Geeta The Teenage Prostitute free porn video

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Geeta's arm began to tire as she worked her hand up and down her customer's rock-hard penis, trying hard to give him the release he desperately craved. But he'd been drinking before he dropped by the massage parlor where Geeta worked. Geeta often wondered why it took longer for men to cum when they'd been drinking. She preferred the sober customers, not only because they were more polite, but also because without the effects of alcohol in their system, men were so much easier to manage. Geeta was often able to have the man thoroughly jerked off, showered and sent on his way in less than 20 minutes. A fast (but not too fast) turn around time was what this business was all about, that and of course repeat customers. And Geeta had a lot of clients. She was also seventeen years old. She had masturbated literally thousands of men to orgasm (she knew this for a fact - she kept a detailed diary). At the busy small-rise office building in which she worked after school, she would often see a half-dozen customers before it was time to leave, getting home in for dinner at 6. And she'd often work a shift on weekends, sometimes two. She tended to see her good customers during the weekdays. Her work was located near the airport, and on weekends her customers were usually Americans, visiting Toronto on business.

Geeta felt the customer pawing at her breasts - he'd paid extra for her to be topless. It was rare for a customer not to have her at least partially naked. She often received customers while wearing her high school uniform - a simple white blouse and kilt. Her 38C breasts were very prominent under the blouse, which she wore with the ends tied together around her waist, leaving her midriff exposed, and causing her breasts to stand out. The men thought it was great that she was pretending to be schoolgirl, and often remarked that she looked young enough to be believable, most never realizing that the girl stroking their cock was a student at Our Mother of Divine Mercy Secondary School. Only a few special customers knew this about Geeta.

Perhaps a change of scene would make this customer cum faster. Geeta moved from the side to the end of the table so that she was over the man's head. Now she had to bend forward to reach his hard cock, and her breasts fell over the man's face. Immediately he began to suckle one nipple, then the other, squeezing her breasts as if he were trying to milk them.

"That's more like it," thought Geeta. "I'll be through with this one soon."

As she so often did when a man suckled her, she thought back again to her first time. She had just turned fourteen, and was at home watching T.V. with her uncle. Her mother had been in the kitchen cooking dinner. Her father wasn't home yet, and they had visitors - her mother's younger sister, Lakshmi and the sister's husband, Raj. Lakshmi was in the kitchen helping Geeta's mother cook dinner. Lakshmi and her husband were both twenty-eight years old. Raj was an investment banker in downtown Toronto. He was the star of the family, earning very good money. He was also a pervert, as Geeta discovered when she felt his hand curl over her breast. At first she froze in horror, then tried to push the hand away, but Raj kept trying to cup her breast. Geeta leaped up in shock, and ran from the room. She avoided her uncle the rest of the evening, and later when he'd left with Lakshmi, she got her mother alone as soon as she could and told her all about it.

"You stupid little tart!" her mother hissed in Hindi, as she rocked her daughter's face with a stinging slap. "Are you stupid? Do you want to cause a lot of trouble? You shut up about these things, you don't complain -I don't want to hear it. Just stay away from men, missy, and they won't touch you. But if you sit next to them in a room alone, what do you expect? You're fourteen now! Use your head!"

Geeta had fled to her room, crying. Geeta had hated living at home for some time now - a million rules, oppression, and her parents' unbelievable fixation with knowing where she was twenty-four hours a day so that they could keep the boys away from her. "You don't want to be like those Canadian girls!" her mother would warn (in their parlance, "Canadian" was pejorative. "Canadian" girls were white, painted their faces, smoked, got bad marks in school, slept around on their husbands and got divorced). "Stay away from boys - if you mess around with them, how will we ever find you a proper husband when it is time to get you one from home?"

