Friend rsquo s Wife Cuckold In Front My Wife
- 2 years ago
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"I want to ask you an intensely personal question."
As I unlocked the door to my apartment. "I promise an intensely personal answer."
"Fair enough."
I locked the door behind her and gallantly took her huge down-filled coat and stored it in the entry closet, thereby filling said minuscule closet to bursting. The cat - Drat, who had survived her sibling - madly attempted to (a) mug my ankles, and (b) cause me to injure myself (again) in a reflexive attempt to avoid stepping on her empty little head.
"Are you and Liz now or ever been 'an item'?"
I doffed and hung my coat, squeezed the door shut and turned to Fran. "In my dreams. Liz is lesbian And, more importantly, I doubt I could keep up with her intellectually. But - jeez, isn't she amazing?"
"Yes." Nodding furiously. "Where do you meet friends like that?"
"Here and there. Let's get a fire started."
She followed me into the living room. I crouched and grabbed a DuraFlame log and began loosening the wrapper.
"Just as an intellectual exercise - if I had been one of her 'clients,' what she told me tonight would have cost... ?"
I lit the log. "Possibly more than either of us - or both - can make in a week."
"And she took the time to help me and advise me just because you asked her to?" Fran cocked her head to one side and half-closed one eye. "Does she owe you or something?"
I shrugged. "Not at all. Liz is Good People; she gives of herself." Satisfied that the DuraFlame was well under way, I stood and put in place the fireplace screen to insure that my little apartment did not become a direplace. "She likes to help folks, she has exceptional, uh, 'people skills' and - like I said - she's really smart."
"And really gorgeous."
I gestured toward the love seat, where Drat, comfortably curled, was watching us warily. "Can I get you something?"
"An ashtray?" She held out her hand. In her palm was a joint. I sighed, inwardly; so much for clean and sober. "And a glass of water? She glanced around the apartment. Her gaze alighted on the wood shelves where I stowed my rather limited - and eclectic - CD collection. "Oh, and can I pick some music?"
"I'll get the water and ashtray while you pick a CD. If you tarry, I shall also pour myself some brandy."
"Hmmph." The theatrical expulsion of breath caused wondrous bobbles within that turtleneck. "You know fully well I'm going to tarry." I headed for the demi-kichenette to do my part.
"Mike?" she called as a I drew the water from the Brita. "How does a man with the Academy of St. Martin's in the Fields' recording of 'Four Seasons' also come to acquire all the CDs by Enya, a lot of Vangelis, monks chanting, Constance Demby, the boxed Led Zep collection - "
I delivered an ashtray and glass of water to the coffee table, headed back into the demi-kitchenette.
" - Spike Jones - who is Spike Jones? Never mind - a couple of rappers and Clannad. What's Clannad? Oh, yeah, and John Coltrane with Cannonball Adderly." All as I took down a snifter and poured a splash of Germane-Robaine brandy into it, OFFed the kitchen fluorescents and carried my personal treat into the living room. Drat spotted the snifter and bolted from the love seat to her second-choice hangout: under the corner dining table. The DuraFlame was catching nicely.
"OK. I've made my choice. Want to guess?"
I settled onto the love seat. The only illumination in the room was from the dim wall-mounted lamp over the dining table and the ever-increasing flames in the fireplace. I cradled the snifter in my palms, warming the brandy. A moment later, she settled in next to me, her lithe thigh against mine.
"Nope. Surprise me again."
She gave me a quick, telling glance. The "again" had piqued her. As intended.
She rose, crossed the room and bent to the minuscule sound system, studying the controls, then pushed the panel buttons, inserted the CD, started it and approached the love seat, doobie in hand. Nota bene: I really, really enjoyed watching her bend from the waist in those jeans. Her waist was minuscule, and her hips were very narrow and lithe. But her ass was a minor miracle. Maybe not so minor. I had no doubt that I could cover each of those gentle swells with a hand, slight doubt that a squeeze would fail to compress either and serious doubts that once my paws were attached to those glorious bubbles, Emergency Services teams would be able to remove my fingers.
"Why don't you always use real wood in your fireplace?" As she reached for the box of small, wooden matches I keep on the coffee table.
"Hold off on that for just a few seconds, please?"
She looked at her joint, the matches and then at me. "Sure."
"Do you know who does the soundtracks for DuraFlame TV ads?"
She shook her head. "I don't watch much TV. It's so trashy."
"Not if you're picky. I'll stack 'Law & Order' and 'The Sopranos' and most episodes of 'ER' against anything. Not to mention some episodes of 'Third Watch' and a few of 'Enterprise' Anyhow, the soundtracks for the DuraFlame ads are by Enya. I have that particular collection of CDs - "
At which moment, the CD player kicked in with the opening strains of Vangelis's "Themes" collection of movie soundtracks - specifically, the credit music for "Bladerunner" - he'd written. Good timing.
" - because I consider them masterpieces combining original visions, labors of passionate love and excitingly groundbreaking work that actually works. Rap is a new art form, a kind of poetry of the streets, and in that particular recording of 'Four Seasons,' you can hear the juices flowing. Those musicians were digging it and - "
"Enya's family group; Clannad means 'family' in Irish. In 'Harry's Game,' which most people first heard in the soundtrack of 'Patriot Games,' she broached the barriers with her own, new style of Celtic music, and she created a genre that I call 'Celtic Soul.' Which she does not, in my humble opinion, write or record with sufficient frequency. Her music haunts me."
She lit her joint and took a deep hit, then offered it to me. I shook my head and smiled: Not for me, but feel free. And I sighed, again, inside.
"You are - " Pause. " - even more complicated than I thought you'd be with music."
"Not more complicated; just a lot older. And don't get me started on literature." I sniffed the brandy. It was almost at the right temperature. You don't drink a really good brandy or cognac; you inhale it - literally. Most of the enjoyment is in the bouquet.
She took another deep hit, held it for a few seconds.
"You find me attractive."
"Be serious."
