3: Scars Remain Ch. 05 free porn video

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This is the final submission for my ‘Diary’ series. Thanks to all who read, voted, gave positive and/or constructive negative feedback, and of course to Random Librarian for his editing.

-Spartan 22

X — Healing Wounds, Invisible Scars

‘I can’t believe how fast you can run with that thing,’ Luke huffed, pumping his arms in rhythm with his stride. He always maintained focused when he ran and rarely talked, but he had to commend Clint’s ability to run as fast as he did with his prosthetic leg.

Clint panted, ‘Took me a while to get the hang of it. Took longer to go from the rubberized track to the street. Remember the first time we went on a run?’

Luke wheezed out a small chuckle, ‘Yeah, we were running away from a burning helicopter, getting shot at, and completely disoriented with our location. And that was seconds after waking up from my unconscious state. Nothing like getting shot at to take a full minute off of my annual 1.5 mile test, had I stayed in…’

‘Speaking of which,’ Clint said, ‘I think I might have a contracting job lined up out of Lewis-McChord.’

‘Really? Army or Air Force side?’

‘Air Force. Out of the Wing. The commute will suck, though. Traffic on the interstate is awful around here. Take a right when we get to this intersection,’ Clint said, pointing up ahead at the crossroads.

As Clint and Luke turned down the road, Clint asked, ‘So, did you call Kaylee yet?’

‘You won’t let up, will you,’ Luke said, exasperated.

Clint smiled, ‘I promised I’d take you in, but I didn’t say anything about refraining from sticking my nose in your business. I know I’ve never met Kaylee, but I know she doesn’t deserve what you’re putting her through. Especially if she’s as amazing as you’ve described her.’

Luke clammed up for the remainder of their run. He knew Clint’s tactics, apply steady and deliberate pressure, and odds were he wouldn’t let up any time soon. All he wanted to do was purge every single thought and memory he had of Kaylee, whatever it took to get her out of his mind. Before he went insane.

Maybe it was time to move on.

He could smell the perfume on her neck. He remembered that wonderful fragrance… it was the same kind she wore in high school. Even while half asleep he suspected it was a dream when he felt her press her skin against his. The mixture of emotions — excitement from finally having her back coupled with the sorrow in knowing he would soon wake up and she would be gone forever — weighed heavily on him. He didn’t want to wake up. Ever.

All it took was a few blinks, and as he was teleported back into the bedroom. Kaylee had vanished into thin air.

It was dark, but he saw the silhouette of someone standing only a few feet away from his bed. His arms, stretched over his head, felt numb. He tried to sit up, but his wrists immediately met resistance. The sound of metal against metal rang out. Had he been handcuffed to the bed?

‘It’s about time you wake up, you selfish prick.’

It was the sound of the sweetest voice in the world, but in a not-so-sweet tone.


The sting across his face instantly brought him back from dreamland.

‘THAT’s for making me look from Mexico to Canada just to find you, you bastard!’ Every word Kaylee shrieked was through a stream of tears. Leaning down, she aggressively took his face in her hands and leaned down to kiss him. Her lips and tongue danced with his, just as passionately as she ever had before, her tears smearing against his cheek.

‘That,’ she said with a considerably meeker tone, her bottom lip quivering, ‘Is because I thought I would never see you again.’

Trying his hardest to catch up, disbelieving the evidence before his very eyes, Luke gasped, ‘Kaylee?’ So she hadn’t vanished into thin air after all.

The sting on his face had caused an adrenaline surge, but her follow-up kiss drained it away completely. It was possible he had never been more confused in his life. Looking up at both his wrists, he asked, ‘Kaylee, what’s going on?’

‘Get used to it,’ Kaylee smirked, sitting on the bed next to Luke, reaching up to jiggle the cuffs. ‘I’m taking you home with me, like it or not. And if I have to chain you up every night for the rest of our lives to keep you from attacking me, guess what?’ Kaylee leaned down as if she was going to kiss him but she paused, her lips inches away from his. She was so close he could feel her breath on his skin as she seductively whispered, ‘I’m willing to make that sacrifice.’

Tussling his hair with one hand while placing the other on his naked chest, she exhaled and softly said, ‘Luke, you have a lot of apologies to make. But I do too. I’m so sorry for my part. I shouldn’t have… turned away from you. You know… after what had happened. I’ve regretted that moment every night since, and I’ve have had a lot of empty nights in my own bed to think about what I did.’

