- 3 years ago
- 32
- 0
‘You’re a special woman, Rachel,’ James said gently. ‘I love you. I never thought I could feel this strongly about anyone…’
Rachel smiled and held out her hand. ‘I love you, too…’
Tonight was their two month anniversary. It was a deeply romantic occasion, set in candlelight at a small local Italian restaurant. Frank Sinatra sang about New York in the background. Rachel, innocent and pretty, was in heaven. She tried and failed to protect her face from the indignity of running makeup. She was adorable, with shoulder-length blonde hair pulled back in a clip, smooth white skin, baby blue eyes and a soft smile. She was in love and didn’t try to hide it.
‘We have a future together, you know,’ James said.
‘Yes. I want that.’ Rachel answered with a smile. ‘So much.’
James allowed his mind to drift back. Two months ago.
He had met Rachel at a party thrown by a mutual friend, a flashy woman named Victoria, who adored opening her home to large gatherings that included plenty of alcohol. Rachel was new to this particular circle of friends, and nursed a drink standing in a corner of the living room, appearing to be interested in the books on a tall oak bookshelf. In reality, she looked lonely.
James had endured a strange battery of relationship failures up to that point, but he was determined to make a change. Rachel was cute. No, James decided, she was seriously cute, a term he had overused in high school that was reserved for only the best, most attractive of women. Further, Rachel was isolated and, in fact, a little lonely. James found out much later that she had never been in a truly serious relationship before. The attention James ravished on her was soaked up greedily. She beamed in his spotlight.
They spent the evening together and shared a kiss before the night was over. They would see each other again two days later, then approximately every other day after that for the next eight weeks. They made love for the first time two weeks after the party – an intense, emotional session that left them both satisfied and sweaty.
‘You’re a great lover, baby,’ James smiled. ‘Everything you do, my body loves.’
‘Then I want to do everything,’ Rachel beamed.
So they did. They played with each other in every way imaginable, ways that certainly surprised Rachel.
‘Oh my God, I can’t believe we did that,’ Rachel said laughing one time. ‘It felt so good….but I’m really not that kind of girl.’
‘You’re not?’ James responded with an exaggerated expression of shock.
‘Maybe for you I am,’ Rachel teased. She was curled up and happy in his strong arms.
‘You’re amazing, Rachel. Everything we do is special, and it makes me want to do more. It makes me want to learn everything about you and your body and what makes you feel good.’
‘Yes. I love you, James. I want to share everything with you.’
Oral sex. Anal sex. Toys. Bondage. Nothing was off limits – everything was experimental and fun. They could do no wrong with each other. Everything was playful and done out of trust and love.
Or so Rachel thought.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
James had been dating off and on for many years before he met Rachel. At age 24, he met Samantha, a woman he fell in love with quickly. She was bright, emotional, honest and dependable. She was also very pretty, but reserved. He saw a future with Samantha. He treated her as an equal, a woman deserving of respect. He held doors open for her, complimented her regularly, took her out several nights each week.
‘I’ve been looking for a man to treat me this way for a long time,’ Samantha said. ‘You wouldn’t believe how most men treat women. Like shit, mostly…’
James basked in her compliments. He thought he learned a lot from his father how to treat a woman. Gentle, with respect and dignity.
‘You’re a good guy,’ Samantha had told him on many occasions. ‘You’re a good, decent, solid guy.’
Over time, the compliments made him feel as if he were lacking some essential quality that men should have. Once he learned that these compliments were less about who he was as a human being and more about her need to not feel vulnerable, he felt less complimented. In fact, James knew he was a good but also quite complex man. He wasn’t necessarily the complete angel that she assumed he was.
He tried to expand their relationship into new territory. Sex between the two of them lacked spontaneity and passion. Their time together grew stale.
‘Let’s try something new, something crazy,’ James said one night. ‘Something sexy.’
‘Like what?’ Samantha responded defensively, almost as if she were constructing a wall around herself. The word sex appeared to have some automatic negative connotation for her.
‘I don’t know. I want to enjoy you, find out new things about you, learn what makes you tick…’
Samantha sighed and looked downward, as if to say, ‘Here we go again.’
