Baby Did A Bad, Bad Thing free porn video

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“ with us?”

Love is such a fucked up beast. Powerful. It claws at you, making you do crazy shit just for the shot at having that one special person in your heart. It forces you to nurture and defend simultaneously. While your subconscious mind often feels the deceit of this conflict, your entire being cannot be fooled.


And when you are driven to end a relationship, there always seems to be a part of you that feels low, almost resentful. You don’t want to do it, but you know it’s for the better, like each of you will grow stronger from it.

Then there is the revenge factor. How the fuck does that saying go? A dish best served cold?

More like cold-hearted…


The boom of his voice snaps me from my trance.

Still holding a hollow look, I slowly turn my attention to the front of the crowded conference room.

“Goddamnit, Barlowe. Where the fuck is your head at?”

My boss is leaning over, palms pressed on the end of a massive mahogany table, so perfectly polished you can see your own reflection. I had been staring down at mine for God knows how long, lost in some haze of thought about my ex-girlfriend, Julie.

“Sorry, sir. Distracted I guess.”

“Quite honestly, I don't give a rat’s fuckin’ ass about your distractions! We have a goddamn quota to meet an—”

I feel the weight of every set of eyes in the room staring at me as he continues his spit-flying rant. And I just sit there and take it all.

It’s not that I don’t care, the job is pretty killer. Corner office overlooking the city, a personal assistant who had just graduated junior college with an ass that can melt the polar ice caps, and a salary and bonus structure that keeps me and my wife very comfortable.

The truth of the matter is I know I am good, the best actually, and my boss and his fucking quota need me. His spewing off about my lack of focus is just a way of imposing power, letting everyone in the room know he is the one calling the shots. A reaction to his feeling of inadequacy, I suppose. Maybe even a defense mechanism against the inevitable; me one day taking his job.

So yeah, I care, but at the same time, not more than what is pulling my focus. Minutes before the meeting started, I had gotten a text from an old girlfriend, Julie Stallard.

“—reports better be on my desk by the end of business today. Got it, Barlowe?! Jesus fucking Christ, if we don’t move the needle on this one I’ll be sure to let everyone on the board know it was your sorry daydreaming ass that dropped the fuckin’ ball.”

“Got it, sir. Reports. End of business. Needle will be moved.”

His seething glare tells me he doesn’t care for the condescending attitude. But I guess he feels as though he has already rained down enough spittle on that once-pristine tabletop; he decides to move on.  

As we adjourn the hour-long waste of my time, I feel a hand brush my shoulder. It’s one of my co-workers, Kirsten.

“Damn, Dennis,” she says, “you’ve got some set on you standing up to the bossman like that.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

I like Kirsten. She is smart and cute, and she flirts with me. If I’m being honest, I am not exactly hurting in the looks department, so most of the women in the office flirt with me. But, she does it in a more sophisticated way. A way that is innocent and fun, and a massive turn-on.

“You okay?” she asks. “I mean, you obviously know your shit and for you, these meetings are basically an exercise in futility but you seem, I don’t know...unusually distant.” She’s smiling and sincere.

“I’m fine, thanks. Just got a lot on my mind.” I want to open up, tell her about Julie. But that relationship ended five years ago, long before I started with the company and the backstory would just take too long.

“Well, if you need me,” she says, “for something, you know, more attractively distracting, my door is always open.” Her eyebrows are raised as she nudges her head down to where her hands form a V by her crotch. Sophisticated.

I smile.

When I get back to my office, I shut the door and pull out my phone. I open the text from Julie and let it once again invade my headspace. It disturbs me on a level that feels invasive.

Hey...I saw your wife on Facebook...she’s pretty…definitely your type…and mine. Hope you are happy…

The thoughts flood back into my mind. ‘What the fuck does she expect from me? Why won’t she just leave me the fuck alone?’

Julie and I dated through most of our college years when I lived in California. She was hot. Model-tall with long black hair, perfect tits, and a taut athletic ass. To describe her as erotic and wild is an understatement. Sexually insatiable is more like it. We fucked almost every day, sometimes multiple times to make up for days we had to skip. There were even times she kept my dick hard for so long it would ache and I just couldn't go anymore. Those times she’d have me fuck her with a dildo.

Don’t get me wrong, it was definitely fun. I even remember one time we broke into the school’s chapel and I fucked her while she was bent over the altar. Her idea, of course, but the thrill was insanely hot. My hands kneading Julie’s plump asscheeks and thrusting violently while Mother Mary cast all her Catholic guilt down on me. Well, let’s just say I came more than once.

I held on to those memories for quite a while after we broke it off and never once regretted anything we did. But Julie Stallard isn't exactly the type of girl your mom wants you to settle down with. And I'm not exactly the kind of guy that likes getting handjobs under the table while surrounded by family for Thanksgiving dinner.

So, when the job offer came through in New York City, I knew it was perfect. A clean break. There was no way Julie was going to leave her beach scene in Southern California, and she was just too sex-driven for a long-term relationship. We ended things and I moved on.

For a while, I would get an occasional text, innocent in nature: I miss you or Thinking of you.

After a bit, they got edgy and weird: I fucked a guy last night but his dick was nowhere near as good as yours. Eventually, I stopped returning her texts and they trailed off but never really ceased entirely.

It became clear she had never let go.

As I am staring down at this latest message, my phone begins to buzz; once again jolting me from a trance. It’s my wife, Linda. I swipe to answer.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hi, hun. You busy?”

“When am I not? What’s up?”

“I’ll get right to it then. I got a friend request on Facebook this morning from your ex, Julie.” She pauses. “Do you know anything about that? Is she fucking crazy?”

“Fuck. I honestly don’t know, baby. She sent me a weird text today, too. Just ignore her, okay? She’ll go away.”

“You have been saying that for what, almost five years now, Dennis. When? Tell me when she is going to finally go away? It’s getting worse, Dennis and you know it. Now she’s trying to cozy up to me?” Her tone is sharp, frustrated.

I spin in my high-back leather chair and stare out at the cityscape. So many people in the world, why the fuck is Julie so obsessed with me? I can feel the heat flood my face.

“I can’t deal with this shit right now, babe. I’ve got my boss breathing down my fuckin’ neck here, I just can’t. Okay?”  There is another pause, longer this time, ten seconds, maybe more.

“Okay,” she eventually whispers, punctuated with a deep, soft sigh.

