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She rushed to class, although it didn’t begin for another half hour, she just wanted to make sure that she got her usual seat in the back of the classroom. She was tall, with long dark hair that flowed to her elbows and floated behind her as she walked to her building. Her skin was mocha colored, but her cheeks were rosy from the cold biting at her, and her finger pale grasping at her messenger bag at her side. She rarely looked up, if she saw someone walking in the opposite direction she would bow her head and stare and the ground until they had passed each other by. If by chance she did happen to glance up, people were usually dazzled by her sparkling blue almond shaped eyes. However these instances were rare, as she was shy, and rarely spoke to anyone unless she needed to or if they spoke to her first. She liked going unnoticed, which was why she was usually the first to show up for class, she would sit in her corner, unseen by the students filling in as class was about to begin. She would spend the time catching her breath from all her rushing, and warming her hands, nose, and full dark pink lips against her cup of hot chocolate. After class, she would be the first to rush out, or she would wait as the classroom emptied and then slip out.

Today seemed to be just like any other day, she had bought her usual cup of hot chocolate at the student concession stand, and she was walking up the stairs, down the hall, and into her classroom when something made her tense up. Someone was already there. It was a boy in her class, she had noticed him before, and thought him very handsome. He seemed a bit odd to her though, despite the freezing cold, this boy always wore the same black hoodie with tattered jeans. He had dark blonde hair, and warm hazel eyes, which she noticed the week before when he had turned to pass her the handouts for class. She remembered how furiously she had blushed when he smiled at her that day, and she meekly smiled back. Now she walked tensely to her usual seat, unsure of why he was here so early. He sat a row up and a seat over from her spot, as he noticed her walking in he turned and smiled at her, pulling off his headphones which were blaring heavy metal music. She almost lost her step as she returned the smile and struggled to maintain composure until she was able to sit down. As she sat unbundling her jacket, she realized he had turned in his chair to talk to her, panic started to build up in her stomach, was he going to talk to her?

‘So have you given any thought to the project that we’re getting today?’ he asked as he toyed with a lip ring that was at the left corner of his mouth.

In truth, she had tried not to think about it. She detested group projects because regardless who she got stuck with, she ended up doing a brunt of the work. However, this time was going to be especially difficult for her because she would have to find a partner on her own rather than be assigned one. ‘No, not really… Kind of dreading it actually,’ she blushed at her own honesty, not sure why she had confided that in him.

‘Yea, I know what you mean,’ he chuckled. He had the most brilliant smile, she sat a little dazed by it, when she shot back to reality as he stuck out his hand. ‘My name is Robby by the way,’ he beamed at her.

‘My name is Beth,’ she reached out her own slightly trembling hand. She felt surge run through her as their hands touched.

‘Wow your hands are freezing, it must still be pretty bad out there. Here, let me help,’ he then enveloped her hand in both of his. He started rubbing them on either side up her wrist pulling up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. ‘No wonder, you’ve got a ring on almost every finger. Nice though, moonstones and opals?’ he asked looking up at her.

‘Yea, they were all gifts, they’re my favorite colors,’ she said somewhat dazed. She had never really held a boy’s hand, while she had boyfriends in the past, they were unromantic and usually very serious yet thoughtful, however not one had managed to leave her without chipping off another piece of her heart, partly why she chose to seclude herself from others. However, this boy seemed to have some sort of magnetism that was drawing her to him. As he warmed her hands, she almost wanted to let herself be pulled in, but then the fear of past heartaches shot through her and brought her back to her senses, she shot her now warm hand back towards her and used to warm the other. ‘Thank you, it was very thoughtful of you to do that,’ she said quickly. A look of hurt or rejection shot across his face, and she immediately wished she could have just accepted his kindness. ‘I’m surprised you knew what stones they were, most people just think they’re costume jewelry,’ she said trying to draw attention to something else. At that his smile returned.

‘I always liked the way they looked, especially the blue ones like yours. My mom used to favor onyx,’ he smiled thoughtfully.

