Christina Would Be Nice free porn video

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Christina Would Be Nice By Tawney W Those days were amazing. I mean, what else was I supposed to do but live as Christina? I was just a kid then but still, I would study her clothes, her hair, and her make- up. I was always teased for being small and thin, but I used it to my advantage when it came to being Christina. It was about fifteen years ago when I was absolutely smitten by a little known actress named Christina Applegate. I remember thinking she was so pretty. She had such beautiful blond hair, and these green eyes that seemed to radiate her femininity. I thought if only I could meet a girl like that... but then reality would crash in as I looked in the mirror and saw this skinny teen-ager, all of five feet, seven inches tall. Not exactly what the girls I knew were interested in. Besides, I had a tiny secret that I had wrestled with for quite some time. You see, deep down I had this nagging feeling that I was, well... different. Quite simply, I enjoyed dressing up and acting like a girl. It was something that I had been dabbling in for about ten years at that point, and lets face it, at fifteen years old a teenagers self esteem was fragile enough without having to carry the burden of such peculiar tendencies. Every chance I got; I would rummage through my sisters room and experiment with her outfits and make-up. A fifteen year-old boy shouldn't be so adept at putting on mascara and eyeliner, but what the heck! That just made me unique, right? So any way, as time went on I found myself becoming more and more enthralled with Ms. Applegate. It was fun watching her on television and in movies, knowing that she and I were the same age, give or take a few months. I watched with rapt attention to details such as her hairstyles and make-up. I made every effort to find pictures of her in magazines, or to catch her on the television talk shows. All because I wanted to look like her. Deep down I knew that if I was truly going to be happy, I was going to be happy by looking like Christina and imitating her mannerisms. The skinny little boy who would be a girl; that was me! Over the course of the following year my fascination had become not so much obsession but a quest for perfection. My parents thought that I was just your typical teen-age boy with my enormous Christina Applegate collection of pictures, posters and articles. They didn't seem to notice my subtle changes in appearance or behavior either. I had been growing my hair out so I could style it like Christina's, even going so far as to have some highlights put in at one point, as well as having my ears pierced. It was a time of big hair and glam bands so I just played it off as being part of the rock'n roll generation. It didn't seem to matter to the girls who cut and styled my hair that I liked a more "feminine" style, so hey! I took advantage of their indifference. Sure there were some issues at school. Having to listen to the narrow-minded jocks tease me for looking more and more like a girl was to be expected. It was a small price to pay for true happiness though. By the time I was a senior in high school my hair had grown down to the middle of my back, just like Christina's, and I was still the smallest of the boys in my graduating class. I never grew past five feet, eight inches tall, which was fine with me since it allowed me to maintain a perfect size seven. It was about this time, however, that my sister had confronted me about my newfound "style". She had asked me repeatedly why I was going to such extremes in my appearance. Why was I acting so, how did she put it? Oh yeah... feminine! It was a strange combination of fear and happiness at her words. Fear for the sole reason that no one wants to be rejected or shunned, but happiness because it seemed I was indeed noticed. My subtle transformation was being noticed and that was very exciting! I remember how she pulled me into her room and started asking me question after question until I could no longer hold it in. I looked her straight in the eyes and told her, "I want to be Christina Applegate." Well, I didn't mean I actually wanted to be her in the literal sense, but it was my passion to look like her and be like her in every possible way. I even went on to tell my sister Casey, how I would sneak into her room when she was gone and try on her things, seeing just how much I could look like Christina Applegate with the right make-up and such. It seemed that I could have sealed my fate and had my parents sending me to a shrink at the slightest protest from Casey, but a wonderful thing happened; she was totally supportive of my inner desires. Unbeknownst to me, she had been aware of my visits in her room for quite some time, but she had thought it was just a "phase". Boy was she surprised! After that it wasn't long before Casey was helping me with all my questions and so forth. We would spend hours doing my make-up and trying on her clothes. It was wonderful! My long blond hair was just like Christina's, thanks to a few touch ups from my sister. I remember being so fussy about my hair with her. "Do you want to look like her or not?" she would demand. Casey was going to be a cosmetologist, so it was a little forward of me to question her as often as I did. But she still had fun giving me make over after make over no matter how fussy I was. For her, it was quite enjoyable having a "sister" to perfect her talents on. As for me, well, I was in heaven. Each time she would pull out a different picture of Christina, and each time she would have me looking almost identical to her. "You really do resemble her, you know?" She would say. "You have similar features. You're lucky to have such feminine characteristics." Wow! She was right! After she pointed it out to me I noticed how my slight build lent to a feminine figure of sorts. I did have a somewhat girlish shape and with the right outfit and a padded bra, I could have been taken for a teen-age girl without a second look. My feminine features weren't just limited to my figure though. Casey did a quick shaping of my eyebrows and before I knew it, I could see a beautiful young woman looking back at me in the mirror. With the right make-up I was absolutely pretty! Casey had helped me achieve my goal to look like Christina Applegate, and yet she did it with such nonchalant ease. I was amazed but then a thought had entered my mind. What will everyone think now? It seemed I had just allowed my sister to give me a make over that