My continuing journey
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Peggy Whitley was mildly irritated that Kyle wasn't at the airport to meet her when her flight came in from Orlando. When she thought about it riding home in the taxi though, she decided it was probably all for the better. Odd moments from the week just past kept coming back to her and she couldn't help but smile with remembered pleasure. It was best that Kyle not see those smiles. He would be suspicious.
Peggy was at peace with herself for the first time in... goodness... something like a year and a half. Ever since she'd heard from her Kyle and Ann about their encounter at that party, she'd needed to get even with her husband. She had briefly considered getting some revenge on Ann, but she hadn't been able to figure out a way to do that yet. Peggy hadn't discarded the idea; it was on the back burner awaiting an opportunity. But she'd finally gotten her revenge on Kyle. Whooeeee! Did she ever!
Peggy grinned to herself. Oooops. She wasn't grinning just to herself. The taxi driver was smiling back at her. Okay, lesson learned. Peggy knew she was going to have to watch herself more closely. It was going to be more difficult than she thought to keep this wonderful little ball of happy satisfaction bundled up inside her. It was best she find out how easy it was to let something slip now so she'd know and could correct her behavior.
She'd gotten him. She'd gotten Kyle... real... good. She reveled in that knowledge. It had taken so very long, but now it was done. Kyle had had sex outside the marriage. Now Peggy had too.
A disquieting thought came to her. Something inside her wondered how a week of sexual abandon equaled to a few seconds of illicit oral sex enjoyed by her husband. That was probably just an echo though... perhaps of something her husband had badgered her with for all those months? No, she wouldn't give in to that. She was secure in the knowledge she'd gotten even and... okay... she'd also collected a little interest on the debt in the process. So what? She was entitled. It had been a long time coming. The anxiety settled, she was happy again.
Peggy had been smart about what she was going to do this time. She hadn't made any plans that anyone could possibly know about. Harold, the man she'd met in Orlando, worked there in his company's regional center and contact with him had been something she would have done naturally in the course of arranging the training. They'd only met a few times while conducting their portions of the business relationships between their two firms. All but one of those had been before the trouble with Ann and Kyle even happened. She'd called him from a pay phone just a couple of times after the training had been scheduled... just often enough to give Harold a hint she wanted to get together with him when she came down.
She thought calling Harold from the plane was a masterful stroke. It had worked. Harold arrived at the airport practically panting with eagerness. The cost of the call, of course, was charged to the credit card Kyle didn't know about. She'd arranged for that after he'd told her so hatefully that he would see any charges she made to the couple's credit cards. She smiled to herself again. Face it. She was good! She had everything covered this time. She almost laughed out loud. Damn, she was really going to have to watch it.
It had felt so wonderful. Harold wasn't much of a lover, not nearly as good as Kyle in fact, and he didn't have Kyle's stamina... but that was okay. It had been soooo excitingly nasty just taking his dick in her mouth and making him cum. She hadn't done that with Kyle since... well, she didn't need to think of that anymore. The accounts were balanced on that little thing now. She could enjoy Kyle's cock in her mouth again.
Naughty. God, she'd felt so naughty all week long. Her blood had raced in her veins. She hadn't felt so alert and bright... so alive in years. Goodness, there were so many times in the last week she would treasure... such as the excitement she'd felt all day long in the seminars, watching the men and women around her and wondering how many were enjoying a little secret sex like she was.
Just seeing Harold every so often during the day was a little added spice. There was the thrill of tossing him kisses across the room when no one was looking and the anticipation of not-so-casual touches when they met for lunch. She giggled at the memory of the astonished, delighted look in his eyes in the nightclub when he saw she hadn't worn any panties. Those were wonderful little memories she could hold to herself and enjoy when she was alone.
All that was in addition to some moderately satisfactory sex back in her hotel room too. She let a small gurgle of laughter escape her lips. The driver smiled at her again. Peggy grinned back this time.
