Justice: The Tale Of Pandora Trask free porn video

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JUSTICE: THE TALE OF PANDORA TRASK (C) 2020, 2021 by Anthony Durrant "Dorrie! Dorrie! Can you hear me, Dorrie?" a man's voice whispered in Pandora Trask's ear. "Yuh...youh...yeas!" she cried, and the voice whispered again into her ear, "The surgery's pover and your brain is now in the skull of the frozen body we found in the wilds of Northern Europe. You're now in a private room, and will ramain hre for some time while your body and brain knit together." "But what about organ-" she whispered, and the voice gently replied, "Impossible - we carefully prepared your brain to survive only in that new body of yours." Closing her eyes, Pandora drifted back off to sleep. Her recovery would come later. *** Six weeks later, after her full recovery from the full-body transplant, Pandora Trask took up a job at the local police department\s Beureau of Missing Persons as a secretary. As she was sorting through the files one day looking for the photo of a missing girl, a slender man came into the station, picking up a missing person form then went over to a sesk and began filling it out. He then attached an old snapshot to the form and dropped it into the slot in the wall beside the Chief Inspector's office.door. Shyly, nervously, the man sat down beside several other people looking for missing loved ones. One of the detective sergeants, Suzie Spenlow, passed Pandora. Looking at her, she said simply, "Lookin' good, girlie-girl!" "Thanks, Suzie!" Pandora said. Suzie then noticed the slender man on the bench. "JEWELS ROCKNE!?" she cried, then immediately put handcoffs on the unfortunate man before leading him off to a cell downstairs. "I wonderwhat the Chief Inspector will be thinking about Suzie's latest arrest?" Pandora thought to herself as a lively drumbeat filled the air from one of the cell phones nearby. "Oooh!" Pandora cried as a burst of hot passion surged through her new body. Steeling herself nevertheless, she brought the same file to the Chief Inspector, who said, "Can you believe the nerve of that Jewels Rockne?" "I wouldn't know about that, sir!" she said.as she handed him the file, then gave him a passionate kiss on the forehead He asked her, "What was that for?" "For luck, sir!" she said, then he let her walk out of the room without saying a word. *** THe man blived to be Jewels Rockne was arraigned the very next day at the local court. After being brought before the judge, he said, "I p-p-p- plead n-n-not gu-gu-guilty, for I-I-I am not J-J-J-Jewels Rockne at all!" As Pandora and her husband, Dr. Morton Trask, watched from the peanut gallery, the judge said, "Then how do you explain the fact that you look exactly like Jewels?" "All I-I-I know is I sold up everything and-and-and came here to the city to-to-to find my-my-my brother, Edward Beddoes Marin, your Honour!" The judge then set a trial date and had Martin taken back to his cell near the courtroom. "Poor Man!" said Pandora to Morton. "I never had a chance to meet Jewels Rockne," Morton said, "but even I can't believe that man, who was stuttering from fear, could possibly be the real Jewels Rockne!" After the Treasks had left the courtroom, one of the two men who was in the cell with Martin said to him as he put his arm around Martin's waist, "Good to see you again, Jewelsie-boy! The years have been kind to you, I see." "So they have!" Martin said nervously, and the other man said, "I thinkl we should bust outta this joint right away, so we can go back to robbin' jewel stores again!" "I agree with ya there pal!" the first man said. "Have ya got an escape plan, Jewels?" "I-I-I'm afraid not, fellas!" Martin replied, and the second man said, "Then we'll just have to improvise!" *** The next day, Pandora and Morton rad of the escape of the three men in the paper: they'd faked an illness, then one of them had clubbed the guard over the head and knocked him out, then taken his key and rifle and run off into the night. Pandora said, "If only we knoew who that poor man is!" "He's Jewels Rockne!" Martin replied. "The judge appeared to have no doubt of that!" "I do!" said Pandora calmly, and he replied, "Well, we'll just have to see, Dorrie!" *** Immediately after the escaoe, the three men went over to Ramsey's restaurant to celebrate. Martin spotted the other men and women in the restaurant all looking at him with respect, even the lady who was on the stage blew him a kisss. A big man at the back of the restaurant said, "Good to see you, Jewelsie-boy!" "Th-th-thank you, kind sir!" Martin shouted back. "You were right, Dorrie!" Morton whispered. "That's him - that's the notorious Jewejs Rockne!" The big guy came up to Martin's table and said, "The boss wants you to sing for him, Jewejsie!" "M-m-m-me?" Marin asked, and the big guy nodded, then ld Martin to the stage and just as soon as he was standing in from of the people in the restaurant, Martin began to sing, "Up on the rooftop, reindeer pause - Out jumps good old Santa Claus Down through thr chimnet with Christmas toys, All for the little ones, the girls and boys. Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn't go, Ho, ho ho! Who wouldn't go Up on the rooftip, click, click click, Down through the chimney with good St, Nick!, "Naw, naw, the oher one!" a big Palooka shouted. "The one about the sailor who falls overboard." "Oh, that one!" Martin replied, then sang, "What will we do with the drunken sailor, What will we do with the drunken sailor What will we do with the drunken sailor, Earty in the morning?" Pausing in his enthusiasm, Martin watched as everyone applauded, then sang, "we'll pick him up and throw him over, We'll pick him up and throw him over, We\ll pick him up and throw him over, Early in the morning!" Overjoyed at having gotten it right, Martin shouted, "NOW, EVERYBODY SING!" And then everyone sang, "What will we do with the drunken sailor, What will we do wit the drunken sailor, What wil we do with the drunken sailor, Early in the morning!" Then Martin himsalf sang, "What shall we do with the drunken sailor EARLY... IN... THE... MORN-ING!" And as he launched into the finalrefrain of the song, he say everyone staring at him oddly. Then, suddenly, everyone burst into a thundrous applause, and Pandora looked at Morton and said, "What a beautiful sea shanty that wat was!" Happy and smiling, Martin returned to his table, and Pandora thought he was feeling more relaxed, for he put his hand on one man's shoulder and said, "Hully gee, fellas, I had a swell time tonight!" Then he spotted the Trasks and added. "Hey, you over there! Did you like my song?" "Very much so!" said Morton, and Pandora said, "We did indeed enjoy it, Mr. Martin!" He took his bows very happily that night, did Martin, and everyone there applauded him. *** The following morning, when Pandora went to work, she was surprised to find a missing persons report about a woman from Tennessee who'd disappeared from there and was thought to now be living in Pandpra's city. She handed the file to the Chief Inspector that afternoon, and he said, "That might be a woman whose body was found in the river yesterday moning." "Damn!" she said., then noticed a newspaper headline on the Chief Inspector's desk, "JEWEL ROBBERY AT THE MUSEUM - CARTER RUBY STOLEN!" "Damn!" she thought. "Those men must have tricked Mr. Martin into a jewej robbery! If only we hadn't left them with him last night, Why, they must be laughing their heads off, knowing they've tricked him into committing the robbery!" Nevertheless, she did as the Chief Inspector expected and returned to her own office. From there, she phoned Morton at their home in the coty, then asked him, "I supposed you heard about the robbery/ It appears those men with Mr. Martin decided to break into the museum and steal the Carter Ruby. Whoever he is, we must find him and bring these men to justice." *** Not too far from the police station, Martin and his two new friends had opened a new champagne bottle and were toasting their recent success. The taller of Martin's friends said, "The Carter Ruby's ours, boys! When we breeze over to a fence I know, the sale will bring us millions!" "And nobody'll know we did it, huh, fellas?" Martin asked, and the shorter man nodded. "That money's as good as ours, Jewelsie!" he said. "we'll be rollin\ in the dough from here on in!" They all then drank a toast to their future Happiness, at which point the taller man drew his pistol and fire d it straight up into the air! they then went over to the fence whose shop was located down the street. On seeing the beauty of the blood drop ruby taken from the museum, he paid them what he thought it was worth. It wasn't as much as the men had thought, but it was a huge amount of money, nothwithstanding. As they went home, Martin said, "That was a lot of fun, fellas - I really hope we get to do that again sometime soon!" "Not on your nelly!" said the shorter man. "This is as good as it gets, Jewelsie!" the taller man added The thre men wer so pleaded with themselves, they didn't bother to look at the afternoon newspaper, the one that had reported their successful robbery that some morning. It read, "STOLEN RUBY REVEALED TO BE SYNTHETIC." *** "It's true darling!" Pandora said to Morton as they ate lunch at their local Swiss Chalet restaurant. "The Carter Ruby, shortly after the robbery was originally reported, was revealed to actually be a synthetic copy of the original Carter ruby, which, according to documents uncovered by police, was actually sold to a jewelry firm by Old Man Carter and broken up into smaller stones many years ago. He had the copy made in order to protect that secret." "My faith in human nature's been restored!" "As has mine!" Pandora replied. "Greedy bastards!" "Greedy men will always fall victim to temptation, Dorrie!" Morton replied. "And they'll almost always come to bad ends!" 'To the future!" Pandora said, raising her glass, and Martin cried, "To the future, Dorrie!" *** Later that same night, Martin and his two friends came into the same restaurant where the Trasks were eating their dinner. Seating themselves at one of the tables, the three men ordered highballs all around, and Martin enjoyed the experince immensely. Pandora cried, "Look at the new clothes they're all wearing! They've thrown away the old rumpled suits they were wearing earlier, and those suits are all new - they haven't even removed the price tags!" The trio then ordered quarter chicken dinners all round, and as they ate their meals, the taller man said, "I wonder how the boys who stuck up the bank last week have been disposing of all that filthy moolah, they must've taken 1000 grand easy!" "Damned if I know" the shorter man said, unaware that the Trasks could hear them. "Maybe they sold it as counterfeit money!" Martin commented, even as Pandora secretly took down their entire converation in shorthand. The Trasks allowed the