Luke said, ‘You don’t need to apologize. You were scared, and after what I did…’

Kaylee interrupted, ‘It doesn’t matter if I was scared or not, that’s not the point. I will always take the bad with the good, despite your promise to leave me.’ Tearing up again, but trying to sniff back her tears, she said, ‘I knew you were going to leave that night, but I thought you were going to be back the next morning, at the latest. You put me through a nightmare! Living these last nine months, not knowing if you were dead or alive, has been pure torture. Not knowing…’ her lip quivered.

‘Kaylee, I’m extremely sorry. I never meant to hurt you — I would never dream of hurting you. Believe it or not, I left to prevent you from hurting. I’m still not so sure it’s a good idea for me to go back with you. You have so much potential in your life, you are beautiful and sweet and could have anyone you wanted. No one would ever love you more than I, but despite my best intentions I’m afraid my love is not enough. All I’m doing is dragging you down. I dragged you down in high school, I dragged you down when I joined the military, and I dragged you down when I came home. You’re life would be so much better without me in…’

Interrupting again, Kaylee snapped, ‘Oh shut up! That’s not true and you know it. You’ve done more for me than everyone else in my entire life combined. You’ve loved me like no one else has. It’s time you wake up and finally see that! Twice I’ve thought you died, and this time you simply vanished, which is just as bad if not worse.’

Kaylee sniffed, ‘I haven’t seen you in nine months, and the last thing I ever did to you was… flinch… afraid of what you had done. And I will always regret not being strong enough in that moment.’ Her eyes narrowed, reflecting an immediate mood swing, spitting out her next words venomously, ‘But that was no excuse for you to run away.’

Luke sighed, uncertain of how to respond. He still wasn’t sure what to think, ‘Kaylee, how did you…I mean…’

Reading his mind, Kaylee said, ‘How did I find you? Expensive software, worthless detectives, and a boatload of money. In the end it all came down to traffic cameras. After hours and hours of watching footage from traffic cameras across nearly all of Northern California, I finally caught your Black Challenger heading North on I-5.

‘After doing some math…’ Kaylee stopped herself and glared at Luke after an amused smile crept up on his face, ‘And yes, I did some math and if you never tutored me I probably couldn’t have figured it out and never would have found you. So, your fault. So, after guessing your speed and the time you probably left — and allowing for a ginormous ‘deviation’, meaning I had to watch more grainy non-HD film than I ever thought possible — I finally caught you on camera heading North on the I-5 around Eugene. And then Portland. So I thought to myself, ‘who lives up this way? Why would Luke possibly be heading up to Washington State?’ At first I thought y
ou were heading for Canada. Like you couldn’t live in the same country as me anymore. But then I remembered something big: Clint lives in Seattle.’

Luke grunted. Sensing his displeasure, Kaylee said, ‘You should know Clint lied to me, every time I called up here. He said he didn’t know where you were. He’s a pretty good liar, but then again, I am too,’ she winked. ‘Takes one to know one, I guess.’ Kaylee smirked, looking up towards the ceiling and acting as if it wasn’t a big deal and said, ‘So I told him we were getting married right before you left, just to soften him up. Make him feel guiltier.’ Luke looked shocked. ‘So I used my powers for evil. Sue me,’ she giggled shamelessly.

‘He even lied to my face when I pulled up, demanding to see you. It wasn’t until I pulled out the marriage card that he weakened. You’d be proud of him, after he told me where you were, he said, and I quote: ‘I’d trip an old lady for Luke, you have to understand he made me promise and I seriously owed him. So go easy on him.’ So, yeah, compared to what I wanted to do, you did get off easy with a little slap.

‘So, I’m revoking your promise to leave me. That’s not how the story ends. Hopefully you got this little hissy-fit out of your system and are ready to come back with me. I promised I would be by your side, and we would do this together. I’ll be there for you to talk to me, to lay your head in my lap, to cry on my chest if that’s what you need.’

She took a deep breath and said, ‘If you want to leave me down the road because you get bored with me or because of my bitchy attitude, fine, I understand. But you don’t get to leave me because you think you’re protecting me in some backwards kind of way,’ she said, looking into his eyes.

‘Get it, mister?’

