Hadrian's WallChapter 3 free porn video

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Mom relented, though she didn’t seem happy about it, and I left for school early the next morning, pulling into the parking lot of the diner a few minutes later.

Inside, Jamie was sitting with Stacy, Anna, Amanda Newton, Derek Mills and Marcy Collins at a table by the window. They saw me come in and wave me over, Stacy standing to let me slide in, placing me between her and Jamie.

“I am glad you made it!” Jamie said, hugging one of my arms. Derek reached over to bump fists and the other girls smiled and waved.

“Yo, Leo. What’s the 411, man? I heard that you mixed it up with the Martins again, and like a dozen other guys. You look pretty good for single-handedly taking on a whole football team.” Derek said, laughing.

I just rolled my eyes. “I really don’t want to get into it, you know? Cops, lawyers, a lady DA. I think I am just going to keep my head down for a while.”

“Come on, man! So many stories going around, but no one seems to have the right one.” he said, throwing up his hands. Then he shrugged. “Whatevs, man, I get it. When this is all over though, I want the whole story.”

“When it is over, we’ll talk.” I said, not promising anything and getting yet another eyeroll for my efforts.

The rest of breakfast was fun, just chatting, gossiping, light hearted banter. It was a relief that folks were not pushing me on this.

When we left the diner to head to school, I was surprised when Stacy joined me at my car.

“You don’t mind, do you? Jamie’s car is going to be packed as it is. Besides, your Mustang is cooler than her Explorer!” she said, running her hand along the roof.

“Do I mind having a pretty girl in my car? Nope, not a bit.” I said as I opened her door, and I was rewarded with a smile as she sat down.

Stacy was quiet on the way to school, at least until we pulled into the parking lot.

“Leo, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. I may not answer, but you can ask.”

“You got a thing for Jamie?”

“She is beautiful, smart, as nice as can be, and a Senior, but no, no more than every other straight guy at school.” I joked. “No, seriously, I have always thought she was pretty, but I didn’t know her. Never spoke to her until a couple of months ago when all this shit started. I still don’t know her, but she seems very nice. Still, she’s a senior, class president, dates jocks and future Senators. I’d like to think we can be friends.”

“I’ll deny this if you ever repeat it, but I think she likes you. She has the same hang-up though. She is a senior, is going away to college in a couple of months, doesn’t want to get with anyone, but if she wasn’t, I think you two could make a go of it.”

“Why the sudden interest. I mean, I appreciate it, but I got the idea last night that, well, um...” suddenly tongue tied, I stopped talking before my stutter got worse.

Stacy just smiled at me, wiggling her eyebrows. Her smile faded though, and she just looked a little sad. “Leo, my last boyfriend was in freshman year at my old school. He swore he loved me, got what he wanted and dumped me for some other skank. I was, well, I was devastated. I made a promise to myself, and to my mother, to leave romance until college, or maybe after college.”

“Guys like that make it hard for the rest of us.” I said, swallowing the sudden urge to apologize for the rest of my sex.

“The thing is, a girl gets tired of Bob. I asked Jamie about you, and she said she wasn’t dating at all, which is cool and all, since I would never try to hook up with a guy that a friend likes.”

“Wait, Bob? Who’s Bob? If you are tired of him, why hook up with him?” I asked, confused.

Stacy burst out laughing and it was several minutes before she could catch her break and wipe the tears from her eyes.

“You are ... so sweet, and sometimes you seem like a wild bear, sometimes like a teddy bear.” she said, giggling.

“Leo, BOB is battery operated boyfriend, and the guy I want to hook up with is you, you simpleton. No dates, no strings, no getting possessive. Just having some fun, relieving some tension. My only experience so far sucked hardcore, but there has to be more to it than that, and you ... you get my motor going.” Stacy leaned over the center console, one hand wrapping around the back of my head and drawing my lips down to hers.

The kiss was ... outrageous. It started off hot and got even hotter. If I hadn’t been wearing my device under my slacks, I would have been unable to get out of the car for hours. When we finally broke off, it was several seconds before I could get enough blood back into my big head to create a coherent thought.


I know, eloquent, right?

“You think about it, Leo. Here’s my number, call me tonight.”

Do you have any idea how hard it is (pun intended) to sit next to a girl in class who just made an offer like that? I mean, to sit there and behave, to listen to the teacher?

Bill, of course, wanted to know the scoop on the fight at the mall, insisting that he heard that I went berserk with a sword and was lopping off limbs. Yeah, and came to school Monday morning.

The continued to get weirder too. I had so many people saying hi to me in the hallways, guys offering fist bumps, girls touching my arm as I passed, that I thought for sure it had to be some elaborate prank. A couple of months ago, I spoke to three or four people on a regular basis, and now all of these people seemed to know who I was.

The lunch table had the usual crew, plus enough extras that a second table was pushed over with ours. Jamie and Stacy sat down on either side of me, and Bill joined us. Then a half dozen cheerleaders sat down along with two of the three football players who had met me on the front steps the day I returned to school after being beaten.

When those two sat down, both tables went quiet. The biggest guy, John Newcombe, nodded to me, then tucked into his lunch. His buddy, Alex Combes, just smiled and shook his head before he too, started eating.

Jamie, always the peacemaker, started the ball rolling.

“John, Alex, surprised to see you over here.” Her voice was non-confrontational, her tone light, but the question was out there.

John finished chewing his bite, then set his burger down on his plate and wiped his mouth before speaking. “Jamie, we heard about the fight at the mall. We decided that we needed to keep an eye on things.” he turned to me. “Not that you can’t watch out for yourself, Leo, just that we don’t like the way things are going, and we don’t want anyone getting the idea that continuing this is a good idea.” He paused, taking a sip of his soda. “Besides, we can’t afford to lose any more athletes this year, we still have a chance at state in Basketball.” he finished, deadpan.

Alex was doing his best to keep from laughing and the cheerleaders didn’t even try. It spread quickly, the rest of the table joining in, and John just smiled and picked up his burger.

“I was going to ask you if you knew that you were being followed around today. I saw a guy after first period, but thought it was nothing. Then other people told me they saw football players and some basketball players hanging around, and they were worried.” Stacy said, grinning. “I guess we don’t need to worry any more!”

