Will You Teach Me How To Please A Woman? free porn video

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Will you teach me how to please a woman?

Let me tell you about myself, first. At the time this went down, I was 19 yrs old, 5-7, 135#, 5 1/2" and wore very thick glasses. This took place around 1968 or so, and contact lenses were not developed for my eyes yet. So I looked like the stereotype of the Japanese man with coke bottle glasses. However, without glasses I could function socially, but forget about reading, driving, or working. I was skinny, but not weak, as my job of repairing and maintaining medical equipment involved some lifting, stooping and bending on a daily basis. I considered myself very average in all respects, and did not stand out in a crowd, except for the goggles.....

As a teenager, I led a very sheltered life and was still a virgin at 19 yrs old. I was an electronics nerd throughout high school, and while I asked out a few girls, nothing serious evolved and certainly not loosing my virginity. My glasses kept me out of the military draft, so I went into the workforce right out of graduation from a technical high school. My family could not afford college, so my plan was to work at a technician level with a company who would pay for my degree.

The town: The town is in the Northeast and is an old established very religious one. Very religious, where there are NO adult bookstores or adult entertainment places. In fact, if you wanted something such as a Playboy magazine, you had to drive to another town. If you subscribed, the mail personnel would know and it would be all over the town in a hurry, you would be shunned. Sex was not even discussed in the locker rooms of either sex. Prudes! My family was no help that way. One time when I was 16, I woke up with "morning wood". My mother opened the door to roust me out of bed for school. She saw the tent in the sheet and said "If you have to pee, go do it and get dressed." Kind of makes you wonder how they had me......

I did not socialize much outside of my nerd buddies. One day we got a new guy working for us who transferred from out of state, and after 2 weeks he got settled in and posted a notice of him throwing a party at his place. I decided to go there. The party was in an apartment conplex near the hospital, and I knew that a lot nurses lived there, because when on call, they had to be less than 5 minutes from there,(or stay in the hospital dorm which was like an Army barracks) and I thought it may be a good way to meet some girls. The group there seemed to be 75% girls of all ages. Most guys were from my job, and I knew them.

So early on I got a beer, because I was on call that weekend and had my pager. If you showed up even mildly drunk at a customer location, your job went away on the spot. So with beers I could take a few without being blasted due to my fast metabolism. While sucking down a beer, I was standing next to a passageway and could hear 2 women talking on the other side. I ducked my head arouned the corner and saw them. One was about 5-1, short but thick hair in a pixie looking hair-do, very cute face, small breasted and looked like a gymnast with a very tight body from what I could see. She was wearing the hospital uniform: White loose fitting blouse, skirt just below the knees, and knee socks. The hospital was owned by the Catholic church, and the hospital personnel dressed like the catholic girls in school. The other woman was older, about 40 and on the heavy side, but dressed like they did back then in jeans and a sweatshirt.

The conversation went like this, with the small one first. "How are you doing, having seen you in a long time?"

"Really good, Cathy (later found it was the samll ones first name). How about you, did you get re-married?"

"No. But if I can't find someone soon, a good lay would be appreciated," They both laughed.

Then a lot of small talk and the larger one said "I have to get to the hospital to work see you later."

So I removed my glasses and walked thru the opening and headed to get another beer, trying to look nonchelont, and took up a position near her. She looked at me, and and said "Do you work at the hospital? I see your pager is just like mine"

I told her I repair medical equipment and get there frequently. She said she works for a OB/GYN/Urologist who specializes in the reproductive system, and she's on call for those type of emergencies.

To break the ice, so to speak, I said "What emergencies, someone can't get it up?"

She laughed and said "Well sometimes, but they are seen there during the day. Sometimes we get injuries in that area of the body and my Dr. is in call for the surgery to repair it. I like your sense of humor. The people I work with don't have a sense of humor, very straight laced."

She told me that she had been into an automobile accident and it required removing some of her reproductive equipment to save her life. She could have sex, but not k**s. Her husband wanted k**s and would not adopt, (Macho man) so he divorced her. The settlement paid for her to get a B S degree in nursing. She chose this specialty based on her medical problem.

She said "In this town of Victorian prudes, there are many newlyweds who do not have any idea of what to do to start a family. This is because the school system being run by prudes, does not teach sex education, and who can you ask-- your priest? Parents? and even talking about it is taboo. We have many patients who come in there to find out. I mean we don't jump into the sack with them and after doing them say 'See?'. We use a book and discuss with them what to do so they can go home and try it. Since it's taught in church and home that sex is taboo, and its there for a purpose, none of which is for enjoyment. The patients come back and say we did not know its so much fun."

