Sigma Mu Kappa
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1 ? The Invitation
??????????? The still oppressive heat of summer rustled the leaves and baked the sidewalks of the college campus.? And despite the excited throng of students, Samantha Mayfield was barely cognizant of her surroundings as she made her way to class.? A river of students flowed in the same direction and Sam walked on oblivious, her mind deeply entrenched on other things.? Her book bag was slung over one shoulder, padded by the plaid patterned button down shirt she wore.?
??????????? Her flip flops clapped loudly as she walked, but the sound was muted by the dull roar of returning students who spoke eagerly about the new school year, and the gossip of the last.? Samantha, who had heard more than enough about the strange duo The Waxers throughout the end of her freshman year, tuned it out.
??????????? Her dark brown hair was still worn long, and her ears were accented with small conservative earrings.? Her denim shorts weren?t slutty, nor overly long, merely the perfect length which bespoke a well mannered, respectable, sophomore student.
??????????? But the truth was that Sam?s encounter with the Waxers had changed her, in several ways.? She was more cautious, more alert when alone, but more importantly, it had changed her views on her own sexuality.? All last year and during the summer, back at her parent?s house, she had spent quiet stolen moments caressing her own body, touching herself, and once in a few stolen hours, baby oiled herself and poured hot candle wax over her own breasts while she masturbated.
??????????? These secrets she carefully hid, as she hid the fact that she maintained the careful trimming and shave that the Waxers had given her that fateful night five months earlier.? She had never told anyone of her kidnapping, of her bondage, or of the hour long massage and waxing she had endured.? Not even Chelly knew of it, though Jamie, her roommate, had certainly been suspicious.
??????????? Samantha looked up at the wall of the lecture building and saw a flurry of fraternity and sorority posters hanging on the wall.? It was pledge week, the second week of school and it seemed that every little group that could find a copy of the Greek alphabet had displayed their symbols widely across the campus.? Lambda Epsilon Chi, Theta Kappa Iota, and countless others were exclaiming their virtues and crying out for fools to join them.
??????????? She shook her head.? One thing Sam knew was to stay away from the Greek Clubs.? Dues were expensive, and while the idea of close sisterhood was appealing, the idea of having to endure the ritual hazing given pledges, despite university rules, was not something she wanted to experience.? Chelly had stated her intention to try for Phi Kappa Beta, a sorority that her mother was still a member of.
??????????? Sam shrugged her backpack on more securely when she felt a light touch on her other shoulder.
??????????? ?Are you Samantha Mayfield??? a soft feminine voice asked.
??????????? Samantha turned and found herself gazing into a pair of crystal blue eyes surrounded by a wealth of rich blonde hair.? The girl?s mouth was smiling and she seemed to be beaming friendliness.?
??????????? ?Yeah, I?m Sam Mayfield.?
??????????? ?Kristen Cox.? I?ve got something for you.?? She held out her hand, clutching a thick white paper envelope.
??????????? Sam?s eyebrow shot up.? ?What is it??? She asked, looking quizzically at the stunning blonde.
??????????? Kristen laughed softly.? ?An offer, if you?re interested.?? She shrugged.? ?See ya? around, Samantha.?? With that Kristen moved away, disappearing into the sea of humanity.
??????????? Sam looked down at the envelope.? Across the front was her name, written in bold and flowing script, but from what was obviously the hand of a woman.? She flipped the card open and her breath caught as she saw the splash of wax, sealing it.? Her fingers trembled as she slipped a finger under the cardstock flap and she watched as the wax popped off, sticking to the top flap.?
??????????? There was a card inside and Samantha pulled it out.? Large Script letters in glittering red ink were three Greek sigils: Sigma Epsilon Xi.? Samantha looked about and then up at the posters above her.? Nowhere could she find Sigma Epsilon Xi advertising, in fact, she didn?t even remember it from the list of approved fraternities and sororities that were allowed to operate at the university.
??????????? Sam opened the card.? Once again, the handwriting that had addressed the card flowed across the inside.
??????????? Dear Samantha,
??????????????????????? Welcome back to a second year here.? We at Sigma Epsilon Xi want to extend that welcome to you by giving you the opportunity to join our sorority.? We accept very few sisters each year, usually only four or five, and all are carefully pre-chosen.? Your name came highly recommended to us, and what we have discovered about you ?pleases us greatly.? You would be a valued addition to our covey.?
??????????? We are a PRIVATE sorority, and we like to stay out of the limelight of the school, so please do not mention this invitation to anyone.? If you are interested, please meet myself and Kristen Cox at the University Student Union in the food court tonight at six.? We will buy you dinner and we can talk.? Just talk?
??????????? Hope to see you tonight!
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sincerely,
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Tami Cohen
??????????? Sam?s brow creased and she stuffed the card into her backpack.? She shook her head with a roll of her eyes.? A secret sorority!? She knew she needed to belong to a secret sorority like she needed another hole in her head.?? Slowly she turned and picked up speed, finally finding the lecture hall where Chelly was waiting.
??????????? ?Hey Sam.? Chelly said softly as Sam dropped her back pack underneath the half desk seat in the auditorium.?
??????????? ?How was geometry, Chel??? Sam asked, sitting down, her smooth legs crossing in front of her, the light pink flip flops dangling from her toes.
??????????? Chelly made a nasty face.? ?Terrible.? It?s nothing like Algebra.? Algebra I can do.?? You just plug in the numbers.? Geometry, it?s all spatial.? Shapes and lines and angles.? I?m not sure I?m going to ace this like I did my Algebra class last year.?
??????????? Samantha laughed.? ?Its nice to see you finally experience what I deal with every math class I take.?
??????????? ?I don?t understand how you have trouble with it.? It?s so easy!?? Chelle said, pulling out a heavy notebook and pen.
??????????? Sam squinted a moment.? ?Hey, Chelle, you?re into the Greek thing.? Ever heard of a sorority called Sigma Epsilon Xi??
??????????? Chelle stiffened, her eyes widening just as the professor moved to the podium.
??????????? ?Good afternoon everyone.? Today we will begin our lecture covering the events that lead to the civil war.? Please take copious notes since the test will contain questions covered here, but not in the text.? I will answer questions throughout the lecture.?
??????????? Chelle bit her lip and quickly wrote upon her paper, pulling it out of the notebook and passing it over.
??????????? Sam, I?ve heard of that sorority.? They only have one interest and it?s not sanctioned by the university.? Look at their name:
??????????????????????? S?? E?? X
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??????????? ?????????? m?? i
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Why do you want to know?
??????????????????????? ????????????????
Chapter 2 ? The Meeting
??????????? Hours later Samantha sat in the lounge area of the Student Union, flip flop clad feet up on the padded seat beside her while her History book lay open before her.? Her thick five subject spiral lay propped up against her knees, covered in the scrawling notes from the lecture.? There were a few doodles that lay in the margins, but at some point in the lecture she had scratched in the letters S.E.X.
??????????? Sam sighed, pulling out the heavy embossed card, opening it once more.? Her mind had been in turmoil since History and the whispered derision of her friend Chelly.? Chelly had pulled her aside after class and Samantha remembered the conversation clearly.
??????????? ?Sam, I?m serious.? I?ve heard a few things about that sorority.? They?re sexual perverts.? All sorts of sex games and stuff happen at their house.? I?ve even heard they keep sex slaves.?? Chelly said, her fingers on Sam?s elbow.
??????????? ?Sex slaves?? Come on, Chelly.?? Sam said, a look of sarcastic disbelief on her face.
??????????? ?Well?I don?t know for sure, but I?ve heard that they have ?punishment? sessions for poor grades over there; whippings and ice and hot wax.?
??????????? ?Hot Wax??? Sam said suddenly, her throat tightening and her mind flashing back to the previous spring when she had laid bound to a table as two men masturbated her and poured hot wax over her body.
??????????? ?Yeah!? Hot wax!? Anyway, I?d rather join a respectable sorority than something like that any day of the week.?
??????????? Sam could only nod, her mind far away.
??????????? Now she couldn?t seem to get the idea out of her mind.? It was only a quick walk to the dining area of the student union, a single flight of stairs to the food court and only a few minutes before six.? She fingered the embossed card a final time, her heart fluttering and her stomach tightening.? Finally she stuffed her book and spiral in her backpack, her decision made.?
??????????? Samantha Mayfield stood and slung her back pack over her shoulder and strolled purposefully down the hall.? Mounting the stairs she entered the food court and looked around.? The room was only partially full, the food court being more of a lunch time eating establishment for commuting students.? Only a quarter of the tables were occupied.? Samantha found an empty table in the center of the room and plopped down in a seat to wait.
??????????? ?Hi, Samantha.? Tami asked me to come over and invite you to our table.?? A soft musical voice said in Sam?s ear, startling her.? She looked up and saw the blond mane of Kristen, the girl who had given her the card.? Her petite frame was well complimented by the lavender halter top and blue denim skirt she wore and for a moment, Sam felt dowdy compared to her.? Sam scooped up her backpack and stood.
??????????? ?Sure.? Where is Tami??
??????????? Kristen smiled and pointed to the far corner of the dining area.? ?We have one of those booths over there.? Sam looked down to the far corner of the room and could see a series of booths against the glass windows.? The light outside was still bright and Sam could only make out silhouettes, one being a softly curving figure with long hair sitting at the very end booth.
??????????? Together Kristen and Sam walked toward Tami.? The resounding click of Kristen?s heels clashed with the slap clap of Sam?s flip flops.? As they approached, Sam was able to see her dining partner more clearly.? Tami Cohen was easily two to three years older than Sam, and even appeared to be older than Kristen.? She was dressed in a black spaghetti strap dress that didn?t seem appropriate for the fast food venue of the student union food court.? The low cut dip in the front fully accentuated her figure though and Sam grimaced for a moment as she realized that of the three girls, she was poorest dressed.? Tami?s long red hair seemed to flow like a river of crimson gold against dark velvet.
??????????? ?Um?sorry I didn?t have time to go get into anything more?well, I thought this would be informal since we were meeting here.?? Samantha stammered as Tami Cohen smiled up at her.
??????????? ?You need not apologize, Samantha.? I gave you no indication, nor instruction about dress requirements.? Please have a seat.?? Tami motioned to the bench across from her.? ?What are you interested in for dinner??
??????????? Samantha seated herself, dropping her book bag on the floor, not sure where Kristen would sit.
??????????? ?Uh?the regular vegetable sandwich from the sub place would be fine; that and a Diet soda.?? Sam said.
??????????? Tami nodded and looked at Kristen.? ?Please go get our dinner, Kristen.?
??????????? Sam looked up at the blond girl who seemed almost to bow and quickly turn away, moving toward the string of restaurants across the dining area.? Sam?s eyes widened a little and she wondered whether there was a little more truth behind Chelly?s rumors than she previously thought.
??????????? Tami smiled and folded her delicately long fingers on the table in front of her.? ?Samantha, I appreciate you coming to meet with me.? No doubt you have some serious questions about our sorority, whether you have heard of it or not.? I will certainly give you an opportunity to ask those questions.? As to how we got your name, let?s just say that some friends of the sorority gave it to us and said you came highly recommended.?
??????????? Sam looked at Tami quizzically.? ?Highly recommended?? I don?t understand.?
??????????? Tami nodded appreciatively.? ?Of course.? Let me tell you a little of the benefits that we provide for our younger sisters before we get into anything else.? First of all, we offer the companionship, friendship, and sisterhood of the sorority to our first year members free of charge.? There are no dues whatsoever.? We also provide free tutoring, special lessons, and free rooms for first year sisters.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes popped open.? ?Excuse me?? You provide free room and board???
??????????? Tami shook her head.? ?Well?room yes?board no.? We have a kitchen at the sorority house, and try to keep it stocked with snacks, but no one really likes to cook so most of us either eat out, or keep an account open at the University?s cafeterias.? We?re closest to Bruce Hall, so we eat there a lot.? But we don?t charge first year sisters for their sleeping quarters.?
??????????? ?Wow.?? Samantha said, thinking about the several thousand dollars she had spent for her dorm room.? She thought about it and then smiled.? ?What?s the catch?? My dad says that anything you get for free is worth what you paid for it.?
??????????? Tami laughed, a tinkle light peal of bells.? ?Your father seems to be a wise man.? To be truthful, there is a catch.? The sophomore sisters have some regular duties that they must perform.?? She paused.? ?And meet certain requirements.?
??????????? Samantha looked at Kristen who was walking back across the dining room with a laden tray.? ?You mean like clean the sorority house and fetch dinner??
??????????? Tami nodded.? ?Yes, fetching, as you so elegantly put it, is a part of those duties, as is cleaning the sorority house.? However there are a few more that we add to the list.?
??????????? There was a long pause as Sam waited.? Finally she lifted her chin.? ?Like what??
??????????? Kristen put the tray down in the center of the table and immediately began to divvy up the contents.? Sam thanked her as the blonde placed the garden sub in front of the brunette sophomore.?
??????????? ?Don?t get used to it.? Kristen said, her mouth a straight line, her tone slightly dark.
??????????? Samantha recoiled, wondering what she did to offend the girl.
??????????? ?Kristen.? That was not polite.? Samantha is considering joining our group and your attitude is unacceptable to an outsider examining the benefits of joining the sisterhood.? Apologize.?
??????????? Kristen looked up with something akin to fear in her eyes.? Samantha could actually sense her uneasiness.?
??????????? ?I?m sorry.? I didn?t mean to be rude.? It?s just that I was a sophomore last year and this year I?m a junior and I?m still trying to figure out what that all means.?
??????????? Samantha looked at her with a raised eyebrow.? ?Um?yeah sure.? No problem.?
??????????? Tami smiled and opened her own salad and began to pour a small packet of dressing over it.? She nodded to Kristen who began to open her own chicken sandwich.
??????????? ?So?what are the other duties??? Asked Sam before taking a bite of her sandwich.
??????????? Tami hesitated with her fork between her sensuous mouth and the bowl.? She lowered the fork.
??????????? ?Samantha, are you a virgin??
??????????? The half eaten bite solidified in Sam?s mouth as her body stiffened in shock.?
??????????? ?Well?too be honest, no.?
??????????? Tami nodded, taking a bite of her salad as Samantha answered.
??????????? ?Are you heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual??
??????????? Samantha put down her sandwich.? She had been prepared because of Chelly?s rumors, to hear something sexual in nature, and she quickly berated herself for not anticipating these questions.? She glanced at Kristen and studied her for a moment, quickly, thinking in her mind what it would be like to have a sexual encounter with her.
??????????? ?Well?I guess I?m still kind of undecided.?? Samantha said, wanting to take a non-committal route.
??????????? Tami actually smiled.? ?Excellent.? Most of the sisters are bisexual, though there are a few who are heart hardened lesbians.?
??????????? Tami Cohen took a few more bites.? ?To be totally honest with you, Samantha, the first year girls serve as subordinates to the older girls.? Junior girls are allowed limited domination over the first years, as they are groomed to be Seniors.? Seniors have total control of all younger sisters in the sorority.? They meet out assignments and chores, handle grade oversight, and mete out punishments.?
??????????? ?Punishments.?? It was a statement, not a question that came from Samantha.
??????????? Tami nodded.? ?Punishments.? Let me give you an example.?? Tami turned toward Kristen who was finishing her Chicken sandwich.
??????????? ?Kristen?? I realize that you have already apologized to a prospective sister for your rudeness, but I want you to reflect for the rest of the evening on your behavior.? Sisters of Sigma Epsilon Xi should be well mannered and polite at all time.? Please get out your punishment clips.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes went wide and her face drained of color.? Sam watched in frightened astonishment as Kristen reached for her purse and pulled two brass clamps from her purse, connected by a short gold chain.
??????????? Tami nodded, seemingly pleased.? ?Now, please lift your halter top, one breast at a time, and apply your clip, level two for both please.?
??????????? Samantha?s mouth dropped as Kristen lifted her shirt, baring her right breast.? The full curve of her bosom was totally exposed and Sam glanced around the room, wondering if anyone was watching this.? No one seemed to notice what was going on and Sam turned to watch Kristen carefully position the clamp over her hard nipple.? With a quick squeeze, the two halves of the clamp came together with a snap.? Kristen sucked in a long hard breath, but then squeezed it again, letting a second snap float in the air.
??????????? Tears seemed to well in Kristen?s eyes as she lowered her halter top, the clamp and chain easily visible under the tight top and bared the other breast.? Carefully, the blonde repeated the process to her other nipple, once more squeezing it to tighten it to the second level.
??????????? Kristen lowered her halter top back down, the stretched fabric obviously pressing hard against the clips.? Her chest heaved as she fought down the quick breaths of agony that seemed to be crushing her.? Samantha had frozen, appalled at the cruelty of the punishment.? She opened her mouth to beg Tami to let Kristen release the clamps when she felt an odd sensation with in her own sex.
??????????? Samantha realized that she was turned on.? Her own body had lubricated itself, flooding her with juices and chemicals that had made her look at Kristen?s body in desire.? Sam licked her lips momentarily, unaware of the look of pure rapture that crossed her face.
??????????? Tami seemed to notice the look and continued quietly.? ?Oh yes, there are punishments, frequent ones, but there are also rewards, Samantha.? We can promise you the fulfillment of your needs, a scholastic career, and deep friendships.? Every year, if you are accepted, you will have the option to remain and progress through the ranks.?
??????????? Sam turned back to the auburn haired beauty.? ?Accepted? But??
??????????? Tami held up a hand and smiled.? ?Just as every sorority and fraternity, we have a pledge week.? It is a grueling test of your willingness, your abilities to submit, and your sexuality.? It is not hazing, but it is an ordeal.? The only thing that I can promise is that everything required of you will be explained, in full, prior to the activity, and that you may refuse to do something at any time, though if you do, that will end your application to our sisterhood.?
??????????? Sam merely stared, glancing at Kristen who was biting her lower lip, her breasts pulled together by the short chain.
??????????? Tami nudged Kristen and nodded toward the dining area.? Kristen slid out of the seat and stood up, her shirt a ridged mass of obvious bondage. ?Tami slid out afterward and looked down at Samantha.
??????????? ?If you wish to apply, meet us at this address on Sunday evening.? You will not be spending the night, so you will not need anything when you come.? If you do come, we assume that you wish to enter the sorority and that you will become a pledge.? If you do not show up, then I hope you enjoyed dinner.? Good night.? ??Tami placed another red embossed card down on the table.
??????????? Mouth agape, Samantha could only stare as Tami Cohen and Kristen Cox made their way from the food court.?
Chapter 3 ? Decisions
??????????? Saturday had gone relatively fast for Samantha, mostly concentrating on her schoolwork.? The knowledge she had been given Friday night at the meeting between her and Tami Cohen had percolated through her mind, but it was the memory of Kristen Cox willingly tightening the nipple clamps upon her own breasts that had made the most impact on Sam.
??????????? Samantha had felt an unusual tingle when Kristen had exposed herself.? It was confusing at first, an almost unnatural sensation, and one that Samantha had not recognized.? Watching Kristen attach two high pressure clamps onto her own breasts had not only intensified the feelings, but increased them exponentially.
??????????? She had gone back to her dorm room agitated and aroused.? Her mind had replayed the entire scene over and over until finally she had excused herself to her room mate and quickly gone to the restroom.? Once in the privacy of her own shower stall Samantha had quickly slipped her own soapy fingers through her sex as her other hand tantalized a delicate nipple.
??????????? As her pleasure increased she imagined herself in the place of Kristen and she pinched her breast tightly, sending a spark of some previously unknown sensation rushing deep through her body.? She moaned and plunged her own fingers deep, driving the sensation until she exploded in a wet tremble that had her leaning against the side of the stall.
??????????? Satisfied yet confused, Samantha tried to make sense of it all as the hot water cascaded down her body.? What were the questions about?? Why had Tami Cohen wanted to know if she was bisexual, and why had she answered she wasn?t sure?? All Samantha knew was that when Kristen had lifted her top, it had been different from the countless times she had seen other women naked.
??????????? Slowly Samantha made her way back to her room.? Her fingers found the red embossed card and she turned it over and over, as her mind did the same?
Chapter 4 ? Sunday Night
??????????? It was a large house, situated just down from the University at the corner of ElmStreet and Avenue C.? Samantha had walked, a quick trip that only took about ten minutes.? The soft linen skirt she wore swirled around her heels, this time clad in sloped sandals.? Her cotton polo shirt was stylish and she had decided to be daring and loosened one more button that she usually did, allowing the graceful slope of her breast to become visible.
??????????? It was still early, almost five o?clock as she walked down the concrete pathway to the porch.? The house exuded stylish old style strength, seemingly perfect in its lush wisteria garden and landscaping.? The scent of roses hung in the air and crepe myrtle stood at the corners.
??????????? Another girl was standing on the front door step, her back to Samantha as she rang the bell.? Sam saw that she was wearing a short black mini skirt, high heels, and a white blouse that seemed to mesh well with her light brown hair.? Just as Sam started to mount the steps to join her, the door opened.
??????????? ?Hello Ally, welcome to the Sigma Epsilon Xi House.? Said a girl from inside the hallway.? ?Oh!? I?m sorry Samantha.? I didn?t see you.? Welcome to the Sigma Epsilon Xi House!?? The girl seemed to almost be short of breath as she greeted both sophomores.? Sam turned and looked at Ally, who smiled shyly in return.? Sam held out her hand, motioning for the pretty brunette to precede her into the house.
??????????? Ally and Sam entered into the main hallway and found themselves staring down a broad corridor that reached to the depths of the house.? Various doorways branched off, including an ancient stairwell that climbed the right side wall to the upper levels.? The walls were covered in pictures; all of those head shots of women, and Sam realized that they were pictures of previous members.? She paused when she recognized one, staring at it.
??????????? ?But that?s Professor ?? Sam began, startled.
??????????? She was interrupted.? ?Oh yes, we have a number of well known former members.? Alumni visit on occasion, as you will find out.?? Please, keep walking and take the first turn to the right.? Ally and Sam glanced at each other and continued down the hallway.? Ally turned into a doorway just behind the stairwell and Sam followed.
??????????? They entered a large living room area, decorated in stylish posh furniture with heavy drapes on the side windows.? A large chandelier light hung from the center of the room and Sam saw a wonderful buffet laid out on a side table.? The room was filled with women, some as old as seniors, some only a single year older than she, and quite a few sophomores.? Fortunately she did not recognize any of her fellow classmates.
??????????? The girl who had greeted them smiled and motioned them into the room.? ?Please feel free to help yourselves to the buffet if you are hungry.? Have something to drink.? I?m sure Mistress Tami will speak with you in a moment.?
??????????? ?Mistress Tami?? Asked Samantha, suddenly realizing that this girl was just like Kristen, a submissive junior who had decided to stay with the sorority after her first year.
??????????? The girl nodded.? ?Yes.? All senior members are referred to as Mistress.? Juniors members are called Sister.? You may call me Sister Amanda.?
??????????? ?And what are we called?? Asked Ally, intrigued.
??????????? Sister Amanda?s eyes hardened suddenly, but with a look of mischief.? ?Anything we want to call you.?
??????????? ?Ah!? Samantha and Ally.? Our last two pledges have arrived.?? Tami Cohen strolled over to them holding a crystal wine goblet.? She sipped at it lightly as she studied them.? ?I see you have met Sister Amanda.? Come?help your selves to some food and drink.?? Tami motioned them to follow her to the food buffet.
??????????? Sam took a plate and began placing tidbits on it, noticing that all the food was of the finest quality.? If this was what snacks at the sorority house were going to be like, she would join just for the opportunity to munch.? Another junior member was pouring drinks at the end of the table.
??????????? ?Soda, water, or juice??? The junior girl asked Ally with a smile.
??????????? Ally hesitated.? ?Well, I would really prefer a glass of wine.?
??????????? The junior girl?s smile faded.? ?I?m sorry Ally, but alcoholic beverages are not allowed to pledges and are moderated most carefully with our sophomore members.?? She tapped her temple a few times.? ?Can?t have your mental processes befuddled by intoxication.? You have to make decisions here.?
??????????? ?Ally?? I would like to introduce you to one of our senior members.?? Announced Tami, taking Ally?s arm and propelling her forward.
??????????? Sam followed immediately and watched as Ally was confronted by a tall raven haired beauty.? She was wearing a black evening dress that seemed to conform to the curves of her body accentuating her sexuality.
??????????? ?Ally, this is Mistress Nicole.? She will be your mentor during pledge week, and if you become a member, then you will continue to serve her.? She can answer questions for you, will protect you, and make sure you are comfortable with everything that is asked of you.? Mistress Nicole is also the mentor of one of the junior sisters, Sister Amanda, so you will have company in your service to her.?
??????????? Ally looked flabbergasted.? Evidentially this was just as startling to her as it was to Samantha.? Sam took a deep breath as she mentally digested the more obvious rhetoric of the Sigma Epsilon Xi sorority.? It was becoming obvious that the sophomore girls served as servants to the older girls.
??????????? Sam looked around, wondering which of the senior girls would be her mentor.? A sudden flush took her by surprise and she dropped her hand to her waist as she felt a surge through her sex.? Tami turned to her and smiled.
??????????? ?Each senior member chooses which pledge she wants to mentor.? It is quite a privilege, and is based on seniority within the sorority.? Only a few of the senior girls get the opportunity to have a personal pledge.? The junior members and other senior girls must share.?? Tami continued as Mistress Nicole took Ally off to one corner to meet another girl.
??????????? ?So who is going to be my mentor?? Asked Sam, still flushed with the heat of her sexual response.
??????????? Tami Cohen smiled.? ?I am.? And you will refer to me as Mistress Tami from now on, Samantha.??
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?? Sam?s throat was dry and she took a quick sip of her diet soda.
??????????? ?Excellent.? Now let?s find a seat.?? Mistress Tami led the way to one side of the room, away from the buffet.? Samantha followed her to find ten chairs in a half circle along one wall facing a collection of sofas, love seats, armchairs, and even a few chairs obviously brought in from other rooms.? Mistress Tami pulled Samantha forward and led her to the first of the ten chairs.
??????????? ?Sit down, Samantha.?? Ordered Mistress Tami.
??????????? Samantha sat quickly, complete at a loss as to why she was following the orders of this red haired goddess who had such pose, such confidence.? She squeezed her legs together as the thought of sexually pleasing Mistress Tami whirled through her mind.
??????????? ?Ladies!? Please let me have your attention.? We need to begin.? If you are serving as a mentor, please bring your pledge to the front and sit them.? We will begin with the physical and oral examinations as soon as we are ready.?
??????????? Quickly nine more sophomores were brought forward, some looking eager, some frightened, some angry or defiant.? Samantha watched tentatively as one girl seemed to be arguing with her mentor, who was patiently trying to calm her.? The angry sophomore finally sighed heavily and sat in her chair, a rebellious glare across her face.
??????????? Directly across from Sam and the other nine pledges were ten soft chairs, perfectly comfortable.? Several junior members hurried forward and erected tray tables at each one, placing a small folder with each.? It only took a few moments longer as the senior mentors sat themselves.? Samantha noticed Kristen skulking in the back of the room.? Sam twisted trying to get a better view and noticed that Kristen?s tight blouse didn?t show the chain and clamps.
??????????? Mistress Tami cleared her throat.? ?Let us begin please.? Pledges, you are here tonight because you seek entry into the Sigma Epsilon Xi sorority.? Our organization was created in 1967 in order to provide a safe house for girls on campus who were lesbian.? It provided the perfect growing place.? It has of course, evolved since then, but the founding cores of our organization have remained the same.? We remain dedicated to the mission of providing a safe, fun, sexually stimulating environment that cherishes women, encourages them to become confidant in their abilities.? All of our members, past and present are on the Dean?s list, and over ninety eight percent of our members graduate Magna Cum Laud.?
??????????? There was a slight scattering of applause and Sam couldn?t help but be impressed.? Those were some startling numbers.? She looked around realizing that every girl in the room had grades just as good as hers.? It was almost intimidating to be in the same room, especially in the dynamic self assuredness that all of the senior members possessed.? Sam suddenly hoped she would make it through the entire year as a subordinate member, graduating too sister status and then taking her place with the seniors.
??????????? ?Pledges, I must say right now that you have the right to refuse any order you are given at any time.? You will not be forced to do anything.? You will be asked to submit to us, but you may, at any time, leave.? Know this however, leaving or refusing any order, or refusing to answer a question, will immediately terminate your opportunity at joining our organization.? Throughout this week, you will be tested, repeatedly.? And I want you all to be aware that anything asked of one of your fellow pledges could just as easily be asked of you.?
??????????? There was a sudden silence as the pledges digested this information.? Sam was nonplused, having come to the same conclusion previously.? Sam looked down the row of pledges seated next to her and realized she would need to pay attention, in case of one the others was told to do something too outrageous.
??????????? ?We will now begin with the oral and physical examination.? Samantha Mayfield, please rise.?
??????????? Sam trembled suddenly, rising to her feet and standing before the twenty or so girls that watched her.
??????????? ?Are you nervous, Samantha?? Asked Mistress Tami.
??????????? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?? Replied Sam who then bit her lip as so many eyes focused upon her.
??????????? ?There is no need to be nervous, Samantha.? First of all, how tall are you??
??????????? Sam licked her lips.? ?I?m five foot five.?
??????????? ?Samantha, you need to address me with my title.? I don?t want to have to remind you again.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes popped open.? ?Yes Mistress Tami.? I?m sorry.?
??????????? Mistress Tami smiled and nodded, opening the folder in front of her.? ?How much do you weigh??
??????????? Sam swallowed.? ?I weigh one hundred and sixteen pounds, Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?And your natural hair color???
??????????? ?This is my natural hair color Mistress Tami.?? Said Samantha.
??????????? ?Are you wearing any underclothes, Samantha??? asked Mistress Tami.
??????????? Sam paused.? Honesty seemed the better part of valor, especially with this crowd.
??????????? ?I?m wearing a pair of panties Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?Very well, please remove them.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened. This was moving fast.? ?I?m sorry???
??????????? Mistress Tami?s eyes hardened.? ?Are you refusing an order, Samantha??
??????????? Sam quickly shook her head.? ?I?m sorry Mistress.?? She bent downward and lifted her ankle length skirt.? She raised it to her thighs and began to reach under it, trying to pull her panties down in the most conservative way possible.? Finally the soft silk panties dropped down to her ankles.? Carefully she stepped out of them.
??????????? ?No. Leave them right there.?? Mistress Tami ordered as Samantha reached for them.? Sam straightened back up.
??????????? ?Yes Mistress.?
??????????? ?Excellent.? Now, Samantha, when was the last time you masturbated??
??????????? The question shocked Samantha, but she summoned her courage, wanting to be as confidant as Mistress Tami.? ?This morning, Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?What did you fantasize about while you were masturbating??
??????????? ?I replayed in my mind our meeting where you had Kristen put the clamps on her nipples.?? Answered Samantha.
??????????? Mistress Tami smiled.? ?Samantha, you and the other pledges must refer to all of our junior members with the title ?Sister?.? Kristen should be addressed and referred to by you as ?Sister Kristen?, and remember that all of our junior members have as much right as the senior girls to give you orders.?
??????????? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?Did you pinch your own nipples while masturbating??
??????????? Samantha flushed in embarrassment.? ?Yes Mistress.?
??????????? ?Then show us where you pinched yourself.?
??????????? Sam was expecting this and she found herself obeying automatically as her fingers found the bottom of her polo shirt.? She slowly pulled it upward over her chest, baring two creamy white mounds to the entire audience.? The shirt came off her head easily and she held it in her hands, her deep breaths making her breasts heave.? There was a startled murmur through the assembled girls.
??????????? ?You have a beautiful body, Samantha.? I can?t wait to see the rest of it.? Please remove your skirt.?
??????????? Samantha slipped her fingers into the waist band of her skirt, pulling against the elastic and letting the cotton linen fall.? Her trimmed slit glistened under the intense light and she stepped out of the fallen cloth.
??????????? ?Samantha, you have done very well.? The organization is familiar with beauty before, but you are truly admirable.? You can expect great interest from every senior and junior member of our house.? Please be seated.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Samantha sat back down, completely naked.? She crossed her legs, feeling awkward wearing only her sandals.? Her body tingled, more alive and aroused than ever before.? Sitting exposed in front of so many people, even if they were all girls, created feelings in her body she had never experienced.? She found herself ripening, wishing that she could find a quiet spot to relieve herself.
??????????? Another senior girl had taken over the questioning, moving to the girl immediately to the left of Samantha.? The interrogation followed a similar pattern, embarrassing the girl with personal questions and then culminating with the same slow strip that Samantha had endured.
??????????? The questioning of the pledges continued until Samantha no longer felt as if she were on show.? Over half of the girls were naked, each one sitting with their legs crossed or knees tightly together.? Samantha had found herself listening to each girl?s answers, seeing the eroticism in each.? Fantasy after fantasy had been revealed, though so far, only Samantha?s revelation had involved anything kinky.
??????????? As Sam slowly watched as each pledge bared their bodies and soul, she felt an odd tingling inside her, a tightness of longing, and she began to fidget, crossing her legs and squeezing them tightly together.? The litany continued until all ten of the pledges sat before the assembled sisters of Sigma Epsilon Xi, exposed and humiliated.
??????????? Mistress Tami stood up as the last set of questions finished and she smiled at the pledges.? ?Ladies, I want to thank all of you for your willingness to endure this night.? As you know, there will be a week of trials to test your desires, your obedience, your sexual abilities, and your sense of self.? It will certainly be difficult, often times humiliating, and thoroughly pleasing in a physical sense.? With that said I want to remind all of you to be here at the Sorority House tomorrow evening at five.?
??????????? Sam quivered, wondering what activity she would endure.? Her mind flashed back to Kristen?s clamped nipples and she reflexively bit her lip and pressed her thighs together, not wanting everyone to see the silky shine of her sex, moist and wet.
??????????? ?Samantha, please come forward.?? Mistress Tami said suddenly.
??????????? Sam?s head popped upward and her eyes widened in surprise.? She rose and stood in the center of the room.
??????????? ?Samantha, since you were so candid with us about your fantasy, I feel the desire to test your mettle early, and to demonstrate to our other pledges what may come for them.? Kristen??? Mistress Tami turned and looked at the junior girl who had come forward.
??????????? ?Samantha, you will wear these clamps tonight home, removing them only before going to bed.? Tomorrow you will attach them one hour before coming back to the Sorority House, and they will only be removed here by me or another sister.?? Kristen pulled out the silver clamps, attached together with a chain.
??????????? Mistress Tami approached and stood next to Kristen.? ?You will now stand in the ?Waiting Pose?.? Spread your legs, place your arms behind your back, clasp your hands together?that?s it.??
??????????? Samantha spread her legs, knowing that the entire group would see the slickness of her thighs.? Her hands grasped together in the small of her back, tightening her torso and forcing her breasts to jut forward.? Kristen reached out and began stroking Samantha?s left nipple, hardening it in just seconds as Sam?s breaths became shallow and fast.
??????????? The cruel pinch was a delicious sensation that rushed through her like a wind storm.? Her voice made a low pitched moan, sexual and devastating.?? Kristen repeated the process on her other nipple, locking the clamps with a cruel smile.? Samantha suddenly wished that this girl would love her, throw her down onto the floor and climb atop her, pressing her body into hers.
??????????? Sam leaned forward, trying desperately to signal her desires, the scent of her sex suddenly overpowering.? Kristen?s eyes widened at the sudden display of surrender and then smiled wickedly.? One hand found the chain between Sam?s breasts, while the other slipped upward, a single delicate finger that penetrated Sam?s sex with deliberate and destabilizing results.
??????????? ?That will be all Sister Kristen.?? Mistress Tami announced as Sam?s flower convulsed upon Kristen?s finger.? Sam groaned as Kristen pulled her finger out, grazing the swollen clit with her fingernail.
??????????? ?Not yet, Samantha.? Don?t worry, your submission to me will be coming soon.?? Kristen said in a whisper.
Chapter 5 - Monday Afternoon
??????????? Samantha closed her eyes as she entered her room, leaning backward against her door with a tired sigh.? The armful of books she held were clutched to her chest while she recovered her stamina.? Her mind flashed back to the night before, the ordeal at the Sorority House, and the final walk home, the tight polo shirt pressing the painful clamps deep into her flesh.
??????????? She moved to the bed and dumped the pile of philosophy books on the spread and reached under her pillow.? There was a slight tinkling as the two clamps, bound together with the chain, came out in her soft fingers.? All day Sam had thought about the clamps, the delicious pinching, the overpowering urge of sexual gratification, and so many thoughts of Kristen.? Sam shook her head remembering the intensity of her orgasm as she showered after getting back late last night, the steel clamps still locked to each nipple.
??????????? Sam didn?t need to look at the clock to know that her roommate would still be in class, so she quickly stripped off her dark blue shirt, following it with the soft cups of her bra.? Her fingers found her nipples quickly, teasing them to hardness in just a few seconds.? With delicate slowness she applied the clamps, feeling them bite down hard on her breasts, causing her to moan, tilting her head back and running her hands down over the curves of her breasts, tugging on the chain, until her fingers found the waistband of her jeans.? It was nothing to undo the button and zipper, yanking down the denim cloth and cotton panties until her fingers found the soft wet slit of her sex.
??????????? She sat down on her bed, kicking her clothes off, her fingers twirling about her insides when there came a sharp knock on the door.? Sam let out a gasp and stood, her mind a befuddled mess.
??????????? ?Open up Samantha.? Now!?
??????????? Sam?s mouth widened in shock as she recognized Kristen?s voice.
??????????? ?Uh?just a second!? I?m not dressed!?? Sam said loudly, whirling around as she tried to snag her panties with one toe while snatching at her shirt with the other.
??????????? ?Open the door right now, pledge, or its over for you.?? Kristen said, her voice hard and steely.
??????????? Sam stopped her frantic attempt to pull her panties upward over her calves and looked at the door.? It seemed like an eternity as she mulled her options, but then her fingers dropped the cotton and she padded to the door totally naked, save for the steel clips dangling from each nipple.? Her fingers trembled as she twisted the lock bolt and opened the door.
??????????? ?You had better open this?Oh my?? said Kristen, a sudden smile appearing on her face to replace the disgruntled frown that she had been wearing.? Sam?s eyes looked downward, a scarlet blush coloring her usually creamy complexion.?
??????????? ?Is this what you normally wear around your dorm room between classes?? Kristen asked with a mocking tone.?
??????????? Sam?s voice came in a hushed whisper.? ?No.?
??????????? Kristen?s frown returned and her eyes went hard.? ?No?what??
??????????? Sam looked up in quick horror.? ?No, Sister Kristen.?? She said, her voice thick, her heart quivering, and her sex fluttering in desperation.
??????????? Kristen moved forward and pushed Samantha backward into the center of the room, closing the heavy wooden door behind her with a slam.
??????????? ?That?s a demerit, pledge.? You are going to be punished for it tonight.? But right now I want to see how well you obey.?? Kristen smiled a mischievous grin.? ?Lay down on your bed and spread those legs.?
??????????? Samantha quickly moved, her mind reeling with the idea of being punished in front of the other pledges and the Sorority sisters.? What would Mistress Tami say?? Would she be expelled?? Samantha lay down, her eyes locked on Kristen who had dropped her purse on Samantha?s desk.
??????????? Her nipples throbbing in time to the sensations in her clit, Sam spread her legs open to the edges of the bed, her toes pointed delicately outward as Kristen turned her back toward her and rummaged around in her purse.
??????????? ?Wider, pledge.? When I turn around I want to see that cute little pussy of yours so exposed and pulled apart that I could ram a baseball bat into it.?
??????????? The sudden image elicited a groan from Sam and the young sophomore spread her legs wider, bringing her thighs upward until a foot dangled off each side of the bed in an obscene tableau of sexual depravity.?
??????????? Kristen turned back around.? ?Like that idea, huh?? Me ramming a baseball bat into your little pussy?? I think I?d like that too.? Too bad we don?t have one here.? I?ll make sure to find one for you sometime at the Sorority House.?? Kristen took a step forward and looked down at the prostrate girl.
??????????? ?My my my?you look so beautiful and sexy lying there waiting for me to touch you.?? Kristen reached out a delicately painted fingernail and ran it from Samantha?s knee to her groin, sliding her finger through the partially open lips of Samantha?s sex.? Samantha moaned loudly, her hips riding upward and quivering as Kristen?s finger ran across Sam?s clit.
??????????? ?There now, aren?t we sensitive??? Kristen asked, standing straight again.? Sam closed her eyes and tensed, waiting for the next sensation.
??????????? ?I hear you are fond of wax, pledge.? Kristen asked.
??????????? Sam?s eyes popped open and she looked over at Kristen who once again stood at Samantha?s desk, her back turned to the supine girl.
??????????? ?How did you?? but Samantha?s question died as Kristen turned back around, holding a small candle flickering in a glass jar.
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Let?s just say I have knowledgeable friends.? Now put your hands behind your head, keep those legs spread apart, and we will find out just how much you love it.?
??????????? Sam?s heart began racing.? Not since that fateful night the previous spring had Samantha felt the sexual heat of melted wax on her body.? Every muscle tensed and she felt an odd tingling beginning in her body.? Soon it spread through every limb and Sam stared up at Kristen as the beautiful junior approached.
??????????? Kristen leaned down until her nose was only a few inches from Sam?s eyes.? ?I can tell you want it.? You want me to pour this down upon your little body, don?t you?? I can feel your excitement.? You want what happened last time to happen again.? Don?t you???
??????????? Sam swallowed and nod, to caught up in the moment to speak.
??????????? ?Well it?s too bad, pledge.? Because I?m not here to repeat that little adventure you had months ago.? I?m here to create a new adventure.? I?m going to do things to that little body that the Waxers never dreamed of.? I want you in my sorority so that I can keep doing these things to you.?
??????????? Kristen?s face fell just a little bit and Sam stiffened as Kristen pressed her lips against hers.? The soft tingle rose and Sam lost herself in the kiss, a flower flavored, sweet kiss that seemed to be as hot as the sexual heat of the approaching candle.
??????????? ?Brace yourself sweetheart.?? Kristen whispered.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened and she nodded, arching her back upward as Kristen straightened and lifted the candle directly above Samantha?s clamped breast.? With a quick tilt Kristen turned the candle sideways and the vanilla wax streamed downward.? It landed with a splash that coated the vise and the clamped nub.? Sam bucked for a moment, a high pitched wail coming from her lips as Kristen moved the candle to her other breast.
??????????? It took every effort of her will to keep her hands behind her head as tiny droplets of hot wax trailed down her stomach toward her sex.? Kristen seemed to delight so in the troubled squirms of her victim that she moved the candles in light spirals over Samantha?s belly.? It wasn?t long before Sam?s hips began a thrusting dance, begging for the hot touch.
??????????? And then it came, like a flaming comet out of the sky and Sam felt herself transported back to that night where her body belonged to others.? Kristen held the candle over Sam?s clit until the tiny nub was coated.? As Sam bucked Kristen put the candle down and laid down between Sam?s legs, driving her head deep into Sam?s sex.?
??????????? Sam groaned as Kristen?s tongue slid upward through her soaked slit.? Kristen?s fingers began to rub, and then pick at the wax coating Sam?s clit and she felt the naked girl tremble under her.? Sam groaned and then bit her lip as finally the cooled wax came loose.? With a sudden movement Sam felt Kristen take her clit into her mouth and suck.
??????????? The crashing wave of pleasure rushed upward through her body to her nipples and then mind.? Her body rocked from the extreme sensations of Kristen?s tongue twirling round her clitoris, a melting chorus of physical and mental pleasure that had Sam purring.? Her back arched as she lifted her pelvis toward Kristen?s face, wanting a penetration so desperately.
??????????? ?Oh no you don?t little, pledge.?? Kristen murmured, lifting herself up of the bed, poised like a cat over Samantha?s glistening body.? Kristen pushed back a few strands of hair from her face as she moved forward until she was directly on top of Samantha.
??????????? ?We won?t be having any of that, will we?? Not until tonight.?? Kristen said, her voice soft yet dripping with malice.
??????????? ?Noooooo?please, I?ll do anything!?? Sam begged, her voice a ragged despairing sound that bespoke of need and lust.
??????????? Kristen cocked her head.? ?Anything??
??????????? Sam nodded violently, her head bobbing up and down.? ?Oh yes! Anything!? She gasped, her body still heaving in desire.
??????????? Kristen kissed her quickly and stood up, her long fingers reaching under the short flared skirt and quickly tugging the cotton thong downward.? Samantha watched intently as the crimson cloth slid down Kristen?s long legs until it pooled around her high heels and she stepped out of it.
??????????? ?Then lets do each other, little pledge.?? Kristen said.? Sam tensed as Kristen mounted the bed right over her shoulders, the pretty juniors knees parted to either side of Samantha?s head.? Kristen?s skirt swirled over her eyes and Samantha felt a sudden longing as Kristen bent over.
??????????? ?Please, sister?? May I touch you?? Samantha whispered as Kristen went to all fours, pressing her breasts into Samantha?s belly.
??????????? ?You?re going to be doing more than that, pledge.? Now lift my skirt and use your tongue.?? Kristen ordered.
??????????? Sam pulled her hands out from under her head, but just as she slid her fingers upward and under Kristen?s skirt, she felt the soft wet darting thrusts of Kristen?s tongue against her clit.? Sam moaned and her fingers clenched at Kristen?s bottom, squeezing each cheek tight and pulling downward until Kristen?s already wet slit was pressed against Sam?s nose.
??????????? Sam tilted her head back, and then for the first time in her life, ran her tongue through another girl?s sex.? The tangy taste hit her and she found herself forcing her tongue deeper and deeper.? There was a throaty purr from Kristen and Sam found herself opening Kristen?s well with her fingers and sucking hard on the junior?s clit.
??????????? There was a tense moment when Kristen began fingering Sam, pushing in one finger at a time until four fingers were buried inside Sam?s squirming mound.? Kristen continued to suckle and tantalize Sam?s clit until Sam bucked upward and Kristen made an effort to thrust the final digit into Sam?s slit.
??????????? There was a loud throaty cry as Sam arched her back, feeling the full fist of Kristen begin to open and close inside her well.? She buried her nose in Kristen?s slit, suckling the clit and sucking it down as the junior girl pumped her arm back and forth between Sam?s legs.? The sudden crest of Sam?s orgasm relayed itself to the junior as a vibrating cry the sent similar sensations cascading through Kristen.
??????????? Exhausted, glistening, the lay together, breasts heaving as both girls rested, trying to recover from simultaneous orgasms.? Kristen rolled off Sam, a soft thump against the wall, her still soaked hand resting on Sam?s belly.
??????????? ?You realize that I?m going to sexually torture you if you join, don?t you Samantha??? Kristen asked softly, her voice neither cruel nor possessive.
??????????? Sam lifted her head and looked down at the junior girl whose cheek was pressed against her thigh.? ?Yes, Sister, I know you will.?
??????????? Kristen smiled and looked over the rounded soft mounds of flesh at Sam?s face.? ?You don?t mind??
??????????? Sam giggled for a moment.? ?Not in the least, Sister.? You can sexually torture me anytime.?
??????????? Kristen sat up, her face taking on a serious look.? ?No Sam, you need to know what I mean.?? Kristen moved, folding her legs beneath her and picking up Samantha?s foot, her finger?s lightly caressing the insole as she spoke.
??????????? ?When I was a pledge and for my first year, Sister Tami and Mistress Calli used me.? I was tormented and used, more by Calli than by Tami.? ?Mistress Tami rarely punishes because Mistress Tami is an easy mistress to please.? Calli was a lot harder and I spent hours under her.?? Kristen moved her thumb to the arch of Sam?s foot, her eyes glancing up at Sam?s face.
? ????????? ?I never wanted to be punished.? I wanted to do the punishing.? And Samantha, you are the perfect girl for that.? Ever since I first saw you I wanted to tie you down and cover you with kisses and little red stripes from a belt.? I wanted you tormented and tortured so you wouldn?t know the difference between discomfort and desire.? I still want all those things?so I?m warning you.? If you stay with this I will use you like Mistress Calli used me.? I will torment you every day, every night, over and over, until your life is nothing more than a series of sexual escapades and orgasms.?
??????????? Sam stared at Kristen, seeing the beautiful blonde girl confessing to her sexual desires.? ?Sister??? Sam said, still not certain if she should be formal or not.? ?Kristen, I will stay with the sorority if I can make it through whatever you do to me this week.? I want you to be happy with me, and I love what you do to me.?
??????????? Kristen looked up, a mask of uncertainty on her face.? ?Even knowing that I plan on punishing you every day this week, and for the entire year afterward??
??????????? Sam nodded, a smile on her face.? ?Even then, Sister Kristen.?
??????????? Kristen leaned over, running her fingers up Sam?s body, over her breast to cup the sophomore?s face.
??????????? ?Then expect to be punished tonight, pledge.??
Chapter 6 ? Monday Night
??????????? Fifty minutes before the ten minute walk to the sorority house began, Samantha Mayfield stepped in front of the mirror.? She gazed at her nude reflection, admiring the perfect symmetry of her breasts and the hard bumps of her nipples that seemed to rise in anticipation of the night?s activities.? Kristen had left several hours before, leaving Samantha in a semi aroused state, letting the earlier explosion of pleasure subside and then tormenting her one more time before leaving.? The erotically charged junior had promised Samantha that the night?s festivities would leave her satisfied.
??????????? Sam held the small metallic rubber coated clamps in her hands, the metal chain swinging between them like a necklace about to grace a woman?s throat.? Samantha raised her hands and carefully pinched each clamp, opening the metal teeth wide apart.? Using the mirror to watch herself, she carefully positioned each metal mouth over a nipple.
??????????? With sudden decisiveness Sam released the tension on the clamps, allowing them to close, and biting deep into the soft but firm flesh of her breasts.? She let out a soft groan as each nipple felt the intense pressure.? Carefully, she slipped the cotton summer dress over her head, feeling the soft tug of it sliding down her clamped and chained bosom.
??????????? It took Samantha a moment to finish, applying her makeup, and slipping on the high heeled sandals that completed the outfit.? Her long brunette hair cascaded around her shoulders in soft curls and she smiled at herself just once in the mirror, easily noticing the odd angular shapes of the clamps under her dress.? Anyone who took even a moment to admire her would notice.
??????????? A quick glance at the clock showed her that leaving immediately would result in her early arrival, but Sam didn?t care.? Even the possibility of spending an extra forty minutes in the presence of Kristen and Tami was worth the risk of showing up early to the sorority house.
??????????? Samantha quickly grabbed her purse and left, her eyes watching for fellow students who might notice the obvious angular clamps she wore under her dress.? Even the trip downstairs was fraught with possible dangers and more than once Samantha found herself crossing her arms in front of her, blocking the view to a pair of staring eyes.
??????????? The walk to the sorority house itself was uneventful, the quickly passing stares of drivers were almost immaterial and Sam found herself swinging her arms and smiling as she crossed the intersection at Elm Street.? The sorority house stood a few doors down the busy road and she quickly ascended the steps to the large porch.
??????????? She passed a creaking porch swing and lifted her hand, pressing the small door bell button.? A moment passed and then the door opened, revealing one of the junior girls Sam had noticed but not met the previous night.
??????????? ?Well, well, well, Kristen was right.? Good evening, pledge.?? The girl said, a cruel smile on her face, her body and arm poised across the door.
??????????? Sam swallowed and nodded.? ?Good evening, sister.?? She said softly.
??????????? The girl stared hard at Sam, her eyes seeming to burrow in on the clamps which were clearly visible under the soft cotton dress, making Sam cover her breasts apprehensively.
??????????? ?Before you are allowed to enter the house, you have to surrender your clothing.? Which, in your case, is probably just that cute little dress you?re wearing isn?t it??? The junior asked.
??????????? Sam blushed scarlet in response and her eyes widened in alarm.
??????????? ?Well?? Take it off, pledge!?? The junior girl ordered.
??????????? Sam looked around.? Large juniper trees blocked most of the side views of the porch, but drivers passing directly in front of the house would be able to see right up to the doorway.?
??????????? ?Out here??? Sam asked, her voice more than just a simple question.? She seemed to beg and plead with the junior girl.
??????????? The door keeper nodded and crossed her arms, leaning against the doorway.? ?It?s either that or go home.? Your choice.?
??????????? For a moment, Sam considered it, just turning around and leaving.? But the thought of Kristen, of never seeing her again, never touching her, never being touched was too much and she dropped her hands to the hem of her dress and pulled it upward.? The cloth came up easily, her milky white thighs giving way to the smooth cleft of her sex, shaved bare.? The slightly rounded abdomen was then exposed as the dress was peeled from Sam?s body like the skin of a ripe fruit.? It hung up on the clamps, tugging painfully on her nipples until it came loose in a sudden rush, flowing over Samantha?s head and down her arms until it fell in a pile onto the outstretched hands of the watching junior.
??????????? Sam stood for just a moment in her full glory, totally uninhibited.? The look on the junior?s face was the same expression of desire and admiration that Kristen had worn when Sam opened her dorm room door that afternoon wearing nothing but the same two clamps.? Sam suddenly felt a rush, a sense of power that the beauty of her body brought and she lifted her hands to the back of her neck, interlacing her fingers and spreading her legs in the presentation position that she had been taught.
??????????? The door keeper?s breath was coming in quick excited gasps and she reached out ran her fingers down Sam?s body, from her shoulder down the side, eliciting a tiny tickling twitch from the nude girl.? The junior shook her head and smiled once more.
??????????? ?Kristen told me to tell you that she wants you to have a seat on the porch swing and wait for her.? I?ll tell her you?ve arrived.?? And with that the junior girl closed her hand over the discarded dress and quickly closed the door, leaving Samantha shocked and naked on the front porch.
??????????? For a moment, the sound of the cars swallowed everything else as Samantha stood in shocked horror.? Totally exposed, Samantha felt the utter humiliation and her eyes quickly filled with tears as she looked at the porch swing.? With deliberate movements she crossed the wooden deck and sat down, pressing her thighs together and wrapping her arms across her chest.? Her humiliated eyes stared out and down over the walkway leading from the street to the porch and she watched as car after car seemed to drift by.
??????????? Minutes passed and Sam felt as if every eye of every driver was upon her, glancing over to catch a glimpse of her nakedness.? Tears flowed to her eyes and she shook her head, telling herself that this humiliation was what Kristen wanted.? A sudden sound came from the walkway and Sam stiffened as she heard footsteps.
??????????? ?Oh my god! Samantha!?? A voice said in shock.? Sam looked up to see Ally stepping up onto the porch, eyes wide with surprise as she took in the sight of the naked sophomore.? ?What are you doing??
??????????? Sam?s face turned scarlet as Ally stared at her.? ?I?m sitting here waiting for Sister Kristen to let me into the house.?
??????????? Ally bit her lip.? ?Are they going to do that to everyone??? She asked, pausing in front of Sam.
??????????? Samantha shrugged.? ?I don?t know.? But Mistress Tami said last night that whatever happens to one of us could happen to any of us.?
??????????? ?How long have you been out here??? Ally demanded, her head turning to look out through the front portico and down to the street where the rushing sound of motors hissed.
??????????? ?About ten minutes I think.? Replied Sam.
??????????? Ally shivered.? ?Aren?t you?well?embarrassed?? I mean?what if you?re seen??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Of course I am!? But if this is what Sister Kristen wants from me, then I will do it.?
??????????? Ally leaned back and rocked for a second, wrapping her arms around herself.? ?Mistress Nicole and Sister Amanda haven?t done anything like this to me.?
??????????? Sam looked at Ally in surprise.? ?You mean, Sister Amanda hasn?t come to your dorm room, or met you between classes??
??????????? ?Oh no.?? Replied Ally.? ?Mistress Nicole said that the only time I would be forced to take part in the sorority activities would be here at the house.? Of course we are all supposed to greet any sister or mistress we see right?? But that has only happened to me once and it was just a little bow and ?hello Mistress?, nothing serious.?
??????????? Sam hugged herself tighter as Ally stepped up onto the porch and conscientiously stood between Sam and the road.? Sam beamed a smile at the friendly girl and visibly relaxed.? It was an interesting sensation she felt, the duality of exposure and embarrassment, combined with the intense physical rush of lust.? Samantha felt confused as the tingling in her clamped nipples combined with humiliation and forced her body into excitement.
??????????? Suddenly the Sorority house door opened and both girls turned to look as Kristen stepped out onto the porch.? She shoulder length blond hair curled around her face like a mane and her sparkling eyes told Sam immediately how much the junior sister was pleased.? Kristen stepped over to Sam and reached out a hand, quickly grasping the chain that hung between the two nipple clamps.
??????????? Kristen tugged, not harshly, but with a steady force, pulling Samantha up off the bench and toward the door.? Ally?s lips stayed tightly shut, her eyes alarmed as Sam was led to the door.? Kristen opened the door and pulled Samantha in as Ally followed.
??????????? The interior was cool and Sam sighed despite the throbbing pull on her breasts.? Being inside away from the abject humiliation of display outside was enough for Samantha, and she willingly followed Kristen.
??????????? Ally was waylaid by another one of the sisters who ordered her to disrobe and Sam turned back to see the petite blonde girl peel of her clothes, obviously pleased she was doing it indoors and not out on the porch.? The slight draw on her nipples brought Sam?s attention back forward and she turned with Kristen into the main sitting room.? Once more she beheld the chairs, though now only nine sat in the semi circle, one missing.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen?? Did someone drop out??? Samantha asked.
??????????? Kristen turned back to look at Sam and nodded.? ?Yeah.? It usually happens.? Last year there were twelve of us and only five stayed and joined.?? Kristen let go of Sam?s clamp chain and motioned for her to sit on the first of the chairs.
??????????? Sam looked down at the wooden chairs and noticed that the cushions that had padded the wooden seats the previous evening were missing.? In the center of each chair was a hole approximately two inches wide that seemed to go down half way through the wood.? Sam squinted at it, trying to understand its purpose, but then gave up, seating herself.
??????????? The wood felt cool on the bottoms of her thighs and the soft flesh of her buttocks as she squirmed in her seat.? The tiny opening in the wood felt odd, centered as it was directly beneath her shaved pink slit.? She wiggled frequently, trying to get comfortable.
??????????? After a moment, Ally was led into the room and Sam watched as the pretty girl took her seat, crossing her legs and holding herself tight in response to her own nudity.? Sam smiled inwardly, understanding what the pretty blond girl was feeling.? Sam felt a momentary surge of triumph as she realized that the ordeal on the porch proved her willingness to join the sorority.??
??????????? Over the next thirty minutes the other seven girls filed into the room, each as bare as the day they were born.? Sam watched as some of the girls still attempted to hide their bodies, covering their breasts and loins with splayed fingers and tightly crossed limbs as they took seats.? Sam watched as each of them squirmed, feeling the large hole in the center of the chair.
??????????? It took only a few moments for the junior and senior girls to file into the room, chattering, smiling, laughing, a few of them holding drinks or munching on snacks.? Samantha?s eyes quickly found Tami and Kristen, their heads bent together whispering, Kristen darting little glances toward Sam?s seat.? After a moment, Tami nodded and Kristen smiled a look of triumph.
??????????? ?Ladies, tonight we have several things to teach you.? Began Mistress Nicole.? Sam remembered that Nicole was Ally?s mistress.? ?Please stand.?
??????????? There was a soft rustle of skin peeling from wood as all seven pledges stood up.? Sam let her arms drop to her sides, grazing her hips, the thick metal clamps tightly bound to her nipples.? She felt no pain, just an incessant pressure.? Her glanced up at Mistress Nicole as her acolyte, Sister Amanda stepped forward.
??????????? ?Please watch Sister Amanda, pledges.? She will be demonstrating the four positions you must learn.?
??????????? Sister Amanda?s light brown hair seemed to shine in the soft candlelight, her makeup perfect, as she faced the seven pledges.? Her white blouse and black miniskirt were impeccable, hugging her figure in a sexy, yet classy manner.? Her chiseled features smiled at the pledges.
??????????? ?The first position is called the Acceptance Posture.? This is the position you will assume upon being approached by your Mistress, or if a Sister orders you to assume this position.?
??????????? As Mistress Nicole spoke, Sister Amanda slowly sank to knees.? Her fingers were laced behind her neck, her legs spread wide apart, her bottom only inches from the floor.? It looked very uncomfortable.? Sister Amanda?s skirt rode up exposing a black pair of under-shorts.? For a second Sam was disappointed, then realized that Sister Amanda had known she would be giving this demonstration.
??????????? ?Pledges, assume the Acceptance Position, please.?? Ordered Mistress Nicole.
??????????? Obediently, all ten of the girls, including Samantha, dropped to their knees.? Sam felt odd spreading her legs in such a fashion, feeling exposed not only at her breasts and sex, but her anus as well.? The position seemed to stretch her body in ways that pulled apart the secret crevices of her curves, placing them into the perfect position to accept whatever her mistress desired.
??????????? Mistress Nicole had stood up and walked down the line of presenting pledges, straightening a back, moving a head, even running a single finger nail down and over the delicate nipple of one girl.? Sam almost held her breath as Nicole lightly caressed the back of her neck, causing an involuntary shiver that caused the nipple clamps to dip and jiggle.
??????????? ?The next posture you must learn,? announced Mistress Nicole, ?is called the Spanking Position.? Sister Amanda will demonstrate.
??????????? Sam watched with wide eyes as Amanda unlaced her fingers and moved forward to all fours.? Amanda stretched her arms outward, raising her bottom in the air, bending her legs at a perfect ninety degree angle at the knee.? The junior girl?s breasts were pressed against the floor, her face turned to the left.
??????????? ?Please notice, pledges, that the knees are still kept spread.? This is a very important consideration.?
??????????? Sam winced, knowing exactly what consideration this was.? By keeping the legs spread, the puffy wet slit between each girl?s legs would be not only on display, but also available to receive the same punishment the bottom cheeks would earn.? Sam bit her lip and glanced at Kristen, who had a hungry look on her face.? Sam steeled herself and slowly bent over, duplicating Amanda?s position.
??????????? Sam felt the heavy carpet force the clamps into the delicate flesh of her breasts as she stretched herself out.? Turning her face to the left allowed her to see down the line of raised bottoms.? Mistress Nicole started down at the far end of the line and Sam watched as Ally?s bottom seemed to quiver as Nicole slid her fingers upward from her thigh through the soft wet slit of her sex.?
??????????? Sam felt herself ripening, the wet sensation from earlier returning, and she clenched her muscles tightly for a moment, resisting the temptation to reach down and slide a finger into her body.? She felt tormented and closed her eyes, shutting out the images of the other girls being fondled.
??????????? The soft touch of a finger at the very base of her back shocked her, almost enough for her too lose her control of the position.? Sam held on though as the finger slid downward, through the wide open crack of her bottom, grazing her anus, and then into the wet cavern that so desperately wanted to be filled.? Sam let out a small groan as the finger slipped in for one deep wet thrust, then was removed.
??????????? ?Pledges, stand please.?? Ordered Mistress Nicole.? Samantha slowly got to her feet, her body thrumming at the sensations she was feeling.
??????????? ?Now pledges, I ask that you take your chairs and turn them around so that the backs of the chairs are facing us.?
??????????? Sam looked puzzled for a moment and then turned to follow the command.? She reached out and touched the heavy wooden chair and discovered that she was able to pick it up and rotate it.? The railed wooden back and heavy arch now faced the crowd of junior and senior faces, twenty or so girls who stared at the bevy of naked flesh before them.
??????????? ?Pledges, please turn to face us.?? Mistress Nicole?s voice was heavy and domineering, full of confidence.?? When Samantha turned around her eyes widened in shock.
??????????? Someone had given Sister Amanda a chair.? It to was turned backward, but instead of facing the crowd, it faced the pledges, a mirrored image.? Amanda was standing two feet away from the chair, her legs spread obscenely wide, her body arched backward so that she appeared to be staring at the ceiling.? Her arms were behind her, supporting her upper body on the chair back.
??????????? To Sam, it appeared that each subsequent position was designed to further humiliate and embarrass the pledges, and she wondered whether this demonstration was more to weed out further pledges as much as present real positions used on an everyday basis.? She glanced up at Kristen who was smiling and Sam had the sudden feeling that even if Mistress Tami did not require these positions regularly, Kristen surely would.
??????????? ?Pledges, this position is called the whipping position.? Please examine Sister Amanda?s fine presentation and duplicate it immediately.?
??????????? Sam turned and looked down the line.? Ally was already gripping the chair back, spreading her legs.? The arch of her body made it possible for Samantha to actually see the swollen clit and pink petals of Ally?s sex.? Samantha reached backward, and gripped the chair, arching herself and spreading her legs.
??????????? Sam felt the stretch and wondered how long she would be able to hold the position.? Her body trembled and she felt vulnerable with her pelvis thrust forward.? Sister Amanda came out of the position and moved down to stand next to Samantha, as Mistress Nicole went next to Ally.
??????????? ?So that you all understand the total purpose of this position, you will each receive one stroke of the sap.? Mistress Nicole announced.
??????????? Sam gasped, as did several of the other girls and looked down the line toward Mistress Nicole.? The beautiful senior had a thick leather paddle in her hand which almost looked like a flyswatter.? Sam swallowed, watching the paddle swing down and land with a wet slap and crack against Ally?s beautiful and exposed slit.
??????????? Pain exploded through Sam?s body, radiating upward from her slit and she leapt upward, her head turning to see Sister Amanda holding a duplicate sap.? Standing upright out of position Sam placed a hand between her legs in mortified shock.
??????????? ?Get back in position, pledge!?? Ordered Sister Amanda, an angry look on her face.? Sam hesitated, wondering if she were to be whipped again, when she caught the look of rage on Kristen?s face.? Sam bit her lip and immediately resumed the whipping position, just as another crack echoed through the room and another girl let out a whimpering cry.
??????????? Sam spread her legs and braced herself, fully expecting another smack, full on the clit from Sister Amanda.? But to her surprise she was spared as Amanda moved down the line, letting the next girl, who was more prepared, take the blow.? It was over in just a minute, the final cries let out by the two girls in the center of the line.
??????????? ?Pledges, return your chairs to their normal positions and sit down.?? Mistress Nicole announced, moving away from the line of girls.? Sam straightened up and looked down at her pussy.? It was a lush but fading shade of pink, glistening with moisture and Sam realized that the single slap she had received had only excited her more, radiating heat upward through her loins.? She shook her head, unbelieving the response her body was giving to the utter humiliation and sensations that had been inflicted upon her.
??????????? She turned and began manhandling the chair back into position, facing the crowd of juniors and seniors who obviously had enjoyed seeing the pledges whipped.? Samantha sat down, just then seeing Kristen whispering to Mistress Tami.? Tami nodded and Kristen moved through the crowd to Mistress Nicole, touching the tall brunette on the arm and leaning forward to converse.
??????????? Sam felt butterflies in her stomach, knowing that Kristen was manipulating the situation.? Nicole?s eyes fell upon Samantha and Sam knew that whatever Kristen had said was being considered.? Sam?s heart almost skipped a beat as Nicole nodded and then pulled Amanda over for a hurried consultation as Kristen moved back to Mistress Tami?s side, a smirk on her face.
??????????? ?It has been brought to my attention Sisters, that one of our pledges failed to maintain the position during the whipping.?? Amanda smiled and moved the chair she had been using forward into the middle of the room, turned so that the back faced the crowd.? ?It is so ordered that Pledge Samantha be given five demerits and will endure a repeat of the whipping as punishment.? But instead of one stroke, she will be given five.?
??????????? Sam gasped in astonishment.? She had expected something, but nothing like this.? She looked up at Kristen who was smiling evilly.? Sam opened her mouth to say something but realized that anything short of total acceptance would result in her being kicked from the sorority.? Slowly she closed her lips, nodding meekly.? She rose and stepped forward to the chair.
??????????? ?Assume the whipping position, pledge.?? Sister Amanda said, her voice dripping with delight.? The brunette junior raised her sap so that Sam could see it clearly.
??????????? Sam nodded and leaned backward, spreading her legs, so much closer to the anticipating audience.? She tensed herself, preparing her body for the sting of the sap, remembering the pain from her first encounter.
??????????? Sister Amanda swung the leather paddle sharply and it exploded into Sam?s pussy with a loud wet crack.? The crowd gave a slight sound of appreciation as Sam gasped, her toes curling, her body arching.? But Sam maintained the position, biting her lip as the heat slammed through her.
??????????? Amanda swung again, this time offset slightly, catching part of Sam?s thigh in the process.? The heavy leather curled downward over Sam?s buttock and Sam?s hips danced as the sensation overloaded her nervous system.
??????????? Sister Amanda gave another sharp slap directly to Sam?s swollen clit and Sam cried out, her body exploding in pain and pleasure.? Sam?s eyes caught sight of Mistress Nicole?s arms reaching across her body and grasping the nipple clamps, tugging them hard as the fourth spank slammed into her.
??????????? Sam let out a squeal as the pain of the spank merely augmented the tight tug of the nipple clamps.? A thunderous wave of pleasure erupted between her legs and she shuddered, letting the orgasm shatter her control.? She quivered, only barely maintaining the position, her feet arching and forcing her up on tip toe in an effort to release the energy that had built.?
??????????? Nicole let go of the clamps, running a quieting hand up over Sam?s chest and neck, kissing the little pledge on the forehead.? ?One last spank, Sam.? You can take it!?? Mistress Nicole whispered.
??????????? Sam nodded, her body still flooded with the endorphins of her last orgasm.? She didn?t even register Amanda?s swing until it impacted upon her exposed flower.? Sam jerked, and would have let go, if it had not been for Mistress Nicole holding her in place.? Sam?s knees wobbled in and out, trying to guard the sensitive flesh, but finally came to rest still spread.? Tears flowed freely from Sam?s eyes, cascading down her cheeks.
??????????? ?Kiss the paddle, pledge.?? Amanda?s voice came in Sam?s ear and Sam opened her eyes to see the black leather paddle, wet from her own juices, only an inch away.? Sam pursed her lips and kissed it, tasting for the first time her own lustful needs.
??????????? ?Help her to her seat, Amanda.?? Nicole ordered.? Sam straightened, helped by Amanda who led her back to the heavy wooden chair, back in line.? Sam clenched at Amanda?s arm as the junior sat her down.
??????????? ?Thank you Sister Amanda.?? Whispered Sam, who gingerly sat, wincing.? Amanda shook her head.? ?You?re incredible, Sam.? I hope Kristen lets me borrow you sometime.?? Amanda planted a soft kiss right Sam?s lips, to quick for Sam to even react too.
??????????? For several minutes, Sam merely sat there, recovering, as the soft murmur of the juniors and seniors filled the room.? She felt as if every sense were heightened, her body an instrument that had just been played by a musician of unparalleled skill.? Slowly she relaxed, letting the incredible memory of her release fill her.
??????????? It was the movement of Mistress Tami and Sister Kristen to the forefront of the group that brought Sam?s attention back to the present.? Kristen was carrying a large box which she placed on a small folding table that had been erected.? With an veritable excitement, the room quieted down as Mistress Tami stepped forward to address the pledges.
??????????? ?Pledges, I am here to instruct you upon the final position that you will be required to assume during your tenure as a novice within our sisterhood.? The three previous positions, while important, are not used with any regularity except in extreme cases where punishments for infractions are given.? That being said, this final position which you will be taught momentarily will be used every day.?
??????????? Mistress Tami turned and looked at Sister Kristen, who had moved the chair Sam had been forced to lean against for her punishment back around to face the pledges.
??????????? ?Every novice is required to sit in her chair in a certain manner.? Kristen will now demonstrate.?? Mistress Tami said, motioning to Kristen.
??????????? Sam watched as Kristen, who was dressed in a long pair of black slacks and a teal shirt, sat down on the chair.? Carefully, Kristen spread her legs, moving her high heel clad feet to either side of the chair.? It was a posture that every girl, from the time they were young, were taught never to assume.? Several of the pledges looked uncomfortable and Sam knew that naked and exposed, that position would be just as revealing as any of the other three positions they had been taught.
??????????? ?This position will be maintained whenever you are seated, even if you are not here at the Sorority House.? The only exceptions to this rule is when it is physically impossible, such as if you must be seated on a bench.??
??????????? Sam noticed one of the pledges raising her hand to interrupt.? Mistress Tami looked surprised but then nodded at the girl to speak.
??????????? ?Um?Mistress Tami?? What about school desks?? I mean?a lot of my classes have those little half desks.?
??????????? Tami smiled.? ?An excellent question, Paige.? If you have to be seated in one of those half desks, then you will place one leg over and sit in the required position.?? Mistress Tami nodded at Paige and then continued.? ?Additionally, you will be checked upon to make sure that you are following the rule.?
??????????? Sam continued to stare at Kristen who continued to sit facing the pledges, a wicked smile on her face, legs spread.? Sam could only imagine the embarrassment of sitting in a classroom full of people, her legs spread obscenely open.? Sam glanced up at Mistress Tami and listened as the pretty senior girl continued.
??????????? ?I would like all of you to assume the position right now.?? Mistress Tami ordered.
??????????? Sam swallowed, but was one of the first girls to move, spreading her legs wide apart and to each side of the chair.? Turning her ankles toward the front, Sam felt the sensitivity of her sex and even the semi sharp ridge of the hole in the center of the seat.
??????????? ?There is one last item concerning this position.? All of the chairs in the Sorority House have an added feature for our sophomore girls.? Kristen??? Mistress Tami motioned to the blond junior.
??????????? Kristen got up from her chair and reached into the box on the folding table.? ?Each of the chairs in the house have a hole drilled in the center of the seat, slightly forward.? This hole is for the emplacement of one of four chosen phalluses.?? Kristen reached up into the box and lifted out a shiny wooden dildo, stained and oiled.
??????????? ?This is the most common phallus, and the one that will be inside you almost every time you sit down.? It is totally ridged and does absolutely nothing, which makes it much easier to study, write reports, or complete other homework assignments.? Get used to being filled, girls.?? Kristen smirked as she put the wooden dildo back in the box.
??????????? ?The second dildo is a rubber vibrator.? It fits just as securely into the seat fixture and is activated by pressure.? I can say from experience that this particular phallus can be extremely distracting over long periods of time and can even be a form of torture, depending on its use.?
??????????? Kristen returned the rubber vibrator back into the box and removed another object, this time a dark blue in color with two shafts, a large thick one with a tinier arm that broke off from the main trunk.
??????????? ?This particular item is for a double penetration on occasions a Mistress or Sister believes that you need that kind of stimulation.? The anal shaft vibrates.? The large one twists like a corkscrew.? Watch.?? Kristen reached up and twisted the base.? Sam watched in astonishment as the larger shaft began to twist about, looking like a mad sea creature searching for prey.
??????????? Kristen smiled and returned the object to the box, turning it off in the process.? She reached in, fumbling with an even larger object. ?Before she even pulled it off she began speaking.
??????????? ?The last phallus is called the punishment phallus.? It can deliver electrical shocks, vibrate, spin, and change temperature.? It has straps on its rubber base to hold it firmly inside the girl who is being punished.?? Kristen lifted the monstrosity out of the box and held it up for the pledges to see.
??????????? Sam gasped at the size of the thing, which was easily eight inched long and four inches wide, a huge phallus that no doubt would stretch the insides of any girl.? The tip of the phallus was metal and there were several silver strips which ran down the sides of the phallus.? A black rubber base extended outward like a saddle and Sam saw that the tiny end piece would fit in the hole of the seat and that the very weight of the girl herself would keep the punishment phallus deep.
??????????? Mistress Tami stepped forward again.? ?In this box we have two wooden phalluses, two rubber vibrators, two of the double penetrators, and the one punishment phallus.? The pledges are going to draw lots to see which equipment they will experience.? Remember pledges, that you might draw the lot for the punishment phallus, so if you are totally unwilling to participate, now is the time to stop.?? When Kristen gets to you, pick a piece of paper but do not open it.?
??????????? Kristen stepped forward with a small bowl filled with paper.? She moved all the way down the line to Ally, holding the bowl out to the blonde waif.? Ally reached up and removed a single piece of folded paper.? Kristen began moving down the line, each girl picking out a single piece.
??????????? Sam watched, wondering if Kristen was manipulating the outcome of this event, seeing the gleam of mischief in the junior?s eyes.? As the girl next to Sam reached into the bowl, Sam saw Kristen?s fingers holding down one of the slips of paper.? Suddenly the bowl was in front of her and Sam saw Kristen let the note drop into the bottom of bowl, allowing Sam to pick it.
??????????? ?Ally.? Please stand and read your note.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Ally stood, trembling as she carefully unfolded the piece of paper.? ?Double.?? The poor girl said.
??????????? Kristen grinned and reached into the box, pulling out the double shafted vibrator.? A small bottle of oil was in her other hand and she carefully lubed the vibrator as she approached Ally.? Kristen bent over at the chair and smoothly inserted the base of the shaft into the hole and then motioned for Ally to take her seat.
??????????? Ally nodded and positioned herself over the vibrator, spreading her legs wide to each side of the chair and slowly dropping herself down.? Sam watched as Ally gasped when the large phallus penetrated.? Ally?s eyes closed in apparent pleasure as the first turns of the corkscrew phallus twirled inside her, then the tiny shaft penetrated into Ally?s bottom.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened as Ally?s hips began to grind while she straddled the chair.? Soft moaning sounds came from the blond waif and Sam though she heard the wet squelch of the vibrator.
??????????? ?Paige.? Stand and read your note.??
??????????? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?? Paige said, standing.? ?Wood.?
??????????? Kristen brought out one of the shiny wooden phalluses and placed it in the socket of Paige?s seat.? Quickly oiled, Paige straddled her chair and carefully lowered herself, sliding the thick wooden rod up into her body, eliciting a groan that matched the grinding moans made by Ally.
??????????? ?How does it feel?? Asked Tami, who watched with a smile on her face.
??????????? Paige bit her lip, trying to settle herself.? ?I feel full, Mistress.? But its not uncomfortable, just a presence.?
??????????? ?Could you study or do your homework??? Asked Tami.? Paige nodded.? ?I think so Mistress.? I could easily get distracted, especially if I moved around, but I suppose if I concentrated I could.?
??????????? And so it went.? Sam watched as each of the other girls down the line stood and read their papers.? The girl after Paige announced ?wood? and the next one announced ?rubber.?? Sam had no doubts as each girl read off the name of one of the three regular phalluses.? Finally it was down to Sam and the sixth girl.?
??????????? ?Jari, please stand and read out your note.?? Mistress Tami ordered.
??????????? ?Rubber.?? Jari said after opening her paper.
??????????? Sam looked at Kristen, the accusation clearly written on her face.
??????????? Kristen smirked at Sam as she approached Jari with the rubber vibrator.? Setting it tightly in the seat, Kristen helped Jari impale herself on the vibrator, glancing at Sam long enough to smile.
??????????? ?Samantha, I don?t think we need to know what your note says.? I?ll say that your luck doesn?t seem to be present tonight.? Between your early arrival, your failure to hold position earlier, and now the random chance of being made the example of how the punishment phallus works, you would think that someone was out to get you!?? Mistress Tami said, her mouth pulled up into a grin.? ?Please stand.?
??????????? Samantha stood up in front of her chair as Kristen approached with the monstrosity.? Closer, it appeared even bigger than it had when Kristen had held it up to show the pledges.? Sam wondered how something that large could even fit up inside of a girl.? Kristen took a moment to arrange the straps and base plate as it fit in the chair socket with a click.
??????????? Kristen uncapped the oil bottle and poured a liberal amount over the tip of the phallus, rubbing it in with her hands until it glistened.? She reached out and touched Sam on the hip, pulling her backward over the chair.
??????????? Sam looked down between her legs as she straddled her seat.? She was thankful that at least she wasn?t to be penetrated in her bottom, though she knew she would eventually endure that phallus as well.? Slowly she sank down, resigned to the fate Kristen wanted to inflict upon her.
??????????? Her already tender sex was still pink from the orgasm and whipping it had received earlier, and Kristen reached down, spreading the lips of Sam?s sex apart as the tip of the phallus pressed upward.? Sam clenched momentarily, tightening her muscles as the cool metal tip touched the hot flesh between her legs.? She almost expected a shock, but instead merely felt the cool object seeming to expand, widening as she sank down upon it.?? Sam gasped as it penetrated, pressing against the sides of her sex.?? Deeper and deeper it went until she felt it press against her cervix, the bone of her hips, but she found that while deep, her buttocks were still able to support her weight.? She groaned, keeping her legs spread so that the crowd of girls could see the tight split of her sex, stretched wide by the massive colossus.
??????????? Kristen busied herself with the straps, tightening them around Sam?s thighs to hold the vibrator in.? Sam watched as Tami reached into the box and removed two pairs of leather bondage cuffs, tossing them to Kristen, who quickly secured Sam?s ankles and wrists to the chair.
??????????? Sam felt the same trepidation she imagined death row inmates would feel when being strapped into the electrocution chair.? Her groin trembled around the rod impaling her and the pleasure filled cries of her fellow pledges did nothing to alleviate the shear fright she had of what might be about to happen.? Her only consolation was that Kristen would do nothing to harm her, worried Sam would quit, or not make it through the initiation.
??????????? There was a sudden vibration between her legs that started at her clit and worked its way upward.? Sam shuddered, trying to imagine how the designers of the punishment phallus had managed to create the sensation.?? Up and down the tremors went, racing along the length of her sex.? Sam tensed, grateful that her legs and arms were bound, forcing her to keep the appropriate position.
??????????? Suddenly the sensation changed and Sam felt the shaft begin to spin inside her.? The vibrations continued, but now no longer raced up and down, but spiraled upward and downward through her sex like a mad top, intent on touching every part.?? Sam gasped and ground her hips downward, feeling the waves of pleasure overwhelm her.?
??????????? Next she felt a flash of warmth and realized the phallus had heated up.? Her sex steamed and she felt the hot wash flood upward through her body.? She began bucking, trying to escape the intense rush of sensations, the spinning, the tremors, the heat, but the straps held the phallus deep inside her, despite coming up almost out of the seat.?????????
??????????? The other pledges began to watch her, listening to Sam?s frantic cries.? Sam turned to Kristen and began to beg her to turn it off, only to receive a slight smile and a shake of the head.?? Sam turned to Tami and begged.
??????????? ?Please!? Oh god!? Mistress!? PLEASE!? I can?t!? I can?t!? Its?oh my god!?? YES??? Sam gasped and looked at the ceiling as the first electric shock ran up the length of the vibrator.? Sam stiffened like a board and her voice caught in her throat.? She shook, her body ridged as the repeated shocks flooded through her.? Kristen reached down and held the poor pledge?s shoulders as Mistress Tami stepped up.
??????????? ?Pledges.? See how Sam stiffens in the pleasure?? It hurts, yes, but it is also prolonging her orgasm.? She the fluids which are leaking from her pussy?? She is enjoying this.? The electricity will continue to flow into her while she orgasms, essential keeping her in the same state of orgasmic pleasure.? The record any of our members holds is twelve minutes of orgasm on the punishment phallus.? Sister Amanda has that honor.?
??????????? Sam was beyond hearing the explanation, or even aware of Tami?s approach.? Her body betrayed her, sending wave after wave of orgasmic delight through her.? She began twitching, her mind beginning to shut down from the over stimulation and she felt soft hands on her shoulders.? Suddenly it stopped, a complete stillness from her over sensitized sex.? A series of tremors washed over her and she groaned loudly as Kristen held her tight.
??????????? ?Sam will be fine, though she is dealing with the after results of the punishment phallus.?? Mistress Tami said.? ?Believe me, all of you, that enduring the punishment phallus will leave you weak, exhausted, and totally open.?? Tami knelt down before Sam, who was slowly blinking, letting things come back into focus.
??????????? ?Samantha??? Mistress Tami?s voice was soft.? ?Sam.? Look at me, honey.?? Sam blinked again, turning her head toward the voice and starting at Tami?s face.? ?Yyess Mistress??? Sam asked, her voice soft and exhausted.
??????????? ?Do you want out of the sorority??? Tami asked.? Sam shook her head.
??????????? ?Can you describe what the punishment phallus felt like??? Tami inquired.
??????????? Sam shook her head.? ?Too much?sensitive.? Like storm waves??? Sam muttered.
??????????? Tami smiled and nodded.? ?Kristen, please untie Sam and take her someplace to rest.?? She stood up and turned toward the other pledges.?
??????????? ?Pledges, that will be all for tonight. ?Please remember to be here at five in the afternoon, tomorrow.? Good night.?? Mistress Tami smiled.
??????????? Sam was barely aware of Kristen unstrapping her, of the other girls slowly getting up from the various humming and thrumming vibrators.? The most prominent sensation was being lifted from the phallus, the thick monstrosity sliding out of her elicited a groan of desperation and she tried closing her legs to keep it in.? The chair blocked her and Kristen stifled a little chuckle.
??????????? ?Easy there, Sam.? You can have something back inside you in a little while?after you?ve rested!?
??????????? ?
Chapter 7 ? Tuesday Morning
??????????? ?Sam?Sam!? Samantha!? Wake up!?? Kristen?s voice was strong and full of vigor as Sam blinked, opening her eyes to see the pretty blond junior dressed in a long tee shirt and silk pajama bottoms.?
??????????? Sam looked around the room, confused.? ?Kristen??
??????????? Kristen frowned.? ?That?s Sister Kristen to you pledge.? Another five demerits.? And I can tell you?re wondering where you are.? Well you are in my room here at the house.?
??????????? Samantha shook her head, trying to clear it.? ?Why am I here, Sister Kristen??? Sam mumbled, remembering to add the title.?
??????????? Kristen smiled and began stroking Sam?s hair.? ?You?re here because you were too tired and sore to go home last night.? Don?t you remember, Sam?? I took you to the showers, got you cleaned up, then put you to bed??
??????????? Sam nodded, her memory slowly crystallizing the images from the previous night.? There were the various positions, the whipping, and then the incredible experience on the punishment phallus.
??????????? ?Anyway, I know your first class is at nine thirty this morning, so I let you sleep in a little.? It?s about nine o?clock.? I laid out some of my clothing on the chair that I think is appropriate.? Put it on and we can go to Bruce?s Cafeteria together.?
??????????? Samantha nodded and pulled back the covers, noticing that she was still totally naked.? Evidentially only juniors and seniors were allowed night clothes.? Sam swung her feet down as Kristen went into the connecting bathroom, and Sam stood up and went to the chair where Kristen had laid out clothes.
??????????? Sam lifted up the little white top with school girl buttons and the knee length red plaid skirt and stared at them for a minute.? There was no sign of her clothes from last night, nor a stitch of undergarments, though Sam admitted to herself that the top was to be worn without a bra.
??????????? ?Um?Sister Kristen??? Sam called.?? Kristen poked her head through the door, still applying eye shadow.
??????????? ?Yes???
??????????? ?Um?what about panties??? Sam asked.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Novices don?t get to wear them.?? Kristen went back into the bathroom.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened.?? ?Ever??
??????????? Kristen looked back over at Sam, ?Except during your time of the month.?
??????????? Sam just stood there for several long moments.? Finally she decided she really didn?t have much choice in the matter and slipped the white top over her head.? It was a tad tight and Sam frowned once in suspicion since Kristen had larger breasts than her.? She felt as if the cotton was squeezing her breasts together and the cleavage the shirt displayed was almost unwholesome.?? The skirt wasn?t much better, except for the fact that it did go down to her knees.?
??????????? Sam moved to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror as Kristen turned and held out a brush.? Sam took it, brushing out her long brunette hair, suddenly seeing herself in a new light.? She was sexy.? Incredibly sexy.? Desirable in ways she hadn?t imagined.? She smiled to herself, imaging the head turns she would be getting from all the boys, not to mention certain girls.
??????????? ?Don?t worry about makeup, Sam.? You?re still fresh without it.? I?m pretty sure I don?t want you looking like a tart.? I know the outfit?s embarrassing, but today all the pledges will be wearing the exact same thing.? You?ll see.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I can deal with it.?
??????????? ?Good.? I knew you could.??? Kristen gave Sam a quick hug.? ?Let?s go eat.?
??????????? Together the two girls left the sorority house and walked down Avenue C until they got to the cafeteria.? Kristen?s conversation was lively and Sam began to feel comfortable with the junior girl in ways she hadn?t expected.? Kristen began to open up, telling Sam about her life before college, and more important, the levels of confidence she had gained over the last year.
??????????? ?You have to understand Sam, that being willingly submissive gives one perspectives that normal people just don?t have.? After a year, I understood that my confidence was supreme, just knowing I was submissive.? That confidence builds up like it has with Mistress Tami, and you become something indomitable.?
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?I can see that Sister Kristen.? Everyone at the sorority seems to have this?presence.?? Sam picked up a tray and began moving through the serving line.? ?It?s almost intimidating with everyone looking at me, everyone staring, and every Mistress and Sister totally in control.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Well, not totally.? I manage a bit better than some of the other juniors.? Last year Mistress Tami was Sister Tami to me, and frankly she wasn?t very demanding.? My first mistress was Mistress Calli, and she did things to me and Mistress Tami that you wouldn?t believe.?
??????????? Sam turned, looking inquisitive.? ?Like what??
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?Calli had a bit of a sadistic streak.?? She liked more extreme types of punishments.? We?ve still got a basement full of her torture devices. I suspect that her mistress was into S&M.?
