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The Jade Box By Genni Smith 'Phone Susan,' Emma, the receptionist told her. 'It's your daughter.' Susan Denton looked at her watch and frowned. With a mother's intuition she knew something must be wrong. 'Jade. What's up?' 'You better get home mum.' Jade's voice betrayed her normally stoic approach to all emergencies. 'What's wrong? Is it Stuart?' 'Sort of. Just come home. Please.' On the twenty-minute drive back to her house all manner of possibilities ran through the mother's mind. Everything from a bad cut to a broken bone right up to a freak twister that knocked down the house leaving her son in the rubble. She blamed herself for not being at home more often but since the divorce six years ago she had to work to pay for the little luxuries of life. Like food, the mortgage, her kid's schooling and electricity. She also thought about her two children. Jade at almost seventeen was a lot like her in many ways. Petite and blonde Jade was very good looking, a fact she used to her advantage on many occasions. The girl was the student of the two and sometimes took life a little too seriously for Susan's comfort. Her son, Stuart, two weeks off his fifteenth birthday, was much more laid back, much more like his father. At nigh on six foot tall he towered over both her and his sister. He had his father's darker colouring and winning grin and he was also a pretty good sportsman, playing both Australian rules football and cricket for his school and A-grade tennis for a local club during the summer. In fact, the one trait Stuart seemed to inherit from Susan and not her ex-husband was a love of music. He was pretty good at the guitar and has organized a few of his friends into a half way decent garage band. God alone knew what was happening back at the house but as she pulled up she was overjoyed to see the place was still pretty much as she left it that morning. She quickly parked her car and raced into the house only to be met by Jade. 'What?' she snapped at her daughter. 'What on earth is wrong?' 'Come and see for yourself mum.' About this time Susan was ready to kill her daughter. After the terrible business trip to Hong Kong the last thing she needed was the drawn out torture she was feeling. But she followed her daughter into the kitchen where she saw a girl in her early teens sitting at the kitchen table. It looked like the girl was in shock and she'd recently been crying. Susan tried to work out what the hell was going on and why she'd been summonsed from work for a girl she'd never seen before. And then she saw the box. 'My God,' she gasped. Hand rushing to her mouth. 'It can't be.' 'It is,' Her daughter replied. Susan continued to look at the girl dressing in a pair of denim shorts and powder blue T- shirt with a sweetheart neckline. The girl hadn't even acknowledged Susan's presence. The look in her eyes told both Jade and her mother that she was off with the fairies. For the moment, Susan thought, it might be the best place for her. 'You'd better come and see this mum.' Again Susan followed her daughter, this time down the hall. 'Notice anything different?' The sixteen-year-old asked. It took her a second but once again Susan simply said, 'My God.' In every family photo hanging on the hall wall the young girl sitting in shock in her kitchen was now in the shot. 'But wait. There's more.' Jade Denton said, sounding like a cheesy presenter on the home shopping channel. She lead her mother to Stuart's bedroom and threw the door open with a bit too much melodrama for Susan's liking. The room that she had last seen before work that morning was totally changed. It had been, like most teenaged boys' bedrooms, a complete pigsty. Now it was ordered and distinctly feminine. The colour was changed. White walls and a floral bedspread seemed to leap out at her, as did the piles of make up on the dresser and a jewellery box that had once belonged to Susan's mother. 'When did it happen?' Jade took a deep breath, something she did when she was about to launch into a long explanation. 'Well,' she started. 'I went out shopping this morning at around ten and the little jerk was still snoring away. When I got home I found him where he is now and saw the box, put two and two together and then rang you. All I've been able to get out of him since is that he found it in your wardrobe when he was looking for his birthday presents. I guess he got more of a surprise than he bargained for.' Susan headed back for the kitchen and looked at the shocked kid who was now sitting in the foetal position. It didn't much matter, boy or girl, the scared child was hers and she hugged her and brushed away her tears. 'I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean for you to find the box.' 'You know about that thing?' Stuart asked her pointing to the intricately carved Jade box on the table. 'You know and you didn't tell me?' The words hung in the air like some kind of noxious gas then the girl/boy raised herself to her full height which was now much closer to five feet than six, and announced. 'Great, now I have to go to the toilet.' 'Remember to sit.' Jade smiled and was rewarded by a murderous look. 'That was uncalled for,' Susan said to her daughter after Stuart left the room. 'Why? Look at him. He's only been a girl for a little over an hour and he's totally gone to pieces. I'd hate to see him getting touched up by some guy or be around for his first period if this is any indication of how he'll handle it.' 'How can you say that Jade? His whole world it turned upside down and he's scared.' 'Well as far as I am concerned he's a typical guy and a little spell on our side of the fence would teach him lessons he'd never dreamed existed.' 'OK,' Susan shot back. 'Let me put it this way. Do what you can to help him or say goodbye to sunshine because you'll be grounded until you're thirty. Is that clear?' 'Crystal.' In the toilet Stuart struggled with the button fly of the little shorts he now wore and looked over his breasts to see the white lacy panties he had on. With a snort of disgust he pulled both the tight shorts and panties down in one fell swoop and then turned and sat on the "throne". That seemed about all he was doing, sitting. He tried to clench and release different muscles but no urine flowed even though he felt like he was about to burst. 'How the hell do you do this?' he whispered to himself still stunned at the sound of the voice coming from his throat. To him he sounded like a little girl. Finally it felt like he did explode as urine came out in a hurry. There seemed to be no way to aim it and he heard the very feminine sound of water hitting water. Another thing he found out was it seemed as difficult to stop as it had been to start, not like when he was a guy and he could turn it off and on at will. It was, he guessed, a practiced art and one he hoped he wouldn't have time to perfect. The one bright spot was the fact that his mother seemed to know what the story was with the box and so she should be able to get him back to normal, at least in theory. Eventually the flow ceased and he was about to stand and pull up the feminine underpants and a short when he realised this lovely trip to the "Ladies room" wasn't quite over. Stuart grabbed a big wad of toilet paper, not knowing the amount he needed, and dabbed his new private parts. He didn't even know if he was supposed to just wipe the pubic hair or actually go between the pink lips he now possessed but judging by the wetness he felt down there he decided on the latter. 'You took your time,' Jade said and her mother flashed her a warning look. 'So sue me,' Stuart replied understandably sullenly as he slumped back down into a kitchen chair. 'I've never had a... a...' '...Vagina,' Susan finished off the sentence. 'In this house we call it a vagina. At least if you want to keep breathing. You might find out that all of the slang names for that part of the female anatomy aren't so funny now you have one yourself.' Stuart had already run through the long list of names as he sat on the toilet. Snatch, gash, flaps, pussy, cunt. His mother was right. 'How you feeling?' Susan asked her son sympathetically. 'How do you think I feel mum?' He snapped back at her. 'I feel like I woke up in the twilight zone. Like I am having some weird kind of nightmare. I mean I've got boobs for Christ sake. I'm shorter than Jade now and I feel like I have the body strength of a three- year-old. I sound like a three year old too and on top of all that I've got more hair than a old English sheep dog.' Stuart grabbed a hand full of his long brown hair and then unconsciously tucked it behind his ear in a very feminine gesture. 'But apart from that you're OK hey?' Jade managed to say with a straight face. 'The only thing I want to know,' the new girl said, ignoring his older sister, 'is how? Why? And what?' 'That's three things.' 'Jade Lydia Denton,' Susan said, coming very close to the end of her tether. 'How does Catholic boarding school sound to you?' That seemed to stop the interruptions from her eldest child so Susan continued. 'OK Stuart,' Without realising it she took a deep breath just like Jade had and then kept right on going with her story. 'Do you remember when I came back from Hong Kong last week I wasn't in the best of moods?' The boy's breasts jiggled slightly as he nodded. 'Well, I was meant to go on the business trip with Bob Drummond but his son was in a car accident so they sent me over there with Lou Stevens.' 'Ah ha.' Susan was a Personal assistant at one of the largest Internet providers in Australia. 'I get on fine with Bob but Lou is a different story. We were over in Hong Kong to try and get a contract with a Chinese firm and Lou basically worked me like a dog. I don't mind that, I get good money, especially when I am away from time to time. What really got me was the way he acted in front of the Chinese. He more or less treated me like a slave and was just about as sexist as a person could be. I could put up with even that, to a point. On the last day there I found out that while I was working my butt off Lou had one of the women from Accounting stashed away in his hotel room at night and in the day she went out and saw Hong Kong. The only bit of the Island I saw was on the way from the airport to the hotel or out of the window on the seventeenth floor.' Susan stopped to light a cigarette and look at both her children. 'I was fuming. I mean really fuming. I'm surprised I didn't burst into flames, I was so hot. I was sitting in the bar, having some wine, trying to work out what to do about it and I got talking to this lovely waitress named Mei Ling. I poured out the whole story to her and she could see I was mighty angry. In the end she gave me a piece of paper with an address and a name on it. Mamma Chow. She said Mamma Chow could help me and told me to go see her. She wouldn't elaborate on it but I got the feeling that Mamma Chow, whoever she was might well be the right person to talk to.' Taking a deep drag on the cigarette, using it almost like a comma in a sentence, Susan continued. 'It was Sunday, we flew out heading for home early the next morning and I went out and saw a bit of the place. I really didn't care if I got the sack. It was wonderful, so full of people and the shopping was great but all day I just kept thinking of Mamma Chow. I didn't know how she could help me but in the end I just sort of drifted to the address I had.' Stuart inwardly groaned. He hated the way both of the women in his house used a thousand words to tell a story he could have told in two hundred. On this occasion though, his masculinity was on the line so he let her go. 'Anyway, before I knew it I was knocking on the door in this dirty little alley in one of the older parts of Hong Kong. This kid, about eight years old, opened the door and I told him Mei Ling had sent me to see Mamma Chow. He just nodded and led me up some very rickety old stairs. Mamma Chow looked like she was Eighty but she was probably more like sixty. She was wearing this blue Mao suit and didn't speak a work of English so the boy translated for us. Mei Ling had already phoned her and she knew all about my problem. That box,' Susan pointed to the box that was on her kitchen table, 'was placed in front of me and I was told it would turn Lou into a woman. I didn't believe it but the old woman insisted I take it. She told me that any man who opened the box would become female and the only people who would ever know the difference was the person transformed by it and anyone who knew the boxes purpose. All the old woman asked was that I write to the hotel and praise Mei Ling so she might get a better paid job.' 