She was prophetic, because I seemed to have company between every class, and after school, there were a half dozen jocks hanging around the parking lot. Each one of them gave me a head nod or a fist bump as I headed to my car, and it was a weird, but kinda of cook feeling.

I called Stacy after dinner, from my room where my parents couldn’t overhear.

“Hey, it’s Leo.”

“Hey stud. So? What did you decide?” she asked, sounding a little more unsure than she had this morning.

“I would be a fool to turn you down.” I said softly.

“Can you come over?” she asked. “My parents are out, said they would be home late. Dad’s on the council and Mom is his plus one at this event tonight.”

“My folks have me on sort of a lockdown, but let me check and call you right back?”

“I’ll be waiting.”

I expected my mother to put her foot down and my father to be the reasonable one, but was surprised when my mother agreed almost immediately.

“That’s one of the girls who were over last night?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

When I nodded, she just waved at the door. “Be home by midnight or else, young man.”

Fifteen minutes later, I was at Stacy’s front door, my hand poised to knock. It opened before I could, and Stacy was peeking around the edge, just her face showing.

“Come on in.” she offered with a smile, opening the door just enough for me to slip through.

She was wearing a silk gown, black of course, that showed a substantial amount of cleavage and had a slit up the side almost all the way to her ass. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra under the gown, her nipples were displayed prominently.

Stacy slid into my arms without a word, lifting her face to be kissed and I obliged.

It was soft, much softer than this morning, but the way she was plastered against me was enough to set me on fire. I could feel her firm breasts against my chest, and her hard nipples were boring holes in my chest.

I let my hands glide down her back, feeling the firm muscles and soft silk until they cupped her ass cheeks, one in each hand, and squeezed. I pulled her middle closer, feeling the heat from her sex against my thigh.

Stacy broke the kiss, her hands running over my chest for a moment, before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

Her room was nothing like how I pictured it. The bedspread was pink, there were stuffed animals everywhere and the posters on the wall were classic rock bands. When I looked around and grinned, she glowered at me. “Not a word, mister. Besides, you don’t have time to play tourist...” her voice lowered to a purr, “you have way too many clothes on.”

I reached for my shirt and pulled it off over my head, laying it on a chair by her desk. Stacy stepped up and ran her hands over my chest and my abs, licking her lips. When she reached for my belt, I caught her hands.

“Let me step in your bathroom for a second, okay?” I asked, suddenly nervous. I should have removed the damn thing before coming over, but wearing the device, I had come to think of it as a mask, had become second nature. What was she going to think when she sees it? What about when she sees what is under it?

“Everything okay, Leo?” she asked, sounding concerned.

I lowered my head for a moment, thinking furiously. Then, with a shrug, I told her.

“Stacy, the reason I haven’t had much experience, and that I haven’t had a girlfriend since the 3rd grade, is, well, this.” I undid the front of my slacks, loosened the top keeper on the mask, then reached down and popped the other two before lowering my pants, underwear and mask, all in one movement.

My cock seemed to leap out, bouncing in the air in front of me. I looked to see her reaction, and cringed.

Stacy’s eyes were wide open, her hand had covered her mouth and she had taken a couple of steps back, her eyes locked on my cock.

“Jesus Christ, Leo!” she sounded shocked, horrified even.

“How, I mean, why...” she stuttered, her eyes never leaving my slowly deflating member. I was gutted, embarrassed and blushing.

“I’m sorry, Stacy. I should have told you.” I said, reaching down for my pants and pulling them up again. I didn’t bother fitting the mask, just snapped the top strap. I reached for my shirt, pulling it on before Stacy spoke again.

“Leo, wait. God, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like some scared virgin. I am sorry I embarrassed you, you have nothing in the world to be ashamed of. I just ... I’ve never knew, I mean, I’ve never seen. Shit, you know what I mean, right?”

Stacy was crying, wringing her hands.

I just waved it off. What was I going to say?

“I’ll see you in school tomorrow, Stacy.” is what I ended up saying, fleeing the house as fast as my feet could carry me.

I drove straight home, then say in my car for the next half hour, kicking myself for pretending, even for a while, that I was normal. What girl wouldn’t be horrified? Cici and that nurse; one a dominatrix who goes to sex clubs and has fucked bigger, and a nurse who won a bet. Or lost a bet. Either way, I was just a chance to get their freak on.


When I went inside, having been gone less than an hour, Mom was in the kitchen and called to me when she heard the door.

“Leo? Back so soon? No trouble, I hope.”

“No, everything is just peachy.” I muttered heading up to my room.

I had barely closed the door where there was a knock. I opened it again and Mom was standing there, concern on her face.

“What happened, Leo?” she asked, her eyes roaming me, looking for a sign of why I was upset.

“It’s ... it’s nothing Mom, really, I’m fine. No fights, no nothing.”

“Leo, talk to me, please?”

“Mom, damn it ... you want to know? Fine. I showed up, invited over for what was supposed to be some no-strings fun. A booty call, okay? Then I dropped my pants and she freaked. She freaked out, and was crying. I got the hell out, and now I am home. Satisfied? Can I go to bed now?” I said, furious.

Mom had tears in her eyes, her face full of pain. “Oh baby, I am so sorry, I was just worried about you. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” she said, slipping her arms around me and hugging me.

Yeah, I cried too. Tears of frustration, of disgust, rejection, whatever. I had been feeling much better about myself after Cici, but this, this was what I had feared for so long.

“Screw it, Mom. I’ll just get a job in porn flicks. I can get paid to get laid.” I joked, turning so she wouldn’t see the tears. “I’m fine, Mom, really. I’m just going to get a shower and go to bed.”

The next morning I skipped breakfast out, having a bowl of cereal before I left the house. I arrived just in time for first period. taking my normal seat next to Bill. Stacy came in, gave me a half-hearted wave, then hurried down to sit near the front. Jamie came in, saw Stacy and turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow. I just pretended like I had no idea what she meant, and went back to talking with Bill. When I looked up again, Jamie was sitting next to Stacy, their heads together and whispering.

Just perfect. Maybe it wasn’t too late to change my mind about a new school.

When class was over, I bolted out the door, absent-mindedly waving to folks who greeted me, not even noticing the man mountain John following me as I hurried to my next class.

