. ******************* SHE had let Jason lay in bed most of the day, occasionally popping in and stroking his member to make him contented while slipping the odd draught of sleeping powder into a cup of tea just to keep him slightly sedated during the daylight hours. Margaret had phoned Joan and Barbara and told them she would need a few days, a week at most, to break Jason in and have him fully trained so on no account must George be allowed to leave Taffeta Torment Towers, as they were apt to call it these days. Joan assured Margaret that George would not be going anywhere anytime on his own ever again and reported that he was currently bound and gagged and lying beneath a full length satin ballgown in one of the many walk-in wardrobes of the house's many bedrooms. When Jason did finally emerge from his slumbers, Margaret thought she would begin on a different tack with her young victim, who staggered still in a daze from his sedation and utterly naked into her living room. "I know you love your taffeta sweetie so I have put something very special on for you tonight." As Margaret beckoned him over to the cushion at her feet, Jason's erection jolted ever more to hard upright with every step he took. "Now you kneel there darling. You see I have this satin pencil skirt, so tight, waiting for you. Just place your hands on my thighs, good boy. Smooth my skirt down, sweetie, feels good doesn't it?" Margaret's hands, perfectly manicured with stunning red nails to match her thick gloss lipstick, pushed his own small and delicate hands down the skirt, crossing her legs slightly as she lowered them to her hemline length just below the knee. "Now if I just gently pull back the hem it will reveal this gorgeous shiny polysatin lining that is so sensuous to the touch and best of all, it presses right down on my taffeta slip. Just put your right hand in there, that's it in between the lining and the slip. Ooooh, that must be so good for you darling," she asked as her left hand kept his right hand trapped beneath her skirt and between the polysatin and taffeta materials. "Now your little left hand, that's it, just stroke my calf darling, make sure my seam is straight on the nylon darling. Good boy. Gently now Jason, you have soft hands and they appreciate sheer stockings don't they?" Jason was rather too preoccupied to take any further notice. Margaret had positioned herself so that Jason's erection was now firmly trapped between her two stockinged legs and as she moved one upwards and downwards around his member, the friction of nylon on his soft fleshy penis left Jason drooling with delight. "There, there. Shall I kick my heels off and see if that's any better. That's it keep smoothing my underskirt and stockings sweetie. Really turns me on." With that Margaret turned imperiously away and beginning to powder her nose and apply lipstick while ever so slowly continuing to rub Jason's exposed body and member up and down with her sheer nylon stockings. "Now what time did you want to go out darling? I will have to call a taxi for you. It's already nine o clock and I plan to get an early night...after I have finished with you totally of course. Unless, as I said, you want me to call a taxi?" She pouted her newly glossed lips, bent over and cupped the chin of her young charge, clearly on the point of surrendering. "Mmmm...better put some stockings over that thing darling. It looks like it is going to explode." With that Margaret produced two nylons from the side of the chair and delicately enveloped his penis and testicles before resuming her slow motion torment by nylons, punctuated by the hiss of the material as calf brushed up against calf and the rustle of the taffeta slip that Jason was smoothing up and down her thighs. Margaret made one last gesture, gathering Jason in beneath his chin with her right hand so that he could see close up the rippling pink satin of her blouse that was bulging to contain the satin bullet bra top of Margaret's s coffee coloured corselette. The stiffened cuffs of the blouse, buttoned immaculately, strayed over his cheeks as Margaret tightened her grip on his face and down below on his penis. "Taxi sweetheart. Ooooo perhaps not tonight darling. Oooo there, there..." and as Jason spurted heavenly into his double nylon prison, he knew he was going nowhere. What he could not know was that it was going to be for