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My name is Jen. I just graduated high school last month. My Junior year following the August incident in the clearing (Origins) was spent in fear and self-loathing. I went back to school that year in fear of hearing the rumors. Wondering when the shoe was gonna fall. I had nightmares of coming to school and finding those still frames from Corey’s camera phone plastered along the hallways. My cum-drenched face, body bent over on my hands and knees, taking it up the ass. I was so racked with fear I cut my hair, dyed it black, and started wearing colored contacts. Anything to hide my identity. My friends shunned me, my parents sent me to a shrink, and I just started pulling in my antenna. Disconnect. I could not tell anyone what had happened. If I did the shit-storm would start, and I would not be able to handle it. I took every step preparing for that day when “boom” everyone would find out. I staggered through that entire junior year waiting. The summer came and I feared the memories would all come back. That THEY would all come back. I asked my parents if I could stay with my grandma in Tenn. I think they were happy to get rid of me, my black hair, and my utter silence.

That summer I let my hair grow back. I started playing tennis again, got back into shape. I let the black dye grow out and away. I kept to myself, but I had the comfort of knowing no one in Tenn could know, or could ever know. It was a blanket of security, and under that blanket I started healing in a way.

When I came back home in late August I was more prepared to deal with whatever would come to light. I was still terrified that first month of my senior year. I got to Homecoming still waiting for some prank, some picture to go viral. I was waiting for people to start pointing at me, laughing. I waited…….but nothing came. THEY were gone, and more importantly THEY kept their word.

After Christmas I started being social again. My hair was fully blond again, I missed tennis season, but stayed in shape regardless. I started seeing a guy from the tennis club, but I still could not let anyone get close. I was uncomfortable even kissing him. He lost interest after 5-6 dates. In March I started dating a lacross player, Kevin. He was cool and mature for a high school boy. He didn’t seem as preoccupied with getting laid as his lacross buddies were. We spent time together, I got comfortable kissing and petting again. Whenever he tried rubbing my leg or caressing my breast I would shut down. He seemed to respect my space, apologize, and take me home. He was rather cavalier about it, saying it was “…ok, we’re both going different directions after graduation anyway. No sense in starting something we can’t finish.” He would let me out, walk me to the door, kiss me on the cheek, and leave. What drove me completely mad was I would go to my room play with my clit for hours on end. I would not fantasize about Kevin. I certainly did not dream about THEM. I was blank. There were no knights in shining armour, no heroes in my mind’s eye. Those nights with Kevin, it was like HE flicked a switch and my body reacted, but I just couldn’t SHARE it with him. It was like a compulsion: straight to my room, lock the door, kill the lights, lie on my back, close my eyes, and let the darkness swallow me as the first wave of heat spread out from my clit, up through my stomach, swelling my tits while flowing down my legs, contracting my calves, and curling my toes. I started placing a towel under my pussy because some nights the flow just wouldn’t stop. I felt so bad for Kevin, he didn’t know what he had started.

Kevin asked me to Prom and I accepted. In the 2 months we had dated, I had grown accustomed to the ROUTINE. I was becoming whole again, I was looking forward to going to State in the Fall and starting over --- just like I did in Tenn. The security of anonymity was on the horizon. I still had one fear: I could not go to college with this same sexual hang-up. No one in college would put up with the ROUTINE I had with Kevin. I had to overcome that hurdle. Kevin was deserving and I thought the post graduation party at Smitty’s Lake house would be it. Kevin would leave for Fort Bragg 4 days later with a smile on his face and I would know what “normal” sex should be like. No issues, no ties, no pressure, no summer relationship. State college in the Fall and a new lease on life and sex-life.

Smitty was a spoiled rich kid. He made the lacross team, but never played. Several girls dated him and got fucked over. He was a liar, a coward, but a good talker. Future car salesman of the year. Everyone at our school knew he was a fake, knew his charm was dime-store at best. His date went to Morristown High, 40 miles south. We all knew it was our last real party before Kevin left so there were elaborate plans for dinner before heading to the 10-kegger at Smitty’s.

Russ and Leia, Joe and Kelly, Kevin and I had reservations at Killian’s steakhouse. Leia, Kelly and I decided to dress to the nines for Kevin’s last night. I had the white nylons, garters, 4” heels, silver cocktail dress cut mid thigh, ruby-red lipstick, and intensions to match. Two days before, I went to the spa and got a brazillian wax. I had two days before the party so the irritation was past. Ten minutes before he picked me up I decided to not even wear any panties.
Dinner went seamlessly for Kevin and I. Leia must have been ragging, because she would not let Russ breathe without snapping at him. Kelly didn’t seem to be feeling well and we dropped her home before heading to the Lake house. Joe felt like a 5th wheel, that is until we heard the party kicking.

It wasn’t a 10-kegger, but there were at least 70 people throughout the 3500 sq ft mansion on the lake. The deck was massive and had a stairway that wound down to the boathouse and private dock. Kevin and I made the rounds and I had a couple glasses of wine. I felt good and had another glass, or was it two. I started counting down the number of people at the party. When it got down to 12 I would take Kevin back to our room.