At lunch time, I didn’t bother going to the cafeteria, going to my car instead and driving over to McDonalds for a burger.

Forth period, Math, and Jamie sat down next to me. I cringed, but just smiled and kept quiet.

“Where were you at lunch?” she asked curiously.

“Had something to do.” I replied, shrugging. Thankfully, the teacher came in, so no more questions, though I did get a few strange looks from her during the class. We had the next class together too, but I got lucky enough to be waylaid by someone who wanted details on the mall fight, and waved her on, telling her I would meet her there.

I timed it so I slid into my seat right before the final bell, telling her that the girl had a hard time accepting ‘No Comment.’

After class, I bolted at the bell again, and after school, I practically ran to my car, pulling out of the parking lot so quickly I left tracks in the street, much to the delight of a bunch of guys who were walking nearbye.

My cell rang as I walked through the door and the caller ID said it was Stacy. I debated, three rings worth, but finally answered.

“Hi Stacy.”
“Leo, listen, I’m sorry. I am so very sorry, but I got all freaked out. I acted so childishly, and I hurt you, I know, but please, I didn’t do it on purpose. I would never hurt you on purpose.” she said, sounding properly sorrowful.

“Look, Stacy, it is what it is. No hard feelings. If we can still be friends, that would be cool. I would ask that you not spread this around though. I have a hard enough time in school without everyone looking at me like I am a sideshow exhibit.”

There was silence on the line for a minute, and my heart sank.

“You already told people.” I said, not phrasing it as a question.

“Leo, I was upset, and people notice. I just mentioned it to two people. They aren’t gossips, and I will tell them to keep it to themselves.” she sobbed, a hitch in her voice.

“Jesus, Stacy. Fuck!” I growled, my blood pressure rising. “I gotta go. Talk to you later.” I disconnected, barely stopping myself from throwing the phone across the room.


The phone rang again and it was Stacy, calling back. I sent it to voicemail, and the next two calls as well. I could not talk to her right now, not and remain civil.

I made it to dinner before I got another call, the phone vibrating silently in my pocket. I ignored it, not even bothering to look. Then the house phone rang and, before I could say a word, Mom answered.

“Hi Jamie, yeah, he’s here. Hold on a moment. Leo, phone!”


“Leo, it’s Jamie. Can I come over and see you?”

“It’s not really a good time, Jamie. Kinda busy.”

“Yeah, about that. Look, I can be there in a couple of minutes. Just talk to me, okay?” she asked, quietly.

What was I going to do, alienate one of the only people who had actually been nice to me?”

“Okay. Fine.” I said, sighing.

She was knocking on the door before I even hung up the phone.

Answering the door, Jamie stood there, cell phone in hand, smiling. “Um ... I was close bye?” she said, shrugging. Rolling my eyes, I let her in.

“Which way to your room?” she asked, taking my hand. I nodded, pointing the way, and notice my mother watching silently as I was led by the hand down the hallway.

In my room, the door shut, Jamie wrapped her arms around me, giving me a big hug.

“Stacy called.” I said, making it an accusation.

“Yes she did.” Jamie answered, her face still buried in my shirt. “She’s devastated.”

I just growled, disentangling myself gently, and sitting her down in my desk chair. I collapsed onto the bed, then scooted back so I was propped up against the wall.

“Leo, she freaked out. She’s not proud of that, and she is all torn up because she could tell she really hurt you. Then today, she couldn’t face you and hurt you again.”

“Did she tell you that she blabbed it around school? Like I need any more problems. Christ, you ... I... “ I was grinding my teeth and had to close my eyes, take a deep breath and force myself to relax.

“Talk to me, Leo. Let me be your friend.” Jamie begged, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees. That she was inadvertently giving me a hell of a cleavage shot wasn’t helping me concentrate, though it did ease my temper somewhat, that there’s that.

“Jamie, some things I can’t share with you. I can’t talk about with a girl.”

“My first lover was a thirty-two year old man with a taste for young girls. I was fifteen, flattered and oh, so smitten by this handsome older guy. I felt so grown up, and so excited. He was kind, and good to me. A good lover, knew all the right moves to make. He made me feel alive, like I had never felt before, right up until the day I saw him with his wife and son at the supermarket.” Jamie said quietly, looking me straight in the eye.

“My next lover was a college guy. I was on the rebound, hard, from my dirty little affair, and he was just looking to get laid. I drank his beer, smoked his pot, then spread my legs for him. It was horrible. He had no idea what to do, and was done with the little he did know before I even got started. What little self-respect I had left was gone in one drunken night.” she continued, a sad smile on her face.

“I missed my period and thought for sure I was pregnant. I couldn’t tell you to this day who the father would have been, if it hadn’t been a false alarm. Stress can do weird things to a woman’s body. I seriously considered suicide that long, long week, but my period finally came and I cried myself to sleep for days.”

“Jamie, I...” but she cut me off with shake of her head.

“It was two years before I forgave myself, Leo. Since then, I have had two other lovers, very short term, each of them, and I was always discrete. I picked my lovers carefully, choosing only guys who I knew would not spread rumors or brag. I wouldn’t let myself feel for them, wouldn’t let myself get caught up in the romance. I have plans for my life, and it would take an exceptional man to fit into those plans. You, Leo, tempted me. You are handsome and smart, sweet and kind. You are the kind of guy that I look for. But I am a senior and I am leaving for college in a couple of months. It would never work out. So ... when Stacy asked if I was interested in you, in dating you, I told her no. I gave her my blessing.”

She was silent for a minute, looking down at the floor.

“Want to hear something funny? I thought I was being all noble. I thought I was doing the right thing, but all I felt was jealous when she said she was going to go for it. When she told me she was going to invite you over when her parents were out? I wanted to scream, to scratch her eyes out. Isn’t that a hoot?”

Jamie had stood as she began speaking, and as she talked, she reached down and grabbed the hem of her polo shirt, stripping the shirt off and laying it on the chair. Then she reached up, undid the front clasp of her bra, letting it fall away and placing it with her shirt.

My eyes were locked on her breasts. They were perfect. Flawless, firm, high on her chest with the pinkest areola I had ever seen, even on the web. Her nipples were smaller than I imagined, but they were hard, and stuck out a half inch or more from her breasts.

