ChristinaChapter 12 free porn video

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Tina was dressing in jeans, just right fit, and a long-sleeved dark blue cotton shirt that set her hair and face aglow. We pulled into Elise's driveway, got out, and knocked on the door. Brother-in-law Joe met us at the door.

"Damn, Alan, she's a cutie. Hi, Tina, I'm Joe. Elise's husband. Ya'll come in!"

We walked into the house, smelling the wonderful aromas of the foods I'd been raised on. "What's she doin, a pork roast?" I asked.

"Smells like my grandma's," Tina said.

Joe laughed. "Smells like everybody's grandma's. She's gotten good over the years."

Elise stuck her head around the corner. "I heard that!" she said.

"Deb!" Joe yelled. "Come out here! Your Uncle Alan an' yer new aunt are here!" He turned to us. "Deb's here. Haley's at a friend's, but she'll be here in a bit. We tol' 'er to be home for supper."

Sixteen year old Deb popped around the corner, smiling. Her smile broadened when she saw me and Tina. Tina was two inches taller, and Deb's hair was a curious arrangement of brunette and blonde streaks, and they could've been schoolmates.

She bounced up to me and hugged me, kissing me on the cheek, then she turned to Tina. "Hi! I'm Deb. Deborah, actually, but Deb works better." And she hugged Tina. "Mom says you're graduating this year?"

"Uh-huh," Tina said. "You?"

"I'm a sophomore, ' she sighed. "Haley's a senior."

"Let's go sit," Joe said.

"I'm gonna see if Elise needs help," Tina said.

I looked at her and winked.

Tina and Deb went to the kitchen. Joe looked at me. "Wow, bud!" he said. "Elise told me, but I didn't quite believe it. Seventeen?"

"Uh-huh," I said. "Damnedest thing I ever saw. Out of the clear blue." I told him how we met.

The women came back into the living room and Tina sat beside me. "I heard you talking about me, baby," she said.

"I was telling him about the day we met," I said.

She smiled. "Wasn't one of my better days, Mister Joe," she said.

"Please don't call me mister," Joe said.

"Okay, Joe, then," she said. "But Mom an' her boyfriend and I were evacuating from the hurricane, and we stopped for breakfast..." She told the story. "And after the deputies showed up, I didn't have any place to go. And Alan offered..."

"In that trailer of his?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, but you know, he didn't ... he was a perfect gentleman. I was a high school dropout 'cuz of my mom, and he got me back in high school, and got legal responsibility for me so he could do it, and treated me like, well, he never tried anything. Like he told the deputy, he was just my friend."

Joe and Elise looked at me. "I was. Seriously."

"Yes. He was. Got me into school. Bought me a car so I didn't have to ride the bus, and so I could run errands after school while he was still at work. You know, so we'd have an easier time. And I thought I was just gonna be a normal school girl. But the first time I went out, I got shocked back to reality. And I asked myself what a REALLY wanted." She looked at me. "And I decided it was Alan. So here we are."

I tugged her against me. "And we're gonna stay this way."

Deb looked at her mom, eyebrow raised.

Elise snorted, "You go right ahead, little girl. You bring home a guy with a six-figure job, we'll talk about it."

The front door opened and my oldest niece walked in. "Hi, Uncle Alan," she said, hugging me. "An' you gotta be Tina!"

"I am. And you're Haley, right?"

Haley smiled. She was Tina's height, carrying twenty more pounds, her hair shoulder-length, the dark brown that ran in our family. "Mom says you're a senior?"

"Yep. You too, huh?" Tina smiled.

"Oh, god, yes! Finally!" Haley smiled.

"Sit down! Tell me about your plans!" Tina replied.

"Plans? I guess, college, huh Dad?" Haley looked at Joe.

Joe shrugged. "Baby, we've been through this. Do you have any idea what you want to do?"

"Oh, I dunno," Haley said. "I think I'm going in for mass communications. My friend Kayla's doin' that..."

"And you're thinking it's a good idea to spend five figures on 'I'm thinkin' 'cuz this friend of yours is 'doin' that'?"