Luke was about to protest, until she held a single finger to his lips. She raised an eyebrow and lowered her chin, as if daring him to defy her.

Caught in her unrelenting gaze, Luke bit his tongue and thought hard. She was hard to say no to, she always had been. After taking a deep breath, he reluctantly nodded.

But reluctant or otherwise, it was still a yes. Kaylee almost squealed with joy.

‘Um, Kaylee,’ Luke asked, looking up at the handcuffs and giving a slight tug to get her attention.

Kaylee pulled out the key, but instead of unlocking the cuffs she cruelly dangled it in front of him. She sighed, ‘You want this, do you? Well.’

She gently raked the key across his chest, trying to look at him seductively but a giggle escaped as he sharply inhaled. She bit her lip and slid her hand down his chest and past his stomach, stretching over him until her hair lightly brushed against him. Kaylee told him, ‘You’re coming back home with me but before we drive back, I think I’ll keep you like this for a little while longer, after all you’ve put me through. Too bad for you…’

It was obvious that Luke had missed Kaylee. Despite that, he was reluctant to immediately head back to California but at the same time he wasn’t about to let Kaylee leave without him. Kaylee could tell that he was still conflicted and held a lot of pain over what had happened. She tried her hardest to soothe him, constantly reminding him that she wasn’t going to leave. In turn, Kaylee made it clear that he better not think of ever leaving her again.

Luke wanted to fulfill his promise to Clint to help finish the fence, Kaylee completely understood. She was more than supportive, especially after realizing how much Clint had helped him after he left California. Besides, it didn’t matter where they were, it only mattered they were together.

She stayed by his side almost the entire time, conversing and catching up on the last several months as he hammered the boards into place. At one point, after suspecting Luke was probably too busy to socialize, Kaylee left and headed towards the house. Luke quickly popped his head up and set his hammer down.

He looked so sad, Kaylee thought, almost like a lost puppy. It broke her heart, but at the same time it was adorable. ‘I’m just going to make up some lemonade for you two, I’ll be right back,’ she smiled. It took him a few seconds to break eye contact and return his focus back to the fence.

He does miss me, she thought to herself, smiling from ear to ear all the way back to the house.

‘My wrists are still sore, you know,’ Luke told Kaylee through the speaker system, one hand holding the steering wheel and the other rubbing the opposite wrist.

‘Don’t be such a baby. You did it to yourself,’ she replied from her BMW, she sounded snotty — and meant to — but was grateful he couldn’t see her actually smiling. ‘You’re lucky I didn’t cuff you to the steering wheel. Oh, and by the way, before I forget: When we get within an hour of your parents house, we need to stop so you can buy them flowers. Like enough flowers to fill up the living room. Especially your mother and Faith.’

Luke winced and sighed, ‘I know.’

He remained quiet. Kaylee bit her lip. Maybe she was being a little hard on him. He deserved it, but still. ‘I’m glad you’re coming back home with me, cowboy,’ she purred. ‘I’ve missed you.’

‘I’ve missed you too,’ he said sincerely. ‘You’re falling behind again,’ he reminded her, looking in his rear-view mirror. ‘Can’t keep up with American muscle, can you?’

‘Oh, shut up. If you get a ticket for speeding, Mr. Leadfoot, I’m not stopping for you. Then we’ll see who makes it back home first. Besides I could take your Challenger if I really wanted to. Whatever happened to my snail-paced slow driving boyfriend?’

She could hear his laughter as he replied, ‘Maybe he has a lot of pent up energy.’

Kaylee smiled. Oh, I like the sound of that, she thought to herself.

‘So how many babies are we going to have,’ Kaylee asked Luke out of the blue, her back straight and butt sticking backwards in the downward dog position. She made yoga look so easy. Luke, also in the same position except with bent elbows and knees, nowhere near Kaylee’s perfect form, just about fell over. ‘Kaylee, are you insane? You told me this yoga stuff is supposed to be relaxing.’

‘Of course it’s relaxing. And peaceful. Especially now that we’re back home. Besides, it’s also helping to stretch and heal your shoulder. You need to keep it strong.’

Luke told her, ‘Well, the doctor did say, despite his initial analysis, I almost have my full strength back. He thinks I’ll be back at one-hundred percent if I stick to his physical therapy routine.’