She remembered Thursday night. Mmmmmmm... Thursday night was a special memory. Harold had coaxed her out on the balcony and both of them had been naked as the day they were born. It had made her feel deliciously wicked. Harold had bent her over the railing, her tits dangling off into space while he fucked her from behind. She'd gotten off really hard that time. It had been one of the few times Harold actually made her orgasm with fireworks and bombshells and stuff. Kyle usually managed that once or twice every time they had sex. Harold had a problem with patience... yeah, that and stamina.
She regretted Harold hadn't been better in bed. She thought now she could have made a better choice of the instrument for her revenge. There was that guy in the same training seminar as she, for instance. He'd been from Arizona... Randy! That was his name, Randy. Now there was a man. He'd looked just scrumptious in his tailored business suit. She wondered what Randy would have looked like standing naked beside her bed. She wondered how big he was. That bulge in his pants when that Terri woman had smiled up at him in the first night's smoker... that had been something to see.
Suddenly Peggy knew this wasn't going to be the last time for her. She examined the idea for a moment. Kyle would never know--she'd see to that--and if he didn't know, it wouldn't hurt him. How could it? She thought about it for a while longer.
She'd be very, very careful. She would never make intricate plans to get together with a man. It would always have to be someone like Randy... someone she met by accident out and away from home. Yeah, that was the way to go--random encounters--at places where Kyle would never, ever be. He never suspect anything either, because he'd never see any signs of cheating that would give her away. She'd never have a long-term affair, she decided. They were too entangling, too complicated, and she didn't need to be involved with another man. Kyle was plenty, more than enough.
Peggy moved her lower body around in a tiny circle on the hot seat in the backseat of the taxi. It felt good. Some of the friction transferred to her pussy's outer lips. She did it again. It felt even better. It was another thing she shouldn't be doing. The driver might see her and know what she was doing. It was so naughty. She loved it.
Suddenly she wondered when her next trip out of town would be. She wondered who she would meet... who she would find there to... play with. Yeah, that's what she would call it--how she'd think of it. It was playing. It wasn't serious. She wondered what the man would look like, what he would smell like, how he would taste...
Her cell phone rang.
"Hello," she said cheerfully.
"Mrs. Whitely? This is Sam Macmillan"
"Hi, Sam, how're you today?" Peggy didn't like her boss, but she could put up with him today.
"Pretty good," Mr. Macmillan answered. He didn't ask how she was doing. "I'm going to get right to the point, Mrs. Whitely," he said. There was amusement in his voice... only a trace, but it was there. She could hear it.
"Okay," Peggy replied wonderingly.
"Yes, well... here it is, Mrs. Whitely," he said. "I've been asked to tell you that your employment with Bruckmeister and Son is being terminated for cause. Mr. Bruckmeister Junior wants me to inform you that you will be allowed to come into the business offices Monday morning to collect your severance check and clear out your desk anytime between the hours of 9:00 and 12:00 noon. Mr. Bruckmeister also said to tell you any questions you have would be answered at that time."
Thunderstruck, Peggy let a long silence build. The taxi driver watched the stricken expression spread over Peggy's attractive face. The woman's manner had changed so abruptly the driver kept a close watch for a while. He'd had several bad experiences with people whose attitude changed so abruptly in his back seat. Then he had a feeling he wasn't going to get a good tip from this fare. Glumly, he returned his attention to the street ahead.
"I... I don't understand," Peggy finally choked out. "Why... ?" That was all that came into her mind.
"I don't know, Mrs. Whitely," Mr. Macmillan said.
There was a ring of truth in his tone. He probably didn't know, Peggy decided, but he wasn't a bit upset about losing her from his section. She let her hand drop away from her mouth while she took a deep breath. When she was ready, she brought the phone back up.
"All right," she told her ex-supervisor. "I'll just have to wait until Monday then. Thank you for calling," she said. She touched the button to break the connection without waiting for his reply. She had that tiny satisfaction, that final bit of control over him.
Kyle's big pickup wasn't in the driveway when the taxi drew up at the curb. Peggy was irritated. Her husband should be here. He was her only solace now. He wouldn't care why she'd been discharged. He would comfort her and love her.