They went on chatting, Robby eventually got up and moved to the seat next to Beth, which threw her off for a moment, however she was immediately comforted by his smile and their continued lively conversation. They almost didn’t realize that class was starting until the professor was asking everyone to pair off for the project. Beth tensed up as she realized that now she had to face talking to some people in search of a partner, when she caught the grin on Robby’s face as he stuck out his hand, ‘Partners?’

She smiled, and felt waves of relief wash over her, ‘Sure, sounds great’, she answered. They talked and decided to meet at her apartment, which also troubled Beth, knowing her room mate would have a field day upon knowing they were expecting a guest, especially since she had mentioned this particular boy to her before. Hopefully her room mate would not embarrass her too much. As class ended, everyone filed out and Beth lagged hoping to be the last one out, however Robby stood next to her waiting.

‘I’m done with classes for today, if you don’t have anything else to do, maybe we could get some lunch or just hang out, or I could walk you home if you like,’ he looked at her expectantly, he felt the muscles in his stomach clenching as he waited for her response. He had noticed her the first day of class, she was so beautiful, and he had been waiting for an opportunity to talk to her. He felt anxious today, he had come earlier and earlier to every class after the first, hoping to talk to her before too many people arrived, and today he had succeeded. He didn’t usually talk to girls, but from the minute he talked to her he felt at ease, but now, a slight fear that she might not want to hang out with him gripped him as he waited for her to answer.

‘Ummm, I was just gonna take the bus home, I live pretty far off campus, and its too cold to walk…’ Beth was stunned, she hadn’t expected him to want to spend so much time with her. ‘But, on second thought, how about we grab some lunch at the Student Center?’

Robby felt himself relax, ‘Sounds great,’ and he offered her his hand. She looked at it startled for a minute and then took it, surprised that he didn’t let go once she was on her feet. They walked hand in hand all the way to the Student Center, and despite the freezing cold, her hand remained warm inside his. She felt a slight bounce in her step, something that had been missing for a while. They talked and had a long lunch together, both reluctant to part ways. Eventually he escorted her to her bus and watched as it pulled away. Both a little sad, but both grinning from ear to ear.

In the weeks that followed, they grew closer, and eventually ended up spending every day together. He would walk her from one class to the other, even if it meant he was late to his own. He would always meet her in the morning, with a smile and her cup of hot chocolate in hand, and she had grown so comfortable, that she began greeting him with a hug. One day, as they sat waiting for class to begin, he sat staring at her as she explained the notes to him from a previo
us class. He barely noticed what she said, as he thought about how cute she looked sitting with one hugged against her chest in her desk, and holding her cup of hot chocolate with both hands trying to warm up. He could no longer resist, he leaned in as she was in the middle of her sentence, and kissed her softly. She tensed up, but only for a moment and then she closed her eyes savoring the feel of his lips. He lingered, loving how soft her tongue felt against his and tasting her hot chocolate on her lips. They heard someone else enter the class room and immediately shot back to reality, a fierce blush rising in both their faces.

‘I’m sorry… I-‘ he started, but she cut him off by reaching for his hand and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiled, reassured that he hadn’t caused any awkwardness and relieved that she hadn’t slapped him or worse.

Later that week, Beth was rushing about her apartment, cleaning as best she could. Her room mate being somewhat merciful had gone home for the weekend so that Beth and Robby could enjoy a movie night alone. It was the least she could do after embarrassing her first few times he had been over to visit. She and Robby had finished their project, and decided to get together to celebrate their good grade. Many had noticed a change in her, she smiled more, and she cracked jokes and laughed. Her room mate was glad to see the side of her that had been dormant for so long, which was another reason she had decided to give Beth a weekend alone. Beth was just about to sit and wait when there was a knock at the door, she ran toward it, leapfrogging over the coffee table. She flung it open, and there stood Robby with a goofy grin holding a box of pizza in one hand, and a bag of movies in the other.

‘Hey hun!’ squealed Beth as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, savoring the ring in the corner of his mouth.