“Listen, I’m gonna be here late tonight. I have to get some market analysis reports to Tom before I can leave. Block Julie on Facebook and pour yourself a huge glass of wine. In fact, fuck it, down the whole bottle.” I try to make light of the situation.

“Actually,” she replies, “I’m thinking maybe I’ll go out for drinks. Riley’s been on my ass. Since you’re going to be late, maybe I will meet up with her?”


“If you don’t mind, I think I’ll stay the night at her place.”

I start to get an uneasy feeling. Normally, I wouldn’t have thought twice about her crashing at Riley’s after a night of drinking. But given the current set of circumstances, something feels off.

“Are we okay, Lin?”

“We’re fine, babe. It’s just, well, you know how I hate taking an Uber late at night from Brooklyn.”

“No, yeah, that makes sense. Maybe come by the office tomorrow on your way back to the city and I’ll take you to lunch. I have some money left in this quarter’s budget.”

“That sounds lovely. Tony and Tina’s? They have the best lobster bisque in Manhattan.”

“You bet, on me, well, on Tom actually,” I say with a chortle.

“I love you, Dennis Barlowe.”

Her words grab me and the knot of uneasiness tightens. She used my name. My full name. It wasn’t out of the ordinary to end with an “I love you” but the salutation is always quick and informal. I hesitate for a second before answering her back.

“I love you too, baby.”

~ # ~

It is after midnight by the time I finish at the office and finally make it home. I pop open an IPA from the fridge, fish my laptop out from my satchel, and fall onto the couch. With Linda out for the night, I decide a healthy dose of forbidden porn will help clear my head of Tom and his fucking numbers.

The screen warms to life and I peck-type my password with one hand while unbuckling my slacks with the other.

In the bottom corner, I notice the icon for my work messages has a  little red circle indicating that I have one unopened message. Must’ve come through as I was on the train home. I figure it is probably Linda already tipsy and wanting to let me know how flirty she’s getting with Riley. She knows the lesbian fantasy is my favorite and she’ll often whisper dirty deeds in my ear while we fuck. I open it hoping for a nice lead-in to my impromptu jerkoff session.

The message is not from Linda.

I take a pull of beer and stare at the screen for a hard minute unsure if my eyes are deceiving me. The message is from Julie, but how the fuck did she get to my work feed? I click to open it.

There is no actual text to the message, just a raw video clip of a bar scene. The camera is shaky and the noise is loud and indiscernible. I don’t recognize the place, not a bar I remember us frequenting during those days out in Los Angeles. Then the phone raises higher, giving a bit of a birds-eye view above the crowd.

“Linda?” I mutter under my breath.

She is in a far corner sitting at a pub-style table drinking alone. The video cuts. No words, no commentary. I run my hands through my hair. Confusion rips through my mind like a bullet rattling around the inside of my skull leaving behind fragments of reason. The footage looks like it was taken today, but how?


Sliding the laptop onto the coffee table, I grab my phone and ring Linda.

Straight to voicemail.

I send her a text: Hey...I have a message from Julie and it looks like she’s at the same bar as you? Where’s Riley? Call me!

I pull up the video again to see if I can catch any context clues as to what bar they are in. Nothing. The timestamp is well over two hours ago. Odd.

My mind is reeling. If it was in fact Julie, what is she doing in Brooklyn? Why is she stalking my wife? What the fuck is happening?

I try Linda again, voicemail.

“It’s fine,” I say out loud trying to rationalize.  

It isn’t like Julie and I had done anything since breaking up, other than her lewd texts, and Linda knows about most of those. Besides, I know my wife can handle herself if faced with a confrontation. Though, she does have a temper so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that I’ll be getting a call from the NYPD asking me to come and bail her out. 

I take a long pull of my beer and smile at the thought of Linda with a fist full of Julie’s hair swinging wildly as some burly bouncer tries to separate them.


My message box chimes.


Another video attachment. Is she playing with me? Toying with my marriage? I open it.

This time the view is of Linda from behind, alone and walking down a long, colorful, brightly lit hallway. The timestamp is no more than thirty minutes ago. They are definitely not in the bar anymore. I can see multiple doors adorned with fancy brass ovals displaying black numbers; it is a hotel hallway.

Linda is visibly tipsy, but not falling over drunk. She is laughing and trailing her fingers along the wall while swaying her ass. Then, she spins to face the camera walking backward, maybe ten feet away. Both hands demurely holding the large Michael Kors handbag I bought her last Christmas.

Julie’s voice speaks out, “Say hi to Dennis!”

“Hi, babe,” Linda says looking directly into the lens. “Look who met me for drinks.” She stops, hands falling by her side. Her hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her face is fiercely made up, smoky eyes and dark red lipstick. Fuck, she looks gorgeous.

The camera keeps moving toward her until she is out of the frame. From the abrupt shaking of the footage, it appears as if they are in an embrace. My heart is racing and my mind is fuzzy, like I was drugged or in some kind of fucked up dream. Things are happening at a speed I am struggling to keep pace with.

The phone flips so it’s facing up, capturing both of their faces in the frame. Julie looks diabolical, Linda looks apologetic.

“Hi there. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing her for the night? Of course you don't,” she laughs. “Remember those times at UCLA when we’d fantasize about bringing in another woman? Your beautiful wife here confirmed that that fantasy hasn’t died. So, I guess, in a way, you should be thanking me?”

The video cuts out.

I’m pissed. Raging. That’s my fucking wife. The thump of my heart hammers at my breast bone and it makes my chest feel heavy. Stinging. My vision blurs for a second, my mouth is tacky and dry. I have no fucking idea where they are. I can’t fucking do anything. I am utterly fucking helpless.

“FUCK!!” I scream to the ceiling.

My computer chimes again, this time an incoming email. A zoom call invite. Fuck that shit. Is Tom really that fucking delusional to think I’m going to go over PCS reports at 12:45 AM while my motherfucking marriage is on the brink of unraveling?

I reach to slam the laptop closed and notice that the invite is not from work. The return address is a Gmail I don't recognize. The subject attached reads: You’re invited to join the fun!

Opening the feed, I maximize the screen. My nerves are frayed, trembling with anger mixed with an odd dose of intrigue. The link brings me to a holding screen waiting for the host to start the meeting. It has to be them.

I drum my fingers on the table. “Come on! C’mon, c’mon c’mon… Open, dammit!”

Three excruciating minutes pass before the video connects and I can see into the hotel room. Linda is moving in the background, Julie flops onto the bed facing the camera.