I said "I hear that. I hope you don't get mad at me, excuse me, but I overheard your conversation with the other woman an hour ago, and I would guess that would make you kind of horny talking about it all day and not getting it." She responded by a quick kiss in the lips and said "Got that right."

"My friends brag about doing some girl, 10 minutes, zip up, and go home. They seldom talk about a lasting relationship and I would guess that women want to be satisfied instead of a quickie?"

She said "Right on."

I said "Thank you for being honest. My turn to be honest." I took out my glasses and said "I wear these most of the time. It repels women to look into my eyes and have them magnified 3 times. I have removed my glasses for tonight" I put them on and she said " I see what you mean. Without them you are much better looking."

"For that and my shyness, I am a virgin. I would like to learn how to please and satisfy a woman, and maybe I can form a lasting relationship with one. Not knowing what to do, when we got to that point, I bailed out. I feel if they are satisfied, I will be, knowing I caused theirs. Also if the oppurtunity presents itself I doing want to look like a moron and embarass myself. Would it be possible to get one of the books you talk about?"

"I think I can get one for you" She took a piece of paper out and wrote her phone number on it and said "Call me Monday evening, and I'll meet you somewhere to give it to you. I will get pleasure knowing I am going to help make some woman very happy in her life. I need to get going, as I start work at 7:00 tomorrow. Call me."

So Monday after dinner I called her, and she told me to come to her place. She handed me the book and said "Take it home and read it over. Jot down any questions and call me I will answer them. Meantime, would you like something to drink?" I said coke would be fine. We talked. She liked the same TV shows, her record collection was of many of the same artists I liked, and it became obvious we had a lot in common.

A couple of hours later she said "Getting back to the party and what you heard me say, I am intrested to helping you learn to please a woman. I like you. You are nice guy, not pushy and we have many things in common-- same likes and needs. Maybe with live on-the-job training." She had a big smile after that.

"You mean..." She cut me off and said "That's exactly what I mean. Some ground rules:
“1 With this prude town, if they found out I was even just dating a man half my age, I would be fired from my job and run out of town. So this stays just between us. No bragging to your buddies, no one." I nodded my head yes.

“2 We will get some kicks, laughs, and experience, no falling in love; for the same reasons." Again, nodded my head yes.

“3 I do not need any contraceptives, but I will train you how to properly use them. Its not as easy as it looks. Remember, my Doctor gets the people whose contraceptives failed...." We laughed.

"Go home and read up. Call me Thursday and I will know my weekend schedule."

As we walked to the door, she kissed me showing me she was serious about this. My dick quickly agreed.....

I called on Thursday, and she said Saturday evening at 9 PM. I read the book through about 5 times. It started with foreplay, went into the missionary position, then into other positions. Last it discussed Oral sex. I work with manuals (equipment, that is) in my job, from all over the world. I can recognize they way its translated into English, and its origin language. This one is definitely French. Hence, the oral sections. In our part of the country, being prudish, oral is for whores, or gays and lezbos who are grouped into "queers" (terminology of that time). "Nice" girls did not do that, even AFTER marriage. So this is getting very interesting. One of my older friends said that doing oral will assure lifetime sex.

Saturday evening, I arrived and she sat me down next to her on the couch and said " I am going to do this in the order of the book chapters. I usually do this at work with the woman. The Dr. prohibits cross gender instruction classes. Lets start with foreplay. Pretend you are on a date with me."

"My pleasure"

She started kissing and caressing without sexually touching. As it evolved, she said "You got that one down OK. Now, listen. While kissing move your hand toward her breasts but do it slow. This gives the girl the opportunity to say no. If there is no resistance, cup it thru her blouse, and if she says no, stop. If she smiles or does anything but smacking you, she is willing.

I said "I will do that with my glasses off so they won't get broken." We both got a laugh out of it.

I did as she said and she started purring. Said something under her breath like: "Its been a long time". So the kissing and feeling also got my motor running, and my dick at full mast. She rubbed my chest near my nipples and it felt great.

After a while she said to slip my hand under her blouse and do the same thing to her and roll the nipples between your thumb and index finger." I did so and she moaned. She then said "As you can hear, us women make non-verbal sounds which indicate us being pleasured. Use the sounds as you guide to go on. Unbutton my blouse, button by button starting at the top, with your other hand."

I did that and she shifted to allow me to remove it, so I did so. She said "You are catching on, fast."

After removing it, she unbuttoned my shirt and lifted it over my head. It was deposited on the floor along with hers.

