Pandora?s Box free porn video

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Pandora?s box


Pandora?s box????????????????? An error of judgement

As the rope started to bite into my wrists I struggled to turn my body and pull my arms out from behind my back. My efforts had no effect, and my captor?s hold on my arms remained vice-like as the rope was wound around and between my wrists.

I glanced at the mirrored door of the wardrobe to one side and saw myself, standing in only my bra and panties, while my hands were tied by another partially naked woman standing behind me.

Not only was it difficult to believe that what I was watching was real, what was even more mind-boggling was that this was a situation entirely of my own making.

I squirmed again and tried to pull my arms free. Biting my lip I stammered

?Uh, look Tanya, I really am not sure about this, can we please just stop and talk for a minute??

In the mirror I saw no change in the swift movements of my subjugator?s hands and fingers, or in the look of resolute intent upon her face.

The realisation that she was not going to stop, and that I really was being tied up brought a horrible, watery sensation to my stomach which reminded me of the first time that I had met Tanya, only a few hours before.

I had been on my way back from a business meeting in a neighbourhood that I rarely visited when I was taken by sudden whim to visit Pandora?s Box. A bar that I had heard was a good place to relax and meet people, and one that I had never visited myself. What I had never envisaged was that I would end up meeting another woman, and especially not one like Tanya.

I remember that Tanya had caught my eye when I first walked in. She was a striking woman, tall with high cheek bones, a light tan, a wide smiling mouth, and masses of wavy auburn hair that reached down to the top of her shoulder blades. Dressed in a grey business suit and white blouse, she was also quite tall, around 6 foot, I would say. There was something about the look in her eye and that one sided smile of hers that affected me.

When our eyes met for the first time, something passed between us and I found it difficult to look away. After our eyes had locked a couple more times she picked up her drink and I realised that she was coming over to me. That was when the butterflies in my stomach really took off.

I would never have described myself as a lesbian, or even as bisexual, - but I was curious. Ever since I was a teenager, I have had occasional thoughts and fantasies about what it would be like to be with another woman. I have even gone as far as occasionally buying porn magazines, or surfing web site on lonely nights.

After a string of drab, going-nowhere relationships, I split up with my ex a couple of months back. I don?t know if it was the fact that he seemed particularly self-centred and interested only in satisfying his needs, or if I was suffering from a deeper, more general boredom with my life. But since we split up, I found my curiosity about lesbianism had increased.

I had heard that Pandora?s box was a quiet, discreet place to meet other women, so I thought that maybe I should head over there some time on my drive home from work and I guess that was how I ended up nervously clutching my drink and wondering what if I knew what I was getting into as I watched Tanya walking towards me.

I remembered her first words, ?Hello! I?m Tanya. You look a bit lost sitting there on your own.? And that broad smile of hers as she continued in that unplaceable mid-Atlantic kind of accent. ?Mind if I join you??

I mumbled something like ?Sure?, and gestured at the seat next to me. And somehow, in less than two hours we went from there to the point where we decided to continue our conversation somewhere a little more private.

All through that conversation Tanya?s face fascinated me. In addition to those high cheek bones, her wide mouth had well defined full lips and hazel eyes with a slight Asiatic curve to the upper lids. She enhanced this look with a touch of eye liner to give herself a sexy and enigmatic look. I guessed that she was around my age, early thirties, with just a couple of faint lines starting to appear around the corners of her eyes. She also had an upturned nose with a kind of slightly bulbous end. This slightly unusual shape made her nose interesting rather than cute. On another woman, a nose like that might have been rather unflattering, but with Tanya it combined with her eyes, cheekbones and lips to produce a striking set of features. I found myself looking at her and wondering whether she was fascinating because she was truly beautiful, or whether the slight imperfection of her nose was the thing that made her so striking.

It wasn?t long before it occurred to me that I didn?t want our conversation to end, and also that it might be a lot more comfortable if we continued somewhere else, like back at my apartment.

As I looked at the mirror and watched Tanya cinching the ropes around my wrists with that look of determination I felt like kicking myself for being so na?ve and giving in so easily to that urge to experience something new and live dangerously.

While we talked in the bar, Tanya had got all kinds of personal information out of me, about my single status, my dissatisfaction with men and in particular my ex, and my curiosity about sex with women. In turn, she revealed little about herself, especially about her job. I did manage to get out of her that she was some kind of project manager or event coordinator who specialised in multi-media. Looking back, I can see that alarm bells should have started to ring inside my head when she said something about organising and making video recordings of events but was quite vague and evasive about the type of events that she was talking about. I was too busy marvelling at the translucent brown of her eyes and studying the shape of Tanya?s nose to pay attention to such trifling details as to whether she worked on the right side of the law, or was involved in something a bit darker.

I remember clearly the thrill that shot through me when we started talking about sex and she revealed that she enjoyed sensual activities of all kinds, with men but particularly with women. I learned that she had had more sexual adventures than I had ever dreamed of. And then she said something to me that I will never forget: that nothing had prepared her for the experience of having sex with another woman and that this was the greatest sensual pleasure that she?d ever known. She asked me if I had ever had sex with another woman. Then she asked me if I had ever thought about it, and I amazed myself by admitting that I had. At that point I was completely hooked, and Tanya could see it too. From then on I had no choice in the matter, I would have gone anywhere with her and done anything she wanted.

After that it wasn?t long before Tanya suggested that we move on to somewhere a bit more private. Outside in the parking lot, Tanya mentioned that she was sharing with a friend at the moment and suggested that we look for a motel. This seemed like an unnecessary expense and also slightly seedy, so I suggested that we go back to my apartment. Minutes later, with Tanya following me in her car, my normal sober self began to exert itself and I started to wonder just how sensible an idea it was. Looking back now, with Tanya using my own ropes to tie my hands behind my back, it seemed like a serious mistake.

In fact, almost as soon as we arrived at my place I found out that being on my home ground gave me no authority or protection at all in the face of Tanya?s cool confidence and determined desire. As soon as we arrived, Tanya went to the bathroom while I mixed us a couple of drinks with hands that were shaking so much that the ice in the glasses clinked loudly. When she came back into the room, Tanya simply took both drinks off me and set them down out of the way on the table. I took a step back as Tanya moved in real close. She brushed a hand across my cheek ?It?s OK.? She said quietly. ?I was nervous too my first time.?

?Really?? I replied uncertainly.

She put a hand around my waist and into the small of my back. The tip of her nose brushed lightly against mine, and my nostrils were filled with her scent.

?Yeah.? She breathed. ?It?s just nerves that?s all.?

She leant forwards and kissed me lightly upon the lips, then pulled her head back and studied me for a second.

?Look Karen, if you?re really unhappy, I?ll stop.? She gave me an open smile ?I?ll even leave if you want.? She stared at me for a few seconds.

?Is that what you want??

I stared down at the floor, thought for a second and then shook my head. My nerves were killing me, but I didn?t want her to go.

?OK.? She whispered softly and pulled me towards her for a proper kiss. This was it. Tanya?s luscious lips were only millimetres from mine. After years of wondering and fantasising about what it would be like with another woman, here I was about to finally find out for myself at last. I felt the pull from her hand against my back and a thought popped into my head: ?what?s the harm in one kiss?? And with that thought I moved my face towards Tanya?s.

Our first kiss sent a shiver through me. Tanya?s lips were warm and firm and her lip gloss tasted sweet but it was that strange electric thrill that ran down my spine and into my crotch that really made me think ?Wow!?

Maybe it was just the knowledge that I was doing something that went against my upbringing, something that most of my friends and family would disapprove of, if not be totally appalled by. That first thrill seemed to spread out from my lips and ran like a shiver down my spine until it reached my crotch where a fiery tingling started to burn in my pussy.

Tanya became bolder and I felt the tip of her tongue brush against my lips. Well I thought, if we?re kissing, we might as well do it properly and I opened my lips and our tongues entwined. After a minute she put her arms around me and held me in a proper embrace. So, I slid an arm around her waist and put the other around her back. I mean, it seemed like the right thing to do.

Tanya?s kisses were delicate at first, exploratory slowly becoming deeper and more passionate. When she used her tongue to trace a pattern around my lips I felt a wonderful feeling of being alive and part of some wonderful exploration. As I got used to kissing Tanya like this the butterflies in my stomach started to settle until Tanya decided it was time to move on. This was a pattern that she seemed to set for the whole of the evening. She just about allowed me to get used to something before pushing me onwards towards the next level.

I felt Tanya?s hand pluck my blouse out of the top of my skirt and then the warm, soft skin of her hands slid across my stomach and around my sides. The sensations that her finger tips and nails produced as she ran them softly across the skin of my back and shoulders was another electrifying experience. I was losing myself in these heavenly sensations when I felt Tanya?s hand move away. Next, her fingers were pulling at the clasp of my skirt and before I could do anything, my skirt went sliding down my legs to lie crumpled around my feet.

I was acutely aware that I was standing in my living room, in a state of semi-undress while a woman that I had only known for a few hours was putting her hands all over my body. When Tanya?s fingers started to trace their devilish patterns across my buttocks my breathing began to quicken and deepen. Then I felt her fingers start to explore beneath the elastic of my panties as they crossed my buttocks and a strange thing happened. My feelings of jitteriness remained the same as ever, but I felt desire rising up within me. A great feeling of what I can only call lust welled up from deep within my crotch. I suddenly felt like I wanted to devour Tanya, to embrace her and know every part of her. I longed to rub my nose through her innermost, most personal and secret places and breathe in her aromas and scents. I wanted to run my tongue over her skin and taste her. As I experienced these strange, alien urges, Tanya undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

Then she pulled me harder against her and slid one leg between mine as we continued kissing and caressing each other?s skin with our fingers. Tanya began rubbing the top of her thigh against my pussy. This sent further sensations flooding out through my body and for the first time I actively kissed Tanya and pulled her body towards mine, grinding my pussy against hers.

After a while, Tanya pulled away from me and I could see that she too was breathing deeply and that those beautiful wide cheek bones were suffused with a reddish-pink glow.

Without saying a word, she undid the buttons on my blouse and slid it off my shoulders to leave me standing in just bra and panties. Then she took me by the hand and pulled me towards the bedroom.

Standing by bed, Tanya put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto it. Full of a heady mixture of nervousness and desire, I watched as she removed her blouse and then lowered herself on top of me. Once again, she put one knee between my thighs as she lowered her face onto mine and kissed me. This time, her hands explored my stomach and chest as she kissed me. Her knee began to rhythmically grind against my pussy and my body began to respond with increasingly strong feelings of pleasure rippling out from my crotch. I felt her fingers steal beneath the fabric of my bra and explore the contours of my breasts and nipples. The regular pressure from her knee against my groin sent my pulse race faster and faster and made the tingling within my pussy burn more and more intensely.

The intense feeling of desire returned, boiling up from within again. I hugged Tanya to me. I wanted her. I wanted her right there and right then. I put my hands around her back and found the fastener on her bra. It was strange, it was like I was doing this, but at the same time, I was also watching myself. Some part of me was standing back in disbelief, watching me take hold of Tanya?s bra strap and saying ?Is that really you, are you actually going to take another woman?s bra off??

With my trembling fingers, I followed the outline of the strap and clasp and I was just working out how it should be unfastened when the shrill ring of the phone beside the bed cut through the semi-erotic haze and brought us back to reality.

We both froze, and looked at each other. It continued ringing for 15, maybe 20 seconds and then stopped.

Tanya smiled at me, and then started to lower her face towards mine again when a shrill beep-beeping sound came from the living room freezing us both into immobility again.

?My mobile? I whispered as I started to disentangle my body from Tanya?s.

?Let it ring!? She seemed surprised that I would even consider answering.

?It might be Mikey, my ex. He always rings the house first and then my mobile.?

?If he?s your ex, then why speak to him?? Tanya looked puzzled.

?Because I don?t want him coming round here looking for me, which he has been known to do on a Friday night when he?s at a loose end. If he sees my car in the drive, we?ll never get rid of him.?

Tanya nodded at me expressionlessly as I stood up.

?Don?t worry. I?ll put him off.? I told her as I crossed the room.

And that was my big mistake. I don?t mean that answering the phone was a mistake. I mean that leaving Tanya alone in my bedroom was the thing that led directly to her grabbing me and lashing my wrists together behind my back.

It took me a few minutes to get rid of Mikey. After all, I had to put him off completely, make him think that there was absolutely no point in coming round to my place on the off chance. So I told? him that I was? out, staying over a girlfriend?s house for the night. Eventually, I heard the disappointment and lack of interest enter his voice when it finally sank in that I wasn?t available for a bit of fun, another evening of convenient sex. After that, I was able to put the phone down and forget about him.

I walked back into the bedroom and found Tanya sitting on the bed looking at something on the bed next to her. That was the point at which the first big shock of the evening occurred and the roller coaster ride that was to follow started. As I walked over to the bed my gaze moved from Tanya to the thing that she was reading and I saw that she was reading a magazine. I stopped in my tracks and my jaw dropped open with horror as I saw what it was that she was reading, it was one of my bondage magazines!.

A glance at my chest of drawers showed that the second drawer down was open.

?You?ve been going through my things!? I shouted at her.

Tanya looked up at me. ?Sorry? Karen, I wasn?t prying. I was actually looking for these.?

She raised a hand and I saw a pair of my nylon stockings dangling from her fingers. ?I just wanted to see what you had in the way of sexy lingerie.? She appeared to have no guilty feelings whatsoever about searching through my things, and the corners of her mouth spread out into a knowing grin.

?But of course, I found these didn?t I?.? Tanya gestured towards the bondage magazines and I also saw several bundles of rope that she had removed from my drawer. .

I swallowed hard and felt my cheeks start to redden. I didn?t know what to say

Tanya stood up and stared into my eyes. ?Do you wanna tell me what you use these for??

My cheeks were burning now, and I still couldn?t think of a single thing to say.

Tanya reached out to stroke my cheek. ?There?s no need to be embarrassed, I?m not surprised. Lots of people are into this kind of stuff.?

?Really.? I whispered hesitantly, still feeling horribly embarrassed at having my innermost interests revealed.

?Oh, yes.? Tanya leaned her face towards mine, and said quietly. ?And that includes me!?

I couldn?t think what to say, and I couldn?t meet Tanya?s conspiratorial stare. So I bit my lip and stared at the floor, uncertain of what to do.

Tanya continued. ?Look, I promise you, I wasn?t looking for things like this in your drawers. But honestly, bondage is one of my absolute favourites. I love tying other people up and being tied up. Don?t you??

??I?m not sure.? I whispered

Tanya?s eyes widened with sudden comprehension. ?I see. You?re into self bondage!?

I stared at her, too horrified and ashamed to say anything. My secret was out, and I felt sick with shame and humiliation.

Tanya smiled and gave a small shake of her head

?Hey! Don?t look like that. It?s nothing to be ashamed of. If you had any idea how many people like tying themselves up, your eyes would just bulge.? She paused and considered. ?Well, maybe not that, but you would be amazed at how many people are into it, trust me.?

I looked dubious and she stroked my cheek again.

?And tonight, you don?t have to do it on your own, because you?ve got me to show you how it?s done.?

Looking back, I can see that right then and there I should have turned and run. Instead, I just froze like a rabbit caught in car headlights as a wave of nervousness ran over me.

?What do you mean?? I managed to stammer.

?I mean that I will be more than happy to . . you know, show you how it should really be done.? Tanya looked down, and as my eyes followed her gaze I saw that she was holding a handful of rope.

The sight of Tanya brandishing a coil of rope at me jarred me into life and I started to back away from her saying ?Uhh, nahh, I don?t think so . .? I broke off as Tanya reached out and took a firm grip of my shoulder and I found that I couldn?t back away from her.

?Look Tanya.? I held my hands up in a kind of pleading gesture. ?Doing what we were doing before is great, I was enjoying it But this. .? I shook my head as I stared at the rope in her hand. ?This is too far, too fast you understand??

Tanya gave me an evil grin and shook her head. ?No pain, no gain.?

Her words filled me with dread and terror, but before I could move she grabbed my forearm and twisted it while at the same time she shoved my shoulder with her other hand forcing me to turn on the spot and face away from her. She was now holding my forearm in a vice like grip in the small of my back.

Tanya pressed her body up behind mine and said forcefully. ?Give me your other hand.?

I hesitated and she spoke again. ?Karen, you know this is what you want. You?ve been dreaming of this haven?t you??

Tanya paused for a second, letting her words sink in. ?You long to be tied up and dominated by another woman don?t you?? Tanya was now whispering seductively. ?Those magazines aren?t new are they? Look at the state of them! You?ve had them for years and you?ve been fantasising about this for ages haven?t you??

I listened to her words and shivered, my muscles felt like they were turning to jelly. Part of me longed to give in, and knew that what she was saying was right, but another, sensible and logical part of me hung back, nervous and uncertain and wanting more time, to make sure that this was safe and that it was really what I wanted to do.

?Admit it.? She continued. ?You would love to know what it?s like to be naked and bound and in the power of another woman who is going to use her fingers and tongue all over your body.?

I opened my mouth to say something, but it was too late. Her hand moved from my shoulder, slid down my free arm and grabbed my wrist. There may have been a split second as she moved her hand in which I could have moved, but I didn?t. Then, with a swift twisting jerking motion she wrenched my arm behind my back and pinned it against my other wrist.

The slight pain in my arm made me feel panicky, and I tried to turn and shouted ?Hey! Let?s hang on here a minute.?

Tanya?s only reply was to wrap several loops of rope around my wrists. I tried to flex my forearms and wrists as I wondered how she could hold them together so tightly and I realised with a sudden pang she wasn?t holding them. I could only think that she must have had a lot of practise at tying women up because there was no other way that she could have tied my hands so quickly.

I turned my head and looked at the mirrored front of my built in wardrobe. I saw that Tanya worked quickly and was already knotting the ropes around my wrists. As I watched, she finished tying the knots and then stood back to survey her handiwork. I strained the muscles in my arms as hard as I could, but all that I was able to do was wiggle my fingers. The ropes around my wrists felt thick and as solid as a pair of manacles. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering again big time as I realised that I was well and truly bound and helpless. With a shudder, I wondered what she was going to do to me next?


Once Tanya had finished tying my hands I twisted my body round to try and see what she had done to me in the mirror. Looking over my shoulder, I could see that each of my wrists was held by a bunch of grey ropes which was cinched between my two wrists by several more cords. I moved my arms up and down as much as I could and strained my neck, but I could not see where the rope was knotted. Worse still, Tanya had tied my hands with the right one lying across the front of my left wrist so that my fore arms were held in the middle of my back, just below my shoulder blades with each hand pointing towards the opposite side of my body. This kind of tie made it even harder for me to try and reach the ropes around my wrists and the knots that held them in place.

A single length of rope, perhaps four or five feet long dangled loosely from the mass of rope around my wrists onto the floor. I was just pondering this solitary length and its possible purpose when I felt a hand on my shoulder and whirled round to face Tanya.

?Feels good eh??

I just stared at her, still too shocked and confused to know what to say.

Tanya grinned at me. ?Yep, there are few things that are more of a turn on than being tied up and knowing that someone?s fingers and tongue are soon going to be all over your body, stroking your tits, licking your pussy, doing all kinds of things. .?

Eyes wide, I stared at her with an open mouth. ?But, but. . ?

Tanya feigned surprise.

?You wanted me to do those kinds of things to you didn?t you??

I felt my cheeks grow warm again and stammered

?Well, I suppose uh,? . yes? but look, not like this!?

Tanya nodded at me.

?It?ll be more fun like this. Trust me.?

?Oh Tanya please!? I squealed, wondering how I was ever going to get out of this.

Tanya wrinkled her nose at me in disapproval.

?You?re quite a whiner aren?t you??

I stared at her.

?Know what? I don?t like whiners??

Tanya raised her arm and I looked down to see that she was holding my big red ball gag.

I gasped ?No!? and took a step back.

Tanya lunged at me and grabbed me firmly by the shoulder again. Then she nodded at me. ?Oh yes, I?m afraid so.?

?No!? I pleaded as she stepped round behind me. ?Not that, please Tanya! Not the ball gag!?

Without warning, Tanya took hold of my nose from behind and pinched my nostrils hard. I opened my mouth to scream and Tanya pulled my nose upwards and backwards. The next thing I knew, a large rounded object was being pressed against my teeth.

We struggled for a second as I tried to keep the gag from being forced into my mouth, but Tanya had her thumb against the ball and applied more and more pressure until I could resist it no more. With a screech of indignant anger, I gave in and allowed the ball gag to slide past my teeth and fill the inside of my mouth.

Tanya pushed my head forward as she threaded the strap of the ball gag into the buckle behind my head. Being tied up was bad enough, but being gagged with my own ball gag was even more humiliating and I let out a whimper of humiliation as I felt her fingers working away behind my neck. This turned to a squeal of pain as Tanya pulled the strap of the gag tightly into place and fastened it, making the straps bite into the sides of my mouth. When she finished she moved round in front of me to look at me.

I tried to speak but all that came out was ?mmff, nnnhh, mmmmhh, duurrnnh!?

I stood there snorting and breathing heavily through my nose, biting on the large, hard object filling my mouth and trying to fight down the gag response.

Tanya looked me up and down and stared long and hard at my body. She had an intense and serious look in her eyes which kind of reminded me of the way a bird of prey looks down from on high at its prey. I realised that she was looking at me with lust and that felt strange. I don?t think I had ever been looked at in that way by a woman before.

Tanya was right, I was about to fulfil a long-held fantasy and it was making me feel very strange ? at once terrified but also quite turned on. Suddenly I was aware that in addition to the hollow feeling in my stomach, my pussy felt really hot and that tingling sensation had started within it again.

Tanya walked over to my dressing table, picked something up and then came back. She stopped in front of me, held up a small pair of scissors that I kept on my dresser and made snipping motions with them.

?Mmmff, mmfff, nnnhh, mmmmhh, mmmff!? noises came out of my gag as I shook my head from side to side and backed away from her

Tanya laughed and followed me until I was backed up against the bedroom wall. She took hold of one of my bra straps and pulled it away from my shoulder.

?Just going to set you free.? And with that she snipped cleanly through the thin material of the shoulder strap.

I watched mutely as Tanya cut through the other shoulder strap and then the material at the front, between the cups. I felt the material move against my skin as Tanya pulled what was left of my bra away and let it drop onto the floor to leave me staring down at my bare breasts.?

Tanya smiled and raised her hands towards my breasts

?Mmm!? she purred as her finger went gliding over my skin

All I could do was watch as she casually explored my breasts. She cupped my breasts in her hands, taking each nipple between a thumb and forefinger. She started to gently roll my nipples back and forth between her fingers filling my breasts with exquisite sensations.

The heaviness of my legs seemed to increase and I felt an urge to simply flop on the floor and let Tanya do whatever she wanted to me. My nipples responded to her caresses by becoming stiffer and harder. I became aware that the tingling sensations in my crotch were getting stronger. I felt an instinctive desire to rub my clit, or get someone to rub it for me.

Tanya noticed the hardening of my nipples

?I knew you wanted it.? She murmured as she bent her head and took one of my nipples in her mouth. I felt the warm wetness of her tongue sliding round and round the auriole of my nipple, exploring its shape and surface. The skin of my whole body felt as if it was becoming sensitised in a way that it never had been before. I closed my eyes and gave allowed myself to savour the sensations coming from my breasts and nipples. Behind my back, my bound hands made futile clutching and grasping motions as they strained against the ropes.

