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The silly season was upon them once again. Helen had to balance her course load, the care for Larissa, and having a boyfriend of sorts. That was not conducive to developing much of a holiday spirit, and she had to be careful to curb her temper. She also had to tread lightly around Danny who was still having the blues after the break-up with Lucy. This made it difficult to find the time for the parties Eric wanted her to attend with him. He quite liked to trot her out for his fraternity brothers to see them.
Eric in Philadelphia was quite a different guy from the Eric she’d met on the beach in Kitty Hawk. Here, he was living in the ΑΦΣ frat house, and the fraternity was the most important thing in his life, easily eclipsing his coursework and even his girlfriend. Helen had also found out that around his brothers, Eric was a follower to the point of being obsequious to the older brothers.
She did not feel comfortable at those frat parties. The memory of when she’d got drunk at Earl’s frat party and picked up by the cops was still stinging her badly. At the last of those bashes, four or five of the accompanying girls, half wasted, let themselves be persuaded to do an impromptu wet T-shirt competition. Fortunately, Helen never drank alcohol at those parties, or elsewhere for that matter, but after having to dodge drunk frat brothers repeatedly, she was leery of going to another one. So, when Eric wanted her to accompany him to their New Year’s celebration, a notoriously raucous affair, she had nixed the idea. Eric was pissed off at first, she cold-shouldered him for a few days, but then he conveyed an invitation for an evening at his parents’ home in the suburbs. In a way, she was looking forward to that dinner. It would be a compensation for the three frat parties where she’d had to accompany Eric, and she would meet his parents for the first time, who were some big-time execs in the insurance business. Buttering Danny up shamelessly, she had talked him into taking Larissa on New Year’s Eve.
In the back of her head, however, there was a dull sense of worry. The thoughts she’d had about her future plans and the way it would affect the shared parenting had left her thinking about the wisdom of their decision — well, mostly her decision — to not get involved with each other romantically. Danny was a dependable friend, a caring father for Larissa, and an all-around good guy. Yet, she could feel the growing distance between them, even exacerbated by Lucy dumping him for her planned career. She could even sympathize with his attempt to distance himself from the females in his life. Lucy had been a constant in his life, and yet she dropped him like a hot potato to get accepted by a talent agency. Those Finnish twins had proven to be egotistical airheads, and she, Helen, had dumped Larissa on him during most of their stay in Kitty Hawk, to be with Eric. When he agreed to look after Larissa over New Year, Helen had felt like a jerk. Reluctantly, Helen was facing the prospect of becoming a single parent in the not-so-far future, and the thought left her hurting on a subconscious level.
Even her own upcoming birthday, her long-awaited 21st, was not lifting her spirits as she’d thought it would. She would come into control of her trust fund and be responsible for yet another thing. In fact, Trudy had made an appointment with her attorney for Helen to sign the papers for the transfer. Therefore, on this mid-December afternoon, as she was returning from Penn, she was feeling slightly gloomy. Larissa would be at Danny’s she knew, and she would likely spend the evening in her room studying while Trudy would be out with friends.
Opening the front door, she was a little surprised being greeted in the small foyer by Trudy. The old woman looked a bit apprehensive.
“Hey, what’s up, Trudy? You look like I feel.”
“Hi, kiddo! Do you think you have a few minutes for us to talk? I must tell you a few things that cannot wait any longer.”
Helen went from gloomy to worried in a second. She knew that Trudy was suffering from a number of age-related health issues.
“Sure. Are you all right, Trudy?”
“Me? Yes, sure. Oh, that! No, this isn’t about me. Come on in! I brewed some coffee and baked scones.”
Helen followed her grandmother into the living room and sat down at the table. Trudy insisted that she poured herself coffee and had a scone before she would start, and Helen dutifully spread black currant preserve on her scone.
“Helen, my darling, you’ll be getting control over your trust fund next week, and there are a few things that you must know before that. I have been keeping things from you, but now I have to spill the beans.”