Yes, this was the parental plan for Geeta - she was to live in despair at home, until it was time for them to find her some lout from India they didn't even know, whom they would then force her to marry so that she would have the same misery as an adult that she'd experienced as a child. Presumably Geeta was to raise her own children the same way so that the cycle would continue. Geeta had been enraged at her mother's hypocrisy, protecting her daughter from boys at school (whom Geeta could handle herself no problem), yet leaving her at the mercy of her uncle. She'd decided there and then that she would take control of her life. She would never again look to anyone for protection.

And so the next time her uncle came visiting, he found her again on the couch in the family room downstairs, watching television, and he sat down next to her. He'd been worried - after her reaction last time, perhaps she'd told her parents. But Raj had heard nothing - there'd been no angry calls from Geeta's mother, nor had his wife said anything, thank God. And so he wanted to sit with Geeta again, not with the plan of doing anything to her, but in the hope that he could pretend nothing had happened before.

"Hello Uncle," said Geeta, giving him her beautiful smile that made him leap inside. "Can I get you some tea?" He accepted her offer and waited downstairs while the tea was made. Lakshmi and Geeta's mother were in the kitchen, just starting dinner. Indian food takes a very long time to prepare from scratch. "I'm just getting Uncle some tea and a snack," said Geeta. She knew her mother would approve - her daughter was finally growing up, learning to act responsibly by taking care of men without being told. Geeta knew that if she was attending to her uncle, her mother would not expect her to help cook dinner. It would be a solid ninety minutes before dinner was ready.

She brought the tea down to her uncle, setting it on the coffee table. She turned as if to leave. "Oh do stay, Geeta!' said her uncle. She pretended to hesitate, then sat down next to him, her hands folded primly in her lap. He tried to make small talk with her, and she shyly answered, and as the stilted conversation continued, he moved closer to her on the couch, and in no time his hand was touching her breast once more.

"Uncle, you mustn't!" reproved Geeta. "What if someone should come downstairs?" But she made no effort to remove the hand that was now cupping and even kneading her breast. Although Geeta was very young, she had an intuitive understanding of men. If she'd really wanted to keep her uncle away, she'd have expressed disgust, but she knew that by raising a mere practical objection to her uncle's advances, she was only encouraging him. "No one will come down for at least an hour or more," said her uncle, one hand now firmly cupping her left breast, his other hand stroking her hair. Geeta let him push her gently back against the couch, all the while softly protesting. "You mustn't uncle this isn't right please stop before I get in trouble..."

"You won't get in trouble sweetie I promise!" whispered her uncle, who now kissed her gently on the lips. Geeta placed both hands on his chest, pushing against him, but making sure that she didn't use enough force to really fend him off. She turned to face him slightly as she pushed, so that her back was no longer against the couch. With nothing to hold her up, she found herself being pushed down onto her back, her uncle over her, their lips together, his hands wandering. She turned her head to one side.

"Uncle what are you doing to me? You have to stop! I'm barely fourteen. I've never kissed anyone before! They might hear us upstairs!" She kept her voice in a whisper so that her uncle would know there was no danger of their being overheard. Her head tipped back, exposing her throat as Raj tongued her neck, mad with lust for the beautiful young girl beneath him. Even through her bra and blouse he could feel the nipple he was holding becoming rock-hard. He hadn't planned to do any of this. It just happened, and now he couldn't stop himself. He was relying on Geeta to run away, but here she was beneath him, trapped by his weight. She wasn't going anywhere, and now his lips were on hers again for a long kiss, interrupted frequently by Geeta's urgent protests, which were whispered and ineffectual.

Raj now lay side by side with his niece, his right hand between them clinging to a very full teenage breast, and now his other hand snaked up her back, gently stoking her spine, marveling at the strong, firm flesh beneath his hand. "Oh Uncle you can't do that you just can't oh stop oh ohhhhhhhhh," said Geeta as she felt the wandering hand undo the clasp of her bra while Raj's other hand easily undid the buttons of her school blouse. Now for the first time in her short life, her breasts were exposed to a man, and Geeta was on her back, her uncle kneeling on the floor beside her, kissing her.