When she walked in the front door, she immediately knew something else was wrong with her day. The grandfather's clock that had stood against the long wall in the foyer since they'd bought the house was gone. The umbrella stand in the corner was missing too. When she walked into the living room, it was empty save for a few scraps of brown wrapping paper scattered here and there. The house was silent. A chill worked its way down her spine. The house felt abandoned... empty.
Her cell phone rang again. She looked at the display. It was Kyle.
"Kyle!" she said sharply. "Where are you? Where's all the furniture? What's going on, damn it?" Her voice rose the longer she spoke. She was angry, hurt... and a little scared. She didn't understand what was happening.
"I won't tell you where I am, Peggy," Kyle said calmly. He sounded tired, almost too fatigued to speak.
He was, in fact, laboring under a tremendous sense of weariness. It was partly physical. Getting a house full of furniture and personal possessions packed and loaded into a big U-Haul truck had been exhausting. Dealing with telling the kids had been accomplished surprisingly easy, but his own internal turmoil had been emotionally draining. He had been dreading this conversation, but he had it to do.
He'd hardly slept since Brad brought him the early pictures of Peggy's escapades the first night of her stay in Orlando. He hadn't been able to even close his eyes after viewing the DVD of her energetic fucking on the balcony. That had come in Friday, yesterday, morning. Brad's private investigator had access to a laptop that converted a digital camcorder's raw input into DVD-quality movies. The investigator had dumped the videos and a multitude of still photos into Brad's office server via a broadband connection. It was all in Kyle's briefcase now, locked away so Peggy's children wouldn't see it by accident.
Kyle and the kids had already been packed. The first pictures and video had been more than enough for Kyle. Thursday night's romp had just provided him and Brad with evidence that could be used in court. The night vision feature on the camcorder had captured the adulterous pair in a setting where they had no right to expect privacy. The other pictures and movies couldn't be used in any legal action since Peggy and Harold had been in Peggy's room. He had other uses for those photos and movies though.
When another of Brad's investigators had called to let him know Peggy had arrived at home, he simply dialed her cell number. He hadn't waited for procrastination to set in. He needed to get this over with. Maybe he could sleep tonight if he got everything off his chest.
"What? Why can't you tell me where you are?" Peggy demanded.
"I didn't say I couldn't, Peg," Kyle said patiently. "I said I wouldn't."
"Kyle Whitely... I don't know what you think you're doing... but you better start telling me what's going on or I'm going to..."
"Going to what, Peggy?" Kyle asked sharply. "Haven't you got it yet? I told you... I've told you over and over if you fucked another man to get even with me because of that bullshit idea that I cheated on you... I told you I'd leave you Peggy. I told you, and I've done it."
Peggy was stunned. In an afternoon of surprises, this was the most catastrophic.
"Kyle..." she replied in a broken voice. "Honey, I haven't..."
"Save it, Peggy," Kyle said brusquely. "You can see why I've left. What more is there to say?"
"What? See what? I don't know what you're talking about," Peggy protested. She was confused.
"Have you been in the den?" Kyle asked.
"Go there," Kyle ordered. Resentfully, Peggy walked down the short corridor to the back of the house and into the extra bedroom they'd converted into a study. When she got there, she understood.
A huge, blown up photograph was propped up on the mantle over the fireplace. It had a greenish tinge to it, the colors were all washed out, but it clearly showed her and Harold out on the hotel balcony. They were naked, rutting like animals while she howled her ecstasy to the moon.
Peggy sank to the floor. Her legs wouldn't support her any longer. She sat there, her legs tucked under her. The picture mesmerized her... it held her as completely enthralled as a rattlesnake about to strike would have. Something deep inside her told her the photo represented the end of everything.
"Kyle," she said thickly. Her mouth wasn't working right.
"Don't bother, Peggy," Kyle said. "Now you see? Now you know why the house is empty. Now you know why the kids and I aren't there, don't you?"