Her stomach was flat and heavily muscled, She had a visible six pack and I had never seen something so alluring in my entire life.

When she reached for the button on the front of her jeans, my eyes caught the cords of muscle in her forearms, reminding me, for a moment, of Svetlana. Unlike the Amazon, her arms were soft, supple, the muscle highlighting and not strictly defining.

She slid down her jeans, taking the underwear with them, and she stood there in all of her glory. My eyes were drawn to the junction between her legs, to the neatly trimmed landing strip of hair, and the red, puffy and obviously aroused lips of her sex.

She had finished speaking and I looked up, meeting her eyes guiltily, but she just smiled, raising her hands and turning slowly in place, inviting me to look all I liked.

Her ass, oh my god. Her ass was perfect. It was hard and heart shaped, and I wanted nothing more in that moment than to reach out, touch and caress, kiss and taste that perfect, flawless skin.

When she was facing me again, she held out her hands, beckoning me. When I was on my feet, she reached for my shirt, sliding her hands up underneath, feeling my stomach and chest. Then, in one smooth movement, she lifted the shirt up, over my head, and tossed it behind me.

It was her turn then. Biting her lip, and look of passion in her eyes, she traced the muscles in my chest with a single finger tip. Moving downward, she traced the lines of my abs, dipping slowly downward until she hooked my waistband.

When she reached for my belt, my hands came up, almost with a mind of their own, but Jamie caught them, pushing them down again, and shaking her head.

She undid my belt, then unhooked my pants, sliding the zipper down slowly. With her eyes locked on mine, she slowly sank to her knees, her hand drawing my trousers down until they pooled at my feet.

My mask was on, and I could see the curiosity in her eyes and she looked at it, her fingertips tracing the outline, the straps that held it in place.

With a smile, she unhooked it, letting it drop to the floor and licked her lips when my cock tented my boxer briefs.

She looked up again, smiling widely and, without breaking the gaze, leaned forward to rub her cheek against the bulge in my briefs. She let the head of my cock, still covered in cotton, slide sideways until she felt it with her lips.

Her hand reached for my briefs, teasing then down a fraction of an inch at a time, her eyes on mine the whole time. When they caught on my erection, she broke the gaze again, one hand reaching inside to pull me out so I jutted obscenely, my briefs tucked up under my balls.

When her tongue came out and licked the tip, I groaned. The sight was so erotic, so unbelievably sexy, that I shivered. When she opened her mouth and took me inside? I felt it building, I was going to cum and there was nothing I could to do stop it.

“Jamie, I ... I’m going to cum!” I grunted through clenched teeth.

Rather than pull back, her other hand came up and gently cupped my balls, softly kneading them, fondling them and driving me right over the edge.

When she felt it start, she pulled back until just the head was in her mouth, swallowing again and again, a whimper escaping as she sucked, taking every drop I had to give and almost begging for more.

My legs couldn’t hold me, and I sat back, my ass hitting the edge of the mattress, but her lips never losing contact with my cock. Her eyes were closed, and her tongue was softly, slowly, licking around the head of my cock. I was still iron hard.

I reached down, cupping her face in my hand, drawing her up to me. The expression on her face was almost forlorn, even as she dragged her nipples up my legs, across my stomach and chest, until her lips met mine.

I could lose myself in her lips forever. So soft, so hot, but I had other things I had to do. I urged her higher, taking one of her nipples in my mouth and sucking, lashing with my tongue and she whimpered again and pulled my head tighter. I had to almost fight to free myself, but when I took her other nipple in my mouth, she groaned and pulled to her again.

She was straddling my thighs and I could feel the heat and feel how sopping wet her pussy was as it rubbed along the shaft of my cock. Her hips were hunching, forcing the head of my cock to rub her clit, her pussy lips enveloping the shaft like a silk glove.

Then, in a flash, she was moving, pushing me back and straddling my head, her own finger spreading her pussy lips and planting herself on my mouth. I speared her with my tongue, tasting, licking then burying it inside of her as deep as it would go.

She was moaning, softly but continuously as her hips moved. When my tongue was as deep as it would go, she began grinding her clit on my nose, little sounds coming from her.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes ... fuck yes, ... oh, Leo, Leo ... fuck ... oh my god!” never breaking a whisper, but echoing in my mind like shouts.

When she stiffened, I moved up just enough to suck her clit in between my lips, my tongue circling, flicking and hands full of her ass cheeks, pulling her tight against my mouth. When she came, her whole body spasmed, shaking violently, and only my grip on her ass kept her from bouncing right off of me.

I eased her down, pulling her head to my chest and cradling her in my arms. Stroking her arms, her back, her legs, I waited for her to recover.

“That was so fucking good, Leo.” she purred, licking her own juices from my chin. “Now I need you to plant that cock in me. Fuck me, Leo. Fuck me!”

I shook my head, reaching over and lifting her, centering her body on top of mine, and her grin told me she was okay with the idea.

She reached down between us, arching her back and looking down, the top of her head tucked under my chin, and she watched as she grabbed my cock, rubbing the head through her folds to make it slick. With a growl, she centered it and slowly let herself down until the head popped inside.

She froze, her eyes still locked on our joining, and a little whimper escaping her lips again. When she had adjusted, she allowed another inch inside, then lifted and sat down again, taking a bit at a time. When I felt the head of my cock meet her cervix, she gave a little shudder, then lifted her head, allowing me to see what she had seen.

It looked almost obscene, the way my massive cock was stretching her little pussy, but god damn it made me hot. About two inches were left outside, and she was impaled as far as she could go.

Jamie leaned down and kissed me, sucking on my bottom lip, then wiggled her hips once, twice, three times and suddenly, another inch. Her whole body shook, her pussy clamping down and she came again, not even moving. When her pussy relaxed, the last inch slid inside and her clit came to rest against my pubic hair.

If I had not just blown my load a couple of minutes earlier, I would have cum again right then.

Jamie had this weird look on her face, almost one of surprise, and I was concerned until a wide smile split her face. One had was rubbing her belly, almost like she was trying to find out how deep I was from the outside.