would not be easily hidden. Not from our parents, not from those at school. Even the few friends I did have were becoming suspicious of my subtle changes. "Don't worry. Mom and dad won't be as freaked out as you think." She said lightheartedly. "As far as school goes, you graduate in two months. You can get through it. And I can always introduce you to my friends at beauty school. You could probably use some 'feminine' friendship... if this is what and who you want to be." What and who I want to be? I had to think about it... this was not a simple decision. This, as it turned out, was my turning point; this is where it all came together for me, leading me down a path far removed from anything resembling a boy's life. I stood up from the edge of Casey's bed, walked over to her closet and pulled out the cutest little black dress. I held it up in front of me as I looked into the floor length mirror. "Look at it this way," I said turning toward her with a smile. "You won't be losing a brother, you'll be gaining a sister." *** Over the next few months things became very, well... interesting. That night in my sister's room had become a pivotal moment in my life. I had set my mind on becoming the girl I had been emulating for over a year. With my sister's help, things were coming along with brilliant results. Her special touch left my hair long, blonde and beautiful and my skin soft, smooth and feminine. She would do my make-up each day, honing her skills, as she prepared to graduate from beauty school. Every day would bring about an excitement that I can only say was due to the fact that I was truly becoming more and more feminine. Once mom and dad had gotten over the initial shock of it all, I was free to let myself truly enjoy who I was without inhibition. While my sister took it upon herself to show me all I would need to know about fashion and style, while giving me hair and make-up tips; mom was doing some research of her own. I believe it was after school when, as I walked through the door wearing a baggy mid-riff sweater and a denim mini- skirt, that my mom had commented on how 'lady-like' I had become, and also how soon I had fallen into the role of a normal, everyday teen-age girl. She was concerned about my well being at school, asking if there were any confrontations or problems that had arisen since her and dad spoke to the council about my 'special condition'. The school had many counselors to help me through some of the ridicule and teasing, I explained, and for the most part, all was fine. That's when she asked me if I would be interested in seeing a specialist about my transformation. At first I thought she meant a shrink, but she went on to tell me that it was not that kind of specialist at all. The specialist she had in mind was a doctor who would help me develop even further into the girl I had been living as for the past few months. Well, I agreed enthusiastically when she told me there were ways for a 'girl' like me to transition into true womanhood. Immediately she had scheduled an appointment for me and we were now visiting with doctor Monsen on a regular basis. Oh, it was absolute euphoria. The first appointment was in all purposes the most exciting moment of my life up until that point. Doctor Monsen had checked me over thoroughly, giving me a clean bill of health. At that point he went on to describe the method I would be using to transform my self into a young female. First came an injection of highly concentrated female hormones, which would be repeated each month. Next came my prescription for a daily dosage of hormones, which would begin a feminization, both physically and mentally, of my whole persona. According to Doctor Monsen I was a perfect candidate, having already been blessed with feminine characteristics, just as Casey had said so many times, so it probably wouldn't be long before I would begin to notice some results. That month was, for all purposes, very fulfilling for me as his words took on the truest form of prophecy. Within two weeks of hormone treatment, known as HRT, I began to notice my nipples becoming very itchy and sensitive. At first I thought nothing of it until I mentioned it in passing to my sister. Casey broke out in a big smile and said with much enthusiasm that my breasts were beginning to develop. The sensitivity and such was exactly what happened to her and her girlfriends as they began to blossom. Within weeks I would probably see some noticeable changes around my nipples and chest. Well, she was right. Not more than two weeks later I was getting out of the shower when I stopped at looked in the mirror. I had truly begun to change. It was enough I thought that my hips and bottom seemed fuller and rounder but now I actually had developed the cutest bumps on my chest. I was indeed changing before my very eyes. At my second appointment with Doctor Monsen, he was literally astounded. His face lit up when he gave me my next check-up. He said I might expect to develop some incredible results if this was the pace I was indeed set upon. My next injection went just as planned and he told me to not be surprised at the rapid development I might truly have in waiting. It was an exciting time for me then. I went through my monthly check-ups as scheduled and continued to take my daily dosages all the while I was developing at a spectacular pace. My breasts had gone from a 34a after my first two months of HRT to a healthy and beautiful 34c in as little as six months. My figure was becoming the traditional hourglass shape as my hips and bottom continued to fill out proportionally. My hair was long and wavy; my skin felt soft and smooth, everything about me was so feminine and pretty. My sister Casey and I had become so close, just as I had become closer to my mom as well. Even dad was enjoying the happiness and excitement within the home. He had his three girls and that seemed to be just fine with him. I was enjoying my femininity so much and as time went on, after graduation I enrolled into beauty school, just like Casey. I was feeling whole and complete, as I would attract so much attention from the young men who I would meet while cutting hair. I enjoyed dating them and the way they made me feel so much like a lady. Sure, some of them only wanted one thing from the 'blonde bombshell' I had become in two years time, but only a couple of them actually turned into somewhat meaningful relationships. There were some things I just wasn't willing or capable to do yet and it was difficult to explain at times. But then there were, as I