Obsession, Lust & Perversion - Chapters 12, 13, 14 free porn video

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It took about an hour to get back to Alamosa, Cody woke up as they pulled into the garage. They all got out and went in and went to the showers to completely clean themselves up. When they were all spic n span again, they went to the kitchen and Alisha fixed grilled cheese sandwiches. They all talked about the experience.

Cody asked, “should I tell Justin…..or not.” Alisha told her that she would keep it between the three of them for the time being, till they could figure out what Justin would think about it. It had to be a secret for now. Cody agreed and said she wouldn’t mention it to him. When dinner was finished, Justin arrived and the four of them sat in the living room talking about their engagement.

Justin told Alisha that he had been out at the ranch checking on the hands and seeing that everything was ok. He had seen Anne leaving as he drove in. He told her that it was odd that she was leaving the ranch that late. Alisha knew it was out of character for Anne, she was going to have check this out a little closer and see if she was meeting another man……..

Cody and Justin went off to the guest bedroom. Alisha looked troubled and Colin was concerned about her. “What’s up Alisha, you look like you have a problem.” Colin said to her.

Alisha told Colin what her dad had suspected and then she told him about the little things that had been going on. “I just need to get to the bottom of this, just to know.” Colin told her he supported her and asked her what she was going to do.

“Colin, I’m going out and see if I can find her vehicle. I just have to know what’s going on.” Colin told her he would go with her to give her moral support, if nothing else. They got in Alisha’s truck and went to the ranch to see if her vehicle was there. She found that it was not at the ranch and it was after 10 pm. Alisha went back to town and began cruising the bars and motels. After about an hour, she found Anne’s car at the Inn of the Rio Grande.

“This can’t be what I think it is. Colin, can I get one of your demo’s from the dealership. I need a vehicle that Mom won’t notice…..I’m going to park here and see what happens.” Colin told her to drive out to his office and he would get her the key to one of the demos. Within 15 minutes they were back in the Inn’s parking lot in a new Ford Edge, sitting a short distance from Anne’s car. They sat there for over two hours, it was approaching 2 am and Alisha was tiring of sitting. Colin had dozed off and was quietly snoring. Then Alisha saw it. Anne came out of the hotel with someone else. Alisha had parked in a dark area of the lot and couldn’t be seen. Anne got to her car and unlocked the door. Alisha watched as her Mom put her arms around this guy and kissed him……it lasted for a minute or longer. She got in her car and left.

Alisha watched as the guy walked across the lot and got in a truck and drove away. She followed. “Colin, that vehicle has a Town and Country sticker on the tail gate, can you find out who it belongs to?”

He strained to see the license number on it, “Get me closer so I can get the license number and I’ll figure it out for you.” Alisha punched the edge and got up very close behind the truck at a stop light. Colin got the license number and told her, “now I can get the name for you.” Alisha backed off some and followed the truck till it pulled in a driveway and the driver went inside. She cruised on by and they went to Colin’s office.

Colin sat down and booted his computer, entered some data and sat back and waited for it to compute. The truck was owned by David Lee. Alisha recognized the name as a professor from Adams State…..a PhD. Well now that she had the information she needed, what does she do with it? She and Colin went home and went to bed. Alisha was much too troubled to make love tonight, and Colin understood. She laid there till almost 5 am, not sleeping, running it all over and over in her head. She woke up at about 8 and went to the kitchen to make coffee.

In Alisha’s practical mind she could justify her Mom’s affair. Anne had been married to her Dad at a young age, attended a lot of school and the pursuit of her career had filled her life for a long time. She had never taken the time to just have fun or have a wild sex weekend or anything like that, it was always business first and family. Alisha decided to just let it go for now and only observe….but most important thing , she would keep it to herself.

In a short while Cody and Justin emerged. They were both all smiles, presumably they had wild sex all night long. “Good morning, Sis. We came looking for you guys last night to swap for a while, but couldn’t find you anywhere…….where did you guys go?”

“Colin needed to do something at the office, so she decided to go with him and keep him company………sorry, maybe we swap some other time.” Alisha replied, “I need to go out to the office for about an hour today and do a couple of things, what are you guys going to do today?”

“Not much,” Cody said, “I have to go up to Creede and meet a couple of friends for lunch, just visit and catch up on each other……then come back down and go over to Justin’s.”

Justin told Alisha that he was going out to the ranch and check on the guys and make sure they weren’t having any problems. There were only two guys working today as the calving had slowed considerably. “I have several pages of data input for you, too…..I’ll drop them by your office before I leave.” he told her. Alisha also wanted to just drop in on her Mom and visit a little. She hadn’t just sat and talked with her for a while.
When she got to the ranch, Alisha stopped at her parent’s house, to have a cup of coffee and visit with her Mom. Anne appeared to be in an extraordinarily good mood this morning. She was having breakfast and asked if Alisha wanted any. She told her she would have some toast and jam with her coffee.

They talked for almost an hour. Alisha asked her if she had heard from Bob. Anne told her that she had a message on the phone when she got home last night.

Alisha played dumb, “You were out last night?” she asked.

“Oh yes, I had dinner with an old friend last night and got home about 10.”

Alisha knew this was a lie, but played along. “Who was the friend?” she asked.

“It was an old girlfriend from college that was passing through town.”
“Oh,” said Alisha, “that’s nice….did you have a good visit?”

“Oh my yes, we talked and talked and talked, it was so nice to see her.”

Alisha decided to just play it cool. “Well, Mom, what do you think about Cody’s news?”

“I just think it’s wonderful, he is such a nice young man. I can’t believe both of my babies are getting married, how fast you two have grown up, it seems like yesterday you two were both playing around on the floor….I just don’t know where time goes. One day you’re young and have your whole life in front of you……then all of a sudden you’re old and ugly with not a lot to look forward to…..I guess I’m just being cynical.” she said.

“Oh, Mom, you’re not old and you’re definitely not ugly and there is a lot to look forward to, why, you and Dad are at a place you can go anywhere and enjoy yourselves, heck, you should have went to Vegas with him and had some fun…..in and out of the room…..he he he.” She laughingly said.

Her Mom blushed and said, “Oh…. Alisha………I’m too old for that.”

Alisha grinned at her and said, “Mom, you’re never too old for that, I think I’ll be very active till I die……if not…..I’m going to be sadly disappointed .”

“I used to feel that way, Alisha my dear, but I just never had time, there were so many things to be done and not enough time.”

Alisha laughed and said, “Mom, I always make time……….sex is the most wonderful feeling a woman can have, especially when you have a good man to share it with. I can just never get enough.” Alisha could tell her Mom was somewhere else all of a sudden. “Well, I have to go to the office and do some work, so I’d better get going……..so I can get finished and go home and have some fun,” she laughingly said.

Anne grinned, blushed and said, “Oooooooh Alisha……….”

Alisha left laughing and went to the office.

Anne filled her coffee cup and sat down. Her mind wandered back to last night. She thought, “If Alisha knew what I was doing last night she’d never speak to me again.” Her breathing became deep as she remembered the feeling of David’s huge cock buried deep within her wet pussy. He was such a good lover and made her feel young again. She remembered back to last fall when she had gone over to Adams as a guest lecturer in his class. He recognized her high stature in her profession and wanted to give his students some practical insight to the career they were pursuing. After the class, he had some time and asked her if she would like to go over to the Campus Café and have a cup of coffee and talk, he’d like to get to know her better. The conversation was so stimulating and he was such an interesting man……smart, worldly and very handsome. When he talked of his travels and experiences, she hung on his every word, beginning to fantasize touching his chest and broad shoulders. She watched his lips move and imagined them pressed to hers as his hands felt her body all over. He had seen her detached look and asked her if she was alright. She snapped back to the present and told him she was fine and to please continue. He had a class soon and she had a patient appointment, so they politely said good bye and went their separate ways.

About a week later, he called her and asked her if she would like to go to lunch with him, which she eagerly accepted. She had fantasized being with him in a motel, ravaging her naked body. Anne had a great body, just like her two daughters. She was in her mid 50’s and really a striking beautiful woman, however she felt her age made her not attractive any longer. She worked out two days a week at Curves and kept herself in really good shape. Now, she thought, a man finds me attractive. It made her wet and hot between her legs again, something she hadn’t felt for some time. She and David went to lunch at a little restaurant on 6th Street. It was quaint and usually not very busy. They talked and laughed over their lunch. When they finished, they both had a refill of iced tea and sat talking. Anne was fantasizing again and she could tell that David had a look in his eyes that she recognized……..lust. He was a little serious and asked her, “Would you consider going out with me some evening, maybe go have a dinner and drinks?” She took a deep breath and looked down at the table, a little embarrassed. She thought for a moment, and nervously looked back at him. “I would love to,” she said.