"Where are my babies?" she demanded. "You can't take my babies away from me," she screamed. Kyle heard the nearly hysterical tone in her voice.
"Calm down, Peggy," he advised. "I already have taken them away from you... though it would be more correct to say you took them away from yourself. It's already happened. You're going to have to live with it, so get a grip on yourself and I'll tell you how things are going to be." He'd mentioned the kids, expecting to get this reaction from his soon-to-be ex-wife, so he could tell her what he had to say next.
"Mandy and Todd are fine, Peggy," he told her. "Actually, they're in better shape than I am," he admitted. "They didn't have too much trouble accepting the fact that they were going to live with me and that you weren't going to be there anymore. You've done such a fine job of pushing them away for the past year that they weren't troubled by the thought of not seeing you, Peggy. You didn't see it coming, but I did."
"NO!" Peggy wailed. "You can't do that."
"I already did," Kyle said simply. "You already did," he added. "Now settle down and listen to what I'm going to tell you." He waited for a long moment.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Don't I have anything to say about this?" Peggy said in a hurt tone.
"No, you don't," Kyle replied. "For the first time in your life Peggy, all you can do is deal with the consequences of what you've done... what you've done to yourself, to your husband and children, and to your marriage." Kyle took a deep breath.
"It's too bad, Peggy," he said softly. "If you hadn't been so obsessed with getting even with me, we could have worked out almost anything. I was sure as hell willing. But you wouldn't have this any other way. You just had to have your revenge... and for what?
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Hello people… I’m back after a long time with a new experience that I had with my maternal cousin. Kindly read my previous stories as well. However, this experience is not linked to it at all. So now coming to the present experience, it took place 2 months back between me(Kartavya) and my maternal cousin Shruti. Talking about me, I’m an average looking guy, 5’8” tall, athletic built, wheatish complexion, and talking about Shruti, she’s about 5’5” tall, fair with a figure of 34-28-32 and she...
IncestMonday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The last few chapters have featured Savannah more than she deserved. Despite all the words I've written about her, I really only spent a few minutes talking to her. I spent longer talking to some of the other individual girls, but they were generally straightforward and honest, so needed little comment here. They'd come here to meet me, were happy to be in my company, and were perfectly happy to make no pretense about it. The sight of my body in its...
BASED ON TRUE STORY: From a few years back ago I was a simple Whiteboi with a girlfriend. By that time I called myself a man because i lost my virginity with a girl and braged about it to all my friends. She kept it all quiet for herself, and by then I didn't know why. As a normal Whiteboi always does, is watching porn. I watched all the Blacked clips there was on all pornsites. I loved when girls cheated on their boyfriends and sucked BBC. I only took it as a fantasy and watched the beauty of...
Tina’s turn: Kathy’s in her stroller. I like walking out in the sunshine, even though it’s late summer and still way hot, but I absolutely must be here, standing outside the airfield office. It’s not just Kathy and me, either. We have just about everybody. Alan’s here. Jason and Susan and little JW. Dana and Ed. Dan 2.0 and Nikki. This is THE aviation event of the year. Wally’s biggest, newest Air Tractor is over there on the apron in front of the big hangar, its five-bladed prop spinning...
I woke up alone. I think it had been the clattering of a helicopter that had disturbed me. The sun was filtering through the drawn curtains of my suite and I lay between silk sheets and remembered the previous evening. My hand moved without my consciously directing it to my pussy where, as my legs spread, I stroked myself languidly. Mira’s smell was all around me and there were still damp patches on the sheets as evidence of our lovemaking. I lifted my knees and my finger slid into me, stroking...
Lesbiani waited. i hoped she would call, i wanted to be used, i wanted to please her, i wanted to feel dirty when she was done with me. She knew all of this and knew how to do it well. She knew exactly what she wanted, and that turned me on to no end.The phone rang, my heart skipped a beat and my cock squirmed a bit in my pants. It was her. i answered, "Hello Mistress.""Tell me bitch boy, do your fuck holes need attention?""Yes Mistress, very much so Mistress.""Bring them to me.""Yes Mistress, on...