Smitty’s date had already thrown her drink in his face by 11pm. Joe was eyeing any unattached female in sight. Russ had had enough and told Leia to go home with her friend Lisa because she was being a bitch. Teddy and Kim were already back in their room for the night while Rick and Lynn were on their way = 12 plus a handful of straglers down by the boathouse. I wasted no time and pulled Kevin back in our corner room. There was a queen size bed, a massive window overlooking the lake, a couple dressers, and the door to the bathroom. Kevin sensed my urgency and swept me off my feet once in the room. I smiled, kicked off the heels, as he laid me down on the bed. He kissed my lips, down my neck, gently slid the dress off my shoulders, and kissed my left breast through the silver fabric and lace bra underneath. My nipples shot right through both. His right hand traced from my knee, up my white nylons, then under my dress. He cupped my left buttock lifting me off the bed. His other hand slipped under and pulled the dress up to my waist. The nylon tops and garters were in full view. His eyes widened as he realized I had no panties. He raised his head to meet my eyes --- I was frozen. The minute he pulled my dress up I shut down again.

“You’re kidding…hello, earth to Jen.” he mocked. My arms were locked in place at my sides. “Really, c’mon Jen. Really?” Disgusted he dropped me back on the bed. As I bounced off the sheets, I regained my senses.

“Wait,” I pleaded, “Just give me a minute. I’m sorry.” I pushed my dress back down, covering up. He squinted his eyes at me as I got off the bed to my feet. “Just give me a minute.” And I raced to the bathroom door.

I closed the door resting my head against it as I turned the lock. My left hand had already pulled up my dress, middle finger tweaking my clit. I closed my eyes as I backed away from the bathroom door feeling the dampness increase between my legs. I backed into the wall, eyes still closed I reached my right hand feeling out the shower door railing. I turned 90 degrees to the right and opened my eyes and was greeted with my reflection in the bathroom mirror: dress up to my waist now, left hand furiously massaging my clit and labia, my juices running down my leg wetting the top of my white nylons. I propped my left leg up on the vanity counter spreading my legs wider, viewing my pink bald pussy in the mirror. I closed my eyes for a moment and mouthed the words before slipping one finger inside. I opened my eyes to my reflection and spoke the words in a whisper to myself, “I want you to fuck me.” Eyes closed, another finger slowly in, then out. Eyes open, seeing myself say the words a little louder, “I want you to fuck me.” Eyes closed as my fingers increased the tempo, “I want you to fuck me.”

There was a mechanical whirring and click. Panicked, I quickly turned my head 90 degrees to the right.

“This piece of shit only records 120 seconds per video file, but that was a HOT 120 seconds!” Smitty chuckled.

I had no idea this was an adjoining bathroom with the next bedroom.

I barely had time to get my leg down from the counter as he rushed toward me, tossing the cell phone on the vanity counter, then grabbing both of my upper arms pinning me against the locked bathroom door. “You want me to fuck you. I’ll fuck you.” He reached down between my legs and felt my wetness, “Look at you! You already creamed down your leg.”
The thud my body made on the door must have been loud because Kevin called from the other side, “You alright in there?”

I smiled knowing Smitty would not have me as long as Kevin was on the other side of the door. “Fuck you Smitty.” I half hissed in his face.

His right hand left my pussy and reached for the lock. It was already locked, I was amused Smitty didn’t already know that seeing this was his place. When he unlocked it and grabbed the door handle I got confused. “We’re coming out Kev.” he yelled.

Smitty turned me around and pulled me back to his chest, opened the door, and with both hands firmly around my upper arms pushed me into the corner room in front of Kevin.

I was confused, Kevin looked confused, but Smitty was confident, “Look at her Kev.” pushing me a step closer, “Look at her.”

My dress was still up over my waist, bald pussy red with activity, juices wetting the top of my white nylons, “Look at her.” Smitty insisted.

Slowly and angrily Kevin boar down a stare at Smitty, “Take your hands off her Smitty. Take your hands off her now!”

Smitty did not waver, “Kev, listen to me closely. This little tease has blue-balled you for 2 months now.” He said calmly as he slid one hand down to my pussy. “She wants to fuck, and she wants to fuck now!” his middle finger flicked my clit.

My mouth opened with a gasp, then a low releasing sigh as I closed my eyes. Another trickle of pussy juice was rolling down my leg.

Kevin was silent. As I opened my eyes I found myself gathering my senses. Kevin wasn’t fully sold with what Smitty was selling. I had to fight my own pussy’s will and forcefully shake my head in discomfort to bring Kevin fully to my side. The anger returned to his stare as he fixed again on Smitty, but before Kevin could say a word, “Kev, I’ll show you the recording.”

Shit. Fuck. No. No one can see that. It’s on the vanity counter. I can’t let Kevin see that. I can’t let anyone see that. “No.” was all I could get out.

Kevin stepped toward me inches from my face.

“No.” I said reaching a hand out to Kevin stopping him, then holding a finger up to his lips, “Shhhh.” Then I said it, “I want you to fuck me.”

Kevin’s mouth widened in amazement. It was a moment I had been looking for, but it didn’t last.

“See Kev, I told you.” Smitty laughed. He still had me by the arms and just walked me past Kevin to the bed. I could see my reflection in the dresser mirror as I came to the edge of the bed. Kevin was still trying to register Smitty’s intent, feet still locked in place, just turning his head to us at the edge of the bed. Smitty pulled the zipper of my dress and it hit the floor.