‘Let’s try a little bondage…tie you up, make you my sexy little love slave for the night…’
Samantha got upset and started to cry. James was crestfallen.
‘Did I say something wrong?’
‘I don’t want to do that stuff.’
‘Oh. Why not? Sex is supposed to be fun…’
‘I’ve done that stuff, James. It’s in my past and I want to leave it there.’
‘I don’t understand…why wouldn’t you want to be as open and playful for the man who loves you and wants to marry you? Why do that with other men and not me?’
‘It’s in my past, James! It had it’s moment in my life, but that’s gone now. I got hurt. I felt used. I told myself never again.’
‘Why did you feel used? Tell me about that…’
‘They said they loved me but they only wanted sex.’
‘Did you enjoy any of it?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe. Sometimes. It’s just, I don’t want to go there…it’s not who I am anymore…’
‘Never again. If you loved me you’d understand. Leave it alone.’
James was hurt, far more than he allowed himself to show to Samantha or to anyone else in the outside world. He didn’t understand. Sex and touching and making love was supposed to be fun, a natural part of all relationships. Why would she open herself up to these assholes and then close herself off to the man who was committed to her?
James fumed for weeks, hurt and rejected. He often compared himself to her former lovers, and wondered what exactly had transpired and why he was getting something less than what he wanted. He was jealous of men that he had never met, jealous of what they had shared with her and jealous that they had opened her up in ways that were always going to elude him.
Samantha had walled herself off emotionally and spiritually. She was unavailable in ways that were important to him. She would never be able to trust him the same way she trusted her ex-lovers. James broke up with Samantha several weeks later.
James met Toni a few months later. Toni had dated an abusive man before James came into her life. This fact alone should have set off bright red alarm bells within his mind, but no – apparently, James believed that he would earn her trust and open her life up in ways that her ex could not. He was wrong.
‘I was in love with him,’ Toni explained when James asked her about her prior relationships. ‘He was so sweet at first and we had so much fun together.’
‘What kind of fun?’
‘All kinds. We went out a lot, we had crazy sex…’
‘Crazy sex?’
‘Oh my god, one time we invited his friend over and had kind of a threeway,’ Toni said almost in wonderment. ‘It was fun, out-of-control…’
‘What else?’
‘We would go out on the town, catch a show, stay up until the early morning making love. I didn’t see his darker side until later, though. He sometimes drank too much, and then he just got mean.’
‘Would you ever do a threeway again?’
‘Oh hell no. Never. That relationship hurt me a lot. Never again. I just want a sweet, ordinary man to settle down with. That’s all.’
This was a common theme. Every time this theme repeated itself, it hurt James more. Women who pour themselves into men who don’t deserve it, leaving a burned out husk of a woman behind. Some of the women he met were wonderful in many ways – intelligent, faithful, pretty, great personality – but there was always that defensive shell where they had been hurt before. They would never open up and take risks like they once had – those days were gone. Never again.
James, as the nice, polite honest man, would just have to accept it and love them for who they are. On behalf of decent honest men everywhere, he was fed up.
Tanya was the final straw – such a bubbly, outgoing woman with a large personality. James fell for Tanya and saw a bright future with her. She might someday make a great mother and wife. Except –
‘I don’t like sex that much. I know it’s important to you guys, so yes, I can do it, but don’t expect me to get into it too much. It’s just not that important to me.’
‘Sex is part of love. It bonds a couple together.’
‘That’s a line I’ve heard a million times before. I’m sick of it. All sex has ever done is hurt me.’
James didn’t understand how this woman, smart and funny, could turn so cold when the subject of sex came up. It doesn’t fit. It doesn’t make sense.
‘Sex feels good…’ James tried to argue, but there was no point. It wasn’t a logical thing. It was a defense mechanism, as powerful as a child’s urge to move his hand quickly away from a hot stove.
Tanya wouldn’t listen anymore. ‘I promised myself that I would not give away my body sexually as I had done in the past. I tried those things, but they are in my past.’
‘Did you enjoy it at all?’
‘It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.’
James broke up with Tanya a few weeks later. The emotions were overwhelming. Somewhere deep in his psyche, he snapped. He found himself alone, sometimes in front of a mirror, asking tough questions.