??????????? Samantha?s looked at Kristen inquisitively, ?What?s S&M??
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?It stands for sadism and masochism.? You know what those are right??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Isn?t sadism where you take pleasure from hurting someone, and masochism is when you like being hurt??
??????????? ?Right on the head, pledge.? To an extent, we?re all into a little bit of S&M, your experience on the punishment phallus last night being a primary example.?
??????????? Samantha blushed scarlet.? ?Does that mean I?m some sort of weird sexual masochist?? she said, sounding concerned.
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?No.? It means you?re normal.? A little pain can really intensify some sexual experiences.? I have to admit, that when Calli was punishing me and Tami, I experienced some orgasms that would have made the one you had last night look puny.?
??????????? ?Really??? Sam asked, intrigued.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Yeah.? Calli was a great believer in long sessions.? In some ways it?s a lot like foreplay.? The better the foreplay, the more intense the sex.?
??????????? Sam leaned back in her chair thinking.? ?Sister Kristen, I would really like to see the machines Calli used on you and Mistress Tami.?
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?Sure.? Meet me back at the Sorority House at three and I?ll take you down to the museum.?
Chapter 8 ? Tuesday Afternoon
??????????? The day had been a trying one for Samantha, yet the looks and even the few whistles she had received during her many classes.? The only negative thing that had happened during class was the cold shoulder her friend Chelle had given her.? Sam had felt a little angry as Chelle had ignored her, but Sam had put it out of her mind.?
??????????? It was very warm as Sam rushed across the campus, trying to get to the Sorority House before three.? The strange feeling of being pantyless caused her to feel self conscious as she hurried, and it felt as if everyone was staring at her.? Despite her rush she still managed to be late, walking up the steps of the front porch a few minutes after three.
??????????? ?Well about time you got here, pledge!? You?re late!?? Kristen said from the porch swing as Samantha walked up.?
??????????? ?I am so sorry!? My last class is all the way over on the other side of campus and it was a long walk all the way over here.?? Sam said, clutching her bag with one hand.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?More demerits for you.? You?re already at twenty.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened in alarm.? ?Twenty!? Am I going to get kicked out of the sorority??
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Oh no.? The demerits indicate what kind of punishment you get on Friday.? We have a special room for it at the back of the house.?
??????????? Sam looked at Kristen suspiciously.? ?A Punishment room??
??????????? Kristen laughed as they sat down at a table.? ?Yeah, don?t worry.? You?ll get to see it on Friday.? And all the pledges will answer for their demerits.?
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I don?t understand the demerits.?
??????????? Kristen grinned. ?Well, whenever one of us sees you not following an order or rule, they can give you demerits.? Sisters can give a maximum of five per offense.? Mistresses can give a maximum of ten.? The demerits are recorded in a book that?s kept in the common room, so you can see how many you have.?
??????????? ?Can sisters get demerits??? Asked Samantha.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes flared but she nodded.
??????????? Sam dropped her bag on the porch floor.? ?So how did I get twenty??
??????????? Kristen grinned.? ?Cause you forgot to address me with my title twice this morning and at breakfast you were sitting in your chair with your knees together.? Don?t you remember what you learned last night??
??????????? Sam bit her lip in response.
??????????? ?And now you were late.? That makes twenty.?? Kristen crossed her arms in front of her chest.? ?So now I?m going to take you down to the basement so you can see Calli?s old playroom, but first you need to strip.? No clothes for novices in the Sorority House.?
??????????? Samantha nodded, and without even a glance at the street, she peeled off the white cotton tank top and short skirt.? In seconds the beautiful brunette stood bare in all her glory on the white washed wood porch.? Kristen admired her for a few moments and then stood, setting the porch swing swaying, picked up Sam?s clothes and bag, and led the naked and willing pledge into the Sorority House.
??????????? Kristen dumped Sam?s stuff on the first bench in the hallway and led Samantha down the corridor.? Just behind the stairs was a small doorway that Kristen opened, clicking a small switch on the side of the doorway.? She held the door open and motioned to Sam.? ?After you, pledge.?
??????????? Sam looked through the doorway and saw a stairwell that led down into the bowels of the house.? The walls of the stairwell were unplastered and made of cinder blocks and Sam suddenly felt as if she were going to down into a dungeon.? Despite the warm temperature, Sam felt goose bumps all over her body.? For some reason, her nudity bothered her as she descended; carefully she padded down the wooden stairs until she reached a corner that allowed her to enter the large room under the house.
??????????? It was poorly lit.? Only a few sparse light bulbs illuminated the various sheet draped objects sitting against the walls and Sam suddenly felt small and insignificant as Kristen followed her out onto the floor.
??????????? ?I haven?t been down here for awhile.?? Kristen said, suddenly sounding a little timid herself.
??????????? Sam looked at the junior girl.? ?Kristen, if you?re uncomfortable?? she trailed off as Kristen shook her head.
??????????? ?No, I?m okay.? Its just I have a lot of memories from down here.?? Kristen walked over to one of the large pieces of furniture and pulled the cover sheet off of it.? It was a large wooden saw horse with the cross piece cut in an angle, allowing for a sharp point facing upward.
??????????? ?What?s that??? Asked Samantha, stepping up next to Kristen.
??????????? ?It?s a wooden pony.? You have your victim straddle it.? Depending on your height, you either put all your weight between your legs, or you get to stand on tip toes until your legs get tired and you sink down, doing the same thing.?? Kristen reached out and rested her hand on the smooth sanded wood.? A dark stain glistened in the center.
??????????? ?I spent many hours on this thing.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened.? ?Did it hurt??
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Oh yes.? But Calli always added something of a sexual nature to our sessions, so usually I had a vibrating egg inside me when on this thing.? Calli wasn?t into just hurting us, she wanted us to breach that division between pain and pleasure so that our reactions to sex were intensified.? She took it a lot farther than any other sister or mistress.?
??????????? Kristen moved on through the basement.? She stopped and disrobed another object that had Sam mystified.
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Now this machine was fun.? Calli called it the ?Twister??.? Samantha studied the device.? It was two tall posts with a cross piece that seemed to create a doorframe.? Two thick hemp ropes were strung between the posts at chest height and attached to what looked like two cranks.? Sam looked on in amazement.
??????????? ?You stand here in the center and your arms get tied to a cross piece.? The ropes go above and below your breasts.? Then someone twists the ropes, which squeezes your breasts tight.?? Kristen said, raising a hand to lovingly caress the wooden frame.
??????????? ?Did you spend a lot of time in this??? Sam asked, staring at the older girl.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Calli used it to work on my nipples or clit, since you can cuff the victim?s ankles too.?? She shook her head.? ?Ice cubes, hot wax, clamps, spiked rollers, weights, and even electrical toys were used.?? She said, describing a litany of torments that caused Sam to experience a momentary thrill that cascaded down her spine all the way to her loins.? A small blush of wetness filled Sam?s sex.
??????????? Kristen turned and uncovered another cloth draped device.? Sam stood looking at it quizzically, trying to understand it.? It was a waist high bench in the shape of a capital ?T?, with five foot high posts standing straight up at each end of the bench.? A number of pulleys were mounted to the posts, three just a little higher than the bench itself, and three right at the top of the posts.? A bucket full of chains lay next to the whole contraption.
??????????? ?What is this thing??? Sam asked.
??????????? Kristen grinned.? ?Actually this was a pretty cool thing.? It?s a ?T? Spreader Restrainer.? Its supposed to spread open your slave in a variety of ways so you can torment them as much as you want.? I spent hours on this thing.? I was usually pretty sore afterwards, but I had some mind blowing orgasms on it.?? Kristen turned and looked around the room.? ?Tami and I spent hours down here, sometimes with Tami getting tortured with me, sometimes with Tami helping to do it to me.? Calli seemed to love watching us writhe.?? She shook her head.
??????????? Sam gave Kristen a sympathetic smile and again surveyed the room.? There were still quite a few cloth covered items there in the basement, and Sam summoned an image of Kristen being tormented.? It made her swallow hard and she let a single finger press against her clit.? In a flash her mind was made up.
??????????? ?Kristen?? Do you want to know how Calli felt when she was torturing you??? Sam asked, a little breathless.
??????????? ?Huh?? What do you mean, Sam??? Kristen said, drawn from her own thoughts.
??????????? ?Do you want to see what Calli experienced??? Sam said again, this time her voice sounding solid and sure.
??????????? ?What Calli experienced??? Kristen said, still not following.
??????????? ?You can put me on any of these machines, Kristen.? I won?t object.? I?m willing.? You can do to me what Calli did to you.?? Sam said, looking at Kristen resolutely.
??????????? Kristen stared at Samantha.? ?Do you have any idea what I endured down here?? The hours of discomfort, of pain even, all for the sadistic pleasure of one woman??? Kristen asked in disbelief.? She clapped her hand to her forehead.? ?Of course you don?t!?
??????????? Samantha stepped close to the blond junior, taking her hand softly.? ?But I want too.?? She said.? ?I want to know what you endured, Kristen.?
??????????? Kristen looked at Sam, tears in her eyes.? It seemed to Sam as if something inside her Sister was breaking, and then Kristen?s eyes hardened.? ?You?ve forgotten to use my title, pledge.? At least three times.? That will be another fifteen demerits recorded in the punishment book.? You?ve also earned yourself a direct punishment from me.?? Kristen said, her voice hard.
??????????? Kristen pushed Sam forward until the pledging sophomore felt the soft padding of the ?T? bench against her bottom.? Kristen kept pushing and Sam hopped up onto the bench, letting Kristen push her backward so that her legs were dangling over the top portion of the ?T?.? Sam laid back, a tiny smile on her face, as she heard Kristen running chains through the bottom set of pulleys on each post.
??????????? There was a tiny touch on the bottom of Sam?s right foot and she felt Kristen buckling a heavy leather cuff around the ankle.? The slight tinkle told Sam that her ankle had been chained to the post.? Her other foot quickly followed and Sam looked up at Kristen who was squatting between Sam?s dangling legs.
??????????? ?Hope you like doing the splits.?? Kristen said nastily and began cranking a gear shaft under the table.?
??????????? Sam felt the chains pulling on her ankles and in a few seconds felt her thighs ripple as her ankles began to be drawn toward the opposite pillars on each side of the crossbar.? Her bottom began to slide downward as her legs were split wide apart and Sam groaned loudly as she felt the tension in her thighs radiate outward.? The soft pink petals of Sam?s wet sex split outward and Sam lifted herself up on her elbows and watched as Kristen stared at the exposed pussy like a hungry cat.
??????????? Finally the drawing was done and Kristen quickly moved around the cross bar to the stem of the ?T? bench, cuffing Samantha?s hands in cuffs and once more cranking a gear to lock the naked pledge in place.? Sam quivered in excitement, the feeling of being restrained, with no control over what would happen, streaming through her.? Kristen ran her fingers over Sam?s breasts, watching as the young sophomore lay bound and tense on the bench.
??????????? ?I think we should start with a minor whipping first, pledge, to remind you of your manners when addressing your elders.?? There was a slight whisper of wind and suddenly a sharp sting in Sam?s left breast.? Before Sam could even cry out Kristen swung again, striking Sam?s other breast just as the poor girl squealed into the basement air.?? Sam clenched, straining against her bindings as she saw Kristen moving downward, between her legs.?? There was nothing Sam could do as the whip whistled down, smashing slashing into the pink slit between her legs.
??????????? Kristen swung the whip only three more times before falling to her knees.? The blond junior dropped her whip and reached up, spreading the pink and puffy lips of ?Sam?s sex.? Kristen bent down and began lapping at Samantha?s clit, running her tongue up and down the length of the punished slit.
??????????? Sam?s moan of pleasure was twice as loud as the cries of pain she had let out when Kristen had whipped her, and she bucked her hips upward as Kristen continued to lick the soft heated flesh.? Suddenly there was the sound of chains again and Kristen?s mouth left Sam?s clit.? Sam looked up to see Kristen attaching a thinner chain to one of the posts her ankles was pulled against.? A second chain quickly was attached to the other pillar and Sam saw that each chain ended in a thick rubber coated clamp.? Kristen grinned wickedly as she grabbed each chain, pulling them down toward Sam?s thighs.
??????????? The sharp pinch and pull of the clamp and chain on the fleshy lips of? Sam?s pussy caused the bound girl to tremble, biting her lip.? In moments, her pussy was spread open wide, its reddish interior open to Kristen?s site and desires.
??????????? Kristen moved around to Sam?s head and dangled another set of chains.?
??????????? ?These go on your nipples, Sam.?? Kristen said, a slight chuckle of mischief in her voice.? ?Let me get these on, and then I have to go get a special toy for the rest of our little session.?? Kristen flicked her fingers at Sam?s breasts until each nub tightened.? With dexterous fingers Kristen attached the nipple clamps, then bent and gave Sam a light kiss.? ?I?ll be back soon.?
??????????? Sam nodded, her body tense as the footsteps of Kristen?s departure filled the room.? Samantha closed her eyes, her body a riot of sensation.? She could feel her own juices leaking downward, the incessant tug of the nipple and pussy clamps on her body, and the steady ache in her arms and legs.? Sam decided to try counting as the seconds ticked by until several minutes had passed. Finally, the soft but quick padding of feet on the wooden staircase announced Kristen?s return.
??????????? ?Oh my God, Kristen!? She agreed to do this??? a voice sounded.? Samantha opened her eyes to see one of the other sorority sisters standing above her, eyes wide.
??????????? There was a chuckling from Kristen.? ?She begged me to do it, Desiree.? I?m beginning to understand why Calli kept me and Tami down here so much.?? Sam tried to look up at Kristen, but was unable to see what the junior was doing between her legs.
??????????? Kristen looked up at Desiree.? ?Get that thing on.? I want this recorded.??
??????????? Desiree nodded and Sam watched as the other sister lifted a camcorder.? The bright red light glowed, indicating Sam?s torment was being documented.? Desiree turned the camcorder to Kristen who rose and smiled for the camera.
??????????? ?Hello, today Samantha Mayfield has volunteered to break a very important record.? Currently the record is sixteen minutes.? Samantha will now keep the punishment phallus inside herself for thirty minutes.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened and she lifted her head.? ?Uh?Kristen??? Sam whispered, her body still tense.
??????????? Kristen hurried over and bent down.? ?Open your mouth, princess.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam opened her mouth, only to have a ball gag inserted.
??????????? Kristen stood up after putting in the gag and returned to the outstretched lower limbs of the restrained pledge.
??????????? With a flair for the dramatic, Kristen lifted the punishment phallus, its silver coat shining in the bare light.? She swung it around a few times like a sword, then positioned it in the red flushed opening below her.? Samantha groaned as it penetrated deep, arching her hips and rocking as it became embedded in her flesh.? Kristen quickly strapped the holding bands in place around Sam?s thighs and backed off, showing her watch to the camera and flipping on the phallus.
??????????? Immediately Samantha screamed into the gag as the first of the tiny electrical shocks began.? Her body trembled on the bench, tugging painfully on the nipple and pussy clamps, shaking the chains.? Kristen smiled, her eyes wide as Sam?s eyes rolled wildly, her hips bouncing up and down.
??????????? Desiree kept filming, her tongue between her lips as she watched the delicately boned sophomore endure the stretching rack and punishment phallus.? While not one of Calli?s direct underlings, Desiree remembered seeing Kristen striped red, sore, tender, and exhausted.? She knew that if anyone still in the sorority could match Calli?s capability at torture, it would be Kristen.
??????????? Samantha?s body began to settle into a regular rhythm as the punishment phallus pulsated and twisted around inside her.? Her hips thrust back and forth, trying to move the phallus, but the straps holding the large intruder were securely buckled around her outstretched thighs.? Desiree moved toward the head of the bench, pointing the camera down between the chains clamping Sam?s nipples.? Kristen had dropped a small pillow on the floor between Sam?s legs on the opposite side of the bench.? Kristen knelt and bent her head forward.
??????????? The touch of Kristen?s tongue on Sam?s clit was like a massive surge of caffeine into the blood stream.? Sam turned red and flushed as the combination of the phallus and Kristen?s tender lick became to much and the first orgasm exploded through her.? Still only ten or so minutes into her ordeal, Kristen continued, alternating her fingers and tongue while probing the tender nub before her.
??????????? Sam closed her eyes, arching her back.? The first explosion faded quickly only to be replaced by another rising wave.? Over and over it crashed into her, forcing her muscles to contract, her body to shake, her heart to pound.? She bit down into her gag, wanting to cry out, to scream, to beg it to stop, to beg for it to continue.? Overwhelmed with adrenaline she thrashed her head, feeling the vibrations move her body, which only tugged on the nipple clamps.
??????????? Desiree was wishing she had a tripod, as she slowly used a single finger to rub her own clit as she recorded Samantha?s punishment.? Kristen?s head was bobbing down again, sucking Sam?s clit upward into the mouth of torment as the waves of pleasure went on and on.? A glistening sheen of moisture had formed all over Samantha?s body and Desiree thought she could actually feel the heat pouring of the sophomore.
??????????? Suddenly Kristen stood and moved around the table.? She bent over Sam?s head and quickly unbuckled the ball gag, pulling it out quickly.? Sam cried out, working her jaw and then began pleading nonsensically to Kristen.? Desiree watched as Kristen quickly yanked down her own shorts, revealing her perfectly shaved slit, and then straddled Sam?s face.
??????????? Kristen dropped down, squatting over Sam.? ?Lick me, pledge.?
??????????? Desiree knelt down, letting the camera frame Sam?s nose as it pressed up into Kristen?s slit, and then the tilting as Sam extended her own tongue upward.? Soon Kristen was also moaning, matching the bound and tormented girl below.? Sam continued to buck and as each new wave of electrical shocks hit her, she would bury her mouth in Kristen?s pussy and scream, sending waves of ecstasy through both Kristen and Desiree.?
??????????? With her legs spread wide, the punishment phallus rammed and tied in place, Sam could barely concentrate on the soft sweetness above her.?? Kristen dipped lower and began sliding her slit back and forth across Samantha?s face, literally fucking her nose and mouth until finally Kristen let out a tiny squeal of triumph and rose, her sex dripping.
??????????? Sam gasped for air and Desiree moved round, still filming, taking in the glistening wetness of Sam?s face.? The camera was panned downward for another look at the chains and clamps that cruelly spread Samantha?s sex wide, the skin taut and red.? Kristen pulled her shorts back on and thrust her watch back under the camera.?
??????????? ?Twenty three minutes.? Sam?s already broken the record.? But we want it to be hard for the next person??? Kristen moved over to Samantha and knelt by her head, gently stroking her hair.
??????????? ?Sam?can you keep it in another eight minutes?? Darling?? Can you??
??????????? Sam opened her eyes, seeing Kristen?s smiling face in a red haze.? She shook her head, her eyes glazed with a mixture of ecstasy and agony.?? Kristen gave a small frown of disappointment.? Standing up, Kristen moved down between Samantha?s legs and touched the punishment phallus.? Immediately Samantha?s wild gyrations stopped.? The bound girl lay panting, her hard breaths filling the basement dungeon.? Her skin glistened with a sheen of perspiration, her stretched muscles still protesting their spread position.
??????????? ?Sam?? You all right?? Kristen asked, hastily reaching to the far side of the spreader bench to release Sam?s right ankle.? Sam lifted her head up and looked down between her clamped breasts.? She nodded and gave a small groan, letting her head drop down as Kristen moved back around to the front of the bench, removing the clamps and wrist cuffs, eliciting another painful groan from Sam?s lips.
??????????? Desiree continued to watch in interest, however she had ceased her video taping.? She stepped up and smiled down at Samantha.? ?That was one of the most kick ass things I?ve seen, pledge.? You?re going to be a lot of fun.?
??????????? Kristen chuckled.? ?Come on Dee.? Let?s get her up to my room for a shower and some rest before tonight.? You know what she?ll have to endure this evening.?? Carefully, Kristen slipped an arm under Samantha?s shoulder and lifted her up, helping her off the bench.? Sam could barely stand and Desiree moved forward, supporting the pledge?s other side.? Together, the three girls moved out of the dungeon, up toward light and warmth, but not out of sexual darkness.
Chapter 9 ? Tuesday Evening
??????????? Kristen once again was leaning over Samantha, yet this time the beautiful sophomore lay napping under the heavy quilts of Kristen?s bed.? Kristen reached out and stroked Sam?s hair, marveling in the young woman?s strength.? Kristen shook Sam?s shoulder lightly.
??????????? ?Sam.? Wake up, honey.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam?s eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at Kristen.? Sam stretched, moving her limbs under the blanket like a cat.? Then she sat up, letting the bed sheets fall from her naked breasts.
??????????? Kristen looked at her, concern still in her eyes.? ?How you feelin????? She asked.
??????????? Sam blinked and grinned.? ?A little worn out still, a little sore, but other than that, fantastic!?? She said, her voice full of mischievous excitement.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes squinted.? ?Fantastic?? After what I did to you??
??????????? Sam giggled, putting her hand to her mouth.? ?Kristen, that was the most powerful orgasm I?ve ever had.?? Sam stood up and wrapped her arms around Kristen, pulling the junior girl into a hug.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Well I?m glad you enjoyed it, cause you?ve got more coming tonight.? In fact, that?s why I woke you.? It?s time to head on downstairs for the meeting.?? Samantha nodded, releasing Kristen? ?Let me just brush my hair, real quick.?
??????????? After Sam spent a few minutes at Kristen?s vanity, the two girls went downstairs toward the main living room.? Sam saw that all the other pledges were there all ready, their naked bodies already seated, and Same noticed one of the large wooden phalluses sticking out of her chair, ready for its implantation.? Sam smiled at Kristen as the junior sister patted her on the back and moved toward the spectator side of the room.
??????????? Sam stepped up to her chair and straddled it.? With a gentleness born of her earlier torment, she lowered herself down gently, letting the cool wood slip through the folds of her sex.? Sam closed her eyes, biting her lip as the dowel slipped upward until her bottom was resting on the seat.? Fully impaled, Sam opened her eyes and looked out at the sisters and mistresses watching.
??????????? Settling herself, Sam noticed that there were several mistresses and sister missing, almost eight or nine of them, and she glanced around the room, trying to figure out where they were.? After a minute or so, Mistress Tami stood up and approached the nine pledges.
??????????? ?Pledges, I want to commend all nine of you for tenacity, endurance, and willpower.? All of you have experienced what life will be like as members of this select group, some of you fully.?? Tami gave everyone a big smile and then began looking at each girl individually.? ?Ally has discovered the electrical room.? Wendy streaked one of the boy?s halls at Bruce.? Heather has discovered her darker side.?? There was a small flurry of snickers and Sam turned and saw one cute little blonde pledge blush.? Mistress Tami continued.? ?Janet managed to flash a professor her entire front during class yesterday.? Sara has discovered the wonders of object penetration, starting a fantastic personal list.? Cindi has made some interesting inroads into food preparation.? Katherine, with her willowy looks has enjoyed some rope bondage.? Megan has managed to get into the fun of sex massage.? And of course, Sam has shown her true colors in her desires for pain.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened at Tami?s declaration.? It was one thing to sit there and listen to the prurient interests of the other girls, imagining outrageous activities, most of them ones Sam wanted to try, but to have it announced that Sam enjoyed being hurt was humiliating.? Evidently, Kristen had let Mistress Tami view the video tape from Calli?s dungeon.
??????????? Mistress Tami took a step back and once more addressed the pledges.? ?Tonight, pledges, we begin the next step of your indoctrination.? In some ways, it combines several of the different interests we have seen develop over the last two days.?? Mistress Tami nodded at Kristen, who immediately stepped forward with a large box.
??????????? Tami reached into the box and pulled out a large purple colored plastic and metal egg.? She held it up high and Samantha noticed a six inch long black wire trailing down from it, giving it the appearance of a garishly colored sperm.
??????????? ?This object is one of our sorority?s favorite toys.? It was designed by a former sister who went into the adult novelty industry? Tami gave a sheepish smile.? ?To be honest, she uses our sorority as a test ground for her equipment.?? Tami as well as the rest of the older girls chuckled out loud.? Tami then continued.
??????????? ?Tonight, in just a moment, all nine of you will have one of these placed into your bodies.? Just as the vibrators and phallus you are currently sitting on, these eggs can do some interesting things.?? Tami looked at Kristen with a pointed look on her face.? Kristen nodded and held up what looked like a television set remote.? Suddenly the egg in Tami?s hand began to vibrate, a tiny almost silent buzzing noise came from it, but it was the definite tremors shaking Tami?s fingers that attracted the attention of the girls.
??????????? ?As you can see, it vibrates at various speeds.? It also has a special feature.?? Tami placed her other hand an inch above the egg when suddenly there was a loud thud from the tiny toy and it jumped out of Tami?s hand upward, striking her inverted palm.? It fell back down, Tami?s fingers grasping it tightly as before.
??????????? ?As well as the ?thumper? system, there is a the capability of sending a tiny electrical current as well.?? She gave both Sam and Ally penetrating looks.? ?While certainly not at the levels of the punishment phallus or the over active stimulation from our electrical room, it delivers a maddening tingle to the wearer.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Samantha stared at the device, the idea of having it inside herself exciting, and yet foreboding all the same.? After the rigors of the punishment phallus, she didn?t doubt her capabilities of enduring the egg, but she wondered whether her body would build up tolerances, requiring more and more intense stimulation.? She shook her head, shifting in her seat, the thick hard wood impaled between the soft and tender lips of her sex furthering her excitement at the prospect of having the egg inside her.
??????????? Mistress Tami looked at Samantha and smiled.? ?Sam, you first.? Please come up to the front and present yourself in the whipping position.?? Sam bit her lip and stood up, the wooden phallus making a loud squelching sound as it left her body.? One of the other sisters quickly brought forth a chair, turning it so that Sam would be facing the pledges when she assumed the whipping position.? Carefully, Samantha turned to face her peers, seeing in their eyes the desire, lust, and knowledge that soon they would be enduring the same torments.? She turned her back to the chair and reached behind her, placing her hands on the chair back.? She leaned back, arching her back while at the same time spreading her legs wide apart.? She knew that her sex was wet, glistening, and ripe and she blushed red at the thought that the other girls were getting a direct involuntary view.
??????????? Tami stepped to her hip and gave her a mischievous grin.? ?Sam, I have to admit, seeing you like this makes me want to whip you.?
??????????? Samantha swallowed.? ?You may if you want, Mistress Tami.?? Sam replied.? Tami?s face suddenly went dark.?
??????????? ?I don?t have to ask your permission, pledge.? I?ll just take a whip to you.?? Tami leaned up close.? ?From what Kristen tells me, you seem to like the harsher measures.?
??????????? Samantha looked horrified, totally embarrassed at her mistake.? ?I apologize Mistress Tami.?? She said, her face scarlet.
??????????? Mistress Tami snorted and then motioned for Kristen to come forward with an egg.? Tami took the purple plastic monstrosity and held it up in front of Samantha?s sex.? For a few moments, she pressed the tip against Sam?s clit, rolling it around in the copious juices leaking from the bare crevice of Sam?s flower.? In moments, the entire top half of the egg was gleaming in a wet shine and Mistress Tami pushed upward, forcing the egg inward.
??????????? Samantha gasped.? The egg was larger than she had anticipated, wider at the middle than even the punishment phallus.? It spread her wide as it entered and for just a moment Samantha moaned as the middle of the egg stretched her hole, and then with a sucking pop, the rest of the egg slipped upward filling Samantha?s body almost completely.
??????????? Tami gave Samantha?s sex a little pat and Sam felt a tiny brush against her thigh, realizing that the wire was hanging out of her pussy.? She felt a quiver run through her body as she adjusted to the breadth and shape of the demonic little toy inside her.
??????????? ?Kristen, please turn the vibrator on to its lowest setting.?? Tami asked.
??????????? It was all Samantha could do not to gasp out loud.? Her legs trembled and her body trembled for a moment as she reacted involuntarily to the new sensation.? Her hips rocked back and forth.
??????????? ?As you all can see, Samantha is already having trouble dealing with the sensations.? However, I can assure you that the whipping position is the primary reason Sam can?t control her responses.?? Tami turned back toward Samantha.? ?Please stand up straight Samantha.?
??????????? Samantha took a step back, straightening her body at the same time, and then pushed herself off the back of the chair.? Almost immediately the tremors stopped, the buzzing between her legs now only a mere caress, rather than the intense stimulation of before.
??????????? ?As you can see and no doubt hear, the vibrator is almost silent and Samantha can easily conceal the fact that she has a sex toy inside her, at least for the moment.? Kristen??? Tami said, turning toward the pretty blonde junior.?
??????????? Kristen pressed her remote and there was a muted thud that seemed to come from Samantha?s body.? Sam?s face turned red and her mouth opened in a soundless moan.? There came another thud and Sam put her hands to her pubs, pressing tightly.
??????????? ?As you can all see, Kristen has activated the ?thrust? aspect of our little sex toy.? Right now, inside Samantha, the egg is violently trying to ram itself deeper.? From Sam?s face, you can tell what this must feel like.?? Tami nodded at Kristen and made a slashing motion with her finger.? Kristen pressed the remote and everyone could see Samantha?s visible relief.?
??????????? ?Let?s move on.? Kristen?? Tami said, nodding to the remote wielding junior.
??????????? Kristen made a show of pressing another button on the remote and abruptly Samantha let out a cry and brought both hands to her crotch.? She almost doubled over, her hands pressed tightly against the pink folds.? Every pledge looked alarmed as Samantha?s hips began thrusting wildly, as if Sam had no control over her own motions.? Her lips opened in what started as a soundless cry, but soon became a sobbing beg.
??????????? ?P-p-please!? Oh my God.? Sam?s voice came thin and desperate.? Sam fell to her knees as she kept her hands between her legs, her voice a pleading distressed wail.
??????????? ?Right now the egg inside Samantha is delivering powerful shocks along the inside of Samantha?s vagina.? These shocks, while not actually painful, do cause severe muscle contractions.? I think that?s enough Kristen.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Just as quickly as they started, Samantha felt the electrical impulses cease.? She lay quivering, trying to regain her sense of normality after the torments inflicted upon her.? She looked up at Kristen, seeing the older girl?s smile, the delight at pressing the buttons to cause these reactions in the sophomore pledge.?
??????????? Mistress Tami looked back at the other pledges.? ?Each one of you will have an egg inserted.? The egg will be left inside you for an entire twenty four hours.? You may remove the egg only to use the restroom.? To make sure you keep it in, we will require you to call the sorority house phone within ten minutes of feeling the shocks.? Tami could see the looks of concern on their faces.? She smiled.? ?Don?t worry, pledges.? We won?t be activating the shocks while you?re in the middle of class.? It?s more of a way to make sure you keep them in during your free time and while sleeping.? Any questions???
??????????? Katherine, the thin willowy brunette Sam had noticed earlier raised a hand.? ?How do we get the egg out??? She asked.?
??????????? Tami held up another egg and pulled on the black wire.? ?Just wrap this wire around a finger and tug firmly.?
??????????? Ally raised her hand.? ?You said we wouldn?t get shocked in class, what about vibrated and thumped???
??????????? Mistress Tami held out her hands and shrugged.? ?That will be up to your Sister and Mistress.? This test is designed to judge your control capabilities.? I expect it to be difficult.? Any other questions??
??????????? There was silence and Mistress Tami nodded.? ?Very well, all of you stand up and assume the whipping positions.?? There was the sticky skin coming off wood sound, and the sucking pop of eight phalluses being expunged from their wet warm gloves.? The girls moved to the backs of their chairs, putting their hands on the back rests and arching their bodies, their legs spread, each echoing Samantha?s previous position.
??????????? Samantha watched as each pledge?s assigned sister came forward with an egg.? It took only a few moments of gentle caress before each egg was soaked in the lubrication each girl generously provided.? There was a soft flurry of moans as the eggs were pushed deep into each girl.
??????????? ?Ladies, for the rest of the evening, you will accompany your Sister and Mistress, for personal training, additional duties, or to be released.? Make sure that you take a copy of the house phone number before you leave for the evening.? Dismissed.?? Mistress Tami announced.
??????????? For a moment Samantha looked at Kristen, wondering what the Junior would have in store for her, or whether she would be allowed to go home.? She was surprised when it was Tami?s hand that grasped her chin and turned her face.
??????????? ?Now Samantha, we still have your deplorable decorum to deal with.? You may have received more attention from Kristen for the last few days, but I am just as eager to torment you as she is.? Now, resume the whipping position!?? Mistress Tami demanded.
??????????? Samantha swallowed.? Most of the other pledges had already left, but several of the other mistresses and sisters were still present, chatting or watching Tami?s denunciation of Samantha.? Sam nodded her head and immediately returned to the whipping position, arching her back and spreading her legs, presenting her breasts and sex.
??????????? Tami snapped her fingers at Kristen, whose face was a mask, totally devoid of emotion, and Kristen handed the Senior mistress a cruel looking leather sap.? Sam looked at Kristen, wondering what the Junior girl was thinking.? Tami looked at Kristen for a moment and then her eyes hardened.
??????????? ?You too.? Strip and bring another chair right here in front of Sam.?? Ordered Tami.
??????????? Samantha watched as Kristen removed her clothing.? Rapidly, but not haphazardly,? Kristen?s shirt, jeans, panties, bra, and socks were left in a pile.? The tall junior grabbed one of the pledge chairs and brought it forward, turning the back toward Tami.? Only two feet away, Kristen stepped between the chair and Sam, assuming the same position Sam was in, their calves touching at the ankles.
??????????? Tami never said a word and brought the sap up.? With a stinging slap, she slammed the leather into Sam right breast, eliciting a painful gasp.? Tami kept moving however, and on the back swing caught Kristen?s left bosom in as painful a blow as the one dealt to Samantha.? For a minute, Tami bounced between the two girls, turning their breasts a matching shade of red.
??????????? Then she stopped, moving away for just a moment, and then returning with the remote that operated the egg inside Samantha.? Sam?s eyes widened and then the vibrations began with a deep purring inside.? Her hips thrust, tiny little spasms that attracted not only the eye, but the black leather sap wielded by Tami.
??????????? The sound of the sap changed dramatically as it impacted on the sodden swollen flesh of Samantha?s sex.? It soaked up the moisture, making the leather more flexible, so that when it struck the tender areas of Kristen, it hurt much more.? Kristen was gritting her teeth, her fingers clenching the back of the chair.? Her legs were spread much more than Sam?s, her sex bulging, much fuller than Sam?s tight and dainty flower.
??????????? Tami took only a moment to press the remote again, and all three girls heard the metal thud that caused Samantha to jerk outward, almost losing her balance.? There was another thud and Samantha gasped.? Tami timed the next blow of the sap perfectly, smashing the sap right on to Sam?s clit as the egg jumped upward inside her.
??????????? There was a spine tingling wail as Sam?s orgasm crested.? Her entire body trembled, shaking in the whipping position, her sex clenching around the fist sized intruder that was rumbling and thrashing inside her.? Her skin was on fire as the pleasure sensations melded with the pain of her beating, and a squirt of her juices shot out, soaking the ground beneath her feet.
??????????? Tami stepped back to watch, resting her hand on Kristen?s pink shaded breast as Samantha struggled through her explosion.? There was a slight scattering of applause from the other assembled sisters who had watched with pleasure at Samantha and Kristen?s torment.
??????????? Tami turned to Kristen.? ?I should put an egg inside you as well, shouldn?t I??? She demanded.? Samantha looked up weakly at Kristen who nodded.? ?Whatever you wish, Mistress.?? Tami nodded looking pleased.? She turned to Samantha.
??????????? ?That is the appropriate way to respond, pledge.? Let?s try it.?? Tami took one step to Sam and reached up, grasping a nipple between her finger and thumb.
??????????? ?I would love to pinch your nipple until you cry.?? Tami said, her voice harsh.
??????????? ?Whatever you w-wish Mistress.?? Samantha said.? Tami smiled and gave her a tiny squeeze.
??????????? ?I would love to parade you naked down the street.?? Tami said.
??????????? ?Whatever you wish Mistress.?? Sam obediently replied.
??????????? ?I would love to see you bound tight.?
??????????? ?Whatever you wish Mistress.?
??????????? ?I?d like you coated with wax, moaning while the egg vibrates inside you.?
??????????? ?Oh yes! Whatever you wish!
??????????? ?Mistress!?? Tami snarled, once more pinching Sam?s breast.
??????????? ?Mistress!?? Sam called out, her voice quavering.
??????????? ?I?d like to tie you to my bed and keep the punishment phallus in you for an hour.?
??????????? Sam didn?t miss a beat.? ?Whatever you wish Mistress!?
??????????? Mistress Tami stepped back.? Samantha was still holding her position, the wet cream of her sex glistening in moist trails down her thighs.? The layered petals of her flower were bright pink from the sap, her breasts a matching color.? Her heavy breathing caused her chest to rise and fall like the waves of the sea.? Tami pressed the remote, turning off the vibration, leaving the egg silent and still.
??????????? ?Kristen, the both of you get dressed and then escort Samantha back to her dorm room.?? She paused,? ?Via the student union of course.?? Tami grinned, handing the remote to Kristen and then left the room.
??????????? Kristen straightened up, wincing slightly as she closed her legs to a respectable distance.? She bent down and picked up her clothing.
??????????? ?Come on Sam.? You can stand up straight now.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Samantha lifted her body upward until she was straight, bringing her legs together.? Despite its stillness, Sam could still feel its tremendous presence inside her, filling her.? With each step she took she felt it roll, keeping her sexually on edge.? She gave Kristen a wane smile.
??????????? ?You okay?? We need to go to my room. ?You?re clothes are up there.?? Kristen said.
??????????? ?Sure.? I?m okay.? I?ve just never orgasmed like that in my life.?? Samantha replied, stretching a little.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?How does the egg feel??
??????????? ?Like someone?s pushed a grapefruit into me.?? Sam said.? ?I?ll be okay in just a few minutes. I just have to get used to its size.?
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Sure.?
??????????? Together the two girls left the main sitting room and went upstairs, following the orders of Mistress Tami.
Chapter 10:? The 24 Hour Egg
??????????? The night was brisk and clear as the two girls made their way down Avenue C toward the main campus.? Despite the balmy evening, very few people were around and Samantha spent several minutes asking more questions about the Sorority.? Kristen did her best to answer and the time went quickly.? Before Sam knew it, they were standing on the sidewalk in front of the ScienceBuilding.
??????????? ?Hold up here a moment, Samantha.?? Kristen said quietly, eyeing two boys who were sitting on the concrete bench that surrounded the lily pond.? Sam halted, her eyes narrowing suspiciously as Kristen dug for a moment in her purse.? Sam watched as the junior girl seemed to find what she was looking for.
??????????? Sam quivered for a second, her face draining of color as the vibrations of the sex toy inside her immediately began to tantalize her.? Her fingers clenched into tight fists as she fought for control.? She gave a single glare to Kristen, but the look on the older girl?s face was enough to quail any thoughts of objection.? She bit her lip, trying to steady herself.
??????????? ?Hey?? Are you okay??? One of the boys said.? Both boys had been watching them closely as boys are wont to do.
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?Yeah.? I?m fine.? Thanks for asking.?? She said, her body still trembling, her thighs seeming to want to spasm.
??????????? Kristen grinned.? ?Come on.? We have to go by the Student Union before I take you back to your dorm room.?
??????????? Samantha grasped Kristen?s arm, her voice a concerned whisper.? ?Sister Kristen!? I can?t walk with this thing on!?? Sam?s face was a carefully controlled mask, hiding the intense sexual stress she was feeling.? ?I can barely hide what its doing right now!? I can?t!?
??????????? ?You have too.?? Kristen shrugged her shoulders.? ?Either you walk, or you can stay here.?? Her eyes narrowed.? ?Do you need a little push to get you moving??? Kristen cocked her head.
??????????? Samantha closed her eyes.? Her entire body seemed to be centered in the deep well between her legs.? Her sex churned with desire and need which spread out to each limb, crying out her desperation.? She hesitated too long, finding the courage to take a step, when suddenly she felt the egg inside her leap, ramming upward as if she had just impaled herself on the punishment phallus.
??????????? ?Ahhhh?? Samantha said, her body jerking forward.? Her hands immediately went to her loins, but she regained control, looking fearfully at the two boys who couldn?t understand her reactions.? She turned to look at Kristen, whose hand was still buried in her purse.? Samantha nodded.
??????????? ?Okay, I?m ready to walk.?? She said, her voice hard and strained.
??????????? ?Good.? I thought you might be ready.?? Kristen replied.
??????????? Together, the two girls again moved onward, crossing Avenue C and moving down one of the side roads until they hit the main mall of the campus.? To Samantha, it was a difficult walk.? The movement of the egg inside her only heightened her sexual need, and Kristen?s repeated pressing of the thumper button had her jumping every few yards.? By the time they reached the eagle statue Samantha could feel her juices flowing, a tiny trickle that seemed to be leaking down her leg.
??????????? She clutched Kristen?s arm.? ?Oh God, please Kristen.? I can?t walk through there in the light!?
??????????? Kristen chuckled.? ?Nonsense.?? Her eyes grew speculative.? ?You know how to play pool right??
??????????? Samantha was surprised at the question, caught off guard.? ?Pool?? Yes.? I know how to play.?
??????????? ?Good.? Let?s go play a few rounds.?? Kristen said.? She grabbed hold of Samantha?s arm and pulled her into the student union.
??????????? It only took a few minutes to walk down the grand staircase and enter the game room.? Tuesday night was quiet with only one other table occupied, by two freshman boys who were pretending not to notice the two girls.? Kristen ordered up a table on the far side, right next to the two boys, much to Samantha?s consternation.
??????????? ?Come on, Sam.? Pick out a cue stick.?? Kristen said.? Sam looked up, trying to concentrate through the buzzing.? Suddenly the sensation stopped and Sam turned, seeing Kristen remove her hand from her purse.? Samantha smiled a look of appreciation and choose out a stick.
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?I didn?t think it would be fair.?? Sam gave a slight chuckle, her body still sensitive from the walk.
??????????? Samantha let Kristen break and in moments the game was on.? The clatter of balls, the occasional laugh, and Samantha felt the stirrings of comradeship beyond the sexual fetishes of Sigma Epsilon Xi.?? Kristen barely won, sinking the eight ball a moment before Sam had the opportunity.
??????????? The boys however, were certainly not doing so well.? With most of their attention focused on the plaid knee length skirt Samantha wore, along with Kristen?s black mini, not to mention deep wells of cleavage from the halter tops both girls wore, their playing was atrocious.
??????????? Kristen winked at Samantha.? ?Let?s have some fun.?? Sam watched as Kristen sauntered over to the boy?s table.
??????????? ?Hey guys.? How?s the game??
??????????? One of the boys smiled, his face a mask of confidence.? ?We?re doing good.? And you two???
??????????? Kristen shrugged.?? ?We?re feeling the need for a challenge.?? She said.? The second boy laughed.? ?Well you came to the right place?Let?s rack up the balls.?? He said.? Kristen nodded but held up her hand.
??????????? ?Well, there has to be some risk involved, otherwise, it?s just a game.?? She said, her eyes glittering.
??????????? The boys looked at her quizzically.? ?Oh. You want to wager??? Kristen nodded.? The boy shrugged.? ?Sure.? I can put a twenty down on the game.? What about you Chris??? The other boy nodded.? ?Yeah, I can handle a twenty, Mike.?
??????????? Mike looked back at Kristen.? ?Can you cover a twenty dollar wager??? He asked.?
??????????? Kristen frowned.? ?Actually no.? We don?t have any money.?? She snapped her fingers and smiled.? ?How about this?? You play Samantha the first game, and if she loses, she?ll sit in the chair there with her skirt around her waist and her legs spread wide through my entire game with Chris for your money and his.? If I lose, then we will give both of you blow jobs.???
??????????? The boys looked astonished, but their expressions didn?t match the one on Samantha?s face.? Just as she was about to object she caught Kristen?s glance and immediately quieted.
??????????? ?Well?? Mike said.
??????????? ?She isn?t wearing panties.?? Kristen said with an evil grin.? Samantha blushed scarlet as both freshman boys stared at her.
??????????? ?You aren?t wearing panties??? Mike asked.? Samantha hung her head and shook it.
??????????? ?Whoa?okay.? You?ve got yourself a deal.?? He opened his wallet and laid a twenty dollar bill on the side of the table.
??????????? Kristen smiled and motioned Samantha forward.? ?Kick his ass, girl.?? She said.
??????????? Samantha rolled her eyes, totally humiliated to be held up as the rewards for a wager.? She bent down and prepared to break when suddenly she felt the vibrations of the egg start once more.? She gasped and straightened.? Her eyes misted.
??????????? ?Hey.? Are you okay??? Mike asked, staring at her.
??????????? It was a repeat of the question posed to her earlier and she nodded.? She turned and looked at Kristen who sat in the chair, her hand holding the remote in plain sight.? Samantha bit her lip and concentrated, returning her attention to the break.? With a flash her cue stick moved and struck the cue ball, sending it smashing into the other balls which ricocheted around the table.
??????????? As? Mike moved next to her he paused, looking confused.? For a moment he stared at her then shook his head, turning his eye to the table.? His shot was right on and he sunk a striped ball.? For the next few minutes he moved around the table, concentrating as three more balls followed the first.
??????????? As Samantha moved up, she felt the vibrations stop again.? With a dirty look at Kristen, she lined up her sights and proceeded to shoot.? Kristen let her without interruption and she quickly matched Mike?s shots, finally missing a pocket on the fifth ball.? As soon as she stepped away from the table she felt the mashing thud of the thumper.? She let out a startled cry and slammed her thighs together.
??????????? ?What?s wrong with you??? Mike asked, clearly disturbed at Samantha?s antics.? He watched as Sam?s hands seemed to press hard against her waist.
??????????? ?Uh?nothing. ?I?m fine.? Are you going to shoot??? She asked.? Mike shook his head, and giving a deep sigh of exasperation, he turned back to the table.? Samantha stood watching in desperation as he proceeded to sink three more balls.? To her relief, he placed himself in an impossible position to sink the eight and he turned the table over to her.?
??????????? Samantha turned and gave Kristen a deep stare, trying to understand the motives the junior possessed in humiliating her.? Was the bet just a front?? Why had Kristen turned on the vibrator when she was making her first shot?? Samantha took a deep breath and decided that she would accept whatever Kristen felt necessary to inflict upon her, be it humiliation or sexual stimulation.? Sam bent over the table and took her shot.
??????????? With a clunk the ball went into the pocket, allowing Sam to take up the next shot.? As she bent over to sight down the cue stick, the vibrator went into over time, buzzing madly inside her.? She moaned, closing her eyes and Mike who was beside her reached out to her.
??????????? ?You?re not okay.? Even I can tell that.? Are you sick??? He looked at her face and the paused once more.? ?There it is again.? I can hear it.? Some sort of buzzing.?? He glanced at Kristen who grinned and nodded.?
??????????? ?What the hell is that??? He asked.? He bent over at the waist, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.? Slowly he dropped down, until his head was even with Samantha?s skirt.? He rose, his face astonished.
??????????? ?You?ve got a vibrator inside you don?t you!?? He demanded.
??????????? Sam flushed scarlet, nodding.
??????????? ?What the fuck!?? He shook his head.? ?Man, you girls are wacked.?
??????????? ?Take the shot Samantha.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Samantha struggled, trying to concentrate as she once more bent over the table.? Kristen had turned the vibrator up to its maximum setting and it was everything Samantha could do to even move the stick.? She struck the cue ball at an angle and it caromed off the edge of the table, missing the eight ball by a mile.? Mike smiled.? Within moments he had sighted his stick at the cue ball, and with a click he rammed the black ball into the pocket.
??????????? Sam stared at Kristen who grinned in satisfaction.? The junior girl nodded, tilting her head toward the chair against the wall.? Dumbfounded, Sam moved over to the chair and sat down in it.? She knew Kristen?s expectations, and she spread her legs wide to the opposite sides of the seat.? Her little plaid skirt had already ridden up and with only a little effort the two boys would have been treated to the shadowy sight of her pink flushed pussy.? But once more, her desire to please Kristen overrode her dignity.? Her trembling fingers pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist and both boys stared down at the pulsing lips of her sex.
??????????? ?That is fucking awesome.?? Mike whispered, his eyes glued to Samantha?s body.
??????????? ?Well, stare all you want.?? Kristen said as she started to rack the balls for her game with Chris.
??????????? Kristen let Chris break, but smiled as she noticed that every other moment his head was turned toward Samantha.? The two twenty dollar bills lay on the side of the table and she took her turn, knocking in the first ball of the game.
??????????? It was a rout.? Kristen made short work of the table, Sam?s humiliation distracting Chris enough that his shots went wide.? But after realizing he was going to lose, he tried to buckle down.? During Chris next shot, Kristen reached over to her purse just as he was about to slam the stick into the cue ball and pressed the remote.
??????????? ?Ughhhhhh!?? Sam voice came on cue, her hands going to her groin.? Her legs shot outward and then closed in front of her and a look of shock and pain etched itself across her face.? Chris? shot went wide, striking one of Kristen?s balls and setting up an easy play.
??????????? Mike looked concerned and went to Samantha, placing a hand on her shoulder as her she tried to gain control.?
??????????? ?Are you okay??? He asked again.? Samantha nodded.? ?I-I?m sorry.? I?m just not used to handling stuff like this.?
??????????? Suddenly Mike stiffened.? ?This is some sort of pledge hazing, isn?t it??? He glared at Kristen who was bent over the table, her short little mini skirt showing off the bottom curve of her buttocks.? With a grin she knocked another ball into the pocket.
??????????? ?What sorority are ya?ll with?? he asked.? Kristen looked up.
??????????? ?None of your beeswax.?? She knocked another ball in, leaving only one more ball before the eight.
??????????? Mike looked concerned and he turned toward Samantha.? ?Look, I hope you know that hazing isn?t allowed.? It?s illegal and the sorority can loose their charter with the school if they do it.? You don?t have to accept this.??
??????????? Kristen sighed.? Another white knight.? ?Samantha?? Feel free to refuse my orders.? You know the consequences though.?? Kristen sighted again and hammered the next ball home.
??????????? Samantha looked at Mike with a soft smile, her body finally calm from the electrical shock Kristen had delivered.? ?I appreciate your kindness, but I?m fine, really.? ?Sam spread her legs again and once more the boys? eyes were buried between them. Sam felt the warm wetness of desire and need flood through her and for a moment, she wished that Kristen would loose.
??????????? But that was not to be.? With a final flick of the cue stick, the eight ball landed in a corner pocket and Kristen delightedly pulled the two twenties off the table.
??????????? ?Well gentlemen, that was certainly a lot of fun.? Come on Sam, lets head back to the dorm.?? Sam nodded and stood up, the vibrator still buzzing inside her.? She immediately followed Kristen past the dazed freshmen and together they left the University game room.
??????????? ?Um Kristen?? Do I need to call the sorority house?? You gave me a shock.?? Sam asked softly as they exited the building.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?No.? I was right there and I know you had the egg inside you.? If you can see me, then you can report it directly to me.?? She gave Sam a smile.? ?These remotes are good for about seventy feet, so you can turn it on when someone is in a classroom or a dorm room and you may not be able to see them.?
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Last year, one of Tami and Calli?s favorite things to do to me was make me wear one of the eggs, but for days at a time.? On the hour, every hour I got shocked.? They were like clockwork, enough so that I would find an out of the way bench to sit on right before the shock struck.? Now that was cruel.?
??????????? ?It was?? It doesn?t sound so bad.?? Sam said.?
??????????? ?It was cruel because I was late to every class.?? Kristen said with a grin.? ?You seem to be handling the vibrations a little better.?
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?I had a tiny orgasm while you were playing pool, right when you shocked me.?
??????????? Kristen looked intrigued.? ?Was it being exposed in front of those boys?? Or having the shock??
??????????? Samantha blushed.? ?Being exposed brought me to it, but the shock made it happen.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes widened.? ?Oh my.? Samantha!? You are all full of surprises!? First we discover your love for pain, and now for humiliation!? Delicious!? A pain and humiliation slut!? Calli would have loved you!?? She leaned over.? ?Unbutton your blouse all the way!? Just leave it open for the rest of our walk?
??????????? The color flushed away from Samantha?s face in an instant.? The thought of entering the dorm hall, the white flash of skin from her neck to her belly exposed, her lack of a bra, combined with the still continuing vibrations between her legs sent another tiny orgasm through her.? Her mouth parted in a small gasp and her fingers fumbled at the buttons of her shirt.? It took a moment, but then she stood in front of Kristen, her shirt open to the waist, at risk of a stiff breeze blowing it aside to expose her still tender and pink breasts.
??????????? Kristen smiled and leaned in close.? ?If it weren?t for indecency laws, I?d force you to strip and walk back naked!?
??????????? There were no further close up encounters with fellow students on their way back to the dorms, but Sam flushed a deep red as they passed the admittance counter in the lobby of the dorm room.? The young man stood there, his eyes wide in astonishment as Sam flashed her ID card and quickly moved up the stairs.? It took only a minute or two more for Sam to make it back to her dorm room.?
??????????? Sam looked sheepish.? ?I?d invite you in, but I?m sure my roommate??
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I know.? Soon enough we?ll be sharing a room.?? She smiled.? ?And don?t forget, don?t take it out except to use the restroom.?
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?I won?t.?? Sam hesitated a moment, then opened her mouth to speak.? ?Uh?Sister Kristen?? I was just wondering if the egg was going to vibrate the entire night??
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?As much as I would love to inflict that upon you pledge, I know how tough it is to sleep with that thing on.? Calli used to insert that thing in me and make me try to sleep too, but thankfully only on Friday and Saturday nights.? In any event, I?m going to leave it on for another thirty minutes or so, then give you a breather for the night.?
??????????? Samantha looked relieved.? ?Oh thank you.? I couldn?t imagine trying to sleep tonight, especially with class tomorrow.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Well, you should still leave it in.? I can guarantee that I will shock you at least once tonight.?
??????????? ?Shock me again??? Sam asked, her eyes widening.
??????????? ?Yep.? Want to make sure the egg isn?t sitting on your desk.? Don?t worry.? I?ll wake you up with a thump first.?? The junior girl laughed and then lifted a hand, moving Samantha?s still open blouse to one side, a soft lightly pink breast clearly in view.? Kristen tweaked the still hard nipple.
??????????? ?See ya.?? Kristen said, turning away and starting down the hall.? Samantha sighed and rested a moment, leaning against the wall.? For the last hour and a half the egg inside her had been buzzing, along with the occasional shock and thump.? Her body was a riot of sensation, the ever constant vibrations, the desperate urge.? It was everything Sam could do to keep from lifting her skirt and using her fingers to stimulate her own clit.
??????????? Softly, she opened her dorm room and slipped in, knowing that it would be a long night.
Chapter 11: Fried, Poached, or Sunny Side Up?
??????????? Samantha?s eyes popped open in the darkness.? Automatically she twisted her head to glance at the digital alarm clock sitting on the bedside table, barely registering the 5:55am readout.? She looked around for a moment, trying to figure out what woke her when the egg still buried inside her became active.? Sam let out a tiny groan and reached down between her legs, slipping her hands underneath the waistband of her pajama bottoms.? Her fingers pressed hard against her mons as the waves of intense pleasure washed over her.
??????????? She wasn?t prepared for the electrical shock, but managed to stifle her scream in the soft whiteness of her pillows.? Her finger smashed against her clit, rubbing it until the cresting wave of her orgasm smashed through her.? It was brief, and the vibrations never stopped, even after she came.? Slowly she sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed.? Her fingers went to her purse and she withdrew her cell phone.? She stood and padded over to the door, opening it and stepping in to the hall in order not to disturb her room mate.? Her fingers dialed the number she had memorized.
??????????? ?Hello??? A female voice came.
??????????? ?Um?hi, this is Samantha.? I just wanted to report that I got shocked.?? She said, realizing how stupid her comment sounded.
??????????? ?Oh.? Okay, I?ll make a note of it, Sam.? How are you feeling??? The girl asked.
??????????? ?I?m fine, I guess.?? Sam replied, pressing her thighs together as the vibrations began to do their work on her sensitized libido.?
??????????? ?Really?? You don?t sound so fine.? Have you orgasmed lately??? The girl inquired.
??????????? ?Yes, Sister.? I came just a few minutes ago.?
??????????? ?What are you wearing right now???
??????????? Samantha looked down at her wardrobe.? ?Um, tee shirt, pajama shorts, and panties.?
??????????? ?And where are you?? In your dorm room??
??????????? ?No Sister, I?m out in the hall so I wouldn?t wake my room mate.? Sam said fearfully, wondering what was about to happen.
??????????? ?That?s even better.? You need to go downstairs and out into the courtyard to meet Kristen.?
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?Okay, I can handle that.?
??????????? ?Sans shirt.?
??????????? ?What??? Sam blurted out, the thought of not wearing a shirt to the courtyard, even at six in the morning, was too much.
??????????? ?Kristen told me that you liked humiliation.? Take your shirt off, carry it with you, but you better be half naked when you see Kristen.?? The girl paused for a moment.? ?Oh and by the way, Kristen said that if you aren?t down there within seven minutes of getting shocked, she was going to start thumping and shocking you non stop.?
??????????? Sam gasped.? It had already been several minutes since the first shock.? She immediately peeled off her shirt and began running down the hall, her bare feet slapping on the carpet.? She slammed into the stairwell door, thudding down the stairs until she faced the outside door.? Sometime during the rush, she hung up the phone and with a push, opened the door and stepped out onto the courtyard.
??????????? Kristen was waiting for her, standing there impatiently tapping her foot in the soft light of the courtyard lamp.? Samantha glanced around, making sure no one was looking as she approached her sorority sister, her nipple puckering in the cool morning air.
??????????? ?Morning, Sam.?? Kristen said as Sam moved close.? ?You look?titillating.?? Sam?s cheeks turned red for a moment as Kristen reached out and ran a thumb over each nipple.? ?Sleep good??? Kristen asked.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Yes, Sister Kristen.?
??????????? ?And how does that egg feel right now??? Kristen asked, her eyes intent.
??????????? Sam swallowed.? ?It?s driving me crazy.?
??????????? ?Makes you want to fuck right now doesn?t it??? Kristen said, her voice intense.
??????????? ?Yes, sister.?
??????????? Kristen put her hands on her hips.? ?All right, back into the stairwell.?? She ordered.? Samantha followed obediently, glad to be out of the open courtyard where any early riser would catch a glimpse of her bare breasts.? Kristen popped open the stairwell door and motioned for Samantha to move ahead of her.?
??????????? ?That?s good Samantha.? Stop right there.?? Kristen said as Samantha placed her foot on the third step.? Sam looked back at Kristen who was reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, and Sam immediately stopped.
??????????? ?Now slip those pajama bottoms to your ankles and kneel down on that step.?? Kristen motioned with her hand on the hard ceramic tiled step as she pulled out a multi-headed thong whip, letting lose a swish of air as she swung it around.? Sam?s eyes widened and she swallowed hard as her fingers pushed her pajamas downward to her knees.? The soft silk slid quickly, baring Sam?s wet and quivering sex and the soft curves of her buttocks.? She knelt down, resting her arms on the stairs above her, bending over.
??????????? Kristen never even hesitated, swing the whip sideways hard.? Thongs struck with a loud thwack and Samantha winced, her eyes shutting tight as the sting exploded through her.? Kristen swung again and another blow landed across the soft cheeks of Sam?s bottom.? Biting her lip, Samantha wiggled her hips, trying desperately to quench the growing heat.
??????????? The vibrations of the egg seemed to intensify with each new blow from Kristen and in moments Samantha?s body quivered from the orgasm that rocked her.? Being whipped in a public stairwell with the risk of anyone from multiple floors coming down at any moment, all when a demonic sex toy was buried inside her was too much for her fragile psyche.? With a cry of abandon, she fell forward, the burning of her buttocks matching the heat between her legs.?
??????????? Kristen watched, a cruel smile on her face as the sophomore beauty took a few minutes to regain her composure.
??????????? ?All right, get up.? Get your clothes in order and get back to your room.? I know you?ve got class soon.?? Kristen said as she shut off the vibrator.
??????????? Samantha nodded, hurriedly getting to her feet and pulling her silk pajama bottoms up to cover her exposed bottom.? Her tee shirt almost immediately followed, finally covering the smooth white mounds.? With a look of appreciation she smiled at Kristen, and then in a fit of insanity, Sam leaned forward and gave Kristen a quick kiss on the cheek.
??????????? Kristen?s icy demeanor melted and she grabbed Samantha in a hug, holding her tight.
??????????? ?Oh I love you so much I could eat you!?? Kristen whispered.
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?I?m yours to do with as you please, Sister Kristen.?
??????????? ?Oh yes, I know it, pledge, but I can?t interfere with your classes.? So off you go.?? Kristen gave Sam a slight swat on her bottom, pushing the sophomore up the stairs.? ?Go on.? And remember, no panties or bra today.?
??????????? Sam gave Kristen one last smile before hurrying back to her room.
??????????? Sam grimaced as she stepped out of the lecture hall where her American Government class was held.? The long knee length skirt she wore seemed to tremble slightly as her hips swayed and she hurried along the hall toward the bath room.? Biting her lip, she looked distracted, her mind on something else as she pushed her way in, hurrying toward a stall.? The sounds of other students around her, taking care of their own needs, filled the room, but she ignore that as she closed the door and hiked up her skirt.
??????????? She wasn?t wearing panties of course.? She would never risk losing her position with the sorority by ignoring Kristen?s command.?? Her long fingers immediately went down to her sex, pinching her own engorged clit.? She rubbed it hard, feeling the intense longing crest in climatic surge that relieved the tensions she had felt since mid-period.
??????????? It had happened right in the middle of the lecture, with twenty five minutes left.? In the middle of a sentence Samantha had felt the sudden impact of the thumper, causing her to jerk in her seat.? Her pen sliced off to the side, leaving an ugly streak from one end of the paper to the other.? Sam had taken a moment to look around, but couldn?t see Kristen anywhere.? She bit her lip and bent back down to continue her notes when she felt the egg inside her begin to vibrate.
??????????? At first it was at its lowest setting, a dim but annoying buzz that couldn?t even be heard.? But every few minutes the tremors increased, until the boy sitting next to her began to look around for the sound.? Sam concentrated hard, desperately willing herself to finish the class as her sexual needs intruded more and more.? Her left hand frequently went to her lap where it seemed to involuntarily attempt to suppress the vibrations, pushing down on the mons.? At the end of class, she had jumped up, leaving a still bewildered boy attempting to figure out whose cell phone was vibrating.
??????????? She leaned back, resting against the tile wall.? Grateful that no more classes lay ahead, she relaxed as the sounds of students slowly faded, leaving her alone.? She looked down at herself.? Her unseemly spread legs, parted to either side of the toilet, her skirt hiked up around her waist, even her high heeled clad feet turned? to either side, displaying the curved arch, everything about her seemed to scream the word sex.? And the vibrations continued.
??????????? Running her wet fingers through her slit once more, Samantha moaned, losing herself in the sexual surges.? She barely noticed the sound of the bathroom door opening, and even managed to ignore the sound of humming.
??????????? ?Aaaahhhh!?? Samantha cried out as a jolt of electricity exploded out of the egg, eliciting the cry.
??????????? ?Ah?there you are.?? Kristen?s voice came from the other side of the door.
??????????? ?Kristen??? Samantha asked in astonishment.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen, if you don?t mind, Sam.? You keep racking up the demerits.?? Kristen laughed.? ?Now lift your foot and use your toe to open the latch.?
??????????? ?Yes, Sister Kristen.?? Samantha replied.? She raised her leg, using the open toe of her sandal to slide the latch back.? The door swung open and Kristen looked in, her eyes widening in surprise.
??????????? ?Oh!? You slut!?? She said, laughing.? Kristen gazed at Samantha?s soaked sex, spread obscenely open on the toilet.? Sam blushed furiously and began to close her legs.
??????????? ?Oh no!? Stay like that.? I want to see you masturbate for me.?? Kristen grinned and held up the egg remote.? ?Let?s see some action.?? She pressed one of the buttons and Samantha felt the thumper slam inside her.
??????????? Sam?s fingers once more dived into the pink slit between her legs.? She rubbed fast, her knees knocking against the sides of the stall as the sensations of both the vibrator and the thumper brought her right back up toward the crest of orgasm.? Sam let out a tiny moan and then shuddered, her body ridged as her explosion raced through her, until she finally drooped, sagging on the toilet seat.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Very nice.? Come on.?? I?m not done with you yet.?
??????????? The walk back to the sorority house was long, especially for Samantha, who had to deal with the intense vibrations of the egg on full power for the entire journey.? Every few yards, especially around other students, Kristen would press the thumper or electric shock button, enjoying the sight of Samantha thrusting her hips wildly as the demonic little toy tormented her.
??????????? It was still early when they arrived, a full hour and a half before the required five o?clock meeting time and Sam obediently stripped off her skirt and blouse on the front porch, totally oblivious to the fact that cars seemed to be zipping by meters away.? Together, the two girls entered the old house, one dressed, the other submissive and nude.
??????????? ?Are you showing me something new, Sister Kristen??? asked Sam as she followed Kristen down the main hall, turning right past the kitchen.? The older girl nodded as they made their way deeper into the old house.
??????????? ?This place
is very big, and well maintained.? Our alumni
are VERY gracious.?? Kristen said as they
walked down another hall.? ?They even
find graduating members high paying jobs, a career, even husbands.
??????????? ?Husbands??? Sam asked.?
?You mean we don?t get to choose???
Her voice suddenly very concerned.
??????????? Kristen looked at her incredulously.? ?Of course we get to choose you nit!? And you don?t have to choose one presented by anyone.? However, most girls do, because they?re presented with well groomed, well mannered men, who have lots of wealth, and who have been?lets just say?properly trained on how to treat a woman.?
??????????? ?I?m not sure I understand.?? Samantha said, her face looking slightly confused.
??????????? Kristen sighed as she turned the knob on a door.? ?That?s okay.? Don?t worry about it.? You will understand a lot more after you?re inducted, and then even more after you become a Sister.?
??????????? Sam nodded as she followed Kristen into the small room.? It was only ten or so feet wide, and only twelve feet deep.? In the center of the room was a metal square, the color of burnished copper, that sat on a thick rubber mat.? A set of chains and manacles hung from a support beam in the ceiling.? A small black console sat to the side, a thick rubber coated power plug running from a wall outlet leading to it.
??????????? Sam hesitated and glanced at Kristen, a tiny look of trepidation visible in her eyes.?
??????????? ?Oh come on, Samantha.? Do you really think I want to hurt you??
??????????? Sam bit her lip and Kristen laughed.
??????????? ?Okay, okay, I do, but not like that.? The sexual kind of hurt.? The kind of hurt that you feel when you?re getting shocked or thumped.? That kind of hurt.?? Kristen said.? She motioned toward the metal square.? ?Stand on that.?
??????????? Samantha gingerly stepped on to the metal square, expecting to feel a shock the first second.? When nothing happened she brought the second foot down and stood in the center, looking apprehensively at Kristen.?
??????????? ?Arms up sweetheart.?? Kristen said, a beaming smile on her face.
??????????? ?What is this place??? Asked Samantha as she raised her arms up to the waiting manacles. ?Kristen immediately began buckling in the sophomore girl.
??????????? ?Well, its called the Electric Room.?
??????????? Sam suddenly recalled Mistress Tami?s litany of the pledge?s accomplishments.? ?Is this the electric room that Mistress Tami said Ally had found??
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Oh yes.? Your fellow peer has certainly found her soft spot.? It?s my understanding that Mistress Nicole kept her orgasming for four hours in here.?? Kristen grinned.? ?But we only have an hour and a half.?? Kristen gave a quick yank on the chains, satisfying herself that Samantha was secure.
??????????? Kristen walked back to the console and reached under the control panel, pulling out two sets of long wires.? At each end there was a clamp which Kristen didn?t hesitate to attach around each delicate exposed nipple on Samantha?s body.? Sam groaned and bit her lip as the delicious pinching excited her, especially since the egg was still buzzing around inside her.
??????????? The two sets of wires were connected to the console and suddenly Sam stiffened, her breasts seeming to become alive as the most incredible sensation made its way through her flesh.? It was almost as if her nipples were contracting and then releasing, over and over.? She moaned, slumping in the chains as the voltage increased, turning the pulsing of the electrodes into an almost intolerable electric jolt.
??????????? In moments, Samantha was squealing as Kristen turned the juice up and began mashing down on the electric shock and thumper buttons on the remote.? Pumping her hips madly, Samantha began to experience her first orgasm since her bathroom masturbation. Her fifth of the day brought a scream of pleasure.? Kristen reached down and pulled out a purple colored glass rod.
??????????? ?Well, well, what are you doing, Kristen??? Said a new voice.? Neither girl had noticed Mistress Tami entering the room.? Kristen immediately turned off the power and the egg, turning to face the senior girl as Samantha slowly regained her composure.
??????????? Suddenly it was Kristen looking uncomfortable.? ?Uh?I was punishing the pledge for her failure to address me by my title Mistress.?? She quickly put away the purple wand.
??????????? Tami nodded.? ?I see.? Don?t you think the electric room is a little severe for that?? Usually we just add demerits.????????????
??????????? Kristen bowed her head.? ?She has a lot of demerits, Mistress.?
??????????? Tami smiled.? ?I think it?s because you wanted to see her dance.?
??????????? Kristen said nothing.
??????????? ?Strip Kristen.? Join your sorority sister on the plate.?? Tami ordered, her eyes turning hard.
??????????? With wide eyes, Kristen stood there.? But her surprise immobilized her for only a second and with unusual haste she quickly began to peel off her clothes.? In moments the blonde beautiful junior was as naked as Samantha who watched the undressing with a hungry eagerness.? Kristen stepped on to the plate as Tami brought a second set of cuffs, these with a metal clip up.? In moments, Kristen was bound next to Samantha, their soft breasts pressed together, skin to skin.
??????????? Tami spent the next several minutes with a multitude of wires, running them back and forth between the two girls and the console.? Sam only whimpered when another clamp found its way between her legs onto her clit.? Even their breasts were linked.? Tami turned around one last time, holding a glass of water in her hand.? With a toss, she flung the contents onto the two naked beauties.?
??????????? ?Time to dance.?? She announced.
??????????? Samantha felt the first shock, but not from her clit or breasts, but on the soles of her feet.? She gave a tiny leap, just as Kristen did, tugging painfully on the clamps that connected them.? Just as the girls came back down the first pulses exploded through their clits and nipples.? Kristen?s face contorted in the pain and pleasure, and Sam could not hold her own excitement in.? In moments, the two girls were gyrating madly, their bodies absorbing the electrical shocks over and over.
??????????? Sam lost all track of time, noting only that she had orgasmed three more times since Mistress Tami had entered.? Finally the dance ended, both Sam and Kristen limp in their bonds, their bodies coated with a slick glistening sheen.? Their clits and nipples were sore and engorged, but intact as Tami began pulling the clamps off their bodies.? To Samantha?s relief, Tami even turned off the vibrating egg.
??????????? ?It?s twenty minutes before the meeting.? Go get cleaned up, the both of you.? Kristen, I expect you to be wearing a punishment harness for the entire meeting.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes widened.? ?But Mistress!? Please!?
??????????? ?No buts.? I know what you did to Sam yesterday afternoon, and I know what you intended for her today.? You know damn well that all we?ve required of Ally was for her to ride the sybian and endure the electrical insert.? The wand was not for Samantha.?? Tami paused and sighed.? ?However, considering Samantha?s sexual appetites, perhaps we should use one of the wands at a later date.? In the meanwhile, you will wear a punishment harness for not consulting with me first.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes fell.? ?Yes Mistress.?
??????????? ?Off you go.?
??????????? Kristen nodded and grabbed Samantha.? Together, still naked, the two girls left the electrical room and made their way upstairs to Kristen?s bedroom.
??????????? ?Kristen?? What?s a punishment harness??? Sam asked.
??????????? Kristen?s face turned into an angry frown.? She went to her closet and rummaged around for just a moment before tossing a black bra toward Samantha.? Sam caught it and felt a sharp prick on her thumb.? She turned it over in her hands and discovered that the entire interior of each cup was lined with tiny sharp plastic spikes, like a bed of nails.?
??????????? ?Oh my God!?? Sam said, looking up in horror at Kristen.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?No kidding.? It?s got to be the worst thing to wear, ever.? I hate the thing.?
??????????? ?Does it hurt??? Sam asked, running her thumb over the spikes.
??????????? ?Yes, just like tiny pin pricks all over your breasts.? It?s the nipples that are the problem.? They poke out a bit and the needles are very sharp.?? Kristen shrugged her shoulders and motioned with her hand.? ?You?re naked, put it on and see for yourself.?
??????????? Samantha hesitated for a moment, but then slowly lifted the brazier up to her bosom, carefully cupping each breast in the evil cloth cups.? She almost immediately felt the sharp tack like spikes and as she increased the pressure, she felt each pin dig into her flesh, tormenting her.? Sam couldn?t imagine how painful it would be to actually snap the bra into place.? She looked up at Kristen in sympathy.
??????????? ?Oh yeah.? And imagine what it would be like to be paddled on the tits wearing that thing!?? Kristen stepped into the bathroom and started the shower.
??????????? ?Ouch!?? Sam exclaimed and draped it over a chair.? Kristen stuck her head back into the room.?
??????????? ?Exactly.? Ouch is right.? The water is ready, come on.??
??????????? Sam eagerly followed Kristen into the shower built for two and both girls quickly soaped each other off, trying desperately not to become too aroused.? After drying off, Samantha quickly brushed out her hair as Kristen slowly clasped the punishment harness around her breasts, snapping it into place with a grimace.?
??????????? Kristen put on her usual white blouse over it, and with seemingly careful movements, managed to get her skirt on and zipped up.? Sam kindly knelt down and put on Kristen?s sandals.
??????????? ?Perfect.? Let?s go to the meeting.?? Kristen announced, gesturing to the door.
Chapter 12: Wednesday Evening
??????????? The other pledges had already arrived and each was daintily sitting on her seat.? Samantha moved to her seat at the end of the row, noticing that the phallus was missing, which made good sense since the eggs were still embedded in each pledge.? Sam took her seat and immediately felt the egg inside her begin to vibrate.? She caught a glimpse of Mistress Tami glancing in her direction with a smile.
??????????? It was Mistress Nicole who first stood and greeted the pledges, her soft features and dark brown hair oddly in contrast to the seemingly cruel persona of a dominatrix.
??????????? ?Ladies, I want to congratulate all of you for enduring the last twenty four hours.? I would like to especially commend Ally, since the sorority recorded that she was shocked fifteen times.?? There was a slight scattering of applause as everyone looked at the blonde haired pledge at the end of the row opposite Samantha.
??????????? Nicole continued.? ?Tonight?s ordeal you will be separated from your fellow pledges and will accompany your Mistress and Sister.? Depending on the interests and desires of your elder sisters, you will be subjected to unimaginable torments, all designed to test your mettle, to see if you are worthy.?
??????????? Sam glanced over at Kristen, who was sitting still in her seat, trying not to move too much.? It was obvious that the punishment harness she was wearing was more than uncomfortable.?
??????????? ?For those of you who are wondering if you will be allowed to remove the eggs, my response must be that it will be up to your Mistress.?? Nicole finished.? With a nod, she stepped back and the meeting began to break up.? Samantha sat for a moment until both Tami and Kristen approached her.
??????????? ?Stand up pledge.?? Kristen said, a step behind Tami.? Samantha rose to her feet, her body, despite the previous torments, still struggled to respond to the vibrations of the egg.? Mistress Tami gave her a knowingly look and then shook her head.
??????????? ?I want both of you to follow me.?? She ordered.? Samantha looked at Kristen, who shrugged her shoulders, obviously in the dark as to Tami?s intentions.? Together, the two girls, one naked, one clothed, both tormented, followed the gorgeous Senior girl out of the meeting room and down the hall.? It only took Samantha a few seconds to realize where they were going, and her throat closed up.
??????????? Kristen was surprised as Tami stopped at the door to the basement dungeon.? Never having been a fan of Mistress Calli?s darker desires, the dungeon had fallen into disuse, until Samantha had begged to be shown the cruel implements in its depth.? The door creaked open and Mistress Tami flicked on the light, illuminating but not brightening the cool room.
??????????? They descended in silence until they reached the main floor.? Samantha saw that of the many torture devices positioned around the room, only the three that Kristen had shown her were uncovered.? The wooden saw horse, its cut and sanded edge positioned straight up, the ?T? shaped bench that Samantha herself had been spread on, and the standing door frame rack were still prominent.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen,? began Tami ?please remove your clothing with the exception of the harness and place yourself in position on the frame.?? Tami pointed at the device that Kristen had explained the use of during the last time Samantha had toured the room.
??????????? Kristen swallowed but immediately complied.? In moments, her body was exposed, her shaved slit slightly wet.? Her only covering was the black bra, which seemed to tight.? Kristen began to walk forward when Samantha stepped out and turned to Tami.
??????????? ?Mistress!? Please, I?m sorry that I tempted Tami.?? Samantha?s words rushed out.? ?Please, Mistress I would like to accept her punishment.?? Kristen?s eyes widened.
??????????? Tami looked on in interest.? ?That?s an interesting offer, pledge.? However, since I was going to punish you as well, I think that it is quite impossible.?
??????????? ?Oh please!? I?ll take her punishment and then my own!? Please Mistress??? Sam pleaded.
??????????? Tami shook her head.? ?Part of her punishment, Samantha, will be to watch you.?? Tami nodded at Kristen.? ?Assume the position, Sister.?
??????????? Kristen, who had dared to hope for just a moment, bit her lip and stepped into the frame.? The two ropes crossing at breast height were still loose and in moments Tami had begun to secure the pretty junior girl, her wrists and ankles bound directly to the frame. ?A wooden crossbar behind her back prevented her from pulling away as the ropes were spread, one above and one below her breasts.? Two metal slides were pushed inward until they touched the outside edge of each leather covered breast.
??????????? ?Samantha.? If you please, I would like you to crank the wheel which will tighten the ropes.?? Tami said, indicating the twisting wheel at the side of the frame.
??????????? Sam stepped forward, looking at Kristen in desire, yet sorrow.? With the first turn Kristen hissed, arching her hips forward as the thick hemp tightened around her breasts, forcing the tiny pins of the harness deeper into the skin.? Samantha continued to turn the wheel until Kristen let out a tiny sob, her breasts squeezed into a hemp mashed mess.
??????????? Once more Tami stepped forward, but this time she held a long pole with was fitted with a large headed massager.? With a quick adjustment, she slid the pole into a predrilled hole directly beneath Kristen?s dripping sex.? The large bulbous head pressed hard against Kristen?s clit and in the supreme act of cruelty, Tami set the massager on low.? The soft buzzing sound filled the room and Kristen began an odd twisting dance as her clit was stimulated.? She tugged painfully against her bonds, her breasts caught tight.
??????????? Mistress Tami stood back to admire Kristen for just a moment before moving off to one corner of the room.? A large object on wheels stood under another white cloth and Sam watched as Tami began rolling it forward toward the breast binding frame.? It took Kristen a moment to realize what was under the cloth and she began blubbering.
??????????? ?Oh God, no Tami!? You can?t do that to her! Please not the grinder!?? Kristen said, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
??????????? For a moment, Samantha felt frightened, but she remembered Kristen telling her that she had been tormented on every machine in the basement.? If Kristen could endure it then she could.? Samantha turned and face Mistress Tami resolutely, totally prepared for her torment.
??????????? Tami stopped in front of Kristen and drew back the cloth.? To Samantha?s surprise, it was just a leather clad bench, as long as the human body.? On one end was a specially separate pad, to allow the face of a person to rest directly downward without restricting breathing.? There were some odd things however.? Under the padded bench was a large enclosed box.? A mess of mechanical gears were mounted to the side of the box and Sam noticed a bicycle chain running out of the enclosed area to the gears.? Tami walked to the rear of the bench, which also had some sort of mechanical item, and pulled a long extension cord outward, stretching it until it reached a receptacle in the far wall.
??????????? ?Come here, Samantha?? Tami said, patting the bench pad.? Samantha stepped forward, her heart hammering.? Kristen had called it the Grinder, but Sam had no clue as to what that meant.?
??????????? ?Lay face down on the pad, Samantha.?? Tami ordered.? Samantha didn?t hesitate but quickly mounted the bench, feeling the soft cool leather under her body from chin to toe.? Her cheek bones pressed against the soft pads of the face support and as she wiggled slightly to get comfortable, Tami grabbed her left wrist and began binding it to the bench.? Samantha, now totally used to being secured, didn?t respond as each arm was manacled reducing her ability to move.?? There was a click and Sam strained her neck, only to see Tami inserting two large metal rods into the base of the bench.? They extended outward near her feet for almost a yard in either direction, the ends holding a thick metal D clip.?
Samantha felt Tami place leather cuffs around each ankle and then her legs were parted, clipped to the extended metal rods.? But it was the two thick leather belts that were unexpected.? The first was clasped directly over her shoulder blades while the second went across the meaty flesh of her bottom.? Testing the restraints, Samantha discovered that her range of movement was restricted to a few head twists and the wiggling of her fingers and toes.
??????????? She turned her head, gazing over at Kristen, who stood hanging in the doorframe, breasts aching as the massager continued its unholy torment.? Sam sighed in longing, wondering what Kristen was experiencing.? It wasn?t until Mistress Tami stepped forward and fiddled under the bench that Sam brought her attention back to what was happening.
??????????? Samantha felt the leather pad directly under her breasts fall away, letting the soft large melons of her bosom drop downward, dangling underneath her through the now open section.? There was more clicking and Sam watched as Tami seemed to lock in a strange looking cylinder to a shaft.? It was covered in wispy white fur and Samantha longed to reach out and touch it.
??????????? But as Tami finished her adjustments, the cylinder moved out of Samantha?s view.? It was only a moment before her body registered a new sensation coming directly from the tips of each breast: the soft caress of the white fur.? There was an electric hum and suddenly the fur began to move, a slow spin of the fur covered cylinder that spun against each nipple.
??????????? Samantha let out a moan, closing her eyes as the delicious sensation flooded her breasts.? Never before had she been caressed by such texture, so soft and silky.? Pressing down, she tried to push more of her breast into the rotating cylinder.
??????????? But Tami wasn?t finished.? The tall senior girl had moved to the end of the table and was pulling out a collapsible arm that was attached to the underside of the padded top.? In moments a large oddly lumped dildo was attached and it began to spin madly, the tiny electric motor on the end of the arm churning the sex toy devilishly. Tami squirted a little bit of lubricant on the tip.? Sam quivered as Tami?s fingers delved deep into her sex, pulling out the evil vibrating egg, tossing it down on the floor where it buzzed a moment before turning off.
??????????? Samantha sighed in relief, experiencing the silence and stillness for the first time in ages.? It had been in so long that she had almost gotten used to it.? She twisted around trying to see what Tami was doing, but the Senior girl was out of sight at the back of the table, fiddling with the mechanical arm and dildo.
Sam heard it before feeling it, and she would have jumped had her body not been secured.? Her toes curled and she trembled as the tip touched the soft petals of her sex, swirling against the flesh like a drill.? Tami pushed it inward, not deep, but with only enough penetration to fill Sam an inch.? The lumpy warped dildo shook the mounting rod as it pushed against the sides of Sam?s pussy.
??????????? Sam groaned.? The strange shape of the dildo rubbed at her in different ways, exciting her.? She tried to move her body, to sink the dildo in deeper, but the straps held her tight.? Tami moved around to her side, reaching under the bench.? There was a strange hum and then Sam gasped. ?The fur covered cylinder began to spin faster, rubbing her already tantalized breasts softly but incessantly.? It was as if someone was lightly stroking her nipples, never ceasing.
??????????? Mistress Tami moved away, leaving Samantha to endure the soft sexual torments of the Grinder, and approached Kristen, who still stood in the Breast Binder.? Taking a leather sap into her hand she stepped up, swinging it quickly against Kristen?s right breast, smashing the already taut and tormented harness encased flesh.
??????????? Kristen didn?t whimper, she screamed; a long besieged cry that even caused Samantha to look up.? The blond junior trembled in her bindings, tears streaming down her cheeks.
??????????? ?I?m deeply disappointed in you, Kristen.?? Mistress Tami said, stepping around the back side of the Breast Binder.? ?You?re treatment of Samantha, a mere pledge, has been abominable.? I did some asking around while you two were cleaning up, and your stripping her on the deck, your punishment phallus bondage, and even some of your humiliation tactics have been over the top.?? Tami swung the sap again, giving
one buttock a bright red square imprint.? Kristen let out another gasp, her bottom clenching against the radiating pain.
??????????? ?The things you have done to her easily would have discouraged another pledge.? If Samantha hadn?t been inclined toward pain and humiliation, this could have had serious repercussions.?? Mistress Tami had walked all the way around Kristen and let loose another strike of the sap, but this time on her left breast, eliciting another tender cry of pain from the bound junior.
??????????? Kristen ground her teeth together, hissing as she felt the painful throbbing of her breasts.? ?She asked me too do it too her.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Tami?s eyes widened.? ?She did?? And that matters how?? We are the dominant ones!? We are the ones in control!? We move things along at the proper speed!? If you sensed special needs in Samantha you should have informed me, not taken advantage of them to fulfill your own needs!?? Tami stepped away and shook her head.? ?I sense in you the same desires as Mistress Calli.? I would have thought that last year?s torments we both endured would have culled your more sadistic tendencies.?
??????????? Mistress Tami moved back to Samantha, running her fingers along the beautiful skin of Sam?s back and bottom, tickling her slightly.? Samantha?s body was tense, her muscles pulling tightly against the bench.? The continuous rubbing of her breasts and the one inch penetration had quickly brought her back to the same sexual levels the vibrating egg had.? Tingling, Samantha moaned as Tami came to the front of the bench.?
??????????? There was a click and Sam felt the soft fur covered roller move away from her breasts.? She could see it through the tiny slit in the bench pads where her nose was buried. ?Tami removed the whole cylinder, storing it farther back under the bench.? There was more noise and Sam watched as a new cylinder was fitted, this one an odd rubbery looking contraption.? Spread all over the roller were tiny one inch long rubber tentacles that looked oddly like the popular puff balls popular with kids.
??????????? Sam tensed for just a moment as the cylinder was pushed up into place with a click.? The motor started again and Sam moaned as the roller began to spin.? Each little tentacle seemed to cling to Sam?s nipples, dragging themselves over the fleshy bump only to spin around and do it again.? The constant tugging and soft rubbing suddenly became too much for Sam and she began thrashing in her bonds.
??????????? ?There are no safe words, Samantha.?? Tami said.? ?You still have the right to quit the sorority, Sam.? But I want you to stay.? You belong here with us.? You are beautiful, but you are only just beginning to explore your sexuality.?? Tami looked at Kristen meaningfully.? ?If you stay, I can assure you that both Kristen and I will torment you.? My personal needs are easy to meet, but it seems Kristen has developed more exotic tastes.? You need to understand that if you stay, I suspect you will be down here more often than not.?? Tami patted Samantha on the bottom.? Sam began to whimper.? Mistress Tami?s voice was soft and gentle, but the incessant tugging at her all ready sensitive nipples was almost too much to bear.?
??????????? ?Do you want to quit the sorority, Samantha??? Asked Tami.
??????????? ?NO!?? Sam said loudly, still shaking, tiny tremors racing up and down her body.
??????????? ?Then I want you to let me torture you, Samantha.? I want the next forty minutes to be mine, with no chance of release.? No safe words, no quitting.? I want to show you what Kristen is going to do to you, what Mistress Calli did to myself, and to Kristen.? Will you let me do that???
??????????? Sam looked up, lifting her head.? Her body felt the torments of the roller and the spinning dildo and she gazed into Mistress Tami?s eyes.? ?Torture me like you were tortured, Mistress.? Do to me what Calli did to you.? I want it.?? Sam?s face was taut and Mistress Tami smiled.
??????????? ?That was what I hoped for, pledge.?? Mistress Tami said.? She leaned forward and planted a tiny kiss on Samantha?s cheek before the sophomore girl once more lowered her head to the cheek rests.? Kristen watched, still in sexually agony.? Her position provided a clear view of the clinging tentacles tugging at Samantha?s breast.? Tami once more went to the rear of the table.? With clinical detachment, Tami quickly moved the dildo another inch into Samantha.? There was a gasp and a tiny cry as the lopsided dildo twisted inside the bound girl like a corkscrew.
??????????? For Samantha, the never ceasing movements of both the corkscrew dildo and the cylinder under her breasts, quickly became the worst sexual torment she had ever endured.? The stimulation was intense, but not enough to rock her over into the orgasmic climax that had so frequently reared its head at Kristen?s torture sessions.? It seemed almost as if the Grinder was meant to tantalize, torment, and deny the victim any relief.? Her nipples were by far the worst.? With no natural lubricant of their own, and certainly none applied to the rubber tentacled roller, Sam knew the light pink skin of both breasts would soon become red.? Once more she tried to pull herself upward off the roller, but the leather strap holding her down kept her body against the padded bench, her breasts dangling free beneath her.
