Tommy and Jade
- 4 years ago
- 41
- 0
The Acura Integra ahead of me was off kilter, leaning to the right. Sure enough, the right rear tire was almost flat. The car’s brake lights and turn signal came on as it moved over into the breakdown lane.
As I began to pass by, I saw that the driver was a young woman. I like to think I would have stopped had it been someone older, but I really don’t know. Even at first glance she was good-looking and in need of a man’s help. So I pulled ahead of her into the breakdown lane and stopped.
It was sprinkling rain. I put on my St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap, the blue one they wear for road games, then, zipped up my windbreaker, and walked back to her car.
Her ash blonde mane was not much longer than my own blonde hair. She was wearing black pedal pushers and a faded denim jacket adorned with sequins. She looked at me, not as friendly or grateful as I expected, then said, ‘I’ve had a slow leak in that tire. Guess I should have had it fixed.’
Raindrops were collecting in her hair, little diamonds that sparkled in the late afternoon light. At least that’s how I remembered her later. ‘I can change it for you,’ I said, speaking loud enough to be heard over the traffic on Interstate-70. ‘You’ll need to open the trunk.’
She did so, and I began to undo the cover on the spare. She vigorously shook her head, causing the droplets in her hair to fly. I knew then that I had seen her before, but could not recall where. ‘Look,’ the woman said, ‘I’m getting wet out here. Do you mind if I get back in the car?’ Almost as an afterthought she added, ‘I appreciate your help.’
‘No problem,’ I grinned. ‘Shouldn’t take long.’
But the spare tire was as flat as the one on the car. I walked up to the passenger side window and tapped on it. She clicked the ignition on and rolled down the window.
‘Your spare tire’s flat!’ I yelled, ‘I can take you to a garage to get it fixed if you like.’
‘Dammit!’ she swore, slamming her hand against the steering wheel, ‘I’ve got to be at work soon!’ She considered her options, and then said, ‘Look, can you just drive me to my apartment?’
I agreed and offered to take the spare with me and get it repaired. She waited as I took out the spare and put it in my trunk. She had two bags of groceries in the back seat, so I transferred them to my car as well. The rain was coming down harder now. The woman got out and locked her car and sprinted to mine, sliding into the passenger seat.
She gave me a quick smile and just like that I recognized her. She was Jade. She saw the look of recognition on my face and frowned. Much to my surprise, she remembered me as well. ‘I thought it was you. You’re the one who looked like he’s still in high school, aren’t you?’
It’s strange to meet a woman casually like that, a woman so ordinary in dress, and recall that you’ve seen her stark naked, that you’ve caressed her soft butt, and that she has given you the most shameless looks of raw sexual desire. She was at once the same person and yet someone else.
‘Just my luck!’ Jade murmured. Then, ‘Okay, go ahead and say it. ‘I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on?’ C’mon, I’ve heard all those witty lines!’
I shrugged, saying only, ‘Hi! My name’s Cale.’ I offered her my hand but she didn’t shake it. ‘Can we go now?’ she said.
We arrived at her apartment in about ten minutes, and I carried both sacks of groceries as she opened the front door. A woman who also looked vaguely familiar got up from the sofa as we entered. She had shoulder length black hair and dark eyes, a trace of African-American in her.
‘Where’ve you been, girl?’ she cried, ‘we’re gonna be late!’
‘Had a flat tire and this guy helped me,’ Jade replied, smiling. ‘Recognize him?’
She looked at me for a second, then said, ‘Oh yes! The high school boy!’ She grinned and went on, ‘How they ever let you in the club, junior, I’ll never know!’
The two women began to put away the groceries. ‘Did you get my Tampax?’ The other woman asked.
‘Yeah,’ Jade replied. ‘Is a dozen enough?’
‘Probably. I swear, I go through two every night.’ After a pause the other woman gave Jade a quick kiss on the cheek, saying, ‘Thanks for shopping, sweetie.’
‘You owe me a better kiss than that,’ Jade murmured. And just like that the two women were embracing, kissing each other deeply and moving their hands over each other, moaning almost imperceptibly. Jade especially didn’t want to let go. When she did, she looked over to me as she caressed the other woman’s breasts.
‘Junior, I just want to be sure you understand …. Oh for Pete’s sake, Teena, will you look at that!’