‘Hey beautiful, mind if I come in and set things down?’ he laughed, as she had seemingly forgotten that he was holding everything. As they settled on the couch after eating and began watching the first movie, they snuggled closely together under a blanket. As the evening went on, they ended up lying down on the couch, spooning, Beth lavishing the warmth, and Robby loving the scent of her long dark hair. In the middle on the third movie, he realized that she had fallen asleep. She was already in her pjs, so he softly kissed her cheek, nuzzled her neck and took one last breathe of her hair before slowly getting up. He then carefully wrapped her in the blanket, and carried her to her room. She snuggled against his chest, and clutched onto his hoodie as he carried her. He couldn’t help but smile, she was absolutely adorable. She finally woke as he set her down on the bed and kissed her forehead.

‘Wha?—Are you leaving?’ she asked sleepily.

‘Yes baby, you knocked out during the movie, so I figured I’d tuck you in and head out,’ he smiled as she rubbed her eyes.

‘Don’t go, stay here, please?’ she implored as she reached out for his hand. He was taken aback, he hadn’t expected such a request, but didn’t hesitate in his response.

‘Ok baby, scoot over!’ he laughed as he picked up the blanket to slide into bed next to her. She beamed at him, as she wiggled to the middle of the bed. They snuggled close, Robby holding her tightly against him, savoring this new experience. She had nestled her head on his shoulder, and had one arm across his chest, and cradled his shoulder with the other. She hadn’t felt so secure for the longest time, she tilted her head back to look up at him. He smiled, and leaned down for a kiss as he gingerly caressed her cheek. One kissed melded into another, they had readjusted and she was now straddling him as she kissed him deeply, every so often savoring his lip ring. He softly cradled her hips, and had hooked his thumbs into the lining of her pj pants and panties. He felt himself getting hard, and mad a move to get up before Beth could notice, but she pinned him back down before he could. She began grinding against him, making him groan as he grew harder. ‘Beth do you know what you’re doing to me?’ he asked, not really sure he cared about the answer at the moment.

‘I have an idea,’ she smiled deviously.

‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ he asked her earnestly.

‘I’m sure,’ she said as kissed him gently to reassure him. She then went to remove her shirt, slowly revealing her breasts. He quickly sat upward as the shirt was halfway over her head, serving to secure her arms above her head as well as a blindfold, and giving him an unobstructed view of her voluptuous breasts. He kissed her tentatively, then kissed down her neck, slowly making his way to her breasts. He slowly released her arms, allowing her to completely remove her shirt as he began suckling one breast. He rested one hand on her hip, and ran the other up her back sending a chill down her spine. He felt her tremble, and began to suck the other breast, willing them to become as excited as he was. She cradled his head, running her fingers through his hair as she leaned back to offer him a better angle, inadvertently rubbing his girth over her mound making her moan as she felt herself becoming wet. She reached down to grab the bottom of his hoodie, and pulled it off together with his shirt, momentarily breaking the contact between his warm read lips and her erect nipples. She ran her hands down his back, and then back up to rub his shoulders, she began grinding against him again as she steadied herself on his shoulders. He instantly unlatched himself from her breasts, and engulfed her in a bear hug as the shock of pure pleasure ripped through him, she held still for a moment, and smiled as he nestled his head between her breasts. She cradled his head, and began rocking again. He left his arms locked around her, almost to ensure himself that this was real, and that if he let go he would wake up from this wonderful dream. However, once he was reassured that it was he slowly let go and leaned back to enjoy the sight of this beautiful girl in front of him. Her eyes were closed, and she wore a serene smile as she gently rocked back and forth. He then grabbed her waist and gently lifted her off of him so that he may lay her down next to him. She lay there, biting her lower lip, unsure of what would happen next.

‘Don’t do that, there’s no need to be nervous sweet heart,’ he said as he leaned down to kiss her so that she would cease nibbling on her own lip. He then kneeled next to her, placing one arm on either side of her and began kissing his way down her stomach. Her muscles twitched as he reached the top of her pj pants. He then slowly pulled them off together with her panties. She flushed, as she was now completely exposed to him, she went to reach for the blanket to cover herself, but he stopped her. ‘Don’t–, you’re beautiful hun,’ he said as he stared deeply into her eyes. They had never agreed on this compliment he paid her every so often. She wasn’t as thin as most girls, but she wasn’t very heavy either, however she never felt that she was very beautiful. However, at that moment she finally believed that what he said was true. She gave a weak smile and relaxed as he continued to kiss his way down. It was then that he noticed them, thin white lines streaking across one leg. He ran a finger over them, and then looked up at her questioningly. ‘Baby, what are these from?’