“What things?” Helen asked suspiciously.
“Well, did you ever ask yourself why Hiram Gunderson dislikes you so much? Why you couldn’t do anything right in his eyes?”
“He’s misogynistic?” Helen hazarded.
In spite of herself, Trudy chuckled softly. “Yeah, that may be one reason. No, the main reason is that he did not want you.”
“He wanted to have me aborted?” Helen gasped
“No. Helen, there is no easy way to say this, so I’ll just blurt it out. The Gundersons are not your parents, not biologically. They adopted you because Margaret wanted a second child which she couldn’t have herself after Earl’s birth. She got her will, but Hiram made her and you pay for it.”
“They adopted me from ... an orphanage?”
“No. Margaret is your aunt. Helen, have a look at this picture!”
Trudy opened an album and pointed at a photograph. It showed a pretty young woman with a laughing face, her blonde hair in dozens of thin, beaded braids. Something tugged at Helen’s heart and she swallowed hard.
“That’s my aunt Grace, right? The one who died before I was born?”
Trudy’s eyes were misty. “Yes, that’s my Grace, my younger daughter. A friendly, a happy girl, so full of life and love. But no, she didn’t die before you were born. You know that she had a car accident?”
Helen nodded.
“Well, her head was hurt badly when she bumped against the side window. She was buckled up, but that didn’t help her. They put her on life support in the hospital, but they couldn’t pick up much in her EEG. She was pregnant, in her last month, and I had to make the decision to have them perform a C-section before they pulled the plug. She hung on for only two more days after you were delivered.”
“Who is my father then?” Helen asked, swallowing heavily.
“He was driving the car. He wasn’t buckled up. He died instantly in the crash. His name was Jerry Walker, but he was better known by his stage name, Def Blind. He was a musician, mostly Punk Rock. He and Grace were very much in love, but while she was able to stop drinking and other stuff after finding out that she was pregnant, Jerry couldn’t or wouldn’t. He was stoned when they crashed.”
“Now I know why I hate Punk,” Helen quipped listlessly.
“Yeah, me too. The stupid thing is, he wasn’t that much into punk himself. Most of the songs he wrote were folk or pop, ballads even, but his label only wanted his punk persona. He was a deeply unhappy person. He left a large catalog of unpublished songs, a number of them even about Grace. Well, they’re yours now. They’re part of the trust fund. What money he had, what his insurance paid to you for him killing Grace, also went into the trust. That’s why you would have found out anyway. The trust paid for your costs of living and your allowance too, or Hiram would never have agreed to take you in. I should’ve raised you myself, but Margaret was begging me, saying how much she’d loved Grace, and how much she needed to raise you. So I gave in. I also had to promise never to tell you. I broke that promise today, but she broke hers when they chucked you out.”
Helen felt dazed as the thoughts were criss-crossing through her brain.
“Why ... why did he hate me so much then?”
Trudy shrugged. “Think of it! You were the daughter of his irresponsible sister-in-law and spawned by a heathen and anti-Christ. That’s how he called your father. He was deathly afraid that somebody in his church might find out that he was raising Satan’s child.”
“But he wanted me to marry Edward!”
“Honey, Edward is also an embarrassment to his father. He’s gay. You would have been his beard, and he would have to accept you and somehow perform daily exorcisms on you,” Trudy grinned.
“Edward’s gay? Oh God! Dad ... Gunderson wanted to marry me off to a gay man?” Unconsciously, Helen had quit thinking of him a father in the blink of an eye. “The fucking asshole! Gunderson I mean. That’s why Edward was so understanding — he was being coerced too.”
“Basically yes. He was also secretly planning his coming-out. He broke with his father’s church last year and joined the Immanuel congregation. It’s part of the ELCA, and they ordain LGBT pastors.”
“How do you know that?”
“Oh, Margaret sometimes calls. Let me tell you: she was scandalized about that! Betraying his father like that! It was so funny! Anyway, this is about you. Have you any more questions?”