A smile came over David’s face as he asked her, “When would you be free?”

She knew that Bob would be out of town the following Friday and that would be a perfect time. “How about next Friday?” she said.

“That would be perfect, my wife is out of town for the next two weeks and I’m totally free.” he said with anticipation in his voice.

Anne was feeling a definite wetness between her legs as she sat there. She was happy that another man found her attractive enough to want to go out with her……and she felt he wanted her body also. She definitely would not stop him from taking her if he tried, she knew that.

They left the restaurant and went back to their daily routines. Her phone rang about two hours later, it was David and he asked her what time she would like to go out on Friday. She told him she would meet him in the parking lot out at the airport, she felt she could leave her car there and no one would notice it. He told her he would be there at 7 and he was looking forward to it. He told her that they could go up to South Fork for dinner and go from there. She was eager for the rest of the week to pass……she had this wanting feeling deep inside her and she felt she wanted it satisfied. That was the first of many times they would meet.

She snapped back to reality and continued remembering the night before. David was laying on top of her, sliding in and out of her slowly. His huge cock, it was at least 10inches long and 3 inches across, was in full contact and rubbing her engorged clit on every stroke, and his big mushroom head was contacting her G spot every stroke also…… She had orgasmed three times so far and was working on another one. Anne, like her daughters, was always capable of multiple orgasms and she took good advantage of it whenever she could.

Anne had beautiful breasts, 36 D’s with large nipples and a dark areolas an inch in diameter. David had been nibbling on them and flicking them with his tongue. He pulled out of her, got off the bed and took her hands, leading her to the couch. He sat down and had her sit on his hard cock with her back to him. His legs were close together, hers were spread across his. As she moved up and down his hands wandered from her tight waist up to cupping her beautiful breasts.

Anne was remembering his tender touch, her eyes were closed as she put her hand down between her legs and rubbed her crotch slowly up and down. Her mind went back to the night before…………she felt his cock begin to enlarge and felt it throb and pulse as he spewed his hot semen deep into her.

She was right at the edge and immediately began to cum herself, her hot juices running out of her and down on his balls. She remembered how he hadn’t gotten soft and lifted her off his cock and bent her over the table in the room and slid back inside her and began the cycle all over again. She came many times and felt so good.

Back in the present, she felt that her jeans had become completely soaked. She got up and went to her bedroom and took them off, her panties were also soaked………she pulled then down and let them fall, lying back on the bed rubbing her clit with one hand and inserting three fingers into her hot wet cunt. In a few minutes she had reached that place of bliss and pleasure as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

Meanwhile, Alisha had gotten to the office and began to enter more data into the computer. She was very close to having all the records complete. She saw Justin’s truck pull up in front of the office. As he got out she looked at his great body, she was feeling a little horny and hoped he would give her a good fucking while he was here. It’s not every woman that gets to share her man with her sister and get her sister’s man too…….pretty kinky, but great.

Justin came in with more records he had picked up from the guys on today’s shift. He laid them on her desk and sat down across from her. “Well, what’s up Alisha….you haven’t been yourself since last night?” he asked her.

She looked at him, asking herself if she wanted to share her suspicions with him. “Well, Justin, I think mom is fucking someone besides dad…..and I think it’s been going on for a while. That’s where we went last night, to see if we could find her. I saw her with a professor from the university, they were coming out of the Inn of the Rio Grande at 2 am.”

“So what,” he said, “she deserves a life too doesn’t she. Geez, what do you think she would think about our swapping partners?” he told her.

“Well, when you put it like that, it is her life, just like our lives are ours to do what we please with.” Alisha reasoned.

“Will you promise not to get pissed if I tell you something, Alisha?” he said to her.

“Justin, we’re the best of friends and I feel like we can talk frankly to each other about anything, without anyone getting pissed…..sure you can tell me.” she said to him.

“Well, Alisha, I fucked your Mom when I first went to work here…..before I knew you and Cody. She was out riding one day, up by the lake where I first met you. I stopped and talked to her and before we knew it, we were naked in the grass fucking like a couple of high school kids. I know where you and Cody get your bodies and looks from, she is beautiful from head to toe and one of the hottest women I’ve ever been with.”

Alisha grinned from ear to ear, “Why, you dog you,” she giggled, “you’ve fucked all the Moore women, you cad you.” she teased him. “Well, I know Dad goes out to Vegas a couple of times a year. There’s this twenty something escort out there he bangs the whole time he is there. I guess as long as they are happy, what the fuck. Speaking of fuck, would you like to give me a quickie while you’re here, I’m kinda horny.”

Justin smiled wide, stood up and unbuckled his jeans, “Why don’t you must bend over the desk and lets get it on, I’m ready!” he said as his hard cock jumped out of his underwear.”

Alisha got up and locked the door and closed the curtains. She pulled her jeans and panties down around her ankles and laid forward over her desk. That was all of the invitation Justin needed, he walked up behind her and slid his throbbing cock deep inside her, then gave her a fantastic fucking. It was only about 5 minutes till they both dropped their rocks and felt total satisfaction. They pulled up their underwear and jeans, unlocked the door and opened the curtains, then sat down and talked some more.

“WOW,” Alisha said, “that was great……you’re fantastic Justin, thank you. I wish I had a little more time and we’d get it on for an hour or two.” We’re going to have to all get together soon and have a fuck night…I really like having sex with you.

Justin smiled, “You ain’t so damn bad yourself, Alisha. I love the way you take my cock and the way your pussy milks it when I’m cumming…….I’ve never been with any woman that can do that….it feels fantastic.”

“Have you guys thought about when you’re getting married yet?” she asked him.

“Not yet, we haven’t thought about it.” he told her

“Heck, maybe we should have a double wedding……hell, we could have a double honeymoon too…….now that would be kinky.” she told him.

Justin smiled and scratched his chin, “You know, that would be really fun……get one room with two king sized beds………..musical beds.” He laughed

Alisha was smiling, thinking that might just be one hell of a honeymoon…..all of them in one room. She was kidding at first, but the more she thought about it……..she is going to bring this up to Colin and Cody and see what they think.

Alisha and Justin both feel really good after the little office break. Justin has to go meet Cody and Alisha needs to finish her computer work. When she finishes, she gets in her truck and starts home. About two miles down the county road she passes the truck she saw last night headed toward the ranch. Alisha sees the driver and it is David Lee. She decided to go by and see how construction is going on the new house.

She decides to waste about a half hour, then go back to her parents house. When she gets to the building site, she is really surprised, the outside looks finished. She parks and goes in. As she walks through the house, she is very impressed and surprised how far along it is. Every room she goes through she falls in love with. If Melvin continues at this rate, it will be finished within the month. She will have to come out and talk with Melvin next week and see what his thinking is.

She looks at her watch, about 40 minutes have passed, it’s time to go back and see what she can see. In her mind she hopes that her Mom is having a good time, she deserves it. When she drives up to the house, she sees the truck parked out front. She gets out and goes into the house, like she always does. When she is inside the house is quiet, no one in sight. She nonchalantly walked into the kitchen and got a glass of tea from the refrigerator. She quietly calls for her Mom….hearing nothing she wanders back to the entry hall and calls for her Mom again……still nothing. She hears something faintly in the living room, so she walks that way. The closer she gets the louder it gets, it’s her mom and she sounds out of breath.

As Alisha walks into the living room she sees her Mom bent over the back of the couch, with David behind her fucking her like there was no tomorrow. Alisha looks at Anne’s body, she is beautiful, she thinks to herself…..for a fifty year old woman she isn’t bad. Anne’s eyes are rolled back in her head and she is breathing like she just ran from the barn to the house. David has hold of her hips and is pulling her on and off of his big cock.

Anne opens her eyes momentarily and sees Alisha standing there. She had a look of terror on her face when she saw her. David was still pounding his cock into her and hadn’t seen Alisha yet. He noticed that Anne was moving differently and opened his eyes……..he then saw Alisha. Surprised, he pulled out of Anne. Alisha couldn’t take her eyes off of his 11 inch cock, glistening with Anne’s juices coating it.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t…………….” she said as her Mom stood up, trying to cover herself.