Both women stared at the bulge in my pants that was still swelling. Never had I ever gotten so hard so quickly. I blushed intensely, my throat was so tight I could hardly breathe.
‘I just don’t understand men!’ Jade laughed, ‘I mean, you’d think girls like us would, but, go figure!’
The women then shooed me out of the apartment. By seven o’clock I had gotten Jade’s tire repaired and had put it on her Integra. Then I drove her car to her apartment and hid the key under a rock next to the porch as she had instructed. I called my friend Marty who came to pick me up and took me back to my own car.
Marty was the one who had taken me to the Gemini Club a week earlier as my 21st birthday present. I had had to show every form of ID on me to get in. Even then the manager, Andy, eyed me suspiciously, muttering, ‘Next time bring your birth certificate, kid. You don’t look a day over 17.’ Nothing makes strip club managers more nervous than the thought of admitting a minor to the premises. They can lose their license in a heartbeat.
Jade had been the first dancer to perform. Later, when Marty invited me to pick a girl for a lap dance, I chose her. That night she was sensual and erotic but yet illusory, somehow hardly more real than a vivid daydream. Even now I believe seeing Jade as a real person that day she had the flat tire, or maybe her kiss with Teena, is what changed everything.
Once I was back in my car, I drove to Kayla’s apartment and spent the evening. She was my girlfriend but we did not love each other. Warm affection was about the most either of us could muster. I could not get Jade out of my mind. When I made love to Kayla later on, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that it was Jade’s body I was holding, that it was her pussy that welcomed my cock. But of course it was not.
After that I could think of nothing but Jade. In bed my cock grew rigid each time I replayed her kiss with Teena in my mind. I would casually brush my cock a few times and experience a breathtaking climax. I had the same recurring dream: I would be desperately looking for Jade, but somehow could never find her before the dream ended. My longing to see her again became irresistible.
Three nights later I arrived at the Gemini Club about eight o’clock, and stayed near the back for a while. Then Jade came on to do her number, her music was the Pointer Sisters’ Jump (for My Love).
Now she was truly Jade again, in her blonde wig with light green highlights, a green choker, and short see-through lace cami and G-string. I moved to the front and sat along the runway, entirely mesmerized. Somehow the music, the smoke, the awareness of others faded until I was conscious of nothing but her.
As colored lights played across her body, she seemed as much a Platonic ideal of womanhood as living flesh. I marveled at how she could be so womanly, with full, slightly pendulous breasts and ample hips, and yet so athletic. Soon, down to her G-string, she worked the pole with adroit spins and double knee holds. Her agile, supple body left me breathless in wonder.
In that instant I adored the woman, desired her as I had never desired another thing. My whole life up to then seemed no more than a prologue to this moment. I now had a purpose in life: to love, to
worship her faithfully. I wanted nothing more.
My heart soared when Jade recognized me and gave me a wink and a smile. She did the same with several other men, but I knew that she was just doing it for them because it was expected. But the look she gave me was special. I could tell.
Each time she leaned down, I slipped a one- or sometimes five-dollar bill into her garter. When she finally eased out of her G-string and was naked except for her garter and platform heels, I could contain myself no longer. My climax was wonderfully intense. She had never touched me, or I myself. Just the sight of her was enough.
It seemed like hours but was likely only a few minutes before Jade invited me for a lap dance. Like an eager puppy I followed her into the back room and paid my $25. Again I was blushing and scarcely able to breathe as Jade stripped naked and moved onto my lap, her breasts just inches from me, so close I could feel her body heat. She turned and presented her butt to me, the only part of her I was allowed to touch. I gently fondled it, knowing that Carl, one of the bouncers, was watching me from a few feet away.
And just like that I came again. Jade turned and paused, looking at me. She bent down to my ear and said, ‘Did you just cum?’
‘Yes!’ I whimpered deliriously, ‘but please don’t stop! Please finish the dance!’
With a wry smile the woman continued. As the music ended she drew her lips across my cheek and over my own lips. That was enough to bring me to yet another climax, almost as strong as the first two.
Drained emotionally as well as physically, I made my way to the men’s restroom. In one of the stalls I took off my cum-soaked Depends Guard for Men that I had worn under my boxers. Before I had left my parents’ home where I lived, the mere thought of Jade had made my cock stiffen. I knew what would happen when I saw her at the club, and was prepared for the inevitable. I put on a fresh Depends. The night was not over.