'So you left the box lying around the house for anyone to open it?' Stuart snapped. Susan looked her son up and down. 'Well if you call hidden behind my shoe rack in the wardrobe of my bedroom "lying around" then I guess I did.' The boy grimaced at that last statement. 'And believe me you haven't heard the last of that.' The mother said in a way only mothers can. 'Of course I didn't believe it but the thought of Lou in a dress was enough to make me smile the whole flight home. When Jade picked me up at the airport I told her about my strange Sunday in Hong Kong.' Jade cut in at this point. 'The thought of it made me laugh so hard I almost wet myself. You see, mum didn't know but last year, at the firm's Christmas picnic Lou had tried to put the hard word on me and he didn't look like he was going to take no for an answer. Luckily his wife wandered over to where he had me cornered and that was the last I heard of it. I didn't tell mum because I knew she'd quit her job just for the satisfaction of telling Lou where to stick it.' 'That's right,' Susan said. 'I would have. But I thought about the box and was going to gift wrap it and leave it on Lou's desk when the contract is signed and then wait for the fun to start.' Stuart took all of this in quietly. It would have been nothing more than bad fairy tale if he himself wasn't evidences it was all true. 'I take it,' he said slowly and deliberately, 'that there's no reverse switch on this thing?' He pushed the box away from him but he did it gingerly, as if afraid of what else it could do to him. Susan grimaced. 'No,' she said simply, leaving the implications hanging in the air between them. 'Please tell me you have a plan? Something to get me out of this body?' His mother shook her head. The three of them sat around leaving a lot unsaid. Susan was at a loss but she needed to try something, if only to make Stuart feel better. She reached for her Filofax and dialled the hotel she had stayed in Hong Kong. Turning on the speakerphone she waited until the call was answered. 'Hello, Emperor Ming Hotel," came a heavily accented female voice. "How may I help you?' 'Yes, my name is Susan Denton, I stayed at your hotel on the 15th, 16 and 17 of this month. I want to talk to a woman named Mei Ling.' 'What room please?' The receptionist asked. 'No. She was a waitress.' 'What room please?' was the frustrating answer. Susan fell into the old trap when it came to talking with people who didn't speak English all that well. She slowed her speech down and raised her voice, hoping it would make things clear. 'She's Staff. A waitress. Mei Ling.' 'No personal calls,' was the curt reply followed by the receptionist hanging up. Stuart was not feeling a great deal better. If anything he felt a lot worse. 'That went well.' He said. 'That was only step one.' Susan told him. 'There was a guy there, Wang, who helps set up business conferences and does some translating if it's needed. I have his e-mail address somewhere. If all else fails I can find Mamma Chow if we go back to Hong Kong.' 'Then lets go.' Stuart said in all seriousness. 'We could catch the next plane. It's about a 7- hour flight. I could be normal by the time we go to bed.' Jade had kept quiet for as long as she could. 'Mamma Chow must be powerful but I doubt even she could make you normal Stuart. Male? Yes. Normal? No one's that good.' Susan looked at a smiling Jade and shook her head. 'Don't you have some where else to go?' 'Nope.' 'I'll put it another way Jade. Go. I don't care where. Go see a movie or a friend. Go shopping. Just go and leave this to me.' She couldn't really blame the girl. Her kids were usually at each other's throats, Stuart giving as good as he got, and Susan could see this was too good to pass up but it wasn't helping anyone. Knowing that tone of voice well Jade stood. 'Well, I did tell Sandra I'd go over to her place today. We were going to try out some hairstyles for her job interview next week.' 'Good.' 'I'll be home later.' She kissed her mother on the cheek and headed for the door. At the last minute she turned to Stuart. 'If you're a good girl I'll help you with your hair when I get home.' 'Goodbye Jade,' Susan sighed. Mother and transformed son were silent until they heard the car start off down the driveway. Susan took both of her son's slimmer, daintier hands and looked him straight in the eyes. 'You have to know how sorry I am that this happened to you,' she started. 'I don't have any idea what this is like for you honey but I can understand you're upset.' 'But...' 'But you have to face some realities here. I promise you I'll do what I can to make sure you spend as little time as possible as a girl. It's just there are a few things we both have to take into consideration. I'd love to go back to Hong Kong but I've used up all of my holiday time spending Christmas with you and your sister. I'd ask for more but with this China deal on at work at the moment I wouldn't get it and the plain and simple truth is we don't have the money for plane fares or Accommodation. You don't even have a passport so even if I could take the time off and we had the cash you'd have a two week wait for that.' It sounded reasonable to Stuart even though he'd never admit it. Looking down at the breasts that now dominated his view he quietly said. 'How long?' 'Two, maybe three months.' Susan told him. 'Four months tops. Unless Wang can pass a message on to Mei Ling' It sounded like a jail sentence to the boy, a bloody long one from where he sat. A thousand emotions seemed to flash through him at once. Anger, pain, sorrow, self-pity, fear, horror and vulnerability. 'Just keep Jade off my back.' Was all he said as he fell, sobbing into his mother's arms. -oOOo- Jade got home around ten o'clock that night no knowing what to expect. Her mother was sitting at the computer checking her e-mail every five minutes in case she got word from Wang or Mei Ling. 'Hi,' Jade said, unsure of her mother's reaction. 'Oh, hello. I didn't hear you come in.' Susan got up and gave her daughter a quick hug. 'Sorry about before Mum. I went too far.' 'I think you know who you should apologise to.' 'Yeah,' Jade nodded. 'This whole thing is weird and I guess I didn't think about it from his point of view... Even if he is a little jerk.' 'Stuart's all right normally. He's just a typical little brother. Your uncle Andrew did far worse to me when I was your age.' 'It's Strange. Sandra was asking about Amy and I didn't know who she was referring to at first and then I worked it out that Stuart is Amy. No one knows he was ever a guy.' Susan frowned a little. Feeling guilty and not for the first time that day. 'Amy Jo Denton to be exact. I gave her a sleeping tablet and put her to bed.' 'I might go off to bed too. Good night Mum.' 'Sleep tight Jade.' Jade went to the toilet and was heading for her room when she past her brother's door. She heard sobbing and knocked. 'What?' 'It's just me Stuart. Are you okay?' 'Ah ha.' He said in a voice that sounded anything but. Jade opened the door and entered. In the little bit of moonlight that spilled into the room she could make out the much smaller form of her brother in bed. 'Sorry about before.' 'Whatever.' 'No really. I'm sorry.' Jade sat down next to him and put her hand on his arm. 'Being a girl isn't that bad. You'll see.' 'You Just don't get it do you?' He spat as he put on a pink bedside lamp and sat up. 'You don't have any idea what it's like?' 'I am a girl you know.' Jade was a little taken aback at this outburst even though her brother was now smaller than she was. 'You don't get it at all.' 'So tell me Stu.' She said softly. 'Make me understand.' He thought about it for a bit, tears running down his smooth cheeks. 'Okay. Look, I'm your brother, or at least I was, so I never say this sort of stuff to you. If you tell anyone what I'm about to say I'll deny it.' 'Go on.' 'You're pretty, smart, you have a good personality and most of my friends think you're hot. Things come easy to you. Now imagine you wake up tomorrow and you're a fat chick named Ethel, with glasses, pimples and bad breath. Now imagine you as Ethel are in the pilot's chair of a 747 and you have to land the plane even though you don't have a clue how. Getting the picture?' 'Yep.' Now it was Jade's turn to feel guilty. 'I don't have a clue about girls. God they're hard enough to work out as a guy but now I have to be one and I don't know how.' 'That I can help you with.' Jade smiled. 'I can teach you how to be a girl.' 'I don't really want to know Jade. My whole life has changed because of Mamma Chow and that stinking box. No one saw Stuart kick five goals in the grand final last year because it didn't happen. No one saw me take a hat trick in cricket because I didn't play in the game. No one has heard me play guitar because from what I read in Amy's diary...' 'You, I mean she has a diary?' '... Doesn't every girl?' Stuart asked. 'No. Well, back in the dark ages maybe.' 'Well Amy does, or I do. Whatever. She plays the flute. I can't play a note on the thing. She does ballet.' Jade giggled a little at the thought of her brother in a pink leotard. He ignored it and ploughed on. 'I tried to do a pass de whatever the hell you call them and fell flat on my arse. You want to know what it's like for me? Well, from now until I get back to normal, that's assuming I do get back to normal, I will have to be acting with everything and everyone wether I want to or not.' Silence filled the air for a minute or two as Jade took all of this in. Finally she said, 'I get it Stuart. I really get it. Let me do what I can to help? Please?' He nodded and took her outstretched hand. 'Okay. Truce.' Susan walked past the room and saw Jade and Stuart do something she hadn't seen since her kids were really little. Hug. She hurried off so she didn't break the clinch. 'Good night Amy.' Jade said as she left the room. 'You are pushing it.' Stuart said as he threw a pillow at his sister. 'Oh there is one more thing before I leave you. Exactly which friends of yours think I'm hot and what are their phone numbers?' 'Night Ethel.' -oOOo- Amazingly his mother had been right Things didn't look as bad after some sleep. They were bad enough in Stuart's view but now they only looked Titanic bad as opposed to the Black plague bad he felt the previous night. Stepping out of the shower he paused to look at his new body, really look at it. He still didn't like what he saw, not on him anyway. On some one else it would have been fine. What he hated about it most of all, probably even more than the femininity that seemed to leap out of his petite body, was the cutesy factor he now possessed. His face was all girl. From the cute little button nose to the dimples on chubby cheeks, each side of a pretty smile. There was a bit of a resemblance to his mother and Jade but a lot of his father and Aunts about him. Lowering his glance his eyes drifted past the wet hair that stuck to his slender shoulders and onto two smallish but very feminine breasts. They were much more conical in shape to the ones he liked to look at in playboy and on-line but he put it down to his age. Going lower still he registered the slimness of his arms and he missed he muscles he'd spent ages building up. Now they were so small they reminded him of pipe cleaners. A trim waist and a flat stomach with a belly button that stuck out rather than his old innie gave way to hips that flared just enough to make him look in proportion. He looked quickly at the triangle of pubic hair that covered a barely visible vertical cleft. He thought of all of the girls he liked and wondered if that triangle was worth all of the efforts he and his friends put in. The one in the mirror was almost a let down after all of his hormone driven fantasies about them. 'Are you ready Stuart?' Susan called from the hallway. He wrapped the towel around himself, the same way his sister always did and opened the door having made a big decision. 'You and Jade had better call me Amy Mum.' He sighed. 'At least for the time being.' 'Are you sure love?' 'Yeah. We all know who I really am but it would look kind of weird if you're running around calling me Stuart.' -oOOo- Being a Saturday Susan had the day to spend with her kids who were off school for the summer holidays anyway. Normally Stuart would be out with his friends playing cricket or doing what ever it is that teenaged boys do when they're together and Jade was either at work or sleeping in. Susan herself did her weekly grocery shop on Saturdays but this morning they all had a more pressing problem. What was Amy going to wear? 