two men to finish their meals, and when the waitress came with the bill, the taller man paid it with a bog wad of 50 pound notes from his pocket. She took the 50 pound bill he'd handed her, then went directly to the mamager's office, coming back t their table with the mamager a few minutes later. "This 50-pound bill is one of the ones that was stolen in the bank robbery!" the manager told them angrily, then she called for the police to come and take them into custody. They were led out of the restaurant in handcuffs by the police about fifteen minutes later. Only then were Martin's fingerprints taken and found not to be a match with those of Jewels Rockne! *** "What is your full name?" the Chief Inspector asked Martin the next day, and Martin looked him right in the eye and said simply, "My full name is Robert Rewel Martin." "And you're looking for your brother?" "Yes!" Martin replied. "Edward Beddoes Martin. I enclosed the last picture ever taken of us together in the report I filed the othe day." "When was this?" the Chief Inspector asked. "When we were both fourteen years of age - in other words, about 30 years ago now. He ran away from home shortly after that, and I haven't seen Eddie since then. Our Uncle Ffinian Beddoes died recently, and it was then that I decided to see our family farm and come here to the big city to look for Eddie. I'd have gladly come here before that, but Uncle Finian would never have allowed that." "Ms. Trask?" the Chief Inspector asked Pandora. "Yes, sir?" Pandora sasked in a soft, sweet voice. "Go down to the morgue with Mr. Martin, and look through the bodies there first, before helping him to find his lost brother Eddie!" As she and Martin walked downstairs, she said, "That fence you sold the 'ruby' to was just arrested this morning in a raid on his shop. He admitted being part of the gang that robbed the bank, and to palming off his share on the three of you!" They then etered the morgue, where Martin pulled the sheet of the four most recent bodies. None of them wer those of Eddie Martin, but all of them had broken legs or arms on the one side, one of them - a lady - even having a greenstick fracture, the worst kind of fracture in all of medical history. "Each of these arms or legs is broken right in the middle of the bone!" Pandora mused. "In fact, with what appears to be one good, strong blow." "I've heard about that!: Martin groaned. "It's probably the result of a personal injury racket operating in the city. What they do, see, is set up a doctor in a private practice, and then have him inflict injury on his clients so that they, in turn, can fool the various insurance company's medical experts. It works, but at a terrible cost to these people, some of whom were fatally injured in the process.!" "That's what we think, too!" Doctor Cardigan, the medical examiner, replied. "These personal injury gamgs can kill a lot of people if they're not stopped. As it is, this one may have killed two of he four bodies that came in just this morning!" Pandora took Martin to his home in his car after they left the morgue, and from there he used Morton's Blueberry to call an old friend of his and inform him of his arrival. He told his friend, "I barely escaped being charged wiith the robbery itself, because the ruby turned out to be synthetic, a copy of the real Carter Ruby, which was sold and broken up a long time ago!" Even as he spoke, Pandora had pulled into her driveway, in front of her garage door. She brought him into the house and introduced him to Morton. "Morton Trask, meet Robert Martin!" "Good to meet you, Mr. Martin!" Dr. Trask said as he shook Martin's hand firmly, then hurried back to his office for a conference with another doctor online, much to Pandoraa's surprise. "Is he always doing that?" Martin asked her, and she replied, "Yes, because Dr. Elwes, one of the city's surgeons has fallen ill, Morton's training his successor, a young man from the local medical school near the hospital. While he's busy, we can use his computer to email the courthouse and ask for a record of proceedings against Eddie over the past 30-odd years or so." "I'd like that very much!" Martin said. "Then. Let's go do it!" she said eagerly. *** They found not only the record of several trials in which Eddie had been the defendant, but also, a record of a name change - to Edward Rockne! The reason given was he wanted to distance himself from his family, especially his cousin Charles Beddoes. The nickname given was Jewels! "Jewels Rockne - my brother!" Martin cried, and Pandora said, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Martin. Who is this cousin he mentions?" "Charlie? He disappeared years ago, and when our uncle died, it was discovered he'd left Charlie his entire estate. That was one of the reasons I wanted to find Eddie - he may be able to help me find Charlie and return to him his rightful estate!" Pandora switched on a radio nearby and, for the first time, heard a new song that was all the rage lately, with a lively drum beat contained in the music itself. The dtum beat made Pandora's heart fill with prehistoric passion; she walked over to Martin, threw her arms around him, and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Fortunately for him, once the song ended, she returned to her normal state of mind, then told Martin, "It's-it's this new body of mine! Morton saved my life with his full-body transplant technique: I was weeks away from dying of cancer, Mr. Martin, when