Kaylee sighed, ‘I know, that’s what I keep telling you! That’s why we’re doing this!’

Luke blinked, ‘Maybe we should just lift weights instead, it’s much simpler and less embarrassing.’

‘Time for crane,’ Kaylee said, ignoring Luke’s comments. She simply stepped forward, placing her hands on the ground, knees on the back of her arms, and slowly raised both feet off of the floor.

She made it look so easy. Luke shook his head, reluctantly following her lead. Carefully he raised one foot, tried to stabilize his wobbling body, somehow managing to lift his other foot off the ground. He held it for four seconds before toppling over. Kaylee still maintained her motionless form, as if she were a statue. ‘You still didn’t answer me,’ she cooed breathlessly without moving a muscle.

‘Um, we’re not exactly married, Kaylee,’ Luke said, trying to get back into the crane position.

‘You’re no fun,’ she whispered, coming out of crane and sitting down cross-legged, grabbing for her towel and water bottle.

‘Well,’ Luke said, following her lead and sitting down, ‘Why don’t we focus on getting you through class first. Are you still sure you want to be a counselor?’

‘I am,’ Kaylee said. ‘Trust me, I’ve had plenty of time to think about it. It’s been floating around in the back of my mind for a while. First, it’s a noble profession, and I want to do something meaningful with my life. I want to
help people.’ Luke nodded in support. ‘Also, when I have children some day,’ she added, deliberately staring Luke down with narrowing eyes, ‘And after I’ve done this for a while, I should be able to work my hours around their school schedule. Wouldn’t that be nice?’ Luke quickly turned his eyes away. ‘So, I’ll get my psychology degree in a few years, then hopefully get a job somewhere around here.’

Kaylee thought for a moment, and then asked Luke, ‘At least, I assumed I’d look for a job around here, unless you had something else in mind?’

Luke smiled, ‘It’s hard to predict the future, but I wouldn’t mind staying in the area. It makes sense until we finish up school. Seattle was nice, too, I wouldn’t mind ending up that way either. I haven’t thought about it much, to be honest.’

Luke hesitated before asking, ‘What about when I start classes? Do you think I’ll do ok in seminary? I keep feeling like God is calling me towards the ministry… but a guy like me?’

Immediately Kaylee jumped on Luke, ‘Don’t sell yourself short! You’re an amazing man. You’ve been to hell and back. You’ve cheated death more times than I can count.’

‘I know, I know,’ Luke interrupted. ‘But there’s more to it than that. I truly believe our prayers, along with help from my counselor, have helped me get my rage under control. But sometimes it manifests, and it probably always will. I swear more than I should, especially when I get angry. The funny thing is I never used to.’

Luke winced, ‘I’ve… done worse than that. Much worse! You know that, Kaylee.’ He struggled with his words, blurting out, ‘I’ve… killed people, for crying out loud! There should be some kind of law about accepting people like me into ministry.’

Kaylee didn’t flinch. She reminded him, ‘Well, so did Moses. Heck, Paul killed Christians before he was saved. Besides what you did was much, much different! You were defending your country, you know that! If there’s one thing you’ve taught me, it’s to trust God and his plan, ask for forgiveness, and if you feel He’s calling you on a certain path, then you’ll be alright as long as you trust and follow Him.’

Luke took a deep breath. ‘Maybe your right. It just feels like there are people better than me that should be doing this. I’ll always carry these invisible scars. Scars that no one will see, yet they are with me. And I can’t help but wonder if they should prevent me from ministry.’

A serious look surfaced on Kaylee’s face. ‘We both have many invisible scars, and in fact some of them are matching. Not all, but we’ve shared some of the same wounds. So, while I can’t imagine half of the horrors you have been through, I can relate to the other half. And remember, a scar is a wound that has already healed and is nothing more than a reminder of our past. It doesn’t dictate our future. If anything, a scar is an experience we can learn from.’

She sat up on her knees and slowly started to unzip her yoga jacket, ‘I was going to show you this later, but maybe now is the right time. I want you to know what I think of you.’

She peeled her jacket off, revealing a white t-shirt underneath that said, ‘Not every girl is lucky enough to find the man of her dreams… but I’m dating one.’ A red heart surrounded ‘I’m dating one’.