'I hope you two don't expect me to get dressed by a committee meeting every morning.' Amy grumbled as she stood in her room dressed in an apricot coloured satin robe. 'I can dress myself you know?' 'Sure you can sweetie,' Susan said. 'Just think of us as training wheels. Just for a few days.' Amy was directed to a seat in front of a vanity mirror so Jade could blow-dry her hair. 'Have you heard from Wing or Dung or whatever the hell his name is?' She half shouted to be heard over the noise of the drier. 'Wang,' Susan corrected. 'Not yet but if I still haven't heard from him by Monday I'll talk to a guy we're using on the China contract. He's lived in China for 6 years and he speaks fluent Mandarin. He shouldn't have any problems getting on the phone and talking to Wang or Mei Ling.' It took about ten minutes to dry and comb her hair and then she was handed a pink pair of panties and matching Bra. 'Well?' She said to her mother and sister. 'Turn around.' 'We have seen it before Amy.' 'Not on me you haven't.' Amy stated. 'Humour me.' Both of the other women sighed and turned away as Amy took off the robe and pulled up the panties but Jade couldn't resist wolf whistling as her sister pulled on a pair of panties for the first time. 'I don't know why I can't just dag around in my normal clothes,' Amy griped as her mother did up the straps of the bra and told her how to put it on the easy way, clasping it in front of her and then spinning it around. 'I know you Amy. Half the time on weekends you slipped on a pair of football shorts and that was it. If you're going to be a girl you will look the part. I don't want other people looking at you and saying I am a bad mother for letting you get around looking like......' ' a boy?' Amy interrupted. 'Exactly,' Susan nodded. 'If nothing else I would have thought you'd have learned in the last day that boys and girls are different. Besides, don't think I am going to waste my energy on fighting you about what you wear. I already have a perfectly adequate teenaged daughter to do that with.' Susan pulled out a pair of black three-quarter length jeans and a pink T-shirt with a large butterfly embroidered on the chest. 'At least let me wear normal jeans and a black T-shirt.' 'Do you think people will mistake you as a boy if you wear them? Look at yourself Amy, you could wear a sack and people will still see a girl.' 'At least I could be a comfortable girl.' 'Please Amy, you know fighting stresses me. Do you know what happens when I get stressed?' 'I got a feeling you're going to tell me,' the girl replied as she tried not to look at the figure clad only in lingerie staring out of the mirror. 'I forget things.' Susan said. 'It's funny, I thought I wouldn't have a problem finding Mamma Chow in Hong Kong but now? Now I am not too sure I could. I know it's off a main street with lots of Chinese people. There can't be too many of them in Hong Kong can there?' 'Okay, okay.' Amy conceded defeat. 'I'll wear the stupid things.' He reached for the pants only to hear his mother and Jade laugh again. 'What? What did I do now?' 'You're trying to put the pants on the wrong way.' Jade giggled. 'The zipper goes on the back.' 'How the hell am I supposed to go the toilet that way?' 'Think about it Amy.' All of a sudden a light bulb went on in Amy's mind. 'Oh.' She said. 'You two are enjoying this far too much for my liking?' The T-shirt followed and then Jade set to work on her sister's hair. She figured she'd tortured her enough so she just put it in a ponytail and used two little clips to keep the stray tendrils at the side out of her face. Make up was pushing it too hard so she didn't bother. Susan had gone to answer the doorbell. 'Some one here to see you Amy.' 'What? Who? Tell them I'm sick or something.' She stammered. It wasn't a lie. The thought of anyone seeing her dressed like a girl was making her sick very quickly. 'Don't be silly Amy.' Susan brushed off the hysteria. 'It's only Katie.' 'Katie from next door? That's bad enough.' Katie and Stuart grew up together and Katie was a bit of a tomboy so the two got on well. She could out kick, out run and out fight every boy in school when she was younger. Every boy but Stuart. What made Susan and Jade smile was the fact that the poor girl had a huge crush on a totally oblivious Stuart. As puberty hit Katie had softened in both her dress sense and boisterousness and in the past year or so had done everything but throw herself naked on to Stuart. Sometimes Katie didn't think Stuart even knew she was a girl. A very cute blonde girl with almost sky blue eyes. 'Well it's too late.' Susan stated. 'She's waiting for you in the lounge room.' -oOOo- Stuart, now Amy felt totally strange in her pink strappy sandals as she walked out to meet Katie with about the same enthusiasm Marie Antoinette must have felt as she headed for the guillotine Katie didn't seem to think anything was wrong. 'Hi Amy,' she said, hugging her best friend. 'I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me?' Amy was once again reminded of her new height as she looked Katie in the eyes for the first time in three or so years. 'I'd rather swallow razor blades,' she mumbled truthfully. 'Sorry, what was that?' Susan jumped in saying 'She said she'd love to go.' 'Mum.' 'Sorry Amy? my memory is going again.' 'I'd love to come,' Amy told her friend in a not so lady like tone. 'Did I miss something in there?' Katie asked when the two girls got outside. 'Only a form of child abuse.' Amy replied sullenly. 'You are a wicked, wicked woman.' Jade Told her mother. 'Ah ha but you have to push the chick out of the nest one way or another.' Susan grinned. -oOOo- Stuart never got shopping. He just never *got* it. For him it was a case of get in, get what you want and get the hell out again. About all he'd do at the mall was sit in the food court and look at the girls with his friends. Now, as Amy he was one of the girls but shopping was still a mystery. She and Katie had linked up with two other girls from School, Terri, a tall brunette who now dwarfed Amy, and Emma, who had beautiful red hair and piercing green eyes. They spent hours going from one shop to another to try on and even worse, discuss every item of clothing in the mall. It wasn't even until the shopping trip was about half an hour old that Amy worked out no one had any money to spend on clothes or make up. Shopping for them was a social outing and she was amazed to find out that the shopping was just a setting for talk. Talk about boys, bands, boy bands, the school gossip and of course clothes and make up. Stuart never got the talking thing. To him it seemed a waste to use hundreds of words when a few grunts could convey much the same message. And what he didn't get about girls is they seem to think silence is just there to fill in with words. Around Katie, Emma and Terri, if silence was truly golden then Amy would be bankrupt forever. Amy tried to hold up her end of the conversation but she was way out of her depth and before too long the other girls seemed to sense something was wrong. He knew this because Katie said, 'is something wrong Amy? You don't seem yourself this morning.' 'You don't know the half of it.' Amy smiled as she sat in the food court trying not to look at the boys looking at her. 'Anything we can help you with?' Terri asked, reaching out and taking Amy's hand. 'I don't think so, unless you know someone in Hong Kong.' 'Huh?' 'Forget it. Don't worry, I am OK.' She smiled, finishing a salad sandwich she had bought when the others did even though she'd rather have a burger and fries. 'Where to now?' Emma asked. 'I need to go to the ladies room.' Katie announced. Thus Amy was introduced to another female tradition. Going to the ladies room in groups. The women's toilets weren't half as smelly but there was a bit of a queue so the four of them waited patiently and chatted some more. Feeling ready to burst by the time she finally got to a stall Amy struggled out of the pants and then sat and peed, feeling very relieved. Being the last in she was the last out and she found her new friends standing around the mirror either washing their hands or re- applying make up. She walked to the basin and washed her hands, only half listening to the conversation. That was until they discussed what they were doing that night and Katie mentioned the fact that she was going out with Steve Ellis. 'I thought you hated him?' Amy said. 'Hated him? I have been going out with him for over six months.' 'Yeah,' Emma giggled. 'They're practically married.' This was news to Amy. As far as she knew Katie did hate the guy. He'd sniffed around her for awhile but she wasn't interested. Steve and Stuart didn't exactly get on, coming to blows on more than one occasion especially when Steve wouldn't take Katie's answer of no. It seemed like more than her gender had changed. -oOOo- 'How was your day honey?' Susan asked Amy a she walked into the kitchen. 'Great,' Amy answered sarcastically. 'We shopped, we bonded and we even peed together. The perfect day for any girl. And to top it all off nicely some nice boys invited me to show them my tits as I walked home.' 'Well, as Tammy Wynette once said: sometimes it hard to be a woman.' 'I have no idea who Tammy Wynette is but I would have gladly taken her word for it without this practical demonstration.' Amy grumbled as she motioned to her body. 'And I could have done without the shopping trip today.' 'Well, you did have to get out of the house and sooner is better than later.' 'I could have lived with later Mum.' 'You have to get used to being Amy now. If we can't get you back to normal in the next two weeks you will just have to go to school as Amy.' The girl shuddered at the thought of the school dress she'd seen hanging in her wardrobe earlier. 'I know. It's just not easy for me Mum.' 'I know sweetie.' Susan said hugging her. 'There still hasn't been a reply from Wang though so we may well have to go to Hong Kong.' Susan searched her daughter's eyes for a second and said, 'there is something else bothering you isn't there?' 'Sort of. Did you know Katie has a boyfriend?' 'No but good for her.' 'You think? She's going out with a real jerk.' 'He must have something going for him. I mean Katie is a sensible girl and she seems to like the good guys.' 'Well not this time,' Amy said, wondering which nice guy her mother was talking about. To her knowledge Katie had never really like any guy in particular. 'Oh well,' She added. 'Terri and Emma invited me over to Emma's house to watch some stupid chick flicks tonight. But before you say anything I said no.' 'So what are you going to do instead?' 'Take off this damned uncomfortable bra, put on a pair of shorts, a baggy T-shirt and then I am going to sit down and watch the football and think boy thoughts. I have had enough of girl world for one day.' Susan thought about it for a second and came to the conclusion that Amy was probably right. No point in pushing the girl too far. Besides, Susan though later as she looked at Amy stretched out on the sofa, even in shorts and a T-shirt she still looked very cute. -oOOo- 'Oi, Faceache, get up. We've got work to do' 'Huh?' Amy said as she was wrenched from her slumber. 'I said get up,' Jade repeated. 'I said I was going to help and I will but I get to pick the lesson times.' 'Lesson?' Amy looked at the bedside clock. 'Bloody hell, It's only 9:30. I didn't think it was ever this early on a Sunday morning.' 'Well there's a lot you don't know sister dear. That's what today is about. I am going to teach you everything you ever wanted to know about being a girl but were afraid to ask.' 'Doesn't the Bible say something about not working on the Sabbath?' Jade nodded and smiled. 'Yeah and I may be wrong but I seem to remember something in there that goes: Thou shalt not pisseth off thou older sister. Lest older sister useth her new found height and weight advantage and slappeth you into last week.' 'You even thought about getting into motivational speaking?' Amy asked as she swung her legs out of bed and sat up. 'No.' 'Good.' Jade ignored that last little bit. 'You've got 45 minutes to eat some breakfast and then get that round little butt of yours into the shower. By the way, you look so cute.' Amy looked into the mirror as she stood. She was wearing the same baggy T-shirt she had on the night before and her panties just peeked out from underneath but worst was the fact that her hair had that "Just been shagged" look, as Stuart and his friends referred to it. 