Helen nodded. “How much is in the trust fund?”
“It started with about $124,000 from the insurances. Another seventy-four thousand were added from the sale of your father’s estate, like the equity in his house, his instruments, his motorcycle. The interest from that was a little over $10,000 per year to which I chipped in another two grand to make it an even thousand per month. That’s what I paid to Hiram and Margaret for your upkeep and allowance.”
“But I’m getting far more from it,” Helen protested.
“That’s because the trust fund stands at $420,000 now. The royalties from his four albums keep trickling in. More importantly, I have also been marketing your father’s catalogue of songs, the unrecorded ones. You can look at the statements. Twelve of his songs were recorded by other musicians after his death, and half of them charted in the Billboard Hot 100. One, Amazing Grace, even went up to Nº 15 seven years back. Of course, it was written about your mother. Kylie Henson just recorded another one, Tormented, a few weeks ago. That’s how I came in contact with her. It’ll come out with her next album.”
“Wow! So he’s been that prolific songwriter, but he wasn’t allowed to sing his own songs?”
“That about covers it. The stuff they let him sing was the chaff, the material he wrote on the road when he was strung out and angry. He had great talent, but he was also quite messed up. His mother was a mess, his adopted father must have been a horrible person, and he never talked about them. Sad.”
“How big a catalogue are we talking?”
“About 80 songs, without the variations. My agent represents the material and makes the deals. You still own each of them by the way. Somebody wants to cover any of the recorded songs, they too have to pay royalties to you.”
“Again, wow! I mean, I can’t hold a tune with a bucket, and here’s my supposed father who was this genius songwriter. What else did you keep from me?”
Trudy made a face. “Well, you’ll find out anyway when you’ll renew your driver’s license next year and get your birth certificate. Your birth name is Melville. The Gundersons adopted you a month after your birth.”
Helen nodded and even smiled as a thought struck her. “Hey, can I revert to Melville?”
Trudy chuckled. “Somehow I saw that one coming.”
Over the next week, Helen scoured the internet and local newspaper archives for traces of Jerry Walker or Def Blind. There was little. His obituary did not name his parents or surviving kin, only his birth date, Oct 11, 1963, his death date, November 29, 1989, his alma mater, his profession, and that he was survived by a daughter, Helen Melville. The obit had been put into the papers by his agent, Drew Hotchkiss, but a further search showed that man to have died ten years ago, with his agency becoming defunct. This was literally a dead end, but Helen resolved to contact his old college for his records.
She also found references to his real name from the songs that were recorded posthumously. There were a lot of sites showing his name, but no information about him as a person. Of his stage persona, Def Blind, there was more material. There was even a fan club still in existence, and on their website his memory was kept alive. The images showed an angry looking man in typical punk regalia with shaven head and blinking metal studs in his ears. It was difficult to associate this person with the songs he had composed but never performed.
She also accompanied Trudy to her lawyer, Irving Weissman, who showed her the documents for her trust fund and let her sign the transfer. Using the opportunity, Helen asked Weissman to start proceedings to revert to her birth name, but also to execute a will, leaving her earthly possessions to her daughter and naming Danny as executor.
When she dropped off Larissa on the next Saturday morning, she decided to tell Danny of the revelations. Contrary to her usual habit, she did not hand over Larissa at the apartment door when Danny opened.
“Hey Danny!” she greeted him with a smile, and he smiled back at her.
“Hey, yourself! Anything I should know before you leave?”
“As a matter of fact, yes. May I come in for a few minutes?”
“Sure. Make yourself at home while I unwrap Larissa.”
She followed him into the apartment and took off her coat while Danny peeled their daughter out of her layers of clothing.
“Let’s go to the kitchen. We’re having breakfast.”
Helen almost backed out, but she reconsidered. Better to get it over with. Ashley and Lynn were at the kitchen table having breakfast, and they greeted Helen friendly before turning their attention to Larissa. Helen sat down on an empty chair and Danny produced a plate, cup, and knife for her before he poured her a coffee. She smiled at him gratefully.