I surmised that this conversation had been run through before. Haley decided to enlist a new ally: Tina. She turned to Tina, her brown eyes showing hope. "So, Tina, do you, like, have a solid plan?"

Tina perked up. "Yes, I do. I'm hoping for scholarships, but it doesn't matter. In the fall I'm starting on electrical engineering. Four years." She turned and smiled at me. "Like Alan."

Joe smirked. "That's a plan. And she actually KNOWS somebody that's making a living as an engineer. Do you know anyone with a 'mass communications' degree that's not living in their mom's house? I mean, really?"

"But it's a college degree, Dad," she whined. "What'd'ya think, Uncle Alan?"

"I think it's between you an' your daddy," I waffled. "But I do see his side. Don't you think it would be nice to go after something that makes you employable?"

"But isn't important to LEARN? Isn't that what college is about? Learning?"

"Learning is certainly honorable," I said, "and I've never stopped learning. But I had my eye on paying for my own future when I got out of high school. The wrong college degree just means you're going to have a better chance at being under-employed than somebody with a high school diploma. So you're working for ten bucks an hour after you paid a hundred thousand for the privilege."

She was a bit somber-looking. "uh..."

"No, sweetie, don't be sad. You're at the door to your future, like a few million other eighteen-year-olds are." I drew a breath. "I went right into college and then the army. Your dad went into the navy, then got out and fought a job AND school, and raising a family. It wasn't so easy. He's probably tried to explain, but I know how you are. I was eighteen once too, you know."

"Well, it's hard, Uncle Alan," she said.

"So think about it, baby. And don't just talk to your friends, because most of them are as confused as you are. And remember, a lot of people at the school are in the business of education, and you're getting out of their world into the REAL world."

Elise peered around the corner. "Looks like a funeral in here. I need help setting the table."

The girls jumped up. Joe sat back.

"You didn't go easy on 'er," he said.

"Was I supposed to?" I asked.

"Oh, god, no! She's been talking about it all year. And I've been tryin' to tell 'er, but I'm just poor ol' dumb Dad, you know ... You're her successful uncle. Maybe she'll listen." He sighed. "And do what the hell she wants."

Tina came into the room. "Dinner's ready," she said. "An' it looks GOOD!"

Joe looked into the dining room. "Oh, sure," he picked, "Set the table for your BROTHER. Me, I eat off a TV tray."

Elise caught that comment easily. "Dear husband," she said, dripping sarcasm and humor, "I didn't do it for HIM, either. I did it for Tina, just to show her that I am on a higher plane of existence than the two of you."

We approached the table and Elise handed Joe the carving tools. "See," he said as he sliced up the roast. "She even got meat without bones in it."

"I'm just showin' how successful you are, babe," Elise quipped.

The meal was great, the roast tasty, and dessert was home-made pies. We managed to keep the conversation light and friendly.

After the meal, Joe and I got out of the way and let the dining room and kitchen be cleared out. When the last door closed and the dishwasher started making washer sounds, the family ended up at the table playing Trivial Pursuit.

Elise laughed. "Now, Tina, the only way we let HIM," pointing at me, "play is that he spots everybody two pieces."

I caught Tina's eyes as they flashed at me with a little twinkle that I instantly recognized. "Let the games begin," I said. I wasn't married to a dummy, seventeen or not.

A couple of hours later Tina answered the last question and won and I sat back with my arms crossed, smiling.

Elise said, "Get that grin off your face. You look evil."

"I married 'er for her BRAINS, sis," I laughed.

Tina giggled. "Well, we get to pull that stunt ONCE, huh?"

Haley was propping her chin in her hand. "How do you KNOW that stuff?"

"I read a lot. Alan and I talk about everything under the sun. D'you know I flew us here? Yeah, he's ... I'm learnin' to fly."

"But what'd'ya do for FUN?" Haley asked.

Tina smiled. "I LIVE! Life is fun. Sometimes. And when it's NOT fun, you just do your best, thinking of when it was good, and hoping that it'll be good again. The day Alan rescued me; I thought it might've been my last day on earth. It got better."