‘I… don’t know what to say,’ Luke said. ‘You truly humble me, Kaylee.’ He scooted over, placing one hand on her cheek and leaned in, giving her a deep, passionate kiss.

Kaylee moaned and took his head in her hands, kissing him back with just as much fervor.

‘Oh, Luke,’ she whispered softly. ‘You know,’ she said as seriously as she could while wearing a smile, ‘The other t-shirt is on backorder. Wait until you see that one.’

Luke, already blushing, asked, ‘What other t-shirt?’

Cocking her head to the side, she said, ‘The one that says, ‘Not every girl is lucky enough to find the man of her dreams… but I’ve married mine.’

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ScarredChapter 5

Looking out of the kitchen window, Charlie was lying on the grass, all four legs spread out. It was eight in the morning, and the temperature was already 30 Celsius. I was waiting for Helen to come down, we arranged to clean the house. Get it ready, when dad comes home on Monday. While emptying the dishwasher, the doorbell rang. Charlie was at the front door before I had the chance to turn around. Barking at whoever was outside, running circles in front of the entrance. It was my aunt with...

2 years ago
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Sex and the Extended Family The Beginning Part 4

After my encounter with Jeff, I really felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. Our lovemaking left me totally satisfied. I fell asleep on my rumpled, soiled sheets with a smile on my face, my body coated Jeff's his jism, my no longer virgin pussy filled with his cum. I don't really know how long I slept but I slowly became aware of someone sucking my nipples. At first, I thought I was having a very erotic dream. My eyes closed, I surrendered to the currents of sexual arousal coursing through...

4 years ago
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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 4

"We have a problem," Amber told me as she walked into my bedroom. Looking up from my laptop, I had to smile. Even at seven months pregnant, the woman was beautiful; her long red hair framing her small face, her pale skin glowing with the radiance that only pregnant women seem to possess, and her blue eyes always twinkling with some sort of mischief."What is that?" I ask. I can tell from her look that she isn't angry with me, something I try to avoid at all costs, since our one and only fight. I...

2 years ago
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The Dark Damsel Ch 13

Chapter 13 – In the few seconds I had to inspect the pictures, I found my adolescent fantasies brought to life. I had seen this kind of thing before, Huntress being the most vivid example, but to see some of the world’s most powerful heroines bound, helpless and used as meat puppets…well, the reality was horrifying. You of all people should be interested in what I saw, since you did the same kind of thing to Batgirl in her own apartment. But here was a veritable patheon of superheroine poon...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

Two weeks later we prepared for our anniversary weekend. She had not mentioned anything about her special plans, and I had figured they must have fallen through. I had planned on taking her out to eat, coming home to some great sex and just spending a weekend alone with her. A few minutes after five, there was a knock on the door. She jumped up with excitement and answered the door. I was in the bedroom when she answered and heard a female voice that sounded familiar. I walked into the living...

4 years ago
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Amys Gangbang Dream Come True

Amy was an adventurous 20 year old girl and loved all kinds of sex with both men and women, so when her boyfriend Tony suggested a gangbang she was more than willing to take him up on the offer. The thought of having several men touching and fucking her at once was a real turn on. She agreed to meet Tony at his flat on a Friday evening. Before she made her way out she drank several shots of tequila to take the edge off. The tequila did its job and as she rang on his doorbell, she was a little...

Group Sex
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Unexpected Change Ch 01

[This story will be at least four parts. It could be in Loving Wives, First Times, Incest/Taboo or a couple of other categories. I apologize right up front for any misrepresentation of the Shoshone peoples. My intention was to honor them and their culture. Naturally, you are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. Especially leave feedback that is intended to assist me in improving as an author.] * On the first Monday of June the year I was a senior my Dad picked me up after school. By itself...

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Generous Offers 2 the CruiseChapter 3 Flight Day

We were all giddy with excitement. Our morning exercise started earlier than normal. My backyard lawn was damp – no rain, just chilly dew. The chill encouraged us to move faster than normal. Chrissy wanted to Beth and me to exercise harder but for the same amount of time. She is a serious trainer. After our body slide time, I entered Chrissy. She held on hard and rolled both of us around the wet lawn. She is less than half my weight but has no problem getting physical while enjoying sex. She...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 35 Caroline The Second Session

Brian Hacker grinned as he pulled up outside Caroline Herschfeldt's house and turned to Vikki and I in the back. "That was fun." He must have seen the doubt in my voice, the suspicion in my expression that I thought he was only being polite. "No I mean it Justin, you're quite a guy and don't let anybody tell you different." He reached for Vikki's right hand and when she held it out took it in his own as he smiled at her. "I know you know what I mean don't you?" Vikki just smiled....