Kevin was putting it together, and wasn’t fully on board. I wanted him to grab Smitty by the neck and throw him out of the room. I wanted him to save me. I needed a hero, I needed that knight in shining armour to come to my rescue. I needed to get to Smitty’s cell phone and delete that recording.

Smitty was all-in, and he pushed it farther pulling my hair back, “Say it again. Say it again bitch!” he demanded.

My pussy took over, “I want you to fuck me.”

He yanked again, “Say what you REALLY want slut.”

My pussy started flowing juices, “I want you BOTH to fuck me.”

With that Smitty threw me face first down on the bed, “Get that ass in the air,” he demanded. I complied, arching my back, raising my pert lilly white ass. Smitty gave my left cheek a stern slap, then rubbed it with his palm. A second slap, rub. A third slap got the gasp out of me he was looking for.

“Step right up Bro.” Smitty said offering my bald pussy and reddened ass for the taking. I could see in the mirror, Kevin unbuckled his pants, dropped his shorts, but he wasn’t quite up to the task. He was still weirded out by the situation. Smitty waited for only a moment, then shook his head, “She ain’t no virgin. So I know I’m not the first.” He then pulled my hair back again, “And I know I won’t be the last to get a piece tonight.” He dropped his pants and mounted my sopping wet pussy. First stroke right to the hilt. My head wanted to rock forward, but he still had a fistful of my blond hair.

I let out an, “Ahh!” as he just held that stroke against my cervix. His full 8 inches thrust out and into my womb as he continued to yank my hair back, and pull my hips back onto his cock.

“Yeah! Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.” he snarled. I was at the edge of the bed and he was standing for that first thrust. He kept holding it there like he wanted to see just how deep he could go into me.
I took in a breath but let out a louder, “AHHHH!” as he kept pulling me back on his cock.

He finally seemed to retract, allowing my body to fall a few inches farther onto the bed. About half of his 8 inches recoiled as he still had hold of my now strained hair. Then he fully lunged forward, jumping off the floor, full 200 pounds of his weight behind that cock. My knees went out, legs flattened, as he violently surged into my battered bald pussy. Landing on top of me, his weight knocked the air out of my lungs.
“UHHHHHHH!” was all I could get out of my mouth. He continued the assault with full length, sharp thrusts all the while hissing in my ear, “I’m gonna ride you like a bitch.”

He propped my knees up while doggying me, my arms peeled back at my sides, chin in the sheets. He tossed me from side to side one hand on my hip other full of my hair. I could see myself in the mirror, arms flailing, being rag-dolled mercilessly. Smitty had fucked me to the other edge of the bed. In the mirror I could see Kevin, completely disrobed stroking his 10 inch cock. Smitty caught it too, “Kevin, come around this side.” motioning him to my front, “and fuck that sexy little mouth of hers.”

Kevin strolled to my waiting mouth. He was fully erect now and BIG. Where there was hesitation before, there was none here. He dick slapped me on one cheek then the other. It was as hard as a rock. A little pre-cum smeared my left cheek. Kevin noticed too, he was close.
Smitty was getting all riled up with the dick slapping. Kevin held his cock with one fist inches from my mouth. “Spit on it.” Smitty hissed.

Kevin rolled his tongue around in his mouth gathering liquid.

Smitty broke out in laughter, “Kev,” he chuckled, “I wasn’t talking to you!” Smitty yanked my hair back lifting my hands off the bedding, “Spit on his cock. Spit on it like a whore.” and he threw me back down.
I looked up at Kevin and spat on the head of his cock. I lifted my head and spat again along the shaft. I looked up at him again.

And with that he ordered me, “Open your mouth whore.” There are no heroes, no knights in shining armour. I opened my mouth and he started pumping feverishly.

Smitty started egging him on, “Get her Kev. Fuck that face, fuck it good. Choke that slut with that big cock.”
Kevin could not hold back and just started pumping his load down my throat. He was grunting leaning his head back, both hands on the back of my head fucking my face with reckless abandon. His cum was leaking out the sides of my mouth. Spit and drool were running down my chin to the bedding and floor. Kevin kept pumping till he was sure he was dry. He pulled out of my mouth and wiped the spit and cum off his cock and onto my cheeks.

Smitty was hollering, “Ain’t that a beautiful thing: swallows and cleans up her own mess.” he never stopped pumping my pussy.

What’s all the racket in here…whoa!” Joe stopped at the bathroom entrance.

I could hear Russ behind him, “What the fuck Joe, what’s going on?”

Smitty pulled his cock out quickly and yanked me up off the bed again turning me to face Joe and Russ. He dragged me off the bed to the floor. I tried to stand, but he ordered, “On your knees whore.”

Both their eyes widened as I crawled on all fours, Smitty leading me by my the hair. “Up for a gang-bang on Jen?”

Joe unzipped his fly and said, “Oh yeah.” nodding in anticipation.

“Russ, is there anyone left down at the boathouse?” Smitty asked.

“Some guys came over from across the bay.” Russ answered, “I don’t even know their names.”