'Forget what I said about the Bible Jade, because if there was a God he'd do the honourable thing and strike either me, or preferably you, dead.' 'Hustle sweetie,' Jade laughed. 'You've got a lot to learn today.' -oOOo- After two pieces of white toast and a long, hot shower Amy felt a little better but as she wrapped a towel around herself she wasn't looking forward to Jade playing teacher. Jade for her part was anxious to get underway. 'Did you wash and condition your hair?' She asked when she walked into the bathroom. 'Yep.' 'Good. Now let me feel your leg.' 'Jade! I never knew you cared.' 'I'm seeing how hairy they are you little jerk. And they are. ' 'Oh no, call the follicle police.' Amy sniped sarcastically. Jade simply reached into the cupboard and pulled out a bar of soap, a tube of cheap moisturiser and a Silk care ladies razor. 'Be nice Amy, it may well get bloody.' 'You're kidding?' 'Nope. Any girl that doesn't shave her legs and under arms is seen as either a Lesbian or a French woman. And personally I don't know what's worse.' 'Just wet the soap and cover your right leg from just above the knee down to the feet. There are just some things I won't do for you.' She stopped while Amy did that. 'Now watch carefully because you'll be doing most of this.' Angling the blade so it was just right Jade started from the ankle and in a long, careful continuous stroke she ran the razor right up the front of her sister's calf. 'It's that simple.' She stated. 'Just keep doing that including the back and then repeat it for the other leg. It's pretty much the same for the under arms. When you're done rub some moisturiser over them and meet me in your room.' -oOOo- 'How'd you go?' Jade asked as Amy walked into her bedroom wearing the same robe as she had the day before. 'I see what you mean about getting bloody,' Amy replied showing a bit of a nasty nick on the back of her left calf. 'Call it a war wound.' Jade smiled. 'Now come and sit and I'll teach you some basic hair styles' 'You know that this is all being stored up here,' Amy tapped her forehead. 'And I will repay you back for every little bit of it.' 'I wouldn't expect anything less.' Jade shrugged. 'Now I borrowed some books from friends, there are all sorts of styles in here. I want you to study them and there will be a test at the end of the week. Right now I will teach you the basic ponytail, how to do plait your hair and how to put it up.' 'Trust you to be so helpful now. Where were you when I wanted Kelly Barnes' phone number?' 'Shut up and watch Amy and then we'll move on to make-up.' An hour and a half later Jade pulled out some make up and said, 'now the trick to putting on make up is to make it look like you're not wearing it.' 'At the risk of putting Max Factor and L'Oreal out of business Jade, there's an easy way to achieve that. Don't put any of the shit on your face.' 'That would be too easy Amy, and much less fun.' 'How did I know you were going to say that?' It was one p.m. when Amy finally got out of her sisters clutches and got dressed. She could still taste the lipstick and smell the perfume Jade had liberally applied. Jade had been pushing for a dress but she wouldn't hear of it. Instead she put on Jeans and what he later learned was a Lavender coloured peasant shirt with a scooped neck line and cap sleeves. She didn't overly care, it was feminine enough to keep her mother and sister off her back yet comfortable enough to get around in. By this time Amy had been a girl for a little over 48 hours and she knew more about being a girl than she even wanted to know. But even she had to admit she was no closer to understanding the "Fairer Sex". If anything she was further away from that understanding than she had been when she was Stuart. -oOOo- She walked into the kitchen where Susan was sitting, looking at some paper work and eating lunch at the same time. 'Your daughter is a sick perverted girl.' She said to her mother. 'Which Daughter would that be?' Susan shot back with wry smile. 'Funny mum. Real funny. What are you doing?' 'Just working out our finances love. It's always important but if we want to get you and me back to Hong Kong we'll really have to tighten our belts.' 'Well at least I have the waist for it now.' Amy quipped. 'Something doesn't add up here,' Susan said running some more number though a calculator. 'There seems to be over 500 dollars missing from my bank account.' 'Probably a bank error Mum, you know what they're like.' 'True. I'll give them a call tomorrow to see if they can straighten it out. Anyway sweetie, while I've got you here there are a couple of things we need to talk about.' 'This doesn't sound good.' The girl said sitting at the table. 'Go on then, let's get it over with.' 'Well the first is your birthday.' Susan said as she picked at her stir-fry. 'That's easy. It's cancelled this year. Next?' 'Not so fast princess.' Amy grimaced at that. 'You know what a big deal your grandmother makes for the four of you. To her, Jade's, your two cousins and your birthdays are the highlights of her year. The whole family goes out for tea at a nice restaurant. That is not going to change this year.' 'Okay, but I'm not getting dressed up.' 'Yes you are, Dress, pantyhose and heels. The whole deal. It won't kill you for one night. It's not your grandmother's fault you went looking for your presents early and I'll be buggered if I have to put up with her whingeing to me about missing out on a birthday meal. This is non-negotiable. If you don't do it to help me out I won't help you out by going back to Hong Kong. Got it?' 'I don't have a choice do I?' Amy grumbled. 'Good. Now, getting back to the money. I get good money at work but when I have to pay for the house, run the car and keep you and Jade fed and clothed there's not much left over. The simple fact is we need more money coming in. The sooner some one earns it the quicker we find Mamma Chow.' 'Some one? I take it you mean me?' 'You're quick. I think you can do a few nights a week after school and maybe a Saturday as well. Anything you can add to the kitty I'll match dollar for dollar.' Amy got up and started to walk away. 'Where are you going?' Susan asked. 'Just going to check my room and make sure there are no wire hangers in there. You're reminding me of some one.' Amy told her. 'Keep that up and I'll get Jade to teach you about feminine hygiene. Think about that job OK?' Amy sighed, long and loud. 'Yeah, alright.' -oOOo- 'This really sucks,' Amy said a little later. 'What does?' 'I'm bored stupid Jade.' 'Well that wouldn't be a long journey.' 'I'm serious. There's two weeks of holidays before the new school year starts and here I am looking like a stupid teeny-bopper girl.' 'So?' Jade said as she absently flicked through the channels on the TV hoping to find something other than sport to watch. 'So, last Sunday I was playing cricket with my friends and then we spent the night rehearsing the band. It may sound stupid but I miss my friends.' 'That bunch of losers?' Jade laughed. 'Exactly whose turn is it to have the brain they share this week?' 'That's great coming from a girl whose friends have all of the mental capabilities of a Barbie Doll but none of her looks.' Amy shot back. 'Will you stop bothering me Amy? If you miss the Neanderthals so much go and see them.' Amy seemed to look down at her cleavage and think for a second. 'Uh, I might give it a miss.' Jade turned off the television and smiled. 'Oh, I get it.' She said. 'You're worried about what your dead beat friends will make of the new you.' 'No... Well, sort of. Yes.' 'Plant your butt sister dear. School is back in progress.' Jade waited until Amy sat on the couch and then she continued. 'The most important subject of all. Boys.' The younger sister was about to interrupt but Jade put her hand up to stop her. 'Before you start. You know about boys as a boy. A totally different thing to understanding them as a girl.' 'I don't suppose there is any way I can get out of this chat? At least let me put it off until tomorrow.' 'Nope.' Jade said emphatically. 'It's simple really. Rule one: All boys are arseholes. Rule two: if in doubt refer to rule one.' 'What can I say?' Amy asked. 'That was worth waiting for wasn't it?' 'You really want me to tell you about boys?' Jade asked, a little surprised. 'No, but I guess I should know.' 'Okay,' Jade sat back and sighed. 'The thing you really need to know is that all of the rules have changed for you. If you don't look interested in boys you're either seen as a lesbian or frigid. If you look too interested you're a slut. If you send out the wrong signals, even without knowing it, and then back off you're a prick tease. And probably for you, the worst is the fact that you'll go back to school without a boy friend.' 'And that's bad how?' Amy asked in all innocence. 'God you can be dense sometimes.' Jade said, shaking her head. 'It's a new school year and reputations are important. Any boy with a pulse who doesn't have a girlfriend is on the prowl. So any girl without a guy is considered fair game. I've got a feeling you're going to be very, very popular.' She finished with a big grin. 'You know something Jade?' 'What?' 'I used to think you were a sadist.' 'And?' Jade asked 'I was right.' -oOOo- The next morning Susan got worried. Amy was up early and even showered without having to be pushed into the bathroom when the stink got too much. Jade woke up not long after and she too was shocked. 'Bloody hell,' She said to her mother. 'Normally Stuart doesn't start the day before 11 am and I always thought he was allergic to water or afraid of it. What's going on?' 'Your guess is as good as mine.' Susan replied with a shrug. About 15 minutes later the bathroom door opened and Amy stepped out, one towel around her petite body and another wrapping her damp hair. 'Oh,' she smiled seeing a curious pair at the other end of the hall. 'Morning. Jade can you do me a favour please?' 'Ah... yeah, I guess. What's up?' 'Can you give me about twenty minutes and then come into my room?' 'You haven't found a gun or something have you?' 'No mum. I just need her help.' 'All right. What's going on?' 'All will be revealed,' Amy said somewhat enigmatically. Amy stood in front of the full-length mirror that was now stuck on the back of her bedroom door. Dropping her towel she peered in wonder at her naked reflection. Up until now she'd been in some sort of delusional denial. Even when she was sitting to pee and wiping her new equipment, some of her long brown hair fell across her eyes or a breast shifted in her bra Amy was denying the change. Almost three days of denial had got her no closer to getting back to normal and normal was exactly what she wanted. The sooner she got back to Mamma Chow the sooner Stuart could make a come back and Amy would be a bad dream. 'Let's do it.' She said, trying to sound forceful but the new voice failed dismally. She put on a black Kimono styled robe she had found in her wardrobe and then set to work. First she blow dried her long locks and combed them until the were soft and shiny. Next on the agenda was the clothing for that day. 'This is not going to be pleasant, she thought, strangely enough her thoughts still had Stuart's voice and it was comforting to hear. 'A girl trying to get back to being a boy has to do what a girl trying to get back to being a boy has to do.' She opened her underwear drawer and was once again dazzled by the choice of both styles and colours before her. Too many choices but in the end she went for a lacy white Bra and Panty set after putting them on she hesitated at the wardrobe wondering what image she wanted to present. Only one image that suited what she needed that day sprang to mind. Ally McBeal. Thank god for Television. Flicking through the clothes she picked out a short skirt in charcoal grey and a feminine, pink satin blouse and went back to the underwear drawer to get a packet of black pantyhose. The only small problems there was the reversed buttoning of the blouse and making sure she didn't put a run in the hose. That accomplished she prepared her self for the comments and called Jade in. Jade did a double take when she entered her sister's bedroom. 'If you ask me if your butt looks fat in that skirt I am calling the psych ward.' Was all she managed to say. 'No, I need your help. I tried to do something with my hair but it didn't look right. Maybe you can... I don't know... jazz it up a little?' 'Jazz it up?' The elder girl asked puzzled by the turn around in Amy. 