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This story is copyright 1998 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is an adult story and it should not be read if you are under the age of eighteen. Closing Pandora's Box by Stephanie Part One Alan Carter could tell that Carl Yates had entered the room by the way his chest expanded into two large, female breasts. He sighed and pulled the labcoat closed over his now ruined shirt. His nipples, now large and extra-sensitive, reacted to the fabric rubbing on them and stiffened. He looked down as he tried to control his anger. He had learnt that showing anger to Yates could be extremely dangerous. "Good evening, Alan." Yates said with an obvious smirk in his voice. An image flashed through Alan's head of him punching Yates to the ground. Instead he turned and meekly said, "Good evening, sir." Alan wished he had listened to his gut feelings when he had first come to work for Yates. Something had felt very wrong from the start. Yates' offer of a huge salary had blown away any worries he should have had. Even more importantly, Yates was willing to fund the research Alan had been working on. Nanomachines had been an increasing part of everyone's life for the past decade. They had made huge advances in the fight against cancer and old age. Alan's research had been even more radical. He foresaw a time when Nanomechs could radically restructure entire body parts or even re-grow missing limbs. He had been frustrated by the lack of interest by most of the Nanomech companies. They considered his ideas too fanciful and the risks too great. They were already making vast amounts of money. Only Yates had seemed to realize the potential. Yates' company was very small-time compared to the Nanomech multi-nationals, but if Alan could get something workable from his research that would change. The problems had started as soon as Alan had made the first major breakthrough in his research. Previously, nanomechs could be programmed for just one job only; when that was finished they destroyed themselves. Alan had managed to give them the ability to accept new programming after they had been placed in the host body and to carry out far more complicated tasks. Alan had just finished the first round of tests on the lab rats when Yates had called him up to his office. Yates had been friendly at first. "Congratulations on your successes, Alan. After all the failures of your predecessors I was giving up hope of advancing nanotechnology at all." Alan smiled, "Thank you, Mr Yates." Yates lifted a file of his desk. "This is the paper you wish to submit to the scientific journals?" "Yes. I'm still a long way from perfecting the process, but I've made significant progress." "I understand, but I'm afraid I can't allow you to go public." Alan couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Why not? This has the potential to revolutionize nanotechnology!" "I'm sorry, but for now that is my final word on the matter." Yates closed the file and put it back in his desk as if to signify the conversation was over. "But, sir!" Alan persisted. "We can't just sit on this! What if someone beats us to the patents?" "No-one is even close to what you've achieved." Yates leaned over and gave Alan a stern look. "It is vital that no mention of your research gets out. Is that clear." "This doesn't make sense. We have to go public. Just think of the boost your share price will get." Yates sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. "I didn't think you'd go along meekly with what I said. I don't want your invention purely to build a business empire. Think, Alan, of the level of control I'd have over politicians and, perhaps, Presidents if they had your nanomechs in them." Alan started to feel very afraid. This wasn't a joke; Yates meant it. "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I need you to perfect the process. Refine it. And I need to make sure you won't tell anyone in the meantime." "I don't want any part of this. I want out!" Yates smiled. "You don't think I'd tell you this unless I was sure you'd stay working here." He pulled out a box. "Do you recognize this?" "Yeah," Alan replied uncertainly, "its one of the nanomech transmitter boxes." "Now, if I understand the procedure, you create the nanomech command program on the main computer and then download it to this box. Then all you have to do is press the button to transmit the data to anyone in range carrying the nanomechs. Is that right?" Alan nodded. What had Yates done? "I've had this box modified," Yates continued. "As you can see, it now has four buttons, not one. Each one sends a different series of commands to the nanomechs inside you." "You're bluffing!" Alan said. Inside, however, he believed him. How had Yates got nanomechs inside him without him realizing? "Shall we see if I am or not?" Slowly and deliberately he pressed the second button on the box. Alan broke out into a sweat as he tried to work out whether Yates was serious or if it really was just a twisted joke. His body started to feel different, as if it was being pulled out of shape. With shaking hands he tried to work out what was being done to him. The feelings of strangeness were most intense in his chest. His hands flew there and found the nanomechs were already hard at work. His flesh was starting to expand into two definite globes. Alan ripped open his shirt; he had to see what Yates was doing to him. He had breasts! They were only the size of an adolescent girl's at that moment, but they were expanding rapidly. Already, his nipples were larger and those of a woman's. "No!" "Oh yes!" Yates replied, utterly fascinated by the speed of the transformation. Alan put his hands over his new breasts, partly to cover them from Yates' gaze, but mostly in a vain attempt to force them to stop growing. Perversely, his nipples responded to the pressure of his hands and grew erect. However, the nanomechs were remorseless in their work and Alan's breasts only stopped growing when they reached their predetermined size. Alan's ragged breathing was the only sound in the room. With each breath he felt his new breasts rise and fall. Fearfully, he removed his hands and looked down at his new equipment. They were large, perfect, female breasts. The only abnormal thing about them was that they were on his chest. He could feel the air from the ventilation system washing over them. They were real. "Absolutely incredible!" said Yates in awe. "Seeing nanomechs work on rats is one thing. Seeing them reshape a human is completely another. And in such a short time, too! Minutes, instead of days. You've done well." Alan tried to cover himself with his shirt, but his new mammaries were simply too large. "You could have killed me!" "Nonsense," Yates replied, "I had total faith in your abilities." Yates pressed the first button on the box and Alan felt the tingling start again. To his utter relief, his breasts started to shrink and rearrange itself into a normal male configuration. Once the process had finished, Yates said coldly. "There are two buttons on this box that I haven't pressed yet. Pray that I never have to." Alan got the message loud and clear. He was trapped. Over the next few days Yates revealed the plans he had for acquiring control over the local government officials. Alan used ever spare moment to try and find a way out of the fix he was in. The computer system was virtually impregnable. He couldn't reach the program that wrote the commands for the box Yates had. Even if he could delete it his problems wouldn't be solved, Yates probably had it backed-up somewhere. Removing nanomechs were notoriously difficult. There were hundreds of millions of the things in his body. If he missed just one in any procedure to purge them then he would be right back where he started inside of a week. Yates made Alan run an exhaustive testing procedure on himself to make sure his survival hadn't been the result of a lucky fluke. He wanted to be totally sure anyone transformed by the nanomechs would live. Yates carried the box around with him everywhere. Alan briefly considered trying to get the box off of Yates, but another could be constructed and programmed very easily, so that got him nowhere. Nearly every day when Yates would go down to Alan's lab he would press the second button and delight in watching his humiliated employee grow large breasts. Alan snapped out of his reminiscing. He stood up and walked over to where Yates was standing, holding the labcoat closed over his breasts as he did so. No matter how many times Yates did that to him, he still couldn't get used to it. "I've been reading your reports," Yates told him. "I'm satisfied that your new process is safe. So it's time to progress to the next stage." "Which is?" "I need to get into a position of power. Senator Hamilton is not that important, but I can use his form to gain access to the highest levels of government. He's coming here the day after tomorrow, expecting