We are now live-streaming.

“Hi again! Nice of you to join us. So, a few items before we begin. This is not going to be participatory, you are muted and we have your camera off. We cannot hear or see you; you are here only to enjoy the show.” She is smiling and then lowers her voice, “I wasn’t about to risk you talking your wife out of this. She’s stunning, by the way. So much prettier than her Facebook profile.”

“You fucking cunt!”

“If I know my Dennis, you are probably yelling at the screen right about now. Again, we cannot hear you. This is just for you. Your fantasy, coming true with two gorgeous women. Don’t get yourself all worked up. Relax. Take your clothes off. Enjoy the fun.” She once again lowers to a whisper, “I know I will!”

Julie carries the laptop to what looks like a bedside table that had been moved off-center in the room. It offers a perfect viewing angle to the bed.

I can’t peel my eyes from the screen. It all feels so surreal. I blink a few times slowly, hopeful that after one of the blinks I will awaken in my bed, realizing it was all just a dream. But my body never moves from the couch, and the scene unfolding in front of me never wavers from its dreamlike state.

Julie disappears out of the frame and I can see Linda more clearly. She looks nervous while at the same time confident. Her tight hair, promiscuous makeup, form-fitting black jeans, and stiletto-spiked heels, all painting a picture of dominance. She’ll often play that role for me.

I live in a world where power equates to success and then the success circles back to more power. It is enthralling. It will make my cock hard. But, it is also draining. Having Linda take control behind closed doors is a thrill beyond compare. Offering her my trust and receiving the relief of being able to safely relinquish myself is, at times, a defining factor in our sexual relationship.

And now I am watching her on the screen, about to clash with the power I know lives within Julie Stallard. 

My pulse quickens. I should be growing more enraged, smashing everything within reach. Instead, the scene is subconsciously engorging the muscles in my crotch. I am getting turned on.

Their voices are muffled, just above a mumble. I repeatedly tap to turn the volume up, but they are too far from the microphone for me to understand what is being said. I can, however, read their body language.

Julie seems to be the aggressor. Which plays into my theory that Linda is probably having doubts. Maybe that’s just my subconscious telling me our marriage means more than this one-night fling with my ex-girlfriend.

Then Linda steps forward. She is barely visible in the frame and I desperately want to nudge their laptop so I can see more of what is happening. Probably divine intervention’s way of easing me into the action. Julie’s hands roam up Linda’s back, that much I can see. They are evidently making out.

Without pulling my sight from the screen, I reach and grab the beer to wet my tongue, tipping it back until I finish it. The girls have still hardly moved and I am growing impatient to see their kiss. I need to gauge its passion. Is it soft and sensual, like lovers? Or Is it heated and gnashing, emotionless?

Julie is the first to fully reappear walking past Linda from right to left on the screen. She crawls onto the bed and lays her head on the nest of pillows. She has already taken off her pants and is lying in just her panties and t-shirt. I can tell she has also removed her bra by the beaded outline of her hardened nipples under the thin material of her shirt.

She’s smiling and has her head tilted slightly to one side, watching something—Linda undressing, I am sure of it, and I’m right. She still has on her thong, but that is it. Tits gently sway freely as she crawls onto the bed in between Julie’s legs.

From my angle, I can only see the back left side of Linda’s head, her ponytail laying neatly down the middle of her naked back. The lighting is dim, but still enough for me to see the muscles in Lin’s shoulder blades as she steps her hands further up the mattress. Her thumbs snag the seam of Julie’s tee as she moves, eventually pushing it up, exposing her gorgeous tits.

They haven’t seemed to have changed since college. Pert and supple with nipples that would extend when she was fully aroused and at the moment they are like spires. Linda’s lips find one and I can see her cheek dimple as the suction is applied. My jealousy spins sideways and I am actually envious that they are not my lips, my tongue, my teeth once again grazing and suckling Julie’s hardened flesh.

I quickly look to Julie’s eyes, half-expecting her to be sneering back at me through the camera. She isn’t. She shows no indication of caring that I am watching; evidenced by the slow close of her lids. All she cares about is the sensation of my wife’s mouth on her tit.

My cock throbs and begins pressing more firmly into my boxers. I hesitate to free it. In my head, it would mean concession. Giving in to this fucked up scene of my loving wife and jilted ex-girlfriend having sex. But my libido is apparently joining forces with my rational self. There isn’t anything I can do at the moment to stop what is happening.

Linda slides back down Julie’s body and pushes herself into a kneeling position, butt on top of crisscrossed feet. I can’t see her face yet, but by the way she is trailing her fingers over Julie’s panty-clad mound, it’s clear she is enjoying this.

“I’ll bet you have a pretty pussy,” Linda says, her words just above a sultry whisper. She takes the back of her middle finger and nestles it in the crotch of Julie’s panties between her swollen labia. “You’re already wet...”

Julie’s head nods, still slightly cocked to one side. She moans softly as Linda inches her crooked finger up, pressing the knuckle into Julie’s clit.

“This cunt, your cunt,” Linda suddenly seethes “Tonight, Julie, this cunt is mine, do you understand?” Without waiting for acquiescence, Linda yanks the material sharply to one side.

Fuck. That Linda I know so well is beginning to emerge. The Linda who can put me in my place and drive her stiletto heel to stab the shaft of my cock. The one who can bubble pre-cum to the surface with an uncomfortably firm fondling of my balls. She is settling in, getting more relaxed, more composed, taking control. My dick flinches and I finally pull my shorts down to throttle it.

I watch her middle finger return to Julie’s pussy only to disappear inside. Next, her ring finger joins. The sight of our wedding band plunging into Julie’s glistening mess almost sends me over the edge.

Her fingers drive deeper, coaxing out another moan as Julie’s hands flail to either side and rip at the pristine bedsheets. She clamps her thighs together trapping Linda’s hand for a moment. Then, in one swift move, Linda snatches her fingers free and once again pries Julie’s legs wide open. With digging nails to the inside of Julie’s thighs, Linda forcefully pushes both legs down to the mattress. I can once again see that pussy I used to fuck relentlessly.

Her lips are swollen and open like the petals of a flower and there is a visible dew-like glisten on them.

“Such a pretty, pretty pussy,” Linda murmurs like she is pulling the thoughts from my mind.

With a slap to each inner thigh, she stands, pushing her thong down to step out of it. While still standing, Linda runs her right hand over her crotch as her left seems to be slathering Julie’s essence onto her own nipple.