"Uncle we shouldn't be doing this," said Geeta, her arms now around him, "It's wrong!" But her voice was still only a whisper, and she was now talking of something being done by 'they', not 'he', and her arms were around him, one hand on the back of his head as he began to lick her nipples. She felt herself start to melt inside. "No, Uncle, no please don't oh Uncle you mustn't oh Uncle ohhhhh" she moaned as she felt her breasts being squeezed, the skin tautening and making her nipples stick out even more as her uncle began to suck on them now.

Raj did not understand what was happening. His niece was repeatedly voicing objections, trying to move away from him, yet not doing what really needed to be done if she was to stop him. He figured that she was too scared about attracting the attention of the adults upstairs. He had no idea about who was really in control. It was therefore with a mixture of lust and trepidation that he began to move a hand up his niece's kilt.

"Oh Uncle you mustn't put your hand there," complained Geeta. "I won't let you touch my leg!" and she moved her left leg out from under his hand. This stopped him touching her leg for the moment, but of course it meant that her legs were now splayed wide. Geeta now lay beneath him, her kilt gaping open, and now his hand gently cupped her mound, Geeta gasping with genuine shock as Raj's fingers began gently to stroke up and down through her underwear on the lips of her cunt. "It's dirty for you to touch me there, Uncle - please don't..."

But now Geeta was having trouble even pretending to resist. She moaned softly in her girlish 14-year old voice as the gentle touching continued, and arched her back up in response to her uncle's renewed suckling at her nipple, her hand at the back of his head pushing him against her. Raj could feel her really responding to him and was wondering just how far this would go. He was encouraged to see Geeta's hips now moving up and down under him, and so he slipped his hand underneath the panties, touching now the moist virgin vaginal lips of the innocent schoolgirl, his hand easily sliding up and down, his niece wet, and now be began to touch her clitoris.

"Uncle oh what are you doing to me down there? Shouldn't we stop? Oh uncle do stop before someone catches us!"

"No one will catch us," assured Raj. "Lift your hips, sweetie!" He was gratified to see his niece comply instantly, and he effortlessly slid her panties down her legs. He sat her back up on the couch, kneeling between her legs, and began to kiss her again, and now she kissed back passionately, their tongues intertwining, her hands moving over his broad shoulders, through his hair, down his back. This time it was he who broke the embrace, gently moving her back while he moved down, and now his head was at her thighs.

Geeta gasped as she felt for the first time a man's tongue on her, like a hot wet snake exploring her core, teasing her at her entrance. Now Raj sucked the girl's clit into his mouth, in and out, in and out, and Geeta felt herself liquefying at the ecstasy. She was in a place she'd never been before. Her fledging masturbatory efforts had not given her pleasure anything like this, and of their own volition her hips now moved up and down, seeking to grind her clit against her uncle's face. She was not even aware that her uncle was undressing himself, and was puzzled when he stopped licking her.

"Oh uncle you stopped is someone coming?" she whispered. "No one, Geeta, there's only you and me," her uncle answered, now kneeling upright again, looking into her beautiful face. He moved raised her legs, putting her feet on either side of her ass on the couch. She moved her hands down his body, and realized with surprise that his pants had been lowered.

"Oh where are your pants? Why are you naked?" But Geeta knew the answer as she felt her uncle's hardness nuzzling her entrance. Instinctively she reached her hand down, grasping at him. "Oh uncle it's so big!" exclaimed Geeta, amazed that she couldn't get her hand around it. "You can't put that in me - there's no way it will fit!" (Geeta would learn later that Indian men are not exactly known for their size, and that Raj was unusual well endowed for his race). Again, Geeta raised only a practical objection to what was being done to her, and this was not enough to stop a young man with a sprawling, naked beautiful teenager beneath him. Raj was absolutely insane with desire for his niece - so young, and surely a virgin, unlike her sister, the bitch! Raj had never gotten over discovering on his wedding night that he was not Lakshmi's first. Since then he'd always wanted to make love to a virgin, but had never had the chance - until now. To him this was wonderful revenge on Lakshmi for disappointing him so cruelly at the start of their marriage.