to find an offer of a lucrative investment. We'll scan his body and sample his DNA while he's here." Alan swallowed nervously. "What will you do with the senator?" "He'll be okay," Yates replied with a smile. "Obviously, he can't be himself again as I'll be pretending to be him. I'll show you what button number four does on your box. I'll think you'll like it. Anyway, prepare two new sets of nanomechs each on different frequencies so they don't interfere with each other or with yours." "Of course," Alan replied irritably. Each person's nanomechs had to be primed to receive programming on one specific frequency. That frequency had to be unique to that person or they might end up getting the program meant for someone else. "Good, I'll expect them to be ready in the morning." With that Yates turned and headed to the doors. "E-excuse me, sir," Alan called out. "You forgot about these," he pointed to his breasts. Yates turned and leered. "That's just a reminder of what will happen if you try to cross me. I'll restore you when you've done what I ask." He left, chuckling. Alan slumped back at the computer terminal and tried to figure out what to do. This was the decision point. He had to stop the senator having his life stolen. Alan was also under no illusions of his own fate. When his usefulness was at an end he would also suffer the effects of 'button four'. It was obvious Yates was learning how to program nanomechs himself, so that time couldn't be far off. For the first time, he was alone while having breasts. He reached up to hold them. The feeling of all that strange, but sensitive flesh on his chest was still alien to him. His large nipples responded to the contact and expanded. He was confused and embarrassed by the wave of desire that swept through him. His arousal was understandable due to his sensitive flesh and the site of his bare breasts, but that didn't help his distress. He set up the equipment to develop the required nanomechs and then went back to studying the computer system. He had been tinkering with an idea for some time now. If he introduced a subtle virus to the system he may be able to damage the network and render the computer safe. At least for the length of time it would take to escape and get to the police. If he was really lucky, it could infect and corrupt any back-up system Yates connected to the computer. He should have gone to the police at the beginning, but the risk of being permanently changed had stopped him. Now he knew he'd be changed in the end anyway, he had no choice but to try to escape. Alan loaded the virus into the system and then headed to the door. It was gone eight PM and the corridors were deserted, but he was acutely aware of his jutting bosom as he walked. Every step caused the extra flesh on his chest to jiggle. He avoided reception, as it was manned even at this hour, and headed for one of the fire escape doors. His heart was thudding as he ran out into the car park and over to his car. Alan had to wrap his arms around his chest as he ran to prevent them bouncing around too much. He pulled his car keys from his pocket, but before he could open the door the sound of people running caused him to look up. Two burly men dressed in the uniform of the firm's security were running straight for him! He tried to control his shaking hands long enough to get the key into the lock. Just as he was opening the door one of the men slammed into him and dragged him to the floor. Alan landed on his front and he gasped from the unexpected pain from his breasts. He was roughly manhandled to his feet and he was unable to stop himself from being dragged back into the building. The two guards pulled him into the elevator and they travelled all the way to the top of the building. Yates maintained a small apartment there so that he'd never be that far from his company. Yates was in his office as Alan was brought in. He was working away at his computer and didn't turn to look at Alan straight away. After several minutes he looked satisfied and turned his attention to his employee. Alan was being held by his arms and it left his breasts exposed. He felt humiliated by their presence and the way Yates' eyes flicked over them in obvious lust. "You can go," Yates told the two guards. They quickly dropped Alan and left quietly. Yates walked slowly towards Alan who was shivering on the floor. "That almost worked, the whole computer system almost crashed. You knew I'd have back-ups so I guessed you were making a run for it during the confusion. Nice try, though." Alan staggered to his feet and ran for the elevator. He had to get away before Yates pressed the fourth button on the box. He stabbed at the call button by the lift in desperation. A nervous glance behind him showed Yates leaning against his desk. "They're holding the elevator," Yates told him. "You're stuck here." Alan hammered on the door before giving up. He turned around to see Yates holding the box. If he could somehow reach him before he pressed the button he might be able to get the box. Yates saw where Alan was looking. "You want this, don't you? I'm afraid I can't do that. You've been a very bad girl. Naughty enough for button three, I think." "No!" Alan shouted and leapt at Yates. Before he could cover half the distance to his boss, Alan was overcome by a wave of nausea and dizziness. He was too late; Yates had pressed the button. He crashed to the floor as the nanomechs robbed him of control of his own body. The strange pulling sensation worked its way all over his body, except his breasts. He cried out as his body was remade. Then, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. "Incredible!" Yates remarked. He leaned down and grabbed Alan's upper arm and held it firmly. Alan opened his eyes and tried to get his bearings. Everything felt wrong, utterly wrong. His vision was obscured by hair. He pulled at it with his free hand and saw that it was long, golden and his. His arm had been altered as well. It was far slimmer, more refined, and didn't have a thin layer of hair on it anymore. Yates had totally transformed him. He could feel with his tongue that even his teeth had changed, probably along with the rest of his face. Had everything changed? Was he now totally a woman? Alan's answer came as Yates carried out his own examination. Several strong tugs by Yates and Alan's pants were pulled off his suddenly wider hips and down. Alan's underwear went the same way. Then Alan felt Yates' fingers touch and probe the folds of his vagina. Everything had been changed! He was totally female! He shuddered as Yates' fingers probed deeper into him. He was horrified to feel his strange new anatomy becoming aroused from his captor's touch. Yates roughly turned Alan round to face the window. It was getting dark outside and the glass acted like a dim mirror. Alan pushed the mass of hair out of his eyes and looked at the reflection of the two people. One was Yates, gloating in the successful transformation and the other was an extremely frightened girl wearing only a torn man's shirt. She had a perfect body, and the large, but firm, breasts matched the sensuous curves of her soft, feminine form. Alan could barely believe the evidence of his own senses. He was a woman. A sexy, voluptuous, blonde! "Come here, girl." Yates commanded as he dragged Alan over to the desk. "I want you to see exactly what problems you've caused me." Alan was too frightened to resist and allowed himself to be pushed roughly into the chair behind the desk. He tried to cover himself with the shirt, but it was a pointless attempt. He couldn't hide his breasts and every movement of his body was a constant reminder of his sudden femininity. "Your virus has caused severe problems in the system." Yates explained. "I can clear it, but that means shutting down the system, purging the virus and then restoring everything from the back-ups. The problem is, I don't have the time. I need to be ready to move tomorrow. Now I need to know exactly what you've done." Alan squinted at the computer screen. What language was that? It certainly wasn't English. Yates laughed. "Oh, yes, I forgot to mention a couple of enhancements I made to your body, beyond the obvious ones, that is. Your body now has an increased sensitivity to pleasure, as you'll find out soon. The other...enhancement is the removal of your ability to read or write." "That's impossible!" Alan said in horror, cringing at the soprano voice he now had as he did so. "It isn't. That's plain English on the screen, yet you can't make any sense of it at all." He pushed a pad of paper and a pen over to Alan. "Write your name." Alan nervously took the pen. He put it to the paper and then his brow furrowed. Try as he might, he couldn't remember how to do it! He could remember signing his name a thousand times, but now that simple action was beyond his abilities. "Don't worry. It isn't permanent, I've just blocked off the portions of your brain dealing with written language. I