Sigma Mu Kappa free porn video

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Dear Parents,

The staff of Sir Isaac Newton School takes pride in preparing our students to meet the challenges of the wider world they will enter after graduation. In recent years those challenges have changed greatly with the announcement of the forthcoming arrival of the Sa'arm and the evacuation of part of the population of earth. In order to help our students, your sons and daughters, meet these new challenges we will be making some changes to the curriculum. Firstly we will increase the time and resources devoted to the school's Cadet Corps, details are in the enclosed leaflet. Secondly we will offer optional classes to ensure that students are well prepared in the event of their being caught up in a Confederacy extraction.

These optional Confederacy classes will be divided into three streams,

Sigma: for prospective sponsors,
Mu: for both prospective concubines and sponsors,
Kappa: for prospective concubines.

The classes will cover subjects such as what to consider when selecting a sponsor or concubines, what is likely to happen during an extraction, how to act during an extraction and what will be expected of concubines and sponsors after extraction. Lessons will include realistic simulations of Confederacy extractions.

The Confederacy classes will be offered to all students aged fourteen or over. Students will be assigned to streams based either on their CAP scores, if known, or on the school's assessment of their likely prospects. The Mu stream is intended mainly for those not yet tested who are not clearly one or the other and so will receive training in both concubine and sponsor roles. Once a student has been CAP tested they will be assigned to the Sigma or Kappa stream, with the exception of students with CAP scores of 6.3 or 6.4 who may opt for the Mu stream in case a later test increases their CAP score to 6.5 allowing entry into the Sigma stream.

Students aged fourteen and older are adults and can decide for themselves if they wish to attend these new Confederacy classes. We suggest that you discuss their decision with them beforehand so they can take your views into consideration.


Alex Ross

Headmaster, Sir Isaac Newton School

The Kappa stream boys were the worst, basically the news was, "You're probably fucked. Deal with it." Concubine level males had a small chance of being selected by a sponsor. All I could do with them in class was to provide some advice that might slightly improve their chances or point them at the Cadet Corps so that they would at least have a chance of doing some damage to the Sa'arm when they arrived in a few years. The Kappa stream girls had more of a chance, but I was not involved in those classes at first.

The Mu and Sigma streams were a lot easier. Those classes allowed plenty of discussions about what to look for in a good concubine and how to select a well-matched group. The kids there had some hope and something to work towards. Inevitably they asked me, "Say you had a 6.5, Mister Ellis, who would you pick?"

"If I was a sponsor," I am, but I don't push it, "I would take my wife and one other woman. Since my wife and I have no children yet I would look for someone who either had children of her own or at least some experience in raising children." That led off into a discussion on which girls had very young siblings or who had done a lot of babysitting. Useful information, since that was precisely what I was looking for.

I had met my wife, Vicky, during teacher training and we had married shortly after I got my first job, teaching Mathematics here at Sir Isaac Newton. We decided not to have children due to tight finances and the arrival of the Sa'arm. My CAP was 6.7 while she had a 6.0, so she was my first pick. Ideally I would have liked an older woman with kids for my second pick, but Vicky was not really happy with that. If I did go for a mother then she would have to be very submissive and with a lower CAP. Vicky's confidence had taken a knock with her CAP score and she needed reassurance that she was going to be my number one concubine. She even gave up trying to get work and took to staying around the school -- she wanted to be near me all the time in case there was a pickup. She was trained as a teacher so I was able to use her as an unpaid assistant in lessons. The more intelligent kids had worked out what was going on between us, we were not the only couple in the same situation.

For the first two lessons we concentrated on background information, some history of the Confederacy and lastly a Confederacy video of an actual extraction so the boys would know what to expect. What they didn't know at that point was that it was going to start in their next class; as the letter to parents had said, "Lessons will include realistic simulations of Confederacy extractions."

Seeing a class of naked boys is not my cup of tea, but if they were to have any chance at all of being selected they had to be familiar with stripping in public. Once the initial mixture of bravado and embarrassment was over they mostly got used to it. Those who couldn't take it soon stopped attending. We had designed the curriculum to ramp things up pretty quickly; a pickup might happen any time so we wanted to get as much in as quickly as possible. At the next class Vicky was sitting at the front watching them. To give them credit, most of them got the point and stripped. We had made it clear that, as at a real extraction, they could stand aside; boys being boys those that did opt out were called "Swarm food" by the others.