Geeta felt her uncle's hard cock nestle again at her vagina, just barely moving past her lips. He moved himself up and down with his hand, lubricating the tip of his cock with Geeta's juices. He flicked his penis rapidly on her clit, Geeta moaning as he did so, and now he started to penetrate her, Geeta wrapping her long, slim legs around his waist, making it easier for him and for her.

She felt her uncle stop at her hymen. "Oh don't take my virginity uncle oh please don't I want to save myself for my husband please oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhh ohhhhhh OHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Geeta, has she felt her uncle moving in and out now, more and more rapidly, his large cock stretching her vaginal lips and stimulating her clitoris. Now he moved her onto her back on the couch, he on top of her, his cock again pumping in and out, but nowhere near all the way.

"Do you like that, Geeta?" his voice husky. "Yes uncle I do but it's wrong it's so good but we have to stop what if I get pregnant?" Raj began to tongue her ear as the partial fucking continued. He kissed her deeply, she responding to him, and then he said, "Geeta, look at me!" She obeyed, the two of them locking eyes. She continued to stare into his face as she felt him now press harder against her barrier, which strongly resisted him. He pulled back and has he thrust into her once more she pushed back hard and he burst through! There was a brief, sharp pain, and now her uncle's hard organ was free to explore more deeply in Geeta, his shaft invading her and filling her. She hadn't imagined a penis would be so thick - she hadn't dreamed that she'd be stretched like this, or that it would feel so good. Now she lay underneath her uncle, giving herself up to him completely.

Her uncle rode her and rode her, his control excellent, and he was very gratified to see the way Geeta was responding to him. As the fucking continued, her head began to toss from side to side, her breathing getting faster and more shallow. Soon she was panting under him, her lust equal to his, and he felt her building towards orgasm.

"Oh uncle it's soooo good what you're doing oh don't stop keep fucking me fuck me uncle oh goddddddddddddddddd oh godddddddddddddddd!" and now the most powerful orgasm of her young life washed over Geeta, consuming her with pleasure as her uncle started to fuck her like a jackhammer, pulling out almost all the way, then slamming back inside her to the very hilt, over and over with tremendous speed. He could feel the young girl's vaginal walls contracting in ecstasy around his cock, and now he felt himself too reaching the edge.

"Uncle, don't finish in me - I'll get pregnant!" warned Geeta, but she was far, far too late, and now Raj moaned as he began to shoot over and over again into the fourteen-year old girl, his invading cock reaching her very depths, firing off repeated blasts of sperm deep inside her. His orgasm went on and on, and even after he'd finished, he continued to move himself in and out of Geeta's sweet cunt, reveling in her.

Finally his thrusting stopped, and he remained on top of his niece, their arms intertwined, their bodies slick with sweat, his penis gradually softening inside her. He kissed her once more, she eagerly responding, and then the broke apart, quickly getting dressed. Geeta ran to the basement bathroom, feeling wet cum and blood dribbling down her leg as she did so. She washed up, and then so did her uncle.

It was not long before dinner was ready, and the two of them went upstairs, Geeta smiling sweetly at her mother, thinking about the revenge she'd just gotten against her. So her mother didn't want to protect her from her uncle? Fine. She'd just fucked him, and would do so again as often as she'd like.

She got revenge on her uncle too for violating her innocence. What he didn't know is that shortly after the first time he'd touched her, she'd gone to the family doctor, and gotten a pill prescription. When her uncle took her virginity, she knew there was no way she'd get pregnant. But her uncle didn't know that, and when she told him two months (and a number of fucks) later that she was pregnant, he believed her, and paid without question to her the $5,000 she said she needed for an abortion. The price was ridiculous, of course, but he believed her when she said that most of the money was a bribe so that the clinic would do the abortion without a parental consent form being signed.