could have destroyed all the language information stored in your brain. If I had done that, even if you were restored to your own body, you'd have to learn to speak, read and write all over again. As it is, you'll be okay if I turn you back into a man." "What does button four do?" Alan asked. He had to know how bad this got. "Nothing noticeably, physically. Mentally, it erases the portion of your mind dealing with written language (which is only blocked off at the moment), speech, and all but the simplest mathematics. It'll also lower your intelligence significantly. You wouldn't be able to oppose me as you'd be too stupid to work out how to do it, but you'd remember who you were." Alan was shivering uncontrollably now. "I'll do what you want. Turn me back and I'll remove the virus." "No." "No?!" "I don't trust you yet. I don't think you've quite realized the gravity of the situation yet." "I have, I have Mr Yates!" Alan pleaded. "Don't do this to me!" Yates stroked Alan's soft cheek with the back of his hand. Alan tried not to shy away. "You're not broken in yet," Yates said quietly. "By tomorrow morning you will be. Stand up." Alan wanted to run, to get away from Yates, but he knew if he was to stand even the slimmest hope of retaining his intellect, let alone regaining his body, he had to obey Yates. Yates made him remove the last few items of clothing he had on. His naked, unfamiliar body only made him feel even more helpless. He watched as Yates took the box and walked to a far door. Without looking back, Yates disappeared inside. Alan stood there nervously for a few moments before he realized he was expected to follow. He held one arm across his breasts in an effort to keep them under control, and the other covered his new femininity. Slowly, he walked over to the door. He had a good idea what Yates was planning. He just prayed to God he was wrong. Part Two Alan's worst fears were realized as he reached the door. Inside was a small bedroom with a bathroom beyond it. Yates had almost finished stripping and he looked up at Alan and nodded. "Right, on all fours on the bed." "What?" "That's where I want you," Yates explained slowly. "I haven't destroyed your intelligence yet, you know what I want." Alan quickly scanned the room for the box, but it was nowhere to be seen. He had no choice, he had to do as he was told. Unsteadily, he crossed over to the bed and climbed on it. He could feel his breasts hanging off his chest like two large weights. He had to struggle hard against the urge to flee as he heard Yates move up behind him. He couldn't help flinching as he felt Yates' fingers return to his strange new crotch. They quickly parted his lower lips and slipped inside him. Alan squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore what was being done to him. The strange penetration was having an effect on him, however. His crotch was beginning to tingle. His vagina was growing heavy with arousal. On his chest, his large nipples quickly grew erect. Despite himself, Alan found himself wishing it wasn't Yates' fingers working inside him, but his cock. His willpower quickly ebbed away as his new body overwhelmed him. Alan started to pump his hips, trying to impale himself on Yates' hand. Trying to increase the utterly strange, yet erotic, sensation of penetration that had robbed him of all conscious thought. Yates shifted his attention to Alan's clitoris. Alan was now in such a high state of arousal that this almost sent him straight into his first female orgasm. His nipples had become aroused spikes, itching to be grasped and manipulated. He knew he had to fight this. Yates had designed this body with a lot of thought, but he had to resist the feelings radiating from it. He had to stop himself from climaxing. He refused to give Yates the satisfaction. But it was no good. His hands were dug deep into the bedcovers and he was unable to stop himself giving small gasps and groans of pleasure. His new body had been built for one thing, and it had been built very well. The sensuous feelings rose quickly into a crescendo. Alan instinctively clamped down on Yates' hand with his vagina as his climax exploded through his body. Alan's arms gave way and he pitched forward onto the bed. His nipples pushing against the sheets only heightening the after effects of his orgasm. Maybe it was the way Yates had built the body, but he found that this orgasm lasted longer and seemed more intense than his male ones. Yates had not finished yet, however. Alan felt firm hands grip his hips and hold them in place. Something hot and firm was nudging the sensitive flesh between his legs. Before Alan could do anything to resist, Yates had thrust himself deep into Alan's wet vagina. Alan tried to shout 'no', but it turned into an inarticulate cry of lust. His body had had no time to come down from the erotic heights it had just reached. Now it was being pushed to even greater extremes. All of Alan's resistance was washed away by his body's enormous desire. There was nothing else he wanted than to be possessed and used by Yates. Yates reached forward and grabbed a handful of Alan's bountiful breasts in each hand. His fingers dug cruelly into Alan's soft flesh, but the newly made woman was passed caring. Alan gave a long primal scream and climaxed again. He found he could heighten the sensations by squeezing Yates' cock with his vagina. The demands of Alan's new body totally dominated him and by now and he was actively co-operating with Yates. Yates continued to pound into the transformed man, enjoying the feeling of dominance and power he wielded. For him, this was more than just sex - he could have that anytime he wanted - but the great rush he got from transforming Alan and getting him to submit to his every whim was fantastic. Alan was driven to two more orgasms before he felt Yates tense with his own climax. As soon as Yates was finished, he pulled out and stepped away from Alan. Slowly, Alan regained control. His body was shivering from the intense sensations it had experienced. He could feel Yates' seed slowly dripping out of him. Alan didn't want to think about the sperm that was inside him and swimming into his womb. He didn't put it past Yates to have made him a woman at the most fertile part of her menstrual cycle. Yates was insatiable and he had sex with Alan all night. After each round, he'd make Alan lick and caress his penis until he was ready to go again. Alan was horrified by what he was being forced to do, but he was even more disgusted by the way his body was making him like it. If he had to go through this for several more nights he realized he might start craving it. Eventually, Yates left him alone. Alan had to share the bed with his boss after they had finished. As he rested on the damp patch he tried to think up a plan. But what could he do? Even if he had got the box, the chance of him getting outside and away were very small. Also, the penalty of getting caught didn't bare thinking about. Despite the exertions of the previous night, Yates was up early the next morning. He washed and dressed before he woke Alan up. Alan stared blearily at Yates wondering what his boss was doing in his bedroom. Then he remembered he was in Yates' bedroom, not his own. He sat up and tried to ignore the shifting weights on his chest. "Put this on," Yates ordered as he threw a dressing gown on Alan. Alan scrambled off the bed and wrapped the dressing gown around him as best he could. It wasn't big enough to stop him revealing his large cleavage. "Come on," Yates told him. "Today is going to be a busy one. I arranged for the senator to visit before your little piece of sabotage." Alan scurried after Yates, acutely aware of his new body. As he travelled down in the elevator, he realized that Yates hadn't asked whether he'd help to remove the virus on the computer system. It was as if Yates knew that Alan would do anything he was told. Alan knew that he would. He wasn't a coward, but the fear of button four kept him under control. He would do what he was told. Yates led them through, thankfully, almost deserted corridors to the main computer room. Several computer technicians were hard at work. They looked nervously at Yates as he came in. They also snatched quick glimpses of Alan's body. Alan wondered if they knew he had been a man. Either way, he was disturbed to see the light of desire in their eyes. "Have you made any progress?" Yates asked. "We've managed to extract the virus. We're just checking the vital data files, but everything seems to be intact." "Excellent, good work." The technicians visibly relaxed when they heard their boss' approval. "Make sure everything is ready by noon." Yates firmly gripped Alan's arm and led him out into the corridor. Alan was shaking now. He had nothing left to bargain with. Yates was utterly ruthless and nothing would stop him using button four on Alan and removing the last potential threat he offered. After the final nanomech program had finished with