said, two well-meaning boys my age that were so sensitive and caring. Those were the two, Jamie and Bobby, who I felt such a strong attraction towards. With Jamie, I was able to let myself be totally free. Mmmm, he was so sweet. I remember we were sitting on his couch while watching some television one night, and things became so, well, passionate. He was so romantic that I could no longer resist his touch. His smoky gray eyes melted me and I literally found myself unable to keep my hands off of him. At that moment I remember this urge coming over me that was so strong and compelling that I simply had to have him right then and there. I let my hands run down his chest and finally found myself undoing his pants with my long, manicured nails. He was absolutely gorgeous! He was so excited. I remember how I gently released him from his sexy little bikini briefs, and began to massage and stroke him oh so softly. He was absolutely enraptured by my touch. I kissed him on his chest down to his stomach and then finally, for the first time ever; I took him into my mouth and began to make soft gentle love to him, deep in my throat. When I felt him, as he grew so enormous in my mouth, finally releasing in a groan of pure delight, I took all of him into me, enjoying the rush of warm fluid running down my throat. At that point I felt like an absolutely, beautifully feminine, woman. I had just pleased my man and enjoyed every moment of it. He was indeed so very sweet. *** It was now about two and a half years, and I was for all purposes, a young beautiful woman. Hrt was producing the most unbelievable results in not just my state of mind but physically as well. It goes without saying that hormone replacement therapy will have some effects, but in my situation it seemed that it was a non-stop, continual transformation. It seemed that each of my check-ups were confirming what I had been seeing for the past twenty-four months. My breasts had filled in to a voluptuous 34c, which was such a treat. Nothing makes me feel more beautiful than looking in the mirror and seeing my ever feminizing 34-24- 34 figure. Not bad for a boy who had become this pretty young woman of twenty years old. My inspiration had not been deviated in least either, as I continued to follow Ms. Applegate and her fun sense of style. I would receive so many compliments and comments on how much I resembled her. It was so fun to think how far I had come in such a relatively short time. I mean I had pretty much gone through a young girl's puberty at a rapid pace, and yet I was still continuing to change and develop. My biggest event had still been rather elusive though. I was awaiting my upcoming SRS when I met a wonderful guy named Tommy. He was the sweetest, cutest guy I had ever known. With the continual hormone treatments, I felt like I was overflowing with femininity each time I left the Doctors office after receiving my monthly injection. It was very difficult for me to not be aroused by thoughts of boys during these times. As fate would have it, I was in the grocery store one afternoon following a monthly appointment and I met Tommy while waiting in line. I knew it was obvious to him that I was rather, shall we say, turned on by his good looks and lean muscular body. We hit it off quite well and within hours we at my apartment involved in much passion. I was swimming with emotion and excitement of such intensity that I was immediately on top of him taking off his shirt. We were kissing passionately as I straddled him feeling the bulge in his pants getting bigger and bigger until I could no longer contain myself. I leaned down and kissed his smooth chest making my way to his waist. I undid his pants and took hold of him with my hands. I remember how beautiful it made me feel seeing my long painted nails caressing his rock hard penis. I began to dance across the head of his member with my tongue, teasing him while he writhed in passion. Finally I took him deep into my mouth embracing him deep within my throat. It was better than I ever remembered it, and I think I enjoyed it more than he did as I look back on the occasion. It didn't take long and he had let his warm fluid burst forth in a gush like sweet, thick syrup. I continued to keep him deep inside my mouth, as I didn't want it to end. Soon we were lying side by side on the floor while I continued to kiss and caress him. He asked me if I was for real with my insatiable appetite. He reached over and took my breasts in has hands, caressing me with such gentleness. I felt my nipples becoming rock hard and down below in my panties my now shrunken penis had began to stir. Though I was incapable of erection, I began to shudder with a rush of excitement. As if it were a natural course of action, Tommy reached down and began to massage my penis with more of the same gentle touch. I wanted to ask him how he knew about my 'uniqueness' but within moments I felt a warm rush go through me as I began to climax. My panties were soaked through from my orgasm. I never thought it would be possible to climax with my penis having become mostly useless due to the hormones, but Tommy had brought something out of me that I never knew could happen. From that point on I was anxious to have my SRS. I wanted nothing more than to make love with Tommy as a complete woman. While Tommy was fine with me as I was when we met, it also excited him to know that it could actually be even better if I was pure woman. While waiting for the last couple of weeks before my SRS to pass by, I had taken care of the 'technicalities' of becoming a complete female. Changing my name and other information for my driver's license and such went very well. I remember how the man at the DMV asked what my new name was to be. I smiled at him and in a funny kind of girlish shyness, I said, "Call me Christina. Christina would be nice." And from that moment on, that was who I was. I went into my SRS shortly thereafter, and when I awoke I saw my family smiling and comforting me with open hearts and open arms. "Christina," Casey said. "I'm so happy for you. Now you are the woman you always wanted to be." "Yeah," I said weakly. "It's like a whole new life in front of me now." And what a life it's been. Tommy and I are still together, madly in love, and as of yesterday we are engaged! Now when I look in the mirror I see the most beautiful woman, so feminine and so pretty; it's enough to make me laugh with joy every time someone asks for my name. Each time it comes up I simply say, "Call me Christina. Christina would be nice."