She shot up again, and hugged her knees to her chest so that the scars were out of sight. Tears began forming in her eyes, she had gotten so carried away, she had forgotten about them and failed to hide them. ‘Please don’t look at them? I made them… I promise you that I haven’t done it in years. I’m not the same person I was then. It’s just, I was focused so much on the pain in my heart that I needed to feel something else. But I’m not that girl anymore,’ she wept, and began to tremble sure that he would want nothing to do with her, as many others hadn’t once they learned of her past shame. Instead she was startled by
his gentle caress on her calf, and she finally looked him in the eye and was surprised to see care and empathy.

‘What hurt you so badly, hun?’ he whispered.

‘I gave him everything… But in the end, it wasn’t enough, and he said that he had found someone else that could make him happy. I used to see them every so often. He held her close and smiled in a way he had never done with me. I was with him for so long, and I cared for him so much. But in the end, it didn’t matter because I just wasn’t good enough for him.’ She swallowed hard, knowing that he would surely find her pitiful now and leave. Instead, she felt him tugging on her scared leg.

‘No baby, you were better than him. He was just too blind to see how lucky he really was.’ He carefully pulled her leg out, so that the scarred thigh was exposed once more. He grit his teeth, angry that anyone would hurt her that way, and felt hot tears welling up as he ran his fingers over them. He leaned down and kissed them tenderly. He then got off the bed, kneeling next to her on floor. When he finally looked up, she was surprised by his tear streaked cheeks and a look of complete seriousness on his face. ‘I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you, because no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. But I can promise that I will try not to, and if I do, I’ll do anything to make it right. These past couple of weeks have been absolutely amazing, and when I picture my future, I see you in it…’ He paused, taking her hand in both of his the way he did the first day he talked to her. He was afraid as he finally realized the truth of what he was feeling, and looked up at her sweet face knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was real. ‘Beth, I love you.’

Beth stared at him in shock. Her heart seemed to have stopped beating. As his words sank in, she realized that she felt the same and knew that things would be different this time. ‘I love you too, Robby.’ She turned so that her legs hung off the side of the bed on either side of him, cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him softly. He reached up and wiped away her tears. He wanted her more than ever.

‘Lie back baby,’ he told her, and she obliged. He then grabbed her scarred leg, cradling her ankle, and began kissing his way up her calf, kissing the back of her knee, and then circling up towards the scars making sure to kiss each one. He slung the leg over his shoulder and began to kiss down her inner thigh. He could see that she was wet, and he paused, lingering in between her legs inhaling her sweet scent. He then leaned in and kissed her nether lips. She gasped, and reached down to run her fingers through his hair. He slowly slipped his tongue between her lips, lapping slowly from the bottom to the top. She moaned louder as he swept over her tender nub. He felt himself grow hard again as she wrapped her legs around his head. He then focused his assault on her pleasure button, and slowly slipped a finger inside her, she screamed out in pleasure. She was so tight, he would have to warm her up. He could feel the warm, wet, velvet glove grasping his finger as he pumped her faster, all the while lavishing his tongue on her sensitive nub. Then he felt her begin to convulse around his finger, he removed it, delving his tongue in. A few moments later, she exploded, her sweet nectar rushing into his mouth and down his chin. He lapped away until he felt her tremors die down. He lifted his head, looking up at her, she lay there, trying to catch her breath as she came down from her high. He smiled and kissed her inner thigh as he rose to stand between her legs.