With Jade’s second lap dance that night came my fourth climax. I stayed around watching Jade and her roommate Teena, whose stage name was Aja, perform. Aja also gave me a lap dance with the last of the $130 that I had brought to the club, but it was not the same. She was not Jade.
A week later I was standing in Jade’s bathroom in my boxer shorts, waiting with a towel as she came out of the shower. ‘Oo, thanks, sweetie,’ she murmured. ‘Did you make me a Seven and Seven?’
I handed her the drink and she took most of it at once. ‘Jeez,’ she sighed, ‘I really needed that.’ As she drank I used another towel to dry her off. It was three-thirty in the morning.
I had become a regular at the Gemini Club, staying until my money ran out each night. The other dancers teased me, and the patrons called me lover boy, said I was pussy-whipped, or assured me that Jade was way too much woman for a minnow like me.
I had broken two dates with Kayla. Both she and my parents were now angry because I refused to tell them where I spent my nights. But none of this mattered to me at all. I just wanted to go to my temple each night, to worship my goddess. It did not seem too much to ask. I had already used half a box of Depends.
A few hours earlier, as Jade had given me my first lap dance of the evening, I had climaxed as she teasingly held her nipples an inch from my lips. Afterwards as I was getting up, she looked at me closely, as if for the first time she was really seeing me. Her gray eyes looked into my blue eyes, she took my face into her hands.
‘Cupcake,’ she whispered, ‘why don’t you go home and get some rest?’ My heart sank. What had I done to offend her? But then she went on with a teasing smile, ‘You can come back after three o’clock and give me a ride home, okay? It would be nice if you were, shall we say, fresh then…’
I obeyed at once, tantalized by what was suggested but not spoken with her last words. And now I was drying off my idol, scarcely able to believe it was happening. Of course I was rock hard. Somehow Jade always seemed more real, more a woman, when she was not the dancer.
‘Refill,’ she commanded. I made another drink, and she took a sip, saying, ‘Okay, let’s she what you’ve got.’
I took off my boxer shorts. ‘Mm, nice,’ Jade said. She sat down on her makeup stool and began to fondle my manhood, murmuring, ‘Pretty color, not a blemish, the right size, too.’ Is she sizing up my cock or buying fruit? I thought.
Jade motioned me onto her bed, and just like that curled up at my waist, puckered her mouth, and drew my cock into her. Kayla had once put her lips to my manhood, but it was hurried, as if she just wanted to get it over with.
But Jade slowly let her lips glide down my cock, inch after inch, until she had engulfed me completely, her lips now against my pubic mound. I gasped, astonished that mere mortals could experience such ecstasy. For the next few moments she gently and slowly sucked my cock. When I came, nearly passing out with pleasure, she swallowed my cum as if it were maple syrup.
She licked and cleaned my manhood a bit, then squeezed the rest of my cum onto her lips. Some of it oozed down her chin. She moved up to me and whispered, ‘Now lick it off. And kiss me.’ Unsure of whether it was the most erotic or the most repulsive thing I had ever done, I licked my semen off her and then kissed her lips, salt and sweet together.
Jade then got up and brought a bottle of baby oil from the bathroom, saying, ‘Give me a massage, would you sweetie?’ For the next few moments it was her turn for oohs and aahs as I worked the oil into her supple thighs and calves, and massaged her tired ankles and shoulders. When she smiled wantonly and spread her legs, I knew what was next.
The woman’s pussy was soaking wet. I eagerly ran my tongue and lips over her sex, lapping up every delicious drop of her juices. I found her clitoris. Recalling how gently she had sucked my cock, I moved my tongue slowly and lovingly over her bud, eliciting an ‘Oh, honey, you do that soo nice!’
Then I rose up and mounted her, kissing her at the same time. I tasted her mouth with mine, and her pussy with my cock. I slowly buried myself in Jade.
I have read that, in the far reaches of the Himalayas, there are Buddhist monks who attain pure bliss through years of meditation. They could save themselves a lot of time by just mounting a woman like Jade. I had imagined that her blowjob was the pinnacle of ecstasy, but realized now that it was a mere foothill. True bliss was to lie joined with the woman, to savor her heat and aroma, to immerse my cock and my body in the welcoming pool that was Jade.
So engrossed was I in my pleasure that I did not realize that for her too the earth was moving. Only when I began to climax was I aware that she was driving her nails into my back, writhing beneath me, and screeching Oh yesss, oh yesss oh, god yess!