Morton found this body in Siberis, brought it back here in its frozen state, then transferred my brain into its skull and used a secret serum of his to finally revive this new body of mine!" "Have you been feeling okay?" he asked her, and she replied, "Yes, I have - it's just that I'v been feeling cold at heart, and have been feeling bursts of passion whenever I hear a bass drum beat. Otherwise, it's just as if I'm still in my original body!" "Do you still love Morton?" Martin asked, and Pandora cried, "Of course, I still love Morton!" Martin then himself called the courthouse and learned his brother's last known address. He and Pandora went there immediately, and they quickly discovered the house there had lost its originsl entrance, replaced by a blue modular door and window set. Pandora and Martin went up to the door, and he knocked on it. When nobody answered, they went around to the back. There, Pandora used one of her pair of Nike sneakers to smash the glass in the door, allowing them to enter the house itself. "LOOK!" Martin cried. "This looks like - like -" "A doctor's sitting-room!" Pandora whispered. They hurried into the room beyond the kitchen/family room and found an elegant but simply designed living room therein. Realizing at once what they'd found, they ran for the basement stairs in the kitchen area and hurried downstairs. There, a metallic and powerful thumping sound alerted them that something was going on there. Looking at the basement's other end, thy saw a tall man crouched over s patient under anaesthesia. There was a cloth stretched out over the patient's leg, and the man was using a hammer and chisel to break the bone. On the back wall was a screen, and on the screen was the face of - MORTON TRASK! "No, no, no, you fragging monkey! You don't hit the bone in the middle, you hit it off-center so the break you've just created looks like a natural fracture!" Morton shouted, unaware his wife was watching the show, and the man shifted two inches from the left, then began pounding again. The result was that the patient's left leg was broken. Eventually. The man put a cast on the leg and took her to a small recovery rom off to the side. Pandora thn walked up to the man and captured him right before Morton's eyes. "DORRIE!" he cried. "What the hell are -" "I doing here?" she asked. "Putting a stop to your little game, darling!" Pandora then called for the police, who came, arrested the man, then took him away. It turned out he was Dr. Martin Fremont, a surgeon from Cucamonga, who admitted being one of the doctors involved in the personal injury ring, and to the deaths he'd accidentally caused as part of the racket. He'd called on Morton to help him after realizing the medical examiner had detected his handiwork. *** "Did you manage to identify the girl operated on by Dr. Fremont?" Pandora asked the Chief Inspector. "We have indeed!" he replied. "Her name's Eudora Michaels, and she was reported missing by her parents about a year ago. She'll be returned to them once her leg's been properly set!" "Damn, but that was close!" Martin said, and Pandora asked the Chief Inspector, "Did Jewels buy or inherit any properties here in the city in the past four or five years?" "It appears he inherited a funeral parlour on Main Street from his former parner in crime, 'Tipper' Baboon, when Tipper died about six months ago in jail, but he hasn't done anything with it yet. Are you two willing to go with me when I go there with my new search warrant?" "YES!" both Pandora and Martin replied. *** The Chief Inspector parked his car in the driveway, and walked into the funeral parlour through the front door; after nobody answered his knock, the Inspecor kicked the door in himself. .The dust-covered room inside was lined with wall-t0-wall coffins, past which he and the others, movd to a display area at the back of the parlour. Behind it was a small crematorium, and it was here that Martin found Jewels, in a coffin that was sliding into the old furnace. He and Pandora pulled the coffin off the cargo belt it was on and freed him. He'd been doped to the gills and bound hand and food before bing placed in the coffin, but when they got him to hospital, he was revived fully and was stunned to see his brother sitting right beside him! "ROBERT!" he cried, and Robert said, "Yes, Eddie, it's me, alright! How the hell did you get involved in an insurance racket?" "The new boss tried to force me to join the gang!" Jewels replied, "because the funeral parlour I inherited from Tipper would make a good base, but I turned them down cold - I don't play bsll with people who make money by gurting other people. Ye gods, I even got to witness one of the docs hurt a girl right before my eyes, before they gave me the needle and put me out with opium!" "You'll end up IN a coffin if you don't reform!" Robert retorted, but Jewels smiled and said, "But, Robert, I'll NEVER reform!" *** As soon as Edward/Jewels had been imprisoned, Robert went with Pandora to her home in the better side of the city. There, he and Pandora had tea in the sitting-room. "When will Morton be home?" he asked her, and she replied, "About six tonight!" "And you'll let him get away with it?" he asked "Absolutely NOT!" she retorted angrily. "Doesn't it make you angry that you won't be able to testify against Morton?" "It does!" she said, gnashing her teeth angrily. "Doesn' the fact that he's forfeited his every chance at a practice make you furious?" "It does, yeah!" she