“If anyone wants a piece, let em’ come.” he pulled my head up and stuck two fingers in my mouth, “This little whore has only one thing to say.”

He removed his fingers and put me back on all fours, “Say it. Say it again.”

“I want you to fuck me.” it wasn’t even me talking, just that darkness that used to cover over me in my bedroom.

“And what is it you want us to do to you?” Smitty hesitated, then clarified, “What is it called? What is it called you want us to do to you?”

“ I want you to gang-bang me. I want to get gang-banged! I want to get gang-banged!” I shouted.

Russ went running.

Smitty pulled me to Joe’s now rigid 7 inch cock, “That’s a good girl. Suck his cock.” He then looked to Joe as I gobbled down his pole, “Ain’t that the truth,” he said with a chuckle, “a girl can’t help but smile with a dick in her mouth. Ever notice that Joe?”

Joe had one hand on the back of my head, the other under my chin, just going to town on my face.

Smitty stood there smiling. I tried to brace myself by placing my hands on Joe’s legs, but Smitty barked, “Hands behind your back! No hands. Don’t you know anything little girl?”

I heard footsteps down the hall, the door to the room opened and more guys came in through the bathroom door. I don’t know how many. Joe started bucking wildly, furiously fucking my face, then stiffened and he shot a couple streams of cum down my throat. He made sure I finished with a few more pumps, then withdrew with a regret, “Damn, I wanted to hold off ‘cause I really wanted to tap that pussy.”

Smitty chimed in, “Everybody’s getting a turn Joe. You’ll have plenty of time, my parents aren’t getting back till Monday. We got her for the weekend.”

The first wave of four guys kept me on my knees with my arms behind my back. The fuckers just took turns face fucking me. Smitty called it blow-bang 101.

They pulled the mattress down to the floor and got me on my back. Two guy tag-teams fucked my face and pussy. Joe got to doggy style me while some little fat physics geek violated my mouth. This fat little shit kept talking the entire time he pumped my face, “I’m fucking Jen Taylor in the mouth! I’m fucking Jen Taylor in the mouth. I can’t wait to tell the physics summer class I fucked Jen Taylor in the mouth.”
The rest of the guys in the room were laughing hysterically as this geek lived out his wildest fantasy. “ You get her Einstein. Fuck her mouth to infinity and beyond!”

This was the only time he got included with the popular crowd and he was eating the attention up, “You want me to cum in her face!” he shouted to one side of he room, “You want me to cum in her face!” He turned down to me, “Look at me Jen, look at me Jen.” I looked up defeatedly, “I’m gonna cum in your face. I’m gonna cum in your face Jen!” He pulled out and let me have it: on my cheeks, up my nose, in my eyes, on my forehead. The little guy must have been storing this load all his life because he let me have at least 8 streams of cum all over my face. He shook his cock letting the last drops of cum fly in my hair. My eyes were gobbed shut with his jizz so I didn’t know what he was doing. The little bastard stepped to my left side and stuffed his flaccid cock in my ear. He squeezed the last spurt of cum into my ear canal. “I came in her ear guys.” The room erupted with more laughter. The little shit leaned over and whispered into my cum filled ear, “I’m the first guy to ever cum in your ear Jen. Remember my name, Leonard Faherty. Remember me, you used to call me Fagerty, Jen. You used to make fun of my name Jen. Now you’re gonna remember my name for the rest of your life Leonard F-A-H-R-T-Y.” He was so excited he spelled his own name wrong. His blood must have been boiling, I couldn’t see it, but when everybody burst out laughing that he spelled his name wrong, his anger burst.

Poor Joe, was pumping along at my pussy, trying to mind his own cock when this little fucker shoved him off the mattress. He spit on my ass and I felt his newly hardened cock at my asshole, “Think that’s funny, Jen? Take this,” and he shoved it all in. I could feel my sphincter tear again as I let out a shrilled scream. “Yeah, I thought so.” he exclaimed. Then it started all over again, “I’m fucking Jen Taylor in the ass! I’m fucking Jen Taylor in the ass.”

Joe picked himself off the floor and pumped his long awaited load in my mouth.

Someone else started in my mouth as I barely had time to swallow Joe’s load. Whomever it was, they were quick, pulled out and sprayed my face. It seemed to be MY NEW ROUTINE: doggy style, face fuck, and facial. The little physics nerd was alternating raping my ass and pussy. Then he pulled out quickly, pulled me back away from the cock in my mouth, and started face fucking me again with his shit-covered cock. He blew a second load on my face and in my other ear. He wiped off his spent shit smelling cock in my matted blond hair. Before he finished the indignity he leaned down and hissed his name once more, “That’s Leonard Faherty, the guy that fucked you in every hole you got, Leonard F-A-H-E-nR-T-Y.”

The crowd rotated two to three at a time. Everyone preferred doggy styling either in my ass or battering my bald pussy. I alternated blowing one cock to the next. Guys would blow their load in my mouth and make me swallow or pull out and face blast me, towel off and face blast me again.

My nylons were in tatters, my blond hair matted with cum, my legs weak unable to support any weight. I passed out as I heard the birds start chirping.