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ChristinaChapter 3

I woke up to the smell of frying bacon, an alien smell that my sleep-fogged mind took a few seconds to parse. I sat up. From my vantage in bed at one end of the trailer I could see all the way to the other end, and there in the middle, at the stove, was Tina, fiddling with a skillet on the stove. I guess she caught my movement. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she chirped. "I hope grits and bacon and eggs is good for breakfast." "Oops," I said. "I woke up in the wrong...

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ChristinaChapter 18

It was the next evening before Tina and Cindy were on the phone together again. Tina excitedly related the experience to her friend. It wasn't until later that evening that Dan and I talked about the incident. It was a standard week, at least as far as work. Things were rolling along pretty much as planned. Tina's reports from school were happy ones. I was glad. I reflected back to the time when we first met, and I was wondering what I was gonna do with a high school dropout. Now, was...

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ChristinaChapter 20

A week later we were lifting off for a weekend, meeting with Cindy and Dan, and I was passenger in my own airplane, with my young private pilot wife and her best friend occupying the front seats. I didn't mind. It was relatively short flight, Tina was more than capable, and the absurdity of the scene was a bit humorous. As we neared the airfield, I heard the radio click as Tina made a general radio call: "Jackson Unicom, this is Cessna six-seven-six-five-Golf, five miles out, landing...

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ChristinaChapter 39

Conclusion Christina's turn: I'm ALMOST on top of the world. I'll reach the peak, I'm sure, when I watch my best friend (holding first place in a tie with Cindy Richards and Nikki Granger) Susan get married tomorrow. Love. It's meant to be shared. Nine months ago, life as I had known it was over. Today I'm standing on the ramp of a little country airport with my HUSBAND and my friends, waiting for more friends to fly in. Beside me is a neat little seven year old girl that halfway...