Tanya tore herself away from my breast and I think that she looked as turned on as I felt. We stared at each other silently for a few moments. I had even stopped making ?mmmfff!? and ?ggnnrrhh!? noises through my gag.

There was no way that I could question or deny what I felt and Tanya knew that too. Our eyes and faces and our whole bodies were telling us how we felt and what we knew was inevitably going to come soon.

The Tanya squatted down in front of me so that her face was right in front of my crotch. She reached out, took hold of the thin material of my panties where it passed over my hips and hooked her thumbs underneath the thin elastic. She looked up into my eyes and we stared at each other silently for a second. We both knew what was coming next and a cold tingle went down my spine as I felt Tanya?s hands move downwards on both sides of my hips as she slowly pulled my panties down to reveal the mound of my sex with its bush of curly brown hairs. There was a final tug, and I felt the soft weight of my panties land on top of my feet and there I was standing naked before Tanya.

Tanya was staring fixedly at my pussy with that hungry look on her face. After twenty seconds or so, she leaned forwards and I felt the soft lump of her nose rubbing lightly against my pubes. The tingling in my pussy became an itch and I closed my eyes and thought to myself, at last, here it comes, another woman?s tongue in my pussy, and I waited for the touch of Tanya?s tongue.

But then seconds passed and nothing happened, she just held me there like that. I noticed her taking deep slow breaths and realised that she was sniffing my pussy, taking in its scent and thinking about it. This was completely new to me, I had never known anyone do anything like that before, but I have to admit that it was quite a turn on. .

After a while, Tanya slowly stood up. She had a slightly dreamy, dazed expression on her face as she looked at me and said ?You?re ready, aren?t you??

I gave a small nod, embarrassed at how quickly I had adjusted to the situation and my submissive position.

Tanya picked up the long dangling piece of rope hanging down from my wrists then turned and walked towards the bed giving a sharp tug on the rope as she went. I felt the rope pull up between my buttocks and slap against my pussy and I trotted meekly after her across the bedroom.

Tanya picked something up from the bed and then squatted down again in front of me. Looking down, I saw that she was holding my white lace suspender belt open in front of my feet. With a look and a nod she indicated that I should step into it. Then she pulled the belt up into position around my waist, pointed at the bed and told me to sit down.

Tanya picked my stockings up from the bed. Then she squatted down in front of me again and rolled up one of the stockings.

?Put out your foot.? She commanded.

I thought about refusing, but with my hands tied behind my back and my mouth securely ball gagged, I wasn?t really in a position to argue and so I stuck my foot out, toes first and watched as Tanya slid the stocking over my foot and unrolled it up my leg. The feeling of the nylon sliding softly over my skin and Tanya?s fingers as they smoothed and pulled at the thin material was really sensual. As her hands smoothed out the nylon stocking top around the inside of my upper thigh and then started to fasten the suspenders, the closeness of her fingers set my pussy burning even hotter. It was a truly erotic experience.?

Once the stockings were on, Tanya stood me up and made a few alterations here and there to the stockings and suspender belt. Then, with a quick tug on the rope between my legs she indicated that I should follow her again. We moved across the room to stand in front of the large mirrors that covered the sliding doors of my wardrobe.

Tanya moved behind me and turned me to face myself in the mirror.

?You look so sexy Karen!? Tanya cooed in my ear.

I cannot deny that Tanya?s dress sense was right. There was something about wearing only stockings and suspenders that added to the strangely erotic nature of the scene in the reflection. The dark sheen of my stockings contrasted with the paleness of my skin, and with my gag and ropes, even I, who never thought about myself in such terms, had to admit that I looked strangely sexy.

Tanya put her chin lightly on my shoulder and her hands came snaking out from behind my body as she began to run her fingers up and down over my torso. At first, she simply traced her finger tips lightly across my stomach, hips and thighs which was quite simply a wonderfully sensual experience. She touched me so softly but her fingers made my skin feel like currents of static electricity were flowing over its surface.

Then she took hold of both of my breasts and began to massage them, staring directly into my eyes in the mirror as she did so, and telling me how sexy I looked. I stared at the reflection in the mirror, at the big red gag in my mouth, and the pair of strange hands slowly kneading and moving over my tits. Although it looked strange, I have to say that it was one of the most erotic things that I have ever known. Not only were these things being done to me by a beautiful woman, but I was completely powerless to stop her as she played my body like a virtuoso musician performing with his instrument.

When she started to roll my nipples between her fingers I couldn?t stop myself from whimpering. Then, keeping one hand on my breast, she slid the other hand down to my pubic mound, ran a finger through my curly hairs and then moved her hand lower to cup my pussy. I groaned and moved my hips, trying to push my pussy harder against her hand. She held me like that for a while, one hand on my pussy and one on my breast. The feeling of her hand on my pussy was driving me wild with desire, but what I could see in the mirror was just as stimulating.

There I was, standing with arms fastened behind my back and my mouth filled with the bulging red ball gag, and there was Tanya, her face just visible above my shoulder and her arms coming from behind me holding my pussy and one of my breasts: my most intimate places. Combined with the actual feeling of her hands on my body it was altogether more than I could bear. I rolled my hips and groaned loudly, desperately trying to plead through the gag for her to make me come.

Then she began to gently rub two fingers along the surface on the outer lips of my labia. This exquisite sensation just made me worse. My legs were weak and shakey now, and my whole body yearned for release as I tried to grind my pussy into Tanya?s hand.

Then, without warning it stopped suddenly. Tanya let go of me, gave me quick hug and then pulled me round to face her.

She beamed at me ?I told you that you?d enjoy it didn?t I? Didn?t I??

I made ?bmmph? and ?nngh? noises into the gag as I tried to tell her that I really needed to come.

Tanya pulled me towards the bed and stood for a second holding me by the shoulders as she looked me up and down. She looked flushed and excited, with that look of hunger still on her face. I knew that she was really turned on, and the degree to which she wanted me was almost frightening. I wanted her too. I was longing to feel her face between my thighs.

Without warning she gave my shoulders a sudden hard shove and sent me sprawling backwards onto the bed. I landed with a bounce on my back, jarring my shoulders slightly because of my bound arms. I struggled to sit up but was blocked as Tanya climbed onto the bed and lowered her body onto mine.

This time there was less of the slow, sensual exploration of my body, and she slid her knee straight between my thighs, took hold of both of my breasts with her hands and started kissing and licking my lips around the edge of the gag.

As Tanya squeezed and rub my breasts she pushed her thigh up and down between my thighs and I responded instinctively by moving my pelvis forward to squash my pussy against her leg. Her fingers squeezed my tits and rubbed my nipples until they were hard and stingingly sensitive.

Then she lowered her head and her mouth worked its way along the line of my throat, licking and nibbling gently ? sending shivers down my spine. All the time, her knee was rubbing away at my pussy.? I was clutching Tanya?s knee with my thighs, my hips moving back and forth as I rubbed my pussy harder and harder against her leg. My pussy was hot and wet. It felt like an inferno full of molten lava.

I was groaning loudly making ?ggnnrh? and ?mmph? noises into my gag as I tried to encourage Tanya to do more and to go faster.

When Tanya lowered her head started sucking my nipples my hips began to thrash about almost uncontrollably and I began to feel the distant shudders of an approaching orgasm. I let my head drop back, breathed heavily through my nose, and groaned into the gag.

A minute or so later, everything stopped suddenly once again. I felt Tanya?s leg move out from between mine and the weight of her body leave me as she moved away. Sitting on the bed next to me, she put her hands on my hips and bent over me so that her face was right over my crotch. Then, from this short distance, she stared hard at my pussy, studying it. I could feel my pussy quivering in anticipation as I braced myself for the assault of Tanya?s tongue. But, once again, I was to be frustrated.

Instead of diving straight into my muff, after twenty seconds or so she lowered her head until her chin was resting on my stocking top, only a few inches from my pussy. All the time she kept staring at my pussy as if it was the most fascinating thing that she had ever seen. I shifted my position slightly, partly to ease the strain of my back pressing on my tied hands, but mainly to open my legs a bit more and allow her easier access to my pussy.

Tanya flicked me a glance as if to acknowledge my complicity and then went back to simply staring at my pussy.

?That looks real hot in there.? She said quietly after a few moments.

Then Tanya did something that no-one had ever done to me before. She pursed her lips and blew gently on my pussy. It was strange to feel the slight cool current of air on my pussy.

?You are like totally melting aren?t you?? She said after a few seconds of blowing on my pussy.

I raised my head and made some ?mmrhm, gnnrh, grrrhhh!? noises to try and tell her what I really wanted from her, but she paid no attention to me.

Tanya?s perusal of my pussy came to an end and she seemed to come to a decision of some kind. She looked up at me, smiled and then raised herself up into a sitting position. Then, she put one hand on my hip and the other on my shoulder and then rolled me over onto my stomach.

Next, I felt the bed bounce up and down around me as Tanya shifted her position. The soles of her feet suddenly appeared on either side of my head and I felt the weight of her body come down on the back of my thighs. I realised that Tanya was straddling my body with her face towards my feet.

Then I felt something grip my ankles. I flexed my calf muscles and tried to twist my lower legs apart but Tanya was strong and would not release her grip on my ankles. I felt her hands moving, working away at something and with a shock I realised that she was tying my ankles together. I raised my head and looked at the mirrored wardrobe door to see what was happening. I was right! Tanya had wrapped several coils of rope around my ankles was pulling the ends of the cord tight as I watched.

I squealed in indignation as I watched her knot the rope.

?Mmmnnrrh, uunnhh, nnrgh!? I tried to protest. I thought that Tanya was supposed to be introducing me to the delights of lesbian love. But how was she going to do that if my legs were tied together? I felt frustrated and confused.

Tanya finished the knots on my ankles just as I began to ineffectually pull and kick against the ropes around my ankles.?

Next, Tanya moved off my back and knelt on the bed next to me. She grinned at my frustrated expression in the mirror.

?Didn?t think that you were going to get away with just having your hands tied did you??

I gave another shriek of indignant exasperation and waved my bound feet up and down which made me look at bit like a beached whale sadly flapping its tail in the surf.

As I flapped my feet around like this, Tanya reached out, caught hold of the rope around my ankles and heaved them backwards towards my head. I grunted as she forced me to bend my knees and pulled my feet right back until my lower legs were almost flat against my upper legs. Her other hand already caught the length of rope attached to the bonds around my wrists. She swiftly passed the end of this under the ropes which tied my ankles and then passed it up between my calves and pulled it hard back towards my wrists.

Watching Tanya?s swift movements I felt another wave of shock as I realised what she was doing. She was hog tieing me! If it hadn?t been for the fact that my mouth was already wedged wide open by the big red rubber ball, I think it would have fallen open in sheer surprise. Why was she doing this to me?

Tanya pushed down on my bound ankles and pulled on the rope that was tied to my wrists. I ?mmphed? in discomfort as my legs were bent back so far that my heels almost touched my buttocks. Then Tanya tied the free end of the rope off to the bonds around my wrists.

As she knotted the rope she glanced up at my reflection and grinned at me ?There?s nothing like a good hog tie, eh??

I snorted a string of ?mmphs, nngghs, and bbrruuhh!? at her as I tried to communicate my irritation and frustration.

Tanya simply smiled back at my reflection in the mirror, and I followed her gaze and looked at myself. Apart from the big red gag that was forcing my jaws apart and making my face look longer than usual, my brown shoulder-length hair had become somewhat tousled and mousy looking. Behind my head, my shoulders were pulled right back towards my feet, and my body had been pulled into a taught curve. My hands and feet were held fast by masses of grey rope. Every time I tried to move my hands there was an effect on my lower body and I saw my feet and legs being pulled up in response. I was a proper little tied bundle.

Tanya inspected my bonds and tightened a few knots. Then, satisfied with my helplessness she rolled me over onto my back again.

Lying with feet and hands tied behind me had the effect of pushing my torso upwards towards my captor and I was very aware of how exposed and defenceless my tits and pussy were. Tanya could simply reach down and do whatever she wanted with any part of my body and we both knew it. I felt like a lamb in front of a wolf.

Tanya had that look of intense hunger on her face again and once more I felt a sublime tingle of fear mixed with desire run through me as I trembled at the thought of what she would do when she finally had her way with me.

Then the look faded in intensity and Tanya seemed to gain control of herself. She shook her head as if in wonder ?You look good enough to eat?

I caught my breath, hoping that this was it, Tanya was about to go in.

?If only you could see yourself as I see you now.? She paused and looked thoughtful.

?Hey, know what? That?s not a bad idea! I?ve got my cam corder in my car. I could make a video of you like this.?

I shook my head, and made a loud ?nnuurh? sound.

Tanya grinned and nodded at me. ?Sure, that?s a great idea.?

She got up from the bed and stood by the edge of the bed.

?Yeah, I could film you like that. Maybe add a few extras like a dildo or two.?

I shook my head frantically and made loud ?nnuurh!? sounds repeatedly as she walked towards the bedroom door.

Tanya looked over her shoulder with a grin. ?Maybe I could even put it on the internet. Then your friends could see it too. How about that eh??

And then she was gone leaving me on the bed making desperate ?nnurh, mmrph and ggllrrgh? sounds.

After a few seconds I stopped struggling and trying to shout, and tried to work out if she was for real or not. I watched the bedroom door and waited to see if she would reappear.

Then, after a minute or so of silence, I heard the unmistakeable sound of the front door of my apartment closing and a wave of panic welled up inside me. She was for real!

A cold sweat broke out over me and I rolled back and forth on the bed, straining against the ropes and wondering what the hell I should do now? As I struggled, I kept thinking over and over again how stupid I had been. I had been stripped, bound and gagged by a strange woman who had picked me up in a bar and now she was going to make a porno film with me as the unwilling star. And it was all my own fault. I should have left my fantasies as they were and never have attempted to fulfil them. As I rocked wildly back and forth on the bed, I screamed into my gag, probably as much out of frustration with myself as from fear of what Tanya had in store for me.

Trussed and fucked

I rolled around on the bed, tugging desperately at my bonds but it was useless. A lot of rope had been tied around my wrists and ankles and they felt like they were held by steel manacles.

It was humiliating enough to be stripped and then bound and gagged with my ropes and gag, but the thing that was really bugging me was what was my subjugator going to do next? Was she really going to return with a camcorder as she had threatened and make videos of me?

Knowing that I might only have minutes in which to escape I tried to reach the ropes that linked my feet to my hands. I managed to grasp them with one hand and follow them towards the ropes that held my ankles. However, because Tanya had tied my hands across each other in the middle of my back instead of the usual way where the wrist ties are at waist level I could not easily reach the rope around my ankles. It was a strain on my knees to keep my legs bent like and it made my wrists hurt too, so I let go after a few seconds. Tanya had tied me well, and I sensed that she had plenty of experience of tying women up, and knew how to keep knots away from desperately clutching fingers.

The sheer helplessness of my situation got to me and I shouted through my gag and rolled around in sheer frustration, tugging and kicking at my ropes in futile protest at my helplessness. I knew it was a stupid thing to do, only more likely to tighten the knots and make escape even more unlikely, but I was frightened now and reacting instinctively. I tensed my arm and leg muscles as hard as I could until my body was curved like an archer?s bow and my arms felt like they were going to pop out of my shoulder sockets. I pulled and pulled like this, groaning with the strain until I could bear it no more and collapsed back onto the bed.

I was amazed and frightened at how securely I was tied and how impossible it was to get free. I looked around the room, desperately searching for something that I could use to free myself. Whenever I had indulged in self bondage before, I had always made sure that there was at least one sharp knife and a pair of scissors located in some easy-to-reach place. But of course, this wasn?t self bondage and I had never been trussed up properly before, not by another person.

I forced myself to stay calm and try to think. I rolled over onto my back, pushed my hips up into the air and then tried to work my hands down towards my feet. I was like this, with back arched and pussy pushed high into the air when something made me stop and look towards the bedroom door. I froze in surprise ? Tanya was standing there watching me!

I was stunned into immobility not only because I had suddenly discovered that Tanya had returned without me hearing, but also because of her appearance. Her bra and panties were gone and Tanya now wore nothing except for a pair of dark stockings and a thin, black suspender belt.

This was the first time that I had seen Tanya completely naked and it was quite an impressive sight. She had a broad chest and shoulders that tapered sexily to quite a slim waist, with a nice, flat stomach. The muscles of her upper arms and shoulders were quite prominent and defined, like those of someone who worked out regularly. No wonder she had overpowered me so easily.

Tanya didn?t have particularly large breasts but her tits were a nice shape, with wide brown nipples. From what I could see, her pubes were dark and neat, with plenty of short-ish tidy hair, not shaved off as seems to be the fashion nowadays with many of the women that I had seen in magazines and on the internet. My view of Tanya?s pubes was partially obscured by her right hand and what this hand was doing added to the shock of suddenly seeing her. The ends of her fingers disappeared into the darkness at the top of her thighs and I could clearly see that two of her fingers were making slow circular motions around her clitoris.

I had never seen another woman masturbating in such an open and casual manner before. In fact, I had never ever seen another woman masturbating right in front of me like this.

Tanya smiled and raised her other hand in a placatory gesture.

?Don?t move.? She said softly. ?Please stay just as you are. I cannot believe how helpless and sexy you look.?

Tanya walked slowly over to the edge of the bed closest to my feet. As she moved, I noticed two things: one that she was not carrying a camcorder or any kind of camera, and two that that her fingers kept on flickering away between her thighs.

Tanya reached the edge of the bed and looked down at me over my raised up tummy and tits. She inclined her head slightly and gave me a rueful smile.

?I?m sorry, but I told a bit of a white lie before. I didn?t go to the car to get my camcorder. I just went to fetch a few things.? She gestured down at her stockings as she continued. ?I only said that about the camcorder because I wanted to see you struggle.?

Seeing my look of incomprehension she continued. ?You see it?s good to struggle so that you can feel bonds and get a real sense of your helplessness.?

Then she gave me a naughty smile. ?And of course it?s good for me because it?s such a turn on. I don?t think there?s anything in the world that is quite as sexy as watching a naked, hog tied woman trying to free herself driven by the knowledge that if she doesn?t get free all kinds of sexy things are going to happen to her.?

We stared at each other for a moment and I saw that the hungry look had never left her face.

?This position gives me a fantastic view of your pussy you know.? Tanya said as she dropped her gaze from my eyes to my crotch.

Tanya stopped rubbing her clit, put a hand on each of my knees and gently pushed my legs apart.

?Such a pretty pussy.? She purred quietly. ?I could stare at it for hours, but I really would like to know what it tastes like.?

Tanya?s words sent a thrill through me and I felt a shiver as she slid her hands along the inside of my thighs until they reached my crotch. Using her thumbs and fingers, Tanya gently pulled apart the lips of my labia to expose the mouth of my vagina. I felt the firm warmth of a finger tip at the mouth of my cunt hole and then my whole body quivered as Tanya slid a finger into my cunt.

Even though I had cooled down from the intense state of excitation from my mauling in front of the mirror, the sensation of having something inside my cunt hole was still highly pleasurable and I wobbled precariously on the bed as I shifted my position and tried to drive her finger even more deeply inside me.

Tanya pushed a second finger into me and moved both fingers around, exploring the inner contours of my cunt. As Tanya rubbed her fingers against the inside of my pubic bone I groaned and shut my eyes as ripples of pure pleasure spread outwards from my pussy.

Then I felt Tanya?s fingers slide out of me and I opened my eyes to see her insert her two glistening digits into her mouth. Tanya looked directly into my eyes as she licked my cunt juice from her skin.

?Mmmm, fantastic!? She murmured. ?Every bit as good as I thought it would be.?

She nodded at the bed. ?Why don?t you get up onto your knees for me in the middle of the bed??

Unsure of what might be coming next, but still keen for sexual release I rolled over onto my side and somehow managed to lever myself until I was sitting on my side. Then I was able to move my weight and body around and eventually managed to get into a kneeling position.

The hog tie rope connecting my bound hands to my feet was just about long enough to allow me to kneel, although it did had the effect of pulling my arms and shoulders taught behind me. This forced my body out in front of me, so that I seemed to be deliberately pushing my tits and my pussy outwards towards Tanya, which I suspect was the effect that she wanted.

When I had found my balance and steadied myself. Tanya climbed onto the bed and knelt directly in front of me. She bent forward and kissed me on the ball gag. Her hands traced a path across my belly as she reached for my breasts. As Tanya cupped my breasts in her hands she played with my nipples and I felt the skin of her thumbs running in circles around my nipples which responded by immediately stiffening and swelling. As my nipples hardened they seemed to become ever more sensitive, sending wonderful ripples of feeling out through my body. As Tanya?s thumbs traced the lumps and bumps around my teats it seemed as if I could feel the movements of her thumbs in my groin.

Suddenly, Tanya dropped her head to my chest and took my right breast into her mouth. Having my nipple sucked sent further exquisite sensations shuddering through my body and I felt my anus tighten as the tingling sensations within my pussy grew stronger. Then I felt Tanya?s finger tips brush against the skin on the outside of my thigh. They traced soft swirling patterns over my skin as they moved towards the top of my inner thigh and the private places beyond.

With Tanya sucking my tits and her hands moving slowly but steadily towards my pussy I twisted my hands helplessly against their ropes in my impotent desire for more. Tanya moved her head and started sucking my other tit and her finger nails were tracing faint patterns over the soft flesh of my inner thighs.

I braced myself for the touch of her fingers against my smouldering pussy but it didn?t happen. After a half a minute, Tanya stopped sucking my tits, raised her head and started to kiss and lick my neck. As she did this, she raised her hand from between my thighs and started to gently knead my breasts with her fingers. The feeling of Tanya kissing my neck was quite wonderful, but it wasn?t what my body was crying out for and I snorted in irritation.

After a minute or so she went back to sucking my tits and I experienced an indescribable thrill as she reached under me and I felt her fingernail touch the crack between my buttocks. She pulled her hand slowly back, scraping her finger nail along the crack of my bottom as it went. Her finger was moving downwards in a path that lead to my pussy and my body quivered with anticipation as it approached.

But once again I was cheated. At the last second her finger tip changed direction and moved to one side so that it traced a path along the corner between my thigh and my crotch without touching my pussy.

This new frustration brought a realisation to me. Bondage wasn?t simply about being helpless and in the power of another person, someone who could do whatever they wanted to you. Bondage also meant not being able to say, do or get what you wanted. Tanya?s teasing was not only raising my level of sexual excitation to unbearable levels, it was also highlighting my inability to do anything about it.

I was desperate for an orgasm, my hands twisting wildly against the ropes that held them and pulling hard on the rope that connected them to my feet. But my struggles were to no avail and Tanya continued to toy with me.

As she ran her fingers along the crease of my bottom and the tops of my thighs I thrust my pelvis forward, pushing my pussy towards her. It was humiliating but I wanted her to know that I needed to come.

Eventually, I felt Tanya?s fingernails brush against the first hairs at the top of my pubic mound and a sudden coldness shot down my spine. The whole of my mind seemed focused on my pubic mound and the sensations coming from there as Tanya?s finger nails moved back and forth through my pubic hair, slowly dropping towards my clit.