some considerable time. ******* Margaret knew she had a few days in hand but still she didn't want to ease up on Jason's grooming for his future mistress. On the other hand, she did not want to rush anything and besides, she was rather enjoying the attentions of this pretty young lad, reminiscent of her earlier passion for John which faded when Joyce took control of his taffeta training. Still, she was more than content to accept Jason's rather cute little body and his grateful attempts to satisfy and pleasure her needs, which for a young virgin were not as bad as she had expected. She knew a good friend, Wanda, who was very keen on young boys, particularly ones with the sort adoring cherub features, blue eyes and blond hair that Jason possessed. She imagined another 24 hours, maybe 48, and she would be able to give her a call and invite her over to see what she thought of her latest conquest. Last night after Jason's juices splashed over his stocking hood, she once more tucked him to bed. Only instead of allowing him to sleep in, she had awoken him at midnight while she perched on the side of the bed. She had dressed herself in a deliciously full taffeta frock highlighted with a bright red and black roses motif, a dark black satin sash gathering it in just above the waist that accentuated her ample bust which was concealed beneath the sumptuous material. Her petticoats were rustling taffeta of course, in a creamy shade and lined with polysatin and rayon, while she wore very pointed white 6inch heels and a tan coloured nylons, 12 denier with a dark seam up the back. She had also strapped a huge frilly white nylon apron around her waist, its extravagant frills and flounces in satin and nylon covering some of her lower frock. "Now Aunty Margaret just wanted to make sure you were nice and comfy," she cooed as a dozing Jason tried to wake up to his midnight call. What followed was Margaret fussing and fiddling over Jason, her pink satin gloves relentlessly touching and feeling his cheeks, his shoulders and then his chest, tummy and finally his gradually stiffening member below the satin bedsheets. "Don't want diddums to nod off without a nice long cuddle from Aunty, do we now darling?" Margaret's baby-talk repartee was having the desired effect on Jason and as she mollycoddled him into her chest and the fragrant fabrics and perfumes on her body, her young captive became suddenly aware that his stiffness was yet again on the verge of explosion. "Mrs Taylor, Mrs Taylor..." he pleaded as she drew him firmly closer to her taffeta frock and sensual perfume, her left hand gripping him behind his head while her right satin glove stroked various parts of his body beneath his waist. "Hush, hush darling," she soothed and realising he was on the brink of squirting, relaxed her right hand and stroked his cheeks while gently petting him on his gorgeous shoulders and lips. "Such soft skin petal, you make any woman jealous. Come let me kiss those cherub cheeks of yours." Margaret was rather enjoying this more than she had anticipated but as much as she wanted to hogtie this little darling and ravish him, she continued slowly and surely to bring him to a climax before gently letting him down, occasionally taking time off to freshen her face with powder and lipstick which she immediately buried in Jason's cheeks and lips. The petting session lasted 45 minutes, by which time Margaret had smothered Jason in lipstick, caressed him with several pairs of lipstick- coated nylons and rubbed and smoothed his body at least 50 times over with her pink satin gloves. She was rather aroused by it all but nothing compared to Jason. His pre- cum dribbles were splattered across his bedsheets and his head was now firmly stuck in his satin pillows, almost magnetized to the spot. "Here drink this darling. It will help you sleep," and Jason did as he was told. "Aunty knows what's best you know." Drugged and dependant. Sated in satin, tormented by taffeta and desperately needing nylon. She had smothered and mothered him to blissful sleep. It was a good night's work. Tomorrow was another big day for Jason. He had already forgotten about the taxi he never caught. But Margaret knew, as she patted his brow and whispered sweet dreams into his ear, Jason would be forgetting quite a few things in the next couple of days while learning a completely new way of life.