'I guess I can braid it... If that's what you really want' 'Oh would you? That would be wonderful. And then maybe some make up. I'd be really grateful.' Amy tried to hide her smile, which was hard with the dimples she now possessed. This was the first time since she opened that stupid box that she had Jade on the back foot rather than the other way around and she was enjoying it. 'Ah... Yeah, if you want. Are you all right?' 'I've been a bit of a prima donna the last few days haven't I?' Amy asked picking up a large Teddy bear and cuddling it to her bosom and added a little twirl for good measure. 'It's silly really. I mean you and mum are women and so is over half the world's population and I have been prancing around like it's a punishment. Well, that's all behind me. I have decided to embrace my femininity and the world anew. What better way to start than to look as pretty as a picture.' 'You're joking,' Jade asked uncertainly then added. 'Aren't you?' 'Shit yeah,' Amy said in a more normal tone. 'I want out of this stupid weak body as soon as possible and I won't get a job as easily in jeans and a T-shirt.' Jade let out a loud sigh and slumped down on Amy's bed. 'You had me worried there for a second Stu.' 'I know,' Amy laughed. 'Anyway, can you help me? I've been looking at those books a little but I was up late last night writing up a resume.' 'I don't know why I should after that little stunt. Then again it might serve you right if I make you look as feminine as possible.' 'Thanks Jade, Just one more thing I need your help with.' 'You're pushing you luck. Go on then.' 'Does this skirt make my butt look big?' Almost half an hour later Amy was jangling with jewellery and smelling like the cosmetic counter at the local department store. Susan had already guessed what was going on. Stuart had only two speeds when it came to doing anything. Either neutral or flat out. Why would Amy be any different? What did surprise her was just how pretty her son now was. The girl standing in front of her looked wonderful, every bit the working girl on her way to a job interview. About the only things missing were high heels but Amy hadn't mastered them yet. 'You look... Beautiful Amy. Good luck with the job hunt and good for you for taking it so seriously.' 'Thanks mum,' Amy smiled nervously as she licked her lipstick covered lips and hung her handbag on her left shoulder. -oOOo- 'Amy.' Katie said when she opened her front door. 'You look great. What's up?' Amy tried not to shrink back when the girl hugged her. 'Hi Katie. I'm just going job hunting. I want to see your mum actually.' 'Sure, come on in. Did you watch Video smash hits yesterday? Ricky Martin's new video clip was on. God he's a babe.' 'Yeah... He's... buff.' Amy said with absolutely no conviction as the two girls walked through the house to the kitchen. 'Morning Amy,' Mrs. Frances said. 'My, my, aren't we all dolled up?' 'Hi Mrs. F.' The girl replied as Stuart normally would but it sounded strange coming from her new voice. 'How are you?' 'Enjoying the last week of my break love. Back to work for me next week.' 'Ah, it's your job I wanted to see you about. Well in a round about way.' Margaret Frances was the professor of education at Adelaide University. 'Oh. This sounds serious. What can I do for you?' 'I'm looking for a job and wanted to see if it's okay to put you down as a personal reference.' Amy said. She was a little nervous because even though Stuart got on all right with Katie's mum she did tend to blame in when ever Katie got into trouble. Probably because he was usually to blame. But her name on a reference would make a job a lot easier to get. 'Of course you can love. You didn't need to ask you should know that I'd do anything to help.' 'Where are you going to look?' 'I thought I'd start at the mall Katie,' Amy smiled with relief. 'It's only a ten minute walk so it's easy to get to work if I get a job.' 'I think that lingerie shop is looking for a sales girl.' Katie offered. 'That'd be great if you worked there.' Mrs. Frances offered the girls a drink and grinned at her daughter. 'Not that you'd ask for a discount or anything?' 'Me?' Katie said, all mock innocence. 'The thought never crossed my mind.' She turned to face Amy. 'You want me to come?' 'Ah... No, it's okay thanks. I think I should go on my own. It might look a bit strange to go job hunting with a support group.' -oOOo- 'How did you go love?' Susan asked not liking the dejected look on her daughter's pretty face. 'Not good mum. Not good at all.' 'You didn't get a job? Oh well I'm proud of you for trying.' 'I got a job.' Amy said still looking nonplussed. 'You're looking at the newest waitress at the Copper Kettle.' 'That little coffee shop on the upper level at the mall? Amy that's fantastic.' Susan gave the girl a delighted hug. 'You reckon? The boss is a sexist jerk. I think I only got the job because I'm, and I quote, "A pretty little thing". I start Thursday and I have to wear the stupid uniform.' 'What's that?' 'A short, very short, black skirt, pantyhose and a white blouse. With that and the school dress I'll never get to wear pants.' 'Just think of the money love.' Susan said. 'Oh yeah. Speaking of that can I borrow some, I need some more stockings and a comfortable pair of flats if I'm going to be on my feet all day.' 'I think I can manage that.' Susan said. 'You'll just have to pay me back when you get your first pay cheque.' 'What? Do you have any idea what pantyhose cost? I'm going to have to get three or four pairs every week.' 'Gee, let me see. I've worn pantyhose every working day for years Amy so I think I know the price of them. You get the same deal Jade does. Anything you need for work and any other clothes you want to buy you pay for. My pay packet can't keep you two in the latest fashion.' 'That's so unfair.' Amy mumbled. Sounding like any other petulant teenaged girl. All that was missing was the stamp of the feet. 'Not really. I pay for your school uniforms and now you're a girl you need two summer and two winter uniforms each. That's almost six hundred dollars there. Oh and I found out some more good news too.' 'What?' 'I've tracked down the missing five hundred dollars.' Susan said. 'Was it a bank stuff up like we thought?' 'Not really. I found my last cheque book and it turns out I paid that money to the Adelaide Dance, Music and Drama Academy for your ballet tuition for the next 6 months.' 'There is no way in hell I am doing Ballet,' Amy stated forcefully. 'Not a hope in hell.' 'I figured you'd say that so I called the woman who runs the Academy and she has agreed to refund half of the money but only on one condition. She gets some government funding and if you pull out all together her numbers will drop and she'll lose her grant. If you want the two hundred and fifty dollars in the Hong Kong fund your going to have to do something. Acting or something like that. Otherwise we blow the whole five hundred' Jade had walked in and was listening. 'When I was doing your hair this morning we had the radio on and we were both singing to that Christina Aguilera song. You have a pretty good voice Amy. A bit of training and you'd be great.' 'So?' 'So, your dead head mates can almost play music. Get them back together and you can make some money playing at some school dances and stuff.' "You're trying to make my life sound like the Blues Brother's movie.' Amy complained. 'More like Pink sister.' Jade smiled. 'Just trying to help.' -oOOo- Eleven days later Amy was not in a good mood. Her feet we killing her, her pantyhose were bloody hot and she seemed to be dropping a lot of stuff. Not good in a shorter than short skirt. What had Jade said about it when she saw Amy dressed for work the first time? Oh yeah. 'Any shorter and the whole mall will be you gynecologist.' Worst of all was the fact that her bra must have shrunk in the wash. Talk about sore breasts Work was the pits, no wonder she had put it off so long when she was Stuart. Why was it she was thinking of Stuart as a totally independent person from herself? 'Customers at Table 13 Amy,' Her boss Sam told her pointing at two women. 'They don't have all day sweetie.' "Screw you Sam," Amy thought as she made weaved her way across the coffee shop. 'Hi,' She dutifully smiled as she approached a table, pen and notebook at the ready. 'What would you like?' The Copper Kettle was on the upper level of the shopping mall, far away from the fast food outlets and noisy teens in the food court, so it tended to attract older clients who preferred caf? latte's and cappuccinos to diet cokes. Unfortunately for Amy, not all of those clients were women. More and more of the older men who work in the shops were taking their coffee in the Copper Kettle, most of who liked to watch her as she worked. Some enjoyed rubbing up against her as they took their seats. It was after one of these "accidents" that Amy took her break. 'You okay Amy?' Jenna, one of her coworkers asked. 'Not really,' Amy replied as she sat, making sure she crossed her legs. 'I think I overdid it on the chocolate this morning.' The two had nibbled on some of the chocolate that went into the brownies and muffins and Amy kept going back for more. 'I did try and warn you,' Jenna laughed. 'These skirts don't give much leeway when it comes to eating.' 'They are a little tight. If anything it seems to be getting tighter. The problem is I really needed a chocolate fix and now my stomach is paying.' 'It was cooking chocolate, maybe it was just a little rich for you.' Jenna suggested touching the other girl's arm. 'You tell me if you feel really sick and I'll cover for you for the rest of the shift. There are only a couple of hours to go. A couple of hours? That felt like a life sentence to the new girl, but these days, everything was a matter of time. There had been no word from Wang or Mei Ling despite her mother's friend's help. Amy found herself either marking off the days as they finished or dreading what was yet to come. Saturday would mark her fifteenth birthday and she was not looking forward to the family dinner and all that it entailed. If she managed to get through that she faced at least two months as a high school girl. She and Jenna talked a little more while Amy sipped diet lemonade. 'Oh well,' Jenna sighed, looking at her watch. 'Time to get back to the salt mines I guess.' 'I'll be there in a tick. I need to...' Piss, Amy wanted to say. Siphon the python, take a leak, have a slash, say hello to my best friend. '...Visit the ladies room.' 'Okay, don't take too long. You know how Sam is.' "You want to powder your nose you do it on your time missy, not mine." Both girls giggled as they quoted their boss verbatim. Amy went through the kitchen and into a hall that ran behind all of the shops feeling grateful that the "Little girl's room" was so close. Entering a stall she lifted her skirt and happily, if briefly, pulled down her pantyhose and panties. It was when she had finished peeing and had bent over to pull up her underwear that she saw something unusual. It took about five or ten seconds, a very slow five or ten seconds for her brain to take in what she was seeing and at least as much time again for her to put two and two together. Another woman was washing her hands when she heard a voice come from one of the stalls. 'Fuck Mamma Chow,' said a young sounding girl with an agonised tone to her voice. The woman would have stayed to say something about her terrible language but thought it might have something to do with drugs so she quickly wiped her hands, picked up her purse and got out of there. Amy rushed back to the Copper Kettle and went through her handbag. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck.' She whispered. Keys, a purse, some loose change, some old tissues and a lipstick. Finally right at the bottom she found what she was looking for and headed back to the bathroom. She was hoping to avoid Sam if at all possible but of course luck wasn't on her side. 'Hang on a second.' Sam said standing between Amy and the kitchen. 'Where are you off to? You just had a break cupcake.' Cupcake? 'I have to go to the ladies room Sam.' She almost whispered. 'Didn't you just go? What's the matter? Did you forget to re-do your lipstick? I am running a business here and I might be wrong but caf?s don't make a lot of money if the waitresses are all gossiping in the bloody toilets.' Amy just stood there, unsure what to do next. Thankfully Sam's wife, Lena heard the conversation. Seeing the pleading look in the young girl's eyes and put two and two together. 'It's OK Sam,' She said to her husband. 'I asked Amy to go in there and see if she ca