I desperately want to latch onto that basted tit. To taste the juices I once feasted on that must now be glimmering on my wife’s flesh. I pause my stroking in order to edge my orgasm closer to the surface, precum already bubbling from my hole.

Julie starts to slide a hand along her tummy. As it reaches her hood, my wife chides:

“Don’t you fucking touch that pussy! I told you, it is mine tonight.”

Receding her hand with a visible pout, Julie runs her foot up Linda’s thigh.

“And how long are you going to make me wait?”

Linda takes Julie's foot in both hands like she is cradling a cup. Widening her stance, she slides her crotch over the bottom side of Julie’s foot. I can’t see entirely, which is killing me, but in my mind’s eye, I know my wife is fucking Julie’s toes.

“You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you, Linda? And...I’m glad I’m not the only one who is soaking wet.”

“You talk too fucking much.”

Linda tosses Julie’s foot to the side, steps over her waist, and pauses for a moment. It is hard to catch exactly what she is doing as I am staring at an angle from behind. By her body movements, it looks like she is playing with herself, something she loves to do for me while watch.

I can tell the way her waist angles forward that she is pulling apart her labia to expose her little nub of a clit. She will often lick the tip of a finger and swirl it over the swollen button. There are even times her clear juices will attach and form a translucent string that she’d end up feeding to me.

Fuck, I want so badly to be in that room.

Linda lowers to a kneel, smothering her pussy over Julie’s mouth. She humps slowly at first. Probably sliding her slick folds over Julie’s extended tongue, letting it fill her, using Julie’s nose to push into her clit. Linda’s legs splay further apart, easing more of her weight down.

Soft moans are now emanating from underneath, making their way through my laptop speakers as Linda presses her open palms to the wall above the headboard.

My mouth begins to salivate at the thought of my wife’s pungent arousal being slathered onto a waiting, accepting tongue. Fucking it slowly, rhythmically, with purpose. She drops her head, her hair covering both sides of her face as her fingernails scrape against the textured wallpaper.

Linda is cumming. I didn’t need any audible confirmation to know this, but she lets out a loud orgasmic scream anyway. That is all I could handle. I tighten the grip on my shaft and fumble to my feet, bent at the waist. With a heavy grunt that reverberates off the walls of my empty apartment, I release thick ropes of cum onto the coffee table.

I don’t have anything within reach to clean up. I just flop back into the couch and let my slowly deflating cock dribble the remaining drops of semen down to my balls.

To my surprise, the girls weren’t done. Linda raises up revealing Julie’s satisfied glistening face. But it doesn't remain visible for long. Linda pivots quickly and settles back down nestling her head between Julie’s outstretched thighs.

My vision of the action is now almost entirely shielded. I swallow hard and watch their bodies writhe, joined in a locked sixty-nine that is so filled with passion it burrows into the depths of my manhood. I feel my pulse once again quicken. The sight of the top of my wife’s head moving as she eats pussy drives me back to rigidity.

I’m not entirely sure if I will be able to cum again, but the bob of Linda’s head in combination with her gyrating hips on Julie’s face prove I am more virile than I thought. I cum a second time before they are even finished and it seems like the passage of time has slowed to a standstill.

Julie’s mouth is no longer locked on my wife’s pussy as evidenced by her piercing scream. Blowjobs are one of Linda’s favorite sexual activities. Orally, she’s the best I have ever had; so attentive, selfless and giving. She has mastered the ability to read me, to bring me to the edge with her mouth and then finish me off like she craves what I have stored in my balls. And now Julie is clearly the benefactor to that cunnilingual prowess.

There is a brief moment where the two women lay relatively still. Only the rise and fall of their labored breathing is detectable. Then after a moment, Linda rolls off, steps to the floor, and forces her wobbly legs to learn how to walk.

“Water?” she says in Julie’s direction.

“I’d love some, thanks.”

Linda siddles slowly out of frame, legs still weak and shaky. When she returns minutes later, she is carrying two sparkling tumblers of water. She hands one to Julie who drinks it back like she has just finished a marathon. Linda kindly offers her the second glass, which Julie proceeds to finish just as fast.

Licking her lips, she demurely utters, “So, what now?”

“Let’s not go there, Julie. Why complicate things this soon?” Linda answers calmly.

“Well, you need to know that I still love him…”

“And you need to know that I am never going to let him go.”

They talk so openly, it’s as if they have forgotten I am still technically in the room. There is an underlying escalation of tension. Julie smiles wickedly and hands Linda back her glass.

“You’re right. Let’s not complicate it this soon. I’m going to jump in the shower, you should join me.”

“Maybe I will. In a minute,” Linda nods.

As Julie slides off the bed she walks tauntingly by the camera, while at the same time doing nothing to acknowledge my presence. Linda disappears as well, and for a while, I am left staring at the empty rumpled mess of their tryst.

The camera suddenly begins to shake and soon I am staring at my wife as she sits on the edge of the bed, her handbag alongside. As she reaches in for something, I quickly fumble for my phone, anxious for her to call me. What she pulls from her bag, however, is not her phone, rather a generic brown prescription pill bottle. She shakes them for the camera.

“Muscle relaxers,” she smiles with a whisper. “I crushed up a few and stirred them into her water. Fuck, I had no idea she’d drink both, otherwise I’d have dosed her more. Anyway, they should be kicking in soon.”

Confusion washes over me, then fear. Linda reaches back in her bag and pulls out an envelope, extracting two latex gloves and a single bare razor blade from inside.

“She’s never going to leave us alone, babe. Never.“

“Linda! What the fuck?!” I frantically try calling her phone. No avail.

“She still loves you, you heard her. I mean, I already knew it, doesn’t take much more than a fool to realize that. This woman is going to pick and pick and pick until eventually, she gets what she wants. I cannot and I will not let that happen!”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Linda! Think about what you are doing.”

There’s a stabbing pain in my chest.

“I’ve thought about this, Dennis. I really have. A few months ago, I actually considered taking a trip out to California, but it would have been much more incriminating. So when she came here, well, it was like a gift.” She pauses and glances for a moment in the direction of what I assume is the bathroom.

“I will scrub off all the messages on her phone from earlier. And this live feed doesn’t leave a trail, I already made sure of that. Once I clear her phone, I’ll send you a single message from her saying goodbye. It will briefly mention our night here. It will say that she now sees how in love I am with you and how she just can’t be without you, while at the same time she cannot stand to hurt you. It’s perfect, really.”