The upside of seeing naked boys was that I also got to see naked girls. Teachers do look; we are human and some schoolgirls are well worth looking at. They had already stripped with a woman teacher present, adding in a man as well was new. The first time I stayed quietly at the front, as Vicky had with the boys, well away from them and trying not to appear threatening. The actual teaching was handled by Janice Trent who was in charge of the class. The girls needed to be able to function naked with a man looking at them. They came in all shapes and sizes with some covering up with their hands while others pushed their chests out. Some of that spilled over into my other classes, "Did you get a stiffy when I showed you my tits sir?" as one cheeky young woman asked me, not what I wanted in the middle of a Maths lesson.

"You get a detention Amanda," though it was difficult not to laugh, and I did want to get another look at her nice pair of pomegranates.

I got my chance in the next Confederacy lesson when we escalated another notch, I approached them more closely though still without touching. The girls were stood in lines all with their hands behind their backs as if at a real pickup. Covering up was no longer an option, though they could always opt out to be "Swarm food". I walked along the lines like a military inspection, making it obvious that I was looking at everything on display from head to toe. "Amanda, the answer to your question is yes," she took a second to register which question I meant and giggled as she remembered. I did indeed have a stiffy and I'm sure most of the girls noticed it pushing out the front of my trousers as I walked by.

At home Vicky and I had decided on our own curriculum with me in the Sigma stream and Vicky in Kappa. I kept her nude, unless we were expecting visitors, and when we were alone in the house she had to call me "sir" or "Master", rather than Tom. The Confederacy did sometimes execute concubines who broke the rules and too high a proportion of those killed were former wives. I did not want to lose her through a stupid mistake in the first week or two; better safe than sorry. Having her nude was pleasant, her breasts were still tight, bigger than young Amanda's, and she had fuller hips. She had retained her delightfully flat stomach. She was better looking than many of the schoolgirls: the younger ones had not all fully developed, while others were too fond of coke, burgers and pizza. We were both 25 and reasonably fit as we were able to use the school's sports facilities after hours and during holidays.

At school we continued to push the envelope. I started to touch the girls, at first just their backs then their buttocks. When I moved on to fondling their breasts it really began to hit them as to how far we were likely to push this. Breasts were definitely sexual and they knew what went on at pickups. We carried on escalating things, next it was cupping their pussies as well as fondling their breasts. Vicky got very well serviced when we got back home after one of those lessons. By this point all the girls were able to see where things were leading.

As well as pushing the limits in class, I was pushing things with Vicky. Every so often I would have her naked in the boys' class. She was reluctant at first, though she had a lot less physical contact with them than I did with the girls. I am not sure that the school could have afforded the costs of cleaning up the mess if she had touched the boys. Some of them came anyway, just from the sight of an attractive naked woman in the room.

At the next girls' lesson Vicky arrived with me, stripped naked and stood at the end of the back row. I passed down the lines fondling and feeling the girls; so far they had seen all this before. When at last I reached Vicky I played with her breasts, genuinely one of the nicest pairs in the whole line-up, and rubbed her pussy. Then I drew her to the front of the class so everyone could see her and pushed her to her knees in front of me. She knew what was coming of course and most of the girls could guess. There were whispers of "Is he going to... ?"

I most certainly was going to, I unzipped and released my erection. I let it stand there for a moment so it could be seen, "Suck it," I ordered. Vicky bent it down and took it into her mouth. She was well used to me and with the excitement of fondling the girls I came very quickly. She licked me clean and I zipped up. That was an interesting discussion session afterwards: to swallow or not to swallow? How do I deep-throat? What are the best tongue techniques? Much as I might have liked imagining doing so, being sucked by a whole class of girls would have left me very sore. As homework Janice told them to practice on their boyfriends, a banana or to ask one of the Sigma stream boys. In later classes I would get girls to suck me for a few strokes, just to keep them in practice. We were keeping track and had a good idea of who had a boyfriend to practice with and who did not, so I concentrated on those without a partner.