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Step sisters torment

I went downstairs and from the living room I could hear one of my step sisters shuffling her feet around the kitchen. I could tell by the sound whoever it was, was barefoot. As I approached the kitchen, I already began to visualize what pretty feet both my step sisters had. I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally turned the corner. There was holly, my younger step sister drinking a glass of orange juice by the kitchen sink. She was only wearing a pair of soft pink cotton panties and a...

4 years ago
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kellys torment

Kelly’s TormentChapter OneShe was still pulling at the ropes which held her down, despite trying for the past 30 minutes until her wrists were sore and red.  She was conscious of the camera with its red light blinking each few seconds and tried to ignore it but felt so self conscious laying on the bed naked with her legs pulled wide apart revealing her most private parts.  She was also aware that with her struggling against the ropes her ample breast shook and swayed, no doubt exactly what the...

1 year ago
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Lindas Torment

Linda's TormentPart I  (light bondage, spanking and domination/humiliation)"If you want to be with me, Linda, then you must learn to obey me. I told you not to just 'drop by' but to call before you came and, if you did not, you would be punished. You did not call first. So here, we are. What about 'punishment' don't you understand?" "I'm sorry Matthew. I just wanted to see you. I should have called.""You have two choices. One, get out, leave and never see me again. Or, you may submit to being...

4 years ago
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Matts Torment

My name is Matt and this is a true story of the torment I was forced to endure at the hands of my uncle Jim. It all began when I just turned 16 and my mother died tragicly in a horrific car accident. The accident turned my life around for the worse. I started give up on everything I once cared about and it eventually resulted in my dropping out of high school. After spending a few months at a city foster home my 13 year old brother Ricky and I were sent to live with my uncle Jim. Although we...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon of Torment

AN AFTERNOON OF TORMENT. By SEAN DUNNE. In all my years visiting professional mistresses, rather ironically, by farthe most explosive, mind shattering episode I ever experienced and from whichI never fully recovered, occurred during a visit to an absolute beginner anda complete novice at the game. The following account is I believe an accurate record of the session as Istill remember most details quite vividly, but there were some occasions whereI believe I may have had moments of blackout or...

2 years ago
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The bullies torment

first of all this is my first story introduction page and it is subject to editing for the future pardon the mess but I just wanted to get started with the story Welcome to the bullies torment which will be a story of harassment and humiliation at the protagonist's expense and our enjoyment. this story will contain mind control, possession, and transformation. this story is my pet project and I am hoping will be able to spend enough time on it to keep it alive. rules. as far as the rules go I...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 27 Katiersquos Torment

“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...

3 years ago
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Steves torment

Steve had inherited a huge amount of cash and a large house. But that didn’t bring him happiness. He had a few girlfriends over the months, but none of them were into bondage. All he wanted was for them to tie him up, tease him and when she was ready maybe shag him, but that was not necessary. What he wanted was to be tied up and left to attempt an escape. He always managed to get out of anything the girls had put him in. Invariably the girls were disgusted and left him.Steve had been into...

1 year ago
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Teased and Tormented

I sat on the bed waiting, my eyes blindfolded. Jason and I were going to do things today that we had never done before. We were suggested to try this by some friends who had experience in this. They said it would help to boost our sex life and give us some more fun. All I know is that tonight I’ll be teased until I can’t take it any longer and that it involves lots of things that I’ve never seen before. The wait was so long that my body decided to slump down and I felt like sleeping. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Teased and Tormented

I sat on the bed waiting, my eyes blindfolded. Jason and I were going to do things today that we had never done before. We were suggested to try this by some friends who had experience in this. They said it would help to boost our sex life and give us some more fun. All I know is that tonight I’ll be teased until I can’t take it any longer and that it involves lots of things that I’ve never seen before. The wait was so long that my body decided to slump down and I felt like sleeping. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Claires torment

********************************************************************************************************************** Cathan had to admit, she was beautiful. He had first noticed her a few weeks before and then, like now, he was struck by her flawless figure. Now here she was no more than 6 feet away from him. He sipped his coffee and adjusted his chair to get a better view of her. His eyes sought her feet and he noticed that her brown sandals were lying discarded next to where she...

4 years ago
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Jessicas Torment

I really shouldn’t do this; I really must stop. It’s doing me no damn good at all – in fact it’s making things worse. I’m 47 and should have found a way of getting over this after all these years. But my resolve vanished as I keyed in another screenful of naked men, each with a penis size that hit me in the pit of my stomach. Did some men – it seemed like every bloody one of them – really have 10 inches in their shorts? What had been an ache, and a longing for years before I’d...

3 years ago
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Subtle Tease and Torment

For the past several months, Kendra and I have been chatting and sharing fantasies between one another. Even though both of us are in committed relationships, we really enjoy discussing different thoughts and scenarios. For a few months, Kendra knew when she talked about her dominant side, it always got my attention and my juices flowing. Recently, I shared a fantasy I’ve had for a while, where another woman would enjoy controlling me but it also included a taboo situation like the woman would...