"Well, I mean, the last time I was here... "
Another hit. The doobie was about a third gone. Her pupils had changed. The fireplace was bright with flames reflected in those captivating eyes.
"The last time you were here - ?" I prompted.
"I kinda came on to you."
I recalled the feel of her nipple under my palm. The feel of her hug in that 32nd-floor reception area. My reaction to both. And I nodded.
I sipped the brandy before I sniffed it.
"I mean, didn't you want to... "
I smiled. "Desperately. Do you remember what I said?"
She nodded, slowly. "You said, 'Fran, say that to me - do that with me - when we are both clean and sober, and I will be on you like white on rice.'"
I was again impressed. "I also said, 'No offense meant.' I think. Or hope. Or should have."
"You did say it, actually." She took another deep hit. "Don't I inspire 'lust in your heart'?"
"And in other regions far south of my heart, which you well know. What I want to know is: Why me? Why am I the object of your affections? For cryin' out loud, woman, I am old enough to be your father!"
She took another big hit on her marijuana, then carefully stubbed it out. "Don't toss this one into the fire, OK?"
And then Fran focused those dark beams on me and said, softly, "Because you don't just want to fuck me; you want to know and make love with me. Do you have any idea how precious and rare that is for me?"
"... Yes." Because I knew it was likely that to the vast majority of people who hit on her - and isn't that just the loveliest expression? - Fran wasn't a person they wanted to know or even fuck with so much as a trophy to whom they could point or a trinket to flaunt. For many of them, it wasn't even a matter of straightforward lust; it was totally self-centered ego-boosting, as in: See what I have? Isn't it gorgeous and exotic? Isn't it sexy and compelling? And it's with me. Always the key word: a first-person pronoun.
I was watching her eyes closely, watching the grass change her gorgeous pupils, watching the relaxation spread through her.
"What was that 'again' about?"
Sooner than I expected. I stalled, sipping my brandy.
"You're stalling."
"You're right." Another sip. "Because I don't know exactly how to phrase this."
"Try bluntly."
Another sip. "OK. I've got a few personal rules to which I try to hew. I do not seek involvement with anyone in a seriously committed relationship. I will not go to bed with a lassie, no matter how attractive or willing, who is clearly not in sufficient possession of her faculties for whatever reason to say, 'Yes.' I pay forward without any expectation of return. There's other stuff, but it's not really relevant. The brandy is starting to hit me."
"I guessed," she said, and slammed me with that smile, that supernova smile, the smile that could light Charon, Pluto's rogue-asteroid moon.
Then the smile softened. "You still haven't told me the origin of that 'again.'"
I had to look away. She reached for the afghan, then turned, lithe as a cheetah, and somehow flowed down onto the loveseat until she was on her back with her head on my left thigh - the one farthest from her torso. With a quick movement of her arm, the afghan was covering most of her and my legs and lower body. I suddenly realized that the afghan was older than she was. The dead joint was in her other hand.
"Please tell me."
I took a deep breath. "Your perception is beyond your years and - I hope - your experience. You think about what you have observed, and when you have something to say, you speak in complete sentences; few people do. You are, as you know, breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly, compellingly sexy. Your mental processes are so well-ordered and even, well... disciplined, that you can be stoned out of your skull and remember exactly what was said to you and how you replied. And you're here, with your head in the lap of a man older than your father... pulling his hand to your perfectly gorgeous left nipple that I have been aching to - "
"I want you to. Not because of the smoke," she sighed, eyelids shuttering to conceal those stunning orbs. "The last time I was here, it might have been the relief of feeling so comfortable for the first time in so long, so long... "
I felt that wonderfully hard nipple beneath my palm again. I watched the bulge of my hand being moved by hers beneath the afghan. I took a sip.
"I considered for a long time, OK? I decided around three this afternoon that I wanted to spend the night with you. Maybe many nights. Maybe all of them. How does that sound to you?"
Her eyes opened.
I stared at her. She had shocked me.
"Why me, Fran? Why me? You could have any guy you want."
She looked away for moment, and when she looked back, I knew what she was going to say before she spoke.
"It's my choice. And that is what is most important to you. Do you remember the first time we spoke?"
I nodded.
"Wellll..." She re-lit the joint from a Bic I hadn't known she had, took a deep hit, swallowed the smoke. "OK, I'm gonna tell you something - but only if you vow never to repeat it."
"Do you want to tell me?"
She immediately nodded too vigorously, too slowly.
"I won't spill it."
"When I approached you, it was after I'd watched you for a week. I'd been working mostly as a PA." Photographer's Assistant; a gofer. "I'd asked some of the other PAs - " Who tended to be young and nubile. The art directors at that agency were notorious horndogs " - about you. And they said you were pleasant, friendly, courteous - "
"And always prepared. The overgrown Boy Scout."
She grinned almost impishly. "And they said you never hit on any of them, never tossed a double-entendre, but you were always helpful. And always courteous, treating them as equals. They all felt comfortable around you." She pressed my palm against her breast. "Did you know a couple of the harem had a crush on you - at least, the hots?"
I shrugged. "I suspected."
"And those were the ones you showed the pictures of your granddaughter." Statement.
I sipped and nodded. What had happened to savoring the bouquet?
"You meant to deter them. It had the opposite affect." The cat mewled piteously, jammed her face into her Iam's Savory Mystery Food for a few loud and disgustingly enthusiastic chomps and returned to her hideout. "Suddenly, you were not only were this big, fairly goodlooking guy who was pleasant and friendly and nice and comfortable to be around, you were grandpa-bear. See Jane. See Jane melt. Melt, Jane, melt."
"It's good to know that." I'd have to find something else as a shield against the affections of nubile young women who happened to be colleagues.
"How come you never showed me those pictures?" Clear and direct as a laser.
"For one thing, I never really got a chance. For another, I saw you and your sweetheart walking together, and I always considered you someone in a committed relationship."
"I loved him very much. But he was just such a wuss..." She took another toke. I could feel her inhalation, because my hand - Hey, I'm not as dumb as I look - was still on her generous, sublime breast. "After a while, that really bothered me, and he didn't seem to care that it did."