She said "Pick me up and carry me to my bed." and pointed to the door. I did so, as she only seemed to weigh 90#. As I placed her on the bed, face up, she pulled me on top of her, and we resumed the kiss and grope session, and she said, take down my skirt and panties. By the way, women's skirts have the zipper on the left side. Then I will take down your pants and boxers."

She moved so to make it easier and then I positioned myself for her to do so. I noticed she was very hairy down there and held my eyes there a while. I looked at her nad she said: "You like?" I said "Excuse me for staring, this is the first live one I have ever seen." She said " I guessed that, now, I want you to curl your long finger, like saying come here, and then put it into me down there (pointing)and gently rub the inside of me. I am already wet, but I will get more wet and make insertion easier. I fingered her gently and she started a flow going.

She said stop! I though I did something wrong. She said "The womans clitoris is the most sensitive part. You wanted to learn how to pleasure it, so I an going to place your finger to locate it, then rub. Some women like it very gentile and some like it rough. This is something you and the woman came come to an agreement on how heavy it gets."

She placed my finger on the little nub and I started to rub it. She said "Up and down, sideways, whatever. Her sounds and lubricant flow is your guide as to how much shes pleasured."

I ramped up the motions, and suddenly she let out a squeal and the fluid gushed out. She was breathing hard and red faced. She said "Good job. That is the first orgasm I had in 4 years, and it was a good one."

I held up the finger and said "I AIM to please." and we both laughed.

She said "The woman may also stroke your penis while you are fingering her. This is definitely a sign of her being turned on wanting *it*.

My dick was so hard it hurt. This was blue balls and blue dick. She said "Now we will have real sex. I want you to mount me missionary , but do it slow. two reasons: I have not had any sex after they accident surgery, and you are inexperienced. I don't want you to ram it in and possibly injure either of us. For you, slow will allow you to savior the moment."

"I get it. I just want to say this. This comes from here, (pointing to my heart), not here (pointing to my crotch). Although I have only known you about a week. I am glad to be giving my virginity to you. You care about other people."

That got a passionate kiss and she said to put it at the opening, and she will guide it. I slowly pushed it in slowly, until my pubes touched hers, or in slang terms, balls to the wall. She was tight, but very wet. This said she was as into me as I was to her. She said "Ok, now do the stroking. Gently at first."

I said "I may be inexperienced but not that dumb. I was savoring the moment" I started stroking and after a while she said "faster". She started pumping to meet my strokes and I knew this was what its all about-- two people mutally pleasuring each other. After a while, I said I am going to cum. She said "Please." When I started to cum, she had this big-time orgasm, while I came into her with much more stuff then I have when masturbating. I totally drained myself. I lay there panting and sweating, and she also did, wet with both of our love juices. We lay there for a while holding each other, kissing and foundling.

She made a growling sound, then said "You did very well for your first time. I am going to enjoy this as much as you are. We need to clean up before you go home. Know this: the odor of sex is unmistakeable, and your parents will know. Want to join me in the shower?"

I grabbed her hand and nearly dragged her into it. We soaped and washed each other and we discussed the sensitive parts of both man and women. After drying each other, she said "Next Saturday, I want to skip to oral. Doing oral on a women will make her want you for life. Re-read that section.”

I said "OK see you then", and we embaced into a 5 minute kiss (and grope). I went home.

During the week we talked on the phone a few times and got together next Saturday night. She had a small glass of wine for each of us and said "Lets go over this before doing it. If you read it over, you must have second thoughts about putting your mouth down there, as most men do, and the women thinking of putting that "thing" in their mouths. I want you to try it. If it repels you we will do something else. I also have not done this before, as my ex did not want to do this or receive it. Religious reasons you know. We will go in the bathroom and shower together and clean up the areas we will use. Any questions?"

"You just answered them. I'll try it. Just teach me enough so I don't look like an idiot if I do this on some other woman."

She said "I'll do that."

With that, she took my hand and we stopped in the bedroom, just long enough to shed our clothes. I noticed she had trimmed her pussy. I must have stared at it and she said "That will make it more desirable for you." I shook my head yes.

Then I asked if I should trim mine? She said it don't get in the way on a man as it does on a women. I nodded yes.

We washed each other as she wanted to see what I learned about doing a sensious wash. I got an "A".

We went to the bed, where she had me sit on the edge. She said "I will do you first. As I am also new to this I read the book, and please give me feedback. Tell me when you are going to ejaculate. And watch how I try to maintain eye contact with you to "read" your facial expressions. And when you do me, try to maintain eye contact with me. It shows the other person you care."