Too soon it was over. I lay back exhausted, but Jade came to me, kissing me softly on the face and chest. Now glowing, she murmured, ‘That’s the first time I’ve cum with a man in months. And the best in a long, long time. You are a sweet cupcake!’
We began to kiss again, and I remember thinking that this is how the universe works. When you want and desire something, when you literally ache for it, then that desire alone will ensure that you achieve it. I was so innocent then, so naïve.
I made her another Seven and Seven, and we lay on the bed cuddled together. ‘Jade,’ I asked hesitantly, ‘what’s with you and Teena? Are you bi, or what?’
She looked at me for a while, reflecting on her life. ‘Okay sweetie, here’s how it is. When you’re in this business, most men treat you okay, but some don’t. Guys become nothing but hands and eyes and dicks. And they just see you as a fuck toy, for themselves and sometimes even their friends.’
‘You get to where you just want someone to hold you and kiss you, be gentle and loving. And to know
what you go through ever night. That’s how Teena is, see. When I’m at the club and some asswipe is calling me bitch or kewpie doll or maybe copping a feel, I just think that later on, back here, Teena will take me in her arms and kiss me and tell me everything’s okay. And I’ll do the same for her.’
‘Then she’ll make love to me, and really want to please me. Most men don’t care, they just want to fuck the stripper. Teena and I give each other affection, which is what any woman wants. Does that make sense?’
‘I guess.’ After a pause I gave her my most pleading look. ‘Jade, I want to be like Teena for you. To give you love and comfort. Can I do that?’
‘Of course you can, honey. You’re the first guy in a long time I’ve actually made love to and enjoyed it.’ But a mischievous smile crossed her face. ‘Maybe we can be sex buddies.’
‘I don’t care what,’ I replied, ‘I just want to be with you.’
Just then the front door opened, and a moment later Teena entered the bedroom. She smelled of drink and cigarette smoke and sin. ‘Well, who’s this!’ she laughed, ‘Jamie, did th’ little puppy dog follow you home!’ Jamie is her real name, I thought. But she’ll always be Jade to me.
‘Uh huh, and he’s an angel. Look at this!’ Jade drew back the cover, revealing my semi-hard cock.
‘Lord, that’s the whitest dick I’ve ever seen!’ Teena exclaimed. ‘You must soak it in milk ever night!’
‘Doesn’t everyone?’ I grinned.
‘And it tastes as sweet as it looks,’ giggled Jade. ‘Try it.’
Teena sat on the bed, bent down, and let my cock slide into her mouth, swallowing me completely. She withdrew, saying, ‘Mm, I can still taste your pussy on it, Jamie.’ After a pause, she went on, ‘You two want some company?’
‘We’d love it,’ smiled Jade.
‘Let me get out of these clothes,’ she said, unzipping her dress, ‘ ‘n take a quick shower. You sure this boy’s mama isn’t gonna call and tell us it’s time to send him home?’
‘Mama said I could spend the night,’ I retorted. ‘You can call and ask her if you don’t believe me!’
Teena showered and returned to our bed. Immediately the two women embraced, pressing their bodies together as they kissed tenderly. The next hour passed as a continual blur of soft breasts, warm wet pussies, smooth womanly bodies intertwined with each other and with mine. I came twice more, once in Teena’s pussy and again in Jade’s mouth.
By the time the first rays of orange sunlight were bathing the room, we three were both sated and exhausted. The last thing I saw before falling asleep was Teena contentedly licking Jade’s pussy.
It was almost noon when I awoke. I got out of bed, careful not to wake the two women who were sleeping soundly, arms around each other. In the living room I called my father, who ran the Staples where I was working that summer, and told him I would not be in that day. Of course he was angry.
After a quick shower I dressed. Finding a grocery list in the kitchen, I went to the local IGA and bought everything on the list. I came back to the apartment and put the groceries away. Then I made a pot of coffee whose aroma finally awakened the two women.
Jade came into the kitchen, still naked. Even now when I think of her she is always nude. ‘You still here, cupcake?’ she smiled, yawning at the same time. When I told her that I had done her grocery shopping she gave me an affectionate hug. ‘You really do like to please a woman, don’t you?’ she grinned.