??????????? The dildo, while oddly shaped, did not sensitize the walls of her sex.? Her own copious fluids did a fine job of lubricating her deep well.? But still, there was the urge to push back against the dildo, trying to seat it more deeply, and not the measly two inches that Mistress Tami had seen fit to impale within her.
??????????? For several minutes Tami stood and watched, her arms folded in front of her.? Kristen suffered through her own first clitoral orgasm as Sam merely suffered, enduring the continuing rub and spin of both the roller and the dildo.? The soft cries and moans of both tortured sorority girls seemed to echo in the deep recesses of the dungeon basement.
??????????? And then Tami moved back to Samantha, reaching underneath the bench and pulling the rubber tentacle roller away from Sam?s breasts.? Sam sighed in relief, seeming to deflate and settle as Mistress Tami removed the roller and deposited it in the bench.? For a moment, Samantha thought she was finished, the torment over, but Tami brought another cylinder, one with odd patterns of metal inlaid across its surface.? At least it was smooth, Samantha thought.
??????????? Tami quickly attached the metal covered roller but instead of immediately pushing it into place against Samantha?s breasts, she reached back under the bench and pulled out a small squeeze bottle.? With a quick pinch she squirted out a somewhat thick clear fluid that seemed to congeal on the metal cylinder.? With a finger, she began to spread it, coating a liberal amount of the roller with the clear fluid.? Sam could only barely see what Tami was doing, but she certainly felt it when Tami wiped her finger dry on Sam?s breast.
??????????? Then came the cold touch as the roller was clicked into place.? Sam felt the cool but sticky touch of the gel as each nipple was pressed into the top of the cylinder.? There was the tell tale hum and suddenly the metal covered roller began to rotate, much slower than either the fur or rubber tentacled cylinders had.? The sensation was much nicer than the tentacles, but not as soft as the fur.? There seemed to be a little bump as her nipple rode up on the edge of one of the metal plates, and then another as it glided off onto the wood base.? The sensation wasn?t unpleasant and Sam sighed, settling herself to the tiny glides and ridges.
??????????? But then everything changed.? One moment, she could feel the cool wood and then the bump of her left nipple going up onto a metal plate.? The next a powerful shock of electricity pumped into her breast, causing her to tense from head to toe, and eliciting a powerful shriek from her throat.? Kristen shook her head, closing her eyes, not wanting to see or hear Samantha?s torment.? Just as the shock to her left breast ended, her right nipple went up on a plate which delivered another shock.? Sam cried out, her fingers clenching tightly into fists, her head rocking back and forth as the roller slowly spun, alternating the shocks between her right and left breasts.? With every few seconds, Samantha?s entire body jerked ridged against her bonds and Tami went back down between Samantha?s leg, pushing in the corkscrew dildo another inch.
??????????? For several minutes this torture continued until Sam?s breasts felt heavy and hot.? Tami stopped the roller and removed it, her knowing eyes seeing that Sam?s skin was hot and flushed, but not damaged in any way.? Sam?s eyes were closed as she rested, almost ignoring the ever deepening spin of the dildo.? She rested, and thus she didn?t see Tami place a new roller underneath the table.
??????????? When it first touched her dangling nipples, it felt hard and ridged, like a potato chip.? But as the cylinder started to turn, Sam quickly realized that a car mat type texture had been placed underneath each breast.? In moments her already swollen and tender nipples were bumping along, throbbing in protest, as if someone lay under her, flicking their fingers hard against each nipple over and over.
??????????? Tami moved once more to the rear of the bench and then rammed the dildo home.? Samantha grunted and began squealing as her nipples burned and her pussy was stretched in extreme ways.? From the rear, it appeared as if someone was mixing her insides, the lips of her sex extended wide, almost white with stress, as she was churned.? Her body trembled and her toes curled as she used what little freedom she had to pound against the padded bench.
??????????? And then Samantha broke down, pleading.? ?Oh GOD!? Please, please Mistress Tami!? I can?t take it anymore! It hurts!? It?s burning!? PLEASE!?? She screamed out loud.? Her tiny fists beat against the leather pads.?
??????????? Suddenly the leather sap Tami had used on Kristen sliced through the air, impacting hard on Samantha?s bottom.? Sam bucked, crying out, and then Tami walloped her again.?? Two more slaps and then Samantha stiffened.? Her body began trembling violently and her cries became high pitched.? She let out a long slow moan and then relaxed, falling loosely.
??????????? Tami immediately stopped the motors, yanking the plug out of the wall.? Slowly, she ran her fingers up and down Samantha?s body, soothing the tortured girl.? Sam lay in the afterglow of orgasm, but was conscious of Tami?s caress, which elicited tiny hums of pleasure.? Tami spent only a few minutes massaging Sam?s body before unbuckling the straps and cuffs, finally releasing the sophomore girl.? Samantha rose from the bench and looked down at her breasts.?
??????????? Each nipple was a dark shade of red, but didn?t seem to be damaged.? Though painfully tender to the touch, it wasn?t any worse than sunburn and Samantha probed gently around each areola, testing her skin?s resiliency.
??????????? ?Don?t worry Samantha.? Your nipples will be tender for about a day.? I recommend some lotion, and no bra.?
??????????? Samantha looked up at Tami.? ?Wouldn?t that just make them rub against my shirt??? She asked.
??????????? Tami laughed.? ?Of course it would.? The discomfort is part of your ordeal as pledge.?
??????????? ?Oh.? I didn?t realize.?? Sam replied.? She looked over at Kristen who hung in the Breast Binder, still shaking from the clit massager.? ?Are you done with Kristen??? She asked.
??????????? Tami frowned.? ?Sister Kristen, Samantha.? I do notice a disturbing lack of respect in you in titles.? According to Kristen you have over sixty demerits for forgetting the ?sister? when addressing her.? Is this correct??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?
??????????? Tami sighed.? ?Well, demerits don?t actually keep you from joining, but I feel sorry for you.? Friday will not be an easy day for you.?? Tami looked over at Kristen who was moaning softly.
??????????? ?As for Sister Kristen, you need not worry about her.?? She will be spending a little more time down here.?? Tami waved her hand.? ?You may go, pledge.? Get your clothing and go rest.? Be back here tomorrow at five.?
??????????? Samantha almost seemed to curtsey.? ?Yes, Mistress Tami.?? Sam turned a longing eye toward Kristen.? The bound blonde seemed oblivious to Sam?s penetrating gaze, and Sam let out a small sigh.? Then she turned and quickly ascended the stairs, the sound of a leather sap striking wet and tender flesh followed by high pitched cries following her.
Chapter 13 : Thursday Afternoon
??????????? Samantha sat at the University Union casually munching away at a Caesar Salad and thumbing through her biology book, her mind not really on the intricate information of life science. For the first time in several days, Samantha had spent not only a night, but an entire morning away from the incessant sexual tortures of Sigma Epsilon Xi.? She had slept like a baby, despite the still tender condition of her nipples, and had even been able to truly concentrate on the morning lectures.
??????????? But a part of her still felt that longing and her mind occasionally drifted back to the events of the previous evening and she found herself remembering certain sensations or certain sounds clearly, as if she were right there, while other things were lost in a fog.
??????????? She didn?t see Kristen until the junior girl was right on top of her, dropping her satchel on the ground with a heavy thump, and gently lowered herself in to the chair opposite the brunette sophomore.
??????????? ?Kristen!? Are you okay??? Samantha said in surprise, having rising, as Kristen put both arms on the table and lowered her head on to her forearms.
??????????? ?Yeah.?? Kristen said, her voice muffled and tired.
??????????? Samantha reached out and ran her fingers through Kristen?s hair, rubbing her friend.? She glanced around, making sure no one was close and then leaned in.? ?What did Tami do to you??? She asked, concern in her voice.
??????????? Kristen took a deep breath and then sighed, her head still on her arms.? ?Let?s just say that Tami would have made Calli proud last night.?
??????????? Samantha shook her head.? ?I wish I could have at least stayed with you.?
??????????? Kristen finally looked up and Sam noticed that her eyes were bloodshot.? ?I would have liked that, but Mistress Tami had a few things to discuss with me.?? Kristen sighed again.? ?She didn?t like the fact that I took advantage of you.?
??????????? Samantha?s eyes hardened.? ?You did not take advantage of me.? I knew exactly what I was doing and if I had wanted you to stop I would have said so.?
??????????? Kristen gave a half hearted attempt at a smile and reached out and took Sam?s hand.? ?You?re sweet Samantha.? Mistress Tami felt that I unfairly used the threat of not making the sorority to inflict some rather harsh tortures on you.?? Kristen shook her head.? ?And to be honest, the basement tortures are optional.? Members who say no are usually taken at their word.? We don?t want to drive anyone away.?? Even Calli respected that.? She knew our limits and never went past them.?? I wasn?t sure where your limits were and I took you down there regardless.?
??????????? Samantha gave Kristen?s hand a good squeeze.? ?You haven?t reached my limits yet, Sister Kristen.? I?ve enjoyed everything so far.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I know.? And Mistress Tami knows it as well, or she wouldn?t have put you on the Breast Grinder.?
??????????? ?Is that what it?s called??? Samantha?s eyes narrowed.
??????????? ?Yep, and you only got a small taste of it.? There are at least five more rollers, including one that is supposed to be refrigerated, and a whole plethora of dildos; each with various shapes and textures.??????
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened and she suddenly imagined a variety of wickedly shaped dildos.? ?Worse that the chair phalluses??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen face took on a heavy look.? ?They make the punishment phallus look pleasant.? There is one that looks like one of those cylindrical hairbrushes, you know, the kind with bristles all around?? There is one that delivers electrical shocks.? There?s one that heats up, and there is even one that vibrates, but not like a normal vibrator.? It?s got this huge motor at the base and the damn thing is over two inches thick.? Makes your pussy feel like the epicenter of an earthquake?
??????????? Sam went quiet, her mind imagining the various torments Kristen described.? For her, most of the torture she endured was a blurry fog, with the exception of the orgasm, which still came clear and true.? She gave a wistful sigh and smiled at Kristen.
??????????? Kristen rolled her eyes.? ?You want to experience all of it don?t you??? She asked.
??????????? Samantha shrugged her shoulders.? ?I don?t want to get you in trouble.?? She replied.? ?But maybe after I?m accepted.?? She grinned.? ?I want to try the all those different dildos.?
??????????? For the
first time since sitting Kristen laughed.?
?You are insatiable, you know that???
Kristen shook her head, still chuckling.?
??????????? ?So what exactly did Tami do
to you after I left?? I heard you get hit
with the sap, but I didn?t have the guts to hide on the stairs and watch.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I?m glad you didn?t.? If she had caught you, it would have appeared that you were in my thrall.? That wouldn?t be good.?? Kristen let out another sigh.? ?No, after you left she gave me a lecture on abuse and limits and failing to honor the house rules of desire.? And of course, after that nice forty minutes of a massager on my clit, she pulled it away and preceded to pussy whip me until my crotch was red.? I?m still sore.?
??????????? Sam just sat and listened.?
??????????? ?Then, after the lecture, she paddled my breasts, through the harness.?
??????????? ?Oh my God!? No!?? interjected Sam, appalled that Tami would do such a thing.
??????????? Kristen let out a derisive laugh.? She reached up to the collar of her shirt and pulled it down to expose just her cleavage.? Sam gasped when she saw the pattern of red dots all over the top of Kristen?s breast and she knew that those speckles covered the entire bosom.? Kristen released her shirt collar, recovering her chest.
??????????? ?Then, she put the massager back in place, turned it on high, and then had the gall to get a vibrator, sit in a chair in front of me, and masturbate.? I got to watch her relieve herself, twice.?
??????????? Sam?s shook her head in amazement.? ?Did you come??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Yeah, two clitoral orgasms, but those aren?t anywhere as good as regular ones.? My clit is still sore.?
??????????? Sam chuckled.? ?You mentioned that already.?
??????????? ?Did I?? Well I?ve been moving very gingerly today, rest assured.?
??????????? ?So what?s on the agenda tonight?? Are we going to be together as a group??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen clicked her tongue.? ?Tsk tsk, Sam.? You know I can?t really tell you, but I can say we will be all together as a group.? Tonight will be very pleasurable.? No punishments.?
??????????? Sam?s face fell just slightly before she nodded.? ?Okay.? Sounds interesting I suppose.?
??????????? Kristen laughed and checked her watch, seeing that her next class was coming up.? ?I?ve got to get going, Sam.? I?ll see you at five.?? She said.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Are you sure you wouldn?t rather see me at three?? You could show me what Tami did to you last night.?? She wiggled her eyebrow.
??????????? Kristen leaned in low.? ?Samantha, you are a total pain slut, you know that?? But our early afternoon activities have been curtailed by our elder sister, and I for one, am not planning on putting my pussy on the line.?? Kristen straightened out and swung her satchel over her shoulder, giving Samantha a tiny pat on the shoulder as she walked away.? She never heard Samantha?s last comment.
??????????? ?But I?m willing to put mine on the line.?
??????????? Samantha?s class had been eerily easy that afternoon and Samantha made it to the sorority house by three twenty.? Stripping off her clothes on the porch came easy and she rang the doorbell with eagerness.
??????????? ?Samantha?? You?re here early, aren?t you??? Asked Desiree, who answered the door.
??????????? Samantha nodded as she entered.? ?Yes Sister Desiree.? I know I?m early.? I just was hoping that?? her voice trailed off.
??????????? Desiree looked at her in interest.? ?You know that Kristen isn?t here right??
??????????? Sam looked startled and shook her head.? ?No, I didn?t.?? Her voice was filled with disappointment.
??????????? Desiree stared at her for a moment and then reached out a hand.? It came up between Samantha?s legs and felt the heavy moisture of Sam?s sex.? Desiree brought her hand back up and saw it coated with Sam?s juices.? ?My my, you are in a fix aren?t you??? Desiree said.
??????????? Sam was scarlet.? She hadn?t expected Desiree to touch her like that.
??????????? ?Follow me, pledge.? We need to cool you off.?? Desiree ordered.
??????????? Samantha followed Desiree down the hall, her heart thumping as the approached the basement door.? She felt a sudden let down, however as Desiree passed it, leading Samantha into the kitchen.? Samantha looked out through the large windows and saw that the back yard was a fenced in courtyard, filled with flowers and trees and concrete benches.
??????????? Desiree opened the back door and together the two girls entered the garden.? Sam merely followed the older girl, through the small paths until they came to a small clearing, deep with in the garden.? In the center of the clearing there was a small metal table, coated with the white plastic normally found on patio furniture.? However there were no chairs.
??????????? Desiree motioned to the table.? ?Get up on it and lay on your back, pledge.?????? Sam immediately stepped up to the table, twisting around and lifting her bottom up to the edge.? It was extremely secure, and Samantha realized that the base must have been sunk in concrete.? The odd diamond shaped grating of the table top felt good on her bottom and she lay down, staring up at the sky through the leaves of a giant oak tree.
??????????? Desiree stepped away from the table for a moment, and Samantha saw her open a small faux wood patio bench.? In moments, her hands were full and she was returning.? Desiree dropped the ankle and wrist cuffs on the table next to Samantha, but held up a large black colored short phallus that had two straps running from it.
??????????? ?Open your mouth, Samantha.?? Desiree said.? Samantha, not sure what was about to happen, followed the order willingly.? Desiree moved forward and deftly pushed the penis gag in to Sam?s open mouth and then began buckling it into place.
??????????? The gag was certainly uncomfortable, filling Sam?s mouth completely.? She couldn?t help but to suck on it, her mouth filling with saliva.? It was just small enough to allow her to swirl her tongue around the tip.? But most importantly, it restricted her vocal capabilities to some loud moans and the occasional muted squeal.
??????????? Desiree lost no time in attaching the ankle and wrist cuffs to Sam?s limbs, and in moments she was secured to the table like a feast.? Sam?s legs were spread unusually wide and Sam felt that Desiree was remembering the ?T? shaped bench in Kristen?s dungeon.
??????????? Once more Desiree left Sam?s field of vision, but there was a streaming hiss from one of the bushed and Desiree reappeared holding a garden hose.? On the end of the hose was a plastic garden sprayer, the kind with a multitude of different spray patterns that could direct the water over a wide area, or narrow the stream to a single penetrating beam.? The hose seemed turgid and Sam quivered.
??????????? ?Like I said, pledge.? We need to cool you down.?? Desiree pointed the sprayer directly at Samantha?s body and squeezed, sending a wide spray of cold water all over Sam?s body.?
??????????? Sam squealed, shaking.? The water was cold, but not unbearably so, and in a moment she quieted down.? Her eyes were closed to keep the water out, so she didn?t see Desiree change the spray pattern and direct a narrow pounding stream directly at her clit.
??????????? Sam let out a powerful squeal that only came out as a protesting moan, her eyes flying open.? Her body was covered with water droplets and the soft flesh of her sex flapped in the aqua onslaught.? Desiree redirected the water, managing to send the powerful jet up into Sam?s body, filling her deep well with the cold water.? Sam shook, thrashing against the bonds as Desiree alternated between her clit and her bottom, running the stream between her open legs over and over.? Sam?s thighs jumped wildly, but were unable to close due to the severe ankle bindings.? She twisted on the table, but Desiree seemed to be able to anticipate the moves.? At one point she stopped the spray, allowing Sam to calm.? Then, as one hand stroked the sophomore girl, Desiree moved the sprayer up to Sam?s clit, only millimeters away, and then squeezed the sprayer tightly.
??????????? Samantha bucked hard on the table, squealing into the penis gag as her clit was stung hard by the direct stream of water.? It went on for several minutes before Desiree moved the stream back down Samantha?s slit, spraying the tiny button of her bottom.? Samantha lay panting, her body a riot of sensation as Desiree put down the hose and retrieved a large rubber dildo with an odd attachment.
??????????? Desiree once more went to the side of the clearing and Samantha turned to watch as the cute junior girl turned off the water.? Returning, Desiree quickly unscrewed the sprayer and screwed the hose into the bottom of the dildo.? Sam?s eyes widened in alarm as Desiree went to the end of the table and began slipping the head of the dildo along Sam?s already wet and tender slit, until the whole thing began sliding deep.? Sam groaned in pleasure as the thick head went in.? She arched her head as Desiree seemed to tie the dildo hose in, wrapping two thin strands of nylon string around each thigh.
??????????? Samantha began to squeal as Desiree went back to the faucet and then stiffened.? A sudden flood of water seemed to explode out of the base of the dildo, where the hose met it directly, streaming upward to cascade against her clit, her thighs, and her anus.? There even seemed to be a spray inside her, an interior geyser that made her sex begin to pour water.
??????????? Desiree took a step back to admire that gushing sophomore who lay bound to the table.? ?Now that?s a pretty awesome sprinkler.??
??????????? Sam felt her muscles begin to tremble and the first waves of orgasm began to rock her boat.? The rushing combers foamed inside her, building up until she tensed, pulling against her bonds, capsizing in the stormy seas of pleasure.? Samantha let out one long cry, sucking hard on the plastic penis gag, before seeming to collapse, her body streaming rivulets of water down into the grass.
??????????? Desiree turned off the water and made quick work of removing the dildo, coiling the hose back up at the side of the clearing.? Samantha was left to drip dry, the soft sparkling sun bathing her with warmth and light.? Almost an hour later, Desiree returned, this time in the accompaniment of Kristen.
??????????? ?So if I couldn?t provide it, you would find someone who could??? Kristen asked, a hurt expression on her face.? Samantha stared at her, unable to respond because of the gag.? She shook her head.
??????????? Kristen sighed.? ?I?m disappointed Sam, but I suppose all this does is prove your slutty nature.?? She turned to Desiree.? ?Were you satisfied with her performance??
??????????? Desiree nodded.? ?Oh absolutely, Kris.? Sam is a pleasure to torture.? I could do her any day of the week.? Hey?is it true Mistress Tami had her on the Grinder last night?? Desiree asked.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Yeah, almost a full forty minutes.??
??????????? Desiree sighed.? ?I wish I could have seen it.?
??????????? ?Maybe next time.? Kristen shrugged.
??????????? Desiree looked down at her watch and then smiled.? ?We need to get her untied and clear the garden.? It?s almost four thirty and they?ll be here soon.?? She said to Kristen, who nodded in agreement.? Together, the two junior girls released Samantha, who worked her jaw as the penis gag came out.? But even that discomfort wasn?t enough to dissuade her from asking.
??????????? ?Who will be here soon??
Chapter 14:? One Orgasm, Two Orgasm, Three Orgasm, More?
??????????? Samantha had been left in Kristen?s room, seated at the desk.? Like the other chairs in the sorority house, this one also had a hole for a phallus and Samantha had slowly impaled herself after Kristen had twisted one of the smooth wooden cocks into place.? Sitting there, waiting for Kristen to fetch her was difficult and Samantha spent several minutes contemplating what she had become.
??????????? It was difficult to understand.? The previous year, when she had been kidnapped by the Waxers, she had felt the first longings of sexual deviance, but never in her mind did she dream that she would be longing for the types of torture and humiliation she had been enduring these last few days.? Involuntarily she bounced on the phallus as she remembered the best of the sexual torments.? She knew that if she stayed and joined the sorority, that these urges she was feeling would be fulfilled, but she also knew that she would fall deeper down the hole of depravity.
??????????? It wasn?t long before Kristen reappeared, motioning Sam to follow her to the meeting room.? Sam rose from the desk chair with a sucking slurp, leaving the wooden cock oiled and glistening.? Padding lightly down the steps in her bare feet, Samantha shivered with excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation to the night?s ordeal.? What could Mistress Tami have planned?
??????????? Once more Samantha entered the large conference room of the sorority.? Taking her place at the end of the row of eight girls, she sank down, feeling the dramatic difference in the large plastic vibrator now embedded in the hot pink wet flesh between her legs.? She wiggled slightly, getting used to new toy.? With a self conscious chuckle Sam knew that if anything, the remainder of her life would be spent with some sort of object inside her.
??????????? Unusually, Samantha wasn?t the last to arrive, with Ally and one of the other girls entering just as the clock struck the five o?clock chime.? It seemed all the sorority sisters were present that evening, as the audience watching the eight seated pledges had grown.? Samantha looked around for Kristen and Desiree, but noticed that neither of them were present.? It was Mistress Nicole who stepped forward to address the pledges.
??????????? ?Good evening, ladies.? I want to commend all of you for enduring another day of sorority life.? Rest assured that I have been informed that all of you are doing very well, and since there is no limit of open spots and if you each continue as you have, every one of you will be accepted into the sorority.?? There was a slight scattering of applause from the assembled girls as all eight of the pledges smiled, some in relief.
??????????? ?Now, all of you have experienced what it is like to be submissive.? And to be honest, that will not change when you are with one of us, nor will it even change as you move up to junior status, though you will be allowed to dominate next year?s initiates.?? Nicole said, smiling.
??????????? ?But tonight you will be tested on your willingness to dominate, to torment, torture, and abuse sexually a submissive yourself.?? Mistress Nicole looked toward the door where Kristen had stuck her head in.? With a nod, Kristen turned and began pulling something into the room.
??????????? Samantha opened her eyes in surprise.? Both Kristen and Desiree were pulling large wooden carts, almost like hospital gurneys, into the room.? Stretched out wide, totally naked, on each cart, was a boy.? Blindfolded and gagged, their hands were bound above they?re heads, and each leg dangled off the side, tightly tied to the base of the cart.? Their long cock stuck straight up.
??????????? There was a murmur from the pledges as they took in the sight of the two boys.? Uncertain of what was required, there was the sound of shifting bodies, as well as the excited anticipation of those watching.
??????????? ?No doubt you are wondering who these boys are.? They?re names are inconsequential.? They are members of a fraternity who long ago agreed to supply us with cock whenever we so desired.? If you become members of our sorority, you will be given more information about our mutual responsibilities.? In any event, these two freshman boys were selected by their fraternity to submit to us today.?? Nicole said, motioning to the two boys.
??????????? ?One of the things we teach here is the absolute dominance of the female over the male.? We realize there may be times when you are forced to submit, or even want to submit, but we want it to be YOUR choice, not the males, when that happens. To give you the foundations for your further roles in our sorority, we ask that you participate in a special game.?? Nicole stepped up to the first of the boys, reaching out and taking hold of his rock hard cock, squeezing it.
??????????? ?We will begin at the ends, starting with Samantha and Ally.? Each of you will go to one of the boys and using whatever means you want, force him to come.? There are supplies located on the bottom trays of the carts, including lotions, gels, and other instruments.? You may speak to them, touch them, kiss them, or use your body on theirs in any way, but you may not remove their blindfolds or gags.? Each of you will do both boys, so Samantha will start with this one, and will be the last girl to force Ally?s boy to come. ?Each of you have fifteen minutes to make them come. Are there any questions so far??? Nicole asked.
??????????? Janet raised her hand and Nicole nodded to her.? ?Yes, Janet??
??????????? ?Well, I just have a question about making the boys orgasm.? My old boyfriend could only come once, and then he would have to wait an hour or two, before we could have sex again.? How are we going to make them orgasm over and over??
??????????? Nicole chuckled.? ?Well, that will be up to you.? You must be creative.? This game is also played like the children?s game hot potato, with a promised punishment for any girl that can?t make their male ejaculate.? So there is a definite incentive to do your best.? As for the boys, well this type of sexual torment is specifically called cock milking.? By the end of this evening they will be sexual exhausted, sore, throbbing, and very unlikely to have sex for the next two weeks.?? Nicole shrugged.?
??????????? It was Heather who raised her hand next.? ?Um, I?m just curious about what the punishment will be.?
??????????? Nicole?s face turned stony and she nodded.? ?An excellent question, pledge.? Any girl failing to bring about an orgasm will be escorted by the other pledges and a contingent of sisters to the University President?s house, where she will be stripped, whipped, forced to endure ten minutes on the punishment phallus and then will give a blowjob to the President and any guests he may have with him.?
??????????? There was a hushed silence and even Samantha?s eyes widened.? This punishment seemed more severe than any she had heard or experienced.? She looked down the line of girls and wondered if it would be her who was punished.?
??????????? ?Any other questions??? There was only silence to answer Mistress Nicole and she nodded.? Kristen moved her cart right in front of Samantha.
??????????? ?You may now begin.?? Announced Nicole.
??????????? Samantha stood up, groaning slightly as she became suddenly empty.? The boy was obviously handsome, his light dusty blond hair giving him a Beach boy look.? He had only a light sprinkling of hair across his chest and someone had shaved his balls and trimmed his pubic hair.? He looked almost good enough to be a porn star, except that his cock was only seven inches long.? Just slightly above average.?
??????????? As Samantha stepped forward, Kristen bent down and whispered.
??????????? ?Don?t worry; they?ve both been given that drug that keeps them hard for hours.?
??????????? Samantha nodded and quickly inventoried the variety of unguents, oils, lotions, and toys underneath the cart.? Without hesitation she grabbed a flavored oil and began pouring it over the extended cock.? In moments it glistened with an odd red sheen and Sam began pumping it, rubbing her hand up and down in long flowing movements.? He seemed to arch his back whenever she touch the edge of the head, and so she spent a few minutes with short little motions, tormenting and sensitizing him.?
??????????? He seemed close, his hips bucking, and she quickly bent over, sucking his entire cock into her mouth.? Sam tasted the delicious berry flavor as she worked the cock, almost swallowing it down her throat.? And then there came a loud groan and she felt the cock harden in her mouth.? It turned to granite and then pulsed a few times and suddenly she felt it squirt its white cream deep into her body.? She swallowed, trying to clear it, pulling herself clear of the cock, only to reward herself with a squirt of cum that hit her cheek and dribbled down.
??????????? The boy?s cock was still hard and seemed to pulse as Samantha wiped her face clean and returned to her seat.? To her astonishment, her sexual desire had increased and she moaned as the huge vibrating phallus was embedded once more in the hot flesh between her legs.? She sat, trembling, one hand delicately between her legs, rubbing her clit, as the next pledge rose and began sucking noisily on the boy?s shaft.? Ally, on the far side of the room, was also finished.? Still as pretty as ever, Ally had managed to get a glob of cream in her blond hair.?
??????????? Time seemed to go fast, especially since the next three girls on each side managed to make the boy explode in the time allotted.? Both boys were now in the center of the row, tired, but still hard.?? Sara and Cindi, the middle two had managed to make their first attempts explode, but then switched off.? Cindi succeeded first by rubbing the boy?s cock and whispering in his ear.? Sam watched, thinking of different ways to make the boys explode.
??????????? Katherine and Janet also managed to make their boys explode.? Both of them got out sexual toys.? Janet used a soft silky massager and Katherine pulled out a large vacuum pump which excited her victim enough to get him ready.? Heather resorted back to cock sucking, swallowing as much of her target as possible until he popped, a tiny bead of cum rising out of his cock.? Megan was a bit more creative; sucking on the boy?s balls while stroking him passionately seemed to get the job done.
??????????? And then Ally and Sam once more rose, groaning as the large phalluses left their bodies.? Stepping up, Samantha could see the exhaustion in the boy?s face.? His dark hair was radically different from the first boy?s, and in a startled moment she recognized him.? It was Mike, the freshman boy would she had lost a game of pool with the day before.? For a moment she wondered if that game had been rigged, but then immediately bent forward, reaching out and grasping the poor boy?s cock.
??????????? ?Mike, I know you can?t see me, but we played pool together a two nights ago.? Do you remember me??? Whispered Samantha.? Mike nodded his head, still unable to speak because of the gag.
??????????? Samantha smiled and gave him a quick kiss.? ?Then you know what I look like.? Just imagine that, okay???
??????????? Her mouth and hands immediately went to work on Mike?s cock, stroking and sucking it like a pro.? But seven orgasms in less than two hours take a tremendous toll on a boy.? With only three minutes left to go in her fifteen, Samantha was beginning to worry Mike wouldn?t pop.? She leaned over, looking down at the base of the cart.? There, in the very back was the tiny box she was hoping for.? She reached down and snatched it up, pulling out one small pack and opening it.? In moments, the latex sheath surrounded Mike?s cock and Samantha quickly got on the cart and straddled Mike.
??????????? He groaned as she sank downward on his rod, impaling herself with him, just as she had with the various phalluses around the sorority house.? She began to ram herself up and down, rocking her hips as she fucked him.? The cart moved slightly back and forth on its wheels as she thrust.? Mike groaned, his hips finally matching her movements, thrusting himself upward.? She leaned down, stretching, rubbing her breasts back and forth across his face, his open mouth trying desperately to suck in her nipple.? She let him, feeling the suction on her breast.?
??????????? She squeezed him hard, tugging at his cock when she felt him buck and tense, his shaft going hard as granite.? There was a tiny tremble from his groin which barely translated up into her when Kristen?s hand settled on her shoulder.
??????????? ?Got to get off, Sam.? Time?s up.? Kristen said.
??????????? Samantha nodded and lifted herself up.? Mike, still ram rod hard, moaned as she did, leaving his cock out in the cold.? As she dropped to the floor, Kristen pulled the condom off Mike, turning it inside out.? Without a word the junior girl took the condom to Nicole who examined it carefully.
??????????? ?Did he cum?? Asked Tami, who stepped up, curious.
??????????? Nicole shrugged.? ?I guess we better ask him.?? Together, Kristen, Tami, and Nicole went to Mike who still lay bound on the cart.? Kristen carefully removed the gag.
??????????? ?Slave boy, we need to know if you experienced an orgasm during the final torment.?? Nicole said softly, leaning forward.
??????????? Mike nodded, his voice coming in a cracked whisper.? ?I did.?? Nicole straightened up with a surprised smile.? Tami nodded in appreciation. Only Kristen looked disappointed.
??????????? Mistress Nicole turned to the whole room and opened her arms.? ?We are pleased to announce that Samantha was able to complete her challenge.? Thus, only Ally will be serving a punishment tonight.? For those of you who are part of the escort, please get prepared.?? Mistress Nicole turned to the pledges.? ?Girls, please go and get dressed, with the exception of Ally, of course.? We have something special for her to wear tonight.?
??????????? Samantha sighed in relief.? It had been really close and she was worried.? She turned and looked across the room to see Ally burst into tears, cuddling her junior sister.? The poor blond girl seemed beside herself in misery.
??????????? Samantha felt Kristen?s hand and turned to follow her own junior sister, who quickly took her back to their room where Samantha?s clothes hung.? Quickly she donned them, taking only a moment in the restroom to clean herself.? In moments they were back in the main room where Ally stood in the center of the room, feet in golden high heeled sandals, wrapped in a velvety black cape and hood.
??????????? Mistresses Tami and Nicole headed up the procession and the girls left the sorority house two by two.? For some reason, Sam ended up walking next to Ally, who stared forward resolutely.? There were sixteen girls, the nine pledges, and seven members.? Samantha saw that neither Kristen nor Desiree was there, and it seemed only the Mistresses of the sorority had come.
??????????? Samantha reached out a hand and took Ally?s in her own, giving the condemned girl a squeeze.? ?You okay??? She asked.
??????????? Ally turned and looked at her through the dark shadows of the hood.? ?Not really.? I?m not sure about this.? I?m terrified.? I?m glad you made it, but I wish I wasn?t doing this alone.?? Ally said, then gave Samantha a final squeeze of the hand and once more looked forward.
??????????? The group continued to walk until they passed the tennis courts, and in a darkened shadow of the Coliseum, Mistress Nicole had them gather in a circle while she opened a large satchel she had been carrying.
??????????? ?Girls, please take a mask, each of you.? From here on, you will wear this mask until we reach the haven of our sorority house.? Does any one have a question??
??????????? There were shakes of the head and Samantha felt herself grasping a beautiful mask, framed with feathers and fur tuffs, beads, and crystal hanging from the edges.? She slipped it over her head and turned to look at her fellow sisters, all who suddenly seemed escapees of a masquerade party.? Samantha saw Tami slip a gilded raven?s mask over her face, the beak sticking far out, and she stepped up next to her own Mistress.
??????????? ?Mistress Tami?? I need to ask you a favor.?? Samantha said, laying a soft hand on Tami?s sleeve.? Tami turned and looked at Samantha.
??????????? ?What is it, Sam?? You okay??? Tami said, concern in her voice.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I?m fine, but Ally isn?t.? She?s terribly frightened.? She said she was glad I passed the test, but she wished she wasn?t alone.?
??????????? Tami paused, not interrupting, wanting Samantha to finish.
??????????? ?Anyway, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to take her place, or at least share it with her, so she wouldn?t be alone.?
??????????? ?Are you serious??? Tami asked, bewilderment in her voice.
??????????? Samantha nodded.?
??????????? Tami sighed, obviously thinking.? She looked over at Nicole and then back at Sam.? ?Wait here.?
??????????? Samantha watched as Tami approached Nicole and the two head Mistresses conversed in secret.? Nicole?s head popped up once and glanced at Samantha, her eyes burning through the darkness and the anonymity of the mask.? For once, Sam was glad her face was covered and that they stood in the relative darkness of night, for her cheeks immediately turned scarlet.? There was a nodding of heads and Nicole approached Samantha.? Tami stepped off to the side and lifted her cell phone, speaking quietly into it.
??????????? ?This is a very noble offer, Samantha.? I?m not sure what?s behind it.?? Nicole said, her voice soft so no one else could hear.?
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I?m worried about Ally, Mistress Nicole.?
??????????? ?Yes, that?s what Tami said.? I know of your?proclivities, and I?m not surprised that this punishment doesn?t embarrass you??
??????????? ?Oh but it does, Mistress!?? Sam gushed.
??????????? Nicole held up her hand.? ?Yes, yes.? Whatever.? If I allow this, you will get no credit with the sorority.? It will not become known that you made this offer to help Ally.?
??????????? ?If that is what you wish, Mistress.?? Samantha said, sighing in relief now that it was apparent that Nicole and Tami would let her stand with Ally.
??????????? Nicole let out a soft chuckle.? ?As you wish, pledge.?
??????????? A moment later there the sound of running footsteps approached the group and Samantha was startled to see Kristen pounding up to the group.? She was dressed normally, but held in her hands a pair of golden high heels and another black cloak, ones exactly like Ally?s.
??????????? She bowed once to Mistress Tami and then approached Nicole.? In a loud voice that everyone could hear she begged Nicole?s forgiveness.
??????????? ?Mistress Nicole, I apologize for interrupting your outing, but new information has recently come to light.? After examining our slave boy, we determined that he knows Samantha, recognized her, and lied to keep her from being punished.? There was no orgasm.? She failed in her duty and by the rules must suffer the punishment proscribed by the sorority.?? Kristen said.
??????????? There was a startled hush as the other pledges gaped and then stared at Sam.? Samantha too was astonished, wondering if it was true, but then realizing that Nicole and Tami had planned the whole thing, and that Tami had called Kristen, telling her what to say and do.
??????????? Two of the other Mistresses took hold of Samantha and pulled her back into the darkness of one of the coliseum doorways.? Samantha didn?t even need to help as they stripped her naked, tossing her clothing out to Nicole who stuffed it in her satchel.? Samantha?s pumps came off and the golden shoes were placed on her feet, buckled and strapped.? Lastly, the velvet cloak enfolded her in darkness and they pulled her forward to stand by Ally, who looked at her in bewilderment.
??????????? ?Let?s go.? We?re expected.?? Nicole announced, and once more the girls, with Kristen trailing behind, marched forward toward the President?s Mansion.? Ally reached out as the walked, taking Samantha?s hand in her own, squeezing it softly in thanks.
??????????? The mansion stood on a grassy hill just to the south of the coliseum.? Its white Corinthian pillars stood gleaming under the bright flood lights that illuminated the lawn.? Two university police officers stood on the sidewalk along the front of the lawn and one reached up and spoke into his radio.? Immediately, the front of the house was cast in shadows as the flood lights dimmed and went out.
??????????? ?Is the President ready, Officer?? asked Nicole as she approached.? The policeman seemed accepting of the masked girl in front of him and he nodded.? ?Absolutely, Mistress Nicole.? I hope you have a good evening.?? He semi-saluted her and she nodded.? Together the girls moved up the drive until they stood under the huge portico, ringing the bell.
??????????? The door opened and a well dressed man appeared in the light.? Samantha recognized him as the provost marshal and she gasped as he nodded to Nicole and Tami and allowed them into the house without a word.? They turned to the left, moving into a large sitting room with several couches, chairs, and a unlit fireplace.
??????????? The room was beautifully decorated, but Sam expected that.? Her university fees weren?t for nothing.? Crystal decanters stood on a sideboard and sitting in one of the easy chairs sat the president of the University.? His face was already flushed and his collar was loose, his tie removed and not even in sight.? A small goblet of sherry stood on the side table and he smiled as the girls entered.
??????????? The provost marshal entered as well and sat down on one of the couches.? Everything in the room was arranged to face the fireplace mantle and Nicole and Tami seemed to lead everyone to the front of the room.? There was a hush at first and then Nicole stepped forward and turned toward the girls.
??????????? ?Ladies, please escort the pledges to seats, with the exception of the condemned.?
??????????? The president laughed.? ?The condemned?? You make this sound like a punishment!?
??????????? Nicole turned and glared at the man.? ?It is, Mr. President.?? Sam swallowed as Kristen and the other Mistress escorted the pledges away from the fireplace and seated them around the room.? Janet got planted next too the provost marshal who immediately wrapped an arm around her, his hand slipping dangerously low to her breasts.
??????????? ?Mr. President, Provost,? Nicole said, ?I present to you two of our newest sorority members.? Both girls failed an ordeal tonight, and while this will not in any way endanger their positions within our society, their failure must be dealt with.? They were told, prior to their trial, that failure would result in their abject humiliation in front of you, their painful punishment, and then the forced relief of your needs.? We will begin immediately.?? Nicole turned back to Sam and Ally.
??????????? ?Condemned, disrobe, immediately.?? Nicole ordered.
??????????? Samantha didn?t hesitate as she pulled open the black holocaust cloak, slipping the hood back and exposing her raven chocolate hair.? Her mask remained in place, as did the masks of every girl in the room.? Sam looked to see Ally slowly opening her own robe, baring the soft pale skin Sam was so accustomed too.
??????????? They glanced at each other, and the both condemned girls dropped their robes at the same time, a dramatic effect.? Ally seemed to be holding up well, her flagging spirits restored by sharing her punishment.? Their breasts seemed to glisten in the soft lamp light and Sam could see the hard bulges in the trousers of each man.
??????????? ?Assume the whipping position please.?? Mistress Nicole ordered.
??????????? Samantha realized that without chairs, Nicole meant for them to place their hands on mantle.? Leaning back carefully, she arched her back, moving her feet outward and spreading her legs obscenely.? The hungry looks in both the provosts and president?s faces were evident.? Ally copied Sam and together both girls presented their bodies.
??????????? Tami approached with two crop type whips, each with a large leather loop at the end.? Sam heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that while the whip would sting, the bark would be worse than the bite.? She resolved to be highly vocal, almost acting as if it hurt far worse.
??????????? With Nicole on Ally?s right, and Tami on Sam?s left, the two condemned girls stood awaiting their first blows.? Nicole swung first, laying the crop across both Ally?s nipples, a loud crack resounding, and thin red line immediately appearing across the span of soft mounds.? Sam was looking at Ally?s bosom when Tami?s first blow caught her right on the clit, causing her to almost loose her balance, and eliciting a surprised squeal.? Sam flushed scarlet as the two men watched in rapt attention, savoring the punishments.? Nicole swung again, echoing her first strike, and causing Ally to let out a long wavering cry.?
??????????? The blows began to come faster, raining down on the two condemned girls.? It took only a few moments for their entire fronts to be turned crimson, a delicious pink shade from breast to thigh.? There pussies were not spared either, as both Mistress made sure to swing their crops up directly between the outstretched legs of both girl, simultaneously, turning the wet and sodden slits, into fiery pits.?
??????????? It wasn?t long before Ally was crying, tears cascading down her face.? Sam too felt different.? This torture was not as sexual, more painful, and she bit her lip to keep from showing her discomfort.
??????????? ?Turn around.? Then get on your knees, both of you.?? Nicole ordered.? Samantha and Ally both straightened, stretching their bodies as they turned and presented their bottoms to the provost marshal and the president.? Nicole turned and snapped her fingers and Kristen immediately moved forward with two huge dildos, dropping them on the ground next to each girl.
??????????? ?Put those in your pussies, girls.? You will stay in a position to keep those dildos in place while you receive the rest of your whipping.?
??????????? Sam nodded and reached for her dildo.? It was huge, easily a foot long and almost two inches thick.? She pushed it between her legs, moving her bottom upward and then positioning herself to impale it, just as she had impaled Mike earlier.? It was difficult to get in because of its thickness, but she managed.? She glanced over at Ally who had also managed to ram her dildo upward.
??????????? Together the two girls leaned forward again, the outstretched petals of their sexes spread wide, impaled on the skin toned flesh of the dildos.? Their breasts dangled, their forearms on the white marble tile of the fireplace, their bodies slightly dipping as each girl seemed to lightly push down on the huge phallus impaling them.
??????????? Then the whipping started again, but this time, Samantha?s body involuntarily dipped as the whip crashed into her bottom.? Driving her downward, she felt the huge phallus fill her and then slide out just a bit.? Again the whip slammed home and Sam cried out, arching her back, but still managing to ram the dildo in deep.? Over and over Tami struck her, matching Nicole?s swings evenly, as Ally mimicked Sam?s thrashing thrusts.
??????????? Soon, both girls? hindquarters were as pink and stripped as their fronts.? While still smarting from the whipping, the girls felt as if it had been easier to bear because of the dildos.? Their chests heaving as they regained their breath, they barely recognized two of the other mistresses bringing matching heavy framed dining room chairs upward.? With a weighty thunk, both chairs faced the provost marshal, whose large cock was already out and being stroked by Janet, and the president, who seemed to have found Heather and pulled her into his lap, his hand under her skirt working furiously.
??????????? ?Rise and stand in front of the chairs, ladies.?? Nicole said.
??????????? Trembling, Sam and Ally both rose, wobbling slightly.? Sam looked down at the chairs and noticed two heavy upholstered pads and she smiled slightly.? But then to her dismay, Kristen approached and removed both upholstered seats, exposing in the base of each chair the familiar large hole that decorated the sorority house seating.? Sam swallowed as Kristen prepared the two punishment phalluses, laying the straps outward.? Finally it was time to sit, and both Sam and Ally were slowly pushed down, impaled upon the most horrific phallus ever introduced.
??????????? Sam was somewhat used to it however, having been impaled twice already with the large metallic ribbed vibrating monstrosity.? Having endured eighteen minutes once, she was prepared for the torment it could inflict, as well as the shattering orgasms.? She reached out and took Ally?s hand as the phallus sank into the stunning blond pledge.? Ally groaned and twisted, never having experienced anything like it before.?
??????????? Nicole and Tami leaned forward and began buckling Sam and Ally in.? Straps holding the phallus in place went around each thigh and the waist.? Thick bands of Velcro strapped the girl?s wrists and ankles into place against the arm rests and legs of the chair.? Finally, both Mistresses reached under the chairs and activated the punishment phalluses.
??????????? Sam gasped as the first jolt of electricity hit her.? Ally just screamed, a loud cry of shock filling the room.? Sam?s thighs buckled, jerking wildly as the phallus began vibrating, ramming itself in hard, shocking her repeatedly.? Samantha closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair, her legs spread obscenely, the petals of her sex seeming to throb around the tied in base.
??????????? It seemed their time on the punishment phallus went on and on.? Samantha experienced her first and then second orgasm, and from Ally?s raucous cries, she was on her fourth.? It was obvious that the provost marshal and the president were thoroughly enjoying the sight of these two masked beauties enduring the worst of torments for them.
??????????? And then it was over.? Nicole and Tami stepped forward and quickly turned off the phalluses, unbinding Ally?s and Samantha?s limbs, and then the phallic straps.? Slowly, both girls stood, leaving the glistening wet rods still embedded in the heavy wooden seats.
??????????? ?Gentlemen, the condemned will now satisfy your needs? Announced Nicole.? Sam and Ally looked up at her and then stepped gingerly over to the men.? Samantha went to the president, unseating Heather as Ally went to the provost marshal.? Almost synchronized, both girls immediately grasped the exposed cocks of the school officials, bobbing their masked heads down on each thick rod.? Samantha relaxed and began to enjoy it, the power she held in her hand.? Her sex felt thick and wet and she almost wished that the night was no where close to being over.
??????????? It didn?t take long, with the provost exploding before the president, but the interesting show had worked wonders on the two men, and both of them released copious amounts of fluid into both Ally and Sam, who dutifully swallowed.? Rising, both girls were covered with the black holocaust cloaks and then the entire escort closed ranks.? Both men stood up and didn?t bother to show them out.? Nicole led the way while Tami brought up the rear, making sure that every girl was accounted for.
??????????? Outside the lights once more blinked off as the left the residence, making their way back down the sidewalk past the football stadium up towards the coliseum.? Sam walked with a spring in her step, feeling alive and sexually explosive.? Even Kristen seemed to grin.
??????????? Tami moved back to the front and Sam heard her talking to Nicole.?
??????????? ?I think that was one of the best I?ve ever been too.?? Tami was saying.? Nicole nodded.
??????????? It took ten minutes to walk the rest of the way to the sorority house, the girls excitedly chattering about the event.? The rest of the sorority sisters who hadn?t been allowed to go clamored around, demanding details, still stunned from the revelation that Samantha had ended up whipped and punished.? But in the end, the girls were told to redress and head home for the evening, and to be back Friday afternoon at five.
Chapter 15: Wicked and Evil
??????????? ?How ya? holdin? up??? Kristen asked, plopping down in the seat across from Sam at the University Union food court.? Samantha looked up from her sub sandwich and book and gave her a quirky smile.? Kristen chuckled and shook her head, opening her own salad and poured ranch dressing all over it.
??????????? ?Need you ask??? Samantha said, putting a page marker in the book and putting it away in her backpack.? Sam leaned back, looking suave in her tight jeans and polo shirt.? Kristen took a bite of her salad and looked at the sophomore girl thoughtfully.
??????????? ?Probably not.? After your little episode last night, I think I?ve got you completely pegged.?
??????????? One of Sam?s eyebrows went up in a very Mr. Spock like manner.? ?Oh??
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?After Tami called me and told me that I was supposed to come to the group bringing an extra set of punishment clothes, and that I was to announce that Mike had lied to protect you, I had a good idea of what was going on.?
??????????? Sam gave a contemplative grin, not volunteering any information.
??????????? ?The think I?m wondering though,?? Kristen began, ?Is why you did it.? I mean, why would you want to get punished like that?? Humiliated in front of the president and the provost marshal!? I hated it last year when I was the ?condemned??? She intoned the final word.
??????????? Samantha laughed, beaming.? ?You are so funny Kristen.?? Samantha leaned forward.?? ?If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else???
??????????? Kristen nodded and crossed her heart solemnly.
??????????? ?Ok, Ally was scared and looked like she was going to bail.? She didn?t like being up there all alone.? I felt sorry for her.?
??????????? ?So you just went up to Tami and told her you wanted to be stripped, whipped, and forced to suck cock??? Kristen asked, digging into her lunch again.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Absolutely.? She told me that I wouldn?t receive and personality points for it, and I accepted.? Then you came and voila, I was set right next to Ally.? My strength helped us both through it.?
??????????? ?You are amazing.? Calli would have loved you.?? Kristen said, a wistful sigh.? ?Don?t get me wrong, I love Tami.? She?s awesome.? Very relaxed and not very demanding.? But I admit I would have loved being over you and under Calli.?
??????????? Sam smiled.? ?Well, she?s an alumni right?? Maybe you should call her and introduce us.? It might make for a fun outing.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?You mean a humiliating, painful, sexually insane outing.?
??????????? ?I meant fun.?? Sam said again, going back to her sandwich.
Kristen sighed, mentally filing away the suggestion.?
??????????? Samantha put down her sandwich.? ?So what?s on the agenda for tonight??? She asked between bites.? She wiped her lips with a small napkin.
??????????? ?Demerits.?? Kristen said, pushing the rabbit food around in her bowl.
??????????? ?Demerits??? Sam asked.? Then her eyes widened in realization.? ?Oh!? The demerits are getting added up.??
??????????? ?Right.? And you?ve got a lot.?? Kristen replied.
??????????? Sam grimaced.? ?I do?? That won?t keep me from being confirmed right??
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Nah.? The more demerits you have the more punishment you get.? Now refusing to accept the punishment??
??????????? ?I know, that would keep me from being confirmed.?
??????????? ?Right.? Replied Kristen.
??????????? Sam let out a huge sigh.? ?So what did I do to get all these demerits??? She asked.
??????????? ?You keep forgetting to address me as Sister, for one.?? Kristen grinned.
??????????? Sam made a face, and Kristen laughed.? ?Oh yes, I dutifully wrote down every time in the ledger.?
??????????? ?Aren?t you supposed to inform me when I get a demerit??? Sam said petulantly.
??????????? Kristen leaned in and smiled.? ?I won?t tell if you wont!?
??????????? Samantha laughed and the two girls finished their lunches.
??????????? Samantha strolled up to the large country style house.? Its white lattices and large porch suggested bygone days when America socialized on the front door step, swinging in the hot evening breeze and sipping mint juleps.? It was still in good condition, despite its years, and Samantha could only guess that alumni sent heaps of money to maintain their former palace.
??????????? Samantha had become used to some of the idiosyncrasies of the house.? The mantra to strip on the front porch had become almost a new rule, one that even the other pledges were now being forced to do.? Samantha wondered if, after becoming a member, whether that particular requirement would be lifted.
??????????? She knew she was early, but after all the other adventures she had experienced in this house, she knew she wanted to be here.? Already she could feel the surge of lust in her body, driving her onward in desire.? She hoped that Kristen or maybe Desiree would take her, torment her, and release the pent up desires.
??????????? Standing on the front porch, she quickly slipped off her skirt and tugged her shirt upward.? As required, she wore nothing underneath, standing in her pink, clean shaven birthday suit as if she were merely out for a stroll.
??????????? ?Oh my God!?? A voice said, loudly enough for Samantha to hear and she whirled to see a tall boy wearing a white shirt and black tie, holding a small bundle of books on the doorstep.?
??????????? Sam turned scarlet and she immediately covered herself with her arm, reaching down and snatching up her skirt and shirt, holding them to her breast.
??????????? ?What do you want??? She demanded, stepping back and ringing the doorbell, realizing that escape into the house was her best bet.
??????????? The boy stared at her in incomprehension.? It took him a moment, her eyes glaring with anger before stammering out an explanation.
??????????? ?Uh?I?m Jonah, from the student Christian Expansion Ministry.? I?m going door to door giving out some literature.?
??????????? Suddenly the sorority house door opened and Samantha turned to see Kristen?s familiar face.? ?Well now, what do we have hear??? She studied the boy and then turned to Samantha.? ?Who?s your little friend, Sam??? Kristen asked.
??????????? Samantha frowned.? ?He?s not my friend, Kristen.? He?s just one of those religious guys going door to door.?
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Ah?stamping out sin and bringing everyone back to the bosom of Christ??? She looked directly at Jonah.
??????????? ?I?m sorry Miss.? I?m Jonah, and I wouldn?t put it exactly that way.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Well, this is certainly a house of sin, and you seem to have gotten acquainted with Samantha, so why don?t you come in??? She said, pushing open the screen door.
??????????? Sam stared at Kristen incredulously.? How could she invite him in?
??????????? ?Oh stop looking so surprised, Samantha.? It would be rude to leave a man of God out here on the doorstep.?? She motioned to Jonah.? ?Come on in.?
??????????? Jonah stepped forward, edging as far away from Samantha as possible, having already pegged her as one of the sinners in the big white house.? He eyed her though, since her clothes were only partially covering her body.
??????????? Together, the three of them stepped into the hallway and Kristen immediately moved off toward the sitting room.? Sam hesitated at the back, wondering whether she should follow the house rules and disrobe, or redress and join Kristen.? Finally, uncertain, she quickly redressed, slipping her skirt and shirt back on over her body, and joined Kristen and Jonah.
??????????? ?Yes, exactly.?? Jonah was saying.
??????????? ?But if that?s the case, then that?s what God originally intended.? Neither Adam nor Eve were aware of their nudity.?
??????????? Jonah looked uncomfortable.?
??????????? Kristen saw that Samantha had joined them.? ?Well, Samantha has decided to let propriety color her judgment.?? Kristen frowned.? ?Sam, you know very well that skirt and shirt will never do.?
??????????? Sam nodded, and stepped to the middle of the room.? With only the tiniest fraction of hesitation, she pulled her shirt off, baring her breasts to the staring eyes of Jonah, who turned scarlet.? Sam watched his face as she slipped her skirt off, baring the smooth slit of her sex, the shapely curve of her thighs.? The skirt puddle around her high heels and she stepped out of it.? Suddenly she realized that the power in the room wasn?t Kristen?s but hers.? She had control of Jonah.? Sam smiled, raised her hands over her head and turned, flashing the godly boy a seductive grin.
??????????? ?Maybe I should go.?? Jonah said, starting to rise.? Kristen reached out and pulled him back down to the couch.
??????????? ?I want to continue our discussion.?? Kristen declared.? She turned to Samantha.? ?Sam?? Can you please go to the kitchen and get a drink for our friend?? Ice Tea??? She looked at Jonah who nodded.
??????????? ?Yes Sister Kristen.?? Samantha replied, for the first time in days remembering the honorific.
??????????? Samantha laughed to herself as she padded out of the living room and down the hall.? Passing a few of the other Sisters who she politely greeted, she made her way to the kitchen.
??????????? It was big, as most farm kitchens were back in the day, and there was a huge butcher block table sitting in it.? It could have easily seated ten, maybe more, but Sam only noticed that it was large enough to tie some one spread eagled on.? There was a huge pitcher of ice tea in the refrigerator and Sam had no problem finding a few glass tumblers.? She was about to pour two teas when Desiree came in.
??????????? ?Hey Sam, whatcha doing??? The tall girl asked.
??????????? ?Hello Sister Desiree.? Sister Kristen asked me to get her and her guest an iced tea.?
??????????? Desiree squinted at her in disbelief.? ?She?s got a guest??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?One of those ChristianMinistry guys.?
??????????? Desiree laughed.? ?Is he young and cute???
??????????? Sam thought about it for a moment.? ?I suppose if you got him out of the goofy white shirt and black tie, he might be.?
??????????? ?That?s Kristen.? Let me guess, you?ve already been naked in front of him??? She asked.
??????????? Sam nodded.?
??????????? ?Well, Kristen likes playing with weak guys like that.?
??????????? ?He seemed very uncomfortable with me being undressed.?? Sam said.? ?It really embarrassed him.?
??????????? Desiree nodded.? ?Well, it?s a type of power over boys, so remember that.?? She looked down at the two glasses.? ?Going to take them a drink??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Yeah.?
??????????? Desiree placed her hands on her hips.? ?Well if you?re going to do it, then do it right.? Here?s what you do.?? Desiree leaned forward and began explaining to Samantha.
??????????? ?Ah!? Samantha?s back with our drinks.?? Kristen announced, placing her hand on Jonah?s arm.? Sam stepped into the room, still naked and arguably innocent.? Holding the tray with the two glasses and the pitcher, she approached Kristen and Jonah and carefully placed the tray on the coffee table.
??????????? ?Can I pour you a drink, Jonah??? Samantha asked, her voice dripping with honey.? Jonah?s face had once again turned beet red and he seemed to be only able to make small noises of outrage.? It took him a moment to regain his composure, seeming to force his mind into a state of righteous indignation to ward of the sexual posing.
??????????? ?Yes please.?? He said, turning away to look at Kristen.
??????????? Kristen was watching Samantha with a surprised but pleased expression on her face.? Without hesitation, Samantha knelt in front of the coffee table and? picked up one of the empty glass tumblers, holding the edge to her right breast.? With a slow twist, she carefully slid the edge against her nipple in a full circle, attracting Jonah?s eyes once more.
??????????? ?What are you doing??? He asked.
??????????? Sam gave him a tiny smile.? ?Making sure there are no rough edges, Sir.?? She replied.? Inwardly she decided to give Desiree a special thank you.
??????????? Jonah?s eyes widened as he realized what she was doing.? ?That?s not necessary!?? He leaned forward and took the glass from her, putting it down on the tray.? Samantha sat on her heels for a moment in surprise before lifting the pitcher and pouring a generous amount of ice laden tea into the glass.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen?? Can I offer you a glass of tea??? Samantha asked.? She noticed Jonah still staring at her.
??????????? ?Yes you may, Samantha.? And might I compliment you on your tea serving manners.? I?m delighted that you are so courteous.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam bowed her head slightly.? ?Thank you, Sister Kristen.? Sister Desiree was kind enough to instruct me.?
??????????? ?Ah??? A question answered for Kristen.? ?You may proceed.??
??????????? Samantha once more picked up an empty glass and pressed its lip to her breast.? Desiree had explained that while symbolic, the ritual testing of the glass lip against a nipple was highly erotic and demonstrated complete willingness to protect one?s mistress.? In addition, the glasses were cold and Sam?s nipples immediately rose to hard bumps.
??????????? Sam put the glass back down and filled it, offering it up to Kristen who thanked her.?
??????????? ?Samantha, Jonah and I were just talking about your state of nudity.? Do you think that nudity is wrong and against God?s wishes??? Kristen asked.
??????????? Sam thought about it for a moment.? ?Well, God made us, and we were the ones that made clothes, so I guess it can?t be wrong, can it??? She asked.
??????????? Jonah made choking noises over his iced tea and Kristen pat him on the back several times.? ?That makes good sense, Sam.? I can see it?s a good idea to include you in this conversation.? Why don?t you go to the meeting room and bring back a chair to sit in.? Make sure the center hole is filled, okay??
??????????? Sam nodded and looked back at Jonah who was still having trouble with her nudity.? With a barely suppressed laugh, Samantha left the room and stepped across the hall to the meeting hall.
??????????? The long line of pledge chairs stood in the center of the room and Sam saw that the phallic holes were all empty. ?Stepping over to the tall cupboard against the far wall, she opened the latticed mirrored doors and pulled out the large box of phalluses.? It took her a moment to decide which one would be the best, but finally picked out the double penetration vibrator.
??????????? Plugging it into the seat only took a moment and Sam took the opportunity to lube it up with the bottle of motion lotion some thoughtful mistress kept in the box.? Sam smiled to herself, since she had never thought about what preparations must be made before each meeting.? She realized that she never had trouble sitting down, and realized that each phallus was pre-lubed.
??????????? She lifted the chair and carried it across the hall.? Once more Jonah was explaining the error of Samantha?s ways, advocating her return to goodness.? He had even managed to extract some of his reading material and was quoting Bible verses at Kristen, whose eyes had glazed over.
??????????? ?Ah!? Samantha!? You?re back!?? Kristen said delightedly, putting Jonah into momentary spluttering.
??????????? Samantha nodded and set the chair down.? It?s back was too Jonah and Kristen and as Sam turned it around Jonah let out a tremendous cry and stood, pointing to the phallus embedded in the chair.
??????????? ?What?s that!?? He exclaimed.
??????????? Kristen reached out and took Jonah?s hand, pulling him back down to the couch, but much closer to her.
??????????? ?Now calm down, Jonah.? That?s just a little toy that Sam wants to play with.?? Kristen kept a tight grip on his arm, reaching out with her other hand and patting his knee.? He never noticed her hand not lifting from his leg.
??????????? ?Have a seat Samantha.?? Kristen ordered.
??????????? ?Yes Sister Kristen.?? Samantha replied.? She moved around to the front of the chair, spreading her legs wide apart.? Jonah turned away as she reached down between her legs, her fingers sliding through the already wet petals of her flower.? She dipped low, feeling the long tip of the first protruding rod begin to enter her body.? In moments, as she dropped, she felt the second shaft at the tiny button of her bottom.? With a low groan, she tried to relax and let it slip in.? Finally she was full and she lowered herself to the chair seat, her legs obscenely spread and the huge blue colored phallus spreading her pussy apart like Moses did to the RedSea.
??????????? Jonah seemed to be reciting some mantra about protection from evil over and over and Sam reached down under that chair and turned on the phallus.? The soft buzzing filled the room and Sam let out a tiny gasp as her sex was stimulated for the first time that day.
??????????? Jonah stared at her and then glared.? ?You are a wicked girl!? You fornicate!??
??????????? ?Now now, Jonah.? Don?t be judgmental.? Samantha is merely experiencing the pleasure that God gave us to experience.? Are you enjoying your ice tea??? Kristen asked politely.
??????????? Kristen?s calmness and rebuke seemed to soothe Jonah.? He sat back down and with a still angry voice spoke.
??????????? ?Yes, it is good ice tea.?
??????????? ?And you are enjoying it??? Kristen asked.
??????????? ?Yes, yes I am.?? Jonah said.
??????????? ?Then you are enjoying a pleasure that God gave you to experience.? You should thank him for it.?? Kristen replied, still the soul of southern gentility.
??????????? Jonah looked at her suspiciously.? He nodded and then bowed his head, clasping his hands together after setting his tumbler on the coffee table.
??????????? ?Dear Lord, thank you for your gifts this afternoon.? Let me show these two girls the error of their ways.? Give me strength to endure these temptations.?? He finished, the buzzing of Samantha?s vibrator providing an odd background for the prayer.
??????????? Kristen was shaking her head.? ?My my, you seem to consider us such bad girls.? What have I done to deserve that condemnation???
??????????? Jonah pointed at Samantha.? ?You have condoned and encouraged this wanton behavior.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?You?re right.? I have.? But I suppose Samantha is truly the wicked one, since she has not only condoned it, but actually done these wicked things??
??????????? Jonah nodded eagerly, glad to see that at least one of the two girls was agreeing with him.? ?Exactly!? You see it now, don?t you!?? He exclaimed.
??????????? ?I think I do.? Sam?s behavior is a bit shameful isn?t it?? I mean, here we are discussing religion, and she?s having herself a nice little time bouncing on a vibrator.?? Kristen clucked her tongue a few times.? ?So, do we just condemn her to hell, or should she be punished??
??????????? Jonah didn?t hesitate.? ?Punished!? Drive the thoughts of this behavior from her mind!?
??????????? ?But are we worthy to punish her??? Asked Kristen.? ?Is it punishment we wish to inflict?? Or is it correction?? Trying to get her to see the evil of her ways??? Kristen sweetly.? Jonah sucked in every word, his flaring with religious righteousness.
??????????? ?It?s correction.?? He declared.
??????????? Kristen wrapped an arm around the religious zealot and gave him a tight hug.? ?We have a room here in the house where we can ?correct? her.? But I am not worthy.? Only you can do it.?? Kristen whispered.? ?Will you help my sister??
??????????? Jonah nodded, standing up.? Kristen rose too and Samantha stared open eyed, wondering what Kristen had in mind.? Already her sex was soaked and the vibrations she had felt during the conversation only stimulated her more.? Punishment sounded wonderful, especially Kristen?s kind.? She gritted her teeth and stood, the two deep vibrators making a sucking sound as the left her body.? She leaned over, turning them off and then looked at Kristen.
??????????? ?To the basement, sinner.?? Kristen declared.
??????????? Sam hung her head, trying to stay in character.? ?Yes, Sister.?? She said softly.?
??????????? Kristen wrapped her arm around Jonah?s elbow, and arm in arm they followed, Jonah?s eyes never leaving the smooth curves of Samantha?s bottom.? Samantha stepped out of the living room into the hall and went past the hall closet to the basement door.
??????????? She felt a fluttering in her heart as she pulled it open.? The last time she had been down here, she had been bound to a bench and experienced the most tenderizing torments to her breasts.??? She had watched Kristen abused and punished.? And it had been some of the most erotic and sexual experiences of her young life.? She flicked on the light and began descending.
??????????? Someone had placed the white clothes back on all the devices since Sam?s last time to visit the basement.? She stood in the center of the cool room, her nipples hard as she waited for Jonah and Kristen.? Kristen unlinked her arm and strode straight for the ?T? Bench which Samantha was familiar.? With a flourish, she yanked the cloth off, exposing the odd frame and black leather device.
??????????? ?Samantha, straddle the bench, with your thighs against the cross of the ?t?.?? Kristen ordered.? ?Then bend over.?
??????????? Samantha went to the bench and quickly straddled it, moving forward.? Once at the end she bent over until her hands were on the cross of the ?t?, supporting her upper body weight.? Her cute little ass swung in the air and her spread legs revealed the wet cleft between them.
??????????? Kristen pulled Jonah over to the end of the bench and told him to sit, so that he was facing Samantha?s exposed sex and bottom, which Samantha slowly swung back and forth, eliciting an angry nod from Jonah.? Without hesitation, he straddled the bench and sat as Kristen went and retrieved a flogger.? She placed it into his hand and he swung it, almost snapping it, letting the heavy leather strap smack right onto the sodden petals of Samantha?s sex.
??????????? Sam wasn?t prepared and let out a stunning cry, arching her back and rocking forward onto her toes.? Her pussy stung, a radiating heat that rocked outward.? She turned and looked over her shoulder to see Jonah raising the whip and swinging it over hand at her rump.? She grit her teeth as it struck, and thus only let out a small hiss.
??????????? Kristen was on her knees behind Jonah.? His ankles were in the perfect position for the locking bar and in moments, both of his legs were bound securely to the bench.
??????????? ?Hey!?? What are you doing??? Jonah demanded, trying to stand up, but only falling back to the padded bench.? He tried to bend over and reach the bindings, but the angle was wrong.
??????????? ?Release me immediately!?? He shouted at Kristen, threatening her with the whip.
??????????? ?You would threaten to hit me??? Kristen said, sounding innocent and yet dismayed.? She backed out of harms way though.? ?Some Christian you are.?
??????????? Jonah sagged and dropped the whip.? Sam watched over her shoulder as tears filled his eyes.
??????????? Kristen came over and took the whip, tossing it away.? ?Oh now, poor baby.?? She took his head and cuddled him as he cried.? Sam caught the glance and quickly rose, stepping away from the bench and going to Jonah?s side.? It wasn?t hard to figure out what Kristen wanted.? The hanging cuffs were easy to get open and Samantha pulled Jonah?s wrist up and quickly locked it into place, just as Kristen repeated the procedure to his other wrist.
??????????? ?What is going on?? Why are you doing this??? He asked, still blubbering.
??????????? Kristen bent over and kissed him on the mouth.? ?Because Samantha is a naughty girl.? But you are too, being all righteous around others for no good reason.?? Kristen smiled.? ?So you get to experience her punishment.?
??????????? Jonah?s eyes widened and he began shouting, yanking at the bonds.? Kristen stepped away for only a moment and suddenly a ball gag appeared, a red sphere with black straps that went neatly into the shouting boy?s mouth.
??????????? ?Sam, please undo his belt and pants.? We need to see his cock.? I suspect he?s hard as a rock.?
??????????? Samantha laughed.? ?No problem, Kristen.?? She immediately went to her knee and began unbuttoning Jonah?s pants.? His belt was easy to unclasp and Samantha exposed a pair of white briefs.? Kristen sighed.
??????????? ?Religious right down to the core.? Geeze, Jonah, get some nice colored boxers.?
??????????? Samantha giggled, covering her mouth as Jonah expressed his anger through the gag.
??????????? Sam pulled the elastic opening aside and suddenly the hard length of Jonah?s staff rose from the white cotton.? It waved in the air and Sam took hold of it, stroking it a few times, much to Jonah?s dismay.
??????????? ?He?s hard, Kristen.?? Sam said, shaking the cock a few times.
??????????? ?Well good.? Now, you still are a sinner, Samantha, so straddle that bench facing Jonah, and take his cock in your mouth.?
??????????? Samantha nodded and quickly swung a leg over the bench.? Sliding downward, she placed her face in Jonah?s crotch, opening her mouth and sucking in the large solid shaft in front of her.? She felt him tense and she began to tease him, sucking and then blowing air around her mouth.? She twirled her tongue around his tip and then ran it up and down.
??????????? She felt Kristen move forward and grasp her hands, pulling them around Jonah?s waist until Sam was hugging the boy, her mouth firmly planted on the pulsing probe.? Kristen slid her fingers over Sam?s back until they found her foot.? In moments, the crossbar ankle cuffs were on her again, and she heard the winch as it clicked, spreading her legs farther and farther apart.
??????????? It didn?t stretch Sam as far as the first time she rode the T bench.? Her position, with her mouth gagged on cock, prevented the splits, but it arched her back slightly, pulling up on her legs so that her entire slit was easily exposed at the other end of the bench.
??????????? Secured as she was, Sam couldn?t watch as Kristen moved around to the top of the bench, but only felt Kristen?s fingers as they swirled against Sam?s sex.? Sam moaned loudly, her mouth still surrounding the hard pulsing cock in front of her.? Then the fingers were replaced by something large and curved and Sam realized that another one of the vibrating eggs had been placed inside her.
??????????? It almost immediately began vibrating and Samantha braced herself.? As expected, Kristen immediately activated the thumper, which drove the egg upward into Sam? body.? The exquisite vibrations, the hammering thumps, were all too much for Sam and she began to quiver in excitement, the building orgasm cresting as she sucked hard on Jonah?s cock.
??????????? The sight of Sam?s bondage had easily hardened Jonah, but it was the swinging whip Kristen picked up and began to slap against Samantha?s bottom as she sucked on him, that really churned his lust.? He gritted his teeth as the waves of pleasure rocked him, the pretty brunette girl slurping on his shaft, the sight of her being punished, and then, to his amazement, Kristen removed her own shirt and bared her round white breasts.? It was this last thing, the final straw that caused Jonah to explode, filling Samantha?s mouth with white cream.
??????????? Sam gagged as is shot up into her, and she desperately tried to swallow as much as she could.? Kristen didn?t let up though, swinging the whip a few more times in choice areas.? Sam squealed, the ivory fluid dripping from her lips as the whip caressed her between the legs.? It caused her to tremble as the orgasm hit and she shook, hugging Jonah tight.
??????????? And then it stopped.? Two of them panting, the third just staring in pleasure.? Sam still had Jonah?s softening cock in her mouth and she continued to suck on it, swirling her tongue round and round.? Her bottom felt hot, as did her sex, but because the vibrating egg continued dancing inside her, she felt as if she could go on forever.?
??????????? Kristen came back over to Jonah and leaned down, giving the ravished boy a soft kiss.? ?Are you finished witnessing her punishment, Jonah??? Or did you want to fuck her too??
??????????? Jonah?s eyes widened and took on a look of the lost.? He looked down at Samantha?s creamy white body which was crisscrossed with red stripes across her rump.? She was still pumping, her mouth still working on his shaft, which was starting to respond to her mouth.? He thought about Samantha and for a moment, all he wanted was to plunge his dick into her sweet well.
??????????? He turned and looked up at Kristen and nodded.
??????????? She smiled.? ?Gotcha.?? Kristen straightened up and immediately moved to the top of the bench again, releasing Samantha?s legs.? Sam groaned as her thighs dropped relieving the pressure and Kristen?s grasping fingers managed to remove the vibrating egg.? After only a few moments, Kristen had released Samantha?s arms and handed her a condom.
??????????? Sam wanted something hard and long in her, and Jonah?s cock seemed good enough.?? But not only that, Samantha felt that by taking Jonah?s body in that way, she would be taking his innocence and righteousness from him as well, helping him to see the error of his ways.? It took only a moment for Sam to get the little latex sheath over the now semi-rigid shaft.
??????????? Samantha swung her leg over the bench, straddling it, and she moved forward, putting her hands on Jonah?s shoulders.? She scooted herself forward until she felt his cock against her clit and she rose up, impaling herself upon him fast and suddenly.
??????????? Jonah felt his cock enter a girl for the first time and he groaned, inwardly disgusted with himself for caving in.? Part of his mind told him that these two girls had forced him, raped him, but he knew differently.? He knew he was the one who had wanted to see Samantha punished.? He knew he was the one who exploded watching Samantha whipped.? He knew that he was the one who wanted Samantha on top of him.
??????????? He thrust involuntarily, his body making up for what his mind couldn?t cope with and Samantha rocked with him, stroking him, kissing his neck as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.? It was a quick and fast screwing, with Jonah bursting into tears as he exploded.
??????????? Samantha was given only the little wave of pleasure as Jonah softened almost immediately, turning to putty inside her and slipping out quickly.? She groaned, still wanting, knowing that the only release would come later in the afternoon at the five o?clock.
??????????? Slowly she stood up as Kristen bent down and began unbuckling the straps that held Jonah in place.? When his hands were released he stood up and pulled up his pants, buckling himself in as if protecting his virtue.?
??????????? ?You are both evil women!? Spawn of the devil!?? Jonah announced.? He immediately moved toward the basement stairs and the two girls followed him up, lightly laughing at the boy?s discomfiture.? He quickly made it to the top of the stairs and stepped into the hall way.
??????????? Only to be confronted by three totally naked sophomore girls who had just arrived for the five o?clock meeting.? His eyes bugged out at seeing more feminine flesh in one hour than he had in his entire life.? Kristen stepped out behind him and pushed him toward the door.
??????????? ?Don?t mind him ladies.? He?s just leaving.?? Kristen announced as Jonah pushed his way past and out of the house.
??????????? It wasn?t even ten seconds before the entire group burst into laughter.
Chapter 16: Demerits
??????????? ?Okay ladies, its time to get it together.?? Mistress Tami announced with a clap of her hands, overriding the bubbling giggling and chattering the pledges and a collection of sisters were making.? She pointed toward the meeting room opposite the living room and everyone slowly moved in that direction.
??????????? Samantha was, as usual the last girl to arrive in the meeting room.? She had taken the opportunity to get cleaned up in the restroom before moving on to the afternoon meeting.? She was a little timid, knowing that the demerit punishments would be given out this evening, and not wanting to fail at the very end, despite what Kristen had said.
??????????? Entering the meeting room she found that someone had returned her chair to the end of the row, leaving the large blue double penetration vibrator in it.? It was already on and Samantha slowly seated herself, feeling the huge phallus slip inside her, as well as the smaller one angling its way into her ass.? She gave a tiny groan as her bottom hit the seat and took a moment to fidget, trying to get as comfortable as a seven inch dildo would let her.
??????????? ?Pledges, I want to thank all of you for coming this evening.?? Mistress Tami began, standing in front of the group of sophomores.? ?Your endurance, determination, and fortitude stand you in good stead.? After this week, we know that your first year as novices, and then your later years as sisters, and perhaps even as Mistresses, will be easy.?
??????????? Mistress Tami clasped her hands together as Sister Kristen brought her a large leather notebook, embossed with the seal of Sigma Epsilon Xi.? Mistress Tami took the book, caressing it lovingly, before opening it.
??????????? ?We have two very unusual occurrences this year.? One girl, out of the nine of you, has managed to get the lowest number of demerits ever, beating the record holder by fifteen demerits.?? Mistress Tami nodded as the sister gave a polite applause.? ?This new honor goes to Ally, who managed to accumulate a scant twenty demerits during her week.? Congratulations Ally.?
??????????? Samantha leaned forward on her chair and looked down the row at Ally who was blushing scarlet, but looking pleased with herself.? For a moment, Samantha had hoped that Kristen had been joking about her own accumulated demerits, but Sam knew that she truly had forgotten many of the important rules of the sorority during the week.
??????????? ?As you may know, tonight we will inflict the demerit punishments.? Now for the smaller number of demerits, punishment is inflicted with either the punishment phallus or a certain number of strokes of the whip.? There are three girls here who have come under fifty demerits; Ally, of course with twenty, Janet with forty, and Heather with fifty.? Five demerits translate into one minute on the punishment phallus, or one stroke of the whip for every two demerits.? The three of you must choose your punishment.?? Tami looked directly at Ally.
??????????? Ally?s choice was simple, ten strokes of the whip, or four minutes on the punishment phallus.? Sam rolled her eyes and mentally said ?whip?, urging the blond pledge to choose the lesser of the two punishments.? Ally seemed to agree, announcing to the assembled girls that she would endure ten strokes rather than face four minutes.
??????????? Janet?s decision wasn?t as easy.? Eight minutes on the punishment phallus or twenty strokes of the whip wasn?t much of a choice as far as Sam was concerned. ??Glad she didn?t have to make the same decision Sam bit her lip and waited.? Finally Janet announced her intention to endure the eight minutes of sexual torment that came from the punishment phallus.? Sam clicked her tongue, not sure the beautiful sophomore girl had gotten the better of the bargain.
??????????? For Heather the choice wasn?t much better.? Twenty five strokes delivered in spots which were sure to be sensitive, or endure ten minutes of punishment phallus.? Samantha snorted once.? She had been forced to take the punishment phallus for an entire eighteen minutes!? And these girls were bucking at ten minute shots?? Heather asked for the punishment phallus as well.
??????????? Mistress Tami had the three girls stand, with Heather and Janet?s chairs moved forward.? The heavy wooden dildos that both girls had been penetrated with were removed and replaced with the metal and plastic monstrosities that would inflict their chastisement.?? It took a few minutes to get the two girls seated and bound, unable to lift their bodies from the thumping, vibrating, shocking, twisting torment which they were about to suffer.
??????????? It was obvious to Samantha that Mistress Tami wanted the punishments to start all at the same time.? Ally was told to assume the punishment position and promptly stood, legs spread, her arms behind her on her chair, her breasts pushed forward.? Mistress Nicole came forward and knelt before Ally, slipping in one of the now famous vibrating eggs, turning it on to full power.?
??????????? At almost the same time, the punishment phalluses were started and Sam watched for the first time the effects of the multiple stimulation rod, rather than experience them herself.? She could almost feel it, seeing Janet and Heather?s faces tighten when the electrical shocks hit them.? Their bodies seemed to jump as the phallus screwed itself deeper, alternating the vibrations and the shocks so that nothing was expected or predictable.?
??????????? Nicole swung the whip that struck Ally, a thin crop that left a bright red line straight across both breasts.? Sam?s eyes widened as she saw the redness blend in with the pink of both Ally?s turgid nipples, a perfect shot across both nubs.? Mistress Nicole swung again, another strike, this time lower, causing both Ally?s breasts to bounce.
??????????? Janet began to squeal, beginning to bounce, much like Ally?s breasts had, desperate to get off the punishment phallus.? Heather groaned but remained still, evidently more in tune with the wild churning electrical storm inside her.? Sam watched in fascination, her own sex throbbing.? The double penetration vibrator inside her began to force her close to orgasm as she witnessed the punishment of the first three pledges.
??????????? The third strike landed directly on Ally?s clit, causing the blond beauty to squeal, her legs trembling as she stood on tip toes.? Sam grimaced, imagining the sting.? But Ally remained in position as the fourth stroke landed atop the first.? There was a wet sound, like someone slapping the water and Ally cried out, shocking the assembled pledges and sisters with her demand for another stroke.
??????????? ?Please Mistress Nicole, punish me!?? Ally said, her voice trembling with need.
??????????? But it was Janet who broke next, declaring she had changed her mind and wanted the strokes.? She bounced, crying out, trying to get out of the chair as the punishment phallus tormented her.? Her own mistress held her, trying to soothe her, but the poor girl shook her head.
??????????? ?If you quit you?re out of the sorority.?? The Mistress said harshly, gripping Janet?s arm tightly.
??????????? Janet sobbed and then nodded.? ?Please make it stop!?? Her mistress sighed and then reached down under the seat, turning off the vibrator.? Heather, who was also trembling, clamped her lips shut and continued to moan, her eyes closed, her hips thrusting.
??????????? Janet was removed from her chair and literally dragged from the room, her mistress closely following.? Sam just watched in shock, totally unprepared for the possibility that the punishment might be so bad that someone would willingly give up membership in the sorority.?? Sam turned to see Ally receive her fifth stroke, a straight shot between the legs, the crop wrapping itself in a curve from clit to perineum.? Ally screamed, finally losing control, and her legs closed.? She almost immediately resumed her position though and nodded at Nicole.
??????????? The sensations finally broker through Heather?s cool demeanor, and the frisky blond girl began panting, the punishment phallus eliciting tiny screams from her throat that matched Ally?s next cry.? The seventh and eight strokes were no where near as strong as the fifth and sixth, but to Ally?s sensitive skin they felt like lightning.? Nicole nodded at Ally and told her to turn around and present her bottom.
??????????? Ally instantly followed the command and turned, bending over the back of the chair.? In a flash, the whip whistled down, leaving a stripe across both cheeks.? The last stroke followed and Ally?s bottom matched her breasts.? Shaking, but not crying, Ally moved back to her regular seat.? Gingerly, she settled herself down, once more inserting the heavy wooden phallus into her body.
??????????? Sam couldn?t take it anymore and quietly orgasmed in her seat.? The sight of Ally?s nude body whipped, with the background of Heather?s squealing ride on the punishment phallus was more mental stimulation than she could take and she closed her eyes, rocking back and forth.
??????????? Heather too was exploding, her body rocking as wave after wave of intense sexual release flooded through her.? Her last two minutes on the punishment phallus were filled with trembling convulsions as she dealt with the ongoing torment.? Then it was over, Heather?s own mistress turning off the punishment phallus and squeezing the quivering girl in a bear hug.? There was another scattering of applause as she was unbound.? Sam watched as Heather was lifted off the punishment phallus, only to have it replaced with the wooden dildo.? She was reseated back in line.
??????????? Mistress Tami took a moment to let the girls calm back down after the spectacle before addressing the girls.? Numbering eight now, there were only five pledges left.? Sam looked down the row at Cindi, Sara, Katherine, and Megan, wondering where she ranked.? Once more the leather bound demerit book appeared.
??????????? ?Pledges, its time to continue with the demerit announcements.? Needless to say, the five of you have earned quite a few more demerits than, Ally and Heather.? The next level is between fifty and one hundred.? Three of you have earned demerits in that range.?? Mistress Tami consulted her book as Sam held her breath.? ?Cindi, you?re the lowest with fifty five demerits.? Katherine has seventy demerits, and Sara has ninety five demerits.?
??????????? Everyone watched as the three girls named listened intently.
??????????? ?The punishment for this level is severe.? Each of you will be taken to the punishment room, bound on your back, your legs spread apart.?? For every five demerits you have you will be struck directly on you sex with a sap.? At the end of the strokes, a massager will be placed firmly against your clit and you will endure one minute for every two demerits you have.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened.? So similar to the T bench, this punishment seemed almost cruel.? A sapping, directly against their sex would sensitize the three girls and then to endure the ongoing vibrations of a massager, for so long.? Sam shook her head, remembering Kristen?s ordeal on the Breast Binder; how Mistress Tami had done something almost exactly like this to her.? Samantha shuddered, wondering just what was in store for her and Megan.
??????????? As a group, the girls of Sigma Epsilon Xi moved through the old house to a large room off the kitchen.? Samantha had never seen it before, but it had been fitted out like a nightmare gym.? Several benches stood along one wall, each one jutting out perfectly, while a huge St. Andrew?s Cross stood in the corner.? Two traditional stocks stood in the middle of the room, waiting for the hands and necks of a pair of condemned prisoners.
??????????? Samantha watched as Sara, Katherine, and Cindi were each led to a bench.? Cindi sat first, then laid back, letting her mistress and sister bind her hands above her head.? Ankle cuffs were secured and then long chains clipped from each cuff to ceiling hooks, spreading Cindi?s legs wide apart.? One of the vibrating eggs was inserted and Cindi moaned as it began vibrating inside her.? Sam could see the wetness and pressed her thighs together.
??????????? Katherine and Sara were quickly bound in the same positions until all three girls were spread like buffet tables.? Each girl?s mistress approached, saps in hand and the assembled girls watched in breathless anticipation.? Finally the waiting was over and the first stinging slap landed directly on the pink and spread lips of each girl, eliciting the sharp cries that were becoming so routine.?
??????????? In moments, all three pussies were bright pink and turning redder with each blow.? The sound of wet leather slapping soft flesh filled the room, punctuated by the whimpering cries of the bound girls.? Samantha couldn?t help herself, slipping her own fingers into her sex, massaging her clit as she watched.? For a moment, Samantha wished that it was her bound spread apart, clit slapped, as the vibrator churned away inside, but she realized that all she had to do was ask Kristen and she would be allowed to experience this very torment.
??????????? Sara took the longest, with more strokes to endure than the other two girls.? Her face was bright red and she grit her teeth as her mistress swung the sap, planting the thick leather tip perfectly on the poor girl?s clit.? Sara looked down at her stretched body, her thighs trembling as the last three strokes came.? She screamed, bucking and thrusting her hips in wild movements before bursting into tears when it was over.
??????????? For a moment, the three girls were comforted by their mistresses, but in minutes each girl had a long handled massager pressed against their clits, buzzing away, each one mounted on a telescoping arm.? Like boom mikes, each massager was held perfectly in place, totally immune to the thrashing of each girl as they began to experience the intense stimulation that led to clitoral orgasms.
??????????? As the punishment room began to fill with soft cries from the three writhing bodies, Mistress Tami once more stepped to the center of the assembled sorority members and held up her hands, gaining their attention.
??????????? ?We must now deal with Megan and Samantha.? For girls who have earned more than one hundred it was decided many years ago that as punishment these girls would endure the trial of fire and ice.? Megan, with her one hundred and ten demerits is a ripe candidate for this.? Samantha, however, is another story.?? Mistress Tami looked directly at Sam.
??????????? ?Samantha Mayfield has managed to collect over two hundred demerits, an event that has never occurred before in this sorority.? Never having to assign punishment for so many demerits, the older sisters met earlier today and decided that Samantha would endure the trial of fire and ice, and then be taken to the basement to ride the wooden horse for a duration of fifteen minutes.?
??????????? There was a loud murmur as the girls chattered in surprise.? Samantha leaned back against the wall in shock.? Two punishments?? She could hear a few of the girls talking.?? The basement was a rare place to go for many of them, and the wooden horse was one of the worst tortures imaginable.? But Sam wondered what the trial of fire and ice was?
??????????? Mistress Tami moved forward and took hold of Sam?s arm, leading her to the center of the room.? For a moment, the naked pledge looked into the eyes of the older sisters and mistresses, and even the eyes of Ally and the other pledges, before her shame at earning so many demerits flushed her cheeks with pink.? Megan was moved forward as well, and then both pledges were moved to the stocks.
??????????? They were heavy wood ones, real in every aspect and Samantha watched in fascination as the top boards were removed, opening up the bottom half of each hole.? Samantha stepped forward voluntarily, bending over and placing her neck and hands in the appropriate spaces.? The top board came back down and Sam heard the click of the lock.
??????????? Megan was bound similarly, but opposite from Samantha, so that Sam could see the dangling breasts and spread loins of the other bound girl.? Samantha watched as Megan?s mistress brought a spreader bar and spread Megan?s legs wide apart.? Sam felt Tami doing the same to her and Sam spread her legs far apart.
??????????? Suddenly the room filled with the scent of bayberry and Sam sighed.? It was one of her favorite smells and it seemed to get closer.? Suddenly Kristen appeared carrying a tray with four small bowls and two long pale yellow objects.? She stopped in front of Tami who quickly picked out three girls, handing each a bowl.? The Tami and Megan?s mistress each picked up a yellow rod and held them up as Kristen took the last bowl.
??????????? ?The trial of fire and ice.?? Tami intoned solemnly.? She reached up to the rod and began pulling off the yellow coloring.? Sam watched intently and then realized that the covering was a condom.? The interior was still hard and clear, shiny in the light.? It wasn?t until a trickle of water dripped down Tami?s hand that Sam suddenly understood.? It was a dildo made of ice.