"For a third thing, there's this significant difference in our ages. Four: We were colleagues at the time." She sat up, smooth and fluid and graceful. Fran again stubbed her joint out carefully, then glanced at the fireplace, where the DuraFlame was blazing beautifully. She somehow morphed herself into kneeling with her butt resting comfortably on her lower calves.
"Don't you want me?" Half-kneeling on the love seat.
"Be serious," I repeated. I'd had enough brandy at that point to behave impetuously. I grabbed her hand and led it to my groin. "You are quite possibly the most spectacularly beautiful, sexy and alluring woman I've ever met - and I've met a few. You are intelligent, literate and speak in complete sentences. You care about people. I want you so intensely that the last time you were here I had to... relieve myself... after putting you in that cab."
She giggled. "You... jerked off - because of me?" Impossibly, her nipple hardened even more. In fact, I think it throbbed. I was intensely flattered.
I felt the blood rushing to my face. And elsewhere - because she was squeezing and tugging on me. "Yes."
"I can't believe how hard you are. For me." Pause. "You still didn't explain that 'again.'"
I sighed. "OK. I didn't expect you to want to see me for purely social reasons again. I figured the first time was, well - because you feel comfortable here, with me. I figured the come-on originated in the weed... and gratitude. And that with the offer made, though declined, you'd feel the gratitude was satisfied and really want a more platonic relationship. If any."
She frowned at that. "What do you mean?"
"I thought that once you'd been here a few days, you'd meet up with some interesting people closer to your age and - "
She was shaking her head. More raven strands had escaped her ponytail holder.
"Stop trying to figure out what someone else is thinking or feeling. Listen to the other person." She took a deep breath. Oh, goodies. "Remember when you suggested I also look into thinktanks and the like in D.C., Cambridge and L.A.?" She had stopped squeezing and tugging and withdrawn her hand.
"Yeah..." Another sip.
"I chose New York for a couple of reasons, including knowing a bit about the city, the U.N. is here, having friends here - and you. I wanted to see you. I like you. I trust you. I want you."
I could only blink.
"Yes, you. Accept it - you are desirable, grandpa-bear. Not just for being a nice guy, but for being sweet to everyone, respectful and pretty damn goodlooking. Even sexy."
I hesitated and replied, softly, "That's probably the first time I've blushed twice in one evening since my eighth-grade prom."
She suddenly leaned forward, took my face in her hands and kissed me. Not a deep, hungering, tongue-dueling kiss; a sweet (and sensual) and very moist and soft kiss that lasted no more than 10 seconds and left my lips a-tingle. Something else tingled anew.
"Still gonna throw me out?" She mouthed the words more than enunciated them.
"I am buzzed," I said, "and you're stoned."
"Yes." Grinning. Those lips.
"I want you. I want you to stay." I reached for the snifter - When had I set it on the end-table next to the love seat? - "And I'm very much afraid. I could get quite attached to you."
Her expression was unreadable, but she was - at that moment - completely focused.
"And I never thought I'd ever be in this position." Deep breath-time, Mike. "I told you about my personal rules - for me, not meant to be imposed on anyone else."
"So... 'clean and sober.'"
"How clean?"
"The bottom drawer of the end table is a file drawer. It contains, among other things, the results of my last check-up, two months ago. The folder is labeled, 'MEDS.' Feel free. And I had a vasectomy."
A quick shadow passed over her face. That had some implications, to be sure.
"I had some frozen."
Relaxation. Did I mention how gloriously beautiful she was? Oh; sorry. "So I'm definitely clean. Not sober."
She actually looked away. "I'm a Latex freak, when it comes to one part of the anatomy."
"How many?"
"Three. One was my older sister."
Victims of the Plague.
"So, aside from that - clean and sober?" she asked, putting on that brave, beautiful face. so glorious that it could make me capable of ignoring the outrageous curves beneath the sweater.
"But neither of us is sober."
That impish smile. Oh, heavens above - those lips, that face, that body! I wanted her so badly that I literally ached.
"How about... " Sip. "How about this: I will put a couple of real wood logs on yonder fading DuraFlame, you re-light your joint, I get another splash of brandy, and we sleep here: You on this love seat and me in the bed, because I'm old and don't fit well on this thing. And if, in the morning, you have changed your mind, we can be purely platonic pals while I prepare breakfast - fruit and cereal - "
"And good coffee."
" - for you. Since it is Saturday morning, grandpa will have bacon and eggs and english muffins."
She was glaring at me.
"Stop referring to yourself that way. I know how old you are. Do you? Alan Shepherd was 64 when he piloted an Apollo mission to the Moon."
I had to laugh. "Fran, I knew Alan Shepherd - " True; I had interviewed him. " - and I can tell you, I'm no Alan Shepherd."
She looked for a moment as if she would burst, and then she did - with laughter. "Thank you, Lloyd Bentson." When she calmed, she quietly asked, "And if I haven't? Changed my mind, I mean."
"Ummm, I'm sure you'll think of some way to let me know."
She made a great, theatric show of thinking it over before nodding slowly. "Sounds like a deal to me."
"Wait - one more thing."
Fran looked at me as if suspecting she was betrayed.
"If you stay, you'll have to indulge me in my regular Friday-night activity."
"Which is - ?"
"I'm going to watch a 'Sopranos' tape followed by a 'Law & Order' rerun on A&E. Followed by another 'Sopranos' tape, optionally. Yours and mine."
Her lips quirked, fought, finally surrendered to a smile. "You're pretty confident I'll want to see more, aren't you?"
Sip. I lumbered to my feet. "See? Perceptive beyond your years." I made my way to the firewood rack.
We finally turned off the VCR and TV just about the time the dawn birds began to sing. We had watched several hours of "trashy" television.
"Just one more? Please? What happens to Uncle Pussy?"
"That's up to you." I tossed a pillow to the love seat, along with an extra blanket and the afghan. Then, with the embers subsiding behind the direscreen (_not a typo), I dug an oversized blue tee-shirt from a dresser drawer, tossed it to Fran, staggered into the bedroom and fell on the bed. I was very grateful it was Saturday morning.