“Oh Alisha, I’m the one who’s sorry, I know what this must look like, but, I didn’t expect you to come back………” Anne was pleading, still trying to cover herself up.

Alisha’s gaze drifted back to David’s shinning cock. She took a drink of her tea and sat down. “Professor,” she said, “cover up your tool and Mom, compose yourself. I have to say I was somewhat shocked when I just came in, but you know, you two are adults and I presume you know what you’re doing, so who am I to judge, hell I’ve screwed a married man before too, Mom. So, please, go back to what you were doing, and I’m going to go home and screw my fiance. Mom, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She turned and started for the door. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned it was Anne, standing there naked. “Alisha, I am so sorry….” she started. Alisha cut her off, “Mom, I want you to be happy, if this makes you happy, more power to you……hell, looking at his cock, I might just join you,” she laughed. Anne, sensing that Alisha approved, thanked her for being open minded and not condemning her. “Are you going to say anything to Bob?” she asked.

“No, Mom, this is your business, if you want to get laid, go for it. If Professor Lee floats your boat, do it. Mom, you’d die if you knew all the men I’ve fucked, you know about a lot of them. Like I’ve always said, if it feels good, do it.” Anne hugged Alisha and thanked her for understanding. Alisha stood back and looked at Anne’s naked body. “Mom, I must tell you, you are one hot woman, I don’t care what you think. I look at you and I see me…….I love you Mom, you and David go have some fun, I’m going home, talk to you tomorrow.”

As she drove away, a thin smile came across her lips. “I hope she enjoys fucking as much as I do, she deserves it. She pulled into her driveway and went inside……and there was Colin, sitting on the couch with a hard on.

“Come in Alisha, I’ve been waiting for you, you beautiful piece of ass, I love you and I’m in dire need of you.” he said as she came toward him.

“Well my o my, you long dicked man of mine, I think I’ve got just what the doctor ordered for you.” She walked toward him taking her clothes off, dropping them to the floor and smiling wide. “Would you like the pleasure of my face lips or would you like the pleasure of my pussy lips? The choice is yours,” she said as she presented her naked body to him..

He was enjoying the eye candy and said………..“BOTH, PLEASE !”
Alisha went to her knees in front of him and took his hard cock down her throat. Colin loved it when she deep throated him. She held it there for a minute, enjoying feeling it jerk and swell. She slid her mouth off his hard cock and began to lick it like a lollipop, watching drops of pre-cum pop from the dick slit, and removing them with her tongue. Colin had laid back enjoying the pleasure that Alisha was bestowing on him. He thought, “I’ll let her get the cum she wants, then I’ll go down on her and get her cum in my mouth, she is so tasty.”

She worked his cock over with here succulent lips till he gave her his gift. As he released his flood of sweet cum, she put her index finger up his ass and massaged his prostate. This is a feeling like no other, he thought, my Alisha is so talented on so many fronts. She took all the cum he released and swallowed it like candy. She caressed his cock and balls for a few minutes, licking the remaining beads of cum that emerged from the end.

Once she had him hard again, she straddled his erect cock and sat slowly down on it till she felt his balls against her perfect ass. She did a slow grind on Colin, him holding her waist and caressing her nipples. Her hands and arms were resting on his chest supporting her as she pumped long, slow strokes on his manhood. After a full hour of grinding, kissing, feeling and caressing, they both had extraordinary orgasms that were so powerful the earth shook under them. They both were suspended in a flurry of orgasmic eruptions that they felt for what seemed like hours. They collapsed in each others arms, exhausted and fell into a deep sleep, not to awake until early the next morning.

When they awoke the next morning, Alisha kissed Colin and told him she loved him. She got off of him and they went to the shower and prepared for the day. At breakfast, Alisha asked Colin what he thought about having a double wedding with Justin and Cody. He smiled wide and told her he was all for it. The four of them could have a really good time together, he thought. Alisha said she thought they could really have a good time if they took a double honeymoon. Colin liked that idea. Alisha told him that she had discussed it with Justin when he dropped off the cow data yesterday.

“I was going to see what you thought about it when I got home last night, but, you distracted me, rather pleasurably I might say. He smiled and told her that if Cody was willing, they should get together and discuss it. They both had a lot to do this week, so when they finished breakfast, they went to their work.

When Alisha got to the office the next morning, Anne’s car was parked out front. She and Alisha hugged when Alisha went into the office.

“I just had to come talk to you before I went into town. I think I owe you an explanation.” Anne timidly told her. It’s not that I don’t love Bob, because I do……I do very much. It’s just that our sex desires have gone different directions. I don’t love David…. he is just a fuck buddy. He still loves his wife, but she doesn’t put out either. We met when I did a guest lecture for his class. We had coffee together after the class and one thing led to another and we were in bed together. Alisha, I need intimate sex, someone who takes his time with me and is conscious of my needs. Your Dad doesn’t give it to me that way…….he is always in a hurry or tired……I hope you understand, nothing will change as far as our family is concerned, I promise you.”

Alisha listened, understanding the whole thing. “Mom, you know I’m a really sexual woman, I crave it, I crave the intimacy from the man I’m with. I know what you are talking about, just don’t worry, I will not mention this to a living soul, it’s our secret and if you continue with it, it’s fine, you can even use me for an excuse. I just want you to be happy Mom, whatever it takes.”

“I know how close you and your Dad are, Alisha, and I didn’t know what you were thinking when you left yesterday, so I had to talk to you before Bob returns. By the way dear, I know what he does in Vegas, I’ve known for a long time. It’s what he needs and I won’t deny him his fun, I know he won’t leave me either because, he does love me, I know that.”

Alisha and Anne hugged and Anne went on to work. Alisha smiled and continued her data input. She finished her computer work and decided to go out and ride through the cattle, it is such a beautiful day. She rode through all the cows and watched the calves running and playing. She loved the animals and she loved this ranch, it means more to her than anything on this earth. The ranch simply is her life. Jack is enjoying the ride too. When his owner is with him, it makes his day. No one else on this ranch means anything to Jack, he is truly Alisha’s horse. Alisha spurs him into a full gallop. She is laying down close to his neck as they fly across the meadows, moving as one….one might say, poetry in motion.

Justin is in one of the pastures checking the cows and see’s Alisha and Jack flying across the meadow. He smiles and shakes his head. He can’t help but notice how smoothly they move together. He goes back to his work. As they approach a fence Alisha keeps Jack running full out. When he gets to it Jack jumps the fence, clearing it by at least three feet. He lands safely on the other side and continues running toward the barn. It’s a great afternoon.

When they get back to the barn, one of the hands takes Jack to cool him out, unsaddle him and groom him. As she walks back to the office she sees Cody standing out front. She is happy and tells Alisha that Justin had mentioned to her about a double wedding. “I’m so happy that you want to do this…..Can we all go on a double honeymoon too? That would be fucking great as far as I’m concerned.”

Alisha smiled and told her that she and Justin should come over and they could make plans. The girls decided they would get together about six and go out to eat. They decide they will talk it out over dinner. They go into the office and continue their conversation. Cody asks her if she knows if there is anything wrong with their Mom. Of course Alisha promised Anne she wouldn’t tell anyone and she thoroughly intends to keep that promise. “No, I don’t know of anything, maybe she’s just tired, I know she has been working a lot lately.” Cody replies that is probably what it is and drops the subject. Alisha is done for the day and tells Cody that she is going home to get ready to go out. They decide to just meet at the golf course at six.

When she gets home, Colin is driving in also. “Hi Colin, how was your day?”

“It was great, I got so much done today, not many interruptions.” he told her.

“I told Cody we’d have dinner with them at the golf course at six, is that all right with you?” she asked.

“Sure, that’s fine, I’ll go in and shower and change and we can go.” he said to her raising his eyebrows and smiling.

“Later, buster,” she said, “if I have sex with you, we won’t get there till 9.……I really need you tonight……I’ve thought about you all day.” she told him.

He smiled and went to get ready, Alisha right behind him.

They got to the golf course a little after six. Cody and Justin were already there. The four of them had drinks, ordered diner and talked about the double wedding idea. It was unanimous………there will be a double wedding…..AND….a double honeymoon. Colin told them that they would take his Gulfstream and go to Hawaii. He knew a guy that would find them a furnished house to rent and they could all stay together…..which everyone was 100 percent in favor of.