‘I don’t understand. I want a best friend and a lover. I want someone to open up. Someone who understands me. I can’t find that. I don’t understand.’
These women were jaded. Hurt. Angry.
Never again, they said.
It’s over, James told himself through clenched teeth. I’m finished playing the ‘good guy.’ I don’t want another man’s sloppy seconds. I don’t want the sad, empty, hollow woman who gave her very best to a man who never deserved it.
If this is how the game is played, then let’s begin. Blow the whistle. I’m ready.
James was a cauldron of fury, determined to get a piece of the sexually adventurous pie. Determined not to finish in second place. He dances in his basement, adorned with black trunks and bright red boxing gloves, abusing a punching bag as both physical exercise and mental determination.
‘Women, you give away the best you have to offer to assholes,’ James growls to an empty room as he continues to take out his frustrations on the bag. ‘When you are at your most energetic, most passionate, most trusting, most willing to open up and take risks – it is with men who use your innocence and spit you out as if you didn’t matter. You then close yourselves off from the world, from your men, and you demand that we understand, that we respect your past and honor your desire for a more boring life. The passion is gone, the fire is dead and the life has been drained away.’
James wouldn’t accept that.
Back at the Italian restaurant, holding Rachel’s hand. James is gentle, soothing, loving. He knows now how to play this game, and he does it well.
‘I am so glad you are willing to open up and try new things with me, Rachel. It makes me feel valued and trusted and loved.’
‘You’ll always protect me, James. I know that. You make me feel safe…’
No, Rachel, foolish girl. This is the game that everyone plays. I’ll get my wish and use you for my pleasure, then toss you aside when I am done with you. You’ll never be the same again. Oh, you’ll date and fall in love and probably get married and maybe even have kids…but you’ll never be willing to give yourself away to anyone as completely as you have given yourself away to me. Your innocence will be destroyed and your passion for romance and sex will be a small fraction of what it was.
‘I love you, Rachel,’ James says smoothly. ‘With all my heart.’
Rachel smiles back. ‘I love you, too, James.’
I will have won, and all of the men in your future will wonder about the man who defeated them.
"My God, you're not an easy one to break," he said. thud "Ow, fuck. No, I'm not. So what? Fuck. Fuck you, fucker." "Fuck? Is that an invitation? To a fucker like me, that is?" thud "Ow. No. No. Not at all. Look, let me down." "Why should I? You ready to suck my dick like I asked, you're saying?" thud "No, ow, fuck. No, asshole. I mean, it's not safe. My arms up like this, for this long. Use your head. The ugly one, on your neck, I mean." thud "Ow, jeezus fuck. That...
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This is the continuation of the Jewel Series of Stories. Joseph and Jewel Josephson, brother and sister, realized they were in love with one another, and they proceeded to do something about it — They moved from where they were born, and went to College and had three children along the way; Jet, a girl, was the oldest; Next came Jade, and finally the youngest, and only boy, Kit! Here's our remarkable story. I'm KIT - 19, Jade's 21 and Jet's almost 23. We all have dark brown hair and...
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few years back i had sex with a girl call jade shes was 21 we had pure sex all day long she jerk wank me off abouth 4 times i cum in her mouth and hole many times . i not seen her for many years shes 28 now i saw on bus . i got hard on when saw her still sex girl with big titsshes give me her mobie number me fool lost it some now be cause saw on bus when got home and phone a sex line ask woman be jade for me shes mademe come fast but which could fuck jade again and again i...
The night was quiet. Even the wind made no sound. No cars drove by, no people on the sidewalks. It was as if they were waiting, anticipating something big. Inside the house with the white picket fence, and the perfectly trimmed green grass, on the second floor, behind a locked bathroom door, the sounds of light humming could heard. She stood there naked, in all her glory. Not a care in the world as she looked herself over in the mirror over the white, porcelain sink. Bare feet placed firmly...
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An Unplanned Initiation Introduction - Just after posting my first story here, I happened to read 'Loss of Control' by Julie O, and that got me thinking of how I might take one part of that story and expand upon it. The lead character there gets transported across an international border, but that action is just briefly mentioned. I thought about how that moment might be interesting if there were a little more detail (well actually a lot!), so I wrote a similar story based around...