Sometime around 7:30, I was (semi-)awakened by the weight of a lithe young form quickly pulling back my bedcovers, climbing into my bed and pulling the aforementioned bedcovers back into place over both of us. And then snuggled against my back. I rolled over and urged a reversal of positions, so I was spooning her.
"That feels so good," I whispered.
"Exactly," she breathed. "Would you mind if we just kinda snuggled for a while?"
"As long as you like."
"Where have you been all my life?"
"Waiting for you. Sleep."
I nuzzled my face into the back of her neck, into all of that wonderfully fragrant raven hair, which had been freed of its ponytail holder. I held her in my arms - the left arm already going to sleep - and savored the warmth and sinuous press of her against me... and, no, not just the feel of her compact butt against my cock or her racially ridiculously oversized breasts against my forearms. I think, at that point, feeling her relaxed in my embrace, that I had to admit to myself something basic: I was falling for her - hard. I could only hope and pray that she it was reciprocated, at least for the morning. The alternative terrified me.
I think I stifled a sob. And held her while I could.
Morning in Murray Hill is not exactly what most will find "On Walden Pond." But it does have its moments. Songbirds do come to Murray Hill, the area between 30th and 39th streets, from Madison Avenue to the East River. They perch on the trees (which help convert CO2 to O2) - many planted thanks to funds from the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association -
"Are those birds I hear?"
I nodded between her shoulder blades. "Blackbirds, sparrows, starlings, a few jays and even the occasional cardinal." The tee-shirt, which had reached to mid-thigh on her, was now around her waist
She shifted and took my hands in hers, and she led them from her abdomen to her breasts, placing them over her abundant tits and hard nipples.
"I want you inside me so much," she moaned. A plea, as if that was necessary. She pressed her perfect butt back against me and flexed her warm, velvety but exceedingly tight ass cheeks around my raging hard-on. "I want that connection, that communication."
"So do I," I breathed as I reached down between us with my left hand and guided my aching connection to her communication. "I want to say something I don't say much but - "
"I know," she sighed as I pressed into her.
I groaned. It wasn't just the pleasure of her tightness on me, or even the intense heat of her - more than I'd ever experienced before - but it was the... well, "oneness" comes to mind; also: "completion."
"I - Uh! - didn't expect - Uh! - you to be so - Uh! - thick."
And I hadn't expected her to be so sopping wet. "Uncomfortable?" I wheezed.
"It's great - Uh! - once I - Uh! - get used - Uh! - to it!"
After about five minutes of sloughing in and out, she wordlessly urged me onto my back. This required disengagement; no good. Then she crouched over me and took me into her again, with her feet widespread over my hips and her sitting up so the only contact was one prick (mine) inside one wet, clasping and shockingly warm pussy Anyhow: Good. Make that: Outstanding!
She rocked her lissome hips up and down, back and forth, around and around. There was no way any man with a body temperature approaching 98.6 could withstand it for long.
And she knew it. From the expression on my face - I think the word is "rictus" - and the way my hips suddenly began ratcheting at her.
She didn't cum, though. I wish I could say she did. When I pulled her wee hips up to straddle my head and lower her sparsely haired cunny to my mouth (while I gasped for breath), she did, and I kept slobbering. After her second or third, I pulled her down against me, to cuddle and nuzzle her.
"Wait." She raised her pelvis, reached down to my still stiff - but not throbbing - dick and slid herself onto it. I watched her face slacken momentarily.
"That was good, Mike." Sighed, almost breathless. Against my collarbone. "It felt like you came a lot in me."
"I usually do. Did that feel good?"
She nodded against my flesh. I tingled.
"When I was younger - "
"Miiiike... "
"Truth. When I was younger, I came a lot more. This is biological reality. The woman destined to become my ex-wife - to steal a phrase - sucked me off once and was overwhelmed by the amount of my ejaculate and - "
"Cum, semen - "
"I know what it means." She laughed, which I felt. "I mean, you still have your dick in me." She laughed again. Which I also felt. "It's just such a strange word to use."
"She was overwhelmed and - "
"Puked. Vomited. Tossed her cookies," she completed. Fran raised her head to stare at me. After a moment: "That really upset you, didn't it?"
"I have only once cum in a woman's mouth since. I keep remembering her retching..." I shook my head. My insides still went chilly with horror at the memory of her discomfort - as a reward for trying to gift me with pleasure.
She shifted to raise her head and look at me. "And that one time, it was a woman who said she liked it." Pause. "Liked the feeling of you pulsing in her mouth, swelling." Pause. "Enjoyed the heat and the force of it." Pause. "And, while she wasn't crazy about the taste or bitterness, it was the fact of it, the doing of it, that turned her on."
I nodded.
Fran put on an evil grin. "I get that urge, too, sometimes. There are moments when feeling my man lose control and just - " She shivered. Her face went blank for a moment. I felt her wee pussy contracting for a few seconds. Not wildly, mind you; just a bit. But she had clearly just cum again. "Some time, you'll see." She purred - literally - against my chest. And my dick, always pensive, began to stiffen anew.
"Know what I'd like right now?"
I tried to shrug, failed, replied: "What?" Creatively.
"Breakfast. I'm famished."
"Of course you are. You did all the work."
She clenched on me in reply.
"Lessee: fruit, cereal and good coffee. Right?"
"And this being Saturday - "
" - with Fran, you'll have the same."
"Almost snatched the words out of my mouth."
She clenched again, giggled - honestly: giggled - and unplugged herself and scampered through the living room to the bathroom and the shower.
I was ready for her squeal: "This water is COLD!"
"Let it run."
She chewed on a slice of cantaloupe, swallowed. "I couldn't believe how thick your dick is."
"And what did you think of the civil jury's decision in the O.J. lawsuit vis-a-vis the criminal verdict?"
She blinked at me, coffee mug halfway to her wonderful lips. "Huh?"