him, Alan's language skills would be totally gone and he'd be so stupid he'd be unable to tie his own shoelaces. Yates led him down to his own lab. It was in a secure part of the building and it only had one way in or out. Yates had two security guards come and watch Alan. They were the same two that had caught him the night before when he had just been a man with breasts. They obviously knew who he really was, but that didn't stop them ogling his new, curvier body. Yates ran some tests on the nanomechs Alan had produced the previous day. Finally, when he was satisfied that they were working properly, he quickly injected one set into himself and then downloaded his own set of controlling programs to another box. This box was white whereas the one that controlled Alan's nanomechs was black. With no apparent trepidation, Yates triggered the second button on his box and his body subtly changed. It was still recognizably Yates, but a slightly taller, slightly fitter version. Without warning, he threw the white box to Alan who caught it by reflex. After being stunned for a second, Alan frantically pressed each of the four buttons on the box. As he had expected, nothing happened. Obviously the only program the box contained was for the modified version of Yates' body. Yates laughed. "I don't blame you for trying." His mobile phone bleeped and he answered it. "Already? Well, no problem. I'll be right down." He shut the phone and turned to the two guards. "It looks like the senator is early. I know what you two are like. You can guard her just as effectively from outside this lab in the corridor. If I find out you've decided to molest her, and if you do I will, then you'll end up as her twin sisters. Understand?" The guards nodded reluctantly and followed their boss from the room. Alan listened dejectedly as he heard the lab doors being locked. Maybe he could act like the good, little whore for Yates and do everything he wanted. That way he would keep his intellect. However, he knew it would only be a matter of time before Yates got bored of him and used button four. He held the dressing gown tight around him and moved over to the computer console. He switched it on and waited while it swiftly booted up. It still looked like gibberish, though. He couldn't make sense of it at all. Even when he had been able to read and write he had been unable to destroy Yates' computer system. What chance did he have now? He looked over at the table. The white box that controlled Yates' nanomechs was there, as well as Alan's black box! He rushed over to the box and stabbed at the first button. Nothing happened. Alan tried the second button, which also did nothing. The third button seemed to do nothing, but that was probably because he was in the shape designated by the third program. He didn't risk trying the fourth button. It almost certainly still had the fourth program in it that Alan feared so much. Alan placed the box on the table and slumped to the floor in despair. Yates had probably deliberately left the boxes there as a sick joke. Alan was stuck. Without the ability to read or write, what could he do? Yates spent several long hours escorting Senator Hamilton around his building. He actually got what he wanted from the Senator just twenty minutes into the tour. Hamilton was persuaded to be scanned by what he thought was a new type of body sensor. Its true purpose was to obtain a sample of Hamilton's DNA and precise measurements of every part of his body. It was important not to alert Hamilton to what was really going on, so Yates continued the tour. It wouldn't be until later that night that Hamilton would discover the true significance of this trip. Yates wondered how Hamilton would react to finding someone else wearing his body, and then his own body turning into that of a stupid and illiterate hooker? He thought he might even fuck the new girl before he/she was disposed of. No-one would really care when a dead hooker turned up. Finally, the Senator left and Yates was able to return to the beautiful creature he had made out of one of his employees. Alan looked up and shuddered as Yates entered the lab. "You'll be pleased to know," Yates announced to the transformed man, "that everything is going according to plan." His eyes skated over Alan's body. "Now, we have a few minutes to ourselves..." Alan scrambled off the chair he was sitting on and retreated. "No!" he whimpered. "Not again. Never again!" "Think rationally," Yates said sternly as he quickly undressed. "You know that there is only one reason I haven't pressed the fourth button. I prefer you this way, with your intellect intact, offering yourself to me willingly to save yourself from a terrible fate." "I won't do it!" Alan nearly screamed at him. "You can't make me!" "Oh, but I can." Yates stated simply. He walked over to the two control boxes and picked up Alan's. "Last chance." Alan said nothing in reply and just glared at him. Yates shrugged and pushed the fourth button on Alan's box. Alan smiled. Yates was beginning to wonder why when a strange sensation overcame him. It was similar to when the nanomechs had changed him into the more idealized version of his own body, but far more intense. The feeling increased and he lost control over his muscles, falling to the floor. He looked up to see Alan walking over to him. "I did say 'never again'," Alan told him. Yates felt a tightness in his chest. Then it started to expand into two large breasts. The program he had intended to work on Alan's nanomechs was altering his instead. "How?" he demanded in a voice that was already cracking and rising in pitch. "I might not be able to read and write, Yates, but I am still capable of swapping the transmitter circuits in those two boxes. You transmitted the right program, but on the wrong frequency. So your nanomechs were activated, not mine." Yates realized he had scant seconds to alert his guards outside, but his body was still transforming and he couldn't regain control of it. Desperately, he tried to crawl to the door. He watched in horror as the hands pulling him along the floor became smaller and more refined. In a sudden spasm, his hips widened and a terrible, pulling sensation in his groin told him he was now physically a woman. The changes started to subside as his body attained the programmed form. He could make it! With one final effort, he lurched to the door and through it. The two security guards quickly caught him before he could do anything more. They looked down at him with broad grins on their faces. They thought he was Alan. He had to tell them who he really was. He opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly found he couldn't work out how to form the words. It's too late, he realized. The nanny- nani- small machines have changed my brain! It was becoming much harder for Yates to think. He knew his IQ was dropping radically, but he no longer really understood what that meant. He heard a masculine voice behind him and turned to see who it was. Yates was shocked and utterly confused by what he saw. It was himself! His male body was standing there, wearing just shorts, talking with the two guards. Try as he might, Yates couldn't understand a word of what they were saying. If his body was over there, was he really who he thought he was? His thoughts were hard to form and sluggish. Try as he might he couldn't work out what had happened. Alan breathed a sigh of relief. The guards had accepted him as Yates with no problems. As far as they were concerned there was nothing wrong. He had them bring his confused former boss back into the lab and then ordered them back into the corridor. He locked the door and looked back at Yates. The new woman was exploring her new anatomy with a mixture of fear and awe. Alan felt a little guilty at what had happened to Yates. He managed to salve his conscience by pointing out that Yates had really done it himself. Alan's own body was male again, but it was Yates' body, not his. He knew that it would be many months until he could safely return to his own form. First, he had to dismantle Yates' organisation and neutralize anyone who had known about the remotely controlled nanomech program. Eventually, someone else would stumble across the secret of remote nanomech manipulation, but the longer the secret could be kept the better. The potential for abuse of the invention was horrifying. He looked over at Yates. She was sitting on the floor with a befuddled look on her beautiful face. Alan wondered what he should do with her. He felt a familiar stiffening between his legs. She _was_ an exceptionally good looking woman, and, anyway, he felt it was only fair Yates should feel what he had the previous night. THE END ...of book one, anyway. The plot of this story is too close to my DNA stories, but I've thought of a new direction book two would take, if I get around to doing it. I'll have to finish 'It's Hard to be a Man' first and then do 'DNA III' so it'll be some time before I do.