Everyone input their ideas about the amenities they would like in the house…..Colin took notes. Cody was smiling, “Just think, we can switch partners all we want and get all the fucking we can handle.” They all liked that idea. Alisha quietly told them, “We are just a big bunch of perverts aren’t we………and I love it.” They all laughed. The wedding date was set for May 20th. Now, they just to have a family meeting out at Bob and Anne’s and inform them of the double wedding. The rest, well, they don’t think they should inform Bob and Anne about these plans…these plans are best kept between the four of them.

After dinner the four of them all go to their homes. Everyone is too tired to get into a big swap tonight. When Alisha and Colin get home, they decide to go to bed, they’re both worn out after last night. Alisha has a meeting with Ben Williams from BioGen tomorrow at lunch. She needs some rest , the sex has been hot and heavy for the last week and she has really been used up. Colin says to Alisha, “My dear, I love you so much, I realize you need the rest, and the truth be known, so do I. Let’s just sleep, we have a lot of time to have sex.” Alisha smiled and kissed him as she stripped and got into bed. Within
minutes, they were both sound asleep……and it wasn’t even 10 yet.


Not knowing it, Alisha and Colin have committed to each other deeper than either of them have ever done with anyone in their lives. Unknown to her at this point her obsession with sex has subsided. Now, she only has sex because she loves it, including the sex with animals. She feels that the intimacy of sex and the pleasures it gives her make her whole. She does, however, enjoy being dominated, somewhat, by Colin….especially when he wants her to fuck strangers while he watches. She thoroughly enjoys the sex, but does it mainly because she is deeply in love with Colin and she feels that it’s her duty to make him happy, thus her repeated comment, “I’ll do anything for you Colin, anything.” Colin is truly, deeply in love with Alisha also………and he will do anything for her. He knows she is beautiful with an absolutely perfect body. Watching someone else take her beautiful body, gives him a sexual rush that he can only satisfy with Alisha. They both have perverted desires in sex and their perversions haven’t started to reached their apex yet.


Alisha is up and gone early. She has a lot of preparation to do before the BioGen representative arrives at noon. She will need to have her breeding schedule finalized and ready to send with him so they can schedule their personnel to be at the ranch on the right days. The breeding dates are very important to the success of their breeding program so that they can plan their marketing strategies. She has a lot to get done. As she goes to the ranch, she passes by the house that Justin lives in, it is owned by the ranch and sets back away from the rest of the buildings at the headquarters. She notices that Cody’s car is parked there and that Justin hasn’t left for work yet, but, she thinks laughing, it’s only 6:30 am, Justin probably still has his cock in my sister. As she passes her parents house, David is kissing Anne on the front porch…….she thinks, “Cutting it a little close time wise aren’t you Mom.” Alisha drives up to the office and goes in. She knows that she has at least two to three hours of work to finish up her breeding schedules and Justin still hasn’t brought the last data for her yet……..”Damn,” she says out loud. She has quite a bit of data to start with, but will need what Justin has in the next hour or so.

Justin shows up at about 8 and comes in the office with the remaining data sheets. “Say, Justin, how many cows haven’t calved yet?” Justin pulls his notebook out of his hip pocket and flips through the pages. “It looks like…………45 as of last night, Alisha.”

“Well Justin, today I want you guys to separate out all the cows that haven’t calved and pen them in the corals. If they don’t calve today, we’ll send them to the livestock auction and replace them with young pairs.”

Justin made notes in his note book and told Alisha that he will get it done.

Alisha also told him to go through the separate groups of cattle and group them by the dates the calves were born so that all the calves in the new groups were born within 5 days of each other.

Things were starting to come together at last. Alisha has completed her breeding schedules and still has time before Ben from BioGen arrives. She and Justin sit and talk about the breeding program and the next step of the feed program she wants instituted this week. “Justin, I’ll have the recipe for the new ration for you later today so you can get things set at the mill and start it tomorrow.” Alisha told him.

It was getting close to noon and Justin told her that he had to get out with the hands and get things started. Alisha walked out with him to his truck telling him some details. She looked up the driveway and saw a white pickup coming toward the office. She could see the BioGen logo on the door. Justin told her, “Later Boss,” and left for the corals.

In a few minutes, the BioGen rep drove up to the office. Alisha watched as a tall, good looking guy in a cowboy hat, boots, jeans and a light weight jacket, approached her. He reached out to shake her hand and introduced himself as Ben Williams, the area rep for BioGen. Alisha introduced herself and asked him to come in the office. They discussed the program at length and she showed him her breeding schedule. He looked it over and told her that it was easily doable. This made her a happy camper. Ben asked her if he could take her to lunch and they could talk more about the program, which she accepted. They got into his truck and went to town, Alisha suggested Cattails Restaurant at the golf course as it would be quieter and the rush should be over by now.

After they were seated at Cattails, Ben told her what a stunning woman she is and that he had not expected to meet such a vivacious woman running such a large cattle ranch. Alisha played the role and pretended to be somewhat embarrassed and lightly blushed. She told him thank you and that he was too kind. Ben asked her if she was married or otherwise attached and Alisha told him she was engaged and would be married in May. Ben volunteered that he was single and didn’t have a regular girlfriend. He told her he was on the road so much that it wasn’t conducive to a long term relationship.

Alisha, with her vast experience with men, was reading between the lines. He was coming on to her, following the textbook approach, so, she played along thinking, “I’d love to fuck this beautiful hunk of cowboy.” She had noticed a huge bulge in his jeans as they drove to the restaurant and wondered how many inches of sweet meat he had confined in that small area. The conversation changed from business to that of a personal nature.

“Well Alisha, I’m going to be down here a lot in the next couple of months, do you think that even though you’re engaged, we might get together sometime?”

Alisha, at this point, knew exactly what he was hinting at…….he wanted in her pants. As she looked into his eyes she knew that she would like to be in his pants also. She thought to herself, “this guy is a perfect victim for Colin and I and our little game of ‘watch the guy fuck Alisha.” They continued their conversation and Alisha said to him, “If I’m hearing you right, Ben, you want to go to bed with me, am I right?”

Ben looked long and hard at her, “Yes, Alisha, I’d love to make love to you…..you are so beautiful and desirable, I’ve been lusting for you since I first laid eyes on you.”

“Well Ben, I think you and I should go somewhere and get better acquainted, what do you think?”

Ben’s eyes lit up as he looked from her face to her breasts. “Where would you like to go?”

There’s no one at my house and I’m not expecting anyone, want to go over there?” she asked him, smiling.

Alisha excused herself, telling him she had to go to the restroom. When inside, she called Colin and told him she had a new cock wanting to screw her. Colin was excited and told her that he could be to the house and get everything running in 15 minutes and could she not get there before then. Alisha told him to get moving, she would have another glass of tea… that should give him time. Colin said, “Go for it honey, see all of you in a little while.”

She went back to the table and found that the waitress had filled her tea glass again, so, she sat down and began to sip at it and continue the sexy conversation with Ben. After 10 minutes of her teasing, Ben’s cock was hard and it was very uncomfortable in his tight jeans. Alisha finished off her tea and asked him if he’d like to go……he smiled and as he got up she saw the bulge in his jeans had grown by huge proportions.

They got into Ben’s pickup and drove to Alisha’s house. Alisha teased him on the way there, she leaned over the console and rubbed her hand across his bulging jeans. She got a couple of moans from him…..she just smiled and continued. They parked in the drive way, Alisha led him to the front door. She unlocked the door and turned around just in time to get a wet kiss laid upon her parted lips. Ben pushed her against the wall while he kissed her and cupped her breasts. His hands went to the buttons on her blouse and began to open them, followed by his lips kissing around the edge of her bra. His hands went to her ass and pulled her to him as he pushed his tongue into her mouth and attacked her tongue. Alisha put both hands to the outside of his jeans and squeezed his cock aggressively. He began to open her jeans………that’s when she stopped him and said, “Not here, let’s go inside and get naked, I want to swallow your cock and the cum it is going to deliver into my mouth.”

With that, he backed off and Alisha opened the door, took him by the hand and led him into the guest bedroom. She had no sooner closed the door and Ben was half undressed. Alisha began to peel her clothes off, keeping her bra and panties on. Ben was removing his shirt, his boxers were still on. Alisha went to her knees and pulled the boxers to his ankles, then took his huge cock in her mouth and began to noisily suck it, drooling her saliva onto the floor. Ben was moaning and fumbling with her bra. Alisha could feel her hot cunt dripping her cum out and soaking her panties.