"Just making breakfast conversation, the way you were." I bit into my (microwaved-) bacon and fried egg on a toasted english muffin breakfast sandwich. I masticated and waited. "It's called a non sequitor."
A moment of contemplation, then: "Oh. I think I see." Chomp. "Do I?"
"You will learn more, or you won't. I think you will."
She nibbled at a kiwi slice. She was wearing one of my bathrobes, the purple one, which was an absurdity on her. It was much too long, and there was no way to belt the waist and keep the top from flashing glimpses of snowy hillocks at me.
"That's much of what I find so attractive in you. You are like a sponge in your quest for learning. Your unbelievably gorgeous face, your undeniably alluring body, your radiant sensuality - and sexuality - Yes, they are an important part of it. But your desire to learn and understand are compelling to me." Another bite of the sandwich. I reached for the OJ.
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First TimeBy the time school started the Monday after New Year's we'd filled both my kitchen and Rhonda's with cookies. This was almost better than chemistry because you could eat the results. A lot of times, while cookies were in the oven, or even better, right after they came out, we'd go up to my room and run real chemistry experiments or just play with my train. Sometimes we played a game. She was a killer at Battleship. We went to Saturday afternoon basketball games to watch Lionel in action....
"It has to be one or the other," Mandy was adamant. "It could be both or neither, it could be a meaningless question." It isn't anything until you measure it, Paul thought. "Paul you are just trying to confuse me." Mandy and Paul had moved outside from the library. Their discussion had gotten too loud for the library. "No I'm not. I am being serious. Von Neumann summed it up best; He said something like," "Science makes models (That is, mathematical constructs that with a few...
At 2.50pm Ray (Tammy's Master) arrived and took a seat close by the War memorial in St James Park and waited. With only one minute to go he spotted Tammy walking quickly towards the memorial, where she then stood with her back to him. Quietly he stood. Formed his right hand into an imitation gun and silently approached. Sticking the finger into her back he said "Don't Move!" She froze, and did not try to run. She had no idea what her master looked or sounded like as she was the only one...
I had already spotted her Adonis before she dipped. It wasn't long before he made his way over and began chatting her up again. We had been afraid that his knowing that she was married might scare him off. He wasn't going to wait in line for this chance. I saw some candid conversation and some obvious flirting. This was from both of them. Soon he ordered a drink and a re-fill for Cynthia. Everything seemed to be going on schedule so far. A little more drinking and a lot more flirting and I...
Karen was an hour early for her next appointment and in quite an emotional state, although she hid it well from the others in the waiting area. Her body was softly shaking and it was all she could do to prevent herself from storming into Grey’s office and demanding help. The oils on the handkerchief had faded around midnight the previous evening and she had awoken at 5 am in a cold sweat. She had been using those oils more and more since Doctor Grey had seen her last, as he knew she would, and...
As I walked from the arrivals area at Oakland International into the baggage reclaim, I saw Georgette waving excitedly. I waved back and smiled. It was nice to be greeted like that. She ran to me and we hugged tightly before my mouth was covered with a deep, passionate kiss. "I guess you haven't changed your mind about me while I was gone," I kidded. "Never! I have been waiting for this for two weeks. I'm going to love you to death," she threatened. "It was only ten days and don't...
“ with us?”Love is such a fucked up beast. Powerful. It claws at you, making you do crazy shit just for the shot at having that one special person in your heart. It forces you to nurture and defend simultaneously. While your subconscious mind often feels the deceit of this conflict, your entire being cannot be fooled.“Dennis?”And when you are driven to end a relationship, there always seems to be a part of you that feels low, almost resentful. You don’t want to do it, but you know...
Wife LoversWHAT WOULD YOU DO? By Maria Donner My sister was going to get married. So what? I was not a participant of the hassle, but it affected me in some way. They were all very busy. They had no time for me. They were all involved. Was I envious because I was excluded? I don't know. Anyway. It was getting close. Some days before the big day one of the important women knocked on my door. "Hello, David. Sitting here all alone?" I got up. I was surprised. I had seen the...
I am from Chandigarh. N lemme tell u, that I love matured girls and married ladies, as they develop a nice fleshy body, specially thighs n hips. The story dates back to my earlier days when I was living away from home to Delhi, along with a friend, as we share the flat together. I was working in a automobile company. Once I was surfing the internet and chatting along which is supposed to be one of my hobby and its always sex and I went on and was chatting to quite a number of people. After...
IncestCopyright ©2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. he air of the bathroom wrapped around me as my arms wrapped around her. Dee had just gotten out of the shower, her nakedness drew me like a magnet, the warmth of her body, the addiction being closeness to her. I gazing into her eyes, falling into a...
Jollis faced his mornings with renewed vigor and resolve. He felt as if it were the first day of his mission again, when he had been filled with hope, promise, and awe at the road before him. Even that morning, when gray and obscuring clouds clung to the land, he felt joyous. He emerged from his house, raising his eyes to the opaque sky. He smiled as drops of fine mist tickled his face. The temple atop the hill was barely visible through the fog, and the distant peak of the holy mountain...
Part 2: Living Arrangements "Hey! Come on! Hurry up!" The loud pounding on the wood door of his bathroom jostled Nathan out of his thoughts. "I... I need a minute!" he said, biting his lower lip. In actuality, he was already ready. At least physically. Mentally, he'd never be ready. He shifted his weight on the toilet seat, painfully aware of certain noises coming from underneath him. The rough, growling voice of Marcus flooded his ears again. "Come on! All we told you to do was...
Greg gets on the airplane contemplating on how he is going to get out of this mess. He knows that Jimmy will kill him if he runs. He thinks that if he tells Lilly or Cal they will kill him. Nick had trained him pretty good. But, just knowing Cal's reputation, he is pretty sure he couldn't take him. The only thing he can do right now is just feed Jimmy tidbits and hope he doesn't get wise. He will just be glad to get back to work. He hopes he will get to see Lilly soon. He feels lost...