She looked up at him and smiled as she sat up. She hugged him around his waist, smiling up at him. She then nuzzled his stomach as she began to unbutton his pants, she pulled them off along with his boxers. She gasped, he was bigger than she imagined, much bigger than anyone she had been with. She looked up at Robby, unsure of her next move. He saw her hesitation, and thought perhaps that his relief would have to come another night, when she timidly wrapped her slightly shaking around it. She bowed her head slightly and closed her eyes, as if praying, although the feeling of her lips making contact with his head was completely sinful. She opened her lips around it, and took it into her soft wet mouth, lapping her tongue under the head. Robby closed his eyes, lost in the waves of pleasure that Beth was sending through him. She tenderly cupped his balls, and began messaging them, rubbing them with the palm of her hand and then rubbing circles around them with her warm fingers. She was sucking him a little harder now, slowly taking him in. She had taken half of him in when he hit the back of her throat. She was unused to this, and dared not try to take more in. With her other hand she began gently jerking him off in sync to her bobbing head. Robby was lost in the euphoria that Beth had created for him. He felt heat bubbling from his core, and knew it wouldn’t be long before he erupted.

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Over the semester break, Alice couldn’t afford to go home like most of the students. She just barely had enough money to survive at college. Completely overtaken with boredom, she allowed her roommate, that she didn’t even like, talk her into going to a party at an off-campus fraternity house. Alice had no idea that Tara was setting her up. She didn’t like Alice as a roommate and wanted to get rid of her. Figuring if she was gang-raped, she’d drop out of school and go back to whatever Podunk...

3 years ago
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Cat girl Charity final revelations

Just understand that when one thinks that in life you understand all there is, to know a person completely, or see that they cannot change, you will be open to new and final revelations that makes it clear; you never knew them to begin with as you suspected. Three weeks until the Academy ball begins. Once again everything appears to be back in a state of relative order and stability; ‘relative’ of course being the key word. The last few months have seen a rash of murders, the narrow...

4 years ago
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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 18

"My experiment is ruined!" bellowed the infuriated boy. He and Lars had found them hours later. "All my months of work perfecting the genetic extract and now it's all wasted!" "Yes, a shame," consoled the Baroness. "She was so entertaining too." The Baron bent over the girl's lifeless body and slipped the ruby ring from her finger. "She won't be needing this anymore, but I indeed will." "Lars!" The boy's mood was ugly. "Yessss, Masssster Ssssteffan?" "Clean up this...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Bree Daniels Mia Malkova Return Of The Bolster

Client Mia Malkova is suffering from a pulled muscle in her butt that she sustained on a horseback ride. Seeking much needed pain relief, she schedules a treatment with her masseuse Bree Daniels. The pixieish red head assess’ her client’s condition and decides to put Mia on a triangular bolster pillow. Lifting her butt will give Bree better access to her glutes and hamstrings. She instructs Mia to remove all of her clothing. Mia wiggles her pantiless bubble butt out of her tight...

2 years ago
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A Poem of Hope for a Friend

There once was a girl from Westcoastant, Who had things she sought but she oughtant, Was so close to her goal, But blew off his control, And too long her search left all for naughtant. There once was a knight from the mountant,Who had what was she needs, but hesaughtant,The two in such great rhyme, But near doomed by the times,Their lives left in mimes which was terriblyhorroughtant. There was this poor guy from cearalplantnearant,Who stuck his nose in where he oughtnotant,His friends they...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 309 Valuing My Death

Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The publicity and excitement over my body having been successfully created, we moved on to stage three of the parents' strategy. Stage three was "Sue the Government", but it needed to done in phases. The first phase was to value Mark Anderson's life. There were three sources of income that 'we' - ostensibly Mom and Dad - had valued: Sports income. Income from being the world's smartest scientist. Income derived from medical research on my...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 62 Night life

"Why did you decide to help me?" Since I awoke from my poisoning fully rested I didn't need any sleep. Yolanda, my little ball of energy, finally crashed a couple of hours before dawn and I let her sleep until the sun broke the horizon. "Because, you wonderful man, you returned my best friend. When I was married to that..." Her face clouded over. I just held her close. She was so tiny, I was afraid that I was going to break her. Even though she was stronger than she looked. "Megan was...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 35

Def Leppard, and death! That night, Patty dreamed of a man whispering in her ear -- a bad boy, by the sounds of him, with his buttery deep voice and confident manner. He told her about all the things he could do for her, to her, and all she had to do was... Patty startled awake. A loud booming bass line was coming from her landlord Carl’s house next door. She looked at the clock: 3 AM. She would normally have just turned over and plugged her ears, but that dream had left her feeling...