“Leo, it’s in, it’s all in there!” she said in a voice of childlike delight. “It kinda went sideways, slipped past on one side. I have never felt, never dreamed that I could feel this full.” she whispered, her hips starting to move.

Same as Hadrian's Wall
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Lahore dha ki hot aunty

Hi readers.Its VIK back with another sex experience of my life. Before getting started i must tell u a little info about me.I live in DHA lahore (pakistan).I am 20 years old slim and 6 feet 2 inches tall.My frndz call me SOS ( Symbol Of Sex ).As i Luv sex.Now continuing my story Its about an aunt who was being fucked by me since i was 18. Frndz ma apni story shuru karta hon.Jab ma 18 saal ka tha tab ma Punjab college se ICS kar raha tha.Mujhay us waqt larkiyaan phasaanay aur choodney ka bohat...

4 years ago
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A Tight Fit

There you are, standing in the guard tower of Castillo de San Marcos, looking out a view port at the sailboats on the bay. I step close behind you, knowing you are wearing nothing under that soft, delicate and diaphanous calf length skirt. There is nowhere for you to go, especially as you hear a zipper. You quiver in anticipation, knowing you will give yourself to me here and now. You sense the slow lifting of your skirt by the sides, tenderly gliding up the back of your thighs. Once over the...

2 years ago
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Busty Girl

Paul had been admiring Sue for several years. As a young girl she had big full tits as her mom did. Now she was full chested as no other teen was. He visioned taking her top off and sucking on her huge globes and making her young body cum for him. His cock would feel amazing nestled between the big jugs. She would be a great tit fuck and his cock got hard just thinking about it. Then the day came for him. He was home alone and Sue stopped by to give his wife some vegetables from her mom. Paul...

3 years ago
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Giving Another Man Head became as Easy As 1 2 3

My husband and I enjoy a fulfilling sexual lifestyle. In more than 15 years of marriage we have enjoyed a vast unique variety of sexual encounters. We have written about some of most erotic situations we have shared. While some may say that our sexcapades are nothing less than scandalous, we beg to differ it was our pleasure. In our life together, we never don't worried about cheating or insecurities as we are entrusted with each others wishes, desires and fantasies. He always enjoyed the sexy,...

Wife Lovers
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My Kinda Ride

I’m getting myself all prim and proper for Tristan. He invited me over to his house for a party. I spent all afternoon getting ready, starting with a hot shower, washing my hair, prepping my body, and finding those sexy panties and matching bra just in case something does happen tonight. I slip into that sexy little dark red with black lace dress that will tease and tantalize his desire and emphasize all my best assets which are my breasts, my ass and my eyes. I apply my make-up, and add a hint...

3 years ago
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Sometimes Crime Does PayChapter 4 The Big Day At Last

Three weeks! It might as well have been three years, or three lifetimes. I couldn't wait that long to see Judy again. She meant everything to me now. She wasn't just Mrs. Martin, the business woman who had given me a break. She was more than a widow that I did chores for and who fixed me lunch. Now she was my sweet Judy, my first sex partner and teacher, and the first woman I had ever felt affection for. All I could think about was the things she had done to me, and what I hoped we would do...

3 years ago
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Wolf Creek Ch 12

At his own request, Frank Wolf was cremated, and Ada and Frank’s surviving son, Jess, took the ashes up to the glade of the upper fork of Wolf Creek, where he and Ada had been married and, together, they scattered the ashes. Jess was a perfect gentleman, which Ada found quite surprising. But Frank had told Ada some time earlier that Festus’s death had sobered and mellowed Jess considerably, and, by all evidence, Jess’s father’s death had completed that process. Ada had thought it only right to...

4 years ago
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The Right WomanChapter 3 The Conclusion

You'll recall, at the company party, Larry caught my attention. "Jerrod, long time no see. How's it going? Rumor has it you have a new squeeze. I thought I would come by and check her out. Jenny's home with the kids. We have two rug rats now. So where's this new woman I've heard so much about?" asked Larry. He was scanning the room checking out all the women when he spotted A.J. "Oh, my God, I think I see Ambrosia. My God, Jerrod, wait till I tell you about her. I wonder who she's...

2 years ago
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How An Indian Housewife Made Me A Perverted Submissive Cuckold

Hey everyone This is the first time I am submitting one of my real encounters as a submissive cuckold slave. I have read great stories on this fantastic site and I felt it was time to quit being lazy and tell readers about the seedy side of Indian cuckolds. The events narrated below tell the story of how I was cuckolded, humiliated and dominated by a real Indian housewife with a huge and hung bull. Well, I’m a 30 year old guy. Decently built and working in a good company at a managerial...

2 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 14 Premonitions and Plans

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I felt a bit off-kilter; usually I feel rested and alert. Now I felt somewhat disturbed. I had dreamed during the night; usually I don’t remember my dreams but now I began to recall, not the actual dream, but impressions of what the dream was about. In it, it seemed that shadowy figures were moving around a web, like a spider web, and one of the figures resembled Abover. It was a hulking shape, had a swollen face, and one arm was hanging limply. The whole...

1 year ago
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Daddy Jake brought me to his house last night. His wife was out of town.We got there around 7PM, and on the way there daddy Jake had me take a couple of shots from the tequila bottle he had brought with him.As I typically do, on my way to his house I kept jerking daddy Jake’s hard cock. Felt soooooo good. Daddy Jake had a big cock.We got to the house and daddy Jake took me to the kitchen. He pulled out a counter stool and told me to sit there, while he went to the storage room.Daddy Jake came...

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Elizabeth To BethChapter 2

"How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart...my love, with not a care in the world. I'm so happy, I won't get a wink of sleep at all tonight.... my mind is just racing...isn't it wonderful. Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it, hmm... yes that's it, she said, "hum dinger" and "smitten, Richard is smitten with you." Stanley is going to have one hum dinger of a shiner, a black eye when he say's the early Mass tomorrow morning. Dear Margaret, you...

1 year ago
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Joerg IsebrandPreface

This is historical fiction. I have included historical events into this tale and some historical persons. The events, deeds and quotes are purely fictional and do not reflect the characters of those persons. Wulf Isebrand was the military leader of the peasants in the Battle of Hemmingstedt, in 1500. Historians have differing views of his true person. Even his Dutch origins have come into question. Certainly, nothing is known about his offspring, and I took artistic licence to spin my tale...