I was Jade’s lover for the rest of that summer, living for the hours that I could be with her at the club. Living for the time she beckoned me to pleasure her and Teena as I had done that night. By the middle of August I had spent all my savings, every last penny that was intended for fall semester at the University of Missouri. But it didn’t matter. I couldn’t go back to school anyway because that would mean leaving Jade. The very idea was absurd.
Kayla had of course broken up with me, and my parents would barely speak to me. Their looks made it plain what a disappointment I was to them. They gave me tiresome lectures to no avail. I had Jade, that was all that mattered. The only time I felt really alive was in her presence. The feel of her body, the sound of her voice was all I asked of life.
Jade turned out to be very shy. A late bloomer really. It was not until her first year of college that she started physically developing to match her age. And develop she did. Although she always had the beautiful green cat-eyes, her long and skinny frame started taking on dangerous curves at age 18. She was almost 22 now. The good looks and the great body came too late to give her confidence through her school years, but she was pleased nonetheless.Her mother had gone through the same thing....
Jade stood in the ladies room mirror freshening up her lipstick. Her lips were so full and soft, very kissable. She stood there imagining her boss Giam, kissing her lips passionately. She moved back to check the entire view of herself ... she looked great. She was a sexy Latina with nice tits and ass. Her long black, tousled hair hung down her back as she turned to check her rear view out. She looked down at her watch and saw that she was almost late getting to work. She unlocked the...
This is the continuation of the Jewel Series of Stories. Joseph and Jewel Josephson, brother and sister, realized they were in love with one another, and they proceeded to do something about it — They moved from where they were born, and went to College and had three children along the way; Jet, a girl, was the oldest; Next came Jade, and finally the youngest, and only boy, Kit! Here's our remarkable story. I'm KIT - 19, Jade's 21 and Jet's almost 23. We all have dark brown hair and...
As I took Jade's hand and led her up the steps out of the indoor pool, she giggled. I smile and said, " If you want another child, I would be honored to be the father of your second child. I don't want anyone to suspect I'm the one who got her pregnant. Now I'm going to do it with you!" I said, opening the door to my bedroom and shimmying out of my trunks. " Get up on that bed, Jade, and spread those beautiful legs!" As she did so, she said, " I bet you say that to all the girls!" I...
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A few years ago in my place of work I was hired around the same time as a spunky young girl named Jade. She was so funny and crazy we immediately hit it off.We did our fair share of flirting.One occasion we spoke about our doos and fonts in the bedroom. She explained that nobody had ever come in her mouth nor had she done anal. She suddenly turned to me and said "if we had sex, I'd let you do anything!!!". I was flattered, but just saw it as naughty banter.Another time I was in the changing...
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FetishOld man Hanson watched from his car window as she closed her door, her back towards him, showing off her large bouncy bum that was incased in a tight pear of black leggings. Her top half was barely covered by anything but a small tight sports bra. Her bright red hair tied in a tight pony tail that hung to her waist.She turned around and placed her headset on, she ran down the steps and did some small stretches before she began her run. Not wanting to scare her with his van, he climbed out and...
Fetishfew years back i had sex with a girl call jade shes was 21 we had pure sex all day long she jerk wank me off abouth 4 times i cum in her mouth and hole many times . i not seen her for many years shes 28 now i saw on bus . i got hard on when saw her still sex girl with big titsshes give me her mobie number me fool lost it some now be cause saw on bus when got home and phone a sex line ask woman be jade for me shes mademe come fast but which could fuck jade again and again i...
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I'm obsessed. I admit it, I embrace it and I revel in the fact that I'm obsessed. Obsessed with the male member known as a penis, a cock, a schlong, a Johnson, Mr. Happy, A DICK. All kinds, slender ones, thick ones :-), short ones, long ones, average ones, as long as they are shaped with that wonderfully velvet soft head that has the wider collar, and a stiff shaft. Don't ask me where this obsession came from. I just fell into it. I wish it was ON it but that will come. Often and with much...
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The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...
The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...
Obsession I can still remember the first time. A cousin who lived close was visiting when he whispered that his older brother had magazines with pictures of naked women in them. As I had never seen a naked women, I was curious, but I scoffed, so he snuck them over. Sure enough, some of the women were naked, although some were wearing stockings or heels. But even as I have said I hadn't seen a naked woman before, I could see that these had something different about...