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What happens at the cabin stays at the cabin

We had been driving for about 30 minutes.  I take my eyes off the road for a moment, to look at you. You smile.  You’ve never been to the cabin with me.  You’re excited, you can’t wait to get there and see it.  I’m excited too but not for the same reasons.  You look hot in that short skirt and that top with your tits almost hanging out.  Only another 30 minutes, and we will be there.  I’ll have you to myself until tomorrow.   There’s smoke coming out of the chimney, good.  My husband told me...

4 years ago
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Samantha read the glitter covered label attached to the box. It simply read "I hope you're pleasantly surprised." She'd saved the present from her new friend Eric for last. They'd only met a few weeks ago and it wasn't yet clear which direction their relationship was heading in. Probably just friendship, but there was something about the way he looked at her... she could have sworn that once or twice his eyes had betrayed a desire for her, but it was unlikely to lead anywhere. Whenever...

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LorettaPart 4

I watched Loretta’s beautifully manicured hand as she lifted the coffee pot. She smiled sweetly and poured me a cup. At dinner the night before she had told me she would be leaving in a week. “Leaving for where? “I asked. “Back home to the oldies I guess,” she shrugged. I had responded by hugging her and kissing her cheek. I was a little surprised but something told me that there was more to this than she was telling me. Still, it was her life. In the month that Loretta had lived...

1 year ago
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A New Lease of Life

The Body Switch that Saved My Life Genres: Drama, comedy, tragedy... Romance, criminal, thriller... Business ethics, child upbringing, struggle against discrimination... Subject: This is the complete story, from the forced body switch until the final passing, after not one but two lived lives - first as a man and then as a woman. White magic. Exotic looks. Girls-girls eroticism. Learning a formerly unknown tolerance towards those in any way different, and working to spread this new...

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Two thick black cock up my tight pussy

I was home alone that rainy night… and very, very horny.I was chatting on a date site, especially made for niggers who loved to fuck white married sluts. I got some responses to my answer “who would fuck me under the rain…?” One of them was from a nice Latino guy.He invited me to his place, since he got no car available.So, a while later, I was under the rain, knocking at his door.Francis was his name and he invited me into the living room. I saw he was watching some porn and asked me if I was...

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Three Square MealsChapter 124 Striking at the heart

The orbital barrage was ferocious, explosions lighting up the sky as batteries of Quantum Flux Cannons pounded the surface of Arcadia. John and the girls could feel the vibrations through their feet, each massive blast sending tremors rippling outwards that reached the Invictus dozens of kilometres away. “Holy fuck...” Dana muttered leaning against the window and watching the terrifying demonstration of a dreadnought’s phenomenal firepower. Calara turned to look at John and said in a hushed...

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Private Bella Rico Anya Krey English Class Gone Wild

Bella Rico and Anya Krey have come to Private Specials, Spanish Señoritas for an English class with teacher Sam Bourne, however, with the sexual tension so high, this is one language lesson that is about to get wild! Cock-sucking, pussy eating and good quality fucking is on the curriculum today as both sexy girls get hands on and taste each other’s pussies before the lucky Sam joins in for a double blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action on www.private.com where Bella and Anya take turns...

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All These Things That Ive DoneEpilogue All these things that Ive done

Two weeks! Two weeks!" Miranda said, sitting across from me at the picnic table. "I've been pulling my hair out for two weeks waiting for you to let me extract your little pack of psychopaths. I see where Stephen and Pranay get their marketing strategies. You might as well have invited Earth First to a shootout. Dear Earth First lunatics, you are cordially invited to the first ever publicly announced Confederacy Extraction. The dress code will be 'heavily armed' and black so we can bury...

1 year ago
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Allisons New Life Ch 25

Allison was even happier than she’d been before – she was almost disgusted at how happy she was except that well… she was too happy to be! Ever since the night when Todd first said that he loved her, she’d been floating on air. And not only that, but he seemed to realize now that she needed to be punished every so often – without the anger behind it that her infraction in front of Brad brought. So every couple of days he’d set her a list of chores to do, and she’d try to get them all done. The...