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Darling Part two

Introduction: a boy has a new look on life again. Darling Part two Darling, Darling its time to wake up the voice was soft and distant. I turned my head in the sounds direction and opened my eyes. Rose was staring me in the face not 4 inches away. I was about to say something when she put her finger to her lips and then pointed at my chest. There was Cassie with her head just poking out from under the comforter. She was purring softly and other then her cat ears twitching, she was sound asleep....

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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 9

Quickly climbing into the back seat Julian opened the rear passenger door and rushed for the end of the alley at a full run. Half of him expected for them to catch up and was surprised when he made it. Looking back at the entrance to Dark Street he saw it disappear before his eyes under the first rays of the sun, turning into a dead end as if it had never been there in the first place. Looking around the sights of the rest of the city called him and with one last glance back the dead end he...

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The Call a very short story

I was laying naked in bed listening to the phone ring, so eager to steal a few minutes with you. You picked up on the 5th ring, exasperation in your voice tempered by tenderness because you knew it would be me. ‘hello?’ I could hear Joshua crying in the background and your friend Tim still talking to you as you answered the phone. ‘Hello Love’ I whispered ‘Baby’ In my mind’s eye I could clearly see the smile spreading on your face. ‘Sounds like you have your hands full Love’ ‘Not full with want...

1 year ago
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Sex is a tough subject for my readers. The urge to have it is so strong, yet access is so distant. As you can imagine, it’s difficult for me to empathize with this kind of issue, so I crafted a thought experiment to help me connect with guys.Putting Myself in Your Blue BallsIn my thought experiment, I imagine being locked in a room containing only a TV. That TV plays cooking shows twenty-four seven, but no food is ever delivered. In the meantime, when I get hungry, I can press a button, and a...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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Here I sat, at my computer doing nothing that could be considered constructive towards wider society. On my computer were at least 25 windows open, some were about various animes and mangas, others were Youtube videos I had yet to finish watching, various porn sites sprinkled here and there, and of course a few pages of this site I found not too long ago, containing lots of stories, many of which I took a liking to. Overall, absolutely nothing was going on, whatsoever. Nothing interesting would...

Mind Control
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The Magnificent MysteriansChapter 5

EMILY Deep in our safe places, we went to the cafeteria and got in line. It was still a little early, so the line was kind of short. A couple of times, people approached us to make requests. Once they got good looks at our faces, they changed their minds. Once we had our trays loaded, we turned and headed to the office. We walked somewhat slower than our OBL, but our burdens provided us with a degree of protection. I had to be careful how I held the tray, so I didn't cover anything...

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The Fat Older Men Change

Introduction: The Thai girl find new love and friendship from 3 fat older men. The Fat Older Men Change The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl whos living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now shes jobless, and thats not the worst part, when she got back to her BFs flat from job seeking she found him...

2 years ago
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Shrug Boy AtlasChapter 3

"It goes tallest to shortest. I'm third. I have to stand behind Claire. But the stupid thing is, I'm taller than Claire." "No you're not. I'm taller than you, and Claire's definitely taller than I am." I always remembered looking up at my aunt. "Bullshit," came Lily's reply. Her brown eyes squinted harshly. "You are not taller than me." "C'mere," I challenged, walking toward the mirror over my dresser. "Stand back-to-back." We backed together. I could feel her shoulder...

1 year ago
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It was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Sex Toy

It was incredibly hot. If the humidity had been as high as it usually was it would probably be unbearable. There wasn’t a hint of a cloud in the sky and nothing to block the sun, which seemed larger than usual. Janet still felt it necessary to be out in the yard, her yard, working. She got pleasure from, not only her yard looking nice, but getting her hands in the soil. She’d gotten up with Dan and seen him off to work this Monday morning as usual. She only had another week before school...

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Magical Incest Chapter 2 of 5 Oily Love

As Dean awoke the next morning, he questioned his moral compass. After reading the incest story, it was apparent that a hidden demon had awoken and caused him to see his mother in a different light. But now that it was out, could he find the strength to control it? Alternatively, did he even want to? Then as he dove deeper into the depths of his mind to look for an answer as to why this had happened, seductive images of his mother's naked figure remerged.Fuck. Dean thought as he sinfully...