4 years ago
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Christinas New Life

Christina's New Life "I want you to have a go at playing this," she said as she put a new music score up in front of me on the piano. "Moonlight Sonata. It needs to be played with so much emotion and tenderness. I really do want to hear what you make of it." Like all of the piano pieces I played I had never heard of this before. My parents weren't rich and we didn't have a gramophone, but we did have a radio, which was always switched on to the light programme. They didn't play...

1 year ago
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Christinas secret

Too many times tonight guys on separate occasions tried to pick up Christina. But she was not interested she just wanted to drink alone and be with her thoughts of how unhappy she had been. The past few relationships she had did not last or ended in disaster and the last thing she wanted was to be with another guy at least tonight.  On the other side of the bar this beautiful blonde who could have stepped off a sun-kissed California beach has been watching Christina and her continued...

2 years ago
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Christinas Kitchen Exploit

I was sitting in Physics class, waiting for the bell to ring. I hated physics, I was getting a 65% in the class, and there were only four days left until the final exams. The only highlight of the class was a girl named Jill. She had amazing light blue eyes, with long black hair, of course me being a geek, not nerd, but geek meant that I had no chance with her. She had just broken up with her boyfriend George, and since then every guy had been trying to get at her, all having unsuccessful...

3 years ago
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Christinas Kitchen Exploit Episode III Jills Involvement

I stood in the shower thinking about what I could do. Was there really anyway I could trick Jill to let me fuck her? After 2 weeks I still hadnt come up with an answer. Of course my sister being naked all the time distracted me a lot. One day I told her to buy a dildo, and she did. So whenever I was to busy to have sex with her, I simply told her to masturbate in front of me with the dildo. But anyways, after a month I was at school I heard the most interesting thing. It made me think that...

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A Dad for Denice

Although sixteen now, Denice had never been camping before. I enjoyed camping; it was a way of escaping my home-life, where the wife doted only on the dog. Denice was my sister Cathy’s daughter; a single mom whome I visted rarely. Denice had lately become very tempting. Her brown hair seemed to kiss her beautiful neck and her big brown eyes danced every time I took-in her yummy figure. Visits to Cathy’s place became more frequent; and I found Cathy good to chat with before Deniece came in...

1 year ago
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Christina Ch 06

There were no commercial flights to San Cristobal. Xavier offered to fly me down in his Lear jet, but when I checked on it I was told that the runways there were too short even for executive sized jets. So I took a Mexicana flight to Tuxtla Gutierrez — a horrible industrial town in the middle of a raspy desert — and from there hired a local pilot to fly me up to san Cristobal in his prewar Cessna. The flight itself turned out to be just as beautiful as Tuxtla was ugly. It took us sailing up...

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Christina Ch 0711

Chapter seven By the time the morning sunlight hit the top of the cathedral, my mind had returned to business. Somehow that long, dreamy night with Tolerante had made me more determined than ever to find out what had happened to drive Paul into that mysterious and seemingly hopeless captivity, to turn that powerful love of ours so suddenly and irredeemably cold. ‘Tolerante,’ I said as we sipped coffee and munched on fresh bolillos in the courtyard, ‘take me to see el cubano.’ He shook his...

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Christina and Cheryl part 2

‘Pedicure?!’ I was alarmed. This had all been fun and very sexy, but a pedicure? That would mean I would be venturing in to the public, something I had previously barely even considered. Would I pass? Would I be ridiculed? Would I be verbally abused? Would I be physically abused? These were the things that crossed my mind at first. But then I considered a different scenario. Would I be hot? Would I be sexy? Would I be admired? Would I be whistled at? I started to become turned on. ‘Baby, I...

3 years ago
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Christinaacutes pralle Arschbacken

An einem herrlichen Tag inmitten des Sommers , wachte ich auf.Streckte und reckte mich sitzend auf meiner Spielwiese.Auf der ich immer alleine einschlief , seitdem mich Maria verlassen hatte.Eine viel zu Eifersüchtige Frau , die sogar im hohen Alter ihre unsicherheiten nicht im Griff hatte.Ehrlich gesagt , fand ich ihren Körper wirklich extrem sexy für ihr Alter.Es machte mir nichts aus , das Sie ein paar Kilos zuviel hatte.Es war alles gut verteilt , wenn ihr wisst was ich meine (LOL).Deswegen...