I feel nauseous. I am staring at a woman I’ve known intimately for over five years, yet I cannot recognize the look in her eyes. 

“I know I will obviously be called in for questioning. ‘She showed up unexpectedly, sir. She’s an old flame and I suspect she wanted to see if she could rekindle it. Yes, I agreed to meet her for drinks. We talked, she was feeling me out about the strength of my marriage. She got very emotional when she saw the truth and so I insisted on walking her back to her hotel. It’s so sad, really. I just know Dennis will be shaken by all of it.’ See? I’ve got this. Don’t worry, baby I’ll be home soon.”

My head slowly shakes back and forth, I have absolutely no idea who this person is.

“I hope you enjoyed your little fantasy fulfillment. I love you, Dennis Barlowe.”


The feed ends and I am left staring at nothing.


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Badi Behen Didi Kajal Ki Gaand Mari

Hi Saifullah again… Here I come with new fantasy story… Please read my last 3 stories & feed me back… Ye stroy mere shadi ke 1 mahine baad ki hai…. Meri wife ka naam anushka hai & coincidently wo dikhti bhi anushka sharma ki tarah hai thodi si… Figure,lips, hair etc etc… Mai shaadi ke dusre din se hi sex kar raha hu uske sath ab wo bhi bahot khul chuki thi… Ab story ki shuruat yahan se hui … Raat ko sex karne ke baad mai aur anushka nange hi so gaye… Aur jab mai subha utha to dekha ke anushka...

4 years ago
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Alias Sinbad

ALIAS SINBAD © 2014, 2019 by Anthony Durrant As I climbed up to the top of the clock tower of the Royal Palace of Bagrad, I could hear nothing at all. Hence, when I finally reached the window at the top, I simply climbed in through it and walked over to the gem set in the front of the main hall. Grabbing the gem, I ran back to the window, only to be grabbed from behind by a guard and dragged off to see the Crown Prince of Bagrad. ?You!? he shouted. ?You...

2 years ago
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Badi Behan Didi Alia Ki Gori Gand Aur Gulabi Chut

Hi this is saifullah (name changed) from pune. Maine iss ka purana reader hu takreeban 3 saale se padh raha hu.Aaj socha ke apni bhi story likh hi du.Ye kahani mere aur meri behan ki hai.Mai saifullah ghr me sabhi mujhe saif bulate hai pyar se.Mai dikhne me bhi kaafi handsome hu. Umar 22 saal hai.Ab mai story par aata hu. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai.Jab mai 12th std me tha.Meri badi behan alia (name changed) b.A kar rahi thi.Wo mujh se 2 saal badi thi.Hamare ghar me 4 log rahte hai...

4 years ago
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Me Aur Meri Badi Didi

Hi guys myself satish from nagpur.Hamare parivar me hum char log hai mom dad me and my sweet elder sister jo ki mujse 2 sal badi hai.Meri umar 22 sal hai aur didi ki 24 sal filhal me mumbai me eng. Kar raha hu aur didi ke sath rahta hu.Didi bhi vaha medical ki padai kar rahi hai. Ab me story par ata hu.Bat 3 sal purani hai jab me 1st year me tha.Didi aur me sath h ek 1bhk flat me rahte the.Mujhe sex stories padne ka bohot shock tha me rooz iss me stories padta tha.Par ek din incent story padne...

1 year ago
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Didi ko ji barh ke choda hyderabad mein

Hi my name is karthik am from hyderabad this is my true story,pl z if u like my stories send ur feedbacks to my yahoo id am 24yr old single guy studying in some college in hyd, and love to live to the fullest. The incident i am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back.if aunties, gals, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id , sorry dis is my story if any mistake pl z forgive me ok…. Ye story mere or mere sister ki hai ki kaise maine apni sister ko choda. Or naa sirf...

3 years ago
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Engaging The Babysitter

I walked towards the door and saw her through the small window. 'Oh, there she is the barely legal dazzling brunette I have babysitting my son. What I wouldn't do to give a ride, and I don't mean in my car. Shit, she is wearing a dress like that to a babysitting gig? Is she trying to turn me on now?'I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor.I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter II

The following is a continuation of the original story "The Babysitter" previously published on this site under the Taboo category. If you haven't read the original story, please do so before reading this one, as it will introduce the characters and circumstances so this one will make more sense. * The extra week that my wife was gone stretched into two. Amy had gone to her sister's to help her while she and her husband were having troubles. They had split for a time, and Amy's sister was...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

My wife, Amy, had left to go see her sister for a few days, apparently her and her husband were having some marriage troubles and she wanted to be there to support her. That left me at home to watch our two little girls Sarah, who was three and Paula, who was five. They were good girls and helped Daddy as much as three and five-year old girls can. My wife was supposed to be gone for a week but maybe longer, it would depend on what happened with her sister.  I didn't mind her going, I try to be...

3 years ago
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5 Saal Badi Cousin Didi Richa Ko Choda

Mera naam John hai, aur main Mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Meri story tab ki hai, jab India mein lockdown declare hua tha. Meri story ki rani hai meri behan, jo ki meri mausi ki ladki hai. Uska naam Richa hai. Wo mere se 5 saal badi hai. Uske sath sex karne ka mera kuch irada nahi tha. Par us din ki baat hai jab mera irada badal gaya. Jaisa ki aap sab ko pata hai, ki lockdown hone ke baad sab band tha aur kisi ko baahar jaane ko allowed nahi tha. Aur isi dauraan mere ko ek din Richa didi ki call...

3 years ago
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Making our Baby

There comes a time in a young woman’s life when the love for her man becomes so true she cannot imagine it ever changing. For some, it proves to be an ethereal and elusive moment that is eventually lost in time, never to be rediscovered. For a lucky few, it is what it seems, a harbinger to a lifetime of wedded bliss… Julie felt the steamy air rise up through the bubbles covering the surface of the bath. The pleasantly warm vapor enveloped her in its embrace like a soft blanket. With a gentle...