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Geeta Aunty Ke Sath First And Wild Sex

By : Anuj Sharma Hi friends mera naam anuj hai aur main ek student hoon actually mujhe girls and married womens ke sath karne me bahut maza aata hai jo ki 25 se 40 ki age ki ab main story per aata hoon, yeh ek real story hai jo ki mere sath un dino hui jb mai 12th me tha mere papa aur chacha do bhai hai, aur chacha papa se kafi chote hai main 1oth me tha jab mere chacha ki marriage hui, chachi bahut hi sunder aur slim thi unka figure 36,28,32 ka hai she has a nice body jab maine Unhe pehli...

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My Friend Kumari Is A Prostitute

Hi, guys. My name is Reeti Saxena. Thank you for all the love you have shown. If you are new, please read . You will like them. Today my story is different. This is the story of my friend Kumari. A few weeks back, I was on a film shoot in Kolkata. It was a brothel scene. I was one of the female actors there. There I saw my old friend. I will not tell you her name. Now people call her Kumari. She looks very different now. She was a thin black girl in school. But now she has become fair, has hot...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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ISS Made Me A Prostitute

Hello this is Jatin, thank you for your response to my first story. I didn’t expect such a good response. More astonishing was the sex request. I never expected to get a request for sex from ladies nearby Ludhiana, so I am going to tell you about my first experience as male prostitute. It was a week after my story got published I got a mail from an address praising my stories and I was happy in listening to it but then she asked me for sexual favors I, it started with sex chat and then we...

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Colleagues Made Me Prostitute

Hi everyone, my name is Bhavya, I am narrating my first sex that how my colleagues and me was sold for money in Goa by my colleagues Nithin, Shiva, Nathan, Manish and Syed. Before I tell about my story let me introduce about me, I am married, having no kid. I am 5.8ft tall, about 60KG, Fair, attractive look, well maintained structure, 38 30 38 my vital status, 38D is my bra size, pink nipple. I do go for gym and aerobics to maintain my body very hot look. This is my first group sex. In fact did...

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Fulfilled Fantasies By Male Prostitute

Hi all iss readers. My name is Namita Ahuja. I am 38 years old happily married for last 12 years and mother of two children. My husband name is Rishi. I am a working woman and well satisfied with my life. My relation with my husband is great. I am still in love with him since marriage. This was all a little introduction of mine. Now let’s come to the actual story. Actually this is not a story but a real incident of my life. I am sharing this here only because iss is also a reason of happening...

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Pretend Prostitute

Pretend Prostitute By Kachakali This story is based on an anime picture I found. See it and other works of mine over on my hobby site Enjoy. I got the frantic call from Mom a few days ago. My sis, Pamela was gone for far too long and Mom was getting worried that she wouldn't have enough food for Becky. Sis barely left enough money for mom to get some diapers. Looks like sis dropped her off on purpose with her. Surely my slut of a sister is...

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Diaries of a teenage prostitute

Tom Green was cleaning out his daughters apartment. She had been in an accident and was in hospital. He and his daughter had drifted apart over the last few years. He did not even know what she did for a living. But he did know while she was recovering neither of them could afford to pay for her apartment. In her wardrobe, she had found a large collection of kinky underwear. The things you only see in mens magazines. In her bedside drawers he had found several vibrators and dildos. The clothes...

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Teenage Daughter Fucks Her Fathers Boss

The guys are at the table, joking around and drinking beers, as Rachel gleefully trots down the stairs. "Hey guys!" She smiles brightly as she walks past them, her perky chest bouncing, to go to the fridge. They smile back, Rick smirks at her as they make eye contact. Rachel is a very sexy teen girl. Standing at around 5'4'', thin body, with long legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial features, flat stomach, tight little butt, perky 32C bust, and long, dark...