4 years ago
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Heather Asks a Simple Question and Gets a Complex AnswerChapter 5

For several months, we had oral sex every weekday afternoon. I never failed to have a wonderful orgasm and I always made sure that Danny had one too. I was funny to remember the first time when I was so doubtful about opening my legs to my brother. Now, I love him down between my legs making me feels like the sexiest woman of earth. But, as I was becoming more a woman, I knew I wanted more for us. Then, one day, I told him, "Danny, I'd like to have sex with you, intercourse. Could...

2 years ago
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Spank me

Jill loved to be spanked. It made her horny and she loved to fuck afterwards. It started when she was fifteen and her dad stripped her naked and spanked her for being bad. She loved him stripping her and laying her across his lap and spanking her ass with his hand. First his hand rubbed her bare ass before he spanked her. It turned her on to feel her dads hand rub her ass and she then spread her legs.Dad noticed her wet pussy and would spank her harder with her legs spread. Daily he would take...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Hot Wife Pt6 A New Direction

The following morning, I was woken by the rattle of the room service cart bringing breakfast into the room. Dave was up and dressed already as I sat up clearing my eyes. The waiter was no more than twenty at best, and not once did he look me in the eyes and only at the floor.Then it dawned on me that my clothes from last night were all over the floor exactly where I’d thrown them. He was staring straight at my leather basque. Then everything else suddenly became clearer to me. The bed was a...

Wife Lovers
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Behind The BarnChapter 9

Sandra's feelings of complete satiation was marred only by a nagging feeling of animosity... towards Mike. Even though things had turned out all right in the end, she couldn't rid herself of the desire for revenge. She couldn't forget how penitent she'd been when he had first come home, how she'd followed him out to the dairy, expressly for apologizing, how she'd discovered him making love to Eve, and worst of all, how he'd forced her and Sam into the debasing debacle. She knew she'd...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 58 Arson AntiAircraft Fire Airport Sex

Mark I had Lucas ensure a twenty-four hour guard on The Meadows and Darwin Architectural Group, plus KC’s gallery. He decided on a limited team of two at The Meadows during the day when workers were present, and six to eight guards circulating around the property and surrounding roads during the overnight hours. He also installed a series of security cameras and perimeter alarms in obvious and not so obvious places. All of it seemed like closing the barn door after the horses had left, but...

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You dust yourself off as you pull up your pants. You've been a little under the weather lately, and have resolved to liven things up the best way you know how, hilt deep in pussy. You've always been overwhelmed by the idea of being with an older woman, as at 22 you're still not as experienced as you'd like to be. Your whole time throughout high school and college, you found yourself unable to pique as much lust over the young, sleek women all around you as you could some of the choicest female...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 15

There was a tightness to the atmosphere when I got back to the kitchen. I know that seems like a "Gee ... ya think?" kind of comment, but I want you to think about it like this. Imagine standing on the street, getting ready to cross, when with no notice, a car swerves around the corner and somebody starts shooting at you out of the window as it roars past. You don't get hit. Okay, now imagine the same scenario, but when that car roars around the corner, there is no shooter. Instead, the...

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Close Teacher Part 5

Close Teacher part 5Mr. ReynoldsI go to sleep with a strange little smirk on my face. I had just spent the day with Tiffany. We’ve had sex several times, but then we made love… I never thought I’d be able to feel that difference in one day. It scared us. Still, I smile because in Tiffany I have found someone who encompasses more attractive attributes… more than I’ve ever found in anyone closer to my age. One should feel lucky to meet someone, anyone, in our short time on this Earth, who they...

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Slut wife just dont tell her husband

Theres only 2 things that sarah works hard at, 1: getting fucked and 2: making sure her husband has no idea. She was a slut from the first time she got fucked in school. She and her boyfriend skipped a class and had sex for the first time in a toilet. From that moment on sarah was addicted to cock. If it meant boyfriends leaving her she didnt care, she just had to have cocks fucking her and either filling her or covering her in cum. Her first boyfriend left her when he found out that she...