said as she crunched her teacup in her hand in one go and her lips began to tighed even as her brown wrinkled and her hair began to opo out of its formerly neat bun. "Doesn't the fact that he's probably been two-timing you make you just irate?" "YEAHH!" she shouted as her muscles began to bunch up and her blouse began to rip and tear apart at the seams. Then he said, "Aren't you enraged by the fact that he's going to be going to jail for his crimes?" She let out a mighty roar and leaped to her feet, beating her chest as she did so. Morton's car then pulled into the driveway, and he got out and ran into the house, unlocking and opening the front door even as he dd so, Running up to Pandora, he put his hand in hers and shouted, "Pandora, the police found out about me and my connection to the personal injury ring!" "I KNOW!" she shouted, and then she leaped on top of him like a wild ferocious animal, punching him in the face and chest repeatedly, her blouse falling off even as she attacked Morton. "Get off me!" Morton shouted as he grabbed a poker from beside their fireplace and flung it at Pandora, who easily grabbed it from the air, then bent it into a pretzel with her bare hands before cruncing it into powder between her hands and blowing it right in his face! Then she slammed her fists repeatedly in Morton's face till he was out cold. Then she lifted him off his feet and hurled him through the big window in the sitting-room, just as a police car pulled up. "Come and get him, fellas!" Pandora cried as she leaned out the window. "He's yours now!" Armed with a warrant for Morton's address, the two officers put handcuffs on him, read him his rights, and then hauled him off to prison in their car. As soon he was gone, Pandora and Robert shook hands happily. She cried, "Thanks, I needed that!" She jpiined him and Martin in the car and they drove all the way back to the police station. *** "Are you okay?" the Chief Inspector asked Pandora, who replied in a much calmer voice, "Yes, I'm fine, but thank you for asking!" "When we put Morton's fingerprints through the system, we found out he was indeed an orphan, but we also discovered that Trask wasn't his name at birth; he was born Morton Hopkirk and changed his name when he went to medical school." "Has he no family?" she asked him. He said, "He has elder twin brothers, both of whiom are human battleships. Malcolm, the elder twin, is impriooned on Outlier Five, a colony world, for corruption. Unfortunately, the younger twin is Michael Hopkirk, the H.M.S. Bluto. We found Michael's signature on Morton's medical school application. He's the one who paid for Morton's training!" "Michael Hopkirk ran the injury fang?" "Originally, yes!" the Chief Inspector said. "Because he's a human battleship, he had to step down as boss, and had the reigns of power to someone else, whom we haven't been able to identify yet; it appears they never actually met with Jewels Rockne!" The big window at the back of the station shattered suddenly, and a giant of a man leaped through it and onto the floor, rolling with the impact as he did so. To Pandora he cried, "HEY, LADY, HEY! "Michael Hopkirk, I presume!" Pandors said. "And I've come for my brother Morton!" "You'll never get him back, you fiend!" Without missing a beat, Hopkirk, ran toward Pandora - only ro be grabbed from behind by the HMS Popeye, real name Robert Williams, then subdued and finally knocked out cold. A female human battleship then entered the station and walked up to Pandora. On the sleve of her containment suit was the name OLIVE OYL. Pandora said, "Tessa Thompson, aka the HMS Olive Oyl. So, how are you?" "Good, thank you!" Tessa replied, then asked, "Are you okay, Ms. Trask" We followed Michael to the city, but never dreamed he'd come HERE!" "Michael's my brother-in-law!" she said, and Tessa replied, "Doesn't mean he can hurt you, MS. TRASK!" *** "so, now what?"Robert Williams asked Pandora, who said, "Now I move to a little village in the north of England and get away from the city once and for all, especially from my husband and his personal injury racket!" She then filled Robert and Tessa in on the details of the racket. There was still much to do, the leader had escaped from the police and was known to be out on the loose. "That's AWFUL!" Tessa cried. "I can't think of anyone who'd want to have themselves hurt." "Not can I!" Pandora replied. "Whoever the gang's current leader is, he hasn't been caught yet, so he still poses a danger to the city at llarge." "So, he hasn't been caught yet, eh/" Tessa asked as Officer Suzie Spenlow entered the room. "I know you - you're Anna Hemlocke, an old friend of mine from our school days who used to run the North Hill gang back in my old home town!" "Damn you, Tessa!" Suzie cried pointing her gun at her old friend, who promptly took it out of her hands. "Yea, I ran the prsonal injury gang after Hopkirk left and Tipper Baboon passed away. You and the police spoiled everything!" Not lealizing yet that she'd face another challenging mystery in Inspector Barnacle's Last Case, Pandora shook Tessa's hand, then asked her, "Can you take me out of this city, Tessa?" "I sure can, Ms. Trask!" Tessa said as she scooped Pandora up and ran outside to the aircar she and her husband used. Placing Pandora in the car, she and Robert drove away with Michael a prisoner in the back, all of them waving goodbye to the Chief Inspector and saying, "Goodbye for now - we'll meet again next time!"