Love Stories
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Badi Didi Ko Sasural Me Chudte Dekhi

Hi guys. I’m puja from Asansol Chinakuri calcutta. Meri umr av 19saal ki hai dikhne me gori hu. Mera figure 32 26 36 hai. Height 5.3inch h. Me aapka jyada tym waste na krte huwe meri didi ki sasural me hui chudai k baare me btane ja rhi hu jo mene khud apni aankho se Dekhi thi. Meri didi mujhse 12sal bdi h unka rang meri trh hi gora nd figure umr hone se jyada h 34 28 38 hai. Meri didi chitrangada Singh jaisi lagti h. Gaand bdi bdi ubhari hui boobs nd kmr patla hone k karan Aur v sexy lgti...

2 years ago
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Taking The Babysitter

"You know dear," I blurted, "if you’re going to ogle my husband like he's a piece of meat, you may as well get a closer look." Debbie, our babysitter for the last two years, blushed scarlet and averted her gaze. Granted, Michael was looking just fantastic tonight, flashing his white teeth and dark eyes in a grin that lit his face with burning sexual desire. That probably had something to do with me saying what I’d said. That, on top of the fact that we'd been teasing each other about her crush...

1 year ago
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Meri Badi Didi K Sath First Sex

Hello guys my name is deepak N m aaj aapko mere first sex experience k baare m btaane jaa rha hu. Pehle m aapko baa du ki meri age 18 h ,colour fair h aur mera lund ka size 6 inch h. Meri didi b bilkul msst maal jesi h Unka fig exactly to pataa nhi prr samjh lijiye ki unke boobs oor gand ese h ki kisi kaa b dekhte hi lapakne ka mann krr jaaye Ab m story p aata hu Ye isi year summer holidays ki baat h ki m apni didi k yha chutti mnaane gya tha meri didi mujhse sirf 2 saal hi badi h isliye...

3 years ago
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Just Babysitting

Everyone says that your high school years are the best years of your life. For me, that’s only half true. High school sucked on so many levels. People either loved you, or they hated you, usually for the most pathetic reasons that most often came from a spark of jealousy, therefore causing rumours to spread. There was the fear of busting your ass; only to walk away with a mark that would honestly get you nowhere in life, and finally, teacher’s found any excuse to be on your ass. For me, this...

2 years ago
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Didi Ki Badi Gand

Hello friends main iss ka bhot bada fan hoon. Maine pehle bhi iss main apni story daali hai aur aaj apna main teesra experience likhne jaa raha hoon yaha pe. So dosto agar koi aunty ya ladki mujhse baat karna chahti ho sex ya phone sex ke liye aur agar mumbai se koi ho so they can mail me aur mumbai se nahi hongi toh bhi maile me at Aur 100% aapki information private rahegi. So dosto aapko zyada bor na karte hue main apni story pe aata hoon. Main mumbai main rehta hoon meri diwali ki chutti...

4 years ago
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Wife Hires Baby Sitter

My wife and I had been going through a long dry spell while she was pregnant to a few months after she had the baby. We would have sex occasionally during her pregnancy, but toward the end she said it was getting uncomfortable. The doctor had ordered no sex for at least six weeks after the baby was born. We tried having sex once after the six weeks was up, but again she said it was still a little painful. So the only action I was getting was watching porn late at night, and masturbating. I was...

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Bath For Babygirl

He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...

First Time
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter Saturday, after breakfast my wife packed her car, gathered up our sons and left for the lake to spend the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend. "I've arranged for Clarice to come over to babysit with you," Alice said with a twinkle in her eye as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "She is coming around 3:00 because she thought she would like a swim before dinner." Clarice had been our babysitter since the boys were born, and over time had become a virtual...

4 years ago
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Excuse Me what Exactly did my Husbad Do part 1 of 3

Hi everyone, apparently its been a while since I put up a story. So here is one. Its actually older, I wrote it during the ice storm of 2008 when I had a lap top with no internet connection, lol... Just unburied it. Edited it, and now posting it. This is part 1 of 3... Also, stay tuned, big announcement in about 4 weeks at Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is...

4 years ago
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Badi Didi Ki Chudai

Hello, dosto mera naam Chandan hai aur main kolkata ka rehne wala hoon meri age 20 yrs hai. Yeh ghatna mere saath tab ghati jab main 12th mein padhta thamain waise to padhai main thiktha magar exam k 2 mahiney pehle mujhe jondice ho gaya tha aur issi karan meri tayari nahi ho payi thi aur mujhe pura pata tha k main exam mein fail ho jaunga. Issi karan mere gharwale bhi pareshan the waise main aaplogon ko bata doon k mere ghar mein 4 log rehte hai main,papa,mummy aur meri didi.Didi ki saadi ho...

2 years ago
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Babysitter Blues

Taylor is sitting in the lounge reading a book when Sally comes home. She looks up as the young girl races past the sofa and upstairs to her room, her schoolbag swinging wildly on her shoulder. “Whoa, Sally be careful!” Taylor calls out. “What’s going on?” Taylor puts her book down and makes her way up the stairs too. Coming to a stop in front of Sally’s room, Taylor lets out a groan. Clothes are being strewn everywhere as Sally searches through her drawers in a frenzy. “Sally... You’re going...

4 years ago
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Setting Up Hubby With Our Babysitter

Chapter 1 Aaron and I met in college at the University of Wisconsin. He was majoring in mechanical engineering and I was majoring in finance. Yes, rather different career tracks but we had a lot in common. The main area we shared was our bodies. I first had sex when I was sixteen and was hooked from then on. I did know some girls whose first experiences were bummers but mine was wonderful. Just got the right guy, I guess. He took his time and got me so hot with his tongue, I think I cummed at...

4 years ago
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Sex Diaries Night with the babysitter

Cindy slid out of bed and gathered her scattered clothes off the floor. She turned around and saw that he was still sound asleep before quietly slipping out of the bedroom. She headed for the bathroom where she quickly got dressed and splashed some cold water on her face. Cindy looked in the mirror and smiled as she remembered what happened last night. The thought of it got her excited all over again. But she realized she had to get out here as soon as possible. A few minutes later Cindy left...

3 years ago
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Propositioning The Babysitter

Jack Niles was married for the last twenty years.  He and his wife were best friends.  They were each other’s soul mates.  They had a healthy sexual relationship and pleased one another.  Jack also had secret desires which he didn’t share with his wife.Jack was obsessed with breasts.  His wife had a small chest.  He begged her to get implants, however she was scared about her health.  She would get real mad at her husband for ever suggesting that she needed implants.  Jack’s obsession with...