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Adventures of a Realty Diva 2

A week after Naomi had her hot orgy with Alex and Cristina she found herself showing a prospective buyer through the Sutton home. Alex and her mother were out having supper so that Naomi could show the home. Her client was Megan McAllister, a strikingly pretty young woman of about twenty who had inherited a fortune from her father. With sleek black hair, finely chiseled features, and huge blue eyes, Megan wore skin tight ragged jeans that outlined her pussy lips and a skimpy halter top that...

1 year ago
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Samora the monster hunter

A folder lies on a table under a lamp, the entire room is pitch black safe this table. Someone sits down and a large red coloured hand reaches into the light opening the folder. Inside of the folder is a single file on a Girl called Samora. Name: Samora Gender: female Age: 23 Place of Birth: N/A Nationality: N/A Hair Color: jet black Eye Color: emerald green Ethnicity: N/A Skin Tone: pale Pubic Hair: no Distinguishing features: a large tattoo on her back, looks like a flaming orb Height: 5'...

1 year ago
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Really Hot

This is a story of pure i****t. All the things described here are true and I am one of those fortunate guys to have experienced this kind of an experience. I have changed my name in the story and of all others in my family who are related to the incident to be revealed. You can call me Kishan and I am 19 years old.. I live with my parents and a younger sister named Rita. Let me tell you about my family. My mom, Madhu, is a housewife and she got married to my father Anil two years back I was...

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Threesome Fun Service With Shalini And Seema

I am here again to share my encounters with you readers. Hope you will like this sex story also. I got many emails requesting for service but at the end of day, most of them turned fake since they were boys using name of girls which they revealed in their later emails. I request readers to kindly not send these emails for nothing. Yes there were certain good responses as well. About me, my name is sameer and I am a part time massuer and escort based in Delhi. Any female in Delhi NCR or those...

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Katie PunishedChapter 2 The Open Air Girl

Katie was in the van for ten minutes, thrown to and fro as the vehicle lurched over the uneven surfaces, and brought frequently into contact with its metal interior. She was more terrified than ever before. Two scowling police officers watched over her as the van continued its rickety way over the potholed streets and she bounced about in sympathy, collecting plenty of bruises, helpless to do much to keep herself steady in her manacled state. Then they arrived at the police station. They...

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First Time Experience

Rajesh again from and I did receive a real good comments and also made some good friends. Thanks for your comments and they also have made take a bit of my time out to write about my earlier experiences. I had in all three beautiful experiences with plump females and they have in a way increased my liking for plump females, especially mature ones. The married lot who after marriage and child bearing become nice and fleshy. Now without boring you too much let me come down to my very first...

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Cheaters in the Moment

Margaret Middleton looked around the restaurant. Everything was beautiful. Margaret loved this restaurant, it was her very favorite. Even with the amount of money her husband made, they couldn't afford to come here very often, even when they could get reservations. Arielle Parisian was styled just like the most exclusive restaurants in Paris were. Its owner had grown up in Paris and moved to Ohio to make his fortune in his early twenties. Now over sixty, he'd finally realized his dream. He...

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The Dog helps me Rape my new slave

Though I tried to get her to meet me willingly, she refused. She said she just wasn’t ready. But I didn’t care. I had a friend that was very good at hacking people so I asked him to get all of her information so that I could find her. Within a day he had it all for me and within a month I found her. I stalked her for a week, getting to know her routine, before making my move. I drugged her water while she was in the shower and before she knew it, she was out. Now here she is, tied up with...

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FilthyFamily Rharri Rhound Janna Hicks Family Fucks To Make Him Jealous

Mom is in the kitchen cooking when she hears her daughter Rharri arguing with her boyfriend, he is breaking up with her. Mom feels bad she wants to help Rharri, she asks Grandpa for help, Mom realizes that his son Archie is coming home from college and it would be a great idea to take some pictures of Archie and Rharri together, send them to Rharri’s ex and make him jealous. Grandpa starts advising them, to make it look real, come on Archie use the tongue, Mom suggest to take things a...