Disclaimer. I'm extremely into anal and free use so my stories will practically always involve them as well as rough/abusive sex , humiliation and demeaning of women, if that's not your cup of tea, give this story a pass. So I caved in, after hearing everyone gush about the VR Sim that just got released, I decided to finally give the thing a go. I made my way to the nearest Sim Center, paid the fee, climbed into one of the chambers, plugged myself in and got to see what all the fuss was...
FetishFirst let me describe myself, I am 19, I am 5'5" have 34D and weigh 120lbs. So it was the first time I was going to meet my cousin who was visiting from Arizona. He is half a year younger than me and I wasn't all that excited to go to my uncles to see him. I arrived and walked to the backyard where everyone was and I said hi to everyone I knew then I was introduced to HIM!! I saw him in his swimming trunks and his wet body and I immediately became wet. He had an amazing body with a six pack...
IncestThe flight from Tulsa to Denver was a short one, about an hour. We spent more time going through check-in and security than we did in the air. Neither Vonda nor Pyx had ever flown before. They were both excited at the prospect; and not the least bit afraid, like I had feared. The flight was about a fourth full, that allowed them to sit where they wished. They both were glued to the windows, watching the take off, the land fall away, and the clouds float by. When we came in for a landing, and...
PART 2 It’s been two years since Nom Anor’s death and Trixie’s capture and Coruscant is slowly bringing in most of it’s popular merchants. Lucius had gotten over what happened on Myrkr but it still tore at his heart like a fish hook causing him to awaken with a start. Throwing on his tan and black robe Lucius went to brush his teeth and shave. Seven minutes later he went to the living room in his apartment and put on his tan and black tunic and white training boots the orange sun shoe...
1993 I was in a good mood when I got home. Newt and the Republican Party would have done the Contract with America whether I had recycled or not, but with me involved we had a chance of toning down the harsher aspects to it. I was already pushing to keep most of the ‘family values’ crap out of it. That was a sideshow that always sidetracked the Party and played into the hands of the Democrats. My good mood broke when I got home. Bucky was staying with us, and while I really like my...
We needed to move due to Elaine's job as a reception class teacher and rented a flat in Birmingham city centre. It was not the best block of flats or the best area, but as we had to move quickly it was all that was available. Elaine started work the following week. I had bumped into a couple of the people living in neighbouring flats and I got chatting with a 60 something guy from the flat below named Lenny. He was unemployed divorced and seemed lonely. I started to pop into his place for...
When I was smaller than my current five foot and maybe one inch I used to have an eagle-eyed Sindy doll. If I remember correctly, which is very unlikely, she'd gouged her eagle-eyes from a Special Boat Service Action Man (GI Joe) that she'd been carrying on with on the side. Now most Sindys were middle class housewives in waiting but not mine. Oh no. Mine was a white trash council house gold digger who with her eagle-eyes could spot a slut-whore outfit up to a thousand feet away across a...
HumorIt was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery.One night, I visited my best mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...
Gay MaleYou've always been happy to have gotten all the latest game systems before anyone else you knew, or that they knew, for that matter. But when your local Best Buy offered a special super-limited, one of a kind game system, you HAD to have it! You looked with pity at everyone camping outside for the chance to push past each other to get it. You, however, had played too much Splinter Cell to do that. Instead, you go in through the back way, using the employee uniform you borrowed from a friend who...
I warn every small 5inch white boy out there, if you do it one time you are done and eventually will become addicted to big nice cock sliding in youeven if you think it coudnt be done to you, it might just happen, because big cocks needs small tight holes and small cock boys have 2 pretty holes for big cocks love even if you think that friend with a gf coudnt want to fuck you, the truth is, big cocks love to fuck and get into a warm mouthi was in a party drunk having fun and got wasted , he was...
The girl likes going to church and listening to Father K, but this time she wants more and stares at the priest. Father K's glance at the girl is longer than it should have been. After a few moments he quickly turns away from the girl's eyes. The girl looks back at him, at his long black gown, his face, his lips. Father K lets himself feel the pleasure of the situation, the pleasure of being watched by a vulnerable creature, something he does not normally do. He waits for the congregation to...