Eventually, her fingers reached the recess at the top of my thighs and she put her hand on my pussy. For a few moments, she simply held it, cupping it in her hands. I could feel her fingers resting lightly on top of my labia and touching my throbbing clit. Then she pushed with her middle finger and the lips of my labia slid happily apart to allow it entry. Despite the gag, I somehow managed to gasp as her finger entered my pussy.

I could tell from the warm, creamy feeling in my crotch that my pussy was dripping wet and her fingers seem to just glide into my pussy. I imagined the walls of my groove greedily grasping her fingers, drawing them in and feeding them with my juices.

Tanya was soon was exploring the innermost contours of my most private regions as I moaned loudly and stared down at her in my mute helplessness.

Her fingers examined the whole of my pussy, following the edges of my pussy lips and tracing the contours of my clit. Her fingers kept dipping into my dripping hole and rubbing against my pubic bone, pressing on that most sensitive of spots but they began to return more and more frequently to my clit, rubbing it, tracing circles around it, and then gently flicking.

The more attention she paid to my clit, the closer I came to orgasm. And I kept hearing odd noises in the room, grunting, slobbering groaning sounds. With a distant sense of shock, I realised that the noises were coming from me.

Tanya seemed to sense when I was reaching the point of no return and kept moving her finger away from my love bud, only to return to it time and time again when I started to go off the boil.

Finally, she gave me release and I came. With Tanya?s finger working away at my clit I reached a huge, sobbing orgasm with my whole body shaking and my body arching forwards tugging hard at the ropes binding my wrists to my ankles. My thighs were shaking and I could feel waves of muscular contraction rippling through my abdomen and diaphragm. Tanya?s finger kept rubbing away until my clit couldn?t take it any more and I fell backwards onto the bed and lay there snorting through my nose.

I am not sure if I slept or not, but at some point, I emerged from the pink mist of post-orgasmic pleasure and realised that Tanya?s fingers were toying lightly with my hair. I opened my eyes and looked up to find Tanya?s pussy directly in front of me, only inches away from the tip of my nose.

She was lying with her legs shamelessly wide apart with me lying between her thighs. One of her hands was over her pussy again and I saw that she was rubbing a couple of fingers in slow wet circles over her clit as she waited for me to recover. She wasn?t actually masturbating, more kind of gently stimulating herself.

After my rather rigid conventional upbringing it still amazed me to see such boldness. Here was a woman who could just relax in front of another woman and openly play with her pussy.

I looked up at Tanya?s face to find her smiling patiently at me. ?You are going to do this now aren?t you? She said and there was something about her voice that made me feel that it was more of a command than a question.

I looked back at her pussy, at the pink damp flesh, the curly hairs, the dark crinkled recesses and felt my heart beat faster. The heady, musky aroma of her pussy filled my nostrils.

For a moment I hesitated, telling another woman that I was happy to stick my tongue up her cunt was not something that I was used to. But, it was something that I had wondered about and fantasised about, and now that the opportunity was within reach, I was determined that I was not going to let my normal, inhibited self get in the way.

I looked up into Tanya?s eyes and nodded my head.

Tanya showed all her teeth in a huge happy grin as she leaned forward, unfastened the buckle of the ball gag at the back of my head and pulled it out of my mouth.

Tanya shuffled down the bed a bit and I found myself with her pussy less than an inch from my nose.

?It?s OK, nothing to be scared of.? Tanya said in a reassuring tone as she put a hand at the top of my neck and pulled my head gently towards her cunt. ?Go on, you?re just going to kiss it a little. There?s a first time for everyone.?

With my hands and ankles still hog tied behind me, I had to wriggle forward slightly to get into the most comfortable position. I looked up at Tanya over the top of her pubic mound and our eyes met across the forest of her pubic hairs.

Then I opened my lips and gingerly extended my tongue.

My first taste of another woman?s pussy surprised me. It was such a mixture of sensations, the warmth, the texture, the smell, the wetness. I was surprised at how soft the skin of her pussy was.

First, I ran my tongue cautiously over the lips of her labia feeling how uneven the skin was and how easily it yielded to my touch. All the time, I was slowly allowing more and more taste buds come into contact with her pussy, letting the taste build up. And it was a strange taste, slightly salty, but also with a kind of deeper muskiness which I had to admit was not unpleasant.

By the time I had cautiously traced the outline of Tanya?s cunt lips with the tip of my tongue, I had to admit that the taste was not bad at all. In fact, I had to admit that they were quite nice. I became bolder and pushed with my tongue until I felt the lips of her pussy move apart and my tongue slid into her moist groove. When my tongue entered Tanya?s vagina I was struck by how wet she was and by the taste which had a real kind of tang to it, almost a kind of sparkling flavour.

As I moved my tongue around, exploring the inside of her cunt hole, I felt a slight shudder run through Tanya?s thighs against the side of my face and realised that despite my bound hands and feet, I still had some power.

I ran my tongue along the soft uneven surface of Tanya?s labial lips. Then I slid it along the skin along the sides of her cunt lips, exploring the thin strip of smooth skin and the way in which the smoothness rapidly gave way to the forest of fine, curly hair that encircled her pussy. I felt a sudden desire to know what the inside of Tanya?s cunt tasted like and I pushed against her labial lips and slid my tongue down her groove. As my tongue delved deep into Tanya?s vagina I felt her thighs tremble against my cheeks.

The taste of Tanya?s cunt hole was something amazing. It was salty, with a faint hint of bitterness, but more than anything else, it was tangy. I was simply amazed at how tangy it was as I felt my way around inside her melting vagina with my tongue. I was also intrigued by the texture of the skin inside her cunt.

I am not sure if having the whole of my tongue stuck up Tanya?s vagina had increased the number of taste buds exposed to her cunt juices but something was making this an altogether much more amazing experience. Her cunt juices and that tangy taste seemed to be all over my tongue and running down my throat. This combined with the heady scent of Tanya?s pussy to produce an intoxicating experience that made me feel like I had moved up to some higher plane of existence.

Next, I turned my attention to Tanya?s love bud. I slowly withdrew my tongue from her quivering hole and slid it up until I felt the skin rising up where the button of her clit rose up from her pudendum. I felt another shudder run through Tanya?s thighs as I ran my tongue around the fleshy bud of her clit and explored its size and shape.

I ran my tongue down the front of her clit, impressed by how stiffly it was stood out from her pudendum, almost like a small cock. As I wrapped my tongue around it, I felt it throbbing with her excitement.

Around the base of her clit the skin disappeared into a forest of curly hairs and I traced a path along the edge of the forest before going back to pay more attention to her clit. I teased the skin at the top of her clit, feeling how it folded over into the hood which covered the really sensitive bit within and then I took the little fleshy bud between my lips and sucked on it for a while.

My jaw muscles were starting to ache, so sucking Tanya?s clit brought some relief from having to keep my mouth wide open all the time. Doing this to Tanya also had a most gratifying effect ?she groaned loudly and pushed her pussy into my face.

Running my tongue in circles around her clit had a similar effect, and so did flicking her clit from side to side with my tongue.

Then I moved my tongue away, pushed it between her labial lips and ran it up her groove with a great slurp, which brought an immediate deep intake of breath from Tanya.

While I lapped away at her pussy like a cat with a bowl of cream, a rather perverse thought entered my mind ?I wonder what Tanya?s ass hole tastes like??

This was something new indeed, something perverse and alien to my previously rather sober and straight sex life.

I admit that I had read about and looked at pictures of women licking each other?s ass holes, and had been turned on by it. But this was me, not someone in a magazine or a video. I tried to push the thought from my mind and jabbed my tongue deep into Tanya?s vagina. Once again, I became lost in the heady taste of Tanya?s vagina. As my tongue explored the folds and ridges of her vaginal walls another thought came to me. ?What does the skin of her ass hole feel like??

This time, the thought would not be simply pushed away. After a minute or so, I decided to give in to this obscure impulse. Tanya?s hips were moving up and down and she was groaning loudly again as I withdrew my tongue from her sweltering cunt hole and moved it down to her buttocks.

I cautiously slid my tongue along the inside of her buttocks until I felt the wrinkled skin of Tanya?s ass hole. I was surprised at how it tasted. Not amazingly different from her pussy. I mean it was a bit different somehow, but I was quite surprised at the lack of strong taste of any kind. I moved my tongue around the circle of her anus exploring the tightly knotted sphincter and the wrinkled circle of skin around it. The movements of my tongue over Tanya?s ass hole brought new groans from Tanya and I was soon pushing against it hard with my tongue as I relished the ecstatic effect that it was having upon her.

I don?t know how long I spent exploring Tanya?s ass hole with my tongue, but the ache in my jaw was becoming a problem so I turned my attentions back to Tanya?s clit and sucked on it for a while. Then I started whipping Tanya?s clit with my tongue and didn?t stop when I felt Tanya?s thighs start to tremble and her body shudder with the waves of pleasure passing through it.

I carried on mercilessly flicking her throbbing love bud with my tongue until Tanya came to a shaking, grinding climax punctuated by gasps, sobs and groans which seemed to go on forever. I only knew that she had had enough when she eventually put a hand on my hand and gently pushed me away.


Hog tied head to tail

After Tanya?s orgasm, I wriggled backwards slightly and lay with my face against the inside of her thigh as I waited for her to recover.

Tanya?s hazel eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. There was a glistening sheen of sweat across her breasts as her chest rose up and down.

I could smell the sharp aroma of wet skin but I didn?t know if it was coming from the lower half of my face, which was wet with Tanya?s pussy juices, or from Tanya?s pussy which I stared at it in fascination, studying the puffy pink flesh and the dark crease where the crinkled uneven edges of her labial lips met. I studied the shape of her clit, seeing how it emerged proudly from the juicy jungle that surrounded it. It still amazed me to think that this was the first pussy that I had seen from close up, and amazed me even more to think that my face had been buried in it only moments before.

I looked up to find that Tanya had opened her eyes and was smiling at me. She sat up, shifted her position and leaned over to give me a long, lingering kiss on the lips.

She ran her tongue along the edge of my lips and I felt a sudden glow in my crotch as I realised that she was tasting her own pussy juices.

?That was good!? Tanya complimented me as she broke away from the kiss to stretch her arms and yawn. Then she sat and stared into space as if trying to recall something.

?So . . are you going to untie me now?? I asked in a hesitant voice.

Tanya gave me a quick smile.

?Don?t be in such a hurry.? She chided softly and gave me playful tap on the end of my nose as she got up from the bed.

I watched her walk over to the chest of drawers and return with two handfuls of rope. The sight of the rope made me feel decidedly apprehensive as I wondered what position she was going to tie me in next.

Of course, what she did next took me completely by surprise when she sat down next to me on the bed, drew her knees up in front of her and started wrapping rope around her ankles. As I watched her with wide-eyed as she tied and knotted the rope around her ankles.

?You?re tying yourself!? I gasped in confusion.

?That?s right Karen!?

Tanya took another rope and used it to cinch the cords around her ankles. One end of this cinch rope was over two feet long and when I saw Tanya make a slip knot with the end of it my confusion grew.

?But, if you tie . . ? I began

Tanya glanced up at me ?Karen!? she cut across my words as she started to wrap rope around one of her wrists.

?Imagine we?re two old friends. We meet up, decide to go back to your place to watch a movie but guess what happens when we get there??


Tanya?s eyes blazed at me. ?When we get back we disturb a cat burglar in the middle of ransacking your flat and stealing all your things.?

?Oh dear.? I whispered as I went along with the game. ?What happens then??

There was a slight pause as Tanya rolled over onto her stomach and bent her legs back so that the slip knot dangled over her butt. She looked at me as she put her hands behind her back and felt around for the slip knot.

?The burglar has a gun, so takes us prisoner.?

?Oh no!? I cried in mock horror as I watched her catch hold of the slip knot and pull the coils of rope around her wrist through the slip knot. ?Both of us are taken prisoner??

?That?s right.? Tanya nodded as she wriggled her fingers through the coils of rope that had been passed through the slip knot. ?He takes both of us prisoner and he makes us take all our clothes off and then ties us up like this on the bed while he makes his getaway.?

?And he just leaves us here??

?That?s right.? Tanya?s arm and leg muscles bulged as she pulled down with her feet and tugged upwards with her hands. ?He just up and leaves us both trussed like a couple of hogs.? The tension in the slip knot pulled tight like a noose, cinching the ropes around Tanya?s wrists.

?So we?re both tied up like this?? I echoed.

?That?s right.? Tanya gave me a wicked grin. ?Both of us, all naked and tied up on the bed. . ? Her voice trailed away as she gave a couple of final tugs to yank the slip knot even tighter.

The grasping motions that she was making with her hands showed that her wrists were securely bound and couldn?t be pulled free. She was as helplessly hogtied as I was.

We stared at each other eyes for several seconds. I didn?t know what was coming next, but the tension was electric. Being tied up naked with another woman was an incredible experience.

?So what should we do?? Tanya asked.

I gulped. ?Well, I guess we?d better try and escape.?

?OK, let?s try and escape.?

There followed a lot of rolling around, shouting and giggling until Tanya and I were back to back We tugged unconvincingly at the ropes around each other?s wrists and shouted things like ?Can you reach the knot?? and ?How are we going to get out of here??

Tanya laughed even louder at the sound I made when she slipped a hand between my buttocks and started fingering my anus. Eventually, we rolled over to face each other. Tanya slid a knee between my thighs and I managed to do the same to her. We spent a long time like that, French kissing while we ground our crotches against each other?s knees. I have to admit that even though it was only play-acting, doing that with another bound and naked woman was one of the most intoxicating things that I have ever done.

Eventually Tanya pulled away from me and stared into my eyes. ?So, we?re tied up and naked on your bed and we can?t get free. What are we going to do??

?We could call for help.? I suggested

?We?ve done that. No-one heard. What else??

?We could lie her and wait, I guess. Maybe sleep some.?

?Borrrring! We?re too hyped up - we can?t sleep!?

In a slightly timorous voice I replied ?Then I guess we could fuck. What else is there to do??

?Exactly!? Tanya cried and rolled away from me.

She rolled and bounced around the bed until she was lying on her side, facing in the opposite direction, with her head pointing towards my feet.

I guessed what was coming next, and as I rolled onto my side to face her, that tingly feeling of anticipation started in my pussy again.

When Tanya had her face level with my tits she stopped to suck my nipples. I looked at the brown aureoles of her breasts in front of me, opened my mouth and filled it with one of her breasts. I ran my tongue over the bumpy skin around her nipple and felt it harden and stiffen as I worked it with my tongue. It dawned on me that sucking a woman?s tits was yet another first for me.

The mutual tit sucking lasted for several minutes until Tanya started to wriggle her way towards my feet again.

Tanya?s belly moved across my field of vision and her navel came into view, then as the first tufts of her pubic hair moved in front of my eyes I felt my clit start to throb as it filled with blood.

After shuffling around a little more, Tanya?s pubic bush was right in front of my face and mine was in front of hers.

Tanya raised her leg and managed to rest her foot on the other foot which was on the bed. This left her leg standing right up in the air which gave me a perfect view of and unimpeded access to her crotch.

Without any hesitation, I did the same and moved my leg to allow Tanya access to my pussy. For a moment we lay on our sides like that with our faces only an inch or so away from each other?s pussies. My nostrils were filled with the heady musk from Tanya?s pussy and all I could see were the hairs, nooks, crannies, and twisted wrinkled flesh of Tanya?s pussy

I felt something soft moving through my pubes just above my clit and knew that it was Tanya?s tongue. I hesitated for a moment. Although I knew what Tanya?s pussy tasted like and had already broken several taboos, I was faced here with something that would take me even further away from the heterosexual universe. In my daydreams about lesbian sex I had of course looked at pictures of women doing the 69 on each other and had been turned on by it ?but now I was going to experience it for myself.

Well, I told myself, I?ve come this far ? what?s the harm in going a little further. So, I bent my head forward and ran my tongue along the soft skin at the bottom of Tanya?s thigh. At the same time, I was acutely aware of the progress of Tanya?s tongue through my pubes, closing in on my clit.

Something warm and slippery wrapped itself around my clit sending a spasm of delight into my crotch and I closed my eyes and gasped.

After a couple of seconds, Tanya?s tongue moved away from my clit and she said quietly ?Don?t stop Karen. No matter how good it gets, don?t stop or I will stop. OK??

In reply, I ran my tongue over the lips of her labia.

I have to admit that doing what Tanya wanted was difficult. Nearly every time that she used her tongue on my pussy I either stopped or slowed down so much that she stopped using her tongue on me. It was almost impossible to keep my mind focused as her tongue dipped into my hole, flashed up and down my slit and flicked back and forth across my clit.

Sticking my tongue into Tanya?s cunt hole was as intoxicating as before, but was infinitely more exhilarating when I could feel her tongue searching around inside mine at the same time.

Somehow or other, we were able to keep doing these things to her until we were both moaning and groaning loudly, rocking back and forth on the bed with our heads clasped between each other?s thighs.

After much probing of vaginas, sucking on labial lips and other delights, we got down to some frenzied clit licking which moved us rapidly towards screaming climaxes, and we came at exactly the same time. I felt the tremors of pleasure pulsing outwards from Tanya?s pussy whilst at the same time I felt my own crotch quivering and shaking with pleasure.

As Tanya and I whipped each other?s clits with our tongues, I heard muffled squeals and shrieks of delight, but could not tell if it was Tanya or me making the noises. Eventually, Tanya?s relentless clit licking became too much and I screamed ?Oh god, yes!? as my hips heaved and rolled uncontrollably. I was dimly aware that Tanya was also writhing uncontrollably next to me and screaming into my bush.

Afterwards, we lay next to each other on our backs with our bound arms and legs beneath us and our faces wet with cunt juices and saliva. Eventually the tremors of orgasm subsided and we lay quietly as our breathing slowed and our bodies cooled.

My eyes closed and wondered to myself whether this was all really happening or whether it was just a dream. The pain from the ropes cutting into the skin of my wrists and ankles told me that it was very real, but so much had happened in such a short time that I found it hard to believe that I was truly living out some of my oldest and deepest fantasies. Going into that bar tonight really had been like opening Pandora?s box.

Despite the pain from my tied wrists and ankles, I drifted off into the deep sleep that comes after the body?s sexual desires have been satisfied. I?m not sure how long I slept, but I was awoken by a movement bed next to me.

I raised my head to see that Tanya had rolled onto her stomach and managed to grab ropes around her ankles. She had already untied the cinch rope which ended as the slip knot around her wrists. As I watched, she unknotted holding the rope around her ankles and as she pushed her feet against each other, the coils of rope fell open, slid down her legs and dropped onto the bed.

With her legs free, Tanya got up from the bed. Then, half-bending, she wriggled her tied wrists downwards around the bulge of her ass. Once she had hands below her ass she was able to step backwards between her forearms so that when she stood up her hands were now tied in front of her.

Raising her hands to her mouth she used her teeth to undo the knot and before long she was completely free.

Tanya put one foot on the edge of the bed and pulled up her stockings which had ridden down a little way. As I watched her smooth out the nylon around her thighs and adjust the suspenders at the top I felt uncertain. I wanted to ask her what would happen next, what new sexual experience was coming my way? But I couldn?t, I didn?t dare.

My shyness and old habits wouldn?t let me be that bold. I felt quite saddened when it occurred to me that the evening might be over.

Tanya finished adjusting her stockings, gave me a quick smile and without saying a word she rolled me over onto my stomach. I felt her hands working away at the ropes on my ankles and in a few seconds my feet were released from the hog tie.

I was happy to be able to stretch out my legs, but felt a little bit flat as it began to look like the fun really might be over.

Tanya had left my hands tied behind my back, and I had to twist my body round so that I could look at her as she started to undo the knot holding the rope around my ankles.

?Well,? I said in an uncertain voice. ?That was pretty amazing.? I really wanted to say ?We?re not finished yet are we??, but it seemed so forward.

Tanya shook her head as she removed the rope away from my ankles. ?Oh no! The evening?s not over yet lover.?

Her words sent a thrill of anticipation through me.

?So,? I said as the blood re-entered my feet now that the rope had gone. ?I guess.. I guess it?s normal sex now is it??

Tanya stared at me as I shook my feet from side to side and wiggled my toes. Then she sat down on the bed next to me and looked into my eyes.

?Normal sex?? As she spoke she put a hand between my legs and took hold of my pussy.

?What?s ?normal sex? then?? Her fingers started to rhythmically press against my cunt lips. The experience of lying with my hands tied behind my back while the gorgeous Tanya fingered my pussy had an instantaneous effect on me. The itching within my crotch began immediately and I shivered at the realisation of how much power she still had over me.

?Well?? Tanya demanded as the movements of her fingers became stronger.

I gave a small gasp as a finger pushed its way between my cunt lips and started to rub against my inner furrow.

?I don?t know.? I babbled, my eyes looking up and down between her eyes and her hand. ?I just wondered what we?re going to do next??

?What would you like to do?? Tanya murmured as she slid a finger into my cunt hole.

?I don?t know!? I panted. ?You?re the expert!?

Tanya gave me a sly grin and slid another finger into my vagina, moving both of them in and out with rhythmically. I moved my hips and pushed my cunt against her hand in a steady response.

?That?s right, I?m the expert.?

Tanya looked up at the ceiling and thought for a few seconds, all the while driving her fingers in and out of my cunt. Then she looked at me with a wide smile.

?I know. Where are your dildos??

?My dildos?? I could barely concentrate on what she was saying with all the blissful feelings emanating from my crotch.

?Now you?re not going to play hard to get again are you?? Tanya?s voice took on a tone of mock disapproval. ?You must have at least one dildo, surely??

?Yes . . yes.? I panted. ?I?ve got one ?it?s in the drawer, with the ropes and magazines and stuff.

?Good? Tanya smiled at me and slowly withdrew her fingers from my cunt.

I don?t know why, but the dildo element made me feel quite nervous again. ?What, what are you going to do??

Tanya didn?t answer, but I felt one of her finger nails move downwards from my cunt hole to my ass. Tanya watched my expression as her finger tip touched my anus and began to explore, picking at the twisted knot of skin, looking for a way in. The finger nail caught a tautly wrinkled edge of skin and started to twist and push against it. I clenched the muscles of my anus as I tried to keep the intruder out. Tanya gave me a funny look as if to say ?Well, you were the one who put your tongue up my ass first!? and then pushed and twisted even harder.

There was no real battle, her finger was well-lubricated with my pussy juices and was being pushed into my butt hole with unrelenting pressure. I gasped out loud as I felt my sphinctre give way and Tanya?s finger enter my anus.

Tanya smiled at my open mouthed expression of shock and wonder and pushed her finger deeper into my ass until it could go no further. It was a strange sensation, like having a shit but not being able to pinch it off by clenching my anal muscles.

After a second, Tanya pulled the finger out until it was almost clear of my anus. Then she pushed it slowly back in again.

Even though it wasn?t the most pleasurable sensation that I?ve ever known and was actually mixed with a certain amount of discomfort, I felt an urge to move my hips and started to push my ass against her finger in rhythm with her movements.