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You mind if I rant for a minute, O? Jesus loves me, this I know. All my music tells me so. All of the posters on my wall and all of the friends my parents want me to hang out with say the same thing. I guess it's pretty much fucking unanimous. Jesus loves me, even though I'm a fucking lesbian. Not because I'm a lesbian, mind you. The manual states it clearly, I've been told. He loves me despite my sinning ways. I guess that's the way it goes, though. Jesus loves a fucking project. He...

2 years ago
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Danny and JennyChapter 3

I felt strangely proud as I walked into the little, old fashioned pub with her on my arm, people looked at her admiringly and a few of the locals greeted us warmly. "Hello Danny" the landlord smiled in welcome, "Back again to do a bit more?" "Yes, I, er, we might be here for a couple of weeks or so, depending on how much work I get done" Looking at Jenny in open admiration, he grinned and said, "Not much I'd say!" and then quickly added, "Aren't you going to tell us who this...

1 year ago
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Male being fisted by several women

I turned as three naked women entered the room who had been viewing the show unseen. Apparently it was their turn for some fun and I was to be their participant. If they had any doubts as to my willingness I quickly put them to rest. I was surrounded by the ladies and was immediately engulfed by breasts and bellies, arms and legs and all sorts of female apparatus. I was more than ready, well beyond the stage of foreplay, but my eager graspings were restrained and I was led out of the room to a...

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A late night visit

It was 1 am. There was a knock on the door of my holiday villa. The sound echoed through the little building and onto the small veranda at the back, where I was enjoying some late-night reading. As I sat under the warm yellow glow of the lamp affixed to the back wall, my brow furrowed. I wasn't expecting any visitors, certainly not at this hour.I tilted my book down and looked out into the distance, wondering whether I should respond. The ink-black waters of the Ionian Sea glinted beneath the...

3 years ago
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Consequences A New Life Part Eight

Thanks to Robyn, Emily and Cressar for all their support : ) and to all of you who have kept reading and leaving comments. Knowing you are enjoying the exploits of Emma and Co keeps me writing. Part 8 I stand there gobsmacked. "Jessie, what are you doing here?" Jessie struggles to her feet, she looks thin and unwashed. "I came here to see you!" her voice is broken and uneven. "You came to see what you did to me." I clench my fists. "You came to laugh!" "No!" Her voice...

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A Real Woman

The first time I met her was really a just a serendipitous event, I had been invited to a party by an old college friend and when I arrived at his place I realized that I didn't know anybody at he party, besides my friend, and most of the people were a lot younger than I was. I grabbed a bottle of Heinekens out of the refrigerator and leaned back against a wall and watched the party progress. There were maybe twenty or so people, a few more women than men, and most of them in their middle...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 61 Renees Confession

Outside my apartment, two white utility vans were parked with their backs toward my front door. Vikkor or at least some of her women were probably inside with at least Chloe, Carrie and Tanya, and possibly several others. I had two choices, rush them and take down everyone in sight, hoping to put everyone asleep before anyone could react, or just walk in and try to talk the girls out of the situation. The last couple of times I tried rushing groups with guns, shots were still fired before I...

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The Gay Black Experience Part 1

As told to me from a friend : I had just moved into my first apartment and was finally free from my parents. I had a good job at a factory and was debt free. Everything was going great until one morning I went to work and saw about a dozen fire trucks from down the street. A glow was coming right from where the factory was at. I made it half way down the street to where the firemen had blocked all the traffic. The entire factory was engulfed in flames. I parked my car on the side of the road...

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Finally I Fucked My Wife

Hey guys I am Archit 21 I am the only son in the family and also the eldest one. Coming from a family of businessmen I had to leave my education at 18 and get down to business. I got married recently to 18 year old girl, Rakhi. She comes from a village called Islampur being a village girl she dressed conservatively she was 34 30 32 not that great a figure but her protruding lips accentuated her sex appeal. Now I am from Pune 5’9 and regular built I was virgin when I got married and was excited...

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You Only Live Once 8211 Part XIV

He made me stand and told me yeh chudkar chal utah, abh wapis se bait mere lund pe. We both were bathed with our sweat in spite of the cold weather and I slide down and took his cock in my cunt, it was painful in the beginning but with two three jerks I sat on his lap with his huge cock fully in me. He said chal chawal kilha. The pain and pleasure or so much that somehow I managed to take some rice in my hand and mixed it with curry and feed him. The moment the rice was in his mouth he pushed...

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