2 years ago
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Having Fun With The Babysitter and her Boyfriend

“Okay, Samantha, we’ll be gone for about four hours. Once you put Lauren to sleep you can call your boyfriend to come over. But, I don’t want him here until our daughter is asleep.” “Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be fine.” “If you want to go into the pool, just bring the baby monitor outside so you can hear the baby in case she wakes up.” “I have your phone number in case of a problem. Go have some fun you both deserve it.” My husband Jerry and I left to go out to dinner with...

Group Sex
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When The Babysitter Came

"Andrea, Susan, can you two come down here for a minute?"I heard mum calling us and felt my cheeks flush angrily. I know Susan was still young but I wasn't a child anymore and didn't want to be treated like one."Andrea, don't start young lady, my taxi's here." The neutral tone couldn't hide her impatience and I could picture her looking at her watch whilst standing at the door, waiting for me to show myself. Knowing she wouldn't leave until I'd done as asked, I resignedly sauntered to the top...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Threesome With The Babysitter Part Two

A month passed since my wife and I had sex with our babysitter. I couldn’t stop thinking about that amazing night. I know it’s very wrong, but I have to be with the babysitter again. I haven’t told my wife about these thoughts. I don’t want to cheat on my wife, but I cannot forget the feeling of fucking Sandy’s young pussy. I have had dreams about her body and how it felt to be inside of her pussy. I don’t want to share Sandy with my wife ever again. I want to have sex with her all by myself....

Group Sex
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 7

In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 6

Last part, Part 5 of this story was published on ISS on 23-11-2013. You have read that Divya arranged a girl from own school through school peon Nandu for her husband. But before her husband could fuck virgin girl three lady Divya, Usha ( wife of Divya’s colleague at school Vinay ) and Sonia ( maid of Divya) had hard core lesbian with virgin girl. Then in front of all other first Vinod ( husband of Divya) and then Vinay fucked that school girl. In evening when peon Nandu came to pick up girl...

3 years ago
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Just West of Happy Intermission Proving a Mans Worthington

Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is a bit of an intermission, a bit of a bridge between "act 1" and "act 2" if such things can possibly exist without any sort of actual, long-term planning on my part....

4 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 9

Monday evening a young handsome school boy Shekhar dropped Divya home. He boldly expressed his desire for her but Divya apparently did not give him any encouragement. But when her maid Sonia said that they should take this handsome boy in their cunt Divya assured maid that very soon cock of this handsome boy will be inside their cunt, “ randi, chinta mut kar bahut jaldi, iss khubsurat lawnde kaa lawda hamari choot mey hoga. “ In company of Divya that young widow Sonia also became a slut. From...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 10 Final Part

In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 8

You read that bank sanctioned vehicle loan to Headmaster as per requirement of Divya. Sanction letter was handed over on Monday and same day HM got delivery of car. Divya attended school and thereafter she booked in a hotel outside city and invited CM of bank as per their deal. By 6 of evening Divya was nude on body of CM. He hugged her tightly. Kissed deeply and whispered , “My darling, let me love you. “ He said and positioned her flat on king size bed of the hotel room. “ no hurry, I am...

1 year ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 9

After my boyfriend broke up with me I went on a amazing adventure having sex with six different men in less than a week. It was a wild ride and so far I enjoyed every inch of it (if you know what I mean). Before this week I had only been fucked by three different men and now my total was nine. I knew that I would soon be in the double digits. There was no turning back. I was committed to being a slut. Each of the six men that I hooked up with wanted to fuck me again. They were all married and...

2 years ago
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Divya Ki Randi Banne Ki Khwaish

Hi sexstory doston mai raj. Jaise app muje jaante hi hai aur agar aapne meri pehli wali sexstory padhi hongi tho aapko pata hi hoga ki divya kon hai. So uss din pub ke terrace pe sex karne ke baad mai aur divya jab bhi milte kuch adventerous zaroor karte. Tho doston hum sab mumbai mai rehte hai. Koi mumbai se muje milna chahe ya baate karni ho tho pe mail kare ya pe mail ya hangouts wala message kare. So doston story pe aate hue. Mai ek saturday ki dopahar apne ek reader ke saathvideo call pe...

2 years ago
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Doctor Didi Ke Badan Ki Pyaas Bhujai 8211 Part I

By : Sant Loda Hi all! Mai kaafi lambe samay se is site pea a rahi stories ko padh raha hun jinse mujhe naye naye ideas ki prapti hui hai. Inhi ideas ko mix karke maine ek plan banaya aur apni mama ki ladki , jo ki ek doctor hain ke saath maje kare.Guys n Gals this is 100% true story. No misleadings here. Agar aapko yeh story pasand aaye to mujhe – pe mail jarur kare. Meri umar abhi 22hai aur didi ki 26saal. Meri didi bilkul ragini khanna jaisi lagti hai , bhare hue CHUCHE, uthi hui GAAND. Jab...

4 years ago
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Badi Behen Ko Diya Bada Lund

I am Karan from Ludhiana, meri age 23 hai, main ek accha good looking Punjabi munda hu, generally mujjhe bhabiya bahut pasand hai. So yeh baat 6 months pehle ki hai, jab meri badi sister ke liye rishta aaya.. Meri badu behen ek dum model lagti hai super-duper hot figure.. But hai kafi seedhi..Hum log bahut modern family hai. Mere ghar mein mom dad me and badi sister rehte hai, meri azar hamesha se badi behen pe thi,jab vo mini skirt pehenti thi uuuuffff kyaaa lagti thi…Gori gori...

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Students from Islamabad

My two students from Islamabad From Sulaimaan Khan Two and a half years ago I came to Islamabad from Peshawar, looking for job. For nearly two months I kept walking on the wide, tree lines avenues of Islamabad, seeking and applying for job in government or private sector. I had taken my master degree in English literature and also had a flair for Philosophy. It was quest for knowledge, which held a strong old over my mind, at the same time I was sexually depraved and perverse, sometime...

3 years ago
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Divya Ki Gaand Chudai Aur Gangbang

Hi friends mai raj, sorry bade dino baad indian sex kahani likh raha hu. Ye kahani sacchi hai ekdum 100%. Tho doston ye kahani hai mere dost ki behen divya ki. Divya ki umar 23 saal hai aur rang brown hai. Uske baal uske boobs tak hai aur uski aankhon ka. Wo mast slim hai aur jaise kai ladkiyon ki jaanghe yani thigh’s ka insie wala part chipakta hai waise uske nahi chipakti aur iske wajah se jab vo shorts ya tight jeans pehnti hai tab uski gand kya mast dikhti hai aur usko doggy style chodne ka...