1 year ago
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Remembering times with Ricky Part2

*** ( Please note words in brackets are a translation for american readers where I think required) My tongue dipped and lapped along Ricky's tight arse cleft. the bitter sweet tang urging me to lap deeper with Ricky urging me on.. “ Dig your tongue in....suck my shit.....oooo....oh sheesh....!” I pushed a little lower as he lifted his arse causing a fine pair of balls to hang down and invite me to suck them and I reached through to a warm throbbing penis or was it a cock ,what ever name you...

3 years ago
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Santas Favourite Naughty Accountant

It was December 18, one day before Andrea’s and Mark’s Christmas vacation in Paris. She was working late again while her colleagues were having fun at the annual Christmas party. It was 12:15 a.m., and she was supposed to be drinking and chatting with her co-workers, but she had to complete her month-end report. Suddenly, Andrea’s office door opened. She looked up and smiled at the figure standing in front of her. It was Mark, clad in his Santa outfit and long white beard. “Ho, ho, ho! How you...

Office Sex
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SARAH’S STORY We had not had a vacation for a couple of year so hubby and I decided to take an exotic trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks. Winter was approaching North Carolina and a bit more warmth would be just the thing. We went for the Asia hotel in Bangkok for the first week and their Sister Asia Hotel in Pattaya for the second week, as the traveling times were extensive; we had about 5 nights in each hotel. The first two days we did the sites we wanted to see first and was having a...

Wife Lovers
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Harrys polyjuice fun

Harry potter sighed, laying despondent on his four poster bed. He'd been back at Hogwarts for all of a month and already wanted to go home. Everyone seemed to have gotten taller and good looking whilst he's still short, scrawny and plain looking and it was begining to annoy him, he can't get a date or get any action despite his fame. It didn't help that some pictures of his less than impressive dick had gotten leaked around the school and now he had to endure being pointed at and hear the...

2 years ago
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Rashita hi jabardast chudai

Hi guys, I am a frequent reader of sex stories on internet. I am vishal 30 years old, tall, dashing, with wonderful innocent dick (lund), i live in mumbai India, and that lady name is Rakshita, She has Wonderful figure 36-24-36, she has 2 childs and her husband is a director in some company thats why he used to go out of town many times, so in home rakshita and her only 2 children live. Rakshita aur mein hum loog ek he area mein rehatey hai mumbai mein, jis tara aap looogo ko pata hai...

3 years ago
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Ravaged Music TeacherChapter 7

Julie Mason was in bed by ten p.m., but not asleep. For more than an hour she'd sucked and fucked her guitar student, then sent him on his way with the usual vow of secrecy. In the darkness of her bedroom, the ripely curved brunette felt deliciously relaxed. It had been a damn near perfect day, with both sexes. First Sylvia's hot, luscious little pussy and then a boy's long, thrilling cock. Her lips and cunt still tingled from that one. But it was the tawny blonde that really turned her...

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It Started At The Pool

Since my divorce (7 years ago) I've been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I've been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I'm in with a wonderful woman I met at the YMCA matured, but didn't meet Cindy directly at the pool. Rather, thats where I met her daughter (Jen), and she's the that got us together. Meeting Cindy I visit the local YMCA to stay in shape, and my...

4 years ago
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Part I THE TRUTH ABOUT NORTH PARSONS BLVD By Stephen Pinto VOLUME I: Outside Her WindowAuthor's Note: The city of Monaco, Florida doesn't exist nor does any of the residents of North Parson's Boulevard. As far as Ponce de Leon the famous explorer visiting there...how could he? It doesn't fucking exist. This is purely a work of fiction. Some characters are inspired by people I've known, but that's about it. Hope you...

1 year ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 3

"I couldn't do it, Nick." Nicole says, taking the ear buds out and walking towards the bed. She's still naked; her pink nipples are pointing straight out from her small, white mounds and her face is flush."What's going on, Nicole?" I ask. A second ago she was going to zap me with the transmitter and make me forget all about... Wait! We're in uncle Harry's bedroom and my cock is throbbing like crazy; it's harder than I've ever seen it. The veins are popping out and the head is so dark it's...

3 years ago
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Covid virus

So , Biden announced his Covid 19 task force. A list of heavyweights from the past.The board will be co-chaired by three public health heavyweights: Dr. David Kessler, a former commissioner of the Food and d**g Administration under President Bill Clinton; Dr. Vivek Murthy, who served as surgeon general under President Barack Obama; and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, a professor of public health at Yale University.The board will also include a slate of global health experts, infectious disease...

4 years ago
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The Princess Diaries Part 1

The Princess Diaries - Part 1 Foreword: The following story is partly autobiographical and part fantasy.. Having been a fan of Fictionmania for a while, I thought I would try my hand at writing my own story. This is the first time I've attempted any form of writing since I was at school, well over 25 years ago. I already have the basic outline in mind for part 2, should anyone be interested in a further installment, but I also welcome your reviews and...

1 year ago
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Victorious Wankos Warehouse

The gang walked around Wanko’s trying to find a place to hide. Andre suggested hiding in the storage area while Robbie wanted to hide in the fridges. Jade and Trina managed to convince everyone to hide in the sex aisle. Because it was the most empty before closing time, and Wanko’s sell everything. So, in a corner of the store the gang fund the sex aisle. Beck and Robbie hid behind some boxes. Cat and Tori hid behind the cardboard cut-out of a porn star. Trina and Jade took off their shirts and...

3 years ago
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the next days fun Pt 2

Grabbing Grants cocks and sucking him deep, told them yes, as hands found my body, it didn’t take long for Grant to suck on a few cocks too, hands and cocks finding my holes ready for use, as cum filled my pussy to start the day of, Grant took one guy and told him to fill his butt, at first the guy hesitated, then moved behind Grant, and sank his cock, balls deep in his butt, just as 2 guys took me in a dp, with a third in my mouth things were going well. We had taken quite a few guys,...