She kept aggressively sucking his cock, deep throating him as much as she could. His cock was only about 7 inches long, but was as big around as her wrist. When she took him down her throat, she could feel the front of her neck enlarge as she took his thick cock down deep inside. She had grasped his ass cheeks and was holding him in her mouth, she wanted to drink his cum, she wanted to taste that sweet semen and swish it inside her mouth before she swallowed it all down into her stomach.

As she continued her oral assault on his plump penis, she felt small squirts of cum hit the back of her throat……..then came the tidal wave of his thick, white cum, gushing into her mouth. She swallowed the first torrents as rapidly as she could, she didn’t want to waste a drop. There were small threads of his cum, oozing from the corners of her mouth as she continued to squeeze his balls and tongue the underside of his engorged throbbing meat, feeling each pulse of cum push the length of his cock and dump into her oral cavity.

Ben thought he had died and went to heaven. He was finished shooting his load when he grasped Alisha under the arms and lifted her to the bed in one fell swoop. He tossed her into the middle of the mattress, grasped her feet and spread her legs wide and looked at the wet folds of skin inside her sweet pink pussy lips. Alisha noticed that he had not lost any of his erection as he crawled onto the bed and hovered above her waiting body. He took a moment and looked at every inch of her naked body lying under him………..how beautiful she is, he thinks. He lowers his ass down and rubs the head of his cock up and down her wet slit, separating the rose petals that surround her pleasure channel. His big piston begins to push inside her very slowly. He is enjoying watching it penetrate her and seeing her face as it goes deeper and deeper till his balls bounce on her ass cheeks. Ben lowered himself down onto his elbows, he licks her erect nipples and watches them spring back as his tongue loses contact with them.

Alisha is going out of her mind with pleasure, his thick cock has filled her pussy and is rubbing spots inside that are driving her to an explosive orgasm………..a big, big one…….and there it is, a runaway freight train of an orgasm. She arches her back and bucks her hips to meet his thrust. His balls bang onto her ass. Ben has raised his torso up onto his hands and Alisha has spread and pulled her knees up toward her tits, pushing her pussy up to Ben, giving him the deepest access to her wanting cunt. She feels Ben shove his cock as deep into her as he possibly can and then she feels the hot sensation of him filling her love channel with his sticky seed. Alisha wraps her legs around his tight ass and pulls him into her. They are both having super hot orgasms, cumming with each other, moaning, groaning and writhing on the bed.

When their orgasms tail off, Ben is lying down on top of Alisha, his cock still buried inside her, her legs are spread out wide as are her arms. They are both breathing like they just ran a mile at full speed, sweat is dripping off of them both and his cum is seeping out around his dick and down onto the bed. Alisha can hear Ben quietly saying, “OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK……ALISHA, THAT WAS FUCKING FANTASTIC, YOU ARE THE BEST PIECE OF ASS I’VE EVER HAD……..IN MY WHOLE LIFE……..DAMN!” He rolled off of her and lay on his back.

Alisha sat up on one elbow and looked up and down at his body, stretched out. He is wet with sweat all over and his semi-hard cock is laying on his abdomen, wet with their cum, glistening in the light. She goes to it and begins to lick it clean. She gets up on her knees between his legs and continues to lick his cock and balls, removing the remnants of cum from his cock and balls. She takes both his balls into her mouth and sucks on them as she puts her finger up his ass. His cock immediately returns to its hard and erect state. She sucks it violently and makes it stand. Alisha pulls herself up onto the head of his throbbing rod and slides down on it till she feels his balls touch her perfect ass……then she begins to fuck him steady and fast, reaching around and grasping his balls in her left hand. He right hand is busy quickly rubbing small circles on her clit………she goes into another, earth shaking climax.

She can hear the squishy sounds her sopping wet pussy is making as his cock plunges into her time after time……then he blows his load into her trembling cunt, enhancing the waves of pleasure she is feeling. When the seas have calmed, Alisha stands up and wipes a handful of his cum from her dripping cunt and licks it all off. She looks down at Ben and says, “Well Ben, we’ve both got our rocks off good, we need to get back to the office and finalize our deal………that sound good to you?” Ben just nods, unable to speak clearly, he has never seen a woman like Alisha Moore………..one minute passionately fucking his brains out, yelling and screaming for him to fuck the shit out of her, then the next minute, she is all business. She is one hell of a woman, he thinks to himself.

Alisha goes into the bathroom and cleans the cum out of her pussy as Ben gets dressed. Alisha comes out, still naked. Ben gets another look at her perfect body before she gets dressed. That is a sight he won’t soon forget. Once dressed, they drive back out to the office and conclude their work. Ben asks her is she wants to go out tonight for dinner and another fuck. She smiles and tells him, “Sorry, lover, I can’t ……my fiance will be home tonight and I know he will want to have me in his bed…….thanks for the invite though…..it’s been fun. Maybe the next time you’re down we can do this again,” she smiles her wicked little smile at him and winks. “Damn,” he says, I’m getting hard again, shit!”

Alisha excuses herself telling him she has to go. She kisses him on the cheek and they go to the door. “Hey Ben, if there is any more paperwork you need, just let me know, bye,” she says as she gets into her truck and leaves. Ben just stands by his truck watches as she drives away, “What a woman,” he says out loud. He gets into his truck and points it toward Monte Vista, he has an appointment there tomorrow morning……he might as well get a room over there. His cock is still hard and he knows he should pull over and jack off and get rid of that load that is building, that will make him more comfortable………..

Alisha gets home and knows that Colin probably has blue balls by now, after watching the fuck fest that went on in the guest bedroom. She goes inside and hollers his name. She hears him answer from their bedroom. She is stripping as she walks down the hall leaving her clothes where they fall. She enters the bedroom and Colin is on the bed, naked, his cock beckoning her to climb on…….which she does. In a matter of minutes, Colin is spurting his rich sperm into her hot pussy and Alisha is feeling her earthquake orgasm one more time. Colin knows that no other woman in the world could do the things Alisha does……….she is so fucking good………shit, he wants her again, so he rolls her over on her back and mounts her, slamming his cock deep into her hot pussy again. This time they fuck for over two hours before going to sleep in each other’s arms again. Alisha has again given Colin his ultimate desire…….he again watched a good looking man ride his bride to be and fill her beautiful, perfect pussy with his hot sperm. He is happy and life is good.

The week passes pretty quickly. Bob has returned from Vegas and seems to be happy and in a good mood. Alisha hasn’t said anything to him about anything she saw while he was gone. “Well Dad, how was the trip.” she asks.

“It was great, made $25,000 on the craps table, saw several shows, partied a lot, even went out and went fishing on the Colorado below Hoover Dam.…….it was great, as usual.” he replied to her.

Alisha knew that he had not mentioned one thing……..that he’d got his brain fucked out by that twenty something chick he always had while he was out there. To Alisha it really didn’t make any difference if her parents were fucking around, they had level heads and would not put any of their assets at risk………basically they were both really greedy and couldn’t face losing anything to anyone outside the family. Alisha filled Bob in on everything that had happened on the ranch.

“You just keep reaffirming everything I know about you, Pumpkin. You damn sure know what you’re doing around here. I went out this morning and looked at the calf crop. it’s great……and then I think about what next year will bring when you have the whole year to get it done. I looked at the cows that haven’t calved yet, pretty small group. Justin told me that you had told him to get them to the sale ring and buy pairs to replace them. You will have all the cows evened out and ready to start the new breeding program with all the cows coming in heat at the same time. Brilliant, Alisha, absolutely brilliant…..Hell, I can start going to Vegas more. The way you run this place, I can retire !”

Alisha felt good that Bob knew that she could run the place. She asked him if Anne or Cody had told him the good news. He looked at Alisha with a puzzled look, “No, what news?”

Alisha grinned, “Cody and Justin are going to get married.”

“Well, I’ll be damned………I couldn’t have picked a better guy for her myself. That makes me happy as hell. When are they getting hitched?” he asked.

“We are going to have a double wedding, Dad. You get to walk both of us down the aisle at the same time.” she anxiously told him.

“That’s great. What is he going to do about his job?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

“He wants to continue doing what he is doing and he wants Cody to pursue her career. He said he had no designs on being an owner of the ranch, he just wants to play an important role here. I think that there are several ways to approach this, Dad. After a while, maybe he can buy some land and we can set up a limited partnership with him, that way, our ranch stays in tact, and his ranch could be separate, yet merged with us on a year to year basis……..what do you think about that?”