She licked the head and paid attention to the sensitive underside. Then she put it in her mouth and tried to deep throat it in one move. She pulled it out, gagging. I said "Like I did to you last week, do it slow and get used to it before proceeding."

She tried it again slow. About halfway in, she was maintaining eye contact and her facial expression said she was enjoying the hell out of it, as was I. She slowly got the whole 5 1/2 in, and the head was in her throat. (Remember, 5-1, 90#). She worked it slowly and very sensuously. In my mind, this is as close to excasy as it gets; all I have to do is stay hard-- she does the work.

I got close to cuming, and said so. She pulled off me, put her hand over the dick's head and used her hand to finish me. I came into her hand, which dripped all over my dick and lap. She said "Excuse me, but in reading the book, I wasn't sure if I could swallow." She scooped up some of my love juice and tasted it. She said "A bit salty, but very good tasting. Next time I will try swallowing." She did put her mouth back on it and cleaned me off. "Yes, next time I'll try to swallow."

Now she traded places with me. She told me to finger her for a short time and get her good and wet. After that, I took my fingers to my mouth and tasted it. I raised my eyebrows and said "Not bad at all" Then she placed my head down there and she said "Remember what you did with your finger, do the same thing with your tongue."

I got down there and started by licking the outside and then into the middle. I mentally noted that the trim job was a good idea, as I was taught to floss after eating, not during.....

I progressed and she said "Now lick and suck on the clitoris. I will guide you. And while down there get a good look at it for future reference. On a woman it enlarges like a man when aroused, but not as pronounced."

I found it, licked and sucked on it. Eye contact said she was in heaven and her love juices were flowing. It enlarged a bit as she said, and I sucked on it a bit harder. Her moans said I was doing it right. After a short while, I put my finger into her love hole, and did a "come her" finger crook and found the "G" spot. (The "G" spot was mentioned in the book) I rubbed it a few moments, and she stiffed up, put her hand over her mouth, gave a muffled scream and squirted on my face. She shook a while and said "Where did you learn that? It wasn't in the book?"

I said "I don't know. Remember, I am a techno-nerd, and it seemed that if either fingering or oral gave you an orgasm, I though that both together would cause a bigger one."

"Let me tell you, it did."

"I noticed your very subtile hint"

"She said "Subtile as a blowtorch."

I continued until she came again, and she said she was a bit too sensitive. Lets rest a bit and try mutual oral, or 69.

I said "Question time. Doing oral is the most pleasurable thing for both man and woman. How come it is looked very down upon and is considered taboo here?"

"Good question. Here in the US we are kind of Victorian prudish in our sexual practices, as compared to Europe and Asia. For instance, in many places other than the US, if you go into the rest room, there will be two doors marked man and woman in their language. Both doors open into the same room. There may or may not be stalls with walls or it may be toilets in a row along a wall. In some countries, arranged marriages are common. The woman is raised to serve the man and she is the housekeeper, c***d raiser, and cook. If the man wants to stop off at his girlfriends for sex on the way home from work, its condoned, even by the wife. You see, they separate love and sex. So when they do oral its a way of showing appreciation of the other person. Granted, not all people in those countries do this, but the attitude is there. In some places in Scandinavia, the farms are huge and most do not go into town a lot because of the heavy snow. So if you visit someone, its for an overnight. They put the single man up with their oldest daughter because she must get married first."

"Sort of test driving a car before buying it?"

"Exactly. The mothers teach their daughters how to please a man. Here in the states, no way"

Now she motioned me to lay on my back.

She said "Do you remember in the book the picture of 69?"

"Yes, vividly"

"Good. Heres how its done. The heavier person is on the bottom, and the smaller one on top. I will take yours in my mouth and then adjust me to your mouth. Just do what you did before and I will do the same. In this position, maintaining eye contact is almost impossible, however, the fact of mutual satisfaction will be judged on non-verbal sounds. You mother must have taught you not to talk with something in your mouth?"

We both laughed. I said "Cathy, you have a very warped sense of humor, just like me. I love it."

I laid back, and she crawled over me and positioned herself onto my dick. I placed my hands on her hips and guided her to me. I started licking and fingered her at the same time, and she sounded like she was really being pleased. I made some sounds to inform her. After some time, I tensed up and shot my load into her mouth, it was somewhat less than before, but still a lot. She tensed up and flooded my mouth and face. She rolled off me and said "That was great. Having you is one of the best things that happened to me."