??????????? Kristen and Desiree stepped to either side of Samantha.? Sam couldn?t see what they were doing, but watched instead as two sisters stood next to Megan, each holding a bowl perilously close to the bound girl?s breasts.? Samantha could feel the heat on her own skin and wondered what fluid was in the bowls.
??????????? Tami moved around to the rear of Samantha and once more Sam watched Megan?s mistress.? Sam couldn?t remember the pretty senior?s name, but the girl moved directly behind Megan and lifted the ice dildo into position.? Just as Megan gasped, screeching, Samantha felt the sudden cold on her own clit, sliding upward until it found the soaked and dripping hole of her sex.? Samantha gasped as it went in fast and hard, thrusting deep in icy torment.
??????????? It was bigger than Sam had suspected, easily two inches in diameter, but it was the stretching of her sex that told her this.? In moments, her body turned numb, not even feeling the slipping in and out, except when the icicle was buried deep.? Sam moaned, twisting her hip as Tami thrust in and out.
??????????? And that was when her breasts caught fire.? Or that?s what it felt like.? Sam cried out, pulling hard against the stock as both soft dangling breasts were dipped in the hot liquid.? Sam closed her eyes, crying out as the cold penetrated her from behind, and heat seared her front.? It took a moment for the heat to dissipate enough for her to tolerate it, and when she opened her eyes she saw that Megan too had endured the fire.?
??????????? Both of Megan?s breasts were now covered in a thick coat of red wax, slowly cooling, hardening into shells right on the white creamy skin.? Samantha groaned, still feeling the thrust of the ice dildo, as she realized that Kristen and Desiree had done something similar to her.
??????????? Sam began to shiver, her body losing heat as the popsicle like rod slipped in and out, melting until long trails of icy water snaked their way down Samantha?s legs, to puddle around each foot.? For several more minutes Sam endured, until Tami thrust the remnants of the ice rod into Sam, leaving it there to melt.
??????????? There was a round of applause from the assembled girls as both Samantha and Megan were finally released from the stocks.? Sam stood up, stretching her back, and looked down at her oddly covered breasts.? Each one sported a thick red silken cover resembling over large pasties.
??????????? ?Leave it on, Sam? Kristen whispered as Megan began to peel the wax from her tits.
??????????? Samantha nodded, her face betraying the trepidation she felt.?
??????????? ?Ladies, for those of you that are squeamish, I recommend you not follow us to the basement.?? Mistress Tami announced.? The tall brunette senior nodded at Kristen, who took Samantha?s arm and began escorting her toward the basement door.? Almost the entire crowd followed, all wanting to witness Samantha?s ride.
??????????? As they descended into the basement, Samantha tried to imagine what it would feel like to ride the wooden horse.? She wasn?t even sure she was remembering which device Mistress Tami had been talking about.? Sam remembered Kristen telling her about a wooden pony, but not a wooden horse.? She leaned toward Kristen as they descended.
??????????? ?Kristen, you showed me the wooden pony, but what?s the wooden horse??? Sam whispered to the older girl.
??????????? Kristen looked at her with one raised eyebrow and then sighed.? ?It?s the pony without the foot supports.?? She said softly.
??????????? Samantha?s eyes widened.? ?You mean?? Her voice trailed off.
??????????? ?Exactly.? You get on.? Your hands are tied behind your back.? Weights are put on your ankles, maybe a spreader bar, and then they yank the foot rests out from under you.?
??????????? Sam?s face turned white as a sheet.? ?Have you done it before??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen grimaced.? ?Yeah, once.? Calli was in a rotten mood one day and punished both Mistress Tami and I that way.? One right after the other.? I got to watch as Mistress Tami rode it first.?
??????????? Sam nodded.? Oddly, she felt relieved.? If both Tami and Kristen could endure the wooden horse, then she could too.
??????????? It was the only device uncovered, despite Sam and Kristen?s earlier adventure with Jonah, the religious guy, and Tami went straight too it, motioning for Kristen to bring Samantha up.
??????????? Sam was turned to face the crowd so she wasn?t able to catch more than a glimpse of the saw horse type device.? It?s long wooden beam was trimmed to a sharp edge, its bottom width over two feet wide in order to truly stretch the legs apart.? Two huge wooden blocks, easily a foot tall stood on each side and Sam had no doubt that the height had already been adjusted.? She stood facing the assembled girls, stared at as the entire crowd watched, wanting to see her punished.? She flushed scarlet, embarrassed to have earned so many demerits.?
??????????? ?Spread your legs.? Put your hands behind your back, pledge.?? Ordered Mistress Tami.? Samantha nodded and immediately complied, spreading her legs as wide apart as possible and clasping her palms together behind her back.? Her sex felt sensitive and a little raw from the ice fucking it had received earlier.? Kristen?s tender fingers suddenly touched her clit, sliding up and down through the still wet folds until Samantha rose up on tip toes, arching and moaning slightly.
??????????? The assembled girls gave a slight chuckle as Samantha undulated from Kristen?s touch and there was a tacit approval as Kristen lifted one of the vibrating eggs and began twisting it into Samantha?s sex, coating the large end with the clear juices of Sam?s body.? Finally, with a small push, it popped it, causing Samantha to gasp, tense, and then tremble slightly as the vibrating function began stimulating her insides.? For a moment, she imagined she was upstairs in the punishment room, legs tied apart as powerful massagers did nothing but vibrate her clit.
??????????? But Tami?s binding of her hands brought her right back to the dungeon basement.? In moments her hands were secure, bound together tightly.? She felt ankle cuffs being attached to her legs, but then realized as she looked down that Kristen was merely strapping on two sets of heavy jogging weights.? Tentatively, Samantha lifted one leg, finding that an additional twenty pounds had been added.
??????????? ?Time to mountSamantha.?? Said Mistress Tami, who took her elbow and turned her around to the wooden horse.? ?After every minute, I?ll activate the thumper in the egg and call out how many minutes you?ve been on, and how many you have to go.? You can scream for us to stop, yell, swear, say anything, except that you quit the sorority.? Do you understand???
??????????? Samantha gave Tami a wan smile.? ?Yes Mistress.? I understand.?
??????????? Tami stepped close and leaned in toward her ear.? ?This is a terrible torture, and one we?ve never done to a pledge.? But of all the girls I?ve known since I?ve joined, you are the only one I know who could take this easily and even more.? I?m proud of you.??
??????????? Samantha?s eyes filled with tears and she grinned at Tami.? ?Thank you Mistress.? I won?t disappoint? you.?
??????????? Tami laughed.? ?I know you won?t.? You want another entire year of punishments.?
??????????? Samantha blushed scarlet, for the first time realizing that Mistress Tami was correct.? Even the prospect of becoming a sister and dominating another girl held no sway for Sam.? She was in her element when bound, spread, tormented unmercifully, and abused.
??????????? ?I?m ready.?? She said simply.
??????????? ?Up you go.?? Tami said, helping her maintain her balance as she put her right foot on the first block and stepped up.
??????????? She was much higher now and the top edge of the wooden horse looked much more dangerous.? Not a cutting edge, but slightly dulled.? She knew that no matter what position she attempted to hold while over it would hurt like the dickens.? Carefully, she swung her left leg over the horse, trying to find purchase for her toes.? Finding the block she positioned herself over the cutting edge, standing on tip toes.? She could feel the tip of the wood bar slipping directly between the folds of her sex.
??????????? Kristen stepped forward and reached down between Sam?s legs.? Sam tensed as Kristen peeled back the inner lips, pushing them to the sides as the wooden fence slipped up slightly.
??????????? ?Are you ready Samantha??? Tami asked.
??????????? ?Yes Mistress.? I?m ready.? Replied Samantha, staring straight ahead at the crowd of girls.? Her heart was beating hard and she felt the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach.? The silence of the watchers was as thick as smoke in the large dungeon basement and Samantha felt tiny goose bumps prickle her skin.
??????????? ?Then brace yourself and take as much weight off your legs as possible.? On the count of three Kristen and I are going to yank the blocks out from under you.?? Tami announced.
??????????? Sam nodded.? Slowly, she lowered herself down, feeling the sharp pressure of the horse dig into her deepest and softest spot.? She groaned, a hard bruising pain seeming to radiate outward from her groin, and she hadn?t even put half her weight on the evil device.? She closed her eyes, trying to block it out, and didn?t even hear the Tami?s count.
??????????? ?Three, two, one.?? Mistress Tami called out.
??????????? Suddenly there was no support on either foot, the wooden steps yanked from beneath her.? Still not prepared, Samantha fell, her body stopping only an inch later as the hard wooden beam rammed upward.? Her soft pink sex turned red, then white, as the pressure spread to the sides.? Samantha screamed, her body twisting, almost toppling off the horse, and would have if not for the steadying hands of Kristen and Tami who kept her upright.
??????????? Her body shook violently, her legs kicking, trying to find some purchase.?
??????????? ?Oh GOD It HURTS!?? She yelled.? Her wild motions caused her pelvis to rock, making the hard wooden edge dig up into her bottom.? She tilted back forward until she felt the wooden frame bite into the tender nub of her clit.? Once more she rocked, trying desperately to take some of the pressure off her sex.? Back and forth she moved, her sex a riot of pain that overwhelmed even the barest sensation of pleasure from the vibrator.? And then there was a thump inside her and she groaned.
??????????? ?One minute down.? Fourteen to go.?? Intoned Tami, who stood looking at her watch.
??????????? Samantha bit her lip, her eyes closed.? Her breathing came raggedly, her hips still violently twitching as the wooden beneath her legs became slick with her juices.? For a moment she felt a different tremor than her own and realized that Tami had turned the vibrator to its maximum setting.? She let out a loud long moan, her body still rocking as she rode the wooden horse.
??????????? The next four minutes passed slowly, with Tami and Kristen having to keep Samantha upright every other moment.? Wild bursts of energy used in frantic attempts to get off the painful implement were followed by tired lists, where Samantha merely sat, the pain endured as she gathered the energy for another attempt.
??????????? At the fifth minute, Samantha pulled her legs up, trying to support her weight on her thighs.? Straddling the wooden horse, she managed to lift herself up for only a moment before slipping, bringing herself down hard.? She gasped, tears flooding her eyes and then bursting down her cheeks.? As her feet dangled, weighted heavily, she once again began rocking back and forward.?
??????????? Her clit had taken on an almost bluish color as ten minutes passed.? Samantha?s breathing came in heavy gasps and her body dripped in the slick moisture of torment.? Her hair hung lank and heavy, even her toes pointed straight down.? There were no more movements, no rocking, not even little cries, only the continual splash of tears raining down, soaking the edge of the horse.
??????????? ?Two more minutes, Samantha.? Look lively now.?? Said Tami.? Even the thumper had no effect on Samantha.? Tami looked at Kristen who nodded and dug in her pocket, pulling out two clothespins.? One she handed across the horse to Tami who took it and held it up.? Together the two girls positioned the clips at Samantha?s nipples.? Sam, whose eyes were closed never saw it coming, only feeling the sudden bite in an unexpected quarter.?
??????????? Her eyes flew open as her hands tried to go to her chest.? Her arms strained against their bindings as she twisted, trying to dislodge the cruel clamps.? But her movements only excited the pain between her legs, bringing the demoralized wail of anguish back to fill the dungeon basement.
??????????? And then Tami called out the fourteenth minute.? Sam clenched her teeth, gritting them tightly.? Every portion of her body wanted mercy, but something in her made her hold on.? She opened her eyes to stare at Kristen, whose face was bright with excitement.? Kristen unexpectedly held up a small vibrator, reaching forward and pressing it hard against Samantha?s clit.
??????????? Samantha screamed as the vibrator dug in and suddenly the wall was down.? The pain seemed to melt into a tremendous heat which fired with passion and lust, rising like molten magma to the crest of the volcano.? She screamed, her head thrown back, her voice rising in orgasmic delight.? Pleasure and pain melded into one and for the first time in her life, Samantha experienced a sexual epiphany that changed everything.
??????????? ?Quick, get her off!?? Tami said, stepping on one of the wooden blocks and grabbing Samantha as the poor exhausted pledge collapsed, passing out.? Desiree jumped forward, helping to catch the slumping girl who fell into Tami?s arms.? Kristen hurried around the horse, quickly stripping off the ankle weights and then trying to untie Samantha?s arms.? The crowd watched in astonishment as the three girls held Sam.?
??????????? Sam?s body was covered in a wet sheen, glistening in the light.? Her legs, still parted, displayed the bruised and tormented sex, a delightful mixture of red and blues.? Sam?s clit stood out proudly, crimson and hard and it was several moments before the pretty brunette sophomore opened her eyes.
??????????? There was a wild cheer and the room filled with applause as Sam was picked up and carried up the basement stairs.? All the way to the top of the old house, to the room she would soon share with Kristen, she was carried, until the girls deposited her softly in Kristen?s queen sized bed.
??????????? Tami ushered everyone out of the room, reminding them to check on Sara, Katherine, and Cindi, who were had almost fifteen minutes of vibrator time remaining.? There was a scattering of laughter and Samantha found herself alone with Tami and Kristen for the first time since the previous day.
??????????? ?How are? you feeling??? Tami asked, sitting on the edge of Kristen?s desk while Kristen herself knelt next to the bed, her arms near Samantha?s head.? Kristen?s long fingers stroked Sam?s brunette locks.
??????????? ?I hurt, Mistress, but I?m okay.?
??????????? ?You were incredible.? I just wanted you to know that.?? Tami said, suddenly looking ashamed of herself.
??????????? Samantha smiled, but then winced as she shifted position.
??????????? ?I?m sorry I did that to you.?? Tami said softly, sighing.? ?It was wrong.?
??????????? Sam turned her head to look at the older girl.? ?I?m sorry, Mistress.? But I don?t understand??
??????????? Tami shook her head.? ?Sam, I promised myself after last year, that I wouldn?t abuse any novices like my own mistress had.? No doubt Kristen?s has told you of some of Mistress Calli?s tortures.? I?m not sadistic.? I find no pleasure in hearing cries of pain, whether they?re mixed with sexual cries of pleasure or not.?? Tami looked at Kristen with a glance that seemed filled with love, but also pity.? ?I could see that Kristen didn?t enjoy enduring Mistress Calli?s torments.? I just never expected that Kristen would develop similar tastes in inflicting them.?
??????????? Tami stepped forward.? ?Samantha, I want you to be a member of this sorority.? You have great potential in this world.? But I don?t want to see you broken either, used as nothing but a sex toy for the powerful.? You haven?t been told this, but there are some girls who cannot make the transition from slave to sister to mistress.? These girls go on to get their degree, but they are placed in a life of powerlessness.? They become property, slaves if you will, to the sexual predations of the powerful.? There are some girls from this sorority who end up serving as nothing more than sexual slaves to be abused.?
??????????? Tami reached out and stroked Samantha?s cheek with a delicate finger.? ?I don?t want that for you.? And I worry that if you allow Kristen to do with you as she pleases, this is the road you will head down.?
??????????? Kristen stared at Tami in shock, surprised at the soliloquy of truth from her own mistress.? She looked back and forth between Sam and Tami and looked down, unable to comment.
??????????? Samantha looked at Kristen, seeing the poor junior girl?s face.? Her heart gave a tiny thump and she closed her eyes.? For a moment, Samantha saw into the future, into her own desires and needs, her ambitions.? She turned her face and looked up into Tami?s eyes.
??????????? ?I?ll take that risk, Mistress, and see what fate has in store for me.? If destiny desires that I give up my body and mind to a life of sexual slavery, then it will be.? But I have a year to decide, and I will not give myself or my independence away until next year.? I promise Mistress Tami.? I promise.?? Samantha said.
??????????? Tami nodded, bent over the tired tormented pledge and kissed her on the forehead, then left the room.
Chapter 17: Saturday Morning
??????????? Samantha woke up to find Kristen?s naked body snuggled tightly against hers, a not unpleasant sensation.? As she stretched, Kristen rolled over and Samantha had an opportunity to examine the damage inflicted the previous evening.? Her fingers slid underneath the sheets to her sex, lightly pressing.? As she expected, her sex was sore, the petals sore and tender.? Her thoughts drifted to the wooden horse and she felt herself ripening.? Softly she ran a finger through the petals of her injured flower, bringing a soft hiss of pain, but also a tiny moan of pleasure.? She slipped her forefinger into herself, wiggling it around in slow circles, her hips thrusting up.
??????????? ?Having fun??? Kristen?s sleepy voice startled her and Samantha immediately froze.
??????????? ?I would have thought you were to sore after last night.?? Kristen said, sitting up and looking Samantha in the face.? The sheet slid down exposing Kristen?s beautiful round breasts.
??????????? Samantha shook her head.? ?It?s not too bad.?? She replied.
??????????? ?I see.? Let me check.?? Kristen said.? Before Sam could respond, the blond girl pulled back the covers.? Sam pulled her hands away from her sex as Kristen got on her knees, bending over and lightly spreading Sam?s legs.? Kristen didn?t touch her, but stared at the still red and bruised labia.
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?You know, there is a special treatment for this.?? She said.
??????????? Sam?s eyes narrowed inquisitively, one eyebrow cocked.
??????????? Kristen grinned, her eyes sparkling.? Then she bent over, dipping her face into Sam?s cleft.? Sam gasped as she felt Kristen?s tongue lightly begin to run up and down each fold, dipping in and out.? She spread her legs as wide as possible, moaning as Kristen continued the tongue bath that only excited Samantha more.
??????????? Sam reached over to Kristen and grabbed hold of Kristen?s bottom, pulling it around.? The older girl realized instantly what Samantha wanted, moving around until she straddled Samantha, her own sex only inches above the sophomore pledge?s face.? In moments both girls shuddered as they used their tongues to drive each other crazy.
??????????? It only took a few moments before they collapsed, side by side, shuddering, giggling, embracing each other tightly.
??????????? ?What do you want for breakfast??? Kristen asked, absently curling a lock of Sam?s hair around a forefinger.
??????????? Samantha shrugged.? ?I guess we can head over to the cafeteria.?? She said.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?We?ve got cereal and stuff here at the house if you want breakfast in bed.?
??????????? Sam smiled in surprise.? ?Breakfast in bed?? And what did I do to deserve that??
??????????? Kristen looked slightly embarrassed.? ?I was trying to be nice.? Its nine thirty already, and the cafeteria stops breakfast at ten, which would give you about fifteen minutes to get dressed and fifteen to get over there.? Or we could eat here.? I offered breakfast in bed because?? Kristen trailed off.
??????????? Sam?s eyes narrowed in understanding.? ?Ah.? Because if I went downstairs to eat in the kitchen, I?d have to sit on a novice chair, wouldn?t I??? She asked, imagining parading naked through the sorority house and then having to sit on another phallus.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?It?s the rules.? I was trying to be nice.?? She said.? Sam laughed softly and then grabbed Kristen?s hand, pulling it to her lips and kissing it.
??????????? ?Kristen, you don?t have to worry about what Mistress Tami said last night.? Please make no special concessions for me.? I can take everything you dish out and I have no fear of the future.? Really.?
??????????? For a moment, the blond junior was speechless, then reached out, gathering Samantha in her arms, holding her.? There was a special silence as the two girls seemed to gain strength from each other, and then Kristen broke away, quickly pulling on panties, tee shirt, and shorts.
??????????? ?Come on, Sam.? I?m hungry.?
??????????? Samantha gingerly rose from the bed and discovered that walking was still a little painful.? She adopted an awkward gait, legs spread slightly, to keep her thighs from rubbing together, or pressing even slightly on her sex.? Kristen watched in admiration as Sam?s posture allowed Kristen to see right into Sam?s cleft.? Sam rolled her eyes in exasperation.
??????????? ?You lecher.? You?ve already had some!?? She said.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?You ready to go down and sit???
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I do have a request though.?
??????????? ?What??
??????????? ?That it just be the wooden phallus.? I don?t think I?m up for anything that vibrates yet.?? Sam looked embarrassed.
??????????? ?I think we can handle that.? To be honest, the wooden phallus is the usual seat accessory around here.?
??????????? Sam shrugged.? ?I don?t mind the other phalluses, except I?m so sore right now.?? She lifted her hands.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I understand.? Come on.?
??????????? Together the two girls, one dressed and one naked, padded down stairs in bare feet.? There was the sound of laughter and of music as the two girls made their way to the kitchen.? Evidently, Samantha was not the only pledge to have spent the night.? Ally was lying on her back on the large butcher block table, while one of the sisters slowly thrust an unpeeled banana in and out of Ally?s sex.
??????????? ?Well now, fruit compote for breakfast??? Asked Kristen.
??????????? There was a chorus of laughter from the girls surrounding the table.? ?Pull up a chair Kristen, and one for your slave too.?
??????????? Kristen nodded and pulled a chair from the side wall.? There was already a wooden phallus embedded in the seat and Kristen motioned for Samantha to take her seat.? Delicately, Samantha lowered herself down, grateful for the early morning stimulation Kristen had provided in advance.?? The phallus slid neatly in, eliciting a tiny gasp and an adjusting wiggle before Sam could turn her attention to pulling a breakfast bowl and the cereal toward her.
??????????? It was tough to concentrate though.? Ally?s body was only inches away, her soft white breasts right in front of Sam?s eyes.? Sam took her spoon and was about to put it in the milk filled cereal bowl, when she changed her mind and lifted the spoon upward.? Pressing it down on Ally?s nipple, the cold metal caused the blond girl to squeal in surprise and clasp one hand down to her breast at the touch.
??????????? ?Ohhh?too bad, Ally.? You know the rules.?? The girl who had been using the banana pulled it out and grinned.
??????????? Ally turned and glared in mock anger at Samantha.? ?Damn it Sam!? I wasn?t expecting that.?
??????????? Sam laughed.
??????????? Ally frowned.? ?I?m going to get punished for that.? I was supposed to lie still and not make a move!?
??????????? Kristen spread her hands, grinning.? ?That?s the way the game is played, Ally.? Anyone seated at the table, even novices, are allowed to touch.?
??????????? ?Well I think Sam ought to have to play next.?? Said Ally.? There was a bit of hesitation around the table as the other girls looked at Kristen.
??????????? The sister who stood at the end of the table, banana still in hand looked thoughtful, her long auburn hair curled and pulled back from her face.? She shook her head and stared down at Ally.? ?I?m not sure that?s such a good idea, Ally.?? Said Amanda.? ?Samantha had a tough night yesterday.? I don?t think she?s up to it.?? There was a chorus of agreement.
??????????? Ally pouted and turned her face, glancing at Samantha.
??????????? ?I?m up to it.?? Sam said softly, surprising even Kristen, who turned and stared at her.
??????????? Kristen leaned over, ?Sam, you?re not seeing the whole game here.? It?s not just getting fucked with a banana.?
??????????? Samantha turned and looked at Kristen, speaking loudly enough for everyone at the table to hear.? ?I know.? But I?m a novice now, and I?m here eating breakfast and I understand that I have certain responsibilities.? When I came down, I agreed to those tacitly.?
??????????? Kristen frowned, but then shrugged her shoulders and looked at Amanda who grinned.? ?Damn, you are a glutton for punishment, Sam.?? Amanda said.
??????????? Ally merely grinned, her body still splayed out on the table.
??????????? ?Let?s finish Ally off and give her the punishment for moving.?? There was another chorus of agreement.? ?Then we can have Samantha for breakfast.?
??????????? There was a general chorus of agreement from around the table and Samantha watched with amusement as Ally closed her eyes with resignation.? There was a quick flurry of activity around the cooking area and suddenly Amanda was back holding a small pitcher and a plate full of sausages.
??????????? ?Maple syrup and country sausage, Ally.? Better hold her girls.?? Amanda announced.? She winked at Samantha and grinned.? ?Real maple syrup.? Not that maple flavored corn syrup!?
??????????? Samantha laughed and reached out along with everyone else; at least seven sets of hands grasping Ally?s body.? The blond sophomore?s legs were spread and the shaven pink slit and perfect clit were easily visible, and directly under the tipping spout of the small syrup pitcher.? Samantha grinned as she watched the dark golden fluid drip down until it splattered against Ally?s pancake colored skin.
??????????? Ally gasped as the heated syrup coated her sex, her body bucking slightly under the tight hold of the other girls.? She let out a soft moan as the pitcher was passed upward and Sam watched as Kristen drizzled more syrup on Ally?s breasts.? It looked as if two tiny islands were perched above a sea of amber.
??????????? Amanda had picked up one of the sausages and Samantha saw that it was unusually sized, much larger than the typical links one finds at the grocery store.? It was easily seven inches long and an inch wide, made solid from the hot cooking it had received.? Amanda wasted no time getting it into position, and with a careful thrust, rammed the huge sausage into Ally.
??????????? Ally tensed, her back arching as the hot link drove deep into her syrupy sex.? In and out Amanda pumped it, heating Ally?s well and making sure that her entire interior was coated with the rich maple syrup.? It didn?t take long before Ally?s hips were thrusting upward, longing for the final thrust that brings climax.? Ally seemed to thrash on the table and Amanda stepped back.
??????????? ?There?s breakfast girls.? Have at her.?? Amanda announced, wiping her hands on a dish cloth.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened in surprise as the other girls all stood up and leaned over Ally.? In moments, every mouth but Amanda and Sam?s were sucking on Ally?s body, licking the syrup up, suckling each breast.? One girl drew Ally?s maple soaked clit into her mouth, driving her tongue against Ally?s delicate nub.? Sam just stared as Ally cried out in pleasure, trying to thrash, but not succeeding.
??????????? Amanda moved forward and drove her mouth into Ally?s sausage stuffed slit.? Taking huge bits, Amanda ate the sausage right out of Ally?s body, her head bobbing with each bit to dip the link in and out.? Ally let out a tense squeal and Sam could see the wave of orgasm wash over her face.
??????????? And then Ally just lay there, her body only barely cognizant of the swirling tongues, her lips curled in a small smile.? It didn?t take long before everyone sat up, licking their lips and laughing, a few drops of maple syrup here and there, wiped with napkins.
??????????? Kristen was the first to look at Amanda and shake her head.? ?Better take Ally upstairs and get her cleaned up.?
??????????? Amanda laughed.? ?Either that or out into the courtyard.? She?s pretty messy.?? There was a chorus of laughter.? ?So what?s for breakfast Samantha?? Syrup and sausage?? Or yogurt and bananas??
??????????? Sam flushed red as the giggling went around the table once more.? Amanda helped Ally up and Sam watched the two make their way to the door and upstairs.
??????????? Kristen patted Samantha on the shoulder.? ?Up on the table, Sam.? The rules are simple.? You hold still as the girls touch you wherever they want.? They can?t pinch or hit, but tickling, licking, and sucking are allowed.? If you make a sound, or move in any way, I?m going to stuff your pussy with yogurt, coat your breasts, and then screw you silly with a banana.? Got it??
??????????? Sam nodded, her eyes wide, and she stood up, her pert breasts seeming to harden merely from the thought of her upcoming table top excitement.? With a careful step and the hand of one of the other sisters, she clambered up onto the table, trying not to knock any half filled juice glasses over.? In position, she laid back, spreading her legs apart and lifting her arms over her head, as if she were on a medieval rack.
??????????? It was only seconds before she felt hands upon her.? Looking up she watched as one girl cut a pat of yellow cream from the butter dish and then spent an entire minute spreading it around Sam?s left nipple as if it were a soon to be feasted on muffin.? Other fingers touched her, stroking her, and Sam clamped her mouth shut, closing her eyes, intent on remaining still as the fingers moved closer and closer to those sensitive spots.
??????????? Even two different sets of delicate fingers gently slipping into her sex didn?t rouse Samantha.? It felt incredible, hands all over her body, touching, stroking, even the occasional tongue, every inch of her being explored.? The fingers inside her seemed to move in and out and she suppressed her natural desire to moan, her jaw tensing.
??????????? But it wasn?t the sexual caress that would be her undoing.? Someone?s fingers seemed to be dancing in tiny circles at her hip, slowly moving upward over her abdomen.? Sam held her breath as she felt the goose-bumps rise all over her body, her legs twitching as the circling moved down toward her loins.? She clenched her tiny fists as the tickling rubbing sensation stroked her skin, right above and to the side of her sex, sending tiny spasms through her.? And then she cried out laughing, her hands quickly moved down to the sensitive spot and grabbed the offending fingers.
??????????? ?That didn?t last long.?? Kristen remarked off handedly as she extracted her fingers from Samantha?s grasp.? Sam glared at her in mock anger as the girls excitedly waited for Samantha?s breakfast offering.
??????????? Kristen was back in seconds holding a huge tub of vanilla low fat yogurt .? She dropped it down on the butcher block table near Sam?s leg and the supine girl could feel the cold against her skin.? She looked back up at Kristen who was opening a cake decorating bag, attaching the fancy little cap to the end.? Kristen held it open as one of the other girls popped the top of the yogurt and began spooning copious amounts of white cream into the decorating bag.
??????????? Kristen twisted the top and then nodded.? ?Hold her down ladies.?? She said.
??????????? Samantha once more lifted her arms into position and felt eight different sets of hands clamp down upon her body, securing her just as tightly as any device in the dungeon basement might have.? Kristen moved around to the side of the table, leaning over the blond and brunette heads of her fellow sisters and positioned the tip of the cake decorator at Samantha?s left breast.? With a gentle squeeze Kristen deposited a beautiful cold cap to the up turned nipple, leaving the tightly held sophomore girl with a snow capped mountain that caused her to suck in her breath and groan.?
??????????? The second breast was just as easily topped, like parfait of peaches and cream, and the two girls holding Sam?s arms had to hold the poor girl down tightly.? Sam whimpered, her breasts seeming to ache from the cold cream that Kristen had applied in spiraling motions, starting at the rigid nipple in the center and moving outward until the entire nipple was covered.? Kristen hadn?t stopped there either, continuing until almost the entire breast was solid white.
??????????? Sam lifted her head and saw that the yogurt covering was far more modest than her own swim suit top, and if it wasn?t for the cold and temporary nature of the covering, would have suited her fine in public.? Kristen smiled from the end of the table and Sam suddenly stiffened as Kristen lowered the cake decorator to Samantha?s sex.? Sam felt the tip slip in almost a full inch before Kristen began squeezing the bag, forcing cold yogurt into the wet, warm, and still bruised well.
??????????? Sam?s hips shot up in the air, but the girls managed to keep hold of her as she cried out from the cold.? Kristen didn?t let up, squirting more and more cream into the helpless sophomore?s body until the bag looked empty and white ooze was squirting out the sides of Sam?s sex.? Kristen removed the bag, her fingers covered in white glaze which she happily sucked off, tasting the vanilla mixed with Samantha, a flavor Kristen was beginning to find very familiar.
??????????? The peeled banana was next as the girls prepared to eat their breakfast right off of Samantha?s body.? Each girl kept one hand on Sam as the other found a spoon or fork and Kristen positioned the large Cavendish banana between Sam?s legs.
??????????? ?Ready??? Kristen asked, her eyes glittering mischievously.? Sam looked up, nodding, her thighs already twitching at the expected penetration.
??????????? Kristen grinned and then began pushing.? Sam felt the first inward movements and then felt the slopping of the yogurt as the banana displaced the white cream which leaked out, only to be caught by several spoons.? There was a murmur as several mouths slurped up the Samantha flavored yogurt and Sam jumped slightly as the first spoons scraped the still creamy yogurt from her nipples, leaving the dark pink nubs exposed in a sea of white clouds.
??????????? The banana sunk in farther, its semi soft shape penetrating Samantha in ways she never expected.? It wasn?t like any of the phalluses the sorority used; it was softer, more yielding, than any of the other items she had experienced.? It drove in deeply, almost a full eight inches, and Sam groaned.? Kristen pulled it back out and then in again, thrusting the inch wide banana into Sam like a piston.?? Sam began to shake as the intense movements between her legs sent her spiraling upward toward orgasm.
??????????? More spoons were scrapping away at her breasts, their owners making special effort to drag the edges across her hard-edged nipples.? Samantha?s chest heaved as her tormentors took her, touching her in ways that only made her pleasure rise.? There was no pain, unlike so many of the other torments Sam had experienced, and this new sensation was more than she could take.
??????????? Kristen grinned as she watched Sam arch her back, thrusting the banana in and out.? Just as Sam cried out, the waves of orgasm rocking through her, Kristen smashed the banana in hard, ramming it in with all her strength.? The banana ruptured inside her, exploding into a mash of pulped fruit as Sam?s pussy began tightening.? Samantha gasped, her body tensing as the rush raced from her pussy to her throat.
??????????? Sam lay there, trembling as the girls continued to scrape the yogurt from her pale skin.? Someone took their utensil and deftly inserted it into Sam?s sex, scooping out a yogurt covered banana bit which was immediately eaten.? Another spoon dipped in and Samantha felt lethargic, exhausted from yet another orgasm.? Samantha felt her legs widen as several of the girls moved down to the end of the table, each holding their spoon, wanting a taste of the sweet cream coming from inside Sam.? It didn?t take long to empty her out, the metal spoons stroking the inside of her body to catch every last drop.
??????????? One enterprising girl even licked Samantha?s pussy clean, causing a second wave of pleasure to cascade through the supine girl.? The tongue swirled around Sam?s clit, sliding up and down through the delicate pink folds, slurping up the last vestiges of cream.? It wasn?t until the last drop was eaten that the hands that held her lifted, and Sam slowly lifted herself up on her elbows to look down at her feet.
??????????? Kristen stood against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, looking inordinately pleased with herself.? The cadre of girls began to leave the kitchen, their breakfast finished. Sam watched them go, noticing a few streaks of white yogurt on pretty pert lips.
??????????? ?You are fast becoming a very popular novice, Sam.?? Kristen said, coming forward and helping the brunette sophomore off the kitchen table.? The green linoleum tiles felt cold on Sam?s toes.
??????????? ?I think I could tell.?? Sam said, gingerly stepping down and straightening.? ?I feel like the aftermath of a buffet.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Just wait till you are!? Eventually we?ll have a party and the novices usually get tied to a table and decorated.?
??????????? Sam shook her head, grinning.? ?Well if its anything like that you can sign me up.?
??????????? ?Liked it???
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Totally.? It was very different from some of the other things I?ve done here.?
??????????? Kristen hugged Samantha and kissed her softly.? ?There are lots of things to experience here, kitten.? I can?t wait to show you all of them!?
??????????? Sam wrapped her arms around Kristen and hugged her tightly, a feeling of warmth and love and caring enfolding her even as her arms enwrapped the tall blond junior.? Kristen?s fingers ran down through Sam?s hair and together they left the kitchen, heading toward the stairs.
Chapter 18:? The Paddle Raid
??????????? ?So what?s going on??? the naked girl asked the blond junior.?
??????????? Kristen shook her head, an evil smile on her face as she turned and faced Samantha.? Sam was sitting cross legged on their bed, her pink sex still slightly swollen from the morning?s ministrations in the kitchen.? Her long curly brunette tresses swirled around her shoulders and she blinked, sleepy eyed.? Kristen had taken her back to bed after dinner and Samantha had slept for several hours.
??????????? Kristen was digging through her bureau, obviously looking for something in particular and ignored, Samantha.? Sam rolled her eyes and laid back down on the bed, her legs scissoring open, her large breasts flattening only slightly.
??????????? ?We?ve got a meeting Sam, everyone, but especially the novices.? I?m looking for some clothes.?? Kristen rummaged around some more and finally pulled out a set of black jogging pants and a black tee shirt.? ?Perfect.?
??????????? Sam?s eyebrow lifted as she watched Kristen pull the dark clothing on her lithe flame.? Kristen was almost six feet tall, well rounded in almost every way, and the tight black weave clung to her like a second skin.? Samantha pulled a sheet upward, covering herself.? The one thing she still felt awkward about was the constant nudity she and the other novices were required to maintain.? She felt slightly jealous of Kristen?s ability to cover up.
??????????? Kristen finished putting on a pair of black sneakers and the blond junior turned and looked at Sam.? ?Get out of bed sleepy head.? We?ve got to meet everyone down in the conference room.?
??????????? Sam sighed as Kristen yanked down the sheet, once more exposing every pink nook and cranny of Samantha?s body.? Sam twisted into a sitting position and rose, crossing to the small bathroom where she washed her face.? Giving Kristen a quick smile, Sam stepped forward and together the two girls exited into the hall and turned to go downstairs.
??????????? Sam saw that all the novices were being gathered and she looked for the line of chairs that had sat for five days along one side of the room.? To her surprise, not a single chair was available and Sam felt an odd longing.? Kristen?s room had a phallic fitted chair, but almost all of Sam?s time there had been spent in the bed, rather than sitting.? She could imagine trying to do her homework each night, a huge vibrator buried in her slit and it made Samantha wet and desperately horny.
??????????? Sam noticed that even without the chairs, the novices were being lined up by several mistresses and Sam dutifully took her place at the end of the line of naked girls.? A row of sixteen breasts, of different shapes, hues, and sizes stretched across one entire side of the room and Sam looked down the line to see a row of nipples at hard attention.
??????????? Once again it Mistress Tami who took charge of things, her dark hair swinging as she strode forward.? Suddenly, Sam realized that almost all the older girls in the room were wearing black, their dark shirts and pants, making them look like a degenerates at a thieves convention, rather than sex sorority kittens.? Sam looked at Kristen quizzically, her face betraying her curiosity.
??????????? ?Novices, I want to congratulate all of you for your entry into Sigma Epsilon Xi.? I swear that you will never regret joining our ranks.? We are pleased you are all here.?? There was a small scattering of applause before Tami continued.
??????????? ?Every year, at the end of Greek week, our sorority must complete a certain task.? As you know doubt noticed, the boys we entertained two nights ago were members of a certain fraternity, a fraternity which we have an agreement with.? This fraternity was started by the husband of one of our founders, and provides us with fresh, clean, respectable boys to serve our needs whenever we require them.? Two nights ago we put in a request and two of their own freshman members where handed over to us.?
??????????? Tami took a deep breath.? ?However, there is a clause.? We have to provide female companionship and service at their end of the year party, totally nude.? All of us.??
??????????? Sam looked on in surprise and shock.? This was certainly not something she had bargained for.? The other novices had the same reaction.
??????????? Mistress Tami held up her hands.? ?Ladies!? Please!? There is a way to avoid this disgrace.? We have not had to attend their party in over seven years, and I certainly intend to keep it that way.? Simply put, if we manage to steal their fraternity paddle from over their fireplace, the party requirement is voided.? Plain and simple. ?We go in fast, silently, over power anyone in the room, and then we escape, all of us.?
??????????? There was a small commotion as the novice girls took in the revelations.? To Samantha, the idea of conducting a paddle raid was exciting, though she had to admit a certain rebellious interest in attending the fraternity?s end of the year social.? She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head and she turned back to look at Mistress Tami.
??????????? ?This is an easy operation.? All the novices will go, along with a selected group of sisters and two mistresses.? Approximately twenty girls will go in.? There should only be a few boys in the main room, even if they?re standing guard.? You should have no problems.?? Tami motioned to Nicole who stepped forward.
??????????? ?Four years ago we started a special tradition with the novices.? Participation is mandatory and each novice will be wearing one of our vibrating eggs for the duration.? Makes you novices that much more aware of your surroundings.?? Mistress Nicole announced.?? There was a tittering of laughter from the older girls and Samantha grimaced.
??????????? ?Everyone step forward so you can be fitted with your egg and given your outfit.?? Tami called out.
??????????? Sam was first in line and smiled down at Kristen who had quickly moved forward and knelt on the floor, a bucket full of eggs in her hand.? The blond girl dug down to the bottom of the bucket and picked out one of the eggs.? She held it up and swirled it around the petals of Sam?s sex, which were already wet from the idea, until the entire top was coated with the slick clear juice.? With a slight push, the egg went in with a small pop and Sam groaned softly as its large volume filled her too capacity.? She turned and Sister Desiree handed her a pile of soft black clothing and a pair of black tennis shoes that matched Kristen?s.
??????????? Sam moved to the side of the room and began going through the clothes.? It was all lycra, the thin exercise cloth that stretched.? Sam held up a pair of long pants that would come down all the way to her ankles, as well as a stretchy shirt, still black, that would encase her breasts firmly, almost like a sports bra.? She noticed that several of the other novices had received their outfits and were putting them on, so she immediately pulled on the pants and shirt, looking down at her own body.
??????????? It looked as if the black outfit had been painted on, and she imagined pulling off the shirt and asking Kristen just to paint her black!? She laughed as she twirled around, twisting to see her spandex clad bottom.? The other novices were enjoying the sensation of being clothed in the sorority house, especially after almost an entire twenty four hours of nudity, just as Sam was, and they milled around, smiling.
??????????? It seemed the vibrations started en masse, and Sam gave a slight shudder as the vibrating egg inside her began its recognizable dance.? Very small tremors seemed to shake Sam to the very core, exciting her, but not unbearably, and it made the whole adventure seem that much more dangerous.
??????????? ?Ladies!? Please gather round.? We will be leaving in just a moment.? The idea is to arrive right around eleven.? Most of the fraternity boys will be out on the town, with only a few in house, as it were.? Stay in groups.? Once we have the paddle, we will exit through their kitchen.?? Nicole eyed the entire group as they milled around the room.
??????????? ?Oh yes, don?t get caught!?? She said.? There was a round of laughter and Samantha found herself swept from the room and into the night air.? Almost twenty five girls were walking down the road, all dressed in black, though a few of the sisters accompanying them wore skirts, obviously not intending on participating in the raid.? Kristen, in her black pants and shirt looked excited as she walked next to Sam.
??????????? ?You look slinky.?? Kristen said, her eyes bright.
??????????? Samantha laughed.? ?Thank you.?
??????????? ?I could just eat you up!??
??????????? ?I know.?
??????????? Tami and Nicole pulled the group up short as they neared the fraternity house.? ?Okay, we?re going to go through the back alley now.? Everyone stay quiet.? We will go in through the back courtyard, into the kitchen, and then take the first door on the right.? That will be the common room.? The paddle will be hanging above the fireplace.?? Tami pointed at Samantha and several of the other novices.? ?You four girls are Team One.? If there is a boy in the room, you grab him and hold him down while we get the paddle.? Once we?ve got it, you get out.?? Tami picked out eight more girls and made them Teams Two and Three, planning out their strategy like a general.
??????????? ?Is everyone ready??? Tami asked.
??????????? Sam nodded in excitement, just as the rest of the girls did and almost immediately they assembled invasion force moved forward, silently as felines.? All curves and sinew, the girls flowed through the back alley and into the courtyard, even opening the back kitchen door and into the fraternity house.
??????????? They burst into the common room, surprising the four boys who were sitting watching television.? Samantha rushed forward toward the first boy who was just rising out of his seat, catching his arm and pushing him back down.? Her team mates helped her as the boy began shouting and Samantha straddled him, leaning forward until the helpless boy?s yelps were lost in the round curves of her chest.? She groaned as he pressed upward, forcing the vibrating egg still buried inside her to press against her cervix.
??????????? ?We?ve got it!? Let?s go!?? Sam heard.? She jumped up, seeing the surprised look in the boy?s eyes as she let him loose.? Whirling, she followed her team mates toward the hallway, swerving with spandex clad bodies.? She whirled as she felt fingers graze her wrist and saw two of the boys chasing them, desperately trying to grab hold of Ally, who had fallen slightly behind.? With a laugh, she pushed Ally forward and sped toward the kitchen.
??????????? The electrical shock that exploded in Samantha?s sex was incredibly intense, and totally unexpected.? Samantha fell as the egg sent a powerful surge through her body and she fell to the kitchen floor with a cry of pain and pleasure as a sharp orgasm raced through her.? She looked up as Ally escaped through the kitchen door, the heavy metal frame slamming as it closed.
??????????? Samantha scrambled, despite the stinging in her loin but a second jolt, seemingly more powerful than the first hit her again, sending her sex into a convulsion, her hips thrusting madly as she tried to move forward.? Her hands went to her crotch as she felt strong fingers grasping her arms, pulling her backward, away from the back door, and safety.
??????????? Samantha sat in one of the love seats in the common room surrounded by almost the entire fraternity.? Over twenty boys were gathered around as the oldest, several seniors, stood in a corner discussing the situation, as well as the obvious missing paddle above the mantel.? Samantha watched them angrily argue, several motioning at her specifically.
??????????? Her capture had gone relatively smoothly.? She had orgasmed once as the final shock had electrified her sex, and she had practically collapsed into their arms.? There had been no further shocks, only the same maddening vibration she was used to.? She had recognized both Mike and Chris, as she was dragged back into the common room and dumped unceremoniously on the love seat.? She bit her lip, still sensitive, wishing for the first time that the vibration would stop.
??????????? Finally, it seemed the argument was over and Samantha watched as the president of the fraternity approached her.
??????????? ?What?s your name?? He asked.
??????????? Sam just looked at him in stony silence.? He sighed.
??????????? ?My name is David Keel.? I?m president of the fraternity.?? He waited for a moment, but still Samantha refused to answer.
??????????? ?I?m fully aware that you are a member of Sigma Epsilon Xi and this was your traditional raid to get our fraternity paddle.? But I think your capture changes things dramatically.? I?m willing to trade you for the paddle and your sorority?s promise to attend our end of the year party.?????
??????????? Still Samantha said nothing, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at David with a smug smile.
??????????? David nodded.? ?Okay.? Don?t talk.? That?s fine.? But you will write a letter to your precious sorority with our terms.?? He snapped his fingers and one of the younger members handed him a clip board.?? A white piece of paper with the fraternity logo across the top sparkled white.? Sam noticed a pen on the top and took it when David Keel handed it to her.
??????????? ?I?m going to dictate.? You write.? Cooperate, or we?ll merely call the police and explain the situation.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened in alarm.? Suddenly, what seemed like a foolish prank took an entirely different scope.? The humiliation of being arrested suddenly loomed large and she bit her lip and nodded.
??????????? ?Dear Tami Cohen.?? David started.? ? I am aware of your theft of our fraternity paddle from this evening?s raid and no doubt you are congratulating yourself on your bold strategy.? Unfortunately, you left something behind.? One of your novices, if I?m judging correctly by her clothing and the soft buzzing I can hear.?? David gave Samantha a hard stare that turned her insides to jelly and she blushed scarlet.? David continued.
??????????? ?We demand the return of the paddle immediately, and your promise that the sorority will attend our party.? In return, we will release your novice.? If you choose not to return our paddle, we will be forced to consider retaliatory actions.? I would rather not call the police for something so insignificant, so perhaps I can encourage you by a different threat.?? He paused, letting Samantha catch up.
??????????? ?If our paddle is not returned by midnight, we will strip your little novice to the skin and let our junior members examine her.? Sort of a hands on exhibit if you will.?? Samantha looked up from her writing and gasped.
??????????? ?You wouldn?t dare!?? She said.
??????????? Keel leaned in.? ?Absolutely.? You have a choice.? I call the police.? You renounce your membership in Sigma Epsilon Xi and become one of our permanent girls, or you take the punishment for stealing our paddle.?
??????????? Samantha?s eyes widened and she bit her lip, uncertain.? She wished she could talk to Kristen.
??????????? ?Now finish writing.?? David commanded.? Sam once more bent to the paper.
??????????? ?If the paddle is not returned by twelve thirty, then your novice will be bound to a coffee table, iced, hot waxed, and finally whipped for her role in the theft.?? He paused and watched Sam?s reaction.
??????????? Sam had stopped writing and could barely breath.? She imagined herself spread naked on the coffee table in the middle of the room as the entire fraternity enjoyed torturing her.? The memory of other waxings intruded and suddenly Samantha wondered what it would be like, to be the object of so much scrutiny.? She shook her head and scratched the sentence in.
??????????? ?If our paddle is not returned by two, we will take your novice to one of the upper rooms where she will spend the remainder of the weekend servicing our entire membership.?? David Keel said.
??????????? ?I will not!?? Samantha said, slamming down the clip board.
??????????? David shrugged.? ?Fine.? Should I tell the police officer that you have something stuffed up inside your cunt then??
??????????? Sam?s face went white.
??????????? ?Or take the other option.? Quit.? Become one of our girls and you save yourself all this embarrassment and pain.?? He shrugged.? ?Well, you?ve got time to decide.? Finish writing.?? He pointed to the paper.
??????????? ?If your novice agrees to quit your sorority, we will release her, and will accept your rejection of our party invitation.? I expect your answer shortly.?
??????????? Samantha finished writing and handed the clipboard back to Keel.?
??????????? ?What?? No postscript??? He laughed.? With a turn he handed the clipboard to Mike and nodded.
??????????? ?Take that to Sigma immediately.? Tell them if they want to converse I?ll listen.?
??????????? Samantha watched as Mike immediately left the room.? A tall clock on one table ticked away and Samantha saw that midnight was only twenty minutes away.? She wondered whether Tami would give them back the paddle.? Time seemed to go very fast as she waited, her arms wrapped around her body, trying to hide her black clad curves from the eyes of the assembled boys.
??????????? The slam of the front door startled her and she saw Mike approach.? He stepped up to David and whispered in the older boy?s ear for a few minutes.? David nodded and then turned to the gathering.?
??????????? ?Clear the room.? Bobby, Mike, and Robert stay, but each of you go to a corner.? I?m granting safe passage to one of the sorority girls.?
??????????? Samantha felt a sudden burden lift from her shoulders as the boys marched out of the room.? She twisted round in the love seat, looking out at the door when it opened, the smart sassy look of Kristen?s face entering the room.? She looked angry, and very concerned and she glared at David Keel with what seemed to be loathing.
??????????? ?I?ve granted you safe passage, Kristen.?
??????????? Kristen sneered.? ?Next time I?ve got you under me I?ll make you pay for this.?
??????????? David shrugged.? ?There may not be a next time.? Besides, I?ve practically paid for this many times.?? He looked at his watch.? ?You?ve got eight minutes to give back the paddle.?? Then he stepped to the far wall, seeming to ignore the two girls.
??????????? Kristen quickly sat down on the love seat and hugged, Samantha who burst into tears.? ?Are you all right??? She asked as Sam cried into the older girl?s shoulder.
??????????? ?Y-y-yes but they?re going to do things to m-m-me.?? Sam stuttered.? Kristen stroked her hair and soothed her.?
??????????? ?Relax little one.? Relax.? Christy is outside holding the paddle right now.? We can get you back.?? Kristen said, running her fingers through Samantha?s locks.
??????????? Sam sighed in relief, relaxing into Kristen?s arms.?
??????????? ?What happened, Sam?? Why did you fall behind??? Kristen asked quickly.
??????????? Sam looked up, her face clouding with anger.? ?The egg shocked me.?? She said softly.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes narrowed.? ?What?? The egg delivered a shock??? She asked.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Twice.? Hard ones too.? The first made me fall and the second made me seize up and come when they grabbed me.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes darted around.? ?Has it done anything else to you??? She asked.
??????????? Sam shook her head.? ?No.? It?s just still buzzing.??
??????????? Kristen grimaced and reached into her pocket and Sam felt the buzzing cease.? She groaned once and then sighed.
??????????? ?All right, lets get you out of here.?? Kristen said.? She began to lift Samantha up when Sam put a hand on Kristen?s wrist.
??????????? ?Kristen?? What happens if we give back the paddle???
??????????? Kristen frowned.? ?We go to the end of the year party.? Naked.? We serve drinks, we get fondled, we get screwed.? But no whippings.? No waxings or icings.?? She said.
??????????? Samantha looked upset.? ?All of us??? She asked, her voice soft.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Sam, don?t worry about that.? It?s one night.? That?s all.? A little thing for the boys to have to deal with the reality of their servitude.? No big deal.?
??????????? ?It is a big deal, Kristen.?? Samantha said.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Samantha, what are you thinking??
??????????? Sam took a deep breath.? ?Don?t give it back to them.?
??????????? ?What?? Are you nuts??? Kristen declared, pulling back.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I?ll accept their punishment till the end of the weekend.? Think about it, I?d just have to come back and do it again, but then everyone would be here too, and it would be my fault.?
??????????? ?No way.? It?s not like that.? Sam, you don?t understand.? These guys aren?t just going to pleasure you.? It will be punishment.? Maybe as bad as what I?ve done to you!? And then every single one of them will fuck you!? At the party, you might have only two or three different guys.? That?s it!? Don?t do this.?
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?I want to do it.? I want to do it for my sisters.?? Her voice wavered only a little as she made her declaration.
??????????? Kristen hesitated.? Part of her wanted to declare Samantha?s decision moot, that no Sigma sister would ever be incarcerated and raped like this.? But she also respected Sam?s wishes and desires.? She shook her head.
??????????? ?Samantha, I love you and respect you.? This is an incredible gift your giving to the sorority.? I don?t even know what to say.? But if at any moment it becomes to much.? You tell that fucker David to call the sorority house and tell them you?ve had enough.? I?ll bring the paddle personally and get you out.? Do you understand me??? Kristen grabbed hold of Samantha?s head and gave her a little shake.
??????????? Samantha laughed, tears still trickling out of her eyes.? ?I understand.?? She said, her voice a mere whisper.
??????????? ?I love you so much!?? Kristen declared, taking Sam in a bear hug and then releasing her to stand in front of the love seat.? David Keel noticed and stepped over.
??????????? ?So when do I get my paddle??? He asked looking down at his watch. It was only three minutes to midnight.?
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Any time you want me to paddle you just come over to the sorority house and kiss my toes.?? David Keel?s face darkened.
??????????? ?You know what I meant.?? He said.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I?ll make a call to Mistress Tami right now, outside.?
??????????? David nodded.? ?Better make it quick, because in three minutes, your precious novice is going to be naked.?
??????????? Kristen nodded and then turned back toward Samantha.? She mouthed the words ?good luck? to the still sitting sophomore girl who nodded and then turned away.
??????????? In moments Kristen was hurrying down the street with Christy in tow, the wooden fraternity paddle going back to the sorority house.
Chapter 19: Humiliation and Punishment
??????????? At one minute after midnight David Keel reassembled his fraternity in the common room.? The lean excited faces of the underclassmen seemed unusually young as Keel contemplated what he was about to do.? The pretty little sophomore girl had been abandoned by her sisters.? It was just a damn party, a little bit of sex.? And instead, those self righteous bitches were more than happy to let one of their little sex toys take a beating for them.
??????????? David knew that the poor girl was in for a rough time.? Not a single boy here, except for a few of the newest pledges had not found himself bound, tortured, teased, and hurt by one of the Sigma Epsilon Xi girls.? He himself had spent hours in discomfort as Kristen, and her mistresses Tami and Calli had milked his cock over and over, until his shaft looked like raw meat.
??????????? He knew that a lot of the boys would look upon this opportunity to get some of it back.? He still had to be careful.? No permanent damage could be inflicted upon her.? Nothing to freak out the University.? She had to be able to walk out on Sunday evening.? But he knew that his boys were inventive.? It was going to be a rough day for the young lady.
??????????? She seemed to know that she had been abandoned.? She accepted it with grace and David almost hoped she would recant her allegiance to Sigma Epsilon Xi and just ask to be let go.? He stepped over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
??????????? ?It?s after midnight.? They?ve abandoned you.? Give up the sorority and we let you walk.?? He said softly.
??????????? Sam shook her head.? ?Or I could tell you to go ahead and call the police, tell them what you?ve threatened to do.?
??????????? Keel frowned. ?You won?t.? Besides they won?t believe you.? You?re dressed like a cross between a whore and a thief.? Our paddle is obviously missing, and you?d bring down a lot of unwelcome attention on your friends.?? He grinned suddenly.? ?Not to mention the fun time you?d explaining your little sex toy when some police officer does a body cavity search.??
??????????? Sam just stared at him.?
??????????? ?You won?t give the sorority up??? He asked.
??????????? Sam shook her head.
??????????? David Keel sighed and lifted his hands.?? In a loud voice he called out.? ?Strip her boys.? I don?t care about the condition of her clothes.?
??????????? Suddenly Samantha found herself surrounded by males, strong hands reaching out to her.? She decided passive resistance would be the best and went limp, allowing them to pick her up.? She felt the spandex being peeled from her body, her shoes tossed in the corner as bare skin was revealed quickly and efficiently.? It took only minutes for the fraternity to have her stark naked, her lycra outfit heaped on top of her shoes, in the middle of the room.
??????????? Samantha stood there resolute, her mouth a tight line as she felt the hungry eyes of over twenty men.? She was pushed roughly toward the coffee table, then spun and shoved backward, a few hands lowering her to the smooth wooden surface.
??????????? ?All underclassmen to the coffee table.?? David Keel ordered.
??????????? Samantha looked up to see the still pimply faces of eighteen and nineteen year old boys, their eyes excited.? She felt hands spreading her legs and she closed her eyes as her wrists and ankles were grasped, pulling her limbs apart so she lay spread eagled on the table.? Rough fingers began touching her, stroking her entire body, echoing the breakfast feast of the morning, but with a stronger and more masculine touch.? Sam moaned as thumb and forefingers found her nipples, pinching hard.? Even her clit was squeezed as the first shoots of pain radiated through her body.
??????????? Someone?s fingers dipped into her sopping sex and she gasped as the vibrating egg was pulled.? There was raucous laughter as they gawked and she heard one voice comment ?she IS a slut!?
??????????? The egg was replaced with fingers, almost an entire fist and she found her hips bucking involuntarily as a full fist was inserted into her sex, pumping madly, the long thick digits wiggling like worms.? Mouths latched on to her? breasts and she felt the sucking and swirl of tongues and lips.? She groaned again but suddenly her mouth was full of something hard and long and she realized that she was sucking on someone?s cock.?? She arched her head back and slurped on the offered rod until it erupted in her mouth, spilling cum all over her face.?
??????????? Her heels thumped the table as one fist was removed in favor of another and she cried out as the first wave of orgasm hit her.? They kept it up too, switching out fingers and mouths and cocks for over thirty minutes so that she never spent longer than thirty seconds without a cock between her lips, a fist deep in her sex, and two boys sucking on her breasts like straws.
??????????? On her fourth orgasm they stopped, the huge intruders in her body leaving her almost as suddenly as they had penetrated.? She lay immobile, unrestrained, but unmoving as the underclassmen stepped back at David Keel?s order.? Samantha didn?t even respond as the ropes were tied around each wrist and ankle, looping under the coffee table to keep her spread open.? David Keel approached once more.
??????????? ?Recant the sorority and I will spare you what?s coming.?? He said.
??????????? Sam opened her eyes and looked up at him.? ?Just do it.? I can take anything you have to give.?
??????????? Keel rolled his eyes and shook his head.? With a turn he nodded at several of the upperclassmen who immediately approached the bound girl.? Surrounded by the stilly pimply faces of the underclassmen, the older boys immediately began inflicting the harsher torments promised.? One senior held a bottle of frozen water that had been retrieved from the freezer while still two other each held large wax candles, already lit and ready.
??????????? Samantha suddenly had thoughts of her trial by fire and ice and realized that inadvertently she was about to repeat it.? The frozen water bottle was roughly rammed into her, not with the delicate smooth edges the frozen dildo she had experienced at the sorority house.? She screamed out loud as the frozen cold seared her sex and then screamed again as hot wax dripped down upon her breasts, long pours that seemed not only to coat her nipples, but drip far down her body before solidifying.? Her breathing came in ragged gasps, her hips trembling as the ice bottle was rammed in and out?? Her back arched as she came again, still tormented, still tortured, as the boys took turns in peeling the wax off her body and burning her again.
??????????? The scent of the candles filled the room as they worked her, finally tossing the water bottle to the side, its interior sloshing.? Her swollen pink sex was cold to the touch and it didn?t take much imagination for one of the boys to hold a candle over her clit.? Sam grit her teeth as she tried to prepare herself for the splattering heat, but opened her mouth in an intense cry as the scorching wax encased her clit in a syrupy heat.? Rivulets of paraffin slipped down the puffy folds of her sex all the way to her bottom, and the fat blistering drops splattered on her labia, creating a white bikini bottom to match her already sheathed breasts.?
??????????? David Keel watched from the wall as his closest circle abused the poor girl.? Already, her cries had filled the fraternity house.? One of the underclassmen had gotten out his video camera and was recording the whole thing for posterity, especially the absolute willingness of this lithe brunette who was accepting her punishment and torture like no girl imaginable.? He glanced down at his watch, finally realizing that Tami Cohen was going to let this girl be tortured for the rest of the weekend, and he shook his head.?
??????????? Stepping forward, he unbuckled his belt, pulling out the thin leather strap.? It was an old brown cowhide, and supple.? He moved closer to the boys applying the wax and motioned them away.? Slowly, they backed off, leaving the sobbing, writhing girl to their president.? He knelt down at the head of the table and stroked the poor girl?s hair, letting her regain her composure.
??????????? ?What?s your name??? He asked softly, wanting to know it.
??????????? Sam grit her teeth.? ?Fuck off? She hissed, her body aching in ways she hadn?t experienced.
??????????? David Keel frowned again.? ?For a girl whose about to be whipped, you sure don?t have the right attitude.?? He leaned over and she felt his breath in her ear.? ?I want to know you?re name and you?re going to tell me.?
??????????? Once more Samantha shook her head.? ?No way.?
??????????? David Keel shrugged.? ?You will.? It?s whipping time now.? All you have to do to make it stop is say your name.?? He stood and double looped his belt.
??????????? The first swing was aimed at Samantha?s wax sheathed breasts, but was relatively light, only cracking the wax.? Sam winced, but not from the belt, but from the expectation.? It landed lightly across her bosom and she sneered at Keel.
??????????? ?Is that the best you can do??
??????????? Keel?s face hardened and he swung the belt hard, repeating his first swing across her breasts.? Sam?s face clouded and her body fought the bindings as the thick leather strap smacked into her bosom hard.? Wax chips went flying like safety glass, and the bright pink skin of her still inflamed breasts was exposed in a long two inch strip across both soft mounds.? Her nipples were flat, dark discs, despite the stinging lash and Samantha let out a crying squeal, her eyes watering.
??????????? ?The next one will be on your pussy if you don?t tell me your name.?? Keel said.? He moved around to the head of the coffee table, almost straddling Samantha?s head.? She looked up at him through his legs, noticing the large bulge in his pants.? She shook her head and he swung fast and hard before she could even finish resisting him.
??????????? The belt landed with a sharp crack and it curled down between her legs.? The wax over her clit and slit cracked and exploded, looking as if it were being flayed from her body.? Samantha screamed as the pain radiated upward but never saw the second blow coming as Keel repeated his swing, managing to clear the wet swollen sex of all but tiny remnants of paraffin.
??????????? Samantha was sobbing and Keel halted for a moment.? He stepped away, speaking softly to one of his lieutenants who hurried away.? Once more he approached the table, kneeling down along Samantha?s side, reaching up to carefully peel splashes of wax from her stomach and sides.
??????????? ?You can tell me your name.? There?s no rule against it.? He said as Samantha chest heaved.?? His fingers lightly stroked her, moving down to her clit.?? She hissed as his fingertips touched her and he parted the fleshy petals.? To his surprise, she was wet, almost soaked, and he shook his head.? He pushed his finger in deep and Sam moaned, her hips twisting.
??????????? Keel?s lieutenant dropped a large duffle bag on the floor next to David and he pulled his finger out of the squirming girl and opened it.? The first thing to come out was two small plastic nodules, about the size of his thumb, both attached to a small battery pack and control.? With a strange gentleness, he pushed both nodules into Sam?s sex, causing the girl to wince, but relax has both baubles slipped in deep.
??????????? He turned the control and Sam let out a tiny whimper.? Once more, the hungry vibrations of sex had entered her life.?? These toys felt different from the vibrating egg, smaller, less filling, but doubly maddening as the sensation intensified from their touching each other inside her.? She could almost hear the rattling sound they made as their hard plastic sides jumbled together.
??????????? David tucked the control wire down between her legs, pushing the battery pack under the table.? He gave Samantha a little pat and the stood up again.? With nary a word, he swirled his belt around once and let the leather strap smack once more into Sam?s breasts.? This time the reaction was different.? Not the blood curdling cry, but the wet whimper of a girl whose mind can no longer tell the difference between pleasure and pain came from her lips.? Wax flakes chipped and exposed the entirety of her hot pink breasts.? David Keel swung again, this time letting the tip snap hard against her nipple.
??????????? When he looked again, her hips were thrusting and the lashed nub had risen, standing pert under his leather.? He swung again, managing to catch the left nipple as well, realizing that his beating was only arousing the young girl.? He moved back to the head of the coffee table and whipped his belt down between her legs, smacking her with a hot and heavy blow that would have sent a man to his knees.
??????????? Samantha?s eyes widened and she yelled loudly as the wet smacking sound filled the room.? Her body flushed with pain that seemed to explode upward from her pussy.? Her toes curled and she yanked hard on the ropes binding her open.? Her sex felt as if it were on fire, the deep ache going all the way in.? But there was a secondary heat and she let out an involuntary moan as she felt her orgasm replace the fiery sting of Keel?s belt.
??????????? Keel couldn?t believe it.? He had just landed a perfect swing, right on the exposed swollen clit of this girl who couldn?t even close her legs, and she was enjoying it.? He shook his head and stepped back.? With a determined look he nodded to his lieutenant.? A sharp word and four of the upperclassmen were removing their belts.? They stepped forward, surrounding the coffee table, effectively blocking the view so well that the freshman boy videotaping grabbed a chair and stood on it, looking down.
??????????? The belts began swinging in no recognizable pattern, landing with a variety of thuds and cracks.? Samantha?s voice began to fail as he let loose tiny cries and harsh screams, depending all on where the tips of the various belts landed.? In moments, not a shred of wax remained on her body, and her alabaster skin, which had already turned pink from the hot wax, shimmered to red.? Angry thin stripes welted her abdomen and breasts, encircling her sides.? Even her thighs were strapped, all the way down to her knees.?
??????????? One boy in particular seemed to make every strike land directly on her slit, beating the poor girl?s sex until Sam seemed lost in a pain induced haze.? The tip of his belt became sodden with her juices and each repetitive slap sounded wet.? But through it all, no matter what sound emanated from Samantha, nothing resembled a name.
??????????? It was Keel who brought a halt to the whipping.? Her body was crimson and pink, flushed and hot to the touch.? Her head lolled to the side and the petals of her sex were inflamed and swollen.? Her nipples, still hard, were huge, and her breasts looked more like a pair of hot pink pillows, than a young girl?s creamy white mounds.
??????????? Keel ordered them to untie her, letting her limbs free.? He glanced down at his watch and noticed that it was well past two in the morning.? Her body was limp as they freed her and Keel stepped forward.? With a quick grip he picked her up, cradling her in his arms.
??????????? David Keel was big man, almost six four, and he was one of the better swimmers on the University swim team.? His strong arms enfolded Samantha and carried her upstairs.? The fraternity kept a guest room for visiting alumni, and he carried her to the king sized bed, slowly lowering her to the down comforter.? One of his lieutenants brought a cup of water and he held it to her lips, letting her sip it slowly.
??????????? It took almost twenty minutes before Sam responded, exhausted and hurt, but nodding at Keel in thanks.? He pampered her, letting her recover.? Finally he rolled her over onto her stomach.? Sam hissed in pain as her beaten breasts touched the mattress, but David Keel?s fingers on her aching shoulders took any thoughts of objection away.
??????????? Keel brought out a small bottle of oil and began working it into her skin.? Her back was perfect.? Only a few small dark freckles here and there.? He slipped his fingers over her bottom, feeling the soft and firm globes.? He oiled her crack, the poor girl to tired to even resist until he moved low enough to touch the base of her slit.
??????????? He rubbed her until he heard the soft sigh of her slipping into sleep.? He lifted his hands and undid the button of his jeans, letting the blue denim drop.? His boxers followed next and he grasped his hard cock.? He grabbed a condom and slipped it over his shaft.? Oiling it, he rubbed himself while standing over the naked girl until he glistened.? It took only a moment to kneel on the bed, straddling her, carefully positioning his cock at the entrance of her sex.
??????????? She awoke just as it penetrated, reawakening painful spots and she bucked, trying to force him out and off her.? His heavy weight prevented it and Samantha was too fatigued to fight long.? Eventually she stopped moving, just laying there, letting him fuck her until she felt him shudder inside her.
??????????? There was that almost agonizing moment when he pulled out and she half rolled to watch him, only to see a video camera in her face.? She blushed scarlet and rolled back down to hide herself when she felt the weight on the bed return.? A hard cock filled the crack of her ass, slipping up and down through the wetness until it drove in to her sex.? She gasped as it filled her.? She blinked, trying to figure out how Keel could have gotten so hard again so fast, when she saw the fraternity president standing by the wall.? Sam realized that it was the lieutenant who straddled her, bouncing on her ass.? The lieutenant?s hard cock went back and forth and Sam gritted her teeth until she felt the slight tremor and shuddering that signified male orgasm.? She looked over her shoulder, ignoring the camera and saw a long line at the door, stiff condom covered cocks.
??????????? She closed her eyes and began crying as a new weight straddled her.? Oil and her own juices coated her and she felt the hard cock push.? Suddenly she yelped, arching her back and pulling forward as the huge cock behind her pushed into her ass.? She screamed as it went in, ramming into her like a piston in a tight well.? Sobbing, she stopped fighting, her body thrumming as she was anally violated.
??????????? David Keel stepped forward and leaned down as she felt the pounding.? ?I?ll leave you to it then.? There are twenty five of us.? I imagine several will be in for seconds.? Good luck.?? He patted Samantha on the head and left the room.
Chapter 20: Explanations
??????????? It was Sunday evening and Kristen sat in her car across from the fraternity house, nervously drumming her fingers on the leather clad wheel of her car.? The wooden paddle was in the back seat, wrapped in a blanket, ready at a moment?s notice to be returned.? She was tired, and slightly worn around the edges from all the coffee and soda she had consumed during her vigil.
??????????? The lights in the common room had stayed on all night but Kristen knew Sam had been moved when the guest room lights went on.? She tried to imagine what Samantha was going through but couldn?t, and she wished she could be there with her.? It was unfair that things had worked out the way they did, and who could have expected Samantha to be so noble?
??????????? There was a knock on the passenger window and Kristen jumped.? She looked up to see the handsome face of David Keel through the glass.? She leaned over and unlocked the car door, allowing the fraternity president into the car.
??????????? ?Come to gloat??? Kristen said, her voice icy, looking straight ahead.
??????????? ?Not in the least.?? David replied, looking at the pretty blond.? ?I came to square things up.? Your little novice has the constitution of a horse and the endurance of a rhino.?? He said conversationally.
??????????? ?Samantha can take anything you can dish out.?? Kristen declared.
??????????? David smiled.? ?So that?s her name.? She wouldn?t tell us, even when we whipped her.?
??????????? Kristen turned at him, the look of worry in her eyes.? ?You didn?t??? her voice trailed off.
??????????? Keel shook his head.? ?No.? She?ll be sore, bruised, and very tender, but we didn?t damage her.?? He nodded to himself.? ?I?m still rather surprised though.? She?s had a very rough twenty hours and comported herself well.? Never once did she recant the sorority or beg.? It was almost enough to make me become a dom.?? He turned and looked slyly at Kristen.
??????????? ?Am I going to get my pictures back now?? Kristen asked, still squeezing the wheel of the car.
??????????? David sighed and leaned back.? ?Now see, the agreement was you sabotaged the raid so our paddle wouldn?t get stolen.? I don?t have our paddle and your little novice decided to accept a night of extreme punishment and a gang bang in order to protect the sorority.?? He screwed his mouth up for a moment.? ?Wish we had as loyal members as you seem to.?? Keel leaned forward.
??????????? ?But maybe not so loyal, huh?? I mean, you were willing to sacrifice your entire sorority to get back a few measly pictures of you tied up on your back.? Is what I did to you so embarrassing?? Or is it the fact that you wanted it??
??????????? Kristen bit her lip and stared forward, tears brimming in her eyes.?
??????????? David Keel grinned and reached into his pocket, pulling out a battered package.?
??????????? ?Here are the pictures.? All of them.? Plus the original negatives.? I?m honorable, you know that.?? He looked up at the house and nodded.? ?Your novice is in there right now hanging upside down with her legs spread while my fraternity brothers are playing a game called ?drink the girl dry?.? Do you know how its played?? You find a willing girl, string her up, fill her pussy with beer, and one player at a time tries to suck it all out of her.?
??????????? Kristen bit back a sob but she hunched forward, closing her eyes.
??????????? ?And before that game she played ?Suck it quick? where she was given three minutes to give one of us a blowjob to orgasm.? If the player didn?t come, then he got to deliver three quick slaps with a sap on her clit.? I can?t tell you how much fun it is to watch someone spank a bright pink pussy like hers.? She screamed so loud.?? David shrugged.
??????????? ?Of course we let her nap too.? We tied her up, duct taped a vibrator into her pussy, turned it on high, and then let her try to sleep.? She did you know.? She must be used to you ramming things up her.??? David leaned in close.? ?So how long have you kept her vibrating huh??? He pulled out the large purple egg vibrator.? ?Use this thing a lot??? He tossed it into Kristen?s lap, ignoring the tears pouring down the junior girl?s face.
??????????? The package of pictures he laid on the console.
??????????? ?I know that the guys have no idea of our initial agreement, and I truly would have liked to have the entire sorority over for our party, but I think that Samantha?s selfless act should be rewarded.?? He gave a slight smirk before reaching for the door handle.? ?Some people have honor.?
??????????? Kristen looked over at David as he got out of the car.? His strong chin made him look ruggedly handsome in the setting sunlight.? Kristen felt an odd lump in her throat and she turned away, unwilling to look him in the face.? He stood on the sidewalk and glanced at his watch, leaning back into the car.
??????????? ?It?s almost seven.? I told them to have her ready to walk.? She should be coming out any moment.? Sorry about her clothes, but getting them off her was a chore.?? He shut the car door and walked away, moving down the street at a leisurely pace.
??????????? Kristen reached over to the packet of pictures and opened it.? She had seen them before, her naked body bound tightly across the hood of Keel?s car, her nipples clamped, her sex open and gaping.? There were pictures of her sucking cock, of her look of ecstasy, and a picture of her and David, heads together, smiling.
??????????? The front door of the fraternity house opened and Kristen stiffened.? Wrapped in an overly large blanket, bare feet and shoulders exposed, Samantha stumbled, weaving like a drunken sailor out onto the porch.? Kristen immediately jumped out of the car and ran up to the exhausted mussed girl.? Her brunette hair was mussed, thick globs of dried spunk dotting it.? Her cheeks looked hollow and she leaned heavily on Kristen when the older girl moved close.? Kristen looked at Samantha with intensity, trying to gauge Sam?s condition.? Samantha turned and looked at Kristen, a tiny smile on her face.
??????????? ?I didn?t even tell them my name.?? She said, her voice a tiny hoarse whisper.
??????????? Kristen burst into tears.? ?I know, darling.? I know.?? Kristen helped her down the stairs and to the car, almost wishing she dared pick her up and carry her.? But Sam made it, her bare toes pretty against the dark asphalt.? Kristen got her seated and quickly got in the front seat.? She fumbled at the keys when she heard Sam?s tiny voice.
??????????? ?Did I do what you wanted??? Sam said her head tilted back, eyes closed.
??????????? Kristen hesitated and turned around to look at Samantha.? ?What??
??????????? Sam didn?t move even a bit.? She kept her eyes closed.? ?Did I pass your test???
??????????? Kristen trembled, her voice betraying her guilt.? ?I don?t know what you?re talking about, Samantha.??
??????????? ?Yes you do, Sister Kristen.?? Sam said, her voice still barely above a whisper.? ?You were the one that put the egg inside me.? You took it from the bottom of the bucket.? You expected me to be last, but instead I was first in line.? I didn?t even wonder why you dug for my egg when you were doing it.? It wasn?t until I was lying face down with the seventh boy fucking my ass that I figured it out.? How would the boys get a remote?? How would they know exactly when to activate the electrical shock??? Sam smiled lightly.? ?You were there and you activated it.? You wanted me to be captured.?
??????????? Sam opened her eyes and looked at the back of Kristen?s head.? ?Did I pass your test??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen turned back around to Samantha.? The look in the junior?s eyes told Samantha everything.? Kristen bit her lip.
??????????? ?We were supposed to trade the paddle back.? That was the agreement.? I couldn?t warn them when we were coming, because Tami would have called off the raid for another day if there were too many boys at the house.? The only way I could think of for the raid to fail was to let one of us be captured.? I couldn?t, Tami would suspect me.? You weren?t supposed to be all noble.?? Kristen said, her voice cracking with emotion.
??????????? ?What does he have over you??? Samantha asked, opening her eyes and looking at the crying blond.
??????????? Kristen reached up and handed over the packet.? Sam took only a minute to look through the pictures.
??????????? ?Do you still love him??? Samantha asked, giving them back.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?I don?t know.? I don?t want to.? After what he did to you, how can I??
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?Can we go home now Sister Kristen?? I?m really tired.?
??????????? Kristen nodded, wiping tears from her eyes.? She started the car and pulled out onto the road.
??????????? ?Can you forgive me, Sam??? Kristen asked, her voice still choking up on her emotions.
??????????? There was silence from the back seat and Kristen glanced in the rear view mirror, only to see Samantha?s glittering eyes.? There was a slight amusement and a deep and abiding love.
??????????? ?It depends on how often you make me explode in Calli?s dungeon, Kristen.? And I think I?ve just earned another five demerits.?
??????????? David Keel lay spread eagled on his bed, bound hand and foot.? The large rubber ball gag in his mouth was certainly uncomfortable and he mentally cursed himself for falling for the stupid trick.? He was naked of course, his thick cock hard and extended and he knew the next few hours would be very difficult.
??????????? The bedroom door opened and two very different girls walked in.? One was brunette, a pretty girl next door face that seemed to make his heart race.? The other was a stunning blond whose smile usually made his heart melt.? Together, these two girls were a danger to every living man.
??????????? Both were wearing the skimpiest of chemises, short little silk outfits that didn?t even cover the curvature of their bottoms, offering him the barest glimpses of their shaven slits.? Together they approached the bed, one lifting up a small basket full of unguents and oils.
??????????? That sat on either side of him, white curving breasts bulging the silk in ways that made his eyes pop.? The blond reached out and began stroking his cock.
??????????? ?What?s the record, Samantha??? Kristen asked, her slim fingers delicately rubbing the solid shaft in front of her.
??????????? ?I believe the record is nine in two hours, Sister Kristen.?? Samantha answered politely.
??????????? ?Why did we stop at nine??? Kristen asked, obviously knowing the answer.
??????????? Sam turned and smiled down at David.? ?Because David here was so tender that even touching him was painful.?
??????????? ?So what are we going to do different, Sam??? Kristen asked, still for David?s benefit.
??????????? Sam grinned.? ?Lots of oil, full fucking?? She leaned in and looked David right in the eyes.? ?And the same love and tenderness he showed me the first night we met.?
The End
Chapter 1 ? The
??????????? The still oppressive heat of summer rustled the leaves and baked the sidewalks of the college campus.? And despite the excited throng of students, Samantha Mayfield was barely cognizant of her surroundings as she made her way to class.? A river of students flowed in the same direction and Sam walked on oblivious, her mind deeply entrenched on other things.? Her book bag was slung over one shoulder, padded by the plaid patterned button down shirt she wore.?
??????????? Her flip flops clapped loudly as she walked, but the sound was muted by the dull roar of returning students who spoke eagerly about the new school year, and the gossip of the last.? Samantha, who had heard more than enough about the strange duo The Waxers throughout the end of her freshman year, tuned it out.
??????????? Her dark brown hair was still worn long, and her ears were accented with small conservative earrings.? Her denim shorts weren?t slutty, nor overly long, merely the perfect length which bespoke a well mannered, respectable, sophomore student.
??????????? But the truth was that Sam?s encounter with the Waxers had changed her, in several ways.? She was more cautious, more alert when alone, but more importantly, it had changed her views on her own sexuality.? All last year and during the summer, back at her parent?s house, she had spent quiet stolen moments caressing her own body, touching herself, and once in a few stolen hours, baby oiled herself and poured hot candle wax over her own breasts while she masturbated.
??????????? These secrets she carefully hid, as she hid the fact that she maintained the careful trimming and shave that the Waxers had given her that fateful night five months earlier.? She had never told anyone of her kidnapping, of her bondage, or of the hour long massage and waxing she had endured.? Not even Chelly knew of it, though Jamie, her roommate, had certainly been suspicious.
??????????? Samantha looked up at the wall of the lecture building and saw a flurry of fraternity and sorority posters hanging on the wall.? It was pledge week, the second week of school and it seemed that every little group that could find a copy of the Greek alphabet had displayed their symbols widely across the campus.? Lambda Epsilon Chi, Theta Kappa Iota, and countless others were exclaiming their virtues and crying out for fools to join them.
??????????? She shook her head.? One thing Sam knew was to stay away from the Greek Clubs.? Dues were expensive, and while the idea of close sisterhood was appealing, the idea of having to endure the ritual hazing given pledges, despite university rules, was not something she wanted to experience.? Chelly had stated her intention to try for Phi Kappa Beta, a sorority that her mother was still a member of.
??????????? Sam shrugged her backpack on more securely when she felt a light touch on her other shoulder.
??????????? ?Are you Samantha Mayfield??? a soft feminine voice asked.
??????????? Samantha turned and found herself gazing into a pair of crystal blue eyes surrounded by a wealth of rich blonde hair.? The girl?s mouth was smiling and she seemed to be beaming friendliness.?
??????????? ?Yeah, I?m Sam Mayfield.?
??????????? ?Kristen Cox.? I?ve got something for you.?? She held out her hand, clutching a thick white paper envelope.
??????????? Sam?s eyebrow shot up.? ?What is it??? She asked, looking quizzically at the stunning blonde.
??????????? Kristen laughed softly.? ?An offer, if you?re interested.?? She shrugged.? ?See ya? around, Samantha.?? With that Kristen moved away, disappearing into the sea of humanity.
??????????? Sam looked down at the envelope.? Across the front was her name, written in bold and flowing script, but from what was obviously the hand of a woman.? She flipped the card open and her breath caught as she saw the splash of wax, sealing it.? Her fingers trembled as she slipped a finger under the cardstock flap and she watched as the wax popped off, sticking to the top flap.?
??????????? There was a card inside and Samantha pulled it out.? Large Script letters in glittering red ink were three Greek sigils: Sigma Epsilon Xi.? Samantha looked about and then up at the posters above her.? Nowhere could she find Sigma Epsilon Xi advertising, in fact, she didn?t even remember it from the list of approved fraternities and sororities that were allowed to operate at the university.
??????????? Sam opened the card.? Once again, the handwriting that had addressed the card flowed across the inside.
??????????? Dear Samantha,
??????????????????????? Welcome back to a second
year here.? We at Sigma Epsilon Xi want
to extend that welcome to you by giving you the opportunity to join our
sorority.? We accept very few sisters each
year, usually only four or five, and all are carefully pre-chosen.? Your name came highly recommended to us, and
what we have discovered about you ?pleases us greatly.? You would be a valued addition to our
??????????? We are a PRIVATE sorority, and we
like to stay out of the limelight of the school, so please do not mention this
invitation to anyone.? If you are
interested, please meet myself and Kristen Cox at the University Student Union
in the food court tonight at six.? We
will buy you dinner and we can talk.?
Just talk?
??????????? Hope to see you tonight!
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sincerely,
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Tami
??????????? Sam?s brow creased and she stuffed the card into her backpack.? She shook her head with a roll of her eyes.? A secret sorority!? She knew she needed to belong to a secret sorority like she needed another hole in her head.?? Slowly she turned and picked up speed, finally finding the lecture hall where Chelly was waiting.
??????????? ?Hey Sam.? Chelly said softly as Sam dropped her back pack underneath the half desk seat in the auditorium.?
??????????? ?How was geometry, Chel??? Sam asked, sitting down, her smooth legs crossing in front of her, the light pink flip flops dangling from her toes.
??????????? Chelly made a nasty face.? ?Terrible.? It?s nothing like Algebra.? Algebra I can do.?? You just plug in the numbers.? Geometry, it?s all spatial.? Shapes and lines and angles.? I?m not sure I?m going to ace this like I did my Algebra class last year.?
??????????? Samantha laughed.? ?Its nice to see you finally experience what I deal with every math class I take.?
??????????? ?I don?t understand how you have trouble with it.? It?s so easy!?? Chelle said, pulling out a heavy notebook and pen.
??????????? Sam squinted a moment.? ?Hey, Chelle, you?re into the Greek thing.? Ever heard of a sorority called Sigma Epsilon Xi??
??????????? Chelle stiffened, her eyes widening just as the professor moved to the podium.
??????????? ?Good afternoon everyone.? Today we will begin our lecture covering the events that lead to the civil war.? Please take copious notes since the test will contain questions covered here, but not in the text.? I will answer questions throughout the lecture.?
??????????? Chelle bit her lip and quickly wrote upon her paper, pulling it out of the notebook and passing it over.
??????????? Sam, I?ve heard of that sorority.? They only have one interest and it?s not
sanctioned by the university.? Look at
their name:
??????????????????????? S?? E?? X
??????????? ??????????? i??? p???
??????????? ?????????? g??? s
??????????? ?????????? m?? i
?????????????????????? a??? l
???????????????????????????? o
??????????????????????????? n?????
do you want to know?
??????????????????????? ????????????????
Chapter 2 ? The
??????????? Hours later Samantha sat in the lounge area of the Student Union, flip flop clad feet up on the padded seat beside her while her History book lay open before her.? Her thick five subject spiral lay propped up against her knees, covered in the scrawling notes from the lecture.? There were a few doodles that lay in the margins, but at some point in the lecture she had scratched in the letters S.E.X.
??????????? Sam sighed, pulling out the heavy embossed card, opening it once more.? Her mind had been in turmoil since History and the whispered derision of her friend Chelly.? Chelly had pulled her aside after class and Samantha remembered the conversation clearly.
??????????? ?Sam, I?m serious.? I?ve heard a few things about that sorority.? They?re sexual perverts.? All sorts of sex games and stuff happen at their house.? I?ve even heard they keep sex slaves.?? Chelly said, her fingers on Sam?s elbow.
??????????? ?Sex slaves?? Come on, Chelly.?? Sam said, a look of sarcastic disbelief on her face.
??????????? ?Well?I don?t know for sure, but I?ve heard that they have ?punishment? sessions for poor grades over there; whippings and ice and hot wax.?
??????????? ?Hot Wax??? Sam said suddenly, her throat tightening and her mind flashing back to the previous spring when she had laid bound to a table as two men masturbated her and poured hot wax over her body.
??????????? ?Yeah!? Hot wax!? Anyway, I?d rather join a respectable sorority than something like that any day of the week.?
??????????? Sam could only nod, her mind far away.
??????????? Now she couldn?t seem to get the idea out of her mind.? It was only a quick walk to the dining area of the student union, a single flight of stairs to the food court and only a few minutes before six.? She fingered the embossed card a final time, her heart fluttering and her stomach tightening.? Finally she stuffed her book and spiral in her backpack, her decision made.?
??????????? Samantha Mayfield stood and slung her back pack over her shoulder and strolled purposefully down the hall.? Mounting the stairs she entered the food court and looked around.? The room was only partially full, the food court being more of a lunch time eating establishment for commuting students.? Only a quarter of the tables were occupied.? Samantha found an empty table in the center of the room and plopped down in a seat to wait.
??????????? ?Hi, Samantha.? Tami asked me to come over and invite you to our table.?? A soft musical voice said in Sam?s ear, startling her.? She looked up and saw the blond mane of Kristen, the girl who had given her the card.? Her petite frame was well complimented by the lavender halter top and blue denim skirt she wore and for a moment, Sam felt dowdy compared to her.? Sam scooped up her backpack and stood.
??????????? ?Sure.? Where is Tami??
??????????? Kristen smiled and pointed to the far corner of the dining area.? ?We have one of those booths over there.? Sam looked down to the far corner of the room and could see a series of booths against the glass windows.? The light outside was still bright and Sam could only make out silhouettes, one being a softly curving figure with long hair sitting at the very end booth.
??????????? Together Kristen and Sam walked toward Tami.? The resounding click of Kristen?s heels clashed with the slap clap of Sam?s flip flops.? As they approached, Sam was able to see her dining partner more clearly.? Tami Cohen was easily two to three years older than Sam, and even appeared to be older than Kristen.? She was dressed in a black spaghetti strap dress that didn?t seem appropriate for the fast food venue of the student union food court.? The low cut dip in the front fully accentuated her figure though and Sam grimaced for a moment as she realized that of the three girls, she was poorest dressed.? Tami?s long red hair seemed to flow like a river of crimson gold against dark velvet.
??????????? ?Um?sorry I didn?t have time to go get into anything more?well, I thought this would be informal since we were meeting here.?? Samantha stammered as Tami Cohen smiled up at her.
??????????? ?You need not apologize, Samantha.? I gave you no indication, nor instruction about dress requirements.? Please have a seat.?? Tami motioned to the bench across from her.? ?What are you interested in for dinner??
??????????? Samantha seated herself, dropping her book bag on the floor, not sure where Kristen would sit.
??????????? ?Uh?the regular vegetable sandwich from the sub place would be fine; that and a Diet soda.?? Sam said.
??????????? Tami nodded and looked at Kristen.? ?Please go get our dinner, Kristen.?