Introduction:A lonely mom that becomes obsessed with curiosity and her sonThis one’s a little lengthy. A lot of background, lead-up, and “Explaining”, as most of my 1st chapters seem to be. I feel it’s kind of important to know what the characters are thinking, where they're goming from. For those of you that just want to get right to the sex……Sorry. For those of you that, as I do, think it makes for a better story……Here ya go. −Obsession−Chapter one:My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed...
I'm Herman Howell and I'm a stalker. Well, not exactly a stalker, I don't want to hurt anyone; I'm just in love with a woman I've never met. I'm totally obsessed with a certain writer. I'm a man in my forties and have never been married. I've never even come close. I guess I'm what a lot of people call a loser, but it's not true. I've always paid my way, never took money from the government. I'm always reading stories about these good looking guys who screw all these women. They...
Obsession Chapter Two: I turned the water on and got in the shower. As I washed, all I could think about was my son… …and how all this had started with just a glimpse of his penis so long ago. I was simply amazed at what it had turned into. I leaned my head on my arm against the shower wall and let the warm water run over me. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brian and I had done. What I had done. . . .To Brian. I washed and got out of the shower and dried off. I leaned against the sink and...
IncestNOTE: Just a short story that struck my fancy. Many thanks to Anynomous for "Mall Watchers." Hope you like it. LS Obsession By Lord Stormbringer Marty sat at a table at the mall watching all the pussy walk by. There was a large variety of ass that swarmed the mall, all of it on display. Normally there were groups of women carrying bags and bags of clothes. Marty drank it all in. He noticed that all of the girls had their hair fashioned, lips made up, clothes positioned just so....
It took about an hour to get back to Alamosa, Cody woke up as they pulled into the garage. They all got out and went in and went to the showers to completely clean themselves up. When they were all spic n span again, they went to the kitchen and Alisha fixed grilled cheese sandwiches. They all talked about the experience. Cody asked, “should I tell Justin…..or not.” Alisha told her that she would keep it between the three of them for the time being, till they could figure out what...
You really need to read “Obsession,” the first part to this story, first. Tina came down for breakfast about ten looking like she had woken from a hundred year sleep and was immediately hugged by Jessica. She smiled and mumbled a good morning, which I responded to with a polite nod. Jess and Tina went to the lounge, talking at some length about Richard, while I served fresh croissants and coffee. I chose to withdraw to the garden to give the two women some space. I guess my love making to Tina...
Hello readers, this is what the hell. I’m new to this but a regular reader of iss, especially insect content. It all started few years ago when I started reading iss. I always liked incest category. My obsession of incest started becoming real. Then I started all the cousins of my age. Luckily I found one on fb. Her name was Prachi. She is one year younger than me but she is a sex bomb. I’m a guy. My height is 5 feet 8 inches. I’m from Kanpur. My dick is 6 inch. My cousin is 5f 5 inches and she...
IncestYou really need to read “Obsession,” the first part to this story, first. Tina came down for breakfast about ten looking like she had woken from a hundred year sleep and was immediately hugged by Jessica. She smiled and mumbled a good morning, which I responded to with a polite nod. Jess and Tina went to the lounge, talking at some length about Richard, while I served fresh croissants and coffee. I chose to withdraw to the garden to give the two women some space. I guess my love making to Tina...
TabooIn the weeks which followed, Lynn's obsession grew in scope and intensity. With each tryst with Peter she would share a fantasy or perversion. A few days would pass while Peter made the arrangements and then Lynn would receive location and time, at which, she would live out that fantasy or perversion, usually aboard "The Tempest" but sometimes elsewhere. Sometimes Peter would suggest ideas for Lynn's erotic adventures. All would end with Lynn spreading her legs for Peter who always found...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always had an obsession with my sister's pussy. When I was 18 years old, I walked in on her fingering herself in the living room. We were home alone at the time, and even though she screamed and quickly covered up, I remember every second of it. I couldn't stop staring at her. I noticed her beautifully even pussy lips, her throbbing clit, and her moaning. Ever since then, I would try to peek at it. When she got out of the shower, looking through...
IncestJaded by Eric The jaded Body Hopper was tired of being a high born lady or gentleman. He thought it might be amusing to be an East End Prostitute for a time. He drank bad gin in smoke filled rooms and thought it delicious to mix with the lowest of the low of the London slums. He went out looking for his first client. A tall smiling man approached him. They settled on a price and walked towards the girl's squalid room. He started to undress. "My your a...