I woke up in the tub, shower water falling down on my sore body. I had a few bruises. I was bleeding anally from repeated spit lubed fucking. I cleaned up, got out of the shower, found some sweats, t-shirt, socks, and a pair of slippers. The cell phone was still on the vanity. I pulled the sim card out, flushed it, and broke the rest of the phone into several pieces. I peeked my head into the corner room to find it empty. I looked at the clock. It was a classic three armed clock with the days of the week on a roller. It was 1215 pm on MONDAY! I had been passed out for two days.

I passed a couple of guys passed out in the living room. In the kitchen I found a set of Honda keys, I took them and ran to the landing. There were three cars in the driveway. I clicked the door-unlock button on the set of keys. A white Accord further up the driveway beeped. I turned the key, punched up the GPS, and found my way home.

I parked the car two blocks from my house, wiped the steering wheel down, and walked home.

My parents were pissed and threatened to send me to rehab. Really? Rehab for what? For getting raped. Then I thought hard about what I could remember. Six words stuck out in my mind “I-want-you-to-fuck-me.” I shook my head. I need help. I’m leaving for college in two months, the only sex I’ve had has been in teams, and I can’t control my pussy.

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This is my first story so bear with me. This will be the first in a series of stories about my sexual exploits. All stories are 100% true. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. Love to hear your thoughts. So, first, a little about me. I didn't start life as a dominant black bull. I was always a somewhat cool k** in school. In high school, I had convinced most of my friends that I was a ladies man. In truth, I had never even kissed a girl. This continued in college. I had...

3 years ago
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Bugs and the Realtor

I'm not sure if it was the phone or the sunlight streaming through the window that woke me. I know that the alarm wasn't set so it wasn't that. I checked the phone and sure enough there had been a call. The call was from a real estate agent. His office wanted pictures for their magazine advertisement. The picture that was taken by the Magazine photographer was a group shot and terrible according to the agent. Everybody in the office wanted a separate picture. "So what would you charge to...

4 years ago
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Prince Charming

“Don’t ever stop being dandy, showing me you’re handsome” – Adam Ant Rainforest orchid wrapped ’round geranium, orange rind and lavender steam, pillowing all my senses as I lay soaking, gently stroking my cock basted in sensual essences. My indolent genital pondering in the water like an Oblomov splayed upon the mattress, no response as I puttied it gently from one side of my hips to the other with one thing in mind, paddling idly through the ripples of my foggy lust with five flippant...

1 year ago
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xHamster Creampie

I’ll never get tired of reviewing this kind of shit, I swear. You’d think that after a thousand or so reviews of creampie sections, I’d start to get sick of watching them, but there’s something about watching cum ooze out of a girl’s ass or pussy that just gets me hard every single time. Hell, I could be freshly spent, and sometimes I’ll just check out some creampie videos if I’m feeling like consuming some art, because that’s what creampies are. They’re an art form. Some people think that all...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Me My Wife and Men revised

I awoke the next day after having the best nights sleep ever. I tried to open my eyes but they were stuck together from the night before. I finally got them open and looked at my wife who also had cum on her face and in her hair. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to drink when I heard someone say is that you Stacy. I immediately recognized the voice to be Rods’ but my wifes’ name is Samantha so I answered no. Rod got up and came to the kitchen and said yes you are Stacy...

Group Sex
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Her heartbeat quickened as she approached the entrance. Her mind raced with doubts yet her body moved forward. Wild thoughts zipped through her mind as to what kind of place she was walking into....a dark dungeon, seedy, dirty in her mind's eye...definitely not the kind of place she would normally frequent. The lure, though, was her curiosity about the art of tatooing - the people, the artistry, the reason why people repeatedly punish their bodies with reverberating needles; why they would want...

3 years ago
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Social Service Of Love 8211 Part 2

Hello all, I am back ek nayi story ke saath ek baar phir mera intro de du I am a healthy boy of age 24yrs. My name is prithvi kapoor me ek bade family ko belong karta hun aur haal filal Indore me rehta hun ..Maine kai tarah ki social services karte logo ko dekha tooh mene bhi decide kiya jis bhi lady ya girl ko life me pyar samaan ya respect nhi mila me uska hissedar banunga aur unhe o pyar or pleasure dunga. So ab story pe aata hun. March ke target pure hone ke baad april me itna load nhi...

3 years ago
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Under his spell

I had always been an innocent girl. It’s not that I was afraid or didn’t like boys or sex, it was that I genuinely didn’t know. I wasn’t brought up particularly sheltered, and I knew about boys and girls, it’s just that I was innocent, too innocent.I had just turned twenty-two and my mother decided that enough was enough. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t mature enough or something like that, but I was oblivious to the opposite sex, or the same sex for that matter.What I did know about, was...

Mind Control
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An old friend comes to stay and gets more hospital

I married Jane when we were both still in college, alittle over ten years ago. They have been a great tenyears. I just had my 32nd birthday, and Jane’s is in acouple of months.Jane still looks fantastic. We walk or cycle almosteveryday, and she teaches an aerobic class at thecommunity center. He body is firmer and tighter, now,than it was when I met her. She is 5’6″, weighs about110-115, and measures in at an eye-catching 36-24-35.She has deep green eyes, a great complexion, and brightblonde...