I looked down at my crotch and stared in wonder at Tanya?s hand moving back and forth between my legs, knowing that I was greasily sliding up and down on another woman?s finger in my anus. Tanya studied me, as if gauging the effect that being butt-fucked was having on me. After a few seconds she spoke

?So, what would you like me to do to you with a dildo??

I tried to think about her question, which I found quite hard with finger sliding in and out of my anus.

?What would I like you to do to me with a dildo?? I repeatedly numbly as Tanya?s finger slid out of my ass hole once again.

?That?s right lover.?

?Come on Karen, pay attention. What am I going to do to you with a dildo?

I stared at her, desperately trying to block out the sensations coming from my ass hole as I tried to think of something to say.

?I guess, . . I guess you?re going to fuck me with it.?

Tanya threw back her head and howled with laughter. All the while, her finger was going in and out of my ass hole and my ass was going up and down in response.

?Of course I am going to fuck you with the dildo!. But the question is . . . ? Tanya paused and looked at me expectantly to see if I could guess what was coming next. My mind was too focused on my ass and what she doing to it with her finger so she continued.

?The question is, am I going to put the dildo up your pussy, or am I going to fuck you up the ass with it??

She grinned as she saw her words sink in and the expression change on my face.

I kind of suspected that Tanya quite fancied an anal sex session and I doubted that there would be a lot that I could say or do to change her mind, so I simply said. ?Whatever you think best.?

?Whatever I think best!? Tanya chuckled ?I like that.? she murmured to herself as she continued to fuck my ass with her finger.

She thought about what was best for a good minute or so longer as I slid up and down her finger.

Eventually, she stopped pushing and pulling her finger in and out of my ass hole and looked over at the chest of drawers.

?I guess we?d better see what kind of dildo you?ve got there?

As she spoke, she slowly slid her finger out of my ass. My anal muscles closed together with some relief as the intruder slipped away.

Tanya stood up and walked over to the chest of drawers. After a few seconds, she found the old white plastic dildo that I had owned for years and walked back to the bed with it, turning it over and over in her hands.

She looked down at me with a slight frown.

?We?ll save that for later I think.? She tossed the dildo onto the bed beside me, then turned and walked out of the bedroom. I had no idea what she was up to now. But, I knew by this point that Tanya was capable of anything and my ass hole quivered in fearful anticipation of what might be coming its way next.

In the back way

After Tanya had left the bedroom I pushed myself up to support myself on my bound arms and listened. I heard a few quiet rustling and thumping sounds from the living room and then those stopped. For a minute there was nothing but complete silence. I stood up, and was wondering if I should go and see what she was up to when Tanya walked back into the room.

She came through the bedroom door making an adjustment to a strap that went around her waist and I saw with a shock that she was wearing a strap on dildo.

This was something completely new and I was lost for words. Then I noticed that she was holding a tube of lubricant in one hand and I began to get that fluttering sensation in my stomach again.

I spluttered ?Uh, .. uh .. Tanya, what?s going on??

Tanya walked up to me and then took hold of me by the shoulders she had that look of deep concentration in her eyes again.

?Turn.? She said firmly and used my shoulders to move me around until I had my back to her. Then she pressed down on my shoulders and simply said ?Knees.?

Nervously, I followed her orders and dropped onto my knees next to the side of the bed. Then she used her feet to push my legs apart.

Turning my head to one side, I watched in the mirror as she dropped to her knees directly behind me so that she was kneeling between my legs.

?Oh no Tanya! Wait a minute please!? My heart started racing as I saw her open the lube tube and smear clear jelly up and down the length of the dildo. There was nothing I could do. My hands were tied behind my back and I was sandwiched between the bed in front of me and Tanya behind me.

?Don?t worry, you?re going to love this!?

She finished off slathering the dildo in lubricant and tossed the tube to one side. Then she reached down with one hand and used her fingers to push my lower buttocks apart while she gripped the base of the dildo with her other hand.

?Tanya!? I squealed in alarm, my voice now quaking with fear. She shuffled forward slightly on her knees and I felt something hard, cold and wet touch the inside of my buttocks, slide around for a second and then come to rest against my ass hole.

?Please Tanya no!? I pleaded. ?No, I?m not sure about this, I?ve never?? mmmmhhhh, nnnnrrhh, mmmrrhhh!? My words were cut off suddenly as Tanya took her hand off my ass and used it to gag me. I tried to shake my head from side to side, to free myself from the hand gag, but Tanya kept her hand firmly in place over my mouth.

From the corner of my eye, I watched our reflections in the mirror helplessly as she moved her body forwards and upwards and pulled back on my face with the hand that she was using to gag me.

?Oh yes, oh yes!? Tanya crooned as she thrust her hips upwards.

I flinched at the sudden increase in pressure from the hard greasy object pressing against my ass hole. It was like the irrestistable force of Tanya?s will meeting the immovable object of my anal muscles. But then the muscles of my anus started to give way and slowly opened up. I felt a great hard pressure as the muscular ring of my sphincter was forced open as Tanya slowly pushed and guided the dildo into my ass hole.

The dildo was at least twice as wide as Tanya?s finger and this time it really did feel like I was having a huge shit. I was shaking my head and making lots of ?mmmmhhhh, nnnnrrhh, mmmrrhhh!? sounds into Tanya?s hand. Behind me, I could hear her sniggering to herself.

The dildo seemed to take forever to slide right into my ass, but finally the awful yet blissful sliding sensation stopped and there it was, buried deep inside me Then Tanya pulled her hips back, still gripping the base of the dildo and the plastic phallus started to slide out of my ass.

Despite my squawks and protests Tanya soon had a regular rhythm built up and the dildo was being pumped steadily in and out of my throbbing anus.

I stopped complaining and Tanya took her hand away from my mouth and took hold of one of my breasts with it. The only sounds that could be heard now were my grunts and gasps, the occasional slap of Tanya?s thighs against my buttocks, and the soft squelching sounds that the dildo made as it went in and out of my anus.

I leaned over, rested my head on the bed and looked at our reflection. Me, on my knees with hands bound behind me and Tanya behind me, one hand fondling one of my breasts and the other holding the base of the dildo. She was looking down at the dildo and watching it slide in and out of my ass with look of great satisfaction, as if she was getting her own back on some old enemy. In fact, she looked like she was really loving it as she watched the dildo go slamming back and forth into my ass.

I think she was playing with herself as well. It was difficult to see clearly because of the angle of the reflection and the closeness of our bodies. But I could have sworn that the fingers of the hand holding the dildo were also working away with a rhythm of their own between the tops of her thighs.

After a few minutes of being butt fucked by Tanya, my anal muscles started to really ache and I shifted awkwardly and said something like ?Hurts!?

Tanya must have known that I wasn?t messing, because after another thirty seconds or so she stopped. I watched in the mirror as Tanya?s sweat-covered body pulled away from me and sleek black shape of the dildo slid out of my ass.

I slumped forward on the bed exhausted but was allowed no time for recovery. Tanya pulled the strap on from her body, tossed it to one side and then turned to me.

?That was fantastic.? She said breathlessly. ?I just love doing that.?

She took me by the shoulders and pulling me backwards she lay me down on the floor with my bound hands underneath me.

I didn?t have chance to ask her what she was doing. She simply knelt down next to my head, then swung one leg over my face to straddle me. I looked up to see the dark mass of Tanya?s crotch descending onto my face. As Tanya?s pussy moved down to meet my face she slid one of her hands under the back of my head and pulled it up towards her pussy. It was just like that, no words, no niceties. Tanya had look of real hunger and I knew what she wanted.

As she pulled my face into her pussy, I opened my mouth and my tongue slid straight along her groove and into her cunt hole like a little cock. I looked upwards through the curls of Tanya?s pubes and saw her close her eyes in ecstasy.

As I moved my tongue around inside her she lifted her face towards the ceiling and moaned. I slid my tongue up and down her slit and flipped it back and forth across her throbbing clit and soon Tanya?s whole body was shaking.

After her orgasm, Tanya leaned back against the bed for a rest. I noticed that her immaculate hair was looking rather messy, and she looked like she?d been working out in the gym or just come back from a run.

Despite having my hands tied behind my back, I managed to push myself up into a sitting position and sat with legs crossed while I waited for her to recover.

?Shoooff!? Tanya exhaled slowly. ?You are a fast learner. I would have never had you figured for that.?

She nodded in acknowledge of her error of judgement. ?You know, when I first saw you in that bar tonight I was in two minds as to whether it would be worth the effort of trying to break you in. And now look at you. A proper little expert pussy muncher.?

I felt a warm glow spread across my cheeks as I heard myself described in this way.

?Well, thanks . . I uh . . I guess I enjoyed it.?

?Good.? Tanya?s cheeks were still flushed, but she pulled herself up from the bed and moved to sit directly behind me. Her legs appeared around the sides of mine and I felt the warmth of body behind me and the soft pressure of her breasts pressed against my back.

Tanya put her chin on my shoulder and said quietly ?How?s your ass??

?It?s OK.? I watched Tanya?s arms reach around me to take hold of the stocking above my left knee.

?It throbs a little bit but it doesn?t really hurt.? I said as I watched Tanya?s hands smoothing the stocking along my leg, pulling it up and straightening out the wrinkles in it.

?Sorry, I get a bit carried away sometimes, I kind of have this thing for fucking women up the ass.?

?Really?? I replied with a hint of sarcasm as her hands reached the top of my thigh and pulled the stocking top up an inch closer to my crotch. She reached down and started to smooth out the stocking on my other leg.

There was something intimate and sensual about having a naked woman sit behind me and adjust what little clothing I had on. I was paying more attention to Tanya?s hands than to what I was saying.

?Well, it was certainly something new.? I went on. ?In fact, I?ve never been fucked with a dildo before at all.?

Tanya?s hands had reached the stocking top but they stopped for a moment.

?Never?? She sounded surprised.

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye.

?Nope, never. I?ve only ever used that old dildo on myself when I?ve been on my own.?

?Ah, ha. I see.? Tanya?s fingers went slowly back to work again. They finished pulling up the stocking and then started to stroke the inside of my thigh, sliding over the smooth skin between the stocking top and my crotch.

I was entranced by Tanya?s soft caress and I felt the familiar tingling awaken inside my cunt again. After a few seconds, Tanya moved her head to one side to get a better look at my face.

?So you?ve never been fucked with a dildo eh??

?Err, no.? I was beginning to get an idea of where we might be heading next.

?Well, we can change that right now can?t we??

Tanya jumped to her feet, hooked her hands under my shoulders and pulled me up to a standing position. Then, before I could say anything she picked up the ball gag. I groaned aloud as soon as I saw her take hold of it in a purposeful way.

?Oh not the gag again!? I cried ?What for??

?Because I want to. Now stop whining Karen!? Tanya snapped.

She stood behind me and held the big red ball in front of my face.

?Open wide.?

Rather than suffer another pinched nose I grudgingly opened my mouth. Once again, I felt the oppressive bulk of the large rubber ball being rammed into my mouth. For some reason, I really resented being gagged and reduced to some kind of mute prisoner again. The straps of the gag also bit into my skin, making the sides of my mouth sore and that irritated me as well. I snorted my annoyance at Tanya as she fastened the buckle behind the back of my head. Then she turned me round and looked me up and down as I stood, twisting my hands behind my back in frustration and worry about what was coming next.

Tanya pointed at the bed.

?Lie down.?

I sullenly climbed onto the bed and lay there looking up at her resentfully.

The ropes around my wrists made lying on my back a little bit painful, but I had already found that as long as I didn?t strain against the ropes too much that I could ignore this discomfort quite easily. And to be honest, the sensations coming from other parts of my body were occupying far more of my attention.

Tanya leaned forwards, took hold of my ankles and pulled my legs apart. She grinned triumphantly for a few seconds at the position that she had me in, then she climbed onto the bed, knelt between my legs and lowered her body directly onto mine.

Tanya put her elbows out on the outside of each of my arms and allowed the weight of her upper body to rest on them. With her hands free, she took hold of both of my breasts and started to squeeze them. She also pushed her pussy against mine and I felt the scratchy sensation as the hair-covered skin of both our pussies rubbed over each other. There was a slight rustling sound from our stockings as our legs brushed against each other.

?Never been fucked with a dildo eh?? Tanya was staring into my eyes, the tip of her nose only an inch above mine, her mouth twisted into an impish grin. Her hands began to knead my tits harder and harder as she ground her pudendum against mine, rubbing it up and down and from side to side.

I found myself making ?mmmmhhh? and ?nnnrrgh!? noises. Once again, Tanya had me completely at her mercy and was totally dominating me. Apart from having my hands tied behind my back, she had my body trapped underneath hers, was touching me and rubbing me in any way she wanted. And I have to admit it, having Tanya ride me like a man was a real turn on.

Tanya was staring hard into my eyes, she could see the excitement and fear in me. She leaned forwards and kissed me on and around the ball gag, then she lowered her head. The feeling of Tanya?s tongue running sinuously down my throat was wonderful, but I barely had time to appreciate it before she was devouring my tits, nibbling and sucking on my nipples and sending even more heavenly sensations out through my body.

Tanya was grinding her crotch hard against mine, and I was squirming around beneath her, gyrating my hips to match her rhythm. Then, as Tanya clamped her lips around one of my teats she reached down with one hand and grasped my cunt. As her fingers slid into my soaking groove I groaned in ecstasy. Tanya was sucking hard on my tits and rubbing my clit with her fingers while I writhed and squirmed helplessly beneath her, totally at her mercy.

Tanya enjoyed her sensual domination for another minute or so, until I was starting to get really steamed up. Then she let go of my cunt and picked the dildo up.

I looked up to see Tanya open her mouth and take the dildo into it. She had a devilish look in her eyes as she sucked on the dildo. Her face elongated, with cheeks hollowed out and her red lips swollen and pursed around the white plastic shaft as she sucked on it. She moved the long plastic tube in and out of her mouth as she lubricated it with her saliva. Then she removed it from her mouth, gave me an evil grin and moved down the bed until her face was over my pussy.

I lifted my head and strained my neck to watch. I had no idea where she going to put it ? in my pussy or up my ass.

Tanya put her free hand on top of my pussy and used her thumb and index finger to spread open the lips of my labia. She looked up at me to see the expression on my gagged face as the tip of the dildo made contact with the mouth of my vagina.

I felt the hard surface of the plastic pressing against the mouth of my cunt and a tremor ran through my body. Tanya grinned at me and pushed harder and the dildo popped into me.

I squealed and shook my legs as Tanya inserted the whole length of the plastic phallus into me. It was a fantastic feeling. The whole of my cunt was on fire again with the muscles of my vagina clenching tightly around the shaft of the dildo, trying to hang onto it.

As Tanya started to pump the dildo back and forth into me, I moved my hips and adjusted the angle of my cunt to maximise the pressure on the inside of my pubic bone and the heavenly sensations that this created.

Tanya watched my pussy for a minute as she pumped the dildo in and out of me. Then, without changing her rhythm, she raised her free hand and put a finger into her mouth. I watched without comprehension, and if I hadn?t had a dildo being driven in and out of my cunt I might have realised what she was up to. As it was, I found out a few seconds later when she lowered her hand and I felt the finger press against my ass hole.

I let out a shriek as Tanya?s finger worked its way into my ass hole. So, now I had a dildo in my cunt and a finger up my ass, both working away in unison, steadily moving in and out of my most private places. This was too much for me. Being fucked with a dildo was an amazing new experience, especially with another woman doing it to me. But being fucked front and back at the same time was more than I could handle. It was too much stimulation.

I shook my head from side to side and ?mmmpphed? loudly, but Tanya just grinned at me. I tried to raise myself up on my bound arms but Tanya moved first. She shifted her body round sideways so that her feet pointed towards my head. Before I could react, she stretched one leg out over my upper body and planted it on the other side of my upper torso. She shifted her body back and suddenly she was straddling my body like as if we were in a ?69? position.

I looked up and saw Tanya?s cunt and ass hole coming straight down towards my face. With my hands tied behind my back and the weight of her body on top of mine I was completely helpless. If I thought that being fucked up the cunt and up the ass at the same time was too much, imagine my horror when Tanya lowered her head and I felt the slippery warmth of her tongue flashing around my clit.

I screamed into my gag and tried to shake my body, but Tanya held me tightly between her legs and pressed down on me with her torso. The dildo and finger went in and out of my cunt and my ass with a steady rhythm, like parts of smoothly oiled engine. Tanya was in no hurry, she was clearly enjoying herself as her tongue lazily played with my clit, seeming to taste it as much as to stimulate it. Tanya was enjoying my body and my predicament.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, knowing that I was going to die for sure. I had never experienced so much sensual stimulation before. I was sure that I would come a thousand times, and probably never stop.

My clit was throbbing, my thighs were trembling and I could feel the tingling in my crotch as it built towards an enormous orgasm. I felt like a damsel in distress in an old film, tied to the tracks while the thunderous power of a mega-orgasm hurtled down the rails towards me, straight at my pussy.

At that point, I stopped fighting and decided to give in to it. If it was all too much and I died, then so be it ? and what a way to go. I couldn?t think of a better way than death through orgasm. And if I didn?t die, then this was surely going to be an experience that I would never forget. And that was another thought. If Tanya was going to take me to undreamed of orgasmic heights then I was glad that I had gone into Pandora?s Box tonight, and let her pick me up and initiate me into the delights of lesbian love.

There and then, with Tanya fucking me front and back and licking my clit into a frenzy, I knew that I was a convert. If this was what lesbianism had to offer, then it sure beat hanging around waiting for deadbeats like Mikey to call. In fact, I realised that I should have done this years ago.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the dark mass of Tanya?s crotch hanging over my face. I saw all the colours and contours and the intricate folds and creases of Tanya?s most intimate places. If I was going to experience the biggest orgasm of life, then I couldn?t think of anything else I would rather be looking at as it ripped through me. I wondered if this was why she had gagged me, to stop me from sticking my tongue up her cunt and distracting her from what she was currently doing to me, or maybe it was to taunt me with the closeness of her cunt and my inability to taste it.

I shivered as the first tremors of approaching orgasm shimmered outwards from my crotch and another thought to mind. After this, nothing would ever be the same again. There would be no going back to the old way of life. I groaned and drooled into my gag as I felt the thunderous orgasm bearing down relentlessly and realised that I truly had opened Pandora?s box.







Pandora?s box?????????????????

An error of judgement

As the rope started to bite into my wrists I struggled to turn my body and pull my arms out from behind my back. My efforts had no effect, and my captor?s hold on my arms remained vice-like as the rope was wound around and between my wrists.

I glanced at the mirrored door of the wardrobe to one side and saw myself, standing in only my bra and panties, while my hands were tied by another partially naked woman standing behind me.

Not only was it difficult to believe that what I was watching was real, what was even more mind-boggling was that this was a situation entirely of my own making.

I squirmed again and tried to pull my arms free. Biting my lip I stammered

?Uh, look Tanya, I really am not sure about this, can we please just stop and talk for a minute??

In the mirror I saw no change in the swift movements of my subjugator?s hands and fingers, or in the look of resolute intent upon her face.

The realisation that she was not going to stop, and that I really was being tied up brought a horrible, watery sensation to my stomach which reminded me of the first time that I had met Tanya, only a few hours before.

I had been on my way back from a business meeting in a neighbourhood that I rarely visited when I was taken by sudden whim to visit Pandora?s Box. A bar that I had heard was a good place to relax and meet people, and one that I had never visited myself. What I had never envisaged was that I would end up meeting another woman, and especially not one like Tanya.

I remember that Tanya had caught my eye when I first walked in. She was a striking woman, tall with high cheek bones, a light tan, a wide smiling mouth, and masses of wavy auburn hair that reached down to the top of her shoulder blades. Dressed in a grey business suit and white blouse, she was also quite tall, around 6 foot, I would say. There was something about the look in her eye and that one sided smile of hers that affected me.

When our eyes met for the first time, something passed between us and I found it difficult to look away. After our eyes had locked a couple more times she picked up her drink and I realised that she was coming over to me. That was when the butterflies in my stomach really took off.

I would never have described myself as a lesbian, or even as bisexual, - but I was curious. Ever since I was a teenager, I have had occasional thoughts and fantasies about what it would be like to be with another woman. I have even gone as far as occasionally buying porn magazines, or surfing web site on lonely nights.

After a string of drab, going-nowhere relationships, I split up with my ex a couple of months back. I don?t know if it was the fact that he seemed particularly self-centred and interested only in satisfying his needs, or if I was suffering from a deeper, more general boredom with my life. But since we split up, I found my curiosity about lesbianism had increased.

I had heard that Pandora?s box was a quiet, discreet place to meet other women, so I thought that maybe I should head over there some time on my drive home from work and I guess that was how I ended up nervously clutching my drink and wondering what if I knew what I was getting into as I watched Tanya walking towards me.

I remembered her first words, ?Hello! I?m Tanya. You look a bit lost sitting there on your own.? And that broad smile of hers as she continued in that unplaceable mid-Atlantic kind of accent. ?Mind if I join you??

I mumbled something like ?Sure?, and gestured at the seat next to me. And somehow, in less than two hours we went from there to the point where we decided to continue our conversation somewhere a little more private.

All through that conversation Tanya?s face fascinated me. In addition to those high cheek bones, her wide mouth had well defined full lips and hazel eyes with a slight Asiatic curve to the upper lids. She enhanced this look with a touch of eye liner to give herself a sexy and enigmatic look. I guessed that she was around my age, early thirties, with just a couple of faint lines starting to appear around the corners of her eyes. She also had an upturned nose with a kind of slightly bulbous end. This slightly unusual shape made her nose interesting rather than cute. On another woman, a nose like that might have been rather unflattering, but with Tanya it combined with her eyes, cheekbones and lips to produce a striking set of features. I found myself looking at her and wondering whether she was fascinating because she was truly beautiful, or whether the slight imperfection of her nose was the thing that made her so striking.

It wasn?t long before it occurred to me that I didn?t want our conversation to end, and also that it might be a lot more comfortable if we continued somewhere else, like back at my apartment.

As I looked at the mirror and watched Tanya cinching the ropes around my wrists with that look of determination I felt like kicking myself for being so na?ve and giving in so easily to that urge to experience something new and live dangerously.

While we talked in the bar, Tanya had got all kinds of personal information out of me, about my single status, my dissatisfaction with men and in particular my ex, and my curiosity about sex with women. In turn, she revealed little about herself, especially about her job. I did manage to get out of her that she was some kind of project manager or event coordinator who specialised in multi-media. Looking back, I can see that alarm bells should have started to ring inside my head when she said something about organising and making video recordings of events but was quite vague and evasive about the type of events that she was talking about. I was too busy marvelling at the translucent brown of her eyes and studying the shape of Tanya?s nose to pay attention to such trifling details as to whether she worked on the right side of the law, or was involved in something a bit darker.

I remember clearly the thrill that shot through me when we started talking about sex and she revealed that she enjoyed sensual activities of all kinds, with men but particularly with women. I learned that she had had more sexual adventures than I had ever dreamed of. And then she said something to me that I will never forget: that nothing had prepared her for the experience of having sex with another woman and that this was the greatest sensual pleasure that she?d ever known. She asked me if I had ever had sex with another woman. Then she asked me if I had ever thought about it, and I amazed myself by admitting that I had. At that point I was completely hooked, and Tanya could see it too. From then on I had no choice in the matter, I would have gone anywhere with her and done anything she wanted.