She cleaned me with her mouth, and I did as much for her as I could. She said "Next time, we will experiment with other positions. Most men like to be on top during sex, so it connotates them being incharge. If it would be OK with you, I would like to try it with me on top?"

I said "hell, yeah."

She said "you are too eager."

"hell yeah." We both laughed.

She said "Mostly all men in your age group are like that. in one word, HORNY. Women are most horny at about 38-40 yrs old, so we are both at our peak, sexually, medically speaking, and horny."

I said "I understand. We both are enjoying this a lot so what's wrong with it?"

"First, this is a town of prudes. Secondly, I am twice your age, going along with the prude factor."


We did our clean up shower and did our "good night" 5 minute kiss.

Next time, she said she wanted to cook dinner for me before we entertain ourselves. She made a meatloaf which is my favorite, and said "I made this because it was my favorite.” Which I re[plied "Mine too. I am a meat and potatoes guy."

I struck up a conversation at the table. I asked her "Lets take a hypothetical case. Let's say there is a couple with a big age difference, like us. Yes, I realize that in this town its taboo. However, what if we both want to relocate to a more progressive town, where it would be more socially acceptable and live together or marry."

"I know you mean us. I also thought about that. Both of us can get work almost anywhere. Even small towns have nearby medical facilities. And your job can even be home based. Although I really don't want to leave this town because my family is here, I want to think about this and don't bug me about it and I will let you know when we can further the conversation. I have one question-- Are you OK with not being able to have k**s?"

"I knew that would come up. We would have each other. If we needed the patter of little feet, we could either adopt or buy a dog." She was sipping her wine and spit it out and laughed.

She, "And you commented on my weird sense of humor-- but I got the message."

Afterward we went into the bedroom, and she opened "the book" to the picture of cowgirl. Back then it was called 'woman on top'. I lay in the bed, and she started me with a blow job to get me good and ready, while I fingered her. She had a good flow going and moved over me. She took it in her hand and adjusted her position and slowly sank down on it. She said "I did this slowly. If it was not lined up properly, it could cause injuries to both of us. Tearing a muscle in the penis could result in permanent injury and a lot of pain."

"It hurts just thinking about it."

She worked it in her using her leg muscles and just like getting a blow job, all I had to do is stay hard. We both groaned, and made noises and maintained eye contact. This was as good as it gets. Unlike masterbation, when you cum, there is someone else to share it with....

We did some other positions later on. Rectal was not discussed in that book, and at that time, it was only considered for "queers" (dialect at that time).

I grew a mustache and looked a bit older, as my customers commented on my looking too young to repair medical machinery. (In fact, I was asked for proof-of-age at bars until I was over 40. Cathy's petite stature made her look younger, so we looked like a mid-20s couple. We went on dates on the other side of town. We agreed to show no signs of affection in public, and our story if questioned was: we are cousins from different towns. One time, my company sent me to a town about 100 miles away to fill in for 3 days for a man who was at a company school. They put me into a motel; she got some vacation time and went with me. She had her wedding rings on so it was not questioned, and this town was not prudish like ours.

Besides the sex, this was my first time actually sleeping with a woman. Masturbation don't keep you warm at night. The pleasure of being woke up be being blown reveille.... The closeness of being with someone like that, well-- you all know what it's like.

She bought some new clothes which were more like what 20 yr olds wore, and looked damn good.

One day she says "I have re-done myself and gained more confidence on myself. A co-worker asked me out next Saturday night. I will let you know if it clicks for me."

I said "Bringing the book?"

She laughed "He's about my age but he's also inexperienced. A momma's boy, but she told him to go find a wife. I'll play this by ear. Now that said, we need to talk seriously about us. I thought this over very carefully. If we adopted, when the c***d graduates high school, I would be very old. Other k**s would be calling me her grandma. And refer to me as your mother. I must say this-- I think we both broke one of my rules-- we both fell in love with each other. However, as said it would not work." Then she started crying. I took her into my arms and shed some tears myself.

After we calmed down a bit I said "Aside from the 'new toy' aspect, I would have to agree with you. We had one hell of a ride, and I will never forget you. I knew this day would come. Loving someone is knowing when to let go. Although will take me a while to get over it."

It did take a while, but I got back into my routine. I made calls to her hospital, but she was usually in the Dr.s office with patients. I called her once, a month later and she said it was working out with her new beau. I said that I would not bother her again.

A while later, employer called me and gave me a service call to Cathy's doctor. The receptionist called her to the lobby, and as she entered, I noticed she had a different wedding ring on. We went to where the machine was, and she closed the door. She said "God knows I wanted to tell you and have you meet him. I thougt it would be awkward for you."