I had been keeping an eye out for potential second concubines. Most of our neighbours were professionals so I did not think that many of the local mothers would be available, they would either be sponsors themselves or their husbands would take them. Most of the large events we attended were school events so I anticipated that if we were to be extracted it would probably be in a school context. The teaching staff were most probably sponsors or already spoken for, much as Vicky and myself. We were not the only couple who stayed together during school hours. That left the girls and pot-luck. Most of the girls were out because they had no experience raising babies, I could only see three who qualified on that basis.

Claire's parents lived near us and all our neighbours spoke highly of her babysitting skills with older children. Her mother had had a late "afterthought" baby so she was also getting practice at home. The problem with Claire was that she was a gorgeous looking vivacious blonde and most of the Sigma stream boys already had her top of their lists so I was not likely to get a look in. She was still in the Mu stream after her test so she had a higher CAP score than Vicky which was another mark against her. Given her CAP there was also a risk that she would retest at 6.5 and no longer be a concubine.

Elly was quieter than Claire, a pleasant looking brunette 'girl-next-door'. She would be less of a threat to Vicky and probably had about the same CAP score. She was adopted because her parents could not have any kids of their own. They liked children so much that they also acted as foster parents so Elly had experience of helping with children of all ages. She was my top pick of the three, and I was less likely to get competition from the Sigma boys who tended to go far too much on looks.

Traci was the third choice, nondescript with shoulder length brown hair. Always Kappa stream and very rarely in school. Before the Confederacy classes started she would appear in my Maths lessons less then once a month. The strange thing about her was that she never missed one of the concubine classes, not one. Other lessons, even on the same day, she would miss but never the concubine class. Because of her absences I had talked with the school social worker. Her mother was a recovering heroin addict, while her older sister worked in a hairdressing salon. The sister had a baby though she could not look after it because of her job in the salon, but with only one wage coming into the house she didn't want to give up the job. The mother wasn't really interested in the baby so by default Traci had to look after it. School was well down her priority list. What was puzzling was not so much her absence from the other lessons but her presence in the Confederacy classes; she always participated and never withdrew to the side. She was not assertive and would be no threat to Vicky in either personality or CAP score. I think her life had ground her down. I was not really sure if she was on my list out of pity or because she actually deserved to be there. She was definitely the last of the three.

After those three it was down to who was available at the time. Ideally I would have liked some genetic diversity, but our town in the English countryside offered only the Leungs who ran the Chinese takeaway and the Patels who ran the Nepalese Restaurant. Apart from that the genetic choice was between English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish. In theory the Solomons were Jewish, but I suspect that they were more English than I since my mother was Scottish.

Classes progressed to me licking Vicky's pussy and from there to me licking some of the girls' pussies. As always they could say "No" at any point and a few did so. At the next step Vicky licked one of the girls' pussies. That was received rather quietly because by now they knew that they were going to be licking each other soon. That got more resistance than we had had up till then; we needed to get over the "I'm not a lezzie!" hurdle. Some of the girls never did. I never even bothered to try that in class with the boys. We talked about it and I left it for homework, which I am sure most of them ignored. The gay ones were probably more experienced than me in sucking cocks so I couldn't have helped much anyway.

Around this time we started mixing the Sigma stream boys with the Kappa stream girls for some lessons. Initially the boys only looked, just as I had started with looking. They followed pretty much the same sequence I had with the same progressive escalation. This meant I got to touch the girls less, when the boys were there I just stood back and let them have the fun. I know for a fact that some sponsor/concubine arrangements were made in those classes, which added to the realism -- this was not just playing.

One thing we did have to avoid was incest because it was still technically illegal, though nobody was ever prosecuted unless it involved underage or rape, but still the school could not be seen to be condoning it. We did discuss it but we didn't allow it in classes. Some of the boys did admit to fancying their mothers, but not many mothers were sponsors given the sex bias in CAP scores.

One evening after school there was a knock on the door. Vicky yelped and ran upstairs to get some clothes on while I walked slowly to the door to see who it was. It was Maggie, from the Kappa stream. I had noticed her in class mostly because she had a big crush on me. She was one of the girls with too much fondness for pizza and burgers. "Yes Maggie?"

"Can I talk to you sir, please. Alone."