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My little lady jade part 4

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Tommy and Jade Chapter 1

In which we begin our modern tale of erotic romance… "Tommy." 'Mmm, that's right Jade.' "Toooooommyyyyy." 'Don't stop, I'm almost there Jade.' "Damn it Tommy, wake up!" *Whack* Tommy felt a smack across his face, instantly forcing him from his lustful slumber. 'Damnit! I was about to cum too!’ Tommy thought to himself as he felt his, now, red hot cheek. Tommy, rubbing his eyes of sleep, focused at the hundred and twenty pound, God sculpted object of his...

2 years ago
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Jade McQueen

Jade McQueen sat alone in the her blue tour bus. There was peach colored teddy bear underneath the seat. She had picked up at FAO Schwarz a few weeks ago. It was a present for her Casper, her lover. Actually, it was a peace offering. Casper was upset by the rumor that was going around about Jade. Apparently, Jade was being unfaithful on the road. Also, there was an allegation of drug abuse. That allegation struck a chord with Casper. Before Jade hit the road, her and Casper had come to an...

4 years ago
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Jade and Tamsin Part 1 The Seduction

Jade was lying on her bed, worrying again about her best friend Tamsin who'd been down recently. Having been together for 5 years since they were in their early teens, Tamsin's long term boyfriend, Mike, had split up with her a few months back. She'd done everything she could could keep him happy over the years, never looking at other guys, pleasing him in bed, and keeping her body in good shape. She'd even had a boob job for her 18th birthday, taking her from an A cup up to a perky and full D,...

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Tommy and Jade

In which we begin our modern tale of erotic romance… "Tommy." 'Mmm, that's right Jade.' "Toooooommyyyyy." 'Don't stop, I'm almost there Jade.' "Damn it Tommy, wake up!" *Whack* Tommy felt a smack across his face, instantly forcing him from his lustful slumber. 'Damnit! I was about to cum too!’ Tommy thought to himself as he felt his, now, red hot cheek. Tommy, rubbing his eyes of sleep, focused at the hundred and twenty pound, God sculpted object of his...

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The Jade Box Part 9

Amy was just coming out of the girl's bathroom the next morning at school when she saw him for the first time since the night of the play. Steven Ellis was standing there, as if he was waiting for her, with a huge grin on his face. Amy felt a mixture of emotions, none of which she liked the feeling of, a mixture of rage and impotence. She wanted to beat the crap out of him but she knew that she was too small and, as ashamed as she was to admit it, scared to confront him. Just...

3 years ago
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Victorious Jades punishment FULL STORY

Victorious: Jade's punishmentTori Vega was standing in front of her locker at her high school, Hollywood Arts, when her older sister, Trina Vega, came over to her. ''Hey, Tori'', Trina greeted her sister. ''How is your coffee?'' ''I hate this bitch'', Tori hissed. ''What do you mean?, Trina asked her confused. ''Sorry, i meant Jade...this bitch trapped me again with a garbage coffee...what's her fucking problem...i mean.. i'm always kind to her.'' ''She was really mean to you in the last...

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Adventures of Jade

Jade turned out to be very shy. A late bloomer really. It was not until her first year of college that she started physically developing to match her age. And develop she did. Although she always had the beautiful green cat-eyes, her long and skinny frame started taking on dangerous curves at age 18. She was almost 22 now. The good looks and the great body came too late to give her confidence through her school years, but she was pleased nonetheless.Her mother had gone through the same thing....

2 years ago
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PARTY GANGBANG AND JADE IS THE WINNERJade moaned as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was lying naked on her bed, her legs spread widely. She had been so horny all day. Her clit was aching, throbbing for relief, for the feel of a hard cock stuck up her tight, wet cunt. Jade rubbed her nipples, wishing she had a strong, sexy man on top of her to nibble and suck on them instead. She then moved one hand to her clit, which was already dripping with her hot arousal. Her wetness was...

4 years ago
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Jade stood in the ladies room mirror freshening up her lipstick. Her lips were so full and soft, very kissable. She stood there imagining her boss Giam, kissing her lips passionately. She moved back to check the entire view of herself ... she looked great. She was a sexy Latina with nice tits and ass. Her long black, tousled hair hung down her back as she turned to check her rear view out. She looked down at her watch and saw that she was almost late getting to work. She unlocked the...

3 years ago
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Episode 63 Jade and Grace

IntroductionThis pure fantasy story has been written for two xhamster friends julialover (Mark) and mackeral (Uncle Mack) and their real or imaginary little girls Jade and Grace.None are related, but Jade always calls Mark 'Daddy' when she hasn't got a mouthful of cock and Grace calls her pervert 'Uncle', especially when he is eating her out.Jade and Daddy have been relocated from the US to Plymouth England to make the story work.Jade and Grace attend the Marine Academy in Plymouth; this takes...