The following afternoon while working on his new novel, Paul paused and took out the card that his former roomies girlfriend, Jade had given him the previous night. It was a plain embossed business card with her name and number on it and nothing else. But it was her words that kept coming back to him. “I’ve heard things about you. Good things. I’d like it if you called that number. This Tuesday works for me, say around seven.” He smiled and slipped the card into his wallet, got up and as he...
We were on a simple movement from one location to another. There wasn't supposed to be any hostiles around for many klicks. The sun was shining and we were skirting a set of woods. It was a day made for poetry. Something about birds, sunshine and that stuff when charging out of the woods came tanks like I've never seen before. They didn't register on my MAGs and the IR reading was very weak. They turned their guns on us and opened fire. I would have thought that we were still out of range...
‘You’re a special woman, Rachel,’ James said gently. ‘I love you. I never thought I could feel this strongly about anyone…’ Rachel smiled and held out her hand. ‘I love you, too…’ Tonight was their two month anniversary. It was a deeply romantic occasion, set in candlelight at a small local Italian restaurant. Frank Sinatra sang about New York in the background. Rachel, innocent and pretty, was in heaven. She tried and failed to protect her face from the indignity of running makeup. She was...
Jaded part 1"Will there be anything else Madam?" the pretty blonde shop assistant asked with a smile from behind her glass fronted counter.Jayne put her bag and shopping basket down, "Ah, no, ah, thank you," she replied nervously, "Just these." she indicated the slim silver vibrator and the chrome play hand-cuffs in the basket and rummaged in her bag for her credit card."We have an extensive range of restraints Madam," the girl continued, as she checked the items, "The metal does get rather...
Tina's Story===It was a dangerous obsession, one that I couldn't ignore.I remember the thrill of the first time I held a hard cock in my hands and pressed my lips to its heated skin. I wouldn't call myself a cock hound or a cum slut, but for the right guy, I am both of those. I've dated guys that weren't the right guy, and they would be shocked to learn that I might do that. I love that part of me, but I usually don't let it out until I really get to know someone.This new obsession is nothing...
Office SexJohn's Story===It was a dangerous obsession, to be sure.I have always had a fascination with breasts, maybe starting even before I found my first adult magazine as a teenager. The seemingly endless variety has always drawn my attention. There is no such thing as a 'perfect breast' to me. They are all perfect, although I prefer the ones I am allowed to worship in person.This new obsession goes beyond that, and I'm still hoping it won't get me in trouble.It all started with a trip to the...
Office SexThe next day Colin and Alisha met Mr. Butler at the title company and closed the purchase. That morning, they had gone to the bank and opened a new bank account for “P.A. Swine Ranch”, a name that they thought would be appropriate……it stood for Pleasure Acres Swine Ranch, a name they decided to keep to themselves. They both funded the account with enough money to completely purchase it and fund the operations for six months, till the changes they wanted were made and it could start making...
Tyler wasn’t really fond of the whole bar scene but he was coerced into it by a few of his co-workers. It was Friday night, he didn’t have a date, so he figured what the hell. Little did he know that Julie, one of the girls who’d been prodding him to go out on a date with her friend Samantha, had invited her along this evening. He knew Samantha, she’d hung out with Julie at the company picnic before and she’d hung out with them at the bar occasionally on Friday nights, too. He was instantly...
I was obsessed with Tina from the moment I first set eyes on her. She was petite, dark haired and had wonderful hazel coloured eyes that smiled at you. She wore plain clothes, no make-up and projected a “please don’t notice me” persona. I was immediately fascinated by Tina and wanted to go over and chat. The trouble was she was with her daughter and I was with my son and my wife, Jessica. It was the very first day of school for our four year olds and we were huddled together in the school yard,...
There was once a girl who was fascinated with balls Her papa was the only male she was close to She liked to peek and try and see his balls They gave her such a thrill they were mysterious jewels to her she never got a good look Papa was kinda modest around her He knew she was curious He didn't know how developed her fantasy was She would imagine him taking a nap lying nude asleep on the bed his thighs spread his thick hot member laying there half erect She would move it aside and cup his big...
This story is based on an account described in a chapter on obsessions in a first year university psychology text book. The date of the recorded events is not known but that edition of the book was printed in 1958. It describes how a couple of weeks of traumatic experiences influenced one of the participants in the long term. The role of the housekeeper (the children called her Mrs D for short) and the punishments dealt out to the three children are closely based on the academic account given...