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

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Justice League Jumble

I had the idea for this story for quite some time. And when I heard that DC was actually going to come out with something with a similar premise, I hurried to get this one out first. Most of the characters in this story are owned by DC comics. Justice League Jumble chapter 1 By Morpheus The morning light was beginning to break over the city of Gotham, and a lone figure stood perched atop a gargoyle, his gaze searching the city below. Searching for what, he didn't know, but he'd...

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Justice by I.R. Nixon April 1997 For Judy Pollux the Delta Delta Chi's spring party was the highlight of an already great day. She had enjoyed bicycling with her two best friends Mary and Louise in the morning. In the afternoon she went shopping at the Mall and then her and Louise treated themselves to a fine dinner at Edwardo's Resturant before going to the party. With her first year of college nearly over she was now in a party mode. Roger Turner brought her a mug of...

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Justice and Audrey The After Party Surprise

The night had been so incredible for the young couple. All the awards and attention had them high on excitement and their own press. It didn't even matter what the media was saying about them; good or bad, they were the hottest twenty-somethings in the world and they knew it. For six hours they smiled and waved and shmoozed and pretended to care about the millions of dollars in chaos swirling wildly around them. Without a word, they both trembled in anticipation of the moments when they could...

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Motherhood A Tale of Love

Preetha's eyes went heavy as she was leafing through the pages of the newly arrived magazine. It is happening to her often these days, a side effect of having too many valiums for sleep. She can't sleep at night, and throughout the day, a spell of gloom and drowsiness hangs heavy over her like a shroud. Her cell phone was buzzing with vibration on the table beside the bed, it must have been Sayani from her office. She has been calling so many times, don't they realize she won't be going back to...

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Justice Is Served

JUSTICE IS SERVED By Trixie Delabarte [email protected] Ray and Carl were always up to no good. They were always shoplifting and started breaking the law at a young age. Recently they robbed a gas station attendant at gunpoint, and got away with it. They eventually decided to take their criminal ways a step further. It was a slow summer night for a taxi driver named Phil. Phil was in his late 20's, and engaged to a wonderful lady. He was currently driving taxi to get through...

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Batman had been in the Batcave for hours putting together what happen. " It can't be". If this is true, it will be the end of us all. I have to call a emergency meeting the whole League must hear this. While at the same time Wonder Woman and PowerGirl were having the same dream of a sexual nature. The dreams were always the same. Wonder Woman would be fighting some super villain when out of nowhere a mysterious powerful black man would appear. He has a black grayish beard, white robe and white...

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Inside Pandoras Box

On a normal day, Pandora was a successful woman that ruled her life and not the other way around. She controlled her basic urges by keeping busy with her day to day interests. Not wanting to deal with the drama that comes with a relationship, she chose to remain single. Although she was satisfied with her calm existence, there were times that she couldn’t hold back the need for the pleasures of the flesh. She had a number of male friends that she could turn to in times of need, but tonight...

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Justice is served

Hello, my name is John Doe. One night my dad and mom went out with their friends, so they left my 21 year old sister in charge. Let me tell you about her, she is about 5 and has long red hair down to her waist, and about 36c breasts. Her name is Justice, and let me say, she has a very nice ass. That night we were watching "Into the Storm", and Justice was drinking a lot of beer. When the movie was about 75% over, I told justice I was going to take a shower and she nodded and said ok. I could...

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The Tale of the Sweetheart

"I'm coming... I'm coming..." "Come in my mouth... I want to taste that big black cock... mmmmm..." She sucked deeper, then picked up speed while jerking me off. She began to deep-throat. It was then when I shot my juices... "Ughhhhhhhhhhh..." I said, relieved. She seductively started to suck off my leftover juices. She took my still-erect penis out of her mouth. "Mmm..." She said, licking her pink, plump lips of semen. "You like that?" "Damn, girl. I missed that mouth of...

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A Grim Northern Fairy Tale

"What?" Cinders asked of her step sister as she she raked out the fourteenth fireplace that morning, "Coming to Saddleworth?" "Yes coming to Saddleworth," Gertie said, "He's coming to open our new Town Hall" "Oh!" said Cinders. "He'll be coming up our road our Cinders," said her step sister Anna,"You'll have to chuck ashes in canal or road will be dusty."me." "Dusty?" Cinders asked, "In Yorkshire, get real!" "It were dry on our Harry's birthday," Gertie...

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I Cant Close Pandoras Box

Debs was now a sex addict after sampling her first BBC and then a BBC gang bang and couldn't go a few hours without having an orgasm. She was taking vibrators to work just so she could slip into the ladies and bring herself off just to get through the day. When she got home she needed a fuck session before she could think of doing anything else. I wasn't complaining of course and I was getting sex everyday and Debs wanted more and more nasty, taboo and depraved role play and would cum hard with...

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Pandoras Box 2

After the night of Debs taking her first BBC she changed towards sex and became even more wanton. Debs wanted sex all the time and loved me to use the new large black dildo on her pussy as I described scenarios about her taking BBC. I couldn't believe my luck after taking years to get Debs to have sex with another guy she was now hooked and wanted more. What really sold it for her was a huge black cock. Debs favourite scenario for the first few weeks after the night with Andy was me to use the...

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Opened Pandoras Box

We were two 50 something divorced and remarried people, Mark and Debs, who got together and wished we had met years before. Both had come from relationships that were very conservative in the bedroom and suddenly we were "allowed" to express ourselves in role-play and found we both got off playing together. Our respective chil***n had now all moved out and gone their separate ways which meant experimenting became a regular thing. Although we enacted Debs being fucked by other guys she always...

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Opening up Pandoras boxboy I bet he reg

I've always been a very sexual person. My boyfriend realized this and since then has encouraged me to continue to have fun as along as I let him know what I’m doing and even let him watch (smile) if he’s around. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life. One day when we were coming home from a friends wedding and staying over night in a hotel, we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman, who happened to sell wine, yum. The guy seemed nice enough...