“Thanks! Danny, I need to let you know about a few things.”
His eyebrows went up, but he kept his mouth shut, looking at her expectantly.
“You see, Trudy turned the trust fund over to me last week. She also told me a few things about ... well about me. First things first, though. I made a will, naming Larissa as sole benefactor. I also named you as executor. Are you okay with that?”
Danny was worried she could tell. “Is something... ?”
“No! I was just being careful. The trust fund is larger than I thought, and I want to make sure that Larissa will get what’s hers if I’m run over by a bus.”
“Okay, I can do that,” Danny answered readily. “Anything else?”
“Yeah. Trudy dropped a real bomb on me. I’m not a Gunderson; I was adopted,” Helen stated matter of factly.
Danny studied her for a moment before he replied. “That’s not bad, is it? You don’t have much in common with them anyway. Do you ... You know who your real parents are?”
“Yeah. Trudy had a second daughter, Grace. She died after a car crash in her last month of pregnancy, but the doctors did a C-section to save me. She never saw me, but my Aunt Margaret swooped in and begged Trudy to allow them to adopt me.”
“What about the father?” Ashley asked softly, putting her hand on Helen’s arm.
“He was driving the car. He died instantly. They ... they weren’t married, you know. He was a punk rocker, a local celeb, and he was stoned when they crashed.”
“Oh, shit!” Danny said softly. “Umh, Helen?”
“You’re still better off with them compared with the Gundersons.”
“Yeah, I think that too. Only problem, Trudy had her daughters unmarried. My mother was unmarried, and now I’m a single mother. I’m almost a hereditary slut!”
Danny snorted. “If that’s your problem, forget it. You’re fine just the way you are. Right, girls?”
In a second, both Ashley and Lynn were out of their chairs and hugging Helen from both sides.
“For once, my idiot brother gets it right,” Ashley assured her. “Besides, Irina was a single mom, and so was her mother. You and Danny are in the same boat.”
“Yeah, he’s a hereditary slut too,” Lynn giggled. “We love him anyway, and we love you too.”
Helen exhaled deeply. While her head had told her that this would not change much, except for perhaps some stupid remarks from Danny, she was relieved anyway. She was also happy to note that Danny had his mouth under control. She looked at him and saw his lips twitch. She shook her head.
“Get it out, Danny, before you explode!”
“What? No. I’m only thinking how the Gundersons never gave you a break. It must’ve killed the bigoted bastard that he had to raise you.”
Helen nodded. “That’s what I figure too. Well, I’ve started proceedings to revert to my birth name, Melville.”
“Good for you,” Danny nodded. “Honestly, Helen? I always suspected that you were not Gunderson’s daughter, that maybe your mother — well, aunt — had, umh, contracted you out.”
Helen had to laugh now. “You know, there were times when I thought that too. I mean, the dads of my friends at school were spoiling their daughters rotten, but Gunderson always looked at me with — distaste?”
219 A HEREDITARY PAIN SLUT. [c]It was a few days before they, remembering the security box, found themselves in the vaults of, well, shall we say a popular high street bank. The paperwork completed they produced their key and the manager his then he withdrew. The box, bigger than they had expected and the contents, much more varied, a pack of DVD’s that father had obviously had converted, all in a big manila envelope another envelope of pictures, another of deeds, and a selection of birth,...
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7:05 – Lindsey was finally walking through the parking garage to her car after a long day at work. She worked as a Senior Associate at a large firm, with the title “Partner” in her near future. She was young, twenty nine, but worked her ass off to earn the title. She reached her black BMW made a mental note to not wear her black stiletto’s again tomorrow. They were her favorite, sexiest shoes, but damn, her feet were never quite used to them. 7:12 – “Call Brian,” Lindsey said as she pulled...