1 year ago
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During spring break, I went to visit my father with a few of my college friends who were on their way to Cancun for Spring Break. I hadn't seen him since the fall after going away to college. I'm about medium built long beautiful raven hair and big brown eyes. My skin is on the light side and have always been a little on the heavy side. The large posterior I got from my dad's side of the family and everyone on her mother's side is top heavy, so I was blessed with a very voluptuous body. But...

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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 2

Dear Readers,Thank you for choosing my story. I really hope that you enjoy it and that it brings you a lot of pleasure. When I write my stories, I always like to include the last paragraph from the previous chapter. This is to refresh your memories. Please send me comments about what you think of this story. Hope you enjoy it. Now chapter 2 of Chris's journey…* * * * *Chris slowly reaches down and pulls down her panties and lounge pants to just past her knees. She then lets her hand find its...

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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 1

Chris is an 18 year old, red head. She grew up in a small farming community in Idaho. This town was very secluded from the rest of the world and outside of trips to the city with her family she never saw other parts of our great nation. She also did not really know anyone outside of her small town and relatives. The only experience she had ever had with males was kissing them and letting them touch her 40-D breasts underneath her shirt. They never saw more clothes off of her than when she was...

2 years ago
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Mick "Oh Jesus Christ, she's going to jump! That's all I bloody need! This sodding trip really is fated." At 3 a.m. on a late September morning, there should have been no one about; certainly there was nobody on the quay that could stop her. I watched as the woman climbed the safety barrier and stood on the edge of the quay at the harbour entrance seemingly still making up her mind. Although I was still some distance from her, in the floodlights along the harbour wall her white...

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ChristinaChapter 2

An hour and a half later and we were out of the worst of the traffic and I had the cruise control locked in at seventy, letting that diesel engine do what it did best, eat up miles. I'd noted that, despite a cup of coffee and a coke, Miss Tina'd seen fit to doze off for an hour or so. She woke up to the rhythm of the interstate under our wheels. "Are we gonna get there this evening?" she asked. "Nope. If I drove straight through, maybe we'd get there sometime after midnight. I'm not...

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ChristinaChapter 4

The accursed alarm clock went off as expected at six-thirty. We got up and dressed and because of her appointment for testing, we hit a local diner for breakfast of pancakes and coffee. At eight fifteen she was walking in the door of the school board offices. There was a lady expecting her, and I left my business card for her to call me if she needed me. "Oh, don't worry," said the lady. "These tests are timed, but she's the only one taking them today, so she'll be finished at...

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ChristinaChapter 5

Of many things is a life built. Together. Things like finding out that we loved the same music. Food. Lifestyle. We didn't leave the room until we left for home the next day. Our marriage day dinner was a delivery pizza and a liter of coke. We took our first shower together in that room, luxuriating in endless hot water and plenty of room to move and love. And dried off, we were back in bed. I forgot I ever knew a female form before Tina. Each touch of my fingers, lips, tongue, dick to her...

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ChristinaChapter 6

Okay, we got into a new routine. No, not an "I'm bored" routine, but rather an "I can't wait to get home to connect with my soulmate" routine. Yes, the afternoon swims were part of the routine. The exercise kept us both fit, and at forty, it would have been too easy to spread out, as many of my contemporaries and co-workers had done. Besides, I had a hundred and twenty pounds of incentive. Another part of the routine was the homework. I took an active part in Tina's education as I...

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ChristinaChapter 7

"Find the perfume" is a fun game when the playing field is seventeen, freshly bathed and giggly. It is soft, warm, tasty, and rife with sudden bursts of ecstasy, and at the end it is very difficult to discern the winner from the loser. In our case, you couldn't have slipped a business card between us when we went to sleep. In the morning I was drifting along between asleep and awake with outside light filtering into the room and the sound of Tina moving in the bathroom. The running water...

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ChristinaChapter 8

I was in trouble and didn't know it. The guys I talked to, they were like me, from various locales around the country, brought together for this job, so news of my happy circumstance with seventeen year old Tina was a matter of interest, and with my obvious happiness, a bit of good-natured ribbing, and I was rocking away happy in my ignorance. How ignorant? You'll see... Tuesday I got Tina out of school to meet me at the doctor's office. You see, student pilots need physicals, too. We...