I called upstairs to Vicky to explain and took Maggie into my small study. Clearing a pile of unmarked Maths exercise books off the spare chair for her I sat down and asked, "So, what can I do for you Maggie?"

"I want to be your concubine sir. You can do me whenever you want. I will do anything for you."

Schoolgirls get crushes on their teachers. A few of those girls will offer themselves to those teachers. A very few rotten bastard teachers like me will take advantage of those girls.

"I'm sorry Maggie, I can't really see you as my concubine." Her face fell and I could see tears beginning to form in her eyes. "However you can help me with a problem I have." She began to pay more attention. "You aren't a virgin are you?"

She flushed, "No sir."

"What do you think is eventually going to happen in the Confederacy classes?"

"You are going to do it with some of us sir."

"Very good Maggie, soon I will be having sex with some students. What I need is a volunteer to do that in class."

"Oh yes sir, please sir. I really want to."

"Thank you for volunteering. As to being my concubine, I cannot hold out much hope. I already have a list with my wife at the top and there are others as well. I can add you to the end of the list but I will probably take someone else. You are better off looking at the Sigma stream boys or maybe your father if he is a sponsor." She tried to change my mind, without success, though she did confirm her agreement to fuck me in class. Yes, I was taking advantage of her; I am sure that she thought that by fucking me she could move herself up my concubine rankings. She had no chance of doing that and I was playing on her naïveté to get her to volunteer. Still it solved my problem and if not her then one of the other girls would have stepped forward.

When I told her Vicky said, "Tom... , sir, you're a bastard." She was right of course, but it had to be someone and why not Maggie?

The next day I had four of the girls and Vicky naked at the front of the class, as if I was selecting at a pickup. I felt up all of them, got brief blowjobs from two girls and ate the other two girl's pussies, again briefly. I put Vicky up on the table where I had eaten the girls and licked her for a little longer than the others. I pulled back, unzipped and released my prick. There were fewer whispers of "Is he really going to..." this time because by now they realised that yes, he was really going to. And I did. I put Vicky's legs over my shoulders and sank into her. This was our first time fucking with an audience and we both found it distracting. I did not finish and pulled out after a few strokes.

As planned, Janice asked the first question, "Can anyone explain why Mister Ellis stopped after a short time?"

"Because he might have wanted to test other concubines miss," and so on into the discussion phase of the lesson.

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As Salam Alaikum, my people. The name is Steve ‘Suleiman’ Fleur, and I’m a big and tall young black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Hull, Quebec. I’m an accounting student at the Hull campus of the University of Quebec, and lately, life has been throwing a lot of hurdles my way. No bed of roses, that’s for damn sure. Might as well tell you about it. I hear that confession is good for the soul. I was born in the City of Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti, and raised in Quebec. My parents...

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Crack Addict

Crack Addict 1:05PM on April 28, 2008 … Ever had a panty job ? …you know .. kinda like an upgraded dry hump ? ..It’s wear you get your partner to drop their pants / dress .. they lay on their stomach on a bed, couch or chair while you grind and rub your cock into the crack of their ass until you get off. I know a lot of you reading this post are like … why not just stuff you cock into the offending orifice and be done with it ? Answer: Because that shit is boring and lacks imagination....

2 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 17 Singing

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: At this point there is some conflict. Most people talk of an Amish barn dance in the Ballroom. Dad just shakes his head. Dad only talks about the food, typical guy, and the whiskey. Dad was very proud of his keg of "American-Irish". He had it driven down from upstate New York somewhere. I never understood why. Whiskey's whiskey, right? Sean: While the women and children cleared the dishes, the men moved to one side and pipes came out. I never started...

2 years ago
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dad and the week end

She and her dad were going away for the week end. It was their bonding time. soon she would be off to college and now they would spend time together.They checked in the hotel and were in the same room but two beds. They went down to the restaurant before they turned in for the night.Back at the room, she went to put on her night gown. It was short and sexy for a daughter.The dad slept nude. She always thought her dad was very sexy for a dad. She dreamed about kissing and touching him. He was...