3 years ago
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Bullys Ultimate Torment

Thud. Thud. Thud. Sam's eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and he checked his clock. Three thirty am. He wasn't sure if it was the knocking sound or his full bladder that had caused him to wake up, but he knew that unless he at least went for a piss he wouldn't be getting back to sleep anytime soon. Carefully he got out of his bed and navigated his bedroom. Thud. Thud. Thud. The knocking noise was louder in the hallway. He walked towards the bathroom and noticed his step sister's bedroom door was...

3 years ago
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Katie Part 2 Lucious exstudent returns to torment

A True Story - Part II Two weeks later, the e-mail from Katie indicated that she would be back in class the following night, only this time she had a little surprise for me. I replied that I was pleased she was coming back and looking forward to her surprise.This time Katie entered the classroom wearing a red silk blouse, the shape of her nipples clearly visible. She had selected a black silk skirt and was wearing high heels and no stockings. Her entire package swung and swayed as she walked...

2 years ago
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Toms bondage torment

It had been a few weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica's flat. Jessica had taken on the lease for the whole flat and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. She was particularly pleased with Tom, he was tall, good looking and seemed like a fun kind of guy.Tom had also been pleased to move out from the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica's flat was small, but in a good part of town. Jessica herself seemed nice enough. Not what he'd call stunning,...

2 years ago
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Tales of a HitchHiker Chapter 2 The Torment

Her captor was gone for quite a while before returning. She wondered what else he would do to her and if he would ever let her go-alive, that is! It wasn’t long before he came back to the bedroom to check on his prisoner. He was not wearing a shirt as he gazed down at her naked, vulnerable body and she could see, once again, the growing bulge in his pants as he was getting very aroused. He reached down and raked his fingers through the thick locks of her generous love nest, tugging several...

1 year ago
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Goofys torment

My best friends and I had decided to take a day off. In other words, play truant. To avoid getting caught, we've driven to another town, where we would spend the whole day in a large shopping center – buying a little and hopefully get away with some shoplifting too. But we hadn't been there long though, before we got a both quite shocking and pleasant surprise. That totally changed our plans for the day.We'd placed ourselves, our colas and donuts. So we could keep an eye on the entrance,...

4 years ago
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Brides Torment

?? ? ?They were young, wild, muscular studs. They loved to show off their bodies at the gym. They strutted around the locker room flexing their muscles totally naked , their huge dicks swinging over low hanging fucksacks, their strong tight ass muscles rolling as they walked. Their big naked feet slapped wetly on the tiles. They spoke loudly to each other of cunt and all the cunt they fucked. They kidded about getting their dicks sucked by faggots. If any male looked too long at them, they...

2 years ago
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Talis Torment

Zack couldn't believe it, but Selby was insistent    244-0142Zack couldn't believe it, but Selby was insistent."Dude, trust me. This chick has her number up on the park restroom wall,and if you call,she'll comegive you a BJ right here in the bathroom! I don't know why she does it, but shecame to see me. She looked miserable, but maybe she's a psycho. She's a goodlooking psycho."*****Tali rested, enjoying a glass ofwhite wine with Fenton the Felon. "This is a great show" Fenton saidto her. "I'm...

2 years ago
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Jennys Torment

Jenny Marie Jenkins was apprehensive when the plane landed. The small private jet seemed to shut off its engines about fifty feet above the asphalt runway and dropped silently to meet the ground flying past them. When the wheels hit, the jets reversed their thrust and her heart was in her throat in more than one way. She had many mixed feelings about the trip. As the wife of a minister, this was her first trip away from home. Her husband had been selected by their government to be an...

1 year ago
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Preachers WifeChapter 4 Torment

The next two days had been a sexual carnival for the incestuous pair. They fucked like bunnies, of course, but they were so confident that they had succeeded on the first fuck that they didn't limit themselves to cock-in-cunt fucking. Janet sucked her son off several times, swallowing his sperm every time and remarking that a pregnant woman need plenty of protein in her diet. And she had let John fuck her in the ass for the first time. She didn't bother to pregnancy tests, nor did she make...