Haley hadn't heard the story, or at least much of it. After all, it was about an uncle who was gone most of the time. "So he rescued you?"

"Mom's boyfriend was getting ready to slap the crap out of me in a restaurant, and Alan stepped in. Mister Jeff had me by the shirt and when Alan told him to stop, he dropped me and started to pull his pistol. Alan was faster. Then the sheriff department got there and arrested him an' Mom. And I didn't have a place to go."

"And so you married him?" Haley said.

"Oh, no, it's not like that at all. He just gave me a place to stay, and it took me a while to figure out that he needed me and I needed him and here we are."

"Amazing," Haley said. She looked at me. "Mom always said Uncle Alan was good for some unusual things."

"I'm a 'thing'?" Tina giggled.

"No, that came out wrong," Haley backpedaled. "He just does some curious stuff. D'you know he has a CANNON in his garage?"

Tina looked at me. "Uh, Alan, you never told me THAT!"

"Oh, it's NOT a cannon. It's a bowling ball mortar. Me and a buddy each made one on a project a couple of years ago. It shoots a bowling ball into the air. Not a big deal."

Joe laughed. "Unless you're under the bowling ball when it comes down. We had fun with it one afternoon. And Haley's right. Alan has always been different like that."

I patted my wife's hand. "And you're a wonderful part of that."

"Awwww," Elise said.

We returned to the living room and talked until after ten, then it was time to go. We left with plans to meet at a restaurant for a late breakfast.

In the car, Tina pulled as close to me as she could with the console between us. "Well, husband, how'd we do?"

"Good," I said. "You're a curiosity to the girls, though."

"I figured that. I am at school, too, you know ... being married and all that." She sighed. "But they just sort of accept me, don't they? Your family?"

"Our family," I corrected. "And yes, I think they do, sweetie."

The bed at OUR house took another work out, as did the shower, and back in bed, we were in each other's arms, very happy.

Walking out to the car the next morning to go to breakfast, I waved to my neighbor, walked over for a quick chat, introduced Tina to him, and then we met the family at the restaurant. During breakfast, we promised to be back down for Christmas.

They followed us home and I stowed the car back in the garage, made a pass through the place to make sure everything was in the configuration I desired for our extended absence. We collected bags and everybody squeezed into Joe and Elise's big SUV. They drove us to the airport.

Tina gave her two new nieces a tour of our plane while I did the pre-flight inspection, then she slid into the left seat. She waved as we taxied to the runway, and after completing the pre-departure checklist, we lifted off for our return trip to Tennessee.

The next several weeks were a blur of her school, my work, her flight lessons.

Oh, yeah, you know how hard it is for a parent to watch his kid drive off on his own for the first time? Add an order of magnitude one Saturday when I stood on the apron with Charlie as Tina taxied the little plane away for her first solo.

"You knew it had to happen, Alan," Charlie said.

"Yeah, but it's still scary."

"Come on. Let's go get a cup of coffee. She's gonna do a couple touch and goes and then she'll be back here. And I'm gonna sign her off to go take her written, too. She gets that, some practice, a little more dual instruction and she'll get her private license."

"Yeah, I know. But still ... my wife..."

"She's plenty good, Alan. She says you let her fly all the time, and she translates what she does in the 182 to the 152."

"Yeah," I said. "she pretty much pushed me out of the left seat when I told her she should learn." I poured us each a cup of coffee.

In twenty minutes I watched her taxi up. I was walking out when the engine stopped and she bounced out, ran into my arms, and gave me a wonderful hug and a kiss.

"Okay, enough of that, young pilot," Charlie said. "Let's have the shirt-tail!"

Tina's grin was epic as she turned away from Charlie and pulled her shirt out of her jeans. I held her shirt-tail as Charlie made the cut, the tradition for a first solo. The three of us pinned the bit of cloth on the bulletin board in the little office.

Charlie smiled. "It's been a long time since I did one of those," he said.

"Alan, you wanna let her go have an hour to herself? I usually do that after a first solo. Let 'em go play by themselves."