2 years ago
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Jadersquos First Shoot

Jade’s eyes fluttered open as she awoke to the world around her. Her head ached a little and her legs were sore. “A little too much drinking and dancing last night” she thought to herself. She pulled herself out of bed and went about her morning rituals. Soon she was fed, dressed, and ready for the day. Today Jade was heading out to Eastman Video for her first video shot. It was really more of a demo that would be used to find her more work in the industry. She was nervous and more then a...

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Jadersquos New Experience

Jade was six months in the business, she had performed nearly as many titles and in almost three times as many scenes. In that time she made as much as she did working full time at her normal job. Jade was enjoying herself in the adult industry but she always thought back to her first shoot and how fun and exciting it was. A part of her really wanted to recapture that feeling. Sitting down at her computer Jade logged into her e-mail to check her messages. She browsed through a few messages from...

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The Jade Box Part 4

'Okay, that's me done. Any more learning lines and my brain will explode.' Danny said later that night. 'And I am supposed to tell the difference how?' Amy laughed. Danny was in the middle of throwing a cushion at the girl when Susan looked in on them in the family room. 'Would you like to stay for something to eat Danny?' She asked. 'Jade is going to have dinner at her friends house so I have heaps left. It's just Spag Bol.' 'Spaghetti is fine for me thanks Mrs....

5 years ago
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This is the continuation of the Jewel Series of Stories. Joseph and Jewel Josephson, brother and sister, realized they were in love with one another, and they proceeded to do something about it — They moved from where they were born, and went to College and had three children along the way; Jet, a girl, was the oldest; Next came Jade, and finally the youngest, and only boy, Kit! Here's our remarkable story. I'm KIT - 19, Jade's 21 and Jet's almost 23. We all have dark brown hair and...

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A Girl Named AreolaChapter 8 Jadersquos Second Party

Beaver and I arrived a bit early after promising to help Jade with the last minute organisation. Beaver and I had thrown a couple of dresses in the back of daddy’s car and driven there naked, and Jade had opened the door to us as naked as we were. Jade had got their cook to make some party food and it was all laid out on the table in the dining room. So all there was to do was move a few things out of the way and get the drinks organised. Jade had already carried the drinks from her car and...

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Jade Sandwich

Jade was so sad after Prom. She had been humiliated in front of the whole school by Tori calling her names. Jade just wanted to put on a play she wrote. She spent days working on it and when she finally got to perform it Tori ruined it. To top it off Beck was still away so she was alone.She was crying in the parking lot after pushing diaper Doug off her. He had tried to cop a feel and she made it clear that she would kill him if he tried.Robbie was walking out of the Prom area after Cat...

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The Jade Box Part 2

'Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Stuart and Amy. Happy birthday to you.' 'What?' Amy said sitting up in bed and glancing at her clock radio. 'Bloody hell, it's only nine thirty. Can't a guy get a sleep in on her one day off?' Jade and her mother were standing at the end of her bed holding a cake. 'Aren't you going to blow out the candles?' 'If I do can I get another hour sleep?' Amy asked pushing a stray lock of hair out of her...

3 years ago
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My Obsession with Jade

The Acura Integra ahead of me was off kilter, leaning to the right. Sure enough, the right rear tire was almost flat. The car’s brake lights and turn signal came on as it moved over into the breakdown lane. As I began to pass by, I saw that the driver was a young woman. I like to think I would have stopped had it been someone older, but I really don’t know. Even at first glance she was good-looking and in need of a man’s help. So I pulled ahead of her into the breakdown lane and stopped. It...

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Impregnating Jade

As I took Jade's hand and led her up the steps out of the indoor pool, she giggled. I smile and said, " If you want another child, I would be honored to be the father of your second child. I don't want anyone to suspect I'm the one who got her pregnant. Now I'm going to do it with you!" I said, opening the door to my bedroom and shimmying out of my trunks. " Get up on that bed, Jade, and spread those beautiful legs!" As she did so, she said, " I bet you say that to all the girls!" I...

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House in the Woods Jade and Jasmine

I caressed the long, silken tresses of the exquisitely nude young Asian who knelt proudly before me, then turned to her equally exquisite sister - a three-dimensional photocopy of the one I had just petted. "Lovely," I proclaimed softly. They were, but I had an ulterior motive for letting them hear me say so. These two were obviously proud of their beauty and used it to great advantage in their lives and in their enterprise. The twins ran a business in San Francisco catering to the needs...

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The Jade Box Part 3

Amy hung back after class had finished and slowly approached the Teacher. 'What can I do for you Miss. Denton?' He asked. 'Um...this play thing.' 'Shakespeare.' 'Yeah. I...ah...I'm not good at that acting thing.' 'Well now is your chance to get good then. I intend for the class to perform it in front of the school.' Amy tried another tact. 'Is there any way I can get out of doing this?' 'Well one was to be on time for my class. But I guess there is one other...

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Ray And Jade Have A Romantic Day Together

  Ray and Jade had been talking over the Internet for about six months. They had started off talking about things that they liked, they found out that although Ray was older by fifteen years, it did not seem to matter though. Gradually the conversation turned towards the subject of sex. How did they like it, what did and didn't they like, what positions did they like best, were they just after a quick fuck or did they like to build up to the lovemaking?They both found that they were turned on...

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The Jade Box Part 5

Nothing was about to upset Amy that night. She was out with a guy she liked, she looked hot, and best of all, her days as a girl were numbered. She and her mother would fly out the day after the play and then it's bye bye to skirts, heels, hose, periods and sitting down to pee. One more week and it would all be over. 'Do you want to dance?' Danny asked after they entered the high school gym and saw the set up for the night. 'Is this a dance?' Amy asked with a smile on her face. 'I...

3 years ago
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Shayla and Jade

Introduction: Two young sisters My wife and I had moved to our new chalet bungalow six months ago. We had downsized, having never being blessed with kids, my wife had taken a job at a local hospital which specialised in child care, to compensate. The move involved me giving up my job, to keep her happy, so I managed to get a job, from home, which mainly involved spending a lot of time on the computer, boring but it brought in an income. After sixteen years of marriage our sex life had dwindled...

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Shayla and Jade

After sixteen years of marriage our sex life had dwindled to infrequent, “What was the point if we can’t have children?” she would moan, giving up her body occasionally for me to satisfy my lust. We had met and made friends with a local couple who ran a restaurant in town. They were mixed race, her being Malaysian, him being Danish. They had two daughters, one 12 year old and a 16 year old. The eldest helped in the restaurant, the younger not able to, due to employment laws. Summer...

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Katrina Jade 4600 799000

Katrina Jade was born in Southern California on May 30th, 1991. Her cosmopolitan look stems from Dutch, German, Irish, Italian, Hawaiian, Native American, and Mexican roots. This bitch looks like a little bit of everybody.She's Every WomanThrow on thinner eyes and a sprinkle of black or Indian skin tone, and you have what every human will look like in a couple of hundred years. Alright, they probably won't all be as sexy. That is unless we take the genetic engineering route.Jade kept pretty...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Dickgirls of Faeruhn 02 Jade at Rest

"Based on the 'Dickgirls of Faeruhn' series, by lightswitch." Jade whimpered softly as Healer Dusty adjusted the weights cords and pulleys attached to her ankles. "Why now, of all times?" the lovely Golden complained. "It just isn't fair!" "Hush now, child. The older Faeruhnite smiled. "Some would say life isn't fair, my dear Jade." The Golden Healer made a final adjustment and rose to her full five foot two inches of supple slender height. "Just be grateful that a member of...

4 years ago
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Jade you misbehaved

Jade is a beautiful woman inside and out—very intelligent, playful with a colorful sense of humor, and very pretty. Just being in public with her makes me feel powerful and important. Keeping Jade interested in one man or any man is a very challenging task. She is 22 years old, in college, and most of the guys that show her interest are too immature for her liking, too serious for her witty personality or just total clowns. Getting Jade’s attention is not a very hard thing to do, but to keep...

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Jade Part 1

Strip clubs were common in this town but sex clubs were not. I’d been sneaking out to strip clubs for some time now but I was getting kind of bored with them so I decided to step it up and check out a live sex show. This was supposed to be my weekend with my little girl but she asked if she could go to some party with her friends and as she was getting to that age where she’d really rather hang out with them, I figured it was my chance to head downtown. She would still get dropped off after...

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Dr Cooks Sissy Clinic The Begining Jade and Deans Experience

Dr. Cook's Sissy Clinic: The Beginning and Jade and Dean's Experience. By dirteesissy I gazed at Jade's bottom, as she raped her husband's ass with a 10" strap on cock. Her pounding of her sissy maid's hole, bordered on the extreme, somewhere between love and hate, she punished that sissy ass with long powerful strokes. Jade, dressed in just red thigh high P.V.C. boots and gauntlets of the same material, was making mincemeat of her hubby's derriere and I looked on with pride at my...

3 years ago
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Bailey and Jade part 2

Introduction: Mom comes home, and a special surprise for little sister The two woke up from their nap, and heard the door open. SHIT! they threw on some clothes, and ran down to greet their mother. What are you doing home early? Jane asked. Your father is on this business trip, and I didnt want to go for the whole thing. Alright she said smiling. A few hours passed. Mom was in her room, and locked the door. She got out her strap on for some play time, but it felt wet. Weird. She went into...

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How Beautiful a Jade can be

Chapter 1 “All right Mark, its your first day of work…only too damn many before the end of the school year.” Mark Banderbuilt muttered to himself through clenched teeth as he stepped onto the wet pavement of Tammy L. Wright High School. “A Ford Prius, ” he thought. “38 years old and I’m driving a Ford fucking Prius.” Any man knows the Prius is the queen of all chick cars. Any dude caught dead in one, metaphorically had his dick cut off and granted the stamp of a Grade-A bitch. Due to...

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Jade and the probono lawyer

Jade was recently incarcerated for shop lifting. With no time to prepare to getting a lawyer and the public defender failing her miserably, she received a sentence for sixty days. Due to overpopulation she was sent to a maximum security women prison. Within the first week she was already feeling about to break inside the prison cells and then it happened. An officer called her out of her cell, cuffing her hands behind her back as standard procedure. Jade was scared asking the guard, "what's...