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I knew exactly what she wanted

This morning I banged my sisters 18 year old friend and this is how it happened. I walked in the house from a long day of work and as I turned around from closing the door, there… This morning I banged my sisters 18 year old friend and this is how it happened. I walked in the house from a long day of work and as I turned around from closing the door, there she was!!. Bent over washing her hair in my kitchen sink, her butt was so tight and firm. I walked up and she turned around...

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Monique the ClubHopper

PLEASE RATE if you aren't pleasuring yourself too much! ;) Monique squeezed her 32-C (almost D) breasts together and jumped slightly. They jiggled sexily in the mirror. Aaaah.. Not too big, not too small. She backed up to her bed and sat. She started rubbing her clit, causing her ultra-easily excited pussy to become automatically wet. She moaned, but held off getting to a climax. She was planning to have fun tonight! She grabbed a "top" that had two tiny triangles meant to go across her...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady Needed More Than A Flat Tire Changed

One evening while coming home from the gym, I took a rarely traveled short cut through a tree-lined un-paved road. There was a middle aged woman, standing beside her car. As I got closer, she flagged me down. When I pulled up behind her, I saw she had a flat tire. This very attractive petite 5-2” tall woman who must have been in her mid-40s came up to me and explained that she had a flatter and her she could not make a call on her cell phone. Obviously, frazzled, I tried to calm her down a bit...

4 years ago
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Playing for Time

The Red Dragon - 9:00pm If a person wanted to find Michael Cross in Reno, they would only have to look as far as the Red Dragon Casino. There, you would find him sitting at the bar watching the poker tables. Looking for weaknesses in the other players. He did this every Friday night. His blonde hair partly covering his deep blue eyes. If a person was to look at him, they would think he was a picture of innocence... That's a laugh. Michael Cross did look youthful, but that was OK, because...

2 years ago
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SaralindaChapter 14 Saralinda

I woke up groggy, and it took me a while to figure out that Moira was telling me we were sailing through the Hawaiian Islands, and I should get up and see because it was gorgeous. I sat up, and stared glassy-eyed out the window. Vague shapes that could be islands were slowly passing astern. I noticed a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. "Is this for me?" I thought I saw Moira nod, and I gratefully drank a good swig. It tasted kind of funny, but I was thirsty, and I drank it down...

1 year ago
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The best brother a guy could have

My older brother Kenny was my hero. He taught me everything…well, maybe just the most important things. Last summer he taught me a whole bunch…Ken was a tall athletic guy, a real ladies man, and kind of a trouble-maker in his day. A year and a half my senior, he always had time to help me out of a jam or to give me advice. One weekend last summer, Kenny was staying in for the night, and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I was psyched; he usually was out on Friday nights with his friends or...

3 years ago
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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 7

Summary - Cindy and Stacy have a date. Previous Chapter Summary - Cindy and Stacy start their new job cleaning Mr. Wilson’s home. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's...

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So tight

The following was a response I sent to another user on a different site. As I was reading it again before posting it, I thought I haven't shared any writing here, so maybe this would be a good story. All the better because it's true:...that is why i wish more men were open to ass play. then i don't feel that them wanting to fuck my ass is coming from a place of degradation/humilation. the intent is to provide pleasure.i love anal play. i don't have a lot of experience, but i have bought...

2 years ago
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(Copyright held by the author) "David!" I opened my eyes wider and scanned the crowded Sunday-morning sidewalk. Sunday morning in a neighborhood that's almost all Polish, Italian, Irish and Latino means the sidewalks are Mass confusion, if you get my drift. And I was not all that fully awake anyhow, having finished Saturday night only six hours before. "David!" The voice was right in front of me now. I looked down. Recognition came slowly. I blinked. "Elly?" She smiled prettily and...

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William and Ann Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Kelly, Belinda, Susan, and Natalie had been talking about the news they learned about Ann at the mall. The more they discussed it, the more aroused they got. The girls went back to Natalie’s house. Natalie lived just 2 blocks from Ann, so she said she would go drop by for a visit and report back on what she saw to the other girls. Kelly and Belinda started making calls to their friends to let them in on the gossip, but Susan said she would wait to hear back from Natalie’s...