Same as Closing Pandora's Box Videos

4 years ago
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The Boxs Pandora

The Box's Pandora By Morpheus "Are we there yet?" I asked from the back seat of my family car, a five year old sedan that Dad had bought brand new. "No," Dad answered from the driver's seat. I turned my attention back to my DS, and the Pokemon game that I was in the middle of playing. A few minutes later, I repeated the question, "Are we there yet?" This was more from boredom, than because I thought we were really that close to our destination. "Not yet," Mom answered from...

1 year ago
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Pandora The Legendary Adventures

Pandora smiled with lust the crowd that surrounded the stage in which she had been dancing almost during half an hour. Her almost naked body was covered in sweat, sweat that slid down along her voluptuous body. During that time, she had led those men to a sexual frenzy, dancing provocatively along the stage, shaking her enormous bust and rounded buttocks at inches of their faces. As usual, it had been a good night for her. Hundreds of bucks had finished on her thong and bra. Her popularity as...

4 years ago
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SRU The Costume Box

Feel free to archive my stories anywhere you'd like. All comic characters mentioned in these stories are the property of their respective comic book publishers, such as Marvel, DC, and Image. No profit is being made from their usage here, and are strictly used for non-promotional purposes. Steve Zink ------- SRU: The Costume Box, part 1/? CATching the Party by Steve Zink The fraternity was hosting a costume party for Halloween. The elder members of the frat made sure that...

2 years ago
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The Box

The Box By M John Mathias "Man, I can't believe I lost that last match," Mike grumbled to himself for the umpteenth time since leaving the dojo. He was heading home from Karate class, where he was a brown belt in tae kwon do. "If only I was bigger and stronger," he said to himself, and picked up his pace. He always ran home from class, and today was no exception. He liked running along the railroad tracks, because they ran pretty much from the dojo to his house in a straight...

3 years ago
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Mansion of Zedd Tinas Box

The Mansion of Zedd - Tina's Box I opened the box I'd found, wondering if there would be anything valuable in it or not. Probably not considering where I'd found it to begin with. The old house just outside of town, though everyone else referred to it as a mansion, was kind of run down and abandoned. No one not even realestate agents ever went there because it was haunted or something. It was about the size of a small hotel I guess, but with lots of that old type architecture I'd...

2 years ago
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The Famous Four and the Box

CHAPTER ONE     'Well? What do you think of that?' Robbie asked proudly.   Evadne regarded our finished work dubiously.  'It's bigger than I thought,' she said at last.   Robbie bridled. 'It's made to the the specified size,' he said stiffly. 'Inside measurements, four feet long, three feet wide, and three feet high, with a foot of insulation all round.'     'But will it work?' Rebecca asked. 'I mean, is it really sound-proof, and will it be warm enough inside?'   Robbie shrugged. 'It should be...

3 years ago
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The Famous Four and the Box

CHAPTER ONE     'Well? What do you think?' Robbie asked proudly.   Evadne regarded our finished work dubiously.  'It's bigger than I thought,' she said at last.   Robbie bridled. 'It's made to the the specified size,' he said stiffly. 'Four feet long, three feet wide, and three feet high on the inside.'     'But will it work?' Rebecca asked. 'I mean, is it really sound-proof, and will it be warm enough inside?'   Robbie shrugged. 'It should be sound-proof enough for our client's purposes,' he...

4 years ago
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James and Pandora

If there is enough interest,I will post part 2 When the new fa mily moved into the old,abandoned mansion on the corner of 5th and Elm a little over six months ago,rumors were flying throughout the neighborhood before the moving truck had even cleared their driveway. I mean,Why not? They were strangers to our little town after all,and since coming here myself,as a ch ild,I have found that these small New England Towns tend to thrive on speculation and rumor,just like Roses thrive on Horse...

3 years ago
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PANDORA By Dee Dee Perri Chapter 1 The slender young man had a bookish presence that was amplified by the glasses which he was attempting to keep perched on his nose by frequent jabs with his left index finger. His right hand clutched convulsively for whatever support it could find as the need arose. It seemed that the old WW II style jeep was attempting to buck him off its back like some wild, unbroken horse. His jet black hair, which contrasted sharply with his alabaster...