"Yes, it would. Did he turn out to be what you wanted? Did you have to instruct him?"

She said "Yes to both questions, and I used the book. Like you, I have a sexual partner fine tuned to me."

"OK. If you’r happy, than so am I." (I lied; I was NOT happy, as you can imagine.)

I did my thing with the medical machine and left. She did kiss me and say thank you for everything.

The main thing for me, was not only had I got supreme sex, but what I learned both in and out of bed, gave me the confidence to date and subsequently bed down women. Yes, I never forgot her. One thing which I came out of the short relationship with was I knew what I wanted when I got married. I also knew the sexual skills can be taught, however, BOTH parties must be willing to learn. Cathy was small, witty, had a sense of humor, and the biggie: she cared about others. I kept the book and I used it when I got married. I had it hidden, because every time I saw it I could not help but wonder "What if...." But I did not let that consume me.

By the way, this story is mostly true.... There was a Cathy (Not her real name) and she did teach me.

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Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties, she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sl**p and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...

2 years ago
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Teacher Teaches Well

Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties; she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sleep and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...

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Teacher Teaches Well

Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties; she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sleep and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...

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Teach Her Just Like You Taught Me

"She was very cute," you say, nuzzling your head under my arm, tracing small circles across my bare chest as your voice trails off."What?" I laugh nervously, not sure if I'm walking into a trap."She was. It's okay you admit it, I watched you eyeing her all night," you say in a matter-of-fact tone."I mean, she was fine," I reply, giving another little nervous laugh."You have a type, sweetie," you laugh, shaking your head. "And that girl looked like you made her in a lab, just for you.""Oh, yeah?...

Straight Sex
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3

Howie was up at dawn. He ran and worked out. Then he drew in his garage studio for an hour. At ten he was at the FIJI house helping the other pledges as they cleaned the house. "Chief, what have you got that Dorothy sees in you?" a pledge asks. "A dynamic personality, I guess," he said. One pledge said, "I hear that Dave is pissed." Another pledge asked, "What is the Dunger pissed about now?" Another one said, "Cause he is getting any, not less any that looks like her." They...

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Howie RandolphChapter 4

The Friday after football was over, Becky totally avoided him. Wanda said, "Three pounds and I feel good." Howie squeezed her butt and said, "You do feel good." Wanda looked good. Now she looked more muscular than overweight. "You look really good. I am very proud of you. I know it wasn't easy," he said. The next Friday, the school gave out athletic letters. The coach called out, "Howie Randolph, a letter and the conference champion patch. In addition, Howie was All Conference...

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Howie RandolphChapter 2

Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 7

"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 5

Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 6

Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...

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Howie RandolphChapter 6

His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...

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Teaching The Teacher

Teaching The Teacher by James X.Pendergrass Copyright 2010 – All Rights ReservedMonday, September 2nd -- School started today.? It's hard to believe this is my tenth year of teaching.? I'm not such a young whipper-snapper anymore.? Let me introduce myself.? I'm James Pendergrass, 32 years old, and I teach at Hillcrest School (Kindergarten thru eighth grade).? It might be hard to believe we would cram middle-school children with the elementary school kids, but you know how it is with budget...

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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 2

Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 4

Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 8

Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...

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Willies Legacy

Chapter 1 I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother. He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got...

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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

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Willies New Bitch

Dressed in her best black lace lingerie, Kim Turner, a beautiful thirty one year old mother of two gripped the edge of the tab          ??????????????????????????? ?Willie?s New Bitch?  ???????????????????? A work of fiction for Adults by Taskmaster11????????????????????????????????????????? [email protected]??     ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????A Prologue As always during the week, the husband was consumed by his usual deep sleep, but for his beautiful...

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Chemistry Teacher Teaching Me How To Fuck

Guys, the story goes out to all those teenagers who have just entered into their life of Puberty, where every second, every minute and every single hour u only dream about Sex and nothing else. Me being no different. Myself, Akshay want to share my true story of having sex with my not so favourite chemistry teacher in the school. It happened in the year 1996 when i was in eighth grade. I have known my Chemistry teacher Mrs.Smita from grade 5. She was a chubby lady with heavy breasts which went...

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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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Please Teach Me Lesson 2

Please Teach Me! - Lesson 2: Doubles "Okay, now pay attention. This will be on the test." Jin could feel Kigumi's breath against his hard cock. It was a little hard to focus with her kneeling between his knees, but he had asked for this, so he did his best to listen, and not just enjoy the view and feel. The day after his first sexual encounter with Ookawa sensei, Kigumi Ookawa, Jin struggled to push the experience from his mind. Somehow he made it through the day, though not...