1 year ago
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Our romantic evening turns into a voyeurs paradise

We’d been excited about this trip away for ages and were excited about a few days away from the hum drum of day to day life. We were looking forward to enjoying ourselves in the day, having some fine wine and eating some great food in some nice restaurants. Of course we were looking forward to enjoying each others naked flesh. I don’t mind admitting that I’d had a few ideas of what we could get up to. It was getting late and we were still in the bar. It had been really fantastic being out with...

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Summer Vacation

100% fiction! Summer holidays were here again. Mum and dad decided they were going to tour around France for a month, so my aunty and cousin are here to stay with me. My name is John , I am eighteen years old, fairly shy and still a virgin. Though I have got close I haven’t actually done it, just a squeeze of a hard nipple and a feel of a wet pussy. It was a beautiful morning so I decided to spend some time around the pool. Stretching out on the sunlounger I was enjoying the sunshine when a...

3 years ago
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Isabella Awakening Ch 06

Chapter 6 Isabella reflects on a past meeting with two soldiers and finds new friends in North Africa. She and Thomas share a special evening. Isabella and Thomas sat there on the covered bridge of the pirate galley, hardly talking. At one point, she heard Thomas groan quietly and remembered his wound for the cannon accident. ‘Let me see,’ she insisted and helped him roll up the sleeve of his cassock. Isabella inspected the gash, a few inches long and almost an inch deep, just below his...

2 years ago
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Sex With Bharathi Neighbor Aunty

Hi ISS readers and this is 22 old guy name XYZ for privacy from Bangalore doing final year B.E. In reputed college in Bangalore and I’m here to share my first real experience with my neighbour aunty. This real story happened 5 years back between me and my aunt sex goddess. Firstly my neighbour aunty name Bharathi having sexy large boobs and ass. The main attraction is her boobs and she lives in our house for rent from 10 years having 2 children and I’m shy guy fear to talk to girls and I was...

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Into the Unknowable Ch 03

As a woman outnumbered by men in the Intrepid’s senior staff, Second Officer Sheila Nkomo made a special effort to befriend her fellow female officers. She wasn’t in a position to get to know Captain Kerensky particularly well. This was partly a consequence of relative rank, but also because her captain was a lesbian. It wasn’t that Sheila held any prejudices against homosexuals, but she did feel nervous given that the captain was so obviously attracted to her. So the only woman with whom...

4 years ago
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KristinChapter 19

Kris and I were married less than a week later, and our first child was born less than a week after that. But since, like her sister Jean, Kris hadn’t shown her pregnancy at all, William Cameron Harris, IV came as a bit of a surprise to a lot of people. Kris? All she did was to appear with a sharply concave lower belly after the delivery which was attended by Tina and Liz. Go to the hospital? In Kris’s words: “What on earth for?” We all realized that Tina and Liz, like Kris and Jean, were...

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Turkish Delight Part 2

Late in the afternoon we each had a quick swim, then pulled on t-shirts and wandered back down the beach. This time Jack strode ahead up the path to the cabins. Cara said, "You know I like being last, the view is better.""What, oh, no. Sexy girl lusts after my boyfriend's butt," I simpered. She patted me on my butt and said, "Well, you had better go first so I can lust after yours. It may be the only way of getting Jack's off my mind. But I warn you even that may not work"Inwardly I grinned,...

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Naughty Nerd Lust Sarah and Charles Part 2

Sarah woke up early. Today was the day she would go and see Charles's apartment. She was genuinely interested in what the apartment complex had to offer, considering she was going to move off campus the coming semester; however, the apartment tour wasn't the only thing she was after. She wanted Charles to scan his big brown eyes up and down her body and devour her with his eyes. He had done it before and she craved his penetrating gaze, so she was going to give him something to really look at....

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Truth of Dare

It was my freshman year in high school. I was known as the shy guy, and I couldn't really talk to girls that well, until I enrolled in a certain class... I enrolled in a math course had mostly sophmores in it. In front of me as well as behind me sat two of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. The one in front of my had dark brown hair, nice , and a perfect tight ass. Her name was Annette. She was always talking with the girl that sat behind me. The girl that sat behind me was Lindy, a...