??????????? Sam looked up at the blond girl who seemed almost to bow and quickly turn away, moving toward the string of restaurants across the dining area.? Sam?s eyes widened a little and she wondered whether there was a little more truth behind Chelly?s rumors than she previously thought.
??????????? Tami smiled and folded her delicately long fingers on the table in front of her.? ?Samantha, I appreciate you coming to meet with me.? No doubt you have some serious questions about our sorority, whether you have heard of it or not.? I will certainly give you an opportunity to ask those questions.? As to how we got your name, let?s just say that some friends of the sorority gave it to us and said you came highly recommended.?
??????????? Sam looked at Tami quizzically.? ?Highly recommended?? I don?t understand.?
??????????? Tami nodded appreciatively.? ?Of course.? Let me tell you a little of the benefits that we provide for our younger sisters before we get into anything else.? First of all, we offer the companionship, friendship, and sisterhood of the sorority to our first year members free of charge.? There are no dues whatsoever.? We also provide free tutoring, special lessons, and free rooms for first year sisters.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes popped open.? ?Excuse me?? You provide free room and board???
??????????? Tami shook her head.? ?Well?room yes?board no.? We have a kitchen at the sorority house, and try to keep it stocked with snacks, but no one really likes to cook so most of us either eat out, or keep an account open at the University?s cafeterias.? We?re closest to Bruce Hall, so we eat there a lot.? But we don?t charge first year sisters for their sleeping quarters.?
??????????? ?Wow.?? Samantha said, thinking about the several thousand dollars she had spent for her dorm room.? She thought about it and then smiled.? ?What?s the catch?? My dad says that anything you get for free is worth what you paid for it.?
??????????? Tami laughed, a tinkle light peal of bells.? ?Your father seems to be a wise man.? To be truthful, there is a catch.? The sophomore sisters have some regular duties that they must perform.?? She paused.? ?And meet certain requirements.?
??????????? Samantha looked at Kristen who was walking back across the dining room with a laden tray.? ?You mean like clean the sorority house and fetch dinner??
??????????? Tami nodded.? ?Yes, fetching, as you so elegantly put it, is a part of those duties, as is cleaning the sorority house.? However there are a few more that we add to the list.?
??????????? There was a long pause as Sam waited.? Finally she lifted her chin.? ?Like what??
??????????? Kristen put the tray down in the center of the table and immediately began to divvy up the contents.? Sam thanked her as the blonde placed the garden sub in front of the brunette sophomore.?
??????????? ?Don?t get used to it.? Kristen said, her mouth a straight line, her tone slightly dark.
??????????? Samantha recoiled, wondering what she did to offend the girl.
??????????? ?Kristen.? That was not polite.? Samantha is considering joining our group and your attitude is unacceptable to an outsider examining the benefits of joining the sisterhood.? Apologize.?
??????????? Kristen looked up with something akin to fear in her eyes.? Samantha could actually sense her uneasiness.?
??????????? ?I?m sorry.? I didn?t mean to be rude.? It?s just that I was a sophomore last year and this year I?m a junior and I?m still trying to figure out what that all means.?
??????????? Samantha looked at her with a raised eyebrow.? ?Um?yeah sure.? No problem.?
??????????? Tami smiled and opened her own salad and began to pour a small packet of dressing over it.? She nodded to Kristen who began to open her own chicken sandwich.
??????????? ?So?what are the other duties??? Asked Sam before taking a bite of her sandwich.
??????????? Tami hesitated with her fork between her sensuous mouth and the bowl.? She lowered the fork.
??????????? ?Samantha, are you a virgin??
??????????? The half eaten bite solidified in Sam?s mouth as her body stiffened in shock.?
??????????? ?Well?too be honest, no.?
??????????? Tami nodded, taking a bite of her salad as Samantha answered.
??????????? ?Are you heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual??
??????????? Samantha put down her sandwich.? She had been prepared because of Chelly?s rumors, to hear something sexual in nature, and she quickly berated herself for not anticipating these questions.? She glanced at Kristen and studied her for a moment, quickly, thinking in her mind what it would be like to have a sexual encounter with her.
??????????? ?Well?I guess I?m still kind of undecided.?? Samantha said, wanting to take a non-committal route.
??????????? Tami actually smiled.? ?Excellent.? Most of the sisters are bisexual, though there are a few who are heart hardened lesbians.?
??????????? Tami Cohen took a few more bites.? ?To be totally honest with you, Samantha, the first year girls serve as subordinates to the older girls.? Junior girls are allowed limited domination over the first years, as they are groomed to be Seniors.? Seniors have total control of all younger sisters in the sorority.? They meet out assignments and chores, handle grade oversight, and mete out punishments.?
??????????? ?Punishments.?? It was a statement, not a question that came from Samantha.
??????????? Tami nodded.? ?Punishments.? Let me give you an example.?? Tami turned toward Kristen who was finishing her Chicken sandwich.
??????????? ?Kristen?? I realize that you have already apologized to a prospective sister for your rudeness, but I want you to reflect for the rest of the evening on your behavior.? Sisters of Sigma Epsilon Xi should be well mannered and polite at all time.? Please get out your punishment clips.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes went wide and her face drained of color.? Sam watched in frightened astonishment as Kristen reached for her purse and pulled two brass clamps from her purse, connected by a short gold chain.
??????????? Tami nodded, seemingly pleased.? ?Now, please lift your halter top, one breast at a time, and apply your clip, level two for both please.?
??????????? Samantha?s mouth dropped as Kristen lifted her shirt, baring her right breast.? The full curve of her bosom was totally exposed and Sam glanced around the room, wondering if anyone was watching this.? No one seemed to notice what was going on and Sam turned to watch Kristen carefully position the clamp over her hard nipple.? With a quick squeeze, the two halves of the clamp came together with a snap.? Kristen sucked in a long hard breath, but then squeezed it again, letting a second snap float in the air.
??????????? Tears seemed to well in Kristen?s eyes as she lowered her halter top, the clamp and chain easily visible under the tight top and bared the other breast.? Carefully, the blonde repeated the process to her other nipple, once more squeezing it to tighten it to the second level.
??????????? Kristen lowered her halter top back down, the stretched fabric obviously pressing hard against the clips.? Her chest heaved as she fought down the quick breaths of agony that seemed to be crushing her.? Samantha had frozen, appalled at the cruelty of the punishment.? She opened her mouth to beg Tami to let Kristen release the clamps when she felt an odd sensation with in her own sex.
??????????? Samantha realized that she was turned on.? Her own body had lubricated itself, flooding her with juices and chemicals that had made her look at Kristen?s body in desire.? Sam licked her lips momentarily, unaware of the look of pure rapture that crossed her face.
??????????? Tami seemed to notice the look and continued quietly.? ?Oh yes, there are punishments, frequent ones, but there are also rewards, Samantha.? We can promise you the fulfillment of your needs, a scholastic career, and deep friendships.? Every year, if you are accepted, you will have the option to remain and progress through the ranks.?
??????????? Sam turned back to the auburn haired beauty.? ?Accepted? But??
??????????? Tami held up a hand and smiled.? ?Just as every sorority and fraternity, we have a pledge week.? It is a grueling test of your willingness, your abilities to submit, and your sexuality.? It is not hazing, but it is an ordeal.? The only thing that I can promise is that everything required of you will be explained, in full, prior to the activity, and that you may refuse to do something at any time, though if you do, that will end your application to our sisterhood.?
??????????? Sam merely stared, glancing at Kristen who was biting her lower lip, her breasts pulled together by the short chain.
??????????? Tami nudged Kristen and nodded toward the dining area.? Kristen slid out of the seat and stood up, her shirt a ridged mass of obvious bondage. ?Tami slid out afterward and looked down at Samantha.
??????????? ?If you wish to apply, meet us at this address on Sunday evening.? You will not be spending the night, so you will not need anything when you come.? If you do come, we assume that you wish to enter the sorority and that you will become a pledge.? If you do not show up, then I hope you enjoyed dinner.? Good night.? ??Tami placed another red embossed card down on the table.
??????????? Mouth agape, Samantha could only stare as Tami Cohen and Kristen Cox made their way from the food court.?
Chapter 3 ? Decisions
??????????? Saturday had gone relatively fast for Samantha, mostly concentrating on her schoolwork.? The knowledge she had been given Friday night at the meeting between her and Tami Cohen had percolated through her mind, but it was the memory of Kristen Cox willingly tightening the nipple clamps upon her own breasts that had made the most impact on Sam.
??????????? Samantha had felt an unusual tingle when Kristen had exposed herself.? It was confusing at first, an almost unnatural sensation, and one that Samantha had not recognized.? Watching Kristen attach two high pressure clamps onto her own breasts had not only intensified the feelings, but increased them exponentially.
??????????? She had gone back to her dorm room agitated and aroused.? Her mind had replayed the entire scene over and over until finally she had excused herself to her room mate and quickly gone to the restroom.? Once in the privacy of her own shower stall Samantha had quickly slipped her own soapy fingers through her sex as her other hand tantalized a delicate nipple.
??????????? As her pleasure increased she imagined herself in the place of Kristen and she pinched her breast tightly, sending a spark of some previously unknown sensation rushing deep through her body.? She moaned and plunged her own fingers deep, driving the sensation until she exploded in a wet tremble that had her leaning against the side of the stall.
??????????? Satisfied yet confused, Samantha tried to make sense of it all as the hot water cascaded down her body.? What were the questions about?? Why had Tami Cohen wanted to know if she was bisexual, and why had she answered she wasn?t sure?? All Samantha knew was that when Kristen had lifted her top, it had been different from the countless times she had seen other women naked.
??????????? Slowly Samantha made her way back to her room.? Her fingers found the red embossed card and she turned it over and over, as her mind did the same?
Chapter 4 ? Sunday
??????????? It was a
large house, situated just down from the University at the corner of
??????????? It was
still early, almost
??????????? Another girl was standing on the front door step, her back to Samantha as she rang the bell.? Sam saw that she was wearing a short black mini skirt, high heels, and a white blouse that seemed to mesh well with her light brown hair.? Just as Sam started to mount the steps to join her, the door opened.
??????????? ?Hello Ally, welcome to the Sigma Epsilon Xi House.? Said a girl from inside the hallway.? ?Oh!? I?m sorry Samantha.? I didn?t see you.? Welcome to the Sigma Epsilon Xi House!?? The girl seemed to almost be short of breath as she greeted both sophomores.? Sam turned and looked at Ally, who smiled shyly in return.? Sam held out her hand, motioning for the pretty brunette to precede her into the house.
??????????? Ally and Sam entered into the main hallway and found themselves staring down a broad corridor that reached to the depths of the house.? Various doorways branched off, including an ancient stairwell that climbed the right side wall to the upper levels.? The walls were covered in pictures; all of those head shots of women, and Sam realized that they were pictures of previous members.? She paused when she recognized one, staring at it.
??????????? ?But that?s Professor ?? Sam began, startled.
??????????? She was interrupted.? ?Oh yes, we have a number of well known former members.? Alumni visit on occasion, as you will find out.?? Please, keep walking and take the first turn to the right.? Ally and Sam glanced at each other and continued down the hallway.? Ally turned into a doorway just behind the stairwell and Sam followed.
??????????? They entered a large living room area, decorated in stylish posh furniture with heavy drapes on the side windows.? A large chandelier light hung from the center of the room and Sam saw a wonderful buffet laid out on a side table.? The room was filled with women, some as old as seniors, some only a single year older than she, and quite a few sophomores.? Fortunately she did not recognize any of her fellow classmates.
??????????? The girl who had greeted them smiled and motioned them into the room.? ?Please feel free to help yourselves to the buffet if you are hungry.? Have something to drink.? I?m sure Mistress Tami will speak with you in a moment.?
??????????? ?Mistress Tami?? Asked Samantha, suddenly realizing that this girl was just like Kristen, a submissive junior who had decided to stay with the sorority after her first year.
??????????? The girl nodded.? ?Yes.? All senior members are referred to as Mistress.? Juniors members are called Sister.? You may call me Sister Amanda.?
??????????? ?And what are we called?? Asked Ally, intrigued.
??????????? Sister Amanda?s eyes hardened suddenly, but with a look of mischief.? ?Anything we want to call you.?
??????????? ?Ah!? Samantha and Ally.? Our last two pledges have arrived.?? Tami Cohen strolled over to them holding a crystal wine goblet.? She sipped at it lightly as she studied them.? ?I see you have met Sister Amanda.? Come?help your selves to some food and drink.?? Tami motioned them to follow her to the food buffet.
??????????? Sam took a plate and began placing tidbits on it, noticing that all the food was of the finest quality.? If this was what snacks at the sorority house were going to be like, she would join just for the opportunity to munch.? Another junior member was pouring drinks at the end of the table.
??????????? ?Soda, water, or juice??? The junior girl asked Ally with a smile.
??????????? Ally hesitated.? ?Well, I would really prefer a glass of wine.?
??????????? The junior girl?s smile faded.? ?I?m sorry Ally, but alcoholic beverages are not allowed to pledges and are moderated most carefully with our sophomore members.?? She tapped her temple a few times.? ?Can?t have your mental processes befuddled by intoxication.? You have to make decisions here.?
??????????? ?Ally?? I would like to introduce you to one of our senior members.?? Announced Tami, taking Ally?s arm and propelling her forward.
??????????? Sam followed immediately and watched as Ally was confronted by a tall raven haired beauty.? She was wearing a black evening dress that seemed to conform to the curves of her body accentuating her sexuality.
??????????? ?Ally, this is Mistress Nicole.? She will be your mentor during pledge week, and if you become a member, then you will continue to serve her.? She can answer questions for you, will protect you, and make sure you are comfortable with everything that is asked of you.? Mistress Nicole is also the mentor of one of the junior sisters, Sister Amanda, so you will have company in your service to her.?
??????????? Ally looked flabbergasted.? Evidentially this was just as startling to her as it was to Samantha.? Sam took a deep breath as she mentally digested the more obvious rhetoric of the Sigma Epsilon Xi sorority.? It was becoming obvious that the sophomore girls served as servants to the older girls.
??????????? Sam looked around, wondering which of the senior girls would be her mentor.? A sudden flush took her by surprise and she dropped her hand to her waist as she felt a surge through her sex.? Tami turned to her and smiled.
??????????? ?Each senior member chooses which pledge she wants to mentor.? It is quite a privilege, and is based on seniority within the sorority.? Only a few of the senior girls get the opportunity to have a personal pledge.? The junior members and other senior girls must share.?? Tami continued as Mistress Nicole took Ally off to one corner to meet another girl.
??????????? ?So who is going to be my mentor?? Asked Sam, still flushed with the heat of her sexual response.
??????????? Tami Cohen smiled.? ?I am.? And you will refer to me as Mistress Tami from now on, Samantha.??
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?? Sam?s throat was dry and she took a quick sip of her diet soda.
??????????? ?Excellent.? Now let?s find a seat.?? Mistress Tami led the way to one side of the room, away from the buffet.? Samantha followed her to find ten chairs in a half circle along one wall facing a collection of sofas, love seats, armchairs, and even a few chairs obviously brought in from other rooms.? Mistress Tami pulled Samantha forward and led her to the first of the ten chairs.
??????????? ?Sit down, Samantha.?? Ordered Mistress Tami.
??????????? Samantha sat quickly, complete at a loss as to why she was following the orders of this red haired goddess who had such pose, such confidence.? She squeezed her legs together as the thought of sexually pleasing Mistress Tami whirled through her mind.
??????????? ?Ladies!? Please let me have your attention.? We need to begin.? If you are serving as a mentor, please bring your pledge to the front and sit them.? We will begin with the physical and oral examinations as soon as we are ready.?
??????????? Quickly nine more sophomores were brought forward, some looking eager, some frightened, some angry or defiant.? Samantha watched tentatively as one girl seemed to be arguing with her mentor, who was patiently trying to calm her.? The angry sophomore finally sighed heavily and sat in her chair, a rebellious glare across her face.
??????????? Directly across from Sam and the other nine pledges were ten soft chairs, perfectly comfortable.? Several junior members hurried forward and erected tray tables at each one, placing a small folder with each.? It only took a few moments longer as the senior mentors sat themselves.? Samantha noticed Kristen skulking in the back of the room.? Sam twisted trying to get a better view and noticed that Kristen?s tight blouse didn?t show the chain and clamps.
??????????? Mistress Tami cleared her throat.? ?Let us begin please.? Pledges, you are here tonight because you seek entry into the Sigma Epsilon Xi sorority.? Our organization was created in 1967 in order to provide a safe house for girls on campus who were lesbian.? It provided the perfect growing place.? It has of course, evolved since then, but the founding cores of our organization have remained the same.? We remain dedicated to the mission of providing a safe, fun, sexually stimulating environment that cherishes women, encourages them to become confidant in their abilities.? All of our members, past and present are on the Dean?s list, and over ninety eight percent of our members graduate Magna Cum Laud.?
??????????? There was a slight scattering of applause and Sam couldn?t help but be impressed.? Those were some startling numbers.? She looked around realizing that every girl in the room had grades just as good as hers.? It was almost intimidating to be in the same room, especially in the dynamic self assuredness that all of the senior members possessed.? Sam suddenly hoped she would make it through the entire year as a subordinate member, graduating too sister status and then taking her place with the seniors.
??????????? ?Pledges, I must say right now that you have the right to refuse any order you are given at any time.? You will not be forced to do anything.? You will be asked to submit to us, but you may, at any time, leave.? Know this however, leaving or refusing any order, or refusing to answer a question, will immediately terminate your opportunity at joining our organization.? Throughout this week, you will be tested, repeatedly.? And I want you all to be aware that anything asked of one of your fellow pledges could just as easily be asked of you.?
??????????? There was a sudden silence as the pledges digested this information.? Sam was nonplused, having come to the same conclusion previously.? Sam looked down the row of pledges seated next to her and realized she would need to pay attention, in case of one the others was told to do something too outrageous.
??????????? ?We will now begin with the oral and physical examination.? Samantha Mayfield, please rise.?
??????????? Sam trembled suddenly, rising to her feet and standing before the twenty or so girls that watched her.
??????????? ?Are you nervous, Samantha?? Asked Mistress Tami.
??????????? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?? Replied Sam who then bit her lip as so many eyes focused upon her.
??????????? ?There is no need to be nervous, Samantha.? First of all, how tall are you??
??????????? Sam licked her lips.? ?I?m five foot five.?
??????????? ?Samantha, you need to address me with my title.? I don?t want to have to remind you again.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes popped open.? ?Yes Mistress Tami.? I?m sorry.?
??????????? Mistress Tami smiled and nodded, opening the folder in front of her.? ?How much do you weigh??
??????????? Sam swallowed.? ?I weigh one hundred and sixteen pounds, Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?And your natural hair color???
??????????? ?This is my natural hair color Mistress Tami.?? Said Samantha.
??????????? ?Are you wearing any underclothes, Samantha??? asked Mistress Tami.
??????????? Sam paused.? Honesty seemed the better part of valor, especially with this crowd.
??????????? ?I?m wearing a pair of panties Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?Very well, please remove them.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened. This was moving fast.? ?I?m sorry???
??????????? Mistress Tami?s eyes hardened.? ?Are you refusing an order, Samantha??
??????????? Sam quickly shook her head.? ?I?m sorry Mistress.?? She bent downward and lifted her ankle length skirt.? She raised it to her thighs and began to reach under it, trying to pull her panties down in the most conservative way possible.? Finally the soft silk panties dropped down to her ankles.? Carefully she stepped out of them.
??????????? ?No. Leave them right there.?? Mistress Tami ordered as Samantha reached for them.? Sam straightened back up.
??????????? ?Yes Mistress.?
??????????? ?Excellent.? Now, Samantha, when was the last time you masturbated??
??????????? The question shocked Samantha, but she summoned her courage, wanting to be as confidant as Mistress Tami.? ?This morning, Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?What did you fantasize about while you were masturbating??
??????????? ?I replayed in my mind our meeting where you had Kristen put the clamps on her nipples.?? Answered Samantha.
??????????? Mistress Tami smiled.? ?Samantha, you and the other pledges must refer to all of our junior members with the title ?Sister?.? Kristen should be addressed and referred to by you as ?Sister Kristen?, and remember that all of our junior members have as much right as the senior girls to give you orders.?
??????????? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?
??????????? ?Did you pinch your own nipples while masturbating??
??????????? Samantha flushed in embarrassment.? ?Yes Mistress.?
??????????? ?Then show us where you pinched yourself.?
??????????? Sam was expecting this and she found herself obeying automatically as her fingers found the bottom of her polo shirt.? She slowly pulled it upward over her chest, baring two creamy white mounds to the entire audience.? The shirt came off her head easily and she held it in her hands, her deep breaths making her breasts heave.? There was a startled murmur through the assembled girls.
??????????? ?You have a beautiful body, Samantha.? I can?t wait to see the rest of it.? Please remove your skirt.?
??????????? Samantha slipped her fingers into the waist band of her skirt, pulling against the elastic and letting the cotton linen fall.? Her trimmed slit glistened under the intense light and she stepped out of the fallen cloth.
??????????? ?Samantha, you have done very well.? The organization is familiar with beauty before, but you are truly admirable.? You can expect great interest from every senior and junior member of our house.? Please be seated.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Samantha sat back down, completely naked.? She crossed her legs, feeling awkward wearing only her sandals.? Her body tingled, more alive and aroused than ever before.? Sitting exposed in front of so many people, even if they were all girls, created feelings in her body she had never experienced.? She found herself ripening, wishing that she could find a quiet spot to relieve herself.
??????????? Another senior girl had taken over the questioning, moving to the girl immediately to the left of Samantha.? The interrogation followed a similar pattern, embarrassing the girl with personal questions and then culminating with the same slow strip that Samantha had endured.
??????????? The questioning of the pledges continued until Samantha no longer felt as if she were on show.? Over half of the girls were naked, each one sitting with their legs crossed or knees tightly together.? Samantha had found herself listening to each girl?s answers, seeing the eroticism in each.? Fantasy after fantasy had been revealed, though so far, only Samantha?s revelation had involved anything kinky.
??????????? As Sam slowly watched as each pledge bared their bodies and soul, she felt an odd tingling inside her, a tightness of longing, and she began to fidget, crossing her legs and squeezing them tightly together.? The litany continued until all ten of the pledges sat before the assembled sisters of Sigma Epsilon Xi, exposed and humiliated.
??????????? Mistress Tami stood up as the last set of questions finished and she smiled at the pledges.? ?Ladies, I want to thank all of you for your willingness to endure this night.? As you know, there will be a week of trials to test your desires, your obedience, your sexual abilities, and your sense of self.? It will certainly be difficult, often times humiliating, and thoroughly pleasing in a physical sense.? With that said I want to remind all of you to be here at the Sorority House tomorrow evening at five.?
??????????? Sam quivered, wondering what activity she would endure.? Her mind flashed back to Kristen?s clamped nipples and she reflexively bit her lip and pressed her thighs together, not wanting everyone to see the silky shine of her sex, moist and wet.
??????????? ?Samantha, please come forward.?? Mistress Tami said suddenly.
??????????? Sam?s head popped upward and her eyes widened in surprise.? She rose and stood in the center of the room.
??????????? ?Samantha, since you were so candid with us about your fantasy, I feel the desire to test your mettle early, and to demonstrate to our other pledges what may come for them.? Kristen??? Mistress Tami turned and looked at the junior girl who had come forward.
??????????? ?Samantha, you will wear these clamps tonight home, removing them only before going to bed.? Tomorrow you will attach them one hour before coming back to the Sorority House, and they will only be removed here by me or another sister.?? Kristen pulled out the silver clamps, attached together with a chain.
??????????? Mistress Tami approached and stood next to Kristen.? ?You will now stand in the ?Waiting Pose?.? Spread your legs, place your arms behind your back, clasp your hands together?that?s it.??
??????????? Samantha spread her legs, knowing that the entire group would see the slickness of her thighs.? Her hands grasped together in the small of her back, tightening her torso and forcing her breasts to jut forward.? Kristen reached out and began stroking Samantha?s left nipple, hardening it in just seconds as Sam?s breaths became shallow and fast.
??????????? The cruel pinch was a delicious sensation that rushed through her like a wind storm.? Her voice made a low pitched moan, sexual and devastating.?? Kristen repeated the process on her other nipple, locking the clamps with a cruel smile.? Samantha suddenly wished that this girl would love her, throw her down onto the floor and climb atop her, pressing her body into hers.
??????????? Sam leaned forward, trying desperately to signal her desires, the scent of her sex suddenly overpowering.? Kristen?s eyes widened at the sudden display of surrender and then smiled wickedly.? One hand found the chain between Sam?s breasts, while the other slipped upward, a single delicate finger that penetrated Sam?s sex with deliberate and destabilizing results.
??????????? ?That will be all Sister Kristen.?? Mistress Tami announced as Sam?s flower convulsed upon Kristen?s finger.? Sam groaned as Kristen pulled her finger out, grazing the swollen clit with her fingernail.
??????????? ?Not yet, Samantha.? Don?t worry, your submission to me will be coming soon.?? Kristen said in a whisper.
Chapter 5 - Monday
??????????? Samantha closed her eyes as she entered her room, leaning backward against her door with a tired sigh.? The armful of books she held were clutched to her chest while she recovered her stamina.? Her mind flashed back to the night before, the ordeal at the Sorority House, and the final walk home, the tight polo shirt pressing the painful clamps deep into her flesh.
??????????? She moved to the bed and dumped the pile of philosophy books on the spread and reached under her pillow.? There was a slight tinkling as the two clamps, bound together with the chain, came out in her soft fingers.? All day Sam had thought about the clamps, the delicious pinching, the overpowering urge of sexual gratification, and so many thoughts of Kristen.? Sam shook her head remembering the intensity of her orgasm as she showered after getting back late last night, the steel clamps still locked to each nipple.
??????????? Sam didn?t need to look at the clock to know that her roommate would still be in class, so she quickly stripped off her dark blue shirt, following it with the soft cups of her bra.? Her fingers found her nipples quickly, teasing them to hardness in just a few seconds.? With delicate slowness she applied the clamps, feeling them bite down hard on her breasts, causing her to moan, tilting her head back and running her hands down over the curves of her breasts, tugging on the chain, until her fingers found the waistband of her jeans.? It was nothing to undo the button and zipper, yanking down the denim cloth and cotton panties until her fingers found the soft wet slit of her sex.
??????????? She sat down on her bed, kicking her clothes off, her fingers twirling about her insides when there came a sharp knock on the door.? Sam let out a gasp and stood, her mind a befuddled mess.
??????????? ?Open up Samantha.? Now!?
??????????? Sam?s mouth widened in shock as she recognized Kristen?s voice.
??????????? ?Uh?just a second!? I?m not dressed!?? Sam said loudly, whirling around as she tried to snag her panties with one toe while snatching at her shirt with the other.
??????????? ?Open the door right now, pledge, or its over for you.?? Kristen said, her voice hard and steely.
??????????? Sam stopped her frantic attempt to pull her panties upward over her calves and looked at the door.? It seemed like an eternity as she mulled her options, but then her fingers dropped the cotton and she padded to the door totally naked, save for the steel clips dangling from each nipple.? Her fingers trembled as she twisted the lock bolt and opened the door.
??????????? ?You had better open this?Oh my?? said Kristen, a sudden smile appearing on her face to replace the disgruntled frown that she had been wearing.? Sam?s eyes looked downward, a scarlet blush coloring her usually creamy complexion.?
??????????? ?Is this what you normally wear around your dorm room between classes?? Kristen asked with a mocking tone.?
??????????? Sam?s voice came in a hushed whisper.? ?No.?
??????????? Kristen?s frown returned and her eyes went hard.? ?No?what??
??????????? Sam looked up in quick horror.? ?No, Sister Kristen.?? She said, her voice thick, her heart quivering, and her sex fluttering in desperation.
??????????? Kristen moved forward and pushed Samantha backward into the center of the room, closing the heavy wooden door behind her with a slam.
??????????? ?That?s a demerit, pledge.? You are going to be punished for it tonight.? But right now I want to see how well you obey.?? Kristen smiled a mischievous grin.? ?Lay down on your bed and spread those legs.?
??????????? Samantha quickly moved, her mind reeling with the idea of being punished in front of the other pledges and the Sorority sisters.? What would Mistress Tami say?? Would she be expelled?? Samantha lay down, her eyes locked on Kristen who had dropped her purse on Samantha?s desk.
??????????? Her nipples throbbing in time to the sensations in her clit, Sam spread her legs open to the edges of the bed, her toes pointed delicately outward as Kristen turned her back toward her and rummaged around in her purse.
??????????? ?Wider, pledge.? When I turn around I want to see that cute little pussy of yours so exposed and pulled apart that I could ram a baseball bat into it.?
??????????? The sudden image elicited a groan from Sam and the young sophomore spread her legs wider, bringing her thighs upward until a foot dangled off each side of the bed in an obscene tableau of sexual depravity.?
??????????? Kristen turned back around.? ?Like that idea, huh?? Me ramming a baseball bat into your little pussy?? I think I?d like that too.? Too bad we don?t have one here.? I?ll make sure to find one for you sometime at the Sorority House.?? Kristen took a step forward and looked down at the prostrate girl.
??????????? ?My my my?you look so beautiful and sexy lying there waiting for me to touch you.?? Kristen reached out a delicately painted fingernail and ran it from Samantha?s knee to her groin, sliding her finger through the partially open lips of Samantha?s sex.? Samantha moaned loudly, her hips riding upward and quivering as Kristen?s finger ran across Sam?s clit.
??????????? ?There now, aren?t we sensitive??? Kristen asked, standing straight again.? Sam closed her eyes and tensed, waiting for the next sensation.
??????????? ?I hear you are fond of wax, pledge.? Kristen asked.
??????????? Sam?s eyes popped open and she looked over at Kristen who once again stood at Samantha?s desk, her back turned to the supine girl.
??????????? ?How did you?? but Samantha?s question died as Kristen turned back around, holding a small candle flickering in a glass jar.
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Let?s just say I have knowledgeable friends.? Now put your hands behind your head, keep those legs spread apart, and we will find out just how much you love it.?
??????????? Sam?s heart began racing.? Not since that fateful night the previous spring had Samantha felt the sexual heat of melted wax on her body.? Every muscle tensed and she felt an odd tingling beginning in her body.? Soon it spread through every limb and Sam stared up at Kristen as the beautiful junior approached.
??????????? Kristen leaned down until her nose was only a few inches from Sam?s eyes.? ?I can tell you want it.? You want me to pour this down upon your little body, don?t you?? I can feel your excitement.? You want what happened last time to happen again.? Don?t you???
??????????? Sam swallowed and nod, to caught up in the moment to speak.
??????????? ?Well it?s too bad, pledge.? Because I?m not here to repeat that little adventure you had months ago.? I?m here to create a new adventure.? I?m going to do things to that little body that the Waxers never dreamed of.? I want you in my sorority so that I can keep doing these things to you.?
??????????? Kristen?s face fell just a little bit and Sam stiffened as Kristen pressed her lips against hers.? The soft tingle rose and Sam lost herself in the kiss, a flower flavored, sweet kiss that seemed to be as hot as the sexual heat of the approaching candle.
??????????? ?Brace yourself sweetheart.?? Kristen whispered.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened and she nodded, arching her back upward as Kristen straightened and lifted the candle directly above Samantha?s clamped breast.? With a quick tilt Kristen turned the candle sideways and the vanilla wax streamed downward.? It landed with a splash that coated the vise and the clamped nub.? Sam bucked for a moment, a high pitched wail coming from her lips as Kristen moved the candle to her other breast.
??????????? It took every effort of her will to keep her hands behind her head as tiny droplets of hot wax trailed down her stomach toward her sex.? Kristen seemed to delight so in the troubled squirms of her victim that she moved the candles in light spirals over Samantha?s belly.? It wasn?t long before Sam?s hips began a thrusting dance, begging for the hot touch.
??????????? And then it came, like a flaming comet out of the sky and Sam felt herself transported back to that night where her body belonged to others.? Kristen held the candle over Sam?s clit until the tiny nub was coated.? As Sam bucked Kristen put the candle down and laid down between Sam?s legs, driving her head deep into Sam?s sex.?
??????????? Sam groaned as Kristen?s tongue slid upward through her soaked slit.? Kristen?s fingers began to rub, and then pick at the wax coating Sam?s clit and she felt the naked girl tremble under her.? Sam groaned and then bit her lip as finally the cooled wax came loose.? With a sudden movement Sam felt Kristen take her clit into her mouth and suck.
??????????? The crashing wave of pleasure rushed upward through her body to her nipples and then mind.? Her body rocked from the extreme sensations of Kristen?s tongue twirling round her clitoris, a melting chorus of physical and mental pleasure that had Sam purring.? Her back arched as she lifted her pelvis toward Kristen?s face, wanting a penetration so desperately.
??????????? ?Oh no you don?t little, pledge.?? Kristen murmured, lifting herself up of the bed, poised like a cat over Samantha?s glistening body.? Kristen pushed back a few strands of hair from her face as she moved forward until she was directly on top of Samantha.
??????????? ?We won?t be having any of that, will we?? Not until tonight.?? Kristen said, her voice soft yet dripping with malice.
??????????? ?Noooooo?please, I?ll do anything!?? Sam begged, her voice a ragged despairing sound that bespoke of need and lust.
??????????? Kristen cocked her head.? ?Anything??
??????????? Sam nodded violently, her head bobbing up and down.? ?Oh yes! Anything!? She gasped, her body still heaving in desire.
??????????? Kristen kissed her quickly and stood up, her long fingers reaching under the short flared skirt and quickly tugging the cotton thong downward.? Samantha watched intently as the crimson cloth slid down Kristen?s long legs until it pooled around her high heels and she stepped out of it.
??????????? ?Then lets do each other, little pledge.?? Kristen said.? Sam tensed as Kristen mounted the bed right over her shoulders, the pretty juniors knees parted to either side of Samantha?s head.? Kristen?s skirt swirled over her eyes and Samantha felt a sudden longing as Kristen bent over.
??????????? ?Please, sister?? May I touch you?? Samantha whispered as Kristen went to all fours, pressing her breasts into Samantha?s belly.
??????????? ?You?re going to be doing more than that, pledge.? Now lift my skirt and use your tongue.?? Kristen ordered.
??????????? Sam pulled her hands out from under her head, but just as she slid her fingers upward and under Kristen?s skirt, she felt the soft wet darting thrusts of Kristen?s tongue against her clit.? Sam moaned and her fingers clenched at Kristen?s bottom, squeezing each cheek tight and pulling downward until Kristen?s already wet slit was pressed against Sam?s nose.
??????????? Sam tilted her head back, and then for the first time in her life, ran her tongue through another girl?s sex.? The tangy taste hit her and she found herself forcing her tongue deeper and deeper.? There was a throaty purr from Kristen and Sam found herself opening Kristen?s well with her fingers and sucking hard on the junior?s clit.
??????????? There was a tense moment when Kristen began fingering Sam, pushing in one finger at a time until four fingers were buried inside Sam?s squirming mound.? Kristen continued to suckle and tantalize Sam?s clit until Sam bucked upward and Kristen made an effort to thrust the final digit into Sam?s slit.
??????????? There was a loud throaty cry as Sam arched her back, feeling the full fist of Kristen begin to open and close inside her well.? She buried her nose in Kristen?s slit, suckling the clit and sucking it down as the junior girl pumped her arm back and forth between Sam?s legs.? The sudden crest of Sam?s orgasm relayed itself to the junior as a vibrating cry the sent similar sensations cascading through Kristen.
??????????? Exhausted, glistening, the lay together, breasts heaving as both girls rested, trying to recover from simultaneous orgasms.? Kristen rolled off Sam, a soft thump against the wall, her still soaked hand resting on Sam?s belly.
??????????? ?You realize that I?m going to sexually torture you if you join, don?t you Samantha??? Kristen asked softly, her voice neither cruel nor possessive.
??????????? Sam lifted her head and looked down at the junior girl whose cheek was pressed against her thigh.? ?Yes, Sister, I know you will.?
??????????? Kristen smiled and looked over the rounded soft mounds of flesh at Sam?s face.? ?You don?t mind??
??????????? Sam giggled for a moment.? ?Not in the least, Sister.? You can sexually torture me anytime.?
??????????? Kristen sat up, her face taking on a serious look.? ?No Sam, you need to know what I mean.?? Kristen moved, folding her legs beneath her and picking up Samantha?s foot, her finger?s lightly caressing the insole as she spoke.
??????????? ?When I was a pledge and for my first year, Sister Tami and Mistress Calli used me.? I was tormented and used, more by Calli than by Tami.? ?Mistress Tami rarely punishes because Mistress Tami is an easy mistress to please.? Calli was a lot harder and I spent hours under her.?? Kristen moved her thumb to the arch of Sam?s foot, her eyes glancing up at Sam?s face.
? ????????? ?I never wanted to be punished.? I wanted to do the punishing.? And Samantha, you are the perfect girl for that.? Ever since I first saw you I wanted to tie you down and cover you with kisses and little red stripes from a belt.? I wanted you tormented and tortured so you wouldn?t know the difference between discomfort and desire.? I still want all those things?so I?m warning you.? If you stay with this I will use you like Mistress Calli used me.? I will torment you every day, every night, over and over, until your life is nothing more than a series of sexual escapades and orgasms.?
??????????? Sam stared at Kristen, seeing the beautiful blonde girl confessing to her sexual desires.? ?Sister??? Sam said, still not certain if she should be formal or not.? ?Kristen, I will stay with the sorority if I can make it through whatever you do to me this week.? I want you to be happy with me, and I love what you do to me.?
??????????? Kristen looked up, a mask of uncertainty on her face.? ?Even knowing that I plan on punishing you every day this week, and for the entire year afterward??
??????????? Sam nodded, a smile on her face.? ?Even then, Sister Kristen.?
??????????? Kristen leaned over, running her fingers up Sam?s body, over her breast to cup the sophomore?s face.
??????????? ?Then expect to be punished tonight, pledge.??
Chapter 6 ? Monday
??????????? Fifty minutes before the ten minute walk to the sorority house began, Samantha Mayfield stepped in front of the mirror.? She gazed at her nude reflection, admiring the perfect symmetry of her breasts and the hard bumps of her nipples that seemed to rise in anticipation of the night?s activities.? Kristen had left several hours before, leaving Samantha in a semi aroused state, letting the earlier explosion of pleasure subside and then tormenting her one more time before leaving.? The erotically charged junior had promised Samantha that the night?s festivities would leave her satisfied.
??????????? Sam held the small metallic rubber coated clamps in her hands, the metal chain swinging between them like a necklace about to grace a woman?s throat.? Samantha raised her hands and carefully pinched each clamp, opening the metal teeth wide apart.? Using the mirror to watch herself, she carefully positioned each metal mouth over a nipple.
??????????? With sudden decisiveness Sam released the tension on the clamps, allowing them to close, and biting deep into the soft but firm flesh of her breasts.? She let out a soft groan as each nipple felt the intense pressure.? Carefully, she slipped the cotton summer dress over her head, feeling the soft tug of it sliding down her clamped and chained bosom.
??????????? It took Samantha a moment to finish, applying her makeup, and slipping on the high heeled sandals that completed the outfit.? Her long brunette hair cascaded around her shoulders in soft curls and she smiled at herself just once in the mirror, easily noticing the odd angular shapes of the clamps under her dress.? Anyone who took even a moment to admire her would notice.
??????????? A quick glance at the clock showed her that leaving immediately would result in her early arrival, but Sam didn?t care.? Even the possibility of spending an extra forty minutes in the presence of Kristen and Tami was worth the risk of showing up early to the sorority house.
??????????? Samantha quickly grabbed her purse and left, her eyes watching for fellow students who might notice the obvious angular clamps she wore under her dress.? Even the trip downstairs was fraught with possible dangers and more than once Samantha found herself crossing her arms in front of her, blocking the view to a pair of staring eyes.
??????????? The walk to
the sorority house itself was uneventful, the quickly passing stares of drivers
were almost immaterial and Sam found herself swinging her arms and smiling as
she crossed the intersection at
??????????? She passed a creaking porch swing and lifted her hand, pressing the small door bell button.? A moment passed and then the door opened, revealing one of the junior girls Sam had noticed but not met the previous night.
??????????? ?Well, well, well, Kristen was right.? Good evening, pledge.?? The girl said, a cruel smile on her face, her body and arm poised across the door.
??????????? Sam swallowed and nodded.? ?Good evening, sister.?? She said softly.
??????????? The girl stared hard at Sam, her eyes seeming to burrow in on the clamps which were clearly visible under the soft cotton dress, making Sam cover her breasts apprehensively.
??????????? ?Before you are allowed to enter the house, you have to surrender your clothing.? Which, in your case, is probably just that cute little dress you?re wearing isn?t it??? The junior asked.
??????????? Sam blushed scarlet in response and her eyes widened in alarm.
??????????? ?Well?? Take it off, pledge!?? The junior girl ordered.
??????????? Sam looked around.? Large juniper trees blocked most of the side views of the porch, but drivers passing directly in front of the house would be able to see right up to the doorway.?
??????????? ?Out here??? Sam asked, her voice more than just a simple question.? She seemed to beg and plead with the junior girl.
??????????? The door keeper nodded and crossed her arms, leaning against the doorway.? ?It?s either that or go home.? Your choice.?
??????????? For a moment, Sam considered it, just turning around and leaving.? But the thought of Kristen, of never seeing her again, never touching her, never being touched was too much and she dropped her hands to the hem of her dress and pulled it upward.? The cloth came up easily, her milky white thighs giving way to the smooth cleft of her sex, shaved bare.? The slightly rounded abdomen was then exposed as the dress was peeled from Sam?s body like the skin of a ripe fruit.? It hung up on the clamps, tugging painfully on her nipples until it came loose in a sudden rush, flowing over Samantha?s head and down her arms until it fell in a pile onto the outstretched hands of the watching junior.
??????????? Sam stood for just a moment in her full glory, totally uninhibited.? The look on the junior?s face was the same expression of desire and admiration that Kristen had worn when Sam opened her dorm room door that afternoon wearing nothing but the same two clamps.? Sam suddenly felt a rush, a sense of power that the beauty of her body brought and she lifted her hands to the back of her neck, interlacing her fingers and spreading her legs in the presentation position that she had been taught.
??????????? The door keeper?s breath was coming in quick excited gasps and she reached out ran her fingers down Sam?s body, from her shoulder down the side, eliciting a tiny tickling twitch from the nude girl.? The junior shook her head and smiled once more.
??????????? ?Kristen told me to tell you that she wants you to have a seat on the porch swing and wait for her.? I?ll tell her you?ve arrived.?? And with that the junior girl closed her hand over the discarded dress and quickly closed the door, leaving Samantha shocked and naked on the front porch.
??????????? For a moment, the sound of the cars swallowed everything else as Samantha stood in shocked horror.? Totally exposed, Samantha felt the utter humiliation and her eyes quickly filled with tears as she looked at the porch swing.? With deliberate movements she crossed the wooden deck and sat down, pressing her thighs together and wrapping her arms across her chest.? Her humiliated eyes stared out and down over the walkway leading from the street to the porch and she watched as car after car seemed to drift by.
??????????? Minutes passed and Sam felt as if every eye of every driver was upon her, glancing over to catch a glimpse of her nakedness.? Tears flowed to her eyes and she shook her head, telling herself that this humiliation was what Kristen wanted.? A sudden sound came from the walkway and Sam stiffened as she heard footsteps.
??????????? ?Oh my god! Samantha!?? A voice said in shock.? Sam looked up to see Ally stepping up onto the porch, eyes wide with surprise as she took in the sight of the naked sophomore.? ?What are you doing??
??????????? Sam?s face turned scarlet as Ally stared at her.? ?I?m sitting here waiting for Sister Kristen to let me into the house.?
??????????? Ally bit her lip.? ?Are they going to do that to everyone??? She asked, pausing in front of Sam.
??????????? Samantha shrugged.? ?I don?t know.? But Mistress Tami said last night that whatever happens to one of us could happen to any of us.?
??????????? ?How long have you been out here??? Ally demanded, her head turning to look out through the front portico and down to the street where the rushing sound of motors hissed.
??????????? ?About ten minutes I think.? Replied Sam.
??????????? Ally shivered.? ?Aren?t you?well?embarrassed?? I mean?what if you?re seen??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Of course I am!? But if this is what Sister Kristen wants from me, then I will do it.?
??????????? Ally leaned back and rocked for a second, wrapping her arms around herself.? ?Mistress Nicole and Sister Amanda haven?t done anything like this to me.?
??????????? Sam looked at Ally in surprise.? ?You mean, Sister Amanda hasn?t come to your dorm room, or met you between classes??
??????????? ?Oh no.?? Replied Ally.? ?Mistress Nicole said that the only time I would be forced to take part in the sorority activities would be here at the house.? Of course we are all supposed to greet any sister or mistress we see right?? But that has only happened to me once and it was just a little bow and ?hello Mistress?, nothing serious.?
??????????? Sam hugged herself tighter as Ally stepped up onto the porch and conscientiously stood between Sam and the road.? Sam beamed a smile at the friendly girl and visibly relaxed.? It was an interesting sensation she felt, the duality of exposure and embarrassment, combined with the intense physical rush of lust.? Samantha felt confused as the tingling in her clamped nipples combined with humiliation and forced her body into excitement.
??????????? Suddenly the Sorority house door opened and both girls turned to look as Kristen stepped out onto the porch.? She shoulder length blond hair curled around her face like a mane and her sparkling eyes told Sam immediately how much the junior sister was pleased.? Kristen stepped over to Sam and reached out a hand, quickly grasping the chain that hung between the two nipple clamps.
??????????? Kristen tugged, not harshly, but with a steady force, pulling Samantha up off the bench and toward the door.? Ally?s lips stayed tightly shut, her eyes alarmed as Sam was led to the door.? Kristen opened the door and pulled Samantha in as Ally followed.
??????????? The interior was cool and Sam sighed despite the throbbing pull on her breasts.? Being inside away from the abject humiliation of display outside was enough for Samantha, and she willingly followed Kristen.
??????????? Ally was waylaid by another one of the sisters who ordered her to disrobe and Sam turned back to see the petite blonde girl peel of her clothes, obviously pleased she was doing it indoors and not out on the porch.? The slight draw on her nipples brought Sam?s attention back forward and she turned with Kristen into the main sitting room.? Once more she beheld the chairs, though now only nine sat in the semi circle, one missing.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen?? Did someone drop out??? Samantha asked.
??????????? Kristen turned back to look at Sam and nodded.? ?Yeah.? It usually happens.? Last year there were twelve of us and only five stayed and joined.?? Kristen let go of Sam?s clamp chain and motioned for her to sit on the first of the chairs.
??????????? Sam looked down at the wooden chairs and noticed that the cushions that had padded the wooden seats the previous evening were missing.? In the center of each chair was a hole approximately two inches wide that seemed to go down half way through the wood.? Sam squinted at it, trying to understand its purpose, but then gave up, seating herself.
??????????? The wood felt cool on the bottoms of her thighs and the soft flesh of her buttocks as she squirmed in her seat.? The tiny opening in the wood felt odd, centered as it was directly beneath her shaved pink slit.? She wiggled frequently, trying to get comfortable.
??????????? After a moment, Ally was led into the room and Sam watched as the pretty girl took her seat, crossing her legs and holding herself tight in response to her own nudity.? Sam smiled inwardly, understanding what the pretty blond girl was feeling.? Sam felt a momentary surge of triumph as she realized that the ordeal on the porch proved her willingness to join the sorority.??
??????????? Over the next thirty minutes the other seven girls filed into the room, each as bare as the day they were born.? Sam watched as some of the girls still attempted to hide their bodies, covering their breasts and loins with splayed fingers and tightly crossed limbs as they took seats.? Sam watched as each of them squirmed, feeling the large hole in the center of the chair.
??????????? It took only a few moments for the junior and senior girls to file into the room, chattering, smiling, laughing, a few of them holding drinks or munching on snacks.? Samantha?s eyes quickly found Tami and Kristen, their heads bent together whispering, Kristen darting little glances toward Sam?s seat.? After a moment, Tami nodded and Kristen smiled a look of triumph.
??????????? ?Ladies, tonight we have several things to teach you.? Began Mistress Nicole.? Sam remembered that Nicole was Ally?s mistress.? ?Please stand.?
??????????? There was a soft rustle of skin peeling from wood as all seven pledges stood up.? Sam let her arms drop to her sides, grazing her hips, the thick metal clamps tightly bound to her nipples.? She felt no pain, just an incessant pressure.? Her glanced up at Mistress Nicole as her acolyte, Sister Amanda stepped forward.
??????????? ?Please watch Sister Amanda, pledges.? She will be demonstrating the four positions you must learn.?
??????????? Sister Amanda?s light brown hair seemed to shine in the soft candlelight, her makeup perfect, as she faced the seven pledges.? Her white blouse and black miniskirt were impeccable, hugging her figure in a sexy, yet classy manner.? Her chiseled features smiled at the pledges.
??????????? ?The first position is called the Acceptance Posture.? This is the position you will assume upon being approached by your Mistress, or if a Sister orders you to assume this position.?
??????????? As Mistress Nicole spoke, Sister Amanda slowly sank to knees.? Her fingers were laced behind her neck, her legs spread wide apart, her bottom only inches from the floor.? It looked very uncomfortable.? Sister Amanda?s skirt rode up exposing a black pair of under-shorts.? For a second Sam was disappointed, then realized that Sister Amanda had known she would be giving this demonstration.
??????????? ?Pledges, assume the Acceptance Position, please.?? Ordered Mistress Nicole.
??????????? Obediently, all ten of the girls, including Samantha, dropped to their knees.? Sam felt odd spreading her legs in such a fashion, feeling exposed not only at her breasts and sex, but her anus as well.? The position seemed to stretch her body in ways that pulled apart the secret crevices of her curves, placing them into the perfect position to accept whatever her mistress desired.
??????????? Mistress Nicole had stood up and walked down the line of presenting pledges, straightening a back, moving a head, even running a single finger nail down and over the delicate nipple of one girl.? Sam almost held her breath as Nicole lightly caressed the back of her neck, causing an involuntary shiver that caused the nipple clamps to dip and jiggle.
??????????? ?The next posture you must learn,? announced Mistress Nicole, ?is called the Spanking Position.? Sister Amanda will demonstrate.
??????????? Sam watched with wide eyes as Amanda unlaced her fingers and moved forward to all fours.? Amanda stretched her arms outward, raising her bottom in the air, bending her legs at a perfect ninety degree angle at the knee.? The junior girl?s breasts were pressed against the floor, her face turned to the left.
??????????? ?Please notice, pledges, that the knees are still kept spread.? This is a very important consideration.?
??????????? Sam winced, knowing exactly what consideration this was.? By keeping the legs spread, the puffy wet slit between each girl?s legs would be not only on display, but also available to receive the same punishment the bottom cheeks would earn.? Sam bit her lip and glanced at Kristen, who had a hungry look on her face.? Sam steeled herself and slowly bent over, duplicating Amanda?s position.
??????????? Sam felt the heavy carpet force the clamps into the delicate flesh of her breasts as she stretched herself out.? Turning her face to the left allowed her to see down the line of raised bottoms.? Mistress Nicole started down at the far end of the line and Sam watched as Ally?s bottom seemed to quiver as Nicole slid her fingers upward from her thigh through the soft wet slit of her sex.?
??????????? Sam felt herself ripening, the wet sensation from earlier returning, and she clenched her muscles tightly for a moment, resisting the temptation to reach down and slide a finger into her body.? She felt tormented and closed her eyes, shutting out the images of the other girls being fondled.
??????????? The soft touch of a finger at the very base of her back shocked her, almost enough for her too lose her control of the position.? Sam held on though as the finger slid downward, through the wide open crack of her bottom, grazing her anus, and then into the wet cavern that so desperately wanted to be filled.? Sam let out a small groan as the finger slipped in for one deep wet thrust, then was removed.
??????????? ?Pledges, stand please.?? Ordered Mistress Nicole.? Samantha slowly got to her feet, her body thrumming at the sensations she was feeling.
??????????? ?Now pledges, I ask that you take your chairs and turn them around so that the backs of the chairs are facing us.?
??????????? Sam looked puzzled for a moment and then turned to follow the command.? She reached out and touched the heavy wooden chair and discovered that she was able to pick it up and rotate it.? The railed wooden back and heavy arch now faced the crowd of junior and senior faces, twenty or so girls who stared at the bevy of naked flesh before them.
??????????? ?Pledges, please turn to face us.?? Mistress Nicole?s voice was heavy and domineering, full of confidence.?? When Samantha turned around her eyes widened in shock.
??????????? Someone had given Sister Amanda a chair.? It to was turned backward, but instead of facing the crowd, it faced the pledges, a mirrored image.? Amanda was standing two feet away from the chair, her legs spread obscenely wide, her body arched backward so that she appeared to be staring at the ceiling.? Her arms were behind her, supporting her upper body on the chair back.
??????????? To Sam, it appeared that each subsequent position was designed to further humiliate and embarrass the pledges, and she wondered whether this demonstration was more to weed out further pledges as much as present real positions used on an everyday basis.? She glanced up at Kristen who was smiling and Sam had the sudden feeling that even if Mistress Tami did not require these positions regularly, Kristen surely would.
??????????? ?Pledges, this position is called the whipping position.? Please examine Sister Amanda?s fine presentation and duplicate it immediately.?
??????????? Sam turned and looked down the line.? Ally was already gripping the chair back, spreading her legs.? The arch of her body made it possible for Samantha to actually see the swollen clit and pink petals of Ally?s sex.? Samantha reached backward, and gripped the chair, arching herself and spreading her legs.
??????????? Sam felt the stretch and wondered how long she would be able to hold the position.? Her body trembled and she felt vulnerable with her pelvis thrust forward.? Sister Amanda came out of the position and moved down to stand next to Samantha, as Mistress Nicole went next to Ally.
??????????? ?So that you all understand the total purpose of this position, you will each receive one stroke of the sap.? Mistress Nicole announced.
??????????? Sam gasped, as did several of the other girls and looked down the line toward Mistress Nicole.? The beautiful senior had a thick leather paddle in her hand which almost looked like a flyswatter.? Sam swallowed, watching the paddle swing down and land with a wet slap and crack against Ally?s beautiful and exposed slit.
??????????? Pain exploded through Sam?s body, radiating upward from her slit and she leapt upward, her head turning to see Sister Amanda holding a duplicate sap.? Standing upright out of position Sam placed a hand between her legs in mortified shock.
??????????? ?Get back in position, pledge!?? Ordered Sister Amanda, an angry look on her face.? Sam hesitated, wondering if she were to be whipped again, when she caught the look of rage on Kristen?s face.? Sam bit her lip and immediately resumed the whipping position, just as another crack echoed through the room and another girl let out a whimpering cry.
??????????? Sam spread her legs and braced herself, fully expecting another smack, full on the clit from Sister Amanda.? But to her surprise she was spared as Amanda moved down the line, letting the next girl, who was more prepared, take the blow.? It was over in just a minute, the final cries let out by the two girls in the center of the line.
??????????? ?Pledges, return your chairs to their normal positions and sit down.?? Mistress Nicole announced, moving away from the line of girls.? Sam straightened up and looked down at her pussy.? It was a lush but fading shade of pink, glistening with moisture and Sam realized that the single slap she had received had only excited her more, radiating heat upward through her loins.? She shook her head, unbelieving the response her body was giving to the utter humiliation and sensations that had been inflicted upon her.
??????????? She turned and began manhandling the chair back into position, facing the crowd of juniors and seniors who obviously had enjoyed seeing the pledges whipped.? Samantha sat down, just then seeing Kristen whispering to Mistress Tami.? Tami nodded and Kristen moved through the crowd to Mistress Nicole, touching the tall brunette on the arm and leaning forward to converse.
??????????? Sam felt butterflies in her stomach, knowing that Kristen was manipulating the situation.? Nicole?s eyes fell upon Samantha and Sam knew that whatever Kristen had said was being considered.? Sam?s heart almost skipped a beat as Nicole nodded and then pulled Amanda over for a hurried consultation as Kristen moved back to Mistress Tami?s side, a smirk on her face.
??????????? ?It has been brought to my attention Sisters, that one of our pledges failed to maintain the position during the whipping.?? Amanda smiled and moved the chair she had been using forward into the middle of the room, turned so that the back faced the crowd.? ?It is so ordered that Pledge Samantha be given five demerits and will endure a repeat of the whipping as punishment.? But instead of one stroke, she will be given five.?
??????????? Sam gasped in astonishment.? She had expected something, but nothing like this.? She looked up at Kristen who was smiling evilly.? Sam opened her mouth to say something but realized that anything short of total acceptance would result in her being kicked from the sorority.? Slowly she closed her lips, nodding meekly.? She rose and stepped forward to the chair.
??????????? ?Assume the whipping position, pledge.?? Sister Amanda said, her voice dripping with delight.? The brunette junior raised her sap so that Sam could see it clearly.
??????????? Sam nodded and leaned backward, spreading her legs, so much closer to the anticipating audience.? She tensed herself, preparing her body for the sting of the sap, remembering the pain from her first encounter.
??????????? Sister Amanda swung the leather paddle sharply and it exploded into Sam?s pussy with a loud wet crack.? The crowd gave a slight sound of appreciation as Sam gasped, her toes curling, her body arching.? But Sam maintained the position, biting her lip as the heat slammed through her.
??????????? Amanda swung again, this time offset slightly, catching part of Sam?s thigh in the process.? The heavy leather curled downward over Sam?s buttock and Sam?s hips danced as the sensation overloaded her nervous system.
??????????? Sister Amanda gave another sharp slap directly to Sam?s swollen clit and Sam cried out, her body exploding in pain and pleasure.? Sam?s eyes caught sight of Mistress Nicole?s arms reaching across her body and grasping the nipple clamps, tugging them hard as the fourth spank slammed into her.
??????????? Sam let out a squeal as the pain of the spank merely augmented the tight tug of the nipple clamps.? A thunderous wave of pleasure erupted between her legs and she shuddered, letting the orgasm shatter her control.? She quivered, only barely maintaining the position, her feet arching and forcing her up on tip toe in an effort to release the energy that had built.?
??????????? Nicole let go of the clamps, running a quieting hand up over Sam?s chest and neck, kissing the little pledge on the forehead.? ?One last spank, Sam.? You can take it!?? Mistress Nicole whispered.
??????????? Sam nodded, her body still flooded with the endorphins of her last orgasm.? She didn?t even register Amanda?s swing until it impacted upon her exposed flower.? Sam jerked, and would have let go, if it had not been for Mistress Nicole holding her in place.? Sam?s knees wobbled in and out, trying to guard the sensitive flesh, but finally came to rest still spread.? Tears flowed freely from Sam?s eyes, cascading down her cheeks.
??????????? ?Kiss the paddle, pledge.?? Amanda?s voice came in Sam?s ear and Sam opened her eyes to see the black leather paddle, wet from her own juices, only an inch away.? Sam pursed her lips and kissed it, tasting for the first time her own lustful needs.
??????????? ?Help her to her seat, Amanda.?? Nicole ordered.? Sam straightened, helped by Amanda who led her back to the heavy wooden chair, back in line.? Sam clenched at Amanda?s arm as the junior sat her down.
??????????? ?Thank you Sister Amanda.?? Whispered Sam, who gingerly sat, wincing.? Amanda shook her head.? ?You?re incredible, Sam.? I hope Kristen lets me borrow you sometime.?? Amanda planted a soft kiss right Sam?s lips, to quick for Sam to even react too.
??????????? For several minutes, Sam merely sat there, recovering, as the soft murmur of the juniors and seniors filled the room.? She felt as if every sense were heightened, her body an instrument that had just been played by a musician of unparalleled skill.? Slowly she relaxed, letting the incredible memory of her release fill her.
??????????? It was the movement of Mistress Tami and Sister Kristen to the forefront of the group that brought Sam?s attention back to the present.? Kristen was carrying a large box which she placed on a small folding table that had been erected.? With an veritable excitement, the room quieted down as Mistress Tami stepped forward to address the pledges.
??????????? ?Pledges, I am here to instruct you upon the final position that you will be required to assume during your tenure as a novice within our sisterhood.? The three previous positions, while important, are not used with any regularity except in extreme cases where punishments for infractions are given.? That being said, this final position which you will be taught momentarily will be used every day.?
??????????? Mistress Tami turned and looked at Sister Kristen, who had moved the chair Sam had been forced to lean against for her punishment back around to face the pledges.
??????????? ?Every novice is required to sit in her chair in a certain manner.? Kristen will now demonstrate.?? Mistress Tami said, motioning to Kristen.
??????????? Sam watched as Kristen, who was dressed in a long pair of black slacks and a teal shirt, sat down on the chair.? Carefully, Kristen spread her legs, moving her high heel clad feet to either side of the chair.? It was a posture that every girl, from the time they were young, were taught never to assume.? Several of the pledges looked uncomfortable and Sam knew that naked and exposed, that position would be just as revealing as any of the other three positions they had been taught.
??????????? ?This position will be maintained whenever you are seated, even if you are not here at the Sorority House.? The only exceptions to this rule is when it is physically impossible, such as if you must be seated on a bench.??
??????????? Sam noticed one of the pledges raising her hand to interrupt.? Mistress Tami looked surprised but then nodded at the girl to speak.
??????????? ?Um?Mistress Tami?? What about school desks?? I mean?a lot of my classes have those little half desks.?
??????????? Tami smiled.? ?An excellent question, Paige.? If you have to be seated in one of those half desks, then you will place one leg over and sit in the required position.?? Mistress Tami nodded at Paige and then continued.? ?Additionally, you will be checked upon to make sure that you are following the rule.?
??????????? Sam continued to stare at Kristen who continued to sit facing the pledges, a wicked smile on her face, legs spread.? Sam could only imagine the embarrassment of sitting in a classroom full of people, her legs spread obscenely open.? Sam glanced up at Mistress Tami and listened as the pretty senior girl continued.
??????????? ?I would like all of you to assume the position right now.?? Mistress Tami ordered.
??????????? Sam swallowed, but was one of the first girls to move, spreading her legs wide apart and to each side of the chair.? Turning her ankles toward the front, Sam felt the sensitivity of her sex and even the semi sharp ridge of the hole in the center of the seat.
??????????? ?There is one last item concerning this position.? All of the chairs in the Sorority House have an added feature for our sophomore girls.? Kristen??? Mistress Tami motioned to the blond junior.
??????????? Kristen got up from her chair and reached into the box on the folding table.? ?Each of the chairs in the house have a hole drilled in the center of the seat, slightly forward.? This hole is for the emplacement of one of four chosen phalluses.?? Kristen reached up into the box and lifted out a shiny wooden dildo, stained and oiled.
??????????? ?This is the most common phallus, and the one that will be inside you almost every time you sit down.? It is totally ridged and does absolutely nothing, which makes it much easier to study, write reports, or complete other homework assignments.? Get used to being filled, girls.?? Kristen smirked as she put the wooden dildo back in the box.
??????????? ?The second dildo is a rubber vibrator.? It fits just as securely into the seat fixture and is activated by pressure.? I can say from experience that this particular phallus can be extremely distracting over long periods of time and can even be a form of torture, depending on its use.?
??????????? Kristen returned the rubber vibrator back into the box and removed another object, this time a dark blue in color with two shafts, a large thick one with a tinier arm that broke off from the main trunk.
??????????? ?This particular item is for a double penetration on occasions a Mistress or Sister believes that you need that kind of stimulation.? The anal shaft vibrates.? The large one twists like a corkscrew.? Watch.?? Kristen reached up and twisted the base.? Sam watched in astonishment as the larger shaft began to twist about, looking like a mad sea creature searching for prey.
??????????? Kristen smiled and returned the object to the box, turning it off in the process.? She reached in, fumbling with an even larger object. ?Before she even pulled it off she began speaking.
??????????? ?The last phallus is called the punishment phallus.? It can deliver electrical shocks, vibrate, spin, and change temperature.? It has straps on its rubber base to hold it firmly inside the girl who is being punished.?? Kristen lifted the monstrosity out of the box and held it up for the pledges to see.
??????????? Sam gasped at the size of the thing, which was easily eight inched long and four inches wide, a huge phallus that no doubt would stretch the insides of any girl.? The tip of the phallus was metal and there were several silver strips which ran down the sides of the phallus.? A black rubber base extended outward like a saddle and Sam saw that the tiny end piece would fit in the hole of the seat and that the very weight of the girl herself would keep the punishment phallus deep.
??????????? Mistress Tami stepped forward again.? ?In this box we have two wooden phalluses, two rubber vibrators, two of the double penetrators, and the one punishment phallus.? The pledges are going to draw lots to see which equipment they will experience.? Remember pledges, that you might draw the lot for the punishment phallus, so if you are totally unwilling to participate, now is the time to stop.?? When Kristen gets to you, pick a piece of paper but do not open it.?
??????????? Kristen stepped forward with a small bowl filled with paper.? She moved all the way down the line to Ally, holding the bowl out to the blonde waif.? Ally reached up and removed a single piece of folded paper.? Kristen began moving down the line, each girl picking out a single piece.
??????????? Sam watched, wondering if Kristen was manipulating the outcome of this event, seeing the gleam of mischief in the junior?s eyes.? As the girl next to Sam reached into the bowl, Sam saw Kristen?s fingers holding down one of the slips of paper.? Suddenly the bowl was in front of her and Sam saw Kristen let the note drop into the bottom of bowl, allowing Sam to pick it.
??????????? ?Ally.? Please stand and read your note.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Ally stood, trembling as she carefully unfolded the piece of paper.? ?Double.?? The poor girl said.
??????????? Kristen grinned and reached into the box, pulling out the double shafted vibrator.? A small bottle of oil was in her other hand and she carefully lubed the vibrator as she approached Ally.? Kristen bent over at the chair and smoothly inserted the base of the shaft into the hole and then motioned for Ally to take her seat.
??????????? Ally nodded and positioned herself over the vibrator, spreading her legs wide to each side of the chair and slowly dropping herself down.? Sam watched as Ally gasped when the large phallus penetrated.? Ally?s eyes closed in apparent pleasure as the first turns of the corkscrew phallus twirled inside her, then the tiny shaft penetrated into Ally?s bottom.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened as Ally?s hips began to grind while she straddled the chair.? Soft moaning sounds came from the blond waif and Sam though she heard the wet squelch of the vibrator.
??????????? ?Paige.? Stand and read your note.??
??????????? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?? Paige said, standing.? ?Wood.?
??????????? Kristen brought out one of the shiny wooden phalluses and placed it in the socket of Paige?s seat.? Quickly oiled, Paige straddled her chair and carefully lowered herself, sliding the thick wooden rod up into her body, eliciting a groan that matched the grinding moans made by Ally.
??????????? ?How does it feel?? Asked Tami, who watched with a smile on her face.
??????????? Paige bit her lip, trying to settle herself.? ?I feel full, Mistress.? But its not uncomfortable, just a presence.?
??????????? ?Could you study or do your homework??? Asked Tami.? Paige nodded.? ?I think so Mistress.? I could easily get distracted, especially if I moved around, but I suppose if I concentrated I could.?
??????????? And so it went.? Sam watched as each of the other girls down the line stood and read their papers.? The girl after Paige announced ?wood? and the next one announced ?rubber.?? Sam had no doubts as each girl read off the name of one of the three regular phalluses.? Finally it was down to Sam and the sixth girl.?
??????????? ?Jari, please stand and read out your note.?? Mistress Tami ordered.
??????????? ?Rubber.?? Jari said after opening her paper.
??????????? Sam looked at Kristen, the accusation clearly written on her face.
??????????? Kristen smirked at Sam as she approached Jari with the rubber vibrator.? Setting it tightly in the seat, Kristen helped Jari impale herself on the vibrator, glancing at Sam long enough to smile.
??????????? ?Samantha, I don?t think we need to know what your note says.? I?ll say that your luck doesn?t seem to be present tonight.? Between your early arrival, your failure to hold position earlier, and now the random chance of being made the example of how the punishment phallus works, you would think that someone was out to get you!?? Mistress Tami said, her mouth pulled up into a grin.? ?Please stand.?
??????????? Samantha stood up in front of her chair as Kristen approached with the monstrosity.? Closer, it appeared even bigger than it had when Kristen had held it up to show the pledges.? Sam wondered how something that large could even fit up inside of a girl.? Kristen took a moment to arrange the straps and base plate as it fit in the chair socket with a click.
??????????? Kristen uncapped the oil bottle and poured a liberal amount over the tip of the phallus, rubbing it in with her hands until it glistened.? She reached out and touched Sam on the hip, pulling her backward over the chair.
??????????? Sam looked down between her legs as she straddled her seat.? She was thankful that at least she wasn?t to be penetrated in her bottom, though she knew she would eventually endure that phallus as well.? Slowly she sank down, resigned to the fate Kristen wanted to inflict upon her.
??????????? Her already tender sex was still pink from the orgasm and whipping it had received earlier, and Kristen reached down, spreading the lips of Sam?s sex apart as the tip of the phallus pressed upward.? Sam clenched momentarily, tightening her muscles as the cool metal tip touched the hot flesh between her legs.? She almost expected a shock, but instead merely felt the cool object seeming to expand, widening as she sank down upon it.?? Sam gasped as it penetrated, pressing against the sides of her sex.?? Deeper and deeper it went until she felt it press against her cervix, the bone of her hips, but she found that while deep, her buttocks were still able to support her weight.? She groaned, keeping her legs spread so that the crowd of girls could see the tight split of her sex, stretched wide by the massive colossus.
??????????? Kristen busied herself with the straps, tightening them around Sam?s thighs to hold the vibrator in.? Sam watched as Tami reached into the box and removed two pairs of leather bondage cuffs, tossing them to Kristen, who quickly secured Sam?s ankles and wrists to the chair.
??????????? Sam felt the same trepidation she imagined death row inmates would feel when being strapped into the electrocution chair.? Her groin trembled around the rod impaling her and the pleasure filled cries of her fellow pledges did nothing to alleviate the shear fright she had of what might be about to happen.? Her only consolation was that Kristen would do nothing to harm her, worried Sam would quit, or not make it through the initiation.
??????????? There was a sudden vibration between her legs that started at her clit and worked its way upward.? Sam shuddered, trying to imagine how the designers of the punishment phallus had managed to create the sensation.?? Up and down the tremors went, racing along the length of her sex.? Sam tensed, grateful that her legs and arms were bound, forcing her to keep the appropriate position.
??????????? Suddenly the sensation changed and Sam felt the shaft begin to spin inside her.? The vibrations continued, but now no longer raced up and down, but spiraled upward and downward through her sex like a mad top, intent on touching every part.?? Sam gasped and ground her hips downward, feeling the waves of pleasure overwhelm her.?
??????????? Next she felt a flash of warmth and realized the phallus had heated up.? Her sex steamed and she felt the hot wash flood upward through her body.? She began bucking, trying to escape the intense rush of sensations, the spinning, the tremors, the heat, but the straps held the phallus deep inside her, despite coming up almost out of the seat.?????????
??????????? The other pledges began to watch her, listening to Sam?s frantic cries.? Sam turned to Kristen and began to beg her to turn it off, only to receive a slight smile and a shake of the head.?? Sam turned to Tami and begged.
??????????? ?Please!? Oh god!? Mistress!? PLEASE!? I can?t!? I can?t!? Its?oh my god!?? YES??? Sam gasped and looked at the ceiling as the first electric shock ran up the length of the vibrator.? Sam stiffened like a board and her voice caught in her throat.? She shook, her body ridged as the repeated shocks flooded through her.? Kristen reached down and held the poor pledge?s shoulders as Mistress Tami stepped up.
??????????? ?Pledges.? See how Sam stiffens in the pleasure?? It hurts, yes, but it is also prolonging her orgasm.? She the fluids which are leaking from her pussy?? She is enjoying this.? The electricity will continue to flow into her while she orgasms, essential keeping her in the same state of orgasmic pleasure.? The record any of our members holds is twelve minutes of orgasm on the punishment phallus.? Sister Amanda has that honor.?
??????????? Sam was beyond hearing the explanation, or even aware of Tami?s approach.? Her body betrayed her, sending wave after wave of orgasmic delight through her.? She began twitching, her mind beginning to shut down from the over stimulation and she felt soft hands on her shoulders.? Suddenly it stopped, a complete stillness from her over sensitized sex.? A series of tremors washed over her and she groaned loudly as Kristen held her tight.
??????????? ?Sam will be fine, though she is dealing with the after results of the punishment phallus.?? Mistress Tami said.? ?Believe me, all of you, that enduring the punishment phallus will leave you weak, exhausted, and totally open.?? Tami knelt down before Sam, who was slowly blinking, letting things come back into focus.
??????????? ?Samantha??? Mistress Tami?s voice was soft.? ?Sam.? Look at me, honey.?? Sam blinked again, turning her head toward the voice and starting at Tami?s face.? ?Yyess Mistress??? Sam asked, her voice soft and exhausted.
??????????? ?Do you want out of the sorority??? Tami asked.? Sam shook her head.
??????????? ?Can you describe what the punishment phallus felt like??? Tami inquired.
??????????? Sam shook her head.? ?Too much?sensitive.? Like storm waves??? Sam muttered.
??????????? Tami smiled and nodded.? ?Kristen, please untie Sam and take her someplace to rest.?? She stood up and turned toward the other pledges.?
??????????? ?Pledges, that will be all for tonight. ?Please remember to be here at five in the afternoon, tomorrow.? Good night.?? Mistress Tami smiled.
??????????? Sam was barely aware of Kristen unstrapping her, of the other girls slowly getting up from the various humming and thrumming vibrators.? The most prominent sensation was being lifted from the phallus, the thick monstrosity sliding out of her elicited a groan of desperation and she tried closing her legs to keep it in.? The chair blocked her and Kristen stifled a little chuckle.
??????????? ?Easy there, Sam.? You can have something back inside you in a little while?after you?ve rested!?
??????????? ?
Chapter 7 ? Tuesday Morning
??????????? ?Sam?Sam!? Samantha!? Wake up!?? Kristen?s voice was strong and full of vigor as Sam blinked, opening her eyes to see the pretty blond junior dressed in a long tee shirt and silk pajama bottoms.?
??????????? Sam looked around the room, confused.? ?Kristen??
??????????? Kristen frowned.? ?That?s Sister Kristen to you pledge.? Another five demerits.? And I can tell you?re wondering where you are.? Well you are in my room here at the house.?
??????????? Samantha shook her head, trying to clear it.? ?Why am I here, Sister Kristen??? Sam mumbled, remembering to add the title.?
??????????? Kristen smiled and began stroking Sam?s hair.? ?You?re here because you were too tired and sore to go home last night.? Don?t you remember, Sam?? I took you to the showers, got you cleaned up, then put you to bed??
??????????? Sam nodded, her memory slowly crystallizing the images from the previous night.? There were the various positions, the whipping, and then the incredible experience on the punishment phallus.
??????????? ?Anyway, I
know your first class is at
??????????? Samantha nodded and pulled back the covers, noticing that she was still totally naked.? Evidentially only juniors and seniors were allowed night clothes.? Sam swung her feet down as Kristen went into the connecting bathroom, and Sam stood up and went to the chair where Kristen had laid out clothes.
??????????? Sam lifted up the little white top with school girl buttons and the knee length red plaid skirt and stared at them for a minute.? There was no sign of her clothes from last night, nor a stitch of undergarments, though Sam admitted to herself that the top was to be worn without a bra.
??????????? ?Um?Sister Kristen??? Sam called.?? Kristen poked her head through the door, still applying eye shadow.
??????????? ?Yes???
??????????? ?Um?what about panties??? Sam asked.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Novices don?t get to wear them.?? Kristen went back into the bathroom.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened.?? ?Ever??
??????????? Kristen looked back over at Sam, ?Except during your time of the month.?
??????????? Sam just stood there for several long moments.? Finally she decided she really didn?t have much choice in the matter and slipped the white top over her head.? It was a tad tight and Sam frowned once in suspicion since Kristen had larger breasts than her.? She felt as if the cotton was squeezing her breasts together and the cleavage the shirt displayed was almost unwholesome.?? The skirt wasn?t much better, except for the fact that it did go down to her knees.?
??????????? Sam moved to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror as Kristen turned and held out a brush.? Sam took it, brushing out her long brunette hair, suddenly seeing herself in a new light.? She was sexy.? Incredibly sexy.? Desirable in ways she hadn?t imagined.? She smiled to herself, imaging the head turns she would be getting from all the boys, not to mention certain girls.
??????????? ?Don?t worry about makeup, Sam.? You?re still fresh without it.? I?m pretty sure I don?t want you looking like a tart.? I know the outfit?s embarrassing, but today all the pledges will be wearing the exact same thing.? You?ll see.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I can deal with it.?
??????????? ?Good.? I knew you could.??? Kristen gave Sam a quick hug.? ?Let?s go eat.?
??????????? Together the two girls left the sorority house and walked down Avenue C until they got to the cafeteria.? Kristen?s conversation was lively and Sam began to feel comfortable with the junior girl in ways she hadn?t expected.? Kristen began to open up, telling Sam about her life before college, and more important, the levels of confidence she had gained over the last year.
??????????? ?You have to understand Sam, that being willingly submissive gives one perspectives that normal people just don?t have.? After a year, I understood that my confidence was supreme, just knowing I was submissive.? That confidence builds up like it has with Mistress Tami, and you become something indomitable.?
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?I can see that Sister Kristen.? Everyone at the sorority seems to have this?presence.?? Sam picked up a tray and began moving through the serving line.? ?It?s almost intimidating with everyone looking at me, everyone staring, and every Mistress and Sister totally in control.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Well, not totally.? I manage a bit better than some of the other juniors.? Last year Mistress Tami was Sister Tami to me, and frankly she wasn?t very demanding.? My first mistress was Mistress Calli, and she did things to me and Mistress Tami that you wouldn?t believe.?
??????????? Sam turned, looking inquisitive.? ?Like what??
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?Calli had a bit of a sadistic streak.?? She liked more extreme types of punishments.? We?ve still got a basement full of her torture devices. I suspect that her mistress was into S&M.?
??????????? Samantha?s looked at Kristen inquisitively, ?What?s S&M??
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?It stands for sadism and masochism.? You know what those are right??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Isn?t sadism where you take pleasure from hurting someone, and masochism is when you like being hurt??
??????????? ?Right on the head, pledge.? To an extent, we?re all into a little bit of S&M, your experience on the punishment phallus last night being a primary example.?
??????????? Samantha blushed scarlet.? ?Does that mean I?m some sort of weird sexual masochist?? she said, sounding concerned.
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?No.? It means you?re normal.? A little pain can really intensify some sexual experiences.? I have to admit, that when Calli was punishing me and Tami, I experienced some orgasms that would have made the one you had last night look puny.?
??????????? ?Really??? Sam asked, intrigued.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Yeah.? Calli was a great believer in long sessions.? In some ways it?s a lot like foreplay.? The better the foreplay, the more intense the sex.?
??????????? Sam leaned back in her chair thinking.? ?Sister Kristen, I would really like to see the machines Calli used on you and Mistress Tami.?
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?Sure.? Meet me back at the Sorority House at three and I?ll take you down to the museum.?
Chapter 8 ? Tuesday Afternoon
??????????? The day had been a trying one for Samantha, yet the looks and even the few whistles she had received during her many classes.? The only negative thing that had happened during class was the cold shoulder her friend Chelle had given her.? Sam had felt a little angry as Chelle had ignored her, but Sam had put it out of her mind.?
??????????? It was very warm as Sam rushed across the campus, trying to get to the Sorority House before three.? The strange feeling of being pantyless caused her to feel self conscious as she hurried, and it felt as if everyone was staring at her.? Despite her rush she still managed to be late, walking up the steps of the front porch a few minutes after three.
??????????? ?Well about time you got here, pledge!? You?re late!?? Kristen said from the porch swing as Samantha walked up.?
??????????? ?I am so sorry!? My last class is all the way over on the other side of campus and it was a long walk all the way over here.?? Sam said, clutching her bag with one hand.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?More demerits for you.? You?re already at twenty.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened in alarm.? ?Twenty!? Am I going to get kicked out of the sorority??
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Oh no.? The demerits indicate what kind of punishment you get on Friday.? We have a special room for it at the back of the house.?
??????????? Sam looked at Kristen suspiciously.? ?A Punishment room??
??????????? Kristen laughed as they sat down at a table.? ?Yeah, don?t worry.? You?ll get to see it on Friday.? And all the pledges will answer for their demerits.?
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I don?t understand the demerits.?
??????????? Kristen grinned. ?Well, whenever one of us sees you not following an order or rule, they can give you demerits.? Sisters can give a maximum of five per offense.? Mistresses can give a maximum of ten.? The demerits are recorded in a book that?s kept in the common room, so you can see how many you have.?
??????????? ?Can sisters get demerits??? Asked Samantha.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes flared but she nodded.
??????????? Sam dropped her bag on the porch floor.? ?So how did I get twenty??
??????????? Kristen grinned.? ?Cause you forgot to address me with my title twice this morning and at breakfast you were sitting in your chair with your knees together.? Don?t you remember what you learned last night??
??????????? Sam bit her lip in response.
??????????? ?And now you were late.? That makes twenty.?? Kristen crossed her arms in front of her chest.? ?So now I?m going to take you down to the basement so you can see Calli?s old playroom, but first you need to strip.? No clothes for novices in the Sorority House.?
??????????? Samantha nodded, and without even a glance at the street, she peeled off the white cotton tank top and short skirt.? In seconds the beautiful brunette stood bare in all her glory on the white washed wood porch.? Kristen admired her for a few moments and then stood, setting the porch swing swaying, picked up Sam?s clothes and bag, and led the naked and willing pledge into the Sorority House.
??????????? Kristen dumped Sam?s stuff on the first bench in the hallway and led Samantha down the corridor.? Just behind the stairs was a small doorway that Kristen opened, clicking a small switch on the side of the doorway.? She held the door open and motioned to Sam.? ?After you, pledge.?
??????????? Sam looked through the doorway and saw a stairwell that led down into the bowels of the house.? The walls of the stairwell were unplastered and made of cinder blocks and Sam suddenly felt as if she were going to down into a dungeon.? Despite the warm temperature, Sam felt goose bumps all over her body.? For some reason, her nudity bothered her as she descended; carefully she padded down the wooden stairs until she reached a corner that allowed her to enter the large room under the house.
??????????? It was poorly lit.? Only a few sparse light bulbs illuminated the various sheet draped objects sitting against the walls and Sam suddenly felt small and insignificant as Kristen followed her out onto the floor.
??????????? ?I haven?t been down here for awhile.?? Kristen said, suddenly sounding a little timid herself.
??????????? Sam looked at the junior girl.? ?Kristen, if you?re uncomfortable?? she trailed off as Kristen shook her head.
??????????? ?No, I?m okay.? Its just I have a lot of memories from down here.?? Kristen walked over to one of the large pieces of furniture and pulled the cover sheet off of it.? It was a large wooden saw horse with the cross piece cut in an angle, allowing for a sharp point facing upward.
??????????? ?What?s that??? Asked Samantha, stepping up next to Kristen.
??????????? ?It?s a wooden pony.? You have your victim straddle it.? Depending on your height, you either put all your weight between your legs, or you get to stand on tip toes until your legs get tired and you sink down, doing the same thing.?? Kristen reached out and rested her hand on the smooth sanded wood.? A dark stain glistened in the center.
??????????? ?I spent many hours on this thing.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened.? ?Did it hurt??
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Oh yes.? But Calli always added something of a sexual nature to our sessions, so usually I had a vibrating egg inside me when on this thing.? Calli wasn?t into just hurting us, she wanted us to breach that division between pain and pleasure so that our reactions to sex were intensified.? She took it a lot farther than any other sister or mistress.?
??????????? Kristen moved on through the basement.? She stopped and disrobed another object that had Sam mystified.
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Now this machine was fun.? Calli called it the ?Twister??.? Samantha studied the device.? It was two tall posts with a cross piece that seemed to create a doorframe.? Two thick hemp ropes were strung between the posts at chest height and attached to what looked like two cranks.? Sam looked on in amazement.
??????????? ?You stand here in the center and your arms get tied to a cross piece.? The ropes go above and below your breasts.? Then someone twists the ropes, which squeezes your breasts tight.?? Kristen said, raising a hand to lovingly caress the wooden frame.
??????????? ?Did you spend a lot of time in this??? Sam asked, staring at the older girl.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Calli used it to work on my nipples or clit, since you can cuff the victim?s ankles too.?? She shook her head.? ?Ice cubes, hot wax, clamps, spiked rollers, weights, and even electrical toys were used.?? She said, describing a litany of torments that caused Sam to experience a momentary thrill that cascaded down her spine all the way to her loins.? A small blush of wetness filled Sam?s sex.
??????????? Kristen turned and uncovered another cloth draped device.? Sam stood looking at it quizzically, trying to understand it.? It was a waist high bench in the shape of a capital ?T?, with five foot high posts standing straight up at each end of the bench.? A number of pulleys were mounted to the posts, three just a little higher than the bench itself, and three right at the top of the posts.? A bucket full of chains lay next to the whole contraption.
??????????? ?What is this thing??? Sam asked.
??????????? Kristen grinned.? ?Actually this was a pretty cool thing.? It?s a ?T? Spreader Restrainer.? Its supposed to spread open your slave in a variety of ways so you can torment them as much as you want.? I spent hours on this thing.? I was usually pretty sore afterwards, but I had some mind blowing orgasms on it.?? Kristen turned and looked around the room.? ?Tami and I spent hours down here, sometimes with Tami getting tortured with me, sometimes with Tami helping to do it to me.? Calli seemed to love watching us writhe.?? She shook her head.
??????????? Sam gave Kristen a sympathetic smile and again surveyed the room.? There were still quite a few cloth covered items there in the basement, and Sam summoned an image of Kristen being tormented.? It made her swallow hard and she let a single finger press against her clit.? In a flash her mind was made up.
??????????? ?Kristen?? Do you want to know how Calli felt when she was torturing you??? Sam asked, a little breathless.
??????????? ?Huh?? What do you mean, Sam??? Kristen said, drawn from her own thoughts.
??????????? ?Do you want to see what Calli experienced??? Sam said again, this time her voice sounding solid and sure.
??????????? ?What Calli experienced??? Kristen said, still not following.
??????????? ?You can put me on any of these machines, Kristen.? I won?t object.? I?m willing.? You can do to me what Calli did to you.?? Sam said, looking at Kristen resolutely.
??????????? Kristen stared at Samantha.? ?Do you have any idea what I endured down here?? The hours of discomfort, of pain even, all for the sadistic pleasure of one woman??? Kristen asked in disbelief.? She clapped her hand to her forehead.? ?Of course you don?t!?
??????????? Samantha stepped close to the blond junior, taking her hand softly.? ?But I want too.?? She said.? ?I want to know what you endured, Kristen.?
??????????? Kristen looked at Sam, tears in her eyes.? It seemed to Sam as if something inside her Sister was breaking, and then Kristen?s eyes hardened.? ?You?ve forgotten to use my title, pledge.? At least three times.? That will be another fifteen demerits recorded in the punishment book.? You?ve also earned yourself a direct punishment from me.?? Kristen said, her voice hard.
??????????? Kristen pushed Sam forward until the pledging sophomore felt the soft padding of the ?T? bench against her bottom.? Kristen kept pushing and Sam hopped up onto the bench, letting Kristen push her backward so that her legs were dangling over the top portion of the ?T?.? Sam laid back, a tiny smile on her face, as she heard Kristen running chains through the bottom set of pulleys on each post.
??????????? There was a tiny touch on the bottom of Sam?s right foot and she felt Kristen buckling a heavy leather cuff around the ankle.? The slight tinkle told Sam that her ankle had been chained to the post.? Her other foot quickly followed and Sam looked up at Kristen who was squatting between Sam?s dangling legs.
??????????? ?Hope you like doing the splits.?? Kristen said nastily and began cranking a gear shaft under the table.?
??????????? Sam felt the chains pulling on her ankles and in a few seconds felt her thighs ripple as her ankles began to be drawn toward the opposite pillars on each side of the crossbar.? Her bottom began to slide downward as her legs were split wide apart and Sam groaned loudly as she felt the tension in her thighs radiate outward.? The soft pink petals of Sam?s wet sex split outward and Sam lifted herself up on her elbows and watched as Kristen stared at the exposed pussy like a hungry cat.
??????????? Finally the drawing was done and Kristen quickly moved around the cross bar to the stem of the ?T? bench, cuffing Samantha?s hands in cuffs and once more cranking a gear to lock the naked pledge in place.? Sam quivered in excitement, the feeling of being restrained, with no control over what would happen, streaming through her.? Kristen ran her fingers over Sam?s breasts, watching as the young sophomore lay bound and tense on the bench.
??????????? ?I think we should start with a minor whipping first, pledge, to remind you of your manners when addressing your elders.?? There was a slight whisper of wind and suddenly a sharp sting in Sam?s left breast.? Before Sam could even cry out Kristen swung again, striking Sam?s other breast just as the poor girl squealed into the basement air.?? Sam clenched, straining against her bindings as she saw Kristen moving downward, between her legs.?? There was nothing Sam could do as the whip whistled down, smashing slashing into the pink slit between her legs.