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The Jade Box Part 8

Susan started to explain but the old woman seemed to yell something at the boy and he offered both Amy and Susan a chair. 'Sit.' They sat. The old woman studied the girl closely, as Amy tugged at the hem of her dress, and crossed her legs. Mamma Chow said something in her language and the boy translated as well as he could. 'You no like her box?' Came the question. 'I'm not sure now if the problem is with your box or mine.' Amy said a little sullenly. The old woman barked...

4 years ago
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Traffic Copter For the Lovely Jade 38H An Adul

It was a warm morning as I drove into work. It was going to get hotter as the day progressed. The first day of spring was going to be very nice. I tied my shoe lace as I buckled my safety belt inside the helicopter. I was riding with screaming Dave Osbourne. He was the pilot for the Channel 6 News helicopter this morning. I do local traffic on the morning drive for a local radio station. I also help out the local news for there morning traffic on channel 6. I report wrecks, heavy traffic,...

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Taking It Jade and Maria

All night my hands had been clumsy. I had spilled two drinks as I tried to hand them to a man across the bar. I dropped a twelve-pack of Budweiser as I was attempting to restock the beer coolers. I had long ago run out of allotted and understandable spills and I was losing money from my pocket with all the alcohol loss. Still, I couldn’t help it. My hands would not stop shaking and I could barely see anything but Jade. She had returned to the U.S. a couple of days ago and this was her...

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First Time I Finger Fucked JadeMy Brothers Fianceacute

Thing's continued to be hot and heavy,between Jade & I,we would constantly feel each other,grope each other,latch on to each other,when the chance presented its self,we would be constantly feeling each other's body's,even if we went out into public places.Jade & I,would grope each other,which would mean i would always be walking around with a semi half the time because I was constantly feeling felt up by her.So to carry on with the story,I was starting to spend a bit more time over...

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 1

Jade Box - Mum's the Word By Genni Smith. Part One Cassie Taylor smiled down at the little girl as she tucked her into bed. "Goodnight Alicia," She said. "But Mummy," Alicia grumbled in that cute way only little girls can use. "It's still light outside." "It's 8 o'clock, Sweetheart, and time for little girls to float off to dream land." "I can't sleep." "You haven't even tried." Cassie giggled. "I know it's hard to sleep in summer with daylight savings but I can tell...

5 years ago
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SiobhanChapter 6 Jade

At the next evening’s briefing, Monica took on the task of explaining to BEM the family’s need for a purpose. “BEM, how many species do your people know? Are humans the only victims of malfeasance or catastrophe? How do others bring justice? How is succor provided?” BEM stopped chewing on his chicken and dumplings, sat back, and thought. Then he started replying to their questions, “We know that hundreds, maybe thousands, of species exist in the galaxy you call the Milky Way, but we have not...

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Jade Part 2

The rest of the weekend was like any other weekend that my daughter spent with me. She didn’t behave differently, she didn’t look at me differently and her mother came to get her at 7 sharp. The same routine we’d been doing for years since her mother and I split up. The only thing that was a little different was that she spent most of the weekend in very little clothing, mostly panties and t-shirts, and managed to do a lot of bending over. Other than that things were pretty normal and that...

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Old man Hanson and Jade

She turned around and placed her headset on, she ran down the steps and did some small stretches before she began her run. Not wanting to scare her with his van, he climbed out and adjusted his cap, making sure he had everything, he to started to jog. He watched as she jogged around the street. Waving at people she knew, stopping to talk to friends she bumped into. He ran on the opposite side of the road, keeping close to her but not to close that it would ring the bells in her pretty...

3 years ago
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Nikki bent over the glass topped table, her eyes shining with anticipation as she prepared her first line of cocaine of the day. She felt a hand reach under her short satin dressing gown. 'Hi mum, ' she giggled as the hand started stroking her juciy slit. 'Do me a line darling, and I'll get us our first drink of the day, ' purred Gloria as she reluctantly removed her hand, licking her fingers as she went over to the drinks cabinet. 'What time is it?' asked Gloria. 'Nine o'clock,...

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The Jade Monkey

This is the third story in my Monkey Gods trilogy. The Jade Monkey By Morpheus "Not bad," I grinned as I looked at the pictures of naked women that one of my friends had E-mailed me. However, I quickly glanced behind me and then closed the window. It wouldn't do to have my mom or younger sister Cassie coming in and catching me looking at dirty pictures. With that, I looked around my bedroom, knowing that I was alone at the moment but you could never tell when either my mom or...

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The Jade Box Part 6

'Amy. Hi.' Mrs. Ford said, opening the front door and putting in her earring at the same time. 'Jade said you'd be filling in for her tonight?' Amy smiled weakly. 'Yeah. That's okay with you isn't it?' She was hoping it wouldn't be and she could go home again. No such luck. 'That's fine. I'm glad you could do it. I have a work do to go to and it will not be appreciated if I cancel.' She turned back to look into the house. 'Mike. Are you ready?' She shouted. 'You're the...

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 2

Cassie finally managed to convince her brother that she was okay. A little dehydrated maybe, and very hung over. She sat in stunned amazement as Patrick fussed over her, made her sit at the kitchen table, and got her a coffee and a sandwich. Then, when he was sure Cassie wasn't about to faint again, Patrick went out to mow the large back lawn. Cassie sat wondering why Patrick was mowing her lawn at all. As Rick, it was one of only two chores that Claire made sure he did, that...

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The Bondage of Jade Lee

The Bondage of Jade LeeChapter IJade Lee was a beautiful Asian 14 year old girl in middle school. She had those dark, almost hauntingly almond shaped eyes peeking out from under dark bangs that were typical among Asians. The rest of her black silky hair splash across her head like a cascading waterfall down to the middle of her back. Her 5'4" frame hosted a curvaceous body that was slim but not gaunt. She was wearing her typical white schoolgirl blouse with a short greenish-blue plaid skirt,...

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Bailey and Jade part 3

Introduction: A couple of quick scenes, mom gets frisky, and daddy CUMS home The next day their mom had off of work. Bailey invited her boyfriend over, her mom had told her she didnt care what they did, but the new rule was no clothes in the house for the three of them, unless its lingerie (not sure if spelled right sorry) they all decided against it for the day, nude felt better. Drake arrived, but Bailey and her sister were busy grinding on each other in her room. He smiled and let her do...

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 3

Cassie paced her lounge room, stopping only from time to time to look out of the window onto the darkening road. She must've checked the tiny watch on her delicate wrist at least twice a minute and jumped as every car drove down the street. She was no stranger to waiting. Hell, half of her time as a detective seemed to be spent cramped up in a car or a dark room staking out different criminals. That, along with her partner's body odour, junk food, the smell of cigarettes and...

3 years ago
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My sisters friend Jade part 2

Being the summer holidays, it wasn't strange for me to be sleeping late and having the place to myself. It was maybe 11am when I'd got out of bed and showered, planning to meet a friend and go shopping - but this was to change.I'd literally just finished drying, dressing and putting my make up on when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got downstairs expecting there to be a parcel or something. Opening the door, my heart skipped a beat: those beautiful lips, that sleeve of tattoos, even...

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JadeChapter 2

At first, Kirsty didn't know where to look as Jade got to her knees in front of me, her eyes sparkling into mine before they fixed on the throbbing staff in front of them. Kirsty's spluttering to get Jade's attention died in her throat when Jade took me in hers. I wasn't joking when I warned her I was close but she still seemed surprised at my sudden spurts that just wouldn't quit: despite coming only a few minutes earlier, the unique eroticism of the situation had me jerking seven or...

3 years ago
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The Beautiful Visitor from the Jade Inn

The Beautiful Visitor from the Jade Inn Michael, it's your wife Anne," the Receptionist informed him. "You'll never guess who's here in the Bay Area," Anne explained, her dulcet sexy voice purring into his ear. "Hon - I'm due in Court in less than an hour, so you'd better tell me," Michael laughed. "Garrett and Su Lin... They really did come. I didn't think they would." Anne's voice sounded excited, as if she couldn't quite believe it herself. "Well, Maybe they'll want to...

2 years ago
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The Jade DragonChapter 7

Elizabeth couldn't stop touching Taipei as the tears streamed down her cheeks, she kissed him over and over again, murmuring his name repeatedly, She'd waited so long for this moment, at times it seemed an eternity, now it didn't matter, all that mattered was he was here, his arms wrapped around her, his lips on hers, her name purring into her mouth from his lips. He licked the tears from her cheeks, nuzzling her with deep rumbling purrs of pleasure to have his exquisite one once again in...

4 years ago
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Jade And Her Sugar Daddy Adventures

I've come to terms that I really love older men. When I was growing up, I never had a father. I really missed that love that a girl gets from her dad. I've always enjoyed dating much older men. Of course, this is something that my mother doesn't understand. My friends think I'm too pretty to keep such old company. I love all the men that I date. I guess some people might call me a "Gold Digger." I honestly love the men who care for me. I know I must be the unusual one. Older men love to be in...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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In Pursuit of Jade

A few years ago in my place of work I was hired around the same time as a spunky young girl named Jade. She was so funny and crazy we immediately hit it off.We did our fair share of flirting.One occasion we spoke about our doos and fonts in the bedroom. She explained that nobody had ever come in her mouth nor had she done anal. She suddenly turned to me and said "if we had sex, I'd let you do anything!!!". I was flattered, but just saw it as naughty banter.Another time I was in the changing...

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When jade turns to black

The story I am about to post is true but the names have been change to protect certain people. At this point in my life I had just started this new job working for a surgery service located in the south. The company I worked for came to different hospitals from large to mid size and sometimes smaller throughout seven southern states. We supplied very high end technology for doctors to perform certain detail surgery. It was the best job a person could get right out of college and the money plus...

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