“As usual, Pumpkin, you are thinking in the right direction. We’ll just sit back and see what happens.” Bob told her as he got his hat and headed for the office door. “Guess I’ll go up to the house and see how Anne’s pulse is………I never know what to expect anymore.

Alisha grinned at him and said, “Good luck”.

He smiled and went on his way. Alisha knew that Anne had been screwing David almost every day since he had been gone……but again, she really didn’t care one way or the other, she just wanted her parents to be happy, whatever it took.

In the weeks that followed, things were very busy on the ranch, preparing for the breeding season. Alisha continued her pursuit of making Colin happy, she got laid a lot by many different guys….while Colin watched their cocks ravage her body. Of course, Alisha got a lot of pleasure out of it herself every time but once……..she got slapped around by one of her lovers who liked to give out very rough sex. He had started out by just spanking her bare ass, which Alisha really didn’t mind, but it escalated into him slapping her face, then he hit her in the stomach with a closed fist…….that’s when Colin stepped in and cleaned his clock……….that’s when Alisha learned that Colin is a third degree black belt in Twi Kon Do and was more than able to defend himself or her, should the occasion ever arise. Clearly this guy was a full 6 inches taller than Colin and outweighed him by a good 50 pounds. Colin beat him to a pulp……he didn’t just beat him, he really hurt the guy telling him, “You can fuck my woman and make her feel good, but, you don’t hit my woman, you don’t mistreat my woman unless you want your ass kicked and your balls removed.

It shook up Alisha when he brought out a knife, “You might kill the son of a bitch, Colin, I have found you and I don’t want to lose you, please don’t castrate him, you will be in a lot of trouble.” Colin looked at Alisha and nodded his agreement with her and put the knife away. While the guy laid there on the floor, Alisha walked up to him and kicked him in the balls………twice. That was all the get even she needed. Alisha is lucky that she hasn‘t come across a guy like this before. She knows now, that Colin can and will take care of her should she get into trouble again.

Colin got the guy to his feet and took him to the front door. He told him he never wanted to see him again or something bad was sure to happen to him. He pushed him out the front door onto the lawn and threw his clothes out as well. After a little while, they heard his truck start and drive away…..never to be seen again.

Colin took Alisha into the bathroom and cleaned her face where it was bleeding and put a small band aid on it. Alisha grabbed Colin and said, “thank you for saving me, I wasn’t sure where that was going to end.”

He pulled her close and kissed her and told her, “Alisha, when I saw him hit you in the stomach, I knew I had to stop it all right then, I thought he was going to continue beating on you till he grew tired of you. I’ll take care of you Alisha, don’t ever worry.”

They went into their bedroom and Alisha disrobed Colin and pushed him down on the bed. She went to his cock and began to give him a blow job like none he had ever had. When he came, Alisha took his 8 inches down her throat and he shot his load of hot cum directly into her stomach. Then she got on top of him and pleasured him for the next two hours. He’d get close to cumming, she would stop and delay it then begin again. When she finally did let him cum, it was a gusher that resembled an oil well blowing. He filled her to the brim…..soon it was running down his balls onto the bed. Alisha smiled, kissed him and went down and licked his genitals clean. She had found that Colin was her protector and she would continue to do whatever he wanted her to do.


For Alisha and Colin the world was theirs. For them, life was good. Each had found the ‘soul mate’ they had searched their whole lives for. Their businesses were prospering and expanding. They were more than compatible, one’s desires mirrored the other. To them sex was a huge game and the biggest turn on either could ever want. Now, with Cody and Justin getting married and their sexual desires and habits being ever as strong as Colin and Alisha’s, the sex games would continue and grow. Justin’s views were almost as perverted as the others, but no one knew what his thoughts were on fucking animals. Cody was into dogs, horses and pigs as was Alisha, but her desires there were much greater than Alisha’s.

Several times she had Alisha take her to San Acacio on those clandestine Saturday afternoons so she could fuck the boar again. She had gotten where she didn’t want to clean out, she wanted to be filled with pig cum and keep it for the two or three days it took to go away. She has not said anything to Justin about her kinky desire to fuck animals and he has never given her a hint about whether he would go for it or not….so Cody is waiting and listening for any hint of his feelings on the subject. But……in the mean time Saturday has come again and Cody and Justin are going over to Colin and Alisha’s for dinner and a sex marathon. As Cody and Justin arrive, Colin is grilling the steaks and sipping on a drink. Alisha is finishing up dinner in the kitchen. Cody goes to help Alisha while Justin goes outside on the patio to visit with Colin.

They all had drinks and talked and flirted. When dinner and the dishes were done, they all stripped and paired off. Justin and Alisha went into the living room and began kissing and feeling the other’s body. They stood face to face, they would kiss then back off and let their hands explore the other’s body. Justin put his hands on either side of her head and began to run his fingers through her hair and massaged the back of her neck. Alisha had both hands on his cock and balls, stroking and fondling. Justin’s hands went down her neck and out to her shoulders and down her arms then to her breasts.

He cuped both her breasts and pinched the nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. He watched the nipples as they grew harder and harder. Alisha’s hands had made his cock hard. Her fingers found the drops of pre-cum it expelled and rubbed it all around its head, her other hand gently squeezed his balls. His cock jerked and pushed more pre-cum out. His hands had found her swollen pink outer lips and were caressing them, spreading them exposing the folds of skin of her wet inner lips.

Colin grasped Alisha’s hips and lowered himself to the floor. His kissed her mound and touched his tongue to her engorged clit……his tongue rubbed small circles on her clitoris and she gasped as his tongue slid further down her slit and found the entrance to her dripping pussy. He clamped his lips around her clit, licking it while he slid two fingers up into her hot cunt. He sucked, licked and probed her intimate parts with his fingers and tongue till Alisha let out a moan and began to cum. She squirted all over his face and chest and he eagerly drank up all her cum he could, continuing to stimulate her and furthering her orgasm.

They were quite a sight to see, him on his knees eating her like a steak dinner…her legs spread wide apart, his hands on her hips and her hands on his head, pulling him to her. He wanted her badly as she writhed through another orgasm, he turned her and pushed her up on the cushions of the couch on her knees. She lay forward on to the back of the couch as Justin walked up behind her and slid his hard dick back and forth through her slit, the head massaging her clit as it moved. Alisha went into another orgasm and was yelling,

With that tongue lashing, he rammed his cock all the way into her drenched pussy and felt the head hit her cervix. He pulled it out and pushed it in again, wedging the head of his cock partially into the cervix. On the third try, he entered her uterus and began to fill it with his hot juice of passion. Stream after hot stream of his jizz erupted into her most inner self. She had felt pain as his cock pushed through her orifice, but soon the pain subsided and intense pleasure flowed through her body from head to toe.

Justin pulled back and pushed his hard manhood into her again, squirting sperm all over her insides. The volume of semen was so great that it was freely running out of her pussy and down the insides of both her thighs. She was having an exquisite orgasm, her abdomen was having severe contractions and her body shook. All these vibrations Justin felt in his cock and it pushed him directly into a second consecutive orgasm. Alisha spun around when she felt him dropping another load and took his cock into her mouth and began sucking it like a vacuum cleaner, before she got it into her mouth, Justin shot several shots of cum on her face and tits. His thick cum dripped off her chin and off her nipples as she sucked him dry and swallowed it all.

On the floor, Colin had fucked Cody in all her holes and shot wads of his cum into two of them. Cody was hungrily sucking him trying to get his load into her mouth. Like Alisha, she loved the taste of cum and wanted this load down her throat and into her belly……….then all of a sudden, she got it…….Colin filled her mouth till his cum ran out the corners of her mouth and dripped down on her beautiful breasts. She moaned as she slurped it all up and sent it down her throat into her stomach.

Everyone was spent, they all

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Obsession Part 1

This story is purely fictional and deals with a lot of extreme bizarre body modifications, punishment and humiliation. If you don't like this sort of stuff, you might want to skip this one. For those of you who do like this type of story, I hope you enjoy! OBSESSION By Big Boob Sissy My name is John and I'm a 46 year old male. Since I was old enough to understand sexuality and the attraction of boys to girls, I quickly became a "Tit man". I found them to be sensual and...