2 years ago
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Uncle Petes Box

Uncle Pete's Box by Grimbo I hadn't heard from Uncle Pete in almost two years. Mom was the one to bring the bad news to me. Uncle Pete had died whiledriving home from work. A tractor trailer truck driver had fallen asleep while driving and he ran over uncle Pete's car on the highway. Not the way he wanted to go, but a least the end came quickly. We went to uncle Pete's funeral two days later. I wish I could say that I missed him, but since I went off to college, we had grown apart....

2 years ago
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The Box

The Box By RH Music Chapter 1 "Thunk, thunk," a noise, from inside the box. The cable from the machine twitched, causing a twinge of pain in my crotch where the cable entered my body. "Whirrrrr..." The machine buzzed for a second. "Thunk, thunk," it continued. I could feel something shifting in my abdomen. "Thunk, thunk," This continued for about five minutes, and then: "Ping!" The cable detached itself and zipped back into the box by the side of the...

3 years ago
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Please Someone Open the Box

‘Ron honey, I’m home,’ Swiveling my recliner around I noticed that my wife Gerry had her arms full of bags that were stuffed full of goodies of some kind or other. She and her girlfriend Freda had spent the day at their favorite past time, shopping and stopping off at all of the garage sales. I’d spent the day trying to get the grass mowed as the rains had been extensive and after several weeks the grass had frankly gotten away from me. Gerry walked to the fireplace while reaching into a...

2 years ago
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In the cut throat world of stage magic, Scarlet was at the sharp end. Huge competition for gigs ensured that magicians guarded their own secrets jealously and envied any competitor whose act was more cutting edge than their own with a passion.None were more jealous and envious than Francisco the Magnificent. He’d already gone to great lengths to conceal that he was really plain old Frank Potts, descended from a long line of slate miners. His rise to the pinnacle of his profession he owed to a...

3 years ago
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His Little Brown Box

Linice’s boss wants more from her than her nine to five work output. Help comes from the past; the far, distant past. If you can hold on, the sexy part is not far ahead. Part I. His Little Brown Box Jed Maroni at 20 years old wasn’t like the other young men that grew up with him in Saintly Hallows. Whereas his neighbor friends had smart phones, iPods and video games, girlfriends and big plans for their future, Jed was happy with less. He was 18 when his parents died in a plane crash. Jed...

2 years ago
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The Box

THE BOX I must acknowledge Mike Vickers, whose "TotalRubber Occlusion" set this whole thing in motion and also The House ofGord for never ceasing to give me ideas…. A bright sunny morning. She wanted coffee and croissants. He asked if she were pregnant. She slapped him. It was a normal Saturday. He eased himself through the door balancing the cardboard platter in onehand. A ray of sunlight filled with dust motes nearly blinded him, but he stumbledonward and through the door to the front...

2 years ago
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Jack in the Box

Jack in the Box By Morpheus The basement was a dark and dismal hole that was filled with random clutter that hadn't been cleaned out in decades. There was a layer of dust and spider webs which grew thicker with each footstep taken towards the back. And as the furthest light bulb had long since burned out without being replaced, those depths became even more foreboding. "What the hell are we doing here again?" Ian demanded as he looked around. "I swear, that dust bunny just...

2 years ago
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The Big Brown Box

All three were 8th graders. Janet was 14, Corinne was 14, Maggie was 14. "Let's go to the library," Janet said. "I want to go to the mall," Corinne objected. Maggie argued for going to Barnes and Noble to look at the new Lucy Conover book. "Lucy Conover!" Janet scoffed. "Lucy Conover?" Corinne said in surprise. "What's wrong with Lucy Conover?" Maggie wanted to know. Janet laughed. Corinne looked embarrassed. Maggie frowned and blushed bright red. "I like Lucy Conover," she...

2 years ago
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Magic Box

Magic Box By Adrienne K. I looked at the box curiously. It was about the size of a shoebox and made out of some sort of grey stone. The box itself wasn't what intrigued me. On the top of the box was some sort of puzzle lock. The pieces moved, but the former owner had no idea how to open it. For five dollars, I figured it was worth finding out. The inscriptions on the side were worn down, but even if they were clear, I had no idea what they meant. They were written in some foreign...

2 years ago
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Amys Box

Amy's Box (F, self-bd, enem, elec, mast)By Molly SCopyright (c) Molly S.  This story may be distributedso long as no charge is made and the text remainsunaltered.  For any other use [email protected] welcome, let me know if you want more!=======================================================    F, self-bd, enem, elec, mast    It contains material that some people may find    offensive.    This work is a piece of fiction.  The author    does not condone any of the actions...

3 years ago
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I Cant Close Pandoras Box

Debs was now a sex addict after sampling her first BBC and then a BBC gang bang and couldn't go a few hours without having an orgasm. She was taking vibrators to work just so she could slip into the ladies and bring herself off just to get through the day. When she got home she needed a fuck session before she could think of doing anything else. I wasn't complaining of course and I was getting sex everyday and Debs wanted more and more nasty, taboo and depraved role play and would cum hard with...

4 years ago
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Opened Pandoras Box

We were two 50 something divorced and remarried people, Mark and Debs, who got together and wished we had met years before. Both had come from relationships that were very conservative in the bedroom and suddenly we were "allowed" to express ourselves in role-play and found we both got off playing together. Our respective chil***n had now all moved out and gone their separate ways which meant experimenting became a regular thing. Although we enacted Debs being fucked by other guys she always...

4 years ago
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SRU Curse Box

SRU: Curse Box By Morpheus The sign, proudly pronouncing the store as Spells R Us hung just over the door, looking slightly worn. That was the first thing to catch Donald Spellings eye. The second was the smell of things old, that slight mustiness that seems to hover around all old things. As a collector of antiques, Donald was very familiar with that smell, and it drew him into the store, like a bee to honey. Donald smiled faintly as he looked around, seeing a large variety...

3 years ago
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The Wooden Box

This story is heavily inspired by the story Shall We Play A Game by Lisa Teez over at mcstories, so if you like it please go read the original. It is one of my favorites. I added a TG element to make the slow, plodding inevitability of the narrator's change into a physical one instead of a mental one as the original story does. Also, I kept the narrator nameless in an effort to place yourself into the role. I hope it...