Its mid-October, here I am at Samatha's Exclusive Boutique, the best top of the line in all clothing. Anything you like from undergarment to any knock off from your favorite celebrity's red carpet special dress to even some crazy custom you saw on the newest action superhero movie she can make it, create it and in a few days you can have it. One of my friends Mark who is in the know of it all, informed me about her. I'm Vee, I am currently standing at about 5'2 at 160 lbs I am bulked and leaned...
It all started over a year ago. My name is Mark and I am a career Naval Officer stationed in San Diego. My wife is a beautiful woman who I have been married to for going on 19 years now. Delia is 38 years old, 5 ft tall, 112 lbs, with a perfect ass, small breasts, and a shaved pussy. She has always been the perfect "officers wife", friend, and mother to our two daughters.About a year ago, I had been at sea for a period of only about two weeks and then returned home. Usually upon my return Delia...
Hi to all my friends here reading this real experience of mine. Story is a bit lengthy, so bear with me, it just gets sexier and sexier. Girls,bhabhis and aunties all around the world, give your feedback to Introducing me, I am Abhi,from Jaipur, currently 18 years old , good body, and a dick size of 6.5 inches and girth of 2″ I am in college and living as paying guest in flats. So coming to the story.. Her name is Madhu, 35 years old with breast size 38B, waist size 30 and a great ass of...
We get inside and head to our seats. Floor level, diagonal from the home team goal. Spend the warm-up time chatting, laughing, having an overall good time. The team begins to circle around, stretching, warming up. My, aren't hockey players flexible. They've gotten my interest now. A few hotties in the group. My, my. I watch with interest as they skate around. I lean forward in my seat now, the deep v in my shirt showing a bit more of my breasts. This has garnered some interest from some of...
Hello dosto mera naam Sonu hai. Meri age 21 hai. Main sex ka bada hi dewana hu. Main kafi waqt se sex story padhate aaya hu main Mumbai ka rehene wala hu. Ye meri frist story hai. Mujhe aunty. Bhabhi ladkiyo se jyada pasand hai. Main aasha karta hu ki ladies log is kahani ko padhake apni chut ka paani rok na payegi. Or bhai log hilate hilate mer jayenge. Chalo ab story pe aata hu, Ye ek sacchi ghatana hain. Mera ek dost hai uska naam Vicky hai. Hum best friends hain. Hum hamesha saath saath...
It took a week, but Sylvia came up with the money. Don't ask me how, but several of the photos turned up on the prosecutor's desk and Compton's lawyer's talked him into copping a plea that would see him serve ten years before any parole would come his way. When Klugman saw Johnny sneaking Haley into his room one evening, he was ecstatic, and rushed to the pool where I was smoking one of his Cuban cigars to tell me. I suggested we listen outside Johnny's room to make sure that he wasn't...
My friend Segufix fixed. I am a 28 years old woman and my name is Sandy. Today I woke up the morning. It was a beautiful day. Not just because the weather here in Germany was pretty sunny. It probably also for the fact that I have birthday and there will be a great party tonight. I went into the kitchen and made me breakfast. Drink a cup of coffee, then went to my job. Finally it was time the evening has begun and the first guests had arrived. Under there came an old friend whom I have not...
Ron pulled Brenda to him and kissed her tenderly. Brenda returned his kiss and the kiss grew in intensity. Their tongues started dueling. Ron moved his kisses to her ear and then to her neck and caressed her back. His hand moved to her breast and he lowered his head to her breast and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Brenda gasped and put her hand to the back of his head and held him to her. Ron gently let his teeth scrape her nipple and Brenda moaned deep in her throat. He started...
The Strength of Desire Chapter 1 I met Amy about three months ago in the gym where we both work out. I was half way through a leg routine, when I saw her enter the room. I immediately thought that she was stunning, she had long blonde hair, green eyes and although not the prettiest face, there was something about her manner that I found intriguing. She seemed to be doing a leg routine too, and about ten minutes later she seated herself on the leg press machine, next to the one I was on. As she...
AnalAs I lay back in bed with my eyes closed, frigging and fantasising on Madam Margot's deeds, a voice startled me. "I can guess it was OK then?" she giggled softly. Iris had just finished in the bathroom; looking ravishing in a short night-shirt. "Oh ... Iris ... yes it went well; I think, " I said sheepishly. "I just looked in to check your OK and I could see you were ... well ... sorry." She turned to leave. " No, please don't go." I pleaded. Lifting the duvet aside I asked,...
"Tell Tami I'll be there in a few minutes." Robbie followed my gaze up into the stands. "You'll never change," she accused. I grinned. "Do you really want me too?" She cocked her head to the side. "Not sure." I walked to the end of the bleachers, all the way to the top, over to the middle and started back down again. "You don't look happy," I said as I came up behind her. "Huh?" She'd been staring at the field, which, since practice had ended fifteen minutes ago, meant...
Copyright © 2002, Phil Phantom Crystal was now having sex with her new step-father on a nightly basis, and the sex that began as clandestine anal rapes a month earlier was now full, diverse, lengthy, very mutual, very satisfying, and done with her mother's knowledge if not consent. Her mom didn't like the situation, but couldn't or wouldn't put a stop to it. Crystal felt badly about that, but gradually came to feel that Bill had the right to make love to whomever he pleased as long as...
Gregg & Maxine had disappeared. They were no longer in the museum. But, thought Gregg to himself, where were they? Where do things go to when they disappear? If something has gone, where has it gone to? Gregg was beginning to wish that he had paid more attention during Philosophy 101. He wanted to get back but if you don't know where you are how can you know where back is? Certainly he didn't want to be back in the museum. "Where are we?" Maxine whispered. "I don't know. We...
Sure enough, the slasher film that we chose did more than enough to create “hold me” moments, as I liked to call them. I especially made a point of holding Tamara and Gracie tight against my body, the former on my left, the latter on my right. This was when I got a crazy idea and decided to broach it with Tamara and Gracie, along with the rest, regarding my cousin Brianna. She should marry Gracie! True, she’d be divorced, but the Church wasn’t going to recognize a same-sex union, anyway, so...