ReluctanceRich comes to town. I knew it would not be long after the golf weekend that Rich visited. Turns out I was right.Bryan had kept his word that he intended to be stricter with me going forward. Bryan gave me new rules and requirements that he expected me to follow. He took over all my bills and paid me an allowance to live on from my own check. he taught me how to budget my allowance to make it last. If I spent it all in a few days I went without until he gave me my next allowance.I discovered...
TrueHello kamukta story readers, it’s Rakesh Kumar, age 23 years. Average and fit body with a handsome face. Lund 7.5 inch. Actually, mai assam se bhi belong karta hu but Mai bihar me abhi rahta hu. Aur abhi bussines kar raha hu. If anyone interested in me then you can mail me for real sex. Yeh story 1 year back ki hai jab mera exam tha to mai aur mera ek dost room rent pe liya the, aur kuch he dino baad padosh me ek family rahne aayi. Mom, dad, 2 sister and ek chota bhai tha. Badi bahen ka name...
Hi friends I am Akshay age 22 years old. This is my real story. I am goanna tell you about my sex story with my aunt Richa. She is 36 years old with figure 36b-34-35 and 5.3 all. She is married and mostly she wears saree. My scene with her begins when I used to go her house to teach her 12 year old daughter. So apart from fess I used to do my evening breakfast in her, as my place was far from hers. Hence after I teach her daughter she used to spend time with me from 5-7, as her husband is...
The old butler and his rich bitches. Part 1 Los Angeles, California….. Hammond residence. “Edgar I have a business partner meeting me here for lunch. Make us a spread of food would you.” “Yes sir” a short old man of sixty years old replied, putting on his fake smile as he walked slowly to the house he was INS kitchen. This old man was none other than Edgar Johnson. This man stood at the short height of five foot six, weighed at least sixteen stone. His belly stuck out quite far, he had...
The Road to Jericho By Scott Ramsey Author's Note: This story deals with topics relating to Christianity in a respectful way. If the idea of God offends you, read no further (I will pray for you though). If you are not, I invite you to take a journey down the road to Jericho.... Lightning split the night sky as the rain came down in sheets, obscuring the two lane black top. Jerry Harris strained to see the road ahead, the wipers of his Dodge Ram pickup struggling vainly to...
Hi this is Amit again. I’m sharing another true encounter which happened a few months back. I’m 36, 5’10”, well-built and very adventurous. I live in the western suburbs of Mumbai where the sea breeze blows throughout the day, being on the 12th floor. You can reach me at My society is dominated by working individuals, most of whom come home only to sleep. They are so engrossed in work that I hardly have interacted with most of them. Amongst them was a woman who lived on the 10th floor. I...
The governor's daughters' Cynthia and Stacy knew that their wealth and social status came with certain responsibilities and obligations, whether they wanted to oblige or not. If the truth be known, they didn't give a rat's ass about the immigrant workers, legal or not. They thought minimum wage and access to health benefits (although expensive) was more than fair compensation for allowing the mexican immigrants to work for them. But with all of the uproar in the media of abuse with...
As I've said previous, one of my businesses customizes things, from cars & homes to yachts & night clubs focusing on cool & security - this brings me in contact with what i call the ultra rich, the kinda rich that my rich or your rich dont compare to. These people are just as you would expect them to be if you met them - pushy, snide, demanding, dominating and as CHEAP as they can possibly get when asking for the moon and paying for an astroid. I love their money and despise their...
Author: slaveboyusa Date: 1/3/09 Send comments to: [email protected] Title: How to marry a rich woman. Part 1. Summary: Adam is a cable guy. He always wanted more out of life, but he never got a lucky break. One of his clients is a snobby bitch. Is this opportunity knocking? This story is not related to the movie "Cable Guy". Knock Knock. "It's the cable guy". Said Adam as he stood outside the door.Adam is a 24-year-old cable guy. He does not like the job, but can't afford to...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 Studying the new Calculus course (Calc' 252) went well, which was a considerable relief because of two worries I'd had: I'd feared college courses would get progressively harder, and Calc' 252 was the second course in a sequence, after Calc' 251. All four of my minds were now doing Calc' 252, including the two minds that had done Algebra instead of Calc' 251. Their frequently having to access the memories of #3 and #4 did slow them down quite a lot, but not...