2 years ago
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What manner of place is this? No light. No sound. I quell the terror rising in my breast and strain to listen, to hear beyond the muffled space into which I am squeezed. Timbers creak. The Earth groans. In the ensuing silence, I sense my own pulse; slow and distant as the stars; shallow as a leafy grave. I remember nothing. Nothing but a name. Daniel. The name opens a door. Now I remember Daniel. Rough, playful hands. Soft, skilful lips. I remember his flesh swelling in my disbelieving hands,...

2 years ago
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The Box

The Box By Wendi Lynne I?m not sure how I got here. It?s dark; pitch dark. I am naked, my mouth is extremely dry and I?m a little dizzy. The last thing I remember is sitting with my wife at the restaurant, eating dinner. She is so beautiful, it?s our 10th anniversary and I love her as much today as when we first married. MY WIFE!! Bamm!! OW! Shit! I just found out that I don?t have much headroom in here. In fact I don?t have much room at all, I?d say maybe 4 feet square....

2 years ago
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The Penalty Box

The Penalty Box The Penalty BoxBy Tyjord Alexandra applauded, almost giddy over the last minute goal, as the conquering hero skated in her direction. She stood up and waved from behind the plexiglass barricade that separated her front row seat from the action on the ice. Suddenly, Alexandra winced as number 23 leaned back sharply, sending a wave of ice crystals pelting against the clear shield in front of her. Looking around in embarrassment, Alexandra saw that most, if not all of the...

2 years ago
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The Tree the Badge and the Box

Hey, folks, my name’s Frank Gordon. My buddy, Dave Jacobs told me I should write this story up and post in on here. I’ve read some stuff he’s posted. Difference is, his is something he cooked up while sitting back with a glass of Mr. Daniel’s Gentleman Jack Tennessee whiskey. (That is some good stuff. Dave has shared several with me.) Anyway, I’m a neighbor of Dave’s here in Peachtree Corners, GA. A few months ago, we had this little storm blow through. Luckily old Irma was not a bad as Harvey....

3 years ago
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Her Mothers Life in a Box

Two days after my mother's funeral, I got a call from a local number that wasn't in my contacts. "Mrs. Lenoir? Mrs. Helen Lenoir?" a deep male voice asked. "Yes, this is her. Who's asking?" I asked. Clearing his voice, he started, "My name is Peter Benfort, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm deeply sorry. Your mother was an amazing woman..." I interrupted him. He was talking like he knew my mother, but I've never heard his name, "I'm sorry. Do I know you? You seem to know my mother, but I have no...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 58 Fun in the Box

We found the ramp and began making our way up the spiral. Ashley had her phone to her ear. "Yes, I know about it. I was filming ... No, I didn't put my video on YouTube." "Sooner," Lenore and I said in unison. "Look, we're trying to get to our seats," Ashley said. "No one here is hurt or anything." "No one?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Lenore giggled. "Morgan told us about how this security company has been known to try to shake down some of the luxury box ticket...

3 years ago
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The Jade Box

The Jade Box By Genni Smith 'Phone Susan,' Emma, the receptionist told her. 'It's your daughter.' Susan Denton looked at her watch and frowned. With a mother's intuition she knew something must be wrong. 'Jade. What's up?' 'You better get home mum.' Jade's voice betrayed her normally stoic approach to all emergencies. 'What's wrong? Is it Stuart?' 'Sort of. Just come home. Please.' On the twenty-minute drive back to her house all manner of possibilities ran through the...

1 year ago
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The Toy Box

Master gave me permission to have tyrel, a slave friend help me with construction of the box I was to be enclosed in. It was very precise in it's measurements to make sure to hold me comfortable in position. I would be lying on my back with my head dropped back. There was a hole for access to my mouth. It was even contoured so I could lick a cunt if one were offered. But the rest of the box, my head hung in, was blacked out and I would be wearing ear plugs. My legs were spread wide and bent...

3 years ago
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The Amazon Box

Nelson couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to come up with his idea as he hurried home from school. His box from Amazon was supposed to arrive today, and he didn’t want anyone, especially one of his sisters to find it before he got it safely out of sight. Nelson was a pretty normal looking senior, with short blond hair and a skinny adolescent build that had caused its fair share of friendly teasing over the years. Fortunately, he had a ready smile and was a genuinely nice guy so...

4 years ago
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Andi Chapter 6 The Box

Andi ... Chapter 6 ... The Box "If you'd like to follow me Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now heading towards the box room. The box is a more intense version of the subliminal programming, it is also used as a punishment in certain cases." "A punishment?" came a voice from the crowd. "Yes, as I said previously, the program doesn't always work with all our pupils, and sometimes more drastic measures have to be taken, alas, sometimes these measures have to be repeated as a...

2 years ago
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The Box

THE BOX By Hungry Guy     Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood.  She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car.  "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.  It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms."    The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. ...

3 years ago
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The Box

It started out as a room. Cindy stood in the center of the room. A tight, leather cuff encircled each wrist. A tight, leather shackle encircled each ankle. The chains dangled from the ceiling and the floor. Holding her arms up, widespread, over her head. Holding her legs far apart. Cindy wasn't sure what else was in the room. Constantly, she heard Linda's voice. Commanding her to sleep. Commanding her to obey. Commanding her to watch the lights. The pretty, flashing lights. They sparkled....

1 year ago
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The Box

It started out as a room. Cindy stood in the center of the room. A tight, leather cuff encircled each wrist. A tight, leather shackle encircled each ankle. The chains dangled from the ceiling and the floor. Holding her arms up, widespread, over her head. Holding her legs far apart. Cindy wasn't sure what else was in the room. Constantly, she heard Linda's voice. Commanding her to sleep. Commanding her to obey. Commanding her to watch the lights. The pretty, flashing lights. They sparkled....

2 years ago
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The Box

The BoxMistress and I had been talking about making our relationship permanent for about a year.  We had a contract but it had expired and she had been on the fence about wanting to take me on full time. And then for about six months she had a girlfriend who didn’t want me in Mistress’ life. Once they broke up, she asked me if I wanted to start up our relationship again. And then I hesitated.The reality of being a slave to a powerful woman is actually much harder and less sexy than the...

3 years ago
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Cheryls Box

At last it was finished, and ready to use, if only Cheryl could ever pluck up the courage to do so. she had spent three years designing it, and a further two years building it, in her basement, after work and at weekends.But now. it was ready, and all the pipes and tubes glistened under the bright cellar lights. Cheryl had read about something on a story site some five years ago, and had wondered if it were possible to design a machine that could, and would, make it a solo effort, no-one...