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College SexDisclaimer: this story contains representations of graphic sex acts, if you find such material objectionable or you are not an adult do not read any further. This story may be archived or distributed through a web site only so long as the site is not commercial, and this notice is left intact and unaltered. I also ask that I be contacted before the story is posted. I write these stories for personal enjoyment and for the comments. If there's something you think I need...
Our First Weekend Together…… Part 1 Its Thursday night and he will be off work early in the morning, sitting at home waiting for time to pass, tossing and turning because the anticipation of him finally being here has gotten too much for her to handle… It’s 5am now and she still hasn’t gotten any sleep, thinking about their first moments together. Finally drifting off into a deep sleep she can see him in her dreams…. He is standing in front of her now, looking into her eyes. He says “Hi...
EDEN (FORMERLY JUNCTION CITY UTAH) [Background Music: Show me Heaven; Days of Thunder ST, Inama Nushif; Children of Dune ST.) Heaven. If this was what heaven was, then Anja Peterson wanted to be lost in it forever. All of the failed attempts at love throughout her twenty-eight years, all the groping and pawing for what satisfaction she could gain, the one night of blistering and sensual love that stood out above all the others, all of it had led her here to this one moment. Her tanned...
I’m in my late twenties, an educated professional living in a loving, tolerant community on the east coast with my lover and, if the political climate remains as it is, soon to be my spouse. She is the most wonderful person that I have ever met and we fell in love immediately when we first saw each other and have since committed our lives to one another. She was attracted to me during a presentation that I gave in The City a few months ago so she came up to me afterwards and introduced...
Christina Would Be Nice By Tawney W Those days were amazing. I mean, what else was I supposed to do but live as Christina? I was just a kid then but still, I would study her clothes, her hair, and her make- up. I was always teased for being small and thin, but I used it to my advantage when it came to being Christina. It was about fifteen years ago when I was absolutely smitten by a little known actress named Christina Applegate. I remember thinking she was so pretty. She had...
My eyes drifted down the page, passing my name, Ray Davis, and moved down towards the grades. My heart dropped in my chest. In my mind I heard the repetitive, monotonous symphony as every note was a plain B. Once again I pulled it off, without trying mind you. B’s in all five subjects, just like every semester. Sometimes I hated a teacher, and cut class fifty percent of the time. I got a B in those classes. Sometimes I loved a teacher, and I attended every class. I got a B in those classes...
She slides out of her bed and gets out of the covers onto her own feet with a suffle. She stretches out her back before moving towards the wooden door and opening it then suddenly being filled with the colors of pink translucent curtains. Aliaranna smiles at the women on 7 beds sitting there nude smiling back. She looks them all over, "Good morning my latina sluts." Aliaranna says with a toothy grin. The girls call back, "Good morning mistress Aliaranna." Aliaranna looks them over...
i am a very horny guy . but i look cute .. so gals and women give me a lil attention, after completing my degree a got a good job as a banker and was sent to south india. After reaching there i was lil depressed but one thng was gd that there i was like a diamond for the gals and woman since i was quite handsome and smart . so in this way my search began and there was one assistant of mine , she was just ok ok sort of the girl , but she was very nice. so i started get friendly with her,...
Hey guys! I’m Sheffali .Aap mujhe slut randi whore kuch bhi bol sakte hai! This is my first post on Indian sex stories about how I got used and discovered the real slut in me. I’m just 20 and live in odisha. I belong to a Bengali family and they are very broad minded about my male friends. This is the incident of when I was in the 12th class. I was very bold and outspoken.I had affairs in the past too.. My boobs are huge for my age and were 34c when I was in 9th class. This made me a bomb in...
It had always been a fantasy of mine to have a professional naked photo-shoot. It might sound weird but I wanted to immortalize my body at its peak, so that when I grew old and shriveled I could look at pictures of me as a young, beautiful girl. The problem was to find a photographer I liked and trusted to do the shoot. First I didn’t want it to be a man taking my pictures. Second I didn’t know how to go about finding someone who was good at nudes, it’s not like it was a common thing outside of...