I looked at Tina. She was grinning and her eyes were atwinkle. "Don't get lost," I said.

Off she went. Preflight, crank up, and she was gone, a little white and red speck receding into the distance. Charlie and I piddled around an old aircraft he had open for inspection in the back of his hangar...

In an hour we heard her on the radio over the speaker, notifying the non-existent traffic that she was returning to the field. This time we fueled the little plane up and tied it down on the flight line. Before we left, he laid out the plans for the next lesson.

We got that part behind us, and a week later she went to a testing center to take her written test. As expected, she passed, so now it was just a matter of time.

The rest of life was good, too. We had friends we could visit, and we stayed on the road or in the air on weekends, looking for new things, concerts, festivals, whatever. With four seats available on the Cessna 182, we took Brad and Sandra on one trip with us, and on another we brought Susan.

That was interesting. Don't get me wrong, Susan's a cutie, even if her conversation does come off as a little addled at times. She's very smart, in the same classes as Tina, but sometimes I wonder about her thought patterns.

We flew into a general aviation airport outside St. Louis, picked up a rental car, and checked into a nice hotel where our room had two queen beds.

"Uh, is this gonna be a problem?" Susan asked.

"What kind of problem?" I asked.

"Us all in the same room. I mean, like, you two are MARRIED!"

Tina fielded that one. "Come on, Susan! I spent the night in the same room with Alan the first day we met, and he and I managed to be very proper and chaste."

"Did you ever stay in a hotel with your mom and dad, Susan?" I asked.

"Of course," she said. "But that's Mom and Dad. Ewwwww!"

"We'll be okay," Tina said.

"Do I need to go to the lobby for a while, or like, the GYM?"

"WHY?" I asked.

Susan smirked, "So ... You KNOW..."

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A Little RR Ch 03b

Rude made for a quick morning, his shower and breakfast in record time. He was anxious to take a peek into a new issue of Midgar Scribe, a local rag that published obscure works. It had originated as evidence in a case long ago, but after a thorough examination he found it to be most stimulating. Reno waltzed in, his timing impeccable as Rude sat ensconced in a rather intriguing plot. ‘Jesus, Rude, that can’t be all that fascinating.’ Reno taunted, his lips brushing the piercings in Rude’s...

3 years ago
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My ExGirlfriends Mom 3

The three of us were laying in Lana's bed, recuperating from an awesome sexual experience. Or at least awesome for me. I could only imagine what kind of sexual experience these two beautiful, busty, extremely hung ladies have had. Lana, the "mother", very sexy for an older woman, with a ten inch cock. And Jill, the "daughter", a knockout in her prime, with a twelve inch cock!We talked about what we had just done. They told me I was a natural at sucking cock and couldn't believe I had never done...

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Keeping Her Promise

I wrote this story for the love of my life, long before I ever saw her face or touched her hand. The emotions are real, still are to this day. She was a dream when I wrote it, and I am happy to say she makes the dream come true every day. This one is yours Christie, always and forever. _________________________________________________ Nicole couldn’t remember when someone had touched her so deeply. Her life always seemed to be satisfying and fulfilling, but something in his words always got...

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Sexy Badi Sali Pe Kabu Kaise Kiya

Hi how r u all.mera naam rehan khan hai.meri umar 28 hai.meri shadi ke 3 saal huwe.meri biwi ka naam wahida hai.meri 6 saliyan hai meri biwi unmese 5vi hai.waise tho mere sare saliyan badi khubsurat aur sexy hai lekin meri 4vi Sali tho bahuth mast badan ki malkin hai.usse pheli baar mai meri shaadi me dekhtey hi main ne thanli isse chode bagair meri jindagi aur meri mardangi hi bekar hai.uska naam ruksana hai. Wo 29ki hai lekin lagthi 24 ki thi.uski figure 34 28 36 hight 5.2 whight...