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Child Prostitute

Child Prostitute She was hanging outside my place of business all day long looking like a hooker but afraid to solicit money for sex from a stranger. Obviously she was new at it. I had seen a few prostitutes on my corner over the years but she was just a kid. Finally I walked outside and asked her if she wanted something to eat and drink. She said yes and I invited her inside. I asked her what she liked to eat and then I ordered a pizza for us to share and a couple of sodas. We...

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Brothers Teenage SexSlave

BROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...

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The Prostitute

The woman of 26 years swallowed the semen and zipped up Kirk’s pants. She kissed him lightly and smiled as she gracefully inserted her breasts into the cups of her bra. “Was it as good for you as it was for me?” Caitlin asked. Kirk smiled. “Always! How many times did you cum?” he asked. “Eight this time.” She was a brunette, short hair, slim and sexy of a 25 inch waist. Her breasts were rounded and perky and her ass was so tight that it was hell to enter her anally at first. She kissed Kirk one...

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The Life of a Willing and Eager Prostitute

Your name is Marie. You were born in a time when many things have become better for the world. Nowadays there is no such thing as illegal prostitution or sexual slavery that is not voluntary. That's lucky for you because since you were a young teenager you've always wanted to be a prostitute. Something about being used purely for someone else's pleasure has always made you extremely aroused. Today is your 18th birthday and you can't think of a better birthday present to yourself than becoming...

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The Gentle Prostitute

(continuation from 'Elizabeth's Fall From Grace'.) Some weeks later, Helmut asked Elizabeth if she would like to earn alittle money. 'By what means Helmut?' 'A travelling salesman visits me once a month, and stays at the night atlocal hotel. Would you like to have him stay at your house instead?' 'We have no spare room in our little house.' 'I know. But he'll pay handsomely if he can share your bed!' Helmutreplies with a grin. She is shocked by what he proposes! Elizabethreplies...

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Sheetal the prostitute

Sheetal and had opened up a part of me I never really admitted I had. My life with my wife Rupali was your typical, wholesome life. We loved each other and our infant son. We shared household chores. I worked hard and provided for the family while she stayed at home and took care of the house and our son. Despite our hectic lives we made love to each other a couple of times a week and maintained a healthy sex life. Nothing had changed there, but now Sheetal had added another more devious...

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Schoolgirl prostitute

Even then, though, I already enjoyed the male attention. I guess it was the beginning of my journey to slut-dom, fucking every cock I can find and posting my nude photos and sex videos online, especially now I’m 34E. One spring day, a boy I knew a bit came up to me behind the shelter sheds at lunchtime and started talking to me. I used to hang around there because it was a bit out of the way and allowed me to get away from the hustle of the schoolyard. He was a bit nervous and suddenly he...

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How I became a gay prostitute

In talking with some of my hamster friends, I told them about my sexual experiences. Some of them suggested I write them as stories for everyone to enjoy. I thought that would be a good idea, since I also like sharing and talking about it.Everything you are about to read really happened, and it happened to me. The story is absolutely true to reality and is not embellished in any way. How I became a gay prostitute.When I was nineteen, I was working in a restaurant. It was fairly fancy, and the...

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amatuer crossdressing prostitute

So it started out by just a regular day. Work was really becoming a drag, and it was only 11:00 am, and my mind started wandering about what I was going to do when work was over for the day. I stopped at the mall on my lunch break and when I was done at the food court I decided to stroll through Dillard’s on the way back to the parking lot. I couldn’t help but pass through their lingerie section and noticed the cutest little bra and panty set. It was kind of a purplish flower ensemble that I...

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Experience With Prostitute

Hi All, My name is Sandip. I am 5.8, fair boy, work in IT idustry. Ladies are welcome to open up their wishes of secret encounters, do catch me at This is a read story which happened with me last year. I am a religious and spiritually inclined person. I normally visit new places. One year ago I visited Kamakhya Temple, Guwahati and it is one of the best Shakti Peeth in world. I did a lot of research about Kamakhya temple and it’s famous annual festival Ambuvachi Mela. It was from 22 June to 26...