After that it wasn?t long before Tanya suggested that we move on to somewhere a bit more private. Outside in the parking lot, Tanya mentioned that she was sharing with a friend at the moment and suggested that we look for a motel. This seemed like an unnecessary expense and also slightly seedy, so I suggested that we go back to my apartment. Minutes later, with Tanya following me in her car, my normal sober self began to exert itself and I started to wonder just how sensible an idea it was. Looking back now, with Tanya using my own ropes to tie my hands behind my back, it seemed like a serious mistake.

In fact, almost as soon as we arrived at my place I found out that being on my home ground gave me no authority or protection at all in the face of Tanya?s cool confidence and determined desire. As soon as we arrived, Tanya went to the bathroom while I mixed us a couple of drinks with hands that were shaking so much that the ice in the glasses clinked loudly. When she came back into the room, Tanya simply took both drinks off me and set them down out of the way on the table. I took a step back as Tanya moved in real close. She brushed a hand across my cheek ?It?s OK.? She said quietly. ?I was nervous too my first time.?

?Really?? I replied uncertainly.

She put a hand around my waist and into the small of my back. The tip of her nose brushed lightly against mine, and my nostrils were filled with her scent.

?Yeah.? She breathed. ?It?s just nerves that?s all.?

She leant forwards and kissed me lightly upon the lips, then pulled her head back and studied me for a second.

?Look Karen, if you?re really unhappy, I?ll stop.? She gave me an open smile ?I?ll even leave if you want.? She stared at me for a few seconds.

?Is that what you want??

I stared down at the floor, thought for a second and then shook my head. My nerves were killing me, but I didn?t want her to go.

?OK.? She whispered softly and pulled me towards her for a proper kiss. This was it. Tanya?s luscious lips were only millimetres from mine. After years of wondering and fantasising about what it would be like with another woman, here I was about to finally find out for myself at last. I felt the pull from her hand against my back and a thought popped into my head: ?what?s the harm in one kiss?? And with that thought I moved my face towards Tanya?s.

Our first kiss sent a shiver through me. Tanya?s lips were warm and firm and her lip gloss tasted sweet but it was that strange electric thrill that ran down my spine and into my crotch that really made me think ?Wow!?

Maybe it was just the knowledge that I was doing something that went against my upbringing, something that most of my friends and family would disapprove of, if not be totally appalled by. That first thrill seemed to spread out from my lips and ran like a shiver down my spine until it reached my crotch where a fiery tingling started to burn in my pussy.

Tanya became bolder and I felt the tip of her tongue brush against my lips. Well I thought, if we?re kissing, we might as well do it properly and I opened my lips and our tongues entwined. After a minute she put her arms around me and held me in a proper embrace. So, I slid an arm around her waist and put the other around her back. I mean, it seemed like the right thing to do.

Tanya?s kisses were delicate at first, exploratory slowly becoming deeper and more passionate. When she used her tongue to trace a pattern around my lips I felt a wonderful feeling of being alive and part of some wonderful exploration. As I got used to kissing Tanya like this the butterflies in my stomach started to settle until Tanya decided it was time to move on. This was a pattern that she seemed to set for the whole of the evening. She just about allowed me to get used to something before pushing me onwards towards the next level.

I felt Tanya?s hand pluck my blouse out of the top of my skirt and then the warm, soft skin of her hands slid across my stomach and around my sides. The sensations that her finger tips and nails produced as she ran them softly across the skin of my back and shoulders was another electrifying experience. I was losing myself in these heavenly sensations when I felt Tanya?s hand move away. Next, her fingers were pulling at the clasp of my skirt and before I could do anything, my skirt went sliding down my legs to lie crumpled around my feet.

I was acutely aware that I was standing in my living room, in a state of semi-undress while a woman that I had only known for a few hours was putting her hands all over my body. When Tanya?s fingers started to trace their devilish patterns across my buttocks my breathing began to quicken and deepen. Then I felt her fingers start to explore beneath the elastic of my panties as they crossed my buttocks and a strange thing happened. My feelings of jitteriness remained the same as ever, but I felt desire rising up within me. A great feeling of what I can only call lust welled up from deep within my crotch. I suddenly felt like I wanted to devour Tanya, to embrace her and know every part of her. I longed to rub my nose through her innermost, most personal and secret places and breathe in her aromas and scents. I wanted to run my tongue over her skin and taste her. As I experienced these strange, alien urges, Tanya undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor.

Then she pulled me harder against her and slid one leg between mine as we continued kissing and caressing each other?s skin with our fingers. Tanya began rubbing the top of her thigh against my pussy. This sent further sensations flooding out through my body and for the first time I actively kissed Tanya and pulled her body towards mine, grinding my pussy against hers.

After a while, Tanya pulled away from me and I could see that she too was breathing deeply and that those beautiful wide cheek bones were suffused with a reddish-pink glow.

Without saying a word, she undid the buttons on my blouse and slid it off my shoulders to leave me standing in just bra and panties. Then she took me by the hand and pulled me towards the bedroom.

Standing by bed, Tanya put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto it. Full of a heady mixture of nervousness and desire, I watched as she removed her blouse and then lowered herself on top of me. Once again, she put one knee between my thighs as she lowered her face onto mine and kissed me. This time, her hands explored my stomach and chest as she kissed me. Her knee began to rhythmically grind against my pussy and my body began to respond with increasingly strong feelings of pleasure rippling out from my crotch. I felt her fingers steal beneath the fabric of my bra and explore the contours of my breasts and nipples. The regular pressure from her knee against my groin sent my pulse race faster and faster and made the tingling within my pussy burn more and more intensely.

The intense feeling of desire returned, boiling up from within again. I hugged Tanya to me. I wanted her. I wanted her right there and right then. I put my hands around her back and found the fastener on her bra. It was strange, it was like I was doing this, but at the same time, I was also watching myself. Some part of me was standing back in disbelief, watching me take hold of Tanya?s bra strap and saying ?Is that really you, are you actually going to take another woman?s bra off??

With my trembling fingers, I followed the outline of the strap and clasp and I was just working out how it should be unfastened when the shrill ring of the phone beside the bed cut through the semi-erotic haze and brought us back to reality.

We both froze, and looked at each other. It continued ringing for 15, maybe 20 seconds and then stopped.

Tanya smiled at me, and then started to lower her face towards mine again when a shrill beep-beeping sound came from the living room freezing us both into immobility again.

?My mobile? I whispered as I started to disentangle my body from Tanya?s.

?Let it ring!? She seemed surprised that I would even consider answering.

?It might be Mikey, my ex. He always rings the house first and then my mobile.?

?If he?s your ex, then why speak to him?? Tanya looked puzzled.

?Because I don?t want him coming round here looking for me, which he has been known to do on a Friday night when he?s at a loose end. If he sees my car in the drive, we?ll never get rid of him.?

Tanya nodded at me expressionlessly as I stood up.

?Don?t worry. I?ll put him off.? I told her as I crossed the room.

And that was my big mistake. I don?t mean that answering the phone was a mistake. I mean that leaving Tanya alone in my bedroom was the thing that led directly to her grabbing me and lashing my wrists together behind my back.

It took me a few minutes to get rid of Mikey. After all, I had to put him off completely, make him think that there was absolutely no point in coming round to my place on the off chance. So I told? him that I was? out, staying over a girlfriend?s house for the night. Eventually, I heard the disappointment and lack of interest enter his voice when it finally sank in that I wasn?t available for a bit of fun, another evening of convenient sex. After that, I was able to put the phone down and forget about him.

I walked back into the bedroom and found Tanya sitting on the bed looking at something on the bed next to her. That was the point at which the first big shock of the evening occurred and the roller coaster ride that was to follow started. As I walked over to the bed my gaze moved from Tanya to the thing that she was reading and I saw that she was reading a magazine. I stopped in my tracks and my jaw dropped open with horror as I saw what it was that she was reading, it was one of my bondage magazines!.

A glance at my chest of drawers showed that the second drawer down was open.

?You?ve been going through my things!? I shouted at her.

Tanya looked up at me. ?Sorry? Karen, I wasn?t prying. I was actually looking for these.?

She raised a hand and I saw a pair of my nylon stockings dangling from her fingers. ?I just wanted to see what you had in the way of sexy lingerie.? She appeared to have no guilty feelings whatsoever about searching through my things, and the corners of her mouth spread out into a knowing grin.

?But of course, I found these didn?t I?.? Tanya gestured towards the bondage magazines and I also saw several bundles of rope that she had removed from my drawer. .

I swallowed hard and felt my cheeks start to redden. I didn?t know what to say

Tanya stood up and stared into my eyes. ?Do you wanna tell me what you use these for??

My cheeks were burning now, and I still couldn?t think of a single thing to say.

Tanya reached out to stroke my cheek. ?There?s no need to be embarrassed, I?m not surprised. Lots of people are into this kind of stuff.?

?Really.? I whispered hesitantly, still feeling horribly embarrassed at having my innermost interests revealed.

?Oh, yes.? Tanya leaned her face towards mine, and said quietly. ?And that includes me!?

I couldn?t think what to say, and I couldn?t meet Tanya?s conspiratorial stare. So I bit my lip and stared at the floor, uncertain of what to do.

Tanya continued. ?Look, I promise you, I wasn?t looking for things like this in your drawers. But honestly, bondage is one of my absolute favourites. I love tying other people up and being tied up. Don?t you??

??I?m not sure.? I whispered

Tanya?s eyes widened with sudden comprehension. ?I see. You?re into self bondage!?

I stared at her, too horrified and ashamed to say anything. My secret was out, and I felt sick with shame and humiliation.

Tanya smiled and gave a small shake of her head

?Hey! Don?t look like that. It?s nothing to be ashamed of. If you had any idea how many people like tying themselves up, your eyes would just bulge.? She paused and considered. ?Well, maybe not that, but you would be amazed at how many people are into it, trust me.?

I looked dubious and she stroked my cheek again.

?And tonight, you don?t have to do it on your own, because you?ve got me to show you how it?s done.?

Looking back, I can see that right then and there I should have turned and run. Instead, I just froze like a rabbit caught in car headlights as a wave of nervousness ran over me.

?What do you mean?? I managed to stammer.

?I mean that I will be more than happy to . . you know, show you how it should really be done.? Tanya looked down, and as my eyes followed her gaze I saw that she was holding a handful of rope.

The sight of Tanya brandishing a coil of rope at me jarred me into life and I started to back away from her saying ?Uhh, nahh, I don?t think so . .? I broke off as Tanya reached out and took a firm grip of my shoulder and I found that I couldn?t back away from her.

?Look Tanya.? I held my hands up in a kind of pleading gesture. ?Doing what we were doing before is great, I was enjoying it But this. .? I shook my head as I stared at the rope in her hand. ?This is too far, too fast you understand??

Tanya gave me an evil grin and shook her head. ?No pain, no gain.?

Her words filled me with dread and terror, but before I could move she grabbed my forearm and twisted it while at the same time she shoved my shoulder with her other hand forcing me to turn on the spot and face away from her. She was now holding my forearm in a vice like grip in the small of my back.

Tanya pressed her body up behind mine and said forcefully. ?Give me your other hand.?

I hesitated and she spoke again. ?Karen, you know this is what you want. You?ve been dreaming of this haven?t you??

Tanya paused for a second, letting her words sink in. ?You long to be tied up and dominated by another woman don?t you?? Tanya was now whispering seductively. ?Those magazines aren?t new are they? Look at the state of them! You?ve had them for years and you?ve been fantasising about this for ages haven?t you??

I listened to her words and shivered, my muscles felt like they were turning to jelly. Part of me longed to give in, and knew that what she was saying was right, but another, sensible and logical part of me hung back, nervous and uncertain and wanting more time, to make sure that this was safe and that it was really what I wanted to do.

?Admit it.? She continued. ?You would love to know what it?s like to be naked and bound and in the power of another woman who is going to use her fingers and tongue all over your body.?

I opened my mouth to say something, but it was too late. Her hand moved from my shoulder, slid down my free arm and grabbed my wrist. There may have been a split second as she moved her hand in which I could have moved, but I didn?t. Then, with a swift twisting jerking motion she wrenched my arm behind my back and pinned it against my other wrist.

The slight pain in my arm made me feel panicky, and I tried to turn and shouted ?Hey! Let?s hang on here a minute.?

Tanya?s only reply was to wrap several loops of rope around my wrists. I tried to flex my forearms and wrists as I wondered how she could hold them together so tightly and I realised with a sudden pang she wasn?t holding them. I could only think that she must have had a lot of practise at tying women up because there was no other way that she could have tied my hands so quickly.

I turned my head and looked at the mirrored front of my built in wardrobe. I saw that Tanya worked quickly and was already knotting the ropes around my wrists. As I watched, she finished tying the knots and then stood back to survey her handiwork. I strained the muscles in my arms as hard as I could, but all that I was able to do was wiggle my fingers. The ropes around my wrists felt thick and as solid as a pair of manacles. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering again big time as I realised that I was well and truly bound and helpless. With a shudder, I wondered what she was going to do to me next?


Once Tanya had finished tying my hands I twisted my body round to try and see what she had done to me in the mirror. Looking over my shoulder, I could see that each of my wrists was held by a bunch of grey ropes which was cinched between my two wrists by several more cords. I moved my arms up and down as much as I could and strained my neck, but I could not see where the rope was knotted. Worse still, Tanya had tied my hands with the right one lying across the front of my left wrist so that my fore arms were held in the middle of my back, just below my shoulder blades with each hand pointing towards the opposite side of my body. This kind of tie made it even harder for me to try and reach the ropes around my wrists and the knots that held them in place.

A single length of rope, perhaps four or five feet long dangled loosely from the mass of rope around my wrists onto the floor. I was just pondering this solitary length and its possible purpose when I felt a hand on my shoulder and whirled round to face Tanya.

?Feels good eh??

I just stared at her, still too shocked and confused to know what to say.

Tanya grinned at me. ?Yep, there are few things that are more of a turn on than being tied up and knowing that someone?s fingers and tongue are soon going to be all over your body, stroking your tits, licking your pussy, doing all kinds of things. .?

Eyes wide, I stared at her with an open mouth. ?But, but. . ?

Tanya feigned surprise.

?You wanted me to do those kinds of things to you didn?t you??

I felt my cheeks grow warm again and stammered

?Well, I suppose uh,? . yes? but look, not like this!?

Tanya nodded at me.

?It?ll be more fun like this. Trust me.?

?Oh Tanya please!? I squealed, wondering how I was ever going to get out of this.

Tanya wrinkled her nose at me in disapproval.

?You?re quite a whiner aren?t you??

I stared at her.

?Know what? I don?t like whiners??

Tanya raised her arm and I looked down to see that she was holding my big red ball gag.

I gasped ?No!? and took a step back.

Tanya lunged at me and grabbed me firmly by the shoulder again. Then she nodded at me. ?Oh yes, I?m afraid so.?

?No!? I pleaded as she stepped round behind me. ?Not that, please Tanya! Not the ball gag!?

Without warning, Tanya took hold of my nose from behind and pinched my nostrils hard. I opened my mouth to scream and Tanya pulled my nose upwards and backwards. The next thing I knew, a large rounded object was being pressed against my teeth.

We struggled for a second as I tried to keep the gag from being forced into my mouth, but Tanya had her thumb against the ball and applied more and more pressure until I could resist it no more. With a screech of indignant anger, I gave in and allowed the ball gag to slide past my teeth and fill the inside of my mouth.

Tanya pushed my head forward as she threaded the strap of the ball gag into the buckle behind my head. Being tied up was bad enough, but being gagged with my own ball gag was even more humiliating and I let out a whimper of humiliation as I felt her fingers working away behind my neck. This turned to a squeal of pain as Tanya pulled the strap of the gag tightly into place and fastened it, making the straps bite into the sides of my mouth. When she finished she moved round in front of me to look at me.

I tried to speak but all that came out was ?mmff, nnnhh, mmmmhh, duurrnnh!?

I stood there snorting and breathing heavily through my nose, biting on the large, hard object filling my mouth and trying to fight down the gag response.

Tanya looked me up and down and stared long and hard at my body. She had an intense and serious look in her eyes which kind of reminded me of the way a bird of prey looks down from on high at its prey. I realised that she was looking at me with lust and that felt strange. I don?t think I had ever been looked at in that way by a woman before.

Tanya was right, I was about to fulfil a long-held fantasy and it was making me feel very strange ? at once terrified but also quite turned on. Suddenly I was aware that in addition to the hollow feeling in my stomach, my pussy felt really hot and that tingling sensation had started within it again.

Tanya walked over to my dressing table, picked something up and then came back. She stopped in front of me, held up a small pair of scissors that I kept on my dresser and made snipping motions with them.

?Mmmff, mmfff, nnnhh, mmmmhh, mmmff!? noises came out of my gag as I shook my head from side to side and backed away from her

Tanya laughed and followed me until I was backed up against the bedroom wall. She took hold of one of my bra straps and pulled it away from my shoulder.

?Just going to set you free.? And with that she snipped cleanly through the thin material of the shoulder strap.

I watched mutely as Tanya cut through the other shoulder strap and then the material at the front, between the cups. I felt the material move against my skin as Tanya pulled what was left of my bra away and let it drop onto the floor to leave me staring down at my bare breasts.?

Tanya smiled and raised her hands towards my breasts

?Mmm!? she purred as her finger went gliding over my skin

All I could do was watch as she casually explored my breasts. She cupped my breasts in her hands, taking each nipple between a thumb and forefinger. She started to gently roll my nipples back and forth between her fingers filling my breasts with exquisite sensations.

The heaviness of my legs seemed to increase and I felt an urge to simply flop on the floor and let Tanya do whatever she wanted to me. My nipples responded to her caresses by becoming stiffer and harder. I became aware that the tingling sensations in my crotch were getting stronger. I felt an instinctive desire to rub my clit, or get someone to rub it for me.

Tanya noticed the hardening of my nipples

?I knew you wanted it.? She murmured as she bent her head and took one of my nipples in her mouth. I felt the warm wetness of her tongue sliding round and round the auriole of my nipple, exploring its shape and surface. The skin of my whole body felt as if it was becoming sensitised in a way that it never had been before. I closed my eyes and gave allowed myself to savour the sensations coming from my breasts and nipples. Behind my back, my bound hands made futile clutching and grasping motions as they strained against the ropes.

Tanya tore herself away from my breast and I think that she looked as turned on as I felt. We stared at each other silently for a few moments. I had even stopped making ?mmmfff!? and ?ggnnrrhh!? noises through my gag.

There was no way that I could question or deny what I felt and Tanya knew that too. Our eyes and faces and our whole bodies were telling us how we felt and what we knew was inevitably going to come soon.

The Tanya squatted down in front of me so that her face was right in front of my crotch. She reached out, took hold of the thin material of my panties where it passed over my hips and hooked her thumbs underneath the thin elastic. She looked up into my eyes and we stared at each other silently for a second. We both knew what was coming next and a cold tingle went down my spine as I felt Tanya?s hands move downwards on both sides of my hips as she slowly pulled my panties down to reveal the mound of my sex with its bush of curly brown hairs. There was a final tug, and I felt the soft weight of my panties land on top of my feet and there I was standing naked before Tanya.

Tanya was staring fixedly at my pussy with that hungry look on her face. After twenty seconds or so, she leaned forwards and I felt the soft lump of her nose rubbing lightly against my pubes. The tingling in my pussy became an itch and I closed my eyes and thought to myself, at last, here it comes, another woman?s tongue in my pussy, and I waited for the touch of Tanya?s tongue.

But then seconds passed and nothing happened, she just held me there like that. I noticed her taking deep slow breaths and realised that she was sniffing my pussy, taking in its scent and thinking about it. This was completely new to me, I had never known anyone do anything like that before, but I have to admit that it was quite a turn on. .

After a while, Tanya slowly stood up. She had a slightly dreamy, dazed expression on her face as she looked at me and said ?You?re ready, aren?t you??

I gave a small nod, embarrassed at how quickly I had adjusted to the situation and my submissive position.

Tanya picked up the long dangling piece of rope hanging down from my wrists then turned and walked towards the bed giving a sharp tug on the rope as she went. I felt the rope pull up between my buttocks and slap against my pussy and I trotted meekly after her across the bedroom.

Tanya picked something up from the bed and then squatted down again in front of me. Looking down, I saw that she was holding my white lace suspender belt open in front of my feet. With a look and a nod she indicated that I should step into it. Then she pulled the belt up into position around my waist, pointed at the bed and told me to sit down.

Tanya picked my stockings up from the bed. Then she squatted down in front of me again and rolled up one of the stockings.

?Put out your foot.? She commanded.

I thought about refusing, but with my hands tied behind my back and my mouth securely ball gagged, I wasn?t really in a position to argue and so I stuck my foot out, toes first and watched as Tanya slid the stocking over my foot and unrolled it up my leg. The feeling of the nylon sliding softly over my skin and Tanya?s fingers as they smoothed and pulled at the thin material was really sensual. As her hands smoothed out the nylon stocking top around the inside of my upper thigh and then started to fasten the suspenders, the closeness of her fingers set my pussy burning even hotter. It was a truly erotic experience.?

Once the stockings were on, Tanya stood me up and made a few alterations here and there to the stockings and suspender belt. Then, with a quick tug on the rope between my legs she indicated that I should follow her again. We moved across the room to stand in front of the large mirrors that covered the sliding doors of my wardrobe.

Tanya moved behind me and turned me to face myself in the mirror.

?You look so sexy Karen!? Tanya cooed in my ear.

I cannot deny that Tanya?s dress sense was right. There was something about wearing only stockings and suspenders that added to the strangely erotic nature of the scene in the reflection. The dark sheen of my stockings contrasted with the paleness of my skin, and with my gag and ropes, even I, who never thought about myself in such terms, had to admit that I looked strangely sexy.

Tanya put her chin lightly on my shoulder and her hands came snaking out from behind my body as she began to run her fingers up and down over my torso. At first, she simply traced her finger tips lightly across my stomach, hips and thighs which was quite simply a wonderfully sensual experience. She touched me so softly but her fingers made my skin feel like currents of static electricity were flowing over its surface.

Then she took hold of both of my breasts and began to massage them, staring directly into my eyes in the mirror as she did so, and telling me how sexy I looked. I stared at the reflection in the mirror, at the big red gag in my mouth, and the pair of strange hands slowly kneading and moving over my tits. Although it looked strange, I have to say that it was one of the most erotic things that I have ever known. Not only were these things being done to me by a beautiful woman, but I was completely powerless to stop her as she played my body like a virtuoso musician performing with his instrument.

When she started to roll my nipples between her fingers I couldn?t stop myself from whimpering. Then, keeping one hand on my breast, she slid the other hand down to my pubic mound, ran a finger through my curly hairs and then moved her hand lower to cup my pussy. I groaned and moved my hips, trying to push my pussy harder against her hand. She held me like that for a while, one hand on my pussy and one on my breast. The feeling of her hand on my pussy was driving me wild with desire, but what I could see in the mirror was just as stimulating.

There I was, standing with arms fastened behind my back and my mouth filled with the bulging red ball gag, and there was Tanya, her face just visible above my shoulder and her arms coming from behind me holding my pussy and one of my breasts: my most intimate places. Combined with the actual feeling of her hands on my body it was altogether more than I could bear. I rolled my hips and groaned loudly, desperately trying to plead through the gag for her to make me come.