2 years ago
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ComrieChapter 12

2000 Day 639 Afghanistan – 1230 Day 639 Comrie In Afghanistan it was approaching dusk when Adam's Platoon reached an abandon building that sat slightly higher than the immediate surrounding area. The building's walls were thick and made from stacked rocks filled in with packed mud. The windows were small. It had a sloping roof with a packed dirt floor. From all appearances, it appeared to have been abandoned for some time. They had only been there a few minutes when Theo said, "It looks...

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This is my first story- please comment. It was our two year anniversary and I knew my husband was planning a surprise for me. I walked up the steps to our flat and rang the bell- no answer. I rang again and the door opened. Strong hands gripped me and dragged me inside, there was a hand over my mouth and one around my mid section, not letting me move. I was dragged to the bedroom and thrown on the bed. ‘What-‘ I started to protest. Before I finished my sentence I was gagged, then my eyes were...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 7

“Clear that desk, Patricia!” I told her, staggering toward the desk with Brenda leaning back, her arms around my neck, her legs wrapped around my waist. Her pussy was wrapped around my cock, squeezing me like an Anaconda. With her lying across her desk on her back, I pulled her legs wide and raised them so I could get a good look at this woman’s sexy body for the first time. I was very, very proud of the way Sherry, Patricia, and Pam look, now that we’ve worked and re-worked their bodies to...

2 years ago
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The New Pet Part 3

“Wake up, Sarah,” Jolene called from the doorway as she watched Sarah sleeping, all snuggled in the puffy floral duvet. She was glad to see that Sarah appeared to enjoy it. “Time to start your day. I’d like you to cook breakfast first and then please clean the living room afterward.”Sarah rolled over to see Jolene standing in the doorway dressed in a white t-shirt and small PJ shorts. “Good morning, Mistress. Thank you for the heavenly linen.” She smiled at Jolene, breathing in the fresh scent...

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Office play

You position your chair so you can look at Will from above your screen without it being too noticeable. He is your chosen prey for today, office gossip about his fetishes has put him on your radar and you feel you need to experience his muscled body for yourself. He rises from his desk and walks over to the drink machine. You let your mind wander for a second letting thoughts of him dominating you wash over your mind and you begin to feel a further yearning between your thighs.

1 year ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 24 A Small Celebration or a Bad Start to the Biggest Day of My Life

I woke the next morning to the jostling of the bed. I hadn't awakened like I normally did, the alarm apparently hadn't gone off, and all of my bedmates were already busy doing a variety of things. I rubbed my eyes, still feeling very tired, and started to get out of bed. "Oh, no you don't," Allison told me, pushing me back down. "You're supposed to rest up. Just lie there for a bit. Cate will be by to get you later." So I lay back and grumbled at my girls in my mind, telling them I...

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Fight Night at the El Bolero TavernChapter 2

The week passed by uneventfully, with Billy and I doing the work we both needed to get done in order to keep our respective businesses operating smoothly. I generally tried to open at least one or more new accounts per week during this growth phase of my business. I was having Lenny and my other two drivers making most of the deliveries while I drove around the area, talking to existing customers, and trying to get referrals for some new business. I was delivering about two hundred and fifty...

4 years ago
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A Late Thanksgiving Visit

Ever since I was a child I have loved the holidays. I love the food, the drink, the presents and all of the frivolity that goes with them. It has always been a time of family and togetherness. I came from a rather small family and now that there are only two of us left for years it was usually only one holiday every few years that I had with my family. However, since I have got married three years ago, we celebrate the holidays with my wife's family; each holiday is hosted by a different...

2 years ago
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Lake House Love

The trip down to the lake house was long. Two cars, three people per car, including my sister and I were all going down for my 18th birthday. My sister, Haley, was turning 17 the following month, so the birthday party was both for me and her. My friends Kyle and Seth were in one car with Haley’s friend Jenna and I was driving the other with my sister and Kyle’s girlfriend Virginia. We were packed tight with food, luggage, sleeping bags and lots of alcohol. I looked over at Virginia sitting in...