1 year ago
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What’s the deal with most free porn sites only offering short clips? I hope vPorn, aka Porn One doesn't do this! What the fuck am I supposed to do with a video of some pornstar sucking a dick for three minutes with no cumshot? It sucks. I hate having to replay the good ones over and over again to even get anywhere in my jerk sesh. I need both hands. Then the sites that usually offer the full-length movies are sketchy as shit. It’s a constant struggle, and I am sure I’m not alone in my search...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Lesleys fucks away from home part 5

Since our last story Lesley came off the pill and was trying to fall pregnant, so I was going to have to wait a while to see her being fucked by someone else which wasn’t going to be easy as I was getting use to enjoying watching her will other guys. It was about 3 months now and I was talking dirty to her every night about what had happen in the past, when one night she turned to me as she was cuddling up to me in bed and very softly stoking my hardening cock and said in a wickedly sexy voice....

1 year ago
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Our New Neighbor Takes OverChapter 4

I woke up at a little before eight the next morning. My first reaction was amusement. I hadn’t even thought about it when I went to bed last night but for the first time in my life I slept in the nude. I like it! In the next moment the dreams I experienced last night came flooding into my conscious mind. Unfortunately, my mind seemed determined to dismiss the nicer ones and wallow in the darkness of the dreams about Sean even though there was almost no detail to those dreams; just vague...

2 years ago
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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 16

Zoe was convinced that the crisis had been adverted and that Sally was going to be fine now, but James wasn't as sure. Together, the trio had managed to pull Sally out of the downward spiral, but there was still a maelstrom brewing in her head. He had the feeling that there was a lot more going on in her mind than her father abandoning her and her mother's drunken, but still tragic, death. She was going to need professional help, not just the loving support of her friends, though she would...

3 years ago
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a quick night

There was this girl back in high school my senior year. apparently shes been stalking me for some time and had a wild crush on me! when she decided it was time she acted she requested me on facebook. i accepted and we started talking on there. a week later we video chated and she told me her fantasies. she said how she always wanted to suck a guys dick just to see how it is. she never tried it! and me as a virgin started to get a little horny now. she contiued to tell me how always found her...

1 year ago
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Susan Finds Bliss in Liverpool

My name is Susan Smart, I am a petite blond, looking fit to fuck at forty-three years of age, so they tell me. I divorced in my thirties and lived happily with my daughter Debbie until she married her long-term boyfriend Mike last year.I have enjoyed relationships with both sexes, including my boss, daughter, and her mother-in-law. I am addicted to corporal punishment since my school experiences and it plays a massive part in my life.I have an active sex life which usually includes my caning...

1 year ago
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Song For Maria

Juan Gutierrez was restless. Maria, his wife, had gone to Mexico for a month-long visit with her parents and siblings. That was three weeks ago and he missed her terribly. She was the heart and soul of his life. He missed her cheerful bustling around the apartment. He missed the flash of her eyes. He missed her full strong laughter in the face of all life’s problems. He missed her body. How he missed her body. Her rich brown skin. Her deep brown hair. The wave-like sway of her breasts. The...

2 years ago
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I got married very young & my husband was cheating on me. So being a red blooded super sexual Latina I said two can play this game. This is the 1st time I actually had a sexual encounter while being married. After work my girlfriends, who were all still single & we were all in our early twenties, would go to Happy Hour. At first I wouldn't consider going but due to my husbands neglect I got up the courage & started joining them on occasion. Besides I enjoyed the attention I got from...

3 years ago
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Fighting for Survival

Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of fiction. It does not depict any actual person or events. There are elements of stalking, rape, and violence. If any of those elements disturb you, please navigate away from this page. I do not condone the acts in this story in any way. It was born from a dream that I couldn’t get out of my head and bloomed into the somewhat lengthy but intense story you find below. Feel free to comment, send feedback, and rate this story. I always enjoy hearing what...

3 years ago
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Reception Pennai Usar Seithen

Hello friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexyaana mulai vaithu irukum pennai eppadi usar seithu avaludan kama uravu konden enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. En peyar magath, vayathu 25 aagugirathu parka sexyaaga irupen. Sexyaana aadaigal thaan athigam aniven, tshirt aninthu irukum pozhuthu jeans aniven. Appadi aniyum pozhuthu thaan sunni pudaipaaga theriyum, pengal en sunni meethu aasai paduvaargal. Oru naal en nanbanudan maruthuva manaiku sendru irunthom, avanuku...

3 years ago
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Tempestuous Ch 02

Chapter 2 – The diabolic doll It was the beginning of summer but one would never know by the unpredictable weather. The sun was attempting to shine, but it was dulled by the minor storm. The wind whistled, the swelled clouds were ready to burst and the smell of the upcoming rain dominated the air. It seemed as if the summer was still stuck in spring. There were no early summer beach days, no family picnics in the park, no big barbecue bashes in the backyard. It was proving to be a disastrous...

1 year ago
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Two Girls caught up in a Wild Swingers Party

I looked across at Lucy, her head drooped onto her chest, she was pissed and it showed, no wonder the guy next to her had a smile on his face, I could make out his hand was busy under the table and his wife, who was also worse for wear with booze, was oblivious of her husbands meanderings with the drunk teenager beside him.I also had to contend with the middle-aged Casanova beside me. He too was too far gone to appreciate the nubile nymphet by his side. I sat with his fat paw on my inner mid...