??????????? Kristen swung the whip only three more times before falling to her knees.? The blond junior dropped her whip and reached up, spreading the pink and puffy lips of ?Sam?s sex.? Kristen bent down and began lapping at Samantha?s clit, running her tongue up and down the length of the punished slit.
??????????? Sam?s moan of pleasure was twice as loud as the cries of pain she had let out when Kristen had whipped her, and she bucked her hips upward as Kristen continued to lick the soft heated flesh.? Suddenly there was the sound of chains again and Kristen?s mouth left Sam?s clit.? Sam looked up to see Kristen attaching a thinner chain to one of the posts her ankles was pulled against.? A second chain quickly was attached to the other pillar and Sam saw that each chain ended in a thick rubber coated clamp.? Kristen grinned wickedly as she grabbed each chain, pulling them down toward Sam?s thighs.
??????????? The sharp pinch and pull of the clamp and chain on the fleshy lips of? Sam?s pussy caused the bound girl to tremble, biting her lip.? In moments, her pussy was spread open wide, its reddish interior open to Kristen?s site and desires.
??????????? Kristen moved around to Sam?s head and dangled another set of chains.?
??????????? ?These go on your nipples, Sam.?? Kristen said, a slight chuckle of mischief in her voice.? ?Let me get these on, and then I have to go get a special toy for the rest of our little session.?? Kristen flicked her fingers at Sam?s breasts until each nub tightened.? With dexterous fingers Kristen attached the nipple clamps, then bent and gave Sam a light kiss.? ?I?ll be back soon.?
??????????? Sam nodded, her body tense as the footsteps of Kristen?s departure filled the room.? Samantha closed her eyes, her body a riot of sensation.? She could feel her own juices leaking downward, the incessant tug of the nipple and pussy clamps on her body, and the steady ache in her arms and legs.? Sam decided to try counting as the seconds ticked by until several minutes had passed. Finally, the soft but quick padding of feet on the wooden staircase announced Kristen?s return.
??????????? ?Oh my God, Kristen!? She agreed to do this??? a voice sounded.? Samantha opened her eyes to see one of the other sorority sisters standing above her, eyes wide.
??????????? There was a chuckling from Kristen.? ?She begged me to do it, Desiree.? I?m beginning to understand why Calli kept me and Tami down here so much.?? Sam tried to look up at Kristen, but was unable to see what the junior was doing between her legs.
??????????? Kristen looked up at Desiree.? ?Get that thing on.? I want this recorded.??
??????????? Desiree nodded and Sam watched as the other sister lifted a camcorder.? The bright red light glowed, indicating Sam?s torment was being documented.? Desiree turned the camcorder to Kristen who rose and smiled for the camera.
??????????? ?Hello, today Samantha Mayfield has volunteered to break a very important record.? Currently the record is sixteen minutes.? Samantha will now keep the punishment phallus inside herself for thirty minutes.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened and she lifted her head.? ?Uh?Kristen??? Sam whispered, her body still tense.
??????????? Kristen hurried over and bent down.? ?Open your mouth, princess.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam opened her mouth, only to have a ball gag inserted.
??????????? Kristen stood up after putting in the gag and returned to the outstretched lower limbs of the restrained pledge.
??????????? With a flair for the dramatic, Kristen lifted the punishment phallus, its silver coat shining in the bare light.? She swung it around a few times like a sword, then positioned it in the red flushed opening below her.? Samantha groaned as it penetrated deep, arching her hips and rocking as it became embedded in her flesh.? Kristen quickly strapped the holding bands in place around Sam?s thighs and backed off, showing her watch to the camera and flipping on the phallus.
??????????? Immediately Samantha screamed into the gag as the first of the tiny electrical shocks began.? Her body trembled on the bench, tugging painfully on the nipple and pussy clamps, shaking the chains.? Kristen smiled, her eyes wide as Sam?s eyes rolled wildly, her hips bouncing up and down.
??????????? Desiree kept filming, her tongue between her lips as she watched the delicately boned sophomore endure the stretching rack and punishment phallus.? While not one of Calli?s direct underlings, Desiree remembered seeing Kristen striped red, sore, tender, and exhausted.? She knew that if anyone still in the sorority could match Calli?s capability at torture, it would be Kristen.
??????????? Samantha?s body began to settle into a regular rhythm as the punishment phallus pulsated and twisted around inside her.? Her hips thrust back and forth, trying to move the phallus, but the straps holding the large intruder were securely buckled around her outstretched thighs.? Desiree moved toward the head of the bench, pointing the camera down between the chains clamping Sam?s nipples.? Kristen had dropped a small pillow on the floor between Sam?s legs on the opposite side of the bench.? Kristen knelt and bent her head forward.
??????????? The touch of Kristen?s tongue on Sam?s clit was like a massive surge of caffeine into the blood stream.? Sam turned red and flushed as the combination of the phallus and Kristen?s tender lick became to much and the first orgasm exploded through her.? Still only ten or so minutes into her ordeal, Kristen continued, alternating her fingers and tongue while probing the tender nub before her.
??????????? Sam closed her eyes, arching her back.? The first explosion faded quickly only to be replaced by another rising wave.? Over and over it crashed into her, forcing her muscles to contract, her body to shake, her heart to pound.? She bit down into her gag, wanting to cry out, to scream, to beg it to stop, to beg for it to continue.? Overwhelmed with adrenaline she thrashed her head, feeling the vibrations move her body, which only tugged on the nipple clamps.
??????????? Desiree was wishing she had a tripod, as she slowly used a single finger to rub her own clit as she recorded Samantha?s punishment.? Kristen?s head was bobbing down again, sucking Sam?s clit upward into the mouth of torment as the waves of pleasure went on and on.? A glistening sheen of moisture had formed all over Samantha?s body and Desiree thought she could actually feel the heat pouring of the sophomore.
??????????? Suddenly Kristen stood and moved around the table.? She bent over Sam?s head and quickly unbuckled the ball gag, pulling it out quickly.? Sam cried out, working her jaw and then began pleading nonsensically to Kristen.? Desiree watched as Kristen quickly yanked down her own shorts, revealing her perfectly shaved slit, and then straddled Sam?s face.
??????????? Kristen dropped down, squatting over Sam.? ?Lick me, pledge.?
??????????? Desiree knelt down, letting the camera frame Sam?s nose as it pressed up into Kristen?s slit, and then the tilting as Sam extended her own tongue upward.? Soon Kristen was also moaning, matching the bound and tormented girl below.? Sam continued to buck and as each new wave of electrical shocks hit her, she would bury her mouth in Kristen?s pussy and scream, sending waves of ecstasy through both Kristen and Desiree.?
??????????? With her legs spread wide, the punishment phallus rammed and tied in place, Sam could barely concentrate on the soft sweetness above her.?? Kristen dipped lower and began sliding her slit back and forth across Samantha?s face, literally fucking her nose and mouth until finally Kristen let out a tiny squeal of triumph and rose, her sex dripping.
??????????? Sam gasped for air and Desiree moved round, still filming, taking in the glistening wetness of Sam?s face.? The camera was panned downward for another look at the chains and clamps that cruelly spread Samantha?s sex wide, the skin taut and red.? Kristen pulled her shorts back on and thrust her watch back under the camera.?
??????????? ?Twenty three minutes.? Sam?s already broken the record.? But we want it to be hard for the next person??? Kristen moved over to Samantha and knelt by her head, gently stroking her hair.
??????????? ?Sam?can you keep it in another eight minutes?? Darling?? Can you??
??????????? Sam opened her eyes, seeing Kristen?s smiling face in a red haze.? She shook her head, her eyes glazed with a mixture of ecstasy and agony.?? Kristen gave a small frown of disappointment.? Standing up, Kristen moved down between Samantha?s legs and touched the punishment phallus.? Immediately Samantha?s wild gyrations stopped.? The bound girl lay panting, her hard breaths filling the basement dungeon.? Her skin glistened with a sheen of perspiration, her stretched muscles still protesting their spread position.
??????????? ?Sam?? You all right?? Kristen asked, hastily reaching to the far side of the spreader bench to release Sam?s right ankle.? Sam lifted her head up and looked down between her clamped breasts.? She nodded and gave a small groan, letting her head drop down as Kristen moved back around to the front of the bench, removing the clamps and wrist cuffs, eliciting another painful groan from Sam?s lips.
??????????? Desiree continued to watch in interest, however she had ceased her video taping.? She stepped up and smiled down at Samantha.? ?That was one of the most kick ass things I?ve seen, pledge.? You?re going to be a lot of fun.?
??????????? Kristen
chuckled.? ?Come on
Chapter 9 ? Tuesday
??????????? Kristen once again was leaning over Samantha, yet this time the beautiful sophomore lay napping under the heavy quilts of Kristen?s bed.? Kristen reached out and stroked Sam?s hair, marveling in the young woman?s strength.? Kristen shook Sam?s shoulder lightly.
??????????? ?Sam.? Wake up, honey.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam?s eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at Kristen.? Sam stretched, moving her limbs under the blanket like a cat.? Then she sat up, letting the bed sheets fall from her naked breasts.
??????????? Kristen looked at her, concern still in her eyes.? ?How you feelin????? She asked.
??????????? Sam blinked and grinned.? ?A little worn out still, a little sore, but other than that, fantastic!?? She said, her voice full of mischievous excitement.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes squinted.? ?Fantastic?? After what I did to you??
??????????? Sam giggled, putting her hand to her mouth.? ?Kristen, that was the most powerful orgasm I?ve ever had.?? Sam stood up and wrapped her arms around Kristen, pulling the junior girl into a hug.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Well I?m glad you enjoyed it, cause you?ve got more coming tonight.? In fact, that?s why I woke you.? It?s time to head on downstairs for the meeting.?? Samantha nodded, releasing Kristen? ?Let me just brush my hair, real quick.?
??????????? After Sam spent a few minutes at Kristen?s vanity, the two girls went downstairs toward the main living room.? Sam saw that all the other pledges were there all ready, their naked bodies already seated, and Same noticed one of the large wooden phalluses sticking out of her chair, ready for its implantation.? Sam smiled at Kristen as the junior sister patted her on the back and moved toward the spectator side of the room.
??????????? Sam stepped up to her chair and straddled it.? With a gentleness born of her earlier torment, she lowered herself down gently, letting the cool wood slip through the folds of her sex.? Sam closed her eyes, biting her lip as the dowel slipped upward until her bottom was resting on the seat.? Fully impaled, Sam opened her eyes and looked out at the sisters and mistresses watching.
??????????? Settling herself, Sam noticed that there were several mistresses and sister missing, almost eight or nine of them, and she glanced around the room, trying to figure out where they were.? After a minute or so, Mistress Tami stood up and approached the nine pledges.
??????????? ?Pledges, I want to commend all nine of you for tenacity, endurance, and willpower.? All of you have experienced what life will be like as members of this select group, some of you fully.?? Tami gave everyone a big smile and then began looking at each girl individually.? ?Ally has discovered the electrical room.? Wendy streaked one of the boy?s halls at Bruce.? Heather has discovered her darker side.?? There was a small flurry of snickers and Sam turned and saw one cute little blonde pledge blush.? Mistress Tami continued.? ?Janet managed to flash a professor her entire front during class yesterday.? Sara has discovered the wonders of object penetration, starting a fantastic personal list.? Cindi has made some interesting inroads into food preparation.? Katherine, with her willowy looks has enjoyed some rope bondage.? Megan has managed to get into the fun of sex massage.? And of course, Sam has shown her true colors in her desires for pain.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened at Tami?s declaration.? It was one thing to sit there and listen to the prurient interests of the other girls, imagining outrageous activities, most of them ones Sam wanted to try, but to have it announced that Sam enjoyed being hurt was humiliating.? Evidently, Kristen had let Mistress Tami view the video tape from Calli?s dungeon.
??????????? Mistress Tami took a step back and once more addressed the pledges.? ?Tonight, pledges, we begin the next step of your indoctrination.? In some ways, it combines several of the different interests we have seen develop over the last two days.?? Mistress Tami nodded at Kristen, who immediately stepped forward with a large box.
??????????? Tami reached into the box and pulled out a large purple colored plastic and metal egg.? She held it up high and Samantha noticed a six inch long black wire trailing down from it, giving it the appearance of a garishly colored sperm.
??????????? ?This object is one of our sorority?s favorite toys.? It was designed by a former sister who went into the adult novelty industry? Tami gave a sheepish smile.? ?To be honest, she uses our sorority as a test ground for her equipment.?? Tami as well as the rest of the older girls chuckled out loud.? Tami then continued.
??????????? ?Tonight, in just a moment, all nine of you will have one of these placed into your bodies.? Just as the vibrators and phallus you are currently sitting on, these eggs can do some interesting things.?? Tami looked at Kristen with a pointed look on her face.? Kristen nodded and held up what looked like a television set remote.? Suddenly the egg in Tami?s hand began to vibrate, a tiny almost silent buzzing noise came from it, but it was the definite tremors shaking Tami?s fingers that attracted the attention of the girls.
??????????? ?As you can see, it vibrates at various speeds.? It also has a special feature.?? Tami placed her other hand an inch above the egg when suddenly there was a loud thud from the tiny toy and it jumped out of Tami?s hand upward, striking her inverted palm.? It fell back down, Tami?s fingers grasping it tightly as before.
??????????? ?As well as the ?thumper? system, there is a the capability of sending a tiny electrical current as well.?? She gave both Sam and Ally penetrating looks.? ?While certainly not at the levels of the punishment phallus or the over active stimulation from our electrical room, it delivers a maddening tingle to the wearer.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Samantha stared at the device, the idea of having it inside herself exciting, and yet foreboding all the same.? After the rigors of the punishment phallus, she didn?t doubt her capabilities of enduring the egg, but she wondered whether her body would build up tolerances, requiring more and more intense stimulation.? She shook her head, shifting in her seat, the thick hard wood impaled between the soft and tender lips of her sex furthering her excitement at the prospect of having the egg inside her.
??????????? Mistress Tami looked at Samantha and smiled.? ?Sam, you first.? Please come up to the front and present yourself in the whipping position.?? Sam bit her lip and stood up, the wooden phallus making a loud squelching sound as it left her body.? One of the other sisters quickly brought forth a chair, turning it so that Sam would be facing the pledges when she assumed the whipping position.? Carefully, Samantha turned to face her peers, seeing in their eyes the desire, lust, and knowledge that soon they would be enduring the same torments.? She turned her back to the chair and reached behind her, placing her hands on the chair back.? She leaned back, arching her back while at the same time spreading her legs wide apart.? She knew that her sex was wet, glistening, and ripe and she blushed red at the thought that the other girls were getting a direct involuntary view.
??????????? Tami stepped to her hip and gave her a mischievous grin.? ?Sam, I have to admit, seeing you like this makes me want to whip you.?
??????????? Samantha swallowed.? ?You may if you want, Mistress Tami.?? Sam replied.? Tami?s face suddenly went dark.?
??????????? ?I don?t have to ask your permission, pledge.? I?ll just take a whip to you.?? Tami leaned up close.? ?From what Kristen tells me, you seem to like the harsher measures.?
??????????? Samantha looked horrified, totally embarrassed at her mistake.? ?I apologize Mistress Tami.?? She said, her face scarlet.
??????????? Mistress Tami snorted and then motioned for Kristen to come forward with an egg.? Tami took the purple plastic monstrosity and held it up in front of Samantha?s sex.? For a few moments, she pressed the tip against Sam?s clit, rolling it around in the copious juices leaking from the bare crevice of Sam?s flower.? In moments, the entire top half of the egg was gleaming in a wet shine and Mistress Tami pushed upward, forcing the egg inward.
??????????? Samantha gasped.? The egg was larger than she had anticipated, wider at the middle than even the punishment phallus.? It spread her wide as it entered and for just a moment Samantha moaned as the middle of the egg stretched her hole, and then with a sucking pop, the rest of the egg slipped upward filling Samantha?s body almost completely.
??????????? Tami gave Samantha?s sex a little pat and Sam felt a tiny brush against her thigh, realizing that the wire was hanging out of her pussy.? She felt a quiver run through her body as she adjusted to the breadth and shape of the demonic little toy inside her.
??????????? ?Kristen, please turn the vibrator on to its lowest setting.?? Tami asked.
??????????? It was all Samantha could do not to gasp out loud.? Her legs trembled and her body trembled for a moment as she reacted involuntarily to the new sensation.? Her hips rocked back and forth.
??????????? ?As you all can see, Samantha is already having trouble dealing with the sensations.? However, I can assure you that the whipping position is the primary reason Sam can?t control her responses.?? Tami turned back toward Samantha.? ?Please stand up straight Samantha.?
??????????? Samantha took a step back, straightening her body at the same time, and then pushed herself off the back of the chair.? Almost immediately the tremors stopped, the buzzing between her legs now only a mere caress, rather than the intense stimulation of before.
??????????? ?As you can see and no doubt hear, the vibrator is almost silent and Samantha can easily conceal the fact that she has a sex toy inside her, at least for the moment.? Kristen??? Tami said, turning toward the pretty blonde junior.?
??????????? Kristen pressed her remote and there was a muted thud that seemed to come from Samantha?s body.? Sam?s face turned red and her mouth opened in a soundless moan.? There came another thud and Sam put her hands to her pubs, pressing tightly.
??????????? ?As you can all see, Kristen has activated the ?thrust? aspect of our little sex toy.? Right now, inside Samantha, the egg is violently trying to ram itself deeper.? From Sam?s face, you can tell what this must feel like.?? Tami nodded at Kristen and made a slashing motion with her finger.? Kristen pressed the remote and everyone could see Samantha?s visible relief.?
??????????? ?Let?s move on.? Kristen?? Tami said, nodding to the remote wielding junior.
??????????? Kristen made a show of pressing another button on the remote and abruptly Samantha let out a cry and brought both hands to her crotch.? She almost doubled over, her hands pressed tightly against the pink folds.? Every pledge looked alarmed as Samantha?s hips began thrusting wildly, as if Sam had no control over her own motions.? Her lips opened in what started as a soundless cry, but soon became a sobbing beg.
??????????? ?P-p-please!? Oh my God.? Sam?s voice came thin and desperate.? Sam fell to her knees as she kept her hands between her legs, her voice a pleading distressed wail.
??????????? ?Right now the egg inside Samantha is delivering powerful shocks along the inside of Samantha?s vagina.? These shocks, while not actually painful, do cause severe muscle contractions.? I think that?s enough Kristen.?? Mistress Tami said.
??????????? Just as quickly as they started, Samantha felt the electrical impulses cease.? She lay quivering, trying to regain her sense of normality after the torments inflicted upon her.? She looked up at Kristen, seeing the older girl?s smile, the delight at pressing the buttons to cause these reactions in the sophomore pledge.?
??????????? Mistress Tami looked back at the other pledges.? ?Each one of you will have an egg inserted.? The egg will be left inside you for an entire twenty four hours.? You may remove the egg only to use the restroom.? To make sure you keep it in, we will require you to call the sorority house phone within ten minutes of feeling the shocks.? Tami could see the looks of concern on their faces.? She smiled.? ?Don?t worry, pledges.? We won?t be activating the shocks while you?re in the middle of class.? It?s more of a way to make sure you keep them in during your free time and while sleeping.? Any questions???
??????????? Katherine, the thin willowy brunette Sam had noticed earlier raised a hand.? ?How do we get the egg out??? She asked.?
??????????? Tami held up another egg and pulled on the black wire.? ?Just wrap this wire around a finger and tug firmly.?
??????????? Ally raised her hand.? ?You said we wouldn?t get shocked in class, what about vibrated and thumped???
??????????? Mistress Tami held out her hands and shrugged.? ?That will be up to your Sister and Mistress.? This test is designed to judge your control capabilities.? I expect it to be difficult.? Any other questions??
??????????? There was silence and Mistress Tami nodded.? ?Very well, all of you stand up and assume the whipping positions.?? There was the sticky skin coming off wood sound, and the sucking pop of eight phalluses being expunged from their wet warm gloves.? The girls moved to the backs of their chairs, putting their hands on the back rests and arching their bodies, their legs spread, each echoing Samantha?s previous position.
??????????? Samantha watched as each pledge?s assigned sister came forward with an egg.? It took only a few moments of gentle caress before each egg was soaked in the lubrication each girl generously provided.? There was a soft flurry of moans as the eggs were pushed deep into each girl.
??????????? ?Ladies, for the rest of the evening, you will accompany your Sister and Mistress, for personal training, additional duties, or to be released.? Make sure that you take a copy of the house phone number before you leave for the evening.? Dismissed.?? Mistress Tami announced.
??????????? For a moment Samantha looked at Kristen, wondering what the Junior would have in store for her, or whether she would be allowed to go home.? She was surprised when it was Tami?s hand that grasped her chin and turned her face.
??????????? ?Now Samantha, we still have your deplorable decorum to deal with.? You may have received more attention from Kristen for the last few days, but I am just as eager to torment you as she is.? Now, resume the whipping position!?? Mistress Tami demanded.
??????????? Samantha swallowed.? Most of the other pledges had already left, but several of the other mistresses and sisters were still present, chatting or watching Tami?s denunciation of Samantha.? Sam nodded her head and immediately returned to the whipping position, arching her back and spreading her legs, presenting her breasts and sex.
??????????? Tami snapped her fingers at Kristen, whose face was a mask, totally devoid of emotion, and Kristen handed the Senior mistress a cruel looking leather sap.? Sam looked at Kristen, wondering what the Junior girl was thinking.? Tami looked at Kristen for a moment and then her eyes hardened.
??????????? ?You too.? Strip and bring another chair right here in front of Sam.?? Ordered Tami.
??????????? Samantha watched as Kristen removed her clothing.? Rapidly, but not haphazardly,? Kristen?s shirt, jeans, panties, bra, and socks were left in a pile.? The tall junior grabbed one of the pledge chairs and brought it forward, turning the back toward Tami.? Only two feet away, Kristen stepped between the chair and Sam, assuming the same position Sam was in, their calves touching at the ankles.
??????????? Tami never said a word and brought the sap up.? With a stinging slap, she slammed the leather into Sam right breast, eliciting a painful gasp.? Tami kept moving however, and on the back swing caught Kristen?s left bosom in as painful a blow as the one dealt to Samantha.? For a minute, Tami bounced between the two girls, turning their breasts a matching shade of red.
??????????? Then she stopped, moving away for just a moment, and then returning with the remote that operated the egg inside Samantha.? Sam?s eyes widened and then the vibrations began with a deep purring inside.? Her hips thrust, tiny little spasms that attracted not only the eye, but the black leather sap wielded by Tami.
??????????? The sound of the sap changed dramatically as it impacted on the sodden swollen flesh of Samantha?s sex.? It soaked up the moisture, making the leather more flexible, so that when it struck the tender areas of Kristen, it hurt much more.? Kristen was gritting her teeth, her fingers clenching the back of the chair.? Her legs were spread much more than Sam?s, her sex bulging, much fuller than Sam?s tight and dainty flower.
??????????? Tami took only a moment to press the remote again, and all three girls heard the metal thud that caused Samantha to jerk outward, almost losing her balance.? There was another thud and Samantha gasped.? Tami timed the next blow of the sap perfectly, smashing the sap right on to Sam?s clit as the egg jumped upward inside her.
??????????? There was a spine tingling wail as Sam?s orgasm crested.? Her entire body trembled, shaking in the whipping position, her sex clenching around the fist sized intruder that was rumbling and thrashing inside her.? Her skin was on fire as the pleasure sensations melded with the pain of her beating, and a squirt of her juices shot out, soaking the ground beneath her feet.
??????????? Tami stepped back to watch, resting her hand on Kristen?s pink shaded breast as Samantha struggled through her explosion.? There was a slight scattering of applause from the other assembled sisters who had watched with pleasure at Samantha and Kristen?s torment.
??????????? Tami turned to Kristen.? ?I should put an egg inside you as well, shouldn?t I??? She demanded.? Samantha looked up weakly at Kristen who nodded.? ?Whatever you wish, Mistress.?? Tami nodded looking pleased.? She turned to Samantha.
??????????? ?That is the appropriate way to respond, pledge.? Let?s try it.?? Tami took one step to Sam and reached up, grasping a nipple between her finger and thumb.
??????????? ?I would love to pinch your nipple until you cry.?? Tami said, her voice harsh.
??????????? ?Whatever you w-wish Mistress.?? Samantha said.? Tami smiled and gave her a tiny squeeze.
??????????? ?I would love to parade you naked down the street.?? Tami said.
??????????? ?Whatever you wish Mistress.?? Sam obediently replied.
??????????? ?I would love to see you bound tight.?
??????????? ?Whatever you wish Mistress.?
??????????? ?I?d like you coated with wax, moaning while the egg vibrates inside you.?
??????????? ?Oh yes! Whatever you wish!
??????????? ?Mistress!?? Tami snarled, once more pinching Sam?s breast.
??????????? ?Mistress!?? Sam called out, her voice quavering.
??????????? ?I?d like to tie you to my bed and keep the punishment phallus in you for an hour.?
??????????? Sam didn?t miss a beat.? ?Whatever you wish Mistress!?
??????????? Mistress Tami stepped back.? Samantha was still holding her position, the wet cream of her sex glistening in moist trails down her thighs.? The layered petals of her flower were bright pink from the sap, her breasts a matching color.? Her heavy breathing caused her chest to rise and fall like the waves of the sea.? Tami pressed the remote, turning off the vibration, leaving the egg silent and still.
??????????? ?Kristen, the both of you get dressed and then escort Samantha back to her dorm room.?? She paused,? ?Via the student union of course.?? Tami grinned, handing the remote to Kristen and then left the room.
??????????? Kristen straightened up, wincing slightly as she closed her legs to a respectable distance.? She bent down and picked up her clothing.
??????????? ?Come on Sam.? You can stand up straight now.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Samantha lifted her body upward until she was straight, bringing her legs together.? Despite its stillness, Sam could still feel its tremendous presence inside her, filling her.? With each step she took she felt it roll, keeping her sexually on edge.? She gave Kristen a wane smile.
??????????? ?You okay?? We need to go to my room. ?You?re clothes are up there.?? Kristen said.
??????????? ?Sure.? I?m okay.? I?ve just never orgasmed like that in my life.?? Samantha replied, stretching a little.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?How does the egg feel??
??????????? ?Like someone?s pushed a grapefruit into me.?? Sam said.? ?I?ll be okay in just a few minutes. I just have to get used to its size.?
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Sure.?
??????????? Together the two girls left the main sitting room and went upstairs, following the orders of Mistress Tami.
Chapter 10:? The 24 Hour Egg
??????????? The night was brisk and clear as
the two girls made their way down Avenue C toward the main campus.? Despite the balmy evening, very few people
were around and Samantha spent several minutes asking more questions about the
Sorority.? Kristen did her best to answer
and the time went quickly.? Before Sam
knew it, they were standing on the sidewalk in front of the
??????????? ?Hold up here a moment, Samantha.?? Kristen said quietly, eyeing two boys who were sitting on the concrete bench that surrounded the lily pond.? Sam halted, her eyes narrowing suspiciously as Kristen dug for a moment in her purse.? Sam watched as the junior girl seemed to find what she was looking for.
??????????? Sam quivered for a second, her face draining of color as the vibrations of the sex toy inside her immediately began to tantalize her.? Her fingers clenched into tight fists as she fought for control.? She gave a single glare to Kristen, but the look on the older girl?s face was enough to quail any thoughts of objection.? She bit her lip, trying to steady herself.
??????????? ?Hey?? Are you okay??? One of the boys said.? Both boys had been watching them closely as boys are wont to do.
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?Yeah.? I?m fine.? Thanks for asking.?? She said, her body still trembling, her thighs seeming to want to spasm.
??????????? Kristen grinned.? ?Come on.? We have to go by the Student Union before I take you back to your dorm room.?
??????????? Samantha grasped Kristen?s arm, her voice a concerned whisper.? ?Sister Kristen!? I can?t walk with this thing on!?? Sam?s face was a carefully controlled mask, hiding the intense sexual stress she was feeling.? ?I can barely hide what its doing right now!? I can?t!?
??????????? ?You have too.?? Kristen shrugged her shoulders.? ?Either you walk, or you can stay here.?? Her eyes narrowed.? ?Do you need a little push to get you moving??? Kristen cocked her head.
??????????? Samantha closed her eyes.? Her entire body seemed to be centered in the deep well between her legs.? Her sex churned with desire and need which spread out to each limb, crying out her desperation.? She hesitated too long, finding the courage to take a step, when suddenly she felt the egg inside her leap, ramming upward as if she had just impaled herself on the punishment phallus.
??????????? ?Ahhhh?? Samantha said, her body jerking forward.? Her hands immediately went to her loins, but she regained control, looking fearfully at the two boys who couldn?t understand her reactions.? She turned to look at Kristen, whose hand was still buried in her purse.? Samantha nodded.
??????????? ?Okay, I?m ready to walk.?? She said, her voice hard and strained.
??????????? ?Good.? I thought you might be ready.?? Kristen replied.
??????????? Together, the two girls again moved onward, crossing Avenue C and moving down one of the side roads until they hit the main mall of the campus.? To Samantha, it was a difficult walk.? The movement of the egg inside her only heightened her sexual need, and Kristen?s repeated pressing of the thumper button had her jumping every few yards.? By the time they reached the eagle statue Samantha could feel her juices flowing, a tiny trickle that seemed to be leaking down her leg.
??????????? She clutched Kristen?s arm.? ?Oh God, please Kristen.? I can?t walk through there in the light!?
??????????? Kristen chuckled.? ?Nonsense.?? Her eyes grew speculative.? ?You know how to play pool right??
??????????? Samantha was surprised at the question, caught off guard.? ?Pool?? Yes.? I know how to play.?
??????????? ?Good.? Let?s go play a few rounds.?? Kristen said.? She grabbed hold of Samantha?s arm and pulled her into the student union.
??????????? It only took a few minutes to walk down the grand staircase and enter the game room.? Tuesday night was quiet with only one other table occupied, by two freshman boys who were pretending not to notice the two girls.? Kristen ordered up a table on the far side, right next to the two boys, much to Samantha?s consternation.
??????????? ?Come on, Sam.? Pick out a cue stick.?? Kristen said.? Sam looked up, trying to concentrate through the buzzing.? Suddenly the sensation stopped and Sam turned, seeing Kristen remove her hand from her purse.? Samantha smiled a look of appreciation and choose out a stick.
??????????? Kristen shrugged.? ?I didn?t think it would be fair.?? Sam gave a slight chuckle, her body still sensitive from the walk.
??????????? Samantha let Kristen break and in moments the game was on.? The clatter of balls, the occasional laugh, and Samantha felt the stirrings of comradeship beyond the sexual fetishes of Sigma Epsilon Xi.?? Kristen barely won, sinking the eight ball a moment before Sam had the opportunity.
??????????? The boys however, were certainly not doing so well.? With most of their attention focused on the plaid knee length skirt Samantha wore, along with Kristen?s black mini, not to mention deep wells of cleavage from the halter tops both girls wore, their playing was atrocious.
??????????? Kristen winked at Samantha.? ?Let?s have some fun.?? Sam watched as Kristen sauntered over to the boy?s table.
??????????? ?Hey guys.? How?s the game??
??????????? One of the boys smiled, his face a mask of confidence.? ?We?re doing good.? And you two???
??????????? Kristen shrugged.?? ?We?re feeling the need for a challenge.?? She said.? The second boy laughed.? ?Well you came to the right place?Let?s rack up the balls.?? He said.? Kristen nodded but held up her hand.
??????????? ?Well, there has to be some risk involved, otherwise, it?s just a game.?? She said, her eyes glittering.
??????????? The boys looked at her quizzically.? ?Oh. You want to wager??? Kristen nodded.? The boy shrugged.? ?Sure.? I can put a twenty down on the game.? What about you Chris??? The other boy nodded.? ?Yeah, I can handle a twenty, Mike.?
??????????? Mike looked back at Kristen.? ?Can you cover a twenty dollar wager??? He asked.?
??????????? Kristen frowned.? ?Actually no.? We don?t have any money.?? She snapped her fingers and smiled.? ?How about this?? You play Samantha the first game, and if she loses, she?ll sit in the chair there with her skirt around her waist and her legs spread wide through my entire game with Chris for your money and his.? If I lose, then we will give both of you blow jobs.???
??????????? The boys looked astonished, but their expressions didn?t match the one on Samantha?s face.? Just as she was about to object she caught Kristen?s glance and immediately quieted.
??????????? ?Well?? Mike said.
??????????? ?She isn?t wearing panties.?? Kristen said with an evil grin.? Samantha blushed scarlet as both freshman boys stared at her.
??????????? ?You aren?t wearing panties??? Mike asked.? Samantha hung her head and shook it.
??????????? ?Whoa?okay.? You?ve got yourself a deal.?? He opened his wallet and laid a twenty dollar bill on the side of the table.
??????????? Kristen smiled and motioned Samantha forward.? ?Kick his ass, girl.?? She said.
??????????? Samantha rolled her eyes, totally humiliated to be held up as the rewards for a wager.? She bent down and prepared to break when suddenly she felt the vibrations of the egg start once more.? She gasped and straightened.? Her eyes misted.
??????????? ?Hey.? Are you okay??? Mike asked, staring at her.
??????????? It was a repeat of the question posed to her earlier and she nodded.? She turned and looked at Kristen who sat in the chair, her hand holding the remote in plain sight.? Samantha bit her lip and concentrated, returning her attention to the break.? With a flash her cue stick moved and struck the cue ball, sending it smashing into the other balls which ricocheted around the table.
??????????? As? Mike moved next to her he paused, looking confused.? For a moment he stared at her then shook his head, turning his eye to the table.? His shot was right on and he sunk a striped ball.? For the next few minutes he moved around the table, concentrating as three more balls followed the first.
??????????? As Samantha moved up, she felt the vibrations stop again.? With a dirty look at Kristen, she lined up her sights and proceeded to shoot.? Kristen let her without interruption and she quickly matched Mike?s shots, finally missing a pocket on the fifth ball.? As soon as she stepped away from the table she felt the mashing thud of the thumper.? She let out a startled cry and slammed her thighs together.
??????????? ?What?s wrong with you??? Mike asked, clearly disturbed at Samantha?s antics.? He watched as Sam?s hands seemed to press hard against her waist.
??????????? ?Uh?nothing. ?I?m fine.? Are you going to shoot??? She asked.? Mike shook his head, and giving a deep sigh of exasperation, he turned back to the table.? Samantha stood watching in desperation as he proceeded to sink three more balls.? To her relief, he placed himself in an impossible position to sink the eight and he turned the table over to her.?
??????????? Samantha turned and gave Kristen a deep stare, trying to understand the motives the junior possessed in humiliating her.? Was the bet just a front?? Why had Kristen turned on the vibrator when she was making her first shot?? Samantha took a deep breath and decided that she would accept whatever Kristen felt necessary to inflict upon her, be it humiliation or sexual stimulation.? Sam bent over the table and took her shot.
??????????? With a clunk the ball went into the pocket, allowing Sam to take up the next shot.? As she bent over to sight down the cue stick, the vibrator went into over time, buzzing madly inside her.? She moaned, closing her eyes and Mike who was beside her reached out to her.
??????????? ?You?re not okay.? Even I can tell that.? Are you sick??? He looked at her face and the paused once more.? ?There it is again.? I can hear it.? Some sort of buzzing.?? He glanced at Kristen who grinned and nodded.?
??????????? ?What the hell is that??? He asked.? He bent over at the waist, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.? Slowly he dropped down, until his head was even with Samantha?s skirt.? He rose, his face astonished.
??????????? ?You?ve got a vibrator inside you don?t you!?? He demanded.
??????????? Sam flushed scarlet, nodding.
??????????? ?What the fuck!?? He shook his head.? ?Man, you girls are wacked.?
??????????? ?Take the shot Samantha.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Samantha struggled, trying to concentrate as she once more bent over the table.? Kristen had turned the vibrator up to its maximum setting and it was everything Samantha could do to even move the stick.? She struck the cue ball at an angle and it caromed off the edge of the table, missing the eight ball by a mile.? Mike smiled.? Within moments he had sighted his stick at the cue ball, and with a click he rammed the black ball into the pocket.
??????????? Sam stared at Kristen who grinned in satisfaction.? The junior girl nodded, tilting her head toward the chair against the wall.? Dumbfounded, Sam moved over to the chair and sat down in it.? She knew Kristen?s expectations, and she spread her legs wide to the opposite sides of the seat.? Her little plaid skirt had already ridden up and with only a little effort the two boys would have been treated to the shadowy sight of her pink flushed pussy.? But once more, her desire to please Kristen overrode her dignity.? Her trembling fingers pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist and both boys stared down at the pulsing lips of her sex.
??????????? ?That is fucking awesome.?? Mike whispered, his eyes glued to Samantha?s body.
??????????? ?Well, stare all you want.?? Kristen said as she started to rack the balls for her game with Chris.
??????????? Kristen let Chris break, but smiled as she noticed that every other moment his head was turned toward Samantha.? The two twenty dollar bills lay on the side of the table and she took her turn, knocking in the first ball of the game.
??????????? It was a rout.? Kristen made short work of the table, Sam?s humiliation distracting Chris enough that his shots went wide.? But after realizing he was going to lose, he tried to buckle down.? During Chris next shot, Kristen reached over to her purse just as he was about to slam the stick into the cue ball and pressed the remote.
??????????? ?Ughhhhhh!?? Sam voice came on cue, her hands going to her groin.? Her legs shot outward and then closed in front of her and a look of shock and pain etched itself across her face.? Chris? shot went wide, striking one of Kristen?s balls and setting up an easy play.
??????????? Mike looked concerned and went to Samantha, placing a hand on her shoulder as her she tried to gain control.?
??????????? ?Are you okay??? He asked again.? Samantha nodded.? ?I-I?m sorry.? I?m just not used to handling stuff like this.?
??????????? Suddenly Mike stiffened.? ?This is some sort of pledge hazing, isn?t it??? He glared at Kristen who was bent over the table, her short little mini skirt showing off the bottom curve of her buttocks.? With a grin she knocked another ball into the pocket.
??????????? ?What sorority are ya?ll with?? he asked.? Kristen looked up.
??????????? ?None of your beeswax.?? She knocked another ball in, leaving only one more ball before the eight.
??????????? Mike looked concerned and he turned toward Samantha.? ?Look, I hope you know that hazing isn?t allowed.? It?s illegal and the sorority can loose their charter with the school if they do it.? You don?t have to accept this.??
??????????? Kristen sighed.? Another white knight.? ?Samantha?? Feel free to refuse my orders.? You know the consequences though.?? Kristen sighted again and hammered the next ball home.
??????????? Samantha looked at Mike with a soft smile, her body finally calm from the electrical shock Kristen had delivered.? ?I appreciate your kindness, but I?m fine, really.? ?Sam spread her legs again and once more the boys? eyes were buried between them. Sam felt the warm wetness of desire and need flood through her and for a moment, she wished that Kristen would loose.
??????????? But that was not to be.? With a final flick of the cue stick, the eight ball landed in a corner pocket and Kristen delightedly pulled the two twenties off the table.
??????????? ?Well gentlemen, that was certainly a lot of fun.? Come on Sam, lets head back to the dorm.?? Sam nodded and stood up, the vibrator still buzzing inside her.? She immediately followed Kristen past the dazed freshmen and together they left the University game room.
??????????? ?Um Kristen?? Do I need to call the sorority house?? You gave me a shock.?? Sam asked softly as they exited the building.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?No.? I was right there and I know you had the egg inside you.? If you can see me, then you can report it directly to me.?? She gave Sam a smile.? ?These remotes are good for about seventy feet, so you can turn it on when someone is in a classroom or a dorm room and you may not be able to see them.?
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Last year, one of Tami and Calli?s favorite things to do to me was make me wear one of the eggs, but for days at a time.? On the hour, every hour I got shocked.? They were like clockwork, enough so that I would find an out of the way bench to sit on right before the shock struck.? Now that was cruel.?
??????????? ?It was?? It doesn?t sound so bad.?? Sam said.?
??????????? ?It was cruel because I was late to every class.?? Kristen said with a grin.? ?You seem to be handling the vibrations a little better.?
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?I had a tiny orgasm while you were playing pool, right when you shocked me.?
??????????? Kristen looked intrigued.? ?Was it being exposed in front of those boys?? Or having the shock??
??????????? Samantha blushed.? ?Being exposed brought me to it, but the shock made it happen.?
??????????? Kristen?s
eyes widened.? ?Oh my.? Samantha!?
You are all full of surprises!?
First we discover your love for pain, and now for humiliation!? Delicious!?
A pain and humiliation slut!? Calli
would have loved you!?? She leaned
over.? ?Unbutton your blouse all the way!? Just leave it open for the rest of our walk?
??????????? The color flushed away from Samantha?s face in an instant.? The thought of entering the dorm hall, the white flash of skin from her neck to her belly exposed, her lack of a bra, combined with the still continuing vibrations between her legs sent another tiny orgasm through her.? Her mouth parted in a small gasp and her fingers fumbled at the buttons of her shirt.? It took a moment, but then she stood in front of Kristen, her shirt open to the waist, at risk of a stiff breeze blowing it aside to expose her still tender and pink breasts.
??????????? Kristen smiled and leaned in close.? ?If it weren?t for indecency laws, I?d force you to strip and walk back naked!?
??????????? There were no further close up encounters with fellow students on their way back to the dorms, but Sam flushed a deep red as they passed the admittance counter in the lobby of the dorm room.? The young man stood there, his eyes wide in astonishment as Sam flashed her ID card and quickly moved up the stairs.? It took only a minute or two more for Sam to make it back to her dorm room.?
??????????? Sam looked sheepish.? ?I?d invite you in, but I?m sure my roommate??
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I know.? Soon enough we?ll be sharing a room.?? She smiled.? ?And don?t forget, don?t take it out except to use the restroom.?
??????????? Samantha nodded.? ?I won?t.?? Sam hesitated a moment, then opened her mouth to speak.? ?Uh?Sister Kristen?? I was just wondering if the egg was going to vibrate the entire night??
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?As much as I would love to inflict that upon you pledge, I know how tough it is to sleep with that thing on.? Calli used to insert that thing in me and make me try to sleep too, but thankfully only on Friday and Saturday nights.? In any event, I?m going to leave it on for another thirty minutes or so, then give you a breather for the night.?
??????????? Samantha looked relieved.? ?Oh thank you.? I couldn?t imagine trying to sleep tonight, especially with class tomorrow.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Well, you should still leave it in.? I can guarantee that I will shock you at least once tonight.?
??????????? ?Shock me again??? Sam asked, her eyes widening.
??????????? ?Yep.? Want to make sure the egg isn?t sitting on your desk.? Don?t worry.? I?ll wake you up with a thump first.?? The junior girl laughed and then lifted a hand, moving Samantha?s still open blouse to one side, a soft lightly pink breast clearly in view.? Kristen tweaked the still hard nipple.
??????????? ?See ya.?? Kristen said, turning away and starting down the hall.? Samantha sighed and rested a moment, leaning against the wall.? For the last hour and a half the egg inside her had been buzzing, along with the occasional shock and thump.? Her body was a riot of sensation, the ever constant vibrations, the desperate urge.? It was everything Sam could do to keep from lifting her skirt and using her fingers to stimulate her own clit.
??????????? Softly, she opened her dorm room and slipped in, knowing that it would be a long night.
Chapter 11: Fried,
Poached, or Sunny Side Up?
??????????? Samantha?s eyes popped open in the darkness.? Automatically she twisted her head to glance at the digital alarm clock sitting on the bedside table, barely registering the 5:55am readout.? She looked around for a moment, trying to figure out what woke her when the egg still buried inside her became active.? Sam let out a tiny groan and reached down between her legs, slipping her hands underneath the waistband of her pajama bottoms.? Her fingers pressed hard against her mons as the waves of intense pleasure washed over her.
??????????? She wasn?t prepared for the electrical shock, but managed to stifle her scream in the soft whiteness of her pillows.? Her finger smashed against her clit, rubbing it until the cresting wave of her orgasm smashed through her.? It was brief, and the vibrations never stopped, even after she came.? Slowly she sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed.? Her fingers went to her purse and she withdrew her cell phone.? She stood and padded over to the door, opening it and stepping in to the hall in order not to disturb her room mate.? Her fingers dialed the number she had memorized.
??????????? ?Hello??? A female voice came.
??????????? ?Um?hi, this is Samantha.? I just wanted to report that I got shocked.?? She said, realizing how stupid her comment sounded.
??????????? ?Oh.? Okay, I?ll make a note of it, Sam.? How are you feeling??? The girl asked.
??????????? ?I?m fine, I guess.?? Sam replied, pressing her thighs together as the vibrations began to do their work on her sensitized libido.?
??????????? ?Really?? You don?t sound so fine.? Have you orgasmed lately??? The girl inquired.
??????????? ?Yes, Sister.? I came just a few minutes ago.?
??????????? ?What are you wearing right now???
??????????? Samantha looked down at her wardrobe.? ?Um, tee shirt, pajama shorts, and panties.?
??????????? ?And where are you?? In your dorm room??
??????????? ?No Sister, I?m out in the hall so I wouldn?t wake my room mate.? Sam said fearfully, wondering what was about to happen.
??????????? ?That?s even better.? You need to go downstairs and out into the courtyard to meet Kristen.?
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?Okay, I can handle that.?
??????????? ?Sans shirt.?
??????????? ?What??? Sam blurted out, the thought of not wearing a shirt to the courtyard, even at six in the morning, was too much.
??????????? ?Kristen told me that you liked humiliation.? Take your shirt off, carry it with you, but you better be half naked when you see Kristen.?? The girl paused for a moment.? ?Oh and by the way, Kristen said that if you aren?t down there within seven minutes of getting shocked, she was going to start thumping and shocking you non stop.?
??????????? Sam gasped.? It had already been several minutes since the first shock.? She immediately peeled off her shirt and began running down the hall, her bare feet slapping on the carpet.? She slammed into the stairwell door, thudding down the stairs until she faced the outside door.? Sometime during the rush, she hung up the phone and with a push, opened the door and stepped out onto the courtyard.
??????????? Kristen was waiting for her, standing there impatiently tapping her foot in the soft light of the courtyard lamp.? Samantha glanced around, making sure no one was looking as she approached her sorority sister, her nipple puckering in the cool morning air.
??????????? ?Morning, Sam.?? Kristen said as Sam moved close.? ?You look?titillating.?? Sam?s cheeks turned red for a moment as Kristen reached out and ran a thumb over each nipple.? ?Sleep good??? Kristen asked.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Yes, Sister Kristen.?
??????????? ?And how does that egg feel right now??? Kristen asked, her eyes intent.
??????????? Sam swallowed.? ?It?s driving me crazy.?
??????????? ?Makes you want to fuck right now doesn?t it??? Kristen said, her voice intense.
??????????? ?Yes, sister.?
??????????? Kristen put her hands on her hips.? ?All right, back into the stairwell.?? She ordered.? Samantha followed obediently, glad to be out of the open courtyard where any early riser would catch a glimpse of her bare breasts.? Kristen popped open the stairwell door and motioned for Samantha to move ahead of her.?
??????????? ?That?s good Samantha.? Stop right there.?? Kristen said as Samantha placed her foot on the third step.? Sam looked back at Kristen who was reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, and Sam immediately stopped.
??????????? ?Now slip those pajama bottoms to your ankles and kneel down on that step.?? Kristen motioned with her hand on the hard ceramic tiled step as she pulled out a multi-headed thong whip, letting lose a swish of air as she swung it around.? Sam?s eyes widened and she swallowed hard as her fingers pushed her pajamas downward to her knees.? The soft silk slid quickly, baring Sam?s wet and quivering sex and the soft curves of her buttocks.? She knelt down, resting her arms on the stairs above her, bending over.
??????????? Kristen never even hesitated, swing the whip sideways hard.? Thongs struck with a loud thwack and Samantha winced, her eyes shutting tight as the sting exploded through her.? Kristen swung again and another blow landed across the soft cheeks of Sam?s bottom.? Biting her lip, Samantha wiggled her hips, trying desperately to quench the growing heat.
??????????? The vibrations of the egg seemed to intensify with each new blow from Kristen and in moments Samantha?s body quivered from the orgasm that rocked her.? Being whipped in a public stairwell with the risk of anyone from multiple floors coming down at any moment, all when a demonic sex toy was buried inside her was too much for her fragile psyche.? With a cry of abandon, she fell forward, the burning of her buttocks matching the heat between her legs.?
??????????? Kristen watched, a cruel smile on her face as the sophomore beauty took a few minutes to regain her composure.
??????????? ?All right, get up.? Get your clothes in order and get back to your room.? I know you?ve got class soon.?? Kristen said as she shut off the vibrator.
??????????? Samantha nodded, hurriedly getting to her feet and pulling her silk pajama bottoms up to cover her exposed bottom.? Her tee shirt almost immediately followed, finally covering the smooth white mounds.? With a look of appreciation she smiled at Kristen, and then in a fit of insanity, Sam leaned forward and gave Kristen a quick kiss on the cheek.
??????????? Kristen?s icy demeanor melted and she grabbed Samantha in a hug, holding her tight.
??????????? ?Oh I love you so much I could eat you!?? Kristen whispered.
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?I?m yours to do with as you please, Sister Kristen.?
??????????? ?Oh yes, I know it, pledge, but I can?t interfere with your classes.? So off you go.?? Kristen gave Sam a slight swat on her bottom, pushing the sophomore up the stairs.? ?Go on.? And remember, no panties or bra today.?
??????????? Sam gave Kristen one last smile before hurrying back to her room.
??????????? Sam grimaced as she stepped out of the lecture hall where her American Government class was held.? The long knee length skirt she wore seemed to tremble slightly as her hips swayed and she hurried along the hall toward the bath room.? Biting her lip, she looked distracted, her mind on something else as she pushed her way in, hurrying toward a stall.? The sounds of other students around her, taking care of their own needs, filled the room, but she ignore that as she closed the door and hiked up her skirt.
??????????? She wasn?t wearing panties of course.? She would never risk losing her position with the sorority by ignoring Kristen?s command.?? Her long fingers immediately went down to her sex, pinching her own engorged clit.? She rubbed it hard, feeling the intense longing crest in climatic surge that relieved the tensions she had felt since mid-period.
??????????? It had happened right in the middle of the lecture, with twenty five minutes left.? In the middle of a sentence Samantha had felt the sudden impact of the thumper, causing her to jerk in her seat.? Her pen sliced off to the side, leaving an ugly streak from one end of the paper to the other.? Sam had taken a moment to look around, but couldn?t see Kristen anywhere.? She bit her lip and bent back down to continue her notes when she felt the egg inside her begin to vibrate.
??????????? At first it was at its lowest setting, a dim but annoying buzz that couldn?t even be heard.? But every few minutes the tremors increased, until the boy sitting next to her began to look around for the sound.? Sam concentrated hard, desperately willing herself to finish the class as her sexual needs intruded more and more.? Her left hand frequently went to her lap where it seemed to involuntarily attempt to suppress the vibrations, pushing down on the mons.? At the end of class, she had jumped up, leaving a still bewildered boy attempting to figure out whose cell phone was vibrating.
??????????? She leaned back, resting against the tile wall.? Grateful that no more classes lay ahead, she relaxed as the sounds of students slowly faded, leaving her alone.? She looked down at herself.? Her unseemly spread legs, parted to either side of the toilet, her skirt hiked up around her waist, even her high heeled clad feet turned? to either side, displaying the curved arch, everything about her seemed to scream the word sex.? And the vibrations continued.
??????????? Running her wet fingers through her slit once more, Samantha moaned, losing herself in the sexual surges.? She barely noticed the sound of the bathroom door opening, and even managed to ignore the sound of humming.
??????????? ?Aaaahhhh!?? Samantha cried out as a jolt of electricity exploded out of the egg, eliciting the cry.
??????????? ?Ah?there you are.?? Kristen?s voice came from the other side of the door.
??????????? ?Kristen??? Samantha asked in astonishment.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen, if you don?t mind, Sam.? You keep racking up the demerits.?? Kristen laughed.? ?Now lift your foot and use your toe to open the latch.?
??????????? ?Yes, Sister Kristen.?? Samantha replied.? She raised her leg, using the open toe of her sandal to slide the latch back.? The door swung open and Kristen looked in, her eyes widening in surprise.
??????????? ?Oh!? You slut!?? She said, laughing.? Kristen gazed at Samantha?s soaked sex, spread obscenely open on the toilet.? Sam blushed furiously and began to close her legs.
??????????? ?Oh no!? Stay like that.? I want to see you masturbate for me.?? Kristen grinned and held up the egg remote.? ?Let?s see some action.?? She pressed one of the buttons and Samantha felt the thumper slam inside her.
??????????? Sam?s fingers once more dived into the pink slit between her legs.? She rubbed fast, her knees knocking against the sides of the stall as the sensations of both the vibrator and the thumper brought her right back up toward the crest of orgasm.? Sam let out a tiny moan and then shuddered, her body ridged as her explosion raced through her, until she finally drooped, sagging on the toilet seat.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Very nice.? Come on.?? I?m not done with you yet.?
??????????? The walk back to the sorority house was long, especially for Samantha, who had to deal with the intense vibrations of the egg on full power for the entire journey.? Every few yards, especially around other students, Kristen would press the thumper or electric shock button, enjoying the sight of Samantha thrusting her hips wildly as the demonic little toy tormented her.
??????????? It was still early when they arrived, a full hour and a half before the required five o?clock meeting time and Sam obediently stripped off her skirt and blouse on the front porch, totally oblivious to the fact that cars seemed to be zipping by meters away.? Together, the two girls entered the old house, one dressed, the other submissive and nude.
??????????? ?Are you showing me something new, Sister Kristen??? asked Sam as she followed Kristen down the main hall, turning right past the kitchen.? The older girl nodded as they made their way deeper into the old house.
??????????? ?This place
is very big, and well maintained.? Our alumni
are VERY gracious.?? Kristen said as they
walked down another hall.? ?They even
find graduating members high paying jobs, a career, even husbands.
??????????? ?Husbands??? Sam asked.?
?You mean we don?t get to choose???
Her voice suddenly very concerned.
??????????? Kristen looked at her incredulously.? ?Of course we get to choose you nit!? And you don?t have to choose one presented by anyone.? However, most girls do, because they?re presented with well groomed, well mannered men, who have lots of wealth, and who have been?lets just say?properly trained on how to treat a woman.?
??????????? ?I?m not sure I understand.?? Samantha said, her face looking slightly confused.
??????????? Kristen sighed as she turned the knob on a door.? ?That?s okay.? Don?t worry about it.? You will understand a lot more after you?re inducted, and then even more after you become a Sister.?
??????????? Sam nodded as she followed Kristen into the small room.? It was only ten or so feet wide, and only twelve feet deep.? In the center of the room was a metal square, the color of burnished copper, that sat on a thick rubber mat.? A set of chains and manacles hung from a support beam in the ceiling.? A small black console sat to the side, a thick rubber coated power plug running from a wall outlet leading to it.
??????????? Sam hesitated and glanced at Kristen, a tiny look of trepidation visible in her eyes.?
??????????? ?Oh come on, Samantha.? Do you really think I want to hurt you??
??????????? Sam bit her lip and Kristen laughed.
??????????? ?Okay, okay, I do, but not like that.? The sexual kind of hurt.? The kind of hurt that you feel when you?re getting shocked or thumped.? That kind of hurt.?? Kristen said.? She motioned toward the metal square.? ?Stand on that.?
??????????? Samantha gingerly stepped on to the metal square, expecting to feel a shock the first second.? When nothing happened she brought the second foot down and stood in the center, looking apprehensively at Kristen.?
??????????? ?Arms up sweetheart.?? Kristen said, a beaming smile on her face.
??????????? ?What is this place??? Asked Samantha as she raised her arms up to the waiting manacles. ?Kristen immediately began buckling in the sophomore girl.
??????????? ?Well, its called the Electric Room.?
??????????? Sam suddenly recalled Mistress Tami?s litany of the pledge?s accomplishments.? ?Is this the electric room that Mistress Tami said Ally had found??
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Oh yes.? Your fellow peer has certainly found her soft spot.? It?s my understanding that Mistress Nicole kept her orgasming for four hours in here.?? Kristen grinned.? ?But we only have an hour and a half.?? Kristen gave a quick yank on the chains, satisfying herself that Samantha was secure.
??????????? Kristen walked back to the console and reached under the control panel, pulling out two sets of long wires.? At each end there was a clamp which Kristen didn?t hesitate to attach around each delicate exposed nipple on Samantha?s body.? Sam groaned and bit her lip as the delicious pinching excited her, especially since the egg was still buzzing around inside her.
??????????? The two sets of wires were connected to the console and suddenly Sam stiffened, her breasts seeming to become alive as the most incredible sensation made its way through her flesh.? It was almost as if her nipples were contracting and then releasing, over and over.? She moaned, slumping in the chains as the voltage increased, turning the pulsing of the electrodes into an almost intolerable electric jolt.
??????????? In moments, Samantha was squealing as Kristen turned the juice up and began mashing down on the electric shock and thumper buttons on the remote.? Pumping her hips madly, Samantha began to experience her first orgasm since her bathroom masturbation. Her fifth of the day brought a scream of pleasure.? Kristen reached down and pulled out a purple colored glass rod.
??????????? ?Well, well, what are you doing, Kristen??? Said a new voice.? Neither girl had noticed Mistress Tami entering the room.? Kristen immediately turned off the power and the egg, turning to face the senior girl as Samantha slowly regained her composure.
??????????? Suddenly it was Kristen looking uncomfortable.? ?Uh?I was punishing the pledge for her failure to address me by my title Mistress.?? She quickly put away the purple wand.
??????????? Tami nodded.? ?I see.? Don?t you think the electric room is a little severe for that?? Usually we just add demerits.????????????
??????????? Kristen bowed her head.? ?She has a lot of demerits, Mistress.?
??????????? Tami smiled.? ?I think it?s because you wanted to see her dance.?
??????????? Kristen said nothing.
??????????? ?Strip Kristen.? Join your sorority sister on the plate.?? Tami ordered, her eyes turning hard.
??????????? With wide eyes, Kristen stood there.? But her surprise immobilized her for only a second and with unusual haste she quickly began to peel off her clothes.? In moments the blonde beautiful junior was as naked as Samantha who watched the undressing with a hungry eagerness.? Kristen stepped on to the plate as Tami brought a second set of cuffs, these with a metal clip up.? In moments, Kristen was bound next to Samantha, their soft breasts pressed together, skin to skin.
??????????? Tami spent the next several minutes with a multitude of wires, running them back and forth between the two girls and the console.? Sam only whimpered when another clamp found its way between her legs onto her clit.? Even their breasts were linked.? Tami turned around one last time, holding a glass of water in her hand.? With a toss, she flung the contents onto the two naked beauties.?
??????????? ?Time to dance.?? She announced.
??????????? Samantha felt the first shock, but not from her clit or breasts, but on the soles of her feet.? She gave a tiny leap, just as Kristen did, tugging painfully on the clamps that connected them.? Just as the girls came back down the first pulses exploded through their clits and nipples.? Kristen?s face contorted in the pain and pleasure, and Sam could not hold her own excitement in.? In moments, the two girls were gyrating madly, their bodies absorbing the electrical shocks over and over.
??????????? Sam lost all track of time, noting only that she had orgasmed three more times since Mistress Tami had entered.? Finally the dance ended, both Sam and Kristen limp in their bonds, their bodies coated with a slick glistening sheen.? Their clits and nipples were sore and engorged, but intact as Tami began pulling the clamps off their bodies.? To Samantha?s relief, Tami even turned off the vibrating egg.
??????????? ?It?s twenty minutes before the meeting.? Go get cleaned up, the both of you.? Kristen, I expect you to be wearing a punishment harness for the entire meeting.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes widened.? ?But Mistress!? Please!?
??????????? ?No buts.? I know what you did to Sam yesterday afternoon, and I know what you intended for her today.? You know damn well that all we?ve required of Ally was for her to ride the sybian and endure the electrical insert.? The wand was not for Samantha.?? Tami paused and sighed.? ?However, considering Samantha?s sexual appetites, perhaps we should use one of the wands at a later date.? In the meanwhile, you will wear a punishment harness for not consulting with me first.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes fell.? ?Yes Mistress.?
??????????? ?Off you go.?
??????????? Kristen nodded and grabbed Samantha.? Together, still naked, the two girls left the electrical room and made their way upstairs to Kristen?s bedroom.
??????????? ?Kristen?? What?s a punishment harness??? Sam asked.
??????????? Kristen?s face turned into an angry frown.? She went to her closet and rummaged around for just a moment before tossing a black bra toward Samantha.? Sam caught it and felt a sharp prick on her thumb.? She turned it over in her hands and discovered that the entire interior of each cup was lined with tiny sharp plastic spikes, like a bed of nails.?
??????????? ?Oh my God!?? Sam said, looking up in horror at Kristen.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?No kidding.? It?s got to be the worst thing to wear, ever.? I hate the thing.?
??????????? ?Does it hurt??? Sam asked, running her thumb over the spikes.
??????????? ?Yes, just like tiny pin pricks all over your breasts.? It?s the nipples that are the problem.? They poke out a bit and the needles are very sharp.?? Kristen shrugged her shoulders and motioned with her hand.? ?You?re naked, put it on and see for yourself.?
??????????? Samantha hesitated for a moment, but then slowly lifted the brazier up to her bosom, carefully cupping each breast in the evil cloth cups.? She almost immediately felt the sharp tack like spikes and as she increased the pressure, she felt each pin dig into her flesh, tormenting her.? Sam couldn?t imagine how painful it would be to actually snap the bra into place.? She looked up at Kristen in sympathy.
??????????? ?Oh yeah.? And imagine what it would be like to be paddled on the tits wearing that thing!?? Kristen stepped into the bathroom and started the shower.
??????????? ?Ouch!?? Sam exclaimed and draped it over a chair.? Kristen stuck her head back into the room.?
??????????? ?Exactly.? Ouch is right.? The water is ready, come on.??
??????????? Sam eagerly followed Kristen into the shower built for two and both girls quickly soaped each other off, trying desperately not to become too aroused.? After drying off, Samantha quickly brushed out her hair as Kristen slowly clasped the punishment harness around her breasts, snapping it into place with a grimace.?
??????????? Kristen put on her usual white blouse over it, and with seemingly careful movements, managed to get her skirt on and zipped up.? Sam kindly knelt down and put on Kristen?s sandals.
??????????? ?Perfect.? Let?s go to the meeting.?? Kristen announced, gesturing to the door.
Chapter 12: Wednesday
??????????? The other pledges had already arrived and each was daintily sitting on her seat.? Samantha moved to her seat at the end of the row, noticing that the phallus was missing, which made good sense since the eggs were still embedded in each pledge.? Sam took her seat and immediately felt the egg inside her begin to vibrate.? She caught a glimpse of Mistress Tami glancing in her direction with a smile.
??????????? It was Mistress Nicole who first stood and greeted the pledges, her soft features and dark brown hair oddly in contrast to the seemingly cruel persona of a dominatrix.
??????????? ?Ladies, I want to congratulate all of you for enduring the last twenty four hours.? I would like to especially commend Ally, since the sorority recorded that she was shocked fifteen times.?? There was a slight scattering of applause as everyone looked at the blonde haired pledge at the end of the row opposite Samantha.
??????????? Nicole continued.? ?Tonight?s ordeal you will be separated from your fellow pledges and will accompany your Mistress and Sister.? Depending on the interests and desires of your elder sisters, you will be subjected to unimaginable torments, all designed to test your mettle, to see if you are worthy.?
??????????? Sam glanced over at Kristen, who was sitting still in her seat, trying not to move too much.? It was obvious that the punishment harness she was wearing was more than uncomfortable.?
??????????? ?For those of you who are wondering if you will be allowed to remove the eggs, my response must be that it will be up to your Mistress.?? Nicole finished.? With a nod, she stepped back and the meeting began to break up.? Samantha sat for a moment until both Tami and Kristen approached her.
??????????? ?Stand up pledge.?? Kristen said, a step behind Tami.? Samantha rose to her feet, her body, despite the previous torments, still struggled to respond to the vibrations of the egg.? Mistress Tami gave her a knowingly look and then shook her head.
??????????? ?I want both of you to follow me.?? She ordered.? Samantha looked at Kristen, who shrugged her shoulders, obviously in the dark as to Tami?s intentions.? Together, the two girls, one naked, one clothed, both tormented, followed the gorgeous Senior girl out of the meeting room and down the hall.? It only took Samantha a few seconds to realize where they were going, and her throat closed up.
??????????? Kristen was surprised as Tami stopped at the door to the basement dungeon.? Never having been a fan of Mistress Calli?s darker desires, the dungeon had fallen into disuse, until Samantha had begged to be shown the cruel implements in its depth.? The door creaked open and Mistress Tami flicked on the light, illuminating but not brightening the cool room.
??????????? They descended in silence until they reached the main floor.? Samantha saw that of the many torture devices positioned around the room, only the three that Kristen had shown her were uncovered.? The wooden saw horse, its cut and sanded edge positioned straight up, the ?T? shaped bench that Samantha herself had been spread on, and the standing door frame rack were still prominent.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen,? began Tami ?please remove your clothing with the exception of the harness and place yourself in position on the frame.?? Tami pointed at the device that Kristen had explained the use of during the last time Samantha had toured the room.
??????????? Kristen swallowed but immediately complied.? In moments, her body was exposed, her shaved slit slightly wet.? Her only covering was the black bra, which seemed to tight.? Kristen began to walk forward when Samantha stepped out and turned to Tami.
??????????? ?Mistress!? Please, I?m sorry that I tempted Tami.?? Samantha?s words rushed out.? ?Please, Mistress I would like to accept her punishment.?? Kristen?s eyes widened.
??????????? Tami looked on in interest.? ?That?s an interesting offer, pledge.? However, since I was going to punish you as well, I think that it is quite impossible.?
??????????? ?Oh please!? I?ll take her punishment and then my own!? Please Mistress??? Sam pleaded.
??????????? Tami shook her head.? ?Part of her punishment, Samantha, will be to watch you.?? Tami nodded at Kristen.? ?Assume the position, Sister.?
??????????? Kristen, who had dared to hope for just a moment, bit her lip and stepped into the frame.? The two ropes crossing at breast height were still loose and in moments Tami had begun to secure the pretty junior girl, her wrists and ankles bound directly to the frame. ?A wooden crossbar behind her back prevented her from pulling away as the ropes were spread, one above and one below her breasts.? Two metal slides were pushed inward until they touched the outside edge of each leather covered breast.
??????????? ?Samantha.? If you please, I would like you to crank the wheel which will tighten the ropes.?? Tami said, indicating the twisting wheel at the side of the frame.
??????????? Sam stepped forward, looking at Kristen in desire, yet sorrow.? With the first turn Kristen hissed, arching her hips forward as the thick hemp tightened around her breasts, forcing the tiny pins of the harness deeper into the skin.? Samantha continued to turn the wheel until Kristen let out a tiny sob, her breasts squeezed into a hemp mashed mess.
??????????? Once more Tami stepped forward, but this time she held a long pole with was fitted with a large headed massager.? With a quick adjustment, she slid the pole into a predrilled hole directly beneath Kristen?s dripping sex.? The large bulbous head pressed hard against Kristen?s clit and in the supreme act of cruelty, Tami set the massager on low.? The soft buzzing sound filled the room and Kristen began an odd twisting dance as her clit was stimulated.? She tugged painfully against her bonds, her breasts caught tight.
??????????? Mistress Tami stood back to admire Kristen for just a moment before moving off to one corner of the room.? A large object on wheels stood under another white cloth and Sam watched as Tami began rolling it forward toward the breast binding frame.? It took Kristen a moment to realize what was under the cloth and she began blubbering.
??????????? ?Oh God, no Tami!? You can?t do that to her! Please not the grinder!?? Kristen said, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
??????????? For a moment, Samantha felt frightened, but she remembered Kristen telling her that she had been tormented on every machine in the basement.? If Kristen could endure it then she could.? Samantha turned and face Mistress Tami resolutely, totally prepared for her torment.
??????????? Tami stopped in front of Kristen and drew back the cloth.? To Samantha?s surprise, it was just a leather clad bench, as long as the human body.? On one end was a specially separate pad, to allow the face of a person to rest directly downward without restricting breathing.? There were some odd things however.? Under the padded bench was a large enclosed box.? A mess of mechanical gears were mounted to the side of the box and Sam noticed a bicycle chain running out of the enclosed area to the gears.? Tami walked to the rear of the bench, which also had some sort of mechanical item, and pulled a long extension cord outward, stretching it until it reached a receptacle in the far wall.
??????????? ?Come here, Samantha?? Tami said, patting the bench pad.? Samantha stepped forward, her heart hammering.? Kristen had called it the Grinder, but Sam had no clue as to what that meant.?
??????????? ?Lay face down on the pad, Samantha.?? Tami ordered.? Samantha didn?t hesitate but quickly mounted the bench, feeling the soft cool leather under her body from chin to toe.? Her cheek bones pressed against the soft pads of the face support and as she wiggled slightly to get comfortable, Tami grabbed her left wrist and began binding it to the bench.? Samantha, now totally used to being secured, didn?t respond as each arm was manacled reducing her ability to move.?? There was a click and Sam strained her neck, only to see Tami inserting two large metal rods into the base of the bench.? They extended outward near her feet for almost a yard in either direction, the ends holding a thick metal D clip.?
Samantha felt Tami place leather cuffs around each ankle and then her legs were parted, clipped to the extended metal rods.? But it was the two thick leather belts that were unexpected.? The first was clasped directly over her shoulder blades while the second went across the meaty flesh of her bottom.? Testing the restraints, Samantha discovered that her range of movement was restricted to a few head twists and the wiggling of her fingers and toes.
??????????? She turned her head, gazing over at Kristen, who stood hanging in the doorframe, breasts aching as the massager continued its unholy torment.? Sam sighed in longing, wondering what Kristen was experiencing.? It wasn?t until Mistress Tami stepped forward and fiddled under the bench that Sam brought her attention back to what was happening.
??????????? Samantha felt the leather pad directly under her breasts fall away, letting the soft large melons of her bosom drop downward, dangling underneath her through the now open section.? There was more clicking and Sam watched as Tami seemed to lock in a strange looking cylinder to a shaft.? It was covered in wispy white fur and Samantha longed to reach out and touch it.
??????????? But as Tami finished her adjustments, the cylinder moved out of Samantha?s view.? It was only a moment before her body registered a new sensation coming directly from the tips of each breast: the soft caress of the white fur.? There was an electric hum and suddenly the fur began to move, a slow spin of the fur covered cylinder that spun against each nipple.
??????????? Samantha let out a moan, closing her eyes as the delicious sensation flooded her breasts.? Never before had she been caressed by such texture, so soft and silky.? Pressing down, she tried to push more of her breast into the rotating cylinder.
??????????? But Tami wasn?t finished.? The tall senior girl had moved to the end of the table and was pulling out a collapsible arm that was attached to the underside of the padded top.? In moments a large oddly lumped dildo was attached and it began to spin madly, the tiny electric motor on the end of the arm churning the sex toy devilishly. Tami squirted a little bit of lubricant on the tip.? Sam quivered as Tami?s fingers delved deep into her sex, pulling out the evil vibrating egg, tossing it down on the floor where it buzzed a moment before turning off.
??????????? Samantha sighed in relief, experiencing the silence and stillness for the first time in ages.? It had been in so long that she had almost gotten used to it.? She twisted around trying to see what Tami was doing, but the Senior girl was out of sight at the back of the table, fiddling with the mechanical arm and dildo.
Sam heard it before feeling it, and she would have jumped had her body not been secured.? Her toes curled and she trembled as the tip touched the soft petals of her sex, swirling against the flesh like a drill.? Tami pushed it inward, not deep, but with only enough penetration to fill Sam an inch.? The lumpy warped dildo shook the mounting rod as it pushed against the sides of Sam?s pussy.
??????????? Sam groaned.? The strange shape of the dildo rubbed at her in different ways, exciting her.? She tried to move her body, to sink the dildo in deeper, but the straps held her tight.? Tami moved around to her side, reaching under the bench.? There was a strange hum and then Sam gasped. ?The fur covered cylinder began to spin faster, rubbing her already tantalized breasts softly but incessantly.? It was as if someone was lightly stroking her nipples, never ceasing.
??????????? Mistress Tami moved away, leaving Samantha to endure the soft sexual torments of the Grinder, and approached Kristen, who still stood in the Breast Binder.? Taking a leather sap into her hand she stepped up, swinging it quickly against Kristen?s right breast, smashing the already taut and tormented harness encased flesh.
??????????? Kristen didn?t whimper, she screamed; a long besieged cry that even caused Samantha to look up.? The blond junior trembled in her bindings, tears streaming down her cheeks.
??????????? ?I?m deeply disappointed in you, Kristen.?? Mistress Tami said, stepping around the back side of the Breast Binder.? ?You?re treatment of Samantha, a mere pledge, has been abominable.? I did some asking around while you two were cleaning up, and your stripping her on the deck, your punishment phallus bondage, and even some of your humiliation tactics have been over the top.?? Tami swung the sap again, giving
one buttock a bright red square imprint.? Kristen let out another gasp, her bottom clenching against the radiating pain.
??????????? ?The things you have done to her easily would have discouraged another pledge.? If Samantha hadn?t been inclined toward pain and humiliation, this could have had serious repercussions.?? Mistress Tami had walked all the way around Kristen and let loose another strike of the sap, but this time on her left breast, eliciting another tender cry of pain from the bound junior.
??????????? Kristen ground her teeth together, hissing as she felt the painful throbbing of her breasts.? ?She asked me too do it too her.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Tami?s eyes widened.? ?She did?? And that matters how?? We are the dominant ones!? We are the ones in control!? We move things along at the proper speed!? If you sensed special needs in Samantha you should have informed me, not taken advantage of them to fulfill your own needs!?? Tami stepped away and shook her head.? ?I sense in you the same desires as Mistress Calli.? I would have thought that last year?s torments we both endured would have culled your more sadistic tendencies.?
??????????? Mistress Tami moved back to Samantha, running her fingers along the beautiful skin of Sam?s back and bottom, tickling her slightly.? Samantha?s body was tense, her muscles pulling tightly against the bench.? The continuous rubbing of her breasts and the one inch penetration had quickly brought her back to the same sexual levels the vibrating egg had.? Tingling, Samantha moaned as Tami came to the front of the bench.?
??????????? There was a click and Sam felt the soft fur covered roller move away from her breasts.? She could see it through the tiny slit in the bench pads where her nose was buried. ?Tami removed the whole cylinder, storing it farther back under the bench.? There was more noise and Sam watched as a new cylinder was fitted, this one an odd rubbery looking contraption.? Spread all over the roller were tiny one inch long rubber tentacles that looked oddly like the popular puff balls popular with kids.
??????????? Sam tensed for just a moment as the cylinder was pushed up into place with a click.? The motor started again and Sam moaned as the roller began to spin.? Each little tentacle seemed to cling to Sam?s nipples, dragging themselves over the fleshy bump only to spin around and do it again.? The constant tugging and soft rubbing suddenly became too much for Sam and she began thrashing in her bonds.
??????????? ?There are no safe words, Samantha.?? Tami said.? ?You still have the right to quit the sorority, Sam.? But I want you to stay.? You belong here with us.? You are beautiful, but you are only just beginning to explore your sexuality.?? Tami looked at Kristen meaningfully.? ?If you stay, I can assure you that both Kristen and I will torment you.? My personal needs are easy to meet, but it seems Kristen has developed more exotic tastes.? You need to understand that if you stay, I suspect you will be down here more often than not.?? Tami patted Samantha on the bottom.? Sam began to whimper.? Mistress Tami?s voice was soft and gentle, but the incessant tugging at her all ready sensitive nipples was almost too much to bear.?
??????????? ?Do you want to quit the sorority, Samantha??? Asked Tami.
??????????? ?NO!?? Sam said loudly, still shaking, tiny tremors racing up and down her body.
??????????? ?Then I want you to let me torture you, Samantha.? I want the next forty minutes to be mine, with no chance of release.? No safe words, no quitting.? I want to show you what Kristen is going to do to you, what Mistress Calli did to myself, and to Kristen.? Will you let me do that???
??????????? Sam looked up, lifting her head.? Her body felt the torments of the roller and the spinning dildo and she gazed into Mistress Tami?s eyes.? ?Torture me like you were tortured, Mistress.? Do to me what Calli did to you.? I want it.?? Sam?s face was taut and Mistress Tami smiled.
??????????? ?That was what I hoped for, pledge.?? Mistress Tami said.? She leaned forward and planted a tiny kiss on Samantha?s cheek before the sophomore girl once more lowered her head to the cheek rests.? Kristen watched, still in sexually agony.? Her position provided a clear view of the clinging tentacles tugging at Samantha?s breast.? Tami once more went to the rear of the table.? With clinical detachment, Tami quickly moved the dildo another inch into Samantha.? There was a gasp and a tiny cry as the lopsided dildo twisted inside the bound girl like a corkscrew.
??????????? For Samantha, the never ceasing movements of both the corkscrew dildo and the cylinder under her breasts, quickly became the worst sexual torment she had ever endured.? The stimulation was intense, but not enough to rock her over into the orgasmic climax that had so frequently reared its head at Kristen?s torture sessions.? It seemed almost as if the Grinder was meant to tantalize, torment, and deny the victim any relief.? Her nipples were by far the worst.? With no natural lubricant of their own, and certainly none applied to the rubber tentacled roller, Sam knew the light pink skin of both breasts would soon become red.? Once more she tried to pull herself upward off the roller, but the leather strap holding her down kept her body against the padded bench, her breasts dangling free beneath her.
??????????? The dildo, while oddly shaped, did not sensitize the walls of her sex.? Her own copious fluids did a fine job of lubricating her deep well.? But still, there was the urge to push back against the dildo, trying to seat it more deeply, and not the measly two inches that Mistress Tami had seen fit to impale within her.
??????????? For several minutes Tami stood and watched, her arms folded in front of her.? Kristen suffered through her own first clitoral orgasm as Sam merely suffered, enduring the continuing rub and spin of both the roller and the dildo.? The soft cries and moans of both tortured sorority girls seemed to echo in the deep recesses of the dungeon basement.
??????????? And then Tami moved back to Samantha, reaching underneath the bench and pulling the rubber tentacle roller away from Sam?s breasts.? Sam sighed in relief, seeming to deflate and settle as Mistress Tami removed the roller and deposited it in the bench.? For a moment, Samantha thought she was finished, the torment over, but Tami brought another cylinder, one with odd patterns of metal inlaid across its surface.? At least it was smooth, Samantha thought.
??????????? Tami quickly attached the metal covered roller but instead of immediately pushing it into place against Samantha?s breasts, she reached back under the bench and pulled out a small squeeze bottle.? With a quick pinch she squirted out a somewhat thick clear fluid that seemed to congeal on the metal cylinder.? With a finger, she began to spread it, coating a liberal amount of the roller with the clear fluid.? Sam could only barely see what Tami was doing, but she certainly felt it when Tami wiped her finger dry on Sam?s breast.
??????????? Then came the cold touch as the roller was clicked into place.? Sam felt the cool but sticky touch of the gel as each nipple was pressed into the top of the cylinder.? There was the tell tale hum and suddenly the metal covered roller began to rotate, much slower than either the fur or rubber tentacled cylinders had.? The sensation was much nicer than the tentacles, but not as soft as the fur.? There seemed to be a little bump as her nipple rode up on the edge of one of the metal plates, and then another as it glided off onto the wood base.? The sensation wasn?t unpleasant and Sam sighed, settling herself to the tiny glides and ridges.
??????????? But then everything changed.? One moment, she could feel the cool wood and then the bump of her left nipple going up onto a metal plate.? The next a powerful shock of electricity pumped into her breast, causing her to tense from head to toe, and eliciting a powerful shriek from her throat.? Kristen shook her head, closing her eyes, not wanting to see or hear Samantha?s torment.? Just as the shock to her left breast ended, her right nipple went up on a plate which delivered another shock.? Sam cried out, her fingers clenching tightly into fists, her head rocking back and forth as the roller slowly spun, alternating the shocks between her right and left breasts.? With every few seconds, Samantha?s entire body jerked ridged against her bonds and Tami went back down between Samantha?s leg, pushing in the corkscrew dildo another inch.
??????????? For several minutes this torture continued until Sam?s breasts felt heavy and hot.? Tami stopped the roller and removed it, her knowing eyes seeing that Sam?s skin was hot and flushed, but not damaged in any way.? Sam?s eyes were closed as she rested, almost ignoring the ever deepening spin of the dildo.? She rested, and thus she didn?t see Tami place a new roller underneath the table.
??????????? When it first touched her dangling nipples, it felt hard and ridged, like a potato chip.? But as the cylinder started to turn, Sam quickly realized that a car mat type texture had been placed underneath each breast.? In moments her already swollen and tender nipples were bumping along, throbbing in protest, as if someone lay under her, flicking their fingers hard against each nipple over and over.
??????????? Tami moved once more to the rear of the bench and then rammed the dildo home.? Samantha grunted and began squealing as her nipples burned and her pussy was stretched in extreme ways.? From the rear, it appeared as if someone was mixing her insides, the lips of her sex extended wide, almost white with stress, as she was churned.? Her body trembled and her toes curled as she used what little freedom she had to pound against the padded bench.
??????????? And then Samantha broke down, pleading.? ?Oh GOD!? Please, please Mistress Tami!? I can?t take it anymore! It hurts!? It?s burning!? PLEASE!?? She screamed out loud.? Her tiny fists beat against the leather pads.?
??????????? Suddenly the leather sap Tami had used on Kristen sliced through the air, impacting hard on Samantha?s bottom.? Sam bucked, crying out, and then Tami walloped her again.?? Two more slaps and then Samantha stiffened.? Her body began trembling violently and her cries became high pitched.? She let out a long slow moan and then relaxed, falling loosely.
??????????? Tami immediately stopped the motors, yanking the plug out of the wall.? Slowly, she ran her fingers up and down Samantha?s body, soothing the tortured girl.? Sam lay in the afterglow of orgasm, but was conscious of Tami?s caress, which elicited tiny hums of pleasure.? Tami spent only a few minutes massaging Sam?s body before unbuckling the straps and cuffs, finally releasing the sophomore girl.? Samantha rose from the bench and looked down at her breasts.?
??????????? Each nipple was a dark shade of red, but didn?t seem to be damaged.? Though painfully tender to the touch, it wasn?t any worse than sunburn and Samantha probed gently around each areola, testing her skin?s resiliency.
??????????? ?Don?t worry Samantha.? Your nipples will be tender for about a day.? I recommend some lotion, and no bra.?
??????????? Samantha looked up at Tami.? ?Wouldn?t that just make them rub against my shirt??? She asked.
??????????? Tami laughed.? ?Of course it would.? The discomfort is part of your ordeal as pledge.?
??????????? ?Oh.? I didn?t realize.?? Sam replied.? She looked over at Kristen who hung in the Breast Binder, still shaking from the clit massager.? ?Are you done with Kristen??? She asked.
??????????? Tami frowned.? ?Sister Kristen, Samantha.? I do notice a disturbing lack of respect in you in titles.? According to Kristen you have over sixty demerits for forgetting the ?sister? when addressing her.? Is this correct??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Yes Mistress Tami.?
??????????? Tami sighed.? ?Well, demerits don?t actually keep you from joining, but I feel sorry for you.? Friday will not be an easy day for you.?? Tami looked over at Kristen who was moaning softly.
??????????? ?As for Sister Kristen, you need not worry about her.?? She will be spending a little more time down here.?? Tami waved her hand.? ?You may go, pledge.? Get your clothing and go rest.? Be back here tomorrow at five.?
??????????? Samantha almost seemed to curtsey.? ?Yes, Mistress Tami.?? Sam turned a longing eye toward Kristen.? The bound blonde seemed oblivious to Sam?s penetrating gaze, and Sam let out a small sigh.? Then she turned and quickly ascended the stairs, the sound of a leather sap striking wet and tender flesh followed by high pitched cries following her.
Chapter 13 : Thursday
??????????? Samantha sat at the University Union casually munching away at a Caesar Salad and thumbing through her biology book, her mind not really on the intricate information of life science. For the first time in several days, Samantha had spent not only a night, but an entire morning away from the incessant sexual tortures of Sigma Epsilon Xi.? She had slept like a baby, despite the still tender condition of her nipples, and had even been able to truly concentrate on the morning lectures.
??????????? But a part of her still felt that longing and her mind occasionally drifted back to the events of the previous evening and she found herself remembering certain sensations or certain sounds clearly, as if she were right there, while other things were lost in a fog.
??????????? She didn?t see Kristen until the junior girl was right on top of her, dropping her satchel on the ground with a heavy thump, and gently lowered herself in to the chair opposite the brunette sophomore.
??????????? ?Kristen!? Are you okay??? Samantha said in surprise, having rising, as Kristen put both arms on the table and lowered her head on to her forearms.
??????????? ?Yeah.?? Kristen said, her voice muffled and tired.
??????????? Samantha reached out and ran her fingers through Kristen?s hair, rubbing her friend.? She glanced around, making sure no one was close and then leaned in.? ?What did Tami do to you??? She asked, concern in her voice.
??????????? Kristen took a deep breath and then sighed, her head still on her arms.? ?Let?s just say that Tami would have made Calli proud last night.?
??????????? Samantha shook her head.? ?I wish I could have at least stayed with you.?
??????????? Kristen finally looked up and Sam noticed that her eyes were bloodshot.? ?I would have liked that, but Mistress Tami had a few things to discuss with me.?? Kristen sighed again.? ?She didn?t like the fact that I took advantage of you.?
??????????? Samantha?s eyes hardened.? ?You did not take advantage of me.? I knew exactly what I was doing and if I had wanted you to stop I would have said so.?
??????????? Kristen gave a half hearted attempt at a smile and reached out and took Sam?s hand.? ?You?re sweet Samantha.? Mistress Tami felt that I unfairly used the threat of not making the sorority to inflict some rather harsh tortures on you.?? Kristen shook her head.? ?And to be honest, the basement tortures are optional.? Members who say no are usually taken at their word.? We don?t want to drive anyone away.?? Even Calli respected that.? She knew our limits and never went past them.?? I wasn?t sure where your limits were and I took you down there regardless.?
??????????? Samantha gave Kristen?s hand a good squeeze.? ?You haven?t reached my limits yet, Sister Kristen.? I?ve enjoyed everything so far.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I know.? And Mistress Tami knows it as well, or she wouldn?t have put you on the Breast Grinder.?
??????????? ?Is that what it?s called??? Samantha?s eyes narrowed.
??????????? ?Yep, and
you only got a small taste of it.? There
are at least five more rollers, including one that is supposed to be
refrigerated, and a whole plethora of dildos; each with various shapes and
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened and she suddenly imagined a variety of wickedly shaped dildos.? ?Worse that the chair phalluses??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen face took on a heavy look.? ?They make the punishment phallus look pleasant.? There is one that looks like one of those cylindrical hairbrushes, you know, the kind with bristles all around?? There is one that delivers electrical shocks.? There?s one that heats up, and there is even one that vibrates, but not like a normal vibrator.? It?s got this huge motor at the base and the damn thing is over two inches thick.? Makes your pussy feel like the epicenter of an earthquake?
??????????? Sam went quiet, her mind imagining the various torments Kristen described.? For her, most of the torture she endured was a blurry fog, with the exception of the orgasm, which still came clear and true.? She gave a wistful sigh and smiled at Kristen.
??????????? Kristen rolled her eyes.? ?You want to experience all of it don?t you??? She asked.
??????????? Samantha shrugged her shoulders.? ?I don?t want to get you in trouble.?? She replied.? ?But maybe after I?m accepted.?? She grinned.? ?I want to try the all those different dildos.?
??????????? For the
first time since sitting Kristen laughed.?
?You are insatiable, you know that???
Kristen shook her head, still chuckling.?
??????????? ?So what exactly did Tami do
to you after I left?? I heard you get hit
with the sap, but I didn?t have the guts to hide on the stairs and watch.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I?m glad you didn?t.? If she had caught you, it would have appeared that you were in my thrall.? That wouldn?t be good.?? Kristen let out another sigh.? ?No, after you left she gave me a lecture on abuse and limits and failing to honor the house rules of desire.? And of course, after that nice forty minutes of a massager on my clit, she pulled it away and preceded to pussy whip me until my crotch was red.? I?m still sore.?
??????????? Sam just sat and listened.?
??????????? ?Then, after the lecture, she paddled my breasts, through the harness.?
??????????? ?Oh my God!? No!?? interjected Sam, appalled that Tami would do such a thing.
??????????? Kristen let out a derisive laugh.? She reached up to the collar of her shirt and pulled it down to expose just her cleavage.? Sam gasped when she saw the pattern of red dots all over the top of Kristen?s breast and she knew that those speckles covered the entire bosom.? Kristen released her shirt collar, recovering her chest.
??????????? ?Then, she put the massager back in place, turned it on high, and then had the gall to get a vibrator, sit in a chair in front of me, and masturbate.? I got to watch her relieve herself, twice.?