2 years ago
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CommunityNotebook 1

(Author's note: I didn't write this, one of you folks, my readers, did. It is the transcription of part of a TV report when word starts leaking out of this amazing Sisterhood that has descended upon a university in Alabama. Don't get confused. This vignette is a bit into the future compared with the actual story line. You'll see some things that haven't happened yet. It's also good to keep in mind that when you're tagged by the media for an interview or an article, they get a lot of...

1 year ago
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Away DayChapter 4 Embers Rekindled

Jackie: Driving away from the airport, I was once again feeling very guilty. Sneaking around behind my husband's back was something I had thought I would never do, let along have a groping session in an airport hallway. My good Catholic upbringing was shocked and somewhat troubled. "What has gotten into me?" I shouted as I drove onto the expressway. I saw the humor in my last comment, and smiled to myself. What had NOT gotten into me was what George had HIS heart set on getting into me!...

3 years ago
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Sasquatch Woman

Crystal Falls, Northwest USA 11 pm. Under the cover of darkness..amongst the towering pine trees of Crystal Falls National Park..a group of four men conducted their covert activities. They were doing seismic tests for oil..which were illegal in a wildlife sanctuary. "Come on!..Let's get this done with..the boss says there's oil in this part of the park..."said one man. Just then..the quartet heard a wolf howl in the distance. "I don't think we should be out here" stammered another man who...

1 year ago
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Brothers Friend Shower Part 1

It was 3 O Clock and I was getting out of work I smelled of burgers so I decided to take a shower. I an Jake 19 living with parents. I have blue eyes brown spikey hair and very muscular. Well I got home and headed up for the bathroom. When I got in Iclosed the door and opened the shower door. My brothers friend (Ryan 18) jumped out. I said ,"oh sorry, I will go." He said,"No waite, I like your body and your cock." I was shocked but in a good way. So I hesitated but thought my brother is not so...

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My Beginnings As A Woman

MY BEGINNINGS AS A WOMAN Chapter One The Beginning of Being Feminine I am an only child and my parents separated when I was very young, I have not seen my father since their separation. So, I lived with my mother and we were very close. She worked for a very large company and oversaw personnel. Mother was a very beautiful woman and she was also quite feminine. All about her told she was a woman and proud of it. I was always amazed and infatuated when I looked at her as she was...

4 years ago
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What a satisfaction

Hi girls this is Diky again. Hello to all you beautiful people out there who frequent this amazing website. This is an amazing website. I just drool over all the exciting & mind-boggling stories of this particular site. This is my real story. My name is Diky. I am from Bangalore. I am 27, a call boy any ladies couples of any age from Bangalore need me please mail me at Now days I’m so busy because many women’s are inviting me for sex and I’m giving them good satisfaction. Lagata hain ki meri...

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The Naked DormEpilogue

Justin Vaughn, September 7 Jesse and I had told our respective roommates that we were fine with them being in the room when we were having sex, but they both avoided us anyway. I would have said they were homophobic, but Sean was gay himself. Gabe I assumed to be straight, since he so perfectly fit the stereotype of the douche college bro. Naturally, I was somewhat surprised when I came back early from swim practice to find them making out on Gabe’s bed, with their hands wrapped tightly...

1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 6 The First Meal

The rush of wind in the face, watching the people move like ants, being withdrawn from the crowd, above it. Tim experienced all of these things as he leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Sinbad had first led him to a store that was still open at two o'clock in the morning. It was a specialty shop catering to a particular crowd. Suffice to say, Tim walked in wearing the tatters of a pink dress, and left wearing a suit of black leather, with a long black trench coat on over it. Guided by...

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Gang rape for fun and profit

One day, the gang was approached by a member of local mafia, who told them that they had seen the video and would like to commission another one like it. But this time, they mafioso said, he wanted five or six of them to participate, and improve the production value – get several actual handicams, some tripods, etc. They would pay reasonable well for the footage, which they could sell on the black market. Finding additional gang members willing to participate was not a problem – pretty much...

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Sisters Last ResortChapter 3

Actually, yes she could. Say she wasn't warned, I mean. Reality and my sister can be strange bedfellows at times, one reason I suppose she headed into marketing. The call that first Cap D'Agde night was taken in Paul's office, so we could all talk to her on speaker phone. The girls hadn't introduced themselves yet, before she started talking. Clearly, she was under the influence of alcohol. "George, I'm going to kill you." An impressively large percentage of our conversations...