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PandoraChapter 10

When one is bound, truly bound tightly, and unable to escape, even if you trust the Dom, Nawashi, or Bakushi implicitly, the mind, the primitive lizard part of the mind anyway, still experiences fear and this sets off the body’s natural defenses in what is termed the “Fight or Flight Reaction or Reflex”. Studies and clinical interactions have shown that a major factor in how we experience fear has to do with the context we are in at the time. When our “thinking” brain gives feedback to our...

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PandoraChapter 11

In 1960 there were 300 all women colleges in the United States now there are only 26. On the other hand 36% more women are going on to college now, and there are over 10,000 four year colleges and universities in the United States. In fact there are more women than men attending Institutes of Higher Education today. National data suggests that women’s sororities are growing, with membership in the 26 nationally recognized sororities exceeding 300,000 and the size of the average chapter is on...

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PandoraChapter 14

The island of Bermuda lies well within the south western edge of the Sargasso Sea. Bermuda is also the northern tip of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, what some call the Devil’s Triangle. The other two tips of the triangle are the end of Florida and the island of Puerto Rico. The Sargasso Sea is noted for the floating brown sea weed. The actual base, well where the Temple of the Air had originally been entombed for those thousands of years was 100 miles north east of Bermuda and had nothing...

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PandoraChapter 15

Take Alabama Interstate 20 to University Boulevard, then to Colonial Drive, then to Magnolia Drive until you arrive at quaint historical Lane Hall House. Home of Kappa Omega Chi Sorority, or better known as the KOC girls. Lane Hall House is a sprawling three story red brick building spread out over an entire block within walking distance of anything on campus. Four massive Grecian carved marble columns frame it’s large white entrance doors. Chi Omega and Kappa Alpha Theta might have more...

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PandoraChapter 16

One of the first things you learn from both history and in engineering school is that to the uneducated savage common things we take for granted in our everyday lives can appear to be magic to them. To me and my coven the Hyperborean engines that ran their spaceship and the things that supplied the power to motivate it was Magic not the science we knew anything about. The only thing we knew for sure was the Power, used to run it, came from us humans. In fact their, the ancient Hyperboreans,...

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PandoraChapter 2

Back at the “Bat Cave”. Yes, that’s how I had begun to think of Billy’s “Man Cave” factory building loft, we had time to go over the hard drives we had recovered from the “Evil Company”. Yes! I ... We ... Us ... were the good guys trying to save the world from the insidious plot of the evil villains working for the “Evil Company”, freeing one sex slave at a time, ha, ha. I might be a lot of things, but a tried and true certified Black Hat Hacker with Dark Web experience is not one of them...

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PandoraChapter 3

First on our list to be freed was Renee Truesoul. This was only because she was the closest to us here in San Diego, California. She was being held in a walled three acre estate on the outskirts of the City of Palm Desert guarded by a force of at least five men and three women. Renee was not the only enslaved woman there. There was an assortment of mainly Mexican, some Chinese and Russians, a smattering of other nationalities, and even a few domestic Americans thrown in for good measure there...

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PandoraChapter 4

Is there anybody that doesn’t know the, I guess you would have to say legend, of Heidi. The little Swiss orphan girl who goes to live with her grandfather high in the Swiss Alps. It’s both a good book and a Shirley Temple movie you know. Now substitute the American West’s Colorado Rocky Mountains, the Backbone of America, for the Alps. Now imagine a large Fairy Tale Castle like Disneyland’s in Anaheim, California. A Fairy Tale Castle perched high upon an unassailable, meaning impossible to...

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PandoraChapter 5

The Park Regency Towers was one of the newer skyscrapers in downtown New York. By that I mean it was constructed in the mid 70’s. It was one of those steel and glass things that went up fast and are a nightmare for their architects because the plans keep changing as the building was being built. If you bother to really count from the outside of the building you will notice there are 66 floors not 63 as listed on the filed blue prints, the index hung in the lobby, or on the elevator buttons...

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PandoraChapter 8

Elsa Schäfer suddenly realized that she had been betrayed by the people she trusted, no the men, well man she put her faith in anyway. For the first time in months? Really she wasn’t sure how long it had been at this moment. In fact it was the first time in a long long time she was able to think of anything but severing her asshole Master Otto faithfully in a long long time. It had been her and her 12 sisters, her own coven, that had freed and reanimated the almost dead former Hyperborean...

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PandoraChapter 9

“The Japanese around the 17th Century borrowed from the Koreans the art of binding “prisoners of war” with a long rope. In time that became formalized into Kinbaku which literally means “tight binding”. By the late Edo or Tokugawa Shogunate Period it was so formalized that each rank and station of prisoner had a codified binding pattern or style, there was also a codified system of torture through binding too.” Elsa instructed us as we all knelt on our individual yoga pad and she went about...