The world had changed diversity had broken down, there was only the rich people and the poor people, the rich ruled and the poor suffered at the hands of the rich. There was a gang of chavs who fought against the rich and they were feared. A chav was a teenager who wore a hooded top track suite trousers called trackies training shoes called trainers and no under ware, they were lawless roamed in gangs and people avoided them if they could even the police stayed clear of them, it was only poor...
Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. A Rich Man’s World There is something pretty special about being rich! I found this out rather later in life than I would have liked when I happened to buy a lottery ticket with the last £2 I had in the world. My wife was at home and we were living on our wits worried about bills coming through...
Divya -heroine Ramu – father old servant Priya -his daughter same age as Divya Roshan – ramu son at village Padma -Ramu kaka ugly sister Chapter 1(Divya humiliation during childhood) Hi, I am Divya, I am a very beautiful girl, I am 18 years old, I am a reporter and my father is a very rich man. Let me define stats I am 32,28,36. My friends say to me that I kind of look like South Indian actress Hansika. Divya (during childhood no sex scenes, only humiliation/head shave) I am 18 years old From...
My name is Pradeep after completing my degree I got offer letter into private sector through campus selection but unfortunately I have to go to Delhi to work and all my friends got placement in Bengaluru itself. One of my friends is in Delhi and he running gym in one of best cities in Delhi and when I reached there he (nazir) took to his place, the area he selected for living and working is same so I liked him and his living style so I decided to stay with him as paying guest. He was also happy...
I thought about what I was about to do all Saturday morning. I was a little nervous but I was also Rich Mann now, not Richard Manning, so my money made me feel more confident. Money could get people to do many things. I planned for my new wealth to benefit me greatly. In the afternoon I headed to the mall which by now would be populated with delightful high school girls. I wandered around for an hour with a big camera around my neck taking in all the pleasing shapes and sizes of girls....
His powerful sense of smell allows him to pick up and track the unmistakable scent of a perverse young woman. Her sexual fluids and sweat giving away to Richter, her insatiable lust and the demented fantasies her mind concocts, draw Richter in with potency. His prey was 23-year-old Elaina. An athletic and pretty blonde girl who was comfortably in her bed, staring at a computer screen. Wearing nought but a night tee, she softly moaned as she stroked her exposed clitoris and buried available...
Hi guys I am Raj from Pune. I am here to share part 2 of my story ‘Lost My Virginity To Richa Bhabhi’ As you all know how I was seduced and laid by Richa bhabhi. Now I had started enjoying my secret life with Richa bhabhi. I had started getting used to Richa bhabhi and we used to chat a lot. Often we would exchange our nude pics with each other. She was a very horny lady. Whenever we would be alone she would ask me for sexual favors. I never used to deny those as I too liked her a lot. She had...
IncestBy : Yadavankit2011 Hi mera name Ankit hai main Delhi se hoon and meri age 25 yr hai. Main married hoon and crazy about sex with privacy because m also a married ye meri 1st story hai main apna exp aapke saath share karna chahta hoon main mahipalpur main ek company main job karta hoon yahn per customer care main ek girl hai jiska name richa hai uski age 22 yr, hight 5.2 and figure 34,28,36 hoga wo jyadater salwaar suit and kabhi kabhi jenas and t shir pahanti hai. She is very beautiful and...
Wife flirt inside house while husband wait outsideI keep roaming in that area to find saloon, but I didn’t find any saloon in area. I was angry why I didn’t shave myself that way I would have got opportunity to stay around bungalow. I have to go 7 km back to find saloon. I go in saloon & one guy shaves me, He was watching one romantic & bold songs on his TV, It was song “zara zara behakta hai aaj to mera tan badan” from RHTDM movie. I was imagining my wife Meenakshi & Vijendra in...