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Tennessee RocknRoll

TENNESSEE FUN I'd never seen his face but I knew him as soon he walked into the restaurant, as he looked across at us, his beaming smile gave him away. He recognised me straight away, he'd seen lots of pictures of my face and plenty more of me besides. As he walked across the room towards us, we stood up too greet him and I felt butterflies in my stomach and my pussy started to tingle. I'd first made contact with Til, the man crossing the room towards us, on an adult contact site called...

2 years ago
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Paradise On Earth

Hello Friends, If you are fond of watching Bollywood films, you’ll be familiar with the names of certain romantic couples who continue to rule our hearts even today. They are Raj Kapoor-Nargis, Dilip Kumar-Vejaynthimala, Amitabh Bachchan-Rekha, Salman Khan-Aishwarya, John Abraham-Bipasa Basu and Shahid Kapoor-Karina Kapoor. We all have given unlimited love and affection to the above mentioned star pairs. Their larger-than-life stories have managed to capture our hearts all these years. And we...

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RajahChapter 3

Wafto, the hunch-backed dwarf, became immediately attentive in his hiding place inside the huge antique wardrobe in Sharon Court's room when he heard the door being opened. He maneuvered his deformed body so that one eye was pressed to the small hole which had inconspicuously been bored in the left-hand door, his muscles tensed with barely repressed excitement. The light snapped on overhead, and he could see the lithe, voluptuous blonde wife as she ran across the room and flung herself on...

2 years ago
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Cockroach County

‘Hey little brother, this is a good thing. We are starting a new life in West Liberty. Don’t feel bad about the broken cup in the kitchen. The doctor said it would take time… months or a year… for both of us.’ Sandra, the blond around twenty years old, put her arms around Randalf, the slightly younger looking, black hair man. She snuggled her chest around the side of his body to cover as much surface on him as she could. Randalf sat with his hands around his knees on the stoop, a thin line of...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 16

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Family is what counts My Dear Donna, Your offer to bear my children is nearly too tempting to resist. But as much as I would like to populate the city with future journalists, I fear we can never meet. It’s probably for the best. I have a medical condition that has disfigured me. My form is no longer recognizably human. Since I admire you as much as I do, it would hurt too much to see the...

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It seemed to Ken that time had slowed down to a snails pace as he watched the events unfold before him. The door to his sister's bedroom seemed to take forever to open and for Connie to step inside. Connie's head was down as she placed something in her purse before it rose up. That act also seemed to take forever as did her eyes growing wide as she took in the scene in front of her.Ken could blame no one but himself as had been pushing his luck as of late, but never imagined that he would...

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The Last Resort Chapters 1 8

Contents Chapter 1 - Arrival 2 Chapter 2 - Accessories 7 Chapter 3 - Grounds 22 Chapter 4 - Beauty Salon 26 Chapter 5 - Accoutrements 35 Chapter 6 - The Tour Continues 40 Chapter 7 - The Dorm Part 1 53 Chapter 8 - The Dorm Part 2 62 Chapter 1 - Arrival Noticing her new guest sneaking a quick look back over her shoulder towards the Receiving building they had just left, Mistress Joy said "Relax honey, he's in very good hands." She smiled warmly at Her guest, Lorraine, not...

4 years ago
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Too Young

Introduction: Tamara was quite young at thirteen, but was she really a virgin. Sometimes I still like to think that she was. Fbailey story number 238 Too Young I knew that she was way too young but I just couldnt pass up the opportunity. She was just so young and innocent. She was also all alone. I knew that because I had been keeping an eye on her. Her mother had dropped her off an hour ago and had never came back. I watched her lying on the beach in her little girl bathing suit. It was a...

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London holiday

Years ago we were in England on holiday, we stayed outside London but got the tube in a morning to go sightseeing it was easier than taking our hire car. Unfortunately as people know it can get crowded in the rush hour and we certainly weren't ready for the push and shove. It wasn't too bad for me but Anne seemed to attract the gropers who daily rubbed their hands over her body 'accidentally' touching her breasts or bum and on two occasions sliding fingers under skirt to touch panties at the...

3 years ago
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Frankie goes to Coffee Shop 2

Chapter 2Frankie had an hour to kill before her meeting so decided to visit the coffee shop again, possibly in the hope that Bob might also be there so they could have a rerun, but if not she would be happy just to get off her feet for half an hour.She was wearing her usual work clothes of skirt suit, shirt, hold ups and shoes, today her suit was grey, it was warm outside and she couldn’t wait to take her shoes and jacket off.She ordered her coffee, sugared it and went to sit in the corner a...

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Love is the Strangest Thing

Hi my name’s Jim Sanderson, I’m six foot dead, thin, blond’ish and a Baker. At Thirty two I am still single, as was Pam, my twenty seven year old sister. I lived in a small village called Himpton at the old bakery, which I had resurrected with my share of the money from mums estate. Pam had bought a new house in a development about five miles away. Pam tended to mother me, but I couldn’t get mad with her. She was a bubbly natural blonde with a to die for figure, but a distinct lack of...

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Diwali pe Aakhir Maan hi Gayi

Hello guys, main aapka Mr. Xpressive. Main ek kalpanik kahani leke aya hun jo ki meri ki hai. Toh jyada der na karte hue, ladke apne lund pakad le aur ladkiyan apni chut masalna chalu kar de. To yeh tab ki baat hai, jab main Delhi mein apne kaam ke silsile mein rehta tha. Ab bachelor wali zindagi se rahat pane ke liye maine ek naukrani ko rakha tha. Woh ghar ka kaam kaj dekh leti thi aur khana bhi bana deti thi mere liye. Uska naam Rekha tha aur woh 34 saal ki thi. Uski shadi hue 10 saal hogaya...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Capture Part 7 of 10

Story: #21 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 28 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 7 - New Arrival’s Two large tractor trailer’s back into the processing plant's loading dock as guards take their positions ready to receive the new arrivals, "Looks like we have a lot of inspecting and grading to-do this is only the first...

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Measuring My Cum

My problem started soon after I had just turned 18. My name is Jacob and I'm just a regular kind of guy. Or so I thought. Ok, so I had a few issues back then, but doesn't everyone at 18? For me most of these issues revolved around my mom being temperamental and difficult, and the way I had been brought up. My mom, Margaret Addington, or Marge as she liked to be known, had divorced three years back, and now at 55, in the prime of her life, she had become a bit of a recluse. She'd given up on...