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Teaching The Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi i am Rohan. This story goes back to 2005. I was in my tenth standard. Me and my friends were all in our puberty phase. With hormones gushing every moment we used to be very high craving for sex and women all the time. But being that young we used to just look at girls and women and satisfy our craving. Soon we got addicted to pornography. My three friends Sam, Roy and Rohit were fan of Japanese porn. We used to watch those films like hell. Slowly we developed a strange habit of seeing...

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Amrita Teacher Teach Me

My name is Sunil from Bangalore. Let me tell you about my incident in my school days. When I was studying PUC.Our family was very conservative and talking about sex was taboo thing in that time. Frankly I never had much knowledge of sex at that time. The information was limited to the casual talks with friends. But I had confusion and doubts about many things of sexual act. At that time my class teacher was the mothers close friend, and they used to stay nearer to our house. Our family was very...

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

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Teach Me To Suck Dick Daddy

"Daddy, would you please teach me how to give a blow job?"Had my daughter really asked me to teach her to suck cock or was my over-sexed imagination playing tricks on me? Hoping for the best, I asked her to repeat herself."Daddy, I want to learn how to give blow jobs. Will you teach me, please?"It was hard to believe that my beautiful eighteen-year-old daughter Julie, a freshman in college, did not know how to perform fellatio. My ex-wife and I had encouraged her to remain a virgin until the...

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Teach Me To Suck Dick Daddy

"Daddy, would you please teach me how to give a blow job?"Had my daughter really asked me to teach her to suck cock or was my over-sexed imagination playing tricks on me? Hoping for the best, I asked her to repeat herself."Daddy, I want to learn how to give blow jobs. Will you teach me, please?"It was hard to believe that my beautiful eighteen-year-old daughter Julie, a freshman in college, did not know how to perform fellatio. My ex-wife and I had encouraged her to remain a virgin until the...

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Teaching The Teacher

World War II was just over and Joey Lassister, like many other veterans, had recently returned home. Even though he was technically a veteran, he didn't really feel like one. He had joined the Army in his senior year of high school and only spent a little more than two years in service, none of which involved combat. Nonetheless, there he was, with mustering-out pay in his pocket and no goals in life. He figured the best thing to do before deciding about the rest of his life was to finish high...

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The Womanizer

The Womanizer by X_Zero_23 Ye know my Lords and Ladies, of the tales of certain adventures in this and neighboring kingdoms. Warriors, students of magical lore, and even cunning thieves who have made a name for themselves in life and more often afterward with treasures won, villains vanquished, and beasts and demons beyond the ken of man overcome. All know the well-worn players of a thousand different names. Fighter. Paladin. Magic-User. Thief. Ranger, and Monk are some that...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 55 How To Teach A Virgin

February 9, 1997, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, after cuddling with Birgit and eating breakfast, I showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, then read the Chicago Tribune until I heard a knock at the front door. I got up and went to the foyer and let Ally into the house. “I wasn’t sure if I should ring the bell,” she said. “It would have been OK - nobody is in bed.” Elyse and her boys were with Eduardo, Maria Cristina was at church with her mom, and Winter had left early to meet...

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Howe and Watson

“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...

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It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...

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Taras Bayou Level 1 Fresh Meat

Tara's BayouLevel 1 - Fresh MeatI am watching TV and as usual my hand is on my dick. Shit I am so fucking horny! Tired of just sitting here night after night rubbing several out! I need to fuck someone and I need tO FUCK THEM NOW! It's a wonder my right arm doesn't look like Popeye! What the hell am I watching anyway!?This is so fucked up. I am too young for this crap. I am 24 years old living in a country-like town far in the north of Sweden. This shithole is a place where people come...

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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

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English Teacher Teaches Me Oral Grammar

Hi Friends… This is Karthik from Chennai… this is my second story of my episode… for people who had missed my first story here is the title you can check it out any time – BOTANY TEACHERS NECTAR OOZING OUT This incident happened to me at the age of 18.With accordance to the title this incident happened between our English teacher and me. Coming to the story the heroine of the story named Vasuki is a fair booby unmarried women with so much of beauty aged 27. She is the first glamour women of...

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Teaching Teacher

TEACHING TEACHER By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not intended to condoneor encourage forced sexual acts between females. All character and events arefictitious. Hello, Jenny here again with another story of how much I love raping otherwomen. Remember how my first conquest had been Angela, my neighbour, when Iwas only 16. Well, for days afterwards I'd been terrified that she'd go tothe Police, (this was before I realized how shameful being raped by anotherwoman...