This is Vinay working in a software company and staying in Hyderabad. I have athletic body and very good experience and a pro in pleasuring rich hot aunties. Hot rich Aunties and girls from Hyd Reply to my mail for such experiences. After my graduation in Tamilnadu, I got placed in a software company in Hyderabad as developer. I was staying with my friend based out of Hyderabad in a 2 bhk where the apartment has two floors. We were staying in the ground floor and his aunty was in the first...
Hi, guys, I am Raj age 22 from Delhi. I am a big fan Of ISS and often used to read stories here. I was a virgin till now and used to fantasize about girls, bhabhis, and aunties a lot. So I will come to the story directly. I got admission in a college in Pune and started staying in Pune in a rented flat. My cousin’s brother Prakash used to stay in Pune along with my aunt. Her wife Richa and 6-year old son Vedansh. I was quite close to him since my childhood. So I used to visit their place a lot....
IncestLet me tell you first that is the exact thing which happened with me and nothing is made up except if there are any names which are changed!!I am a doctor myself and 28 years old!! I am of athletic build but not average height of 5’7!! I am not a huge guy but yes I can charm people with my looks and sense of humor. This is the story about the girl named Dr.Richa who was an MBBS doc in the same hospital I worked and the hottest lady around.She was of the same height as mine but was very cute and...
Time: October 23, 8235 4:27 PM When we arrived at Jizari's airport, I was given some unexpected information. A high ranking Royal was in the city and wanted to travel immediately to Aleppo. He had commandeered my Guild's ramjet. Abigail and I had few minutes and we went to find a quiet place to sit in Security's VIP lounge. I pulled out my scheduler and typed in a few queries. I looked up and gave Abigail a small smile. "It's not so bad. There's a non-stop rail connection from Aleppo...
Try as they might, there were no opportunities for Danny and Rosalind to deepen their acquaintance beyond kissing and some clandestine petting on the beach. Mrs. Crawler might approve of Danny as a person, but she was very adept at preventing them from being alone somewhere. Twice, Danny asked Rosalind to go out with him to a restaurant, and both times Mrs. Crawler countered with a dinner invitation of her own. It was a little frustrating. Still, Danny enjoyed being with Rosalind and he kept...
Hi, I am Aman meri age 25 years hai aur mein smart hoon mein aaj apko apni real sex story ke bare mein batata hoon. Ek baar mein yahoo messenger pe chat kar raha tha to ek ladki jiska name richa aur who hissar mein rehti hai. Usne mujhe apni photo dikhayi. Who married thi aur bahut hi sexy thi. Uske boobs bahut ache the. Maine usey phone sex karne ke liye kaha aur who ready ho gayi. Kuch der sex ke bare mein chat karne ke baad usne mera number manga aur maine usey de diya. Usne kaha who raat...
Introduction: A married couple with all the money they could want seek out whatever pleasures they desire. If this is popular, more will follow. Yellow sunlight seeped through the thin curtains as Miriam Hargreaves sat at the antique vanity table in the corner of the grand bedroom, delicately applying her make-up. Wrapped in a fluffy bath robe and with her long, chestnut hair still wet from the shower, she applied the make-up deliberately and precisely. She was tall and slim, her skin...
Elizabeth Jamieson and her son James, were far from being poor, when James was 10 his father a very prominent businessman had died in a freak auto accident. Leaving both James and his mother well over $30 million in insurance as well as numerous estates and titles.Still living in the lavish home James had decided to take a year off his studies to further his martial arts training, as well as he put it to develop his mind.His mother, Elizabeth enjoyed the rich and lavish lifestyle her self often...
Hi, I am Amit, living in an amazing society in city Meerut, UP. I am a tall, handsome and very very sarcastic, 6 feet 5, fit body and have a serious look on my face most of the time. I have been living here since 1999, completed all my education here and went to another city in southern India for work. I worked for 4 years and saved a little money. I got back to the city in May 2019 for higher education which I am still taking in 2 fields from distance mode. I was not very fit in my student...