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The Sexual Awakening Part 6 Playing with Fire

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. I looked around and saw a note lying on the pillow next to me. "Sorry to screw and run, but I had an early call time this morning. Hope to see you again." I began to replay the events on the previous night in my mind. I could feel myself getting hard just thinking about her soft skin, her firm breasts and most of all that wonderful pussy. How we tumbled out of the shower and collapsed on the bed. How she took immediate control and used me as nothing...

3 years ago
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Satisfied a dream of a woman

Hi this is Kishore again, now with a different experience I enjoyed 6 months back. Bored house wife’s, girls and aunties irrespective of any age may please write to me freely at I assure you that our interaction will be maintained 100 % discreet. My passions include phone chat, cyber, massage, role plays, foreplays for hours, and all naughty acts. The story I am narrating happened in Bangkok. It was a Friday morning, and I had a offline message on my yahoo messenger “Kavitha wants to add you...

3 years ago
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The Titchester Chronicles Sammie 2

Events moved quickly once Sammie chose her path. Matt kitted Sammie out in some spare accessories and she spent that first evening reading ‘The Basics of Life as a Dog’. Her hair was chopped and Rosie kindly tied in yellow ribbons so she made ‘just the most pretty Dog’. She followed Dog/Yvonne’s lead and rolled over submissively as Duke and Henry sniffed and licked her, enjoying the feel of their long tongues in her pussy, her sex scent triggering their training. Duke mounted Sammie with...

3 years ago
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First Kiss Goes Too Far Part III

Introduction: No Incest in this part, but being molested leads to slutty behavior… After the night my father molested me that first time, it was easier to keep my sanity than you might think. Sure, at first I was a wreck, throwing out my sheets, avoiding everybody, jamming my desk chair under my door knob each night and then not being able to sleep anyway. My father is actually the one who made it easier on me, by completely pretending nothing had happened. He treated me with mere chaste and...

2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 18

Gina lowered her hand once more with a small sense of disappointment. She was always the good student, but it meant little unless someone acknowledged it. Otherwise, how would she know she was performing up to par? Yet Ms. Hollis ignored her, instead asking questions of people that would struggle with the answers. She even dropped hints when they didn't get the answer quite right. She wondered if Ms. Hollis simply did not see her hand. Ms. Hollis had spent much of the class wandering among...

4 years ago
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Grandmother AstridChapter 7

The rest of the summer was very busy. In addition to all of the normal things that there were to do, there were now OB/GYN appointments for Astrid and pediatric appointments for Charlie. Astrid was breast feeding him and she needed to be careful about sex. Of course she was very sore after the delivery and needed to wait six to eight weeks before having vaginal sex. However, with all of the breast feeding, Astrid was soon as horny as ever and needed a little relief. It was only three weeks...

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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 11

Bob woke, aware that something was wrong. He blinked. It was light outside, and his brain told him that the angle of the light coming in the windows meant it was evening. Then he realized what was wrong as he heard his ex-wife's hair dryer running in the master bathroom. He was lying on his stomach and rolled over, recognizing that he was naked as he did so. Clarity of memory burst upon him and he realized who was using the hair dryer his wife had left behind, and which he'd never tossed...

3 years ago
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Naive Employee And Her Boss

I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened a year ago. I am an orphan and was raised in Goa, I moved to Delhi after finishing my graduation and started my carrier with an organization in its accounting department. I was a 21 years old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I was working under the head of accounting department, Prahlad. He is an ex-army guy, 51 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As...

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A late evening bus ride

The entire week I had my old car behaving so bad with me.So, during several days, I had been travelling to my office by bus.Friday night I was so tired after a long day at work. I just wanted to get home and take a warm shower before going to bed with Victor.I was travelling back home on the late evening bus, when two young handsome black guys got on. Both were heavy muscled guys, athletic type, hard chest and very, very cute black men…I caught one of their eyes as they took their seats. One of...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 54 Making Amends

Mrs. Ford called on Saturday evening. "Don't come to my house tomorrow night. You're not welcome here, ever again." The softness in her voice that I had grown so fond of was missing. Somehow I knew that her anger had something to do with Josh witnessing me eating Colleen's pussy in the cottage. "I got into a little trouble when I was fourteen," I said, falling back on the old chestnut that had proven so successful in the past. Women had a soft spot for tales of misfortune and mine...

3 years ago
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Amsterdam fun

We had an amazing experience a while ago. It was like we were two innocents who arrived in Amsterdam. We did all the usual tourist haunts, eventually walking around the Red Light District. We were amazed by what was on offer. A doorman talked us into going into this very small club. He was very persuasive. We sat down at a small table and everything seemed rather dull. You were very nervous as I had told you some of the things that went on over here and you drank too much, too quickly, and you...

4 years ago
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"That's it, baby, roll that fat ass. Work my black cock. Make me cum in your pussy," Ray told the white married woman moaning beneath him, her hands on his dark ass, urging him to fuck her deeper and harder. He tried recalling the middle-age slut's name. Yeah, she was that easy. The first time he'd ever really talked to her was less than an hour ago.Ray had seen her before though. She shopped at the grocery store where he worked. Most of the time she came in by herself, but occasionally her...

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Juhi Part 3 8211 Our Sexapartment

Hi Friends, My name is Juhi. I’ve published two stories earlier. Every story I narrate re-ignites the hunger in me to re-live that moment again. This story particularly is the continuation of my previous Story ‘Juhi 2- Sex with Male flatmate’. Well, back then my stats were 34C-28-36 and I was staying with a guy Neil and a girl Shreo (36dd – 30 – 34) in central London in Neils 3 bedroom apartment, which he had offered us as we were practically homeless. Now, in my previous story, I’d narrated...

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All She Wants for Christmas

“Please Mommy! Can’t we go see Santa?” cried the twin girls. Victoria Kramer was wishing she was anywhere but the mall right this moment, but here she was, and of all days, she was there on Christmas Eve. She was here because her mother called her in a panic asking – no begging – her to pick up those special cheese nut balls that only Hickory Farms sold in the mall during Christmas. Victoria had agreed before she realized two things: first, it was Christmas Eve, and second, the twins would want...


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