??????????? Sam?s shook her head in amazement.? ?Did you come??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Yeah, two clitoral orgasms, but those aren?t anywhere as good as regular ones.? My clit is still sore.?
??????????? Sam chuckled.? ?You mentioned that already.?
??????????? ?Did I?? Well I?ve been moving very gingerly today, rest assured.?
??????????? ?So what?s on the agenda tonight?? Are we going to be together as a group??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen clicked her tongue.? ?Tsk tsk, Sam.? You know I can?t really tell you, but I can say we will be all together as a group.? Tonight will be very pleasurable.? No punishments.?
??????????? Sam?s face fell just slightly before she nodded.? ?Okay.? Sounds interesting I suppose.?
??????????? Kristen laughed and checked her watch, seeing that her next class was coming up.? ?I?ve got to get going, Sam.? I?ll see you at five.?? She said.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Are you sure you wouldn?t rather see me at three?? You could show me what Tami did to you last night.?? She wiggled her eyebrow.
??????????? Kristen leaned in low.? ?Samantha, you are a total pain slut, you know that?? But our early afternoon activities have been curtailed by our elder sister, and I for one, am not planning on putting my pussy on the line.?? Kristen straightened out and swung her satchel over her shoulder, giving Samantha a tiny pat on the shoulder as she walked away.? She never heard Samantha?s last comment.
??????????? ?But I?m willing to put mine on the line.?
??????????? Samantha?s class had been eerily easy that afternoon and Samantha made it to the sorority house by three twenty.? Stripping off her clothes on the porch came easy and she rang the doorbell with eagerness.
??????????? ?Samantha?? You?re here early, aren?t you??? Asked Desiree, who answered the door.
??????????? Samantha nodded as she entered.? ?Yes Sister Desiree.? I know I?m early.? I just was hoping that?? her voice trailed off.
??????????? Desiree looked at her in interest.? ?You know that Kristen isn?t here right??
??????????? Sam looked startled and shook her head.? ?No, I didn?t.?? Her voice was filled with disappointment.
??????????? Desiree stared at her for a moment and then reached out a hand.? It came up between Samantha?s legs and felt the heavy moisture of Sam?s sex.? Desiree brought her hand back up and saw it coated with Sam?s juices.? ?My my, you are in a fix aren?t you??? Desiree said.
??????????? Sam was scarlet.? She hadn?t expected Desiree to touch her like that.
??????????? ?Follow me, pledge.? We need to cool you off.?? Desiree ordered.
??????????? Samantha followed Desiree down the hall, her heart thumping as the approached the basement door.? She felt a sudden let down, however as Desiree passed it, leading Samantha into the kitchen.? Samantha looked out through the large windows and saw that the back yard was a fenced in courtyard, filled with flowers and trees and concrete benches.
??????????? Desiree opened the back door and together the two girls entered the garden.? Sam merely followed the older girl, through the small paths until they came to a small clearing, deep with in the garden.? In the center of the clearing there was a small metal table, coated with the white plastic normally found on patio furniture.? However there were no chairs.
??????????? Desiree motioned to the table.? ?Get up on it and lay on your back, pledge.?????? Sam immediately stepped up to the table, twisting around and lifting her bottom up to the edge.? It was extremely secure, and Samantha realized that the base must have been sunk in concrete.? The odd diamond shaped grating of the table top felt good on her bottom and she lay down, staring up at the sky through the leaves of a giant oak tree.
??????????? Desiree stepped away from the table for a moment, and Samantha saw her open a small faux wood patio bench.? In moments, her hands were full and she was returning.? Desiree dropped the ankle and wrist cuffs on the table next to Samantha, but held up a large black colored short phallus that had two straps running from it.
??????????? ?Open your mouth, Samantha.?? Desiree said.? Samantha, not sure what was about to happen, followed the order willingly.? Desiree moved forward and deftly pushed the penis gag in to Sam?s open mouth and then began buckling it into place.
??????????? The gag was certainly uncomfortable, filling Sam?s mouth completely.? She couldn?t help but to suck on it, her mouth filling with saliva.? It was just small enough to allow her to swirl her tongue around the tip.? But most importantly, it restricted her vocal capabilities to some loud moans and the occasional muted squeal.
??????????? Desiree lost no time in attaching the ankle and wrist cuffs to Sam?s limbs, and in moments she was secured to the table like a feast.? Sam?s legs were spread unusually wide and Sam felt that Desiree was remembering the ?T? shaped bench in Kristen?s dungeon.
??????????? Once more Desiree left Sam?s field of vision, but there was a streaming hiss from one of the bushed and Desiree reappeared holding a garden hose.? On the end of the hose was a plastic garden sprayer, the kind with a multitude of different spray patterns that could direct the water over a wide area, or narrow the stream to a single penetrating beam.? The hose seemed turgid and Sam quivered.
??????????? ?Like I said, pledge.? We need to cool you down.?? Desiree pointed the sprayer directly at Samantha?s body and squeezed, sending a wide spray of cold water all over Sam?s body.?
??????????? Sam squealed, shaking.? The water was cold, but not unbearably so, and in a moment she quieted down.? Her eyes were closed to keep the water out, so she didn?t see Desiree change the spray pattern and direct a narrow pounding stream directly at her clit.
??????????? Sam let out a powerful squeal that only came out as a protesting moan, her eyes flying open.? Her body was covered with water droplets and the soft flesh of her sex flapped in the aqua onslaught.? Desiree redirected the water, managing to send the powerful jet up into Sam?s body, filling her deep well with the cold water.? Sam shook, thrashing against the bonds as Desiree alternated between her clit and her bottom, running the stream between her open legs over and over.? Sam?s thighs jumped wildly, but were unable to close due to the severe ankle bindings.? She twisted on the table, but Desiree seemed to be able to anticipate the moves.? At one point she stopped the spray, allowing Sam to calm.? Then, as one hand stroked the sophomore girl, Desiree moved the sprayer up to Sam?s clit, only millimeters away, and then squeezed the sprayer tightly.
??????????? Samantha bucked hard on the table, squealing into the penis gag as her clit was stung hard by the direct stream of water.? It went on for several minutes before Desiree moved the stream back down Samantha?s slit, spraying the tiny button of her bottom.? Samantha lay panting, her body a riot of sensation as Desiree put down the hose and retrieved a large rubber dildo with an odd attachment.
??????????? Desiree once more went to the side of the clearing and Samantha turned to watch as the cute junior girl turned off the water.? Returning, Desiree quickly unscrewed the sprayer and screwed the hose into the bottom of the dildo.? Sam?s eyes widened in alarm as Desiree went to the end of the table and began slipping the head of the dildo along Sam?s already wet and tender slit, until the whole thing began sliding deep.? Sam groaned in pleasure as the thick head went in.? She arched her head as Desiree seemed to tie the dildo hose in, wrapping two thin strands of nylon string around each thigh.
??????????? Samantha began to squeal as Desiree went back to the faucet and then stiffened.? A sudden flood of water seemed to explode out of the base of the dildo, where the hose met it directly, streaming upward to cascade against her clit, her thighs, and her anus.? There even seemed to be a spray inside her, an interior geyser that made her sex begin to pour water.
??????????? Desiree took a step back to admire that gushing sophomore who lay bound to the table.? ?Now that?s a pretty awesome sprinkler.??
??????????? Sam felt her muscles begin to tremble and the first waves of orgasm began to rock her boat.? The rushing combers foamed inside her, building up until she tensed, pulling against her bonds, capsizing in the stormy seas of pleasure.? Samantha let out one long cry, sucking hard on the plastic penis gag, before seeming to collapse, her body streaming rivulets of water down into the grass.
??????????? Desiree turned off the water and made quick work of removing the dildo, coiling the hose back up at the side of the clearing.? Samantha was left to drip dry, the soft sparkling sun bathing her with warmth and light.? Almost an hour later, Desiree returned, this time in the accompaniment of Kristen.
??????????? ?So if I couldn?t provide it, you would find someone who could??? Kristen asked, a hurt expression on her face.? Samantha stared at her, unable to respond because of the gag.? She shook her head.
??????????? Kristen sighed.? ?I?m disappointed Sam, but I suppose all this does is prove your slutty nature.?? She turned to Desiree.? ?Were you satisfied with her performance??
??????????? Desiree nodded.? ?Oh absolutely, Kris.? Sam is a pleasure to torture.? I could do her any day of the week.? Hey?is it true Mistress Tami had her on the Grinder last night?? Desiree asked.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Yeah, almost a full forty minutes.??
??????????? Desiree sighed.? ?I wish I could have seen it.?
??????????? ?Maybe next time.? Kristen shrugged.
??????????? Desiree looked down at her watch and then smiled.? ?We need to get her untied and clear the garden.? It?s almost four thirty and they?ll be here soon.?? She said to Kristen, who nodded in agreement.? Together, the two junior girls released Samantha, who worked her jaw as the penis gag came out.? But even that discomfort wasn?t enough to dissuade her from asking.
??????????? ?Who will be here soon??
Chapter 14:? One Orgasm, Two Orgasm, Three Orgasm, More?
??????????? Samantha had been left in Kristen?s room, seated at the desk.? Like the other chairs in the sorority house, this one also had a hole for a phallus and Samantha had slowly impaled herself after Kristen had twisted one of the smooth wooden cocks into place.? Sitting there, waiting for Kristen to fetch her was difficult and Samantha spent several minutes contemplating what she had become.
??????????? It was difficult to understand.? The previous year, when she had been kidnapped by the Waxers, she had felt the first longings of sexual deviance, but never in her mind did she dream that she would be longing for the types of torture and humiliation she had been enduring these last few days.? Involuntarily she bounced on the phallus as she remembered the best of the sexual torments.? She knew that if she stayed and joined the sorority, that these urges she was feeling would be fulfilled, but she also knew that she would fall deeper down the hole of depravity.
??????????? It wasn?t long before Kristen reappeared, motioning Sam to follow her to the meeting room.? Sam rose from the desk chair with a sucking slurp, leaving the wooden cock oiled and glistening.? Padding lightly down the steps in her bare feet, Samantha shivered with excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation to the night?s ordeal.? What could Mistress Tami have planned?
??????????? Once more Samantha entered the large conference room of the sorority.? Taking her place at the end of the row of eight girls, she sank down, feeling the dramatic difference in the large plastic vibrator now embedded in the hot pink wet flesh between her legs.? She wiggled slightly, getting used to new toy.? With a self conscious chuckle Sam knew that if anything, the remainder of her life would be spent with some sort of object inside her.
??????????? Unusually, Samantha wasn?t the last to arrive, with Ally and one of the other girls entering just as the clock struck the five o?clock chime.? It seemed all the sorority sisters were present that evening, as the audience watching the eight seated pledges had grown.? Samantha looked around for Kristen and Desiree, but noticed that neither of them were present.? It was Mistress Nicole who stepped forward to address the pledges.
??????????? ?Good evening, ladies.? I want to commend all of you for enduring another day of sorority life.? Rest assured that I have been informed that all of you are doing very well, and since there is no limit of open spots and if you each continue as you have, every one of you will be accepted into the sorority.?? There was a slight scattering of applause from the assembled girls as all eight of the pledges smiled, some in relief.
??????????? ?Now, all of you have experienced what it is like to be submissive.? And to be honest, that will not change when you are with one of us, nor will it even change as you move up to junior status, though you will be allowed to dominate next year?s initiates.?? Nicole said, smiling.
??????????? ?But tonight you will be tested on your willingness to dominate, to torment, torture, and abuse sexually a submissive yourself.?? Mistress Nicole looked toward the door where Kristen had stuck her head in.? With a nod, Kristen turned and began pulling something into the room.
??????????? Samantha opened her eyes in surprise.? Both Kristen and Desiree were pulling large wooden carts, almost like hospital gurneys, into the room.? Stretched out wide, totally naked, on each cart, was a boy.? Blindfolded and gagged, their hands were bound above they?re heads, and each leg dangled off the side, tightly tied to the base of the cart.? Their long cock stuck straight up.
??????????? There was a murmur from the pledges as they took in the sight of the two boys.? Uncertain of what was required, there was the sound of shifting bodies, as well as the excited anticipation of those watching.
??????????? ?No doubt you are wondering who these boys are.? They?re names are inconsequential.? They are members of a fraternity who long ago agreed to supply us with cock whenever we so desired.? If you become members of our sorority, you will be given more information about our mutual responsibilities.? In any event, these two freshman boys were selected by their fraternity to submit to us today.?? Nicole said, motioning to the two boys.
??????????? ?One of the things we teach here is the absolute dominance of the female over the male.? We realize there may be times when you are forced to submit, or even want to submit, but we want it to be YOUR choice, not the males, when that happens. To give you the foundations for your further roles in our sorority, we ask that you participate in a special game.?? Nicole stepped up to the first of the boys, reaching out and taking hold of his rock hard cock, squeezing it.
??????????? ?We will begin at the ends, starting with Samantha and Ally.? Each of you will go to one of the boys and using whatever means you want, force him to come.? There are supplies located on the bottom trays of the carts, including lotions, gels, and other instruments.? You may speak to them, touch them, kiss them, or use your body on theirs in any way, but you may not remove their blindfolds or gags.? Each of you will do both boys, so Samantha will start with this one, and will be the last girl to force Ally?s boy to come. ?Each of you have fifteen minutes to make them come. Are there any questions so far??? Nicole asked.
??????????? Janet raised her hand and Nicole nodded to her.? ?Yes, Janet??
??????????? ?Well, I just have a question about making the boys orgasm.? My old boyfriend could only come once, and then he would have to wait an hour or two, before we could have sex again.? How are we going to make them orgasm over and over??
??????????? Nicole chuckled.? ?Well, that will be up to you.? You must be creative.? This game is also played like the children?s game hot potato, with a promised punishment for any girl that can?t make their male ejaculate.? So there is a definite incentive to do your best.? As for the boys, well this type of sexual torment is specifically called cock milking.? By the end of this evening they will be sexual exhausted, sore, throbbing, and very unlikely to have sex for the next two weeks.?? Nicole shrugged.?
??????????? It was Heather who raised her hand next.? ?Um, I?m just curious about what the punishment will be.?
??????????? Nicole?s face turned stony and she nodded.? ?An excellent question, pledge.? Any girl failing to bring about an orgasm will be escorted by the other pledges and a contingent of sisters to the University President?s house, where she will be stripped, whipped, forced to endure ten minutes on the punishment phallus and then will give a blowjob to the President and any guests he may have with him.?
??????????? There was a hushed silence and even Samantha?s eyes widened.? This punishment seemed more severe than any she had heard or experienced.? She looked down the line of girls and wondered if it would be her who was punished.?
??????????? ?Any other questions??? There was only silence to answer Mistress Nicole and she nodded.? Kristen moved her cart right in front of Samantha.
??????????? ?You may now begin.?? Announced Nicole.
??????????? Samantha stood up, groaning slightly as she became suddenly empty.? The boy was obviously handsome, his light dusty blond hair giving him a Beach boy look.? He had only a light sprinkling of hair across his chest and someone had shaved his balls and trimmed his pubic hair.? He looked almost good enough to be a porn star, except that his cock was only seven inches long.? Just slightly above average.?
??????????? As Samantha stepped forward, Kristen bent down and whispered.
??????????? ?Don?t worry; they?ve both been given that drug that keeps them hard for hours.?
??????????? Samantha nodded and quickly inventoried the variety of unguents, oils, lotions, and toys underneath the cart.? Without hesitation she grabbed a flavored oil and began pouring it over the extended cock.? In moments it glistened with an odd red sheen and Sam began pumping it, rubbing her hand up and down in long flowing movements.? He seemed to arch his back whenever she touch the edge of the head, and so she spent a few minutes with short little motions, tormenting and sensitizing him.?
??????????? He seemed close, his hips bucking, and she quickly bent over, sucking his entire cock into her mouth.? Sam tasted the delicious berry flavor as she worked the cock, almost swallowing it down her throat.? And then there came a loud groan and she felt the cock harden in her mouth.? It turned to granite and then pulsed a few times and suddenly she felt it squirt its white cream deep into her body.? She swallowed, trying to clear it, pulling herself clear of the cock, only to reward herself with a squirt of cum that hit her cheek and dribbled down.
??????????? The boy?s
cock was still hard and seemed to pulse as Samantha wiped her face clean and
returned to her seat.? To her
astonishment, her sexual desire had increased and she moaned as the huge
vibrating phallus was embedded once more in the hot flesh between her
legs.? She sat, trembling, one hand
delicately between her legs, rubbing her clit, as the next pledge rose and
began sucking noisily on the boy?s shaft.?
Ally, on the far side of the room, was also finished.? Still as pretty as ever, Ally had managed to
get a glob of cream in her blond hair.?
??????????? Time seemed to go fast, especially since the next three girls on each side managed to make the boy explode in the time allotted.? Both boys were now in the center of the row, tired, but still hard.?? Sara and Cindi, the middle two had managed to make their first attempts explode, but then switched off.? Cindi succeeded first by rubbing the boy?s cock and whispering in his ear.? Sam watched, thinking of different ways to make the boys explode.
??????????? Katherine and Janet also managed to make their boys explode.? Both of them got out sexual toys.? Janet used a soft silky massager and Katherine pulled out a large vacuum pump which excited her victim enough to get him ready.? Heather resorted back to cock sucking, swallowing as much of her target as possible until he popped, a tiny bead of cum rising out of his cock.? Megan was a bit more creative; sucking on the boy?s balls while stroking him passionately seemed to get the job done.
??????????? And then Ally and Sam once more rose, groaning as the large phalluses left their bodies.? Stepping up, Samantha could see the exhaustion in the boy?s face.? His dark hair was radically different from the first boy?s, and in a startled moment she recognized him.? It was Mike, the freshman boy would she had lost a game of pool with the day before.? For a moment she wondered if that game had been rigged, but then immediately bent forward, reaching out and grasping the poor boy?s cock.
??????????? ?Mike, I know you can?t see me, but we played pool together a two nights ago.? Do you remember me??? Whispered Samantha.? Mike nodded his head, still unable to speak because of the gag.
??????????? Samantha smiled and gave him a quick kiss.? ?Then you know what I look like.? Just imagine that, okay???
??????????? Her mouth and hands immediately went to work on Mike?s cock, stroking and sucking it like a pro.? But seven orgasms in less than two hours take a tremendous toll on a boy.? With only three minutes left to go in her fifteen, Samantha was beginning to worry Mike wouldn?t pop.? She leaned over, looking down at the base of the cart.? There, in the very back was the tiny box she was hoping for.? She reached down and snatched it up, pulling out one small pack and opening it.? In moments, the latex sheath surrounded Mike?s cock and Samantha quickly got on the cart and straddled Mike.
??????????? He groaned as she sank downward on his rod, impaling herself with him, just as she had with the various phalluses around the sorority house.? She began to ram herself up and down, rocking her hips as she fucked him.? The cart moved slightly back and forth on its wheels as she thrust.? Mike groaned, his hips finally matching her movements, thrusting himself upward.? She leaned down, stretching, rubbing her breasts back and forth across his face, his open mouth trying desperately to suck in her nipple.? She let him, feeling the suction on her breast.?
??????????? She squeezed him hard, tugging at his cock when she felt him buck and tense, his shaft going hard as granite.? There was a tiny tremble from his groin which barely translated up into her when Kristen?s hand settled on her shoulder.
??????????? ?Got to get off, Sam.? Time?s up.? Kristen said.
??????????? Samantha nodded and lifted herself up.? Mike, still ram rod hard, moaned as she did, leaving his cock out in the cold.? As she dropped to the floor, Kristen pulled the condom off Mike, turning it inside out.? Without a word the junior girl took the condom to Nicole who examined it carefully.
??????????? ?Did he cum?? Asked Tami, who stepped up, curious.
??????????? Nicole shrugged.? ?I guess we better ask him.?? Together, Kristen, Tami, and Nicole went to Mike who still lay bound on the cart.? Kristen carefully removed the gag.
??????????? ?Slave boy, we need to know if you experienced an orgasm during the final torment.?? Nicole said softly, leaning forward.
??????????? Mike nodded, his voice coming in a cracked whisper.? ?I did.?? Nicole straightened up with a surprised smile.? Tami nodded in appreciation. Only Kristen looked disappointed.
??????????? Mistress Nicole turned to the whole room and opened her arms.? ?We are pleased to announce that Samantha was able to complete her challenge.? Thus, only Ally will be serving a punishment tonight.? For those of you who are part of the escort, please get prepared.?? Mistress Nicole turned to the pledges.? ?Girls, please go and get dressed, with the exception of Ally, of course.? We have something special for her to wear tonight.?
??????????? Samantha sighed in relief.? It had been really close and she was worried.? She turned and looked across the room to see Ally burst into tears, cuddling her junior sister.? The poor blond girl seemed beside herself in misery.
??????????? Samantha felt Kristen?s hand and turned to follow her own junior sister, who quickly took her back to their room where Samantha?s clothes hung.? Quickly she donned them, taking only a moment in the restroom to clean herself.? In moments they were back in the main room where Ally stood in the center of the room, feet in golden high heeled sandals, wrapped in a velvety black cape and hood.
??????????? Mistresses Tami and Nicole headed up the procession and the girls left the sorority house two by two.? For some reason, Sam ended up walking next to Ally, who stared forward resolutely.? There were sixteen girls, the nine pledges, and seven members.? Samantha saw that neither Kristen nor Desiree was there, and it seemed only the Mistresses of the sorority had come.
??????????? Samantha reached out a hand and took Ally?s in her own, giving the condemned girl a squeeze.? ?You okay??? She asked.
??????????? Ally turned and looked at her through the dark shadows of the hood.? ?Not really.? I?m not sure about this.? I?m terrified.? I?m glad you made it, but I wish I wasn?t doing this alone.?? Ally said, then gave Samantha a final squeeze of the hand and once more looked forward.
??????????? The group continued to walk until they passed the tennis courts, and in a darkened shadow of the Coliseum, Mistress Nicole had them gather in a circle while she opened a large satchel she had been carrying.
??????????? ?Girls, please take a mask, each of you.? From here on, you will wear this mask until we reach the haven of our sorority house.? Does any one have a question??
??????????? There were shakes of the head and Samantha felt herself grasping a beautiful mask, framed with feathers and fur tuffs, beads, and crystal hanging from the edges.? She slipped it over her head and turned to look at her fellow sisters, all who suddenly seemed escapees of a masquerade party.? Samantha saw Tami slip a gilded raven?s mask over her face, the beak sticking far out, and she stepped up next to her own Mistress.
??????????? ?Mistress Tami?? I need to ask you a favor.?? Samantha said, laying a soft hand on Tami?s sleeve.? Tami turned and looked at Samantha.
??????????? ?What is it, Sam?? You okay??? Tami said, concern in her voice.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I?m fine, but Ally isn?t.? She?s terribly frightened.? She said she was glad I passed the test, but she wished she wasn?t alone.?
??????????? Tami paused, not interrupting, wanting Samantha to finish.
??????????? ?Anyway, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to take her place, or at least share it with her, so she wouldn?t be alone.?
??????????? ?Are you serious??? Tami asked, bewilderment in her voice.
??????????? Samantha nodded.?
??????????? Tami sighed, obviously thinking.? She looked over at Nicole and then back at Sam.? ?Wait here.?
??????????? Samantha watched as Tami approached Nicole and the two head Mistresses conversed in secret.? Nicole?s head popped up once and glanced at Samantha, her eyes burning through the darkness and the anonymity of the mask.? For once, Sam was glad her face was covered and that they stood in the relative darkness of night, for her cheeks immediately turned scarlet.? There was a nodding of heads and Nicole approached Samantha.? Tami stepped off to the side and lifted her cell phone, speaking quietly into it.
??????????? ?This is a very noble offer, Samantha.? I?m not sure what?s behind it.?? Nicole said, her voice soft so no one else could hear.?
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I?m worried about Ally, Mistress Nicole.?
??????????? ?Yes, that?s what Tami said.? I know of your?proclivities, and I?m not surprised that this punishment doesn?t embarrass you??
??????????? ?Oh but it does, Mistress!?? Sam gushed.
??????????? Nicole held up her hand.? ?Yes, yes.? Whatever.? If I allow this, you will get no credit with the sorority.? It will not become known that you made this offer to help Ally.?
??????????? ?If that is what you wish, Mistress.?? Samantha said, sighing in relief now that it was apparent that Nicole and Tami would let her stand with Ally.
??????????? Nicole let out a soft chuckle.? ?As you wish, pledge.?
??????????? A moment later there the sound of running footsteps approached the group and Samantha was startled to see Kristen pounding up to the group.? She was dressed normally, but held in her hands a pair of golden high heels and another black cloak, ones exactly like Ally?s.
??????????? She bowed once to Mistress Tami and then approached Nicole.? In a loud voice that everyone could hear she begged Nicole?s forgiveness.
??????????? ?Mistress Nicole, I apologize for interrupting your outing, but new information has recently come to light.? After examining our slave boy, we determined that he knows Samantha, recognized her, and lied to keep her from being punished.? There was no orgasm.? She failed in her duty and by the rules must suffer the punishment proscribed by the sorority.?? Kristen said.
??????????? There was a startled hush as the other pledges gaped and then stared at Sam.? Samantha too was astonished, wondering if it was true, but then realizing that Nicole and Tami had planned the whole thing, and that Tami had called Kristen, telling her what to say and do.
??????????? Two of the other Mistresses took hold of Samantha and pulled her back into the darkness of one of the coliseum doorways.? Samantha didn?t even need to help as they stripped her naked, tossing her clothing out to Nicole who stuffed it in her satchel.? Samantha?s pumps came off and the golden shoes were placed on her feet, buckled and strapped.? Lastly, the velvet cloak enfolded her in darkness and they pulled her forward to stand by Ally, who looked at her in bewilderment.
??????????? ?Let?s go.? We?re expected.?? Nicole announced, and once more the girls, with Kristen trailing behind, marched forward toward the President?s Mansion.? Ally reached out as the walked, taking Samantha?s hand in her own, squeezing it softly in thanks.
??????????? The mansion stood on a grassy hill just to the south of the coliseum.? Its white Corinthian pillars stood gleaming under the bright flood lights that illuminated the lawn.? Two university police officers stood on the sidewalk along the front of the lawn and one reached up and spoke into his radio.? Immediately, the front of the house was cast in shadows as the flood lights dimmed and went out.
??????????? ?Is the President ready, Officer?? asked Nicole as she approached.? The policeman seemed accepting of the masked girl in front of him and he nodded.? ?Absolutely, Mistress Nicole.? I hope you have a good evening.?? He semi-saluted her and she nodded.? Together the girls moved up the drive until they stood under the huge portico, ringing the bell.
??????????? The door opened and a well dressed man appeared in the light.? Samantha recognized him as the provost marshal and she gasped as he nodded to Nicole and Tami and allowed them into the house without a word.? They turned to the left, moving into a large sitting room with several couches, chairs, and a unlit fireplace.
??????????? The room
was beautifully decorated, but Sam expected that.? Her university fees weren?t for nothing.?
??????????? The provost marshal entered as well and sat down on one of the couches.? Everything in the room was arranged to face the fireplace mantle and Nicole and Tami seemed to lead everyone to the front of the room.? There was a hush at first and then Nicole stepped forward and turned toward the girls.
??????????? ?Ladies, please escort the pledges to seats, with the exception of the condemned.?
??????????? The president laughed.? ?The condemned?? You make this sound like a punishment!?
??????????? Nicole turned and glared at the man.? ?It is, Mr. President.?? Sam swallowed as Kristen and the other Mistress escorted the pledges away from the fireplace and seated them around the room.? Janet got planted next too the provost marshal who immediately wrapped an arm around her, his hand slipping dangerously low to her breasts.
??????????? ?Mr. President, Provost,? Nicole said, ?I present to you two of our newest sorority members.? Both girls failed an ordeal tonight, and while this will not in any way endanger their positions within our society, their failure must be dealt with.? They were told, prior to their trial, that failure would result in their abject humiliation in front of you, their painful punishment, and then the forced relief of your needs.? We will begin immediately.?? Nicole turned back to Sam and Ally.
??????????? ?Condemned, disrobe, immediately.?? Nicole ordered.
??????????? Samantha didn?t hesitate as she pulled open the black holocaust cloak, slipping the hood back and exposing her raven chocolate hair.? Her mask remained in place, as did the masks of every girl in the room.? Sam looked to see Ally slowly opening her own robe, baring the soft pale skin Sam was so accustomed too.
??????????? They glanced at each other, and the both condemned girls dropped their robes at the same time, a dramatic effect.? Ally seemed to be holding up well, her flagging spirits restored by sharing her punishment.? Their breasts seemed to glisten in the soft lamp light and Sam could see the hard bulges in the trousers of each man.
??????????? ?Assume the whipping position please.?? Mistress Nicole ordered.
??????????? Samantha realized that without chairs, Nicole meant for them to place their hands on mantle.? Leaning back carefully, she arched her back, moving her feet outward and spreading her legs obscenely.? The hungry looks in both the provosts and president?s faces were evident.? Ally copied Sam and together both girls presented their bodies.
??????????? Tami approached with two crop type whips, each with a large leather loop at the end.? Sam heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that while the whip would sting, the bark would be worse than the bite.? She resolved to be highly vocal, almost acting as if it hurt far worse.
??????????? With Nicole on Ally?s right, and Tami on Sam?s left, the two condemned girls stood awaiting their first blows.? Nicole swung first, laying the crop across both Ally?s nipples, a loud crack resounding, and thin red line immediately appearing across the span of soft mounds.? Sam was looking at Ally?s bosom when Tami?s first blow caught her right on the clit, causing her to almost loose her balance, and eliciting a surprised squeal.? Sam flushed scarlet as the two men watched in rapt attention, savoring the punishments.? Nicole swung again, echoing her first strike, and causing Ally to let out a long wavering cry.?
??????????? The blows began to come faster, raining down on the two condemned girls.? It took only a few moments for their entire fronts to be turned crimson, a delicious pink shade from breast to thigh.? There pussies were not spared either, as both Mistress made sure to swing their crops up directly between the outstretched legs of both girl, simultaneously, turning the wet and sodden slits, into fiery pits.?
??????????? It wasn?t long before Ally was crying, tears cascading down her face.? Sam too felt different.? This torture was not as sexual, more painful, and she bit her lip to keep from showing her discomfort.
??????????? ?Turn around.? Then get on your knees, both of you.?? Nicole ordered.? Samantha and Ally both straightened, stretching their bodies as they turned and presented their bottoms to the provost marshal and the president.? Nicole turned and snapped her fingers and Kristen immediately moved forward with two huge dildos, dropping them on the ground next to each girl.
??????????? ?Put those in your pussies, girls.? You will stay in a position to keep those dildos in place while you receive the rest of your whipping.?
??????????? Sam nodded and reached for her dildo.? It was huge, easily a foot long and almost two inches thick.? She pushed it between her legs, moving her bottom upward and then positioning herself to impale it, just as she had impaled Mike earlier.? It was difficult to get in because of its thickness, but she managed.? She glanced over at Ally who had also managed to ram her dildo upward.
??????????? Together the two girls leaned forward again, the outstretched petals of their sexes spread wide, impaled on the skin toned flesh of the dildos.? Their breasts dangled, their forearms on the white marble tile of the fireplace, their bodies slightly dipping as each girl seemed to lightly push down on the huge phallus impaling them.
??????????? Then the whipping started again, but this time, Samantha?s body involuntarily dipped as the whip crashed into her bottom.? Driving her downward, she felt the huge phallus fill her and then slide out just a bit.? Again the whip slammed home and Sam cried out, arching her back, but still managing to ram the dildo in deep.? Over and over Tami struck her, matching Nicole?s swings evenly, as Ally mimicked Sam?s thrashing thrusts.
??????????? Soon, both girls? hindquarters were as pink and stripped as their fronts.? While still smarting from the whipping, the girls felt as if it had been easier to bear because of the dildos.? Their chests heaving as they regained their breath, they barely recognized two of the other mistresses bringing matching heavy framed dining room chairs upward.? With a weighty thunk, both chairs faced the provost marshal, whose large cock was already out and being stroked by Janet, and the president, who seemed to have found Heather and pulled her into his lap, his hand under her skirt working furiously.
??????????? ?Rise and stand in front of the chairs, ladies.?? Nicole said.
??????????? Trembling, Sam and Ally both rose, wobbling slightly.? Sam looked down at the chairs and noticed two heavy upholstered pads and she smiled slightly.? But then to her dismay, Kristen approached and removed both upholstered seats, exposing in the base of each chair the familiar large hole that decorated the sorority house seating.? Sam swallowed as Kristen prepared the two punishment phalluses, laying the straps outward.? Finally it was time to sit, and both Sam and Ally were slowly pushed down, impaled upon the most horrific phallus ever introduced.
??????????? Sam was somewhat used to it however, having been impaled twice already with the large metallic ribbed vibrating monstrosity.? Having endured eighteen minutes once, she was prepared for the torment it could inflict, as well as the shattering orgasms.? She reached out and took Ally?s hand as the phallus sank into the stunning blond pledge.? Ally groaned and twisted, never having experienced anything like it before.?
??????????? Nicole and Tami leaned forward and began buckling Sam and Ally in.? Straps holding the phallus in place went around each thigh and the waist.? Thick bands of Velcro strapped the girl?s wrists and ankles into place against the arm rests and legs of the chair.? Finally, both Mistresses reached under the chairs and activated the punishment phalluses.
??????????? Sam gasped as the first jolt of electricity hit her.? Ally just screamed, a loud cry of shock filling the room.? Sam?s thighs buckled, jerking wildly as the phallus began vibrating, ramming itself in hard, shocking her repeatedly.? Samantha closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair, her legs spread obscenely, the petals of her sex seeming to throb around the tied in base.
??????????? It seemed their time on the punishment phallus went on and on.? Samantha experienced her first and then second orgasm, and from Ally?s raucous cries, she was on her fourth.? It was obvious that the provost marshal and the president were thoroughly enjoying the sight of these two masked beauties enduring the worst of torments for them.
??????????? And then it was over.? Nicole and Tami stepped forward and quickly turned off the phalluses, unbinding Ally?s and Samantha?s limbs, and then the phallic straps.? Slowly, both girls stood, leaving the glistening wet rods still embedded in the heavy wooden seats.
??????????? ?Gentlemen, the condemned will now satisfy your needs? Announced Nicole.? Sam and Ally looked up at her and then stepped gingerly over to the men.? Samantha went to the president, unseating Heather as Ally went to the provost marshal.? Almost synchronized, both girls immediately grasped the exposed cocks of the school officials, bobbing their masked heads down on each thick rod.? Samantha relaxed and began to enjoy it, the power she held in her hand.? Her sex felt thick and wet and she almost wished that the night was no where close to being over.
??????????? It didn?t take long, with the provost exploding before the president, but the interesting show had worked wonders on the two men, and both of them released copious amounts of fluid into both Ally and Sam, who dutifully swallowed.? Rising, both girls were covered with the black holocaust cloaks and then the entire escort closed ranks.? Both men stood up and didn?t bother to show them out.? Nicole led the way while Tami brought up the rear, making sure that every girl was accounted for.
??????????? Outside the lights once more blinked off as the left the residence, making their way back down the sidewalk past the football stadium up towards the coliseum.? Sam walked with a spring in her step, feeling alive and sexually explosive.? Even Kristen seemed to grin.
??????????? Tami moved back to the front and Sam heard her talking to Nicole.?
??????????? ?I think that was one of the best I?ve ever been too.?? Tami was saying.? Nicole nodded.
??????????? It took ten minutes to walk the rest of the way to the sorority house, the girls excitedly chattering about the event.? The rest of the sorority sisters who hadn?t been allowed to go clamored around, demanding details, still stunned from the revelation that Samantha had ended up whipped and punished.? But in the end, the girls were told to redress and head home for the evening, and to be back Friday afternoon at five.
Chapter 15: Wicked
and Evil
??????????? ?How ya? holdin? up??? Kristen asked, plopping down in the seat across from Sam at the University Union food court.? Samantha looked up from her sub sandwich and book and gave her a quirky smile.? Kristen chuckled and shook her head, opening her own salad and poured ranch dressing all over it.
??????????? ?Need you ask??? Samantha said, putting a page marker in the book and putting it away in her backpack.? Sam leaned back, looking suave in her tight jeans and polo shirt.? Kristen took a bite of her salad and looked at the sophomore girl thoughtfully.
??????????? ?Probably not.? After your little episode last night, I think I?ve got you completely pegged.?
??????????? One of Sam?s eyebrows went up in a very Mr. Spock like manner.? ?Oh??
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?After Tami called me and told me that I was supposed to come to the group bringing an extra set of punishment clothes, and that I was to announce that Mike had lied to protect you, I had a good idea of what was going on.?
??????????? Sam gave a contemplative grin, not volunteering any information.
??????????? ?The think I?m wondering though,?? Kristen began, ?Is why you did it.? I mean, why would you want to get punished like that?? Humiliated in front of the president and the provost marshal!? I hated it last year when I was the ?condemned??? She intoned the final word.
??????????? Samantha laughed, beaming.? ?You are so funny Kristen.?? Samantha leaned forward.?? ?If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else???
??????????? Kristen nodded and crossed her heart solemnly.
??????????? ?Ok, Ally was scared and looked like she was going to bail.? She didn?t like being up there all alone.? I felt sorry for her.?
??????????? ?So you just went up to Tami and told her you wanted to be stripped, whipped, and forced to suck cock??? Kristen asked, digging into her lunch again.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Absolutely.? She told me that I wouldn?t receive and personality points for it, and I accepted.? Then you came and voila, I was set right next to Ally.? My strength helped us both through it.?
??????????? ?You are amazing.? Calli would have loved you.?? Kristen said, a wistful sigh.? ?Don?t get me wrong, I love Tami.? She?s awesome.? Very relaxed and not very demanding.? But I admit I would have loved being over you and under Calli.?
??????????? Sam smiled.? ?Well, she?s an alumni right?? Maybe you should call her and introduce us.? It might make for a fun outing.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?You mean a humiliating, painful, sexually insane outing.?
??????????? ?I meant fun.?? Sam said again, going back to her sandwich.
Kristen sighed, mentally filing away the suggestion.?
??????????? Samantha put down her sandwich.? ?So what?s on the agenda for tonight??? She asked between bites.? She wiped her lips with a small napkin.
??????????? ?Demerits.?? Kristen said, pushing the rabbit food around in her bowl.
??????????? ?Demerits??? Sam asked.? Then her eyes widened in realization.? ?Oh!? The demerits are getting added up.??
??????????? ?Right.? And you?ve got a lot.?? Kristen replied.
??????????? Sam grimaced.? ?I do?? That won?t keep me from being confirmed right??
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Nah.? The more demerits you have the more punishment you get.? Now refusing to accept the punishment??
??????????? ?I know, that would keep me from being confirmed.?
??????????? ?Right.? Replied Kristen.
??????????? Sam let out a huge sigh.? ?So what did I do to get all these demerits??? She asked.
??????????? ?You keep forgetting to address me as Sister, for one.?? Kristen grinned.
??????????? Sam made a face, and Kristen laughed.? ?Oh yes, I dutifully wrote down every time in the ledger.?
??????????? ?Aren?t you supposed to inform me when I get a demerit??? Sam said petulantly.
??????????? Kristen leaned in and smiled.? ?I won?t tell if you wont!?
??????????? Samantha laughed and the two girls finished their lunches.
??????????? Samantha
strolled up to the large country style house.?
Its white lattices and large porch suggested bygone days when
??????????? Samantha had become used to some of the idiosyncrasies of the house.? The mantra to strip on the front porch had become almost a new rule, one that even the other pledges were now being forced to do.? Samantha wondered if, after becoming a member, whether that particular requirement would be lifted.
??????????? She knew she was early, but after all the other adventures she had experienced in this house, she knew she wanted to be here.? Already she could feel the surge of lust in her body, driving her onward in desire.? She hoped that Kristen or maybe Desiree would take her, torment her, and release the pent up desires.
??????????? Standing on the front porch, she quickly slipped off her skirt and tugged her shirt upward.? As required, she wore nothing underneath, standing in her pink, clean shaven birthday suit as if she were merely out for a stroll.
??????????? ?Oh my God!?? A voice said, loudly enough for Samantha to hear and she whirled to see a tall boy wearing a white shirt and black tie, holding a small bundle of books on the doorstep.?
??????????? Sam turned scarlet and she immediately covered herself with her arm, reaching down and snatching up her skirt and shirt, holding them to her breast.
??????????? ?What do you want??? She demanded, stepping back and ringing the doorbell, realizing that escape into the house was her best bet.
??????????? The boy stared at her in incomprehension.? It took him a moment, her eyes glaring with anger before stammering out an explanation.
??????????? ?Uh?I?m Jonah, from the student Christian Expansion Ministry.? I?m going door to door giving out some literature.?
??????????? Suddenly the sorority house door opened and Samantha turned to see Kristen?s familiar face.? ?Well now, what do we have hear??? She studied the boy and then turned to Samantha.? ?Who?s your little friend, Sam??? Kristen asked.
??????????? Samantha frowned.? ?He?s not my friend, Kristen.? He?s just one of those religious guys going door to door.?
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Ah?stamping out sin and bringing everyone back to the bosom of Christ??? She looked directly at Jonah.
??????????? ?I?m sorry Miss.? I?m Jonah, and I wouldn?t put it exactly that way.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Well, this is certainly a house of sin, and you seem to have gotten acquainted with Samantha, so why don?t you come in??? She said, pushing open the screen door.
??????????? Sam stared at Kristen incredulously.? How could she invite him in?
??????????? ?Oh stop looking so surprised, Samantha.? It would be rude to leave a man of God out here on the doorstep.?? She motioned to Jonah.? ?Come on in.?
??????????? Jonah stepped forward, edging as far away from Samantha as possible, having already pegged her as one of the sinners in the big white house.? He eyed her though, since her clothes were only partially covering her body.
??????????? Together, the three of them stepped into the hallway and Kristen immediately moved off toward the sitting room.? Sam hesitated at the back, wondering whether she should follow the house rules and disrobe, or redress and join Kristen.? Finally, uncertain, she quickly redressed, slipping her skirt and shirt back on over her body, and joined Kristen and Jonah.
??????????? ?Yes, exactly.?? Jonah was saying.
??????????? ?But if that?s the case, then that?s what God originally intended.? Neither Adam nor Eve were aware of their nudity.?
??????????? Jonah looked uncomfortable.?
??????????? Kristen saw that Samantha had joined them.? ?Well, Samantha has decided to let propriety color her judgment.?? Kristen frowned.? ?Sam, you know very well that skirt and shirt will never do.?
??????????? Sam nodded, and stepped to the middle of the room.? With only the tiniest fraction of hesitation, she pulled her shirt off, baring her breasts to the staring eyes of Jonah, who turned scarlet.? Sam watched his face as she slipped her skirt off, baring the smooth slit of her sex, the shapely curve of her thighs.? The skirt puddle around her high heels and she stepped out of it.? Suddenly she realized that the power in the room wasn?t Kristen?s but hers.? She had control of Jonah.? Sam smiled, raised her hands over her head and turned, flashing the godly boy a seductive grin.
??????????? ?Maybe I should go.?? Jonah said, starting to rise.? Kristen reached out and pulled him back down to the couch.
??????????? ?I want to continue our discussion.?? Kristen declared.? She turned to Samantha.? ?Sam?? Can you please go to the kitchen and get a drink for our friend?? Ice Tea??? She looked at Jonah who nodded.
??????????? ?Yes Sister Kristen.?? Samantha replied, for the first time in days remembering the honorific.
??????????? Samantha laughed to herself as she padded out of the living room and down the hall.? Passing a few of the other Sisters who she politely greeted, she made her way to the kitchen.
??????????? It was big, as most farm kitchens were back in the day, and there was a huge butcher block table sitting in it.? It could have easily seated ten, maybe more, but Sam only noticed that it was large enough to tie some one spread eagled on.? There was a huge pitcher of ice tea in the refrigerator and Sam had no problem finding a few glass tumblers.? She was about to pour two teas when Desiree came in.
??????????? ?Hey Sam, whatcha doing??? The tall girl asked.
??????????? ?Hello Sister Desiree.? Sister Kristen asked me to get her and her guest an iced tea.?
??????????? Desiree squinted at her in disbelief.? ?She?s got a guest??
??????????? Sam
nodded.? ?One of those
??????????? Desiree laughed.? ?Is he young and cute???
??????????? Sam thought about it for a moment.? ?I suppose if you got him out of the goofy white shirt and black tie, he might be.?
??????????? ?That?s Kristen.? Let me guess, you?ve already been naked in front of him??? She asked.
??????????? Sam nodded.?
??????????? ?Well, Kristen likes playing with weak guys like that.?
??????????? ?He seemed very uncomfortable with me being undressed.?? Sam said.? ?It really embarrassed him.?
??????????? Desiree nodded.? ?Well, it?s a type of power over boys, so remember that.?? She looked down at the two glasses.? ?Going to take them a drink??
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Yeah.?
??????????? Desiree placed her hands on her hips.? ?Well if you?re going to do it, then do it right.? Here?s what you do.?? Desiree leaned forward and began explaining to Samantha.
??????????? ?Ah!? Samantha?s back with our drinks.?? Kristen announced, placing her hand on Jonah?s arm.? Sam stepped into the room, still naked and arguably innocent.? Holding the tray with the two glasses and the pitcher, she approached Kristen and Jonah and carefully placed the tray on the coffee table.
??????????? ?Can I pour you a drink, Jonah??? Samantha asked, her voice dripping with honey.? Jonah?s face had once again turned beet red and he seemed to be only able to make small noises of outrage.? It took him a moment to regain his composure, seeming to force his mind into a state of righteous indignation to ward of the sexual posing.
??????????? ?Yes please.?? He said, turning away to look at Kristen.
??????????? Kristen was watching Samantha with a surprised but pleased expression on her face.? Without hesitation, Samantha knelt in front of the coffee table and? picked up one of the empty glass tumblers, holding the edge to her right breast.? With a slow twist, she carefully slid the edge against her nipple in a full circle, attracting Jonah?s eyes once more.
??????????? ?What are you doing??? He asked.
??????????? Sam gave him a tiny smile.? ?Making sure there are no rough edges, Sir.?? She replied.? Inwardly she decided to give Desiree a special thank you.
??????????? Jonah?s eyes widened as he realized what she was doing.? ?That?s not necessary!?? He leaned forward and took the glass from her, putting it down on the tray.? Samantha sat on her heels for a moment in surprise before lifting the pitcher and pouring a generous amount of ice laden tea into the glass.
??????????? ?Sister Kristen?? Can I offer you a glass of tea??? Samantha asked.? She noticed Jonah still staring at her.
??????????? ?Yes you may, Samantha.? And might I compliment you on your tea serving manners.? I?m delighted that you are so courteous.?? Kristen said.
??????????? Sam bowed her head slightly.? ?Thank you, Sister Kristen.? Sister Desiree was kind enough to instruct me.?
??????????? ?Ah??? A question answered for Kristen.? ?You may proceed.??
??????????? Samantha once more picked up an empty glass and pressed its lip to her breast.? Desiree had explained that while symbolic, the ritual testing of the glass lip against a nipple was highly erotic and demonstrated complete willingness to protect one?s mistress.? In addition, the glasses were cold and Sam?s nipples immediately rose to hard bumps.
??????????? Sam put the glass back down and filled it, offering it up to Kristen who thanked her.?
??????????? ?Samantha, Jonah and I were just talking about your state of nudity.? Do you think that nudity is wrong and against God?s wishes??? Kristen asked.
??????????? Sam thought about it for a moment.? ?Well, God made us, and we were the ones that made clothes, so I guess it can?t be wrong, can it??? She asked.
??????????? Jonah made choking noises over his iced tea and Kristen pat him on the back several times.? ?That makes good sense, Sam.? I can see it?s a good idea to include you in this conversation.? Why don?t you go to the meeting room and bring back a chair to sit in.? Make sure the center hole is filled, okay??
??????????? Sam nodded and looked back at Jonah who was still having trouble with her nudity.? With a barely suppressed laugh, Samantha left the room and stepped across the hall to the meeting hall.
??????????? The long line of pledge chairs stood in the center of the room and Sam saw that the phallic holes were all empty. ?Stepping over to the tall cupboard against the far wall, she opened the latticed mirrored doors and pulled out the large box of phalluses.? It took her a moment to decide which one would be the best, but finally picked out the double penetration vibrator.
??????????? Plugging it into the seat only took a moment and Sam took the opportunity to lube it up with the bottle of motion lotion some thoughtful mistress kept in the box.? Sam smiled to herself, since she had never thought about what preparations must be made before each meeting.? She realized that she never had trouble sitting down, and realized that each phallus was pre-lubed.
??????????? She lifted the chair and carried it across the hall.? Once more Jonah was explaining the error of Samantha?s ways, advocating her return to goodness.? He had even managed to extract some of his reading material and was quoting Bible verses at Kristen, whose eyes had glazed over.
??????????? ?Ah!? Samantha!? You?re back!?? Kristen said delightedly, putting Jonah into momentary spluttering.
??????????? Samantha nodded and set the chair down.? It?s back was too Jonah and Kristen and as Sam turned it around Jonah let out a tremendous cry and stood, pointing to the phallus embedded in the chair.
??????????? ?What?s that!?? He exclaimed.
??????????? Kristen reached out and took Jonah?s hand, pulling him back down to the couch, but much closer to her.
??????????? ?Now calm down, Jonah.? That?s just a little toy that Sam wants to play with.?? Kristen kept a tight grip on his arm, reaching out with her other hand and patting his knee.? He never noticed her hand not lifting from his leg.
??????????? ?Have a seat Samantha.?? Kristen ordered.
??????????? ?Yes Sister
Kristen.?? Samantha replied.? She moved around to the front of the chair,
spreading her legs wide apart.? Jonah
turned away as she reached down between her legs, her fingers sliding through
the already wet petals of her flower.?
She dipped low, feeling the long tip of the first protruding rod begin
to enter her body.? In moments, as she
dropped, she felt the second shaft at the tiny button of her bottom.? With a low groan, she tried to relax and let
it slip in.? Finally she was full and she
lowered herself to the chair seat, her legs obscenely spread and the huge blue
colored phallus spreading her pussy apart like Moses did to the
??????????? Jonah seemed to be reciting some mantra about protection from evil over and over and Sam reached down under that chair and turned on the phallus.? The soft buzzing filled the room and Sam let out a tiny gasp as her sex was stimulated for the first time that day.
??????????? Jonah stared at her and then glared.? ?You are a wicked girl!? You fornicate!??
??????????? ?Now now, Jonah.? Don?t be judgmental.? Samantha is merely experiencing the pleasure that God gave us to experience.? Are you enjoying your ice tea??? Kristen asked politely.
??????????? Kristen?s calmness and rebuke seemed to soothe Jonah.? He sat back down and with a still angry voice spoke.
??????????? ?Yes, it is good ice tea.?
??????????? ?And you are enjoying it??? Kristen asked.
??????????? ?Yes, yes I am.?? Jonah said.
??????????? ?Then you are enjoying a pleasure that God gave you to experience.? You should thank him for it.?? Kristen replied, still the soul of southern gentility.
??????????? Jonah looked at her suspiciously.? He nodded and then bowed his head, clasping his hands together after setting his tumbler on the coffee table.
??????????? ?Dear Lord, thank you for your gifts this afternoon.? Let me show these two girls the error of their ways.? Give me strength to endure these temptations.?? He finished, the buzzing of Samantha?s vibrator providing an odd background for the prayer.
??????????? Kristen was shaking her head.? ?My my, you seem to consider us such bad girls.? What have I done to deserve that condemnation???
??????????? Jonah pointed at Samantha.? ?You have condoned and encouraged this wanton behavior.?
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?You?re right.? I have.? But I suppose Samantha is truly the wicked one, since she has not only condoned it, but actually done these wicked things??
??????????? Jonah
nodded eagerly, glad to see that at least one of the two girls was agreeing
with him.? ?Exactly!? You see it now, don?t you!?? He exclaimed.
??????????? ?I think I do.? Sam?s behavior is a bit shameful isn?t it?? I mean, here we are discussing religion, and she?s having herself a nice little time bouncing on a vibrator.?? Kristen clucked her tongue a few times.? ?So, do we just condemn her to hell, or should she be punished??
??????????? Jonah didn?t hesitate.? ?Punished!? Drive the thoughts of this behavior from her mind!?
??????????? ?But are we worthy to punish her??? Asked Kristen.? ?Is it punishment we wish to inflict?? Or is it correction?? Trying to get her to see the evil of her ways??? Kristen sweetly.? Jonah sucked in every word, his flaring with religious righteousness.
??????????? ?It?s correction.?? He declared.
??????????? Kristen wrapped an arm around the religious zealot and gave him a tight hug.? ?We have a room here in the house where we can ?correct? her.? But I am not worthy.? Only you can do it.?? Kristen whispered.? ?Will you help my sister??
??????????? Jonah nodded, standing up.? Kristen rose too and Samantha stared open eyed, wondering what Kristen had in mind.? Already her sex was soaked and the vibrations she had felt during the conversation only stimulated her more.? Punishment sounded wonderful, especially Kristen?s kind.? She gritted her teeth and stood, the two deep vibrators making a sucking sound as the left her body.? She leaned over, turning them off and then looked at Kristen.
??????????? ?To the basement, sinner.?? Kristen declared.
??????????? Sam hung her head, trying to stay in character.? ?Yes, Sister.?? She said softly.?
??????????? Kristen wrapped her arm around Jonah?s elbow, and arm in arm they followed, Jonah?s eyes never leaving the smooth curves of Samantha?s bottom.? Samantha stepped out of the living room into the hall and went past the hall closet to the basement door.
??????????? She felt a fluttering in her heart as she pulled it open.? The last time she had been down here, she had been bound to a bench and experienced the most tenderizing torments to her breasts.??? She had watched Kristen abused and punished.? And it had been some of the most erotic and sexual experiences of her young life.? She flicked on the light and began descending.
??????????? Someone had placed the white clothes back on all the devices since Sam?s last time to visit the basement.? She stood in the center of the cool room, her nipples hard as she waited for Jonah and Kristen.? Kristen unlinked her arm and strode straight for the ?T? Bench which Samantha was familiar.? With a flourish, she yanked the cloth off, exposing the odd frame and black leather device.
??????????? ?Samantha, straddle the bench, with your thighs against the cross of the ?t?.?? Kristen ordered.? ?Then bend over.?
??????????? Samantha went to the bench and quickly straddled it, moving forward.? Once at the end she bent over until her hands were on the cross of the ?t?, supporting her upper body weight.? Her cute little ass swung in the air and her spread legs revealed the wet cleft between them.
??????????? Kristen pulled Jonah over to the end of the bench and told him to sit, so that he was facing Samantha?s exposed sex and bottom, which Samantha slowly swung back and forth, eliciting an angry nod from Jonah.? Without hesitation, he straddled the bench and sat as Kristen went and retrieved a flogger.? She placed it into his hand and he swung it, almost snapping it, letting the heavy leather strap smack right onto the sodden petals of Samantha?s sex.
??????????? Sam wasn?t prepared and let out a stunning cry, arching her back and rocking forward onto her toes.? Her pussy stung, a radiating heat that rocked outward.? She turned and looked over her shoulder to see Jonah raising the whip and swinging it over hand at her rump.? She grit her teeth as it struck, and thus only let out a small hiss.
??????????? Kristen was on her knees behind Jonah.? His ankles were in the perfect position for the locking bar and in moments, both of his legs were bound securely to the bench.
??????????? ?Hey!?? What are you doing??? Jonah demanded, trying to stand up, but only falling back to the padded bench.? He tried to bend over and reach the bindings, but the angle was wrong.
??????????? ?Release me immediately!?? He shouted at Kristen, threatening her with the whip.
??????????? ?You would threaten to hit me??? Kristen said, sounding innocent and yet dismayed.? She backed out of harms way though.? ?Some Christian you are.?
??????????? Jonah sagged and dropped the whip.? Sam watched over her shoulder as tears filled his eyes.
??????????? Kristen came over and took the whip, tossing it away.? ?Oh now, poor baby.?? She took his head and cuddled him as he cried.? Sam caught the glance and quickly rose, stepping away from the bench and going to Jonah?s side.? It wasn?t hard to figure out what Kristen wanted.? The hanging cuffs were easy to get open and Samantha pulled Jonah?s wrist up and quickly locked it into place, just as Kristen repeated the procedure to his other wrist.
??????????? ?What is going on?? Why are you doing this??? He asked, still blubbering.
??????????? Kristen bent over and kissed him on the mouth.? ?Because Samantha is a naughty girl.? But you are too, being all righteous around others for no good reason.?? Kristen smiled.? ?So you get to experience her punishment.?
??????????? Jonah?s eyes widened and he began shouting, yanking at the bonds.? Kristen stepped away for only a moment and suddenly a ball gag appeared, a red sphere with black straps that went neatly into the shouting boy?s mouth.
??????????? ?Sam, please undo his belt and pants.? We need to see his cock.? I suspect he?s hard as a rock.?
??????????? Samantha laughed.? ?No problem, Kristen.?? She immediately went to her knee and began unbuttoning Jonah?s pants.? His belt was easy to unclasp and Samantha exposed a pair of white briefs.? Kristen sighed.
??????????? ?Religious right down to the core.? Geeze, Jonah, get some nice colored boxers.?
??????????? Samantha giggled, covering her mouth as Jonah expressed his anger through the gag.
??????????? Sam pulled the elastic opening aside and suddenly the hard length of Jonah?s staff rose from the white cotton.? It waved in the air and Sam took hold of it, stroking it a few times, much to Jonah?s dismay.
??????????? ?He?s hard, Kristen.?? Sam said, shaking the cock a few times.
??????????? ?Well good.? Now, you still are a sinner, Samantha, so straddle that bench facing Jonah, and take his cock in your mouth.?
??????????? Samantha nodded and quickly swung a leg over the bench.? Sliding downward, she placed her face in Jonah?s crotch, opening her mouth and sucking in the large solid shaft in front of her.? She felt him tense and she began to tease him, sucking and then blowing air around her mouth.? She twirled her tongue around his tip and then ran it up and down.
??????????? She felt Kristen move forward and grasp her hands, pulling them around Jonah?s waist until Sam was hugging the boy, her mouth firmly planted on the pulsing probe.? Kristen slid her fingers over Sam?s back until they found her foot.? In moments, the crossbar ankle cuffs were on her again, and she heard the winch as it clicked, spreading her legs farther and farther apart.
??????????? It didn?t stretch Sam as far as the first time she rode the T bench.? Her position, with her mouth gagged on cock, prevented the splits, but it arched her back slightly, pulling up on her legs so that her entire slit was easily exposed at the other end of the bench.
??????????? Secured as she was, Sam couldn?t watch as Kristen moved around to the top of the bench, but only felt Kristen?s fingers as they swirled against Sam?s sex.? Sam moaned loudly, her mouth still surrounding the hard pulsing cock in front of her.? Then the fingers were replaced by something large and curved and Sam realized that another one of the vibrating eggs had been placed inside her.
??????????? It almost immediately began vibrating and Samantha braced herself.? As expected, Kristen immediately activated the thumper, which drove the egg upward into Sam? body.? The exquisite vibrations, the hammering thumps, were all too much for Sam and she began to quiver in excitement, the building orgasm cresting as she sucked hard on Jonah?s cock.
??????????? The sight of Sam?s bondage had easily hardened Jonah, but it was the swinging whip Kristen picked up and began to slap against Samantha?s bottom as she sucked on him, that really churned his lust.? He gritted his teeth as the waves of pleasure rocked him, the pretty brunette girl slurping on his shaft, the sight of her being punished, and then, to his amazement, Kristen removed her own shirt and bared her round white breasts.? It was this last thing, the final straw that caused Jonah to explode, filling Samantha?s mouth with white cream.
??????????? Sam gagged as is shot up into her, and she desperately tried to swallow as much as she could.? Kristen didn?t let up though, swinging the whip a few more times in choice areas.? Sam squealed, the ivory fluid dripping from her lips as the whip caressed her between the legs.? It caused her to tremble as the orgasm hit and she shook, hugging Jonah tight.
??????????? And then it stopped.? Two of them panting, the third just staring in pleasure.? Sam still had Jonah?s softening cock in her mouth and she continued to suck on it, swirling her tongue round and round.? Her bottom felt hot, as did her sex, but because the vibrating egg continued dancing inside her, she felt as if she could go on forever.?
??????????? Kristen came back over to Jonah and leaned down, giving the ravished boy a soft kiss.? ?Are you finished witnessing her punishment, Jonah??? Or did you want to fuck her too??
??????????? Jonah?s eyes widened and took on a look of the lost.? He looked down at Samantha?s creamy white body which was crisscrossed with red stripes across her rump.? She was still pumping, her mouth still working on his shaft, which was starting to respond to her mouth.? He thought about Samantha and for a moment, all he wanted was to plunge his dick into her sweet well.
??????????? He turned and looked up at Kristen and nodded.
??????????? She smiled.? ?Gotcha.?? Kristen straightened up and immediately moved to the top of the bench again, releasing Samantha?s legs.? Sam groaned as her thighs dropped relieving the pressure and Kristen?s grasping fingers managed to remove the vibrating egg.? After only a few moments, Kristen had released Samantha?s arms and handed her a condom.
??????????? Sam wanted something hard and long in her, and Jonah?s cock seemed good enough.?? But not only that, Samantha felt that by taking Jonah?s body in that way, she would be taking his innocence and righteousness from him as well, helping him to see the error of his ways.? It took only a moment for Sam to get the little latex sheath over the now semi-rigid shaft.
??????????? Samantha swung her leg over the bench, straddling it, and she moved forward, putting her hands on Jonah?s shoulders.? She scooted herself forward until she felt his cock against her clit and she rose up, impaling herself upon him fast and suddenly.
??????????? Jonah felt his cock enter a girl for the first time and he groaned, inwardly disgusted with himself for caving in.? Part of his mind told him that these two girls had forced him, raped him, but he knew differently.? He knew he was the one who had wanted to see Samantha punished.? He knew he was the one who exploded watching Samantha whipped.? He knew that he was the one who wanted Samantha on top of him.
??????????? He thrust involuntarily, his body making up for what his mind couldn?t cope with and Samantha rocked with him, stroking him, kissing his neck as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.? It was a quick and fast screwing, with Jonah bursting into tears as he exploded.
??????????? Samantha was given only the little wave of pleasure as Jonah softened almost immediately, turning to putty inside her and slipping out quickly.? She groaned, still wanting, knowing that the only release would come later in the afternoon at the five o?clock.
??????????? Slowly she stood up as Kristen bent down and began unbuckling the straps that held Jonah in place.? When his hands were released he stood up and pulled up his pants, buckling himself in as if protecting his virtue.?
??????????? ?You are both evil women!? Spawn of the devil!?? Jonah announced.? He immediately moved toward the basement stairs and the two girls followed him up, lightly laughing at the boy?s discomfiture.? He quickly made it to the top of the stairs and stepped into the hall way.
??????????? Only to be confronted by three totally naked sophomore girls who had just arrived for the five o?clock meeting.? His eyes bugged out at seeing more feminine flesh in one hour than he had in his entire life.? Kristen stepped out behind him and pushed him toward the door.
??????????? ?Don?t mind him ladies.? He?s just leaving.?? Kristen announced as Jonah pushed his way past and out of the house.
??????????? It wasn?t even ten seconds before the entire group burst into laughter.
Chapter 16: Demerits
??????????? ?Okay ladies, its time to get it together.?? Mistress Tami announced with a clap of her hands, overriding the bubbling giggling and chattering the pledges and a collection of sisters were making.? She pointed toward the meeting room opposite the living room and everyone slowly moved in that direction.
??????????? Samantha was, as usual the last girl to arrive in the meeting room.? She had taken the opportunity to get cleaned up in the restroom before moving on to the afternoon meeting.? She was a little timid, knowing that the demerit punishments would be given out this evening, and not wanting to fail at the very end, despite what Kristen had said.
??????????? Entering the meeting room she found that someone had returned her chair to the end of the row, leaving the large blue double penetration vibrator in it.? It was already on and Samantha slowly seated herself, feeling the huge phallus slip inside her, as well as the smaller one angling its way into her ass.? She gave a tiny groan as her bottom hit the seat and took a moment to fidget, trying to get as comfortable as a seven inch dildo would let her.
??????????? ?Pledges, I want to thank all of you for coming this evening.?? Mistress Tami began, standing in front of the group of sophomores.? ?Your endurance, determination, and fortitude stand you in good stead.? After this week, we know that your first year as novices, and then your later years as sisters, and perhaps even as Mistresses, will be easy.?
??????????? Mistress Tami clasped her hands together as Sister Kristen brought her a large leather notebook, embossed with the seal of Sigma Epsilon Xi.? Mistress Tami took the book, caressing it lovingly, before opening it.
??????????? ?We have two very unusual occurrences this year.? One girl, out of the nine of you, has managed to get the lowest number of demerits ever, beating the record holder by fifteen demerits.?? Mistress Tami nodded as the sister gave a polite applause.? ?This new honor goes to Ally, who managed to accumulate a scant twenty demerits during her week.? Congratulations Ally.?
??????????? Samantha leaned forward on her chair and looked down the row at Ally who was blushing scarlet, but looking pleased with herself.? For a moment, Samantha had hoped that Kristen had been joking about her own accumulated demerits, but Sam knew that she truly had forgotten many of the important rules of the sorority during the week.
??????????? ?As you may know, tonight we will inflict the demerit punishments.? Now for the smaller number of demerits, punishment is inflicted with either the punishment phallus or a certain number of strokes of the whip.? There are three girls here who have come under fifty demerits; Ally, of course with twenty, Janet with forty, and Heather with fifty.? Five demerits translate into one minute on the punishment phallus, or one stroke of the whip for every two demerits.? The three of you must choose your punishment.?? Tami looked directly at Ally.
??????????? Ally?s choice was simple, ten strokes of the whip, or four minutes on the punishment phallus.? Sam rolled her eyes and mentally said ?whip?, urging the blond pledge to choose the lesser of the two punishments.? Ally seemed to agree, announcing to the assembled girls that she would endure ten strokes rather than face four minutes.
??????????? Janet?s decision wasn?t as easy.? Eight minutes on the punishment phallus or twenty strokes of the whip wasn?t much of a choice as far as Sam was concerned. ??Glad she didn?t have to make the same decision Sam bit her lip and waited.? Finally Janet announced her intention to endure the eight minutes of sexual torment that came from the punishment phallus.? Sam clicked her tongue, not sure the beautiful sophomore girl had gotten the better of the bargain.
??????????? For Heather the choice wasn?t much better.? Twenty five strokes delivered in spots which were sure to be sensitive, or endure ten minutes of punishment phallus.? Samantha snorted once.? She had been forced to take the punishment phallus for an entire eighteen minutes!? And these girls were bucking at ten minute shots?? Heather asked for the punishment phallus as well.
??????????? Mistress Tami had the three girls stand, with Heather and Janet?s chairs moved forward.? The heavy wooden dildos that both girls had been penetrated with were removed and replaced with the metal and plastic monstrosities that would inflict their chastisement.?? It took a few minutes to get the two girls seated and bound, unable to lift their bodies from the thumping, vibrating, shocking, twisting torment which they were about to suffer.
??????????? It was obvious to Samantha that Mistress Tami wanted the punishments to start all at the same time.? Ally was told to assume the punishment position and promptly stood, legs spread, her arms behind her on her chair, her breasts pushed forward.? Mistress Nicole came forward and knelt before Ally, slipping in one of the now famous vibrating eggs, turning it on to full power.?
??????????? At almost the same time, the punishment phalluses were started and Sam watched for the first time the effects of the multiple stimulation rod, rather than experience them herself.? She could almost feel it, seeing Janet and Heather?s faces tighten when the electrical shocks hit them.? Their bodies seemed to jump as the phallus screwed itself deeper, alternating the vibrations and the shocks so that nothing was expected or predictable.?
??????????? Nicole swung the whip that struck Ally, a thin crop that left a bright red line straight across both breasts.? Sam?s eyes widened as she saw the redness blend in with the pink of both Ally?s turgid nipples, a perfect shot across both nubs.? Mistress Nicole swung again, another strike, this time lower, causing both Ally?s breasts to bounce.
??????????? Janet began to squeal, beginning to bounce, much like Ally?s breasts had, desperate to get off the punishment phallus.? Heather groaned but remained still, evidently more in tune with the wild churning electrical storm inside her.? Sam watched in fascination, her own sex throbbing.? The double penetration vibrator inside her began to force her close to orgasm as she witnessed the punishment of the first three pledges.
??????????? The third strike landed directly on Ally?s clit, causing the blond beauty to squeal, her legs trembling as she stood on tip toes.? Sam grimaced, imagining the sting.? But Ally remained in position as the fourth stroke landed atop the first.? There was a wet sound, like someone slapping the water and Ally cried out, shocking the assembled pledges and sisters with her demand for another stroke.
??????????? ?Please Mistress Nicole, punish me!?? Ally said, her voice trembling with need.
??????????? But it was Janet who broke next, declaring she had changed her mind and wanted the strokes.? She bounced, crying out, trying to get out of the chair as the punishment phallus tormented her.? Her own mistress held her, trying to soothe her, but the poor girl shook her head.
??????????? ?If you quit you?re out of the sorority.?? The Mistress said harshly, gripping Janet?s arm tightly.
??????????? Janet sobbed and then nodded.? ?Please make it stop!?? Her mistress sighed and then reached down under the seat, turning off the vibrator.? Heather, who was also trembling, clamped her lips shut and continued to moan, her eyes closed, her hips thrusting.
??????????? Janet was removed from her chair and literally dragged from the room, her mistress closely following.? Sam just watched in shock, totally unprepared for the possibility that the punishment might be so bad that someone would willingly give up membership in the sorority.?? Sam turned to see Ally receive her fifth stroke, a straight shot between the legs, the crop wrapping itself in a curve from clit to perineum.? Ally screamed, finally losing control, and her legs closed.? She almost immediately resumed her position though and nodded at Nicole.
??????????? The sensations finally broker through Heather?s cool demeanor, and the frisky blond girl began panting, the punishment phallus eliciting tiny screams from her throat that matched Ally?s next cry.? The seventh and eight strokes were no where near as strong as the fifth and sixth, but to Ally?s sensitive skin they felt like lightning.? Nicole nodded at Ally and told her to turn around and present her bottom.
??????????? Ally instantly followed the command and turned, bending over the back of the chair.? In a flash, the whip whistled down, leaving a stripe across both cheeks.? The last stroke followed and Ally?s bottom matched her breasts.? Shaking, but not crying, Ally moved back to her regular seat.? Gingerly, she settled herself down, once more inserting the heavy wooden phallus into her body.
??????????? Sam couldn?t take it anymore and quietly orgasmed in her seat.? The sight of Ally?s nude body whipped, with the background of Heather?s squealing ride on the punishment phallus was more mental stimulation than she could take and she closed her eyes, rocking back and forth.
??????????? Heather too was exploding, her body rocking as wave after wave of intense sexual release flooded through her.? Her last two minutes on the punishment phallus were filled with trembling convulsions as she dealt with the ongoing torment.? Then it was over, Heather?s own mistress turning off the punishment phallus and squeezing the quivering girl in a bear hug.? There was another scattering of applause as she was unbound.? Sam watched as Heather was lifted off the punishment phallus, only to have it replaced with the wooden dildo.? She was reseated back in line.
??????????? Mistress Tami took a moment to let the girls calm back down after the spectacle before addressing the girls.? Numbering eight now, there were only five pledges left.? Sam looked down the row at Cindi, Sara, Katherine, and Megan, wondering where she ranked.? Once more the leather bound demerit book appeared.
??????????? ?Pledges, its time to continue with the demerit announcements.? Needless to say, the five of you have earned quite a few more demerits than, Ally and Heather.? The next level is between fifty and one hundred.? Three of you have earned demerits in that range.?? Mistress Tami consulted her book as Sam held her breath.? ?Cindi, you?re the lowest with fifty five demerits.? Katherine has seventy demerits, and Sara has ninety five demerits.?
??????????? Everyone watched as the three girls named listened intently.
??????????? ?The punishment for this level is severe.? Each of you will be taken to the punishment room, bound on your back, your legs spread apart.?? For every five demerits you have you will be struck directly on you sex with a sap.? At the end of the strokes, a massager will be placed firmly against your clit and you will endure one minute for every two demerits you have.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened.? So similar to the T bench, this punishment seemed almost cruel.? A sapping, directly against their sex would sensitize the three girls and then to endure the ongoing vibrations of a massager, for so long.? Sam shook her head, remembering Kristen?s ordeal on the Breast Binder; how Mistress Tami had done something almost exactly like this to her.? Samantha shuddered, wondering just what was in store for her and Megan.
??????????? As a group,
the girls of Sigma Epsilon Xi moved through the old house to a large room off
the kitchen.? Samantha had never seen it
before, but it had been fitted out like a nightmare gym.? Several benches stood along one wall, each
one jutting out perfectly, while a huge
??????????? Samantha watched as Sara, Katherine, and Cindi were each led to a bench.? Cindi sat first, then laid back, letting her mistress and sister bind her hands above her head.? Ankle cuffs were secured and then long chains clipped from each cuff to ceiling hooks, spreading Cindi?s legs wide apart.? One of the vibrating eggs was inserted and Cindi moaned as it began vibrating inside her.? Sam could see the wetness and pressed her thighs together.
??????????? Katherine and Sara were quickly bound in the same positions until all three girls were spread like buffet tables.? Each girl?s mistress approached, saps in hand and the assembled girls watched in breathless anticipation.? Finally the waiting was over and the first stinging slap landed directly on the pink and spread lips of each girl, eliciting the sharp cries that were becoming so routine.?
??????????? In moments, all three pussies were bright pink and turning redder with each blow.? The sound of wet leather slapping soft flesh filled the room, punctuated by the whimpering cries of the bound girls.? Samantha couldn?t help herself, slipping her own fingers into her sex, massaging her clit as she watched.? For a moment, Samantha wished that it was her bound spread apart, clit slapped, as the vibrator churned away inside, but she realized that all she had to do was ask Kristen and she would be allowed to experience this very torment.
??????????? Sara took the longest, with more strokes to endure than the other two girls.? Her face was bright red and she grit her teeth as her mistress swung the sap, planting the thick leather tip perfectly on the poor girl?s clit.? Sara looked down at her stretched body, her thighs trembling as the last three strokes came.? She screamed, bucking and thrusting her hips in wild movements before bursting into tears when it was over.
??????????? For a moment, the three girls were comforted by their mistresses, but in minutes each girl had a long handled massager pressed against their clits, buzzing away, each one mounted on a telescoping arm.? Like boom mikes, each massager was held perfectly in place, totally immune to the thrashing of each girl as they began to experience the intense stimulation that led to clitoral orgasms.
??????????? As the punishment room began to fill with soft cries from the three writhing bodies, Mistress Tami once more stepped to the center of the assembled sorority members and held up her hands, gaining their attention.
??????????? ?We must now deal with Megan and Samantha.? For girls who have earned more than one hundred it was decided many years ago that as punishment these girls would endure the trial of fire and ice.? Megan, with her one hundred and ten demerits is a ripe candidate for this.? Samantha, however, is another story.?? Mistress Tami looked directly at Sam.
??????????? ?Samantha Mayfield has managed to collect over two hundred demerits, an event that has never occurred before in this sorority.? Never having to assign punishment for so many demerits, the older sisters met earlier today and decided that Samantha would endure the trial of fire and ice, and then be taken to the basement to ride the wooden horse for a duration of fifteen minutes.?
??????????? There was a loud murmur as the girls chattered in surprise.? Samantha leaned back against the wall in shock.? Two punishments?? She could hear a few of the girls talking.?? The basement was a rare place to go for many of them, and the wooden horse was one of the worst tortures imaginable.? But Sam wondered what the trial of fire and ice was?
??????????? Mistress Tami moved forward and took hold of Sam?s arm, leading her to the center of the room.? For a moment, the naked pledge looked into the eyes of the older sisters and mistresses, and even the eyes of Ally and the other pledges, before her shame at earning so many demerits flushed her cheeks with pink.? Megan was moved forward as well, and then both pledges were moved to the stocks.
??????????? They were heavy wood ones, real in every aspect and Samantha watched in fascination as the top boards were removed, opening up the bottom half of each hole.? Samantha stepped forward voluntarily, bending over and placing her neck and hands in the appropriate spaces.? The top board came back down and Sam heard the click of the lock.
??????????? Megan was bound similarly, but opposite from Samantha, so that Sam could see the dangling breasts and spread loins of the other bound girl.? Samantha watched as Megan?s mistress brought a spreader bar and spread Megan?s legs wide apart.? Sam felt Tami doing the same to her and Sam spread her legs far apart.
??????????? Suddenly the room filled with the scent of bayberry and Sam sighed.? It was one of her favorite smells and it seemed to get closer.? Suddenly Kristen appeared carrying a tray with four small bowls and two long pale yellow objects.? She stopped in front of Tami who quickly picked out three girls, handing each a bowl.? The Tami and Megan?s mistress each picked up a yellow rod and held them up as Kristen took the last bowl.
??????????? ?The trial of fire and ice.?? Tami intoned solemnly.? She reached up to the rod and began pulling off the yellow coloring.? Sam watched intently and then realized that the covering was a condom.? The interior was still hard and clear, shiny in the light.? It wasn?t until a trickle of water dripped down Tami?s hand that Sam suddenly understood.? It was a dildo made of ice.
??????????? Kristen and Desiree stepped to either side of Samantha.? Sam couldn?t see what they were doing, but watched instead as two sisters stood next to Megan, each holding a bowl perilously close to the bound girl?s breasts.? Samantha could feel the heat on her own skin and wondered what fluid was in the bowls.
??????????? Tami moved around to the rear of Samantha and once more Sam watched Megan?s mistress.? Sam couldn?t remember the pretty senior?s name, but the girl moved directly behind Megan and lifted the ice dildo into position.? Just as Megan gasped, screeching, Samantha felt the sudden cold on her own clit, sliding upward until it found the soaked and dripping hole of her sex.? Samantha gasped as it went in fast and hard, thrusting deep in icy torment.
??????????? It was bigger than Sam had suspected, easily two inches in diameter, but it was the stretching of her sex that told her this.? In moments, her body turned numb, not even feeling the slipping in and out, except when the icicle was buried deep.? Sam moaned, twisting her hip as Tami thrust in and out.
??????????? And that was when her breasts caught fire.? Or that?s what it felt like.? Sam cried out, pulling hard against the stock as both soft dangling breasts were dipped in the hot liquid.? Sam closed her eyes, crying out as the cold penetrated her from behind, and heat seared her front.? It took a moment for the heat to dissipate enough for her to tolerate it, and when she opened her eyes she saw that Megan too had endured the fire.?
??????????? Both of Megan?s breasts were now covered in a thick coat of red wax, slowly cooling, hardening into shells right on the white creamy skin.? Samantha groaned, still feeling the thrust of the ice dildo, as she realized that Kristen and Desiree had done something similar to her.
??????????? Sam began to shiver, her body losing heat as the popsicle like rod slipped in and out, melting until long trails of icy water snaked their way down Samantha?s legs, to puddle around each foot.? For several more minutes Sam endured, until Tami thrust the remnants of the ice rod into Sam, leaving it there to melt.
??????????? There was a round of applause from the assembled girls as both Samantha and Megan were finally released from the stocks.? Sam stood up, stretching her back, and looked down at her oddly covered breasts.? Each one sported a thick red silken cover resembling over large pasties.
??????????? ?Leave it on, Sam? Kristen whispered as Megan began to peel the wax from her tits.
??????????? Samantha nodded, her face betraying the trepidation she felt.?
??????????? ?Ladies, for those of you that are squeamish, I recommend you not follow us to the basement.?? Mistress Tami announced.? The tall brunette senior nodded at Kristen, who took Samantha?s arm and began escorting her toward the basement door.? Almost the entire crowd followed, all wanting to witness Samantha?s ride.
??????????? As they descended into the basement, Samantha tried to imagine what it would feel like to ride the wooden horse.? She wasn?t even sure she was remembering which device Mistress Tami had been talking about.? Sam remembered Kristen telling her about a wooden pony, but not a wooden horse.? She leaned toward Kristen as they descended.
??????????? ?Kristen, you showed me the wooden pony, but what?s the wooden horse??? Sam whispered to the older girl.
??????????? Kristen looked at her with one raised eyebrow and then sighed.? ?It?s the pony without the foot supports.?? She said softly.
??????????? Samantha?s eyes widened.? ?You mean?? Her voice trailed off.
??????????? ?Exactly.? You get on.? Your hands are tied behind your back.? Weights are put on your ankles, maybe a spreader bar, and then they yank the foot rests out from under you.?
??????????? Sam?s face turned white as a sheet.? ?Have you done it before??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen grimaced.? ?Yeah, once.? Calli was in a rotten mood one day and punished both Mistress Tami and I that way.? One right after the other.? I got to watch as Mistress Tami rode it first.?
??????????? Sam nodded.? Oddly, she felt relieved.? If both Tami and Kristen could endure the wooden horse, then she could too.
??????????? It was the only device uncovered, despite Sam and Kristen?s earlier adventure with Jonah, the religious guy, and Tami went straight too it, motioning for Kristen to bring Samantha up.
??????????? Sam was turned to face the crowd so she wasn?t able to catch more than a glimpse of the saw horse type device.? It?s long wooden beam was trimmed to a sharp edge, its bottom width over two feet wide in order to truly stretch the legs apart.? Two huge wooden blocks, easily a foot tall stood on each side and Sam had no doubt that the height had already been adjusted.? She stood facing the assembled girls, stared at as the entire crowd watched, wanting to see her punished.? She flushed scarlet, embarrassed to have earned so many demerits.?
??????????? ?Spread your legs.? Put your hands behind your back, pledge.?? Ordered Mistress Tami.? Samantha nodded and immediately complied, spreading her legs as wide apart as possible and clasping her palms together behind her back.? Her sex felt sensitive and a little raw from the ice fucking it had received earlier.? Kristen?s tender fingers suddenly touched her clit, sliding up and down through the still wet folds until Samantha rose up on tip toes, arching and moaning slightly.
??????????? The assembled girls gave a slight chuckle as Samantha undulated from Kristen?s touch and there was a tacit approval as Kristen lifted one of the vibrating eggs and began twisting it into Samantha?s sex, coating the large end with the clear juices of Sam?s body.? Finally, with a small push, it popped it, causing Samantha to gasp, tense, and then tremble slightly as the vibrating function began stimulating her insides.? For a moment, she imagined she was upstairs in the punishment room, legs tied apart as powerful massagers did nothing but vibrate her clit.
??????????? But Tami?s binding of her hands brought her right back to the dungeon basement.? In moments her hands were secure, bound together tightly.? She felt ankle cuffs being attached to her legs, but then realized as she looked down that Kristen was merely strapping on two sets of heavy jogging weights.? Tentatively, Samantha lifted one leg, finding that an additional twenty pounds had been added.
??????????? ?Time to
??????????? Samantha gave Tami a wan smile.? ?Yes Mistress.? I understand.?
??????????? Tami stepped close and leaned in toward her ear.? ?This is a terrible torture, and one we?ve never done to a pledge.? But of all the girls I?ve known since I?ve joined, you are the only one I know who could take this easily and even more.? I?m proud of you.??
??????????? Samantha?s eyes filled with tears and she grinned at Tami.? ?Thank you Mistress.? I won?t disappoint? you.?
??????????? Tami laughed.? ?I know you won?t.? You want another entire year of punishments.?
??????????? Samantha blushed scarlet, for the first time realizing that Mistress Tami was correct.? Even the prospect of becoming a sister and dominating another girl held no sway for Sam.? She was in her element when bound, spread, tormented unmercifully, and abused.
??????????? ?I?m ready.?? She said simply.
??????????? ?Up you go.?? Tami said, helping her maintain her balance as she put her right foot on the first block and stepped up.
??????????? She was much higher now and the top edge of the wooden horse looked much more dangerous.? Not a cutting edge, but slightly dulled.? She knew that no matter what position she attempted to hold while over it would hurt like the dickens.? Carefully, she swung her left leg over the horse, trying to find purchase for her toes.? Finding the block she positioned herself over the cutting edge, standing on tip toes.? She could feel the tip of the wood bar slipping directly between the folds of her sex.
??????????? Kristen stepped forward and reached down between Sam?s legs.? Sam tensed as Kristen peeled back the inner lips, pushing them to the sides as the wooden fence slipped up slightly.
??????????? ?Are you ready Samantha??? Tami asked.
??????????? ?Yes Mistress.? I?m ready.? Replied Samantha, staring straight ahead at the crowd of girls.? Her heart was beating hard and she felt the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach.? The silence of the watchers was as thick as smoke in the large dungeon basement and Samantha felt tiny goose bumps prickle her skin.
??????????? ?Then brace yourself and take as much weight off your legs as possible.? On the count of three Kristen and I are going to yank the blocks out from under you.?? Tami announced.
??????????? Sam nodded.? Slowly, she lowered herself down, feeling the sharp pressure of the horse dig into her deepest and softest spot.? She groaned, a hard bruising pain seeming to radiate outward from her groin, and she hadn?t even put half her weight on the evil device.? She closed her eyes, trying to block it out, and didn?t even hear the Tami?s count.
??????????? ?Three, two, one.?? Mistress Tami called out.
??????????? Suddenly there was no support on either foot, the wooden steps yanked from beneath her.? Still not prepared, Samantha fell, her body stopping only an inch later as the hard wooden beam rammed upward.? Her soft pink sex turned red, then white, as the pressure spread to the sides.? Samantha screamed, her body twisting, almost toppling off the horse, and would have if not for the steadying hands of Kristen and Tami who kept her upright.
??????????? Her body shook violently, her legs kicking, trying to find some purchase.?
??????????? ?Oh GOD It HURTS!?? She yelled.? Her wild motions caused her pelvis to rock, making the hard wooden edge dig up into her bottom.? She tilted back forward until she felt the wooden frame bite into the tender nub of her clit.? Once more she rocked, trying desperately to take some of the pressure off her sex.? Back and forth she moved, her sex a riot of pain that overwhelmed even the barest sensation of pleasure from the vibrator.? And then there was a thump inside her and she groaned.
??????????? ?One minute down.? Fourteen to go.?? Intoned Tami, who stood looking at her watch.
??????????? Samantha bit her lip, her eyes closed.? Her breathing came raggedly, her hips still violently twitching as the wooden beneath her legs became slick with her juices.? For a moment she felt a different tremor than her own and realized that Tami had turned the vibrator to its maximum setting.? She let out a loud long moan, her body still rocking as she rode the wooden horse.
??????????? The next four minutes passed slowly, with Tami and Kristen having to keep Samantha upright every other moment.? Wild bursts of energy used in frantic attempts to get off the painful implement were followed by tired lists, where Samantha merely sat, the pain endured as she gathered the energy for another attempt.
??????????? At the fifth minute, Samantha pulled her legs up, trying to support her weight on her thighs.? Straddling the wooden horse, she managed to lift herself up for only a moment before slipping, bringing herself down hard.? She gasped, tears flooding her eyes and then bursting down her cheeks.? As her feet dangled, weighted heavily, she once again began rocking back and forward.?
??????????? Her clit had taken on an almost bluish color as ten minutes passed.? Samantha?s breathing came in heavy gasps and her body dripped in the slick moisture of torment.? Her hair hung lank and heavy, even her toes pointed straight down.? There were no more movements, no rocking, not even little cries, only the continual splash of tears raining down, soaking the edge of the horse.
??????????? ?Two more minutes, Samantha.? Look lively now.?? Said Tami.? Even the thumper had no effect on Samantha.? Tami looked at Kristen who nodded and dug in her pocket, pulling out two clothespins.? One she handed across the horse to Tami who took it and held it up.? Together the two girls positioned the clips at Samantha?s nipples.? Sam, whose eyes were closed never saw it coming, only feeling the sudden bite in an unexpected quarter.?
??????????? Her eyes flew open as her hands tried to go to her chest.? Her arms strained against their bindings as she twisted, trying to dislodge the cruel clamps.? But her movements only excited the pain between her legs, bringing the demoralized wail of anguish back to fill the dungeon basement.
??????????? And then Tami called out the fourteenth minute.? Sam clenched her teeth, gritting them tightly.? Every portion of her body wanted mercy, but something in her made her hold on.? She opened her eyes to stare at Kristen, whose face was bright with excitement.? Kristen unexpectedly held up a small vibrator, reaching forward and pressing it hard against Samantha?s clit.
??????????? Samantha screamed as the vibrator dug in and suddenly the wall was down.? The pain seemed to melt into a tremendous heat which fired with passion and lust, rising like molten magma to the crest of the volcano.? She screamed, her head thrown back, her voice rising in orgasmic delight.? Pleasure and pain melded into one and for the first time in her life, Samantha experienced a sexual epiphany that changed everything.
??????????? ?Quick, get her off!?? Tami said, stepping on one of the wooden blocks and grabbing Samantha as the poor exhausted pledge collapsed, passing out.? Desiree jumped forward, helping to catch the slumping girl who fell into Tami?s arms.? Kristen hurried around the horse, quickly stripping off the ankle weights and then trying to untie Samantha?s arms.? The crowd watched in astonishment as the three girls held Sam.?