SpankingAfter tasting the sex of her neighbour, she knew she wanted more, she loved the danger of being caught, and also of being taken, she wondered who else she could may be get to satisfy her need. Coming out of the shower she realised the window cleaner was busy at the bedroom window, he was no looker and she reckoned quite a bit older, but she wanted, needed to be used and fuked, so she just let her towel drop pretending not to notice him she stood in front of the mirror looking at her body,...
Gathered around the solid oak oval table, Pat D addresses his most senior members. Pat didn't like the idea of one of the crew thinking he was above the rest so he just called them members. The grandfather clock, standing in the corner with its pendulum swinging, was the only sound in the room. The uncomfortable silence, and eerie ticking from the clock, blanketed the air with an oppressive atmosphere. Looking at each other across the table, the members knew that when Pat was silenced in...
Everyone, by now, has a plate of cake and is moaning with pleasure as they dig in. They all eat in front of me, but one guest apologizes and says that the cake is too rich, that she can’t finish. She goes to throw it away, but J tells her to throw it away on me. ‘Don’t put it in her mouth,’ He tells her, ‘but you can put it in her cunt or up her ass, or just smear it on her. Don’t worry about making a mess. Krys is going to clean everything up when we are all finished with her.’
First time cumI was an only son. When I was young my parents split up. There was a lot of acrimony and court cases and things so my Mum sent me to stay with my aunt whilst things were sorted out. My aunt had a son who was a couple of years younger than me. Her husband, my uncle, was the Captain of a small cargo ship and was away a lot, so I was good company for her son. I got on well with my cousin and we did a lot of things together. At the end of a busy day we would share a bath before going...
Friday Night and Saturday Morning As I sat astride Bucephalus, I tried visualizing it; galloping out of the darkness astride a huge, jet black gelding, remembering my riding lessons of years gone by, keeping my seat, steering the stampeding horse with my legs and the one hand I'd have free for the reins, holding the blazing highway flare so it's sparks wouldn't burn me or the horse. And all I could think of was The Charge of the Light Brigade. You know! "Half a league, half a league,...
I couldn't believe that I was going to old Rob's to ask for a job, but the factory had a big layoff and I had to have some kind of income. Old Rob was about seventy and owned the biggest produce farm in Western Tn. I dealt with his son, Elliot, who was about forty, as he was a horse trader and so was I to an extent. The old man was a total bastard to deal with but Elliot told me that since I spoke Spanish well, that I needed to ask the old man for a job. Elliot figured he'd pay me more as I...
Group SexAs I watched the house, the shields on it flared. Something was going on inside! Some sort of powerful spell being performed, and the protective shields of the house could barely contain it! Whatever it was, I was now doubly glad I had thought to 'spell up' as I had. I concentrated a moment, and my cloak and staff arrived with a slight popping sound of displaced air. I got out, and put my cloak on and grabbed my staff. I quickly ran up the drive to the house. As I got there, a sustained...
Teri"Going over Dawn's today?" Aunt Denise asks without looking up from the newest Uncle Henry's classifieds. The overhead kitchen bulb shimmers in her teacup and burnishes her auburn topknot. Framed in the window is one of those typical maritime days when cotton bales of fog ghost the peninsula, monopolizing the air with their wetsuit chill. "No, she's got a dentist appointment in Brunswick." And yesterday's sun packed its bags and followed her, proving it must be a male. I zip the heather...
TeenI had spent some time on Xhamsters, but no-one wanted a 75 year old sex starved man, and I was beginning to wonder if it was all worth the effort hiding from my frigid wife. Then along came a 68 year old lady with similar problems, i.e. no sex since her husband had been stricken with MS some years ago, and could no longer perform.So we chatted for a while and agreed to meet up in a local seedy hotel – not that I wanted anything seedy, more it would shield us from prying eyes. It was a bit...