3 years ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 4 Leaving

As promised, Laura called me every day during my last three weeks at the stateside base, always at eight p.m., always for 15 minutes. We talked about everything. "Have your toe nails grown out?" she asked one night. "What?" "You cut them too short. I noticed the nail on your pinkie was cut to the quick. Remember? You were doing me with your big toe and I saw how short your nails are." "Laura, I didn't 'do you' with my big toe, it must have been someone else. You must be...

4 years ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 5

Daphne shivered, she was so tempted, but the situation was very strange. The man had something about him, he was eloquent and persuasive, but something made her cautious. Was it the environment she wondered? She had never been in a building like this one, or witnessed as many wonders in such a short period of time. The man returned and immediately spoke. He had a strange Germanic accent that had only added to the queerness of the day. "Well my Lady Daphne is your mind now knowing what it...

4 years ago
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Didi Ki Shaddi Me Boyfriend Mila

Hello friend main pallavi hu main Nagpur ki rahne wali ladki hu. Meri cast Rajput kshatriya hai. Sabhi log jaante hai Rajput kshatriya ke ladke aur ladkiya kaisi hoti hai. Main 20 saal ki hu aur main BCA kar rahi hu main 2nd year me padh rahi hu. Meri figure 30 28 32 hai main thodi slim type ki ladki hu. Main ye sochti thi ki ISS par ladkiya story send nahi karti hogi par kuch ladkiyo ki story padhi hai isliye main bhi story send karna chahti hu. Main apne mummy papa ki akeli ladki hu. Isliye...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Lana Rhoades Stephanie West Lana Rhoades Introduces Stephanie West To Her First Anal

Lana Rhoades takes it in the ass and helps her friend Stephanie West with her FIRST ANAL with Jules Jordan! Lana & Stephanie show up looking hot as hell in matching black and pink lingerie with stockings and high heels, and matching pink butt plugs. There’s a plate of strawberries and whipped cream on the counter so Lana decides that they should show off their dick sucking skills on the strawberries. They pull out their tits and put whipped cream on their nipples then take turns...

3 years ago
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My Interview With Mr Pamby

I got to the local TV station where I work early that morning. Everyone was there, waiting for the day's Assignment. Our Program Director is Fred Dewberry. He runs the place - well sort of... By the time I walked in, he was already starting to hit his stride. I could hear him all the way from my cubbyhole, barking orders, threatening reporters. - They don't call him a Reporters worse nightmare for nothing! As I drank my coffee, I kept hearing snatches of his tirade - something about...

2 years ago
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Sister8217s Public Fun

For the last month, an itch has built between my thighs. Ever since my younger half-sister, Alicia, rode our brother's cock in the middle of the cafeteria, hiding her activity by looking like a cute, little girl sitting innocently on her big brother's lap, my lusts were inflamed. I always had an exhibitionist streak. I enjoyed showing off my body, flashing my tits, my pussy, and my cute ass to strangers. I savored my brother and sisters fucking me in public. But I never did it...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Gang Bang 8211 Part 2

Initially there was no voice coming out but suddenly I heard noise from next room like they are slapping my wife badly then the leader shouted from inside “arre jaggu aa Sali ko pakad bohut nakhre kar rahi hai” Immidiately two of them went in side the room. As the voices from other room were not very clear and the guys sitting with me were also talking loudly I could not hear what happened after only I heard my wife’s loud cries “ooooooohhhhhhhh iiiiiiiieeeee mmaaaaaa oohh oh oh aahuii, hai ma...

2 years ago
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Innocent Before Guilty After

Russ was looking down and watching as his cock disappeared into the leggy blonde on her knees before him, bent over, her ass high in the air to give him access to her hairless pussy. Her face was buried in a pile of pillows, and she grunted with each powerful stroke he took. He tried to keep himself engaged by tracing a hand down her trim waist to her wide hips. Grabbing them with both hands, he pulled her back on him aggressively, plowing deeper inside her. Liz moaned her approval, but Russ...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 31

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist no longer in denial by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 31 – Enjoying my new found liberation --------------------------------------------------- Naked at Work ------------------ Work just gets better and better. Where else can a girl flaunt her naked body, get fucked and have countless...

4 years ago
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A Wife8217s Satisfaction 8211 Part 2

Day 2 In the morning, both of us were naked in bed. I woke when I sensed Nikhil’s tongue on my pussy. “Good morning,” I said with a smile. He raised his head and said, “Good morning.” I positioned his head again where it was before and started enjoying it. “Bring the dildo,” I told him as I wanted to fuck at that time, and I knew he couldn’t fuck me for longer. Nikhil switched on the dildo vibrator and started rubbing it on my pussy. “Mmmm, fuck me,” I said. Nikhil inserted the dildo inside...

1 year ago
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Dominics HeroesChapter 4

Sitting on a couch in the lounge, Denise was nursing a diet coke waiting for her friends to come down for the trip to Germany. She’d been up the vast majority of the night on the phone with her people in Germany, Langley, and contacts she had in Homeland Security trying to get all the information she could about how a minimum 12 known terrorists or mercenaries got over the border and into the United States and close to her friends. Steven had handled the problems with his attackers in...