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My Experience With Prostitute

Hi i am jaya prakash from villupuram which is in southern part of india.I was studying first year of engineering so my age was 19 years when this was happened. I have experienced a sex when i was traveling in bus a man aged 40 or something came to sit near me and i was sleeping too during this he started to put his hand in my thigh i thought it might me due to his sleep but he started moving his hand towards my penis I noticed and i let him do that slowly he moved his hands and started pressing...

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From Neighborhood Aunty To Prostitute

Hi friends this is Naveen, am normal typical south Indian guy little fat. Naturally my body looks like a masseur, even I hit gyms also because of laziness, I won’t able to continue the gym. I work here I stay here with my friend, we both work in a same company but in different shifts we were college classmates and also working in a same company, he is tall guy and nice slim body good guy most of the girls talk to him, he also talk to many. From the school days and college life most of girls...

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Missing Mom Becomes a Prostitute

It happened when I was 13 yrs old, me and my mom are all alone,,, no relatives no one to support us. Mom used to search for employment and I used to help her out in all kinds of work. What I came to know when I became older was that my mom in her college days was a beauty and had so many guys around her trying for a chance to experience her body which was 37-26-38, 5’5’’ tall whitish complexion more she looks like vijayashanti in telugu movies. She fell in love with a rich boy who promised her...

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My Mom Neelimas Affairs 8211 Part 2 Boss8217s Prostitute

This story is a continuation of the previous story. Please read it before you read this story about the boss’s prostitute. After a year of that incident, where I found that my mom had an affair with Sharif, he left the city. Now the penthouse remained empty. My mom and Sharif still don’t know that I know about them. My mom faced a tough time after Sharif left. She looked dull and depressed for a few days. When my dad asked her why she looked dull, she said that she felt bored at home. Being a...

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© Copyright 1999 DASTARDLY DODO ALL Rights Reserved It was a year after Tom Marchal's wife had died. Being without sex for all that time was getting to him. He had tried to date, but the memory of his wife and the fact the hadn't played the dating-game for 25 years made it an almost impossible task. In desperation he decided to go to a prostitute. He dialed a number he found in the newspaper. "The rose agency. How may I help you.". A woman answered the phone. "Ehh... I......

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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I Am A Social Activist Turned Prostitute

It was a very strange feeling. I could not make up my mind whether I should be happy about it, sad, or traumatized! It was the night that changed my life forever. I was talking with my hubby on the phone, who had gone out of Kolkata for a project. I was in a bedroom. “Oh yeah… I’ll… get it for you… I know how much you love Idli!” Every word had to struggle to come out of my mouth. I feared I might utter the wrong word, and Krish might get suspicious. Not that he ever thought I would cheat on...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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A Sexy Submissive Mother and her Dominant Teenage Son

This is a story of a woman who suffers the tragic loss of her husband, only to find her long-held desire to be dominated satisfied by her teenage son. Together they explore the roles of dominant and submissive, leading to pleasure through surrender that neither could have imagined. This is a work of fiction and I have no desire to participate in incest or sex with a minor, nor do I condone it. Should you find yourself considering either please seek professional help. As this is my first...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Love For Prostitute

Hi friends, this is my first story in this site. This story tell you how I fucked a girl in prostitution and late how I made her to come with me for movies. This is a series of stories . Hope you will enjoy these. This is someone from southern part of India aged 24 my home town Tirupur, it is famous for t-shirts and hosiery products. Here peoples from various states lives. Mainly now a days North Indians are more here as labors. Because they ready to get low wages. Let me start my story then...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIV 6 Southeast Fringe Benefits

Time to back up a little and explain a few things. You may wonder why I bothered to set up camp at Southeast State after spending an entire semester at Northwest State. I had seriously considered going back to Northwest since I was familiar with the people and campus, and hadn't really been all that impressed by Doctor Kinmon's offer at Southeast. But Northwest State simply wasn't... convenient. It was four and a half hours away from home, and while Southeastern State wasn't much better...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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