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ChristinaChapter 9

Married! And Tina wrapped around my arm as we shook hands and smiled and received congratulations from a happy little crowd. I shook hands with Bill Hurley and got pulled into a manhug. “Man, you don’t know how much I owe you, Bill,” I said. Next hug was from his wife, Sharon. “Congratulations, Alan,” she said. Tina was in the middle of the office ladies receiving similar noises, and worked her way out to Bill and Sharon. Uncle Jimmy waited his turn to kiss the bride, and I shook his...

1 year ago
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ChristinaChapter 10

Saturday morning. It was somewhat comforting to be home for the weekend after the week we'd had, even if 'home' was thirty-odd feet of travel trailer. "Uh-huh," she said. "But what a week to be tired from." Squeal! "WE'RE MARRIED!" She rushed to me. At least I had time to open my arms. We were twisted together. "Yes, we are, little one." I kissed her. "Alan, let's go somewhere ... Next weekend." "And does my new bride have someplace in mind?" "Uh-huh. I think we should...

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ChristinaChapter 11

"Mom! Dad! They've got TWO airplanes!" Susan squealed. I shook hands with Mike. "It's not that big a deal. Really. The big one's four seats, and less than an RV, and the little one's two seats and less than a new bass boat. Or a good used pickup truck." "Still, it sounds impressive," Mike said. We sat around the table and ordered fried seafood and talked while we were waiting on its arrival. Kathy dove right in. "Susan said you RESCUED Tina at gunpoint?!?" "It's not nearly...

3 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 12

Tina was dressing in jeans, just right fit, and a long-sleeved dark blue cotton shirt that set her hair and face aglow. We pulled into Elise's driveway, got out, and knocked on the door. Brother-in-law Joe met us at the door. "Damn, Alan, she's a cutie. Hi, Tina, I'm Joe. Elise's husband. Ya'll come in!" We walked into the house, smelling the wonderful aromas of the foods I'd been raised on. "What's she doin, a pork roast?" I asked. "Smells like my grandma's," Tina said. Joe...

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ChristinaChapter 14

Oh, the horrors of Monday after vacation. When you like your job, Mondays aren't as dreadful. I liked my job. But I liked spending time with Tina more. She was about as excited about school as I was about work. I was positively reluctant to go out the door, even absent the freezing temperatures. Still, we did what we must. I arrived, finding that my boss was snowbound up north, half the crews didn't show up for similar reasons, and as the "responsible senior engineer" on site, I presided...

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ChristinaChapter 16

There was an IHOP just a bit up the road. I'd noted its location on the way to dinner. We loaded up in the car again, the girls in the back seat giggling in the delightful way that somehow disappears from females as age advances. Hearing it from the girl I loved and her friend was very pleasant. I looked at Dan. "Didn't expect to be on the road at this hour." "Me neither," Dan said. "But I learned a long time ago that hanging around with Cindy was gonna result in a few random...

2 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 17

We were scheduled to meet again for dinner before the concert. Tina had her blue dress. Navy blue. Her hair fairly glowed with that color. Makeup? A touch of perfume. This was a healthy young girl. I guess some misguided 'consultant' might've wanted to tone down her freckles and highlight something or emphasize something else, but what I saw standing before me when it was time to leave the room, that was perfection. Me? A guy in a suit. We met Cindy and Dan in the lobby. Cindy was...

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ChristinaChapter 19

Sunday mid-day saw us back at the airport, loading up to go home, including an ice-chest with my precious stash of Louisiana smoked sausage. After Elise dropped us at the plane, Tina giggled, "Louisiana is KNOWN for good sausage..." "What's with you, my pretty young wife?" I asked. "Period's over. We're gonna be in OUR little house tonight." She smiled. "YOU'RE the one that started me on THIS." She walked purposefully to the left side of the plane. "I'm flyin'...

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ChristinaChapter 21

The exchange of email with Tina's physics teacher, Mister Graham, went through a couple of cycles between Monday and Tuesday. I circulated the results to my boss and the game was set: student tour on Friday. A few sessions around the coffee pot and I and my fellow engineers had an educational itinerary set up that would merge the 'oooh' and 'ahhhh' stuff with a little bit of a look into the world of heavy industry. Wednesday afternoon I got a call on the radio. "Alan, can you come to...

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