2 years ago
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Her Anil Perversion

Chapter 1The boy on the beach was only about 15 years old. This caused Alice's cheeks to flush at the lewd thoughts flitting unbidden through her mind. After all, her own son was nearly that age. She couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of the boy's slightly plump, downy belly.Just like a ripe peach, she thought. I want to bite that golden fruit.Horrified at her lustfulness, Alice rolled her petite body over onto her stomach in the warm sand. Her large breasts pillowed under the pressure of her...

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Obsession Chapter 1 Obsession

What happens when lust becomes an obsession? As human beings, our lust for things we cannot have is undeniable. We crave for sensations we are not allowed, and desire lovers we shall never have. Our senses trick us, and lie to us - confusing us and making us believe we can have these forbidden fruits. However, should we give into this temptation, dark reprecussions await us... ------------------------------ Obsession Chapter 1 Obsession ------------------------------ This is part one...

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I was obsessed with Tina from the moment I first set eyes on her. She was petite, dark haired and had wonderful hazel coloured eyes that smiled at you. She wore plain clothes, no make-up and projected a “please don’t notice me” persona. I was immediately fascinated by Tina and wanted to go over and chat. The trouble was she was with her daughter and I was with my son and my wife, Jessica. It was the very first day of school for our four year olds and we were huddled together in the school yard,...

Straight Sex
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Middle East perversion

A deviant and perverted whore The following story is pure fiction, has been written for your entertainment and doesn't have a happy ever after ending. Not for the squeamish! I was in my early forties, English and worked as a financial adviser mainly in the Middle East. I am divorced and in the U.K. I was a closet crossdresser. However, on my travels and staying in five star hotels I became Sarah who dressed in clothes and underwear appropriate to my age. No one ever saw me as...

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The House Of Sex Part 3 Beyond Perversion

The House of Sex. Part3: Beyond Perversion by Pippa HighHeels ([email protected]) copyright 2016. [This story is a further extension of my previous ones of the same name. Here, I return to the House in England, a house upset by threats of closure and forcing its depleted staff to pander to the kinkier ends of the market.] 1. After that long, eventful summer at the wonderful house in France [as described in 'The House of Sex 2' by the same author], I eventually returned to...

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I'm obsessed. I admit it, I embrace it and I revel in the fact that I'm obsessed. Obsessed with the male member known as a penis, a cock, a schlong, a Johnson, Mr. Happy, A DICK. All kinds, slender ones, thick ones :-), short ones, long ones, average ones, as long as they are shaped with that wonderfully velvet soft head that has the wider collar, and a stiff shaft. Don't ask me where this obsession came from. I just fell into it. I wish it was ON it but that will come. Often and with much...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 54 The Nagarsquos Lusts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Kyizziania Zianamilizzi pulled me to her by her tail. She had it wrapped around me, her breasts jiggling. Her purple eyes fixed on mine, slitted like a...

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The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...

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The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...

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Blackmailed Into Perversion Ch 5

I opened the door and held my head up as I went to my desk, grabbed my keys and walked downstairs. The men who were making catcalls this morning were now standing around. Some of them were pointing at me, others laughing. One man quickly closed his door so his customer wouldn’t see me (I think). I heard one man call out, ‘You were hot upstairs. If you want, you can hang around here for awhile. It looks like it is going to be a slow night, and we could all party.’ I looked at him, smiled and...

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Perversion Begins At Home

I thought I had died and gone to heaven when my soon-to-be bride sucked my cock on our first date. While I normally think men suck cock better than a woman, she gave me pause to think otherwise. She was a decent fuck, but that is not why I married her, it was her fabulous cock sucking skills that won me over. A quick trip to City Hall to obtain a license and ten minutes in front of a Justice of the Peace and the deed was done. Soon we were doing acts of perversion that astounded me. I found out...

4 years ago
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The world of fantasy and perversion

Welcome! Tonight we have a story of fantasy and perversion. Let's us begin. We enter the town of Elfsprings within the rule of the Unholy Empire. The people within this town were peaceful and happy. But that was only during the daytime. At night it would turn dangerous and perverted. Any innocent people out at this time could get killed or raped. Now we go straight to our hero..um...who was it again? I'm sorry I haven't read this in a while.

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Spells of Perversion

(THIS STORY CONTAINS SOME WEIRD FETISHES! DONT COMPLAIN!) Also, if you were looking for a futanari story, I decided to make that into it's own story instead. You find a strange book on your desk, filled with images of magic and perversion. Who will you cast the spells on? Your Mother is the only one home . . .

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Perversion(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Chapter One: The Foster Mother At eighteen I was probably more sexually experienced than most having been taught from an early age by the female manager of the orphanage I lived in. Not only more experienced but I liked it so much I actively sort out situations that would lead to sex...

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exhibitionism to perversion

exhibitionism to perversion .....There we discovered exhibitionists one night by chance. and from that day the fantasy and reality, could not do without ..We were as usual in the evening, in the industrial area, sitting in the backseat of the car his dad, a great sw easy, and I was doing one of his insurmountable blow jobs, I noticed that someone was watching us, did not say anything not to it scared the stool to kneel on the seat with one hand and lifted her skirt and slipped two fingers in...

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Barb8217s Seduction To Perversion

Barb and I met a little over eleven years ago. I was thirty-one years old. Barb was an incoming freshman at a local private university and I owned the college hangout. I still remember the first time I laid eyes on her. A beautiful girl, tall and thin, five-five, with long athletic legs. Barb’s breasts were more than a handful with prominent nipples poking out through her t-shirt. Barb’s brown hair was long and her brown eyes sparkled, almost black. Completely captivated, I fell...

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My Wifes Perversion

AKA Don't Stand Too Close to Me My wife is perverted, sadly not in a sexual way. I call her perversion the 'Flowers in the Attic' syndrome, but a co-worker explained to me that description wasn't entirely accurate because while my wife was interested in secrets that families, especially secret prominent families kept, she is more interested in families that practice the various 'cides' in life; fratricide, patricide, matricide and any other ones that involves family murdering family she...

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Strange PerversionChapter 8

Bette and Don continued to receive letters from other couples and single women who had found dogs and other animals to be sexually exciting and satisfying. They were amazed by the number of people who engaged in bestiality in one form or another. There was one letter that interested both of them very much. It was from a middle aged couple who had a small farm about seventy miles from the city. She, Marcia, said she was simply crazy about animals and that Jack, her husband, had also engaged...

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Blackmailed Into PerversionChapter 5

I opened the door and held my head up as I went to my desk, grabbed my keys and walked downstairs. The men who were making catcalls this morning were now standing around. Some of them were pointing at me, others laughing. One man quickly closed his door so his customer wouldn't see me (I think). I heard one man call out, "You were hot upstairs. If you want, you can hang around here for a while. It looks like it is going to be a slow night, and we could all party." I looked at him, smiled...

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Blackmailed Into PerversionChapter 10

I looked at Bill and asked "You had sex with a man?" Bill could not look at me, he said "She told me she would show you the video of us at the business party. I mean you were working and she and Jane had me in the Den you know, having sex with them. She has this thing of making gay movies and I did things that I hated and would never ever do. I was afraid that if you found out you would divorce me and I could not stand the thought of loosing you." I said "honey I am so sorry, this never...

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Obsession I can still remember the first time. A cousin who lived close was visiting when he whispered that his older brother had magazines with pictures of naked women in them. As I had never seen a naked women, I was curious, but I scoffed, so he snuck them over. Sure enough, some of the women were naked, although some were wearing stockings or heels. But even as I have said I hadn't seen a naked woman before, I could see that these had something different about...

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Introduction:A lonely mom that becomes obsessed with curiosity and her sonThis one’s a little lengthy. A lot of background, lead-up, and “Explaining”, as most of my 1st chapters seem to be. I feel it’s kind of important to know what the characters are thinking, where they're goming from. For those of you that just want to get right to the sex……Sorry. For those of you that, as I do, think it makes for a better story……Here ya go. −Obsession−Chapter one:My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed...

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I'm Herman Howell and I'm a stalker. Well, not exactly a stalker, I don't want to hurt anyone; I'm just in love with a woman I've never met. I'm totally obsessed with a certain writer. I'm a man in my forties and have never been married. I've never even come close. I guess I'm what a lot of people call a loser, but it's not true. I've always paid my way, never took money from the government. I'm always reading stories about these good looking guys who screw all these women. They...

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Obsession II

Obsession Chapter Two: I turned the water on and got in the shower. As I washed, all I could think about was my son… …and how all this had started with just a glimpse of his penis so long ago. I was simply amazed at what it had turned into. I leaned my head on my arm against the shower wall and let the warm water run over me. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brian and I had done. What I had done. . . .To Brian. I washed and got out of the shower and dried off. I leaned against the sink and...