1 year ago
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Divya K Saath Jungle Me Mangal 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...

2 years ago
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Divya friend get the satisfaction

Hi, ISS reader and thanks for good response of my last story of Mature Horney Lady – especially to those ladies who is starved for sex and not getting oral sex from their hubby I am from Mumbai and my e-mail id is As said I get so many contact from this Divya now I became body massager, pussy hair trimmer, and pussy licker. As mentioned in the previous story my wife is also not having interest in oral sex so I am also starving for oral sex mainly special interest is licking the pussy of...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 1

I had always been a good girl. Well almost always. But so much led up to this one year where I became 'bad'. Very bad. Very, very bad. It’s amazing what you yourself are capable of and the things you would do that you never thought you would. Sometimes it takes you by surprise. Sometimes one thing just leads to another and then another. Sometimes it’s like an uncontrollable urge, craving and maybe even like an addiction. I’m 23 now and engaged. Yes I am young to be getting married but I fell...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 31 Italy Sinbad the Sailor

Towards the beginning of the year 1838, two young men belonging to the first society of Paris, the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf and the Baron Franz d'Epinay, were at Florence. They had agreed to see the Carnival at Rome that year, and that Franz, who for the last three or four years had inhabited Italy, should act as cicerone to Albert. As it is no inconsiderable affair to spend the Carnival at Rome, especially when you have no great desire to sleep on the Piazza del Popolo, or the Campo...

2 years ago
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The Badendorf Family History

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. One: • The Day Home Otto walked the road toward home at Baden on a cold winter day in 1758. He had walked the same road two years earlier with his father to be apprenticed not because he did not know the trade of his father but because it was believed that a father was not capable of teaching discipline to their own son. Otto...

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my exciting trip to Ahmedabad1

During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter...Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min.....and in that time....sandip fully utilise it by planting maximum lip kiss....anyway...but rarely find time to move ahead....he was very much disappointed with it....but he understand it and always give respect in...

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my exciting trip to Ahmedabad0

During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter...Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min.....and in that time....sandip fully utilise it by planting maximum lip kiss....anyway...but rarely find time to move ahead....he was very much disappointed with it....but he understand it and always give respect in...

1 year ago
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The Badendorf Family History Part Four

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Four • Down the Rhine River to Rotterdam The first thing the next morning after Otto went to the shop he counted out an amount of money he was sure would be enough to pay for three passages on a barge that would float them down river to Rotterdam. Leaving a sign in the window that stated he would be back before midday, he locked up...

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The Badendorf Family History Part Three

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Three • Papa’s Solution Otto wanted to know how Catherine was but he knew that when his father said it was bedtime he had to go to his room. He determined that he would wait a reasonable amount of time for his parents to go to sleep and then go to Cat’s room. While waiting he began to develop a plan that he hoped to propose to his...

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The Badendorf Family History Part Two

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Two: • The Next Day and the Next The next morning when Otto awoke he felt chilled by the winter cold that had penetrated his room. His mind was not clear as he became aware that he had awakened in his own bed rather than at his Uncle Hans’ house. He then noted he was not wearing his nightshirt. Suddenly the memory of what had...

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Badgers celebration

It was Wednesday. The day I always arrange to meet Badger at the allotment. Sometimes I help the old guy with a little bit of digging. “This is the time to do the autumn dig,” he says, “So that the frost can get into it and kill all those pests.” But today, after a good fall of snow, there would be no digging. “But you are still welcome to call, Alex,” he told me on the mobile phone. “I have a good steaming cuppa for you and all the comforts.” How could I resist. Badger’s allotment shed was...

2 years ago
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Es ist ein schrecklich langweiliger Freitag Nachmittag. Meine Name ist Bernd, ich bin 20 Jahre alt und stehe kurz vor dem Abitur. Eigentlich sollte ich lernen, aber wir haben gerade gestern zwei Klausuren gehabt und ich könne mir einen Tag Pause. Meinen Freunden Fred, Peter, Clara und Sophie geht es da ähnlich. Fred und Peter sind ähnlich gebaut wie ich. Peter ist etwas sportlicher und schlanker, Fred dagegen etwas rundlicher, aber dafür mit 1,95cm auch sehr groß. Clara ist wohl am besten als...

Group Sex
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Spa am Badesee

Xenia und Lars sind seit 4 Jahren ein Paar. Von Anfang an waren die beiden sehr offen zueinander und schon bald offenbarte Xenia Lars, daß sie einen Fabel für Spielchen hat. In diesen Spielchen nimmt sie gerne die dominante Rolle ein, und genießt es zu sehen, wie Männer ihr gehorchen und durch Erniedrigung und Schmerz Lust empfinden. Lars wirkte damals skeptisch, konnte aber nicht sagen, daß er nicht selbst schon solche Phantasien gehabt hat, in denen er einer Frau untergeben war. Die beiden...

4 years ago
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Das Thermalbad

Hi, ich bin Stefan und 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin 183 groß habe kurzes dunkles Haar, braune Augen und bin sehr sportlich. Um mich mal wider richtig zu entspannen wollte ich mit meiner Freundin ( Steffi, 22, 175, langes dunkles Haar, braune Augen, teilrasierte Fotze und Megamöpse 80DD ) mal wider in die Therme fahren. Und ich hatte auch vor sie dort mal wider zu ficken, da wir es beide total geil finden es auch an solchen orten zu treiben. Beim Sex ist sie für sehr vieles zu haben, sie bläst total...

2 years ago
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BadGirl I Fucked her BoyFriend

"Oh my God!" she yelled at the top of her lungs "we should not be doing this" as her best friend's boyfriend pounded his eight inch dick into her tight 23 year old pussy. Jane buried her face into the pillow as she accepted a serious pounding as he continued to crash into her from behind, pounding her relentlessly despite her weak protests for him to stop. He couldn't help but admire her young tight body. She was quite the site to see bent over - even better than he had imagined.Jane had just...

2 years ago
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Under a nice Barbadian sun

We got to Barbados airport and a while later we were checking at our resort. Anita wanted to go sunbath on the beach; I wanted a drink first; she told me we would meet by the beach. After having a drink, I went to the beach. There I met a local man, a huge black one, who asked me where my wife was. I stared at him, asking if we had met before.He smiled and said he had met my wife some months ago; when Ana had come here on a quick vacation trip with Helena.I was thinking that black guy had...

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