3 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 28 Mom in a box

I stared at the five items spread out over the coffee table, which Luke had removed from the box for me. I felt too afraid to touch them, which I understood was ridiculous, but true nonetheless. I hadn't had any idea what to expect when I opened my birthday present, but I could honestly say that I hadn't imagined what I did get. I guess in part, I'd thought it would be another letter, and maybe an item that had meant a lot to my mother. But, there was no letter. In that wrapped shoebox,...

2 years ago
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Her Box

Her Box This story may sound like it is about multiple personalities and as crossdressers, at times it feels like it is or that it might be easier, if it were. I doubt we would really want that. This is about the life of a real crossdresser. While the story is a work of fiction it does have roots that tie it to true events. It's been another long drive as I pull into the hotel. I'm beat. I step out of the car stretching my legs. The usual routine of wheeling my suitcase...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Girl in a Box

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Synopsis: Mistress Dyvia has her way with a girl's mind,...

4 years ago
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You and Me and Pandora makes Three

I remember one morning, I was standing in line for coffee. It wasn't my usual place and I was killing time before a very boring meeting. The woman at the counter was dealing with a very confused pair of women who kept changing their order. I shook my head in sympathy, some people really shouldn't buy coffee if making an order is that much work.The door tinkled behind me and closed with a creaking thud. I saw a shadow tower over me, a very thin shadow. Probably one of the college kids on the...

1 year ago
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Out Of The Box

Lightning raced horizontally across the night sky illuminating briefly a cloaked figure carrying boxes from an older Camry into a deserted barn.  Looking skyward at the approaching storm, the figure knew intuitively that rain would shortly be pouring from the heavens.There's an old saying that a barn will stand forever as long as it has a good roof; this particular barn did indeed have a good roof.  However, after years of abandonment and neglect, the rest of the structure was in great need of...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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The Magic Phone Box

The Magic Phone Box By Donna Dee It was, by any standards, a luxury apartment. That it was located in the centre of London and had secure underground parking for two cars would have been enough to guarantee a huge selling price, but that was only the start. Scarcely a sound penetrated the triple glazed windows and soundproofed walls; the lounge was large enough to hold a mini convention and both bedrooms had king sized four-poster beds that swallowed you up at night. The kitchen was...

4 years ago
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Candi Box

Candi Box By Zedd I volunteered to watch over my girlfriends place until she came back from her trip to Las Vegas. She was already filthy rich! The house she had was furnished exquisitely, with real paintings hanging on the walls, and real sculptures sitting on oak or marble pedestals. I made myself comfortable easily enough, and mostly watched television or read until her return. After a few days of this however, I found myself exploring every nook and crack she had in the...

2 years ago
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The Box

Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood. She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car. "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms." The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. What do you think, honey?" The...

3 years ago
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By Oediplex Onward and upward; on you know who (mom), up you know where, wish I were there! I walked into my apartment and found my mother crying in my living room. Now, mom has a key to my place and sometimes she lets herself in to surprise her divorced son with a dinner, which I always was grateful for; though I would have eaten another sort of ‘dish’ of my mother’s if my fantasies ever came true. So I wasn’t too surprised by her being there, but I was most concerned by her...

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Franks Box

Frank's Box By Pilgrim Frank was off again for class. He was an excellent student and had a keen interest in his college classes. Today was a full day of classes, and the only problem he had with that is he couldn't ever concentrate on one class at a time. A fairly good-looking male, Frank stood six feet two inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was slim but not a stick, and he carried himself in a presentable manner. During high school, Frank was an average athlete...

3 years ago
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The Box

This story contains adult content and unusual transgendered sex. If you are not of legal age in your place of residence, then don't read it. The Box By Maria Chapter 1 Jack looked out over the cliff and saw a pleasant view ? the patches of trees, square farm plots with orderly rows of crops, and the wooded hills were beautiful. Mile after mile, the views went. In the distance to the west, a farmhouse with a silo. A bit to the east, on a smallish ridge, Jack could make out a...

2 years ago
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Black Box

The guard grinned, as he looked at the sexy redhead. "I'm sorry Miss, I can't let you through without a pass. Besides, the lab is closed for the evening." "Who said I wanted to go in there?" she said in a sexy whisper. "I was just thinking how lonely you must be, sitting in that booth all night." The woman leaned closer to the bulletproof glass, and unzipped her tight leather jacket, just a little. The guard's eyes grew large, when he saw that she wore nothing beneath it. She winked...

1 year ago
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My Pleasure Box

My Pleasure Box by Riss Kay 19 September 2004 This is my life. I am the happy of one man named Lionel; most people call him Lie. He dresses me, feeds me and nonstop pleasures me. I wear always head-to-toe black leather, usually with a gagball in my mouth, unless he wants me to suck his dick, which is uncommon. The leather covers my fingers, feet and penis. There are only a few holes in the entire suit -- two for my eyes, two smaller ones for my nostrils, one for my mouth that is usually useless...

4 years ago
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Paradise Pandora

Pandora is a planet that was colonized in 5273 after the Earth was destroyed by warfare that claimed most of the population. Only a third of the population survived to make it to a new world after randomly jumping into a new galaxy. Nearly a hundred escape shuttles crashed on Pandora, bringing advanced weapons and technology to a world untouched by any sentient species. Pandora is a planet that is made up of mostly oceans with only two large continents and several island chains. After the...

3 years ago
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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves. Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

4 years ago
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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves.Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

3 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 22 Exactly What Is lsquoSafersquo About a Safe Deposit Box

One good thing about the impending destruction of all privacy rights in our country: It will be hard to blackmail anyone. Our lives will be laid open and bare for all to see. As a person who makes her living uncovering secrets, the destruction of privacy rights spells disaster for my income. Banking I spent extra time Monday morning putting my makeup and clothes together. Taking a day off is always dangerous. I have to remember every detail of who I am and rehearse my role in front of the...

2 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...

3 years ago
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The Box

Moving a heavy box, Eliza wipes sweat off her forehead. She has been cleaning out her grandparents’ attic for almost three hours now. They have always been something like pack rats, keeping anything and everything they have found. Though, now that her grandfather has passed and her grandmother is moving into a retirement home, everything has to go. Grabbing another box, something that was propped against it fell onto the floor, sending a flurry of dust at the teen girl. This triggers a coughing...

4 years ago
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The Box

Cherry pulled into the garage after a long week at work. Damn, she thought, I forgot to get the mail. She debated whether to be lazy and get it tomorrow or walk back and get it now. Getting it now won out. As she opened the mailbox she was surprised to find a package. I have not ordered anything, she thought. As she pulled out the square brown paper wrapped box that seemed heavy for its size she heard a jangling noise. She examined the box. No return address and no post mark. She frowned and...


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