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NOTE: Just a short story that struck my fancy. Many thanks to Anynomous for "Mall Watchers." Hope you like it. LS Obsession By Lord Stormbringer Marty sat at a table at the mall watching all the pussy walk by. There was a large variety of ass that swarmed the mall, all of it on display. Normally there were groups of women carrying bags and bags of clothes. Marty drank it all in. He noticed that all of the girls had their hair fashioned, lips made up, clothes positioned just so....

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Obsession Part Two

You really need to read “Obsession,” the first part to this story, first. Tina came down for breakfast about ten looking like she had woken from a hundred year sleep and was immediately hugged by Jessica. She smiled and mumbled a good morning, which I responded to with a polite nod. Jess and Tina went to the lounge, talking at some length about Richard, while I served fresh croissants and coffee. I chose to withdraw to the garden to give the two women some space. I guess my love making to Tina...

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Obsession Became Jealousy 8211 All Leads To Bad

Hello readers, this is what the hell. I’m new to this but a regular reader of iss, especially insect content. It all started few years ago when I started reading iss. I always liked incest category. My obsession of incest started becoming real. Then I started all the cousins of my age. Luckily I found one on fb. Her name was Prachi. She is one year younger than me but she is a sex bomb. I’m a guy. My height is 5 feet 8 inches. I’m from Kanpur. My dick is 6 inch. My cousin is 5f 5 inches and she...

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Obsession Part Two

You really need to read “Obsession,” the first part to this story, first. Tina came down for breakfast about ten looking like she had woken from a hundred year sleep and was immediately hugged by Jessica. She smiled and mumbled a good morning, which I responded to with a polite nod. Jess and Tina went to the lounge, talking at some length about Richard, while I served fresh croissants and coffee. I chose to withdraw to the garden to give the two women some space. I guess my love making to Tina...

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ObsessionChapter 5

In the weeks which followed, Lynn's obsession grew in scope and intensity. With each tryst with Peter she would share a fantasy or perversion. A few days would pass while Peter made the arrangements and then Lynn would receive location and time, at which, she would live out that fantasy or perversion, usually aboard "The Tempest" but sometimes elsewhere. Sometimes Peter would suggest ideas for Lynn's erotic adventures. All would end with Lynn spreading her legs for Peter who always found...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always had an obsession with my sister's pussy. When I was 18 years old, I walked in on her fingering herself in the living room. We were home alone at the time, and even though she screamed and quickly covered up, I remember every second of it. I couldn't stop staring at her. I noticed her beautifully even pussy lips, her throbbing clit, and her moaning. Ever since then, I would try to peek at it. When she got out of the shower, looking through...

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Perversions In The Woods rewritten

I wrote this story a few years ago. It was originally called Perverted Kids. I have edited it a few times, and I didnt like that title, so now I call it Perversions in The Woods. Since XNXX allows you to delete and edit your stories now, I want to submit the stories that I have changed. Im sorry to keep posting but I am never happy with my storys and I always want to change them, and I want them all to be available on one link. Perversions In The Woods by Britney I was out on a jog one...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 54 The Nagarsquos Lusts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...

2 years ago
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Tims Adventure on the Road to Perversion cha

Tim’s adventures on the Road to PerversionsChapter 1 (Youthful submissions to girlfriend Kattie’s whims)I actually wrote this story second, half way through the next, as a flashback I was experiencing. I needed the details of this story to explain the next, and felt it would be easier if I fleshed it out as its own story… so here it is, the prequel.When I was a bachelor, I had an apartment I shared with a good friend. We had both landed good jobs and decided to split the costs of living, way...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Little Perversions

The city is lonely and my bedside table is in disarray. Cherry cola fizzes in a champagne flute. A ragged copy of Albert Camus’ The Fall holds a position of importance in place of a Bible. It’s bookmarked at Jean-Baptiste’s recollection of that warm autumn night by the River Seine. I like to reread that passage when I can’t sleep. Next to it, there’s a half-smoked joint in a vintage glass ashtray that I stole from an ex-lover’s apartment. I can’t remember his name, but there’s something...

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Divine Perversion

He watched the couple embrace passionately against the unyielding surface of her front door. It was the end of the second date, and yet the two were sucking each other’s tongues down their throats as if their lives depended upon the decadence of their lover’s mouth. The woman had her arms wrapped tightly around the taller man’s neck, and he had her ass cupped in his hands. He was kneading the plumpness, as he grinded her center roughly against his with mindless relish. A hand came around to...

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My first public perversion and how we meet

Hello we are C. 42 years old and S. boyfriend is 24 years old, we met 6 years ago. I say so briefly from the perspective of both, it was a warm summer evening I was out of the house to see me with a coffee gossip girls, instead pervert was out hanging with his car.At the time I was a woman without obligation for 36 years, lives alone and feel like after a single and divorced, and I had my fantasies with young men and potent. I just walked out of the house I headed to a taxi station at about a...

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Divine Perversion

He watched the couple embrace passionately against the unyielding surface of her front door. It was the end of the second date, and yet the two were sucking each other’s tongues down their throats as if their lives depended upon the decadence of their lover’s mouth. The woman had her arms wrapped tightly around the taller man’s neck, and he had her ass cupped in his hands. He was kneading the plumpness, as he grinded her center roughly against his with mindless relish. A hand came around to...

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Family PerversionChapter 6

By the time they started to move toward the hallway, Liz was in a frenzied pitch of uncontrollable excitement. The mixture of hashish and martinis had contributed to a generally dazed state of confusion that defined the handsome young man with her as her date, her lover, her son no more! She had let his hands stroke her pussy and she had fondled and pulled on his hardened prick until they were both in a state of dangerous arousal. It had been all she could do to keep him from stripping her...

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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on writing.com first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

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Female Perversions A Tilda Swinton 1


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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Fifteen Angelic Lusts

Chapter 15: Angelic Lusts by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Damien D'Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire's throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust's office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien's blackened soul. His wife's every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart....

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The Vampires KissChapter 15 Angelic Lusts

Damien D’Angelo thrashed in the inhuman grip of the priest. Iron fingers clenched tight about the vampire’s throat. He could not snarl and rage at the priest who fucked his wife, pounding Abigail hard as she lay bent over the desk in Faust’s office at the peak of the skyscraper. Shame, humiliation, rage, and pain clenched Damien’s blackened soul. His wife’s every gasp and pleasure-filled moan stabbed into his undead heart. She loved the priest’s cock, addicted to its girth spreading wide her...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Into Perversion Ch 4

I don’t know how long I was working his cock, but I was interrupted by Mr. Ballard’s voice. ‘Harry, get your ass back to work. You had your fun, and I ain’t paying you to fuck all damn day. Now get.’ Harry pulled back away and again his cock made the popping sound as it came out. He pulled up his pants and walked out. I was still on my knees and I just knew that Ballard wanted me to suck his dick. I knew what a sick asshole he was and I guess he just had to get in and get his nuts blown....

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Symphony of Perversion Ch 02

Yes, I think to myself, ‘I’m ready.’ For what I have no idea, for I am still tied by my hands to the ceiling, my one leg stretched up higher than my head and the other bound around my ankle making any movement difficult. The Commander walks up to me, takes the long strand of pearls I’m still wearing, and caresses each of my nipples with it. He then puts the end he’s holding into his mouth and sucks on them, tasting my dried on juices. He then walks around me and puts his hands over my eyes,...

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Symphony of Perversion Ch 03

I am still bound, gagged, exposed in the middle of this room, head thrown back, eyes closed panting with desire for the finish of my orgasm that was so cruelly denied my. I lift me head up finally and glare at the Commander with pure hate, and though I know he will punish me later for this disrespect, at this moment I don’t care for I am crazy with the need to have my release. Ignoring my hateful look the Commander walks over to me and reaches up and starts to untie the silk that is pulling my...

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Symphony of Perversion Ch 05

I wake up on the table in a hotel, which is walking distance from my home, where I had just spent several hours being physically pleasured on, while at the same time being emotionally tortured by the man I love more than life itself. The beautiful muscular men that were my spectators up to this point are now in robes and are gently wrapping me in a soft velvet robe of rich emerald green. One picks me up and carries me out of the room to a large chamber that is steamy with lavender scented mist,...

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