Will you teach me how to please a woman?Let me tell you about myself, first. At the time this went down, I was 19 yrs old, 5-7, 135#, 5 1/2" and wore very thick glasses. This took place around 1968 or so, and contact lenses were not developed for my eyes yet. So I looked like the stereotype of the Japanese man with coke bottle glasses. However, without glasses I could function socially, but forget about reading, driving, or working. I was skinny, but not weak, as my job of repairing and...
My mom's name is Sally. I had gone off to college and returned home afterwards and planned on being there for a short time thinking I would get a good paying job and move out. Sally is my mom, around fifty years of age. Very normal woman, not ugly or hot not skinny or fat. Sally very rarely cusses and goes to church every Sunday. My dad is normal too. I had never been sexually attracted to Sally. We get along well and we can talk to each other about anything. Also my parents have never been...
This is the final submission for my ‘Diary’ series. Thanks to all who read, voted, gave positive and/or constructive negative feedback, and of course to Random Librarian for his editing. -Spartan 22 X — Healing Wounds, Invisible Scars ‘I can’t believe how fast you can run with that thing,’ Luke huffed, pumping his arms in rhythm with his stride. He always maintained focused when he ran and rarely talked, but he had to commend Clint’s ability to run as fast as he did with his prosthetic leg. ...
Paise ki bahut jarurat to thi. Aur Didi jua khelne adde par nahi ja sakti thi. To humne kuch logon ko jua khelne hamare ghar bulane ka intezam kiya. Uske baad sham ko bhai bahar gaya aur 2-3 ghante baad aya. Didi ne suit dala hua tha aur maine jeans aur top pehna hua tha. Bhai jab aaya to uske sath 3 aadmi the, Raju, Aslam aur Saleem. Teeno hi 35 – 40 ki umar ke the. Main inko ache se janti thi, ye log bohot hi awara log hai. Area ki har ladki par comment karte hai. Bohot baar didi par aur...
by Philip Johnson Chapter One ‘Paul, it’s Dale.’ ‘Talk fast because you’re signal is breaking up.’ There was a pause and then Dale said, ‘That should be better, I was in a bad spot.’ ‘That is better, what’s up?’ ‘Tina asked me to call and see if you were available to join us for dinner Friday night.’ ‘I am available in fact.’ ‘Invite a friend if you’d like, but that’s up to you.’ ‘I’ll call Renee.’ ‘That would be great, we’ve not seen her in a long time. How’s the writing going?’ ...
Dosto me kamana karata hu ki aapako meri pehali kahani acchi lagi hogi. Me usika hi agala part continue kar raha hu. Pichale part me aapne dekha ke meri aunty ko maine nanga dekha aur me unko chodane ke liye vyakul huava tha ab me age kahani aapko batane wala hu. Maie ab rasoyee me gaya jaha par aunty khana paka rahi thi me aunty ke pass gaya aur aunty phir se mafi mangi aunty sadi me bahut sexy lag rahi abhi bhi muze unki wo panty ki zalak yaad aa rahi thi. Me unhe bas takata hi rah gaya. Fir...
By day, Enduragirl was Christina Anna Polina; successful UCLA chemistry grad. Straight out of college, she began working for nano-tech giant, the MicroLife Corporation. From here, she furthered research in biochemical manipulation of the human genome. Christina was a stunning portrait of beauty: a 5’ 8” tall, white, leggy brunette, with piercing blue eyes and a firm C cup chest. Her all natural measurements checked in at an eye popping 42C-28-38. Christina was 28 years old and single, and had...
‘Oh, crap,’ Melissa Hanscomb said as her boyfriend pulled up in front of her house. ‘I was hoping they would be asleep or out on the town. I figured the latter, since it is Friday night.’ Melissa was referring to her sister, Michelle, and her mother, Angela. The three had been close for years, ever since the death of their father / husband, Donald, sticking by and supporting each other. By the same token, Melissa wanted some time alone at her home with her boyfriend, Robert Lackland. The...
Hi and greetings to mere all my indian sex stories dot net fans. “Aslee jawani ka pata tab chalta hai, jab dhere-dhere aap kisse ke samne apne kapre utarne lagte hai.” Ye baat mujhe tab pata chale jab maine is cheez ka experiance apni friend ke husband ke sath kea. My name is Saarika Singh aur main abhi 26years ke houn. Waise to main Bhopal(M.P) se houn par abhi NCR Delhi main job kar rahe houn, Aur 2yr se yaha settle houn. Mere skin tone pale white (gora) hai, aur kamar 28inc ke hai, aur main...
Tuesday in school, Denise came over before the bell rang for the start of the first class that we both had together, and just started talking to me. She didn't seem to care too much that everyone was looking at the two of us speaking together. She didn't talk about what we had done the night before, but she did mention that she had already told her mother that she was going to be studying over at a friend's house on Wednesday. Karen was in this class with us also. I looked over at her,...
“Gawd, Massa, ram me with your perfect cock. Gape my slutty holes that were made and bred for you. Thinking about you makes my cunt drip like a waterfall,” Michelle screamed out in her bedroom.The busty, fit teacher invited her new master home after the school day was over the following day. It took them nano-seconds for their clothes to be torn off, and their love making to begin. Her body quaked in pleasure, feeling his strong hands over her body. Everything he did to her made strong knees...
This story all took place a long time ago when we first started this lifestyle. To back up a little we had a landlord that was tall muscular and Italian. He had to come over one day while I was at work and she knew it so she got all dressed up and ended up sucking his huge cock until he came in her mouth. That started this relationship and they became regular fuck buddies. One day she decided to go see him at his house so she made arrangements and got all dressed up in a pair of white 5”...
Mandy was a good friend of ours. She was in her mid 30’s and had a daughter – Lauren, approaching 18. Mandy was very protective of her daughter since her husband Jeff had left, and perhaps saw us as parent figures as her own parents were many miles away. Mandy was sweet and quiet, and was one of these people who had a sensational body without being aware of it. When she was younger she had been rather plain, but now into her thirties her body had developed a sensational shape which she,...
Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere boyfriend ne mujhe randi banaya. Mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main bahut hi mast maal hu aur mujhe chodne ke liye mujhe bahut log line marte h aur mera boyfriend bhi mujhe bahut pyar karta h. Hum dono log ek garden me mile the aur main waha apni saheli ke sath ghumne jati thi aur wo bhi ghumne aata tha aur hum dono log ek...
The saucy blonde Linn Lamborghini has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Young Ladies armed with her cracking tits and ass and this is one debut you’ll certainly not want to miss! Linn is alone in the city and in need of a good fuck and that’s why she’s decided to invite over a friend from the office, sweetening the deal with some donuts and a taste of her juicy pussy. So then, watch all the action on where this sexy teen sucks, fucks and offers up her tight little ass for...
xmoviesforyouI was a younger man at the time around 45yo 6'2" 210lbs and had been separated from my ex wife for several months. I was a frequent patron of a local bar after work, and stopped in for a few beers after work. The bar was pretty quiet except for the juke box playing country music, with only a few people sitting at a table at the back end of the bar. I noticed Judy sitting at the bar alone talking with her friend the owner. I had always been attracted to her so I sat down on the stool next to...
MILFMichael rose up and coyly looked at his stop watch, he dozed off slowly before realizing the time, “Oh shit!” he jumped out of bed and rushed to the shower with his toothbrush placed in his tiny mouth. Fifteen minutes later he was off, running to school, he checked his wrist watch and realized he couldn’t make it in time. He stopped and slowly headed home, skipping one day of school couldn’t hurt right? His day off was going to be one to remember. C1 The sound of his step-mom leaving the...
I was 18. The legal age to be fucked by someone. Though I had a boyfriend last year that popped my cherry. I didn't care if I lost my virginity to a jock, he wasn't the big high school star or anything but he was something and I just wanted to get it over with. He was the same age as me, so it wasn't illegal. But I came to find out, it didn't stop one person. My history teacher. She was smoking hot. She was a blonde with piercing blue eyes. Huge tits, firm ass and a huge lesbian and...
Sarah and I had been dating for five years at the time. We were 23, and she was about 5'3", had beautiful, natural, perky DD breasts with tiny pink nipples and a plump ass that bubbles out. She has beautiful long black hair with bright blue eyes and is a bit pale but she looks good. She's a curvy girl but by no means fat. And a well-kept bush that is thick and gorgeous. She's very submissive in the bedroom and likes being ordered around which was all knew for me but I love it. Sarah and I had...
Joy slugged down her drink and asked if would get her another. “Sure.” I replied, “But start going easy on the booze. I have been making these quite strong and mellow is OK but getting sloshed is going to ruin your night.” I showed her to the room and told her to get up on the table and relax, but to keep the robe on till I got back, as she didn’t want to get cold. I went to the kitchen and while mixing up the Vodka, Trixie came in and told me she had phoned Ivan, he was still up at the radio...
Timmy awoke, rubbing his eyes. It was Christmas Day! Excitedly, he scrambled out of bed, and over to the fireplace, where his Christmas stocking hung. Eager hands pulled it from the crooked nail, wide eyed, he peered inside and found… Nothing. ‘Oh, Santa,’ he cried, ‘You’ve forgotten me!’ He lay on the floor, sobbing. A light appeared in the room, all of a sudden it was just there, hanging in the air. It became brighter, bigger, more intense. Timmy stared at it, his eyelids closing as the...
LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for true, deep love and happy marriage. chat on Y.a.h.o.o! Messenger ID: egyptian_souvenirs(AT)y,a,h,o,o.c. o. m skype name: egyptianman1967 My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian man, handsome,good looking, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Height: I am 185 Cm.tall,or 6 feet.1 inche, my Body Type: Average, I do not gambling, I do not use d**gs, I do not smoke nor drink wine, Alcohol at all, I never make sex with all and any girls...
It started out normally enough. My wife and I were heading to a concert together and I made the suggestion that I should pick out what she should wear, and to my surprise she said that I could. So I went to her closet to pick out her outfit for the night and opted for a shorter black skirt and one of her cuter tank tops. I didn’t pick out her undergarments assuming that she could just pick those out herself. Everything else went as normal, I wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and she wore...
I Want To Ride A Cowboy My car is broken down in a lonely spot out on a country road. I am wearing my black fishnet stockings with suspenders up to my crotch, with my cherry-red mini micro skirt riding my smooth tight arse, and my lacy see-through black top with no bra; my favorite knee-high, lace-up boots completing my slutty look.I am wondering what do when I glance over into a paddock. A nice-looking man is fixing fencing; he looks like a cowboy with all the gear. A dark blue, checked shirt...
Quickie Sex“Well that was a good decision on my part.” Hanna said, her voice smug and filled with satisfaction. She was laying on her stomach looking at me while kicking her heels idly in the air. Hanna still hadn’t bothered to put any clothes back on and I was enjoying all of the tanned and smooth skin on display. My guest seemed completely indifferent to her nudity - either in regards to modesty or to using the charms of her body to entice me - she didn’t care. We’d had sex and we’d both enjoyed it;...
Stefan lies on his back upon the ground, surrounded in darkness. Cool, soft blades of grass hold him aloft; they make for the most soothing blanket for his bare skin. Above him, high up in the summer night sky, he thinks of the millions of distant stars that are keeping silent watch upon him. How many countless hours had he spent in his youth looking up at those stars, mapping out their patterns in his mind as if they possessed a silent message only for him? It still strikes him with awe: the...
Love StoriesMy name is Jeff. I am a 40 year old father of three beautiful daughters. Before you ask, I have never and never intend on having sexual relations with either of my daughters. I am Captain in my home towns Fire Department, on my off days, I run a pretty successful landscaping business, so my family and I live a pretty comfortable life. My wife left us a couple years back. She was destined to succeed in the big business world and my girls and I stood in her way. Although she didn’t completely...