Then she began to gently rub two fingers along the surface on the outer lips of my labia. This exquisite sensation just made me worse. My legs were weak and shakey now, and my whole body yearned for release as I tried to grind my pussy into Tanya?s hand.

Then, without warning it stopped suddenly. Tanya let go of me, gave me quick hug and then pulled me round to face her.

She beamed at me ?I told you that you?d enjoy it didn?t I? Didn?t I??

I made ?bmmph? and ?nngh? noises into the gag as I tried to tell her that I really needed to come.

Tanya pulled me towards the bed and stood for a second holding me by the shoulders as she looked me up and down. She looked flushed and excited, with that look of hunger still on her face. I knew that she was really turned on, and the degree to which she wanted me was almost frightening. I wanted her too. I was longing to feel her face between my thighs.

Without warning she gave my shoulders a sudden hard shove and sent me sprawling backwards onto the bed. I landed with a bounce on my back, jarring my shoulders slightly because of my bound arms. I struggled to sit up but was blocked as Tanya climbed onto the bed and lowered her body onto mine.

This time there was less of the slow, sensual exploration of my body, and she slid her knee straight between my thighs, took hold of both of my breasts with her hands and started kissing and licking my lips around the edge of the gag.

As Tanya squeezed and rub my breasts she pushed her thigh up and down between my thighs and I responded instinctively by moving my pelvis forward to squash my pussy against her leg. Her fingers squeezed my tits and rubbed my nipples until they were hard and stingingly sensitive.

Then she lowered her head and her mouth worked its way along the line of my throat, licking and nibbling gently ? sending shivers down my spine. All the time, her knee was rubbing away at my pussy.? I was clutching Tanya?s knee with my thighs, my hips moving back and forth as I rubbed my pussy harder and harder against her leg. My pussy was hot and wet. It felt like an inferno full of molten lava.

I was groaning loudly making ?ggnnrh? and ?mmph? noises into my gag as I tried to encourage Tanya to do more and to go faster.

When Tanya lowered her head started sucking my nipples my hips began to thrash about almost uncontrollably and I began to feel the distant shudders of an approaching orgasm. I let my head drop back, breathed heavily through my nose, and groaned into the gag.

A minute or so later, everything stopped suddenly once again. I felt Tanya?s leg move out from between mine and the weight of her body leave me as she moved away. Sitting on the bed next to me, she put her hands on my hips and bent over me so that her face was right over my crotch. Then, from this short distance, she stared hard at my pussy, studying it. I could feel my pussy quivering in anticipation as I braced myself for the assault of Tanya?s tongue. But, once again, I was to be frustrated.

Instead of diving straight into my muff, after twenty seconds or so she lowered her head until her chin was resting on my stocking top, only a few inches from my pussy. All the time she kept staring at my pussy as if it was the most fascinating thing that she had ever seen. I shifted my position slightly, partly to ease the strain of my back pressing on my tied hands, but mainly to open my legs a bit more and allow her easier access to my pussy.

Tanya flicked me a glance as if to acknowledge my complicity and then went back to simply staring at my pussy.

?That looks real hot in there.? She said quietly after a few moments.

Then Tanya did something that no-one had ever done to me before. She pursed her lips and blew gently on my pussy. It was strange to feel the slight cool current of air on my pussy.

?You are like totally melting aren?t you?? She said after a few seconds of blowing on my pussy.

I raised my head and made some ?mmrhm, gnnrh, grrrhhh!? noises to try and tell her what I really wanted from her, but she paid no attention to me.

Tanya?s perusal of my pussy came to an end and she seemed to come to a decision of some kind. She looked up at me, smiled and then raised herself up into a sitting position. Then, she put one hand on my hip and the other on my shoulder and then rolled me over onto my stomach.

Next, I felt the bed bounce up and down around me as Tanya shifted her position. The soles of her feet suddenly appeared on either side of my head and I felt the weight of her body come down on the back of my thighs. I realised that Tanya was straddling my body with her face towards my feet.

Then I felt something grip my ankles. I flexed my calf muscles and tried to twist my lower legs apart but Tanya was strong and would not release her grip on my ankles. I felt her hands moving, working away at something and with a shock I realised that she was tying my ankles together. I raised my head and looked at the mirrored wardrobe door to see what was happening. I was right! Tanya had wrapped several coils of rope around my ankles was pulling the ends of the cord tight as I watched.

I squealed in indignation as I watched her knot the rope.

?Mmmnnrrh, uunnhh, nnrgh!? I tried to protest. I thought that Tanya was supposed to be introducing me to the delights of lesbian love. But how was she going to do that if my legs were tied together? I felt frustrated and confused.

Tanya finished the knots on my ankles just as I began to ineffectually pull and kick against the ropes around my ankles.?

Next, Tanya moved off my back and knelt on the bed next to me. She grinned at my frustrated expression in the mirror.

?Didn?t think that you were going to get away with just having your hands tied did you??

I gave another shriek of indignant exasperation and waved my bound feet up and down which made me look at bit like a beached whale sadly flapping its tail in the surf.

As I flapped my feet around like this, Tanya reached out, caught hold of the rope around my ankles and heaved them backwards towards my head. I grunted as she forced me to bend my knees and pulled my feet right back until my lower legs were almost flat against my upper legs. Her other hand already caught the length of rope attached to the bonds around my wrists. She swiftly passed the end of this under the ropes which tied my ankles and then passed it up between my calves and pulled it hard back towards my wrists.

Watching Tanya?s swift movements I felt another wave of shock as I realised what she was doing. She was hog tieing me! If it hadn?t been for the fact that my mouth was already wedged wide open by the big red rubber ball, I think it would have fallen open in sheer surprise. Why was she doing this to me?

Tanya pushed down on my bound ankles and pulled on the rope that was tied to my wrists. I ?mmphed? in discomfort as my legs were bent back so far that my heels almost touched my buttocks. Then Tanya tied the free end of the rope off to the bonds around my wrists.

As she knotted the rope she glanced up at my reflection and grinned at me ?There?s nothing like a good hog tie, eh??

I snorted a string of ?mmphs, nngghs, and bbrruuhh!? at her as I tried to communicate my irritation and frustration.

Tanya simply smiled back at my reflection in the mirror, and I followed her gaze and looked at myself. Apart from the big red gag that was forcing my jaws apart and making my face look longer than usual, my brown shoulder-length hair had become somewhat tousled and mousy looking. Behind my head, my shoulders were pulled right back towards my feet, and my body had been pulled into a taught curve. My hands and feet were held fast by masses of grey rope. Every time I tried to move my hands there was an effect on my lower body and I saw my feet and legs being pulled up in response. I was a proper little tied bundle.

Tanya inspected my bonds and tightened a few knots. Then, satisfied with my helplessness she rolled me over onto my back again.

Lying with feet and hands tied behind me had the effect of pushing my torso upwards towards my captor and I was very aware of how exposed and defenceless my tits and pussy were. Tanya could simply reach down and do whatever she wanted with any part of my body and we both knew it. I felt like a lamb in front of a wolf.

Tanya had that look of intense hunger on her face again and once more I felt a sublime tingle of fear mixed with desire run through me as I trembled at the thought of what she would do when she finally had her way with me.

Then the look faded in intensity and Tanya seemed to gain control of herself. She shook her head as if in wonder ?You look good enough to eat?

I caught my breath, hoping that this was it, Tanya was about to go in.

?If only you could see yourself as I see you now.? She paused and looked thoughtful.

?Hey, know what? That?s not a bad idea! I?ve got my cam corder in my car. I could make a video of you like this.?

I shook my head, and made a loud ?nnuurh? sound.

Tanya grinned and nodded at me. ?Sure, that?s a great idea.?

She got up from the bed and stood by the edge of the bed.

?Yeah, I could film you like that. Maybe add a few extras like a dildo or two.?

I shook my head frantically and made loud ?nnuurh!? sounds repeatedly as she walked towards the bedroom door.

Tanya looked over her shoulder with a grin. ?Maybe I could even put it on the internet. Then your friends could see it too. How about that eh??

And then she was gone leaving me on the bed making desperate ?nnurh, mmrph and ggllrrgh? sounds.

After a few seconds I stopped struggling and trying to shout, and tried to work out if she was for real or not. I watched the bedroom door and waited to see if she would reappear.

Then, after a minute or so of silence, I heard the unmistakeable sound of the front door of my apartment closing and a wave of panic welled up inside me. She was for real!

A cold sweat broke out over me and I rolled back and forth on the bed, straining against the ropes and wondering what the hell I should do now? As I struggled, I kept thinking over and over again how stupid I had been. I had been stripped, bound and gagged by a strange woman who had picked me up in a bar and now she was going to make a porno film with me as the unwilling star. And it was all my own fault. I should have left my fantasies as they were and never have attempted to fulfil them. As I rocked wildly back and forth on the bed, I screamed into my gag, probably as much out of frustration with myself as from fear of what Tanya had in store for me.

Trussed and fucked

I rolled around on the bed, tugging desperately at my bonds but it was useless. A lot of rope had been tied around my wrists and ankles and they felt like they were held by steel manacles.

It was humiliating enough to be stripped and then bound and gagged with my ropes and gag, but the thing that was really bugging me was what was my subjugator going to do next? Was she really going to return with a camcorder as she had threatened and make videos of me?

Knowing that I might only have minutes in which to escape I tried to reach the ropes that linked my feet to my hands. I managed to grasp them with one hand and follow them towards the ropes that held my ankles. However, because Tanya had tied my hands across each other in the middle of my back instead of the usual way where the wrist ties are at waist level I could not easily reach the rope around my ankles. It was a strain on my knees to keep my legs bent like and it made my wrists hurt too, so I let go after a few seconds. Tanya had tied me well, and I sensed that she had plenty of experience of tying women up, and knew how to keep knots away from desperately clutching fingers.

The sheer helplessness of my situation got to me and I shouted through my gag and rolled around in sheer frustration, tugging and kicking at my ropes in futile protest at my helplessness. I knew it was a stupid thing to do, only more likely to tighten the knots and make escape even more unlikely, but I was frightened now and reacting instinctively. I tensed my arm and leg muscles as hard as I could until my body was curved like an archer?s bow and my arms felt like they were going to pop out of my shoulder sockets. I pulled and pulled like this, groaning with the strain until I could bear it no more and collapsed back onto the bed.

I was amazed and frightened at how securely I was tied and how impossible it was to get free. I looked around the room, desperately searching for something that I could use to free myself. Whenever I had indulged in self bondage before, I had always made sure that there was at least one sharp knife and a pair of scissors located in some easy-to-reach place. But of course, this wasn?t self bondage and I had never been trussed up properly before, not by another person.

I forced myself to stay calm and try to think. I rolled over onto my back, pushed my hips up into the air and then tried to work my hands down towards my feet. I was like this, with back arched and pussy pushed high into the air when something made me stop and look towards the bedroom door. I froze in surprise ? Tanya was standing there watching me!

I was stunned into immobility not only because I had suddenly discovered that Tanya had returned without me hearing, but also because of her appearance. Her bra and panties were gone and Tanya now wore nothing except for a pair of dark stockings and a thin, black suspender belt.

This was the first time that I had seen Tanya completely naked and it was quite an impressive sight. She had a broad chest and shoulders that tapered sexily to quite a slim waist, with a nice, flat stomach. The muscles of her upper arms and shoulders were quite prominent and defined, like those of someone who worked out regularly. No wonder she had overpowered me so easily.

Tanya didn?t have particularly large breasts but her tits were a nice shape, with wide brown nipples. From what I could see, her pubes were dark and neat, with plenty of short-ish tidy hair, not shaved off as seems to be the fashion nowadays with many of the women that I had seen in magazines and on the internet. My view of Tanya?s pubes was partially obscured by her right hand and what this hand was doing added to the shock of suddenly seeing her. The ends of her fingers disappeared into the darkness at the top of her thighs and I could clearly see that two of her fingers were making slow circular motions around her clitoris.

I had never seen another woman masturbating in such an open and casual manner before. In fact, I had never ever seen another woman masturbating right in front of me like this.

Tanya smiled and raised her other hand in a placatory gesture.

?Don?t move.? She said softly. ?Please stay just as you are. I cannot believe how helpless and sexy you look.?

Tanya walked slowly over to the edge of the bed closest to my feet. As she moved, I noticed two things: one that she was not carrying a camcorder or any kind of camera, and two that that her fingers kept on flickering away between her thighs.

Tanya reached the edge of the bed and looked down at me over my raised up tummy and tits. She inclined her head slightly and gave me a rueful smile.

?I?m sorry, but I told a bit of a white lie before. I didn?t go to the car to get my camcorder. I just went to fetch a few things.? She gestured down at her stockings as she continued. ?I only said that about the camcorder because I wanted to see you struggle.?

Seeing my look of incomprehension she continued. ?You see it?s good to struggle so that you can feel bonds and get a real sense of your helplessness.?

Then she gave me a naughty smile. ?And of course it?s good for me because it?s such a turn on. I don?t think there?s anything in the world that is quite as sexy as watching a naked, hog tied woman trying to free herself driven by the knowledge that if she doesn?t get free all kinds of sexy things are going to happen to her.?

We stared at each other for a moment and I saw that the hungry look had never left her face.

?This position gives me a fantastic view of your pussy you know.? Tanya said as she dropped her gaze from my eyes to my crotch.

Tanya stopped rubbing her clit, put a hand on each of my knees and gently pushed my legs apart.

?Such a pretty pussy.? She purred quietly. ?I could stare at it for hours, but I really would like to know what it tastes like.?

Tanya?s words sent a thrill through me and I felt a shiver as she slid her hands along the inside of my thighs until they reached my crotch. Using her thumbs and fingers, Tanya gently pulled apart the lips of my labia to expose the mouth of my vagina. I felt the firm warmth of a finger tip at the mouth of my cunt hole and then my whole body quivered as Tanya slid a finger into my cunt.

Even though I had cooled down from the intense state of excitation from my mauling in front of the mirror, the sensation of having something inside my cunt hole was still highly pleasurable and I wobbled precariously on the bed as I shifted my position and tried to drive her finger even more deeply inside me.

Tanya pushed a second finger into me and moved both fingers around, exploring the inner contours of my cunt. As Tanya rubbed her fingers against the inside of my pubic bone I groaned and shut my eyes as ripples of pure pleasure spread outwards from my pussy.

Then I felt Tanya?s fingers slide out of me and I opened my eyes to see her insert her two glistening digits into her mouth. Tanya looked directly into my eyes as she licked my cunt juice from her skin.

?Mmmm, fantastic!? She murmured. ?Every bit as good as I thought it would be.?

She nodded at the bed. ?Why don?t you get up onto your knees for me in the middle of the bed??

Unsure of what might be coming next, but still keen for sexual release I rolled over onto my side and somehow managed to lever myself until I was sitting on my side. Then I was able to move my weight and body around and eventually managed to get into a kneeling position.

The hog tie rope connecting my bound hands to my feet was just about long enough to allow me to kneel, although it did had the effect of pulling my arms and shoulders taught behind me. This forced my body out in front of me, so that I seemed to be deliberately pushing my tits and my pussy outwards towards Tanya, which I suspect was the effect that she wanted.

When I had found my balance and steadied myself. Tanya climbed onto the bed and knelt directly in front of me. She bent forward and kissed me on the ball gag. Her hands traced a path across my belly as she reached for my breasts. As Tanya cupped my breasts in her hands she played with my nipples and I felt the skin of her thumbs running in circles around my nipples which responded by immediately stiffening and swelling. As my nipples hardened they seemed to become ever more sensitive, sending wonderful ripples of feeling out through my body. As Tanya?s thumbs traced the lumps and bumps around my teats it seemed as if I could feel the movements of her thumbs in my groin.

Suddenly, Tanya dropped her head to my chest and took my right breast into her mouth. Having my nipple sucked sent further exquisite sensations shuddering through my body and I felt my anus tighten as the tingling sensations within my pussy grew stronger. Then I felt Tanya?s finger tips brush against the skin on the outside of my thigh. They traced soft swirling patterns over my skin as they moved towards the top of my inner thigh and the private places beyond.

With Tanya sucking my tits and her hands moving slowly but steadily towards my pussy I twisted my hands helplessly against their ropes in my impotent desire for more. Tanya moved her head and started sucking my other tit and her finger nails were tracing faint patterns over the soft flesh of my inner thighs.

I braced myself for the touch of her fingers against my smouldering pussy but it didn?t happen. After a half a minute, Tanya stopped sucking my tits, raised her head and started to kiss and lick my neck. As she did this, she raised her hand from between my thighs and started to gently knead my breasts with her fingers. The feeling of Tanya kissing my neck was quite wonderful, but it wasn?t what my body was crying out for and I snorted in irritation.

After a minute or so she went back to sucking my tits and I experienced an indescribable thrill as she reached under me and I felt her fingernail touch the crack between my buttocks. She pulled her hand slowly back, scraping her finger nail along the crack of my bottom as it went. Her finger was moving downwards in a path that lead to my pussy and my body quivered with anticipation as it approached.

But once again I was cheated. At the last second her finger tip changed direction and moved to one side so that it traced a path along the corner between my thigh and my crotch without touching my pussy.

This new frustration brought a realisation to me. Bondage wasn?t simply about being helpless and in the power of another person, someone who could do whatever they wanted to you. Bondage also meant not being able to say, do or get what you wanted. Tanya?s teasing was not only raising my level of sexual excitation to unbearable levels, it was also highlighting my inability to do anything about it.

I was desperate for an orgasm, my hands twisting wildly against the ropes that held them and pulling hard on the rope that connected them to my feet. But my struggles were to no avail and Tanya continued to toy with me.

As she ran her fingers along the crease of my bottom and the tops of my thighs I thrust my pelvis forward, pushing my pussy towards her. It was humiliating but I wanted her to know that I needed to come.

Eventually, I felt Tanya?s fingernails brush against the first hairs at the top of my pubic mound and a sudden coldness shot down my spine. The whole of my mind seemed focused on my pubic mound and the sensations coming from there as Tanya?s finger nails moved back and forth through my pubic hair, slowly dropping towards my clit.

Eventually, her fingers reached the recess at the top of my thighs and she put her hand on my pussy. For a few moments, she simply held it, cupping it in her hands. I could feel her fingers resting lightly on top of my labia and touching my throbbing clit. Then she pushed with her middle finger and the lips of my labia slid happily apart to allow it entry. Despite the gag, I somehow managed to gasp as her finger entered my pussy.

I could tell from the warm, creamy feeling in my crotch that my pussy was dripping wet and her fingers seem to just glide into my pussy. I imagined the walls of my groove greedily grasping her fingers, drawing them in and feeding them with my juices.

Tanya was soon was exploring the innermost contours of my most private regions as I moaned loudly and stared down at her in my mute helplessness.

Her fingers examined the whole of my pussy, following the edges of my pussy lips and tracing the contours of my clit. Her fingers kept dipping into my dripping hole and rubbing against my pubic bone, pressing on that most sensitive of spots but they began to return more and more frequently to my clit, rubbing it, tracing circles around it, and then gently flicking.

The more attention she paid to my clit, the closer I came to orgasm. And I kept hearing odd noises in the room, grunting, slobbering groaning sounds. With a distant sense of shock, I realised that the noises were coming from me.

Tanya seemed to sense when I was reaching the point of no return and kept moving her finger away from my love bud, only to return to it time and time again when I started to go off the boil.

Finally, she gave me release and I came. With Tanya?s finger working away at my clit I reached a huge, sobbing orgasm with my whole body shaking and my body arching forwards tugging hard at the ropes binding my wrists to my ankles. My thighs were shaking and I could feel waves of muscular contraction rippling through my abdomen and diaphragm. Tanya?s finger kept rubbing away until my clit couldn?t take it any more and I fell backwards onto the bed and lay there snorting through my nose.

I am not sure if I slept or not, but at some point, I emerged from the pink mist of post-orgasmic pleasure and realised that Tanya?s fingers were toying lightly with my hair. I opened my eyes and looked up to find Tanya?s pussy directly in front of me, only inches away from the tip of my nose.

She was lying with her legs shamelessly wide apart with me lying between her thighs. One of her hands was over her pussy again and I saw that she was rubbing a couple of fingers in slow wet circles over her clit as she waited for me to recover. She wasn?t actually masturbating, more kind of gently stimulating herself.

After my rather rigid conventional upbringing it still amazed me to see such boldness. Here was a woman who could just relax in front of another woman and openly play with her pussy.

I looked up at Tanya?s face to find her smiling patiently at me. ?You are going to do this now aren?t you? She said and there was something about her voice that made me feel that it was more of a command than a question.

I looked back at her pussy, at the pink damp flesh, the curly hairs, the dark crinkled recesses and felt my heart beat faster. The heady, musky aroma of her pussy filled my nostrils.

For a moment I hesitated, telling another woman that I was happy to stick my tongue up her cunt was not something that I was used to. But, it was something that I had wondered about and fantasised about, and now that the opportunity was within reach, I was determined that I was not going to let my normal, inhibited self get in the way.

I looked up into Tanya?s eyes and nodded my head.

Tanya showed all her teeth in a huge happy grin as she leaned forward, unfastened the buckle of the ball gag at the back of my head and pulled it out of my mouth.

Tanya shuffled down the bed a bit and I found myself with her pussy less than an inch from my nose.

?It?s OK, nothing to be scared of.? Tanya said in a reassuring tone as she put a hand at the top of my neck and pulled my head gently towards her cunt. ?Go on, you?re just going to kiss it a little. There?s a first time for everyone.?

With my hands and ankles still hog tied behind me, I had to wriggle forward slightly to get into the most comfortable position. I looked up at Tanya over the top of her pubic mound and our eyes met across the forest of her pubic hairs.

Then I opened my lips and gingerly extended my tongue.

My first taste of another woman?s pussy surprised me. It was such a mixture of sensations, the warmth, the texture, the smell, the wetness. I was surprised at how soft the skin of her pussy was.

First, I ran my tongue cautiously over the lips of her labia feeling how uneven the skin was and how easily it yielded to my touch. All the time, I was slowly allowing more and more taste buds come into contact with her pussy, letting the taste build up. And it was a strange taste, slightly salty, but also with a kind of deeper muskiness which I had to admit was not unpleasant.

By the time I had cautiously traced the outline of Tanya?s cunt lips with the tip of my tongue, I had to admit that the taste was not bad at all. In fact, I had to admit that they were quite nice. I became bolder and pushed with my tongue until I felt the lips of her pussy move apart and my tongue slid into her moist groove. When my tongue entered Tanya?s vagina I was struck by how wet she was and by the taste which had a real kind of tang to it, almost a kind of sparkling flavour.

As I moved my tongue around, exploring the inside of her cunt hole, I felt a slight shudder run through Tanya?s thighs against the side of my face and realised that despite my bound hands and feet, I still had some power.

I ran my tongue along the soft uneven surface of Tanya?s labial lips. Then I slid it along the skin along the sides of her cunt lips, exploring the thin strip of smooth skin and the way in which the smoothness rapidly gave way to the forest of fine, curly hair that encircled her pussy. I felt a sudden desire to know what the inside of Tanya?s cunt tasted like and I pushed against her labial lips and slid my tongue down her groove. As my tongue delved deep into Tanya?s vagina I felt her thighs tremble against my cheeks.