Peggy Whitley was mildly irritated that Kyle wasn't at the airport to meet her when her flight came in from Orlando. When she thought about it riding home in the taxi though, she decided it was probably all for the better. Odd moments from the week just past kept coming back to her and she couldn't help but smile with remembered pleasure. It was best that Kyle not see those smiles. He would be suspicious. Peggy was at peace with herself for the first time in... goodness... something like a...
It was a sad reflection on my past history to admit I was never one to dwell on such pointless desires that involved either Hollywood actresses or super-models with waif-like figures. I was forever destined to be a sort of "bread and butter" man happy to hump horny waitresses who didn't have bad breath or disappointed divorcees with a fetish for finding Mister Goodbar. I generally just stuck with an uninspired modus operand of engaging with a straight missionary position not wanting to...
Alisha poured another cup of coffee and went out onto the patio. She sat down and watched a small group of deer as they grazed near her home. She thought to herself how all the things she had dreamed of were beginning to happen. Her plans for the ranch are coming together and in a year or so she will start to see the results, and, if she has planned right, they will be the beginning of what she wants most…….to have the largest ranch in Colorado, maybe even in the Southwest. The...
They spent the rest of the day, sitting on the deck in the warm Colorado sun, talking and just relaxing. They had dinner, watched some TV and decided to shoot some pool. Colin was wearing a pair of faded denim cut-offs and a black t-shirt, with only socks on his feet. Alisha is dressed in a short denim skirt and a white tube top. Her feet are bare. They play several games and each have won and equal number of games, in this game he sinks the 8-ball and wins. They both reach for...
They landed at a private airport located on Maui. Colin had arranged for a limo to take them to their residence for the week. When they got their luggage loaded, they departed. Jeff said bye and put his things in a car that Colin had arranged with the local Ford dealer. When he got to his hotel, much to his surprise, Colin had leased him penthouse suite. It was beautiful and luxurious. He knew he would have a wonderful week. Right now he wished that he had a wife to share this...
Monday came and the real world returned. Their work awaited them and they faced it not looking back. After the weekend they had just had, they needed something to get their minds back on track again. Colin went to the dealership and Alisha to the ranch. They both smiled in their minds, knowing no one knew of their secret life, the sexually driven, perverted desires they both had when away from their respective professions. They shared these desires with Cody and Justin and now they would...
Alisha was up early Monday morning, and having finished breakfast and feeling really good, she was headed out to the ranch. Her cell phone rang. She looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was Brian Carter, a guy she met online a few years ago. Brian was from San Francisco and was an ex Navy Seal. They had chatted for a long time online and later met up a few times and had some really good sex. He had a really different cock. It was about 7 inches long and at least 3 inches in diameter....
As she was finishing up, her doorbell rang. When she opened the door, it was Connie, her neighbor, with Spartacus. “Alisha, darling, could you do me a big favor…..I have to go to Denver right now……..could you keep Spartacus for me till tomorrow about noon…….he really likes you.” Perverted thoughts crossed her mind as she told Connie, “I’d be more than happy to keep him for you, you know that……..I just love him.” Connie thanked her and handed the leash to Alisha as she ran to her car. ...
She had called the Forest Service office last week and set an appointment up with the Forest Supervisor in Monte Vista. She had heard about the two leases coming available and wanted to be the first to get in line to get them. If she could secure these, it would complete her plan for expansion. First, she had to go to the Coop and pick up the pallet of feed she had ordered. Perhaps she would have a chance to talk to Fred while she was there. She thought back to that afternoon with...
Bob and Alisha went home, both really excited and talking a mile a minute on the short drive. When they arrived at the house, Anne had arrived home, so they thought they had might as well, tell her now. Anne had always knew that Alisha would eventually go to the ranch and leave the practice. She had prepared herself for this day so it wasn’t any big deal to her. She told Alisha that since she had expertise with a few “special” patients, she would hope that Alisha would come help her when...
Jerry Reynold sat between an older man and a teenager who chewed loudly on a gum and blew bubbles. The subway car was packed with people and the stench of wet clothes and perfume mixed with the stale air. The train came into a station and Jerry looked for the name. Christ, he thought, I still have three more stops to go. He adjusted his position in the hard plastic seat and closed his eyes. Today was Friday, the end of another work week and the beginning of a shitty weekend. The only thing he...