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Saga 3 8211 Encouraging My Brother To Deflower 8211 Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, this is Sravya penning down my experience again in ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. Thanks everyone for the appreciations for the previous two fantasies. Both of them and this present one include a set of common people. So go through all for a better understanding. I’m providing the links above. 1....

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional. This story takes place on the date that Madison, the younger of the two, turned of legal age.) “It’s okay, I know you’ll be allowed in. The club is eighteen and up,” Victoria Justice told her s*ster, Madison, as she parked in the lot next to the Pangea Lounge in their home-town on Hollywood, Florida.“Awesome! I've...

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Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...

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Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...

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Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...

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The tale about the Laughter of Azbezil Prologue

The Tale about The Laughter of Azbezil Prologue During the age of darkness, there existed a country where the people were proud of their happiness, but in truth, the kingdom was headed for chaos and sorrow. In the following years, many would question why none saw the danger and reacted before it was too late. The wise answer is that the problem was not lack of knowledge, but rather the opposite. The danger to the kingdom had been foretold many hundreds of years earlier. With the warning...

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Totally Chesty Tales Tale 04

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 04 – Toolbox of Fun(Featuring Casey, Dave and Jeff Valony) That Saturday wasn’t just for the ones who wanted to be outdoors and hang out around Steelport. It was a day also for the ones who wished to take a rest from the weekdays’ hard work and enjoy a well-deserved rest. Somebody like Casey Mancini.At her bedroom, she read magazines laid on her bed by 10AM, after a week of work and house chores. The weekends were her time to take a rest, go shopping and enjoy life...

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Katherine Parr the Prefects Tale

I am a student at Katherine Parr’s school. Katherine Parr is a very exclusive private all –girls boarding school sited miles from anywhere in the wilds of Cumbria. The parents who sent their children there were very keen on discipline and Katherine Parr obliged them with a strict regime of corporal punishment in the proud tradition of its eponymous founder. I said all girls but no, that’s not entirely true. You see teachers’ sons were allowed to attend the school due to its remote...

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Justice for my Brother

Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...

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Fairy Tale Therapy

Geraldine sat with her elbow propped on the desk, forehead resting on her hand. She had just eaten the basket of goodies her granddaughter brought her for lunch. She was really going to have to talk to her daughter-in-law about letting the child go out by herself. She wasn’t old enough to go tripping through the forest. It just wasn’t safe. She sighed. No use postponing the inevitable. She hated conducting the fairy tale families’ group therapy sessions, but there was no one else qualified....

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The Grimm Twins III The Tale of Snow White

"It’s late, Jacob, and you promised me a bed time story. Did you forget?" Jenny lips formed a petulant pout, somehow managing to look alluring. Perhaps it the way the light illuminated the outline of her nubile body through the sheer nightgown she’d attired herself in. Or perhaps it was the manner in which she stood, hands behind her, most likely clasped in a submissive pose. Seated in the leather armchair in the study, a thick manuscript upon his lap, Jacob regarded his sister with a warm...

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Dreams of My Son A Spiritual Tale of Motherly L

‘Dreams of My Son… A Spiritual Tale of Motherly Love’by DizzyDThis is a fictional biography intended for adults 18+ only It’s never easy… and some days are even harder than others. There are those particularly rough ones when I have to say to myself, “Marie… you need to get out of bed.” But when things aren’t going so well in your life, depression can sometimes set in and destroy your will to go on. And today had been one of those days. Then again, here I was, a single woman in her 40’s who was...

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Justice Club The Scarlet Witch Project

Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...

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Justice Club The White Queen

Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...

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Justice the hard way

“This can’t be justice” he said pitifully. 4 months ago John was out late in the evening jogging and was hit by a car, he suffered a spinal injury and lost the use of his body from the waist down including the use of his penis, The car was full of young black males who were out celebrating their last high school football game, the driver was drunk like his passengers and he had not seen John jogging across the street. The court case was farcical due to the judge presiding it. Judge...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 19 Awakenings

I know not how long it was that I was aware of something. It came as a great shock to me when I realized it had penetrated the thick fog of my coma-like existence. Many beings had I dreamed of during my slumber, but none had so bright a soul nor so resolute a personality as to make my soul sing with the need to be nearer to it. I was surprised at how far away this person was, once my newly awakened senses began functioning. There were many leagues between my new master and me, for I was sure...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Tattletale Tale 1

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Wow," said his mother looking around as she turned the car into a fancy development. "Looks like you made a rich friend." "Yeah, I heard that in school," said Todd. "But she's still a nice girl, right?" His mother gave him a look. "I think so," said Todd. "I don't know that many girls too well mom." "Well, as cute as you are," said his mother reaching over touching his head softly. "You will honey. It takes...

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Scotts Yucca Man Tale

Scott told me this tale at the Irish while Howie was being turned into Helen. Peace Belle. Scott's Yucca Man Tale I was just getting in from taking Connie back to Prince Eric. I had returned Connie back to her original form with Prince Eric's promise that he would send regular reports on the Count's behavior. I went to the Irish to get a beer or two along with a meal. I also wanted to catch up on local events and the Baseball scores. I was on the weekly board. I...

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