First Time
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 69

"This McCock fellow seems a bright young man. I like his ideas." Sir Victor Carlton glanced across at his putative commanding officer as that person flicked across the screen in his PDA. "And why's that Sir?" Captain acting Commodore Peter Scott RMN shifted his eyes to look at the other occupant of the office. Carlton was tinkering with the entrails of the desk's 'puter, "You will be able to put that back together again, won't you, Chief? I might need it from time to time for...

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Aunty Maid Aur Unka Sex Slave 8211 Part II

I was scared to death …. But Kusum for some reason did not seem to have got so scared. However, I took off my cock and went straight to the bathroom. Cleaned up my dick and threw the condom into the bin rolled in a paper. Kusum went to the other washroom and started cleaning up. I was sitting in the bedroom with just my undies put on, when Kusum came out drssed up in her saree and came up to me. She said – “Are daro mat raja. Hum kuch to sochke us Jaya bhabi ko samjha denge …. I was scared....

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 236

The Dreaded Phone Call My boss phoned me today. He said, “Is everything OK at the office?” I said, “It is all under control. It’s been a very busy day. I haven’t stopped to take a break all day.” “Can you do me a favor?” he asked. I said “Of course, What is it?” “Pick up the pace a little. I’m in the foursome behind you.” A guy stuck his head into a barbershop and asked, “How long before I can get a haircut”? The barber looked around the shop full of customers and said, “About 2...

3 years ago
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Honey Im Bi

Introduction: A little Bisexual fun John and Kathys 30th anniversary was coming up and both were getting bored with their sex life. In the 30 plus years, John and Kathy have been having sex they had done almost everything. They shared women in threesomes, had orgies, sex in public, and bondage. John had cum in every hole on Kathys body, as well as her natural 44D tits. Kathy has taken Johns 9-inch cock up her ass and in turn fucked John with her 10-inch dildo. John knows that Kathy sucked...

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Kidnapped and raped

?If you don?t like living with me you can just fuck off.? Mike walked up to me and shoved me towards the door. I stumbled and nearly fell but managed to stay upright. He pushed me again and I lost my footing, crashing to the floor. He stood over me, eyes wide with fury.How had we even got here? We were happy a couple of months ago. Never said a cross word to each other. It all seemed perfect. Until we moved from a 3 bedroom house to a poky 1 bedroom flat. That?s when all the rows started....

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SaralindaChapter 29 Gary

"Okay, ladies. I'm taking A2. You can figure out where you all sit." Malia, Saralinda, and Moira all looked at each other and at the three boarding passes I was holding out to them, and they all looked like they wished I'd be a dictator and tell them each where they should sit. I had a bet going with myself that Moira would take the initiative and either claim A1, or decide she wanted to sit across the aisle with Saralinda in A3 and A4. I was wrong. Malia suddenly looked at Saralinda...

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Mummy Ki Phati Hui Shalwaar

Mere mummy ki age 47 hai mast haighted hai gori hai mummy ki gaand bahot bahar nikli hui hai.Mummy hamesha ghar me tight leginn pehenti hai or short kurti mom ki tight leginn damage hi rehti hai kyu ki unki thigh bahot moti hai or jo leginn nhi phati rehti use mai phadh deta hu. Dosto ab mai story aage badata hu ek din mai tv dekh raha tha hall me mai sofe per baitha tha mom kuch veg katne mere samne ek chote se stool par aake baithi mom ne white kurti or red leginn pehni hui thi.Mai tv dekh...

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Vengeance HeartChapter 5

Roland staggered to his feet. Despite the fact that Haflor was in control of his body, Roland still felt the pain. Haflor gestured with Roland's left hand and extended the right hand, which was wearing the ring. Two things happened at once. The man/possessed person in front of Roland was tossed back to the ground, and the ring emitted a fiery beam that hit him in the chest. Roland heard a thin scream, and then nothing. The man they were fighting got to his feet with a grimace and jumped...

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Two young girls and the old man

It started innocently enough having a drink in our local pub, but tonight there was a strip show on, featuring girls for the local men, but nothing for the girls to feast their eyes on. Of course we cant complain because we were both u******e drinkers, only by two years, but keeping a low profile was better than causing a fuss. The room darkened and the music increased, with a strong emphasis on the steady ‘Jungle Beat’, that gets mens pulses racing, as the flesh is exposed. One thing we...

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