The taste of Tanya?s cunt hole was something amazing. It was salty, with a faint hint of bitterness, but more than anything else, it was tangy. I was simply amazed at how tangy it was as I felt my way around inside her melting vagina with my tongue. I was also intrigued by the texture of the skin inside her cunt.

I am not sure if having the whole of my tongue stuck up Tanya?s vagina had increased the number of taste buds exposed to her cunt juices but something was making this an altogether much more amazing experience. Her cunt juices and that tangy taste seemed to be all over my tongue and running down my throat. This combined with the heady scent of Tanya?s pussy to produce an intoxicating experience that made me feel like I had moved up to some higher plane of existence.

Next, I turned my attention to Tanya?s love bud. I slowly withdrew my tongue from her quivering hole and slid it up until I felt the skin rising up where the button of her clit rose up from her pudendum. I felt another shudder run through Tanya?s thighs as I ran my tongue around the fleshy bud of her clit and explored its size and shape.

I ran my tongue down the front of her clit, impressed by how stiffly it was stood out from her pudendum, almost like a small cock. As I wrapped my tongue around it, I felt it throbbing with her excitement.

Around the base of her clit the skin disappeared into a forest of curly hairs and I traced a path along the edge of the forest before going back to pay more attention to her clit. I teased the skin at the top of her clit, feeling how it folded over into the hood which covered the really sensitive bit within and then I took the little fleshy bud between my lips and sucked on it for a while.

My jaw muscles were starting to ache, so sucking Tanya?s clit brought some relief from having to keep my mouth wide open all the time. Doing this to Tanya also had a most gratifying effect ?she groaned loudly and pushed her pussy into my face.

Running my tongue in circles around her clit had a similar effect, and so did flicking her clit from side to side with my tongue.

Then I moved my tongue away, pushed it between her labial lips and ran it up her groove with a great slurp, which brought an immediate deep intake of breath from Tanya.

While I lapped away at her pussy like a cat with a bowl of cream, a rather perverse thought entered my mind ?I wonder what Tanya?s ass hole tastes like??

This was something new indeed, something perverse and alien to my previously rather sober and straight sex life.

I admit that I had read about and looked at pictures of women licking each other?s ass holes, and had been turned on by it. But this was me, not someone in a magazine or a video. I tried to push the thought from my mind and jabbed my tongue deep into Tanya?s vagina. Once again, I became lost in the heady taste of Tanya?s vagina. As my tongue explored the folds and ridges of her vaginal walls another thought came to me. ?What does the skin of her ass hole feel like??

This time, the thought would not be simply pushed away. After a minute or so, I decided to give in to this obscure impulse. Tanya?s hips were moving up and down and she was groaning loudly again as I withdrew my tongue from her sweltering cunt hole and moved it down to her buttocks.

I cautiously slid my tongue along the inside of her buttocks until I felt the wrinkled skin of Tanya?s ass hole. I was surprised at how it tasted. Not amazingly different from her pussy. I mean it was a bit different somehow, but I was quite surprised at the lack of strong taste of any kind. I moved my tongue around the circle of her anus exploring the tightly knotted sphincter and the wrinkled circle of skin around it. The movements of my tongue over Tanya?s ass hole brought new groans from Tanya and I was soon pushing against it hard with my tongue as I relished the ecstatic effect that it was having upon her.

I don?t know how long I spent exploring Tanya?s ass hole with my tongue, but the ache in my jaw was becoming a problem so I turned my attentions back to Tanya?s clit and sucked on it for a while. Then I started whipping Tanya?s clit with my tongue and didn?t stop when I felt Tanya?s thighs start to tremble and her body shudder with the waves of pleasure passing through it.

I carried on mercilessly flicking her throbbing love bud with my tongue until Tanya came to a shaking, grinding climax punctuated by gasps, sobs and groans which seemed to go on forever. I only knew that she had had enough when she eventually put a hand on my hand and gently pushed me away.


Hog tied head to tail

After Tanya?s orgasm, I wriggled backwards slightly and lay with my face against the inside of her thigh as I waited for her to recover.

Tanya?s hazel eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. There was a glistening sheen of sweat across her breasts as her chest rose up and down.

I could smell the sharp aroma of wet skin but I didn?t know if it was coming from the lower half of my face, which was wet with Tanya?s pussy juices, or from Tanya?s pussy which I stared at it in fascination, studying the puffy pink flesh and the dark crease where the crinkled uneven edges of her labial lips met. I studied the shape of her clit, seeing how it emerged proudly from the juicy jungle that surrounded it. It still amazed me to think that this was the first pussy that I had seen from close up, and amazed me even more to think that my face had been buried in it only moments before.

I looked up to find that Tanya had opened her eyes and was smiling at me. She sat up, shifted her position and leaned over to give me a long, lingering kiss on the lips.

She ran her tongue along the edge of my lips and I felt a sudden glow in my crotch as I realised that she was tasting her own pussy juices.

?That was good!? Tanya complimented me as she broke away from the kiss to stretch her arms and yawn. Then she sat and stared into space as if trying to recall something.

?So . . are you going to untie me now?? I asked in a hesitant voice.

Tanya gave me a quick smile.

?Don?t be in such a hurry.? She chided softly and gave me playful tap on the end of my nose as she got up from the bed.

I watched her walk over to the chest of drawers and return with two handfuls of rope. The sight of the rope made me feel decidedly apprehensive as I wondered what position she was going to tie me in next.

Of course, what she did next took me completely by surprise when she sat down next to me on the bed, drew her knees up in front of her and started wrapping rope around her ankles. As I watched her with wide-eyed as she tied and knotted the rope around her ankles.

?You?re tying yourself!? I gasped in confusion.

?That?s right Karen!?

Tanya took another rope and used it to cinch the cords around her ankles. One end of this cinch rope was over two feet long and when I saw Tanya make a slip knot with the end of it my confusion grew.

?But, if you tie . . ? I began

Tanya glanced up at me ?Karen!? she cut across my words as she started to wrap rope around one of her wrists.

?Imagine we?re two old friends. We meet up, decide to go back to your place to watch a movie but guess what happens when we get there??


Tanya?s eyes blazed at me. ?When we get back we disturb a cat burglar in the middle of ransacking your flat and stealing all your things.?

?Oh dear.? I whispered as I went along with the game. ?What happens then??

There was a slight pause as Tanya rolled over onto her stomach and bent her legs back so that the slip knot dangled over her butt. She looked at me as she put her hands behind her back and felt around for the slip knot.

?The burglar has a gun, so takes us prisoner.?

?Oh no!? I cried in mock horror as I watched her catch hold of the slip knot and pull the coils of rope around her wrist through the slip knot. ?Both of us are taken prisoner??

?That?s right.? Tanya nodded as she wriggled her fingers through the coils of rope that had been passed through the slip knot. ?He takes both of us prisoner and he makes us take all our clothes off and then ties us up like this on the bed while he makes his getaway.?

?And he just leaves us here??

?That?s right.? Tanya?s arm and leg muscles bulged as she pulled down with her feet and tugged upwards with her hands. ?He just up and leaves us both trussed like a couple of hogs.? The tension in the slip knot pulled tight like a noose, cinching the ropes around Tanya?s wrists.

?So we?re both tied up like this?? I echoed.

?That?s right.? Tanya gave me a wicked grin. ?Both of us, all naked and tied up on the bed. . ? Her voice trailed away as she gave a couple of final tugs to yank the slip knot even tighter.

The grasping motions that she was making with her hands showed that her wrists were securely bound and couldn?t be pulled free. She was as helplessly hogtied as I was.

We stared at each other eyes for several seconds. I didn?t know what was coming next, but the tension was electric. Being tied up naked with another woman was an incredible experience.

?So what should we do?? Tanya asked.

I gulped. ?Well, I guess we?d better try and escape.?

?OK, let?s try and escape.?

There followed a lot of rolling around, shouting and giggling until Tanya and I were back to back We tugged unconvincingly at the ropes around each other?s wrists and shouted things like ?Can you reach the knot?? and ?How are we going to get out of here??

Tanya laughed even louder at the sound I made when she slipped a hand between my buttocks and started fingering my anus. Eventually, we rolled over to face each other. Tanya slid a knee between my thighs and I managed to do the same to her. We spent a long time like that, French kissing while we ground our crotches against each other?s knees. I have to admit that even though it was only play-acting, doing that with another bound and naked woman was one of the most intoxicating things that I have ever done.

Eventually Tanya pulled away from me and stared into my eyes. ?So, we?re tied up and naked on your bed and we can?t get free. What are we going to do??

?We could call for help.? I suggested

?We?ve done that. No-one heard. What else??

?We could lie her and wait, I guess. Maybe sleep some.?

?Borrrring! We?re too hyped up - we can?t sleep!?

In a slightly timorous voice I replied ?Then I guess we could fuck. What else is there to do??

?Exactly!? Tanya cried and rolled away from me.

She rolled and bounced around the bed until she was lying on her side, facing in the opposite direction, with her head pointing towards my feet.

I guessed what was coming next, and as I rolled onto my side to face her, that tingly feeling of anticipation started in my pussy again.

When Tanya had her face level with my tits she stopped to suck my nipples. I looked at the brown aureoles of her breasts in front of me, opened my mouth and filled it with one of her breasts. I ran my tongue over the bumpy skin around her nipple and felt it harden and stiffen as I worked it with my tongue. It dawned on me that sucking a woman?s tits was yet another first for me.

The mutual tit sucking lasted for several minutes until Tanya started to wriggle her way towards my feet again.

Tanya?s belly moved across my field of vision and her navel came into view, then as the first tufts of her pubic hair moved in front of my eyes I felt my clit start to throb as it filled with blood.

After shuffling around a little more, Tanya?s pubic bush was right in front of my face and mine was in front of hers.

Tanya raised her leg and managed to rest her foot on the other foot which was on the bed. This left her leg standing right up in the air which gave me a perfect view of and unimpeded access to her crotch.

Without any hesitation, I did the same and moved my leg to allow Tanya access to my pussy. For a moment we lay on our sides like that with our faces only an inch or so away from each other?s pussies. My nostrils were filled with the heady musk from Tanya?s pussy and all I could see were the hairs, nooks, crannies, and twisted wrinkled flesh of Tanya?s pussy

I felt something soft moving through my pubes just above my clit and knew that it was Tanya?s tongue. I hesitated for a moment. Although I knew what Tanya?s pussy tasted like and had already broken several taboos, I was faced here with something that would take me even further away from the heterosexual universe. In my daydreams about lesbian sex I had of course looked at pictures of women doing the 69 on each other and had been turned on by it ?but now I was going to experience it for myself.

Well, I told myself, I?ve come this far ? what?s the harm in going a little further. So, I bent my head forward and ran my tongue along the soft skin at the bottom of Tanya?s thigh. At the same time, I was acutely aware of the progress of Tanya?s tongue through my pubes, closing in on my clit.

Something warm and slippery wrapped itself around my clit sending a spasm of delight into my crotch and I closed my eyes and gasped.

After a couple of seconds, Tanya?s tongue moved away from my clit and she said quietly ?Don?t stop Karen. No matter how good it gets, don?t stop or I will stop. OK??

In reply, I ran my tongue over the lips of her labia.

I have to admit that doing what Tanya wanted was difficult. Nearly every time that she used her tongue on my pussy I either stopped or slowed down so much that she stopped using her tongue on me. It was almost impossible to keep my mind focused as her tongue dipped into my hole, flashed up and down my slit and flicked back and forth across my clit.

Sticking my tongue into Tanya?s cunt hole was as intoxicating as before, but was infinitely more exhilarating when I could feel her tongue searching around inside mine at the same time.

Somehow or other, we were able to keep doing these things to her until we were both moaning and groaning loudly, rocking back and forth on the bed with our heads clasped between each other?s thighs.

After much probing of vaginas, sucking on labial lips and other delights, we got down to some frenzied clit licking which moved us rapidly towards screaming climaxes, and we came at exactly the same time. I felt the tremors of pleasure pulsing outwards from Tanya?s pussy whilst at the same time I felt my own crotch quivering and shaking with pleasure.

As Tanya and I whipped each other?s clits with our tongues, I heard muffled squeals and shrieks of delight, but could not tell if it was Tanya or me making the noises. Eventually, Tanya?s relentless clit licking became too much and I screamed ?Oh god, yes!? as my hips heaved and rolled uncontrollably. I was dimly aware that Tanya was also writhing uncontrollably next to me and screaming into my bush.

Afterwards, we lay next to each other on our backs with our bound arms and legs beneath us and our faces wet with cunt juices and saliva. Eventually the tremors of orgasm subsided and we lay quietly as our breathing slowed and our bodies cooled.

My eyes closed and wondered to myself whether this was all really happening or whether it was just a dream. The pain from the ropes cutting into the skin of my wrists and ankles told me that it was very real, but so much had happened in such a short time that I found it hard to believe that I was truly living out some of my oldest and deepest fantasies. Going into that bar tonight really had been like opening Pandora?s box.

Despite the pain from my tied wrists and ankles, I drifted off into the deep sleep that comes after the body?s sexual desires have been satisfied. I?m not sure how long I slept, but I was awoken by a movement bed next to me.

I raised my head to see that Tanya had rolled onto her stomach and managed to grab ropes around her ankles. She had already untied the cinch rope which ended as the slip knot around her wrists. As I watched, she unknotted holding the rope around her ankles and as she pushed her feet against each other, the coils of rope fell open, slid down her legs and dropped onto the bed.

With her legs free, Tanya got up from the bed. Then, half-bending, she wriggled her tied wrists downwards around the bulge of her ass. Once she had hands below her ass she was able to step backwards between her forearms so that when she stood up her hands were now tied in front of her.

Raising her hands to her mouth she used her teeth to undo the knot and before long she was completely free.

Tanya put one foot on the edge of the bed and pulled up her stockings which had ridden down a little way. As I watched her smooth out the nylon around her thighs and adjust the suspenders at the top I felt uncertain. I wanted to ask her what would happen next, what new sexual experience was coming my way? But I couldn?t, I didn?t dare.

My shyness and old habits wouldn?t let me be that bold. I felt quite saddened when it occurred to me that the evening might be over.

Tanya finished adjusting her stockings, gave me a quick smile and without saying a word she rolled me over onto my stomach. I felt her hands working away at the ropes on my ankles and in a few seconds my feet were released from the hog tie.

I was happy to be able to stretch out my legs, but felt a little bit flat as it began to look like the fun really might be over.

Tanya had left my hands tied behind my back, and I had to twist my body round so that I could look at her as she started to undo the knot holding the rope around my ankles.

?Well,? I said in an uncertain voice. ?That was pretty amazing.? I really wanted to say ?We?re not finished yet are we??, but it seemed so forward.

Tanya shook her head as she removed the rope away from my ankles. ?Oh no! The evening?s not over yet lover.?

Her words sent a thrill of anticipation through me.

?So,? I said as the blood re-entered my feet now that the rope had gone. ?I guess.. I guess it?s normal sex now is it??

Tanya stared at me as I shook my feet from side to side and wiggled my toes. Then she sat down on the bed next to me and looked into my eyes.

?Normal sex?? As she spoke she put a hand between my legs and took hold of my pussy.

?What?s ?normal sex? then?? Her fingers started to rhythmically press against my cunt lips. The experience of lying with my hands tied behind my back while the gorgeous Tanya fingered my pussy had an instantaneous effect on me. The itching within my crotch began immediately and I shivered at the realisation of how much power she still had over me.

?Well?? Tanya demanded as the movements of her fingers became stronger.

I gave a small gasp as a finger pushed its way between my cunt lips and started to rub against my inner furrow.

?I don?t know.? I babbled, my eyes looking up and down between her eyes and her hand. ?I just wondered what we?re going to do next??

?What would you like to do?? Tanya murmured as she slid a finger into my cunt hole.

?I don?t know!? I panted. ?You?re the expert!?

Tanya gave me a sly grin and slid another finger into my vagina, moving both of them in and out with rhythmically. I moved my hips and pushed my cunt against her hand in a steady response.

?That?s right, I?m the expert.?

Tanya looked up at the ceiling and thought for a few seconds, all the while driving her fingers in and out of my cunt. Then she looked at me with a wide smile.

?I know. Where are your dildos??

?My dildos?? I could barely concentrate on what she was saying with all the blissful feelings emanating from my crotch.

?Now you?re not going to play hard to get again are you?? Tanya?s voice took on a tone of mock disapproval. ?You must have at least one dildo, surely??

?Yes . . yes.? I panted. ?I?ve got one ?it?s in the drawer, with the ropes and magazines and stuff.

?Good? Tanya smiled at me and slowly withdrew her fingers from my cunt.

I don?t know why, but the dildo element made me feel quite nervous again. ?What, what are you going to do??

Tanya didn?t answer, but I felt one of her finger nails move downwards from my cunt hole to my ass. Tanya watched my expression as her finger tip touched my anus and began to explore, picking at the twisted knot of skin, looking for a way in. The finger nail caught a tautly wrinkled edge of skin and started to twist and push against it. I clenched the muscles of my anus as I tried to keep the intruder out. Tanya gave me a funny look as if to say ?Well, you were the one who put your tongue up my ass first!? and then pushed and twisted even harder.

There was no real battle, her finger was well-lubricated with my pussy juices and was being pushed into my butt hole with unrelenting pressure. I gasped out loud as I felt my sphinctre give way and Tanya?s finger enter my anus.

Tanya smiled at my open mouthed expression of shock and wonder and pushed her finger deeper into my ass until it could go no further. It was a strange sensation, like having a shit but not being able to pinch it off by clenching my anal muscles.

After a second, Tanya pulled the finger out until it was almost clear of my anus. Then she pushed it slowly back in again.

Even though it wasn?t the most pleasurable sensation that I?ve ever known and was actually mixed with a certain amount of discomfort, I felt an urge to move my hips and started to push my ass against her finger in rhythm with her movements.

I looked down at my crotch and stared in wonder at Tanya?s hand moving back and forth between my legs, knowing that I was greasily sliding up and down on another woman?s finger in my anus. Tanya studied me, as if gauging the effect that being butt-fucked was having on me. After a few seconds she spoke

?So, what would you like me to do to you with a dildo??

I tried to think about her question, which I found quite hard with finger sliding in and out of my anus.

?What would I like you to do to me with a dildo?? I repeatedly numbly as Tanya?s finger slid out of my ass hole once again.

?That?s right lover.?

?Come on Karen, pay attention. What am I going to do to you with a dildo?

I stared at her, desperately trying to block out the sensations coming from my ass hole as I tried to think of something to say.

?I guess, . . I guess you?re going to fuck me with it.?

Tanya threw back her head and howled with laughter. All the while, her finger was going in and out of my ass hole and my ass was going up and down in response.

?Of course I am going to fuck you with the dildo!. But the question is . . . ? Tanya paused and looked at me expectantly to see if I could guess what was coming next. My mind was too focused on my ass and what she doing to it with her finger so she continued.

?The question is, am I going to put the dildo up your pussy, or am I going to fuck you up the ass with it??

She grinned as she saw her words sink in and the expression change on my face.

I kind of suspected that Tanya quite fancied an anal sex session and I doubted that there would be a lot that I could say or do to change her mind, so I simply said. ?Whatever you think best.?

?Whatever I think best!? Tanya chuckled ?I like that.? she murmured to herself as she continued to fuck my ass with her finger.

She thought about what was best for a good minute or so longer as I slid up and down her finger.

Eventually, she stopped pushing and pulling her finger in and out of my ass hole and looked over at the chest of drawers.

?I guess we?d better see what kind of dildo you?ve got there?

As she spoke, she slowly slid her finger out of my ass. My anal muscles closed together with some relief as the intruder slipped away.

Tanya stood up and walked over to the chest of drawers. After a few seconds, she found the old white plastic dildo that I had owned for years and walked back to the bed with it, turning it over and over in her hands.

She looked down at me with a slight frown.

?We?ll save that for later I think.? She tossed the dildo onto the bed beside me, then turned and walked out of the bedroom. I had no idea what she was up to now. But, I knew by this point that Tanya was capable of anything and my ass hole quivered in fearful anticipation of what might be coming its way next.

In the back way

After Tanya had left the bedroom I pushed myself up to support myself on my bound arms and listened. I heard a few quiet rustling and thumping sounds from the living room and then those stopped. For a minute there was nothing but complete silence. I stood up, and was wondering if I should go and see what she was up to when Tanya walked back into the room.

She came through the bedroom door making an adjustment to a strap that went around her waist and I saw with a shock that she was wearing a strap on dildo.

This was something completely new and I was lost for words. Then I noticed that she was holding a tube of lubricant in one hand and I began to get that fluttering sensation in my stomach again.

I spluttered ?Uh, .. uh .. Tanya, what?s going on??

Tanya walked up to me and then took hold of me by the shoulders she had that look of deep concentration in her eyes again.

?Turn.? She said firmly and used my shoulders to move me around until I had my back to her. Then she pressed down on my shoulders and simply said ?Knees.?

Nervously, I followed her orders and dropped onto my knees next to the side of the bed. Then she used her feet to push my legs apart.

Turning my head to one side, I watched in the mirror as she dropped to her knees directly behind me so that she was kneeling between my legs.

?Oh no Tanya! Wait a minute please!? My heart started racing as I saw her open the lube tube and smear clear jelly up and down the length of the dildo. There was nothing I could do. My hands were tied behind my back and I was sandwiched between the bed in front of me and Tanya behind me.

?Don?t worry, you?re going to love this!?

She finished off slathering the dildo in lubricant and tossed the tube to one side. Then she reached down with one hand and used her fingers to push my lower buttocks apart while she gripped the base of the dildo with her other hand.

?Tanya!? I squealed in alarm, my voice now quaking with fear. She shuffled forward slightly on her knees and I felt something hard, cold and wet touch the inside of my buttocks, slide around for a second and then come to rest against my ass hole.

?Please Tanya no!? I pleaded. ?No, I?m not sure about this, I?ve never?? mmmmhhhh, nnnnrrhh, mmmrrhhh!? My words were cut off suddenly as Tanya took her hand off my ass and used it to gag me. I tried to shake my head from side to side, to free myself from the hand gag, but Tanya kept her hand firmly in place over my mouth.

From the corner of my eye, I watched our reflections in the mirror helplessly as she moved her body forwards and upwards and pulled back on my face with the hand that she was using to gag me.

?Oh yes, oh yes!? Tanya crooned as she thrust her hips upwards.

I flinched at the sudden increase in pressure from the hard greasy object pressing against my ass hole. It was like the irrestistable force of Tanya?s will meeting the immovable object of my anal muscles. But then the muscles of my anus started to give way and slowly opened up. I felt a great hard pressure as the muscular ring of my sphincter was forced open as Tanya slowly pushed and guided the dildo into my ass hole.

The dildo was at least twice as wide as Tanya?s finger and this time it really did feel like I was having a huge shit. I was shaking my head and making lots of ?mmmmhhhh, nnnnrrhh, mmmrrhhh!? sounds into Tanya?s hand. Behind me, I could hear her sniggering to herself.