4 years ago
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Sissy tormented

The day started off in a similar manner for me when I know I’ve the house to myself. Get the k**s away to school and home. Usually its home and dressed in some slutty outfit or other my little thingy locked in its cage for the day and on with my chores. I always try to get my chores done before switching on the computer and enjoying the delights of Xhamster. Unfortunately I knew I was expecting a workman to the house to price up a small job we need doing, so no dressing up but I thought I could...

3 years ago
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Becky was gorgeous and she used it to torment me. When Becky and her husband moved next door, I fell immediately in lust! She had very long, very silky black hair that I wanted to grab a handful of and never let go. I wanted to wrap it around my cock and stroke it until I shot off all over her gorgeous face.And Becky somehow knew exactly what I wanted to do. The four of us became good friends and would spend two or three evenings together playing Canasta. The whole time she would torment me by...

1 year ago
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Crown of Torments

This story is fantasy fiction set in a fantasy world depicting extreme and very graphic torture. It is intended for mature adults not offended by such material and the author does not endorse or excsue violence of any kind.Chapter 1 - From the DeadThe thumping of boots and the clanking of metal echoed eerily in the rough, winding corridors. No light had graced their descent except for the wavering flames of their own torches, and the triumphant pace of the first steps had become more and more...

4 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 4 Suspicion Torments

The first crate, the one that blocked the bathroom door, was full of crushed aluminum cans. Who makes aluminum cans? Who makes beer and puts it in aluminum cans? Ah, Coors ... where is that made? The cans all had a little lever attached to a stud cast or pressed from the metal of the top on the top of the can that looked like it pressed against a thiner outline etched or machined in the top. As near as I can figure out, you lift the lever which presses against the aluminum inside the etched...

3 years ago
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My Wife My Tormentor

My Wife, My Tormentor I am excited by the . One of the most humiliating experiences I sufferer was caused by my first wife. I had been a crossdresser since I was little. Actually my mother started me when she dressed me as a girl for Halloween. When at 7 I started to protest, She said she had no daughter and once a year I could let her have fun. I could never refuse her so I relented. I guess that is where my submissiveness to women began. When puberty started I equated dressing...

3 years ago
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The Toy The Tormentor

A JJ Submission: Hello to all my readers, this is JJ from Chennai reaching out to you with a hot & horny personal experience that well defined and very truly matches the heading above. “The Toy & the Tormenter” I was normal just like any other kid of the block during my school & college days, listening and reading third rated porn books that came my way. Let me tell you there came loads and loads of them, I had a huge collection until a faithful Good Friday when parents cleaned my cupboard the...

2 years ago
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My Mother Her brother My Sexual Tormentor

OK, my uncle Joey was a p**o, and because of his affliction, I showed him my pussy, each morning, before going to school.Uncle Joey's sister, my mother, was a wild girl in her twenties, always on a high, looking for a fix, would find a stunning blond, having her bottom scrapped against a rough brick casting of a wall, up some dark alley, as the 'Fixer', shagged the shit out of her, and created me, and you wonder why, 'I am all fucked up'? 'Hurry, or you will miss your bus', mother would call...

3 years ago
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A Family Reunion

A Family Reunion Janet Stickney Five years is a long time, unless you are doing what you want. From the time I was a child I had held my secret close, afraid of what people would say, but when I began to get older and the need became more pressing, I began to take chances, and I was caught several times. My mom, like my dad didn't understand, but at least she tried. Twice when I was in high school she helped me, once when I had gathered up the nerve to go to the show. I...

1 year ago
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Plans Change Ch01

I once heard, "If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans," and found out how true that was.You see, my name is Chris, and this is my tale of how that happened to me.It all began back when I was naïve and young. Right out of high school at the ripe old age of eighteen, I married my high school sweetheart, Jessica.We were on top of the world, and Jessica was the love of my life. She was the woman who melted my heart, and I had the rest of my life to enjoy how happy she made me.Jess...


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