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Sex Survivor the Game Show

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen...!" the announcer's voice rings out, " another episode of ... SEX...! SURVIVOR!" The audience erupts in applause, hoots, and whistles. Dozens of enormous video screens around the stadium-like studio fill with camera shots of raucous audience members. "I am, as always, Art Timms!" the announcer tells the world. After a pre-recorded intro reminds the audience of the 10 returning contestants standing behind him, Art continues, "And tonight, it is my pleasure to...

1 year ago
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My wife takes on me and five of my friends first

STORY: Wife takes on 6 GuysSWINGER, SEX, MALE, BISEXUAL, ANAL, DP, ORAL, GROUP, ORGY, MFMMMMM, WIFE, HOTWIFEMy wife and I have always shared a very open and active sexual connection between us, neither of of have every prescribed to the notion that sex was something to be hidden or ashamed of. For us sex is a natural expression of ourselves and is to be shared openly. We have both always been able to distinguish the difference between lustful sex and love. Up until the point of this story we...

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a softer thing

He walked in and saw the girls lying on the bed talking. The mood in the room was quiet and sexual and surprising. But there they were and waiting on him it seemed. Carefully he entered and walked around the bed and sat with her. Looking in her eyes, he searched for a reason for this movement in the relationship and wondered if it was really going on. He had had two women before. She had not been with a woman. She touched his face and smiled a nervous smile."I chose this one," looking towards...

First Time
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My first timean unexpected pleasure

I spent the summer of 1983 in New York with my dad and stepmom. I was 18 and was in between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I had a cool job as a bank messenger on Wall Street and plenty of time on my hands. I used that time to hang out in Times Square which, at that time, was porn heaven. Many hours were spent looking at all kinds of loops in the peep booths. Everything from guy/girl, lesbians licking and sucking sweet pussies to shemales and crossdressers. I had seen my first...

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A Game of InchesChapter 26

On the Wednesday after our final game, we all met for our last team meeting, cleaned out our locker’s, then left the facility. I had been in constant contact with Josh, his surgery had went well, he was expected to make a full recovery. He could start throwing again in a few months, he promised to call so we could work out together. I was now facing at least three months of inactivity, other than normal workouts to stay in shape. I thought about going home, but three months around Ashley just...

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Sangeeta KIi Chut Ka Udghatan Kiya

Hi friends this is Rozar again with another story…I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Allahabad. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at ab story sune mari yah story mari sali ke hai mari salii ke age 23 ke hogi . Meri saali delhi me rah kar padti hai mai apni saalii ke pass gaya tha. saali ki college ki...

2 years ago
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Dont Bet On It

This short story was written by me quite some time ago. I believe it was back in early '93, about the time my ex-wife and I were contemplating divorce. It reads well enough as a stand alone story, leaving the continued adventures of the formerly nameless hero up to the imagination. Though, I do have a second chapter and part of a third typed up. I had not even remembered I had written more until I stumbled across them in a move! Eventually, I'll get the second part retyped into the...

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 3 Thesia

It had been a month since Macro's return to Tanitsar. The time had been filled with hard work as he had to organise the staff for his high office. That Jolia had agreed to be his legal adviser was a stroke of pure luck. That the Archers were still in the vicinity of Tanitsar was another. He had been able to recruit three dozen of those trusted men to form the nucleus of a new City Guard. Of course, he could draw on the help of the Royal Guard, but he did not know them well enough yet....

1 year ago
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Our Best Friend Matt Part 1

The loud music was pounding into my head. I had escaped to this hell-hole of a college party after perhaps my biggest fight with long-term boyfriend, Tyler. It was my Freshman year at college, and Tyler and I had been together since Sophomore year in high school. I loved him with all of my heart, but after a fight like we just had, I wanted to lose myself and get away. This would be my first college party. I sat at the bar, holding back tears and feeling impulsive and angry. I took my first...

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