The dildo seemed to take forever to slide right into my ass, but finally the awful yet blissful sliding sensation stopped and there it was, buried deep inside me Then Tanya pulled her hips back, still gripping the base of the dildo and the plastic phallus started to slide out of my ass.

Despite my squawks and protests Tanya soon had a regular rhythm built up and the dildo was being pumped steadily in and out of my throbbing anus.

I stopped complaining and Tanya took her hand away from my mouth and took hold of one of my breasts with it. The only sounds that could be heard now were my grunts and gasps, the occasional slap of Tanya?s thighs against my buttocks, and the soft squelching sounds that the dildo made as it went in and out of my anus.

I leaned over, rested my head on the bed and looked at our reflection. Me, on my knees with hands bound behind me and Tanya behind me, one hand fondling one of my breasts and the other holding the base of the dildo. She was looking down at the dildo and watching it slide in and out of my ass with look of great satisfaction, as if she was getting her own back on some old enemy. In fact, she looked like she was really loving it as she watched the dildo go slamming back and forth into my ass.

I think she was playing with herself as well. It was difficult to see clearly because of the angle of the reflection and the closeness of our bodies. But I could have sworn that the fingers of the hand holding the dildo were also working away with a rhythm of their own between the tops of her thighs.

After a few minutes of being butt fucked by Tanya, my anal muscles started to really ache and I shifted awkwardly and said something like ?Hurts!?

Tanya must have known that I wasn?t messing, because after another thirty seconds or so she stopped. I watched in the mirror as Tanya?s sweat-covered body pulled away from me and sleek black shape of the dildo slid out of my ass.

I slumped forward on the bed exhausted but was allowed no time for recovery. Tanya pulled the strap on from her body, tossed it to one side and then turned to me.

?That was fantastic.? She said breathlessly. ?I just love doing that.?

She took me by the shoulders and pulling me backwards she lay me down on the floor with my bound hands underneath me.

I didn?t have chance to ask her what she was doing. She simply knelt down next to my head, then swung one leg over my face to straddle me. I looked up to see the dark mass of Tanya?s crotch descending onto my face. As Tanya?s pussy moved down to meet my face she slid one of her hands under the back of my head and pulled it up towards her pussy. It was just like that, no words, no niceties. Tanya had look of real hunger and I knew what she wanted.

As she pulled my face into her pussy, I opened my mouth and my tongue slid straight along her groove and into her cunt hole like a little cock. I looked upwards through the curls of Tanya?s pubes and saw her close her eyes in ecstasy.

As I moved my tongue around inside her she lifted her face towards the ceiling and moaned. I slid my tongue up and down her slit and flipped it back and forth across her throbbing clit and soon Tanya?s whole body was shaking.

After her orgasm, Tanya leaned back against the bed for a rest. I noticed that her immaculate hair was looking rather messy, and she looked like she?d been working out in the gym or just come back from a run.

Despite having my hands tied behind my back, I managed to push myself up into a sitting position and sat with legs crossed while I waited for her to recover.

?Shoooff!? Tanya exhaled slowly. ?You are a fast learner. I would have never had you figured for that.?

She nodded in acknowledge of her error of judgement. ?You know, when I first saw you in that bar tonight I was in two minds as to whether it would be worth the effort of trying to break you in. And now look at you. A proper little expert pussy muncher.?

I felt a warm glow spread across my cheeks as I heard myself described in this way.

?Well, thanks . . I uh . . I guess I enjoyed it.?

?Good.? Tanya?s cheeks were still flushed, but she pulled herself up from the bed and moved to sit directly behind me. Her legs appeared around the sides of mine and I felt the warmth of body behind me and the soft pressure of her breasts pressed against my back.

Tanya put her chin on my shoulder and said quietly ?How?s your ass??

?It?s OK.? I watched Tanya?s arms reach around me to take hold of the stocking above my left knee.

?It throbs a little bit but it doesn?t really hurt.? I said as I watched Tanya?s hands smoothing the stocking along my leg, pulling it up and straightening out the wrinkles in it.

?Sorry, I get a bit carried away sometimes, I kind of have this thing for fucking women up the ass.?

?Really?? I replied with a hint of sarcasm as her hands reached the top of my thigh and pulled the stocking top up an inch closer to my crotch. She reached down and started to smooth out the stocking on my other leg.

There was something intimate and sensual about having a naked woman sit behind me and adjust what little clothing I had on. I was paying more attention to Tanya?s hands than to what I was saying.

?Well, it was certainly something new.? I went on. ?In fact, I?ve never been fucked with a dildo before at all.?

Tanya?s hands had reached the stocking top but they stopped for a moment.

?Never?? She sounded surprised.

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye.

?Nope, never. I?ve only ever used that old dildo on myself when I?ve been on my own.?

?Ah, ha. I see.? Tanya?s fingers went slowly back to work again. They finished pulling up the stocking and then started to stroke the inside of my thigh, sliding over the smooth skin between the stocking top and my crotch.

I was entranced by Tanya?s soft caress and I felt the familiar tingling awaken inside my cunt again. After a few seconds, Tanya moved her head to one side to get a better look at my face.

?So you?ve never been fucked with a dildo eh??

?Err, no.? I was beginning to get an idea of where we might be heading next.

?Well, we can change that right now can?t we??

Tanya jumped to her feet, hooked her hands under my shoulders and pulled me up to a standing position. Then, before I could say anything she picked up the ball gag. I groaned aloud as soon as I saw her take hold of it in a purposeful way.

?Oh not the gag again!? I cried ?What for??

?Because I want to. Now stop whining Karen!? Tanya snapped.

She stood behind me and held the big red ball in front of my face.

?Open wide.?

Rather than suffer another pinched nose I grudgingly opened my mouth. Once again, I felt the oppressive bulk of the large rubber ball being rammed into my mouth. For some reason, I really resented being gagged and reduced to some kind of mute prisoner again. The straps of the gag also bit into my skin, making the sides of my mouth sore and that irritated me as well. I snorted my annoyance at Tanya as she fastened the buckle behind the back of my head. Then she turned me round and looked me up and down as I stood, twisting my hands behind my back in frustration and worry about what was coming next.

Tanya pointed at the bed.

?Lie down.?

I sullenly climbed onto the bed and lay there looking up at her resentfully.

The ropes around my wrists made lying on my back a little bit painful, but I had already found that as long as I didn?t strain against the ropes too much that I could ignore this discomfort quite easily. And to be honest, the sensations coming from other parts of my body were occupying far more of my attention.

Tanya leaned forwards, took hold of my ankles and pulled my legs apart. She grinned triumphantly for a few seconds at the position that she had me in, then she climbed onto the bed, knelt between my legs and lowered her body directly onto mine.

Tanya put her elbows out on the outside of each of my arms and allowed the weight of her upper body to rest on them. With her hands free, she took hold of both of my breasts and started to squeeze them. She also pushed her pussy against mine and I felt the scratchy sensation as the hair-covered skin of both our pussies rubbed over each other. There was a slight rustling sound from our stockings as our legs brushed against each other.

?Never been fucked with a dildo eh?? Tanya was staring into my eyes, the tip of her nose only an inch above mine, her mouth twisted into an impish grin. Her hands began to knead my tits harder and harder as she ground her pudendum against mine, rubbing it up and down and from side to side.

I found myself making ?mmmmhhh? and ?nnnrrgh!? noises. Once again, Tanya had me completely at her mercy and was totally dominating me. Apart from having my hands tied behind my back, she had my body trapped underneath hers, was touching me and rubbing me in any way she wanted. And I have to admit it, having Tanya ride me like a man was a real turn on.

Tanya was staring hard into my eyes, she could see the excitement and fear in me. She leaned forwards and kissed me on and around the ball gag, then she lowered her head. The feeling of Tanya?s tongue running sinuously down my throat was wonderful, but I barely had time to appreciate it before she was devouring my tits, nibbling and sucking on my nipples and sending even more heavenly sensations out through my body.

Tanya was grinding her crotch hard against mine, and I was squirming around beneath her, gyrating my hips to match her rhythm. Then, as Tanya clamped her lips around one of my teats she reached down with one hand and grasped my cunt. As her fingers slid into my soaking groove I groaned in ecstasy. Tanya was sucking hard on my tits and rubbing my clit with her fingers while I writhed and squirmed helplessly beneath her, totally at her mercy.

Tanya enjoyed her sensual domination for another minute or so, until I was starting to get really steamed up. Then she let go of my cunt and picked the dildo up.

I looked up to see Tanya open her mouth and take the dildo into it. She had a devilish look in her eyes as she sucked on the dildo. Her face elongated, with cheeks hollowed out and her red lips swollen and pursed around the white plastic shaft as she sucked on it. She moved the long plastic tube in and out of her mouth as she lubricated it with her saliva. Then she removed it from her mouth, gave me an evil grin and moved down the bed until her face was over my pussy.

I lifted my head and strained my neck to watch. I had no idea where she going to put it ? in my pussy or up my ass.

Tanya put her free hand on top of my pussy and used her thumb and index finger to spread open the lips of my labia. She looked up at me to see the expression on my gagged face as the tip of the dildo made contact with the mouth of my vagina.

I felt the hard surface of the plastic pressing against the mouth of my cunt and a tremor ran through my body. Tanya grinned at me and pushed harder and the dildo popped into me.

I squealed and shook my legs as Tanya inserted the whole length of the plastic phallus into me. It was a fantastic feeling. The whole of my cunt was on fire again with the muscles of my vagina clenching tightly around the shaft of the dildo, trying to hang onto it.

As Tanya started to pump the dildo back and forth into me, I moved my hips and adjusted the angle of my cunt to maximise the pressure on the inside of my pubic bone and the heavenly sensations that this created.

Tanya watched my pussy for a minute as she pumped the dildo in and out of me. Then, without changing her rhythm, she raised her free hand and put a finger into her mouth. I watched without comprehension, and if I hadn?t had a dildo being driven in and out of my cunt I might have realised what she was up to. As it was, I found out a few seconds later when she lowered her hand and I felt the finger press against my ass hole.

I let out a shriek as Tanya?s finger worked its way into my ass hole. So, now I had a dildo in my cunt and a finger up my ass, both working away in unison, steadily moving in and out of my most private places. This was too much for me. Being fucked with a dildo was an amazing new experience, especially with another woman doing it to me. But being fucked front and back at the same time was more than I could handle. It was too much stimulation.

I shook my head from side to side and ?mmmpphed? loudly, but Tanya just grinned at me. I tried to raise myself up on my bound arms but Tanya moved first. She shifted her body round sideways so that her feet pointed towards my head. Before I could react, she stretched one leg out over my upper body and planted it on the other side of my upper torso. She shifted her body back and suddenly she was straddling my body like as if we were in a ?69? position.

I looked up and saw Tanya?s cunt and ass hole coming straight down towards my face. With my hands tied behind my back and the weight of her body on top of mine I was completely helpless. If I thought that being fucked up the cunt and up the ass at the same time was too much, imagine my horror when Tanya lowered her head and I felt the slippery warmth of her tongue flashing around my clit.

I screamed into my gag and tried to shake my body, but Tanya held me tightly between her legs and pressed down on me with her torso. The dildo and finger went in and out of my cunt and my ass with a steady rhythm, like parts of smoothly oiled engine. Tanya was in no hurry, she was clearly enjoying herself as her tongue lazily played with my clit, seeming to taste it as much as to stimulate it. Tanya was enjoying my body and my predicament.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, knowing that I was going to die for sure. I had never experienced so much sensual stimulation before. I was sure that I would come a thousand times, and probably never stop.

My clit was throbbing, my thighs were trembling and I could feel the tingling in my crotch as it built towards an enormous orgasm. I felt like a damsel in distress in an old film, tied to the tracks while the thunderous power of a mega-orgasm hurtled down the rails towards me, straight at my pussy.

At that point, I stopped fighting and decided to give in to it. If it was all too much and I died, then so be it ? and what a way to go. I couldn?t think of a better way than death through orgasm. And if I didn?t die, then this was surely going to be an experience that I would never forget. And that was another thought. If Tanya was going to take me to undreamed of orgasmic heights then I was glad that I had gone into Pandora?s Box tonight, and let her pick me up and initiate me into the delights of lesbian love.

There and then, with Tanya fucking me front and back and licking my clit into a frenzy, I knew that I was a convert. If this was what lesbianism had to offer, then it sure beat hanging around waiting for deadbeats like Mikey to call. In fact, I realised that I should have done this years ago.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the dark mass of Tanya?s crotch hanging over my face. I saw all the colours and contours and the intricate folds and creases of Tanya?s most intimate places. If I was going to experience the biggest orgasm of life, then I couldn?t think of anything else I would rather be looking at as it ripped through me. I wondered if this was why she had gagged me, to stop me from sticking my tongue up her cunt and distracting her from what she was currently doing to me, or maybe it was to taunt me with the closeness of her cunt and my inability to taste it.

I shivered as the first tremors of approaching orgasm shimmered outwards from my crotch and another thought to mind. After this, nothing would ever be the same again. There would be no going back to the old way of life. I groaned and drooled into my gag as I felt the thunderous orgasm bearing down relentlessly and realised that I truly had opened Pandora?s box.







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The Box

It started out as a room. Cindy stood in the center of the room. A tight, leather cuff encircled each wrist. A tight, leather shackle encircled each ankle. The chains dangled from the ceiling and the floor. Holding her arms up, widespread, over her head. Holding her legs far apart. Cindy wasn't sure what else was in the room. Constantly, she heard Linda's voice. Commanding her to sleep. Commanding her to obey. Commanding her to watch the lights. The pretty, flashing lights. They sparkled....

1 year ago
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The Box

It started out as a room. Cindy stood in the center of the room. A tight, leather cuff encircled each wrist. A tight, leather shackle encircled each ankle. The chains dangled from the ceiling and the floor. Holding her arms up, widespread, over her head. Holding her legs far apart. Cindy wasn't sure what else was in the room. Constantly, she heard Linda's voice. Commanding her to sleep. Commanding her to obey. Commanding her to watch the lights. The pretty, flashing lights. They sparkled....

2 years ago
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The Box

The BoxMistress and I had been talking about making our relationship permanent for about a year.  We had a contract but it had expired and she had been on the fence about wanting to take me on full time. And then for about six months she had a girlfriend who didn’t want me in Mistress’ life. Once they broke up, she asked me if I wanted to start up our relationship again. And then I hesitated.The reality of being a slave to a powerful woman is actually much harder and less sexy than the...

3 years ago
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Cheryls Box

At last it was finished, and ready to use, if only Cheryl could ever pluck up the courage to do so. she had spent three years designing it, and a further two years building it, in her basement, after work and at weekends.But now. it was ready, and all the pipes and tubes glistened under the bright cellar lights. Cheryl had read about something on a story site some five years ago, and had wondered if it were possible to design a machine that could, and would, make it a solo effort, no-one...

3 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 28 Mom in a box

I stared at the five items spread out over the coffee table, which Luke had removed from the box for me. I felt too afraid to touch them, which I understood was ridiculous, but true nonetheless. I hadn't had any idea what to expect when I opened my birthday present, but I could honestly say that I hadn't imagined what I did get. I guess in part, I'd thought it would be another letter, and maybe an item that had meant a lot to my mother. But, there was no letter. In that wrapped shoebox,...

2 years ago
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Her Box

Her Box This story may sound like it is about multiple personalities and as crossdressers, at times it feels like it is or that it might be easier, if it were. I doubt we would really want that. This is about the life of a real crossdresser. While the story is a work of fiction it does have roots that tie it to true events. It's been another long drive as I pull into the hotel. I'm beat. I step out of the car stretching my legs. The usual routine of wheeling my suitcase...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Girl in a Box

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Synopsis: Mistress Dyvia has her way with a girl's mind,...

1 year ago
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Out Of The Box

Lightning raced horizontally across the night sky illuminating briefly a cloaked figure carrying boxes from an older Camry into a deserted barn.  Looking skyward at the approaching storm, the figure knew intuitively that rain would shortly be pouring from the heavens.There's an old saying that a barn will stand forever as long as it has a good roof; this particular barn did indeed have a good roof.  However, after years of abandonment and neglect, the rest of the structure was in great need of...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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The Magic Phone Box

The Magic Phone Box By Donna Dee It was, by any standards, a luxury apartment. That it was located in the centre of London and had secure underground parking for two cars would have been enough to guarantee a huge selling price, but that was only the start. Scarcely a sound penetrated the triple glazed windows and soundproofed walls; the lounge was large enough to hold a mini convention and both bedrooms had king sized four-poster beds that swallowed you up at night. The kitchen was...

4 years ago
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Candi Box

Candi Box By Zedd I volunteered to watch over my girlfriends place until she came back from her trip to Las Vegas. She was already filthy rich! The house she had was furnished exquisitely, with real paintings hanging on the walls, and real sculptures sitting on oak or marble pedestals. I made myself comfortable easily enough, and mostly watched television or read until her return. After a few days of this however, I found myself exploring every nook and crack she had in the...

2 years ago
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The Box

Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood. She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car. "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms." The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. What do you think, honey?" The...

3 years ago
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By Oediplex Onward and upward; on you know who (mom), up you know where, wish I were there! I walked into my apartment and found my mother crying in my living room. Now, mom has a key to my place and sometimes she lets herself in to surprise her divorced son with a dinner, which I always was grateful for; though I would have eaten another sort of ‘dish’ of my mother’s if my fantasies ever came true. So I wasn’t too surprised by her being there, but I was most concerned by her...

3 years ago
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Franks Box

Frank's Box By Pilgrim Frank was off again for class. He was an excellent student and had a keen interest in his college classes. Today was a full day of classes, and the only problem he had with that is he couldn't ever concentrate on one class at a time. A fairly good-looking male, Frank stood six feet two inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was slim but not a stick, and he carried himself in a presentable manner. During high school, Frank was an average athlete...

3 years ago
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The Box

This story contains adult content and unusual transgendered sex. If you are not of legal age in your place of residence, then don't read it. The Box By Maria Chapter 1 Jack looked out over the cliff and saw a pleasant view ? the patches of trees, square farm plots with orderly rows of crops, and the wooded hills were beautiful. Mile after mile, the views went. In the distance to the west, a farmhouse with a silo. A bit to the east, on a smallish ridge, Jack could make out a...

2 years ago
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Black Box

The guard grinned, as he looked at the sexy redhead. "I'm sorry Miss, I can't let you through without a pass. Besides, the lab is closed for the evening." "Who said I wanted to go in there?" she said in a sexy whisper. "I was just thinking how lonely you must be, sitting in that booth all night." The woman leaned closer to the bulletproof glass, and unzipped her tight leather jacket, just a little. The guard's eyes grew large, when he saw that she wore nothing beneath it. She winked...

1 year ago
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My Pleasure Box

My Pleasure Box by Riss Kay 19 September 2004 This is my life. I am the happy of one man named Lionel; most people call him Lie. He dresses me, feeds me and nonstop pleasures me. I wear always head-to-toe black leather, usually with a gagball in my mouth, unless he wants me to suck his dick, which is uncommon. The leather covers my fingers, feet and penis. There are only a few holes in the entire suit -- two for my eyes, two smaller ones for my nostrils, one for my mouth that is usually useless...

3 years ago
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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves. Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

4 years ago
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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves.Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

3 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 22 Exactly What Is lsquoSafersquo About a Safe Deposit Box

One good thing about the impending destruction of all privacy rights in our country: It will be hard to blackmail anyone. Our lives will be laid open and bare for all to see. As a person who makes her living uncovering secrets, the destruction of privacy rights spells disaster for my income. Banking I spent extra time Monday morning putting my makeup and clothes together. Taking a day off is always dangerous. I have to remember every detail of who I am and rehearse my role in front of the...

2 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

3 years ago
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The Box

Moving a heavy box, Eliza wipes sweat off her forehead. She has been cleaning out her grandparents’ attic for almost three hours now. They have always been something like pack rats, keeping anything and everything they have found. Though, now that her grandfather has passed and her grandmother is moving into a retirement home, everything has to go. Grabbing another box, something that was propped against it fell onto the floor, sending a flurry of dust at the teen girl. This triggers a coughing...

4 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

3 years ago
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The Music Box

“Abigail!” He ran out the door and gave me the tightest hug that I have received since I'd left. “I am so glad to see you!” It felt good, and I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I watched the rest of my immediate family file out of the home. My brother, Andrew, hugged me next while my aunts and uncles attempted to fire all of their questions out about my recent adventures. However, knowing that I was tired from my long journey, my father quickly stepped in. “Leave the poor girl alone,”...

1 year ago
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Honey Play Box

Based on the name, Honey Play Box sounds like it could result in a lot of sticky fingers and messes that are difficult to clean up. After spending the morning perusing the site, I can only confirm that’s true. Not because they’re a literal box full of liquid bee sugar, but because they offer the type of adult toys intended to help you generate your own syrupy emissions. If all goes well, the dudes will be blowing loads of cum and the girls will be squirting. You know, these gizmos might be a...

Online Sex Toys Shops
2 years ago
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Frans toy box

As I was helping Fran move into her new house, I discovered that one of the boxes I was loading into my truck was filled with sex toys. There were vibrators, dildos, and anal toys as well. I stashed the box away for later examination. I finished moving her Saturday evening. The rest of the week I thought about how to get to know Fran a little better. Early the next Saturday morning I drove over to Fran's house. The sun was just coming up and the neighborhood was quiet. I called Fran from my...

2 years ago
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Shagging in the Confession Box

I was in the confession box having a wank. I knew it was fucked up but it was the only goddamn place I could do it in the church after hours. I was at a church retreat with my catholic high school. This is what you get with Catholics. Instead of a night partying you have to get locked in a fucking cathedral on a Friday because of Jesus or some stupid shit. So I'm having a wank in the confession box, and I hear some shuffling. A woman's talking, and she's saying "father forgive me for the...

2 years ago
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Im The Man In the Box

***Reading prior stories is a good idea, but, not required.***My wife didn't particularly enjoy having her pussy licked. As it's my favorite activity, it's a bit of a disappointment, but, not the end of the world. Our sex life was anything but dull, especially with the recent development of her asking for an open marriage. (Remind me to tell you about that, later.) What she lacked in enthusiasm for cunnilingus, she made up for by being imaginative. The incident about which I am going to...

4 years ago
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Heartshaped Box

Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. “Never ending, man,” his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. “Feels like it.” “At least the scenery ain’t bad.” After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy – one of the cashiers – working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a trucker who...

1 year ago
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The Devils Mystery Box

Author's note: My idea is for the stories to mostly be 3rd person. However, this section basically has to be second person, so bear with me. *** The box you found was peculiar. Usually, a box didn't come with strange markings. It wasn't made out of exotic materials that seemed to defy normal physical behavior. Boxes were usually cardboard or wood. They held old baseball cards or magazines or half-shattered china. They stacked up upon each other in attics and basements and supply closets. Not...

3 years ago
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Biancas Box

I held her up against the corridor wall with my hands supporting her hips. The bunched-up silkiness of her shiny black skirt made rustling noises, as my dick rubbed back and forth below the folds, making probing thrusts deep inside her. Mariah was panting heavily and making little mewing sounds as I thrust again and again, each time reaching a new depth. Her thighs perched on my hips, her long fingernails scrabbled at the cardboard of the stacks of boxes on each side of us in the back corridor...

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