??????????? Sam?s body was covered in a wet sheen, glistening in the light.? Her legs, still parted, displayed the bruised and tormented sex, a delightful mixture of red and blues.? Sam?s clit stood out proudly, crimson and hard and it was several moments before the pretty brunette sophomore opened her eyes.
??????????? There was a wild cheer and the room filled with applause as Sam was picked up and carried up the basement stairs.? All the way to the top of the old house, to the room she would soon share with Kristen, she was carried, until the girls deposited her softly in Kristen?s queen sized bed.
??????????? Tami ushered everyone out of the room, reminding them to check on Sara, Katherine, and Cindi, who were had almost fifteen minutes of vibrator time remaining.? There was a scattering of laughter and Samantha found herself alone with Tami and Kristen for the first time since the previous day.
??????????? ?How are? you feeling??? Tami asked, sitting on the edge of Kristen?s desk while Kristen herself knelt next to the bed, her arms near Samantha?s head.? Kristen?s long fingers stroked Sam?s brunette locks.
??????????? ?I hurt, Mistress, but I?m okay.?
??????????? ?You were incredible.? I just wanted you to know that.?? Tami said, suddenly looking ashamed of herself.
??????????? Samantha smiled, but then winced as she shifted position.
??????????? ?I?m sorry I did that to you.?? Tami said softly, sighing.? ?It was wrong.?
??????????? Sam turned her head to look at the older girl.? ?I?m sorry, Mistress.? But I don?t understand??
??????????? Tami shook her head.? ?Sam, I promised myself after last year, that I wouldn?t abuse any novices like my own mistress had.? No doubt Kristen?s has told you of some of Mistress Calli?s tortures.? I?m not sadistic.? I find no pleasure in hearing cries of pain, whether they?re mixed with sexual cries of pleasure or not.?? Tami looked at Kristen with a glance that seemed filled with love, but also pity.? ?I could see that Kristen didn?t enjoy enduring Mistress Calli?s torments.? I just never expected that Kristen would develop similar tastes in inflicting them.?
??????????? Tami stepped forward.? ?Samantha, I want you to be a member of this sorority.? You have great potential in this world.? But I don?t want to see you broken either, used as nothing but a sex toy for the powerful.? You haven?t been told this, but there are some girls who cannot make the transition from slave to sister to mistress.? These girls go on to get their degree, but they are placed in a life of powerlessness.? They become property, slaves if you will, to the sexual predations of the powerful.? There are some girls from this sorority who end up serving as nothing more than sexual slaves to be abused.?
??????????? Tami reached out and stroked Samantha?s cheek with a delicate finger.? ?I don?t want that for you.? And I worry that if you allow Kristen to do with you as she pleases, this is the road you will head down.?
??????????? Kristen stared at Tami in shock, surprised at the soliloquy of truth from her own mistress.? She looked back and forth between Sam and Tami and looked down, unable to comment.
??????????? Samantha looked at Kristen, seeing the poor junior girl?s face.? Her heart gave a tiny thump and she closed her eyes.? For a moment, Samantha saw into the future, into her own desires and needs, her ambitions.? She turned her face and looked up into Tami?s eyes.
??????????? ?I?ll take that risk, Mistress, and see what fate has in store for me.? If destiny desires that I give up my body and mind to a life of sexual slavery, then it will be.? But I have a year to decide, and I will not give myself or my independence away until next year.? I promise Mistress Tami.? I promise.?? Samantha said.
??????????? Tami nodded, bent over the tired tormented pledge and kissed her on the forehead, then left the room.
Chapter 17: Saturday
??????????? Samantha woke up to find Kristen?s naked body snuggled tightly against hers, a not unpleasant sensation.? As she stretched, Kristen rolled over and Samantha had an opportunity to examine the damage inflicted the previous evening.? Her fingers slid underneath the sheets to her sex, lightly pressing.? As she expected, her sex was sore, the petals sore and tender.? Her thoughts drifted to the wooden horse and she felt herself ripening.? Softly she ran a finger through the petals of her injured flower, bringing a soft hiss of pain, but also a tiny moan of pleasure.? She slipped her forefinger into herself, wiggling it around in slow circles, her hips thrusting up.
??????????? ?Having fun??? Kristen?s sleepy voice startled her and Samantha immediately froze.
??????????? ?I would have thought you were to sore after last night.?? Kristen said, sitting up and looking Samantha in the face.? The sheet slid down exposing Kristen?s beautiful round breasts.
??????????? Samantha shook her head.? ?It?s not too bad.?? She replied.
??????????? ?I see.? Let me check.?? Kristen said.? Before Sam could respond, the blond girl pulled back the covers.? Sam pulled her hands away from her sex as Kristen got on her knees, bending over and lightly spreading Sam?s legs.? Kristen didn?t touch her, but stared at the still red and bruised labia.
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?You know, there is a special treatment for this.?? She said.
??????????? Sam?s eyes narrowed inquisitively, one eyebrow cocked.
??????????? Kristen grinned, her eyes sparkling.? Then she bent over, dipping her face into Sam?s cleft.? Sam gasped as she felt Kristen?s tongue lightly begin to run up and down each fold, dipping in and out.? She spread her legs as wide as possible, moaning as Kristen continued the tongue bath that only excited Samantha more.
??????????? Sam reached over to Kristen and grabbed hold of Kristen?s bottom, pulling it around.? The older girl realized instantly what Samantha wanted, moving around until she straddled Samantha, her own sex only inches above the sophomore pledge?s face.? In moments both girls shuddered as they used their tongues to drive each other crazy.
??????????? It only took a few moments before they collapsed, side by side, shuddering, giggling, embracing each other tightly.
??????????? ?What do you want for breakfast??? Kristen asked, absently curling a lock of Sam?s hair around a forefinger.
??????????? Samantha shrugged.? ?I guess we can head over to the cafeteria.?? She said.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?We?ve got cereal and stuff here at the house if you want breakfast in bed.?
??????????? Sam smiled in surprise.? ?Breakfast in bed?? And what did I do to deserve that??
??????????? Kristen looked slightly embarrassed.? ?I was trying to be nice.? Its nine thirty already, and the cafeteria stops breakfast at ten, which would give you about fifteen minutes to get dressed and fifteen to get over there.? Or we could eat here.? I offered breakfast in bed because?? Kristen trailed off.
??????????? Sam?s eyes narrowed in understanding.? ?Ah.? Because if I went downstairs to eat in the kitchen, I?d have to sit on a novice chair, wouldn?t I??? She asked, imagining parading naked through the sorority house and then having to sit on another phallus.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?It?s the rules.? I was trying to be nice.?? She said.? Sam laughed softly and then grabbed Kristen?s hand, pulling it to her lips and kissing it.
??????????? ?Kristen, you don?t have to worry about what Mistress Tami said last night.? Please make no special concessions for me.? I can take everything you dish out and I have no fear of the future.? Really.?
??????????? For a moment, the blond junior was speechless, then reached out, gathering Samantha in her arms, holding her.? There was a special silence as the two girls seemed to gain strength from each other, and then Kristen broke away, quickly pulling on panties, tee shirt, and shorts.
??????????? ?Come on, Sam.? I?m hungry.?
??????????? Samantha gingerly rose from the bed and discovered that walking was still a little painful.? She adopted an awkward gait, legs spread slightly, to keep her thighs from rubbing together, or pressing even slightly on her sex.? Kristen watched in admiration as Sam?s posture allowed Kristen to see right into Sam?s cleft.? Sam rolled her eyes in exasperation.
??????????? ?You lecher.? You?ve already had some!?? She said.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?You ready to go down and sit???
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I do have a request though.?
??????????? ?What??
??????????? ?That it just be the wooden phallus.? I don?t think I?m up for anything that vibrates yet.?? Sam looked embarrassed.
??????????? ?I think we can handle that.? To be honest, the wooden phallus is the usual seat accessory around here.?
??????????? Sam shrugged.? ?I don?t mind the other phalluses, except I?m so sore right now.?? She lifted her hands.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I understand.? Come on.?
??????????? Together the two girls, one dressed and one naked, padded down stairs in bare feet.? There was the sound of laughter and of music as the two girls made their way to the kitchen.? Evidently, Samantha was not the only pledge to have spent the night.? Ally was lying on her back on the large butcher block table, while one of the sisters slowly thrust an unpeeled banana in and out of Ally?s sex.
??????????? ?Well now, fruit compote for breakfast??? Asked Kristen.
??????????? There was a chorus of laughter from the girls surrounding the table.? ?Pull up a chair Kristen, and one for your slave too.?
??????????? Kristen nodded and pulled a chair from the side wall.? There was already a wooden phallus embedded in the seat and Kristen motioned for Samantha to take her seat.? Delicately, Samantha lowered herself down, grateful for the early morning stimulation Kristen had provided in advance.?? The phallus slid neatly in, eliciting a tiny gasp and an adjusting wiggle before Sam could turn her attention to pulling a breakfast bowl and the cereal toward her.
??????????? It was tough to concentrate though.? Ally?s body was only inches away, her soft white breasts right in front of Sam?s eyes.? Sam took her spoon and was about to put it in the milk filled cereal bowl, when she changed her mind and lifted the spoon upward.? Pressing it down on Ally?s nipple, the cold metal caused the blond girl to squeal in surprise and clasp one hand down to her breast at the touch.
??????????? ?Ohhh?too bad, Ally.? You know the rules.?? The girl who had been using the banana pulled it out and grinned.
??????????? Ally turned and glared in mock anger at Samantha.? ?Damn it Sam!? I wasn?t expecting that.?
??????????? Sam laughed.
??????????? Ally frowned.? ?I?m going to get punished for that.? I was supposed to lie still and not make a move!?
??????????? Kristen spread her hands, grinning.? ?That?s the way the game is played, Ally.? Anyone seated at the table, even novices, are allowed to touch.?
??????????? ?Well I think Sam ought to have to play next.?? Said Ally.? There was a bit of hesitation around the table as the other girls looked at Kristen.
??????????? The sister who stood at the end of the table, banana still in hand looked thoughtful, her long auburn hair curled and pulled back from her face.? She shook her head and stared down at Ally.? ?I?m not sure that?s such a good idea, Ally.?? Said Amanda.? ?Samantha had a tough night yesterday.? I don?t think she?s up to it.?? There was a chorus of agreement.
??????????? Ally pouted and turned her face, glancing at Samantha.
??????????? ?I?m up to it.?? Sam said softly, surprising even Kristen, who turned and stared at her.
??????????? Kristen leaned over, ?Sam, you?re not seeing the whole game here.? It?s not just getting fucked with a banana.?
??????????? Samantha turned and looked at Kristen, speaking loudly enough for everyone at the table to hear.? ?I know.? But I?m a novice now, and I?m here eating breakfast and I understand that I have certain responsibilities.? When I came down, I agreed to those tacitly.?
??????????? Kristen frowned, but then shrugged her shoulders and looked at Amanda who grinned.? ?Damn, you are a glutton for punishment, Sam.?? Amanda said.
??????????? Ally merely grinned, her body still splayed out on the table.
??????????? ?Let?s finish Ally off and give her the punishment for moving.?? There was another chorus of agreement.? ?Then we can have Samantha for breakfast.?
??????????? There was a general chorus of agreement from around the table and Samantha watched with amusement as Ally closed her eyes with resignation.? There was a quick flurry of activity around the cooking area and suddenly Amanda was back holding a small pitcher and a plate full of sausages.
??????????? ?Maple syrup and country sausage, Ally.? Better hold her girls.?? Amanda announced.? She winked at Samantha and grinned.? ?Real maple syrup.? Not that maple flavored corn syrup!?
??????????? Samantha laughed and reached out along with everyone else; at least seven sets of hands grasping Ally?s body.? The blond sophomore?s legs were spread and the shaven pink slit and perfect clit were easily visible, and directly under the tipping spout of the small syrup pitcher.? Samantha grinned as she watched the dark golden fluid drip down until it splattered against Ally?s pancake colored skin.
??????????? Ally gasped as the heated syrup coated her sex, her body bucking slightly under the tight hold of the other girls.? She let out a soft moan as the pitcher was passed upward and Sam watched as Kristen drizzled more syrup on Ally?s breasts.? It looked as if two tiny islands were perched above a sea of amber.
??????????? Amanda had picked up one of the sausages and Samantha saw that it was unusually sized, much larger than the typical links one finds at the grocery store.? It was easily seven inches long and an inch wide, made solid from the hot cooking it had received.? Amanda wasted no time getting it into position, and with a careful thrust, rammed the huge sausage into Ally.
??????????? Ally tensed, her back arching as the hot link drove deep into her syrupy sex.? In and out Amanda pumped it, heating Ally?s well and making sure that her entire interior was coated with the rich maple syrup.? It didn?t take long before Ally?s hips were thrusting upward, longing for the final thrust that brings climax.? Ally seemed to thrash on the table and Amanda stepped back.
??????????? ?There?s breakfast girls.? Have at her.?? Amanda announced, wiping her hands on a dish cloth.
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened in surprise as the other girls all stood up and leaned over Ally.? In moments, every mouth but Amanda and Sam?s were sucking on Ally?s body, licking the syrup up, suckling each breast.? One girl drew Ally?s maple soaked clit into her mouth, driving her tongue against Ally?s delicate nub.? Sam just stared as Ally cried out in pleasure, trying to thrash, but not succeeding.
??????????? Amanda moved forward and drove her mouth into Ally?s sausage stuffed slit.? Taking huge bits, Amanda ate the sausage right out of Ally?s body, her head bobbing with each bit to dip the link in and out.? Ally let out a tense squeal and Sam could see the wave of orgasm wash over her face.
??????????? And then Ally just lay there, her body only barely cognizant of the swirling tongues, her lips curled in a small smile.? It didn?t take long before everyone sat up, licking their lips and laughing, a few drops of maple syrup here and there, wiped with napkins.
??????????? Kristen was the first to look at Amanda and shake her head.? ?Better take Ally upstairs and get her cleaned up.?
??????????? Amanda laughed.? ?Either that or out into the courtyard.? She?s pretty messy.?? There was a chorus of laughter.? ?So what?s for breakfast Samantha?? Syrup and sausage?? Or yogurt and bananas??
??????????? Sam flushed red as the giggling went around the table once more.? Amanda helped Ally up and Sam watched the two make their way to the door and upstairs.
??????????? Kristen patted Samantha on the shoulder.? ?Up on the table, Sam.? The rules are simple.? You hold still as the girls touch you wherever they want.? They can?t pinch or hit, but tickling, licking, and sucking are allowed.? If you make a sound, or move in any way, I?m going to stuff your pussy with yogurt, coat your breasts, and then screw you silly with a banana.? Got it??
??????????? Sam nodded, her eyes wide, and she stood up, her pert breasts seeming to harden merely from the thought of her upcoming table top excitement.? With a careful step and the hand of one of the other sisters, she clambered up onto the table, trying not to knock any half filled juice glasses over.? In position, she laid back, spreading her legs apart and lifting her arms over her head, as if she were on a medieval rack.
??????????? It was only seconds before she felt hands upon her.? Looking up she watched as one girl cut a pat of yellow cream from the butter dish and then spent an entire minute spreading it around Sam?s left nipple as if it were a soon to be feasted on muffin.? Other fingers touched her, stroking her, and Sam clamped her mouth shut, closing her eyes, intent on remaining still as the fingers moved closer and closer to those sensitive spots.
??????????? Even two different sets of delicate fingers gently slipping into her sex didn?t rouse Samantha.? It felt incredible, hands all over her body, touching, stroking, even the occasional tongue, every inch of her being explored.? The fingers inside her seemed to move in and out and she suppressed her natural desire to moan, her jaw tensing.
??????????? But it wasn?t the sexual caress that would be her undoing.? Someone?s fingers seemed to be dancing in tiny circles at her hip, slowly moving upward over her abdomen.? Sam held her breath as she felt the goose-bumps rise all over her body, her legs twitching as the circling moved down toward her loins.? She clenched her tiny fists as the tickling rubbing sensation stroked her skin, right above and to the side of her sex, sending tiny spasms through her.? And then she cried out laughing, her hands quickly moved down to the sensitive spot and grabbed the offending fingers.
??????????? ?That didn?t last long.?? Kristen remarked off handedly as she extracted her fingers from Samantha?s grasp.? Sam glared at her in mock anger as the girls excitedly waited for Samantha?s breakfast offering.
??????????? Kristen was back in seconds holding a huge tub of vanilla low fat yogurt .? She dropped it down on the butcher block table near Sam?s leg and the supine girl could feel the cold against her skin.? She looked back up at Kristen who was opening a cake decorating bag, attaching the fancy little cap to the end.? Kristen held it open as one of the other girls popped the top of the yogurt and began spooning copious amounts of white cream into the decorating bag.
??????????? Kristen twisted the top and then nodded.? ?Hold her down ladies.?? She said.
??????????? Samantha once more lifted her arms into position and felt eight different sets of hands clamp down upon her body, securing her just as tightly as any device in the dungeon basement might have.? Kristen moved around to the side of the table, leaning over the blond and brunette heads of her fellow sisters and positioned the tip of the cake decorator at Samantha?s left breast.? With a gentle squeeze Kristen deposited a beautiful cold cap to the up turned nipple, leaving the tightly held sophomore girl with a snow capped mountain that caused her to suck in her breath and groan.?
??????????? The second breast was just as easily topped, like parfait of peaches and cream, and the two girls holding Sam?s arms had to hold the poor girl down tightly.? Sam whimpered, her breasts seeming to ache from the cold cream that Kristen had applied in spiraling motions, starting at the rigid nipple in the center and moving outward until the entire nipple was covered.? Kristen hadn?t stopped there either, continuing until almost the entire breast was solid white.
??????????? Sam lifted her head and saw that the yogurt covering was far more modest than her own swim suit top, and if it wasn?t for the cold and temporary nature of the covering, would have suited her fine in public.? Kristen smiled from the end of the table and Sam suddenly stiffened as Kristen lowered the cake decorator to Samantha?s sex.? Sam felt the tip slip in almost a full inch before Kristen began squeezing the bag, forcing cold yogurt into the wet, warm, and still bruised well.
??????????? Sam?s hips shot up in the air, but the girls managed to keep hold of her as she cried out from the cold.? Kristen didn?t let up, squirting more and more cream into the helpless sophomore?s body until the bag looked empty and white ooze was squirting out the sides of Sam?s sex.? Kristen removed the bag, her fingers covered in white glaze which she happily sucked off, tasting the vanilla mixed with Samantha, a flavor Kristen was beginning to find very familiar.
??????????? The peeled banana was next as the girls prepared to eat their breakfast right off of Samantha?s body.? Each girl kept one hand on Sam as the other found a spoon or fork and Kristen positioned the large Cavendish banana between Sam?s legs.
??????????? ?Ready??? Kristen asked, her eyes glittering mischievously.? Sam looked up, nodding, her thighs already twitching at the expected penetration.
??????????? Kristen grinned and then began pushing.? Sam felt the first inward movements and then felt the slopping of the yogurt as the banana displaced the white cream which leaked out, only to be caught by several spoons.? There was a murmur as several mouths slurped up the Samantha flavored yogurt and Sam jumped slightly as the first spoons scraped the still creamy yogurt from her nipples, leaving the dark pink nubs exposed in a sea of white clouds.
??????????? The banana sunk in farther, its semi soft shape penetrating Samantha in ways she never expected.? It wasn?t like any of the phalluses the sorority used; it was softer, more yielding, than any of the other items she had experienced.? It drove in deeply, almost a full eight inches, and Sam groaned.? Kristen pulled it back out and then in again, thrusting the inch wide banana into Sam like a piston.?? Sam began to shake as the intense movements between her legs sent her spiraling upward toward orgasm.
??????????? More spoons were scrapping away at her breasts, their owners making special effort to drag the edges across her hard-edged nipples.? Samantha?s chest heaved as her tormentors took her, touching her in ways that only made her pleasure rise.? There was no pain, unlike so many of the other torments Sam had experienced, and this new sensation was more than she could take.
??????????? Kristen grinned as she watched Sam arch her back, thrusting the banana in and out.? Just as Sam cried out, the waves of orgasm rocking through her, Kristen smashed the banana in hard, ramming it in with all her strength.? The banana ruptured inside her, exploding into a mash of pulped fruit as Sam?s pussy began tightening.? Samantha gasped, her body tensing as the rush raced from her pussy to her throat.
??????????? Sam lay there, trembling as the girls continued to scrape the yogurt from her pale skin.? Someone took their utensil and deftly inserted it into Sam?s sex, scooping out a yogurt covered banana bit which was immediately eaten.? Another spoon dipped in and Samantha felt lethargic, exhausted from yet another orgasm.? Samantha felt her legs widen as several of the girls moved down to the end of the table, each holding their spoon, wanting a taste of the sweet cream coming from inside Sam.? It didn?t take long to empty her out, the metal spoons stroking the inside of her body to catch every last drop.
??????????? One enterprising girl even licked Samantha?s pussy clean, causing a second wave of pleasure to cascade through the supine girl.? The tongue swirled around Sam?s clit, sliding up and down through the delicate pink folds, slurping up the last vestiges of cream.? It wasn?t until the last drop was eaten that the hands that held her lifted, and Sam slowly lifted herself up on her elbows to look down at her feet.
??????????? Kristen stood against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, looking inordinately pleased with herself.? The cadre of girls began to leave the kitchen, their breakfast finished. Sam watched them go, noticing a few streaks of white yogurt on pretty pert lips.
??????????? ?You are fast becoming a very popular novice, Sam.?? Kristen said, coming forward and helping the brunette sophomore off the kitchen table.? The green linoleum tiles felt cold on Sam?s toes.
??????????? ?I think I could tell.?? Sam said, gingerly stepping down and straightening.? ?I feel like the aftermath of a buffet.?
??????????? Kristen laughed.? ?Just wait till you are!? Eventually we?ll have a party and the novices usually get tied to a table and decorated.?
??????????? Sam shook her head, grinning.? ?Well if its anything like that you can sign me up.?
??????????? ?Liked it???
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Totally.? It was very different from some of the other things I?ve done here.?
??????????? Kristen hugged Samantha and kissed her softly.? ?There are lots of things to experience here, kitten.? I can?t wait to show you all of them!?
??????????? Sam wrapped her arms around Kristen and hugged her tightly, a feeling of warmth and love and caring enfolding her even as her arms enwrapped the tall blond junior.? Kristen?s fingers ran down through Sam?s hair and together they left the kitchen, heading toward the stairs.
Chapter 18:? The Paddle Raid
??????????? ?So what?s going on??? the naked girl asked the blond junior.?
??????????? Kristen shook her head, an evil smile on her face as she turned and faced Samantha.? Sam was sitting cross legged on their bed, her pink sex still slightly swollen from the morning?s ministrations in the kitchen.? Her long curly brunette tresses swirled around her shoulders and she blinked, sleepy eyed.? Kristen had taken her back to bed after dinner and Samantha had slept for several hours.
??????????? Kristen was digging through her bureau, obviously looking for something in particular and ignored, Samantha.? Sam rolled her eyes and laid back down on the bed, her legs scissoring open, her large breasts flattening only slightly.
??????????? ?We?ve got a meeting Sam, everyone, but especially the novices.? I?m looking for some clothes.?? Kristen rummaged around some more and finally pulled out a set of black jogging pants and a black tee shirt.? ?Perfect.?
??????????? Sam?s eyebrow lifted as she watched Kristen pull the dark clothing on her lithe flame.? Kristen was almost six feet tall, well rounded in almost every way, and the tight black weave clung to her like a second skin.? Samantha pulled a sheet upward, covering herself.? The one thing she still felt awkward about was the constant nudity she and the other novices were required to maintain.? She felt slightly jealous of Kristen?s ability to cover up.
??????????? Kristen finished putting on a pair of black sneakers and the blond junior turned and looked at Sam.? ?Get out of bed sleepy head.? We?ve got to meet everyone down in the conference room.?
??????????? Sam sighed as Kristen yanked down the sheet, once more exposing every pink nook and cranny of Samantha?s body.? Sam twisted into a sitting position and rose, crossing to the small bathroom where she washed her face.? Giving Kristen a quick smile, Sam stepped forward and together the two girls exited into the hall and turned to go downstairs.
??????????? Sam saw that all the novices were being gathered and she looked for the line of chairs that had sat for five days along one side of the room.? To her surprise, not a single chair was available and Sam felt an odd longing.? Kristen?s room had a phallic fitted chair, but almost all of Sam?s time there had been spent in the bed, rather than sitting.? She could imagine trying to do her homework each night, a huge vibrator buried in her slit and it made Samantha wet and desperately horny.
??????????? Sam noticed that even without the chairs, the novices were being lined up by several mistresses and Sam dutifully took her place at the end of the line of naked girls.? A row of sixteen breasts, of different shapes, hues, and sizes stretched across one entire side of the room and Sam looked down the line to see a row of nipples at hard attention.
??????????? Once again it Mistress Tami who took charge of things, her dark hair swinging as she strode forward.? Suddenly, Sam realized that almost all the older girls in the room were wearing black, their dark shirts and pants, making them look like a degenerates at a thieves convention, rather than sex sorority kittens.? Sam looked at Kristen quizzically, her face betraying her curiosity.
??????????? ?Novices, I want to congratulate all of you for your entry into Sigma Epsilon Xi.? I swear that you will never regret joining our ranks.? We are pleased you are all here.?? There was a small scattering of applause before Tami continued.
??????????? ?Every year, at the end of Greek week, our sorority must complete a certain task.? As you know doubt noticed, the boys we entertained two nights ago were members of a certain fraternity, a fraternity which we have an agreement with.? This fraternity was started by the husband of one of our founders, and provides us with fresh, clean, respectable boys to serve our needs whenever we require them.? Two nights ago we put in a request and two of their own freshman members where handed over to us.?
??????????? Tami took a deep breath.? ?However, there is a clause.? We have to provide female companionship and service at their end of the year party, totally nude.? All of us.??
??????????? Sam looked on in surprise and shock.? This was certainly not something she had bargained for.? The other novices had the same reaction.
??????????? Mistress Tami held up her hands.? ?Ladies!? Please!? There is a way to avoid this disgrace.? We have not had to attend their party in over seven years, and I certainly intend to keep it that way.? Simply put, if we manage to steal their fraternity paddle from over their fireplace, the party requirement is voided.? Plain and simple. ?We go in fast, silently, over power anyone in the room, and then we escape, all of us.?
??????????? There was a small commotion as the novice girls took in the revelations.? To Samantha, the idea of conducting a paddle raid was exciting, though she had to admit a certain rebellious interest in attending the fraternity?s end of the year social.? She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head and she turned back to look at Mistress Tami.
??????????? ?This is an easy operation.? All the novices will go, along with a selected group of sisters and two mistresses.? Approximately twenty girls will go in.? There should only be a few boys in the main room, even if they?re standing guard.? You should have no problems.?? Tami motioned to Nicole who stepped forward.
??????????? ?Four years ago we started a special tradition with the novices.? Participation is mandatory and each novice will be wearing one of our vibrating eggs for the duration.? Makes you novices that much more aware of your surroundings.?? Mistress Nicole announced.?? There was a tittering of laughter from the older girls and Samantha grimaced.
??????????? ?Everyone step forward so you can be fitted with your egg and given your outfit.?? Tami called out.
??????????? Sam was first in line and smiled down at Kristen who had quickly moved forward and knelt on the floor, a bucket full of eggs in her hand.? The blond girl dug down to the bottom of the bucket and picked out one of the eggs.? She held it up and swirled it around the petals of Sam?s sex, which were already wet from the idea, until the entire top was coated with the slick clear juice.? With a slight push, the egg went in with a small pop and Sam groaned softly as its large volume filled her too capacity.? She turned and Sister Desiree handed her a pile of soft black clothing and a pair of black tennis shoes that matched Kristen?s.
??????????? Sam moved to the side of the room and began going through the clothes.? It was all lycra, the thin exercise cloth that stretched.? Sam held up a pair of long pants that would come down all the way to her ankles, as well as a stretchy shirt, still black, that would encase her breasts firmly, almost like a sports bra.? She noticed that several of the other novices had received their outfits and were putting them on, so she immediately pulled on the pants and shirt, looking down at her own body.
??????????? It looked as if the black outfit had been painted on, and she imagined pulling off the shirt and asking Kristen just to paint her black!? She laughed as she twirled around, twisting to see her spandex clad bottom.? The other novices were enjoying the sensation of being clothed in the sorority house, especially after almost an entire twenty four hours of nudity, just as Sam was, and they milled around, smiling.
??????????? It seemed the vibrations started en masse, and Sam gave a slight shudder as the vibrating egg inside her began its recognizable dance.? Very small tremors seemed to shake Sam to the very core, exciting her, but not unbearably, and it made the whole adventure seem that much more dangerous.
??????????? ?Ladies!? Please gather round.? We will be leaving in just a moment.? The idea is to arrive right around eleven.? Most of the fraternity boys will be out on the town, with only a few in house, as it were.? Stay in groups.? Once we have the paddle, we will exit through their kitchen.?? Nicole eyed the entire group as they milled around the room.
??????????? ?Oh yes, don?t get caught!?? She said.? There was a round of laughter and Samantha found herself swept from the room and into the night air.? Almost twenty five girls were walking down the road, all dressed in black, though a few of the sisters accompanying them wore skirts, obviously not intending on participating in the raid.? Kristen, in her black pants and shirt looked excited as she walked next to Sam.
??????????? ?You look slinky.?? Kristen said, her eyes bright.
??????????? Samantha laughed.? ?Thank you.?
??????????? ?I could just eat you up!??
??????????? ?I know.?
??????????? Tami and Nicole pulled the group up short as they neared the fraternity house.? ?Okay, we?re going to go through the back alley now.? Everyone stay quiet.? We will go in through the back courtyard, into the kitchen, and then take the first door on the right.? That will be the common room.? The paddle will be hanging above the fireplace.?? Tami pointed at Samantha and several of the other novices.? ?You four girls are Team One.? If there is a boy in the room, you grab him and hold him down while we get the paddle.? Once we?ve got it, you get out.?? Tami picked out eight more girls and made them Teams Two and Three, planning out their strategy like a general.
??????????? ?Is everyone ready??? Tami asked.
??????????? Sam nodded in excitement, just as the rest of the girls did and almost immediately they assembled invasion force moved forward, silently as felines.? All curves and sinew, the girls flowed through the back alley and into the courtyard, even opening the back kitchen door and into the fraternity house.
??????????? They burst into the common room, surprising the four boys who were sitting watching television.? Samantha rushed forward toward the first boy who was just rising out of his seat, catching his arm and pushing him back down.? Her team mates helped her as the boy began shouting and Samantha straddled him, leaning forward until the helpless boy?s yelps were lost in the round curves of her chest.? She groaned as he pressed upward, forcing the vibrating egg still buried inside her to press against her cervix.
??????????? ?We?ve got it!? Let?s go!?? Sam heard.? She jumped up, seeing the surprised look in the boy?s eyes as she let him loose.? Whirling, she followed her team mates toward the hallway, swerving with spandex clad bodies.? She whirled as she felt fingers graze her wrist and saw two of the boys chasing them, desperately trying to grab hold of Ally, who had fallen slightly behind.? With a laugh, she pushed Ally forward and sped toward the kitchen.
??????????? The electrical shock that exploded in Samantha?s sex was incredibly intense, and totally unexpected.? Samantha fell as the egg sent a powerful surge through her body and she fell to the kitchen floor with a cry of pain and pleasure as a sharp orgasm raced through her.? She looked up as Ally escaped through the kitchen door, the heavy metal frame slamming as it closed.
??????????? Samantha scrambled, despite the stinging in her loin but a second jolt, seemingly more powerful than the first hit her again, sending her sex into a convulsion, her hips thrusting madly as she tried to move forward.? Her hands went to her crotch as she felt strong fingers grasping her arms, pulling her backward, away from the back door, and safety.
??????????? Samantha sat in one of the love seats in the common room surrounded by almost the entire fraternity.? Over twenty boys were gathered around as the oldest, several seniors, stood in a corner discussing the situation, as well as the obvious missing paddle above the mantel.? Samantha watched them angrily argue, several motioning at her specifically.
??????????? Her capture had gone relatively smoothly.? She had orgasmed once as the final shock had electrified her sex, and she had practically collapsed into their arms.? There had been no further shocks, only the same maddening vibration she was used to.? She had recognized both Mike and Chris, as she was dragged back into the common room and dumped unceremoniously on the love seat.? She bit her lip, still sensitive, wishing for the first time that the vibration would stop.
??????????? Finally, it seemed the argument was over and Samantha watched as the president of the fraternity approached her.
??????????? ?What?s your name?? He asked.
??????????? Sam just looked at him in stony silence.? He sighed.
??????????? ?My name is David Keel.? I?m president of the fraternity.?? He waited for a moment, but still Samantha refused to answer.
??????????? ?I?m fully aware that you are a member of Sigma Epsilon Xi and this was your traditional raid to get our fraternity paddle.? But I think your capture changes things dramatically.? I?m willing to trade you for the paddle and your sorority?s promise to attend our end of the year party.?????
??????????? Still Samantha said nothing, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at David with a smug smile.
??????????? David nodded.? ?Okay.? Don?t talk.? That?s fine.? But you will write a letter to your precious sorority with our terms.?? He snapped his fingers and one of the younger members handed him a clip board.?? A white piece of paper with the fraternity logo across the top sparkled white.? Sam noticed a pen on the top and took it when David Keel handed it to her.
??????????? ?I?m going to dictate.? You write.? Cooperate, or we?ll merely call the police and explain the situation.?
??????????? Sam?s eyes widened in alarm.? Suddenly, what seemed like a foolish prank took an entirely different scope.? The humiliation of being arrested suddenly loomed large and she bit her lip and nodded.
??????????? ?Dear Tami Cohen.?? David started.? ? I am aware of your theft of our fraternity paddle from this evening?s raid and no doubt you are congratulating yourself on your bold strategy.? Unfortunately, you left something behind.? One of your novices, if I?m judging correctly by her clothing and the soft buzzing I can hear.?? David gave Samantha a hard stare that turned her insides to jelly and she blushed scarlet.? David continued.
??????????? ?We demand the return of the paddle immediately, and your promise that the sorority will attend our party.? In return, we will release your novice.? If you choose not to return our paddle, we will be forced to consider retaliatory actions.? I would rather not call the police for something so insignificant, so perhaps I can encourage you by a different threat.?? He paused, letting Samantha catch up.
??????????? ?If our paddle is not returned by midnight, we will strip your little novice to the skin and let our junior members examine her.? Sort of a hands on exhibit if you will.?? Samantha looked up from her writing and gasped.
??????????? ?You wouldn?t dare!?? She said.
??????????? Keel leaned in.? ?Absolutely.? You have a choice.? I call the police.? You renounce your membership in Sigma Epsilon Xi and become one of our permanent girls, or you take the punishment for stealing our paddle.?
??????????? Samantha?s eyes widened and she bit her lip, uncertain.? She wished she could talk to Kristen.
??????????? ?Now finish writing.?? David commanded.? Sam once more bent to the paper.
??????????? ?If the paddle is not returned by twelve thirty, then your novice will be bound to a coffee table, iced, hot waxed, and finally whipped for her role in the theft.?? He paused and watched Sam?s reaction.
??????????? Sam had stopped writing and could barely breath.? She imagined herself spread naked on the coffee table in the middle of the room as the entire fraternity enjoyed torturing her.? The memory of other waxings intruded and suddenly Samantha wondered what it would be like, to be the object of so much scrutiny.? She shook her head and scratched the sentence in.
??????????? ?If our paddle is not returned by two, we will take your novice to one of the upper rooms where she will spend the remainder of the weekend servicing our entire membership.?? David Keel said.
??????????? ?I will not!?? Samantha said, slamming down the clip board.
??????????? David shrugged.? ?Fine.? Should I tell the police officer that you have something stuffed up inside your cunt then??
??????????? Sam?s face went white.
??????????? ?Or take the other option.? Quit.? Become one of our girls and you save yourself all this embarrassment and pain.?? He shrugged.? ?Well, you?ve got time to decide.? Finish writing.?? He pointed to the paper.
??????????? ?If your novice agrees to quit your sorority, we will release her, and will accept your rejection of our party invitation.? I expect your answer shortly.?
??????????? Samantha finished writing and handed the clipboard back to Keel.?
??????????? ?What?? No postscript??? He laughed.? With a turn he handed the clipboard to Mike and nodded.
??????????? ?Take that to Sigma immediately.? Tell them if they want to converse I?ll listen.?
??????????? Samantha watched as Mike immediately left the room.? A tall clock on one table ticked away and Samantha saw that midnight was only twenty minutes away.? She wondered whether Tami would give them back the paddle.? Time seemed to go very fast as she waited, her arms wrapped around her body, trying to hide her black clad curves from the eyes of the assembled boys.
??????????? The slam of the front door startled her and she saw Mike approach.? He stepped up to David and whispered in the older boy?s ear for a few minutes.? David nodded and then turned to the gathering.?
??????????? ?Clear the room.? Bobby, Mike, and Robert stay, but each of you go to a corner.? I?m granting safe passage to one of the sorority girls.?
??????????? Samantha felt a sudden burden lift from her shoulders as the boys marched out of the room.? She twisted round in the love seat, looking out at the door when it opened, the smart sassy look of Kristen?s face entering the room.? She looked angry, and very concerned and she glared at David Keel with what seemed to be loathing.
??????????? ?I?ve granted you safe passage, Kristen.?
??????????? Kristen sneered.? ?Next time I?ve got you under me I?ll make you pay for this.?
??????????? David shrugged.? ?There may not be a next time.? Besides, I?ve practically paid for this many times.?? He looked at his watch.? ?You?ve got eight minutes to give back the paddle.?? Then he stepped to the far wall, seeming to ignore the two girls.
??????????? Kristen quickly sat down on the love seat and hugged, Samantha who burst into tears.? ?Are you all right??? She asked as Sam cried into the older girl?s shoulder.
??????????? ?Y-y-yes but they?re going to do things to m-m-me.?? Sam stuttered.? Kristen stroked her hair and soothed her.?
??????????? ?Relax little one.? Relax.? Christy is outside holding the paddle right now.? We can get you back.?? Kristen said, running her fingers through Samantha?s locks.
??????????? Sam sighed in relief, relaxing into Kristen?s arms.?
??????????? ?What happened, Sam?? Why did you fall behind??? Kristen asked quickly.
??????????? Sam looked up, her face clouding with anger.? ?The egg shocked me.?? She said softly.
??????????? Kristen?s eyes narrowed.? ?What?? The egg delivered a shock??? She asked.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?Twice.? Hard ones too.? The first made me fall and the second made me seize up and come when they grabbed me.?
??????????? Kristen?s eyes darted around.? ?Has it done anything else to you??? She asked.
??????????? Sam shook her head.? ?No.? It?s just still buzzing.??
??????????? Kristen grimaced and reached into her pocket and Sam felt the buzzing cease.? She groaned once and then sighed.
??????????? ?All right, lets get you out of here.?? Kristen said.? She began to lift Samantha up when Sam put a hand on Kristen?s wrist.
??????????? ?Kristen?? What happens if we give back the paddle???
??????????? Kristen frowned.? ?We go to the end of the year party.? Naked.? We serve drinks, we get fondled, we get screwed.? But no whippings.? No waxings or icings.?? She said.
??????????? Samantha looked upset.? ?All of us??? She asked, her voice soft.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?Sam, don?t worry about that.? It?s one night.? That?s all.? A little thing for the boys to have to deal with the reality of their servitude.? No big deal.?
??????????? ?It is a big deal, Kristen.?? Samantha said.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?Samantha, what are you thinking??
??????????? Sam took a deep breath.? ?Don?t give it back to them.?
??????????? ?What?? Are you nuts??? Kristen declared, pulling back.
??????????? Sam nodded.? ?I?ll accept their punishment till the end of the weekend.? Think about it, I?d just have to come back and do it again, but then everyone would be here too, and it would be my fault.?
??????????? ?No way.? It?s not like that.? Sam, you don?t understand.? These guys aren?t just going to pleasure you.? It will be punishment.? Maybe as bad as what I?ve done to you!? And then every single one of them will fuck you!? At the party, you might have only two or three different guys.? That?s it!? Don?t do this.?
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?I want to do it.? I want to do it for my sisters.?? Her voice wavered only a little as she made her declaration.
??????????? Kristen hesitated.? Part of her wanted to declare Samantha?s decision moot, that no Sigma sister would ever be incarcerated and raped like this.? But she also respected Sam?s wishes and desires.? She shook her head.
??????????? ?Samantha, I love you and respect you.? This is an incredible gift your giving to the sorority.? I don?t even know what to say.? But if at any moment it becomes to much.? You tell that fucker David to call the sorority house and tell them you?ve had enough.? I?ll bring the paddle personally and get you out.? Do you understand me??? Kristen grabbed hold of Samantha?s head and gave her a little shake.
??????????? Samantha laughed, tears still trickling out of her eyes.? ?I understand.?? She said, her voice a mere whisper.
??????????? ?I love you so much!?? Kristen declared, taking Sam in a bear hug and then releasing her to stand in front of the love seat.? David Keel noticed and stepped over.
??????????? ?So when do I get my paddle??? He asked looking down at his watch. It was only three minutes to midnight.?
??????????? Kristen smiled.? ?Any time you want me to paddle you just come over to the sorority house and kiss my toes.?? David Keel?s face darkened.
??????????? ?You know what I meant.?? He said.
??????????? Kristen nodded.? ?I?ll make a call to Mistress Tami right now, outside.?
??????????? David nodded.? ?Better make it quick, because in three minutes, your precious novice is going to be naked.?
??????????? Kristen nodded and then turned back toward Samantha.? She mouthed the words ?good luck? to the still sitting sophomore girl who nodded and then turned away.
??????????? In moments Kristen was hurrying down the street with Christy in tow, the wooden fraternity paddle going back to the sorority house.
Chapter 19:
Humiliation and Punishment
??????????? At one minute after midnight David Keel reassembled his fraternity in the common room.? The lean excited faces of the underclassmen seemed unusually young as Keel contemplated what he was about to do.? The pretty little sophomore girl had been abandoned by her sisters.? It was just a damn party, a little bit of sex.? And instead, those self righteous bitches were more than happy to let one of their little sex toys take a beating for them.
??????????? David knew that the poor girl was in for a rough time.? Not a single boy here, except for a few of the newest pledges had not found himself bound, tortured, teased, and hurt by one of the Sigma Epsilon Xi girls.? He himself had spent hours in discomfort as Kristen, and her mistresses Tami and Calli had milked his cock over and over, until his shaft looked like raw meat.
??????????? He knew that a lot of the boys would look upon this opportunity to get some of it back.? He still had to be careful.? No permanent damage could be inflicted upon her.? Nothing to freak out the University.? She had to be able to walk out on Sunday evening.? But he knew that his boys were inventive.? It was going to be a rough day for the young lady.
??????????? She seemed to know that she had been abandoned.? She accepted it with grace and David almost hoped she would recant her allegiance to Sigma Epsilon Xi and just ask to be let go.? He stepped over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
??????????? ?It?s after midnight.? They?ve abandoned you.? Give up the sorority and we let you walk.?? He said softly.
??????????? Sam shook her head.? ?Or I could tell you to go ahead and call the police, tell them what you?ve threatened to do.?
??????????? Keel frowned. ?You won?t.? Besides they won?t believe you.? You?re dressed like a cross between a whore and a thief.? Our paddle is obviously missing, and you?d bring down a lot of unwelcome attention on your friends.?? He grinned suddenly.? ?Not to mention the fun time you?d explaining your little sex toy when some police officer does a body cavity search.??
??????????? Sam just stared at him.?
??????????? ?You won?t give the sorority up??? He asked.
??????????? Sam shook her head.
??????????? David Keel sighed and lifted his hands.?? In a loud voice he called out.? ?Strip her boys.? I don?t care about the condition of her clothes.?
??????????? Suddenly Samantha found herself surrounded by males, strong hands reaching out to her.? She decided passive resistance would be the best and went limp, allowing them to pick her up.? She felt the spandex being peeled from her body, her shoes tossed in the corner as bare skin was revealed quickly and efficiently.? It took only minutes for the fraternity to have her stark naked, her lycra outfit heaped on top of her shoes, in the middle of the room.
??????????? Samantha stood there resolute, her mouth a tight line as she felt the hungry eyes of over twenty men.? She was pushed roughly toward the coffee table, then spun and shoved backward, a few hands lowering her to the smooth wooden surface.
??????????? ?All underclassmen to the coffee table.?? David Keel ordered.
??????????? Samantha looked up to see the still pimply faces of eighteen and nineteen year old boys, their eyes excited.? She felt hands spreading her legs and she closed her eyes as her wrists and ankles were grasped, pulling her limbs apart so she lay spread eagled on the table.? Rough fingers began touching her, stroking her entire body, echoing the breakfast feast of the morning, but with a stronger and more masculine touch.? Sam moaned as thumb and forefingers found her nipples, pinching hard.? Even her clit was squeezed as the first shoots of pain radiated through her body.
??????????? Someone?s fingers dipped into her sopping sex and she gasped as the vibrating egg was pulled.? There was raucous laughter as they gawked and she heard one voice comment ?she IS a slut!?
??????????? The egg was replaced with fingers, almost an entire fist and she found her hips bucking involuntarily as a full fist was inserted into her sex, pumping madly, the long thick digits wiggling like worms.? Mouths latched on to her? breasts and she felt the sucking and swirl of tongues and lips.? She groaned again but suddenly her mouth was full of something hard and long and she realized that she was sucking on someone?s cock.?? She arched her head back and slurped on the offered rod until it erupted in her mouth, spilling cum all over her face.?
??????????? Her heels thumped the table as one fist was removed in favor of another and she cried out as the first wave of orgasm hit her.? They kept it up too, switching out fingers and mouths and cocks for over thirty minutes so that she never spent longer than thirty seconds without a cock between her lips, a fist deep in her sex, and two boys sucking on her breasts like straws.
??????????? On her fourth orgasm they stopped, the huge intruders in her body leaving her almost as suddenly as they had penetrated.? She lay immobile, unrestrained, but unmoving as the underclassmen stepped back at David Keel?s order.? Samantha didn?t even respond as the ropes were tied around each wrist and ankle, looping under the coffee table to keep her spread open.? David Keel approached once more.
??????????? ?Recant the sorority and I will spare you what?s coming.?? He said.
??????????? Sam opened her eyes and looked up at him.? ?Just do it.? I can take anything you have to give.?
??????????? Keel rolled his eyes and shook his head.? With a turn he nodded at several of the upperclassmen who immediately approached the bound girl.? Surrounded by the stilly pimply faces of the underclassmen, the older boys immediately began inflicting the harsher torments promised.? One senior held a bottle of frozen water that had been retrieved from the freezer while still two other each held large wax candles, already lit and ready.
??????????? Samantha suddenly had thoughts of her trial by fire and ice and realized that inadvertently she was about to repeat it.? The frozen water bottle was roughly rammed into her, not with the delicate smooth edges the frozen dildo she had experienced at the sorority house.? She screamed out loud as the frozen cold seared her sex and then screamed again as hot wax dripped down upon her breasts, long pours that seemed not only to coat her nipples, but drip far down her body before solidifying.? Her breathing came in ragged gasps, her hips trembling as the ice bottle was rammed in and out?? Her back arched as she came again, still tormented, still tortured, as the boys took turns in peeling the wax off her body and burning her again.
??????????? The scent of the candles filled the room as they worked her, finally tossing the water bottle to the side, its interior sloshing.? Her swollen pink sex was cold to the touch and it didn?t take much imagination for one of the boys to hold a candle over her clit.? Sam grit her teeth as she tried to prepare herself for the splattering heat, but opened her mouth in an intense cry as the scorching wax encased her clit in a syrupy heat.? Rivulets of paraffin slipped down the puffy folds of her sex all the way to her bottom, and the fat blistering drops splattered on her labia, creating a white bikini bottom to match her already sheathed breasts.?
??????????? David Keel watched from the wall as his closest circle abused the poor girl.? Already, her cries had filled the fraternity house.? One of the underclassmen had gotten out his video camera and was recording the whole thing for posterity, especially the absolute willingness of this lithe brunette who was accepting her punishment and torture like no girl imaginable.? He glanced down at his watch, finally realizing that Tami Cohen was going to let this girl be tortured for the rest of the weekend, and he shook his head.?
??????????? Stepping forward, he unbuckled his belt, pulling out the thin leather strap.? It was an old brown cowhide, and supple.? He moved closer to the boys applying the wax and motioned them away.? Slowly, they backed off, leaving the sobbing, writhing girl to their president.? He knelt down at the head of the table and stroked the poor girl?s hair, letting her regain her composure.
??????????? ?What?s your name??? He asked softly, wanting to know it.
??????????? Sam grit her teeth.? ?Fuck off? She hissed, her body aching in ways she hadn?t experienced.
??????????? David Keel frowned again.? ?For a girl whose about to be whipped, you sure don?t have the right attitude.?? He leaned over and she felt his breath in her ear.? ?I want to know you?re name and you?re going to tell me.?
??????????? Once more Samantha shook her head.? ?No way.?
??????????? David Keel shrugged.? ?You will.? It?s whipping time now.? All you have to do to make it stop is say your name.?? He stood and double looped his belt.
??????????? The first swing was aimed at Samantha?s wax sheathed breasts, but was relatively light, only cracking the wax.? Sam winced, but not from the belt, but from the expectation.? It landed lightly across her bosom and she sneered at Keel.
??????????? ?Is that the best you can do??
??????????? Keel?s face hardened and he swung the belt hard, repeating his first swing across her breasts.? Sam?s face clouded and her body fought the bindings as the thick leather strap smacked into her bosom hard.? Wax chips went flying like safety glass, and the bright pink skin of her still inflamed breasts was exposed in a long two inch strip across both soft mounds.? Her nipples were flat, dark discs, despite the stinging lash and Samantha let out a crying squeal, her eyes watering.
??????????? ?The next one will be on your pussy if you don?t tell me your name.?? Keel said.? He moved around to the head of the coffee table, almost straddling Samantha?s head.? She looked up at him through his legs, noticing the large bulge in his pants.? She shook her head and he swung fast and hard before she could even finish resisting him.
??????????? The belt landed with a sharp crack and it curled down between her legs.? The wax over her clit and slit cracked and exploded, looking as if it were being flayed from her body.? Samantha screamed as the pain radiated upward but never saw the second blow coming as Keel repeated his swing, managing to clear the wet swollen sex of all but tiny remnants of paraffin.
??????????? Samantha was sobbing and Keel halted for a moment.? He stepped away, speaking softly to one of his lieutenants who hurried away.? Once more he approached the table, kneeling down along Samantha?s side, reaching up to carefully peel splashes of wax from her stomach and sides.
??????????? ?You can tell me your name.? There?s no rule against it.? He said as Samantha chest heaved.?? His fingers lightly stroked her, moving down to her clit.?? She hissed as his fingertips touched her and he parted the fleshy petals.? To his surprise, she was wet, almost soaked, and he shook his head.? He pushed his finger in deep and Sam moaned, her hips twisting.
??????????? Keel?s lieutenant dropped a large duffle bag on the floor next to David and he pulled his finger out of the squirming girl and opened it.? The first thing to come out was two small plastic nodules, about the size of his thumb, both attached to a small battery pack and control.? With a strange gentleness, he pushed both nodules into Sam?s sex, causing the girl to wince, but relax has both baubles slipped in deep.
??????????? He turned the control and Sam let out a tiny whimper.? Once more, the hungry vibrations of sex had entered her life.?? These toys felt different from the vibrating egg, smaller, less filling, but doubly maddening as the sensation intensified from their touching each other inside her.? She could almost hear the rattling sound they made as their hard plastic sides jumbled together.
??????????? David tucked the control wire down between her legs, pushing the battery pack under the table.? He gave Samantha a little pat and the stood up again.? With nary a word, he swirled his belt around once and let the leather strap smack once more into Sam?s breasts.? This time the reaction was different.? Not the blood curdling cry, but the wet whimper of a girl whose mind can no longer tell the difference between pleasure and pain came from her lips.? Wax flakes chipped and exposed the entirety of her hot pink breasts.? David Keel swung again, this time letting the tip snap hard against her nipple.
??????????? When he looked again, her hips were thrusting and the lashed nub had risen, standing pert under his leather.? He swung again, managing to catch the left nipple as well, realizing that his beating was only arousing the young girl.? He moved back to the head of the coffee table and whipped his belt down between her legs, smacking her with a hot and heavy blow that would have sent a man to his knees.
??????????? Samantha?s eyes widened and she yelled loudly as the wet smacking sound filled the room.? Her body flushed with pain that seemed to explode upward from her pussy.? Her toes curled and she yanked hard on the ropes binding her open.? Her sex felt as if it were on fire, the deep ache going all the way in.? But there was a secondary heat and she let out an involuntary moan as she felt her orgasm replace the fiery sting of Keel?s belt.
??????????? Keel couldn?t believe it.? He had just landed a perfect swing, right on the exposed swollen clit of this girl who couldn?t even close her legs, and she was enjoying it.? He shook his head and stepped back.? With a determined look he nodded to his lieutenant.? A sharp word and four of the upperclassmen were removing their belts.? They stepped forward, surrounding the coffee table, effectively blocking the view so well that the freshman boy videotaping grabbed a chair and stood on it, looking down.
??????????? The belts began swinging in no recognizable pattern, landing with a variety of thuds and cracks.? Samantha?s voice began to fail as he let loose tiny cries and harsh screams, depending all on where the tips of the various belts landed.? In moments, not a shred of wax remained on her body, and her alabaster skin, which had already turned pink from the hot wax, shimmered to red.? Angry thin stripes welted her abdomen and breasts, encircling her sides.? Even her thighs were strapped, all the way down to her knees.?
??????????? One boy in particular seemed to make every strike land directly on her slit, beating the poor girl?s sex until Sam seemed lost in a pain induced haze.? The tip of his belt became sodden with her juices and each repetitive slap sounded wet.? But through it all, no matter what sound emanated from Samantha, nothing resembled a name.
??????????? It was Keel who brought a halt to the whipping.? Her body was crimson and pink, flushed and hot to the touch.? Her head lolled to the side and the petals of her sex were inflamed and swollen.? Her nipples, still hard, were huge, and her breasts looked more like a pair of hot pink pillows, than a young girl?s creamy white mounds.
??????????? Keel ordered them to untie her, letting her limbs free.? He glanced down at his watch and noticed that it was well past two in the morning.? Her body was limp as they freed her and Keel stepped forward.? With a quick grip he picked her up, cradling her in his arms.
??????????? David Keel was big man, almost six four, and he was one of the better swimmers on the University swim team.? His strong arms enfolded Samantha and carried her upstairs.? The fraternity kept a guest room for visiting alumni, and he carried her to the king sized bed, slowly lowering her to the down comforter.? One of his lieutenants brought a cup of water and he held it to her lips, letting her sip it slowly.
??????????? It took almost twenty minutes before Sam responded, exhausted and hurt, but nodding at Keel in thanks.? He pampered her, letting her recover.? Finally he rolled her over onto her stomach.? Sam hissed in pain as her beaten breasts touched the mattress, but David Keel?s fingers on her aching shoulders took any thoughts of objection away.
??????????? Keel brought out a small bottle of oil and began working it into her skin.? Her back was perfect.? Only a few small dark freckles here and there.? He slipped his fingers over her bottom, feeling the soft and firm globes.? He oiled her crack, the poor girl to tired to even resist until he moved low enough to touch the base of her slit.
??????????? He rubbed her until he heard the soft sigh of her slipping into sleep.? He lifted his hands and undid the button of his jeans, letting the blue denim drop.? His boxers followed next and he grasped his hard cock.? He grabbed a condom and slipped it over his shaft.? Oiling it, he rubbed himself while standing over the naked girl until he glistened.? It took only a moment to kneel on the bed, straddling her, carefully positioning his cock at the entrance of her sex.
??????????? She awoke just as it penetrated, reawakening painful spots and she bucked, trying to force him out and off her.? His heavy weight prevented it and Samantha was too fatigued to fight long.? Eventually she stopped moving, just laying there, letting him fuck her until she felt him shudder inside her.
??????????? There was that almost agonizing moment when he pulled out and she half rolled to watch him, only to see a video camera in her face.? She blushed scarlet and rolled back down to hide herself when she felt the weight on the bed return.? A hard cock filled the crack of her ass, slipping up and down through the wetness until it drove in to her sex.? She gasped as it filled her.? She blinked, trying to figure out how Keel could have gotten so hard again so fast, when she saw the fraternity president standing by the wall.? Sam realized that it was the lieutenant who straddled her, bouncing on her ass.? The lieutenant?s hard cock went back and forth and Sam gritted her teeth until she felt the slight tremor and shuddering that signified male orgasm.? She looked over her shoulder, ignoring the camera and saw a long line at the door, stiff condom covered cocks.
??????????? She closed her eyes and began crying as a new weight straddled her.? Oil and her own juices coated her and she felt the hard cock push.? Suddenly she yelped, arching her back and pulling forward as the huge cock behind her pushed into her ass.? She screamed as it went in, ramming into her like a piston in a tight well.? Sobbing, she stopped fighting, her body thrumming as she was anally violated.
??????????? David Keel stepped forward and leaned down as she felt the pounding.? ?I?ll leave you to it then.? There are twenty five of us.? I imagine several will be in for seconds.? Good luck.?? He patted Samantha on the head and left the room.
Chapter 20: Explanations
??????????? It was Sunday evening and Kristen sat in her car across from the fraternity house, nervously drumming her fingers on the leather clad wheel of her car.? The wooden paddle was in the back seat, wrapped in a blanket, ready at a moment?s notice to be returned.? She was tired, and slightly worn around the edges from all the coffee and soda she had consumed during her vigil.
??????????? The lights in the common room had stayed on all night but Kristen knew Sam had been moved when the guest room lights went on.? She tried to imagine what Samantha was going through but couldn?t, and she wished she could be there with her.? It was unfair that things had worked out the way they did, and who could have expected Samantha to be so noble?
??????????? There was a knock on the passenger window and Kristen jumped.? She looked up to see the handsome face of David Keel through the glass.? She leaned over and unlocked the car door, allowing the fraternity president into the car.
??????????? ?Come to gloat??? Kristen said, her voice icy, looking straight ahead.
??????????? ?Not in the least.?? David replied, looking at the pretty blond.? ?I came to square things up.? Your little novice has the constitution of a horse and the endurance of a rhino.?? He said conversationally.
??????????? ?Samantha can take anything you can dish out.?? Kristen declared.
??????????? David smiled.? ?So that?s her name.? She wouldn?t tell us, even when we whipped her.?
??????????? Kristen turned at him, the look of worry in her eyes.? ?You didn?t??? her voice trailed off.
??????????? Keel shook his head.? ?No.? She?ll be sore, bruised, and very tender, but we didn?t damage her.?? He nodded to himself.? ?I?m still rather surprised though.? She?s had a very rough twenty hours and comported herself well.? Never once did she recant the sorority or beg.? It was almost enough to make me become a dom.?? He turned and looked slyly at Kristen.
??????????? ?Am I going to get my pictures back now?? Kristen asked, still squeezing the wheel of the car.
??????????? David sighed and leaned back.? ?Now see, the agreement was you sabotaged the raid so our paddle wouldn?t get stolen.? I don?t have our paddle and your little novice decided to accept a night of extreme punishment and a gang bang in order to protect the sorority.?? He screwed his mouth up for a moment.? ?Wish we had as loyal members as you seem to.?? Keel leaned forward.
??????????? ?But maybe not so loyal, huh?? I mean, you were willing to sacrifice your entire sorority to get back a few measly pictures of you tied up on your back.? Is what I did to you so embarrassing?? Or is it the fact that you wanted it??
??????????? Kristen bit her lip and stared forward, tears brimming in her eyes.?
??????????? David Keel grinned and reached into his pocket, pulling out a battered package.?
??????????? ?Here are the pictures.? All of them.? Plus the original negatives.? I?m honorable, you know that.?? He looked up at the house and nodded.? ?Your novice is in there right now hanging upside down with her legs spread while my fraternity brothers are playing a game called ?drink the girl dry?.? Do you know how its played?? You find a willing girl, string her up, fill her pussy with beer, and one player at a time tries to suck it all out of her.?
??????????? Kristen bit back a sob but she hunched forward, closing her eyes.
??????????? ?And before that game she played ?Suck it quick? where she was given three minutes to give one of us a blowjob to orgasm.? If the player didn?t come, then he got to deliver three quick slaps with a sap on her clit.? I can?t tell you how much fun it is to watch someone spank a bright pink pussy like hers.? She screamed so loud.?? David shrugged.
??????????? ?Of course we let her nap too.? We tied her up, duct taped a vibrator into her pussy, turned it on high, and then let her try to sleep.? She did you know.? She must be used to you ramming things up her.??? David leaned in close.? ?So how long have you kept her vibrating huh??? He pulled out the large purple egg vibrator.? ?Use this thing a lot??? He tossed it into Kristen?s lap, ignoring the tears pouring down the junior girl?s face.
??????????? The package of pictures he laid on the console.
??????????? ?I know that the guys have no idea of our initial agreement, and I truly would have liked to have the entire sorority over for our party, but I think that Samantha?s selfless act should be rewarded.?? He gave a slight smirk before reaching for the door handle.? ?Some people have honor.?
??????????? Kristen looked over at David as he got out of the car.? His strong chin made him look ruggedly handsome in the setting sunlight.? Kristen felt an odd lump in her throat and she turned away, unwilling to look him in the face.? He stood on the sidewalk and glanced at his watch, leaning back into the car.
??????????? ?It?s almost seven.? I told them to have her ready to walk.? She should be coming out any moment.? Sorry about her clothes, but getting them off her was a chore.?? He shut the car door and walked away, moving down the street at a leisurely pace.
??????????? Kristen reached over to the packet of pictures and opened it.? She had seen them before, her naked body bound tightly across the hood of Keel?s car, her nipples clamped, her sex open and gaping.? There were pictures of her sucking cock, of her look of ecstasy, and a picture of her and David, heads together, smiling.
??????????? The front door of the fraternity house opened and Kristen stiffened.? Wrapped in an overly large blanket, bare feet and shoulders exposed, Samantha stumbled, weaving like a drunken sailor out onto the porch.? Kristen immediately jumped out of the car and ran up to the exhausted mussed girl.? Her brunette hair was mussed, thick globs of dried spunk dotting it.? Her cheeks looked hollow and she leaned heavily on Kristen when the older girl moved close.? Kristen looked at Samantha with intensity, trying to gauge Sam?s condition.? Samantha turned and looked at Kristen, a tiny smile on her face.
??????????? ?I didn?t even tell them my name.?? She said, her voice a tiny hoarse whisper.
??????????? Kristen burst into tears.? ?I know, darling.? I know.?? Kristen helped her down the stairs and to the car, almost wishing she dared pick her up and carry her.? But Sam made it, her bare toes pretty against the dark asphalt.? Kristen got her seated and quickly got in the front seat.? She fumbled at the keys when she heard Sam?s tiny voice.
??????????? ?Did I do what you wanted??? Sam said her head tilted back, eyes closed.
??????????? Kristen hesitated and turned around to look at Samantha.? ?What??
??????????? Sam didn?t move even a bit.? She kept her eyes closed.? ?Did I pass your test???
??????????? Kristen trembled, her voice betraying her guilt.? ?I don?t know what you?re talking about, Samantha.??
??????????? ?Yes you do, Sister Kristen.?? Sam said, her voice still barely above a whisper.? ?You were the one that put the egg inside me.? You took it from the bottom of the bucket.? You expected me to be last, but instead I was first in line.? I didn?t even wonder why you dug for my egg when you were doing it.? It wasn?t until I was lying face down with the seventh boy fucking my ass that I figured it out.? How would the boys get a remote?? How would they know exactly when to activate the electrical shock??? Sam smiled lightly.? ?You were there and you activated it.? You wanted me to be captured.?
??????????? Sam opened her eyes and looked at the back of Kristen?s head.? ?Did I pass your test??? She asked.
??????????? Kristen turned back around to Samantha.? The look in the junior?s eyes told Samantha everything.? Kristen bit her lip.
??????????? ?We were supposed to trade the paddle back.? That was the agreement.? I couldn?t warn them when we were coming, because Tami would have called off the raid for another day if there were too many boys at the house.? The only way I could think of for the raid to fail was to let one of us be captured.? I couldn?t, Tami would suspect me.? You weren?t supposed to be all noble.?? Kristen said, her voice cracking with emotion.
??????????? ?What does he have over you??? Samantha asked, opening her eyes and looking at the crying blond.
??????????? Kristen reached up and handed over the packet.? Sam took only a minute to look through the pictures.
??????????? ?Do you still love him??? Samantha asked, giving them back.
??????????? Kristen shook her head.? ?I don?t know.? I don?t want to.? After what he did to you, how can I??
??????????? Sam sighed.? ?Can we go home now Sister Kristen?? I?m really tired.?
??????????? Kristen nodded, wiping tears from her eyes.? She started the car and pulled out onto the road.
??????????? ?Can you forgive me, Sam??? Kristen asked, her voice still choking up on her emotions.
??????????? There was silence from the back seat and Kristen glanced in the rear view mirror, only to see Samantha?s glittering eyes.? There was a slight amusement and a deep and abiding love.
??????????? ?It depends on how often you make me explode in Calli?s dungeon, Kristen.? And I think I?ve just earned another five demerits.?
??????????? David Keel lay spread eagled on his bed, bound hand and foot.? The large rubber ball gag in his mouth was certainly uncomfortable and he mentally cursed himself for falling for the stupid trick.? He was naked of course, his thick cock hard and extended and he knew the next few hours would be very difficult.
??????????? The bedroom door opened and two very different girls walked in.? One was brunette, a pretty girl next door face that seemed to make his heart race.? The other was a stunning blond whose smile usually made his heart melt.? Together, these two girls were a danger to every living man.
??????????? Both were wearing the skimpiest of chemises, short little silk outfits that didn?t even cover the curvature of their bottoms, offering him the barest glimpses of their shaven slits.? Together they approached the bed, one lifting up a small basket full of unguents and oils.
??????????? That sat on either side of him, white curving breasts bulging the silk in ways that made his eyes pop.? The blond reached out and began stroking his cock.
??????????? ?What?s the record, Samantha??? Kristen asked, her slim fingers delicately rubbing the solid shaft in front of her.
??????????? ?I believe the record is nine in two hours, Sister Kristen.?? Samantha answered politely.
??????????? ?Why did we stop at nine??? Kristen asked, obviously knowing the answer.
??????????? Sam turned and smiled down at David.? ?Because David here was so tender that even touching him was painful.?
??????????? ?So what are we going to do different, Sam??? Kristen asked, still for David?s benefit.
??????????? Sam grinned.? ?Lots of oil, full fucking?? She leaned in and looked David right in the eyes.? ?And the same love and tenderness he showed me the first night we met.?
The End
The trip to the public library was especially nerve-wracking because I was still in the cassock, and despite the mustard stains (which Sister Nicole had been nice enough to wipe down a bit to make less obvious), I still very much resembled a Roman Catholic priest. I was halfway afraid that someone would try to get me to counsel them and I would feel almost like a fraud. I said almost because I suspected that the counseling that I could give would be a lot more sensible than anything that you...
Fucking Jessica was beyond delicious. That Beta knew precisely what to do with my cock and how to pleasure it to the max. She sucked it, rode it, and was used by it hard from behind plenty before I finished with her. She certainly creamed herself more than once, though she had to bite her bottom lip and fight the urge to scream her release as I pounded her more than a little on the rough side. There was just something about the busty babe, and, yes, she had quite the bosom, that was...
Five minutes before Dawn, Mayhem Day I walked into Bubba’s Laundromat five minutes before dawn, accompanied only by Candice and Randall for the moment. The others hung back, waiting in the wings for me to strike. I had my reasons for what I did ... and why I did it the way that I did. The Sullivans were key to this ... vital to my grand design. What I was about to do would shock the world. There were about six people in the laundromat already, all of them adults. I had made sure of that...
By Sir Jake The Invitation It was with more than normal excitement that I waited for the call. I wasn’t sure how the invitation would be sent but I knew that it would bring the promise of a thrilling and adventuresome week. It had been five years since I moved from college life out into the “real world” and very few days had passed when I didn’t long to be back at school. Not only because I missed the days (and especially the nights) spent at my college fraternity, Sigma Lambda...
Josh looked around the office. The meeting had finished and everyone was back at their desk dutifully beavering away. He was supposed to wrap up his reports before leaving for a business trip, but his head was dizzy and he was sweating profusely. Instead of turning left to his computer desk ,still logged in, paperwork s**ttered ready to compile, he turned right and walked briskly down the hallway. He couldn't be in that office when the I exited the toilet. He couldn't bare to see the reaction...
I stared down at the wet toilet seat. Josh, the office stud, had just left from here and no-one else had been in that morning. My desk faced the disabled toilet and he always noticed who went in. Most of the guys inthe office used this room as they were too lazy to go down the hall to themain toilet. It was larger than most cubicles and had a full length mirror on the wall. Today, I knew it was only Josh that had been in. The 6ft 2 tall, jet black haired tanned lead salesman - he was a few...
The showers weren't much to write home about, other than being full of hot, steamy naked flesh. I didn't have the time to actually enjoy them much, due to being busy washing myself. Worse still, I became hard again, but had no recourse to handle the situation, due to the rushed pace. So, there I was, a newly minted member of the secret society committed to dominance and sexual power, yet I couldn't use that power to get laid yet. This problem didn't begin to sort itself out until I got...
With the ceremony over, Lizzie and I headed out as soon as practical off the Order’s property and began exploring the main campus a bit more, especially since I still had classes to attend (unlike her, though few knew it yet). I got a few bizarre looks for my priestly garb, as well as for the handcuffs and being bound to Lizzie in such a manner, while she received them for her Catholic schoolgirl costume. In the mood to relax and see what happened, I went to the campus bookstore, still cuffed...
“Damn, Randall ... you really know how to do this!” I exclaimed as Randall Sullivan fucked his wife Candice’s mouth in a gang-bang that made her “airtight.” I was inside Mrs. Sullivan’s sweet ass, of course, while Marco Resendez was now balls deep in her dripping wet snatch, ready to take a load dangerously close to her womb. I looked over at Lizzie, who was now busy pulling a train herself. Her own father was underneath her, fucking her tight, wet pussy, whereas Harold was up her ass and...
Jackie’s cunt was every bit as yummy as Candice’s in its own way, quite the delicious contrast, her sweet black ass lined up near Candice’s glistening white one. As it occurred to me just how absent my male refractory period was, I delighted in the knowledge that I could fill both ladies up and come back for more if I wished. I slapped her cute tush and grabbed her cheeks as I bottomed out inside her dripping wet gash. “Ah, God, here we go!” Candice cried out as Gabriel dumped his load balls...
“So, Pedro, I want you to fuck Candice right now. Bubba, you take Jackie. Randall, give it to Caroline, while I screw Emma. You, Gabriel, fuck her ... what’s your name, honey?” I asked one of the new ladies. “Moira,” the ginger told me, even as she welcomed Gabriel’s cock inside her. “Yes, breed Moira ... I want to see her knocked up by you,” I chuckled as I slammed in and out of Emma, admiring my seal above her sweet ass. I pulled Emma’s wavy brown hair while pounding her and using her...
What seemed an eternity later... “It’s time,” I said as I pulled out of Moira, much to her satisfaction. Already, the Mayhem began in earnest, or at least the parts that I didn’t consciously instigate. Massive hailstones, acid rain, and incredible heat waves swept much of the globe. Volcanoes long dormant began erupting, earthquakes rumbled, We had to find shelter, which we did, for the sake of the mortals among us, what few there still were. I sealed as many as I could as quickly as I...
“Hey, you ... you can’t go in there! Certainly not nude like that ... this is the County Courthouse!” a uniformed guard warned us as we laughed. “Look around you, buddy. Things that can’t happen are happening all over the globe. The old ways are finished. The old laws and rules are out the window, chucked like so much bathwater. Now, unless you wish to die, I’d recommend getting the ever-loving fuck out of my way,” I now warned the guard, who didn’t listen, but tried in vain to grab...
“All rise. Family Court Division D is now in session, the Honorable Nancy G. Moore presiding. Case of Mulhouse vs. Mulhouse, petition for divorce on the basis of irreconcilable differences. Counter petition by defendant on the basis of marital infidelity,” the bailiff announced just as we entered the courtroom. “Your Honor, I object!” I deliberately called attention to myself now, along with my naked crew. “Whoever you are, you are out of order, both as to the process and as to your state...
“So, this bunch think that they can just conquer North America in days? The other crew, too, I see. Well, that’s something that they’ll soon learn is wrong. I will take it over in mere hours, if not minutes. Excuse me, folks. I’m heading to DC. I have some trash to take out,” I announced upon hearing the news of just how bad the incel uprisings in the nation’s capital, Vermont, and other places were. That didn’t even count the Dominionist revolt in Virginia. Yeah, fuck that noise! Evidently,...
“Message from the United Kingdom. The Queen has personally ordered them to capitulate. It was an order-in-council, that is, taken with the approval of the Privy Council. The Prime Minister has formally tendered his resignation, but is prepared to remain as a caretaker until you arrive in London or send an emissary to pass your instructions along to them. Parliament has been dissolved, along with the Scottish Assembly, and the First Minister has resigned as well,” Victoria told me...
Two days later... “So, any news of the President?” I calmly inquired, getting a negative shrug from Randall. “I’m afraid not, boss. He’s likely been murdered or abandoned by now. Given how visibly senile he was, there’s a decent chance that someone just euthanized him. It would be the merciful end for him. A quick rock or pistol shot to the back of the head and his troubles and stress are over for good. Or a snap of the neck for the same effect. What are your orders to me, now, as the...
“And so, with regret, I order the surrender of the New Zealand government and armed forces to this ... Leviathan and his ... Commonwealth. I also resign the office of Prime Minister and await the appointment of a new government or administration for this formerly sovereign nation. I will continue to serve as a caretaker until a new custodian is appointed...,” the Prime Minister of New Zealand declared, just as I appeared next to her and brought my harem in tow. “No, you won’t. I hereby...
By Sir Jake Daily Routine As I look back on it, I realize the hardest and most satisfying moments of my introduction into the D/s life came during the late fall semester of my freshman orientation period. After we had been screened and qualified, eight of us male plebes had signed an oath of confidentiality and submission as did 10 female candidates. What amuses me now is that all of us thought we were battle-tested at the time of our compliance ceremony. How wrong we...
It was a nice little Sunday afternoon, a ‘ladyfriend’ of mine who I had known throughout junior and senior high school, had given me a call to go out for a nice Sunday drive and catch a movie. I drive a black, lifted 1975 Chevrolet Silverado that runs very good. I came roaring up to her small house on the very outskirts of town that was surrounded by woods. Pulling up the driveway, there she stood. Her name was Tate. She was a beautiful blonde haired blue-eyed woman. She was wearing a green...
It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne's estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn't help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta's GTO, but the guards had waved them through as soon as they spotted her in the driver's seat. The warm sun and the smell of freshly cut grass greeted them as they made their way up to what...
It’s very simple. I love to fuck. I’m a slut, and I’m not ashamed. I love being a slut. I can’t help it. I have hot, dirty dreams, and I wake up with my pussy tingling, and my nipples are tender and sensitive, and I have memories of nasty, wet dreams about being fucked hard, or having a cock rubbed in my face, or sucking on wet pussy lips. I feel so horny and wet and I can’t help myself. I need a cock or a tongue or fingers or dildos inside me. I need to cum. Do you want to fuck me, baby? Do...
Bob Lacy was in his office at the law firm when his secretary brought in the morning mail. Usually she opens all the mail before she gives it to him but Bob noticed there was one letter on top that was unopened. He picked up the envelope which was a little thicker than normal and saw the envelope was addressed to him and had the words, "Personal and Confidential," hand written on it. Bob opened the letter and found an open-ended round trip ticket to Kansas City along with a note from Jan,...
*Disclaimer: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. **Explanation of: symbols When you see ‘>,>,>,>,’ this signifies going back in time. When you see ‘<,<,<,<,’ this signifies a return to present time. When ‘—-‘ is seen, this signifies we’re still in the same time line, just a different location or character is occupying the time line. I put this explanation in because I am just so damned tired of readers complaining ‘your stories jump...
This Fictional Story is written and updated by JenniferThis is a recount of my first summer job working at Mr. Petersons Book Store. Mr Peterson had always told me that when I turned 18 I could come and work for him at the Book Store, I had to be 18 because some of the books and magazines he sold were erotic and adult material. I still remember the big smile on his face when I walked in to ask him if he had a “position” for me, and I blushed realizing what it sounded like. We had a big laugh...
Scott was always pretty smooth with the women. Even when he was in high school he could get even the most stubborn ones to go along with what he wanted. He always just assumed that he had a persuasive personality. He was soon to find that it was much more than that. Scott had had a steady girlfriend, Susan, for a long time. He was more or less faithful to her, as faithful as anyone can be in college. Every once in a while, another girl would blow him, but what Susan didn’t know wouldn’t hurt...
When my employer invited me to relocate to Thailand, I wasted no chance in accepting and weeks later emerged from the familiarity of a British Airways airplane to the unfamiliar humidity of an Asian morning. Confusion swirled around me in those early days, yet through the misty haze of unknown faces, indiscernible languages and unreadable signs, against a backdrop of relentless dusty heat, my eyes found themselves increasingly lingering on the beauty of Asian women. I recall a landmark moment,...
InterracialI am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 39 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with long, natural brownish hair and sparkling blue eyes. My husband Michael, is 46 years old and works as a banker for Goldman Sacs in New York City. He always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm D-cup breasts that look big for...
Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty Six - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...
Few months back i went round this guys house for a meet, before i'd gone he'd asked me if i was into dressing up or roleplay. Hadn't done any before but the idea turned me on quite a bit, so i told him i was game but didn't have any clothes for it, to which he said had it covered.Arrived there and as per usual with meets i do, skipped past the formalities or chit chat and just got on with it. He showed me into a room and told me to get changed in there. The room had a large array of fancy dress...
Hazel was quite happy with her life. She was sixty five, divorced and lived in a comfortable little flat in North Wales. The only thing she wasn't happy with was her sex life. For her age she still had a good body but for some unknown reason, boyfriends had been a little thin on the ground lately and despite making good use of her large selection of sex toys she was missing one thing. The feel of a real flesh and blood cock inside her. One day she was coming back from the shops, when she...
Erotic FictionWednesday, August 4, 2010 Jake and Alice found most of the women sitting at the kitchen table when they got home. “Ellen’s out?” Jake asked. “Another date with Boris,” Leanne said with a smile. “Probably another night of torture,” Kara said. “What do you mean?” Jake asked. “When Boris dropped her off last night, she was so horny I could feel it,” Nina said. “Fortunately she had help dealing with it.” “Did she?” Jake asked. Leanne blushed. Jake turned to her with one eyebrow...
Hi guys this is me south Indian fucker back with the fourth installment of series family of cucks and sluts Disclaimer: most of my stories are fantasy.So please dont ask about whether my story is real or not to me.If I write real stories I will say so. Please keep supporting me and say you valuble comments and fantasies to me My email id: Story continues…. My mom went for her plastic surgery and body modifications…… Daniel’s men dressed me in a short skirt…. Which was till my ass region...
Gay MaleIt all came about through accountancy, that seemingly innocuous trade. The trade was not as innocuous as everyone tended to assume. It was a lake of shark-infested financial waters. If there is one way to hide your theft, your financial misdeeds, it is by persuading the business' digital account books to show that nothing is missing. That is one of the joys of being an accountant: you can hide things within the figures; hide anything you want. The figures do not lie; they merely disguise the...
"Hey, Case,“ was all my sister said as she hugged me, graciously ignoring the sweat and the travel-stains I was sporting. I was very aware that I was painting a generally unappealing image standing on her front step in crocs (crocs! With socks!) and with my hair wild and all my worldly possessions littered around my feet.Apart from a slightly sad smile and a sympathetic note in her voice as she greeted me, I almost couldn’t tell exactly how pitifully pathetic she thought I was, and that was...
MasturbationPervCity pornstars are always horny for a good hard fuck, but you’ve never met a girl who goes to such rough extremes until insatiable blonde Latina Carmen Caliente is bouncing on your big dick and begging you to finger bang her stink. When you get nasty and rough, Carmen gets insanely horny to orgasm, and from that point, you’re in danger. There is no stopping this chica until your prick is drowning her with a cumshot facial. Do you love filthy ass rimming, sloppy ball sucking, and...
xmoviesforyouHello ISS readers, My name is Bobby, from USA. I’ve living here for more than 5 years, did my education work in IT industry. I work in projects a lot, so moved a lot across USA. These incidents happened last year. I completed a 2 plus year project in a city and I moved to a new city in the East Coast region. For more than 2 weeks I could not find proper accommodation, finally saw a posting in Indian classifieds by a female named Arpita (name changed for obvious reasons) who was looking for a...
My Goddess told me I was going to be her sissy servant maid on a leash for Goddess’ masquerade party with you wearing a short skirt so your micro-caged clitty is visible & your ass cheeks are hanging out. You also have on a leather choker collar with a big ring on it & a thin stainless steel chain goes thru the ring of your collar & the ends of the chain hook to the front corners of the large servant tray that rests in front of you. You are all dolled up in a corset, thigh-highs,...
Copyright© Somewhere at sea... 1687 A.D. The clouds rolled thick over the darkening skies. Jonathan Wright studied them. His blue eyes taking in the size as well as the menacing color. It would be a strong storm, one that would take down several ships. Many were at sea this night and many would perish. He was not going to be one of them. He touched the amber stone on his right hand, twirling the ring counter-clockwise until it warmed under his command. A soft wave of heat ran through from his...
My mind whirled while the inexperienced girl tried to muster a response that would help her fulfil her mission. As you might have gathered, I’m someone who mostly tries to do the right thing, but is not exactly immune to temptation. I do have standards and resolve, but I guess only in moderate quantities. And Kaitlyn’s lie had me guessing that this characteristic had been a topic of conversation among the girls. Four or five years ago I was lying on my back in my speedos on the beach, on...
When Jodie woke the next morning and found her son in bed with her, she gasped. Then she came fully awake and remembered their wild fucking of yesterday, and she shivered with excitement. It hadn't been just a dream. She'd really had the satisfaction she'd craved for so long. Of course, she'd had it with her own son, and that made it a lot different from the average love affair. Also, she'd spent the night fucking with Dane just after she'd gotten engaged to Craig. The whole situation...
If you have read Adventure story 3, you will remember that our next-door neighbor couples met two gentlemen while out to breakfast. These gentlemen were Pat, and Nick and both admitted to being crossdressed by their wives as they were getting to know Tom and Tina, and Ted and Sophie over breakfast. Pat and Nick were casual acquaintances that morning and they mentioned vacation trips to the cabin where they would play out their crossdressing fantasies. They invited the group up to the cabin two...
Garrett Jackson drank his morning coffee while sitting in the comfortable club chair in his living room. He had an unobstructed view of the city, but he wasn't focused on the scenery. Instead, he mused about his recent entry into a world of young white wives and their cuckold husbands.He'd been seeing Elaine, the tiny redheaded extrovert, for nearly a month. At first, they had only been intimate when Elaine's husband Paul was present and therefore able to watch. Lately, however, Elaine had...
Introduction: First story, hope you enjoy it. Where to start, where to start… Well, lets start with me. The names Hayden, Im 17, and I have 3 brothers. Shane, the oldest, is 25. John, the second oldest, is 21, and my little brother Ryan, is 11. My life is pretty much as normal as it gets outside of my house and at school, but at home its completely different. Only Ryan and I live at home, Shane and John are independent. I really dont have much of a sexual life. I have a friend who is a girl,...
When the time rolled around again, I went in the art room and most everyone now greeted me by name. I disrobed and came out for the instructor to set the pose. A few minutes in, I looked over at Nicole who was in a frilly, white blouse and a short skirt and as soon as our eyes locked, she spread her legs. I knew if I looked at her naked pussy, I'd get hard, I am a healthy guy, after all, so I squinted my eyes at her and looked away trying to think about steamships and garden...
Sorry this has taken so long to get posted. Life, the holidays, and a new lady kept interfering. Deon gets a lesson in making love, has some fun with Mary, his sister’s friend, and teaches Kyle it’s not nice to cheat. Hope you all enjoy it. No. 5 coming soon. Jb7 * Deon had just finished setting the table for dinner when the doorbell rang. He smiled, anticipating the evening. He went to the front door and opened it, to welcome Bertie. She was dressed informally in slacks and a short sleeved...
Hello Readers, I am horny guy from Mumbai again with another event from my busty aunt. After seducing aunt from just a massage and followed by a sensational hot sex, we got close to each to much extent. My relation with her changed drastically from being a nephew to her lover her fucker. Whenever there was a chance even to pinch her nipples I just never missed it. I was enjoying it thoroughly and same was from her end. Once it was a height of all, I usually got up at 7 am in morning and was...
The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...
Paul and Natalie had been married for seventeen years. He was forty-four and she was forty-two. He still loved looking at his wife's body even after three kids. She was tall, blonde, with long smooth legs and amazing 36c breasts with long thick nipples from nursing the children.He watched her getting ready for bed. In the mirror, he could see her thick bushy pubic hair. He loved how it covered her across her low stomach and got fuller as it disappeared between her legs.Her ass was perfectly...
BisexualI hesitated for a few moments, thinking, should I or shouldn't I? I was now standing before him, he took my dressing gown off me because I was a bit reluctant. He Didn't like that. "Right you naughty cock teasing little girl! You're going to do what you're told now!" He swung me round and put me over the sofa. "Sir, what are you doing? Please don't hurt me. I'll be a good girl!" SLAP, SLAP SLAP. Mr Clark was spanking my arse. "Now take them bikini knickers down Sarah, I'm going to...
Following the massive meteor strike near Kansas City, a strong earthquake had moved in a wave across the entire North American continent. Megatons of dust, rocks and dirt had been hurled into the atmosphere. The resulting dust and dirt cloud that enveloped the earth blocked out much of the sun’s light. Massive worldwide crop failures soon followed. Slowly, the cloud of dust and dirt had fallen back to earth and the skies began to clear. Rain eventually washed away much of the layers of dust...
Ukrainian glamour pornstar Marilyn Crystal has come home and finds that she’s been robbed. In tears she call the police and they send out French cop Ricky Mancini to her rescue. But it’s not your everyday rescue at DDF Network, not when the victim is a hot and horny babe like Marilyn. How can he not get an instant hardon seeing her in her lingerie like dress, especially with the choker accent piece of her bra in full view? Marilyn is quick to check the situation out for herself,...
xmoviesforyouIt was the best and the worst day for young Clara. She'd been to the doctor who confirmed that she was with child, her first. Then the Royal Air Force messenger had come who gravely informed her that Christopher, her pilot husband of less than a year, had been reported shot down over the English Channel. There was no sign of him and he was presumed dead. While she had always known it was a highly probable event, she still screamed and wept. The courier fled and her landlady ran to her. Clara...
The next morning is a little awkward. It’s late morning by the time I get down stairs to the kitchen. My mom and her friends are chatting away by the sink. They all greet me and Diane acts like nothing had happened. My mum and Carla seem none the wiser. I suppose I’m too act the same, which I do my best to do. I’m sitting at the kitchen table having my breakfast when Stacey comes down to join us. My mom and her friends still chatting away with their coffees as Stacey sits down next to me. “Was...
Emma Sirus loves to tease her stepbrother Alex Mack to get a rise out of him. While she’s on the phone with her friend, she confesses that next she’s going to show him her boobs and that she’s got lots more in store for him. Later, Emma teases Alex with a glimpse of her ass in a thong. Later still, Emma flashes the tits and twat while telling Alex that he’ll never get to touch her or find out how wet her pussy is. The next day, Emma asks Alex if he’d like a banana....
xmoviesforyouHope could only stand, her body shivering with unresolved need, and watch as, first, the daughter dissolved into a devastating orgasm, the huge cock slamming deep inside her, cries of "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" coming from her pretty young mouth as she shook uncontrollably, and second, the mother offering and then watching as her daughter was bred by the monster cock, smoking pot, and playing with herself. Sucking her breath in through her teeth Elizabeth made a hissing noise as she brought...
Year 4 The sun rose behind the hotel so it did not shine directly into our room. My mouth was still around Erin’s left nipple and my thumb was still in her bottom. I latched back onto her nipple and began to take my fill of her breakfast milk. She stirred and began to stroke my soft penis as it thickened and grew in her hand. I looked up into her eyes as she stroked my head with her other hand. “Paul, that was the most tender and loving night I have ever spent. I hope that you don’t mind...
I couldn't resist. Tongue firmly in cheek (and displacing several acorns), here is my entry to the REX contest. The rating would probably be PG-13, maybe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The One Dollar Spell by Sarah Miller Gordon gently closed the dust encrusted leather cover of the manuscript. He was wearing a satisfied smile, for at long last he'd found the answer. For years, he'd been searching these musty archives all over the...