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A Remote Stranger

Dominated by a Remote StrangerI have had serious domination fantasies on and off for a number of years andas these grew and became more involved I decided to see if I could turn thefantasy to reality. As a partnered man I did not want to be unfaithful so Iturned to the Internet to see if I could find someone to help me experiencewhat it is really like to be sexually dominated and taken advantage of.This story is an account of what happened when my fantasy finally did becomereality. Masters...

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Sharing Black Part 4

6:00p.m. (After football practice) Friday I just went straight to my car after showers and started it. Knock knock, Antwon rapped on the passenger window. “You been distant nigga, wassup?” he said after he got in. “Nigga I don’t know fa real.” I said and pounded the steerin’ wheel. “Well if you need yo nigga then you let em know I ight?” “Yeah dog!” I smiled and gave up some dap. He started to get out the car but paused. “Yo dog before I forget, you still comin to the party tonight right?” I...

1 year ago
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Is this my Imagination

I see the girl from across the room. She is the most beautiful creature she has ever laid her eyes upon, tall, slender, beautiful. She stands nearly six feet tall with dark brunette hair that hangs to her ass and emerald green eyes. Her eyes are round but appear to be soft and her lips are pouty and red. I watch her as she walks towards her and it appears that she is floating on a cloud. "Hi. I'm Melissa," she says. "I'm Jayda," I answer her. "You wanna get outta here? This music is so loud?"...

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The Arcade

The Arcade Mark finds himself at the mall again on another slow and quiet Tuesday night. Twenty-five and he's hanging out at the mall and that's mainly because has nothing better to do. If he drank, had friends, or a life for that matter, he'd have something to do. He sighs as he steps onto the escalator and rides it down to the food court, knowing that he's going to end up seeing another movie. Another Tuesday night and another movie. He smoothes out his blue shirt as he watches the...

2 years ago
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Geek Luv

Copyright© 022206 Flip. And her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I had her try the process again after the patch was applied. Success. She smiled her stressed out smile, that end of the month accounting group overworked, I've got to close the books smile she uses. "Good to go?" "Yep, I'll be able to get my reports done now." "Excellent, let me know if you have any other issues." "OK" That has been out relationship. I'm the computer geek, she's the head bean...

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Another Love Part 4

My body overheating forced me awake the next morning. The reason for overheating was the two girls snuggled up to me on either side.Both girls would more than likely have sore heads when they awoke, we had all drunk more than we planned. I lay there and smiled, remembering how the events of the evening had unfolded after we had got back from the party games.-----We almost crashed through the door to Jade’s student accommodation having staggered the fifty or so metres from the party flat. Both...

4 years ago
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Alicias Sin

"Who the hell draws these little devil chics anyway?" I asked Sil."I don't know, but I have been thinking about getting one tattooed on my ass!" Sil said. "Ohhhh…my…god! That would be sooo fucking cool! If you do it, I'm gonna get a tattoo too!" I said."Yeah! Fucking-A-stylely! Let's do it!" Sil said laughing and we gave each other this little high five! Alicia walked in and she was in a somber-as-usual mood. "Hey 'Licia!? Wanna go get a tattoo on your ass?!" I said. She gave me a 'you are such...

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Chrissys proposal sequel to nude beach dream

I had to swallow hard when my dream came back to me with a flash. I stood at the door for a few seconds before I could compose myself and invite her in. This wasn’t the Chrissy I remembered. The Chrissy I remembered was a young girl that loved to come visit me and play with my two cats. Sometimes she would stop just outside the front garden on her little bicycle and watch the kittens. Yes, it was that long ago.This was a different Chrissy. She was about 175 and it looked like her long blonde...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 18

The Rookie – Sydney suburbs, eighteen months after drop. “Try to keep pace, tiny man,” Alba laughed. She was jogging a short distance ahead of the Rookie, easily outpacing him with her long strides. She liked to stay fit, Earth’s gravity was around half that of Doisac’s, and so she would start to lose muscle mass pretty quickly if she didn’t keep up with her exercise regimen. The Rookie was a military man, and he was no stranger to two-mile runs, but Alba was in a class of her own. They...

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