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Willis Point of View

[ For Megan (and her mom)! ]As Willis showered he kept thinking about all the incredible sex he'd had with Megan, the young white female who was staying with her grandmother and who lived in the house next door to him. It had been, at first, like a dream come true. After all, Willis had never had sex with any white female (though he'd naturally, as a man with a healthy sex drive, had often wished he could); and Megan? Megan really was like some dream-image come to life! For Willis (and for many...

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Please Teach Me About Halloween Lesson 3

There was a box on the table. It was addressed to him. Jin eyed it suspiciously, wondering what Kigumi was up to this time. After a particularly brutal set of midterms, during which Kigumi had insisted studies take precedence over sex, Jin came home from his last exam hoping for some fun. Kigumi's apartment next door to his appeared empty however. Yuki had left on a job some time back and was not expecting to return till later next month, but Kigumi herself was usually home by now....

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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

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The Stan Howard Show

****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....

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Williams Nightmare

William's Nightmare This is a true account of a past ordeal that has dominated my life for manyyears now. I wish that the clock could be turned back and that it would all go away.I have never, ever told a living soul about this painful and humiliating periodbut feel that I must set the record straight in my own mind by sharing thepain with at least one other person. Only then can I try to forget. It is easierfor me if I write this story in the third person. A couple of names and veryfew...

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Willies Revenge

This story is for adults, if you are not able to read this in your state or country, stop! This story is entirely adult transgender fiction that sprang from an over active imagination. All people and places in this story are fiction, any inference to real people or places is purely sheer coincidence. This is my first attempt at writing TG Fiction. I am an avid fan of Fiction Mania and decided it was time I gave for all I have gotten. If you want to contact me my email is...

4 years ago
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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of...a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire; brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

3 years ago
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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

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Wills Journey Into ManhoodChapter 2

On the way back to the ranch Will stopped at one of the small streams, he thought he better wash himself off some. Will was young but he was pretty smart, he could smell Maria's musk on his fingers and he figured on his manhood also. He figured it wouldn't be good for him if Becky smelled that also. He took a small piece of lye soap from his saddleback and just washed the areas that needed it. He was looking forward to a nice bath with Becky later on. He rode up to the barn and unsaddled...

1 year ago
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Taras Bayou Level 2 ndash Evil Dong

Tara's BayouLevel 2 – Evil DongI can’t believe in all of Britain, I can’t find one bloke to fuck me. All I do is work, come home and sit in front of the tele thinking about getting shagged. I do fancy a good porn film whilst I pet my pussy into some calm state. I love giving me self a good orgasm but damn I need a good shag!I think tonight I will try and play Tara’s Bayou again. That is one intense video game. It makes you feel like you are right there in the game and everything that is...

2 years ago
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Williams Construct

Authors Note: The first posting of this story I considered 'unfinished' and rough. I was impatient with it and just posted it one day without much thought. This is the revised version with grammatical and spelling errors fix. I am 'fairly' certain that I got all of them. The biggest challenge of my writing is grammar and spelling so it takes more than a couple of drafts to 'finish' one of my stories. I also fleshed out the story a bit by adding some details and conversation lines...

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Young Boys Help Me Teach my Wife a Lesson

I was pissed at her for being so rude to my friends at a party we were at. They were just flirting with her a little like young-virile men that they are and she got upset. She is always like this so uptight about herself and her fuckin’ stupid ideals. I just stood there looking like a moron. Jake, one of my colleagues, saw that I was upset and took me to a corner and tried to cheer me up, “Oh c’mon BL, wives are like that. Mine is as fucked up too.” Marcus, another guy...

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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Willows Story

N.B. I've noticed sometimes, but not always, a small problem caused when I change to Rich Text Format from Word that some accents on or under letters get lost. For example Provencal should have a cedilla under the 'c' but comes out as Proven(al in my story 'The Pre-nuptial Agreement'. In the following story is the word 'melee' and this has a circumflex over the first e and an acute accent over the second e. Sometimes it reproduces correctly, other times it doesn't. Having gone to...

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Teacher Teacher Can You Teach Me

As a 16 year old in high school I was a small but very althletic kid and loved to participate in every type of sport available to me. The problem however was in the fact that my small frame was a target for the larger so called jocks to pick on, in an effort to show each other how tough and manly they were. Playing sports was the best outlet for my frustrations, that and the fact that I could get close to the hottest gym teacher on the planet, Miss Branson. She was small as well but she was...

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