LesbianDecember 24 ~~~~~~~~~~ International Network of Defense and Intelligence Operations (INDIGO) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ~~~~~ ‘You’re back.’ John looked up from the file folder laid open on his desk, raising a brow at the man leaning casually in his office doorway. ‘So are you.’ ‘Ive been back.’ David ‘Blackie’ De Haven sauntered with a fluid grace into the room. ‘Got in a couple nights ago.’ White teeth flashed in an easy, familiar grin. ‘Where were you?’ ‘Home for a funeral. Neighbor...
His long thick muscular cock stares back at me. With his swim shorts around his ankles he takes a tiny step back with his flip flops still on his feet looking into my eyes. My father is such a handsome man it is ridiculous. He points down motioning with both his hands to his gorgeous massive thick, nine inch veiny throbbing cock and big ball sack. “Now, is this the particular water gun you wanted me to show you here in the shed sweetie? Is this what you desperately needed on a hot summer day...
IncestHot lipsI did not want to let her go until I could see where I could push her tongue into her whimsical whore, so I dropped her licked orgasm juice and twisted it lightly into the circle. She shuddered again, and then began to pray that I loved herBoring and hot afternoon. I sat in the armchair and not thinking my fingers under the cotton dress. While staring at a stupid political gathering on the TV, I pierce the nipple with the other hand and start to caress her with a slim palm. Suddenly,...
Thinking life would not get any better then it was when I said ‘I do’ to my husband. He was so handsome, along with the fact he had been blessed with an extra helping of fun between his legs. We bought a new home, our bank account was growing, since both of us had very good jobs. I joined a private tennis club, enjoying a sport I have loved since I was a small girl. This was approximately the time problems began to happen for both of us. I think we both became bored with our lives, sex and all...
Santa's hand slipped up the inside of my thigh. He had taken off his wooly mittens so he could caress the skin; my pussy pulsed into a low throb. But, just before he reached the apex--and with an enormous effort on my part--I moved a step away. I pretended to straighten an ornament on the fake Christmas tree. "Knock it off, Saint Nick," I said in a low, indulgent tone. "We still have four more hours on our shift." Mall Santa and elf. He groaned, the sexy bastard. Well-built, athletic, and...
Quickie SexThe Exhibitionist Next Door When I moved into my new house I was not expecting to have a young woman to be living on either side of me but it was nice. I made some good investments and decided to get to hell out of the rat race for good. So I up and moved to another state and a fairly out of the way place at that. As it turned out I had moved into the middle of “Divorcee Hill” as the locals called it. I had a rather big lot on the end of the street. It contained several acres...
Slave slut continued to thrash and scream every time a crab ran across her body. If she had not been self-gagging by holding her mouth tightly closed, the beach patrol, anyone on the beach, and probably the Coast Guard would already be here.I called out to her, “slut! Get control of yourself.”“But there are bugs running all over me,” she whined back.“They aren’t bugs,” I replied. “They’re crabs. And the only danger is if they get near your mouth or nose, which they won’t do to you because you...
BDSMdo not know who first came to my mind, but it was extremely uncommon although druskanje in a bar, drink a little, looked spontanao, I do not think that's really the point of maximum. Sex, Threesomes, that we some time, a couple months put on side lane, first of all it was Tina's request, I understand, although I did not have these problems, but the fact that it recently became osnovmi kind of sex, there have been more we deal with it every weekend. At the same time our sponsors probs + variant...
It was a late end to the day; I arrived home to find all the light in the house off apart from the hall. I went in and went through the normal routine of plugging in the mobile, hanging up my coat, and checking to see if I had any post. While I was reading a letter I heard sounds coming from up stairs and went into the hall so I could hear clearly. My wife was not asleep, this I was sure of; but why had she not called me or said hello? I listened carefully and soon realised she was busy doing...
VoyeurHi everybody Kiran is back with another fact which happened 1yr back. This is ur neighborhood kiran from Bangalore any females of any age contact me and message with ur comments on …This happened a yr back with my hot Gujrathi neighbor Sandhya she has a voluptus body. Our families were very close. She was a very beautiful woman with big assets but in perfect shape. She was married. Her boobs and ass was big in size. The first time I saw her I was in lust to get her. After a month after they...