3 years ago
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My lusty wife

My wife Malvika loves to fantasize during sex. In the first few years after our marriage there was no obvious indication from her that she enjoyed fantasy. She is very attractive and has an innocent look about her. Friends who know us will never imagine that my wife is capable of such exploits because everyone thinks she is very simple and conservative. Well to me, she always was a very erotic woman as far as sex was concerned although it’s true that she was extremely conservative in routine...

2 years ago
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You want to go Again Gay

When I arrived at the athletic dorm, Dante came out and got me while wearing his robe and slippers. When we got into his room, I noticed he had already drank a few beers from the bottles sitting on the counter. "Did you bring the stuff," Dante asked referring to the anal balls and lubrication. When I held up the bag to nonverbally let him know that I did, he added, "Good, but before we get started, I want ya to use that tongue to get me ready." "Ok, but first let me see it," I requested with a...

4 years ago
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Take it you Married Bitch Gay Blacken

I was a married bisexual 35 year old cruising gay chat rooms again. I had some oral experiences, but really wanted to try getting fucked deeply. I had played with toys but found them boring. I wanted the real thing. I met a black man on line who liked married white men like myself. After some small talk, he invited me to his house for some afternoon fun. I arrived and found a very handsome black man 6'1 210lbs who looked like a running back. We had some small talk upstairs in his kitchen and...

3 years ago
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Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch 03

I spent four days and three nights studying with Arianna. What I found was a wealth of possible spells able to be used in an instant. Arianna also showed me a few spells that would serve as a surprise since they had not been seen in many centuries. Armed only with my spells, and wearing my ensorcelled duster and a ring that Arianna gave me, I went out to my garage and checked my motorcycle. I can’t tell you what kind it is because it was not made by one of the big name companies. I paid a...

3 years ago
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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” NOLENE AND HER FEMALE PARTNER. Ten-minutes after I arrived Nolene was sitting on a stool with me standing alongside, sucking my ten-inch erection as her younger partner licked her almost bald cunt lips. They were both very attractive...

1 year ago
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*based on a true story The door to my room was open As aunt Traci peered in. Watching me from afar...undressing.changing into my hot pink nightie. My breasts wet from the recent swin. ( soft ,perky,pale nipples shone still wett. As I signed my nipples glistening. Pale soft and wet. Shone in th moonlight. My nipples now dripping hot from the sun. Hard. Pale and soft. They lifted over my nightie. As aunt Traci watched me with grave devilish intent. As I bit my lip, she shifted.growling... and...

1 year ago
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Free Ones? Well, if it's free, then sign me up! With a nearly infinite amount of porn on the internet to choose from, it can be pretty difficult to navigate. There are billions of videos, millions of different websites, and thousands of porn stars to choose from. How the fuck is one to know which are worth looking into? Well, obviously, does a bang-up job of helping you figure out which sites are worth your time and/or money, so we got ya covered in that department, but what...

Pornstar Databases
2 years ago
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Sexual experiments with a hot young latina

I lost track of her in the crowd but found her a bit later sitting on a couch next to a guy in one of the other gathering rooms. He had one hand around her neck and his hand just below her breast and their lips were locked together. I watched him probe her mouth with his tongue. They seemed oblivious to the other guests who were mingling around chatting and drinking. I watched from a short distance as his hand slid slowly down her tummy and then onto her thigh. She put up no resistance and...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Bathing

Copyright© 2004 All rights reserved. Please do not repost without permission A year or so ago we bought a house which happened to have a hot tub sitting on the back patio. The tub hadn't been used for some time - it was drained and winterized, and not that appealing what with the dirt that had accumulated over the years. I didn't have clue-one how to work it, and had heard horror stories about how hard it was to keep the chemicals balanced so you didn't start an algae farm or some such...

4 years ago
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TallyChapter 2

"I guess Bobbi never told you much about our college days, eh?" Tally had finished her omelet and hash browns. She was munching her last strip of bacon. "She told me some, but I'm sure there's a lot more." Tally told me a little about their partying days. They weren't in a sorority and didn't hang out with the frat boys. "We lived in a women's dorm -- the school didn't have coed dorms then -- across the quad from a men's dorm. The way the campus housing was set up each women's...

1 year ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 16

While Veronica continued her initiation to cocks at the lakeside cabin, Jughead snuck out of his bedroom a bit after 11 PM that night. He checked Hotdog's doghouse and saw that the three pooches were still there, sleeping apparently. Being careful not to be seen, he made his way towards the Cooper house a few blocks away. When he got there, he picked up some small pebbles and tossed them against the window of Betty's bedroom. Seconds later, her window opened and she crawled over to the...

2 years ago
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Room Service

She knocks twice, then twice again and calls out “Hello, room service!” just like she has learnt during her half-day of training for this job. She has learnt to say “yes”, “right away”, “of course” and “not a problem”, followed by “sir” or “ma’am”, and she has mastered the art of being unfailingly friendly and polite even when she doesn’t know exactly what a guest really wants from her.Luckily, body language is pretty much universal. It helps a lot.Her job is simple but satisfying. This hotel...


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